dad binoculars 1.1464687726391958 the saw@a 1.0985638344835902 has . 0.6391322158462938 saw@b telescope 1.9465607410385406 ###LEFT-WALL### wood 0.09856383448359018 daughter on 0.5781733350585174 daughter knocked 1.9001014299458774 cake before 1.7830620087556621 on . 0.0985638344835893 son hammer -0.5917516663837965 dad knocked 0.6489691131683752 board@a of 3.879923548008252 knocked hammer 2.9730329523997323 knocked wood 3.464886048729406 parent . 1.3615982403173845 daughter saw@a -0.5917516663837965 daughter wood 0.9001014299458792 ###LEFT-WALL### before -0.12382858685285925 daughter sawed 1.9001014299458774 son wood 0.9001014299458792 ###LEFT-WALL### writes 1.0985638344835902 son sawed 1.9001014299458774 dad is -0.006382715444175346 wood saw@a 2.5579954531208866 wood with 2.3494088313094696 the a -0.12382858685285747 sawed saw@a 2.9730329523997323 sawed wood 3.464886048729406 mom wood -0.351030886831623 mom sawed 0.6489691131683752 daughter hammer -0.5917516663837965 daughter saw@b 0.3151389292247231 sees . 0.5136013337624359 sees dad 2.464886048729406 ###LEFT-WALL### saw@a -1.071361166958722 dad board@a -0.8104625054689194 knocked a 0.7506405310632847 mom sees 0.6489691131683752 ###LEFT-WALL### sees 1.0985638344835902 telescope a 0.3356030317844372 dad sees 0.6489691131683752 are tool 5.377423207479065 wants daughter 1.8799235480082501 binoculars a 0.3356030317844372 daughter human 0.730176428503567 binoculars are 7.049848549450559 knocked the 1.6575311266718042 hammer a -0.24935946893671712 hammer is 1.4876061252294903 be on 2.1429579538420445 writes mom 0.4648860487294062 son sees 1.9001014299458774 tool . 2.09856383448359 son dad 0.48506393066703524 ###LEFT-WALL### tool 0.011100993233251089 son child 1.730176428503567 saw@b mom 1.990954860396993 ###LEFT-WALL### telescope -0.0389396892663445 has a 1.4611339138682986 saw@b . 0.03967014543001923 saw@b hammer 0.9141392633461631 son is 1.2447496013333268 saw@b a 0.2767093427308698 cake was 3.005454430092108 saw@b with 1.7055526415347444 binoculars tool 3.9623857082002196 saw@b dad 1.990954860396993 with hammer 1.7166931991399466 dad board@b -0.3510308868316212 dad telescope 0.7744999952522367 saw@b before 1.5986374376182333 has binoculars 3.502954089562925 telescope . 1.420491929370952 dad of -0.9359933875527773 a telescope 1.444739475617629 has telescope 3.1309853121759676 mom telescope 0.7744999952522367 is tool 1.8608476817381607 dad hammer 0.15711601683870313 writes chalk 3.1429579538420445 a tool 1.8167082530045882 mom saw@a 0.15711601683870313 wood . 0.09856383448359018 of directors 4.464886048729406 hammer . 1.6835263352047471 to with 0.7644463305883136 mom likes 0.3270410182810153 the wood 2.590416930813264 saw@a is 1.4876061252294903 mom hammer 0.15711601683870313 ###LEFT-WALL### hammer -1.071361166958722 to mom 0.4648860487294062 to chalk 2.1429579538420445 chalk on 2.7279204545631988 to dad 0.4648860487294062 writes to 2.5579954531208866 was before 3.127016409973022 daughter be 0.44066981130858096 mom before 0.42657669183193114 daughter to 0.9932108343373613 saw@a tool 3.3774232074790653 mom now -0.12362039072854891 her board@a 3.005454430092106 mom with 0.7558843170848899 are . 0.5136013337624323 of . 1.0985638344835902 with a 0.7166931991399448 her be 4.005454430092106 sausage a 0.4611339138682986 ###LEFT-WALL### knocked 1.0985638344835902 her to 3.557995453120885 ###LEFT-WALL### saw@b 1.0985638344835902 a cake 0.260314904480202 wants her 4.879923548008248 is directors 0.7783855215461877 son be 0.44066981130858096 his on 2.142957953842041 his be 4.005454430092106 dad chalk 0.32704101828101706 son human 0.730176428503567 his son 3.8799235480082483 wants his 4.879923548008248 ###LEFT-WALL### his 0.5136013337624323 mom dad 0.6489691131683788 his the 1.657531126671799 mom wants 1.648969113168377 be directors 2.879923548008252 be the 1.6575311266718042 wants dad 0.4648860487294044 on directors 2.464886048729406 to the 1.6575311266718025 mom daughter 