AAB 12560 1 0 $ 000 6 8vo .time. .url. a-coming a-going a.v.i.s. aback abbey abomination abstract accents accommodation accumulation adorable adoring aetes africa airily aisle alabaster album alcott alders alfred alice's allowances almanac almira amiably amma amos anguished ankles annie's annoyance antique ao-chung aperture apologetically appalling apple-trees appointment april arcade archangels archives argus ariadne aristocrats arrivals artificial ascribes asmund assail assurance assuredly atlantic attacks attentions attic auspicious average backers background backyard bagpiper balcony bamboo bandage barbara barbs barracks barrens barrie basement basis battenburg battlefield battlements baucis bazaar bazar beaus bed-post bed-time bedtime beeches beforehand behalf behooved belgians belinda bell-like belly benares benches benefit beset bespoke betoken bewitchment bigness blackboard blackburn blacker blanchette blinkers bluntly boar boaster boatswain bobbin boot bouman bower brahmins branched brats bravado braves bravest brawl breaths brethren brewsters brickwork bridget bridle brim brink broadest brooms brunswick buccaneers bucketful budget bun buns burr busiest busybody butt bygones cab caesar calmness cambridge camerons camp-meeting campaign campbells candidly canoe canopy car carbuncle cargo carleton carpenter carrion cars carts cask cassim cat-fights caution celandine cell center century chasm cheerfulness cheque cheque-book chests chicks chide chimney-corner chink chinks chips chirped chloroform chocolate chokingly christmases chronicles chronological church-bells churl cinder circulation clarkman classical closes cloths cloudless clue clutches co cobbler cockawee coldness collision colonists columbia combined comfortingly commenced compact compassion compassionately compiling complacently compound comprehension concerts confidant confidently consequence consistent consoling consolingly constable consulting contest contracts contrariness contrasted convalescence conventions conveyance core cotterell cottons cottontail councillors counsellor countess countryside courier cowered cowyard coxcomb coxswain cradles craftiness crammed cranberries cranfield cratchits crawfords creasy crediting crest cricket crickets crisply crispness crochet crocodile crook crooning crosser crotch crouch croup crumb crutches crystals cucumbers cultivated cunningly cupid curator curiously curses curtly cutlasses cynicism cypher cypress d'aulnoy dabs daffodils dairy damosel damsels danbridge dancing-girl dandelions daresay darkest davy-boy daytime dealing dean deathless deceit decency deceptive decisively decked declaration dedicated deeps deference degenerated delicacies deliverer dell delusion demon demons denizens depress deprived deputation derived descriptions desist dessay destruction device devilish devour dickens dictum dimness dimpled ding dipper disappears disaster disconsolately discontentedly disdainfully dishcloth disobeying displayed disposal dissipation distinct doggie domains dome dong doodle-doo door-mat door-step dooryard dost dote doublet doubly doughnut dourness dovecote downpour dragons drake dram drawbridge drawing-room drily drudgery drunken druv dryly duchess duckworth dully dungeon dust-heap dutchman dwindled dâd e-text eaglets earliest earning earthquaker easiest ebook eclipse ecstasy edifice editors ego egypt eh eighth elderberries eleanore electric ella elliotts elm-tree eloquent email embittered embroidery emotions emperors emptiness encircled endeavoured enderly enduring ensign entangled entertainments entreat epoch equipage erskine eruption establish establishment etc evening-gown evergreens exasperation exception exclaiming exertions exhaled expectant expressions exterior extract extravagance extreme fading failing fainter faintest fairness falada falkenstein fanny farthest fascinator fatally fates favored favourable feat february ferko fidgeting file fingertips fir-tree firelight fish-house fists flagg flagon flapping flattery flaw flea flinch flourish flows foals foeman follicles foolscap footfall foothold footman fore-foot forecastle foreigner forgetfulness formal fraction fran fray freddy fretted frights fringed frontier frost-king fructify fulfilment funniest furry furthermore garden-engine garrulity gas gatepost gauntlet gayest gazer generosity gertie gibbet girt glee glenby gluckstein gnashed gnawed goblins gog goggly goldenrod goldsmith goodies gorgon gorgon's gorgons gorse gowned grammarian granary granddaughters grasshopper grate grating grayfur greece greediness greeks greene greenvale griefs grievances grimace grocer groove grumbly gulch gust gutter h hailstones hakim hal half-breed hammered handsomer hanger hard-hearted harmony harping hatta haughtiest haunches haw hawthorne he's head-man heading heaping hearse heartless heavenly hee heiress helm helpful helwyse hem hemlock-trees henchmen henderland herdsman hereafter heroines herr hesperides hew hewed hey higginbotham hillock hillside hilltops hindu hispaniola hobnob hok hollows holluschickie holmes holywood homeless honors hoodie hoot hopedale hopetown horseback hotels hotly hour-hand hove howe howler humblest hummels humpty hunting-song huskily huts ii iii illuminated illustrated imitated imitation immediate import imprisoned inapplicable inca incurred indebted independence indication indifferently industry infatuated inferior inflicting ingelows inhale inscrutable insect inspiring institution insure int'resting intelligent intensity interferes interior international intervals intoxicated intrusion irritating irritation isles isobel italian italians italy ix jackals jail january japan jeanette jewel jewellery jiffy jo's jog joint jolliest jollity jolt josephs jostle jouer jove joyousness judges judson judy july juncture jungles juniper kala kates keening kelso kensington keynote khanhiwara kiln kimball kinglet kinks kits kittens knitting-needles knives knob knobs knoll knowest kulu la ladies-in-waiting lamely lamenting lamplight lanes langdon languished lanterns largest lassie lateness latest laughingly lava layer leak leander leon leopard letter-writer level levi lexy liar liberally lids lied lilac lilias lilly limit linnet lionel lioness lisp literary literature living-room liza loan loathe lobsters log-house logic long-distance longest longingly longmans longs loom lou louise lowlands loyally luckily lucknow lurked lyda m'graw m.p m.p.s macallisters mack macphersons madrissah magog mahratta main maine mainland mairtean make-believe malice man-thing managers mane manhood manikin manitoba mankind mannikin manufacturer marches margin maritime marjorie marley marooned martyrdom marya massacre masses mat mathematics matrons matter-of-fact mattresses mavericks mayor maypole maze mcginnis meanness measuring-tree meditation medusa mellowness melville mercilessly mew mightiest mildly milky millionaire mines mint miraculous miscreants mistah mister mistrust mo moans moderate monastery monkey-people monuments moonrise moors moped morn mosey motherly moths mountain-side mouse-coloured mouse-trap muffette mum murderers museum musical musician mutineers mysteries na napping narrator nathaniel natives needlewoman nell nestful neverland neverlands newburys newfoundland nigger night-gowns night-light night-lights nightfall nillie nobleman nobles noisily noodles norna northland nova numerous nunda nurses obituaries objections oblong obstinate offerings ol olga olivers online oozed opals orator orchestra ordering orderly organ-grinder orgy oriental origin osprey ounce ousel outguess outright outskirts overflowing overslept pacific pacifique padre paint-box painters pal pane panel pantaloons pantouflia par paragon paragraph paralyzed particle pastime patent pathos patriarch patronizing patronizingly pattering paved pavilion peach peach-tree pearson penalty penhallows peninsula penitentiary peppered perceiving perceval perform performers periwinkle perplexedly persian persis perspiration petersen phantoms philosopher philosophy photographs piazza pickle pickles pier pilgrim pinafore pinery pinkel pins pirret pit-a-pat pityingly placidity placidly plait plane plantation player pleadingly pleasantest plentiful plied poker polish political poll pomp pooh poorhouse poplars poppies populaires pored port post-office pottet-knife pottle prairies precautions predictions premier presbytery presentation primmed principal proctor prodding professional programme proofreading proprieties prouder providential province-house publisher publishers puff pump purchased purity pursed pursuers purun quacking quaddies quaff quarrelsome queerer quieted quinine radiantly rampart rangely rankeillor raspberry realms reaping reassuringly rebuked rebukingly reciprocal recited recklessly recommended red-headed redemption redheaded reds redskin reel reeses reflectively refrain regiments region remainder remarking reminder repenting reporters repose resignedly resounded responds revolved richest rigidity rikki rivers roadside ronald rood roosts roughly rover rowers rudeness ruefully ruins rumbling russians sabbaths saddle-bow saddled sadness safest sage sah salad sale salford salon samuel sand-hills santa sarcastically saucerful saunders sawing sayings scaled scandalised scars schoolroom scolds scorning scotch scotland scouts scramble scrap-bag scratches screeched scrub sea-shore seafaring sealskin seashore sect seeonee selling sentinels serge serpentine settlements severity sha'n't shack shaker shallop shamed shamefacedly shanty sharpness shaws sheriff shingles shops shouts showman siege sights significantly simla sinclairs singe sinister skate skein skeptically slamming slap sleeping-draught sleuth-hound slightest slopes slums smallest smartly smilingly snake-like snappishly snored snort snorting snow-battle snow-covered snow-daughter snow-queen snow-shoes snow-storm sodno sods softest softness solely solicited solution soothingly sophomore sources sourly spade spain spanned species spectators spenslow sphinx spicy spikes spinner spire spur sputtered squirrel's stables staggering stamford station-master steak steersman step-sister stockade stoop storekeeper stranger-man strangest streaks stripe stubbornly sturdily subscribed successor suet sufferings suh sultana summit summoning sun-bath sunday-school sundays sup superfluous superintendent surrender swains swearing sweetly swelling swineherd swipe swoop sympathetically t'other table-cloth tablecloth tack talker tallest tang tanuki tapestry tasty taut tavern te-rain teeniest teens temperature tempter tenants tenniel tension tenth testimonial theatre theft thickest thickets thickness thirst thistledown thomson threateningly threats throbbed thronged thuu tick-tick ticking tigers tiller tin-soldier tinge tingle tinker tinted tips to-do toadstool toady toiled tomato tombs tools toothache tormentor tornado tory toughness towel traitor transcriber translation traveled treadmill tree-tops treetops trellis tremulously trenches tresses trice trickle trifling trimmed troop-horse trough truncheon trusty tub tuft tumbler tumblers turkey-maiden turquoise tussock two-legged umbrellas unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable undercurrent unendurable unexpectedness unicorn union united universe unkindest unloosed unnecessary unpardonable untrue unwonted up-wind uproar upside uraschimataro valiant valise valour vancouver vented venus verandah verge veritable vernacular version vexation vii viii villa vim violinist virgilius virgin visage visionary visitations vitals vivien volcano volley von waded waif waingunga waning warden warder warmer warmest washstand watchfully wearying weatherbeard weeniest well-to-do wells welwa wes wharf whereabouts white-faces widower wig wilderness wilhelmina willis windac windings window-sill winsome wisest wistfulness woebegone woes wonder-ship wonderland wood-sleigh woodlands woodman woodpile work-basket worms wouldst wrestle wroth wycherly xavier xi xii xiii xiv xix xv xvi xvii xviii xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv yachts yawn yearling yo-ho-ho yon à 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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paler redder sicker weaker 0 0 0 0 0 AAD 11498 3 0 cleverer richer 0 0 AAE 10319 4 0 dressmaker lilith 0 0 AAF 11138 5 0 chapley chapman 0 0 AAG 0 6 0 and 0 AAH 12788 7 0 , 0 AAJ 0 8 0 to 0 AAK 10320 9 0 the 0 AAL 12781 10 0 was 0 AAM 11449 11 0 i 0 AAN 0 12 0 of 0 AAO 10406 13 0 he 0 AAP 12559 14 0 " 0 AAQ 11253 15 0 a 0 AAR 0 16 0 in 0 AAS 11254 17 0 it 0 AAT 12795 18 0 that 0 AAU 12781 19 0 's 0 AAV 12781 20 0 is 0 AAW 12357 21 0 said 0 AAX 11139 22 0 you 0 AAY 12788 23 0 but 0 AAZ 12754 24 0 had 0 ABA 10406 25 0 she 0 ABB 0 26 0 for 0 ABC 0 27 0 be 0 ABD 0 28 0 with 0 ABE 12755 29 0 have 0 ABF 0 30 0 at 0 ABG 0 31 0 as 0 ABH 0 32 0 if 0 ABJ 10287 33 0 her 0 ABK 0 34 0 when 0 ABL 0 35 0 . 0 ABM 12795 36 0 on 0 ABN 10287 37 0 his 0 ABO 12789 38 0 do 0 ABP 12795 39 0 what 0 ABQ 12795 40 0 all 0 ABR 12782 41 0 were 0 ABS 11139 42 0 they 0 ABT 12782 43 0 are 0 ABU 12017 44 0 so 0 ABV 12789 45 0 did 0 ABW 12018 46 0 would 0 ABX 12795 47 0 know 0 ABY 11543 48 0 will 0 ABZ 0 49 0 like 0 ACA 12795 50 0 see 0 ACB 12795 51 0 one 0 ACC 11139 52 0 we 0 ACD 0 53 0 not 0 ACE 10110 54 0 him 0 ACF 10700 55 0 there 0 ACG 12795 56 0 time 0 ACH 12358 57 0 go 0 ACJ 12018 58 0 could 0 ACK 0 59 0 been 0 ACL 12756 60 0 went 0 ACM 12795 61 0 think 0 ACN 10110 62 0 me 0 ACO 12019 63 0 up 0 ACP 11831 64 0 don't 0 ACQ 12141 65 0 little 0 ACR 10182 66 0 my 0 ACS 10598 67 0 'll 0 ACT 12795 68 0 about 0 ACU 0 69 0 from 0 ACV 11501 70 0 this 0 ACW 12358 71 0 come 0 ACX 11832 72 0 'm 0 ACY 0 73 0 thought 0 ACZ 11544 74 0 ? 0 ADA 12019 75 0 out 0 ADB 12730 76 0 man 0 ADC 12756 77 0 came 0 ADD 0 78 0 tell 0 ADE 0 79 0 by 0 ADF 10911 80 0 no 0 ADG 0 81 0 or 0 ADH 10912 82 0 then 0 ADJ 0 83 0 get 0 ADK 0 84 0 looked 0 ADL 11544 85 0 ! 0 ADM 12795 86 0 over 0 ADN 12301 87 0 asked 0 ADO 12754 88 0 has 0 ADP 11502 89 0 must 0 ADQ 0 90 0 made 0 ADR 12795 91 0 going 0 ADS 0 92 0 into 0 ADT 11502 93 0 can 0 ADU 12795 94 0 way 0 ADV 0 95 0 got 0 ADW 11545 96 0 very 0 ADX 12795 97 0 eyes 0 ADY 12789 98 0 say 0 ADZ 12019 99 0 down 0 AEA 0 100 0 make 0 AEB 12795 101 0 who 0 AEC 0 102 0 saw 0 AED 12730 103 0 girl 0 AEE 11500 104 0 just 0 AEF 0 105 0 after 0 AEG 0 106 0 told 0 AEH 12561 107 0 day 0 AEJ 12020 108 0 old 0 AEK 0 109 0 knew 0 AEL 11832 110 0 am 0 AEM 0 111 0 before 0 AEN 12788 112 0 ; 0 AEO 10183 113 0 them 0 AEP 12757 114 0 want 0 AEQ 10912 115 0 now 0 AER 0 116 0 let 0 AES 11831 117 0 didn't 0 AET 0 118 0 thing 0 AEU 10541 119 0 never 0 AEV 12559 120 0 good 0 AEW 12787 121 0 look 0 AEX 12559 122 0 back 0 AEY 12301 123 0 cried 0 AEZ 0 124 0 much 0 AFA 0 125 0 put 0 AFB 12795 126 0 where 0 AFC 0 127 0 take 0 AFD 11542 128 0 peter 0 AFE 12559 129 0 an 0 AFF 12543 130 0 head 0 AFG 12562 131 0 how 0 AFH 10182 132 0 your 0 AFJ 12543 133 0 face 0 AFK 0 134 0 heard 0 AFL 0 135 0 than 0 AFM 12559 136 0 more 0 AFN 0 137 0 took 0 AFO 0 138 0 found 0 AFP 12730 139 0 boy 0 AFQ 11542 140 0 anne 0 AFR 12795 141 0 right 0 AFS 12142 142 0 house 0 AFT 11833 143 0 shall 0 AFU 0 144 0 : 0 AFV 11255 145 0 've 0 AFW 0 146 0 began 0 AFX 0 147 0 give 0 AFY 12559 148 0 home 0 AFZ 0 149 0 felt 0 AGA 12559 150 0 well 0 AGB 0 151 0 find 0 AGC 12795 152 0 people 0 AGD 12563 153 0 isn't 0 AGE 12795 154 0 things 0 AGF 12559 155 0 too 0 AGG 0 156 0 gave 0 AGH 12795 157 0 long 0 AGJ 12359 158 0 night 0 AGK 12795 159 0 other 0 AGL 12795 160 0 place 0 AGM 12730 161 0 woman 0 AGN 10911 162 0 any 0 AGO 0 163 0 course 0 AGP 11546 164 0 mother 0 AGQ 10913 165 0 can't 0 AGR 12795 166 0 believe 0 AGS 0 167 0 because 0 AGT 10700 168 0 here 0 AGU 10407 169 0 mr 0 AGV 11501 170 0 some 0 AGW 12120 171 0 something 0 AGX 12543 172 0 heart 0 AGY 12795 173 0 voice 0 AGZ 12559 174 0 king 0 AHA 0 175 0 turned 0 AHB 10407 176 0 mrs 0 AHC 0 177 0 which 0 AHD 10914 178 0 away 0 AHE 10598 179 0 'd 0 AHF 12497 180 0 story 0 AHG 11502 181 0 won't 0 AHH 10850 182 0 again 0 AHJ 0 183 0 seen 0 AHK 12795 184 0 wish 0 AHL 11546 185 0 father 0 AHM 0 186 0 love 0 AHN 12143 187 0 door 0 AHO 12783 188 0 seemed 0 AHP 12144 189 0 great 0 AHQ 12302 190 0 hand 0 AHR 12547 191 0 should 0 AHS 10701 192 0 their 0 AHT 12790 193 0 sat 0 AHU 0 194 0 fox 0 AHV 12360 195 0 sure 0 AHW 10913 196 0 couldn't 0 AHX 0 197 0 left 0 AHY 12795 198 0 mind 0 AHZ 12120 199 0 nothing 0 AJA 11500 200 0 only 0 AJB 12303 201 0 miss 0 AJC 12562 202 0 why 0 AJD 0 203 0 set 0 AJE 0 204 0 wanted 0 AJF 0 205 0 feel 0 AJG 12782 206 0 're 0 AJH 12795 207 0 dear 0 AJJ 12795 208 0 hear 0 AJK 12145 209 0 first 0 AJL 0 210 0 keep 0 AJM 10541 211 0 ever 0 AJN 0 212 0 till 0 AJO 12750 213 0 life 0 AJP 11833 214 0 may 0 AJQ 0 215 0 help 0 AJR 11834 216 0 last 0 AJS 12555 217 0 name 0 AJT 0 218 0 through 0 AJU 12564 219 0 suppose 0 AJV 0 220 0 says 0 AJW 12795 221 0 hope 0 AJX 11256 222 0 two 0 AJY 12795 223 0 glad 0 AJZ 12563 224 0 wasn't 0 AKA 12559 225 0 room 0 AKB 11257 226 0 yes 0 AKC 12021 227 0 morning 0 AKD 12795 228 0 gone 0 AKE 12120 229 0 anything 0 AKF 11257 230 0 oh 0 AKG 12795 231 0 still 0 AKH 12757 232 0 mean 0 AKJ 12559 233 0 world 0 AKK 0 234 0 while 0 AKL 12559 235 0 once 0 AKM 11547 236 0 us 0 AKN 0 237 0 ask 0 AKO 0 238 0 upon 0 AKP 12559 239 0 even 0 AKQ 11502 240 0 wouldn't 0 AKR 12795 241 0 rabbit 0 AKS 0 242 0 without 0 AKT 12795 243 0 done 0 AKU 0 244 0 called 0 AKV 0 245 0 brought 0 AKW 12361 246 0 years 0 AKX 12544 247 0 child 0 AKY 12559 248 0 hands 0 AKZ 12547 249 0 might 0 ALA 12360 250 0 afraid 0 ALB 0 251 0 try 0 ALC 10914 252 0 off 0 ALD 12731 253 0 such 0 ALE 12795 254 0 moment 0 ALF 0 255 0 frog 0 ALG 12758 256 0 does 0 ALH 12559 257 0 happy 0 ALJ 0 258 0 until 0 ALK 10541 259 0 always 0 ALL 12795 260 0 looking 0 ALM 12098 261 0 prince 0 ALN 12795 262 0 sir 0 ALO 0 263 0 being 0 ALP 12559 264 0 brown 0 ALQ 12303 265 0 aunt 0 ALR 0 266 0 since 0 ALS 12795 267 0 talk 0 ALT 12732 268 0 work 0 ALU 0 269 0 call 0 ALV 12144 270 0 big 0 ALW 10701 271 0 our 0 ALX 12795 272 0 word 0 ALY 12545 273 0 better 0 ALZ 12795 274 0 men 0 AMA 12565 275 0 matter 0 AMB 12795 276 0 run 0 AMC 12795 277 0 hard 0 AMD 10915 278 0 reddy 0 AME 12795 279 0 ran 0 AMF 12795 280 0 replied 0 AMG 12790 281 0 stood 0 AMH 12795 282 0 coming 0 AMJ 0 283 0 under 0 AMK 12750 284 0 own 0 AML 12566 285 0 girls 0 AMM 12131 286 0 soon 0 AMN 12021 287 0 evening 0 AMO 12559 288 0 children 0 AMP 12304 289 0 days 0 AMQ 10321 290 0 himself 0 AMR 0 291 0 chuck 0 AMS 12795 292 0 bed 0 AMT 12559 293 0 end 0 AMU 0 294 0 behind 0 AMV 11834 295 0 next 0 AMW 0 296 0 tried 0 AMX 11258 297 0 those 0 AMY 12795 298 0 lady 0 AMZ 12146 299 0 wife 0 ANA 12020 300 0 young 0 ANB 0 301 0 leave 0 ANC 12795 302 0 same 0 AND 12795 303 0 stay 0 ANE 12020 304 0 poor 0 ANF 12795 305 0 fell 0 ANG 12559 306 0 jack 0 ANH 0 307 0 shook 0 ANJ 12559 308 0 tree 0 ANK 12795 309 0 use 0 ANL 12795 310 0 used 0 ANM 12147 311 0 best 0 ANN 0 312 0 bring 0 ANO 0 313 0 kept 0 ANP 0 314 0 held 0 ANQ 12362 315 0 kind 0 ANR 12685 316 0 laughed 0 ANS 12795 317 0 .number. 0 ANT 0 318 0 bear 0 ANU 0 319 0 fellow 0 ANV 12795 320 0 care 0 ANW 12140 321 0 water 0 ANX 12564 322 0 guess 0 ANY 10916 323 0 marilla 0 ANZ 12559 324 0 new 0 AOA 12131 325 0 yet 0 AOB 12795 326 0 happened 0 AOC 0 327 0 read 0 AOD 12759 328 0 meant 0 AOE 0 329 0 reached 0 AOF 12760 330 0 walked 0 AOG 12790 331 0 lay 0 AOH 12148 332 0 white 0 AOJ 12140 333 0 nice 0 AOK 12795 334 0 lost 0 AOL 12732 335 0 live 0 AOM 10917 336 0 three 0 AON 0 337 0 met 0 AOO 12760 338 0 started 0 AOP 11259 339 0 another 0 AOQ 11545 340 0 quite 0 AOR 11835 341 0 window 0 AOS 12795 342 0 most 0 AOT 12795 343 0 words 0 AOU 0 344 0 makes 0 AOV 12791 345 0 few 0 AOW 12795 346 0 loved 0 AOX 12555 347 0 uncle 0 AOY 0 348 0 caught 0 AOZ 12140 349 0 forest 0 APA 12795 350 0 enough 0 APB 12497 351 0 letter 0 APC 11836 352 0 year 0 APD 0 353 0 grew 0 APE 12795 354 0 getting 0 APF 12795 355 0 stopped 0 APG 12795 356 0 married 0 APH 0 357 0 though 0 APJ 12559 358 0 boys 0 APK 12559 359 0 green 0 APL 0 360 0 sent 0 APM 12795 361 0 bit 0 APN 11260 362 0 beautiful 0 APO 12795 363 0 remember 0 APP 12795 364 0 hair 0 APQ 12795 365 0 answered 0 APR 12795 366 0 forget 0 APS 11259 367 0 every 0 APT 0 368 0 need 0 APU 12140 369 0 pretty 0 APV 12795 370 0 around 0 APW 12795 371 0 friend 0 APX 12559 372 0 side 0 APY 12795 373 0 thinking 0 APZ 12559 374 0 rest 0 AQA 11258 375 0 these 0 AQB 12795 376 0 wonder 0 AQC 12795 377 0 friends 0 AQD 0 378 0 liked 0 AQE 12149 379 0 everything 0 AQF 12099 380 0 exclaimed 0 AQG 0 381 0 doing 0 AQH 12752 382 0 eat 0 AQJ 12795 383 0 flew 0 AQK 12559 384 0 feet 0 AQL 12795 385 0 air 0 AQM 12795 386 0 far 0 AQN 0 387 0 lived 0 AQO 12795 388 0 understand 0 AQP 12731 389 0 many 0 AQQ 12363 390 0 laugh 0 AQR 12758 391 0 doesn't 0 AQS 12795 392 0 speak 0 AQT 12559 393 0 trouble 0 AQU 12795 394 0 grandfather 0 AQV 12795 395 0 idea 0 AQW 0 396 0 knows 0 AQX 12795 397 0 rose 0 AQY 12140 398 0 bad 0 AQZ 12795 399 0 ought 0 ARA 0 400 0 show 0 ARB 12795 401 0 light 0 ARC 0 402 0 times 0 ARD 12752 403 0 cry 0 ARE 12559 404 0 john 0 ARF 10890 405 0 really 0 ARG 0 406 0 against 0 ARH 12795 407 0 part 0 ARJ 0 408 0 feeling 0 ARK 12795 409 0 chance 0 ARL 12140 410 0 dick 0 ARM 12795 411 0 book 0 ARN 0 412 0 drew 0 ARO 12567 413 0 opened 0 ARP 12098 414 0 doctor 0 ARQ 12795 415 0 wait 0 ARR 11255 416 0 haven't 0 ARS 12559 417 0 road 0 ART 12140 418 0 alone 0 ARU 12559 419 0 sight 0 ARV 0 420 0 among 0 ARW 12795 421 0 sitting 0 ARX 0 422 0 passed 0 ARY 12149 423 0 everybody 0 ARZ 12795 424 0 marry 0 ASA 12795 425 0 round 0 ASB 0 426 0 across 0 ASC 12795 427 0 dress 0 ASD 0 428 0 seem 0 ASE 12795 429 0 turn 0 ASF 0 430 0 near 0 ASG 11837 431 0 sun 0 ASH 0 432 0 known 0 ASJ 12098 433 0 princess 0 ASK 12795 434 0 school 0 ASL 12750 435 0 dog 0 ASM 12795 436 0 sound 0 ASN 12364 437 0 hadn't 0 ASO 12559 438 0 nobody 0 ASP 12365 439 0 ready 0 ASQ 0 440 0 deal 0 ASR 0 441 0 jay 0 ASS 0 442 0 ain't 0 AST 12795 443 0 returned 0 ASU 12795 444 0 spoke 0 ASV 12499 445 0 full 0 ASW 0 446 0 pool 0 ASX 12098 447 0 queen 0 ASY 0 448 0 watched 0 ASZ 12559 449 0 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0 CUR 12391 1741 0 decide 0 CUS 12133 1742 0 duck 0 CUT 12795 1743 0 fuss 0 CUU 12795 1744 0 hare 0 CUV 11277 1745 0 jackal 0 CUW 12559 1746 0 plans 0 CUX 12559 1747 0 sermon 0 CUY 12699 1748 0 suspected 0 CUZ 0 1749 0 tit 0 CVA 12306 1750 0 weather 0 CVB 11273 1751 0 anywhere 0 CVC 12559 1752 0 badly 0 CVD 12795 1753 0 bull 0 CVE 12140 1754 0 bush 0 CVF 10929 1755 0 caw 0 CVG 10930 1756 0 circle 0 CVH 12376 1757 0 flat 0 CVJ 12031 1758 0 fourth 0 CVK 12559 1759 0 grateful 0 CVL 12795 1760 0 monday 0 CVM 12140 1761 0 shoes 0 CVN 10855 1762 0 twenty 0 CVO 12795 1763 0 beard 0 CVP 12559 1764 0 burning 0 CVQ 10704 1765 0 carl 0 CVR 12140 1766 0 charming 0 CVS 12795 1767 0 count 0 CVT 12762 1768 0 drops 0 CVU 11849 1769 0 fortnight 0 CVV 11233 1770 0 honour 0 CVW 0 1771 0 intend 0 CVX 0 1772 0 lest 0 CVY 12795 1773 0 obliged 0 CVZ 12559 1774 0 pardon 0 CWA 0 1775 0 pye 0 CWB 12311 1776 0 swallow 0 CWC 12157 1777 0 tiny 0 CWD 12559 1778 0 altogether 0 CWE 12795 1779 0 cheer 0 CWF 12177 1780 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0 confess 0 DJS 11879 2092 0 failure 0 DJT 10930 2093 0 garret 0 DJU 10389 2094 0 gasp 0 DJV 12795 2095 0 gaze 0 DJW 12768 2096 0 lies 0 DJX 12795 2097 0 lines 0 DJY 12140 2098 0 lock 0 DJZ 12559 2099 0 martin 0 DKA 12702 2100 0 notion 0 DKB 12795 2101 0 occurred 0 DKC 12751 2102 0 parted 0 DKD 0 2103 0 picking 0 DKE 12795 2104 0 pictures 0 DKF 12752 2105 0 rise 0 DKG 12795 2106 0 scattered 0 DKH 10940 2107 0 stella 0 DKJ 11277 2108 0 sultan 0 DKK 12343 2109 0 temple 0 DKL 12551 2110 0 tide 0 DKM 12795 2111 0 warn 0 DKN 12795 2112 0 wears 0 DKO 12795 2113 0 accepted 0 DKP 10892 2114 0 asylum 0 DKQ 12752 2115 0 bite 0 DKR 11791 2116 0 board 0 DKS 11460 2117 0 boots 0 DKT 11279 2118 0 branches 0 DKU 12343 2119 0 cage 0 DKV 12795 2120 0 choice 0 DKW 10220 2121 0 dismay 0 DKX 12559 2122 0 evil 0 DKY 0 2123 0 guide 0 DKZ 12140 2124 0 horrid 0 DLA 11571 2125 0 hounds 0 DLB 10909 2126 0 jumper 0 DLC 11574 2127 0 kaa 0 DLD 12559 2128 0 lights 0 DLE 11507 2129 0 lucy 0 DLF 12559 2130 0 mothers 0 DLG 12343 2131 0 pot 0 DLH 11880 2132 0 prisoner 0 DLJ 12795 2133 0 prove 0 DLK 12559 2134 0 scent 0 DLL 12599 2135 0 senses 0 DLM 12741 2136 0 sentence 0 DLN 11503 2137 0 teddy 0 DLO 12167 2138 0 amusement 0 DLP 0 2139 0 beneath 0 DLQ 10708 2140 0 bertha 0 DLR 12559 2141 0 bible 0 DLS 12706 2142 0 brow 0 DLT 12795 2143 0 condition 0 DLU 12190 2144 0 heels 0 DLV 10941 2145 0 ingleside 0 DLW 12185 2146 0 lads 0 DLX 11280 2147 0 leonard 0 DLY 12559 2148 0 lily-pad 0 DLZ 12353 2149 0 monkey 0 DMA 12559 2150 0 nap 0 DMB 11881 2151 0 poetry 0 DMC 12559 2152 0 roots 0 DMD 12795 2153 0 snatched 0 DME 11508 2154 0 somewhere 0 DMF 11861 2155 0 stupid 0 DMG 12795 2156 0 suffered 0 DMH 12559 2157 0 torn 0 DMJ 11204 2158 0 triumph 0 DMK 12140 2159 0 twilight 0 DML 12140 2160 0 assured 0 DMM 12600 2161 0 bark 0 DMN 11509 2162 0 barrel 0 DMO 12795 2163 0 brushed 0 DMP 12518 2164 0 chain 0 DMQ 0 2165 0 chased 0 DMR 11880 2166 0 devil 0 DMS 12795 2167 0 drawn 0 DMT 12313 2168 0 eager 0 DMU 10703 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0 EPG 12795 2856 0 hood 0 EPH 12039 2857 0 hospital 0 EPJ 10903 2858 0 hugh 0 EPK 12795 2859 0 hymn 0 EPL 12516 2860 0 keith 0 EPM 12795 2861 0 lowered 0 EPN 12203 2862 0 mere 0 EPO 12121 2863 0 moral 0 EPP 12795 2864 0 mortal 0 EPQ 12140 2865 0 narrow 0 EPR 12409 2866 0 persons 0 EPS 11592 2867 0 pitied 0 EPT 12517 2868 0 pretending 0 EPU 11291 2869 0 pupils 0 EPV 12204 2870 0 rat 0 EPW 12559 2871 0 responded 0 EPX 12140 2872 0 ridiculous 0 EPY 12559 2873 0 rising 0 EPZ 12039 2874 0 rope 0 EQA 12410 2875 0 sacrifice 0 EQB 11208 2876 0 shop 0 EQC 12559 2877 0 sin 0 EQD 12140 2878 0 sly 0 EQE 12140 2879 0 spots 0 EQF 12614 2880 0 stroke 0 EQG 12771 2881 0 summoned 0 EQH 12795 2882 0 tearing 0 EQJ 11208 2883 0 text 0 EQK 10860 2884 0 thoughtfully 0 EQL 11234 2885 0 throne 0 EQM 10894 2886 0 tink 0 EQN 12559 2887 0 toomai 0 EQO 12795 2888 0 uttered 0 EQP 12795 2889 0 visits 0 EQQ 11150 2890 0 williamson 0 EQR 10909 2891 0 akela 0 EQS 11292 2892 0 annoyed 0 EQT 12140 2893 0 art 0 EQU 12559 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10545 2932 0 awkward 0 ESJ 11891 2933 0 beatrice 0 ESK 11884 2934 0 bewildered 0 ESL 12559 2935 0 blush 0 ESM 12104 2936 0 brightened 0 ESN 10954 2937 0 butter 0 ESO 10581 2938 0 charlotta 0 ESP 10212 2939 0 charlottetown 0 ESQ 10955 2940 0 cheerfully 0 ESR 12621 2941 0 clover 0 ESS 12707 2942 0 consented 0 EST 10909 2943 0 drummer 0 ESU 11507 2944 0 emmy 0 ESV 12140 2945 0 event 0 ESW 12559 2946 0 flight 0 ESX 12795 2947 0 flush 0 ESY 12795 2948 0 glared 0 ESZ 12622 2949 0 gown 0 ETA 12559 2950 0 handle 0 ETB 11542 2951 0 ida 0 ETC 12355 2952 0 impatient 0 ETD 11293 2953 0 iv 0 ETE 10715 2954 0 jordan 0 ETF 12138 2955 0 lilies 0 ETG 12140 2956 0 lively 0 ETH 11901 2957 0 loveliness 0 ETJ 11578 2958 0 major 0 ETK 10946 2959 0 marian 0 ETL 12741 2960 0 mate 0 ETM 10590 2961 0 mollie 0 ETN 12140 2962 0 peep 0 ETO 12795 2963 0 preferred 0 ETP 12559 2964 0 puffed 0 ETQ 11894 2965 0 related 0 ETR 12140 2966 0 shells 0 ETS 12057 2967 0 signal 0 ETT 12559 2968 0 sting 0 ETU 0 2969 0 suited 0 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methodists 0 EVK 12515 3009 0 mile 0 EVL 10606 3010 0 moaned 0 EVM 12559 3011 0 newspaper 0 EVN 12140 3012 0 papa 0 EVO 12795 3013 0 planned 0 EVP 12391 3014 0 prepare 0 EVQ 12140 3015 0 rags 0 EVR 12140 3016 0 returning 0 EVS 12140 3017 0 seriously 0 EVT 11829 3018 0 snap 0 EVU 12795 3019 0 sobbing 0 EVV 12508 3020 0 spark 0 EVW 12559 3021 0 stake 0 EVX 12517 3022 0 tempted 0 EVY 12559 3023 0 treasures 0 EVZ 12559 3024 0 unpleasant 0 EWA 12140 3025 0 vanity 0 EWB 12795 3026 0 ventured 0 EWC 12795 3027 0 vowed 0 EWD 12518 3028 0 ward 0 EWE 12559 3029 0 addressed 0 EWF 11214 3030 0 angrily 0 EWG 12559 3031 0 approached 0 EWH 11903 3032 0 carpet 0 EWJ 0 3033 0 carries 0 EWK 10607 3034 0 charlie 0 EWL 11470 3035 0 collar 0 EWM 12559 3036 0 color 0 EWN 12559 3037 0 cub 0 EWO 12795 3038 0 dearly 0 EWP 12559 3039 0 debt 0 EWQ 11588 3040 0 deceived 0 EWR 12625 3041 0 deny 0 EWS 10891 3042 0 eleven 0 EWT 12795 3043 0 evenings 0 EWU 11152 3044 0 gesture 0 EWV 12795 3045 0 growl 0 EWW 12138 3046 0 hezekiah 0 EWX 10325 3047 0 lawn 0 EWY 12626 3048 0 lent 0 EWZ 10909 3049 0 marcella 0 EXA 11203 3050 0 midnight 0 EXB 12559 3051 0 needle 0 EXC 0 3052 0 nicely 0 EXD 12795 3053 0 nut 0 EXE 10718 3054 0 oldest 0 EXF 0 3055 0 owed 0 EXG 0 3056 0 pad 0 EXH 12739 3057 0 proceeded 0 EXJ 12627 3058 0 resent 0 EXK 12559 3059 0 riding 0 EXL 0 3060 0 ruled 0 EXM 0 3061 0 seeking 0 EXN 12747 3062 0 shelter 0 EXO 12140 3063 0 shrank 0 EXP 11594 3064 0 soup 0 EXQ 12559 3065 0 studying 0 EXR 12795 3066 0 travelled 0 EXS 12140 3067 0 visitor 0 EXT 11295 3068 0 waves 0 EXU 0 3069 0 wren 0 EXV 12510 3070 0 advantage 0 EXW 12133 3071 0 angel 0 EXX 12628 3072 0 backed 0 EXY 10957 3073 0 becoming 0 EXZ 12106 3074 0 bells 0 EYA 12040 3075 0 belt 0 EYB 12559 3076 0 bennett 0 EYC 12137 3077 0 bonnet 0 EYD 0 3078 0 borne 0 EYE 12598 3079 0 bowl 0 EYF 12795 3080 0 breathing 0 EYG 12795 3081 0 crawford 0 EYH 12629 3082 0 despise 0 EYJ 11795 3083 0 dirty 0 EYK 12559 3084 0 distant 0 EYL 10719 3085 0 estella 0 EYM 12140 3086 0 fainted 0 EYN 11595 3087 0 fashionable 0 EYO 12210 3088 0 fired 0 EYP 11751 3089 0 fury 0 EYQ 11904 3090 0 greeted 0 EYR 11533 3091 0 grown-ups 0 EYS 11493 3092 0 grumbled 0 EYT 12140 3093 0 heartily 0 EYU 12411 3094 0 jest 0 EYV 12795 3095 0 kick 0 EYW 10856 3096 0 library 0 EYX 12795 3097 0 maids 0 EYY 12795 3098 0 measure 0 EYZ 12795 3099 0 meetings 0 EZA 12630 3100 0 miller 0 EZB 12191 3101 0 miracle 0 EZC 10602 3102 0 nine 0 EZD 12041 3103 0 noises 0 EZE 12133 3104 0 orphan 0 EZF 10853 3105 0 oven 0 EZG 12795 3106 0 parts 0 EZH 12140 3107 0 plump 0 EZJ 10931 3108 0 possibly 0 EZK 12199 3109 0 prospect 0 EZL 0 3110 0 proves 0 EZM 12519 3111 0 pussy 0 EZN 0 3112 0 puts 0 EZO 11828 3113 0 recollection 0 EZP 12140 3114 0 relations 0 EZQ 11459 3115 0 rosy 0 EZR 11471 3116 0 rude 0 EZS 11296 3117 0 sew 0 EZT 12516 3118 0 shelby 0 EZU 12795 3119 0 shine 0 EZV 12042 3120 0 shortly 0 EZW 11830 3121 0 sticking 0 EZX 10417 3122 0 stooped 0 EZY 12125 3123 0 wiley 0 EZZ 0 3124 0 ....v 0 FAA 12136 3125 0 aladdin 0 FAB 12795 3126 0 amusing 0 FAC 11596 3127 0 artist 0 FAD 0 3128 0 avoid 0 FAE 12559 3129 0 barking 0 FAF 12211 3130 0 beads 0 FAG 12747 3131 0 beloved 0 FAH 11153 3132 0 blacksnake 0 FAJ 11472 3133 0 boxes 0 FAK 12795 3134 0 changing 0 FAL 12792 3135 0 checked 0 FAM 12795 3136 0 clapping 0 FAN 12140 3137 0 counsel 0 FAO 12040 3138 0 cousins 0 FAP 12795 3139 0 curtain 0 FAQ 11297 3140 0 daintyfoot 0 FAR 12140 3141 0 deserted 0 FAS 11248 3142 0 desperately 0 FAT 12559 3143 0 dwarfs 0 FAU 12795 3144 0 forbes 0 FAV 11877 3145 0 frowned 0 FAW 11532 3146 0 glorious 0 FAX 12559 3147 0 gloves 0 FAY 0 3148 0 greatly 0 FAZ 12559 3149 0 guest 0 FBA 0 3150 0 holds 0 FBB 11298 3151 0 hop 0 FBC 12741 3152 0 indian 0 FBD 12795 3153 0 introduce 0 FBE 12140 3154 0 jumping 0 FBF 12105 3155 0 kettle 0 FBG 12140 3156 0 lee 0 FBH 12795 3157 0 liking 0 FBJ 12706 3158 0 list 0 FBK 12773 3159 0 losing 0 FBL 11796 3160 0 miranda 0 FBM 12559 3161 0 misfortune 0 FBN 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0 FCZ 11753 3199 0 cunning 0 FDA 12169 3200 0 curve 0 FDB 11516 3201 0 dainty 0 FDC 12559 3202 0 de 0 FDD 11769 3203 0 dory 0 FDE 12605 3204 0 double 0 FDF 12559 3205 0 draught 0 FDG 12559 3206 0 dropping 0 FDH 12320 3207 0 echo 0 FDJ 0 3208 0 ere 0 FDK 12140 3209 0 eva 0 FDL 11797 3210 0 flame 0 FDM 12161 3211 0 folly 0 FDN 11300 3212 0 footprint 0 FDO 12559 3213 0 forgave 0 FDP 12520 3214 0 frown 0 FDQ 11905 3215 0 galloped 0 FDR 12104 3216 0 gleamed 0 FDS 10861 3217 0 grief 0 FDT 11248 3218 0 grimly 0 FDU 12559 3219 0 horn 0 FDV 11542 3220 0 jason 0 FDW 10862 3221 0 lazy 0 FDX 11542 3222 0 madeline 0 FDY 12559 3223 0 matilda 0 FDZ 12559 3224 0 meals 0 FEA 12214 3225 0 mouthful 0 FEB 12795 3226 0 pattern 0 FEC 12631 3227 0 pays 0 FED 11569 3228 0 pockets 0 FEE 10959 3229 0 poet 0 FEF 12559 3230 0 proposal 0 FEG 12795 3231 0 propose 0 FEH 0 3232 0 recalled 0 FEJ 11598 3233 0 remarkable 0 FEK 12774 3234 0 resented 0 FEL 12559 3235 0 respectable 0 FEM 12559 3236 0 ribbon 0 FEN 12044 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3312 0 haunts 0 FHO 12218 3313 0 headed 0 FHP 12134 3314 0 interests 0 FHQ 10960 3315 0 katherine 0 FHR 10942 3316 0 kinds 0 FHS 12559 3317 0 knowledge 0 FHT 12416 3318 0 learns 0 FHU 12112 3319 0 lindsay 0 FHV 12219 3320 0 mail 0 FHW 12609 3321 0 marks 0 FHX 10722 3322 0 measles 0 FHY 12417 3323 0 messenger 0 FHZ 11542 3324 0 ophelia 0 FJA 12220 3325 0 owner 0 FJB 11827 3326 0 peered 0 FJC 12138 3327 0 poison 0 FJD 12418 3328 0 porcupine 0 FJE 11498 3329 0 prettier 0 FJF 11304 3330 0 prison 0 FJG 11907 3331 0 salmon 0 FJH 12559 3332 0 smaller 0 FJJ 12559 3333 0 social 0 FJK 12140 3334 0 spectacles 0 FJL 10716 3335 0 spruce 0 FJM 11222 3336 0 timidly 0 FJN 12559 3337 0 tossing 0 FJO 12221 3338 0 trevor 0 FJP 12795 3339 0 umbrella 0 FJQ 12795 3340 0 waist 0 FJR 12633 3341 0 warren 0 FJS 12354 3342 0 wounded 0 FJT 12795 3343 0 apron 0 FJU 12140 3344 0 axe 0 FJV 12140 3345 0 beautifully 0 FJW 12347 3346 0 boulter 0 FJX 12419 3347 0 cameron 0 FJY 11798 3348 0 celebrated 0 FJZ 12775 3349 0 cocked 0 FKA 12559 3350 0 council 0 FKB 11600 3351 0 cushion 0 FKC 12140 3352 0 damp 0 FKD 12559 3353 0 deceive 0 FKE 12559 3354 0 decent 0 FKF 12523 3355 0 depends 0 FKG 12795 3356 0 divided 0 FKH 12420 3357 0 earn 0 FKJ 12038 3358 0 emmeline 0 FKK 10961 3359 0 enjoyment 0 FKL 12559 3360 0 entirely 0 FKM 12140 3361 0 fearful 0 FKN 10608 3362 0 freckles 0 FKO 11305 3363 0 gaily 0 FKP 12140 3364 0 gifts 0 FKQ 12559 3365 0 hiding-place 0 FKR 11799 3366 0 holidays 0 FKS 11754 3367 0 howl 0 FKT 12133 3368 0 idiot 0 FKU 11306 3369 0 impressed 0 FKV 0 3370 0 inch 0 FKW 11307 3371 0 june 0 FKX 11908 3372 0 lass 0 FKY 12618 3373 0 lennox 0 FKZ 12140 3374 0 moss 0 FLA 12559 3375 0 muslin 0 FLB 11203 3376 0 noon 0 FLC 12126 3377 0 oars 0 FLD 12795 3378 0 oath 0 FLE 12559 3379 0 peas 0 FLF 12559 3380 0 permission 0 FLG 12795 3381 0 pointing 0 FLH 11147 3382 0 presbyterian 0 FLJ 12795 3383 0 rapidly 0 FLK 12133 3384 0 raven 0 FLL 12795 3385 0 revealed 0 FLM 12222 3386 0 satisfy 0 FLN 12728 3387 0 scheme 0 FLO 11517 3388 0 settlement 0 FLP 11511 3389 0 stool 0 FLQ 12135 3390 0 struggled 0 FLR 12795 3391 0 stung 0 FLS 12172 3392 0 thoroughly 0 FLT 12559 3393 0 tones 0 FLU 11601 3394 0 training 0 FLV 12421 3395 0 uses 0 FLW 0 3396 0 w 0 FLX 10589 3397 0 wagon 0 FLY 0 3398 0 washing 0 FLZ 12140 3399 0 wire 0 FMA 0 3400 0 yards 0 FMB 12046 3401 0 annie 0 FMC 0 3402 0 awaited 0 FMD 11516 3403 0 bare 0 FME 11602 3404 0 beggar 0 FMF 11603 3405 0 blinked 0 FMG 12795 3406 0 blot 0 FMH 10680 3407 0 briskly 0 FMJ 12140 3408 0 bully 0 FMK 12795 3409 0 burgess 0 FML 12559 3410 0 bury 0 FMM 12519 3411 0 capable 0 FMN 10582 3412 0 carmody 0 FMO 10139 3413 0 cart 0 FMP 11604 3414 0 climbing 0 FMQ 12634 3415 0 closely 0 FMR 12134 3416 0 confidence 0 FMS 12140 3417 0 cooking 0 FMT 12559 3418 0 cordial 0 FMU 12223 3419 0 cropper 0 FMV 12057 3420 0 date 0 FMW 10288 3421 0 dearest 0 FMX 11462 3422 0 delicate 0 FMY 12795 3423 0 denied 0 FMZ 10326 3424 0 discouraged 0 FNA 12559 3425 0 doctors 0 FNB 11899 3426 0 dug 0 FNC 10607 3427 0 ernest 0 FND 11217 3428 0 figures 0 FNE 12795 3429 0 fooled 0 FNF 12140 3430 0 foolishness 0 FNG 11299 3431 0 games 0 FNH 12736 3432 0 garments 0 FNJ 11246 3433 0 gratitude 0 FNK 12348 3434 0 grim 0 FNL 11755 3435 0 hearty 0 FNM 12559 3436 0 houses 0 FNN 12140 3437 0 idle 0 FNO 11773 3438 0 keen 0 FNP 11539 3439 0 kindly 0 FNQ 12140 3440 0 kissing 0 FNR 12140 3441 0 lace 0 FNS 12559 3442 0 lagoon 0 FNT 11909 3443 0 lemar 0 FNU 11246 3444 0 lillian 0 FNV 11605 3445 0 limped 0 FNW 12795 3446 0 lingered 0 FNX 11606 3447 0 ludovic 0 FNY 12795 3448 0 mantle 0 FNZ 12321 3449 0 maria 0 FOA 12322 3450 0 marked 0 FOB 11607 3451 0 mugger 0 FOC 12742 3452 0 osborne 0 FOD 12559 3453 0 peaceful 0 FOE 12795 3454 0 peculiar 0 FOF 12559 3455 0 penny 0 FOG 12795 3456 0 pitman 0 FOH 12795 3457 0 plant 0 FOJ 12140 3458 0 pure 0 FOK 12559 3459 0 raising 0 FOL 12559 3460 0 rare 0 FOM 11910 3461 0 remarks 0 FON 12795 3462 0 resist 0 FOO 12795 3463 0 rival 0 FOP 12140 3464 0 savage 0 FOQ 10861 3465 0 scorn 0 FOR 11608 3466 0 shell 0 FOS 12795 3467 0 shooting 0 FOT 12559 3468 0 slipping 0 FOU 11589 3469 0 speck 0 FOV 12140 3470 0 stammered 0 FOW 12795 3471 0 striking 0 FOX 10609 3472 0 surface 0 FOY 11911 3473 0 swell 0 FOZ 10327 3474 0 thump 0 FPA 11308 3475 0 tip 0 FPB 12559 3476 0 tootles 0 FPC 12795 3477 0 touching 0 FPD 11491 3478 0 track 0 FPE 12140 3479 0 travellers 0 FPF 12140 3480 0 understanding 0 FPG 11609 3481 0 value 0 FPH 12140 3482 0 wailed 0 FPJ 10962 3483 0 waistcoat 0 FPK 11309 3484 0 wiser 0 FPL 11610 3485 0 wreath 0 FPM 11912 3486 0 address 0 FPN 12795 3487 0 aged 0 FPO 11909 3488 0 allen 0 FPP 12140 3489 0 andrew 0 FPQ 11243 3490 0 bertie 0 FPR 12140 3491 0 blushing 0 FPS 12559 3492 0 brains 0 FPT 12559 3493 0 brilliant 0 FPU 11247 3494 0 carlisle 0 FPV 11538 3495 0 catherine 0 FPW 12795 3496 0 conclusion 0 FPX 11517 3497 0 congregation 0 FPY 12224 3498 0 cough 0 FPZ 12795 3499 0 deeply 0 FQA 12635 3500 0 deserved 0 FQB 12559 3501 0 difficulties 0 FQC 12559 3502 0 dolls 0 FQD 11243 3503 0 dusky 0 FQE 12225 3504 0 eben 0 FQF 12559 3505 0 exchange 0 FQG 12559 3506 0 falls 0 FQH 12795 3507 0 filling 0 FQJ 12140 3508 0 frame 0 FQK 12140 3509 0 freed 0 FQL 12606 3510 0 frewen 0 FQM 12101 3511 0 frogs 0 FQN 12140 3512 0 gloomy 0 FQO 11830 3513 0 good-natured 0 FQP 11310 3514 0 grasp 0 FQQ 11611 3515 0 halfway 0 FQR 12140 3516 0 maidens 0 FQS 11585 3517 0 meekly 0 FQT 11311 3518 0 member 0 FQU 11612 3519 0 mess 0 FQV 11613 3520 0 ministers 0 FQW 11789 3521 0 nag 0 FQX 11149 3522 0 nana 0 FQY 11795 3523 0 neat 0 FQZ 12795 3524 0 overheard 0 FRA 12559 3525 0 palm 0 FRB 11148 3526 0 passage 0 FRC 12140 3527 0 patiently 0 FRD 12776 3528 0 plucked 0 FRE 12795 3529 0 pony 0 FRF 12559 3530 0 porridge 0 FRG 12559 3531 0 portrait 0 FRH 12519 3532 0 puss 0 FRJ 12559 3533 0 response 0 FRK 10679 3534 0 roy 0 FRL 10723 3535 0 salt 0 FRM 12321 3536 0 satin 0 FRN 10694 3537 0 scornfully 0 FRO 11614 3538 0 sensitive 0 FRP 11245 3539 0 shuddered 0 FRQ 12636 3540 0 sketch 0 FRR 12559 3541 0 speaks 0 FRS 12140 3542 0 stout 0 FRT 12795 3543 0 strangely 0 FRU 12226 3544 0 strangers 0 FRV 10605 3545 0 tannis 0 FRW 11232 3546 0 telford 0 FRX 10421 3547 0 thorn 0 FRY 10859 3548 0 thoughtful 0 FRZ 12795 3549 0 trial 0 FSA 11615 3550 0 usually 0 FSB 10963 3551 0 wildly 0 FSC 10964 3552 0 adam 0 FSD 12795 3553 0 advanced 0 FSE 12140 3554 0 airs 0 FSF 12559 3555 0 attended 0 FSG 11312 3556 0 aware 0 FSH 11752 3557 0 barked 0 FSJ 10174 3558 0 bessy 0 FSK 11616 3559 0 borrow 0 FSL 12795 3560 0 chase 0 FSM 11886 3561 0 companions 0 FSN 11756 3562 0 companionship 0 FSO 12795 3563 0 craig 0 FSP 0 3564 0 crossing 0 FSQ 12559 3565 0 devoted 0 FSR 12559 3566 0 discussion 0 FSS 12795 3567 0 dodged 0 FST 11514 3568 0 dot 0 FSU 12795 3569 0 drown 0 FSV 11900 3570 0 elbow 0 FSW 12601 3571 0 fletcher 0 FSX 11282 3572 0 generally 0 FSY 12637 3573 0 hast 0 FSZ 12638 3574 0 herd 0 FTA 12418 3575 0 heron 0 FTB 12559 3576 0 hurrying 0 FTC 12227 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waters 0 FUR 12504 3616 0 weep 0 FUS 12140 3617 0 weeping 0 FUT 12524 3618 0 welcomed 0 FUU 10892 3619 0 academy 0 FUV 12705 3620 0 acted 0 FUW 12423 3621 0 approach 0 FUX 11618 3622 0 argued 0 FUY 12795 3623 0 attracted 0 FUZ 12198 3624 0 aunts 0 FVA 11148 3625 0 baron 0 FVB 12559 3626 0 bedroom 0 FVC 12777 3627 0 begins 0 FVD 12229 3628 0 bewitched 0 FVE 12795 3629 0 card 0 FVF 12230 3630 0 charged 0 FVG 12231 3631 0 comfortably 0 FVH 12554 3632 0 comrades 0 FVJ 12140 3633 0 confusion 0 FVK 10863 3634 0 contempt 0 FVL 12795 3635 0 contents 0 FVM 12559 3636 0 crooked 0 FVN 12636 3637 0 damsel 0 FVO 11603 3638 0 diamonds 0 FVP 11619 3639 0 directions 0 FVQ 11538 3640 0 dolly 0 FVR 11210 3641 0 eden 0 FVS 10724 3642 0 fatima 0 FVT 12140 3643 0 faults 0 FVU 11913 3644 0 harris 0 FVV 12771 3645 0 haunt 0 FVW 11154 3646 0 heavens 0 FVX 11757 3647 0 jewels 0 FVY 11881 3648 0 jonas 0 FVZ 10725 3649 0 lifetime 0 FWA 11247 3650 0 markdale 0 FWB 12711 3651 0 material 0 FWC 11890 3652 0 mend 0 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0 FZD 12795 3728 0 sends 0 FZE 12384 3729 0 shaw 0 FZF 10185 3730 0 sitting-room 0 FZG 12643 3731 0 skirts 0 FZH 12324 3732 0 spells 0 FZJ 12795 3733 0 spoils 0 FZK 11829 3734 0 stamped 0 FZL 12795 3735 0 stewart 0 FZM 12795 3736 0 storehouse 0 FZN 11622 3737 0 strain 0 FZO 12355 3738 0 stronger 0 FZP 11512 3739 0 tent 0 FZQ 12795 3740 0 tin 0 FZR 12533 3741 0 toss 0 FZS 11204 3742 0 travel 0 FZT 10904 3743 0 twinkling 0 FZU 11316 3744 0 wakes 0 FZV 12612 3745 0 wanting 0 FZW 10422 3746 0 whale 0 FZX 12140 3747 0 yielded 0 FZY 11623 3748 0 abroad 0 FZZ 11476 3749 0 action 0 GAA 12795 3750 0 advised 0 GAB 12795 3751 0 alas 0 GAC 12795 3752 0 amount 0 GAD 11515 3753 0 anthony 0 GAE 12795 3754 0 argument 0 GAF 12644 3755 0 attached 0 GAG 12140 3756 0 avenue 0 GAH 12136 3757 0 avis 0 GAJ 12795 3758 0 bothered 0 GAK 12559 3759 0 burnt 0 GAL 10185 3760 0 cabin 0 GAM 11599 3761 0 calf 0 GAN 12559 3762 0 chances 0 GAO 11246 3763 0 charity 0 GAP 11624 3764 0 chasing 0 GAQ 12313 3765 0 clinging 0 GAR 10593 3766 0 clung 0 GAS 12559 3767 0 coach 0 GAT 12559 3768 0 coast 0 GAU 12559 3769 0 column 0 GAV 12559 3770 0 compliments 0 GAW 11907 3771 0 concerned 0 GAX 12795 3772 0 crouched 0 GAY 11798 3773 0 crushed 0 GAZ 12795 3774 0 daily 0 GBA 12795 3775 0 described 0 GBB 12233 3776 0 disagreeable 0 GBC 11573 3777 0 dizzy 0 GBD 12140 3778 0 duncan 0 GBE 11510 3779 0 eagerness 0 GBF 12425 3780 0 engagement 0 GBG 11150 3781 0 falconer 0 GBH 12140 3782 0 fishes 0 GBJ 12559 3783 0 footsteps 0 GBK 12795 3784 0 formed 0 GBL 11518 3785 0 freedom 0 GBM 12559 3786 0 goat 0 GBN 12645 3787 0 gracious 0 GBO 11154 3788 0 grange 0 GBP 12795 3789 0 greater 0 GBQ 12743 3790 0 handful 0 GBR 11625 3791 0 hatred 0 GBS 11510 3792 0 indignation 0 GBT 0 3793 0 intending 0 GBU 10174 3794 0 jerome 0 GBV 12140 3795 0 learning 0 GBW 12795 3796 0 lewis 0 GBX 12559 3797 0 lip 0 GBY 12140 3798 0 madam 0 GBZ 10728 3799 0 madame 0 GCA 10681 3800 0 maimie 0 GCB 10969 3801 0 matron 0 GCC 11797 3802 0 mayflowers 0 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hammond 0 GME 12140 4029 0 hateful 0 GMF 12795 4030 0 helmet 0 GMG 11801 4031 0 heroine 0 GMH 12108 4032 0 ignorance 0 GMJ 10892 4033 0 inn 0 GMK 10682 4034 0 isabella 0 GML 11920 4035 0 jelly 0 GMM 10729 4036 0 joyfully 0 GMN 12795 4037 0 knot 0 GMO 12140 4038 0 lawyer 0 GMP 11921 4039 0 mass 0 GMQ 12432 4040 0 mattered 0 GMR 10615 4041 0 misery 0 GMS 12559 4042 0 neighbour 0 GMT 12795 4043 0 organdie 0 GMU 12649 4044 0 perfume 0 GMV 10959 4045 0 personality 0 GMW 12559 4046 0 photograph 0 GMX 12711 4047 0 platter 0 GMY 11504 4048 0 powder 0 GMZ 11247 4049 0 prayer-meeting 0 GNA 10980 4050 0 predicament 0 GNB 10413 4051 0 prettiest 0 GNC 12795 4052 0 recall 0 GND 12744 4053 0 redwing 0 GNE 12795 4054 0 rubbing 0 GNF 11510 4055 0 sobs 0 GNG 12236 4056 0 sooner 0 GNH 12795 4057 0 spared 0 GNJ 12111 4058 0 sparkle 0 GNK 11764 4059 0 spoilt 0 GNL 12559 4060 0 stalked 0 GNM 12559 4061 0 starve 0 GNN 12559 4062 0 swelled 0 GNO 12559 4063 0 traveller 0 GNP 11765 4064 0 tremble 0 GNQ 11520 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footprints 0 GPD 12795 4103 0 foreign 0 GPE 10322 4104 0 forty 0 GPF 12795 4105 0 fuzzytail 0 GPG 11512 4106 0 gale 0 GPH 11802 4107 0 gazelle 0 GPJ 11473 4108 0 gerda 0 GPK 10983 4109 0 grieved 0 GPL 10715 4110 0 gus 0 GPM 12559 4111 0 height 0 GPN 11145 4112 0 henyard 0 GPO 10984 4113 0 holes 0 GPP 12136 4114 0 hundreds 0 GPQ 11609 4115 0 importance 0 GPR 11914 4116 0 insulted 0 GPS 10330 4117 0 jokes 0 GPT 10698 4118 0 kings 0 GPU 11633 4119 0 kirby 0 GPV 11757 4120 0 kisses 0 GPW 12214 4121 0 knack 0 GPX 12559 4122 0 knocking 0 GPY 0 4123 0 laying 0 GPZ 12237 4124 0 legend 0 GQA 12795 4125 0 lets 0 GQB 12559 4126 0 livesey 0 GQC 10616 4127 0 loneliness 0 GQD 11326 4128 0 lynx 0 GQE 12553 4129 0 magazine 0 GQF 10730 4130 0 maggie 0 GQG 12140 4131 0 melancholy 0 GQH 12108 4132 0 millicent 0 GQJ 11243 4133 0 natty 0 GQK 12140 4134 0 net 0 GQL 12795 4135 0 ordinary 0 GQM 12140 4136 0 pains 0 GQN 10606 4137 0 panted 0 GQO 12559 4138 0 pitiful 0 GQP 12552 4139 0 popular 0 GQQ 0 4140 0 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bounced 0 GSE 11635 4179 0 breaks 0 GSF 11542 4180 0 calista 0 GSG 12753 4181 0 choke 0 GSH 12553 4182 0 choosing 0 GSJ 10949 4183 0 clorinda 0 GSK 11634 4184 0 cobra 0 GSL 0 4185 0 convince 0 GSM 11752 4186 0 coughed 0 GSN 12559 4187 0 countenance 0 GSO 12220 4188 0 custom 0 GSP 11327 4189 0 dagger 0 GSQ 11830 4190 0 delivered 0 GSR 12795 4191 0 deserves 0 GSS 12140 4192 0 destiny 0 GST 11782 4193 0 displeased 0 GSU 12795 4194 0 dive 0 GSV 12795 4195 0 dreaded 0 GSW 10986 4196 0 echoes 0 GSX 10135 4197 0 eighteen 0 GSY 10392 4198 0 elinor 0 GSZ 10987 4199 0 elwell 0 GTA 11592 4200 0 envied 0 GTB 11521 4201 0 escapes 0 GTC 10719 4202 0 esterbrook 0 GTD 11328 4203 0 evident 0 GTE 12591 4204 0 exchanged 0 GTF 10324 4205 0 flint 0 GTG 10417 4206 0 fluttered 0 GTH 10732 4207 0 fools 0 GTJ 12653 4208 0 garland 0 GTK 11636 4209 0 geese 0 GTL 10225 4210 0 grammar 0 GTM 11637 4211 0 greeting 0 GTN 12140 4212 0 gulf 0 GTO 12528 4213 0 halted 0 GTP 11542 4214 0 harrington 0 GTQ 11470 4215 0 heel 0 GTR 0 4216 0 informed 0 GTS 12125 4217 0 knox 0 GTT 11538 4218 0 kotick 0 GTU 11638 4219 0 lions 0 GTV 11329 4220 0 mild 0 GTW 11522 4221 0 missy 0 GTX 12140 4222 0 mists 0 GTY 12559 4223 0 mocker 0 GTZ 10907 4224 0 murder 0 GUA 12239 4225 0 native 0 GUB 12795 4226 0 newspapers 0 GUC 12437 4227 0 objects 0 GUD 11639 4228 0 parcel 0 GUE 12323 4229 0 passes 0 GUF 11803 4230 0 physician 0 GUG 11915 4231 0 planning 0 GUH 12438 4232 0 pluto 0 GUJ 12140 4233 0 poplar 0 GUK 11245 4234 0 poverty 0 GUL 11330 4235 0 president 0 GUM 12795 4236 0 private 0 GUN 12716 4237 0 problem 0 