AAB 3368 1 1 'd 1 AAC 3232 2 1 'll 1 AAD 0 3 1 'm 1 AAE 0 4 1 're 1 AAF 3376 5 1 's 1 AAG 0 6 1 've 1 AAH 2932 7 1 a 1 AAJ 2754 8 1 a.l 1 AAK 2671 9 1 abc 1 AAL 0 10 1 abc.l 1 AAM 2988 11 1 abcs 1 AAN 0 12 1 able 1 AAO 0 13 1 about 1 AAP 3328 14 1 above 1 AAQ 0 15 1 across 1 AAR 0 16 1 acting 1 AAS 0 17 1 action 1 AAT 0 18 1 actually 1 AAU 0 19 1 adore 1 AAV 3389 20 1 afraid 1 AAW 0 21 1 after 1 AAX 0 22 1 afternoon 1 AAY 3057 23 1 again 1 AAZ 0 24 1 against 1 ABA 2679 25 1 age clicking 1 1 ABB 2655 26 1 agree 1 ABC 2846 27 1 ah 1 ABD 2657 28 1 ahead nowhere 1 1 ABE 0 29 1 aid 1 ABF 0 30 1 ain't 1 ABG 2907 31 1 air 1 ABH 0 32 1 al 1 ABJ 0 33 1 alarm 1 ABK 3369 34 1 alex 1 ABL 3053 35 1 alexander 1 ABM 0 36 1 algae 1 ABN 2741 37 1 alice 1 ABO 2633 38 1 alice's dan's lena's tata's 1 1 1 1 ABP 2657 39 1 alicia chichi gigi 1 1 1 ABQ 2586 40 1 alive 1 ABR 0 41 1 all 1 ABS 2737 42 1 allen 1 ABT 2634 43 1 alligator camera gears museum sweetest 1 1 1 1 1 ABU 0 44 1 allow 1 ABV 0 45 1 allowed 1 ABW 2915 46 1 almost 1 ABX 2824 47 1 alone 1 ABY 0 48 1 along 1 ABZ 2636 49 1 alphabet 1 ACA 3061 50 1 already 1 ACB 2842 51 1 alright 1 ACC 2914 52 1 alrightie 1 ACD 2933 53 1 always 1 ACE 3246 54 1 am 1 ACF 2847 55 1 amelia 1 ACG 0 56 1 amount 1 ACH 2671 57 1 amusing attached begun bogus bracelet breakable empty happening hardly incredible joey liquid magic pete pooie shy snowing splishysplashy ticklish 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACJ 0 58 1 an 1 ACK 3389 59 1 and 1 ACL 0 60 1 andy 1 ACM 2844 61 1 angelica 1 ACN 2671 62 1 angels 1 ACO 2587 63 1 angry gentle heybie imposter shoeless upsa upsie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACP 3130 64 1 animal 1 ACQ 3214 65 1 animals 1 ACR 0 66 1 ankles 1 ACS 0 67 1 anne 1 ACT 2825 68 1 annie 1 ACU 2656 69 1 annie's 1 ACV 3335 70 1 another 1 ACW 3389 71 1 answer 1 ACX 2848 72 1 answering 1 ACY 2908 73 1 antibiotic 1 ACZ 3058 74 1 ants 1 ADA 3389 75 1 any 1 ADB 2667 76 1 anybody 1 ADC 2678 77 1 anymore 1 ADD 3332 78 1 anything 1 ADE 3245 79 1 anyway 1 ADF 2657 80 1 anywhere 1 ADG 2971 81 1 apart 1 ADH 3059 82 1 apple 1 ADJ 2934 83 1 apples 1 ADK 3111 84 1 applesauce 1 ADL 2588 85 1 apricots complicated 1 1 ADM 3280 86 1 apron 1 ADN 2635 87 1 apronstring earthquake 1 1 ADO 3068 88 1 arches heels 1 1 ADP 0 89 1 are 1 ADQ 3389 90 1 aren't 1 ADR 2671 91 1 arfarf baebae boops.o boopsieboo lalalalala nightnight poopsie^boo weeweeweeweewee wreath 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADS 0 92 1 arguing 1 ADT 0 93 1 arise 1 ADU 2742 94 1 ark 1 ADV 3241 95 1 arm 1 ADW 3362 96 1 arms 1 ADX 2668 97 1 army bathtub carpet chimney dish fishbowl forest hall middle parade sidewalk slot tent toybox tub 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADY 3336 98 1 around 1 ADZ 0 99 1 as 1 AEA 2655 100 1 ashy burped decide exploded fussbucket leaning remembered resting stink twying 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AEB 3281 101 1 ask 1 AEC 0 102 1 asked 1 AED 2671 103 1 asleep 1 AEE 0 104 1 assumed 1 AEF 0 105 1 at 1 AEG 2989 106 1 ate 1 AEH 2680 107 1 attach 1 AEJ 0 108 1 attack 1 AEK 2755 109 1 attacked 1 AEL 3069 110 1 attention 1 AEM 2669 111 1 augmentin boring busted drenched drumming ella hunkamunka jeffrey meeko nicole whitney 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AEN 0 112 1 august 1 AEO 0 113 1 aunt 1 AEP 0 114 1 auntie 1 AEQ 2983 115 1 automatic 1 AER 2990 116 1 aw 1 AES 2585 117 1 awake 1 AET 3057 118 1 away 1 AEU 2914 119 1 awful 1 AEV 3333 120 1 awfully 1 AEW 2754 121 1 b.l 1 AEX 2756 122 1 babbling 1 AEY 2815 123 1 babe 1 AEZ 0 124 1 babes 1 AFA 3388 125 1 babies 1 AFB 3171 126 1 baby 1 AFC 3282 127 1 back 1 AFD 0 128 1 backed 1 AFE 2757 129 1 backing 1 AFF 2657 130 1 backwards 1 AFG 2662 131 1 backyard 1 AFH 3243 132 1 bad 1 AFJ 3168 133 1 bag 1 AFK 2991 134 1 bags 1 AFL 0 135 1 bah 1 AFM 0 136 1 bake 1 AFN 0 137 1 balance 1 AFO 3129 138 1 ball 1 AFP 0 139 1 ballerina 1 AFQ 2743 140 1 balloon 1 AFR 3335 141 1 balloons 1 AFS 3278 142 1 balls 1 AFT 3242 143 1 balmex 1 AFU 2849 144 1 balooga 1 AFV 0 145 1 baltimore 1 AFW 3132 146 1 banana 1 AFX 0 147 1 bananas 1 AFY 2972 148 1 bang 1 AFZ 0 149 1 bank 1 AGA 3389 150 1 bar 1 AGB 0 151 1 barbecue 1 AGC 0 152 1 bark 1 AGD 2850 153 1 barking 1 AGE 2758 154 1 barney 1 AGF 2636 155 1 barrette 1 AGG 0 156 1 barrettes 1 AGH 3242 157 1 baseball 1 AGJ 2658 158 1 basement checkout crowd park swings training 1 1 1 1 1 1 AGK 0 159 1 basic 1 AGL 3215 160 1 basket 1 AGM 3131 161 1 basketball 1 AGN 2992 162 1 bat 1 AGO 3172 163 1 bath 1 AGP 2993 164 1 bathroom 1 AGQ 2971 165 1 baths 1 AGR 2816 166 1 battery 1 AGS 0 167 1 be 1 AGT 2986 168 1 beads 1 AGU 3233 169 1 bean 1 AGV 3283 170 1 beans 1 AGW 3216 171 1 bear 1 AGX 2671 172 1 beard 1 AGY 2905 173 1 bears 1 AGZ 3234 174 