0.06400661244722272 to on 2.1429579538420445 mom be 0.7744999952522367 with the 0.8162288726908606 wants the 1.6575311266718042 wood hammer 2.5579954531208866 wants be 4.00545443009211 dad be 0.7744999952522367 sawed the 1.6575311266718042 dad wants 1.648969113168377 saw@b binoculars 2.318529518425498 cake now 1.8178274269163381 ###LEFT-WALL### wants 1.0985638344835902 dad mom 0.6489691131683788 sausage is 1.61313700731335 daughter board@b -0.6848610707752769 dad saw@a 0.15711601683870313 daughter with 0.1996617118047883 son board@b -0.6848610707752769 son chalk 0.5781733350585174 mom board@b -0.3510308868316212 son with 0.1996617118047883 dad his 2.064006612447219 dad with 0.7558843170848899 son writes 1.9001014299458792 ###LEFT-WALL### sawed 1.0985638344835902 sawed . -0.4863986662375641 with on 1.3016556998611026 the board@b 2.0054544300921098 daughter chalk 0.5781733350585174 on board@b 2.464886048729406 chalk board@b 3.464886048729406 ###LEFT-WALL### her 0.5136013337624323 sees mom 2.464886048729406 chalk the 2.2424936273929585 son now 0.5425494253277972 ###LEFT-WALL### not 0.5136013337624341 dad a 0.022186436752593686 daughter sees 1.9001014299458774 ###LEFT-WALL### binoculars 0.3330290881206128 dad human -0.5209558882739334 mom board@a -0.8104625054689194 her the 1.657531126671799 is of 0.7783855215461877 saw@a . 1.6835263352047471 son board@a 0.44066981130858274 food . 1.3615982403173845 a food 1.5822429993675655 daughter mom 0.48506393066703524 wants son 1.8799235480082501 a daughter 0.9972804986464094 is a 1.1726644606582326 dad sawed 0.6489691131683752 mom binoculars 1.1464687726391958 human now 3.107334044111324 not parent 4.242493627392957 mom not 1.0640066124472192 cake a 0.4611339138682986 was parent 2.542053909251864 cake is 1.61313700731335 be . -0.4863986662375641 dad sausage 0.9120035190021714 was son 1.7644463305883136 ###LEFT-WALL### son 1.4204919293709537 her on 2.142957953842041 cake food 3.590416930813266 sausage before 1.7830620087556621 telescope is 2.0725686259506446 ###LEFT-WALL### human -0.07136116695872197 sausage . 0.6391322158462938 ###LEFT-WALL### child -0.07136116695872197 daughter now 0.5425494253277972 be of 2.879923548008252 dad writes 0.6489691131683788 son sausage 1.5781733350585174 is board@a 0.9039164036300473 with telescope 1.164152176111168 ###LEFT-WALL### are 1.0985638344835884 mom cake 0.9120035190021714 ###LEFT-WALL### be -0.36086778415370624 a child 1.9972804986464094 a sausage 0.260314904480202 ###LEFT-WALL### has 1.0985638344835902 daughter cake 1.5781733350585174 a son 0.9972804986464094 son . -0.8812582835787799 to board@a 2.0054544300921098 daughter likes 1.5781733350585174 daughter before 0.09274650788827721 binoculars . 1.420491929370952 daughter is 1.2447496013333268 son likes 1.5781733350585174 a saw@a 1.0903899030378899 liked . 0.5136013337624341 his to 3.557995453120885 parent now 2.3703684499451168 writes dad 0.4648860487294062 dad to 0.7420785175598592 ###LEFT-WALL### on -0.9014361655164098 ###LEFT-WALL### is 0.8761714131471416 mom directors -1.935993387552779 a hammer 1.0903899030378899 mom writes 0.6489691131683788 ###LEFT-WALL### likes 0.7766357395962284 son of 0.31513892922472486 ###LEFT-WALL### liked 1.0985638344835902 daughter . -0.8812582835787799 daughter child 1.730176428503567 sawed a 0.7506405310632847 daughter a -0.2291815869990863 writes on 2.1429579538420445 ###LEFT-WALL### daughter 1.4204919293709537 with binoculars 1.5361209534981253 a now 0.5466190896368435 dad saw@b 1.3859347073345845 sausage food 3.590416930813266 mom knocked 0.6489691131683752 board@b . 2.09856383448359 child . 1.513601333762434 mom is -0.006382715444175346 son saw@a -0.5917516663837965 has saw@a 2.09856383448359 on board@a 2.590416930813264 food now 2.3703684499451168 hammer tool 3.3774232074790653 has hammer 2.09856383448359 daughter the 0.41467460277563895 ###LEFT-WALL### parent -0.12382858685285747 on the 2.2424936273929577 not . 