GUO 11640 4238 0 property 0 GUP 12795 4239 0 pupil 0 GUQ 12558 4240 0 repay 0 GUR 12325 4241 0 rescue 0 GUS 11804 4242 0 resting 0 GUT 12559 4243 0 ripple 0 GUU 11331 4244 0 safely 0 GUV 10616 4245 0 sentiment 0 GUW 12105 4246 0 sexton 0 GUX 0 4247 0 shivers 0 GUY 11186 4248 0 sill 0 GUZ 12222 4249 0 slay 0 GVA 10327 4250 0 sniff 0 GVB 12324 4251 0 songs 0 GVC 11830 4252 0 sorrowful 0 GVD 11641 4253 0 sparkling 0 GVE 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10694 4292 0 contemptuously 0 GWT 12439 4293 0 control 0 GWU 12559 4294 0 courtesy 0 GWV 12717 4295 0 dale 0 GWW 12775 4296 0 detested 0 GWX 11487 4297 0 dignified 0 GWY 12109 4298 0 dish 0 GWZ 12559 4299 0 drives 0 GXA 12559 4300 0 dunno 0 GXB 10990 4301 0 enthusiasm 0 GXC 11333 4302 0 events 0 GXD 11638 4303 0 evidence 0 GXE 12124 4304 0 exercise 0 GXF 11644 4305 0 extent 0 GXG 12413 4306 0 extraordinary 0 GXH 11162 4307 0 extremely 0 GXJ 12559 4308 0 fascinating 0 GXK 0 4309 0 forbade 0 GXL 10187 4310 0 gallery 0 GXM 11476 4311 0 giants 0 GXN 12559 4312 0 git 0 GXO 12559 4313 0 glided 0 GXP 12240 4314 0 homes 0 GXQ 10332 4315 0 honestly 0 GXR 12140 4316 0 humble 0 GXS 11645 4317 0 hurriedly 0 GXT 10226 4318 0 ismay 0 GXU 11207 4319 0 jealousy 0 GXV 10683 4320 0 knit 0 GXW 12043 4321 0 lamps 0 GXX 10697 4322 0 lawless 0 GXY 10684 4323 0 loaded 0 GXZ 11479 4324 0 louder 0 GYA 11334 4325 0 loveliest 0 GYB 11246 4326 0 meek 0 GYC 12753 4327 0 melt 0 GYD 10592 4328 0 montreal 0 GYE 10426 4329 0 morrow 0 GYF 12140 4330 0 mourned 0 GYG 10427 4331 0 neighbourhood 0 GYH 10733 4332 0 nelly 0 GYJ 12225 4333 0 nick 0 GYK 11646 4334 0 ointment 0 GYL 12559 4335 0 over-harbour 0 GYM 0 4336 0 patting 0 GYN 12241 4337 0 pleasantly 0 GYO 12795 4338 0 prevented 0 GYP 10945 4339 0 proserpina 0 GYQ 10619 4340 0 protest 0 GYR 10333 4341 0 providence 0 GYS 10991 4342 0 publishing 0 GYT 12534 4343 0 quarters 0 GYU 0 4344 0 rabbit's 0 GYV 11924 4345 0 redskins 0 GYW 10992 4346 0 regard 0 GYX 10620 4347 0 reindeer 0 GYY 12559 4348 0 robe 0 GYZ 10621 4349 0 saluted 0 GZA 11249 4350 0 scarce 0 GZB 12559 4351 0 seconds 0 GZC 12559 4352 0 shelley 0 GZD 12718 4353 0 singers 0 GZE 12203 4354 0 solitary 0 GZF 11278 4355 0 staircase 0 GZG 0 4356 0 streamed 0 GZH 11608 4357 0 team 0 GZJ 11163 4358 0 tramped 0 GZK 12795 4359 0 traps 0 GZL 12559 4360 0 triumphant 0 GZM 12795 4361 0 tuesday 0 GZN 11574 4362 0 ulysses 0 GZO 11520 4363 0 unlocked 0 GZP 12559 4364 0 vessel 0 GZQ 11647 4365 0 wealth 0 GZR 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0 emotion 0 HBE 12558 4404 0 encourage 0 HBF 11534 4405 0 ethel 0 HBG 10706 4406 0 favor 0 HBH 12242 4407 0 finer 0 HBJ 12795 4408 0 flushing 0 HBK 12388 4409 0 frozen 0 HBL 12140 4410 0 giggled 0 HBM 11855 4411 0 gladly 0 HBN 11246 4412 0 harry 0 HBO 12243 4413 0 harvest 0 HBP 11750 4414 0 harvey 0 HBQ 12559 4415 0 hears 0 HBR 10326 4416 0 homesick 0 HBS 12559 4417 0 huddled 0 HBT 11601 4418 0 ideals 0 HBU 12795 4419 0 immensely 0 HBV 11618 4420 0 kindled 0 HBW 10994 4421 0 kite 0 HBX 10219 4422 0 laddie 0 HBY 11767 4423 0 lame 0 HBZ 12559 4424 0 laughs 0 HCA 12530 4425 0 loosened 0 HCB 12795 4426 0 marr 0 HCC 11584 4427 0 mast 0 HCD 11337 4428 0 master-maid 0 HCE 11926 4429 0 melody 0 HCF 12244 4430 0 merediths 0 HCG 0 4431 0 mightn't 0 HCH 10335 4432 0 mince 0 HCJ 11797 4433 0 mittens 0 HCK 12559 4434 0 mock 0 HCL 12655 4435 0 molinda 0 HCM 12041 4436 0 moods 0 HCN 10988 4437 0 moody 0 HCO 12559 4438 0 mound 0 HCP 12140 4439 0 nasty 0 HCQ 11649 4440 0 necessity 0 HCR 11317 4441 0 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0 HFS 0 4517 0 disobeyed 0 HFT 12720 4518 0 dwell 0 HFU 11523 4519 0 forenoon 0 HFV 11200 4520 0 generous 0 HFW 12133 4521 0 giantess 0 HFX 12140 4522 0 grounds 0 HFY 12140 4523 0 grumbling 0 HFZ 12140 4524 0 ham 0 HGA 11652 4525 0 handy 0 HGB 12795 4526 0 haul 0 HGC 10995 4527 0 hercules 0 HGD 12140 4528 0 hideous 0 HGE 12140 4529 0 inquire 0 HGF 12559 4530 0 instinct 0 HGG 12559 4531 0 intent 0 HGH 11465 4532 0 jacky 0 HGJ 12559 4533 0 jar 0 HGK 10429 4534 0 jenny 0 HGL 12559 4535 0 jug 0 HGM 10187 4536 0 kennel 0 HGN 12140 4537 0 landing 0 HGO 10686 4538 0 leads 0 HGP 12532 4539 0 linen 0 HGQ 12246 4540 0 load 0 HGR 11340 4541 0 lurgan 0 HGS 12140 4542 0 mademoiselle 0 HGT 10546 4543 0 melissa 0 HGU 10955 4544 0 merrily 0 HGV 12546 4545 0 methinks 0 HGW 12559 4546 0 milking 0 HGX 0 4547 0 mix 0 HGY 12247 4548 0 mortgage 0 HGZ 11341 4549 0 motionless 0 HHA 11342 4550 0 neglect 0 HHB 12559 4551 0 opinions 0 HHC 11653 4552 0 panic 0 HHD 12721 4553 0 persisted 0 HHE 11769 4554 0 piper 0 HHF 12559 4555 0 pouring 0 HHG 12518 4556 0 pranks 0 HHH 11770 4557 0 prints 0 HHJ 10996 4558 0 puzzling 0 HHK 12420 4559 0 recite 0 HHL 12795 4560 0 reese 0 HHM 12140 4561 0 rejoiced 0 HHN 12140 4562 0 religion 0 HHO 12350 4563 0 required 0 HHP 12657 4564 0 ringing 0 HHQ 11505 4565 0 roamed 0 HHR 10547 4566 0 rome 0 HHS 10430 4567 0 romney 0 HHT 12140 4568 0 sailing 0 HHU 11237 4569 0 secretary 0 HHV 11211 4570 0 seeley 0 HHW 0 4571 0 shalt 0 HHX 10416 4572 0 shouting 0 HHY 12559 4573 0 shrine 0 HHZ 12716 4574 0 sins 0 HJA 11235 4575 0 smartness 0 HJB 12444 4576 0 smelled 0 HJC 12137 4577 0 squeeze 0 HJD 12059 4578 0 stalks 0 HJE 12559 4579 0 stays 0 HJF 12559 4580 0 stockton 0 HJG 12795 4581 0 struggling 0 HJH 10954 4582 0 sugar 0 HJJ 11212 4583 0 sulkily 0 HJK 10228 4584 0 suspicion 0 HJL 12060 4585 0 taylor 0 HJM 12417 4586 0 telegram 0 HJN 11654 4587 0 thistle 0 HJO 11164 4588 0 throng 0 HJP 11343 4589 0 ticket 0 HJQ 11474 4590 0 topsy 0 HJR 0 4591 0 touches 0 HJS 12658 4592 0 wagged 0 HJT 11927 4593 0 wheeled 0 HJU 12559 4594 0 wives 0 HJV 10624 4595 0 wrath 0 HJW 12415 4596 0 ) 0 HJX 12559 4597 0 acquired 0 HJY 10431 4598 0 agreeable 0 HJZ 0 4599 0 anderson 0 HKA 11655 4600 0 asks 0 HKB 12129 4601 0 assailed 0 HKC 12512 4602 0 bags 0 HKD 12657 4603 0 bidding 0 HKE 11344 4604 0 birth 0 HKF 12124 4605 0 boil 0 HKG 12777 4606 0 boiled 0 HKH 12722 4607 0 brick 0 HKJ 12533 4608 0 brightening 0 HKK 12130 4609 0 bud 0 HKL 12795 4610 0 carter 0 HKM 12795 4611 0 cases 0 HKN 0 4612 0 casting 0 HKO 11345 4613 0 chatter 0 HKP 10997 4614 0 clay 0 HKQ 12793 4615 0 clow 0 HKR 12557 4616 0 clutched 0 HKS 12795 4617 0 correct 0 HKT 12248 4618 0 cracked 0 HKU 12445 4619 0 crane 0 HKV 12249 4620 0 dazed 0 HKW 12795 4621 0 declined 0 HKX 12559 4622 0 determination 0 HKY 12559 4623 0 develop 0 HKZ 10625 4624 0 dialogue 0 HLA 0 4625 0 disobey 0 HLB 12795 4626 0 dumpty 0 HLC 12559 4627 0 efforts 0 HLD 10189 4628 0 emphatically 0 HLE 12559 4629 0 enchanted 0 HLF 12559 4630 0 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0 HYU 11311 4969 0 pretence 0 HYV 11665 4970 0 problems 0 HYW 11319 4971 0 rail 0 HYX 12559 4972 0 rainy 0 HYY 10392 4973 0 ralph 0 HYZ 12559 4974 0 receiving 0 HZA 12559 4975 0 rejoined 0 HZB 12454 4976 0 remedy 0 HZC 11348 4977 0 reproached 0 HZD 12559 4978 0 resemblance 0 HZE 12110 4979 0 resigned 0 HZF 12530 4980 0 responsible 0 HZG 11205 4981 0 reverie 0 HZH 11464 4982 0 ripe 0 HZJ 12049 4983 0 rogues 0 HZK 10219 4984 0 ruggles 0 HZL 11349 4985 0 salary 0 HZM 12795 4986 0 saves 0 HZN 12559 4987 0 scale 0 HZO 12436 4988 0 scope 0 HZP 11540 4989 0 seasons 0 HZQ 10545 4990 0 slippery 0 HZR 12204 4991 0 spy 0 HZS 12067 4992 0 stanley 0 HZT 10745 4993 0 steel 0 HZU 10994 4994 0 student 0 HZV 12559 4995 0 stuffed 0 HZW 11940 4996 0 subsided 0 HZX 12559 4997 0 summons 0 HZY 11248 4998 0 tenderly 0 HZZ 12136 4999 0 thousands 0 JAA 12559 5000 0 threat 0 JAB 12559 5001 0 toe 0 JAC 10628 5002 0 travels 0 JAD 0 5003 0 treading 0 JAE 0 5004 0 trotting 0 JAF 0 5005 0 tuck 0 JAG 12128 5006 0 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kinder 0 KHA 12559 5800 0 klaus 0 KHB 12559 5801 0 launched 0 KHC 0 5802 0 lavished 0 KHD 12066 5803 0 likewise 0 KHE 10767 5804 0 liniment 0 KHF 12127 5805 0 loaves 0 KHG 11679 5806 0 lordship 0 KHH 12559 5807 0 marching 0 KHJ 10544 5808 0 marmee 0 KHK 0 5809 0 mended 0 KHL 10234 5810 0 merrier 0 KHM 12227 5811 0 milan 0 KHN 10145 5812 0 milty 0 KHO 12559 5813 0 minot 0 KHP 10985 5814 0 modest 0 KHQ 12334 5815 0 motion 0 KHR 11640 5816 0 moustache 0 KHS 11364 5817 0 oar 0 KHT 12559 5818 0 obtained 0 KHU 12133 5819 0 outcast 0 KHV 10905 5820 0 parker 0 KHW 10768 5821 0 pathetic 0 KHX 12140 5822 0 petals 0 KHY 10235 5823 0 philemon 0 KHZ 12559 5824 0 physical 0 KJA 12140 5825 0 pitched 0 KJB 12795 5826 0 poking 0 KJC 12088 5827 0 pollywogs 0 KJD 11818 5828 0 prejudice 0 KJE 10452 5829 0 prejudices 0 KJF 0 5830 0 protect 0 KJG 12795 5831 0 puckered 0 KJH 12795 5832 0 quaint 0 KJJ 12795 5833 0 quarrels 0 KJK 11680 5834 0 queried 0 KJL 0 5835 0 raindrops 0 KJM 12559 5836 0 reception 0 KJN 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5874 0 succession 0 KLA 11756 5875 0 suddenness 0 KLB 10643 5876 0 sulky 0 KLC 10427 5877 0 temples 0 KLD 0 5878 0 tended 0 KLE 10973 5879 0 thayer 0 KLF 12422 5880 0 thunderstorm 0 KLG 11217 5881 0 transformation 0 KLH 12212 5882 0 tribute 0 KLJ 11826 5883 0 troop 0 KLK 10554 5884 0 twenty-five 0 KLL 10644 5885 0 uncomfortably 0 KLM 10769 5886 0 verses 0 KLN 12559 5887 0 visitors 0 KLO 11810 5888 0 vizier 0 KLP 10290 5889 0 whispering 0 KLQ 12795 5890 0 wooden 0 KLR 11825 5891 0 worker 0 KLS 11968 5892 0 yarns 0 KLT 12130 5893 0 youngster 0 KLU 10199 5894 0 afterlight hammock 0 0 KLV 11969 5895 0 ails 0 KLW 11035 5896 0 aim 0 KLX 12559 5897 0 appeal 0 KLY 0 5898 0 battles 0 KLZ 11029 5899 0 beans 0 KMA 10645 5900 0 beauties 0 KMB 0 5901 0 besought 0 KMC 11542 5902 0 big-horn 0 KMD 12268 5903 0 boasted 0 KME 12114 5904 0 borders 0 KMF 12559 5905 0 bowes 0 KMG 10615 5906 0 boyhood 0 KMH 11970 5907 0 breck 0 KMJ 12127 5908 0 brows 0 KMK 10646 5909 0 burton 0 KML 12140 5910 0 bust 0 KMM 12329 5911 0 butterfly 0 KMN 10195 5912 0 california 0 KMO 10436 5913 0 casimer 0 KMP 11170 5914 0 cautious 0 KMQ 11235 5915 0 check 0 KMR 0 5916 0 cherished 0 KMS 11786 5917 0 chewed 0 KMT 10561 5918 0 chimney-sweep 0 KMU 11971 5919 0 chores 0 KMV 11785 5920 0 churchyard 0 KMW 10929 5921 0 clash 0 KMX 12103 5922 0 cleaning 0 KMY 10770 5923 0 clouded 0 KMZ 12534 5924 0 coat-tails 0 KNA 12795 5925 0 concerning 0 KNB 11795 5926 0 constantly 0 KNC 11359 5927 0 cookies 0 KND 10892 5928 0 corn-crib midst 0 0 KNE 0 5929 0 covers 0 KNF 11972 5930 0 critics 0 KNG 12068 5931 0 cruelly 0 KNH 10356 5932 0 current 0 KNJ 12559 5933 0 customers 0 KNK 11911 5934 0 dandy 0 KNL 11224 5935 0 dearer 0 KNM 12559 5936 0 delayed 0 KNN 11681 5937 0 depended 0 KNO 10236 5938 0 discussed 0 KNP 11366 5939 0 disgraceful 0 KNQ 12795 5940 0 display 0 KNR 11536 5941 0 dissuade 0 KNS 12559 5942 0 drinks 0 KNT 10690 5943 0 dryad 0 KNU 11677 5944 0 elsewhere 0 KNV 10226 5945 0 emil 0 KNW 10760 5946 0 endicott 0 KNX 12140 5947 0 energy 0 KNY 11973 5948 0 entertaining 0 KNZ 0 5949 0 esq 0 KOA 12140 5950 0 examinations 0 KOB 12260 5951 0 exploit 0 KOC 0 5952 0 extending 0 KOD 12250 5953 0 fasten 0 KOE 12113 5954 0 fearing 0 KOF 0 5955 0 fenwick 0 KOG 10237 5956 0 fetched 0 KOH 12795 5957 0 finishing 0 KOJ 11826 5958 0 flames 0 KOK 12126 5959 0 fleet 0 KOL 12269 5960 0 float 0 KOM 0 5961 0 footstep 0 KON 12522 5962 0 frightens 0 KOO 12136 5963 0 fritz 0 KOP 12559 5964 0 frog's 0 KOQ 10238 5965 0 frowning 0 KOR 0 5966 0 froze 0 KOS 10771 5967 0 gap 0 KOT 12267 5968 0 godmother 0 KOU 11974 5969 0 goldthwaite 0 KOV 11367 5970 0 goods 0 KOW 10454 5971 0 governess 0 KOX 12079 5972 0 gull 0 KOY 11649 5973 0 handkerchiefs 0 KOZ 11289 5974 0 harmer 0 KPA 12524 5975 0 harness 0 KPB 12559 5976 0 hartley 0 KPC 10999 5977 0 headland 0 KPD 11965 5978 0 hides 0 KPE 11186 5979 0 hilt 0 KPF 12140 5980 0 hitched 0 KPG 0 5981 0 houghton 0 KPH 10198 5982 0 hungrier 0 KPJ 10772 5983 0 hurree 0 KPK 12795 5984 0 hurting 0 KPL 12241 5985 0 ignorant 0 KPM 11245 5986 0 illness 0 KPN 11366 5987 0 immense 0 KPO 12559 5988 0 increased 0 KPP 10869 5989 0 india 0 KPQ 11774 5990 0 intimate 0 KPR 12115 5991 0 invalid 0 KPS 10146 5992 0 irishwoman 0 KPT 11539 5993 0 joyous 0 KPU 11827 5994 0 kicking 0 KPV 11533 5995 0 kitchener 0 KPW 11975 5996 0 knowles 0 KPX 12559 5997 0 lasse 0 KPY 12140 5998 0 lick 0 KPZ 10358 5999 0 lined 0 KQA 12077 6000 0 lingering 0 KQB 11750 6001 0 lipperty-lipperty-lip 0 KQC 10239 6002 0 lobster 0 KQD 11177 6003 0 manly 0 KQE 12140 6004 0 masters 0 KQF 11475 6005 0 mechanically 0 KQG 12559 6006 0 meddling 0 KQH 11249 6007 0 mellow 0 KQJ 10764 6008 0 mill 0 KQK 10773 6009 0 mills 0 KQL 11593 6010 0 minnie 0 KQM 11976 6011 0 mission 0 KQN 12559 6012 0 moonlit 0 KQO 11368 6013 0 navy 0 KQP 10614 6014 0 nervously 0 KQQ 12539 6015 0 noisy 0 KQR 11682 6016 0 novel 0 KQS 11039 6017 0 numbers 0 KQT 11683 6018 0 oats 0 KQU 10691 6019 0 paradise 0 KQV 12094 6020 0 parnesius 0 KQW 12133 6021 0 peasant 0 KQX 0 6022 0 perched 0 KQY 0 6023 0 pestered 0 KQZ 11830 6024 0 picturesque 0 KRA 12138 6025 0 pineau 0 KRB 11221 6026 0 positively 0 KRC 12467 6027 0 profit 0 KRD 11818 6028 0 protector 0 KRE 12795 6029 0 proverb 0 KRF 11209 6030 0 quality 0 KRG 10907 6031 0 questioning 0 KRH 11016 6032 0 ravine 0 KRJ 12559 6033 0 reasonable 0 KRK 0 6034 0 recognised 0 KRL 12080 6035 0 recollections 0 KRM 11637 6036 0 recovery 0 KRN 12140 6037 0 regained 0 KRO 10774 6038 0 respectfully 0 KRP 11248 6039 0 reverently 0 KRQ 11684 6040 0 roman 0 KRR 11540 6041 0 rustling 0 KRS 11040 6042 0 sanch 0 KRT 10426 6043 0 sarah-cat 0 KRU 11830 6044 0 satisfactory 0 KRV 10455 6045 0 scowling 0 KRW 10240 6046 0 sea-cook 0 KRX 11222 6047 0 secretly 0 KRY 11369 6048 0 senior 0 KRZ 10698 6049 0 shrieking 0 KSA 11525 6050 0 sighing 0 KSB 10910 6051 0 sincere 0 KSC 11178 6052 0 sinner 0 KSD 12115 6053 0 sled 0 KSE 0 6054 0 snub 0 KSF 10401 6055 0 sorrows 0 KSG 12136 6056 0 spinning 0 KSH 11775 6057 0 stem 0 KSJ 10753 6058 0 sticky-toes 0 KSK 10595 6059 0 stiffly 0 KSL 0 6060 0 strayed 0 KSM 11526 6061 0 strewn 0 KSN 11823 6062 0 strides 0 KSO 12559 6063 0 students 0 KSP 12140 6064 0 studies 0 KSQ 10134 6065 0 stupidly 0 KSR 10359 6066 0 sue 0 KSS 11897 6067 0 surrendered 0 KST 12140 6068 0 suspiciously 0 KSU 12081 6069 0 sway 0 KSV 0 6070 0 switched 0 KSW 12130 6071 0 tap 0 KSX 12140 6072 0 teasing 0 KSY 11776 6073 0 telephone 0 KSZ 12127 6074 0 temptations 0 KTA 11664 6075 0 tempting 0 KTB 11977 6076 0 tend 0 KTC 10200 6077 0 thicker 0 KTD 10554 6078 0 thirteen 0 KTE 0 6079 0 thorne 0 KTF 11161 6080 0 thursday 0 KTG 12331 6081 0 tingled 0 KTH 12559 6082 0 tiresome 0 KTJ 11685 6083 0 toast 0 KTK 11484 6084 0 traced 0 KTL 12468 6085 0 tracy 0 KTM 12559 6086 0 trifles 0 KTN 11179 6087 0 unable 0 KTO 11487 6088 0 upward 0 KTP 12714 6089 0 violent 0 KTQ 11686 6090 0 violently 0 KTR 10970 6091 0 waggon 0 KTS 12559 6092 0 wed 0 KTT 0 6093 0 weigh 0 KTU 10184 6094 0 winslow 0 KTV 12469 6095 0 wisely 0 KTW 11223 6096 0 womanly 0 KTX 11041 6097 0 wonderfully 0 KTY 10897 6098 0 yell 0 KTZ 12532 6099 0 & 0 KUA 0 6100 0 adored 0 KUB 10291 6101 0 aglaia 0 KUC 10772 6102 0 albert 0 KUD 10696 6103 0 allo 0 KUE 10201 6104 0 altar 0 KUF 10555 6105 0 america 0 KUG 0 6106 0 amounts 0 KUH 0 6107 0 ancestors 0 KUJ 12126 6108 0 anchor 0 KUK 12559 6109 0 assembled 0 KUL 0 6110 0 asserted 0 KUM 12352 6111 0 assumed 0 KUN 0 6112 0 awaits 0 KUO 11370 6113 0 bake 0 KUP 10456 6114 0 bandar-log 0 KUQ 10393 6115 0 bathroom 0 KUR 10595 6116 0 beaming 0 KUS 11687 6117 0 beatrix 0 KUT 10899 6118 0 behaving 0 KUU 0 6119 0 betray 0 KUV 11633 6120 0 blake 0 KUW 12723 6121 0 bluff 0 KUX 11826 6122 0 blythes 0 KUY 11042 6123 0 boatman 0 KUZ 11969 6124 0 bothers 0 KVA 11371 6125 0 boyish 0 KVB 11777 6126 0 bracelet 0 KVC 12559 6127 0 brand 0 KVD 0 6128 0 brandished 0 KVE 12559 6129 0 brass 0 KVF 11978 6130 0 brighten 0 KVG 10964 6131 0 buldeo 0 KVH 10898 6132 0 buying 0 KVJ 11688 6133 0 captured 0 KVK 10104 6134 0 cards 0 KVL 0 6135 0 celebration 0 KVM 0 6136 0 chanced 0 KVN 10241 6137 0 cheery 0 KVO 10215 6138 0 cheese 0 KVP 0 6139 0 chops 0 KVQ 0 6140 0 clattering 0 KVR 11689 6141 0 colony 0 KVS 11224 6142 0 colored 0 KVT 12074 6143 0 comb 0 KVU 11520 6144 0 combed 0 KVV 10457 6145 0 compass 0 KVW 0 6146 0 comradeship 0 KVX 0 6147 0 concealed 0 KVY 11979 6148 0 conditions 0 KVZ 11690 6149 0 conductor 0 KWA 12334 6150 0 conservative 0 KWB 10775 6151 0 consoled 0 KWC 10360 6152 0 contrast 0 KWD 11372 6153 0 couch 0 KWE 12559 6154 0 cowed 0 KWF 11373 6155 0 craft 0 KWG 10558 6156 0 cratchit 0 KWH 11511 6157 0 cruise 0 KWJ 10766 6158 0 cubs 0 KWK 11827 6159 0 cups 0 KWL 12140 6160 0 curling 0 KWM 11374 6161 0 dancer 0 KWN 12140 6162 0 dash 0 KWO 0 6163 0 dawned 0 KWP 11237 6164 0 design 0 KWQ 11168 6165 0 devotion 0 KWR 10556 6166 0 discipline 0 KWS 12202 6167 0 doom 0 KWT 10557 6168 0 doris 0 KWU 11826 6169 0 doze 0 KWV 11691 6170 0 drawers 0 KWW 0 6171 0 dreading 0 KWX 11375 6172 0 earl 0 KWY 11692 6173 0 element 0 KWZ 12795 6174 0 embrace 0 KXA 10906 6175 0 embraced 0 KXB 11028 6176 0 emma 0 KXC 11980 6177 0 enthusiastic 0 KXD 12127 6178 0 errands 0 KXE 12067 6179 0 eustace 0 KXF 0 6180 0 excite 0 KXG 12263 6181 0 excuses 0 KXH 11820 6182 0 fated 0 KXJ 10292 6183 0 fears 0 KXK 11043 6184 0 fidgeted 0 KXL 10776 6185 0 fiend 0 KXM 11217 6186 0 finery 0 KXN 12559 6187 0 flamed 0 KXO 0 6188 0 flowed 0 KXP 0 6189 0 foretold 0 KXQ 12137 6190 0 fork 0 KXR 11225 6191 0 foul 0 KXS 10136 6192 0 france 0 KXT 11816 6193 0 frantic 0 KXU 10647 6194 0 frills 0 KXV 10560 6195 0 gasping 0 KXW 11760 6196 0 gateway 0 KXX 10904 6197 0 glowing 0 KXY 10137 6198 0 good-looking 0 KXZ 10648 6199 0 gordons 0 KYA 0 6200 0 grasping 0 KYB 10610 6201 0 graves 0 KYC 12559 6202 0 grieve 0 KYD 11904 6203 0 hailed 0 KYE 11236 6204 0 halvor 0 KYF 10341 6205 0 handwriting 0 KYG 0 6206 0 hart 0 KYH 12269 6207 0 hasten 0 KYJ 12559 6208 0 heidegger 0 KYK 10136 6209 0 hell 0 KYL 12470 6210 0 herb 0 KYM 0 6211 0 highness 0 KYN 0 6212 0 hints 0 KYO 10147 6213 0 hoseason 0 KYP 10098 6214 0 humiliation 0 KYQ 11245 6215 0 humor 0 KYR 10394 6216 0 hump 0 KYS 12139 6217 0 hussy 0 KYT 12559 6218 0 illusion 0 KYU 10649 6219 0 impatience 0 KYV 10910 6220 0 injured 0 KYW 11981 6221 0 injustice 0 KYX 11159 6222 0 intentions 0 KYY 12127 6223 0 invention 0 KYZ 12795 6224 0 islands 0 KZA 12559 6225 0 iwanich 0 KZB 12795 6226 0 jersey 0 KZC 11630 6227 0 joys 0 KZD 0 6228 0 judging 0 KZE 12116 6229 0 keys 0 KZF 10699 6230 0 larger 0 KZG 11044 6231 0 laura 0 KZH 10242 6232 0 leaps 0 KZJ 12082 6233 0 leper 0 KZK 10557 6234 0 lida 0 KZL 12333 6235 0 likeness 0 KZM 10361 6236 0 limb 0 KZN 11376 6237 0 lookout 0 KZO 10216 6238 0 lovell 0 KZP 10292 6239 0 loyalty 0 KZQ 11807 6240 0 lunatic 0 KZR 10228 6241 0 magnificence 0 KZS 11982 6242 0 mannering 0 KZT 10243 6243 0 maurice 0 KZU 10649 6244 0 merriment 0 KZV 0 6245 0 messages 0 KZW 11772 6246 0 moat 0 KZX 12559 6247 0 montague 0 KZY 12559 6248 0 mossy 0 KZZ 10343 6249 0 mushroom 0 LAA 11830 6250 0 nanny 0 LAB 11768 6251 0 needles 0 LAC 11627 6252 0 neighborhood 0 LAD 10557 6253 0 niels 0 LAE 12421 6254 0 notions 0 LAF 12119 6255 0 observing 0 LAG 12107 6256 0 offend 0 LAH 11817 6257 0 onward 0 LAJ 10458 6258 0 orchards 0 LAK 12559 6259 0 overtake 0 LAL 0 6260 0 overwhelm 0 LAM 10777 6261 0 pang 0 LAN 11816 6262 0 perfection 0 LAO 11023 6263 0 personal 0 LAP 12138 6264 0 pike 0 LAQ 12559 6265 0 piled 0 LAR 11693 6266 0 pining 0 LAS 10309 6267 0 placid 0 LAT 11694 6268 0 plumfield 0 LAU 11045 6269 0 positive 0 LAV 10188 6270 0 possibility 0 LAW 11818 6271 0 profile 0 LAX 10589 6272 0 province 0 LAY 10630 6273 0 puffs 0 LAZ 0 6274 0 pursue 0 LBA 0 6275 0 pursuing 0 LBB 11983 6276 0 putney 0 LBC 12559 6277 0 quoted 0 LBD 10895 6278 0 ralston 0 LBE 11535 6279 0 ram 0 LBF 11984 6280 0 randal 0 LBG 11534 6281 0 rapturously 0 LBH 0 6282 0 rat-a-tat-tat-tat 0 LBJ 10221 6283 0 rats 0 LBK 12129 6284 0 reassured 0 LBL 11985 6285 0 reckoned 0 LBM 12795 6286 0 recollect 0 LBN 12712 6287 0 recollected 0 LBO 11820 6288 0 reconciled 0 LBP 11819 6289 0 reeled 0 LBQ 12140 6290 0 rejected 0 LBR 0 6291 0 repeating 0 LBS 12118 6292 0 reported 0 LBT 11245 6293 0 reproach 0 LBU 11046 6294 0 reserved 0 LBV 12471 6295 0 resign 0 LBW 12559 6296 0 rice 0 LBX 10293 6297 0 rilla-my-rilla 0 LBY 12139 6298 0 robber 0 LBZ 12137 6299 0 root 0 LCA 11314 6300 0 rosary 0 LCB 10650 6301 0 ross 0 LCC 12559 6302 0 rowing 0 LCD 11160 6303 0 sallie 0 LCE 11238 6304 0 scenes 0 LCF 10651 6305 0 schooner 0 LCG 0 6306 0 sells 0 LCH 12753 6307 0 shift 0 LCJ 12559 6308 0 shrieks 0 LCK 11826 6309 0 simpleton 0 LCL 10906 6310 0 sings 0 LCM 11827 6311 0 slapped 0 LCN 10632 6312 0 sleeper 0 LCO 11636 6313 0 slipper 0 LCP 11825 6314 0 snatch 0 LCQ 10871 6315 0 sneak 0 LCR 11525 6316 0 snoring 0 LCS 12140 6317 0 snorted 0 LCT 10593 6318 0 soared 0 LCU 12534 6319 0 solace 0 LCV 11245 6320 0 soundly 0 LCW 10244 6321 0 sour 0 LCX 0 6322 0 spends 0 LCY 11377 6323 0 springing 0 LCZ 11986 6324 0 spun 0 LDA 11987 6325 0 stated 0 LDB 12083 6326 0 steeple 0 LDC 10737 6327 0 stores 0 LDD 0 6328 0 stormed 0 LDE 12139 6329 0 strip 0 LDF 12122 6330 0 stroll 0 LDG 12089 6331 0 subscription 0 LDH 11323 6332 0 sugar-house 0 LDJ 12559 6333 0 tabitha 0 LDK 10292 6334 0 tact 0 LDL 11827 6335 0 teaches 0 LDM 11187 6336 0 tendrils 0 LDN 10778 6337 0 thakané 0 LDO 10872 6338 0 thorns 0 LDP 11236 6339 0 thumbelina 0 LDQ 12472 6340 0 tipped 0 LDR 12414 6341 0 tire 0 LDS 10404 6342 0 toronto 0 LDT 12559 6343 0 tour 0 LDU 10897 6344 0 tread 0 LDV 10245 6345 0 turks 0 LDW 10246 6346 0 twenty-four 0 LDX 11237 6347 0 uncles 0 LDY 10898 6348 0 unkind 0 LDZ 0 6349 0 uttering 0 LEA 11378 6350 0 wanderings 0 LEB 11988 6351 0 weapons 0 LEC 10735 6352 0 weeds 0 LED 10459 6353 0 western 0 LEE 11379 6354 0 whiff 0 LEF 12640 6355 0 wins 0 LEG 12137 6356 0 wishbone 0 LEH 11251 6357 0 workmen 0 LEJ 11380 6358 0 youths 0 LEK 10779 6359 0 aboard 0 LEL 12335 6360 0 acting 0 LEM 12559 6361 0 admirable 0 LEN 11345 6362 0 admission 0 LEO 12473 6363 0 aids 0 LEP 11539 6364 0 amiable 0 LEQ 12795 6365 0 annetta 0 LER 10318 6366 0 answering 0 LES 10560 6367 0 appropriate 0 LET 10215 6368 0 ash 0 LEU 12140 6369 0 astonishing 0 LEV 11381 6370 0 attentively 0 LEW 11623 6371 0 barefooted 0 LEX 10362 6372 0 bedside 0 LEY 12559 6373 0 beholding 0 LEZ 11581 6374 0 belongings 0 LFA 10354 6375 0 bess 0 LFB 12040 6376 0 betrothed 0 LFC 11695 6377 0 biddies 0 LFD 11175 6378 0 bites 0 LFE 10780 6379 0 blinking 0 LFF 12117 6380 0 block 0 LFG 11823 6381 0 blunder 0 LFH 11382 6382 0 bob-cat 0 LFJ 10404 6383 0 bolingbroke 0 LFK 0 6384 0 booth 0 LFL 10742 6385 0 borrowed 0 LFM 12107 6386 0 brag 0 LFN 11022 6387 0 breed 0 LFO 10460 6388 0 bullet 0 LFP 11013 6389 0 bundles 0 LFQ 10148 6390 0 camel 0 LFR 0 6391 0 canadians 0 LFS 12328 6392 0 capture 0 LFT 11250 6393 0 carrots 0 LFU 10867 6394 0 cecco 0 LFV 10333 6395 0 christine 0 LFW 12084 6396 0 circus 0 LFX 12559 6397 0 clair 0 LFY 10247 6398 0 clifford 0 LFZ 12138 6399 0 climate 0 LGA 11822 6400 0 coals 0 LGB 11826 6401 0 codfish 0 LGC 11823 6402 0 coin 0 LGD 10561 6403 0 coincidence 0 LGE 10652 6404 0 colder 0 LGF 11989 6405 0 commit 0 LGG 12530 6406 0 communication 0 LGH 12071 6407 0 congratulate 0 LGJ 11526 6408 0 connected 0 LGK 10558 6409 0 conover 0 LGL 0 6410 0 conquer 0 LGM 0 6411 0 contain 0 LGN 11484 6412 0 controlled 0 LGO 11826 6413 0 convention 0 LGP 11696 6414 0 conway 0 LGQ 11174 6415 0 cookery 0 LGR 10363 6416 0 cooks 0 LGS 12559 6417 0 cooper 0 LGT 0 6418 0 cordiality 0 LGU 11215 6419 0 cornfield 0 LGV 11951 6420 0 crier 0 LGW 12559 6421 0 crumpled 0 LGX 12349 6422 0 cursed 0 LGY 12335 6423 0 curved 0 LGZ 0 6424 0 cuts 0 LHA 11383 6425 0 darker 0 LHB 12559 6426 0 darned 0 LHC 10178 6427 0 deborah 0 LHD 12081 6428 0 defend 0 LHE 10112 6429 0 delisle 0 LHF 12795 6430 0 development 0 LHG 11316 6431 0 dies 0 LHH 10634 6432 0 dining-room 0 LHJ 11778 6433 0 dinners 0 LHK 10238 6434 0 direct 0 LHL 11180 6435 0 disposed 0 LHM 0 6436 0 divide 0 LHN 12559 6437 0 dodge 0 LHO 10396 6438 0 dosia 0 LHP 10893 6439 0 draper 0 LHQ 12087 6440 0 drawback 0 LHR 11047 6441 0 drearily 0 LHS 12559 6442 0 dripping 0 LHT 10559 6443 0 ed 0 LHU 10364 6444 0 effective 0 LHV 11990 6445 0 election 0 LHW 12140 6446 0 employed 0 LHX 10560 6447 0 encouragement 0 LHY 12085 6448 0 encouraging 0 LHZ 11785 6449 0 envelope 0 LJA 10595 6450 0 erect 0 LJB 10781 6451 0 esben 0 LJC 12116 6452 0 escort 0 LJD 12559 6453 0 evangelist 0 LJE 12335 6454 0 extended 0 LJF 12559 6455 0 faithfully 0 LJG 11486 6456 0 feud 0 LJH 11048 6457 0 fezziwig 0 LJJ 10561 6458 0 fib 0 LJK 12333 6459 0 fireside 0 LJL 12434 6460 0 flap 0 LJM 10450 6461 0 flask 0 LJN 12523 6462 0 flicked 0 LJO 10441 6463 0 floe 0 LJP 11991 6464 0 flora 0 LJQ 11252 6465 0 footmen 0 LJR 11827 6466 0 forbid 0 LJS 12115 6467 0 foremost 0 LJT 0 6468 0 forrester 0 LJU 12559 6469 0 frail 0 LJV 11538 6470 0 franz 0 LJW 12559 6471 0 frequent 0 LJX 11537 6472 0 gallop 0 LJY 12128 6473 0 genuine 0 LJZ 10457 6474 0 giver 0 LKA 10113 6475 0 glamour 0 LKB 11181 6476 0 graciously 0 LKC 11049 6477 0 grandson 0 LKD 10653 6478 0 grit 0 LKE 11182 6479 0 growth 0 LKF 10248 6480 0 gruff 0 LKG 10782 6481 0 gulped 0 LKH 12559 6482 0 hail 0 LKJ 11542 6483 0 haley 0 LKK 10592 6484 0 halifax 0 LKL 11338 6485 0 hardened 0 LKM 11169 6486 0 harshly 0 LKN 10690 6487 0 hatter 0 LKO 12140 6488 0 healer 0 LKP 11826 6489 0 hedgehog 0 LKQ 10905 6490 0 helga 0 LKR 12539 6491 0 highly 0 LKS 11779 6492 0 hiss 0 LKT 10202 6493 0 hither 0 LKU 0 6494 0 hobbled 0 LKV 10644 6495 0 hopelessly 0 LKW 10686 6496 0 horizon 0 LKX 0 6497 0 hovered 0 LKY 0 6498 0 howard 0 LKZ 11992 6499 0 hug 0 LLA 12140 6500 0 humiliating 0 LLB 12087 6501 0 incident 0 LLC 11221 6502 0 indifferent 0 LLD 11250 6503 0 instrument 0 LLE 11808 6504 0 invitations 0 LLF 10329 6505 0 jam 0 LLG 11050 6506 0 jarred 0 LLH 10395 6507 0 joanna 0 LLJ 10365 6508 0 junior 0 LLK 12648 6509 0 justified 0 LLL 10249 6510 0 knights 0 LLM 0 6511 0 lacked 0 LLN 11800 6512 0 lair 0 LLO 0 6513 0 laurance 0 LLP 12559 6514 0 laws 0 LLQ 12646 6515 0 lesley 0 LLR 12795 6516 0 lure 0 LLS 10654 6517 0 maddening 0 LLT 10114 6518 0 magdalen 0 LLU 11250 6519 0 manor 0 LLV 0 6520 0 mar 0 LLW 11000 6521 0 martyr 0 LLX 11491 6522 0 meditations 0 LLY 12320 6523 0 mental 0 LLZ 11580 6524 0 merciful 0 LMA 12559 6525 0 mischievous 0 LMB 0 6526 0 misjudged 0 LMC 11687 6527 0 missis 0 LMD 11536 6528 0 misunderstand 0 LME 12270 6529 0 mortified 0 LMF 10461 6530 0 muddy 0 LMG 12140 6531 0 murmuring 0 LMH 10562 6532 0 novelty 0 LMJ 12140 6533 0 occupied 0 LMK 10366 6534 0 olive 0 LML 12140 6535 0 overgrown 0 LMM 11827 6536 0 paddle 0 LMN 12086 6537 0 painfully 0 LMO 11829 6538 0 pangs 0 LMP 11336 6539 0 pants 0 LMQ 10462 6540 0 partners 0 LMR 0 6541 0 peerybingle 0 LMS 11205 6542 0 perch 0 LMT 0 6543 0 performances 0 LMU 11249 6544 0 perplexed 0 LMV 11822 6545 0 pilgrimage 0 LMW 12351 6546 0 pills 0 LMX 10201 6547 0 plains 0 LMY 10404 6548 0 plants 0 LMZ 11229 6549 0 pondered 0 LNA 12765 6550 0 pop 0 LNB 11051 6551 0 porter 0 LNC 10350 6552 0 portraits 0 LND 0 6553 0 pots 0 LNE 12559 6554 0 presbyterians 0 LNF 11697 6555 0 pressing 0 LNG 12559 6556 0 prevailed 0 LNH 11217 6557 0 prim 0 LNJ 10544 6558 0 pris 0 LNK 11827 6559 0 prisoners 0 LNL 12080 6560 0 purchases 0 LNM 10654 6561 0 puritan 0 LNN 11052 6562 0 puzzle 0 LNO 11053 6563 0 puzzles 0 LNP 12559 6564 0 qualities 0 LNQ 12140 6565 0 raged 0 LNR 11251 6566 0 rallied 0 LNS 0 6567 0 rascals 0 LNT 11698 6568 0 reader 0 LNU 12140 6569 0 recitations 0 LNV 11699 6570 0 reckless 0 LNW 10982 6571 0 recommend 0 LNX 12238 6572 0 refuge 0 LNY 12559 6573 0 relate 0 LNZ 12140 6574 0 relieve 0 LOA 10583 6575 0 reluctance 0 LOB 10463 6576 0 retort 0 LOC 11827 6577 0 ribbons 0 LOD 10609 6578 0 ledge rim 0 0 LOE 12140 6579 0 rouse 0 LOF 10873 6580 0 route 0 LOG 12559 6581 0 rugs 0 LOH 10910 6582 0 saucy 0 LOJ 10783 6583 0 scenery 0 LOK 10203 6584 0 scraps 0 LOL 12140 6585 0 sealed 0 LOM 12327 6586 0 self-control 0 LON 0 6587 0 shots 0 LOO 10367 6588 0 shovel 0 LOP 10307 6589 0 shrubs 0 LOQ 10135 6590 0 sixteen 0 LOR 10317 6591 0 sketches 0 LOS 11537 6592 0 slab 0 LOT 12795 6593 0 slammed 0 LOU 12559 6594 0 smoked 0 LOV 11829 6595 0 snarl 0 LOW 10620 6596 0 snow-man 0 LOX 10405 6597 0 snowflake 0 LOY 0 6598 0 soothe 0 LOZ 12795 6599 0 speedily 0 LPA 12140 6600 0 splinter 0 LPB 12118 6601 0 sponge 0 LPC 10784 6602 0 spoonful 0 LPD 11924 6603 0 spoons 0 LPE 0 6604 0 sprained 0 LPF 11804 6605 0 sprinkled 0 LPG 10655 6606 0 spurs 0 LPH 12795 6607 0 squall 0 LPJ 11520 6608 0 stain 0 LPK 11822 6609 0 stair 0 LPL 11827 6610 0 stamping 0 LPM 11993 6611 0 startle 0 LPN 11247 6612 0 stillwater 0 LPO 0 6613 0 strolling 0 LPP 0 6614 0 substance 0 LPQ 12474 6615 0 sucked 0 LPR 10593 6616 0 sulked 0 LPS 11291 6617 0 surroundings 0 LPT 12114 6618 0 swallows 0 LPU 12140 6619 0 swinging 0 LPV 0 6620 0 tackle 0 LPW 10296 6621 0 terrified 0 LPX 12559 6622 0 throats 0 LPY 0 6623 0 ticked 0 LPZ 12559 6624 0 tobacco 0 LQA 10692 6625 0 toys 0 LQB 11961 6626 0 trader 0 LQC 12559 6627 0 trains 0 LQD 11219 6628 0 tranquil 0 LQE 0 6629 0 transcribed 0 LQF 11809 6630 0 trials 0 LQG 12795 6631 0 troops 0 LQH 10593 6632 0 tugged 0 LQJ 11054 6633 0 unfortunately 0 LQK 10464 6634 0 uniform 0 LQL 12795 6635 0 unusually 0 LQM 12559 6636 0 vague 0 LQN 11774 6637 0 venerable 0 LQO 10785 6638 0 vigil 0 LQP 11055 6639 0 wail 0 LQQ 11827 6640 0 washes 0 LQR 11522 6641 0 weland 0 LQS 10109 6642 0 whined 0 LQT 0 6643 0 whitney 0 LQU 10786 6644 0 wider 0 LQV 11820 6645 0 wont 0 LQW 12559 6646 0 wriggling 0 LQX 12271 6647 0 yap-yap 0 LQY 11700 6648 0 abbot 0 LQZ 11024 6649 0 accidents 0 LRA 0 6650 0 acquitted 0 LRB 12114 6651 0 advent 0 LRC 11944 6652 0 affliction 0 LRD 10465 6653 0 agitated 0 LRE 10906 6654 0 agitation 0 LRF 10655 6655 0 allies 0 LRG 0 6656 0 amongst 0 LRH 0 6657 0 an't 0 LRJ 10872 6658 0 ankus 0 LRK 12351 6659 0 apology 0 LRL 0 6660 0 appealed 0 LRM 12724 6661 0 apply 0 LRN 11654 6662 0 archie 0 LRO 11038 6663 0 arguments 0 LRP 11384 6664 0 aroused 0 LRQ 11385 6665 0 atone 0 LRR 11386 6666 0 attempts 0 LRS 10771 6667 0 audience 0 LRT 11251 6668 0 balanced 0 LRU 10635 6669 0 balloon 0 LRV 11032 6670 0 banquet 0 LRW 11008 6671 0 barrier 0 LRX 11387 6672 0 basin 0 LRY 10115 6673 0 bats 0 LRZ 10466 6674 0 beaux 0 LSA 11804 6675 0 bided 0 LSB 11798 6676 0 bitten 0 LSC 11225 6677 0 blindness 0 LSD 12140 6678 0 bothering 0 LSE 11823 6679 0 bottles 0 LSF 12559 6680 0 bounding 0 LSG 10593 6681 0 braided 0 LSH 10435 6682 0 breathless 0 LSJ 11699 6683 0 bridal 0 LSK 10368 6684 0 brighter 0 LSL 11695 6685 0 buds 0 LSM 10367 6686 0 buildings 0 LSN 12559 6687 0 bumble 0 LSO 12746 6688 0 burchard 0 LSP 11822 6689 0 bureau 0 LSQ 12762 6690 0 butler 0 LSR 11355 6691 0 butterflies 0 LSS 10294 6692 0 cabbages 0 LST 12795 6693 0 cabinet 0 LSU 12140 6694 0 callers 0 LSV 0 6695 0 capacity 0 LSW 12559 6696 0 carelessness 0 LSX 12117 6697 0 carewe 0 LSY 11250 6698 0 chapel 0 LSZ 0 6699 0 chuck's 0 LTA 11780 6700 0 chummy 0 LTB 10181 6701 0 circled 0 LTC 10232 6702 0 cliff 0 LTD 11483 6703 0 coasting 0 LTE 12271 6704 0 coaxing 0 LTF 0 6705 0 committed 0 LTG 0 6706 0 containing 0 LTH 10149 6707 0 corpse 0 LTJ 10656 6708 0 cowards 0 LTK 10150 6709 0 critically 0 LTL 0 6710 0 criticize 0 LTM 10250 6711 0 customs 0 LTN 12272 6712 0 cutlass 0 LTO 12559 6713 0 darning 0 LTP 12795 6714 0 decidedly 0 LTQ 10204 6715 0 defiantly 0 LTR 0 6716 0 delicacy 0 LTS 11056 6717 0 delightedly 0 LTT 11820 6718 0 destined 0 LTU 0 6719 0 detected 0 LTV 11388 6720 0 disorder 0 LTW 12795 6721 0 dispute 0 LTX 11057 6722 0 divine 0 LTY 11183 6723 0 doe 0 LTZ 12559 6724 0 domestic 0 LUA 10787 6725 0 donnell 0 LUB 10369 6726 0 ducked 0 LUC 11058 6727 0 em 0 LUD 10420 6728 0 enchantress 0 LUE 10788 6729 0 errors 0 LUF 0 6730 0 existed 0 LUG 0 6731 0 expanse 0 LUH 11371 6732 0 expressive 0 LUJ 12140 6733 0 facing 0 LUK 12140 6734 0 fences 0 LUL 0 6735 0 fixing 0 LUM 0 6736 0 flapped 0 LUN 10251 6737 0 flourished 0 LUO 12052 6738 0 football 0 LUP 0 6739 0 frightening 0 LUQ 11389 6740 0 fumbled 0 LUR 10555 6741 0 gadding 0 LUS 10641 6742 0 gaiety 0 LUT 10789 6743 0 gait 0 LUU 11754 6744 0 giggle 0 LUV 11390 6745 0 gleaming 0 LUW 10147 6746 0 gloucester 0 LUX 11059 6747 0 good-night 0 LUY 0 6748 0 goshawk 0 LUZ 12559 6749 0 greet 0 LVA 11981 6750 0 grotesque 0 LVB 0 6751 0 hag 0 LVC 11611 6752 0 half-way 0 LVD 10683 6753 0 hansel 0 LVE 12347 6754 0 haunting 0 LVF 10657 6755 0 healing 0 LVG 12140 6756 0 helena 0 LVH 11391 6757 0 hesitation 0 LVJ 10288 6758 0 highest 0 LVK 12559 6759 0 huns 0 LVL 11252 6760 0 huntsmen 0 LVM 12559 6761 0 inquiry 0 LVN 12139 6762 0 insane 0 LVO 0 6763 0 isuro 0 LVP 0 6764 0 jaw 0 LVQ 0 6765 0 jilted 0 LVR 10977 6766 0 jimsie nic pete 0 0 0 LVS 12140 6767 0 kites 0 LVT 10905 6768 0 labakan 0 LVU 12559 6769 0 lank 0 LVV 11700 6770 0 lapping 0 LVW 11392 6771 0 launch 0 LVX 10335 6772 0 lemon 0 LVY 10252 6773 0 liddell 0 LVZ 10590 6774 0 lige 0 LWA 10738 6775 0 litter 0 LWB 11830 6776 0 lizzie 0 LWC 11488 6777 0 lock-out 0 LWD 10467 6778 0 mac 0 LWE 0 6779 0 manages 0 LWF 12336 6780 0 mantel 0 LWG 11209 6781 0 maples 0 LWH 11810 6782 0 marquis 0 LWJ 10150 6783 0 meditatively 0 LWK 12559 6784 0 merciless 0 LWL 12273 6785 0 milestone 0 LWM 0 6786 0 milford 0 LWN 11625 6787 0 millions 0 LWO 11808 6788 0 misgivings 0 LWP 10399 6789 0 molasses 0 LWQ 10762 6790 0 moodily 0 LWR 11001 6791 0 morevna 0 LWS 11158 6792 0 narrative 0 LWT 10691 6793 0 naught 0 LWU 11828 6794 0 nowadays 0 LWV 10253 6795 0 objection 0 LWW 11701 6796 0 obscurity 0 LWX 10658 6797 0 offence 0 LWY 0 6798 0 packing 0 LWZ 11489 6799 0 pained 0 LXA 11011 6800 0 paling 0 LXB 10468 6801 0 pipes 0 LXC 11781 6802 0 piteously 0 LXD 11994 6803 0 pitying 0 LXE 10254 6804 0 playmate 0 LXF 10790 6805 0 pleasures 0 LXG 11828 6806 0 portal 0 LXH 11992 6807 0 portfolio 0 LXJ 0 6808 0 potion 0 LXK 0 6809 0 pounded 0 LXL 12140 6810 0 practising 0 LXM 12031 6811 0 previous 0 LXN 11252 6812 0 prided 0 LXO 11979 6813 0 priests 0 LXP 10755 6814 0 prime 0 LXQ 0 6815 0 producing 0 LXR 12795 6816 0 proposing 0 LXS 11753 6817 0 protection 0 LXT 12559 6818 0 arrayed puffer 0 0 LXU 11315 6819 0 quarreling 0 LXV 10370 6820 0 races 0 LXW 10371 6821 0 rapt 0 LXX 11800 6822 0 realm 0 LXY 10769 6823 0 rebellious 0 LXZ 0 6824 0 refuses 0 LYA 10205 6825 0 regretfully 0 LYB 10394 6826 0 remaining 0 LYC 10217 6827 0 remorse 0 LYD 11989 6828 0 remove 0 LYE 11373 6829 0 resolve 0 LYF 12130 6830 0 revived 0 LYG 10875 6831 0 rheumatism 0 LYH 12126 6832 0 roost 0 LYJ 11782 6833 0 rotten 0 LYK 0 6834 0 sacks 0 LYL 12795 6835 0 sacrificed 0 LYM 0 6836 0 salutation 0 LYN 11527 6837 0 sash 0 LYO 12559 6838 0 satisfying 0 LYP 11990 6839 0 scandal 0 LYQ 10773 6840 0 schools 0 LYR 12140 6841 0 scorched 0 LYS 11702 6842 0 screwed 0 LYT 10745 6843 0 self-respect 0 LYU 10347 6844 0 seventh 0 LYV 11226 6845 0 shades 0 LYW 11046 6846 0 shiny 0 LYX 0 6847 0 shoots 0 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MAK 11541 6884 0 traditions 0 MAL 11705 6885 0 tray 0 MAM 0 6886 0 trunks 0 MAN 11778 6887 0 tunnel 0 MAO 10906 6888 0 turnips 0 MAP 12559 6889 0 two-eyes 0 MAQ 0 6890 0 tying 0 MAR 11706 6891 0 ugliness 0 MAS 10900 6892 0 uncertainty 0 MAT 12559 6893 0 unearthly 0 MAU 12074 6894 0 unfolded 0 MAV 12274 6895 0 unpacked 0 MAW 10295 6896 0 unreasonable 0 MAX 11224 6897 0 unseen 0 MAY 0 6898 0 unto 0 MAZ 11820 6899 0 unwilling 0 MBA 10871 6900 0 vagabond 0 MBB 0 6901 0 vale 0 MBC 11060 6902 0 vex 0 MBD 12254 6903 0 vulgar 0 MBE 0 6904 0 wag 0 MBF 10561 6905 0 water-baby 0 MBG 10875 6906 0 wax 0 MBH 10471 6907 0 weapon 0 MBJ 12795 6908 0 wearied 0 MBK 0 6909 0 wetted 0 MBL 11995 6910 0 willingly 0 MBM 11539 6911 0 wistful 0 MBN 12140 6912 0 wit 0 MBO 12559 6913 0 worthless 0 MBP 10404 6914 0 wretchedness 0 MBQ 11216 6915 0 youthful 0 MBR 12559 6916 0 abominable 0 MBS 11536 6917 0 accompanying 0 MBT 10256 6918 0 accorded 0 MBU 11775 6919 0 advertisement 0 MBV 0 6920 0 affect 0 MBW 12276 6921 0 afresh 0 MBX 10152 6922 0 alert 0 MBY 12140 6923 0 allardyce 0 MBZ 11823 6924 0 ally 0 MCA 11251 6925 0 ambassadors 0 MCB 11325 6926 0 andras 0 MCC 11241 6927 0 ant 0 MCD 10405 6928 0 appearances 0 MCE 10905 6929 0 arblaster 0 MCF 11707 6930 0 archer 0 MCG 11395 6931 0 arrangement 0 MCH 12102 6932 0 attire 0 MCJ 0 6933 0 attract 0 MCK 11061 6934 0 avail 0 MCL 12140 6935 0 backbone 0 MCM 11708 6936 0 bailey 0 MCN 10399 6937 0 balls 0 MCO 11062 6938 0 barrys 0 MCP 10906 6939 0 bashful 0 MCQ 0 6940 0 batch 0 MCR 11827 6941 0 bathed 0 MCS 10791 6942 0 beckoning 0 MCT 10933 6943 0 beech 0 MCU 12277 6944 0 beggar-woman 0 MCV 12330 6945 0 behavior 0 MCW 12088 6946 0 bella 0 MCX 11252 6947 0 betook 0 MCY 12118 6948 0 better'n 0 MCZ 0 6949 0 bind 0 MDA 10312 6950 0 blazing 0 MDB 11396 6951 0 blossomed 0 MDC 0 6952 0 blurted 0 MDD 10432 6953 0 breach 0 MDE 10460 6954 0 brig 0 MDF 11390 6955 0 aglow brimming 0 0 MDG 12088 6956 0 brownie 0 MDH 10194 6957 0 bryan 0 MDJ 10206 6958 0 bubble 0 MDK 11829 6959 0 bump 0 MDL 0 6960 0 bumped 0 MDM 10593 6961 0 buzzed 0 MDN 11827 6962 0 capers 0 MDO 10360 6963 0 catechism 0 MDP 10331 6964 0 cavern 0 MDQ 10149 6965 0 ceiling 0 MDR 10257 6966 0 chart 0 MDS 10180 6967 0 chop 0 MDT 0 6968 0 claims 0 MDU 10141 6969 0 claude 0 MDV 10631 6970 0 coachman 0 MDW 12140 6971 0 cobwebs 0 MDX 11829 6972 0 confirmed 0 MDY 11490 6973 0 confounded 0 MDZ 12113 6974 0 congratulations 0 MEA 10352 6975 0 cope 0 MEB 11063 6976 0 counsels 0 MEC 11025 6977 0 covan manus 0 0 MED 11778 6978 0 cracks 0 MEE 10792 6979 0 crank 0 MEF 10770 6980 0 crimsoned 0 MEG 0 6981 0 cuddle 0 MEH 10458 6982 0 dances 0 MEJ 12475 6983 0 darning-needle 0 MEK 11491 6984 0 deeds 0 MEL 10373 6985 0 deepened 0 MEM 11800 6986 0 den 0 MEN 11064 6987 0 depth 0 MEO 10133 6988 0 despairingly incredulously 0 0 MEP 10374 6989 0 determinedly 0 MEQ 11822 6990 0 disease 0 MER 10907 6991 0 dissatisfied 0 MES 10472 6992 0 distributed 0 MET 11251 6993 0 dream-child 0 MEU 10473 6994 0 dreamer 0 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leaping 0 MHW 11826 7071 0 lighting 0 MHX 10429 7072 0 limberheels 0 MHY 12138 7073 0 link 0 MHZ 10795 7074 0 liquor 0 MJA 11480 7075 0 london 0 MJB 11238 7076 0 lords 0 MJC 10584 7077 0 lustre 0 MJD 10359 7078 0 mammy 0 MJE 10794 7079 0 marie 0 MJF 0 7080 0 mayn't 0 MJG 0 7081 0 merit 0 MJH 10661 7082 0 monarch 0 MJJ 11174 7083 0 mourning 0 MJK 10368 7084 0 mute 0 MJL 10662 7085 0 mutton 0 MJM 10474 7086 0 narrowed 0 MJN 11252 7087 0 nation 0 MJO 12266 7088 0 necks 0 MJP 0 7089 0 observe 0 MJQ 12086 7090 0 occasionally 0 MJR 11929 7091 0 openly 0 MJS 11701 7092 0 operation 0 MJT 11681 7093 0 overflowed 0 MJU 0 7094 0 overrun 0 MJV 11827 7095 0 paced 0 MJW 10796 7096 0 painful 0 MJX 0 7097 0 passions 0 MJY 0 7098 0 peeled 0 MJZ 12140 7099 0 pencil 0 MKA 10307 7100 0 perished 0 MKB 12140 7101 0 pessimist 0 MKC 12139 7102 0 phantom 0 MKD 11252 7103 0 phone 0 MKE 12130 7104 0 pictured 0 MKF 0 7105 0 piles 0 MKG 10797 7106 0 pill 0 MKH 11058 7107 0 pivi 0 MKJ 10688 7108 0 pointer 0 MKK 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MNL 11186 7185 0 tortoise 0 MNM 11714 7186 0 touchy 0 MNN 12092 7187 0 treasured 0 MNO 11242 7188 0 turban 0 MNP 12064 7189 0 uncertain 0 MNQ 11392 7190 0 undid 0 MNR 10593 7191 0 up-stairs 0 MNS 11187 7192 0 variety 0 MNT 12725 7193 0 various 0 MNU 10867 7194 0 vi 0 MNV 0 7195 0 waits 0 MNW 11401 7196 0 warrant 0 MNX 10556 7197 0 washington 0 MNY 11402 7198 0 wealthy 0 MNZ 10203 7199 0 weariness 0 MOA 12280 7200 0 weird 0 MOB 10693 7201 0 whine 0 MOC 11403 7202 0 whit 0 MOD 11071 7203 0 windy 0 MOE 11329 7204 0 worldly 0 MOF 10453 7205 0 wriggled 0 MOG 10362 7206 0 wrist 0 MOH 10218 7207 0 yellow-wing 0 MOJ 12126 7208 0 abode 0 MOK 10798 7209 0 abused 0 MOL 11072 7210 0 accompany 0 MOM 10466 7211 0 accord 0 MON 11239 7212 0 adjust 0 MOO 11073 7213 0 admiral 0 MOP 0 7214 0 admits 0 MOQ 0 7215 0 advance 0 MOR 11526 7216 0 afflicted 0 MOS 10372 7217 0 aghast 0 MOT 12079 7218 0 airy 0 MOU 0 7219 0 alarming 0 MOV 10261 7220 0 ale 0 MOW 11823 7221 0 angered 0 MOX 12795 7222 0 ann 0 MOY 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drifts 0 MRW 0 7296 0 dunes 0 MRX 12559 7297 0 earthly 0 MRY 11187 7298 0 eaves 0 MRZ 10864 7299 0 eighty 0 MSA 11493 7300 0 ejaculated 0 MSB 12140 7301 0 emphasis 0 MSC 12795 7302 0 entire 0 MSD 11811 7303 0 esquint 0 MSE 12281 7304 0 eventually 0 MSF 11964 7305 0 exchanging 0 MSG 12626 7306 0 explains 0 MSH 10245 7307 0 explosion 0 MSJ 0 7308 0 eyeing 0 MSK 12770 7309 0 factor 0 MSL 10252 7310 0 fairweather 0 MSM 11716 7311 0 falcon 0 MSN 11785 7312 0 farmyard 0 MSO 0 7313 0 fastening 0 MSP 0 7314 0 favoured 0 MSQ 11540 7315 0 female 0 MSR 0 7316 0 ferryman 0 MSS 10692 7317 0 fickle 0 MST 10361 7318 0 fighter 0 MSU 11717 7319 0 fist 0 MSV 10481 7320 0 fits 0 MSW 11827 7321 0 flitted 0 MSX 11077 7322 0 folding 0 MSY 10222 7323 0 forests 0 MSZ 11822 7324 0 fragrance 0 MTA 10906 7325 0 frosty 0 MTB 10876 7326 0 gaining 0 MTC 11751 7327 0 gems 0 MTD 10698 7328 0 geometry 0 MTE 11826 7329 0 glaring 0 MTF 11223 7330 0 glossy 0 MTG 10775 7331 0 graceful 0 MTH 10665 7332 0 greenwood 0 MTJ 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0 NCK 10438 7559 0 bubbling 0 NCL 11413 7560 0 bug 0 NCM 10989 7561 0 burroughs 0 NCN 11228 7562 0 burying 0 NCO 11251 7563 0 bustle 0 NCP 10669 7564 0 candles 0 NCQ 10805 7565 0 canst 0 NCR 11220 7566 0 carriages 0 NCS 11982 7567 0 carson 0 NCT 11252 7568 0 casket 0 NCU 10314 7569 0 chairs 0 NCV 10312 7570 0 chattering 0 NCW 11252 7571 0 chatting 0 NCX 11823 7572 0 cheat 0 NCY 10486 7573 0 cheers 0 NCZ 11085 7574 0 chinook 0 NDA 0 7575 0 chipmunk's 0 NDB 10158 7576 0 chuchundra 0 NDC 11827 7577 0 clanked 0 NDD 0 7578 0 composure 0 NDE 0 7579 0 confide 0 NDF 0 7580 0 confiding 0 NDG 12559 7581 0 consideration 0 NDH 10991 7582 0 convincing 0 NDJ 11962 7583 0 couples 0 NDK 11825 7584 0 cowardly 0 NDL 10596 7585 0 creetur 0 NDM 11414 7586 0 crisp 0 NDN 0 7587 0 criticism 0 NDO 11667 7588 0 croak 0 NDP 0 7589 0 curves 0 NDQ 12651 7590 0 custard 0 NDR 11086 7591 0 cute 0 NDS 12795 7592 0 daintily 0 NDT 10456 7593 0 dancers 0 NDU 12432 7594 0 daunted 0 NDV 11065 7595 0 deadly 0 NDW 12795 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0 tents 0 NNY 11252 7823 0 testimony 0 NNZ 0 7824 0 theology 0 NOA 10202 7825 0 thither 0 NOB 11813 7826 0 thorkild 0 NOC 10358 7827 0 threaded 0 NOD 11188 7828 0 thumped 0 NOE 12559 7829 0 tightly 0 NOF 0 7830 0 toilet 0 NOG 11527 7831 0 tornaq 0 NOH 10300 7832 0 torrents 0 NOJ 10812 7833 0 towers 0 NOK 11219 7834 0 traces 0 NOL 11380 7835 0 traits 0 NOM 10898 7836 0 translated 0 NON 12140 7837 0 trash 0 NOO 10979 7838 0 troublesome 0 NOP 11100 7839 0 trusting 0 NOQ 11491 7840 0 turnovers 0 NOR 11417 7841 0 unbecoming 0 NOS 12559 7842 0 underground 0 NOT 10176 7843 0 unfair 0 NOU 11393 7844 0 unfastened 0 NOV 10265 7845 0 unselfish 0 NOW 11181 7846 0 vaguely 0 NOX 11999 7847 0 vanish 0 NOY 0 7848 0 varies 0 NOZ 11044 7849 0 viciously 0 NPA 10671 7850 0 victoria 0 NPB 11239 7851 0 vivienne 0 NPC 11101 7852 0 volumes 0 NPD 10452 7853 0 wailing 0 NPE 11251 7854 0 wand 0 NPF 11231 7855 0 warts 0 NPG 11418 7856 0 wavered 0 NPH 10490 7857 0 wench 0 NPJ 10593 7858 0 whimpered 0 NPK 11030 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0 OHJ 10597 8308 0 aspirations 0 OHK 11075 8309 0 assigned 0 OHL 0 8310 0 attachment 0 OHM 10309 8311 0 attentive 0 OHN 12795 8312 0 auburn 0 OHO 11049 8313 0 audacity 0 OHP 10166 8314 0 authority 0 OHQ 10570 8315 0 aversion 0 OHR 0 8316 0 awe-stricken 0 OHS 10889 8317 0 bands 0 OHT 11810 8318 0 bangs 0 OHU 0 8319 0 barring 0 OHV 0 8320 0 battery 0 OHW 0 8321 0 beams 0 OHX 0 8322 0 beards 0 OHY 12247 8323 0 begging-bowl 0 OHZ 10579 8324 0 believing 0 OJA 10502 8325 0 beseechingly 0 OJB 10402 8326 0 bleeding 0 OJC 11425 8327 0 boarders 0 OJD 0 8328 0 bonds 0 OJE 11251 8329 0 boulters 0 OJF 0 8330 0 bout 0 OJG 11116 8331 0 bramble 0 OJH 10503 8332 0 bred 0 OJJ 0 8333 0 briskness 0 OJK 10270 8334 0 britain 0 OJL 10165 8335 0 broadly 0 OJM 10373 8336 0 brooding 0 OJN 12426 8337 0 bruise 0 OJO 0 8338 0 brushing 0 OJP 0 8339 0 bubbled 0 OJQ 11244 8340 0 bullets 0 OJR 0 8341 0 burrow 0 OJS 11820 8342 0 businesslike 0 OJT 11826 8343 0 buttons 0 OJU 10494 8344 0 calamity 0 OJV 0 8345 0 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10117 0.32 accomplishment goddess 0 0 11224 10118 0.32 morgiana telephassa 0 0 10895 10119 0.32 rogers whittaker 0 0 11041 10120 0.32 poisoned practically 0 0 11249 10121 0.32 submerged supported 0 0 12140 10122 0.32 friendless whining 0 0 10767 10123 0.32 poets warnings 0 0 11014 10124 0.32 consumption predestination 0 0 10384 10125 0.32 intellect refreshment 0 0 10404 10126 0.32 linda sancho 0 0 10574 10127 0.32 cupboards teacups 0 0 10596 10128 0.32 jugs vowing 0 0 10386 10129 0.32 coolly gloomily wonderingly 0 0 0 11245 10130 0.32 doubled sneezed wrestled 0 0 0 10546 10131 0.32 beverley esme fiordelisa sigismund 0 0 0 0 11748 10132 0.32 cannibals carrot treachery 0 0 0 10680 10133 0.3 despairingly incredulously indignantly 0 0 0 10581 10134 0.3 blankly stupidly 0 0 10554 10135 0.3 eighteen sixteen 0 0 10424 10136 0.3 france hell 0 0 10907 10137 0.3 good-looking serene 0 0 10340 10138 0.3 courteously gratefully imploringly 0 0 0 10589 10139 0.28 cart courtyard 0 0 10549 10140 0.28 enrico rebellion skates 0 0 0 10559 10141 0.28 claude fame 0 0 10669 10142 0.28 brackley conceit 0 0 10685 10143 0.28 hoarsely jubilantly 0 0 10643 10144 0.28 kinder stormy 0 0 11160 10145 0.28 karl milty 0 0 11477 10146 0.28 attorney irishwoman 0 0 10697 10147 0.28 gloucester hoseason 0 0 11607 10148 0.28 bison camel 0 0 11237 10149 0.28 ceiling corpse 0 0 10874 10150 0.28 critically meditatively 0 0 11817 10151 0.28 leo spelling 0 0 10448 10152 0.28 alert raw 0 0 11246 10153 0.28 sarcasm snuffy 0 0 11133 10154 0.28 authors peppermints 0 0 12047 10155 0.28 crime lubber 0 0 11498 10156 0.28 advantages amusements 0 0 11235 10157 0.28 blight miserly 0 0 10534 10158 0.28 chuchundra starvation 0 0 10659 10159 0.28 babyhood elbows 0 0 10491 10160 0.28 jeffrey kabo 0 0 10595 10161 0.28 juliana shiftless 0 0 10782 10162 0.28 drummed perseverance 0 0 10957 10163 0.28 ladylike pleasanter 0 0 10216 10164 0.28 rama whiskers-on-the-moon 0 0 10383 10165 0.28 broadly wickedly 0 0 11220 10166 0.28 authority laziness 0 0 10897 10167 0.28 flee investigate 0 0 10676 10168 0.28 potentilla snowdrop 0 0 10899 10169 0.28 afoot desecration 0 0 10906 10170 0.28 constitution playmates 0 0 11522 10171 0.28 amberley undoubtedly 0 0 12559 10172 0.28 scandalized writhing 0 0 11789 10173 0.28 disagreeably obligingly 0 0 10707 