1 beat 1 AHA 3389 175 1 beating 1 AHB 0 176 1 beatrix 1 AHC 3112 177 1 beautiful 1 AHD 3070 178 1 because 1 AHE 2994 179 1 bed 1 AHF 2668 180 1 bedroom 1 AHG 0 181 1 beds 1 AHH 2681 182 1 bedspread cheeks tootsie 1 1 1 AHJ 0 183 1 beef 1 AHK 3337 184 1 been 1 AHL 0 185 1 beep 1 AHM 3389 186 1 before 1 AHN 2666 187 1 beginning 1 AHO 3338 188 1 behind 1 AHP 0 189 1 being 1 AHQ 2589 190 1 belch ruffle 1 1 AHR 2759 191 1 believe 1 AHS 3245 192 1 bell 1 AHT 2821 193 1 belly 1 AHU 3173 194 1 belong 1 AHV 2671 195 1 below 1 AHW 2897 196 1 belt 1 AHX 3311 197 1 bend 1 AHY 3387 198 1 bending walked 1 1 AHZ 2590 199 1 benjamin butter daniel kelsey mayonnaise meme mustard poppy quilts sammy scamper slippery timone yaya 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AJA 2725 200 1 bert kittykitty 1 1 AJB 0 201 1 besides 1 AJC 2935 202 1 best 1 AJD 3284 203 1 bet 1 AJE 3333 204 1 better 1 AJF 3242 205 1 bib 1 AJG 2851 206 1 bibbie 1 AJH 0 207 1 bible 1 AJJ 0 208 1 bicycle 1 AJK 3243 209 1 big 1 AJL 2726 210 1 bigger 1 AJM 2936 211 1 bike 1 AJN 0 212 1 bill 1 AJO 2995 213 1 bingo lydia momma 1 1 1 AJP 2996 214 1 binkie 1 AJQ 2682 215 1 binoculars 1 AJR 3339 216 1 bird 1 AJS 2852 217 1 birdie 1 AJT 0 218 1 birdies tickles 1 1 AJU 3040 219 1 birds 1 AJV 2853 220 1 birthday 1 AJW 0 221 1 bit 1 AJX 3389 222 1 bite 1 AJY 3285 223 1 bites 1 AJZ 3041 224 1 biting 1 AKA 0 225 1 bitter 1 AKB 0 226 1 bitty 1 AKC 2854 227 1 black 1 AKD 0 228 1 blah 1 AKE 3042 229 1 blanket 1 AKF 2738 230 1 blankie 1 AKG 3286 231 1 bleed heal 1 1 AKH 2973 232 1 bless 1 AKJ 0 233 1 blind 1 AKK 0 234 1 blink 1 AKL 0 235 1 blinking 1 AKM 2760 236 1 block 1 AKN 3217 237 1 blocks 1 AKO 0 238 1 blow 1 AKP 2855 239 1 blowing 1 AKQ 2916 240 1 blue 1 AKR 0 241 1 blueberry 1 AKS 0 242 1 blustery cloudy 1 1 AKT 2856 243 1 bo 1 AKU 2738 244 1 boat 1 AKV 0 245 1 boats 1 AKW 2667 246 1 bob 1 AKX 0 247 1 bobo 1 AKY 2656 248 1 boboni phonics purpose 1 1 1 AKZ 0 249 1 body 1 ALA 0 250 1 boil 1 ALB 2904 251 1 bone 1 ALC 0 252 1 boneen 1 ALD 0 253 1 boneeno 1 ALE 2657 254 1 bones disposition dust kiddo poles 1 1 1 1 1 ALF 3389 255 1 bongo 1 ALG 2591 256 1 bongos 1 ALH 0 257 1 bonk 1 ALJ 2592 258 1 bonked 1 ALK 3334 259 1 boo 1 ALL 2898 260 1 boobie 1 ALM 3245 261 1 booboo 1 ALN 2761 262 1 booboon 1 ALO 2656 263 1 booboonee 1 ALP 3043 264 1 boobooneen 1 ALQ 3245 265 1 boobooshas 1 ALR 2857 266 1 booger 1 ALS 2997 267 1 boogie 1 ALT 3174 268 1 book 1 ALU 0 269 1 bookie 1 ALV 0 270 1 bookies 1 ALW 3133 271 1 books 1 ALX 2826 272 1 boom 1 ALY 2634 273 1 boomerang 1 ALZ 2683 274 1 boosh 1 AMA 3071 275 1 boots 1 AMB 3072 276 1 booty 1 AMC 2849 277 1 bop 1 AMD 0 278 1 bossing 1 AME 3244 279 1 both 1 AMF 2998 280 1 bottle 1 AMG 3389 281 1 bottles 1 AMH 2684 282 1 bottom 1 AMJ 0 283 1 bought 1 AMK 2858 284 1 bounce 1 AML 0 285 1 bouncing 1 AMM 2726 286 1 bouncy 1 AMN 2637 287 1 bounder 1 AMO 2648 288 1 bow rug tapemeasure 1 1 1 AMP 3247 289 1 bowl 1 AMQ 2593 290 1 bowls 1 AMR 0 291 1 bows 1 AMS 3235 292 1 box 1 AMT 3073 293 1 boy 1 AMU 0 294 1 boys 1 AMV 0 295 1 branch 1 AMW 0 296 1 branches 1 AMX 2762 297 1 brand popup 1 1 AMY 2638 298 1 brave 1 AMZ 3074 299 1 bread 1 ANA 3075 300 1 break 1 ANB 3164 301 1 breakfast 1 ANC 2594 302 1 breathing knocking 1 1 AND 2907 303 1 breeze 1 ANE 2984 304 1 bridge 1 ANF 0 305 1 briefcase 1 ANG 0 306 1 bring 1 ANH 0 307 1 bringing 1 ANJ 2845 308 1 brisco 1 ANK 0 309 1 brittany 1 ANL 2737 310 1 brittney 1 ANM 2763 311 1 broke 1 ANN 3060 312 1 broken 1 ANO 3076 313 1 brooklyn 1 ANP 2821 314 1 brother 1 ANQ 0 315 1 brothers 1 ANR 0 316 1 brought 1 ANS 3175 317 1 brown 1 ANT 3134 318 1 brush 1 ANU 2764 319 1 brushing 1 ANV 0 320 1 bubbler 1 ANW 3228 321 1 bubbles 1 ANX 2643 322 1 bucket 1 ANY 3067 323 1 buckle 1 ANZ 2685 324 1 bucky 1 AOA 0 325 1 bud 1 AOB 2683 326 1 buddy 1 AOC 0 327 1 bugged 1 AOD 0 328 1 bugging 1 AOE 0 329 1 bugs 1 AOF 3312 330 1 build 1 AOG 2850 331 1 building 1 AOH 0 332 1 buildings 1 AOJ 2899 333 1 built 1 AOK 2667 334 1 bumblebees greece mit.l papa 1 1 1 1 AOL 2670 335 1 bummer chick fan furby jumper moocow nono pacifier rat scale tulip twister valentine vent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AOM 0 336 1 bummie 1 AON 3131 337 1 bump 1 AOO 2822 338 1 bumped 1 AOP 3131 339 1 bumpity 1 AOQ 3287 340 1 bunch tickletickle 1 1 AOR 2686 341 1 bunnies 1 AOS 3129 342 1 bunny 1 AOT 2659 343 1 bunnyrabbit candle wheels 1 1 1 AOU 0 344 1 burn 1 AOV 3288 345 1 burp 1 AOW 0 346 1 burps 1 AOX 3064 347 1 bus 1 AOY 0 348 1 buster 1 AOZ 2827 349 1 busy 1 APA 3389 350 1 but 1 APB 3077 351 1 butt 1 APC 2824 352 1 butterflies 1 APD 2744 353 1 butterfly 1 APE 0 354 1 butternutie.n 1 APF 3374 355 1 button 1 APG 3289 356 1 buttons 1 APH 0 357 1 buy 1 APJ 0 358 1 by 1 APK 3335 359 1 bye 1 APL 3335 360 1 byebye 1 APM 2826 361 1 