0.09856383448359018 writes board@b 1.8799235480082501 writes . -1.486398666237566 dad not 1.0640066124472192 a human 1.9972804986464077 sawed with 1.7644463305883153 saw@b saw@a 0.9141392633461631 board@a . 0.5136013337624359 son knocked 1.9001014299458774 likes now 2.3703684499451168 ###LEFT-WALL### a 0.36159824031738275 knocked . -0.4863986662375641 chalk . 0.09856383448359018 a is 0.7748880773099609 with saw@a 1.7166931991399466 human . 1.5136013337624359 ###LEFT-WALL### food 0.09856383448359196 with chalk 2.3016556998611026 is parent 1.5559931002097382 dad now -0.12362039072854891 with . 0.2572615805026466 ###LEFT-WALL### . -1.0453659584257782 her daughter 3.8799235480082483 a mom -0.8327944999112784 wood a 1.335603031784439 wants on 2.1429579538420445 mom a 0.022186436752593686 likes cake 4.405992359675837 a likes 1.260314904480202 was a 1.2201258143645024 mom saw@b 1.3859347073345845 a a -0.9620775168562465 cake . 0.6391322158462938 son the 0.41467460277563895 ###LEFT-WALL### mom 1.3080172001125394 is human 2.1934230208250316 knocked with 1.7644463305883153 likes . 0.7766357395962284 child now 3.1073340441113206 dad son 0.06400661244722272 his board@a 3.005454430092106 ###LEFT-WALL### to 0.19167323887507237 ###LEFT-WALL### now -0.08906316869218234 was not 4.764446330588312 dad liked 1.6489691131683752 mom . -0.4443346066710223 dad . -0.4443346066710223 directors . 2.09856383448359 dad likes 0.3270410182810153 mom her 2.064006612447219 the directors 2.0054544300921098 are a 1.750640531063281 a . 0.6082382079005084 wants mom 0.4648860487294044 ###LEFT-WALL### board@a -1.3608677841537062 mom was 1.0640066124472227 ###LEFT-WALL### of -1.486398666237566 son a -0.2291815869990863 sees now 3.107334044111324 with board@b 2.0386212940273083 mom parent 0.42657669183192937 is now 1.3277241125366217 to directors 1.8799235480082501 to be 3.0054544300921098 is on 0.04141992737998201 likes sausage 4.405992359675837 a parent 1.77488807730996 mom liked 1.6489691131683752 is child 2.1934230208250316 dad wood -0.351030886831623 is food 1.7783855215461895 dad parent 0.42657669183192937 food before 2.920565532505597 was daughter 1.7644463305883136 dad has 1.6489691131683788 was . -0.016913382936346366 mom human -0.5209558882739334 a before 0.35985057803111786 before . 2.09856383448359 dad before 0.42657669183193114 a dad -0.8327944999112784 dad was 1.0640066124472227 mom has 1.6489691131683788 son before 0.09274650788827721 telescope tool 3.9623857082002196 not a 1.335603031784439 on of 2.464886048729406 not before 3.2424936273929585 be board@a 3.0054544300921098 wants board@a 2.0054544300921098 liked cake 4.142957953842041 daughter writes 1.9001014299458792 liked before 3.6575311266718007 liked sausage 4.142957953842041 was food 2.7644463305883153 sausage was 3.005454430092108 ###LEFT-WALL### the -0.7087910875740144 mom on 0.3270410182810153 mom the -0.15838580888922493 mom of -0.9359933875527773 sausage now 1.8178274269163381 ###LEFT-WALL### was 1.098563834483592 is the -0.44400689979026 ###LEFT-WALL### sausage 0.7766357395962284 son to 0.9932108343373613 parent before 2.920565532505597 is . 0.166950809463839 the board@a 2.1309853121759676 ###LEFT-WALL### dad 1.3080172001125394 the of 2.0054544300921098 the . 0.22409471656744806 to of 1.8799235480082501 board@a directors 3.879923548008252 now . 2.0985638344835893 ###LEFT-WALL### cake 0.7766357395962284 dad on 0.3270410182810153 dad the -0.15838580888922493 son saw@b 0.3151389292247231 dad directors -1.935993387552779 saw@a a -0.24935946893671712 daughter board@a 0.44066981130858274 the hammer 1.0985638344835902 son on 0.5781733350585174 daughter of 0.31513892922472486 mom to 0.7420785175598592 daughter directors -0.6848610707752769 to board@b 1.8799235480082501 ###LEFT-WALL### with -0.016913382936348142 son directors -0.6848610707752769 ###LEFT-WALL### chalk -0.22336426040377155 the with 0.8899772126721732 mom chalk 0.32704101828101706 writes with 1.7644463305883136 wants to 3.5579954531208884 writes the 1.6575311266718025