10174 0.28 bessy jerome penelope 0 0 0 10860 10175 0.28 doubtfully dubiously sorrowfully 0 0 0 12140 10176 0.28 defeated heedless stubborn unfair 0 0 0 0 11830 10177 0.28 dejected percinet skimming 0 0 0 11149 10178 0.28 deborah frisk lily-bell stan 0 0 0 0 12559 10179 0.28 ludovine omar selden 0 0 0 12288 10180 0.28 beetle chirp chop nibble 0 0 0 0 12559 10181 0.28 circled jeered palms rubies tabby 0 0 0 0 0 10287 10182 0.26 my your 0 0 10850 10183 0.26 him me them 0 0 0 10857 10184 0.26 gertrude winslow 0 0 10475 10185 0.26 cabin sitting-room 0 0 12140 10186 0.26 slender slim 0 0 10393 10187 0.26 gallery kennel 0 0 11814 10188 0.26 possibility privilege 0 0 10860 10189 0.26 emphatically lazily 0 0 11208 10190 0.26 drawer man-pack 0 0 11394 10191 0.26 coffin pose 0 0 10392 10192 0.26 braithwaite felicia 0 0 11056 10193 0.26 brokenly encouragingly enthusiastically stoutly 0 0 0 0 10546 10194 0.26 bryan prue 0 0 11247 10195 0.26 california kingsport 0 0 11231 10196 0.26 cruelty gilt honesty 0 0 0 11631 10197 0.26 fancies mortification 0 0 10910 10198 0.26 angrier hungrier 0 0 10626 10199 0.26 afterlight alphabet hammock 0 0 0 10519 10200 0.26 poorer thicker 0 0 10446 10201 0.26 altar plains 0 0 12034 10202 0.26 hither thither 0 0 10758 10203 0.26 scraps weariness 0 0 11248 10204 0.26 defiantly tabaqui 0 0 10874 10205 0.26 regretfully unsteadily 0 0 10419 10206 0.26 aggravating bubble 0 0 10683 10207 0.26 feasting foxes 0 0 11515 10208 0.26 alberta hammer 0 0 10665 10209 0.26 rexton spencervale 0 0 11694 10210 0.26 dalveigh pevensey 0 0 11120 10211 0.26 modern sombre 0 0 10941 10212 0.26 charlottetown europe lowbridge newbridge upton 0 0 0 0 0 11200 10213 0.26 locks prospered sullen 0 0 0 10682 10214 0.26 ball-carrier juliet lilian 0 0 0 11245 10215 0.26 ash cheese kneeling snarling 0 0 0 0 10896 10216 0.26 lovell rama tilly whiskers-on-the-moon 0 0 0 0 10723 10217 0.26 lightning mirth remorse thunder 0 0 0 0 10903 10218 0.26 appleyard madge starkey yellow-wing 0 0 0 0 11542 10219 0.26 aethra darzee fulke laddie legree quicksilver ruggles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11456 10220 0.24 astonishment dismay 0 0 12140 10221 0.24 plates rats 0 0 10866 10222 0.24 finest forests 0 0 10445 10223 0.24 cupboard factory 0 0 11181 10224 0.24 crossly wrathfully 0 0 12134 10225 0.24 geography grammar 0 0 10581 10226 0.24 emil ismay 0 0 11204 10227 0.24 awe oil 0 0 12140 10228 0.24 magnificence suspicion 0 0 11218 10229 0.24 goats mermaids 0 0 10847 10230 0.24 barber blacksmith 0 0 11215 10231 0.24 arbour market-place 0 0 11517 10232 0.24 channel cliff 0 0 11248 10233 0.24 dolefully forlornly 0 0 11383 10234 0.24 merrier sane 0 0 10995 10235 0.24 honker 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chills cunningham perished shrubs violence 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10308 0.24 crackers mebbe overcoat sleepily 0 0 0 0 10938 10309 0.24 abundant attentive placid sallow shaved wrinkled 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10310 0.24 czar gallows plough ploughing 0 0 0 0 12743 10311 0.24 hawser lining mask partition 0 0 0 0 12559 10312 0.24 blazing chattering downcast mournful resentful scurrying 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10313 0.24 animated barlow bluster brocade dismounted growling gulliver miracles muscles sleek squealed wriggle writhed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12048 10314 0.24 brightness chairs delhi halfman hysterics montrose payment prudence springtime urdu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10315 0.24 columns friendliness hecate sickening thoughtlessness truthfulness 0 0 0 0 0 0 12480 10316 0.24 churning dozing effected gliding luny scrambling unnoticed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10317 0.24 apes asseverated crookback escorted outlier parsons reprobate sirs sketches topper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10318 0.24 answering broth competition exploration fitness overcoming prescience replying science speculation stress voile wickedness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10847 10319 0.22 dressmaker gardener lilith 0 0 0 11253 10320 0.22 her his my the your 0 0 0 0 0 10677 10321 0.22 herself himself 0 0 10855 10322 0.22 fifteen forty 0 0 11507 10323 0.22 rebecca susanna 0 0 11514 10324 0.22 caleb flint 0 0 10853 10325 0.22 lawn marsh 0 0 11532 10326 0.22 discouraged homesick 0 0 11298 10327 0.22 sniff thump 0 0 10681 10328 0.22 florrie solomon 0 0 11540 10329 0.22 buffaloes jam 0 0 11460 10330 0.22 cleverness humiliation jokes 0 0 0 11467 10331 0.22 cavern centre 0 0 12326 10332 0.22 deprecatingly honestly 0 0 11606 10333 0.22 christine providence 0 0 10414 10334 0.22 absently cheerily 0 0 11628 10335 0.22 lemon mince 0 0 11737 10336 0.22 beak veins 0 0 10906 10337 0.22 bewilderment disgust 0 0 11542 10338 0.22 min nellie 0 0 11523 10339 0.22 flavor revelation 0 0 10729 10340 0.22 courteously gratefully imploringly warmly 0 0 0 0 11021 10341 0.22 characteristics handwriting 0 0 11306 10342 0.22 flattered humiliated 0 0 12035 10343 0.22 grunt mushroom 0 0 12272 10344 0.22 honeysuckle m 0 0 11119 10345 0.22 guidance simplicity 0 0 10962 10346 0.22 conversations vest 0 0 10803 10347 0.22 fifth seventh 0 0 11803 10348 0.22 madman peony 0 0 11932 10349 0.22 skipper water-rat 0 0 12010 10350 0.22 portraits tribe 0 0 11801 10351 0.22 brahmin troll 0 0 12559 10352 0.22 compare cope 0 0 11135 10353 0.22 complimentary crafty independent 0 0 0 11040 10354 0.22 bess muscle 0 0 10750 10355 0.22 irresistible limited 0 0 11523 10356 0.22 current remora 0 0 11814 10357 0.22 mascot son-in-law 0 0 10870 10358 0.22 lined threaded 0 0 10622 10359 0.22 mammy sue 0 0 11814 10360 0.22 catechism contrast 0 0 11814 10361 0.22 fighter limb 0 0 11470 10362 0.22 bedside wrist 0 0 10421 10363 0.22 cooks parchment 0 0 11200 10364 0.22 cronies effective 0 0 12140 10365 0.22 junior psyche 0 0 11048 10366 0.22 cluny olive 0 0 11540 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10391 0.22 bounds rapture strains 0 0 0 10903 10392 0.22 braithwaite elinor felicia ralph 0 0 0 0 11509 10393 0.22 bathroom cradle gallery kennel saddle 0 0 0 0 0 11735 10394 0.22 happiest hump remaining 0 0 0 10896 10395 0.22 joan joanna robin 0 0 0 10746 10396 0.22 auntie dorothy dosia 0 0 0 11902 10397 0.22 adelia molly nagaina 0 0 0 11249 10398 0.22 avenged broken-hearted sis 0 0 0 11736 10399 0.22 balls classes molasses pope 0 0 0 0 12140 10400 0.22 resignation restraint sap 0 0 0 12559 10401 0.22 disciple medicines salvation sorrows 0 0 0 0 12103 10402 0.22 bleeding healthy thinner 0 0 0 12559 10403 0.22 duly indescribable tricked 0 0 0 12112 10404 0.22 bolingbroke desperation glaucon linda plants sancho stuffy toronto wretchedness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10405 0.22 appearances obedience petting self-sacrifice snowflake 0 0 0 0 0 11449 10406 0.2 he she 0 0 12303 10407 0.2 mr mrs 0 0 10677 10408 0.2 myself yourself 0 0 12795 10409 0.2 ha ho 0 0 11746 10410 0.2 harbor harbour 0 0 10599 10411 0.2 hers yours 0 0 11542 10412 0.2 clemantiny lina 0 0 12011 10413 0.2 greatest prettiest 0 0 11248 10414 0.2 absently cheerily impatiently 0 0 0 11791 10415 0.2 existence safety 0 0 12140 10416 0.2 pearls shouting 0 0 11519 10417 0.2 fluttered stooped 0 0 10890 10418 0.2 henceforth otherwise 0 0 11499 10419 0.2 aggravating bubble sweetest 0 0 0 11461 10420 0.2 ambassador enchantress 0 0 12140 10421 0.2 cooks parchment thorn 0 0 0 11330 10422 0.2 saddhu whale 0 0 11248 10423 0.2 briefly sternly 0 0 12112 10424 0.2 canada france hell 0 0 0 10863 10425 0.2 distress perplexity 0 0 11250 10426 0.2 morrow sarah-cat 0 0 11143 10427 0.2 neighbourhood temples 0 0 12559 10428 0.2 department grocery 0 0 12559 10429 0.2 jenny limberheels 0 0 12140 10430 0.2 renelde romney 0 0 11532 10431 0.2 agreeable divinely undone unreasonable 0 0 0 0 11186 10432 0.2 breach landscape 0 0 10849 10433 0.2 dismally uneasily 0 0 11200 10434 0.2 doubtful mostly 0 0 10907 10435 0.2 breathless stained 0 0 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encouragement gasping peacefully 0 0 0 0 11612 10561 0.2 chimney-sweep coincidence fib water-baby 0 0 0 0 12140 10562 0.2 lo madison novelty 0 0 0 11146 10563 0.2 earnestly mournfully ominously sagely 0 0 0 0 11648 10564 0.2 serenely slyly thickly 0 0 0 12559 10565 0.2 coverlet epistle proofs 0 0 0 12559 10566 0.2 grandparents packages wraps 0 0 0 12795 10567 0.2 finality minding remedies 0 0 0 12559 10568 0.2 barnyard conservatory garrets 0 0 0 10743 10569 0.2 bugs eternal stale 0 0 0 12559 10570 0.2 aversion restoration teachings 0 0 0 12559 10571 0.2 fugitives heave horseman 0 0 0 12559 10572 0.2 confidante outline theme victim 0 0 0 0 12201 10573 0.2 leech mop thunderbolt toy 0 0 0 0 12336 10574 0.2 anchorage cupboards retinue teacups 0 0 0 0 12559 10575 0.2 dart halliday trent 0 0 0 12559 10576 0.2 defect desolation heartache protests 0 0 0 0 12559 10577 0.2 estrangement queerly sisters-in-law 0 0 0 12559 10578 0.2 confident deferred fancying reversed 0 0 0 0 12559 10579 0.2 believing imagining inquiring stored 0 0 0 0 12559 10580 0.2 engulfed mailed roasted scorned 0 0 0 0 11542 10581 0.2 admiringly blankly charlotta di emil ismay reproachfully stupidly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10695 10582 0.2 boston carmody damaris doc paris phillippa 0 0 0 0 0 0 12716 10583 0.2 lungs reluctance shortcomings vagaries wrongs 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10584 0.2 actor long-bow lustre sunbeam vapour 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10585 0.2 perceptible scruples sewn suggestions treed 0 0 0 0 0 12663 10586 0.2 caste clerks matchmaker physicians sideboard 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10587 0.2 freshmen pincushion realities shingle 0 0 0 0 12523 10588 0.2 groves mumbled rankled smelt suspects 0 0 0 0 0 12132 10589 0.2 bulrushes cart choir courtyard ditch globe hut loft parlor province pulpit stable wagon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12338 10590 0.2 cadmus constance determinedly hoffman isaac jasper lige mollie pauline poppy reeves 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10591 0.2 adapted reared repaired shaped unperceived 0 0 0 0 0 12686 10592 0.2 awaken delphi enlist fowl halifax montreal peek rebel splinters steer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10593 0.2 active braided buzzed clumsy clung retreated riot rollicking soared sturdy sulked tugged up-stairs whimpered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12108 10594 0.2 alphonso denise frankly joyously jukes julius vehemently wilbur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10595 0.2 beaming contracted created defiant educated erect frivolous haggard impertinent juliana pallid pertinax prosperous restlessly shiftless stiffly sympathetic ungrateful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10596 0.2 clipped cozy creetur divined interfered jugs nosegay petted sandwiches skinny smithers spiteful swans trooped trumpeting vowing whims willingness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10597 0.2 americans anchored aspirations brace clawed discomfort experiments farm-house freshening fussing gaped graduates groped laces lakes lament nestled outlook phoned quailed rejoicings rip ripping scents schooling shirked shrub skimmed soda splashing squinting strengthened strove swears thrashed tumbling whooped willful withered zest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11502 10598 0.18 'd 'll 0 0 12120 10599 0.18 hers mine yours 0 0 0 11507 10600 0.18 cyrilla philippa 0 0 11824 10601 0.18 ruby violet 0 0 10891 10602 0.18 eight nine 0 0 11136 10603 0.18 eldest nearest sole youngest 0 0 0 0 12140 10604 0.18 good-by good-bye 0 0 10909 10605 0.18 naomi tannis 0 0 10924 10606 0.18 moaned panted 0 0 11276 10607 0.18 charlie ernest 0 0 12140 10608 0.18 freckles sickness 0 0 11234 10609 0.18 ledge rim surface 0 0 0 12140 10610 0.18 graves mouths 0 0 11446 10611 0.18 helplessly wearily 0 0 11534 10612 0.18 agnes camilla 0 0 12140 10613 0.18 baying stillness 0 0 11446 10614 0.18 miserably nervously 0 0 11210 10615 0.18 boyhood misery 0 0 12140 10616 0.18 loneliness sentiment 0 0 11153 10617 0.18 shelmardine walters 0 0 12354 10618 0.18 seventeen visible 0 0 12140 10619 0.18 embarrassment protest 0 0 11234 10620 0.18 reindeer snow-man 0 0 12524 10621 0.18 clutch saluted 0 0 11538 10622 0.18 dad mammy sue 0 0 0 11671 10623 0.18 crawl lectured 0 0 10865 10624 0.18 contentment leaps wrath 0 0 0 12140 10625 0.18 dialogue schoolhouse 0 0 12140 10626 0.18 afterlight alphabet hammock pit 0 0 0 0 11928 10627 0.18 approval vigour 0 0 12140 10628 0.18 flute pipes travels 0 0 0 11422 10629 0.18 clothed scented 0 0 12718 10630 0.18 puffs trustees 0 0 12339 10631 0.18 buffalo coachman 0 0 11461 10632 0.18 caliph sleeper 0 0 12140 10633 0.18 dismissed withdrawn 0 0 11575 10634 0.18 dining-room estate 0 0 11349 10635 0.18 balloon stall 0 0 10781 10636 0.18 bliss immortality 0 0 11214 10637 0.18 humbly unexpectedly 0 0 11805 10638 0.18 disrespectful impolite 0 0 11309 10639 0.18 confided persuaded shingled 0 0 0 11444 10640 0.18 catastrophe peacock 0 0 12054 10641 0.18 fog gaiety 0 0 12133 10642 0.18 forge rug 0 0 12140 10643 0.18 kinder stormy sulky 0 0 0 10849 10644 0.18 hopelessly uncomfortably 0 0 11720 10645 0.18 beauties witches 0 0 12136 10646 0.18 burton hutchinson 0 0 12140 10647 0.18 frills rake 0 0 12412 10648 0.18 gordons tables 0 0 12140 10649 0.18 impatience merriment 0 0 12481 10650 0.18 eagles ross 0 0 12054 10651 0.18 accomplishment goddess schooner 0 0 0 11498 10652 0.18 churches colder 0 0 11776 10653 0.18 grit scoundrel 0 0 12795 10654 0.18 maddening puritan 0 0 11771 10655 0.18 allies spurs 0 0 12135 10656 0.18 cowards flowery 0 0 10961 10657 0.18 deliverance healing 0 0 12559 10658 0.18 employment offence 0 0 11737 10659 0.18 babyhood elbows shroud 0 0 0 12482 10660 0.18 inner shady 0 0 11375 10661 0.18 cracker monarch sea-cook 0 0 0 10986 10662 0.18 mutton theodosius 0 0 11830 10663 0.18 lighter sufficient 0 0 12559 10664 0.18 creepy giddy 0 0 10848 10665 0.18 greenwood rexton spencervale 0 0 0 12012 10666 0.18 sunshiny vacant 0 0 11487 10667 0.18 angelina economical rilla-my-rilla rudely 0 0 0 0 11678 10668 0.18 beechwood odds 0 0 11799 10669 0.18 brackley candles conceit 0 0 0 11729 10670 0.18 huneefa jedediah 0 0 11542 10671 0.18 electa victoria 0 0 11479 10672 0.18 calmer fewer 0 0 11830 10673 0.18 fetched mocked pecked 0 0 0 11684 10674 0.18 amiss rash 0 0 11134 10675 0.18 clifford flo matte peder 0 0 0 0 12140 10676 0.18 elsa maurice potentilla snowdrop 0 0 0 0 10850 10677 0.18 herself himself myself yourself 0 0 0 0 12559 10678 0.18 bottom edge top 0 0 0 11232 10679 0.18 alexina nora roy theodosia 0 0 0 0 10714 10680 0.18 briskly despairingly incredulously indignantly passionately 0 0 0 0 0 11793 10681 0.18 florrie maimie shakespeare solomon 0 0 0 0 12094 10682 0.18 ball-carrier bruce isabella juliet lilian 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10683 0.18 feasting foxes hansel knit 0 0 0 0 12559 10684 0.18 apparently loaded partly 0 0 0 11248 10685 0.18 breathlessly hoarsely jubilantly triumphantly 0 0 0 0 12559 10686 0.18 dyke horizon leads 0 0 0 11506 10687 0.18 buttercups daisies manuscripts 0 0 0 12128 10688 0.18 masterpiece pointer trump tutor 0 0 0 0 12559 10689 0.18 catalogue expectation listeners pursuit spears 0 0 0 0 0 11572 10690 0.18 dryad hatter passport woman-hater 0 0 0 0 11247 10691 0.18 dessert naught paradise 0 0 0 12140 10692 0.18 fickle resolute toys 0 0 0 11754 10693 0.18 rumpled swollen whine 0 0 0 11146 10694 0.18 contemptuously dreamily mysteriously scornfully wistfully 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10695 0.18 alma boston carmody damaris doc hester paris phillippa prissy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542 10696 0.18 allo carey cecilia donald jessamine wesley 0 0 0 0 0 0 11566 10697 0.18 ceres coldly ellie flatly gloucester hoseason lawless ruth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10698 0.18 explaining geometry kings rabbits shrieking 0 0 0 0 0 11479 10699 0.16 bolder larger paler redder sicker weaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 11738 10700 0.16 here there 0 0 11501 10701 0.16 our their 0 0 12140 10702 0.16 dreadfully terribly 0 0 10925 10703 0.16 charlotte elizabeth 0 0 10921 10704 0.16 carl helen 0 0 10923 10705 0.16 college redmond 0 0 12559 10706 0.16 favor favour 0 0 11542 10707 0.16 bessy frances jerome penelope 0 0 0 0 11824 10708 0.16 bertha grandma 0 0 11137 10709 0.16 coolly gloomily gravely severely solemnly wonderingly 0 0 0 0 0 0 10920 10710 0.16 east north 0 0 10934 10711 0.16 awake dumb 0 0 10935 10712 0.16 firs pines 0 0 11452 10713 0.16 fifty thirty 0 0 11248 10714 0.16 abruptly briskly despairingly incredulously indignantly passionately 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10715 0.16 gus jordan 0 0 12013 10716 0.16 fir spruce 0 0 10937 10717 0.16 altar flats hotel plains 0 0 0 0 11136 10718 0.16 hardest oldest 0 0 11232 10719 0.16 estella esterbrook 0 0 12140 10720 0.16 fearfully suspicious 0 0 11534 10721 0.16 curtis selwyn 0 0 11799 10722 0.16 measles smallpox 0 0 12140 10723 0.16 lightning mirth remorse salt thunder 0 0 0 0 0 11542 10724 0.16 elaine fatima geraldine 0 0 0 12122 10725 0.16 lifetime majority muse spasm splendor 0 0 0 0 0 12130 10726 0.16 glutton nuisance 0 0 12140 10727 0.16 adjutant caterpillar 0 0 12140 10728 0.16 giovanni madame 0 0 11305 10729 0.16 courteously gratefully imploringly joyfully warmly 0 0 0 0 0 11796 10730 0.16 maggie witta 0 0 11991 10731 0.16 e thornton 0 0 12140 10732 0.16 ants fools 0 0 11542 10733 0.16 miriam nelly 0 0 12140 10734 0.16 daddy goody no-o-o pachacamac 0 0 0 0 12032 10735 0.16 ocean weeds 0 0 12008 10736 0.16 deliberately peggy 0 0 11966 10737 0.16 reality stores 0 0 11653 10738 0.16 flood litter 0 0 12559 10739 0.16 flour woe 0 0 11328 10740 0.16 amazing gratifying 0 0 12559 10741 0.16 dreary vivid 0 0 12140 10742 0.16 borrowed bowing 0 0 12140 10743 0.16 bugs eternal german stale 0 0 0 0 12483 10744 0.16 novice sentry 0 0 12140 10745 0.16 self-respect steel 0 0 11542 10746 0.16 auntie dorothy dosia ursula 0 0 0 0 12348 10747 0.16 castles choking 0 0 12053 10748 0.16 banner marshes 0 0 12140 10749 0.16 camera raptures reserve 0 0 0 12140 10750 0.16 charmed irresistible limited 0 0 0 12350 10751 0.16 adorned bald 0 0 11798 10752 0.16 chilled constant 0 0 12140 10753 0.16 defiance sticky-toes 0 0 11489 10754 0.16 hasty scornful 0 0 12140 10755 0.16 khaki prime 0 0 12140 10756 0.16 gruff monotonous muffled 0 0 0 0 10757 0.16 pinch trait 0 0 11797 10758 0.16 preserves scraps weariness 0 0 0 11508 10759 0.16 regularly smoothly 0 0 11815 10760 0.16 endicott tragic 0 0 12140 10761 0.16 grumble twinkle 0 0 12140 10762 0.16 foolishly moodily 0 0 11504 10763 0.16 baking poems 0 0 12133 10764 0.16 mill pyes 0 0 11789 10765 0.16 ada sid 0 0 12111 10766 0.16 cubs headlands 0 0 12140 10767 0.16 liniment poets warnings 0 0 0 12559 10768 0.16 descending pathetic poky 0 0 0 12140 10769 0.16 rebellious verses 0 0 12104 10770 0.16 clouded crimsoned 0 0 12140 10771 0.16 audience gap 0 0 12795 10772 0.16 albert hurree 0 0 11922 10773 0.16 mills schools 0 0 11590 10774 0.16 dazedly drowsily respectfully 0 0 0 12140 10775 0.16 consoled graceful 0 0 12111 10776 0.16 blast fiend shuttle 0 0 0 12137 10777 0.16 pang wheelbarrow 0 0 12251 10778 0.16 kilweh thakané 0 0 11331 10779 0.16 aboard apiece 0 0 11595 10780 0.16 blinking starry 0 0 12213 10781 0.16 bliss esben immortality 0 0 0 12559 10782 0.16 drummed gulped perseverance 0 0 0 12559 10783 0.16 saul scenery 0 0 12089 10784 0.16 hatchet spoonful 0 0 12795 10785 0.16 contract vigil 0 0 11504 10786 0.16 rapturous wider 0 0 12795 10787 0.16 donnell reliable 0 0 11972 10788 0.16 errors methods 0 0 12140 10789 0.16 gait irony 0 0 12127 10790 0.16 interference pleasures 0 0 11812 10791 0.16 beckoning boudoir 0 0 11792 10792 0.16 bullock crank hobgoblin 0 0 0 11996 10793 0.16 duckling stab 0 0 12559 10794 0.16 galletly marie 0 0 12443 10795 0.16 cans liquor 0 0 12140 10796 0.16 painful prompt 0 0 11535 10797 0.16 faculty pill 0 0 11721 10798 0.16 abused encore 0 0 12091 10799 0.16 dahlias drifts 0 0 12133 10800 0.16 irishman outsider 0 0 12119 10801 0.16 ceasing limping 0 0 11978 10802 0.16 rig swarmed 0 0 12031 10803 0.16 fifth seventh sixth 0 0 0 12559 10804 0.16 irritate soothed 0 0 12637 10805 0.16 canst didst 0 0 12559 10806 0.16 ducking recommendation 0 0 12081 10807 0.16 hire refresh 0 0 11802 10808 0.16 geranium isle strawberry 0 0 0 12130 10809 0.16 judgement squaw 0 0 12140 10810 0.16 luxury transport 0 0 12140 10811 0.16 carpets schmidt 0 0 12444 10812 0.16 sprays towers 0 0 11998 10813 0.16 adjusted scamper 0 0 12124 10814 0.16 cinderella flirtation idleness 0 0 0 12139 10815 0.16 creation graces 0 0 11344 10816 0.16 flank gowns 0 0 12559 10817 0.16 gloating sweeping 0 0 12559 10818 0.16 blink glorified 0 0 12139 10819 0.16 grab maddened 0 0 12559 10820 0.16 amber icy 0 0 11968 10821 0.16 coolies improvers 0 0 12631 10822 0.16 amounted reaches 0 0 12329 10823 0.16 rhinoceros ushers 0 0 12086 10824 0.16 instinctively sneeze 0 0 12107 10825 0.16 sunbeams victories 0 0 12337 10826 0.16 syrup withdraw 0 0 12080 10827 0.16 aprons loads 0 0 12082 10828 0.16 combination serenade 0 0 11999 10829 0.16 aught compete 0 0 12140 10830 0.16 emphatic pounding 0 0 12559 10831 0.16 expeditions tramps 0 0 12559 10832 0.16 heirs tenant 0 0 12140 10833 0.16 houarn kai leicester 0 0 0 11312 10834 0.16 crawling incapable 0 0 12748 10835 0.16 forebodings lumps 0 0 12139 10836 0.16 african ode 0 0 12130 10837 0.16 perfumed provided 0 0 12282 10838 0.16 loomed safer 0 0 12559 10839 0.16 campaigning sawdust 0 0 12275 10840 0.16 sympathize thrive 0 0 12062 10841 0.16 droop overhaul persuade 0 0 0 12559 10842 0.16 relapsed sunk 0 0 11734 10843 0.16 creamy silver-grey 0 0 12140 10844 0.16 exclusive fuller 0 0 12140 10845 0.16 outspoken reviewed 0 0 12055 10846 0.16 robby roxy 0 0 11469 10847 0.16 barber blacksmith dressmaker gardener lilith 0 0 0 0 0 12112 10848 0.16 bayside exeter greenwood racicot rexton spencervale 0 0 0 0 0 0 11248 10849 0.16 dismally hopelessly uncomfortably uneasily 0 0 0 0 11254 10850 0.16 again herself him himself me myself them yourself 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10915 10851 0.16 chatterer christopher freda jimmy rosemary 0 0 0 0 0 11267 10852 0.16 downstairs forward upstairs 0 0 0 11745 10853 0.16 glen lawn marsh oven 0 0 0 0 11542 10854 0.16 beth jill nat 0 0 0 11452 10855 0.16 eighteen fifteen forty fourteen sixteen thirteen twenty twenty-five 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12132 10856 0.16 graveyard library pantry parlour 0 0 0 0 11556 10857 0.16 gertrude irene theodora winslow 0 0 0 0 11270 10858 0.16 nervous restless uneasy 0 0 0 11794 10859 0.16 aghast indignant thirsty thoughtful 0 0 0 0 11137 10860 0.16 doubtfully dubiously emphatically lazily sorrowfully thoughtfully 0 0 0 0 0 0 11577 10861 0.16 grief politics scorn 0 0 0 12140 10862 0.16 lazy selfish thoughtless 0 0 0 12559 10863 0.16 contempt distress perplexity suspense 0 0 0 0 11532 10864 0.16 eighty envious prejudiced 0 0 0 11570 10865 0.16 contentment earnestness leaps socks wrath 0 0 0 0 0 11499 10866 0.16 biggest brightest finest forests nicest 0 0 0 0 0 12138 10867 0.16 bhagat cecco vi 0 0 0 12327 10868 0.16 heedlessness labor theirs 0 0 0 12559 10869 0.16 bolted hind india shod 0 0 0 0 12192 10870 0.16 alight lined speechless threaded 0 0 0 0 12559 10871 0.16 chump sneak vagabond 0 0 0 12226 10872 0.16 ankus honourable thorns 0 0 0 12477 10873 0.16 manling route seeker 0 0 0 12276 10874 0.16 critically meditatively regretfully shyly steadily unsteadily 0 0 0 0 0 0 11583 10875 0.16 ours plaster rheumatism wax 0 0 0 0 12559 10876 0.16 describing gaining tasting 0 0 0 11803 10877 0.16 border slippery-slide wooer 0 0 0 12135 10878 0.16 amend-all graduated paled 0 0 0 12559 10879 0.16 foreseen forsaken predicted 0 0 0 12559 10880 0.16 bushel followers gang 0 0 0 12458 10881 0.16 half-hour postscript sniffs 0 0 0 12209 10882 0.16 crusoe lastly methought 0 0 0 12559 10883 0.16 bleached outstretched transparent 0 0 0 12559 10884 0.16 foundation prevention production welfare 0 0 0 0 12536 10885 0.16 barton readers reefer 0 0 0 12548 10886 0.16 captivity conqueror knots particulars 0 0 0 0 12717 10887 0.16 hopkins jessie reid 0 0 0 12559 10888 0.16 confessing discretion kisa 0 0 0 12746 10889 0.16 bands canvas flags freaks 0 0 0 0 11500 10890 0.16 certainly henceforth otherwise probably really surely 0 0 0 0 0 0 10917 10891 0.16 eight eleven five nine ten twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10892 0.16 academy asylum corn-crib fountain inn midst 0 0 0 0 0 0 12749 10893 0.16 draper kent montgomery nelson 0 0 0 0 12094 10894 0.16 bessie ev tim tink 0 0 0 0 12095 10895 0.16 carroll ralston rogers trelawney whittaker 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10896 0.16 ebenezer joan joanna lovell matcham nibs rama ricardo robin tilly whiskers-on-the-moon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12551 10897 0.16 breathe flee investigate jesper tread yell 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 10898 0.16 buying despised translated unkind 0 0 0 0 12032 10899 0.16 afoot behaving desecration redtail sacrilege seventy 0 0 0 0 0 0 12484 10900 0.16 climax gazette macnair uncertainty 0 0 0 0 12401 10901 0.16 cynic kid murderess sieve step-mother wasp 0 0 0 0 0 0 11161 10902 0.16 gardiner insects paying seaweeds 0 0 0 0 11269 10903 0.16 appleyard braithwaite elinor felicia fred hugh madge ralph starkey ted yellow-wing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12587 10904 0.16 brooding deepened dreamy flashing gallant glowing malicious twinkling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10905 0.16 arblaster birscha dutcher helga labakan lawson parker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10906 0.16 agitation bashful bewilderment constitution disgust dramatic embraced frosty petulant playmates reverent sings skill sleepless turnips 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11867 10907 0.16 baffled breathless cuddled despairing dissatisfied expressionless flawless good-looking harsh incredulous murder questioning serene stained trimming 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10908 0.16 attraction dwelling hankering identity mischief-maker rumpus swaying terrors tyrant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 10909 0.16 akela drummer josie jumper mahbub marcella naomi peg sylvia tannis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 10910 0.16 absent angrier deaf embarrassed hungrier injured saucy sincere staggered tooth-powder unjust 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11501 10911 0.14 any no 0 0 11738 10912 0.14 now then 0 0 11502 10913 0.14 can't couldn't 0 0 12019 10914 0.14 away off 0 0 11542 10915 0.14 chatterer christopher freda jimmy reddy rosemary 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542 10916 0.14 gilbert marilla 0 0 11256 10917 0.14 eight eleven five nine ten three twelve 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542 10918 0.14 cecily felicity 0 0 12024 10919 0.14 disappointed surprised 0 0 12140 10920 0.14 east north west 0 0 0 12140 10921 0.14 carl david helen 0 0 0 11565 10922 0.14 forehead knees 0 0 11447 10923 0.14 avonlea college redmond 0 0 0 12140 10924 0.14 gasped moaned panted 0 0 0 12140 10925 0.14 charlotte elizabeth emily 0 0 0 11558 10926 0.14 doorstep veranda 0 0 11824 10927 0.14 beverley bryan dora esme fiordelisa melissa prue sigismund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11457 10928 0.14 aloud bitterly 0 0 12288 10929 0.14 caw clash 0 0 12559 10930 0.14 circle garret 0 0 12131 10931 0.14 maybe possibly 0 0 11870 10932 0.14 demi hannah 0 0 12013 10933 0.14 beech pine 0 0 12140 10934 0.14 alive awake dumb 0 0 0 12140 10935 0.14 bushes firs pines 0 0 0 11960 10936 0.14 anne-girl ma'am rosina 0 0 0 12025 10937 0.14 altar cove flats hotel plains 0 0 0 0 0 12310 10938 0.14 abundant attentive patient placid sallow shaved wrinkled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12034 10939 0.14 ashore forth 0 0 12140 10940 0.14 judith stella 0 0 11447 10941 0.14 charlottetown europe ingleside lowbridge newbridge upton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10942 0.14 kinds sorts 0 0 12140 10943 0.14 afterward afterwards 0 0 11283 10944 0.14 pillow pillows 0 0 11542 10945 0.14 owen proserpina 0 0 11824 10946 0.14 ma marian 0 0 11739 10947 0.14 ashes asters spruces vines 0 0 0 0 12029 10948 0.14 casimer edward van 0 0 0 11824 10949 0.14 clorinda jed 0 0 11853 10950 0.14 alicia joscelyn 0 0 11563 10951 0.14 abimelech jesse 0 0 12140 10952 0.14 judgment justice 0 0 12559 10953 0.14 implored pleaded 0 0 12140 10954 0.14 butter sugar 0 0 11457 10955 0.14 cheerfully merrily 0 0 11451 10956 0.14 don whitey 0 0 11862 10957 0.14 becoming ladylike pleasanter 0 0 0 12721 10958 0.14 breathed faltered 0 0 12128 10959 0.14 personality poet 0 0 12036 10960 0.14 grimes katherine 0 0 12559 10961 0.14 deliverance enjoyment healing 0 0 0 12258 10962 0.14 conversations vest waistcoat 0 0 0 12069 10963 0.14 excitedly wildly 0 0 11793 10964 0.14 adam buldeo 0 0 12795 10965 0.14 descendant relative well-spring 0 0 0 12122 10966 0.14 quiver shudder 0 0 12559 10967 0.14 crowned thrilled 0 0 12165 10968 0.14 commented complained 0 0 12339 10969 0.14 matron roofs 0 0 12140 10970 0.14 characters waggon 0 0 12559 10971 0.14 alighted grunted 0 0 11542 10972 0.14 hans kotuko 0 0 12419 10973 0.14 channing thayer 0 0 11829 10974 0.14 crash eel 0 0 11596 10975 0.14 actress elephant 0 0 12795 10976 0.14 flavour heir 0 0 12559 10977 0.14 jimsie nic pete pursued 0 0 0 0 12559 10978 0.14 fattened stretching welled 0 0 0 12239 10979 0.14 grown-up troublesome 0 0 12485 10980 0.14 muddle predicament 0 0 12140 10981 0.14 inconvenience ingratitude whiskers 0 0 0 11957 10982 0.14 advise recommend 0 0 12033 10983 0.14 alert forlorn grieved raw 0 0 0 0 12140 10984 0.14 bees holes 0 0 12559 10985 0.14 modest shabby 0 0 12559 10986 0.14 echoes mutton theodosius 0 0 0 11448 10987 0.14 elwell grouse 0 0 12321 10988 0.14 moody tense 0 0 11953 10989 0.14 bentley burroughs 0 0 12140 10990 0.14 emotion enthusiasm 0 0 12462 10991 0.14 convincing publishing 0 0 12559 10992 0.14 regard succession 0 0 12140 10993 0.14 brer happy-go-lucky 0 0 12339 10994 0.14 kite student 0 0 12036 10995 0.14 hercules honker magdalen philemon 0 0 0 0 12140 10996 0.14 ambitious puzzling 0 0 12325 10997 0.14 clay reproaches 0 0 12559 10998 0.14 floating searched 0 0 12109 10999 0.14 headland tombstone 0 0 12559 11000 0.14 martyr trumpet 0 0 12350 11001 0.14 claus morevna 0 0 12559 11002 0.14 dimples facts 0 0 12063 11003 0.14 kennedy roberts 0 0 11931 11004 0.14 fraud miser vampire 0 0 0 12559 11005 0.14 orphans spunk 0 0 12559 11006 0.14 armchair chariot 0 0 12559 11007 0.14 certainty machine 0 0 12134 11008 0.14 barrier composition 0 0 12140 11009 0.14 courtship zeal 0 0 12559 11010 0.14 impudent livelier 0 0 12323 11011 0.14 kitten paling 0 0 12559 11012 0.14 direct frowning muttering 0 0 0 12559 11013 0.14 bundles ponies 0 0 12136 11014 0.14 ability consumption predestination 0 0 0 12224 11015 0.14 arrive purr 0 0 12178 11016 0.14 bucket ravine 0 0 12140 11017 0.14 armed homeward 0 0 12140 11018 0.14 keeper painter 0 0 12042 11019 0.14 amended sufficiently 0 0 12140 11020 0.14 experiences gladness 0 0 12237 11021 0.14 characteristics handwriting life-book 0 0 0 12041 11022 0.14 breed oracle 0 0 12559 11023 0.14 ancient personal 0 0 12559 11024 0.14 accidents cheering 0 0 12724 11025 0.14 covan josé manus 0 0 0 12559 11026 0.14 luxurious pound 0 0 12136 11027 0.14 asia wakefield 0 0 12123 11028 0.14 emma winnifred 0 0 12674 11029 0.14 acorns beans 0 0 12559 11030 0.14 chains whispers 0 0 12075 11031 0.14 creighton shorry 0 0 12140 11032 0.14 banquet hen-house 0 0 12313 11033 0.14 loyal upright 0 0 12037 11034 0.14 blindly noiselessly 0 0 12010 11035 0.14 aim seats 0 0 12795 11036 0.14 acres hoofs 0 0 12559 11037 0.14 guided lash 0 0 12559 11038 0.14 arguments sermons 0 0 12140 11039 0.14 britain convulsions numbers 0 0 0 12140 11040 0.14 bess muscle sanch 0 0 0 12795 11041 0.14 poisoned practically wonderfully 0 0 0 12745 11042 0.14 boatman horsemen 0 0 12559 11043 0.14 fidgeted flourished sympathized 0 0 0 12350 11044 0.14 laura viciously 0 0 12795 11045 0.14 positive superstitious 0 0 12218 11046 0.14 reserved shiny 0 0 12795 11047 0.14 dominicus drearily israel 0 0 0 11926 11048 0.14 cluny fezziwig olive 0 0 0 12559 11049 0.14 audacity grandson 0 0 0 11050 0.14 crosses jarred 0 0 12559 11051 0.14 pasty porter 0 0 12559 11052 0.14 critter puzzle 0 0 12554 11053 0.14 puzzles quote 0 0 12140 11054 0.14 consequently unfortunately 0 0 12087 11055 0.14 hitch wail 0 0 12068 11056 0.14 brokenly delightedly encouragingly enthusiastically stoutly 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11057 0.14 carve divine 0 0 11930 11058 0.14 em pivi 0 0 12525 11059 0.14 good-night nae 0 0 11993 11060 0.14 injure vex 0 0 12559 11061 0.14 avail gumption 0 0 12559 11062 0.14 astronomers barrys 0 0 12138 11063 0.14 counsels stirrup 0 0 12559 11064 0.14 depth license 0 0 12559 11065 0.14 deadly feverish 0 0 12235 11066 0.14 auguste hobden 0 0 12465 11067 0.14 exertion knocker 0 0 12559 11068 0.14 prank presentiment 0 0 12559 11069 0.14 prophet scholar 0 0 12337 11070 0.14 engine sneer 0 0 12559 11071 0.14 misty windy 0 0 12140 11072 0.14 accompany nip 0 0 12115 11073 0.14 admiral aspen 0 0 12004 11074 0.14 bushy crimped 0 0 12070 11075 0.14 assigned condemned 0 0 12558 11076 0.14 confronted seize 0 0 12284 11077 0.14 folding tilted 0 0 12780 11078 0.14 hosts pretense 0 0 12000 11079 0.14 dealings husks 0 0 12728 11080 0.14 orbs phrase 0 0 12795 11081 0.14 dilber roderick 0 0 12140 11082 0.14 lorelei snow-white 0 0 12559 11083 0.14 limp tactful 0 0 12076 11084 0.14 detestable worm 0 0 12137 11085 0.14 berth chinook 0 0 12009 11086 0.14 badness cute 0 0 12007 11087 0.14 elation relenting 0 0 12559 11088 0.14 demure imposing 0 0 12328 11089 0.14 hue lance 0 0 12559 11090 0.14 objected proceed 0 0 0 11091 0.14 provide that's 0 0 12342 11092 0.14 mirabel quacker 0 0 12559 11093 0.14 fry select 0 0 12559 11094 0.14 floors services 0 0 12559 11095 0.14 distinguish signalled 0 0 12795 11096 0.14 sobered weighs 0 0 12349 11097 0.14 globes squirrels 0 0 12137 11098 0.14 cherries sunbonnet 0 0 12669 11099 0.14 awed hushed superior 0 0 0 12559 11100 0.14 bustling trusting 0 0 12559 11101 0.14 misgiving volumes 0 0 12336 11102 0.14 counter ripples 0 0 12347 11103 0.14 danby keyton-wells 0 0 12334 11104 0.14 downfall liberal 0 0 0 11105 0.14 dye shutters 0 0 12559 11106 0.14 idol ministry 0 0 12559 11107 0.14 converted mustard 0 0 12356 11108 0.14 nagging outlet 0 0 12270 11109 0.14 exasperated piqued 0 0 11408 11110 0.14 ribs scales 0 0 12795 11111 0.14 canny shallow 0 0 12486 11112 0.14 emerald skeleton 0 0 12559 11113 0.14 regrets trails 0 0 12140 11114 0.14 affecting fashioned 0 0 12559 11115 0.14 agog decorated 0 0 0 11116 0.14 alder bramble 0 0 11363 11117 0.14 concession undoing 0 0 12559 11118 0.14 bewitching disapproved 0 0 12671 11119 0.14 flourishing guidance simplicity 0 0 0 11662 11120 0.14 infuriated modern sombre 0 0 0 12746 11121 0.14 smarty sooth 0 0 12139 11122 0.14 surpassed undressed 0 0 12001 11123 0.14 proposals treatment 0 0 12283 11124 0.14 brand-new furtive 0 0 12356 11125 0.14 darai florea 0 0 12129 11126 0.14 guarded unheeded 0 0 11643 11127 0.14 mattress peppermint 0 0 12126 11128 0.14 graceless seymour 0 0 12746 11129 0.14 blandly yankees 0 0 12715 11130 0.14 languid masterful 0 0 11925 11131 0.14 aright distinctly listlessly 0 0 0 12559 11132 0.14 approving condescending 0 0 12140 11133 0.14 authors managing peppermints stepmothers 0 0 0 0 11673 11134 0.14 clifford flo jenik matte peder tennyson 0 0 0 0 0 0 11794 11135 0.14 awkward complimentary crafty independent prosaic slippery 0 0 0 0 0 0 12121 11136 0.14 eldest hardest nearest oldest sole youngest 0 0 0 0 0 0 11749 11137 0.14 coolly doubtfully dubiously emphatically gloomily gravely lazily severely solemnly sorrowfully thoughtfully wonderingly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11138 0.14 chapley chapman mahogany wrecked 0 0 0 0 11449 11139 0.14 they we you 0 0 0 12140 11140 0.14 asleep dreaming joking lonesome mistaken 0 0 0 0 0 12027 11141 0.14 breast knee shoulder 0 0 0 12559 11142 0.14 instead moreover nevertheless 0 0 0 11557 11143 0.14 buggy neighbourhood temples yard 0 0 0 0 11542 11144 0.14 kilmeny randall zillah 0 0 0 12132 11145 0.14 henhouse henyard store 0 0 0 11740 11146 0.14 contemptuously dreamily earnestly mournfully mysteriously ominously sagely scornfully sharply wistfully 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11843 11147 0.14 coward methodist presbyterian thief 0 0 0 0 12559 11148 0.14 baron enterprise passage 0 0 0 12140 11149 0.14 anna deborah frisk lily-bell nana stan 0 0 0 0 0 0 11448 11150 0.14 eastman falconer williamson 0 0 0 12795 11151 0.14 accident enchanter explosion turks 0 0 0 0 12559 11152 0.14 bubbling exultation gesture revenge 0 0 0 0 11741 11153 0.14 blacksnake riley shelmardine walters 0 0 0 0 12559 11154 0.14 grange heavens nursery 0 0 0 12206 11155 0.14 hanged heart-broken lovelier nicer 0 0 0 0 12739 11156 0.14 adopted devoured respected 0 0 0 12559 11157 0.14 boards customs foal lust 0 0 0 0 12319 11158 0.14 accord beaux consciousness narrative 0 0 0 0 12713 11159 0.14 clothing grandchildren intentions trousers weapon 0 0 0 0 0 12046 11160 0.14 benson karl milty sallie 0 0 0 0 12546 11161 0.14 gardiner insects paying seaweeds thanksgiving thursday 0 0 0 0 0 0 12511 11162 0.14 extremely particularly remarkably 0 0 0 12478 11163 0.14 blessings rocked tramped 0 0 0 12559 11164 0.14 grasses picts throng 0 0 0 12503 11165 0.14 averil moonshine orange tufty 0 0 0 0 11288 11166 0.14 garment moan schoolboy tartar 0 0 0 0 12140 11167 0.14 assistance hiding-places utterance 0 0 0 12265 11168 0.14 devotion honeymoon stamp 0 0 0 11645 11169 0.14 grumpily harshly loftily 0 0 0 12355 11170 0.14 cautious endured hysterical 0 0 0 12012 11171 0.14 blooming cheery sweeter tremulous 0 0 0 0 12487 11172 0.14 delirious joyful moping 0 0 0 12559 11173 0.14 affections bills stomachs 0 0 0 12559 11174 0.14 cookery mockery mourning 0 0 0 0 11175 0.14 bites captains fringe 0 0 0 12559 11176 0.14 consternation grandest saint 0 0 0 12559 11177 0.14 manly maternal unnatural 0 0 0 12795 11178 0.14 nightcap shirt sinner 0 0 0 12795 11179 0.14 partial quoting unable 0 0 0 12559 11180 0.14 accorded conducted disposed entrusted 0 0 0 0 12675 11181 0.14 crossly graciously vaguely wrathfully 0 0 0 0 11378 11182 0.14 copse growth insolence 0 0 0 12475 11183 0.14 doe glitter tempers 0 0 0 12743 11184 0.14 empress goblet label 0 0 0 12559 11185 0.14 clashing extremity journal scrape 0 0 0 0 12559 11186 0.14 breach hilt landscape sill tortoise 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11187 0.14 eaves ridge tendrils variety 0 0 0 0 12658 11188 0.14 grabbed lashed thumped 0 0 0 12559 11189 0.14 ambitions stamps tunes 0 0 0 12559 11190 0.14 acts clergyman intimacy landlord 0 0 0 0 12728 11191 0.14 brushwood dahlia reaction section 0 0 0 0 12559 11192 0.14 cinderlad makóma spake 0 0 0 12559 11193 0.14 discharged melting parade 0 0 0 12795 11194 0.14 barr hiram johnson prick 0 0 0 0 12795 11195 0.14 comedy kittle lumber 0 0 0 12795 11196 0.14 barbaik kirsten whisky 0 0 0 12471 11197 0.14 irregular moppet shameless 0 0 0 12065 11198 0.14 fillmore jackson locksley shearer 0 0 0 0 12795 11199 0.14 biscuits buttonholes cash sacrifices 0 0 0 0 12559 11200 0.14 cronies doubtful effective generous locks mostly prospered sullen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12098 11201 0.14 captain latter priest squire 0 0 0 0 11542 11202 0.14 dan diana felix jims 0 0 0 0 12030 11203 0.14 daybreak hunno midnight noon parties sunset 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11204 0.14 awe despair oil terror travel triumph 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11205 0.14 attitude perch reverie sails 0 0 0 0 12559 11206 0.14 brute calamity canary comrade tiger 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11207 0.14 character composed jealousy stubbornness tenderness 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11208 0.14 drawer man-pack piano shop text 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11209 0.14 heather maples quality rushes willows 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11210 0.14 boyhood eden girlhood misery rome umballa wool 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11211 0.14 buzz jemima pecq seeley 0 0 0 0 11742 11212 0.14 good-naturedly sheepishly sulkily sullenly 0 0 0 0 12559 11213 0.14 caps courtiers farmers great-grandfather osbornes 0 0 0 0 0 12291 11214 0.14 angrily boldly carol humbly impulsively reluctantly unexpectedly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11215 0.14 arbour cornfield market-place skies sleigh states 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11216 0.14 anxiety delights greek hopeful resentment youthful 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11217 0.14 figures finery prim reverence transformation valleys 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11218 0.14 cards dove ferry goats mermaids tarts 0 0 0 0 0 0 12549 11219 0.14 belle instructions richmond traces tranquil 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11220 0.14 authority carriages disguise laziness thunderfoot twenty-two 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11221 0.14 bridesmaid chuckling guardian humming indifferent positively selfishness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12604 11222 0.14 apparent cautiously mightily overjoyed parallel resorted secretly timidly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11223 0.14 commonplace glossy pert ragged stately womanly 0 0 0 0 0 0 12596 11224 0.14 colored dashing dearer morgiana tangled telephassa unseen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11225 0.14 blindness foul plead pledge whig 0 0 0 0 0 12090 11226 0.14 heresy savages shades tiidu 0 0 0 0 12795 11227 0.14 badger barons blackness goblin gossips 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11228 0.14 banged bobbing burying husky skeered 0 0 0 0 0 0 11229 0.14 begging bordered dears interposed maude pondered scoffed wow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11230 0.14 bar kaiser knuckles lounge telegraph threshold 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11231 0.14 bruises cruelty gilt honesty increasing perception s starch warts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542 11232 0.14 alexina benjamin eric estella esterbrook jem leslie nora roy telford theodosia thyra una walter willard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11233 0.14 ben daisy england honour pat polly sidney spotty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12292 11234 0.14 ledge reindeer rim snow-man sofa stove surface throne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11235 0.14 barns blight check miserly plunge smartness 0 0 0 0 0 0 11763 11236 0.14 ginger halvor impulsive maie prudent thumbelina 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11237 0.14 ceiling corpse design princesses refusal robbers secretary uncles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11238 0.14 fairest kilta lords occurrence scenes smartest truce 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11239 0.14 abuse adjust despatch endurance heartbreak injury lashes riches supplies vivienne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11956 11240 0.14 dis hazy jonah midsummer never-to-be-forgotten preceding 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11241 0.14 ant behaviour burrs colouring critic culprit eisenkopf entertainment fashions fellowship mounting obeying thrush 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11242 0.14 abundance centuries cowardice crowds detail disapproval discovering error furs haze interrupting playfellows provision turban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11243 0.14 baloo bertie dorinda dusky edith hatch messua natty pa phebe priscilla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11244 0.14 alonzo bedonebyasyoudid brewster bullets greed hetty hostile lorenzo perish theories vanilla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11245 0.14 ash blueberries cheese comment doubled fires fished foam humor illness ink kneeling lonesomeness poverty purring raving reproach rum scientific shuddered snarling sneezed soundly squirmed wrestled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11246 0.14 bats cabbage charity dances gratitude harry hunger kindness lillian meek orchards raspberries sarcasm scratching snuffy solitude sticks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11247 0.14 california carlisle china dessert kingsport markdale naught paradise prayer-meeting stillwater 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11740 11248 0.14 abruptly absently affectionately anxiously beseechingly breathlessly briefly briskly broadly cheerily defiantly despairingly desperately dismally dolefully eagerly faintly forlornly grimly hoarsely hopelessly impatiently incredulously indignantly jubilantly maliciously passionately proudly reverently sternly tabaqui tenderly triumphantly uncomfortably uneasily wickedly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11249 0.14 avenged broken-hearted chestnut coil complete fascinated fulfilled golden-brown greedy hazel imploring joey mellow perplexed scarce sis smoking spite spying storming submerged supported thine unseeing useless 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12750 11250 0.14 carrots chapel chart cord cushions drums halls heath instrument jelly-fish limits lobster logs