byebyes 1 APN 2754 362 1 c.l 1 APO 2993 363 1 cage 1 APP 2914 364 1 cake 1 APQ 2639 365 1 cakes 1 APR 2595 366 1 california price punishment 1 1 1 APS 3389 367 1 call 1 APT 3290 368 1 called 1 APU 3335 369 1 calling 1 APV 2663 370 1 calm 1 APW 0 371 1 came 1 APX 3078 372 1 can 1 APY 3078 373 1 can't 1 APZ 2676 374 1 candy 1 AQA 3176 375 1 cannot 1 AQB 0 376 1 cans 1 AQC 2687 377 1 captain 1 AQD 2998 378 1 car 1 AQE 2859 379 1 card 1 AQF 2671 380 1 cardboard dumbo lobster sleet tonga 1 1 1 1 1 AQG 2588 381 1 cards 1 AQH 2909 382 1 care 1 AQJ 2937 383 1 careful 1 AQK 0 384 1 cares wosuits 1 1 AQL 3236 385 1 carrot 1 AQM 2999 386 1 carrots 1 AQN 3245 387 1 carry 1 AQO 0 388 1 carrying 1 AQP 2653 389 1 cars 1 AQQ 2663 390 1 cart 1 AQR 2596 391 1 cartoon 1 AQS 0 392 1 castle 1 AQT 3335 393 1 cat 1 AQU 3113 394 1 catch 1 AQV 0 395 1 catcher 1 AQW 0 396 1 catching 1 AQX 2765 397 1 cats 1 AQY 2989 398 1 caught 1 AQZ 0 399 1 cave 1 ARA 2671 400 1 caves faking lifesavers pesky popular rosies rushing steadfast unique whispering 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARB 0 401 1 center 1 ARC 0 402 1 centipede 1 ARD 3248 403 1 cereal 1 ARE 2824 404 1 certainly ravens tiggers 1 1 1 ARF 2982 405 1 chair 1 ARG 2974 406 1 chairs 1 ARH 2828 407 1 chance 1 ARJ 3328 408 1 change 1 ARK 3323 409 1 changed 1 ARL 0 410 1 changes 1 ARM 2658 411 1 changing 1 ARN 3245 412 1 character 1 ARO 0 413 1 chase 1 ARP 0 414 1 chat 1 ARQ 0 415 1 check 1 ARR 3278 416 1 checkbook 1 ARS 0 417 1 checking 1 ART 0 418 1 chee chester 1 1 ARU 0 419 1 cheep 1 ARV 0 420 1 cheerful 1 ARW 2910 421 1 cheerio 1 ARX 2766 422 1 cheerios 1 ARY 2999 423 1 cheese 1 ARZ 3000 424 1 cheeto 1 ASA 3234 425 1 chew 1 ASB 3177 426 1 chewing 1 ASC 0 427 1 chi 1 ASD 3244 428 1 chicken 1 ASE 0 429 1 chickens 1 ASF 3001 430 1 chickie 1 ASG 0 431 1 chickie's 1 ASH 2986 432 1 chickies 1 ASJ 0 433 1 child 1 ASK 3135 434 1 children 1 ASL 2671 435 1 chill cracker dancing hugs independent jacks jill ketchup minnies papou pumba salad saucers scrub scurry zippers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ASM 0 436 1 chilly 1 ASN 0 437 1 chimes 1 ASO 0 438 1 chimp 1 ASP 2668 439 1 chin 1 ASQ 2597 440 1 chip 1 ASR 0 441 1 chips 1 ASS 3234 442 1 choke 1 AST 2598 443 1 choking scratched 1 1 ASU 0 444 1 choo 1 ASV 2688 445 1 choose 1 ASW 0 446 1 chopped 1 ASX 0 447 1 chris 1 ASY 0 448 1 christening 1 ASZ 2907 449 1 christmas 1 ATA 2671 450 1 christopher 1 ATB 2640 451 1 chubby 1 ATC 3136 452 1 cindy 1 ATD 2641 453 1 cindy's 1 ATE 2917 454 1 circle 1 ATF 2938 455 1 circles 1 ATG 2640 456 1 circular cubby 1 1 ATH 0 457 1 civilized 1 ATJ 3332 458 1 clap 1 ATK 2847 459 1 clapping 1 ATL 0 460 1 claus 1 ATM 3389 461 1 clean 1 ATN 2899 462 1 cleaned 1 ATO 0 463 1 cleaning 1 ATP 0 464 1 cleans 1 ATQ 3002 465 1 click 1 ATR 3363 466 1 climb 1 ATS 0 467 1 climbed 1 ATT 0 468 1 climber 1 ATU 2975 469 1 climbing 1 ATV 0 470 1 clip 1 ATW 0 471 1 clipped 1 ATX 0 472 1 clips 1 ATY 0 473 1 clobber 1 ATZ 2767 474 1 clock 1 AUA 3249 475 1 close 1 AUB 3250 476 1 closed 1 AUC 2586 477 1 closer 1 AUD 2643 478 1 closet 1 AUE 0 479 1 cloth 1 AUF 3389 480 1 clothes 1 AUG 3061 481 1 clown 1 AUH 0 482 1 clowns 1 AUJ 0 483 1 cluck 1 AUK 2752 484 1 coaster 1 AUL 3389 485 1 coasters napkin 1 1 AUM 3164 486 1 coat 1 AUN 0 487 1 coca 1 AUO 3003 488 1 coffee 1 AUP 0 489 1 cola 1 AUQ 3245 490 1 cold 1 AUR 0 491 1 college 1 AUS 3214 492 1 color 1 AUT 3214 493 1 colors 1 AUU 3134 494 1 comb 1 AUV 3291 495 1 combed 1 AUW 2764 496 1 combing 1 AUX 3292 497 1 come 1 AUY 3387 498 1 comes 1 AUZ 2689 499 1 comfortable 1 AVA 3334 500 1 coming 1 AVB 2690 501 1 commander 1 AVC 0 502 1 communication 1 AVD 2759 503 1 complain 1 AVE 2655 504 1 complaining 1 AVF 2829 505 1 computer 1 AVG 0 506 1 concerned 1 AVH 0 507 1 cone 1 AVJ 3388 508 1 constantly usually 1 1 AVK 0 509 1 container 1 AVL 2657 510 1 content due exploring grateful huge slurping squirming stacking tricky welcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AVM 3178 511 1 control 1 AVN 2860 512 1 controller 1 AVO 2691 513 1 conversation frozen neato spaghetti technical whiney 1 1 1 1 1 1 AVP 0 514 1 cooked 1 AVQ 3334 515 1 cookie 1 AVR 3389 516 1 cookies 1 AVS 2642 517 1 cooking 1 AVT 2987 518 1 cool 1 AVU 0 519 1 cooled 1 AVV 3044 520 1 cord 1 AVW 2830 521 1 corn 1 AVX 2674 522 1 corner 1 AVY 0 523 1 cosby 1 AVZ 0 524 1 cost 1 AWA 2831 525 1 couch 1 AWB 3067 526 1 cough 1 AWC 3364 527 1 could 1 AWD 3332 528 1 count 1 AWE 2768 529 1 counting 1 AWF 0 530 1 county 1 AWG 2851 531 1 couple 1 AWH 3065 532 1 course 1 AWJ 0 533 1 cousin 1 AWK 3137 534 1 cover 1 AWL 0 535 1 covered 1 AWM 3004 536 1 cow 1 AWN 0 537 1 cowboy 1 AWO 2659 538 1 cows 1 AWP 0 539 1 crab 1 AWQ 2638 540 1 crabby 1 AWR 2769 541 1 crackers 1 AWS 2939 542 1 cranberry slopping 1 1 AWT 