manor meeting-house moor morrow mountain mountains ordeal organ pyramids reeds sahibs sailors sarah-cat scar slate water-babies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11251 0.14 ambassadors artless balanced beacon beggars boulters bustle cad calmed cliffs collected comic corkscrew countries crust dormouse doves dream-child epitaph especial feasted flickered genii heavier hesitate knocks measured merchants mirrors niggers nightmare obscure ogress penitence rallied ropes shouldered shuffle shuffled slips spectre splitting steward sung swimmer tints toil wand wastes weed workmen worships wrathful yearning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11252 0.14 abstracted aggrieved amethystine announcements annuals attendants betook bhaers bridled casket chanted chatted chatting civil copyright deposited detained discourse dodging dozed dripped elisha established expensive figs fireworks flakes flannel footmen freshness grasshoppers hummed huntsmen impostors joins nation owing pallor patronized peronnik phone plots preaches prided references represented resting-place richly sauntered schoolmates smarted smashed splashed squared stains steered stifling stupidity tendency terrace testimony throve thrushes trumpets turtles uncharitable volunteer warmed warriors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11743 11253 0.12 a her his my the your 0 0 0 0 0 0 12097 11254 0.12 again herself him himself it me myself them yourself 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12364 11255 0.12 've haven't 0 0 12014 11256 0.12 eight eleven five nine ten three twelve two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11257 0.12 oh yes 0 0 12293 11258 0.12 these those 0 0 12559 11259 0.12 another every 0 0 12140 11260 0.12 beautiful lovely 0 0 12140 11261 0.12 proud tired 0 0 12140 11262 0.12 dreadful terrible 0 0 11744 11263 0.12 allan quack 0 0 12140 11264 0.12 janet tommy 0 0 12140 11265 0.12 funny queer 0 0 12120 11266 0.12 anybody anyone 0 0 12559 11267 0.12 downstairs forward straight upstairs 0 0 0 0 12150 11268 0.12 anyhow anyway 0 0 12294 11269 0.12 amy appleyard braithwaite elinor felicia fred hugh madge ralph starkey ted yellow-wing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11270 0.12 nervous restless uneasy unhappy 0 0 0 0 12559 11271 0.12 post roof 0 0 11845 11272 0.12 phil rob 0 0 12140 11273 0.12 anywhere crazy 0 0 12353 11274 0.12 dragon magician 0 0 12140 11275 0.12 rocks walls 0 0 12140 11276 0.12 charlie ernest ned 0 0 0 11846 11277 0.12 jackal sultan 0 0 12559 11278 0.12 staircase stairs 0 0 12140 11279 0.12 branches windows 0 0 12095 11280 0.12 leonard perkins 0 0 12559 11281 0.12 gardens hearth 0 0 12318 11282 0.12 actually generally 0 0 12314 11283 0.12 lap pillow pillows 0 0 0 12559 11284 0.12 absurd final 0 0 12140 11285 0.12 jealous vain 0 0 12559 11286 0.12 depths pathway 0 0 12386 11287 0.12 beau chat 0 0 12559 11288 0.12 feather garment moan schoolboy tartar 0 0 0 0 0 11741 11289 0.12 harmer laurence 0 0 12039 11290 0.12 brig bullet scamp 0 0 0 12795 11291 0.12 pupils surroundings 0 0 12140 11292 0.12 annoyed keenly 0 0 11937 11293 0.12 iv v 0 0 12559 11294 0.12 hawkins howled 0 0 12559 11295 0.12 staff waves 0 0 12124 11296 0.12 sew spin 0 0 12795 11297 0.12 ashley daintyfoot 0 0 12559 11298 0.12 hop sniff thump 0 0 0 12795 11299 0.12 games nests 0 0 12795 11300 0.12 footprint girdle 0 0 12312 11301 0.12 rippling spiders whispering whistling 0 0 0 0 12125 11302 0.12 blewett wallace 0 0 12395 11303 0.12 blundered fitted 0 0 12140 11304 0.12 prison snare 0 0 12015 11305 0.12 courteously gaily gratefully imploringly joyfully warmly 0 0 0 0 0 0 12110 11306 0.12 flattered humiliated impressed 0 0 0 12140 11307 0.12 june september 0 0 12559 11308 0.12 anniversary tip 0 0 12559 11309 0.12 confided persuaded shingled wiser 0 0 0 0 12559 11310 0.12 bosom grasp 0 0 12128 11311 0.12 member pretence 0 0 12195 11312 0.12 aware crawling incapable 0 0 0 12322 11313 0.12 scolded surrounded 0 0 12747 11314 0.12 claw rosary 0 0 12140 11315 0.12 nowhere quarreling 0 0 12174 11316 0.12 dies wakes 0 0 12048 11317 0.12 november october 0 0 12483 11318 0.12 genie preacher 0 0 12559 11319 0.12 bough rail 0 0 12559 11320 0.12 bullocks discussed matched 0 0 0 12205 11321 0.12 beckoned separated 0 0 12345 11322 0.12 bobbed tiptoed 0 0 12559 11323 0.12 clearing sugar-house 0 0 12559 11324 0.12 baked elegant 0 0 12724 11325 0.12 andras eugene 0 0 11576 11326 0.12 lynx perry 0 0 12382 11327 0.12 dagger puma 0 0 12559 11328 0.12 amazing evident gratifying 0 0 0 12140 11329 0.12 mild worldly 0 0 12559 11330 0.12 president saddhu whale 0 0 0 12559 11331 0.12 aboard apiece safely 0 0 0 12484 11332 0.12 symbol writer 0 0 0 11333 0.12 costs events 0 0 12011 11334 0.12 loveliest skim 0 0 12316 11335 0.12 affected silenced 0 0 12488 11336 0.12 clasp pants 0 0 12559 11337 0.12 gryphon master-maid 0 0 12751 11338 0.12 hardened twitched 0 0 12559 11339 0.12 complexion great-grandmother 0 0 12795 11340 0.12 lurgan support 0 0 12559 11341 0.12 chilly motionless 0 0 12559 11342 0.12 hops neglect 0 0 12550 11343 0.12 switch ticket 0 0 12319 11344 0.12 birth flank gowns 0 0 0 12138 11345 0.12 admission chatter 0 0 12502 11346 0.12 attacked tortured 0 0 12559 11347 0.12 bears weddings 0 0 12345 11348 0.12 ducked reproached strutted 0 0 0 12559 11349 0.12 balloon salary stall 0 0 0 12709 11350 0.12 feature themes 0 0 12559 11351 0.12 brusquely gruffly hesitatingly sincerely 0 0 0 0 12516 11352 0.12 fairweather liddell pennington 0 0 0 12430 11353 0.12 deeper shorter 0 0 12559 11354 0.12 favorites limbs 0 0 12559 11355 0.12 butterflies rejoicing 0 0 12559 11356 0.12 bronze signet 0 0 12005 11357 0.12 generations leagues 0 0 12559 11358 0.12 acceptance imp 0 0 12289 11359 0.12 cookies looking-glass 0 0 12559 11360 0.12 finely winking 0 0 12704 11361 0.12 stroked withdrew 0 0 0 11362 0.12 undertake undertook 0 0 12795 11363 0.12 concession undoing wedding-day 0 0 0 12532 11364 0.12 armour oar uniform 0 0 0 12559 11365 0.12 rolls sarcastic shrinking 0 0 0 12559 11366 0.12 disgraceful immense 0 0 12559 11367 0.12 goods introductions 0 0 12489 11368 0.12 navy pearly 0 0 12559 11369 0.12 genesis senior 0 0 12559 11370 0.12 bake persist 0 0 12502 11371 0.12 boyish expressive 0 0 12559 11372 0.12 couch footing 0 0 12331 11373 0.12 craft resolve 0 0 12536 11374 0.12 dancer sufferer 0 0 12244 11375 0.12 cracker earl monarch sea-cook 0 0 0 0 11666 11376 0.12 lookout ninth 0 0 12559 11377 0.12 liquid springing 0 0 12559 11378 0.12 copse growth insolence wanderings 0 0 0 0 12559 11379 0.12 tempest whiff 0 0 12559 11380 0.12 traits youths 0 0 12634 11381 0.12 attentively intently 0 0 12468 11382 0.12 bob-cat headaches 0 0 12140 11383 0.12 darker merrier sane 0 0 0 11794 11384 0.12 aroused invaded 0 0 12290 11385 0.12 atone mourn 0 0 12559 11386 0.12 attempts pulse 0 0 12533 11387 0.12 basin squeal 0 0 12559 11388 0.12 disorder sphere 0 0 12453 11389 0.12 fumbled howls 0 0 12559 11390 0.12 aglow brimming gleaming 0 0 0 12559 11391 0.12 hesitation sweeps 0 0 0 11392 0.12 launch undid 0 0 0 11393 0.12 spilled unfastened 0 0 12246 11394 0.12 coffin pose talisman 0 0 0 12559 11395 0.12 arrangement finishes 0 0 0 11396 0.12 blossomed leaked 0 0 12559 11397 0.12 captive foe 0 0 12559 11398 0.12 leaping stumbling 0 0 12559 11399 0.12 hobby puppy 0 0 12795 11400 0.12 snore spectator 0 0 12795 11401 0.12 damage warrant 0 0 12559 11402 0.12 comical wealthy 0 0 12559 11403 0.12 sandal whit 0 0 12559 11404 0.12 cigars nails 0 0 12559 11405 0.12 garb grub 0 0 12721 11406 0.12 indulged revelled 0 0 12559 11407 0.12 poetical rapt sunken 0 0 0 12559 11408 0.12 rambles ribs scales 0 0 0 12559 11409 0.12 rejection temerity wares 0 0 0 11906 11410 0.12 excursion wrapper 0 0 0 11411 0.12 aeroplane amulet 0 0 12559 11412 0.12 assent bowels correspondents 0 0 0 12559 11413 0.12 bug festivity wench 0 0 0 12559 11414 0.12 appalled crisp mas'r 0 0 0 12559 11415 0.12 o'hara rivalry 0 0 12559 11416 0.12 inherit sharpen translate 0 0 0 12559 11417 0.12 unbecoming untidy 0 0 12559 11418 0.12 regretted wavered 0 0 0 11419 0.12 almās tahmāsp 0 0 12242 11420 0.12 all-round blotted 0 0 12559 11421 0.12 boldness presumption 0 0 12559 11422 0.12 clad clothed scented voluble 0 0 0 0 12476 11423 0.12 darting significant 0 0 12559 11424 0.12 mother-in-law yo'alls 0 0 12559 11425 0.12 boarders naps 0 0 0 11426 0.12 nigh straws 0 0 12286 11427 0.12 concrete plaited 0 0 12559 11428 0.12 sighs submitted 0 0 12281 11429 0.12 precisely red-hot suppressed 0 0 0 12559 11430 0.12 cages correspondence phenomenon 0 0 0 12559 11431 0.12 critical thankless 0 0 12667 11432 0.12 adventurous heroic 0 0 12795 11433 0.12 asses images necklaces 0 0 0 12061 11434 0.12 enchanting wheat 0 0 12749 11435 0.12 carving flannels grapes 0 0 0 12559 11436 0.12 copper rap 0 0 12540 11437 0.12 compelling enraptured moti 0 0 0 12446 11438 0.12 converse fawn pronounce shirk 0 0 0 0 12559 11439 0.12 exceeding stripped 0 0 12559 11440 0.12 grassy sloping 0 0 12466 11441 0.12 ominous truer 0 0 12559 11442 0.12 rocky sheltered 0 0 12140 11443 0.12 abrupt destroyed foreordained verree 0 0 0 0 12128 11444 0.12 babe catastrophe peacock worshipper 0 0 0 0 12140 11445 0.12 boarding fits introduction shirking 0 0 0 0 12015 11446 0.12 helplessly miserably nervously wearily 0 0 0 0 12295 11447 0.12 avonlea charlottetown college europe ingleside lowbridge newbridge redmond upton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11744 11448 0.12 eastman elwell falconer grouse williamson 0 0 0 0 0 12340 11449 0.12 he i she they we you 0 0 0 0 0 0 12164 11450 0.12 faster quickly swiftly 0 0 0 12559 11451 0.12 buster don hooty whitey 0 0 0 0 11552 11452 0.12 eighteen fifteen fifty forty fourteen six sixteen thirteen thirty twenty twenty-five 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12296 11453 0.12 dust earth ice snow 0 0 0 0 12559 11454 0.12 to-morrow today tomorrow tonight 0 0 0 0 12559 11455 0.12 admiration novels rage 0 0 0 12559 11456 0.12 amazement astonishment dismay horror 0 0 0 0 12096 11457 0.12 aloud bitterly cheerfully gently merrily softly 0 0 0 0 0 0 11749 11458 0.12 calmly quietly soberly 0 0 0 12023 11459 0.12 crimson pink rosy 0 0 0 12341 11460 0.12 boots cleverness humiliation jokes space 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11461 0.12 ambassador caliph enchantress merchant sleeper 0 0 0 0 0 12310 11462 0.12 cruel delicate solemn 0 0 0 12559 11463 0.12 glory lovers violets 0 0 0 12100 11464 0.12 bigger lacking ripe 0 0 0 11858 11465 0.12 jacky ourselves yourselves 0 0 0 12504 11466 0.12 argue continue meddle 0 0 0 12053 11467 0.12 cavern centre edges park 0 0 0 0 12559 11468 0.12 advertise illustrations stiffened 0 0 0 12311 11469 0.12 barber blacksmith dressmaker gardener lilith mermaid shepherd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12190 11470 0.12 bedside collar heel wrist 0 0 0 0 12140 11471 0.12 middle-aged rude sociable 0 0 0 11739 11472 0.12 bandar-log boxes cattle dancers 0 0 0 0 12030 11473 0.12 gerda shamlegh sunrise zizi 0 0 0 0 12559 11474 0.12 kadmiel puck topsy 0 0 0 11742 11475 0.12 bravely mechanically resolutely 0 0 0 12184 11476 0.12 action cakes giants 0 0 0 12559 11477 0.12 attorney irishwoman mule rocket 0 0 0 0 12520 11478 0.12 bang broom racket 0 0 0 11844 11479 0.12 bolder calmer fewer larger louder paler redder sicker weaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11480 0.12 grafton london spice 0 0 0 12501 11481 0.12 accent armful increase 0 0 0 12795 11482 0.12 marvellous nimble uncommon 0 0 0 12747 11483 0.12 coasting lustily noses 0 0 0 12795 11484 0.12 boarded controlled traced 0 0 0 12472 11485 0.12 cling descend strive 0 0 0 12795 11486 0.12 embers fence-post feud 0 0 0 12559 11487 0.12 angelina dignified economical rilla-my-rilla rudely severe upward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11488 0.12 forgiving i'd lock-out 0 0 0 12347 11489 0.12 far-away hasty pained scornful 0 0 0 0 12559 11490 0.12 aloof confounded limply 0 0 0 12795 11491 0.12 deeds meditations track turnovers 0 0 0 0 12559 11492 0.12 foreclose retire successfully 0 0 0 12140 11493 0.12 boomed ejaculated grumbled snarled 0 0 0 0 12717 11494 0.12 clarke hurrah pals seth 0 0 0 0 12795 11495 0.12 apologize produce stray submit 0 0 0 0 12473 11496 0.12 croyden mystic wondrous 0 0 0 12559 11497 0.12 downward fragrant panting thence thereafter 0 0 0 0 0 12545 11498 0.12 advantages amusements churches cleverer colder prettier richer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11499 0.12 aggravating biggest brightest bubble dearest favourite finest forests highest nicest sweetest wildest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12097 11500 0.12 always certainly ever henceforth just never only otherwise probably really surely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11743 11501 0.12 any no our some their this 0 0 0 0 0 0 11543 11502 0.12 'd 'll can can't couldn't must won't wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11503 0.12 amelia bob joyce michael nancy robert teddy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11504 0.12 baking homely honest poems powder rapturous wider 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11505 0.12 circles december glamour peril roamed satisfaction 0 0 0 0 0 0 12296 11506 0.12 bounds buttercups daisies excitement manuscripts mud rain rapture strains sunshine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12028 11507 0.12 cyrilla emmy lucy philippa rebecca susanna 0 0 0 0 0 0 12694 11508 0.12 ahead dinnerless excellently regularly smoothly somewhere 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11509 0.12 barrel bathroom cradle cupboard factory gallery kennel pasture saddle thicket tomb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11510 0.12 eagerness fruit indignation sobs 0 0 0 0 12795 11511 0.12 bench cruise gravestone railing stool 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11512 0.12 crisis gale stork string tent 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11513 0.12 august gussie lucinda smee 0 0 0 0 12140 11514 0.12 butcher caleb cyrus dot flint 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11515 0.12 alberta anthony cecil enrico hammer jaqueline rebellion redruth skates smack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11516 0.12 bare dainty dusty shadowy 0 0 0 0 12559 11517 0.12 bay channel cliff congregation generation settlement 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11518 0.12 applause freedom occasions oranges patriotism rhymes widowers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12541 11519 0.12 fluttered follows insists rapped risen stooped 0 0 0 0 0 0 12474 11520 0.12 combed stain trim unlocked 0 0 0 0 12795 11521 0.12 arrows escapes tripped watchful watered 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11522 0.12 amberley missy preaching tough undoubtedly weland 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11523 0.12 current flavor forenoon remora revelation speaker witness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11524 0.12 altered bored dressing ludicrous stunned twenty-four unconscious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12737 11525 0.12 koshchei pitch sighing snoring 0 0 0 0 12552 11526 0.12 afflicted connected gad strewn 0 0 0 0 12795 11527 0.12 goldilocks granddaughter sash snowflakes tornaq 0 0 0 0 0 12753 11528 0.12 brat illusions opportunities typhoid 0 0 0 0 12795 11529 0.12 beastly beings candlesticks constantine sacrificing sworn 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11530 0.12 brighter elfin mute transfigured uplifted 0 0 0 0 0 12621 11531 0.12 appealingly crab-apple fondly myrtle sheepish 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11532 0.12 agreeable delicious discouraged divinely eighty envious glorious homesick prejudiced undone unreasonable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11533 0.12 appin beetles bellissima eternity ferns grown-ups kitchener mercy persuasion shoreby york 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12338 11534 0.12 agnes bab camilla curtis ethel pandora rapturously selwyn tackleton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11535 0.12 faculty herald legion pill ram thimble 0 0 0 0 0 0 12619 11536 0.12 accompanying dissuade hinder misunderstand pester sustain 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11537 0.12 gallop hoe magpie ramble saucer slab 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11538 0.12 approvingly arthur catherine dad dolly epimetheus franz jeffrey kabo kadlu kotick mammy rikki-tikki sergeant sue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11539 0.12 amiable discontented enacted heaped joyous kindly undignified wistful worthwhile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11540 0.12 buffaloes buildings bulls compass cot female firedrake giver jam parson peacocks robins rustling seasons session shovel villagers wreck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11541 0.12 apartments benefactor clamour motto sex stitches traditions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12097 11542 0.12 admiringly aethra alan alexina alice allo anne auntie benjamin bessy beth betty big-horn blacky blankly bowser calista carey cecilia cecily charlotta chatterer chester christopher clemantiny cordelia dan darzee di diana donald dorothy dosia elaine electa emil eric estella esterbrook faith fatima felicity felix fiske frances freda fulke geraldine gilbert granny haley hans harrington ida ismay jacob jason jean jeff jem jerome jerry jessamine jill jimmy jims johnny kate kenneth kilmeny kim kotuko laddie lavendar legree leslie lina lisbeth madeline margaret marilla mattie min miriam mowgli nat nellie nelly nora ophelia owen patty penelope peter petru proserpina quicksilver randall reddy reproachfully rilla rosemary rosetta roy ruggles sammy sara scrooge stacy stephen stupidly susan telford theodosia thyra una ursula victoria walter wesley whitefoot willard zillah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12018 11543 0.11 'd 'll can can't couldn't must will won't wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11544 0.11 ! ? 0 0 12017 11545 0.11 quite very 0 0 12555 11546 0.11 father mother 0 0 12120 11547 0.11 thee us 0 0 12559 11548 0.11 almost nearly 0 0 12297 11549 0.11 gasp shrug sigh throb yelp 0 0 0 0 0 12132 11550 0.11 castle palace 0 0 12559 11551 0.11 second third 0 0 12014 11552 0.11 eighteen fifteen fifty forty four fourteen six sixteen thirteen thirty twenty twenty-five 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11838 11553 0.11 breakfast supper 0 0 12131 11554 0.11 sometimes therefore 0 0 12559 11555 0.11 god heaven 0 0 12559 11556 0.11 gertrude irene rachel theodora winslow 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11557 0.11 buggy field neighbourhood temples yard 0 0 0 0 0 12292 11558 0.11 doorstep floor veranda 0 0 0 12559 11559 0.11 hot warm 0 0 12304 11560 0.11 months weeks 0 0 12559 11561 0.11 middle shade 0 0 12370 11562 0.11 chuckled grinned 0 0 12140 11563 0.11 abimelech alec jesse 0 0 0 12140 11564 0.11 clever wise 0 0 12027 11565 0.11 forehead knees shoulders 0 0 0 12140 11566 0.11 ceres coldly ellie flatly frank gloucester hoseason lawless ruth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12156 11567 0.11 lots plenty 0 0 12559 11568 0.11 memory seat 0 0 11857 11569 0.11 pocket pockets 0 0 12559 11570 0.11 contentment earnestness fright leaps socks wrath 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11571 0.11 hounds hunters 0 0 12559 11572 0.11 dryad hatter passport result woman-hater 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11573 0.11 dizzy shiver 0 0 12559 11574 0.11 kaa ulysses 0 0 12140 11575 0.11 dining-room estate governor 0 0 0 12506 11576 0.11 lynx panther perry 0 0 0 12559 11577 0.11 grief politics scorn sympathy 0 0 0 0 12559 11578 0.11 major nightingale 0 0 12559 11579 0.11 frolic tragedy 0 0 12761 11580 0.11 fortunate merciful 0 0 12559 11581 0.11 belongings relatives 0 0 12795 11582 0.11 germany henry 0 0 12120 11583 0.11 ghosts ours plaster rheumatism wax 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11584 0.11 entrance mast 0 0 12016 11585 0.11 hastily meekly 0 0 12490 11586 0.11 rowed scrambled 0 0 11879 11587 0.11 colt widow 0 0 12559 11588 0.11 deceived forgiven 0 0 12676 11589 0.11 mite speck 0 0 12559 11590 0.11 dazedly drowsily politely respectfully 0 0 0 0 12559 11591 0.11 brief confused good-tempered spry 0 0 0 0 12615 11592 0.11 envied pitied 0 0 12559 11593 0.11 eve minnie 0 0 12795 11594 0.11 hay soup 0 0 12559 11595 0.11 blinking fashionable starry 0 0 0 12491 11596 0.11 actress artist elephant 0 0 0 12559 11597 0.11 childhood politeness 0 0 12616 11598 0.11 remarkable singular 0 0 12559 11599 0.11 bridegroom calf 0 0 12795 11600 0.11 cushion scarf 0 0 12700 11601 0.11 ideals training 0 0 12795 11602 0.11 beggar sparrow 0 0 12559 11603 0.11 blinked diamonds 0 0 12795 11604 0.11 chickens climbing 0 0 12795 11605 0.11 desolate limped 0 0 12140 11606 0.11 christine ludovic providence 0 0 0 12559 11607 0.11 bison camel mugger 0 0 0 12559 11608 0.11 shell team 0 0 12795 11609 0.11 importance value 0 0 12508 11610 0.11 pole wreath 0 0 12559 11611 0.11 half-way halfway 0 0 12485 11612 0.11 chimney-sweep coincidence fib mess water-baby 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11613 0.11 ministers thieves 0 0 12559 11614 0.11 quivering sensitive 0 0 11856 11615 0.11 usually yonder 0 0 12795 11616 0.11 borrow scold 0 0 12713 11617 0.11 verse wheels 0 0 12559 11618 0.11 argued kindled 0 0 12440 11619 0.11 directions fiction 0 0 11888 11620 0.11 pets weakness 0 0 12795 11621 0.11 overhead perseus 0 0 12551 11622 0.11 glare strain 0 0 11895 11623 0.11 abroad barefooted 0 0 12140 11624 0.11 chasing nursing 0 0 12140 11625 0.11 hatred millions 0 0 12741 11626 0.11 bath bookcase 0 0 12197 11627 0.11 attack neighborhood 0 0 12389 11628 0.11 cherry lemon mince 0 0 0 12559 11629 0.11 creek skirt 0 0 12559 11630 0.11 cares joys 0 0 12325 11631 0.11 elders fancies mortification 0 0 0 11863 11632 0.11 augusta chloe 0 0 12559 11633 0.11 blake kirby 0 0 12795 11634 0.11 cobra rooster 0 0 12795 11635 0.11 breaks ian 0 0 12795 11636 0.11 geese slipper 0 0 12559 11637 0.11 greeting recovery 0 0 12512 11638 0.11 evidence lions 0 0 12559 11639 0.11 packet parcel 0 0 12259 11640 0.11 moustache property 0 0 12559 11641 0.11 glittering sparkling 0 0 12795 11642 0.11 bars ciccu 0 0 12550 11643 0.11 cent mattress peppermint 0 0 0 12559 11644 0.11 extent pedestal 0 0 12016 11645 0.11 grumpily harshly hurriedly loftily 0 0 0 0 12753 11646 0.11 ointment regiment 0 0 12747 11647 0.11 seals wealth 0 0 12559 11648 0.11 carelessly serenely slyly thickly 0 0 0 0 12559 11649 0.11 handkerchiefs necessity 0 0 12140 11650 0.11 josiah sarah 0 0 12633 11651 0.11 medea selena 0 0 12559 11652 0.11 handy refined tidy 0 0 0 12559 11653 0.11 flood litter panic 0 0 0 12559 11654 0.11 archie thistle 0 0 12707 11655 0.11 asks prowled sleeps 0 0 0 12095 11656 0.11 marwood riach 0 0 12559 11657 0.11 bruised rogue 0 0 12766 11658 0.11 sucking supply 0 0 12673 11659 0.11 brutal harmless 0 0 12515 11660 0.11 heathen listener marvel 0 0 0 12486 11661 0.11 searching watering 0 0 12795 11662 0.11 infuriated modern silvery sombre 0 0 0 0 12559 11663 0.11 chronicle floe spear 0 0 0 12487 11664 0.11 successful tempting 0 0 12602 11665 0.11 pluck problems 0 0 12559 11666 0.11 lookout ninth title 0 0 0 12559 11667 0.11 croak squeak 0 0 11903 11668 0.11 birches brambles nail spray 0 0 0 0 12795 11669 0.11 digging squarely 0 0 12454 11670 0.11 undo venturing 0 0 12531 11671 0.11 biting crawl lectured 0 0 0 0 11672 0.11 announcement item 0 0 12653 11673 0.11 clifford flo jenik kay matte peder tennyson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11674 0.11 refusing thanking 0 0 12559 11675 0.11 executed sometime 0 0 12140 11676 0.11 backward overboard 0 0 12559 11677 0.11 elsewhere equally 0 0 12559 11678 0.11 beechwood flesh odds 0 0 0 12593 11679 0.11 cohort lordship 0 0 12559 11680 0.11 averred queried 0 0 0 11681 0.11 depended overflowed 0 0 12559 11682 0.11 novel playfellow 0 0 12795 11683 0.11 oats peoples 0 0 12155 11684 0.11 amiss rash roman 0 0 0 12559 11685 0.11 items toast 0 0 12069 11686 0.11 hysterically violently 0 0 12183 11687 0.11 beatrix missis 0 0 12559 11688 0.11 captured enlisted 0 0 12559 11689 0.11 colony unhappiness 0 0 12277 11690 0.11 chamberlain conductor 0 0 12140 11691 0.11 drawers rubbers 0 0 12559 11692 0.11 element snares surcoat 0 0 0 12742 11693 0.11 lombardies pining 0 0 12559 11694 0.11 dalveigh pevensey plumfield 0 0 0 12559 11695 0.11 biddies buds 0 0 12744 11696 0.11 conway leith sefton 0 0 0 12456 11697 0.11 pressing ruffled 0 0 12559 11698 0.11 creeps reader 0 0 12559 11699 0.11 bridal reckless 0 0 12216 11700 0.11 abbot lapping 0 0 11963 11701 0.11 obscurity operation 0 0 12559 11702 0.11 screwed streaming 0 0 12559 11703 0.11 pendexter skinner 0 0 12559 11704 0.11 quotation strawberries 0 0 12559 11705 0.11 python tray 0 0 12554 11706 0.11 surprises ugliness 0 0 12464 11707 0.11 archer imaginary 0 0 12559 11708 0.11 bailey exposed stanton 0 0 0 12559 11709 0.11 crutch fights 0 0 12795 11710 0.11 arching laden 0 0 12559 11711 0.11 intelligence proclamation 0 0 12221 11712 0.11 fairbairn rogerson 0 0 12795 11713 0.11 agitated curdled rustled 0 0 0 12559 11714 0.11 feathered touchy 0 0 12479 11715 0.11 differently kills 0 0 12559 11716 0.11 falcon sorrel 0 0 12559 11717 0.11 fist parasol 0 0 12559 11718 0.11 depressed irritated 0 0 12677 11719 0.11 eventful rousing 0 0 12559 11720 0.11 beauties thrice witches 0 0 0 12558 11721 0.11 abused befall encore 0 0 0 12403 11722 0.11 gallantly obediently 0 0 12795 11723 0.11 clearer handyman parched 0 0 0 12678 11724 0.11 railroad rustic 0 0 12795 11725 0.11 butte ingiborg peppe 0 0 0 12559 11726 0.11 claimed everett 0 0 12559 11727 0.11 holly lime 0 0 12559 11728 0.11 abandoned hospitable 0 0 12559 11729 0.11 huneefa ichabod jedediah 0 0 0 12559 11730 0.11 prickles verdun 0 0 12559 11731 0.11 discreet everlasting 0 0 12559 11732 0.11 american gil 0 0 12140 11733 0.11 dinah minnikin 0 0 12489 11734 0.11 creamy rose-leaf silver-grey 0 0 0 12559 11735 0.11 deepest happiest hump mixing remaining 0 0 0 0 0 12342 11736 0.11 aglaia balls classes connie greenland molasses pope 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12488 11737 0.11 babyhood beak elbows shroud veins 0 0 0 0 0 12097 11738 0.11 here now then there 0 0 0 0 12309 11739 0.11 ashes asters bandar-log boxes cattle dancers spruces vines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12096 11740 0.11 abruptly absently affectionately anxiously beseechingly breathlessly briefly briskly broadly cheerily contemptuously defiantly despairingly desperately dismally dolefully dreamily eagerly earnestly faintly forlornly grimly hoarsely hopelessly impatiently incredulously indignantly jubilantly maliciously mournfully mysteriously ominously passionately proudly reverently sagely scornfully sharply sternly tabaqui tenderly triumphantly uncomfortably uneasily wickedly wistfully 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12026 11741 0.11 blacksnake harmer laurence riley shelmardine walters 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11742 0.11 bravely good-naturedly mechanically resolutely sheepishly sulkily sullenly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11743 0.11 a any her his my no our some the their this your 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11744 0.11 allan eastman elwell falconer grouse quack williamson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12132 11745 0.11 barn future glen lawn marsh oven 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11746 0.11 harbor harbour manse pond table 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11747 0.11 beach chimney pillar 0 0 0 12559 11748 0.11 cannibals carrot force treachery wolves 0 0 0 0 0 12096 11749 0.11 calmly coolly doubtfully dubiously emphatically gloomily gravely lazily promptly quietly severely soberly solemnly sorrowfully thoughtfully wonderingly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12779 11750 0.11 harvey lipperty-lipperty-lip tut 0 0 0 12309 11751 0.11 dew fury gems 0 0 0 12795 11752 0.11 barked cheered coughed 0 0 0 12795 11753 0.11 cunning protection scores 0 0 0 12795 11754 0.11 giggle howl rumpled swollen whine 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11755 0.11 hearty mocking separate squeaky winning 0 0 0 0 0 12736 11756 0.11 companionship suddenness sweetness 0 0 0 12690 11757 0.11 jewels kisses offering 0 0 0 12200 11758 0.11 bennet clara dame 0 0 0 12492 11759 0.11 absolutely murdered wholly 0 0 0 11876 11760 0.11 bows cellar gateway 0 0 0 12229 11761 0.11 blistered resisted rewarded 0 0 0 12795 11762 0.11 associate correspond embroidering 0 0 0 12493 11763 0.11 ginger halvor impulsive maie prudent rusty thumbelina vassili 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11764 0.11 befallen spanked spoilt 0 0 0 12795 11765 0.11 purposely tremble wonders 0 0 0 12795 11766 0.11 elves manager seek-seek 0 0 0 12188 11767 0.11 lame partners praised teachers 0 0 0 0 12610 11768 0.11 needles rod stockard 0 0 0 12353 11769 0.11 dory hermit piper serpent 0 0 0 0 12795 11770 0.11 pesky prints wounds 0 0 0 12795 11771 0.11 allies calves smells spurs 0 0 0 0 12795 11772 0.11 bearer executioner moat 0 0 0 12559 11773 0.11 keen moist original shrewd 0 0 0 0 12559 11774 0.11 intimate tame venerable 0 0 0 0 11775 0.11 advertisement cone hemlock-tree stem 0 0 0 0 12559 11776 0.11 grit scoundrel setter telephone 0 0 0 0 12795 11777 0.11 bracelet revival yankee 0 0 0 12748 11778 0.11 cracks dinners tunnel 0 0 0 12795 11779 0.11 drowsy grumpy hiss 0 0 0 12540 11780 0.11 chummy handled tedious 0 0 0 12675 11781 0.11 edna piteously primly 0 0 0 12795 11782 0.11 copied displeased robbed rotten subdued valued 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11783 0.11 churn gum roads rusks 0 0 0 0 12795 11784 0.11 fade measures swing 0 0 0 12795 11785 0.11 churchyard envelope farmyard rains 0 0 0 0 12795 11786 0.11 chewed distributed rattling shipwrecked ties 0 0 0 0 0 12793 11787 0.11 loker moffat sentner 0 0 0 0 11788 0.11 falsehoods mummy nimbly 0 0 0 12559 11789 0.11 ada disagreeably nag obligingly sid wary 0 0 0 0 0 0 12297 11790 0.11 chuckle complacency jerk nod shout sob tilt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11791 0.11 blossom board corners division existence principle safety 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11792 0.11 bullock carrier crank fisherman hobgoblin professor schoolmaster turkey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11793 0.11 adam buldeo eunice florrie hook josephine maimie neil salome shakespeare solomon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11794 0.11 aghast alarmed aroused awkward complimentary crafty independent indignant invaded prosaic slippery thirsty thoughtful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11795 0.11 conceited constantly dirty neat powerful 0 0 0 0 0 12342 11796 0.11 boomer flitter maggie miranda witta 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11797 0.11 angels flame mayflowers mittens preserves scraps weariness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11798 0.11 bitten celebrated chilled constant crushed 0 0 0 0 0 12298 11799 0.11 brackley candles conceit holidays measles presents smallpox stage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12599 11800 0.11 den lair potatoes profession realm 0 0 0 0 0 12491 11801 0.11 brahmin englishman heroine pygmies troll 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11802 0.11 fable gazelle geranium isle leadership races shoemaker strawberry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11803 0.11 border image madman peony physician slippery-slide wooer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11804 0.11 basking believer bided lounging resting sprinkled 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11805 0.11 conquered convenient disrespectful impolite intellect lodging refreshment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11806 0.11 acknowledged coaxed hissed raced whirled 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11807 0.11 kangaroo lunatic mutely steamer 0 0 0 0 12795 11808 0.11 exercises invitations misgivings relish stings talents 0 0 0 0 0 0 12423 11809 0.11 flirting misfortunes suitors trials 0 0 0 0 12795 11810 0.11 bangs brooks herring marquis vizier 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11811 0.11 angelic barrett esquint passages plunkett renewed 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11812 0.11 beckoning boudoir farming neighbouring straggling 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11813 0.11 according lita sampson talbot thorkild vainly 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11814 0.11 catechism contrast fighter limb mascot possibility privilege son-in-law 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12733 11815 0.11 backing dazzled endicott fatter slow tragic 0 0 0 0 0 0 12392 11816 0.11 everywhere frantic gain perfection starving 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11817 0.11 approved chuchundra happily leo onward racing skating spat spelling starvation straightway wriggled yawned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11818 0.11 fling jamboree prejudice profile protector prowl 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11819 0.11 decently goodbye hello reeled vegetables 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11820 0.11 artistic blest braver businesslike destined fated foreigners reconciled unwilling wont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11821 0.11 authorities etiquette fords housekeepers nerve potato risingham seamen tradesmen villages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11822 0.11 bureau cabin-boy coals disease fragrance funerals languages pilgrimage posts skids stair stealthily substitute 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11823 0.11 ally angered blunder bottles cheat coin halt hillman loaf male pup skip strides web yawning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12140 11824 0.11 bertha beverley billy bryan clorinda dora esme fiordelisa grandma jed louisa ma marian matthew melissa nan prue ruby sigismund violet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11825 0.11 benediction brewing cowardly dunce eavesdropping grievously handsomely kirke oddly package scotchman snatch sounding superb worker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11826 0.11 belltown blythes buttons codfish convention doze flames flocks glaring groom hearers hedgehog lighting luggage medical murderer operations ornaments replies rules simpleton struggles troop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11827 0.11 appealing attained bathed brooded capers clanked consulted courteous cups explored flitted forbid geirald hostess kicking lithe nudged paced paddle peered plucky preparing prisoners relaxed reports ribbons skipping slapped slunk snuff-box stamping teaches teapot unhindered washes wrenched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11828 0.11 abstraction bedclothes boardinghouse clang descendants dominions dooty hazard ikki murdering notebook nowadays pore portal recollection runaway spanish stow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11829 0.11 avenge blankets bred bump classroom click confirmed crash eel larks light-hearted organized pangs pavement prosper rides ripened selected slam snap snarl stamped strokes theory tumble uninteresting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11830 0.11 caressed churchill clenched dejected delivered draped fetched foaming good-natured harnessed hopeless lighter lizzie mocked muddy nanny patched pecked percinet picturesque radiant refreshing satisfactory skimming sorrowful sticking sufficient timid undisturbed waving weak weary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12547 11831 0.09 didn't don't 0 0 0 11832 0.09 'm am 0 0 12547 11833 0.09 may shall 0 0 12145 11834 0.09 last next 0 0 12143 11835 0.09 gate window 0 0 12498 11836 0.09 week year 0 0 12795 11837 0.09 moon sun 0 0 12559 11838 0.09 breakfast dinner supper 0 0 0 12679 11839 0.09 cornelia oliver 0 0 12559 11840 0.09 lynde spencer 0 0 12299 11841 0.09 instantly suddenly 0 0 12559 11842 0.09 bagheera wendy 0 0 12559 11843 0.09 coward fool methodist presbyterian thief 0 0 0 0 0 12545 11844 0.09 bolder calmer fewer larger louder paler redder sicker weaker worse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12294 11845 0.09 davy phil rob 0 0 0 12559 11846 0.09 giant jackal sultan 0 0 0 12299 11847 0.09 finally presently 0 0 12795 11848 0.09 inside outside 0 0 12498 11849 0.09 fortnight month 0 0 12547 11850 0.09 needn't shouldn't 0 0 12559 11851 0.09 pleasure success 0 0 12318 11852 0.09 hardly scarcely 0 0 12559 11853 0.09 alicia ellen joscelyn 0 0 0 12158 11854 0.09 happiness vacation 0 0 12368 11855 0.09 gladly let's 0 0 12559 11856 0.09 neither usually yonder 0 0 0 12559 11857 0.09 doorway pocket pockets 0 0 0 12559 11858 0.09 jacky ourselves themselves yourselves 0 0 0 0 12559 11859 0.09 grey yellow 0 0 12559 11860 0.09 presence throat 0 0 12559 11861 0.09 stupid ugly 0 0 12559 11862 0.09 becoming impossible ladylike pleasanter 0 0 0 0 12170 11863 0.09 augusta chloe martha 0 0 0 12556 11864 0.09 announced conceded 0 0 12795 11865 0.09 health sisters 0 0 12559 11866 0.09 important unusual 0 0 12559 11867 0.09 baffled breathless calm cuddled despairing dissatisfied expressionless flawless good-looking harsh incredulous murder questioning serene stained trimming 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11868 0.09 effort impression 0 0 12751 11869 0.09 quivered trembled 0 0 12559 11870 0.09 avery demi hannah 0 0 0 12588 11871 0.09 clapped wrung 0 0 12166 11872 0.09 ceremony feast 0 0 12559 11873 0.09 imagination pigs 0 0 12541 11874 0.09 leaped wakened 0 0 12559 11875 0.09 farther higher 0 0 12559 11876 0.09 bows cellar gateway porch 0 0 0 0 12393 11877 0.09 frowned hesitated 0 0 12795 11878 0.09 obey yield 0 0 12795 11879 0.09 colt failure widow 0 0 0 12378 11880 0.09 devil prisoner 0 0 12734 11881 0.09 jonas poetry 0 0 12580 11882 0.09 housekeeper stepmother 0 0 12630 11883 0.09 kelpy rainbow 0 0 12729 11884 0.09 bewildered relieved 0 0 12795 11885 0.09 balfour smiles 0 0 12398 11886 0.09 companions project 0 0 12753 11887 0.09 cloak cock 0 0 12736 11888 0.09 flock pets weakness 0 0 0 12595 11889 0.09 envy practice 0 0 12704 11890 0.09 fed mend 0 0 12559 11891 0.09 beatrice caroline 0 0 12559 11892 0.09 holy model 0 0 12752 11893 0.09 dashed descended 0 0 12795 11894 0.09 related restored 0 0 12559 11895 0.09 abroad barefooted forever 0 0 0 12752 11896 0.09 fret preach 0 0 12739 11897 0.09 slid surrendered 0 0 12559 11898 0.09 lantern suggestion 0 0 12383 11899 0.09 dug hates 0 0 12559 11900 0.09 desk elbow 0 0 12559 11901 0.09 fare loveliness 0 0 12559 11902 0.09 adelia molly nagaina wilson 0 0 0 0 12753 11903 0.09 birches brambles carpet nail spray 0 0 0 0 0 12559 11904 0.09 greeted hailed 0 0 12693 11905 0.09 galloped skipped 0 0 12795 11906 0.09 excursion host wrapper 0 0 0 12559 11907 0.09 concerned salmon 0 0 12795 11908 0.09 fan lass 0 0 12402 11909 0.09 allen lemar 0 0 12795 11910 0.09 remarks sleeve 0 0 12559 11911 0.09 dandy swell 0 0 12494 11912 0.09 address auction 0 0 0 11913 0.09 harris norton 0 0 12559 11914 0.09 encouraged insulted 0 0 12795 11915 0.09 pinned planning 0 0 12559 11916 0.09 printed trained 0 0 12531 11917 0.09 ankle career 0 0 12740 11918 0.09 hedge notes 0 0 12795 11919 0.09 demand promises 0 0 12680 11920 0.09 jelly traveling 0 0 12795 11921 0.09 gnome mass 0 0 12795 11922 0.09 mills schools springs 0 0 0 12559 11923 0.09 groaning stirring 0 0 12795 11924 0.09 redskins spoons 0 0 12559 11925 0.09 aright clearly distinctly listlessly 0 0 0 0 12559 11926 0.09 cluny fezziwig melody olive 0 0 0 0 12603 11927 0.09 veered wheeled 0 0 12680 11928 0.09 approval pebbles vigour 0 0 0 12554 11929 0.09 openly visions 0 0 12795 11930 0.09 chewing em pivi 0 0 0 12795 11931 0.09 fraud macallister miser vampire 0 0 0 0 12311 11932 0.09 newcomer skipper water-rat 0 0 0 12795 11933 0.09 opens softened 0 0 12795 11934 0.09 guesses pairs 0 0 12795 11935 0.09 reappeared rings 0 0 12559 11936 0.09 harrowing thrilling 0 0 0 11937 0.09 iv v x 0 0 0 12559 11938 0.09 due splendidly 0 0 12678 11939 0.09 plank ridgepole 0 0 12795 11940 0.09 elapsed subsided 0 0 12559 11941 0.09 ahmed narcissus 0 0 12795 11942 0.09 diary tryst 0 0 0 11943 0.09 echoed snuggled 0 0 12668 11944 0.09 affliction omen 0 0 12795 11945 0.09 movements reflections 0 0 12233 11946 0.09 thrifty unfortunate 0 0 12559 11947 0.09 confession quail 0 0 12742 11948 0.09 noble stylish 0 0 12795 11949 0.09 mettle rocker 0 0 12316 11950 0.09 accustomed glued 0 0 12795 11951 0.09 chickadee crier 0 0 12795 11952 0.09 awarded oppressed performed 0 0 0 12509 11953 0.09 bentley burroughs saxby 0 0 0 12795 11954 0.09 beliefs scolding 0 0 12795 11955 0.09 chooses stirs 0 0 12537 11956 0.09 dis hazy jonah midsummer never-to-be-forgotten preceding sunny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 11957 0.09 advise recommend untied 0 0 0 12666 11958 0.09 adore misdoubt 0 0 12559 11959 0.09 avoided competitor 0 0 12795 11960 0.09 anne-girl bev ma'am rosina 0 0 0 0 12722 11961 0.09 bond trader 0 0 12795 11962 0.09 couples hymns 0 0 12795 11963 0.09 obscurity odor operation 0 0 0 12795 11964 0.09 exchanging prowling 0 0 12749 11965 0.09 baskets hides 0 0 12795 11966 0.09 chinese reality stores 0 0 0 12795 11967 0.09 cooling cranky 0 0 12795 11968 0.09 coolies improvers yarns 0 0 0 0 11969 0.09 ails bothers 0 0 0 11970 0.09 breck flinched 0 0 12681 11971 0.09 chores skulking 0 0 12795 11972 0.09 critics errors methods 0 0 0 12747 11973 0.09 entertaining exhilarating persecuted 0 0 0 12387 11974 0.09 goldthwaite townley 0 0 12407 11975 0.09 knowles stetson 0 0 12559 11976 0.09 mission trinket 0 0 12738 11977 0.09 fathomed tend 0 0 12660 11978 0.09 brighten rig swarmed 0 0 0 12753 11979 0.09 conditions priests 0 0 12795 11980 0.09 enthusiastic impassable 0 0 12715 11981 0.09 grotesque injustice 0 0 12795 11982 0.09 carson mannering 0 0 12795 11983 0.09 families putney 0 0 12795 11984 0.09 grayson randal 0 0 12659 11985 0.09 exploded reckoned 0 0 12795 11986 0.09 dingy spun 0 0 12795 11987 0.09 exact stated 0 0 12795 11988 0.09 gourd pocketbook weapons 0 0 0 12554 11989 0.09 commit remove 0 0 12795 11990 0.09 election scandal 0 0 12795 11991 0.09 e flora thornton 0 0 0 12722 11992 0.09 hug portfolio 0 0 12795 11993 0.09 injure startle vex 0 0 0 12719 11994 0.09 pitying snapping 0 0 12795 11995 0.09 readily willingly 0 0 12745 11996 0.09 duckling gypsy stab 0 0 0 12710 11997 0.09 engraved ruddy 0 0 12795 11998 0.09 adjusted scamper thumping 0 0 0 12681 11999 0.09 aught compete vanish 0 0 0 12470 12000 0.09 appetites dealings husks 0 0 0 12795 12001 0.09 kingdoms proposals treatment 0 0 0 12559 12002 0.09 arithmetic sums 0 0 12482 12003 0.09 eastern northern western 0 0 0 12461 12004 0.09 bushy crimped shaggy 0 0 0 12528 12005 0.09 generations leagues simons 0 0 0 12795 12006 0.09 exceedingly overly 0 0 12467 12007 0.09 elation reflecting relenting 0 0 0 12559 12008 0.09 deliberately involuntarily peggy 0 0 0 12725 12009 0.09 badness confoundedly cute 0 0 0 12559 12010 0.09 aim portraits seats tribe 0 0 0 0 12559 12011 0.09 greatest loveliest prettiest skim 0 0 0 0 12559 12012 0.09 blooming cheery sunshiny sweeter tremulous vacant 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12013 0.09 beech fir pine spruce 0 0 0 0 12293 12014 0.09 eight eighteen eleven fifteen fifty five forty four fourteen nine six sixteen ten thirteen thirty three twelve twenty twenty-five two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12300 12015 0.09 courteously gaily gratefully helplessly imploringly joyfully miserably nervously warmly wearily 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12016 0.09 grumpily harshly hastily hurriedly loftily meekly 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12017 0.09 quite rather so very 0 0 0 0 12682 12018 0.09 'd 'll can can't could couldn't must will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12019 0.09 away down off out up 0 0 0 0 0 12141 12020 0.09 old poor young 0 0 0 12359 12021 0.09 afternoon evening morning 0 0 0 12146 12022 0.09 daughter sister son 0 0 0 12148 12023 0.09 blue crimson pink red rosy 0 0 0 0 0 12729 12024 0.09 delighted disappointed frightened surprised 0 0 0 0 12559 12025 0.09 altar bank cove flats hotel plains shore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12026 0.09 blacksnake campbell harmer harrison laurence riley shelmardine walters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12302 12027 0.09 arm breast forehead knee knees neck shoulder shoulders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12542 12028 0.09 cynthia cyrilla emmy lucy olivia philippa rebecca sally susanna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12029 0.09 casimer daniel edward richard van 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12030 0.09 dawn daybreak gerda hunno midnight noon parties shamlegh sunrise sunset zizi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12031 0.09 fifth fourth previous seventh sixth 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12032 0.09 afoot behaving desecration ocean papers redtail sacrilege seventy weeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12729 12033 0.09 alert amazed astonished forlorn grieved raw shocked 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12034 0.09 ashore aside forth hither thither 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12035 0.09 grunt mushroom shriek whim 0 0 0 0 12795 12036 0.09 ....y grimes hercules honker katherine magdalen philemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12037 0.09 blindly noiselessly silently undauntedly 0 0 0 0 12173 12038 0.09 brooke emmeline lawrence 0 0 0 12559 12039 0.09 brig bullet hospital picnic rope scamp 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12040 0.09 belt betrothed cousins 0 0 0 0 12041 0.09 breed moods noises oracle 0 0 0 0 12795 12042 0.09 amended feebly innocently shortly sufficiently 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12043 0.09 candle interruption lamps 0 0 0 12795 12044 0.09 poorer rolling slower taller thicker 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12045 0.09 aching happening sacred 0 0 0 12559 12046 0.09 annie benson grandpa karl milty sallie 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12047 0.09 chela crime lubber man-cub 0 0 0 0 12559 12048 0.09 brightness chairs delhi halfman hysterics montrose november october payment prudence springtime terms urdu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12688 12049 0.09 guards rogues shield 0 0 0 12559 12050 0.09 leapt smote spit 0 0 0 12176 12051 0.09 diamond lamb lark 0 0 0 12795 12052 0.09 football mount planting 0 0 0 12559 12053 0.09 banner cavern centre edges marshes park process 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12054 0.09 accomplishment crows fog gaiety goddess schooner 0 0 0 0 0 0 12317 12055 0.09 robby roxy scrumptious thorny 0 0 0 0 12795 12056 0.09 indifference reins torture 0 0 0 12795 12057 0.09 date motive signal wink 0 0 0 0 12674 12058 0.09 hickory plum willow 0 0 0 12494 12059 0.09 pillars rosebush stalks 0 0 0 12559 12060 0.09 armstrong octavia ponsonby taylor 0 0 0 0 12795 12061 0.09 concerns enchanting maker wheat 0 0 0 0 12683 12062 0.09 droop overhaul persuade steve theseus 0 0 0 0 0 12744 12063 0.09 kennedy kipp rennie roberts 0 0 0 0 12795 12064 0.09 rushing unaccustomed uncertain 0 0 0 12521 12065 0.09 fillmore jackson locksley loon shearer stephens 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12066 0.09 barely cheap likewise 0 0 0 12795 12067 0.09 bemis clipsby eustace stanley 0 0 0 0 12291 12068 0.09 brightly brokenly cruelly delightedly encouragingly enthusiastically fiercely stoutly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12300 12069 0.09 excitedly furiously hysterically violently wildly 0 0 0 0 0 12778 12070 0.09 assigned clicked condemned reduced 0 0 0 0 12559 12071 0.09 congratulate implore release 0 0 0 12210 12072 0.09 christians grazing roaring wrestling 0 0 0 0 12795 12073 0.09 clown grants skiff stubbed 0 0 0 0 12795 12074 0.09 comb twig unfolded 0 0 0 12795 12075 0.09 creighton frantically gradually shorry 0 0 0 0 0 12076 0.09 detestable germ graduate monument worm 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12077 0.09 hooded lingering vote 0 0 0 12795 12078 0.09 challenge infant rebuke rosebud 0 0 0 0 12795 12079 0.09 airy gull military 0 0 0 12795 12080 0.09 aprons loads purchases recollections 0 0 0 0 0 12081 0.09 defend hire refresh sway 0 0 0 0 12795 12082 0.09 combination fretting leper serenade 0 0 0 0 12795 12083 0.09 ditto misunderstanding recognising steeple 0 0 0 0 12795 12084 0.09 arguing boss circus connection manuscript 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12085 0.09 banished eerie encouraging missing 0 0 0 0 12795 12086 0.09 instinctively occasionally painfully sneeze 0 0 0 0 12795 12087 0.09 drawback hitch incident spyglass wail 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12088 0.09 bella brownie nohow pollywogs 0 0 0 0 12795 12089 0.09 hatchet plaything snack spill spoonful subscription 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12090 0.09 first-rate heresy jake savages shades tiidu 0 0 0 0 0 0 12408 12091 0.09 dahlias drifts elias howling 0 0 0 0 12795 12092 0.09 herded literally mystified treasured 0 0 0 0 12559 12093 0.09 aunty ches claude ed fame mamma marmee pris prosperity sam spitting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12338 12094 0.09 ball-carrier bessie bruce corona ev isabella juliet lilian parnesius tim tink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12521 12095 0.09 carroll leonard marwood perkins ralston riach rogers trelawney whittaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12096 0.09 abruptly absently affectionately aloud anxiously beseechingly bitterly breathlessly briefly briskly broadly calmly cheerfully cheerily contemptuously coolly defiantly despairingly desperately dismally dolefully doubtfully dreamily dubiously eagerly earnestly emphatically faintly forlornly gently gloomily gravely grimly hoarsely hopelessly impatiently incredulously indignantly jubilantly lazily maliciously merrily mournfully mysteriously ominously passionately promptly proudly quietly reverently sagely scornfully severely sharply soberly softly solemnly sorrowfully sternly tabaqui tenderly thoughtfully triumphantly uncomfortably uneasily wickedly wistfully wonderingly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12340 12097 0.09 admiringly aethra again alan alexina alice allo always anne auntie benjamin bessy beth betty big-horn blacky blankly bowser calista carey cecilia cecily certainly charlotta chatterer chester christopher clemantiny cordelia dan darzee di diana donald dorothy dosia elaine electa emil eric estella esterbrook ever faith fatima felicity felix fiske frances freda fulke geraldine gilbert granny haley hans harrington henceforth here herself him himself ida ismay it jacob jason jean jeff jem jerome jerry jessamine jill jimmy jims johnny just kate kenneth kilmeny kim kotuko laddie lavendar legree leslie lina lisbeth madeline margaret marilla mattie me min miriam mowgli myself nat nellie nelly never nora now only ophelia otherwise owen patty penelope peter petru probably proserpina quicksilver randall really reddy reproachfully rilla rosemary rosetta roy ruggles sammy sara scrooge stacy stephen stupidly surely susan telford them then theodosia there thyra una ursula victoria walter wesley whitefoot willard yourself zillah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12098 0.09 captain doctor latter priest prince princess queen squire stranger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12301 12099 0.09 declared demanded exclaimed retorted whispered 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12100 0.09 bigger empty lacking older ripe silent younger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12298 12101 0.09 berries cows frogs punishment ships 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12102 0.09 attire haste partnership pork 0 0 0 0 12559 12103 0.09 bleeding careless cleaning discipline healthy honey sesame thinner washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12104 0.09 brightened clouded crimsoned gleamed sparkled twinkled 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12105 0.09 crab kettle leap monster ogre sexton 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12106 0.09 bells bonfire dates ken master-word thud 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12107 0.09 brag complain including offend sunbeams victories 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12108 0.09 alphonso denise frankly hathi ignorance joyously jukes julius millicent vehemently wilbur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12109 0.09 dish flask glimmer headland prairie shoe tombstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12110 0.09 disgusted flattered humiliated impressed rapid resigned 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12111 0.09 blast cubs fiend headlands shuttle sparkle wires 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12295 12112 0.09 bayside bolingbroke canada desperation exeter france glaucon greenwood hell linda lindsay plants racicot rexton sancho spencervale stuffy toronto wednesday wretchedness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12113 0.09 congratulations fearing half-sister illumination shopping verdict 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12114 0.09 advent borders knave swallows 0 0 0 0 12795 12115 0.09 admiral aspen exile foremost invalid sled 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12116 0.09 cheers digs escort keys outburst rapidity tirades 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12117 0.09 blackmore block carewe delancey falsom joel kane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12118 0.09 better'n denying gopáni-kúfa pneumonia reported sponge teased 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12119 0.09 busily ceasing champion frequently inwardly limping observing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12120 0.09 anybody anyone anything both either ghosts hers mine nothing ours plaster rheumatism something thee us wax yours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12147 12121 0.09 eldest hardest meat moral nearest oldest situation sole worst youngest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12495 12122 0.09 flash lifetime majority muse quiver roar scream shudder spasm splendor stroll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12542 12123 0.09 atossa cromwell emma harriet jamesina josephina winnifred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12124 0.09 boil cinderella exercise flirtation idleness interfere knock sew spin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12125 0.09 blewett boyd hammond harmon knox palmer wallace wheeler wiggins wiley 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12126 0.09 abode anchor blanket combs fleet giggling graceless lea oars roost seymour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12127 0.09 brows conclusions errands interference invention lands loaves pleasures temptations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12128 0.09 babe catastrophe genius genuine great-aunt masterpiece member peacock personality pin poet pointer pretence trump tutor unlucky worshipper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12129 0.09 assailed besieged blinded guarded marred reassured spoiling unheeded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12130 0.09 bachelor bud driver feeble freckled glutton judgement nuisance perfumed pictured provided revived spotted squaw tap wavering youngster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12131 0.09 already also indeed maybe often perhaps possibly somehow sometimes soon therefore thus yet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12142 12132 0.09 barn bulrushes cart castle choir courtyard ditch future glen globe graveyard hall henhouse henyard hut kitchen lawn library loft marsh office oven palace pantry parlor parlour province pulpit stable store street valley wagon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12133 0.09 angel buck duck forge giantess idiot irishman mill orphan outcast outsider peasant pyes raven rug singer swamp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12134 0.09 anguish barrier composition confidence daring dirt expense geography grammar interests 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12135 0.09 amend-all cowards flowery forgetful graduated longed milked paled pious scurried sits struggled trudged yearned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12136 0.09 abel ability aladdin asia avis burton consumption doris fritz heat hundreds hutchinson lida myra niels predestination rights shrink spinning thousands timothy wakefield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12573 12137 0.09 berth bonnet cherries chinook fork pang root scowl shawl squeeze sunbonnet wheelbarrow wishbone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12138 0.09 admission bhagat cecco chatter climate counsels furniture hezekiah lilies link oftener pike pineau poison record starr stirrup tag vi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12139 0.09 abashed african creation dreamer excused grab graces hussy insane lone maddened ode phantom robber runner series source strip surpassed undressed weekly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12340 12140 0.09 abimelech abrupt accompany adjutant affecting affection afterlight afterward afterwards age ages aghast agreeable airs akela alarm alarmed alec alive allardyce alma alone alphabet ambitious amelia andrew angry animals anna annoyed anon ants anywhere apart appearances armed aroused arranged art asleep assistance assured astonishing audience authors avenue awake awkward axe backbone backward bad balance baloo banquet battle baying beautiful beautifully bees ben bend bertha bertie bess beverley billy birds blowing blushing boarding bob bodies bone boomed born borrowed boston bothering bound bowing branches bread brer bridge britain bryan budge bugs building bully bush bushes bust butcher butter cabbages cabin caleb callers camera camp candy cap'n carl carmody carpets carriage caterpillar cave ceres characters charles charlie charlotte charmed charming chasing chest christine chums church clever clorinda clouds club coal cobwebs coldly colours cometh comforting commotion complimentary compose concern conflict confound confusion consequences consequently console consoled convulsions cooking cooks counsel court courtship crackers crafty crazy crops curling cyrus daddy daisy damaris damp dangerous danny darkening darker darkness dash david daylight dead deborah defeated defiance degree delicious deserted destiny destroyed dewy dialogue dick digger dignity dimple dinah dining-room directly disappointment discouraged disgrace dismal dismissed distinguished district divinely doc dogs doleful dora dorinda dot drawers dreadful dreadfully dreaming drooped drowned drummer dumb duncan dusk dusky duty ease east ebenezer edith eighty ejaculated elephants elizabeth ellie elsa embarrassment emily emotion emphasis emphatic empire employed energy engaged england enthusiasm entrance envious ernest esme estate eternal eva event everyone examinations excited exclusive experiences explaining facing fainted fair fairies farms fascination fashioned fathers faults fearful fearfully fears feeding fences fickle fields fighting fine fiordelisa firmly firs fishermen fishes fits flatly flint flirted flute folds foolish foolishly foolishness fools foreordained forest fragments frame frank freckles free freed freely friendless frills frisk fuller funny fur furtively gait gap gasped gates gentlemen geometry german gifts giggled giovanni gladness gloom gloomy glorious gloucester good-by good-bye goody governor grace graceful grandma grass graves grettel groaned ground grounds grove growled gruff grumble grumbled grumbling gulf gus hairs ham hammock handsome happy-go-lucky hatch hateful hatred haunted healer heartily heather heavily heedless helen helena hen-house heroes hester hideous hiding-places hills hitched holes homesick homeward honour hooked horns horribly horrid hoseason houarn hum humble humiliating hungry husbands ideal idle idly impatience impish inconvenience independent indignant ingratitude innocent inquire interested interrupt introduction invaded irony irresistible jacket janet jealous jed jesse jo joan joanna joking jolly jordan joseph josiah josie joyce judgment judith jumper jumping june jungle junior justice kai keenly keeper khaki kinder kindred kings kissing kites knights lace lake landing lane larry lately laughter laurie lawful lawless lawyer lazy learning lee leicester liberty lick licking lid lifting lightfoot lighthouse lightning lily-bell limited liniment lion listening lively lo lock loneliness lonely lonesome lorelei loudly louisa lovell lovely loyalty ludovic luxury ma mad madam madame mademoiselle madison magnificence mahbub maidens malcolm managing mansion maples marble marcella marian mary mast masters matcham mates matthew maurice meadows mebbe meg melancholy melissa merrier merriment messua methodists mice michael middle-aged mild millions minnikin mirth mist mistaken mists mixture moaned monotonous moodily moonlight mortals moss mourned mouths muffled murmured murmuring muscle mysterious naked nan nana nancy naomi narrow nasty nathan natty naughty ned neglected nervous net nibs nice nip no-o-o normal north noted novelty nowhere numbers nursing oak obedience occupied offended opposite orchard outspoken overboard overcoat overgrown p'raps pa pachacamac painful pains painter palaces panic-stricken panted papa parchment paris passengers pat patiently paul paws peace pearls peep peg pencil peppermints perfectly pessimist petals petting phebe phillippa pinched pine-tree pines pipes pirates pit pitched plates pleasant plump poets pokey polly poplar potentilla pounding practising prejudiced prejudices preparation pretty prime primrose priscilla prison prissy probable profane prompt prosaic prose protest protested proud providence provoking prue psyche punished pure purple puzzling quality quarreling queer rabbits raged rags rake rama ranged rank raptures rats rebellious recitations reference referred regained rejected rejoice rejoiced relations relieve religion remorse renelde report reserve resignation resolute restless restraint resumed retired returning reviewed ricardo rich riddle ridiculous robert robin rocks roger romance romney rough rounded rounds rouse rubbers ruby rude rushes ruth sack sad sadly sailing sakes saloon salt sanch sane sap sarah sauce savage schmidt schoolhouse scorched scowled sea sealed self-respect self-sacrifice selfish sensible sentiment sentimental september seriously shameful sheer sheets shells shirking shocking shoes shouting shrank shrieked shrieking shy sick sickly sickness sidney sigismund silly sinking sitting-room size skins sky slaves sleepily slender slight slim slippers slippery sly smart smoke smooth snakes snapped snare snarled sniffing snorted snow-white snowdrop snowflake snuffing soap sober sociable soldiers solved somebody somewhat sore sorrow sorry sour south spectacle spectacles sped spied splash splendid splendour splinter spots spotty squelched stale stammered stan startling station staunch steel steep stella stepmothers stern sticky-toes stiff stifled stillness stingy stormy stout strained strange strap stream streets strict stripes stubborn studies study subtle sugar sulky suspicion suspicious suspiciously sweet sweetheart swinging sylvia tact taffy talent tamzine tank tannis tapped teasing teddy terrible terribly thin thirsty thorn thoughtful thoughtless thunder tilly tired together tom tommy torment torrents tower toys transport trash travellers travelling travels trembling twice twilight twinkle twins twisted unbidden understanding undone uneasy unexpected unfair unfortunately unhappy unluckily unreasonable unromantic unselfish unutterable unwelcome utmost utterance vain vanity verree verses vexed victory violet virtue visitor waggon wailed wailing walls war warnings water wee weeping well-bred west whined whining whiskers whiskers-on-the-moon wicked willows wind winding windows winked wire wise wit withdrawn wonderful woods worldly wrong yesterday yielded zeal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12141 0.08 little old poor young 0 0 0 0 12496 12142 0.08 barn bulrushes cart castle choir courtyard ditch future glen globe graveyard hall henhouse henyard house hut kitchen lawn library loft marsh office oven palace pantry parlor parlour province pulpit stable store street valley wagon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12496 12143 0.08 door gate window 0 0 0 12559 12144 0.08 big great 0 0 12559 12145 0.08 first last next 0 0 0 12555 12146 0.08 daughter sister son wife 0 0 0 0 12795 12147 0.08 best eldest hardest meat moral nearest oldest situation sole worst youngest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12148 0.08 blue crimson pink red rosy white 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12149 0.08 everybody everything 0 0 12559 12150 0.08 anyhow anyway however 0 0 0 12567 12151 0.08 closed shut 0 0 12559 12152 0.08 boat ship 0 0 12559 12153 0.08 adventures wings 0 0 12569 12154 0.08 crying laughing 0 0 12795 12155 0.08 amiss else rash roman 0 0 0 0 12795 12156 0.08 lots none plenty 0 0 0 12559 12157 0.08 small tiny 0 0 12750 12158 0.08 happiness joy vacation 0 0 0 12559 12159 0.08 grand merry 0 0 12559 12160 0.08 clear plain 0 0 12581 12161 0.08 folly sake 0 0 12556 12162 0.08 remarked suggested 0 0 12559 12163 0.08 necessary possible 0 0 12559 12164 0.08 faster quickly slowly swiftly 0 0 0 0 12556 12165 0.08 commented complained sobbed 0 0 0 12559 12166 0.08 ceremony feast paper 0 0 0 12559 12167 0.08 amusement books 0 0 12559 12168 0.08 bitter uncomfortable 0 0 12559 12169 0.08 curve trunk 0 0 12542 12170 0.08 augusta chloe eliza martha 0 0 0 0 12559 12171 0.08 relief shame 0 0 12559 12172 0.08 scared thoroughly 0 0 12795 12173 0.08 brooke emmeline lawrence murray 0 0 0 0 12541 12174 0.08 awoke dies wakes 0 0 0 12795 12175 0.08 blushed bowed 0 0 12559 12176 0.08 diamond funeral lamb lark 0 0 0 0 12559 12177 0.08 driving falling 0 0 12594 12178 0.08 bucket ravine trap 0 0 0 12736 12179 0.08 bow knife 0 0 12795 12180 0.08 bitterness humour 0 0 12795 12181 0.08 attention heed 0 0 12490 12182 0.08 crawled peeped 0 0 12559 12183 0.08 beatrix missis norman 0 0 0 12688 12184 0.08 action cakes giants pudding 0 0 0 0 12795 12185 0.08 lads sands 0 0 12559 12186 0.08 blind naturally 0 0 12559 12187 0.08 sorcerer } 0 0 12795 12188 0.08 lame lighted partners praised teachers 0 0 0 0 0 12752 12189 0.08 confess swear 0 0 12559 12190 0.08 bedside collar heel heels wrist 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12191 0.08 bargain miracle 0 0 12795 12192 0.08 alight lined overcome speechless threaded 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12193 0.08 closet seas 0 0 12751 12194 0.08 rested whistled 0 0 12499 12195 0.08 aware conscious crawling incapable 0 0 0 0 12691 12196 0.08 bill pew 0 0 12795 12197 0.08 attack neighborhood plate 0 0 0 12559 12198 0.08 aunts wisdom 0 0 12795 12199 0.08 prospect remembrance 0 0 12795 12200 0.08 bennet clara dame longlegs 0 0 0 0 12638 12201 0.08 leech mop thunderbolt toy wave 0 0 0 0 0 12747 12202 0.08 belief doom 0 0 12795 12203 0.08 mere solitary 0 0 12559 12204 0.08 rat spy 0 0 12369 12205 0.08 beckoned separated tender 0 0 0 12795 12206 0.08 hanged heart-broken lovelier nicer useful 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12207 0.08 behaved quarrelled 0 0 12795 12208 0.08 brooch locket 0 0 12559 12209 0.08 by-and-by crusoe lastly methought 0 0 0 0 12700 12210 0.08 christians fired grazing roaring wrestling 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12211 0.08 beads simon 0 0 12795 12212 0.08 purse tribute 0 0 12493 12213 0.08 bliss esben immortality sigurd 0 0 0 0 12559 12214 0.08 knack mouthful 0 0 12559 12215 0.08 fortunately hence 0 0 12559 12216 0.08 abbot guilty lapping 0 0 0 12751 12217 0.08 peeping squeaked 0 0 12795 12218 0.08 headed reserved shiny 0 0 0 12698 12219 0.08 mail skull 0 0 12571 12220 0.08 custom owner 0 0 12679 12221 0.08 fairbairn rogerson trevor 0 0 0 12795 12222 0.08 satisfy slay 0 0 12795 12223 0.08 arnold cropper 0 0 12399 12224 0.08 arrive cough purr 0 0 0 12559 12225 0.08 eben nick 0 0 12795 12226 0.08 ankus honourable strangers thorns 0 0 0 0 12559 12227 0.08 ivan milan 0 0 12396 12228 0.08 ox temptation 0 0 12795 12229 0.08 bewitched blistered resisted rewarded 0 0 0 0 12795 12230 0.08 charged defy 0 0 12559 12231 0.08 appropriate comfortably encouragement gasping peacefully 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12232 0.08 outbreak term 0 0 12559 12233 0.08 disagreeable thrifty unfortunate 0 0 0 12405 12234 0.08 dining public 0 0 12795 12235 0.08 abe auguste hobden 0 0 0 12795 12236 0.08 sooner starved 0 0 12740 12237 0.08 characteristics handwriting legend life-book 0 0 0 0 12559 12238 0.08 .date. refuge 0 0 12795 12239 0.08 grown-up native troublesome 0 0 0 12749 12240 0.08 cleft homes 0 0 12795 12241 0.08 ignorant pleasantly 0 0 12795 12242 0.08 all-round blotted finer 0 0 0 12795 12243 0.08 harvest whitetail 0 0 12559 12244 0.08 cracker earl merediths monarch sea-cook 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12245 0.08 shores sizes 0 0 12795 12246 0.08 coffin load pose talisman 0 0 0 0 12795 12247 0.08 begging-bowl mortgage 0 0 12559 12248 0.08 accomplished cracked 0 0 12390 12249 0.08 dazed distressed 0 0 0 12250 0.08 fasten fold 0 0 12795 12251 0.08 foster kilweh thakané 0 0 0 12795 12252 0.08 completed questioned 0 0 12795 12253 0.08 resolutions salute 0 0 12559 12254 0.08 childish vulgar 0 0 12795 12255 0.08 bubbles exhibition 0 0 12559 12256 0.08 colors defects 0 0 12737 12257 0.08 bared grind 0 0 12559 12258 0.08 conversations stride vest waistcoat 0 0 0 0 12795 12259 0.08 moustache property thumb 0 0 0 12559 12260 0.08 exploit type 0 0 12795 12261 0.08 chaps strings 0 0 0 12262 0.08 closer hot-foot 0 0 0 12263 0.08 excuses fortunes 0 0 12795 12264 0.08 barrels buckets russets tailors 0 0 0 0 12795 12265 0.08 canadian devotion honeymoon stamp 0 0 0 0 12795 12266 0.08 falsehood necks 0 0 12795 12267 0.08 godmother innocence 0 0 12784 12268 0.08 boasted opined 0 0 12795 12269 0.08 float hasten 0 0 12795 12270 0.08 exasperated mortified piqued 0 0 0 12795 12271 0.08 coaxing yap-yap 0 0 12795 12272 0.08 cutlass honeysuckle m 0 0 0 12795 12273 0.08 fleece milestone 0 0 12559 12274 0.08 thorough unpacked 0 0 12664 12275 0.08 sympathize thrive tingling 0 0 0 12559 12276 0.08 afresh critically meditatively regretfully shyly steadily unsteadily 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12277 0.08 beggar-woman chamberlain conductor 0 0 0 12677 12278 0.08 earlier essential 0 0 12795 12279 0.08 hesitating raging 0 0 12795 12280 0.08 fainting weird 0 0 12492 12281 0.08 eventually precisely red-hot suppressed 0 0 0 0 12795 12282 0.08 loomed safer scandalous 0 0 0 12795 12283 0.08 brand-new furtive occasional 0 0 0 12795 12284 0.08 folding rocking tilted 0 0 0 12726 12285 0.08 gracefully thankfully 0 0 12795 12286 0.08 concrete fiddlesticks plaited 0 0 0 12746 12287 0.08 newly privately 0 0 12623 12288 0.08 beetle caw chirp chop clash nibble 0 0 0 0 0 0 12650 12289 0.08 cookies looking-glass pastor retort 0 0 0 0 12753 12290 0.08 ascend atone mourn snivel 0 0 0 0 12559 12291 0.08 angrily boldly brightly brokenly carol cruelly delightedly encouragingly enthusiastically fiercely humbly impulsively reluctantly stoutly unexpectedly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12292 0.08 doorstep floor ledge reindeer rim snow-man sofa stove surface throne veranda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12731 12293 0.08 eight eighteen eleven fifteen fifty five forty four fourteen nine six sixteen ten these thirteen thirty those three twelve twenty twenty-five two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12294 0.08 amy appleyard braithwaite davy elinor felicia fred hugh madge phil ralph rob starkey ted yellow-wing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12295 0.08 avonlea bayside bolingbroke canada charlottetown college desperation europe exeter france glaucon greenwood hell ingleside linda lindsay lowbridge newbridge plants racicot redmond rexton sancho spencervale stuffy toronto upton wednesday wretchedness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12296 0.08 bounds buttercups daisies dust earth excitement ice manuscripts mud rain rapture snow strains sunshine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12495 12297 0.08 chuckle complacency gasp jerk nod shout shrug sigh sob throb tilt yelp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12687 12298 0.08 berries brackley candles conceit cows frogs holidays measles presents punishment ships smallpox stage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12299 0.08 finally instantly presently suddenly 0 0 0 0 12559 12300 0.08 courteously excitedly furiously gaily gratefully helplessly hysterically imploringly joyfully miserably nervously violently warmly wearily wildly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12357 12301 0.08 asked cried declared demanded exclaimed retorted whispered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12543 12302 0.08 arm breast forehead hand knee knees mouth neck shoulder shoulders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12303 0.08 aunt miss mr mrs 0 0 0 0 12361 12304 0.08 days minutes months weeks 0 0 0 0 12750 12305 0.08 patience power strength 0 0 0 12559 12306 0.08 deer mystery weather 0 0 0 12559 12307 0.08 careful polite prepared 0 0 0 12559 12308 0.08 ellis esther simply 0 0 0 12559 12309 0.08 ashes asters bandar-log boxes cattle dancers dew fury gems spruces stars vines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12310 0.08 abundant attentive cruel delicate miserable patient placid sallow shaved solemn wrinkled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12311 0.08 barber blacksmith dressmaker gardener lilith mermaid newcomer shepherd skipper swallow water-rat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12312 0.08 less rippling sewing spiders whispering whistling 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12313 0.08 clinging eager loyal upright 0 0 0 0 12795 12314 0.08 lap pillow pillows prize violin 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12315 0.08 arrival education loss 0 0 0 12742 12316 0.08 accustomed affected glued inclined silenced 0 0 0 0 0 12689 12317 0.08 curly robby roxy scrumptious suffering thorny 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12318 0.08 actually evidently generally hardly scarcely seldom 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12319 0.08 accord acquaintance beaux birth consciousness flank gowns narrative tricks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12320 0.08 british echo mental 0 0 0 12795 12321 0.08 maria moody satin tense 0 0 0 0 12795 12322 0.08 marked replaced scolded surrounded 0 0 0 0 0 12323 0.08 fireplace kitten paling passes 0 0 0 0 12795 12324 0.08 inches songs spells 0 0 0 12559 12325 0.08 clay elders fancies mortification reproaches rescue 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12326 0.08 deprecatingly honestly naething properly raining 0 0 0 0 0 12695 12327 0.08 boasting heedlessness labor self-control theirs 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12328 0.08 cane capture hue lance 0 0 0 0 12795 12329 0.08 butterfly rhinoceros snubbed ushers 0 0 0 0 12600 12330 0.08 behavior gravity nook warmth 0 0 0 0 12795 12331 0.08 craft remains resolve tingled 0 0 0 0 12795 12332 0.08 considerable hain't longworth 0 0 0 12795 12333 0.08 description fireside likeness 0 0 0 12795 12334 0.08 conservative downfall liberal motion 0 0 0 0 12795 12335 0.08 acting curved extended 0 0 0 12795 12336 0.08 anchorage counter cupboards mantel retinue ripples teacups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12337 0.08 engine patchwork sneer syrup withdraw 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12338 0.08 agnes bab ball-carrier bessie bruce cadmus camilla constance corona curtis determinedly ethel ev hoffman isaac isabella jasper juliet lige lilian mollie pandora parnesius pauline poppy rapturously reeves selwyn tackleton tim tink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12339 0.08 buffalo coachman kite matron roofs student 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12340 0.08 abimelech abrupt accompany adjutant admiringly aethra affecting affection afterlight afterward afterwards again age ages aghast agreeable airs akela alan alarm alarmed alec alexina alice alive allardyce allo alma alone alphabet always ambitious amelia andrew angry animals anna anne annoyed anon ants anywhere apart appearances armed aroused arranged art asleep assistance assured astonishing audience auntie authors avenue awake awkward axe backbone backward bad balance baloo banquet battle baying beautiful beautifully bees ben bend benjamin bertha bertie bess bessy beth betty beverley big-horn billy birds blacky blankly blowing blushing boarding bob bodies bone boomed born borrowed boston bothering bound bowing bowser branches bread brer bridge britain bryan budge bugs building bully bush bushes bust butcher butter cabbages cabin caleb calista callers camera camp candy cap'n carey carl carmody carpets carriage caterpillar cave cecilia cecily ceres certainly characters charles charlie charlotta charlotte charmed charming chasing chatterer chest chester christine christopher chums church clemantiny clever clorinda clouds club coal cobwebs coldly colours cometh comforting commotion complimentary compose concern conflict confound confusion consequences consequently console consoled convulsions cooking cooks cordelia counsel court courtship crackers crafty crazy crops curling cyrus daddy daisy damaris damp dan dangerous danny darkening darker darkness darzee dash david daylight dead deborah defeated defiance degree delicious deserted destiny destroyed dewy di dialogue diana dick digger dignity dimple dinah dining-room directly disappointment discouraged disgrace dismal dismissed distinguished district divinely doc dogs doleful donald dora dorinda dorothy dosia dot drawers dreadful dreadfully dreaming drooped drowned drummer dumb duncan dusk dusky duty ease east ebenezer edith eighty ejaculated elaine electa elephants elizabeth ellie elsa embarrassment emil emily emotion emphasis emphatic empire employed energy engaged england enthusiasm entrance envious eric ernest esme estate estella esterbrook eternal eva event ever everyone examinations excited exclusive experiences explaining facing fainted fair fairies faith farms fascination fashioned fathers fatima faults fearful fearfully fears feeding felicity felix fences fickle fields fighting fine fiordelisa firmly firs fishermen fishes fiske fits flatly flint flirted flute folds foolish foolishly foolishness fools foreordained forest fragments frame frances frank freckles freda free freed freely friendless frills frisk fulke fuller funny fur furtively gait gap gasped gates gentlemen geometry geraldine german gifts giggled gilbert giovanni gladness gloom gloomy glorious gloucester good-by good-bye goody governor grace graceful grandma granny grass graves grettel groaned ground grounds grove growled gruff grumble grumbled grumbling gulf gus hairs haley ham hammock handsome hans happy-go-lucky harrington hatch hateful hatred haunted he healer heartily heather heavily heedless helen helena hen-house henceforth here heroes herself hester hideous hiding-places hills him himself hitched holes homesick homeward honour hooked horns horribly horrid hoseason houarn hum humble humiliating hungry husbands i ida ideal idle idly impatience impish inconvenience independent indignant ingratitude innocent inquire interested interrupt introduction invaded irony irresistible ismay it jacket jacob janet jason jealous jean jed jeff jem jerome jerry jessamine jesse jill jimmy jims jo joan joanna johnny joking jolly jordan joseph josiah josie joyce judgment judith jumper jumping june jungle junior just justice kai kate keenly keeper kenneth khaki kilmeny kim kinder kindred kings kissing kites knights kotuko lace laddie lake landing lane larry lately laughter laurie lavendar lawful lawless lawyer lazy learning lee legree leicester leslie liberty lick licking lid lifting lightfoot lighthouse lightning lily-bell limited lina liniment lion lisbeth listening lively lo lock loneliness lonely lonesome lorelei loudly louisa lovell lovely loyalty ludovic luxury ma mad madam madame madeline mademoiselle madison magnificence mahbub maidens malcolm managing mansion maples marble marcella margaret marian marilla mary mast masters matcham mates matthew mattie maurice me meadows mebbe meg melancholy melissa merrier merriment messua methodists mice michael middle-aged mild millions min minnikin miriam mirth mist mistaken mists mixture moaned monotonous moodily moonlight mortals moss mourned mouths mowgli muffled murmured murmuring muscle myself mysterious naked nan nana nancy naomi narrow nasty nat nathan natty naughty ned neglected nellie nelly nervous net never nibs nice nip no-o-o nora normal north noted novelty now nowhere numbers nursing oak obedience occupied offended only ophelia opposite orchard otherwise outspoken overboard overcoat overgrown owen p'raps pa pachacamac painful pains painter palaces panic-stricken panted papa parchment paris passengers pat patiently patty paul paws peace pearls peep peg pencil penelope peppermints perfectly pessimist petals peter petru petting phebe phillippa pinched pine-tree pines pipes pirates pit pitched plates pleasant plump poets pokey polly poplar potentilla pounding practising prejudiced prejudices preparation pretty prime primrose priscilla prison prissy probable probably profane prompt prosaic prose proserpina protest protested proud providence provoking prue psyche punished pure purple puzzling quality quarreling queer quicksilver rabbits raged rags rake rama randall ranged rank raptures rats really rebellious recitations reddy reference referred regained rejected rejoice rejoiced relations relieve religion remorse renelde report reproachfully reserve resignation resolute restless restraint resumed retired returning reviewed ricardo rich riddle ridiculous rilla robert robin rocks roger romance romney rosemary rosetta rough rounded rounds rouse roy rubbers ruby rude ruggles rushes ruth sack sad sadly sailing sakes saloon salt sammy sanch sane sap sara sarah sauce savage schmidt schoolhouse scorched scowled scrooge sea sealed self-respect self-sacrifice selfish sensible sentiment sentimental september seriously shameful she sheer sheets shells shirking shocking shoes shouting shrank shrieked shrieking shy sick sickly sickness sidney sigismund silly sinking sitting-room size skins sky slaves sleepily slender slight slim slippers slippery sly smart smoke smooth snakes snapped snare snarled sniffing snorted snow-white snowdrop snowflake snuffing soap sober sociable soldiers solved somebody somewhat sore sorrow sorry sour south spectacle spectacles sped spied splash splendid splendour splinter spots spotty squelched stacy stale stammered stan startling station staunch steel steep stella stephen stepmothers stern sticky-toes stiff stifled stillness stingy stormy stout strained strange strap stream streets strict stripes stubborn studies study stupidly subtle sugar sulky surely susan suspicion suspicious suspiciously sweet sweetheart swinging sylvia tact taffy talent tamzine tank tannis tapped teasing teddy telford terrible terribly them then theodosia there they thin thirsty thorn thoughtful thoughtless thunder thyra tilly tired together tom tommy torment torrents tower toys transport trash travellers travelling travels trembling twice twilight twinkle twins twisted una unbidden understanding undone uneasy unexpected unfair unfortunately unhappy unluckily unreasonable unromantic unselfish unutterable unwelcome ursula utmost utterance vain vanity verree verses vexed victoria victory violet virtue visitor waggon wailed wailing walls walter war warnings water we wee weeping well-bred wesley west whined whining whiskers whiskers-on-the-moon whitefoot wicked willard willows wind winding windows winked wire wise wit withdrawn wonderful woods worldly wrong yesterday yielded you yourself zeal zillah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12687 12341 0.08 anger boots cleverness courage humiliation jokes pride space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12342 0.08 aglaia balls boomer classes connie flitter greenland maggie mirabel miranda molasses paddy pope quacker witta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12343 0.08 cage fence flutter hole pot quest temple tumult 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12344 0.08 agony cloth disposition medicine 0 0 0 0 12735 12345 0.08 bobbed darted ducked reproached strutted swung tiptoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12346 0.08 dipped disappear exist landed 0 0 0 0 12795 12347 0.08 boulter contrary danby far-away hasty haunting keyton-wells pained scornful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12348 0.08 castles choking enormous grim horrified 0 0 0 0 0 0 12349 0.08 cursed globes housekeeping muff scullion squirrels 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12350 0.08 adorned bald claus darkly laura melted morevna practical required viciously 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12351 0.08 apology pills quarrelling slang 0 0 0 0 12795 12352 0.08 assumed bonny contemptuous intense lama's sharper 0 0 0 0 0 0 12559 12353 0.08 beast dory dragon emperor hermit magician monkey piper serpent witch wolf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12734 12354 0.08 catching dying merely passing ruined seventeen visible wounded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12545 12355 0.08 cautious endured hysterical impatient mixed old-fashioned stronger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12356 0.08 caring complaint confidential darai fancied florea nagging outlet wrap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12357 0.06 asked cried declared demanded exclaimed retorted said whispered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12787 12358 0.06 come go 0 0 12561 12359 0.06 afternoon evening morning night 0 0 0 0 12795 12360 0.06 afraid sure 0 0 0 12361 0.06 days minutes months weeks years 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12362 0.06 kind sort 0 0 12752 12363 0.06 laugh smile 0 0 12755 12364 0.06 've hadn't haven't 0 0 0 12795 12365 0.06 ready waiting 0 0 12795 12366 0.06 its thy 0 0 12795 12367 0.06 summer winter 0 0 12795 12368 0.06 gladly let's please 0 0 0 12795 12369 0.06 beckoned pale separated tender 0 0 0 0 12685 12370 0.06 chuckled grinned nodded 0 0 0 12795 12371 0.06 pair piece 0 0 12795 12372 0.06 note sword 0 0 12795 12373 0.06 difference mistake 0 0 12791 12374 0.06 hundred thousand 0 0 12795 12375 0.06 saturday sunday 0 0 12795 12376 0.06 flat hollow 0 0 12795 12377 0.06 perfect wild 0 0 12795 12378 0.06 cup devil prisoner 0 0 0 12795 12379 0.06 effect proof 0 0 0 12380 0.06 isabel vance 0 0 12572 12381 0.06 dreamed guessed 0 0 12795 12382 0.06 dagger puma season 0 0 0 12795 12383 0.06 dug hates sank 0 0 0 12795 12384 0.06 coyote shaw 0 0 12795 12385 0.06 struggle turtle 0 0 12741 12386 0.06 beau chat niece 0 0 0 12795 12387 0.06 goldthwaite pan townley 0 0 0 12795 12388 0.06 driven frozen 0 0 0 12389 0.06 apple cherry lemon mince 0 0 0 0 0 12390 0.06 amused dazed distressed 0 0 0 12795 12391 0.06 decide prepare 0 0 12795 12392 0.06 breaking everywhere frantic gain perfection starving 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12393 0.06 frowned hesitated shivered 0 0 0 12795 12394 0.06 choked tumbled 0 0 12795 12395 0.06 blundered fitted rush 0 0 0 12795 12396 0.06 difficulty ox temptation 0 0 0 0 12397 0.06 remembers sees 0 0 12795 12398 0.06 affairs companions project 0 0 0 12795 12399 0.06 arrive burn cough purr 0 0 0 0 12795 12400 0.06 patterson sinclair 0 0 12795 12401 0.06 cynic kid murderess pirate sieve step-mother wasp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12402 0.06 allen lemar reade 0 0 0 12795 12403 0.06 gallantly obediently slightly 0 0 0 12795 12404 0.06 rarely whoever 0 0 12795 12405 0.06 crowded dining public 0 0 0 12795 12406 0.06 awakened departed 0 0 0 12407 0.06 fraser knowles stetson 0 0 0 12795 12408 0.06 dahlias drifts elias howling screaming 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12409 0.06 lovable persons 0 0 12597 12410 0.06 sacrifice statue 0 0 12795 12411 0.06 jest resolution 0 0 12795 12412 0.06 gordons tables test 0 0 0 12795 12413 0.06 extraordinary surprising 0 0 0 12414 0.06 induce tire 0 0 12727 12415 0.06 ) members 0 0 0 12416 0.06 discovers learns 0 0 12795 12417 0.06 messenger telegram 0 0 12795 12418 0.06 heron porcupine 0 0 12665 12419 0.06 cameron channing thayer 0 0 0 12795 12420 0.06 earn recite 0 0 0 12421 0.06 notions uses 0 0 12795 12422 0.06 shower thunderstorm 0 0 12795 12423 0.06 approach flirting misfortunes suitors trials 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12424 0.06 anticipated permitted 0 0 12795 12425 0.06 engagement inkling 0 0 12795 12426 0.06 bruise pitcher 0 0 12795 12427 0.06 market target 0 0 12795 12428 0.06 sherman swift 0 0 12795 12429 0.06 speculated urged 0 0 12795 12430 0.06 deeper quicker shorter 0 0 0 12795 12431 0.06 forgets investigated 0 0 12795 12432 0.06 daunted mattered 0 0 12795 12433 0.06 groups youngsters 0 0 12795 12434 0.06 dine flap 0 0 12795 12435 0.06 fooling whirling 0 0 12795 12436 0.06 scope transformed 0 0 12795 12437 0.06 objects prospects 0 0 12795 12438 0.06 archidej pluto 0 0 12795 12439 0.06 control define 0 0 12795 12440 0.06 directions fiction respects 0 0 0 0 12441 0.06 piped rounding saving 0 0 0 12795 12442 0.06 kidd smollett 0 0 12795 12443 0.06 cans liquor toads 0 0 0 12795 12444 0.06 smelled sprays towers 0 0 0 12683 12445 0.06 crane thumper 0 0 12795 12446 0.06 converse fawn insist pronounce shirk 0 0 0 0 0 0 12447 0.06 frankness solemnity 0 0 12795 12448 0.06 messengers volume 0 0 12795 12449 0.06 biron tubby 0 0 12795 12450 0.06 crush dislike 0 0 12795 12451 0.06 elliot griggs 0 0 0 12452 0.06 covering rows 0 0 12795 12453 0.06 fumbled howls steals 0 0 0 12795 12454 0.06 remedy undo venturing 0 0 0 12795 12455 0.06 arrives shifted 0 0 12795 12456 0.06 pressing ruffled supplied 0 0 0 12795 12457 0.06 hereabouts lowering 0 0 12795 12458 0.06 half-hour pistol postscript sniffs 0 0 0 0 12672 12459 0.06 ascending frontispiece 0 0 12795 12460 0.06 catholic governess inherited 0 0 0 12795 12461 0.06 bushy crimped press shaggy 0 0 0 0 12773 12462 0.06 convincing publishing punishing 0 0 0 12795 12463 0.06 stops tastes 0 0 12795 12464 0.06 archer imaginary kinsman 0 0 0 12795 12465 0.06 exertion knocker milgrave 0 0 0 12795 12466 0.06 belonging ominous truer 0 0 0 12795 12467 0.06 elation profit reflecting relenting 0 0 0 0 0 12468 0.06 bob-cat headaches tracy 0 0 0 12795 12469 0.06 agreement wisely 0 0 12795 12470 0.06 appetites dealings herb husks 0 0 0 0 12795 12471 0.06 irregular moppet resign shameless 0 0 0 0 12795 12472 0.06 cling descend strive tipped 0 0 0 0 12795 12473 0.06 aids croyden