2910 543 1 crane helper 1 1 AWU 2770 544 1 cranky 1 AWV 2664 545 1 crash hush uhhuh whoopee 1 1 1 1 AWW 3179 546 1 crawl 1 AWX 2756 547 1 crawling 1 AWY 2743 548 1 crayon 1 AWZ 2825 549 1 crayons 1 AXA 2940 550 1 crazy 1 AXB 3375 551 1 cream 1 AXC 0 552 1 cried 1 AXD 0 553 1 crinkly 1 AXE 0 554 1 crocuses 1 AXF 2692 555 1 cross 1 AXG 2646 556 1 crud 1 AXH 0 557 1 cruise 1 AXJ 2687 558 1 crunch 1 AXK 0 559 1 crunchy 1 AXL 2941 560 1 cry 1 AXM 2918 561 1 crying 1 AXN 0 562 1 cubes 1 AXO 0 563 1 cucumber 1 AXP 2982 564 1 cup 1 AXQ 2643 565 1 cupboard 1 AXR 2693 566 1 cups 1 AXS 0 567 1 curl 1 AXT 0 568 1 curse 1 AXU 2816 569 1 curtain 1 AXV 2942 570 1 cushions 1 AXW 3291 571 1 cut 1 AXX 2929 572 1 cute 1 AXY 2771 573 1 cutie 1 AXZ 0 574 1 cutting 1 AYA 3335 575 1 d.l 1 AYB 2727 576 1 da 1 AYC 3340 577 1 dad 1 AYD 2919 578 1 dada 1 AYE 2599 579 1 dada's 1 AYF 0 580 1 dadada 1 AYG 3005 581 1 daddy 1 AYH 0 582 1 daffy 1 AYJ 2671 583 1 daisies 1 AYK 2976 584 1 dakota 1 AYL 3324 585 1 dale 1 AYM 0 586 1 dan 1 AYN 3138 587 1 dance 1 AYO 0 588 1 dangerous 1 AYP 2633 589 1 dapper 1 AYQ 2644 590 1 darn 1 AYR 2600 591 1 dat draw letters live once 1 1 1 1 1 AYS 0 592 1 date 1 AYT 0 593 1 daughter 1 AYU 2645 594 1 david 1 AYV 3286 595 1 day 1 AYW 2601 596 1 dead 1 AYX 2662 597 1 deal kitten screen streetlight 1 1 1 1 AYY 3139 598 1 dear 1 AYZ 2935 599 1 decibels softest 1 1 AZA 2666 600 1 deck 1 AZB 0 601 1 deep 1 AZC 2671 602 1 definitely 1 AZD 0 603 1 dehydrated 1 AZE 0 604 1 deluxe 1 AZF 2694 605 1 deny 1 AZG 0 606 1 desire 1 AZH 2665 607 1 desitin 1 AZJ 2902 608 1 desk wife 1 1 AZK 0 609 1 dessert 1 AZL 2695 610 1 detergent ma'am outlet touchie 1 1 1 1 AZM 0 611 1 determined 1 AZN 0 612 1 devour 1 AZO 3334 613 1 dial 1 AZP 0 614 1 diamond 1 AZQ 3293 615 1 diaper 1 AZR 2943 616 1 diapers 1 AZS 3006 617 1 diapie 1 AZT 3341 618 1 did 1 AZU 2910 619 1 didey 1 AZV 0 620 1 dideys 1 AZW 2602 621 1 didi.o 1 AZX 3112 622 1 dididi.o 1 AZY 3387 623 1 didn't 1 AZZ 2603 624 1 died jingles 1 1 BAA 3007 625 1 different 1 BAB 3294 626 1 dig 1 BAC 2745 627 1 digby 1 BAD 3245 628 1 dillon 1 BAE 2817 629 1 dinner 1 BAF 2900 630 1 dinosaur 1 BAG 2944 631 1 direction 1 BAH 2861 632 1 dirt 1 BAJ 2929 633 1 dirty 1 BAK 2671 634 1 dis jeff moira 1 1 1 BAL 0 635 1 discover 1 BAM 3180 636 1 discovered 1 BAN 3164 637 1 dishes 1 BAO 2579 638 1 dishwasher 1 BAP 0 639 1 distraction 1 BAQ 0 640 1 disturb 1 BAR 0 641 1 dive 1 BAS 2660 642 1 dizzy 1 BAT 3341 643 1 do 1 BAU 2604 644 1 do.si 1 BAV 0 645 1 doctor 1 BAW 0 646 1 does 1 BAX 3387 647 1 doesn't 1 BAY 2920 648 1 dog 1 BAZ 2920 649 1 doggie 1 BBA 2862 650 1 doggies 1 BBB 2644 651 1 doggone hasn't suddenly 1 1 1 BBC 3140 652 1 doggy 1 BBD 2636 653 1 doghouse 1 BBE 2977 654 1 dogs 1 BBF 3313 655 1 doing 1 BBG 3169 656 1 doll 1 BBH 3126 657 1 dollie 1 BBJ 0 658 1 dollie's 1 BBK 2921 659 1 dolly 1 BBL 2605 660 1 dolphin pear strawberry 1 1 1 BBM 3331 661 1 don't 1 BBN 0 662 1 donald 1 BBO 3181 663 1 done 1 BBP 2639 664 1 donna 1 BBQ 3235 665 1 door 1 BBR 2606 666 1 doors 1 BBS 0 667 1 double 1 BBT 0 668 1 doughnut 1 BBU 3008 669 1 down 1 BBV 3245 670 1 downstairs 1 BBW 2584 671 1 drag snowman 1 1 BBX 2978 672 1 dragon 1 BBY 2901 673 1 drawer 1 BBZ 0 674 1 drawers 1 BCA 0 675 1 drawing 1 BCB 0 676 1 dream 1 BCC 0 677 1 dreaming 1 BCD 2986 678 1 dress 1 BCE 2696 679 1 dressed 1 BCF 0 680 1 dresser 1 BCG 2671 681 1 dressing 1 BCH 3323 682 1 dried 1 BCJ 2772 683 1 drill rule 1 1 BCK 3342 684 1 drink 1 BCL 0 685 1 drinkie 1 BCM 2679 686 1 drinking 1 BCN 0 687 1 drive 1 BCO 0 688 1 driver 1 BCP 2663 689 1 driveway 1 BCQ 0 690 1 drool 1 BCR 2737 691 1 drooling 1 BCS 0 692 1 drooly 1 BCT 2863 693 1 drop 1 BCU 3314 694 1 dropped 1 BCV 0 695 1 dropping 1 BCW 2660 696 1 drops 1 BCX 0 697 1 drove 1 BCY 3141 698 1 drum 1 BCZ 3343 699 1 drummer 1 BDA 2829 700 1 drums 1 BDB 3114 701 1 dry 1 BDC 2666 702 1 dryer fence internet label stereo treetop 1 1 1 1 1 1 BDD 2744 703 1 duck 1 BDE 2914 704 1 duckie 1 BDF 2773 705 1 duckies 1 BDG 3079 706 1 ducks 1 BDH 2637 707 1 dude outlets warmer 1 1 1 BDJ 2671 708 1 dueling october pinto 1 1 1 BDK 2649 709 1 dumb 1 BDL 0 710 1 dump 1 BDM 0 711 1 dumpty 1 BDN 2774 712 1 dusty 1 BDO 2580 713 1 dyeisha 1 BDP 2845 714 1 e.l 1 BDQ 3389 715 1 each 1 BDR 3280 716 1 ear 1 BDS 0 717 1 earlier 1 BDT 0 718 1 early 1 BDU 0 719 1 earned 1 BDV 2697 720 1 earring opinion 1 1 BDW 3182 721 1 ears 1 BDX 2653 722 1 earth 1 BDY 3115 723 1 easier 1 BDZ 3389 724 1 eat 1 BEA 0 725 1 eaten 1 BEB 3389 726 1 eating 1 BEC 2864 727 1 eats 1 BED 2690 728 1 edge 1 BEE 0 729 1 eensie teensie weensie 1 1 1 BEF 3315 730 1 egg 1 BEG 3009 731 1 eggs 1 BEH 2746 732 1 eight 1 BEJ 2678 733 1 either 1 BEK 0 734 1 elbow 1 BEL 2921 735 1 elephant 1 BEM 0 736 1 elephants 1 BEN 2698 737 1 eleven 1 BEO 3045 738 1 elmo 1 