mystic wondrous 0 0 0 0 12795 12474 0.06 combed stain sucked trim unlocked 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12475 0.06 darning-needle doe glitter tempers 0 0 0 0 12645 12476 0.06 darting respectful significant 0 0 0 12795 12477 0.06 manling route seeker winced 0 0 0 0 12795 12478 0.06 blessings freezing goaded incredulity minnesota rocked steadfastly threaten tramped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12479 0.06 differently kills previously 0 0 0 12795 12480 0.06 churning dozing effected gliding luny scrambling undergone unnoticed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12481 0.06 eagles louis ross walker 0 0 0 0 12795 12482 0.06 eastern inner northern shady western 0 0 0 0 0 0 12483 0.06 genie novice preacher sentry 0 0 0 0 12795 12484 0.06 climax gazette macnair symbol uncertainty writer 0 0 0 0 0 0 12676 12485 0.06 chimney-sweep coincidence fib mess muddle predicament water-baby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12486 0.06 emerald searching skeleton watering 0 0 0 0 12795 12487 0.06 delirious joyful moping successful tempting 0 0 0 0 0 12698 12488 0.06 babyhood beak clasp elbows pants shroud veins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12489 0.06 creamy navy pearly rose-leaf silver-grey 0 0 0 0 0 12735 12490 0.06 crawled peeped rowed scrambled 0 0 0 0 12795 12491 0.06 actress artist brahmin elephant englishman heroine pygmies troll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12492 0.06 absolutely eventually murdered precisely red-hot suppressed wholly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12493 0.06 bliss esben ginger halvor immortality impulsive maie prudent rusty sigurd thumbelina vassili 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12494 0.06 address auction pillars rosebush stalks 0 0 0 0 0 12752 12495 0.06 chuckle complacency flash gasp jerk lifetime majority muse nod quiver roar scream shout shrug shudder sigh sob spasm splendor stroll throb tilt yelp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12560 12496 0.06 barn bulrushes cart castle choir courtyard ditch door future gate glen globe graveyard hall henhouse henyard house hut kitchen lawn library loft marsh office oven palace pantry parlor parlour province pulpit stable store street valley wagon window 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12497 0.06 letter story tale 0 0 0 12795 12498 0.06 fortnight minute month week year 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12499 0.06 ashamed aware conscious crawling fond full incapable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12500 0.06 log stub stump 0 0 0 12795 12501 0.06 accent armful increase interview nurse 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12502 0.06 attacked boyish expressive interrupted tortured 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12503 0.06 averil corn moonshine orange si tufty 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12504 0.06 agree argue continue meddle weep 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12505 0.06 bryant cuthbert macpherson 0 0 0 12795 12506 0.06 bhaer lynx meredith panther perry snake 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12507 0.06 painted plunged wrapped 0 0 0 12795 12508 0.06 glimpse pole spark wreath 0 0 0 0 0 12509 0.06 andrews bentley burroughs mitchell saxby 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12510 0.06 advantage charge possession 0 0 0 12795 12511 0.06 awfully especially extremely particularly remarkably 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12512 0.06 bags evidence lions nerves 0 0 0 0 12795 12513 0.06 dived drifted strode 0 0 0 12795 12514 0.06 blossoms guns parcels 0 0 0 12795 12515 0.06 heathen listener marvel mile trifle 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12516 0.06 fairweather keith liddell pennington shelby 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12517 0.06 betrayed pretending tempted 0 0 0 0 12518 0.06 chain pranks reflection ward 0 0 0 0 0 12519 0.06 capable puss pussy 0 0 0 12795 12520 0.06 bang broom frown racket request 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12521 0.06 carroll fillmore jackson leonard locksley loon marwood perkins phillips ralston riach rogers shearer stephens trelawney whittaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12780 12522 0.06 beats frightens haunts 0 0 0 12795 12523 0.06 depends flicked groves mumbled rankled smelt suspects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12524 0.06 clutch harness saluted welcomed 0 0 0 0 12795 12525 0.06 cotton good-night missionary nae 0 0 0 0 12795 12526 0.06 accounted listens tries 0 0 0 12670 12527 0.06 eyebrows musket scimitar 0 0 0 12795 12528 0.06 generations halted leagues moves simons 0 0 0 0 0 0 12529 0.06 blaze darn grievance 0 0 0 0 12530 0.06 communication loosened responsible 0 0 0 0 12531 0.06 ambition ankle biting career crawl lectured 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12532 0.06 & armour linen oar uniform 0 0 0 0 0 0 12533 0.06 basin brightening squeal toss trace 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12534 0.06 coat-tails partner quarters solace 0 0 0 0 12795 12535 0.06 frosts stocking wheeling 0 0 0 0 12536 0.06 barton chucks dancer readers reefer sufferer 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12537 0.06 deepening dis hazy jonah midsummer never-to-be-forgotten preceding snowy sunny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12538 0.06 luscious reads similar solid 0 0 0 0 0 12539 0.06 fine-looking highly noisy 0 0 0 12795 12540 0.06 absolute chummy compelling enraptured handled moti tedious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12541 0.06 awoke dies fluttered follows insists leaped rapped risen stooped wakened wakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12542 0.06 atossa augusta chloe cromwell cynthia cyrilla eliza emma emmy harriet jamesina josephina lucy martha olivia philippa rebecca sally susanna winnifred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12684 12543 0.06 arm breast face forehead hand head heart knee knees mouth neck shoulder shoulders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12730 12544 0.06 baby cat child minister 0 0 0 0 12795 12545 0.06 advantages amusements better bolder calmer cautious churches cleverer colder endured fewer hysterical impatient larger louder mixed old-fashioned paler prettier redder richer sicker stronger weaker worse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12546 0.06 friday gardiner insects methinks paying seaweeds striped thanksgiving thursday yez 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12682 12547 0.06 cannot didn't don't may might mustn't needn't shall should shouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12548 0.06 bloom captivity conqueror details english knots particulars shape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12549 0.06 belle carrol instructions julia maud rev richmond st traces tranquil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12550 0.06 cent dollar hint mattress peppermint switch ticket 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12551 0.06 babu breathe deed flee glare investigate jesper strain tide tread yell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12552 0.06 afflicted bursting connected disturbing gad popular strewn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12553 0.06 choosing crumbs fellers hilarity magazine relationship 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12554 0.06 commit compositions comrades manners openly puzzles quote remove surprises ugliness visions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12684 12555 0.06 brother cousin daughter father mother name sister son uncle wife 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12556 0.06 admitted agreed announced commented complained conceded explained inquired muttered remarked shouted sighed sobbed suggested 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12557 0.06 amuse clutched hugged produced waved 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12558 0.06 abused befall confronted encore encourage oblige preserve repay seize 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12788 12559 0.06 ! " ? .date. a abandoned abbot abimelech aboard abominable abroad abrupt abruptly absence absently absurd abundant academy acceptance accidents accompanied accompany accomplished accord accorded accordingly accounts ache ached aches aching acquaintance acquired acts actually ada adam adams adding addressed adelia adjutant admirable admiration admired admiring admiringly adopt adventures advertise aethra affecting affection affectionately affections afoot afresh afterlight afternoons afterward afterwards again age agent ages aghast aglaia aglow agnes agog agreeable ah ahmed aim airs akela alan alarm alarmed alberta ale alec alexina alice alicia alighted alike alive allan allardyce allo alma almost alone along aloof aloud alphabet alphonso already also altar altogether always amazement amazing amber amberley ambitions ambitious amelia american ames amiable amusement amy an ancient andrew angelina angels angrily angry animals anna anne annie anniversary annoyed anon another answers antaeus anthony ants anxiety anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apiece appalled apparently appeal appearance appearances appears appetite applause apple-tree apples appleyard approached approaching appropriate approving approvingly apt arbour archie argued arguments aright arithmetic armchair armed arms armstrong aroused arranged arrangement arrangements arrayed arrival arrow art arthur article arts ashes ashore aside asleep aspect ass assembled assent assented assistance assured asters astonishing astonishment astronomers asylum atmosphere attempts attended attending attentive attitude attorney audacity audible audience august aunt auntie aunts aunty author authority authors avail avenue averred aversion avery avoided awake awe awhile awkward axe bab back backbone backs backward bad badly baffled bag bagheera bailey bake baked baking balance ball-carrier balloon balls baloo band bandar-log bank banks banner banquet bar barber bare barefooted barely bargain barking barns barnyard baron barrel barry barrys base basket bathe bathroom battle bay baying beach beads beaming bears beast beasts beaten beatrice beatrix beauties beautiful beautifully beauty beaux becoming bedroom beds bedside beech beechwood beer bees befallen beg behaving beheld beholding believing belongings ben bend bending benjamin bennett benson bertha bertie beseechingly besides bess bessie bessy beth betty beverley bewitching bible biddies big big-horn bills billy birch birds birth birthday bison bits bitten bitter bitterly black blacksmith blacksnake blacky blade blake blank blankly blazing bleached bleeding blessing blight blighted blind blindly blindness blink blinked blinking blithe blood blooming blossom blowing blows blue blunt blush blushing board boarder boarders boarding boards boast boat boats bob bobby bodies bold boldly boldness bolted bone books boomed boomer boon border born borrowed bosom boston both bother bothering bottom bough boughs boulder bound bounding bouquet bowels bowes bowing bows bowser box boxes boyhood boys brain brains braithwaite branches brand brass brave bravely breach bread breakfast breathless breathlessly brer bridal bride bridegroom bridesmaid bridge brief briefly brig bright brighter brightly brightness brilliant brimming brisk briskly britain broadly brokenly bronze brook brother-in-law brothers brown bruce bruised bruises brusquely brute bryan bubbling budge buds bug buggy bugs building buldeo bullet bullock bullocks bully bumble bundles burnett burning burns burnt bury bush bushel bushes bust buster bustling butcher butter butterflies button buying by-and-by cabbages cabin cadmus cage cages calamity caleb calf california calista callers calm calmly camel camels camera camilla camp campaigning campbell canary candy cannibals cap cap'n caps captain captive captured cards careful careless carelessly carelessness cares carey carl carlisle carmody carol caroline carpets carriage carriages carrier carrot carve carved case catalogue catechism caterpillar catherine cats cattle cave cavern cecil cecilia cecily ceiling celebrated cellar centre ceremony ceres certainly certainty chained chains chair chairs chamber chances channel chapley chapman characteristic characters charger chariot charles charley charlie charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chasing chatterer chattering cheap check cheeks cheerful cheerfully cheerily cheering cheery chela ches chest chester childhood childish children chill chilled chills chilly chimney chin china chorus christine christmas christopher chronic chronicle chuckling chum chump chums church cigar cigars cinderlad circle circled circles city clad claimed clair clap clare clashing clasping classes claude clay clean cleaning clear clearing clearly clemantiny clergyman clerk clever cliff clorinda closet closing clothed clouds club cluny coach coal coast cobwebs coffee cold coldly collar collecting collection colonel colony color colors colours column cometh comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comforting comical commands committee commonplace commotion company compare compared compelled competitor completely complexion compliment complimentary compliments compose comrade conceal conceited concern concerned condescending conducted confessing confession confidante confided confident conflict confound confounded confused confusion congratulate congregation connie conover conquered conscience consciousness consequences consequently conservatory consideration considering console consoled constance constant constantly consternation contempt contemptuously contentment continually contracted contrast convenient conversation conversations converted convulsions cookery cooking cooks cool coolly cooper cope copper copse cordelia cordial corn-crib corner corners cornfield corona corpse correspondence correspondents costume cottage couch council counsel counted countenance country court courteously courtesy courtiers courtship cove coverlet coward cowed crab cracked cracker crackers cradle crafty crank cratchit crazy cream created credit creek creeps creepy cries crime crimson crisis crisp critical critically critter croak cronies crooked crops crow crowned cruel cruelly cruelty crumpled crushed crusoe crutch cub cuddled cunningham cupboard cured curiosity curious curling curls current curtis curve customers customs cyrus czar dad daddy dainty daisy dalveigh dam damaris damp dan dance dancers dandy danger dangerous danny dark darkened darkening darker darkness darned darning dart darzee dash daughters david davis davy dawn daybreak daylight dazedly de dead deadly death deborah debt deceitful deceive deceived december decent decently decision deck decorated deep deepest deer defeated defect defects deferred defiance defiant defiantly degree delay delayed delhi deliberately delicate delicious delight delightedly delightful delights delisle deliverance demi demure denise department departure deprecatingly depressed depth depths descending describing desecration desert deserted design desk desolation despair despairing despairingly despatched desperately despised dessert destiny destroy destroyed determination determinedly develop devils devoted dew dewy dhole di dialogue diamond diamonds diana dick different difficult difficulties digger dignified dignity dimple dimples dinah dining-room dinner dire direct direction directly dirty disagreeable disagreeably disappearance disappointment disapproved discharged disciple discipline discontented discouraged discovery discreet discretion discussed discussion disgrace disgraceful disguise dismal dismally dismay dismayed dismissal dismissed disorder disposed disrespectful dissatisfied distant distinctly distinguish distinguished distracted distress district disturbed divine divinely division doc doctor doctors dodge dogs doings doleful dolefully dolls dolly domestic don donald donkey doomed doors doorstep doorway dora dorinda dorothy dory dose dosia dot doubtful doubtfully doubtless dove downcast downstairs downward dragon draught drawer drawers drawing dread dreadful dreadfully dream dreamily dreaming dreams dreary dressmaker dried drinking drinks dripping drives driving drooped dropping drowned drowsily drum drummed drummer drunk dry dryad dubious dubiously ducking due duke dull duly dumb duncan dunno dusk dusky dusty duty dwarf dwarfs dwelt dyke each eagerly earl earnest earnestly earnestness ears earthly ease easier east eastman easy eating eben ebenezer echoes economical ed eden edge edges edith editor educated education effective efforts eighty either ejaculated elaine elbow elders electa elegant element elephants elfin elinor elizabeth ellen ellie ellis elsa elsewhere elwell embarrassment embroidered emil emily emotion emperor emphasis emphatic emphatically empire employed employment enacted enchanted encouraged encouragement encouragingly end ending ends energetic energetically energy engaged england engulfed enjoyment enlisted enrico enterprise enthusiasm enthusiastically entirely entrance entrusted entry envious epimetheus epistle equally erect eric ernest errand escaped esme estate estella esterbrook esther estrangement eternal ethel eunice ev eva evangelist eve even event ever everett everlasting every everybody everyone everything evident evidently evil exactly examinations exams exceeding exchange excited excitedly exciting exclamation exclusive executed exhausted existence expectation expeditions experiences explaining explanation exploit explore exposed expressionless extent extremity exultation eyed fable facing fact factory facts faculty faded fail fails fainted faintly fair fairest fairies fairy faith faithfully falcon falconer falling falls false fame familiar fancies fancying fare fared farmers farmhouse farms farther fascinating fascination fashionable fashioned faster fate fathers fatima fattened fault faults favor favorite favorites favour fearful fearfully fears feast feasting feather feathered features feed feeding feet felicia felicity felix feller feminine fence fences ferry fertile festivity fetch fever feverish fezziwig fickle fiddle fiddler fidgeted field fields fierce fiercely fiery fifth fighter fighting fights final finally fine finely finishes fiordelisa fir fire firmly firs first fisherman fishermen fishes fiske fist fits flame flamed flank flatly flats flavor flawless flesh flies flight flint flirted flitter floating floe flood floor floors florrie flour flourished flowers flown flute flutter foal foe folds followers food fool foolish foolishly foolishness fools foot footing footprints footsteps force foreclose forenoon foreordained foreseen forest forever forgave forgiven forlornly forms forsaken forth fortunately forward fought foul foundation fountain fourth foxes fragments fragrant frail frame frances frank frankly franz freak freckles fred freda frederick free freed freedom freely freeze frequent freshmen friendless friendly friendship fright frightful frills frisk frivolous frog's frolic frost frowning fruitless fry fugitives fulke fuller funeral funny fur furious furiously furnished further furtively fury gaily gained gaining gait gale gallery galletly gallows gang gap garb garden gardener gardens gardner garment garret garrets gasped gasping gates gateway gathering gay gazelle gems generally generation generous genesis gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geometry george geraldine geranium geraniums gerda german gertrude gesture ghost ghosts giant giddy gifts giggled gil gilbert gilt giovanni girlhood girlish git gladness glamour glass glasses gleaming glided glittered glittering gloating gloom gloomily gloomy glorified glorious gloriously glory glossy gloucester glove gloves gnawing goat goats gobbler god gods good good-by good-bye good-looking good-naturedly good-tempered goodbye goods goody gossip government governor gowns grace graceful grafton grand grandest grandma grandpa grandparents grandson grange granny grant grasp grass grasses grassy grateful gratefully gratifying grave gravely graves gray great great-grandfather great-grandmother greatest greek green greenland greet greeted greeting grettel grey grief grieve grimly grinning grit groan groaned groaning grocery ground grounds grouse grove growled growth grub gruff gruffly grumble grumbled grumbling grumpily grunted gryphon guardian guessing guest guests guided guilty gulf gulped gumption gunn gus gussie habit habits haf haggard hail hailed hairs haley half-way halfman halfway halliday ham hammer hammock handed handkerchiefs handle hands handsome handy hannah hans hansel happening happier happiest happy happy-go-lucky harbor harbour hardly harmer harp harrington harrison harrowing harsh harshly hartley hastily hatch hateful hathi hatred hatter hauled haunted hawk hawkins hayden he healer healing healthy heaped heaps hears heartache hearth heartily hearty heather heave heaven heavens heavily heavy heedless heel heels heidegger height heirs helen helena hello helpless helplessly helps hen-house hence henceforth hens her herald herbs here hermit heroes hers herself hesitatingly hesitation hester hideous hiding hiding-place hiding-places higher hill hills hilt him himself hind hinted hired his hitched hither hoarse hoarsely hobby hobgoblin hoffman hole holes holly holy home homely homesick homesickness homeward honest honestly honesty honey honor honour hook hooked hooty hop hopeful hopelessly hopping hops horizon horn horns horribly horrid horror horseman horses hoseason hospitable hospital hospitality hot hotel houarn hours household houses however howled huddled hugging hugh hum human humble humbly humiliating humming hump huneefa hungry hunno huns hunter hurriedly hurries hurrying husbands hush hysterically hysterics i ichabod icy ida ideal ideas idle idly idol ignorance ill illusion illustrations image imagination imagining immense imp impatience impatiently impertinent impish implore implored imploringly impolite important imposing impossible improve improvement improving impudent impulsively inconvenience increased increasing incredulous incredulously indeed independent indescribable india indians indifferent indignant indignantly ingratitude inherit inn innocent inquire inquiring inquiry insisted insolence inspiration inspired instantly instead instinct insulted intellect intelligence intent interest interested interesting interrupt intimacy intimate intolerable introduced introduction introductions invaded invisible involuntarily involved irene irishwoman irony irresistible irritate irritated isaac isabella island isle ismay issue it items itself ivan ivory iwanich j jack jackal jacket jacky jacob james jane janet jaqueline jar jason jasper jaws jealous jean jed jedediah jeered jeff jeffrey jem jenny jerome jerry jessamine jesse jill jimmy jims jimsie jo joan joanna job joe john johnny joining joke joking jolly jordan joscelyn joseph josephine josiah josie journal joyce joyfully joyous joyously joys jubilantly judgment judith jug juice jukes juliana juliet julius jumper jumping june jungle junior just justice kaa kabo kadlu kadmiel kai kaiser karl kate keen keenly keeper kennel kenneth kettle key khaki killing kilmeny kilta kim kinder kindled kindling kindly kindred king kingdom kings kingsport kirby kisa kissing kites kitty klaus knack knelt knight knights knit knocked knocking knowledge knuckles kotick kotuko lace ladder laddie ladylike lagoon lake lama lamb lamp land landing landlord landscape lane lank lantern lapping lark larry lash lasse last lastly latch lately latin latter laughs laughter launched laurence laurie lavendar law lawful lawless laws lawyer lays lazily laziness lazy leadership leads lean leap leaping leaps leapt learning lecture ledge lee legion legree leicester leslie letters liberty license lick licking lid lifting lige lightfoot lighthouse lightly lightning lights likewise lilian lilith lily lily-bell lily-pad limb limberheels limbs lime limited limp limply lina linger liniment lion lip liquid lisbeth listeners listening listlessly litter little livelier lively livesey lloyd lo loaded lock locks lodging loftily london loneliness lonely lonesome lookout loose lords lorelei loss loud loudly louisa lounge loveliest loveliness lovell lovely lover lovers loving low lower loyalty lubber lucinda lucky ludovic ludovine lust luxurious luxury lynde ma mac machine mad madam madame madeline mademoiselle madge madison madly madman madness maggie magician magnificence magnificent mahbub mahogany maidens mailed maimie major makóma malcolm maliciously mamma mammy man-cub man-pack managing manly manse mansion map maple maples marble marcella marching mares margaret marian marie marilla mark markdale market-place marmee marriage marshes martin martyr mary mas'r mascot mast master-maid masters match matcham matched maternal mates matilda matters matthew mattie maurice max maximus maxwell maybe mayflowers me meadows meals meantime meanwhile mebbe mechanically meddling medicines meditatively meekly meets meg melancholy melissa melody melting memories memory merciless merediths mermaid mermaids merrier merrily merriment merry messua methodist methodists methought methuselah mice michael middle middle-aged midnight midst milan mild milk milking millicent millions milty min mine mingled ministry minnie minnikin minot mirabel miracle miranda miriam mirror mirth mischief mischievous miserable miserably miserly misery misfortune misgiving miss mission missis missy mist mistaken mistress mists misty mittens mixing mixture moan moaned mock mocker mockery mocking model modest moist molasses mole mollie molly moments monarch money monkey monkeys monotonous monroe monster montague montrose mood moodily moonlight moonlit more moreover mornings morrison morsel mortals mortification moss mossy mostly mother-in-law mothers motionless mound mounted mourned mournful mournfully mourning mouthful mouths mowgli mr mrs muffled mugger mule murder murmured murmuring muscle music muslin mustard mute muttering mutton my myself mysterious mysteriously mystery naething nag nagaina nails naked nan nana nancy naomi nap naps narcissus narrative narrow narrowed nasty nat nathan natty naturally naught naughty nay nearer nearly neat necessary necessity necklace ned needle neglect neglected neighbor neighbors neighbour neighbourhood neighbours neil neither nellie nelly nervous nervously nest net never nevertheless new newcomer newspaper next nibs nic nice nick nightingale ninth nip no no-o-o nobody noiselessly nonsense noon nora normal norman north noted nothing novel novels novelty november now nowhere numbers nursed nursery nursing nuts o'hara oak obedience objected objection obligingly obtained occasion occasions occupied occurrence ocean octavia october odd odds offence offended officers often ogre oh oil old olive omar ominously once only ophelia opinions opportunity opposed opposite oranges orchard original orphans osbornes others otherwise our ours ourselves outline outlined outspoken outstretched over-harbour overboard overcoat overgrown overlooked overtake overwhelmed owen p'raps pa pace pachacamac pack packages packed packet paddy page pages pain painful pains painter painting palaces pallid palm palms pandora panic panic-stricken panted panting papa paper papers parade paradise parasol parcel parchment pardon parents paris park parnesius parrot parties partly party passage passengers passion passionately passport pasture pasty pat patch pathetic pathway patient patiently patriotism patty paul pauline paws payment peace peaceful peacefully pearl pearls peas pebble peck pedestal peep peg peggy pen penance pencil pendexter penelope penny peony peppermints perception perch perfectly perhaps peril perished permission perplexity perseverance persist personal persuaded pert pertinax pessimist petals pete peter petru petting pevensey phebe phenomenon phil phillippa photograph physical physician piano picnic picts pie pieces pies pig pigs piled pill pillar pinched pincushion pine pine-tree pines pink piper pipes pirates pit pitched pitiful pity placid plague plain plainly plains plans plaster plates platform playfellow playmate plead pleaded pleading pleasant pleasanter pleased pleasure pledge plot plough ploughing plumfield plump plunge pocket pockets poem poems poetical poets pokey poky polished polite politely politeness politics polly pond ponies ponsonby poor pope poplar poppy porch porridge porter portrait portraits position positively possibilities possibility possible possibly post pot potentilla pound pounding pouring powder powerful powers practising prank pray prayer-meeting prayers preaching precious predicted prejudiced prejudices preparation prepared presbyterian presbyterians presence presentiment presently preserves president presumption prettiest prettily pretty prevailed prevention previous prickles prickly priest prime primrose prince princes princess princesses principle printed pris priscilla prison prissy privilege probable probably proceed process procession proclamation production profane professor promising prompt promptly proofs proper properly prophecy prophet proposal prosaic prose proserpina prospered prosperity prosperous protest protested protests proud proudly providence provoked provoking prudence prue psyche puck puffed puffer pulling pulse punished puppy pure purple purpose purred pursued pursuit pushing puzzle puzzling python quack quacker quail qualities quality qualms quarreled quarreling quarter queen queer queerly queried quest questioning questions quickly quicksilver quietly quilt quite quivering quotation quoted rabbits race races rachel rag rage raged ragged rags rail rained raining rainy raising rake ralph ram rama rambles randall ranged rank rap rapt raptures rapturous rapturously rare rat rate rather rats rattle rays reader real realities realization realizing really rear reasonable reasons rebellion rebellious receiving recently reception recitations reckless recommendation recover recovery red reddy redruth redtail reed reeled reeling reeves reference referred refined refreshed refreshment refuge refusal refusing regained regard regret regretfully regrets regretted reigned reindeer rejected rejection rejoice rejoiced rejoicing rejoined relapsed relate relation relations relatives release relief relieve religion reluctant reluctantly remain remaining remora remorse removed renelde rented report reproaches reproachfully reputation reputed rescue resemblance resentful resentment reserve resignation resolute resolutely respectable respectfully responded response rest restless restlessly restoration restraint result resumed retire retired returning revelation revenge reverently reverie reversed reviewed rheumatism rhyme rhymes ribbon ribs ricardo rice rich riddell riddle ridiculous riding rikki-tikki riley rilla rilla-my-rilla rim ripple riser rising rivalry river road roamed roared roasted rob robbers robe robert robin rock rocket rocks rocky roger rogue rolls romance rome romney roof room rooms roots rope rosemary roses rosetta rosy rough rounded rounds rouse rowing roy rub rubbers rubbish rubies ruby rude rudely ruggles rugs ruin rule rumble rushes russell ruth s sack sacred sacrilege sad saddhu saddle sadly safe safely safety sagely sailing sailor sails saint saints sakes salary sallie sallow salmon salome saloon salt salvation sam sammy sanch sand sandal sane sap sara sarah sarcastic satisfaction satisfied satisfying sauce saul savage savagely sawdust scale scales scamp scampered scamps scandalized scarcely scared scarlet scatter scene scenery scenes scent scented schmidt scholar scholars scholarship schoolboy schoolhouse schoolmaster scorched scorn scorned scornfully scotia scoundrel scowled scowling scrap scrape scraps screamed screwed scrooge scurrying sea sea-cook sealed searched seas seat seats second seconds secretary secrets seeds selden seldom select self-respect self-sacrifice selfish selfishness selwyn senior sensible sensitive sentiment sentimental separate september serene serenely sergeant seriously sermon sermons serpent servant servants serves services sesame seton sets setter settlement seventh seventy severe severely sewed sexton shabby shade shadowy shaft shakespeare shame shameful shamlegh shan't shared sharp sharpen sharply shaved she sheep sheepishly sheer sheet sheets shell shelley shells shelmardine sheltered shelton shepherd shere shiftless shingle shingled ship shirking shirley shoal shocking shod shoemaker shoes shop shore shouting shrank shrewd shrieked shrieking shrieks shrill shrine shrinking shrubs shuddering shutting shy shyly shyness sick sickly sickness sid side sideways sidney sighs sight sigismund signalled signet silas silently sill silly simon simple simply sin sincerely singing sinking sister-in-law sisters-in-law sitting-room sixth sixty size skates skies skim skin skinner skins skipper skirt sky slain slave slaves sleepily sleeping sleepy sleigh slender slice slight slim slippers slippery slippery-slide slipping slope sloping slowly sly slyly smack small smaller smart smarter smartest smartness smee smoke smoked smooth smote snakes snapped snare snares snarled sneak sneaked sniff sniffed sniffing snorted snow-man snow-white snowdrop snowflake snuffing snug so soap sober soberly sociable social socks sofa soft softly sold soldiers solemn solemnly solomon solved some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat son-in-law sons soon soothed sorcerer sore sorely sorrel sorrow sorrowfully sorrows sorry soul souls sour south spake spanked sparhallow sparkling sparks speaker speaks spear spears spectacle spectacles sped spencer sphere spice spider spied spirit spiritual spit spitting splash splendid splendidly splendour splinter spoilt spots spotty springing springtime spruce spruces spry spunk spy squatted squeak squeaky squelched squire stacy staff stag stained staircase stairs stake stale stalked stall stammered stamps stan stanton star starch stare starkey starry stars startled startling starve stately statement states station staunch stays steadily steady stealing steaming steed steel steep stella stephen stepmothers stepping stern sternly sticky-toes stiff stiffened stiffly stifled stillness stillwater sting stingy stirring stockton stomach stomachs stones stooping stopping stored stork storm stormy stout stoutly stove straight straightened strained strange stranger strap strawberries strawberry stream streaming streets stretching strict stride striding string stripes stripped strong stubborn students studied studies study studying stuffed stumbled stumbling stupid stupidly style subject subjects submitted subtle succeed success successfully succession suddenly sue sugar sugar-house suggestion sulkily sulky sullen sullenly sultan sum summons sums sunk sunken sunrise sunset sunshiny superstition supper surcoat surely surface surprise susan suspense suspicion suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallow swan sweeping sweeps sweet sweeter sweetheart swell swelled swiftly swimming swinging swooped swords swore sylvia sympathetic sympathized sympathy tabaqui tabby tabitha table tackleton tact tactful taffy tailor talent tall tame tamzine tank tannis tapped tartar tarts tasks tasting taylor tea teacher teaching teachings team teasing ted teddy telegraph telephone telford temerity tempest temple temples tenant tenderly tent tephany terms terrible terribly terrified terror text thankful thanking thankless thanks the thee their them theme themselves then thence theodora theodosia theodosius there thereafter therefore they thick thicket thickly thief thimble thin thinner third thirsty this thistle thither thomas thorn thorough thoroughly thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtless thread threat threshold thrice thrifty thrilled thrilling throat throats throne throng thump thunder thunderfoot thus thyra tickled tidy tiger tightly tilly tim timmy tink tiny tip tired tiresome title to-day to-morrow to-night toast tobacco today toe toes together tolerably tom tomb tommy tomorrow tones tongues tonight tony too toomai tootles top topsy torch torment torn torrents tortoise tossing touchy tough tour tower town toys tragedy trails trained trains traits tramp tramps transfigured translate translated transparent transport trash travel traveler traveller travellers travelling travels tray treachery treasure treasures tree trees trembling tremulous trent trevlyn tribe tricked tricks trifles trimming trinket trip triumph triumphant triumphantly trodden trouble troubled troubles truce true truly trumpet trunk trusting truth tumult tune tunes tunnels turkey turnip twenty-two twice twilight twinkle twins twisted two-eyes type ugly ulysses umballa una unbecoming unbidden uncanny uncles uncomfortable uncomfortably undauntedly underground understanding undignified undone undoubtedly unearthly uneasily uneasy unexpected unexpectedly unfair unfeeling unfortunate unfortunately ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unkind unknown unluckily unmistakable unnatural unpacked unpleasant unreasonable unromantic unselfish unsteadily untidy unusual unutterable unwelcome uplifted upset upstairs upward urdu ursula us usually utmost utterance vacant vagabond vague vain valuable vanity vase vegetables vehemently venerable veranda verdun verree verses very vessel vest vexed victim victoria victory village vines violence violently violet violets virtue visitor visitors vivid voluble volumes vulgar waggon wailed wailing waistcoat waked waking walks wall wallet walls walter walters wander wandering wanderings war wares warm warmly warned warnings warts wary washington wasted water water-rat wavered waves wax we wealthy wearily weariness weather wed wedding weddings wee weeds weeping weland welfare well well-bred welled wench wendy wept wesley west wet whale whence whiff whig whined whining whipping whiskers whiskers-on-the-moon whispers whistle whit white whitefoot whitey whole wholesome wicked wickedly wide wider widowers wilbur wildly willard william williamson willows wilson wind winding windows windy wine winged wings winked winking winning winslow wire wisdom wise wiser wistful wistfully wit witch witches withdrawn witness witta wives woe wolf wolverine wolves woman-hater womanhood womanly wonderful wonderingly woods wooer wool world worldly worship worthless worthwhile worthy wraps wrath wrecked wretch wriggling wrinkled wrist writhing wrong yard ye yelled yellow yellow-wing yelped yes yesterday yet yielded yo'alls yonder you young your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful youths zeal zillah zizi } 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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argus ariadne aristocrats arrivals artificial ascribes asmund assail assurance assuredly atlantic attacks attentions attic auspicious average backers background backyard bagpiper balcony bamboo bandage barbara barbs barn barracks barrens barrie basement basis battenburg battlefield battlements baucis bazaar bazar beaus bed-post bed-time bedtime beeches beforehand behalf behooved belgians belinda bell-like belly benares benches benefit beset bespoke betoken bewitchment bigness blackboard blackburn blacker blanchette blinkers bluntly boar boaster boatswain bobbin boot bouman bower brahmins branched brats bravado braves bravest brawl breaths brethren brewsters brickwork bridget bridle brim brink broadest brooms brunswick buccaneers bucketful budget bulrushes bun buns burr busiest busybody butt bygones cab caesar calmness cambridge camerons camp-meeting campaign campbells candidly canoe canopy car carbuncle cargo carleton carpenter carrion cars cart carts cask cassim castle cat-fights caution celandine cell center century chasm cheerfulness cheque cheque-book chests chicks chide chimney-corner chink chinks chips chirped chloroform chocolate choir chokingly christmases chronicles chronological church-bells churl cinder circulation clarkman classical closes cloths cloudless clue clutches co cobbler cockawee coldness collision colonists columbia combined comfortingly commenced compact compassion compassionately compiling complacently compound comprehension concerts confidant confidently consequence consistent consoling consolingly constable consulting contest contracts contrariness contrasted convalescence conventions conveyance core cotterell cottons cottontail councillors counsellor countess countryside courier courtyard cowered cowyard coxcomb coxswain cradles craftiness crammed cranberries cranfield cratchits crawfords creasy crediting crest cricket crickets crisply crispness crochet crocodile crook crooning crosser crotch crouch croup crumb crutches crystals cucumbers cultivated cunningly cupid curator curiously curses curtly cutlasses cynicism cypher cypress d'aulnoy dabs daffodils dairy damosel damsels danbridge dancing-girl dandelions daresay darkest davy-boy daytime dealing dean deathless deceit decency deceptive decisively decked declaration dedicated deeps deference degenerated delicacies deliverer dell delusion demon demons denizens depress deprived deputation derived descriptions desist dessay destruction device devilish devour dickens dictum dimness dimpled ding dipper disappears disaster disconsolately discontentedly disdainfully dishcloth disobeying displayed disposal dissipation distinct ditch doggie domains dome dong doodle-doo door door-mat door-step dooryard dost dote doublet doubly doughnut dourness dovecote downpour dragons drake dram drawbridge drawing-room drily drudgery drunken druv dryly duchess duckworth dully dungeon dust-heap dutchman dwindled dâd e-text eaglets earliest earning earthquaker easiest ebook eclipse ecstasy edifice editors ego egypt eh eighth elderberries eleanore electric ella elliotts elm-tree eloquent email embittered embroidery emotions emperors emptiness encircled endeavoured enderly enduring ensign entangled entertainments entreat epoch equipage erskine eruption establish establishment etc evening-gown evergreens exasperation exception exclaiming exertions exhaled expectant expressions exterior extract extravagance extreme fading failing fainter faintest fairness falada falkenstein fanny farthest fascinator fatally fates favored favourable feat february ferko fidgeting file fingertips fir-tree firelight fish-house fists flagg flagon flapping flattery flaw flea flinch flourish flows foals foeman follicles foolscap footfall foothold footman fore-foot forecastle foreigner forgetfulness formal fraction fran fray freddy fretted frights fringed frontier frost-king fructify fulfilment funniest furry furthermore future garden-engine garrulity gas gate gatepost gauntlet gayest gazer generosity gertie gibbet girt glee glen glenby globe gluckstein gnashed gnawed goblins gog goggly goldenrod goldsmith goodies gorgon gorgon's gorgons gorse gowned grammarian granary granddaughters grasshopper grate grating graveyard grayfur greece greediness greeks greene greenvale griefs grievances grimace grocer groove grumbly gulch gust gutter h hailstones hakim hal half-breed hall hammered handsomer hanger hard-hearted harmony harping hatta haughtiest haunches haw hawthorne he's head-man heading heaping hearse heartless heavenly hee heiress helm helpful helwyse hem hemlock-trees henchmen henderland henhouse henyard herdsman hereafter heroines herr hesperides hew hewed hey higginbotham hillock hillside hilltops hindu hispaniola hobnob hok hollows holluschickie holmes holywood homeless honors hoodie hoot hopedale hopetown horseback hotels hotly hour-hand house hove howe howler humblest hummels humpty hunting-song huskily hut huts ii iii illuminated illustrated imitated imitation immediate import imprisoned inapplicable inca incurred indebted independence indication indifferently industry infatuated inferior inflicting ingelows inhale inscrutable insect inspiring institution insure int'resting intelligent intensity interferes interior international intervals intoxicated intrusion irritating irritation isles isobel italian italians italy ix jackals jail january japan jeanette jewel jewellery jiffy jo's jog joint jolliest jollity jolt josephs jostle jouer jove joyousness judges judson judy july juncture jungles juniper kala kates keening kelso kensington keynote khanhiwara kiln kimball kinglet kinks kitchen kits kittens knitting-needles knives knob knobs knoll knowest kulu la ladies-in-waiting lamely lamenting lamplight lanes langdon languished lanterns largest lassie lateness latest laughingly lava lawn layer leak leander leon leopard letter-writer level levi lexy liar liberally library lids lied lilac lilias lilly limit linnet lionel lioness lisp literary literature living-room liza loan loathe lobsters loft log-house logic long-distance longest longingly longmans longs loom lou louise lowlands loyally luckily lucknow lurked lyda m'graw m.p m.p.s macallisters mack macphersons madrissah magog mahratta main maine mainland mairtean make-believe malice man-thing managers mane manhood manikin manitoba mankind mannikin manufacturer marches margin maritime marjorie marley marooned marsh martyrdom marya massacre masses mat mathematics matrons matter-of-fact mattresses mavericks mayor maypole maze mcginnis meanness measuring-tree meditation medusa mellowness melville mercilessly mew mightiest mildly milky millionaire mines mint miraculous miscreants mistah mister mistrust mo moans moderate monastery monkey-people monuments moonrise moors moped morn mosey motherly moths mountain-side mouse-coloured mouse-trap muffette mum murderers museum musical musician mutineers mysteries na napping narrator nathaniel natives needlewoman nell nestful neverland neverlands newburys newfoundland nigger night-gowns night-light night-lights nightfall nillie nobleman nobles noisily noodles norna northland nova numerous nunda nurses obituaries objections oblong obstinate offerings office ol olga olivers online oozed opals orator orchestra ordering orderly organ-grinder orgy oriental origin osprey ounce ousel outguess outright outskirts oven overflowing overslept pacific pacifique padre paint-box painters pal palace pane panel pantaloons pantouflia pantry par paragon paragraph paralyzed parlor parlour particle pastime patent pathos patriarch patronizing patronizingly pattering paved pavilion peach peach-tree pearson penalty penhallows peninsula penitentiary peppered perceiving perceval perform performers periwinkle perplexedly persian persis perspiration petersen phantoms philosopher philosophy photographs piazza pickle pickles pier pilgrim pinafore pinery pinkel pins pirret pit-a-pat pityingly placidity placidly plait plane plantation player pleadingly pleasantest plentiful plied poker polish political poll pomp pooh poorhouse poplars poppies populaires pored port post-office pottet-knife pottle prairies precautions predictions premier presbytery presentation primmed principal proctor prodding professional programme proofreading proprieties prouder providential province province-house publisher publishers puff pulpit pump purchased purity pursed pursuers purun quacking quaddies quaff quarrelsome queerer quieted quinine radiantly rampart rangely rankeillor raspberry realms reaping reassuringly rebuked rebukingly reciprocal recited recklessly recommended red-headed redemption redheaded reds redskin reel reeses reflectively refrain regiments region remainder remarking reminder repenting reporters repose resignedly resounded responds revolved richest rigidity rikki rivers roadside ronald rood roosts roughly rover rowers rudeness ruefully ruins rumbling russians sabbaths saddle-bow saddled sadness safest sage sah salad sale salford salon samuel sand-hills santa sarcastically saucerful saunders sawing sayings scaled scandalised scars schoolroom scolds scorning scotch scotland scouts scramble scrap-bag scratches screeched scrub sea-shore seafaring sealskin seashore sect seeonee selling sentinels serge serpentine settlements severity sha'n't shack shaker shallop shamed shamefacedly shanty sharpness shaws sheriff shingles shops shouts showman siege sights significantly simla sinclairs singe sinister skate skein skeptically slamming slap sleeping-draught sleuth-hound slightest slopes slums smallest smartly smilingly snake-like snappishly snored snort snorting snow-battle snow-covered snow-daughter snow-queen snow-shoes snow-storm sodno sods softest softness solely solicited solution soothingly sophomore sources sourly spade spain spanned species spectators spenslow sphinx spicy spikes spinner spire spur sputtered squirrel's stable stables staggering stamford station-master steak steersman step-sister stockade stoop store storekeeper stranger-man strangest streaks street stripe stubbornly sturdily subscribed successor suet sufferings suh sultana summit summoning sun-bath sunday-school sundays sup superfluous superintendent surrender swains swearing sweetly swelling swineherd swipe swoop sympathetically t'other table-cloth tablecloth tack talker tallest tang tanuki tapestry tasty taut tavern te-rain teeniest teens temperature tempter tenants tenniel tension tenth testimonial theatre theft thickest thickets thickness thirst thistledown thomson threateningly threats throbbed thronged thuu tick-tick ticking tigers tiller tin-soldier tinge tingle tinker tinted tips to-do toadstool toady toiled tomato tombs tools toothache tormentor tornado tory toughness towel traitor transcriber translation traveled treadmill tree-tops treetops trellis tremulously trenches tresses trice trickle trifling trimmed troop-horse trough truncheon trusty tub tuft tumbler tumblers turkey-maiden turquoise tussock two-legged umbrellas unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable undercurrent unendurable unexpectedness unicorn union united universe unkindest unloosed unnecessary unpardonable untrue unwonted up-wind uproar upside uraschimataro valiant valise valley valour vancouver vented venus verandah verge veritable vernacular version vexation vii viii villa vim violinist virgilius virgin visage visionary visitations vitals vivien volcano volley von waded wagon waif waingunga waning warden warder warmer warmest washstand watchfully wearying weatherbeard weeniest well-to-do wells welwa wes wharf whereabouts white-faces widower wig wilderness wilhelmina willis windac windings window window-sill winsome wisest wistfulness woebegone woes wonder-ship wonderland wood-sleigh woodlands woodman woodpile work-basket worms wouldst wrestle wroth wycherly xavier xi xii xiii xiv xix xv xvi xvii xviii xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv yachts yawn yearling yo-ho-ho yon à 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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12795 12564 0.05 guess suppose 0 0 12795 12565 0.05 matter question 0 0 12795 12566 0.05 girls women 0 0 12795 12567 0.05 closed opened shut 0 0 0 12795 12568 0.05 answer reply 0 0 12795 12569 0.05 crying laughing talking 0 0 0 12795 12570 0.05 fly jump 0 0 12795 12571 0.05 beginning custom owner 0 0 0 12795 12572 0.05 dreamed guessed noticed 0 0 0 12795 12573 0.05 berth bonnet cherries chinook fork pang picture root scowl shawl squeeze sunbonnet wheelbarrow wishbone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12574 0.05 front view 0 0 12795 12575 0.05 gun whip 0 0 12795 12576 0.05 disappeared vanished 0 0 0 12577 0.05 fallen succeeded 0 0 12795 12578 0.05 elliott marshall 0 0 12783 12579 0.05 sounded sounds 0 0 12795 12580 0.05 housekeeper maid stepmother 0 0 0 12795 12581 0.05 advice folly sake 0 0 0 12795 12582 0.05 explain finish 0 0 12795 12583 0.05 aid length 0 0 12795 12584 0.05 cause command 0 0 12795 12585 0.05 shock smith 0 0 12795 12586 0.05 setting wondering 0 0 12795 12587 0.05 brooding dancing deepened dreamy flashing gallant glowing malicious twinkling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12588 0.05 clapped clasped wrung 0 0 0 12795 12589 0.05 ducks names 0 0 12795 12590 0.05 goose rascal 0 0 12795 12591 0.05 bounded exchanged 0 0 12795 12592 0.05 bee sensation 0 0 0 12593 0.05 cohort lordship majesty 0 0 0 12795 12594 0.05 bucket clock ravine trap 0 0 0 0 12795 12595 0.05 colour envy practice 0 0 0 12795 12596 0.05 colored dashing dearer morgiana tangled telephassa unseen { 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12597 0.05 sacrifice service statue 0 0 0 12795 12598 0.05 bowl group 0 0 12795 12599 0.05 den lair potatoes profession realm senses 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12600 0.05 bark behavior gravity nook warmth 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12601 0.05 fletcher lavinia 0 0 12795 12602 0.05 pluck problems weight 0 0 0 12795 12603 0.05 chose veered wheeled 0 0 0 12795 12604 0.05 apparent cautiously immediately mightily overjoyed parallel resorted secretly timidly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12605 0.05 double huge 0 0 12795 12606 0.05 frewen holland 0 0 12795 12607 0.05 sunlight velvet 0 0 12795 12608 0.05 convinced starting 0 0 0 12609 0.05 marks signs 0 0 12795 12610 0.05 needles rod stockard wishing 0 0 0 0 0 12611 0.05 believes secured 0 0 0 12612 0.05 visiting wanting 0 0 12795 12613 0.05 bunch plotting 0 0 12795 12614 0.05 headache stroke 0 0 12795 12615 0.05 envied pitied published 0 0 0 12795 12616 0.05 remarkable serious singular 0 0 0 0 12617 0.05 admire disappoint 0 0 12795 12618 0.05 celia lennox 0 0 0 12619 0.05 accompanying claim dissuade hinder misunderstand pester sustain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12620 0.05 postman woodpecker 0 0 12795 12621 0.05 appealingly clover crab-apple fondly myrtle sheepish 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12622 0.05 correspondent gown 0 0 12795 12623 0.05 beetle caw chirp chop clash nibble twin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12624 0.05 lasted snowed 0 0 12795 12625 0.05 alter deny 0 0 0 12626 0.05 explains lent 0 0 12795 12627 0.05 resent resume 0 0 12794 12628 0.05 backed dissolved 0 0 12795 12629 0.05 despise tempt 0 0 12795 12630 0.05 kelpy miller rainbow 0 0 0 0 12631 0.05 amounted pays reaches 0 0 0 12795 12632 0.05 hectored improved 0 0 12795 12633 0.05 medea selena warren 0 0 0 0 12634 0.05 attentively closely intently 0 0 0 12795 12635 0.05 buttoned deserved 0 0 12795 12636 0.05 damsel sketch 0 0 0 12637 0.05 canst didst hast 0 0 0 12795 12638 0.05 herd leech mop thunderbolt toy wave 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12639 0.05 licked smacked 0 0 0 12640 0.05 loses wins 0 0 12795 12641 0.05 seed shrew 0 0 0 12642 0.05 davidson scott 0 0 12795 12643 0.05 skirts tops 0 0 12795 12644 0.05 attached contrived 0 0 0 12645 0.05 darting gracious respectful significant 0 0 0 0 12795 12646 0.05 bat lesley 0 0 12795 12647 0.05 houseful lunch 0 0 12795 12648 0.05 appointed justified 0 0 12795 12649 0.05 perfume weaving 0 0 12795 12650 0.05 cookies looking-glass pastor retort upper 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12651 0.05 crystal custard 0 0 12795 12652 0.05 bounced wipe 0 0 12795 12653 0.05 clifford flo garland jenik kay matte peder tennyson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12654 0.05 appreciate doubted 0 0 12795 12655 0.05 drifting molinda 0 0 12795 12656 0.05 passionate repressed 0 0 12792 12657 0.05 bidding ringing 0 0 0 12658 0.05 grabbed lashed thumped wagged 0 0 0 0 12795 12659 0.05 entreated exploded reckoned 0 0 0 12795 12660 0.05 brighten glowed rig swarmed 0 0 0 0 0 12661 0.05 spending throughout 0 0 12795 12662 0.05 forbidden religious 0 0 12795 12663 0.05 caste clerks matchmaker physicians sideboard victims 0 0 0 0 0 0 12772 12664 0.05 boxed sympathize thrive tingling 0 0 0 0 0 12665 0.05 cameron channing lang thayer 0 0 0 0 12795 12666 0.05 adore dyed misdoubt 0 0 0 0 12667 0.05 adventurous heroic roast 0 0 0 0 12668 0.05 affliction omen spanking 0 0 0 12795 12669 0.05 awed drift hushed superior 0 0 0 0 12795 12670 0.05 eyebrows eyelids musket scimitar 0 0 0 0 12795 12671 0.05 affrighted flourishing guidance simplicity 0 0 0 0 12795 12672 0.05 ahem ascending dickon forsooth frontispiece 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12673 0.05 brutal harmless sifted 0 0 0 0 12674 0.05 acorns beans hickory plum willow 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12675 0.05 crossly edna graciously piteously primly vaguely wrathfully 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12676 0.05 chimney-sweep coincidence fib mess mite muddle predicament speck water-baby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12677 0.05 earlier essential eventful rousing 0 0 0 0 12795 12678 0.05 plank railroad ridgepole rustic 0 0 0 0 12795 12679 0.05 cornelia fairbairn oliver rogerson trevor 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12680 0.05 approval jelly pebbles traveling vigour 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12681 0.05 aught chores compete skulking vanish 0 0 0 0 0 12789 12682 0.05 'd 'll can can't cannot could couldn't didn't don't may might must mustn't needn't shall should shouldn't will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12683 0.05 crane droop overhaul persuade steve theseus thumper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12684 0.05 arm breast brother cousin daughter face father forehead hand head heart knee knees mother mouth name neck shoulder shoulders sister son uncle wife 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12685 0.05 chuckled grinned laughed nodded smiled 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12686 0.05 awaken delphi enlist fowl halifax luck montreal peek reason rebel splinters steer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12687 0.05 anger berries boots brackley candles cleverness conceit courage cows fish frogs holidays humiliation jokes measles presents pride punishment ships smallpox space stage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12688 0.05 action cake cakes giants guards pudding rogues shield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12689 0.05 curly dressed locked robby roxy scrumptious suffering thorny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12690 0.05 jewels kisses ladies leaves offering 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12691 0.05 bill cheek ear pew 0 0 0 0 12795 12692 0.05 fashion manner straw 0 0 0 12795 12693 0.05 blew galloped hastened skipped 0 0 0 0 12795 12694 0.05 ahead below dinnerless early excellently fishing regularly smoothly somewhere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12695 0.05 boasting heedlessness labor praying self-control speech theirs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12696 0.05 cared invite prayed 0 0 0 0 12697 0.05 dishes glanced wound 0 0 0 12795 12698 0.05 babyhood beak body clasp class elbows mail pants shroud skull veins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12699 0.05 desired hoped suspected wished 0 0 0 0 12795 12700 0.05 christians fired grazing ideals roaring thrust training wrestling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12701 0.05 fat harder treated wretched 0 0 0 0 12795 12702 0.05 holiday intention notion 0 0 0 0 12703 0.05 marched wandered whisked 0 0 0 12795 12704 0.05 fed mend stroked swallowed withdrew 0 0 0 0 0 0 12705 0.05 acted approve repented 0 0 0 12795 12706 0.05 brow fingers list preparations 0 0 0 0 12795 12707 0.05 arose asks consented faced prowled sleeps 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12708 0.05 impulse occupation venture 0 0 0 0 12709 0.05 feature portion significance themes 0 0 0 0 0 12710 0.05 ended engraved rattled reflected ruddy 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12711 0.05 material platter tooth 0 0 0 12795 12712 0.05 perceived realized recollected remembered 0 0 0 0 12795 12713 0.05 clothing experiment grandchildren intentions responsibility trousers verse weapon wheels 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12714 0.05 germans hitting violent 0 0 0 0 12715 0.05 creeping grotesque injustice languid masterful 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12716 0.05 lungs problem reluctance shortcomings sins vagaries wrongs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12717 0.05 clarke dale hopkins hurrah jessie pals reid seth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12718 0.05 plums puffs singers trustees 0 0 0 0 0 12719 0.05 beamed pitying snapping troubling 0 0 0 0 12795 12720 0.05 cavity dwell puddle schoolteacher scratch tremor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12721 0.05 breathed faltered indulged persisted revelled 0 0 0 0 0 0 12722 0.05 bond brick hug portfolio trader 0 0 0 0 0 0 12723 0.05 bluff elf glistening 0 0 0 12795 12724 0.05 andras apply covan eugene gudu josé manus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12725 0.05 badness confoundedly cute gruesome various 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12726 0.05 affectionate dim gracefully thankfully whereat 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12727 0.05 ) america farmer gadding lord members rubber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12728 0.05 brushwood dahlia orbs phrase reaction scheme section wilt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12729 0.05 alert amazed astonished bewildered delighted disappointed forlorn frightened grieved puzzled raw relieved shocked surprised 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12730 0.05 baby boy cat child girl man minister woman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12731 0.05 eight eighteen eleven fifteen fifty five forty four fourteen many nine several six sixteen such ten these thirteen thirty those three twelve twenty twenty-five two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12787 12732 0.05 begin die live sleep work 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12733 0.05 backing busy dazzled endicott fatter quiet short slow tragic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12734 0.05 catching dying jonas living merely passing poetry ruined seventeen visible working wounded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12735 0.05 bent bobbed crawled darted ducked leaned peeped reproached rowed scrambled sprang stepped strutted swung tiptoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12736 0.05 bow companionship flock garments hopes knife pets suddenness sweetness weakness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12737 0.05 bared chew grind koshchei pause pitch sighing snoring trade 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12738 0.05 attend enter fathomed listen pretend tend waken 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12739 0.05 adopted devoured proceeded respected sided signed slid surrendered trotted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12740 0.05 characteristics handwriting hedge legend life-book notes performance plays 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12741 0.05 bath beau bookcase chat circumstances express indian mate niece sentence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12742 0.05 accustomed affected blessed glued inclined lincoln lombardies longing noble osborne pining silenced stylish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12743 0.05 bolt curse empress goblet handful hawser label lining mask partition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12744 0.05 conway hooper kennedy kipp leith pryor redwing rennie roberts sefton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12745 0.05 boatman duckling fern gulls gypsy horsemen sandy stab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12746 0.05 bands blandly burchard canvas flags freaks newly privately smarty sooth yankees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12747 0.05 belief beloved claw coasting doom entertaining exhilarating faithful lustily noses persecuted rosary seals shelter sport wealth works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12748 0.05 clump cracks dinners expedition forebodings lump lumps points tangle tunnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12749 0.05 baskets carving cleft draper flannels grapes hides homes kent montgomery nelson shirts watches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12795 12750 0.05 carrots chapel chart cord cushions dog drums finger halls happiness hat heath horse instrument jelly-fish joy life limits lobster logs manor meeting-house moor morrow mountain mountains nose ordeal organ own patience power pyramids reeds sahibs sailors sarah-cat scar slate strength tail tongue vacation water-babies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12751 0.05 defied gnaw hardened listened obeyed parted peeping quivered rested squeaked talked tear trembled twitched waited whistled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12787 12752 0.05 bite chuckle climb complacency confess cry dashed descended drink eat fight flash fret gasp jerk laugh lie lifetime lift majority move muse nod preach quiver rise roar scream shout shrug shudder sigh sing smile sob spasm splendor stroll suffer swear swim throb tilt yelp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12753 0.05 ascend atone birches brambles brat capital carpet choke claws cloak cock conditions creep debts dig glances grin illusions inconvenient melt mourn nail ointment opportunities priests rang regiment shift shivering snivel spray square typhoid vengeance wages 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12754 0.03 had has 0 0 0 12755 0.03 've hadn't have haven't 0 0 0 0 0 12756 0.03 came went 0 0 0 12757 0.03 mean want 0 0 0 12758 0.03 does doesn't 0 0 0 12759 0.03 means meant 0 0 0 12760 0.03 started walked 0 0 0 12761 0.03 fortunate merciful thrown 0 0 0 0 12762 0.03 butler drops 0 0 0 12763 0.03 realize suspect 0 0 0 12764 0.03 gazing leaning 0 0 0 12765 0.03 pop swept 0 0 0 12766 0.03 rid sucking supply 0 0 0 0 12767 0.03 paths wretches 0 0 0 12768 0.03 lies rumour 0 0 0 12769 0.03 coax drag 0 0 0 12770 0.03 equal factor 0 0 0 12771 0.03 haunt summoned 0 0 0 12772 0.03 boxed sympathize talks thrive tingling 0 0 0 0 0 0 12773 0.03 convincing losing publishing punishing 0 0 0 0 0 12774 0.03 detest resented 0 0 0 12775 0.03 cocked detested 0 0 0 12776 0.03 plucked stands 0 0 0 12777 0.03 begins boiled 0 0 0 12778 0.03 assigned clicked condemned reduced rooted 0 0 0 0 0 0 12779 0.03 harvey lipperty-lipperty-lip sherwood tut 0 0 0 0 0 12780 0.03 beats frightens haunts hosts pretense 0 0 0 0 0 0 12781 0.03 's is was 0 0 0 0 12782 0.03 're are were 0 0 0 0 12783 0.03 seemed seems sounded sounds 0 0 0 0 0 12784 0.03 admit boasted declare opined 0 0 0 0 0 12785 0.03 add conveyed retreat 0 0 0 0 12786 0.03 shines trod writes 0 0 0 0 12787 0.03 begin bite chuckle climb come complacency confess cry dashed descended die drink eat fight flash fret gasp go jerk laugh lie lifetime lift live look majority move muse nod preach quiver rise roar scream shout shrug shudder sigh sing sleep smile sob spasm splendor stroll suffer swear swim throb tilt work yelp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12788 0.03 ! " , ; ? .date. a abandoned abbot abimelech aboard abominable abroad abrupt abruptly absence absently absurd abundant academy acceptance accidents accompanied accompany accomplished accord accorded accordingly accounts ache ached aches aching acquaintance acquired acts actually ada adam adams adding addressed adelia adjutant admirable admiration admired admiring admiringly adopt adventures advertise aethra affecting affection affectionately affections afoot afresh afterlight afternoons afterward afterwards again age agent ages aghast aglaia aglow agnes agog agreeable ah ahmed aim airs akela alan alarm alarmed alberta ale alec alexina alice alicia alighted alike alive allan allardyce allo alma almost alone along aloof aloud alphabet alphonso already also altar altogether always amazement amazing amber amberley ambitions ambitious amelia american ames amiable amusement amy an ancient andrew angelina angels angrily angry animals anna anne annie anniversary annoyed anon another answers antaeus anthony ants anxiety anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apiece appalled apparently appeal appearance appearances appears appetite applause apple-tree apples appleyard approached approaching appropriate approving approvingly apt arbour archie argued arguments aright arithmetic armchair armed arms armstrong aroused arranged arrangement arrangements arrayed arrival arrow art arthur article arts ashes ashore aside asleep aspect ass assembled assent assented assistance assured asters astonishing astonishment astronomers asylum atmosphere attempts attended attending attentive attitude attorney audacity audible audience august aunt auntie aunts aunty author authority authors avail avenue averred aversion avery avoided awake awe awhile awkward axe bab back backbone backs backward bad badly baffled bag bagheera bailey bake baked baking balance ball-carrier balloon balls baloo band bandar-log bank banks banner banquet bar barber bare barefooted barely bargain barking barns barnyard baron barrel barry barrys base basket bathe bathroom battle bay baying beach beads beaming bears beast beasts beaten beatrice beatrix beauties beautiful beautifully beauty beaux becoming bedroom beds bedside beech beechwood beer bees befallen beg behaving beheld beholding believing belongings ben bend bending benjamin bennett benson bertha bertie beseechingly besides bess bessie bessy beth betty beverley bewitching bible biddies big big-horn bills billy birch birds birth birthday bison bits bitten bitter bitterly black blacksmith blacksnake blacky blade blake blank blankly blazing bleached bleeding blessing blight blighted blind blindly blindness blink blinked blinking blithe blood blooming blossom blowing blows blue blunt blush blushing board boarder boarders boarding boards boast boat boats bob bobby bodies bold boldly boldness bolted bone books boomed boomer boon border born borrowed bosom boston both bother bothering bottom bough boughs boulder bound bounding bouquet bowels bowes bowing bows bowser box boxes boyhood boys brain brains braithwaite branches brand brass brave bravely breach bread breakfast breathless breathlessly brer bridal bride bridegroom bridesmaid bridge brief briefly brig bright brighter brightly brightness brilliant brimming brisk briskly britain broadly brokenly bronze brook brother-in-law brothers brown bruce bruised bruises brusquely brute bryan bubbling budge buds bug buggy bugs building buldeo bullet bullock bullocks bully bumble bundles burnett burning burns burnt bury bush bushel bushes bust buster bustling but butcher butter butterflies button buying by-and-by cabbages cabin cadmus cage cages calamity caleb calf california calista callers calm calmly camel camels camera camilla camp campaigning campbell canary candy cannibals cap cap'n caps captain captive captured cards careful careless carelessly carelessness cares carey carl carlisle carmody carol caroline carpets carriage carriages carrier carrot carve carved case catalogue catechism caterpillar catherine cats cattle cave cavern cecil cecilia cecily ceiling celebrated cellar centre ceremony ceres certainly certainty chained chains chair chairs chamber chances channel chapley chapman characteristic characters charger chariot charles charley charlie charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chasing chatterer chattering cheap check cheeks cheerful cheerfully cheerily cheering cheery chela ches chest chester childhood childish children chill chilled chills chilly chimney chin china chorus christine christmas christopher chronic chronicle chuckling chum chump chums church cigar cigars cinderlad circle circled circles city clad claimed clair clap clare clashing clasping classes claude clay clean cleaning clear clearing clearly clemantiny clergyman clerk clever cliff clorinda closet closing clothed clouds club cluny coach coal coast cobwebs coffee cold coldly collar collecting collection colonel colony color colors colours column cometh comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comforting comical commands committee commonplace commotion company compare compared compelled competitor completely complexion compliment complimentary compliments compose comrade conceal conceited concern concerned condescending conducted confessing confession confidante confided confident conflict confound confounded confused confusion congratulate congregation connie conover conquered conscience consciousness consequences consequently conservatory consideration considering console consoled constance constant constantly consternation contempt contemptuously contentment continually contracted contrast convenient conversation conversations converted convulsions cookery cooking cooks cool coolly cooper cope copper copse cordelia cordial corn-crib corner corners cornfield corona corpse correspondence correspondents costume cottage couch council counsel counted countenance country court courteously courtesy courtiers courtship cove coverlet coward cowed crab cracked cracker crackers cradle crafty crank cratchit crazy cream created credit creek creeps creepy cries crime crimson crisis crisp critical critically critter croak cronies crooked crops crow crowned cruel cruelly cruelty crumpled crushed crusoe crutch cub cuddled cunningham cupboard cured curiosity curious curling curls current curtis curve customers customs cyrus czar dad daddy dainty daisy dalveigh dam damaris damp dan dance dancers dandy danger dangerous danny dark darkened darkening darker darkness darned darning dart darzee dash daughters david davis davy dawn daybreak daylight dazedly de dead deadly death deborah debt deceitful deceive deceived december decent decently decision deck decorated deep deepest deer defeated defect defects deferred defiance defiant defiantly degree delay delayed delhi deliberately delicate delicious delight delightedly delightful delights delisle deliverance demi demure denise department departure deprecatingly depressed depth depths descending describing desecration desert deserted design desk desolation despair despairing despairingly despatched desperately despised dessert destiny destroy destroyed determination determinedly develop devils devoted dew dewy dhole di dialogue diamond diamonds diana dick different difficult difficulties digger dignified dignity dimple dimples dinah dining-room dinner dire direct direction directly dirty disagreeable disagreeably disappearance disappointment disapproved discharged disciple discipline discontented discouraged discovery discreet discretion discussed discussion disgrace disgraceful disguise dismal dismally dismay dismayed dismissal dismissed disorder disposed disrespectful dissatisfied distant distinctly distinguish distinguished distracted distress district disturbed divine divinely division doc doctor doctors dodge dogs doings doleful dolefully dolls dolly domestic don donald donkey doomed doors doorstep doorway dora dorinda dorothy dory dose dosia dot doubtful doubtfully doubtless dove downcast downstairs downward dragon draught drawer drawers drawing dread dreadful dreadfully dream dreamily dreaming dreams dreary dressmaker dried drinking drinks dripping drives driving drooped dropping drowned drowsily drum drummed drummer drunk dry dryad dubious dubiously ducking due duke dull duly dumb duncan dunno dusk dusky dusty duty dwarf dwarfs dwelt dyke each eagerly earl earnest earnestly earnestness ears earthly ease easier east eastman easy eating eben ebenezer echoes economical ed eden edge edges edith editor educated education effective efforts eighty either ejaculated elaine elbow elders electa elegant element elephants elfin elinor elizabeth ellen ellie ellis elsa elsewhere elwell embarrassment embroidered emil emily emotion emperor emphasis emphatic emphatically empire employed employment enacted enchanted encouraged encouragement encouragingly end ending ends energetic energetically energy engaged england engulfed enjoyment enlisted enrico enterprise enthusiasm enthusiastically entirely entrance entrusted entry envious epimetheus epistle equally erect eric ernest errand escaped esme estate estella esterbrook esther estrangement eternal ethel eunice ev eva evangelist eve even event ever everett everlasting every everybody everyone everything evident evidently evil exactly examinations exams exceeding exchange excited excitedly exciting exclamation exclusive executed exhausted existence expectation expeditions experiences explaining explanation exploit explore exposed expressionless extent extremity exultation eyed fable facing fact factory facts faculty faded fail fails fainted faintly fair fairest fairies fairy faith faithfully falcon falconer falling falls false fame familiar fancies fancying fare fared farmers farmhouse farms farther fascinating fascination fashionable fashioned faster fate fathers fatima fattened fault faults favor favorite favorites favour fearful fearfully fears feast feasting feather feathered features feed feeding feet felicia felicity felix feller feminine fence fences ferry fertile festivity fetch fever feverish fezziwig fickle fiddle fiddler fidgeted field fields fierce fiercely fiery fifth fighter fighting fights final finally fine finely finishes fiordelisa fir fire firmly firs first fisherman fishermen fishes fiske fist fits flame flamed flank flatly flats flavor flawless flesh flies flight flint flirted flitter floating floe flood floor floors florrie flour flourished flowers flown flute flutter foal foe folds followers food fool foolish foolishly foolishness fools foot footing footprints footsteps force foreclose forenoon foreordained foreseen forest forever forgave forgiven forlornly forms forsaken forth fortunately forward fought foul foundation fountain fourth foxes fragments fragrant frail frame frances frank frankly franz freak freckles fred freda frederick free freed freedom freely freeze frequent freshmen friendless friendly friendship fright frightful frills frisk frivolous frog's frolic frost frowning fruitless fry fugitives fulke fuller funeral funny fur furious furiously furnished further furtively fury gaily gained gaining gait gale gallery galletly gallows gang gap garb garden gardener gardens gardner garment garret garrets gasped gasping gates gateway gathering gay gazelle gems generally generation generous genesis gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geometry george geraldine geranium geraniums gerda german gertrude gesture ghost ghosts giant giddy gifts giggled gil gilbert gilt giovanni girlhood girlish git gladness glamour glass glasses gleaming glided glittered glittering gloating gloom gloomily gloomy glorified glorious gloriously glory glossy gloucester glove gloves gnawing goat goats gobbler god gods good good-by good-bye good-looking good-naturedly good-tempered goodbye goods goody gossip government governor gowns grace graceful grafton grand grandest grandma grandpa grandparents grandson grange granny grant grasp grass grasses grassy grateful gratefully gratifying grave gravely graves gray great great-grandfather great-grandmother greatest greek green greenland greet greeted greeting grettel grey grief grieve grimly grinning grit groan groaned groaning grocery ground grounds grouse grove growled growth grub gruff gruffly grumble grumbled grumbling grumpily grunted gryphon guardian guessing guest guests guided guilty gulf gulped gumption gunn gus gussie habit habits haf haggard hail hailed hairs haley half-way halfman halfway halliday ham hammer hammock handed handkerchiefs handle hands handsome handy hannah hans hansel happening happier happiest happy happy-go-lucky harbor harbour hardly harmer harp harrington harrison harrowing harsh harshly hartley hastily hatch hateful hathi hatred hatter hauled haunted hawk hawkins hayden he healer healing healthy heaped heaps hears heartache hearth heartily hearty heather heave heaven heavens heavily heavy heedless heel heels heidegger height heirs helen helena hello helpless helplessly helps hen-house hence henceforth hens her herald herbs here hermit heroes hers herself hesitatingly hesitation hester hideous hiding hiding-place hiding-places higher hill hills hilt him himself hind hinted hired his hitched hither hoarse hoarsely hobby hobgoblin hoffman hole holes holly holy home homely homesick homesickness homeward honest honestly honesty honey honor honour hook hooked hooty hop hopeful hopelessly hopping hops horizon horn horns horribly horrid horror horseman horses hoseason hospitable hospital hospitality hot hotel houarn hours household houses however howled huddled hugging hugh hum human humble humbly humiliating humming hump huneefa hungry hunno huns hunter hurriedly hurries hurrying husbands hush hysterically hysterics i ichabod icy ida ideal ideas idle idly idol ignorance ill illusion illustrations image imagination imagining immense imp impatience impatiently impertinent impish implore implored imploringly impolite important imposing impossible improve improvement improving impudent impulsively inconvenience increased increasing incredulous incredulously indeed independent indescribable india indians indifferent indignant indignantly ingratitude inherit inn innocent inquire inquiring inquiry insisted insolence inspiration inspired instantly instead instinct insulted intellect intelligence intent interest interested interesting interrupt intimacy intimate intolerable introduced introduction introductions invaded invisible involuntarily involved irene irishwoman irony irresistible irritate irritated isaac isabella island isle ismay issue it items itself ivan ivory iwanich j jack jackal jacket jacky jacob james jane janet jaqueline jar jason jasper jaws jealous jean jed jedediah jeered jeff jeffrey jem jenny jerome jerry jessamine jesse jill jimmy jims jimsie jo joan joanna job joe john johnny joining joke joking jolly jordan joscelyn joseph josephine josiah josie journal joyce joyfully joyous joyously joys jubilantly judgment judith jug juice jukes juliana juliet julius jumper jumping june jungle junior just justice kaa kabo kadlu kadmiel kai kaiser karl kate keen keenly keeper kennel kenneth kettle key khaki killing kilmeny kilta kim kinder kindled kindling kindly kindred king kingdom kings kingsport kirby kisa kissing kites kitty klaus knack knelt knight knights knit knocked knocking knowledge knuckles kotick kotuko lace ladder laddie ladylike lagoon lake lama lamb lamp land landing landlord landscape lane lank lantern lapping lark larry lash lasse last lastly latch lately latin latter laughs laughter launched laurence laurie lavendar law lawful lawless laws lawyer lays lazily laziness lazy leadership leads lean leap leaping leaps leapt learning lecture ledge lee legion legree leicester leslie letters liberty license lick licking lid lifting lige lightfoot lighthouse lightly lightning lights likewise lilian lilith lily lily-bell lily-pad limb limberheels limbs lime limited limp limply lina linger liniment lion lip liquid lisbeth listeners listening listlessly litter little livelier lively livesey lloyd lo loaded lock locks lodging loftily london loneliness lonely lonesome lookout loose lords lorelei loss loud loudly louisa lounge loveliest loveliness lovell lovely lover lovers loving low lower loyalty lubber lucinda lucky ludovic ludovine lust luxurious luxury lynde ma mac machine mad madam madame madeline mademoiselle madge madison madly madman madness maggie magician magnificence magnificent mahbub mahogany maidens mailed maimie major makóma malcolm maliciously mamma mammy man-cub man-pack managing manly manse mansion map maple maples marble marcella marching mares margaret marian marie marilla mark markdale market-place marmee marriage marshes martin martyr mary mas'r mascot mast master-maid masters match matcham matched maternal mates matilda matters matthew mattie maurice max maximus maxwell maybe mayflowers me meadows meals meantime meanwhile mebbe mechanically meddling medicines meditatively meekly meets meg melancholy melissa melody melting memories memory merciless merediths mermaid mermaids merrier merrily merriment merry messua methodist methodists methought methuselah mice michael middle middle-aged midnight midst milan mild milk milking millicent millions milty min mine mingled ministry minnie minnikin minot mirabel miracle miranda miriam mirror mirth mischief mischievous miserable miserably miserly misery misfortune misgiving miss mission missis missy mist mistaken mistress mists misty mittens mixing mixture moan moaned mock mocker mockery mocking model modest moist molasses mole mollie molly moments monarch money monkey monkeys monotonous monroe monster montague montrose mood moodily moonlight moonlit more moreover mornings morrison morsel mortals mortification moss mossy mostly mother-in-law mothers motionless mound mounted mourned mournful mournfully mourning mouthful mouths mowgli mr mrs muffled mugger mule murder murmured murmuring muscle music muslin mustard mute muttering mutton my myself mysterious mysteriously mystery naething nag nagaina nails naked nan nana nancy naomi nap naps narcissus narrative narrow narrowed nasty nat nathan natty naturally naught naughty nay nearer nearly neat necessary necessity necklace ned needle neglect neglected neighbor neighbors neighbour neighbourhood neighbours neil neither nellie nelly nervous nervously nest net never nevertheless new newcomer newspaper next nibs nic nice nick nightingale ninth nip no no-o-o nobody noiselessly nonsense noon nora normal norman north noted nothing novel novels novelty november now nowhere numbers nursed nursery nursing nuts o'hara oak obedience objected objection obligingly obtained occasion occasions occupied occurrence ocean octavia october odd odds offence offended officers often ogre oh oil old olive omar ominously once only ophelia opinions opportunity opposed opposite oranges orchard original orphans osbornes others otherwise our ours ourselves outline outlined outspoken outstretched over-harbour overboard overcoat overgrown overlooked overtake overwhelmed owen p'raps pa pace pachacamac pack packages packed packet paddy page pages pain painful pains painter painting palaces pallid palm palms pandora panic panic-stricken panted panting papa paper papers parade paradise parasol parcel parchment pardon parents paris park parnesius parrot parties partly party passage passengers passion passionately passport pasture pasty pat patch pathetic pathway patient patiently patriotism patty paul pauline paws payment peace peaceful peacefully pearl pearls peas pebble peck pedestal peep peg peggy pen penance pencil pendexter penelope penny peony peppermints perception perch perfectly perhaps peril perished permission perplexity perseverance persist personal persuaded pert pertinax pessimist petals pete peter petru petting pevensey phebe phenomenon phil phillippa photograph physical physician piano picnic picts pie pieces pies pig pigs piled pill pillar pinched pincushion pine pine-tree pines pink piper pipes pirates pit pitched pitiful pity placid plague plain plainly plains plans plaster plates platform playfellow playmate plead pleaded pleading pleasant pleasanter pleased pleasure pledge plot plough ploughing plumfield plump plunge pocket pockets poem poems poetical poets pokey poky polished polite politely politeness politics polly pond ponies ponsonby poor pope poplar poppy porch porridge porter portrait portraits position positively possibilities possibility possible possibly post pot potentilla pound pounding pouring powder powerful powers practising prank pray prayer-meeting prayers preaching precious predicted prejudiced prejudices preparation prepared presbyterian presbyterians presence presentiment presently preserves president presumption prettiest prettily pretty prevailed prevention previous prickles prickly priest prime primrose prince princes princess princesses principle printed pris priscilla prison prissy privilege probable probably proceed process procession proclamation production profane professor promising prompt promptly proofs proper properly prophecy prophet proposal prosaic prose proserpina prospered prosperity prosperous protest protested protests proud proudly providence provoked provoking prudence prue psyche puck puffed puffer pulling pulse punished puppy pure purple purpose purred pursued pursuit pushing puzzle puzzling python quack quacker quail qualities quality qualms quarreled quarreling quarter queen queer queerly queried quest questioning questions quickly quicksilver quietly quilt quite quivering quotation quoted rabbits race races rachel rag rage raged ragged rags rail rained raining rainy raising rake ralph ram rama rambles randall ranged rank rap rapt raptures rapturous rapturously rare rat rate rather rats rattle rays reader real realities realization realizing really rear reasonable reasons rebellion rebellious receiving recently reception recitations reckless recommendation recover recovery red reddy redruth redtail reed reeled reeling reeves reference referred refined refreshed refreshment refuge refusal refusing regained regard regret regretfully regrets regretted reigned reindeer rejected rejection rejoice rejoiced rejoicing rejoined relapsed relate relation relations relatives release relief relieve religion reluctant reluctantly remain remaining remora remorse removed renelde rented report reproaches reproachfully reputation reputed rescue resemblance resentful resentment reserve resignation resolute resolutely respectable respectfully responded response rest restless restlessly restoration restraint result resumed retire retired returning revelation revenge reverently reverie reversed reviewed rheumatism rhyme rhymes ribbon ribs ricardo rice rich riddell riddle ridiculous riding rikki-tikki riley rilla rilla-my-rilla rim ripple riser rising rivalry river road roamed roared roasted rob robbers robe robert robin rock rocket rocks rocky roger rogue rolls romance rome romney roof room rooms roots rope rosemary roses rosetta rosy rough rounded rounds rouse rowing roy rub rubbers rubbish rubies ruby rude rudely ruggles rugs ruin rule rumble rushes russell ruth s sack sacred sacrilege sad saddhu saddle sadly safe safely safety sagely sailing sailor sails saint saints sakes salary sallie sallow salmon salome saloon salt salvation sam sammy sanch sand sandal sane sap sara sarah sarcastic satisfaction satisfied satisfying sauce saul savage savagely sawdust scale scales scamp scampered scamps scandalized scarcely scared scarlet scatter scene scenery scenes scent scented schmidt scholar scholars scholarship schoolboy schoolhouse schoolmaster scorched scorn scorned scornfully scotia scoundrel scowled scowling scrap scrape scraps screamed screwed scrooge scurrying sea sea-cook sealed searched seas seat seats second seconds secretary secrets seeds selden seldom select self-respect self-sacrifice selfish selfishness selwyn senior sensible sensitive sentiment sentimental separate september serene serenely sergeant seriously sermon sermons serpent servant servants serves services sesame seton sets setter settlement seventh seventy severe severely sewed sexton shabby shade shadowy shaft shakespeare shame shameful shamlegh shan't shared sharp sharpen sharply shaved she sheep sheepishly sheer sheet sheets shell shelley shells shelmardine sheltered shelton shepherd shere shiftless shingle shingled ship shirking shirley shoal shocking shod shoemaker shoes shop shore shouting shrank shrewd shrieked shrieking shrieks shrill shrine shrinking shrubs shuddering shutting shy shyly shyness sick sickly sickness sid side sideways sidney sighs sight sigismund signalled signet silas silently sill silly simon simple simply sin sincerely singing sinking sister-in-law sisters-in-law sitting-room sixth sixty size skates skies skim skin skinner skins skipper skirt sky slain slave slaves sleepily sleeping sleepy sleigh slender slice slight slim slippers slippery slippery-slide slipping slope sloping slowly sly slyly smack small smaller smart smarter