BEP 3116 739 1 else 1 BEQ 3061 740 1 end 1 BER 0 741 1 endlessly 1 BES 0 742 1 engine 1 BET 0 743 1 english 1 BEU 2728 744 1 enjoying 1 BEV 3334 745 1 enough 1 BEW 0 746 1 entertaining 1 BEX 2725 747 1 ernie 1 BEY 0 748 1 escape 1 BEZ 0 749 1 even 1 BFA 2906 750 1 ever 1 BFB 2995 751 1 everybody 1 BFC 0 752 1 everyone 1 BFD 3334 753 1 everything 1 BFE 2842 754 1 everywhere 1 BFF 3142 755 1 ew 1 BFG 0 756 1 ewie 1 BFH 2646 757 1 exactly 1 BFJ 3010 758 1 excited 1 BFK 2914 759 1 exciting 1 BFL 2973 760 1 excuse 1 BFM 2865 761 1 exersaucer 1 BFN 3143 762 1 exists word 1 1 BFO 0 763 1 expect 1 BFP 2699 764 1 experience 1 BFQ 0 765 1 explore 1 BFR 0 766 1 express 1 BFS 3071 767 1 eye 1 BFT 3295 768 1 eyes 1 BFU 2845 769 1 f.l 1 BFV 2604 770 1 fa.si la.si mi.si re.si so.si ti.si 1 1 1 1 1 1 BFW 3389 771 1 face 1 BFX 2700 772 1 facecloth plate 1 1 BFY 2729 773 1 faces 1 BFZ 3046 774 1 facing ourself 1 1 BGA 0 775 1 fact 1 BGB 2985 776 1 fair 1 BGC 0 777 1 faithful 1 BGD 2730 778 1 fake 1 BGE 2667 779 1 faker muffin ohmygoodness tupperware young 1 1 1 1 1 BGF 3332 780 1 fall 1 BGG 2911 781 1 falling 1 BGH 0 782 1 falls 1 BGJ 0 783 1 familiar 1 BGK 2642 784 1 families kittycats 1 1 BGL 2775 785 1 family 1 BGM 0 786 1 fancy 1 BGN 3010 787 1 far 1 BGO 3144 788 1 farm 1 BGP 2776 789 1 farmer 1 BGQ 2646 790 1 farther glorified lawrence lazy lighter pretend renewed totally 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BGR 2937 791 1 fascinated steady 1 1 BGS 3080 792 1 fast 1 BGT 0 793 1 fasten 1 BGU 2971 794 1 faster 1 BGV 2930 795 1 fat 1 BGW 2987 796 1 father 1 BGX 2697 797 1 fault 1 BGY 2832 798 1 favorite 1 BGZ 0 799 1 fear 1 BHA 3332 800 1 feed 1 BHB 3047 801 1 feeding 1 BHC 3334 802 1 feel 1 BHD 2777 803 1 feeling 1 BHE 0 804 1 feelings 1 BHF 3115 805 1 feels 1 BHG 3389 806 1 feet 1 BHH 0 807 1 feets 1 BHJ 3387 808 1 fell 1 BHK 0 809 1 fellow 1 BHL 0 810 1 felt 1 BHM 0 811 1 ferocious 1 BHN 0 812 1 ferry 1 BHO 0 813 1 few 1 BHP 3000 814 1 fido 1 BHQ 2866 815 1 fight 1 BHR 0 816 1 fighting 1 BHS 3081 817 1 figs 1 BHT 2945 818 1 figure 1 BHU 0 819 1 figured 1 BHV 0 820 1 fill 1 BHW 0 821 1 filled 1 BHX 0 822 1 filling 1 BHY 3082 823 1 finally 1 BHZ 0 824 1 find 1 BJA 2975 825 1 finding 1 BJB 2833 826 1 fine 1 BJC 3083 827 1 finger 1 BJD 0 828 1 fingernail 1 BJE 3083 829 1 fingers 1 BJF 3375 830 1 finish 1 BJG 3145 831 1 finished 1 BJH 2986 832 1 fire 1 BJJ 3084 833 1 first 1 BJK 3165 834 1 fish 1 BJL 2701 835 1 fishes 1 BJM 2738 836 1 fishie 1 BJN 2665 837 1 fishies 1 BJO 0 838 1 fishing 1 BJP 3173 839 1 fit 1 BJQ 0 840 1 fits 1 BJR 3218 841 1 five 1 BJS 3251 842 1 fix 1 BJT 2585 843 1 fixable greasy gus shaving 1 1 1 1 BJU 2867 844 1 fixed 1 BJV 2702 845 1 fixing 1 BJW 0 846 1 flakes 1 BJX 3389 847 1 flat 1 BJY 2647 848 1 flavored 1 BJZ 0 849 1 flavorful 1 BKA 0 850 1 flew 1 BKB 0 851 1 flip 1 BKC 0 852 1 flipping 1 BKD 0 853 1 float 1 BKE 0 854 1 floats 1 BKF 2946 855 1 floor 1 BKG 2727 856 1 flopsy 1 BKH 0 857 1 flouncy 1 BKJ 2738 858 1 flower 1 BKK 3165 859 1 flowers 1 BKL 0 860 1 flowing 1 BKM 0 861 1 flows 1 BKN 2671 862 1 fluffy 1 BKO 0 863 1 fluids 1 BKP 2947 864 1 fly 1 BKQ 2930 865 1 flying 1 BKR 0 866 1 fold 1 BKS 0 867 1 folded 1 BKT 0 868 1 folding 1 BKU 0 869 1 follow 1 BKV 2868 870 1 following 1 BKW 3369 871 1 food 1 BKX 0 872 1 foods 1 BKY 3242 873 1 foot 1 BKZ 2869 874 1 footie 1 BLA 0 875 1 footprints 1 BLB 0 876 1 for 1 BLC 0 877 1 forbidden 1 BLD 0 878 1 forcing 1 BLE 2591 879 1 forever 1 BLF 3113 880 1 forget 1 BLG 0 881 1 forgot 1 BLH 2747 882 1 forward 1 BLJ 3389 883 1 found 1 BLK 0 884 1 fountain 1 BLL 3085 885 1 four 1 BLM 3131 886 1 freddy 1 BLN 2671 887 1 free 1 BLO 0 888 1 fresh 1 BLP 2607 889 1 friday 1 BLQ 3086 890 1 friend 1 BLR 3183 891 1 friends 1 BLS 2778 892 1 frilly 1 BLT 0 893 1 frog 1 BLU 3087 894 1 froggie 1 BLV 3344 895 1 froggie's 1 BLW 0 896 1 from 1 BLX 2779 897 1 front 1 BLY 2737 898 1 frosty 1 BLZ 2939 899 1 fruit 1 BMA 2638 900 1 frustrated squished 1 1 BMB 2834 901 1 full 1 BMC 3245 902 1 fun 1 BMD 3011 903 1 funny 1 BME 0 904 1 fur 1 BMF 3170 905 1 fuss 1 BMG 2771 906 1 fusser 1 BMH 2580 907 1 fussies 1 BMJ 3184 908 1 fussing 1 BMK 2667 909 1 fussy 1 BML 0 910 1 fuzz 1 BMM 3048 911 1 fuzzy 1 BMN 3245 912 1 g.l 1 BMO 2741 913 1 gail 1 BMP 2649 914 1 gail's 1 BMQ 3343 915 1 game 1 BMR 0 916 1 games 1 BMS 2703 917 1 garbage 1 BMT 2835 918 1 gate 1 BMU 3245 919 1 gave 1 BMV 2581 920 1 gear whale 1 1 BMW 0 921 1 gee 1 BMX 0 922 1 generations 1 BMY 2704 923 1 generous 1 BMZ 0 924 1 genie 1 BNA 2639 925 1 genius 1 BNB 0 926 1 gerber 1 BNC 3389 927 1 get 1 BND 0 928 1 gets 1 BNE 0 929 1 getting 1 BNF 3313 930 1 giant scrambled 1 1 BNG 3088 931 1 gift 1 BNH 2608 932 1 gifts 1 BNJ 0 933 1 giggles 1 BNK 3365 934 1 gimme 1 BNL 2700 935 1 giraffe 1 BNM 3073 936 1 girl 1 BNN 0 937 1 girlie 1 BNO 2913 938 1 girls 1 BNP 0 939 1 give 1 BNQ 0 940 1 giving 1 BNR 2582 941 1 glad 1 BNS 2780 942 1 glass 1 BNT 2992 943 1 glasses 1 BNU 2609 944 1 glorify 1 BNV 0 945 1 glove 1 BNW 0 946 1 gloves 1 BNX 0 947 1 glubglub 1 BNY 3389 948 1 go 1 BNZ 0 949 1 goal 1 BOA 0 950 1 goat 1 BOB 3345 951 1 god 1 BOC 3387 952 1 goes 1 BOD 3333 953 1 going 1 BOE 2610 954 1 gold 1 BOF 2900 955 1 goldfish 1 BOG 3012 956 1 gone 1 BOH 3331 957 1 gonna 1 BOJ 3013 958 1 good 1 BOK 2731 959 1 goodness 1 BOL 0 960 1 googooeyed 1 BOM 2611 961 1 goose 1 BON 3112 962 1 gorgeous 1 BOO 2984 963 1 gorilla 1 BOP 0 964 1 got 1 BOQ 2612 965 1 gotcha 1 BOR 3232 966 1 gotta 1 BOS 0 967 1 gown 1 BOT 3146 968 1 grab 1 BOU 3314 969 1 grabbing 1 BOV 2731 970 1 grace 1 BOW 0 971 1 graham 1 BOX 2669 972 1 grammy 1 BOY 3272 973 1 grandma 1 BOZ 2761 974 1 grandpa 1 BPA 2671 975 1 granny 1 BPB 2634 976 1 grass 1 BPC 2910 977 1 grate 1 BPD 0 978 1 gray 1 BPE 2918 979 1 great 1 BPF 2755 980 1 greedy 1 BPG 3089 981 1 green 1 BPH 0 982 1 greg 1 BPJ 0 983 1 grey 1 BPK 2699 984 1 grief 1 BPL 0 985 1 grill 1 BPM 3383 986 1 grin 1 BPN 0 987 1 grind 1 BPO 0 988 1 grip 1 BPP 2948 989 1 groceries 1 BPQ 0 990 1 grocery 1 BPR 0 991 1 gross 1 BPS 2870 992 1 ground 1 BPT 0 993 1 grow 1 BPU 2667 994 1 grunt 1 BPV 3346 995 1 guess 1 BPW 0 996 1 guilty 1 BPX 0 997 1 guitar 1 BPY 2818 998 1 gum 1 BPZ 0 999 1 gump 1 BQA 2665 1000 1 gums 1 BQB 0 1001 1 guy 1 BQC 2736 1002 1 guys 1 BQD 2871 1003 1 h.l 1 BQE 0 1004 1 had 1 BQF 0 1005 1 hair 1 BQG 2581 1006 1 hairbrush 1 BQH 3389 1007 1 haircut 1 BQJ 0 1008 1 hairs 1 BQK 0 1009 1 half 1 BQL 0 1010 1 halfway 1 BQM 0 1011 1 hallelujah 1 BQN 2670 1012 1 halloween herself liz mommies paint zipping 1 1 1 1 1 1 BQO 2587 1013 1 hammer 1 BQP 3241 1014 1 hand 1 BQQ 3245 1015 1 handle 1 BQR 3225 1016 1 hands 1 BQS 2704 1017 1 handsome 1 BQT 3272 1018 1 hang 1 BQU 3237 1019 1 hanger 1 BQV 0 1020 1 hanging 1 BQW 3090 1021 1 happen 1 BQX 3219 1022 1 happened 1 BQY 3116 1023 1 happens 1 BQZ 3091 1024 1 happy 1 BRA 3389 1025 1 hard 1 BRB 0 1026 1 harder 1 BRC 0 1027 1 hare 1 BRD 0 1028 1 has 1 BRE 3334 1029 1 hat 1 BRF 2705 1030 1 hate 1 BRG 0 1031 1 hates 1 BRH 3389 1032 1 have 1 BRJ 3332 1033 1 haven't 1 BRK 0 1034 1 having 1 BRL 2949 1035 1 he 1 BRM 3389 1036 1 head 1 BRN 3238 1037 1 headache 1 BRO 0 1038 1 headbutts 1 BRP 0 1039 1 headed 1 BRQ 0 1040 1 heads tails 1 1 BRR 0 1041 1 health 1 BRS 3389 1042 1 hear 1 BRT 2979 1043 1 heard 1 BRU 0 1044 1 hearing 1 BRV 0 1045 1 hears 1 BRW 3117 1046 1 heart 1 BRX 2732 1047 1 heat 1 BRY 2666 1048 1 heater 1 BRZ 0 1049 1 heaven 1 BSA 2731 1050 1 heavens neighbors shield 1 1 1 BSB 2940 1051 1 heavy 1 BSC 0 1052 1 helicopter rightie 1 1 BSD 3335 1053 1 hello 1 BSE 3332 1054 1 help 1 BSF 2706 1055 1 helped 1 BSG 3047 1056 1 helping 1 BSH 0 1057 1 helter 1 BSJ 3245 1058 1 henry 1 BSK 2769 1059 1 hens silver 1 1 BSL 3185 1060 1 her 1 BSM 2872 1061 1 here 1 BSN 2656 1062 1 hers 1 BSO 2990 1063 1 hey 1 BSP 3118 1064 1 hi 1 BSQ 0 1065 1 hiccup 1 BSR 0 1066 1 hide 1 BSS 2669 1067 1 hiding 1 BST 3252 1068 1 high 1 BSU 2873 1069 1 highchair 1 BSV 0 1070 1 higher 1 BSW 2984 1071 1 hills 1 BSX 2753 1072 1 him 1 BSY 3046 1073 1 himself 1 BSZ 0 1074 1 hinge 1 BTA 0 1075 1 hip 1 BTB 0 1076 1 hippos 1 BTC 2922 1077 1 his 1 BTD 3186 1078 1 hit 1 BTE 2598 1079 1 hitting 1 BTF 3335 1080 1 hmm 1 BTG 0 1081 1 ho 1 BTH 3389 1082 1 hold 1 BTJ 3366 1083 1 holding 1 BTK 0 1084 1 holds 1 BTL 2836 1085 1 hole 1 BTM 3076 1086 1 hollering 1 BTN 2824 1087 1 holy 1 BTO 3092 1088 1 home 1 BTP 0 1089 1 honestly 1 BTQ 3147 1090 1 honey 1 BTR 2613 1091 1 hood jammies slipper 1 1 1 BTS 3389 1092 1 hooked 1 BTT 0 1093 1 hop 1 BTU 3284 1094 1 hope 1 BTV 3385 1095 1 hopefully plug 1 1 BTW 0 1096 1 hopped 1 BTX 3187 1097 1 hopping 1 BTY 3148 1098 1 horse 1 BTZ 0 1099 1 horses 1 BUA 3001 1100 1 horsie 1 BUB 0 1101 1 horsieback 1 BUC 2985 1102 1 hot 1 BUD 0 1103 1 hour 1 BUE 0 1104 1 hours 1 BUF 2994 1105 1 house 1 BUG 3347 1106 1 how 1 BUH 2614 1107 1 huff 1 BUJ 3238 1108 1 hug 1 BUK 0 1109 1 hugging 1 BUL 3245 1110 1 huh 1 BUM 0 1111 1 humming 1 BUN 2913 1112 1 humpty 1 BUO 2748 1113 1 hungry 1 BUP 2781 1114 1 hurry 1 BUQ 3389 1115 1 hurt 1 BUR 0 1116 1 hurting 1 BUS 0 1117 1 hurts 1 BUT 0 1118 1 hyena 1 BUU 0 1119 1 hymnal 1 BUV 3093 1120 1 i 1 BUW 2950 1121 1 i.l 1 BUX 3014 1122 1 ice 1 BUY 3253 1123 1 icky 1 BUZ 3288 1124 1 idea 1 BVA 0 1125 1 if 1 BVB 0 1126 1 ignore 1 BVC 2822 1127 1 ignoring 1 BVD 2980 1128 1 important mushy 1 1 BVE 3389 1129 1 in 1 BVF 2773 1130 1 inches 1 BVG 0 1131 1 inching 1 BVH 3119 1132 1 inchworm 1 BVJ 0 1133 1 indian 1 BVK 0 1134 1 infection 1 BVL 0 1135 1 ink 1 BVM 0 1136 1 input 1 BVN 3296 1137 1 inside 1 BVO 0 1138 1 insist 1 BVP 2685 1139 1 instead 1 BVQ 0 1140 1 intent 1 BVR 2914 1141 1 