smartest smartness smee smoke smoked smooth smote snakes snapped snare snares snarled sneak sneaked sniff sniffed sniffing snorted snow-man snow-white snowdrop snowflake snuffing snug so soap sober soberly sociable social socks sofa soft softly sold soldiers solemn solemnly solomon solved some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat son-in-law sons soon soothed sorcerer sore sorely sorrel sorrow sorrowfully sorrows sorry soul souls sour south spake spanked sparhallow sparkling sparks speaker speaks spear spears spectacle spectacles sped spencer sphere spice spider spied spirit spiritual spit spitting splash splendid splendidly splendour splinter spoilt spots spotty springing springtime spruce spruces spry spunk spy squatted squeak squeaky squelched squire stacy staff stag stained staircase stairs stake stale stalked stall stammered stamps stan stanton star starch stare starkey starry stars startled startling starve stately statement states station staunch stays steadily steady stealing steaming steed steel steep stella stephen stepmothers stepping stern sternly sticky-toes stiff stiffened stiffly stifled stillness stillwater sting stingy stirring stockton stomach stomachs stones stooping stopping stored stork storm stormy stout stoutly stove straight straightened strained strange stranger strap strawberries strawberry stream streaming streets stretching strict stride striding string stripes stripped strong stubborn students studied studies study studying stuffed stumbled stumbling stupid stupidly style subject subjects submitted subtle succeed success successfully succession suddenly sue sugar sugar-house suggestion sulkily sulky sullen sullenly sultan sum summons sums sunk sunken sunrise sunset sunshiny superstition supper surcoat surely surface surprise susan suspense suspicion suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallow swan sweeping sweeps sweet sweeter sweetheart swell swelled swiftly swimming swinging swooped swords swore sylvia sympathetic sympathized sympathy tabaqui tabby tabitha table tackleton tact tactful taffy tailor talent tall tame tamzine tank tannis tapped tartar tarts tasks tasting taylor tea teacher teaching teachings team teasing ted teddy telegraph telephone telford temerity tempest temple temples tenant tenderly tent tephany terms terrible terribly terrified terror text thankful thanking thankless thanks the thee their them theme themselves then thence theodora theodosia theodosius there thereafter therefore they thick thicket thickly thief thimble thin thinner third thirsty this thistle thither thomas thorn thorough thoroughly thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtless thread threat threshold thrice thrifty thrilled thrilling throat throats throne throng thump thunder thunderfoot thus thyra tickled tidy tiger tightly tilly tim timmy tink tiny tip tired tiresome title to-day to-morrow to-night toast tobacco today toe toes together tolerably tom tomb tommy tomorrow tones tongues tonight tony too toomai tootles top topsy torch torment torn torrents tortoise tossing touchy tough tour tower town toys tragedy trails trained trains traits tramp tramps transfigured translate translated transparent transport trash travel traveler traveller travellers travelling travels tray treachery treasure treasures tree trees trembling tremulous trent trevlyn tribe tricked tricks trifles trimming trinket trip triumph triumphant triumphantly trodden trouble troubled troubles truce true truly trumpet trunk trusting truth tumult tune tunes tunnels turkey turnip twenty-two twice twilight twinkle twins twisted two-eyes type ugly ulysses umballa una unbecoming unbidden uncanny uncles uncomfortable uncomfortably undauntedly underground understanding undignified undone undoubtedly unearthly uneasily uneasy unexpected unexpectedly unfair unfeeling unfortunate unfortunately ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unkind unknown unluckily unmistakable unnatural unpacked unpleasant unreasonable unromantic unselfish unsteadily untidy unusual unutterable unwelcome uplifted upset upstairs upward urdu ursula us usually utmost utterance vacant vagabond vague vain valuable vanity vase vegetables vehemently venerable veranda verdun verree verses very vessel vest vexed victim victoria victory village vines violence violently violet violets virtue visitor visitors vivid voluble volumes vulgar waggon wailed wailing waistcoat waked waking walks wall wallet walls walter walters wander wandering wanderings war wares warm warmly warned warnings warts wary washington wasted water water-rat wavered waves wax we wealthy wearily weariness weather wed wedding weddings wee weeds weeping weland welfare well well-bred welled wench wendy wept wesley west wet whale whence whiff whig whined whining whipping whiskers whiskers-on-the-moon whispers whistle whit white whitefoot whitey whole wholesome wicked wickedly wide wider widowers wilbur wildly willard william williamson willows wilson wind winding windows windy wine winged wings winked winking winning winslow wire wisdom wise wiser wistful wistfully wit witch witches withdrawn witness witta wives woe wolf wolverine wolves woman-hater womanhood womanly wonderful wonderingly woods wooer wool world worldly worship worthless worthwhile worthy wraps wrath wrecked wretch wriggling wrinkled wrist writhing wrong yard ye yelled yellow yellow-wing yelped yes yesterday yet yielded yo'alls yonder you young your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful youths zeal zillah zizi } 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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almanac almira alonzo alter altered amazed ambassador amend-all amended america amiably amiss amma amos amount amusements amusing anchor anchorage andras anew angel angelic anger angrier anguish anguished animated ankles ankus ann anne-girl annetta annie's announced annoyance answer answered answering ant anticipated antique ao-chung apartment apartments aperture apes apologetically apologize apology appalling apparent appealingly appetites appin apple-trees apply appointed appointment approach approval approved april apron aprons aquila arblaster arcade arch archangels archer archidej arching archives aren't argue arguing argument argus ariadne aristocrats arm armful armour army arnold arose around arrivals arrive arrived arrives arriving arrows artificial artist artistic ascending ascribes ash ashamed ashley asia asked asks asmund aspen assail asses asseverated associate assumed assurance assure assuredly astonished ate atlantic atossa attached attack attacked attacks attempt attend attention attentions attic attire attracted attraction auburn auction aught augusta auguste auspicious authorities autumn avenge avenged average averil avis avonlea awaiting awaken awakened awarded aware away awed awful awfully awoke ay babe babies babu baby babyhood backers background backing backyard badger badness bagpiper bags baker balcony bald balfour ball bamboo bandage bang banged bangs banished barbaik barbara barbs bark barked barlow barn barons barr barracks barrels barrens barrett barrie barrier bars basement bashful basis basking bat bath bats battenburg battlefield battlements baucis bayside bazaar bazar beak beard bearer bearing beastly beating beau beaus beaver beckoned beckoning bed bed-post bed-time bedclothes bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee beeches beetle beetles befall beforehand beggar beggar-woman begged begging-bowl beginning begun behalf behave behaved behavior behaviour behold behooved beings belgians beliefs believe believed believer belinda bell bell-like bella belle bellissima bells belly belonged belonging belongs below belt bemis benares bench benches benediction benefactor benefit bennet bent berries berth beset bespoke best bet betoken betrayed betrothed better better'n bev bewildered bewildering bewilderment bewitched bewitchment bhaer bhagat bid bide bided bigger biggest bigness bill bird biron birscha biscuits bit bitterness blackboard blackburn blacker blackmore blackness blair blanchette blanket blankets blast blazed bless blessings blest blew blewett blinkers bliss blistered block bloom blossoms blot blotted blow blueberries blundered bluntly blushed bluster blythe boar boarded boardinghouse boaster boasting boatman boatswain bobbed bobbin bobbing body boil bolder bolingbroke bones bonfire bonnet bonny book bookcase boot boots borders bored borrow boss bothered bottle boudoir bought boulter bouman bounced bounded bounds bow bowed bower bowl boy boyd boyish bracelet brackley brag brahmin brahmins braided branch branched brand-new brats bravado braver braves bravest brawl breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathing breaths bred breeze breezes brethren brewing brewster brewsters brickwork bridget bridle brighten brightened brightest brim brink british broad broadest brocade broke broken broken-hearted brooch brooding brooke brooks broom brooms broth brother brow brownie brows bruise brunswick brush brushed brushwood brutal bryant bubble bubbles buccaneers buck bucket bucketful buckets budget buffalo buffaloes build buildings bull bullets bulls bulrushes bump bun bunch bundle buns burden burgess burn burned burr burrs burst burton burying bushy busiest business businesslike busy busybody butt butte buttercups butterfly buttoned buttonholes buy buzz buzzard buzzed bygones cab cabbage cabinet caesar cake cakes caliph calling calmer calmness calves cambridge camerons camp-meeting campaign campbells canada canadian candidly candle candles candlesticks cane canny canoe canopy cans captivity capture car carbuncle card care carefully caressed carewe cargo carleton carpenter carrion carrol carroll carrots carry cars carson cart carter carts cases cash casimer cask cassim cast caste castle castles cat cat-fights catastrophe catching catholic cause caution cautious cautiously cavity caw cease ceased cecco celandine celia cell cent center century certain challenge chamberlain chance change changed changes changing chap chapel chaps chapter character characteristics charge charged charity charlottetown chart chase chasm chat chatter cheated cheek cheer cheered cheerfulness cheers cheese cheque cheque-book cherries chestnut chests chewed chewing chickadee chicken chickens chicks chide chief child chimney-corner chimney-sweep chinese chink chinks chinook chips chirp chirped chloe chloroform chocolate choice choir choked choking chokingly chooses chop chores chose chosen chris christian christians christmases chronicles chronological chuchundra chuckled chummy church-bells churches churchill churchyard churl churn churning ciccu cinder cinderella circulation circumstances circus clamour clang clapping clara clark clarke clarkman clash clasp class classic classical classroom claus cleaned clearer clenched clerks cleverer cleverness click clifford climate climax climbed climbing cling clinging clipsby clock closed closes cloth clothes clothing cloths cloud clouded cloudless clover clown clue clumsy clung clutch clutches clutching co coachman coat coat-tails coaxed coaxing cobbler cobra cockawee coffin coil coincidence colder coldness college collision colonists colored colour coloured colouring colt columbia columns comb combed combination combined combs comedy comfortingly coming command commanded commenced comment commented commit common compact companion companions companionship compass compassion compassionately compelling compete competition compiling complacently complain complained complete completed composed composition compositions compound comprehension comrades conceded conceit concerning concerns concert concerts concession conclusion conclusions concrete condition conduct conductor confessed confidant confidence confidently confirmed confoundedly confronted connection conqueror conscious consented consequence conservative considerable considered consistent consoling consolingly constable constantine constitution consult consulting consumption contained contemptuous content contented contents contest continue contract contracts contrariness contrary contrasted contrived control controlled convalescence conventions converse conveyance conviction convinced conway cook cooked cookies coolies cooling copied copy cord core corn cornelia correct correspond correspondent cost cot cotterell cotton cottons cottontail cough coughed councillors counsellor counsels count counter countess counting countryside couple couples courage courier courtyard cousin cousins covan cover covered cow cowan cowardly cowards cowered cows cowyard coxcomb coxswain coyote crab-apple crack cradles craft craftiness craig crammed cranberries crane cranfield cranky crash cratchits craved crawford crawfords crawled crawling creamy creasy crediting creighton crept crest crew cricket crickets cried crier crimped crimsoned crisply crispness critic critics crochet crocodile cromwell crook crookback crooning crop cropper cross crosser crossly crotch crouch crouched croup crowd crowded crown crows croyden cruise crumb crush crutches crying crystal crystals cubs cucumbers culprit cultivate cultivated cunning cunningly cup cupboards cupid curator curdled cure curiously curled curly curses curtain curtains curtly curved cushion cushions custard custom cute cuthbert cutlass cutlasses cutting cynic cynicism cynthia cypher cypress cyrilla d'aulnoy dabs daffodils dagger dahlia dahlias daily daintily daintyfoot dairy daisies dale damage dame damosel damsel damsels danbridge danby danced dances dancing dancing-girl dandelions dangers daniel daresay daring darkest darkly darling darning-needle darted dashing date dated dates daughter daunted dave davy-boy day daytime dazzled deaf dealing dealings dean dear dearer dearest dearly deathless deceit decency deceptive decide decided decidedly decisively decked declaration declared declined dedicated deed deeds deepened deepening deeper deeply deeps deference define defy degenerated dejected dejection delancey delicacies delicately delighted delirious delivered deliverer dell delphi delusion demand demanded demon demons den denied denizens deny denying depart departed depends depress deprived deputation derived descend descendant descendants describe described description descriptions deserved deserves desire desired desist desolate despatch desperate desperation despise dessay destined destruction details determined developed development device devil devilish devotion devour diary dickens dickon dictum died dies difference differently difficulty digging digs dilber dim dimness dimpled dine ding dingy dining dinnerless dipped dipper directions dirt dis disappear disappeared disappears disappointed disaster disconsolately discontentedly discovered discuss disdainfully disgust disgusted dish dishcloth dislike disliked dismounted disobeying display displayed displeased disposal disposition dispute dissipation distance distinct distributed disturb ditch ditto dive dived divided dizzy dodged doe dog doggie dollar domains dome dominicus dominions done dong donnell doodle-doo door door-mat door-step dooryard dooty doris dost dote doubled doublet doubly doubt doubts doughnut douglas dourness dovecote down downfall downpour dozing dragged dragging dragons drake dram dramatic drank draped draw drawback drawbridge drawing-room drawn dreaded dreamed dreamy drearily dress dressed dresses dressing drift drifted drifting drifts drily drive driven droop drop dropped drove drown drowsy drudgery drums drunken druv dryly duchess duck ducked duckling ducks duckworth dug dully dumpty dunce dungeon dust dust-heap dutcher dutchman duties dwell dwelling dwindled dyed dying dâd e e-text eager eagerness eagle eagles eaglets ear earlier earliest early earn earning earth earthquaker easiest easily eastern eaten eaves eavesdropping ebook echo eclipse ecstasy edifice edition editors edna edward eel eerie effect effected eggs ego egypt eh eight eighteen eighth eisenkopf elapsed elation elbows elder elderberries eldest eleanore election electric elephant eleven elias eliza ella elliot elliott elliotts elm-tree eloquent else elves em email embarrassed embers embittered embrace embraced embroidering embroidery emma emmeline emmy emotions emperors emptiness empty enchanter enchanting enchantress encircled encore encourage encouraging endeavoured enderly endicott endurance endure endured enduring enemies enemy engagement engine english englishman enlist enormous enough enraptured ensign entangled enter entered entertainment entertainments enthusiastic entire entreat entreated envelope envied envy epoch equipage errands errors erskine eruption esben escape escapes escort escorted especially esquint essential establish establishment etc eternity etiquette eugene europe eustace evening evening-gown evenings eventful eventually evergreens everywhere evidence exact examined example exasperated exasperation exceedingly excellent excellently exception exchanged exchanging excitement exclaimed exclaiming excursion excuse executioner exercise exercises exertion exertions exeter exhaled exhibition exile exist expectant expected expense experience experiment explain explained exploded exploration explosion express expressed expression expressions expressive exquisite extended exterior extra extract extraordinary extravagance extreme extremely eye eyebrows eyelids eyes face faced fade fading failed failing failure faint fainter faintest fainting fairbairn fairly fairness fairweather falada falkenstein fall falsehood falsom families family famous fan fancy fanny far far-away farewell farm farmer farming farmyard farthest fascinated fascinator fashion fashions fast fastened fat fatal fatally fated fates father fathomed fatter favored favourable favourite fawn fear feared feat feathers february fed feebly feelings feels fell fellows fellowship female fence-post ferko fern ferns fetched feud fewer fib fiction fiddlesticks fidgeting fiend fifteen fifty figure figures file filled filling fillmore finality finer finery finest finger fingers fingertips finish finished finishing fir-tree fired firedrake firelight fires fireside firing firm first-rate fish fish-house fished fishing fists fitness fitted five fix fixed flag flagg flagon flap flapping flashed flashes flashing flask flat flattered flattery flavour flaw flea fled flee fleece fleet fletcher flew flicked flinch flirt flirtation flirting flo float floated flock flora flourish flourishing flower flowery flows flush flushed flushing fluttered fly flying foals foam foaming foeman fog folded folding folk follicles followed following follows folly fond fondly fooled fooling foolscap football footfall foothold footman footprint forbes forbidden forced ford fords fore-foot forecastle forehead foreign foreigner foreigners foremost forests forge forget forgetful forgetfulness forgets forgetting forgive forgiving fork forlorn form formal formed former forsooth fortnight fortune forty foster four fourteen fowl foxham fraction fran france frantic frantically fraud fray freddy freezing french fresh fretted fretting frewen friday friend friendliness friends frightened frights fringed fritz frogs frontier frontispiece frost-king frosts frosty frown frowned frozen fructify fruit fulfilled fulfilment full fully fumbled fun funniest furniture furry furthermore furtive fuss future fuzzytail gadding gaiety gain gallant gallantly gallop galloped game games garden-engine gardiner garland garments garrulity gas gate gatepost gather gathered gauntlet gayest gaze gazer gazette geese general generations generosity genius genuine geography germany gertie getting giantess giants gibbet gift giggle giggling ginger girdle girl girls girt giver glad gladly glance glare glared glaucon gleam gleamed glee glen glenby gliding glimmer glimpse glitter globe glow glowed glowing gluckstein gnashed gnawed gnome goaded goblin goblins goddess godmother goes gog goggly going gold golden golden-brown goldenrod goldilocks goldsmith goldthwaite gone good-natured good-night goodies goodness goose gopáni-kúfa gordon gordons gorgeous gorgon gorgon's gorgons gorse gossips gourd governess gown gowned gracefully graceless graciously gradually graduated grain grammar grammarian granary grandchildren granddaughter granddaughters grandfather grandmother granted grants grasped grasshopper grate grating gratitude gravestone graveyard gravity grayfur grayson grazing great-aunt greater greece greed greediness greedy greeks greene greenvale greenwood griefs grievances grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimes grinned grip gripped grocer groove group groups groves grow growing growl growling grown-up grown-ups gruesome grumbly grumpy grunt guard guards gudu guess guessed guesses guidance guilbert gulch gull gulliver gulls gum gun guns gust gutter gypsy h ha hailstones hain't hair hakim hal half half-breed half-hour halifax hall halls halted halvor hamilton hammered hammond hand handkerchief handled handsomely handsomer handwriting handyman hanged hanger hanging hankering happen happened happens happily happiness hard hard-hearted harder hardest hare harm harmless harmon harmony harness harnessed harping harriet harry harvest haste hasten hastened hasty hat hatchet hated hates hats hatta haughtiest haul haunches haunting haw hawthorne hay hazard hazel hazy he's head head-man headache headed heading headland headlands heads health heap heaping hear hearing hearse heart heart-broken heartbreak heartless hearts heat heath heathen heavenly hecate hectored hedge hee heed heedlessness heir heiress helga hell helm helmet helpful helwyse hem hemlock-trees hen henchmen henderland henhouse henry henyard herb hercules herd herded herdsman hereabouts hereafter heresy hero heroine heroines heron herr herring hesitated hesitating hesperides hetty hew hewed hey hezekiah hide higginbotham high highest hillock hillside hilltops hindu hint hiram hispaniola hiss hissed history hit hitch ho hobden hobnob hoe hoisted hok holiday holidays holland hollow hollows holluschickie holmes holywood homeless homestead honeymoon honeysuckle honker honors honourable hood hooded hoodie hoofs hooper hoot hope hoped hopedale hopeless hopes hopetown hopkins hopped horrible horrified horse horseback horsemen host hostile hotels hotly hound hounds hour hour-hand house houseful housekeeper housekeepers hove how howe howl howler howling howls hue humblest humiliated humiliation hummels humor humour humpty hundreds hunger hungrier hunt hunted hunters hunting hunting-song hurrah hurree hurried hurry hurt hurting husband hushed huskily husks husky hut hutchinson huts hymn hymns hysterical i'd ian ice idea ideals identity idiot idleness ignorant ii iii ikki illness illuminated illustrated images imaginary imagined imitate imitated imitation immediate immediately immensely immortality impassable impatient imploring import importance impressed imprisoned improved improvers impulse impulsive inapplicable inca incapable inches incident including increase incredulity incurred indebted independence indian indication indifference indifferently indignation industry infant infatuated inferior inflicting influence information infuriated ingelows ingiborg ingleside inhale inherited injure injured injury ink inkling inner innocence innocently inquired inscrutable insect insects inside insist insists inspiring instant instilled instinctively institution instructions instrument insult insure int'resting intelligent intense intensity intention intentions interests interfere interference interferes interior international interrupted interruption intervals interview intoxicated introduce intrusion invalid invented invention investigate investigated invitations invited inviting irishman iron irregular irritating irritation irving islands isles isobel israel issuing italian italians italy its ix jackals jackson jail jake jam jamesina jameson january japan jealousy jeanette jelly jelly-fish jemima jenik jersey jesper jessie jest jewel jewellery jewels jiffy jim jo's joel joey jog johnson join joint jokes jolliest jollity jolt jonah jonas josephina josephs jostle josé jouer journey journeyed jove joy joyful joyousness judge judges judson judy julia july jump jumped jumps juncture jungles juniper justified kala kane kangaroo kates katherine kay keening keeping keeps keith kelpy kelso ken kennedy kensington keynote keys keyton-wells khanhiwara kick kicked kid kidd kill killed kills kiln kilweh kimball kind kindness kingdoms kinglet kinks kinsman kipp kirke kirsten kiss kissed kisses kitchen kitchener kite kits kittens kittle knave knee kneeling knees knife knitting knitting-needles knives knob knobs knock knocker knoll knot knots know knowest knowing knox kulu la labakan labor lack lacking lad laden ladies ladies-in-waiting lads lady lair lama's lame lamely lamenting lamplight lamps lance landed lands lanes langdon languished lanterns lap large larger largest larks lashes lass lassie lasted lasts late lateness latest laughed laughing laughingly laura lava lavinia lawn lawrence lawson layer lea leader leading leaf leagues leak leander leaned leaped leather leaves leech legend legs leith lemar length lennox leo leon leonard leopard leper lesley less lessons let's lets letter letter-writer letting level levi lewis lexy liar liberal liberally library licked lida liddell lids lied life life-book lifted light light-hearted lighted lighter likely likeness liking lilac lilias lilies lillian lilly limit limits limped linda lindsay line lined linen lines lingered lingering link linnet lionel lioness lions lips liquor lisp list listen listener listens lit lita literally literary literature lives living living-room liza lizzie load loads loan loathe loaves lobster lobsters lock-out locked locket locksley loft log log-house logic logs lonesomeness long long-bow long-distance longed longest longingly longlegs longmans longs longworth looking looking-glass loom loomed loon lord lorenzo lose lost lot lots lou louder louis louise lounging lovable loved lovelier lowbridge lowered lowering lowlands loyal loyally luck luckily lucknow lucy ludicrous lumber lunatic lunch lunches lungs luny lure lurgan lurked lustre lyda lying lynx m m'graw m.p m.p.s ma'am macallister macallisters mack mackerel macnair macpherson macphersons maddening madrissah magdalen magic magog magpie mahratta maid maiden maids maie mail main maine mainland mairtean make-believe maker malice malicious man man-thing manager managers mane manhood manikin manitoba mankind manling manner mannering manners mannikin manor mantel mantle manufacturer manus manuscript manuscripts many march marches mare margin maria maritime marjorie marked market marley marooned marquis marr married marry marrying marsh marshall martha martyrdom marvel marvellous marwood marya mass massacre masses master master-word masterpiece mat matchmaker mate material mathematics matron matrons matte matter matter-of-fact mattered mattress mattresses maud mavericks mayor maypole maze mcginnis meadow meal meaning meanness measles measure measures measuring-tree meat meddle medea medicine meditation meditations medusa meek meeting meeting-house meetings mellow mellowness melted melville member members men mend mental mention mentioned merchant mercilessly mercy mere meredith merely mess message messenger messengers methinks methods mettle mew midsummer mightiest mightily mighty mildly mile milestone milgrave military milked milky mill miller millionaire mills mind minded minding minds mines minister ministers mink minnesota mint minute miracles miraculous mischief-maker miscreants misdoubt miser misfortunes misgivings missing missionary mistah mistake mistakes mister mistrust misunderstanding mite mixed mo moans moat mocked moderate modern molinda moment monastery monday monkey-people month montreal monuments moody moon moonrise moonshine moor moore moors mop moped moping moppet moral morevna morgan morgiana morn morning morrow mortal mortgage mortified mosey most mother motherly moths moti motion motive motto mount mountain mountain-side mountains mounting mouse-coloured mouse-trap moustache mouth moved movement movements moves mud muddle muddy muffette mum mumbled murdered murderers murderess murdering murmur murray muscles museum mushroom musical musician musing musket muskrat's mutely mutineers muttered myra myrtle mysa mysteries mystic mystified na nae name named names nanny napkin napping narrator nathaniel native natives natural nature navy nearest neatly neck necklaces necks needed needles needlewoman neighborhood neighbouring nell nephew nerve nerves nestful nests never-to-be-forgotten neverland neverlands newbridge newburys newfoundland news newspapers nibble nibbling nicer nicest niece niels nigger night night-gowns night-light night-lights nightcap nightfall nights nillie nimble nine nobleman nobles nodded nohow noise noisily none noodles nook norna northern northland nose note notebook notes notice noticed notion nova nowadays number numerous nunda nurse nurses nut oar oars oath oats obediently obey obeying obituaries object objections objects oblige obliged oblong obscurity observed obstinate occasional occasionally occupation occurred oddly odor off offend offer offering offerings office officer oftener ol old-fashioned older oldest olga oliver olivers olivia ominous on one online onward oozed opals open opened opening openly opens operation opinion oppressed orange orator orbs orchards orchestra ordeal order ordering orderly orders ordinary organ organ-grinder organdie organized orgy oriental origin orphan osprey other ought ounce ousel out outbreak outburst outcast outguess outlier outlived outright outside outsider outskirts oven over overcame overcome overcoming overflowing overhaul overhead overheard overjoyed overly overslept owl own owner owns ox pacific pacifique package padre paid pained painfully paint paint-box painted painters pair pairs pal palace pale paled paler palmer pals pan pane panel pang pangs pantaloons panther pantouflia pantry pants par paragon paragraph parallel paralyzed parcels parched parker parlor parlour parson parsons part partial particle particular particularly particulars parting partner partners partnership parts passages passing passionate past pastime pastor patched patchwork patent path pathos patience patriarch patronizing patronizingly patted pattering pattern patterson paused paved pavement pavilion paying peach peach-tree peacock peacocks pearly pearson peasant pebbles pecked pecq peculiar peder peek peeped penalty penhallow penhallows peninsula penitentiary pennington people peoples peppe peppered peppermint perceived perceiving perceptible perceval percinet perfect perfection perform performance performed performers perfume perish periwinkle perkins permit permitted perplexed perplexedly perry perseus persian persis personality persons perspiration persuade persuasion pesky pet petersen pets petulant pew phantoms philemon philippa phillips philosopher philosophy photographs phrase physicians piazza picked pickle pickles picture pictures picturesque piece pier pierced piercing pike pile pilgrim pillars pillow pillows pills pin pinafore pineau pinery pinkel pinned pins pious pipe piqued pirate pirret pistol pit-a-pat pitcher piteously pitied pitman pityingly pivi place placed places placidity placidly plait plaited plan plane plank planned planning plant plantation planting plants plate platter play played player playing playmates plays plaything pleadingly pleasantest pleasantly please pleasures plentiful plenty plied plotting pluck plunged plunkett pluto pneumonia pocketbook poet poetry point pointed pointer pointing poison poisoned poked poker poking pole polish political poll pollywogs pomegranate pomp pony pooh poorer poorhouse poplars popped poppies populaires porcupine pore pored pork port portal pose positive possess possessed possession possum post-office postscript potato potatoes pottet-knife pottle pounced poverty power practical practically practice prairie prairies praise praised prayer praying preached precautions preceding precisely predestination predicament predictions preening preferred premier preparations prepare presbytery prescience present presentation presented presents preserve preserved press pressed pressing pretence pretend pretended pretending prettier prevented previously price prick pricked pride prigio prim primly primmed principal print prints prisoner private prize problem problems proctor prodding produce profession professional profit programme project promise promises pronounce proof proofreading property proposals propose proposing proprieties prospect prospects prosper protection prouder prove proved proverb providential province province-house prowled prowling prudent pryor public published publisher publishers puckered pudding puddle puff pull pulled pulpit puma pump punishment pupil pupils purchased purchases puritan purity purposely purr purring purse pursed pursuers purun push pushed putney puzzled puzzles pyes pygmies pyramids quacking quaddies quaff quaint quarrel quarrelled quarrelling quarrels quarrelsome quarters queerer question questioned quick quicker quiet quieted quinine quote quoting rabbit raced racicot racing racket radiant radiantly raging railing railroad rails rain rainbow rains raised ralston ramble rampart ran randal rangely rankeillor rankled rapid rapidity rapidly rapped rapture rarely rascal rash raspberries raspberry rattling raven ravine raving raw ray reach reaching reaction reade readily reading ready reality realized realm realms reaping reappeared reared reason reassuringly rebecca rebel rebuke rebuked rebukingly recall receive received reciprocal recite recited recklessly reckoned recognising recognized recollect recollected recollection recollections recommend recommended reconciled record red-headed red-hot redder redeem redemption redheaded redmond reds redskin redskins redwing reeds reel reese reeses reflecting reflections reflectively refrain refreshing refuse refused regiments region regular regularly reid reins related relative relenting reliable relieved religious relish reluctance remainder remains remark remarkable remarkably remarked remarking remarks remedies remedy remember remembered remembering remembrance remind reminder reminds remove renewed rennie rent repaired repay repeated repent repenting replaced replied reply replying reported reporters repose repressed reproach reproached reprobate request required resent reserved resign resigned resignedly resist resisted resolution resolutions resolve resolved resorted resounded respect respects responds responsibility resting restored resume retinue retort retorted retreated return returned rev revealed reverence reverent revival revolved rewarded rexton rhinoceros riach richard richer riches richest richmond ride rides ridge ridgepole rig right rights rigidity rikki ring rings riot ripe ripened ripples rippling risen risingham rival rivers roads roadside roaring robbed robby roberts robins rocked rocker rocking rod rode roderick rogers rogerson rogues roll rolled rollicking rolling roman romantic ronald rood roofs roost rooster roosts root rose rose-leaf rosebud rosebush rosina ross rotten roughly round roused rousing route rover row rowed rowers roxy royal rubbed rubber rubbing rudeness ruefully ruffled rug ruined ruins rum rumbling rumpled rumpus run runaway running rush rushed rushing rusks russets russians rustic rustled rustling rusty sabbaths sacrifice sacrificed sacrifices sacrificing saddle-bow saddled sadness safer safest sage sah sahib sahibs said sailed sailors sake salad sale salford sally salon salute saluted same sampson samuel sancho sand-hills sands sandy sang sank santa sarah-cat sarcasm sarcastically sash satin satisfactory satisfy saturday saucer saucerful saucy saunders savages save saved saves sawing sayings scaled scamper scandal scandalised scandalous scar scarce scare scarf scars scattered scheme school schoolroom schools schoolteacher schooner science scientific scimitar scold scolded scolding scolds scope score scores scornful scorning scotch scotchman scotland scouts scowl scramble scrambled scrambling scrap-bag scratch scratched scratches scratching screaming screeched scrub scrumptious scruples scurried sea-shore seafaring sealskin seamen search seashore season seasons seated seaweeds secret secretly sect section see seed seeing seek-seek seeker seeley seeonee sefton seize seized selected selena self self-control sell selling sending sends sensation sense senses sentence sentinels separated serenade serge serious serpentine serve served service session seth setting settle settled settlements seven seventeen several severity sew sewing sewn sex seymour sha'n't shack shades shadow shadows shady shaggy shaken shaker shaking shallop shallow shamed shamefacedly shameless shanty shape shaped share sharper sharpness shaw shawl shaws shearer shed sheepish shelby shelf sheriff sherman shield shifted shine shingles shining shiny ships shipwrecked shirk shirt shiver shivered shock shocked shoe shone shoot shooting shops shoreby shores shorry short shortcomings shorter shortly shot shoulder shoulders shouted shouts shovel shower showman shrew shriek shrink shroud shuddered shut shuttle si sickening sicker sideboard sides siege sieve sifted sighed sights sign signal signaling significantly sigurd silence silent silk silver silver-grey silvery simla simons simplicity sincere sinclair sinclairs singe singer single sings singular sinister sink sinner sins sir sirs sis sister sisters sits sitting situation six sixteen sizes skate skating skeered skein skeptically sketch sketches skiff skill skimming skipped skirts skulking skull slab slam slammed slamming slang slap slate slay sled sleek sleeper sleeping-draught sleepless sleeps sleeve sleeves slept sleuth-hound slide sliding slightest slightly slipped slipper slopes slow slower slums smacked smallest smallpox smartly smelled smells smelt smiled smiles smiling smilingly smith smoking smollett smoothly smothered snack snake snake-like snap snappishly snarl snarling snatch snatched sneer sneeze sneezed sniffs snore snored snort snorting snow snow-battle snow-covered snow-daughter snow-queen snow-shoes snow-storm snowed snowflakes snowy snubbed snuffy soared sobbed sobbing sobered sobs society sodno sods softened softer softest softness solace soldier sole solely solicited solitary solitude solution sombre somewhere son songs sooner soothingly sophia sophomore sorrowful sort sound sounding soundly soup sources sourly space spade spain spanish spanned spare spared spark sparkle sparkled sparrow spat speak speaking special species speck spectator spectators speculated speculation speech speeches speechless speed speedily spell spelling spells spencervale spenslow spent sphinx spicy spiders spikes spill spin spinner spinning spire spirits spite splinters split spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spoon spoonful spoons spot sprang sprays spread spring springs sprinkled spun spur spurs sputtered spyglass spying squall squarely squealed squeeze squirmed squirrel's st stab stable stables stage staggered staggering stain stalks stallion stamford stamp stamped standing stanley stared staring starr start starting startle starvation starved starving state stated station-master statue stay stayed staying steadfastly steak steals steamer steeple steer steersman step-mother step-sister stephens stepmother stepped steps steve stewart sticking sticks still stings stirred stirrup stirs stitches stock stockade stockard stocking stockings stole stolen stone stool stoop stooped stop stopped stops store storehouse storekeeper stores stories storming story stow straggling straightway strain strains strangely stranger-man strangers strangest straw stray streak streaks street strength stress stretch stretched strike striking strings stripe striped strive strode stroke stroked strokes stronger struggle struggled struggling strutted stub stubbed stubbornly stubbornness stuck student stuff stuffy stump stung stunned sturdily sturdy subdued submerged submit subscribed subscription subsided successful successor such sucked sudden suddenness suet suffered suffering sufferings sufficient sufficiently suggested suggestions suh suitable suitors suits sulked sultana summer summit summoning sun sun-bath sunbeam sunbeams sunbonnet sunday sunday-school sundays sunlight sunny sunshine sup superb superfluous superintendent superior superstitious supplied supplies support supported suppose suppressed sure surprised surprises surprising surrender surrounded surroundings susanna suspected suspects swains swallowed swallows swam swamp swarmed swaying swearing sweat sweetest sweetly sweetness swelling swift swineherd swing swipe switch swollen swoop sword sworn swung symbol sympathetically syrup t'other table-cloth tablecloth tables tack tag tail tailors talbot tale talents tales talisman talk talker talking taller tallest tang tangled tanuki tapestry target task taste tasted tastes tasty taut tavern te-rain teach teachers teacups tearing tears tease teased tedious teeniest teens teeth telegram telephassa telling temper temperature tempers tempt temptation temptations tempted tempter tempting ten tenants tend tender tenderness tendrils tenniel tennyson tense tension tenth term terrors test testify testimonial thakané thank thanked thankfully thanksgiving that theatre theft theirs theories theory these theseus thicker thickest thickets thickness thieves thine things think thinking thirst thirteen thirty thistledown thomson thorkild thorns thornton thorny those thoughtlessness thoughts thousands threaded threaten threateningly threats three thrill throbbed thronged throwing thrush thrust thud thumb thumbelina thumper thumping thunderbolt thunderstorm thursday thuu thy tick-tick ticket ticking tide tidings tie tied ties tigers tight tiidu tiller tilted time timid timidly timothy tin tin-soldier tinge tingle tingled tinker tinted tipped tips tiptoed tirades tissue to-do toad toads toadstool toady toiled tolerable tomato tombs tombstone tone tongue tools tooth tooth-powder toothache toothaker topper tops tore tormentor tornado tornaq toronto torture tortured tory touch touched touching toughness towel towers townley toy traced traces track tracks tradesmen traditions tragic trail train training traitor tramped tramping tranquil transcriber transformation transformed translation trap traps traveled traveling travelled tread treadmill treasured treat treated treatment tree-tops treed treetops trelawney trellis tremble tremendous tremendously tremor tremulously trenches tresses trevor trial trials tribute trice trick trickle tries trifle trifling trim trimmed tripped troll troop-horse troops trot troublesome trough trousers trout trudged truer trump truncheon trust trusted trusty truthfulness truths trying tryst tub tubby tucked tuesday tuft tufty tugged tumble tumbled tumbler tumblers tureen turkey-maiden turks turn turner turnips turnovers turns turquoise turtle tussock tutor twelve twenty twenty-five twenty-four twig twin twinkled twinkling two two-legged tyrant ugliness umbrella umbrellas unable unaccustomed unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncertain uncertainty uncle uncommon unconscious undercurrent undergone underneath understand understood undisturbed undo undoing unendurable unexpectedness unfolded unicorn uniform uninteresting union united universe unjust unkindest unlocked unloosed unlucky unnecessary unnoticed unpardonable unperceived unseeing unseen untied untrue unusually unwilling unwonted up up-stairs up-wind upper upright uproar upside upton uraschimataro urged use used useful useless ushers using usual uttered utterly vacation vagaries vaguely vainly valiant valise valley valleys valour value valued vampire van vancouver vanilla vanish vanished vapour variety various vassili vast veered veil veins velvet vented venture ventured venturing venus verandah verge veritable vernacular verse version vex vexation vi vicious viciously victims victories vigil vigour vii viii villa villagers villages villain vim violin violinist virgilius virgin visage visible vision visionary visions visitations visits vitals vivien vivienne vizier voice voices voile volcano volley volume von vote vow vowed voyage waded wagon waif wail waingunga waist wait waiting wake wakefield waken wakened wakes walker walking wallace waning warden warder warmer warmest warmth warn warning warrant warren washed washstand wasp watchful watchfully watching water-babies water-baby watered waters wave waving way ways weak weaker weakness weapon weapons wearied wearing wears weary wearying weasel weatherbeard weaving wedding-day wednesday week weeniest weep weighs weight weird welcome welcomed well-spring well-to-do wells welwa wes western wharf what wheat wheel wheelbarrow wheeled wheeler wheeling wheels where whereabouts whereat whim whimpered whine whip whipped whirled whirling whisky whisper whispered whispering whistling white-faces whitetail whittaker who whoever wholly why wickedness widow widower wife wig wiggins wild wilderness wildest wiley wilhelmina williams willing willingly willis wilt win winced windac windings window window-sill winds wing wink winnifred winsome winter wipe wiped wires wisely wisest wish wishbone wished wishes wishing wistfulness withdraw withdrew wits woebegone woes woke woman women won wonder wonder-ship wondered wonderfully wondering wonderland wonders wondrous wont wood wood-sleigh wooden woodlands woodman woodpile word words work-basket worked worker working worms worn worried worries worry worrying worse worshipped worshipper worst worth wouldst wounded wounds woven wrapped wrapper wrathfully wreath wreck wrestle wrestled wrestling wretched wretchedness wriggle wriggled wright writer writhed writing written wrongs wroth wycherly xavier xi xii xiii xiv xix xv xvi xvii xviii xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv yachts yankee yap-yap yarns yawn yawned year yearling yearned yell yez yield yo-ho-ho yon york younger youngest youngsters { à 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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