interesting 1 BVS 0 1142 1 into 1 BVT 2782 1143 1 invent 1 BVU 3376 1144 1 is 1 BVV 3254 1145 1 isn't 1 BVW 3127 1146 1 it 1 BVX 2783 1147 1 itch 1 BVY 0 1148 1 itchy 1 BVZ 2981 1149 1 its 1 BWA 3015 1150 1 j.l 1 BWB 0 1151 1 jack 1 BWC 2615 1152 1 jacket 1 BWD 0 1153 1 jackie 1 BWE 2951 1154 1 jacob 1 BWF 2914 1155 1 jar 1 BWG 0 1156 1 jars 1 BWH 2664 1157 1 jaylen 1 BWJ 0 1158 1 jeans 1 BWK 2648 1159 1 jeffrey's 1 BWL 2647 1160 1 jello 1 BWM 2671 1161 1 jelly 1 BWN 2784 1162 1 jesse 1 BWO 3188 1163 1 jesus 1 BWP 0 1164 1 jimmy 1 BWQ 3016 1165 1 job 1 BWR 0 1166 1 johnny 1 BWS 2584 1167 1 joke 1 BWT 0 1168 1 joy 1 BWU 2770 1169 1 judy 1 BWV 2649 1170 1 judy's 1 BWW 3374 1171 1 juice 1 BWX 2660 1172 1 juices organized russell sticky 1 1 1 1 BWY 0 1173 1 julia 1 BWZ 3316 1174 1 jump 1 BXA 0 1175 1 jumped 1 BXB 2930 1176 1 jumping 1 BXC 0 1177 1 junior 1 BXD 3149 1178 1 just 1 BXE 2670 1179 1 k.l 1 BXF 0 1180 1 karate 1 BXG 3062 1181 1 kay 1 BXH 2707 1182 1 kay's 1 BXJ 0 1183 1 keaton 1 BXK 3389 1184 1 keep 1 BXL 0 1185 1 keeper 1 BXM 0 1186 1 keeps 1 BXN 0 1187 1 kevin 1 BXO 3242 1188 1 key 1 BXP 3120 1189 1 keys 1 BXQ 3316 1190 1 kick 1 BXR 0 1191 1 kicked 1 BXS 0 1192 1 kicking 1 BXT 0 1193 1 kid 1 BXU 2977 1194 1 kids 1 BXV 3189 1195 1 kind 1 BXW 3017 1196 1 kinda 1 BXX 2671 1197 1 king 1 BXY 3348 1198 1 kiss 1 BXZ 2706 1199 1 kissed 1 BYA 3389 1200 1 kisses 1 BYB 0 1201 1 kissie 1 BYC 3058 1202 1 kissing 1 BYD 3049 1203 1 kit 1 BYE 2942 1204 1 kitchen 1 BYF 2675 1205 1 kite 1 BYG 2824 1206 1 kittens 1 BYH 2733 1207 1 kitties 1 BYJ 3129 1208 1 kitty 1 BYK 2845 1209 1 kittycat 1 BYL 0 1210 1 kleenex 1 BYM 0 1211 1 knapsack 1 BYN 3050 1212 1 knees 1 BYO 3150 1213 1 knew 1 BYP 0 1214 1 knifes 1 BYQ 3377 1215 1 knock 1 BYR 3190 1216 1 knocked 1 BYS 0 1217 1 knot 1 BYT 3389 1218 1 know 1 BYU 2952 1219 1 knows 1 BYV 2671 1220 1 kristin 1 BYW 0 1221 1 kungfu 1 BYX 2749 1222 1 l.l 1 BYY 2860 1223 1 ladder 1 BYZ 3297 1224 1 lady 1 BZA 2738 1225 1 lamb 1 BZB 0 1226 1 lamp 1 BZC 2594 1227 1 landed 1 BZD 2616 1228 1 lane 1 BZE 3151 1229 1 lap 1 BZF 0 1230 1 lapful 1 BZG 0 1231 1 large 1 BZH 2874 1232 1 last 1 BZJ 2593 1233 1 latches others 1 1 BZK 2617 1234 1 late 1 BZL 3152 1235 1 later 1 BZM 3094 1236 1 laugh 1 BZN 3018 1237 1 laughing 1 BZO 2953 1238 1 laundry 1 BZP 2618 1239 1 lawn 1 BZQ 3311 1240 1 lay 1 BZR 0 1241 1 layed 1 BZS 2911 1242 1 laying 1 BZT 2785 1243 1 leaf 1 BZU 3389 1244 1 lean 1 BZV 0 1245 1 leaned 1 BZW 2986 1246 1 learn 1 BZX 2675 1247 1 leash 1 BZY 0 1248 1 least 1 BZZ 0 1249 1 leave 1 CAA 3081 1250 1 leaves 1 CAB 2822 1251 1 leaving 1 CAC 3334 1252 1 left 1 CAD 2619 1253 1 leftie yoyo 1 1 CAE 3389 1254 1 leg 1 CAF 3191 1255 1 legs 1 CAG 3244 1256 1 lemme 1 CAH 2907 1257 1 lemon 1 CAJ 2944 1258 1 lena 1 CAK 0 1259 1 less 1 CAL 0 1260 1 let 1 CAM 3149 1261 1 let's 1 CAN 3130 1262 1 letter 1 CAO 3192 1263 1 letting 1 CAP 2913 1264 1 lettuce 1 CAQ 0 1265 1 level 1 CAR 2620 1266 1 lever 1 CAS 3378 1267 1 lick 1 CAT 2728 1268 1 licking 1 CAU 3064 1269 1 lid 1 CAV 3193 1270 1 lie 1 CAW 0 1271 1 lied 1 CAX 2652 1272 1 life 1 CAY 3095 1273 1 lift 1 CAZ 3335 1274 1 light 1 CBA 2659 1275 1 lights 1 CBB 0 1276 1 like 1 CBC 0 1277 1 likes 1 CBD 2786 1278 1 line 1 CBE 2899 1279 1 lined 1 CBF 0 1280 1 lint 1 CBG 2738 1281 1 lion 1 CBH 0 1282 1 lions 1 CBJ 2873 1283 1 lip 1 CBK 3370 1284 1 lips 1 CBL 3120 1285 1 list 1 CBM 2667 1286 1 listen 1 CBN 2875 1287 1 listening 1 CBO 0 1288 1 lists 1 CBP 0 1289 1 litter 1 CBQ 3220 1290 1 little 1 CBR 3349 1291 1 littler 1 CBS 2952 1292 1 lives 1 CBT 0 1293 1 loaf 1 CBU 2876 1294 1 lock 1 CBV 0 1295 1 locked 1 CBW 2725 1296 1 locks 1 CBX 0 1297 1 lollipop 1 CBY 0 1298 1 lolly 1 CBZ 3334 1299 1 long 1 CCA 0 1300 1 longer 1 CCB 2671 1301 1 longest 1 CCC 3389 1302 1 look 1 CCD 0 1303 1 looked 1 CCE 3051 1304 1 lookee 1 CCF 3255 1305 1 looking 1 CCG 3275 1306 1 looks 1 CCH 2614 1307 1 loosen 1 CCJ 3273 1308 1 lord 1 CCK 0 1309 1 lordy 1 CCL 2694 1310 1 lose 1 CCM 2824 1311 1 losing 1 CCN 0 1312 1 lost 1 CCO 3389 1313 1 lot 1 CCP 2948 1314 1 lotion 1 CCQ 3044 1315 1 lots 1 CCR 3124 1316 1 loud 1 CCS 2734 1317 1 loudie 1 CCT 3350 1318 1 love 1 CCU 0 1319 1 loved 1 CCV 2583 1320 1 lovely 1 CCW 3326 1321 1 lover milkie 1 1 CCX 3245 1322 1 loves 1 CCY 0 1323 1 lovie 1 CCZ 2708 1324 1 low 1 CDA 0 1325 1 lucky 1 CDB 3389 1326 1 lunch 1 CDC 0 1327 1 lunchie 1 CDD 0 1328 1 lunchtime 1 CDE 2768 1329 1 lying 1 CDF 2835 1330 1 m.l 1 CDG 2933 1331 1 ma 1 CDH 0 1332 1 mac 1 CDJ 2601 1333 1 macaroni 1 CDK 2787 1334 1 macaroniandcheese 1 CDL 0 1335 1 macdonald 1 CDM 2734 1336 1 machine 1 CDN 2834 1337 1 mad 1 CDO 0 1338 1 made 1 CDP 0 1339 1 magazine 1 CDQ 3066 1340 1 maggie 1 CDR 3242 1341 1 mail 1 CDS 2650 1342 1 mailbox 1 CDT 2650 1343 1 main wrist 1 1 CDU 0 1344 1 make 1 CDV 0 1345 1 makes 1 CDW 0 1346 1 making 1 CDX 3052 1347 1 mama 1 CDY 2751 1348 1 mamama 1 CDZ 0 1349 1 mammals 1 CEA 3389 1350 1 man 1 CEB 0 1351 1 managed 1 CEC 3221 1352 1 mandy 1 CED 0 1353 1 many 1 CEE 2788 1354 1 marco 1 CEF 0 1355 1 marco's 1 CEG 2954 1356 1 marie 1 CEH 2633 1357 1 marie's 1 CEJ 2644 1358 1 mark 1 CEK 2658 1359 1 market 1 CEL 2947 1360 1 match 1 CEM 2603 1361 1 matches 1 CEN 3019 1362 1 matter 1 CEO 0 1363 1 matthew's 1 CEP 2668 1364 1 mattress 1 CEQ 3020 1365 1 max 1 CER 3176 1366 1 may 1 CES 2846 1367 1 maybe 1 CET 2789 1368 1 me 1 CEU 0 1369 1 meal 1 CEV 3298 1370 1 mean 1 CEW 3143 1371 1 means 1 CEX 3298 1372 1 meant 1 CEY 0 1373 1 measure 1 CEZ 3003 1374 1 measuring 1 CFA 2923 1375 1 meat 1 CFB 0 1376 1 meddlesome 1 CFC 3077 1377 1 medicine 1 CFD 0 1378 1 medium 1 CFE 3383 1379 1 meet 1 CFF 0 1380 1 meeting 1 CFG 0 1381 1 mercy 1 CFH 3351 1382 1 mess 1 CFJ 0 1383 1 messed 1 CFK 2877 1384 1 messing 1 CFL 2848 1385 1 messy 1 CFM 0 1386 1 met 1 CFN 0 1387 1 mice 1 CFO 2621 1388 1 michael's 1 CFP 3244 1389 1 mickey 1 CFQ 2599 1390 1 mickey's 1 CFR 3096 1391 1 microphone 1 CFS 3368 1392 1 might 1 CFT 0 1393 1 mighty 1 CFU 3117 1394 1 mike 1 CFV 3222 1395 1 milk 1 CFW 0 1396 1 milky 1 CFX 2667 1397 1 mimi 1 CFY 0 1398 1 mind 1 CFZ 2751 1399 1 mine 1 CGA 3172 1400 1 minute 1 CGB 0 1401 1 minutes 1 CGC 2951 1402 1 miranda 1 CGD 2836 1403 1 mirror 1 CGE 2790 1404 1 miss 1 CGF 3329 1405 1 missed 1 CGG 2855 1406 1 missing 1 CGH 0 1407 1 missus 1 CGJ 3389 1408 1 missy 1 CGK 2667 1409 1 mistake 1 CGL 3317 1410 1 mister 1 CGM 0 1411 1 mistress 1 CGN 0 1412 1 mittens 1 CGO 2955 1413 1 mix 1 CGP 2878 1414 1 mixed 1 CGQ 0 1415 1 mixing 1 CGR 2791 1416 1 mkay 1 CGS 3295 1417 1 mobile 1 CGT 3274 1418 1 mom 1 CGU 0 1419 1 moments 1 CGV 3121 1420 1 mommy 1 CGW 3079 1421 1 money 1 CGX 3237 1422 1 monkey 1 CGY 3329 1423 1 monster 1 CGZ 3066 1424 1 moo 1 CHA 0 1425 1 mood 1 CHB 2956 1426 1 moomooshas 1 CHC 2984 1427 1 moon 1 CHD 2856 1428 1 moose 1 CHE 0 1429 1 moosh 1 CHF 2879 1430 1 mooshas 1 CHG 3256 1431 1 mootie 1 CHH 0 1432 1 moppet 1 CHJ 3299 1433 1 more 1 CHK 3052 1434 1 morgan 1 CHL 3194 1435 1 morgie 1 CHM 3389 1436 1 morning 1 CHN 0 1437 1 most 1 CHO 3340 1438 1 mother 1 CHP 2606 1439 1 mothers riders 1 1 CHQ 2880 1440 1 motorcycle 1 CHR 2881 1441 1 mount 1 CHS 2837 1442 1 mouse 1 CHT 0 1443 1 mouses 1 CHU 3195 1444 1 mouth 1 CHV 0 1445 1 mouths 1 CHW 0 1446 1 move 1 CHX 2655 1447 1 moved 1 CHY 0 1448 1 moves 1 CHZ 3097 1449 1 movie 1 CJA 2844 1450 1 moving 1 CJB 0 1451 1 mower 1 CJC 3389 1452 1 much 1 CJD 2583 1453 1 muddy 1 CJE 2643 1454 1 mug 1 CJF 3317 1455 1 mummy 1 CJG 2815 1456 1 munchkin 1 CJH 2661 1457 1 mush springs 1 1 CJJ 3196 1458 1 music 1 CJK 3319 1459 1 must 1 CJL 0 1460 1 mustn't 1 CJM 2922 1461 1 my 1 CJN 2622 1462 1 myself 1 CJO 2871 1463 1 n.l 1 CJP 0 1464 1 nails 1 CJQ 3122 1465 1 name 1 CJR 3352 1466 1 named yogurt 1 1 CJS 2737 1467 1 nan 1 CJT 0 1468 1 nan's 1 CJU 2671 1469 1 nana 1 CJV 3144 1470 1 nap 1 CJW 0 1471 1 napkins 1 CJX 0 1472 1 nappie 1 CJY 2647 1473 1 naptime 1 CJZ 0 1474 1 nasty 1 CKA 2608 1475 1 natural 1 CKB 0 1476 1 near 1 CKC 2651 1477 1 nearby 1 CKD 3300 1478 1 neat 1 CKE 2623 1479 1 necessary 1 CKF 2957 1480 1 neck 1 CKG 2669 1481 1 ned 1 CKH 0 1482 1 need 1 CKJ 0 1483 1 needed 1 CKK 0 1484 1 needs 1 CKL 0 1485 1 neigh 1 CKM 0 1486 1 neighborhood 1 CKN 0 1487 1 nest 1 CKO 2915 1488 1 never 1 CKP 3245 1489 1 new 1 CKQ 2709 1490 1 newspaper 1 CKR 2874 1491 1 next 1 CKS 3013 1492 1 nice 1 CKT 0 1493 1 nicely 1 CKU 0 1494 1 nicer 1 CKV 0 1495 1 nick 1 CKW 0 1496 1 nickelodeon 1 CKX 3317 1497 1 night 1 CKY 3389 1498 1 nine 1 CKZ 2958 1499 1 nipple 1 CLA 3128 1500 1 no 1 CLB 2657 1501 1 noah 1 CLC 3166 1502 1 nobody 1 CLD 2592 1503 1 nodding 1 CLE 3334 1504 1 noise 1 CLF 3178 1505 1 noises 1 CLG 2624 1506 1 noisy 1 CLH 3166 1507 1 none 1 CLJ 3123 1508 1 noodle 1 CLK 2882 1509 1 noodles 1 CLL 2710 1510 1 nope 1 CLM 0 1511 1 normal 1 CLN 3122 1512 1 nose 1 CLO 2711 1513 1 nosed 1 CLP 0 1514 1 not 1 CLQ 0 1515 1 note 1 CLR 3021 1516 1 nothing 1 CLS 3128 1517 1 now 1 CLT 0 1518 1 nuggets 1 CLU 3130 1519 1 number 1 CLV 3223 1520 1 numbers 1 CLW 2730 1521 1 nummy 1 CLX 0 1522 1 nursery 1 CLY 0 1523 1 nut 1 CLZ 0 1524 1 o'clock 1 CMA 3022 1525 1 o.l 1 CMB 2878 1526 1 oatmeal 1 CMC 2914 1527 1 oats 1 CMD 2652 1528 1 obie 1 CME 2877 1529 1 obsessed 1 CMF 2712 1530 1 ocean 1 CMG 0 1531 1 of 1 CMH 3336 1532 1 off 1 CMJ 0 1533 1 offered 1 CMK 0 1534 1 office 1 CML 2686 1535 1 often 1 CMM 2931 1536 1 oh 1 CMN 0 1537 1 oink 1 CMO 2792 1538 1 ok yucka 1 1 CMP 2931 1539 1 okay 1 CMQ 2671 1540 1 okeydokey 1 CMR 3325 1541 1 old 1 CMS 0 1542 1 older 1 CMT 3389 1543 1 on 1 CMU 3389 1544 1 one 1 CMV 0 1545 1 ones 1 CMW 2713 1546 1 onion 1 CMX 0 1547 1 online 1 CMY 3061 1548 1 only 1 CMZ 2902 1549 1 onsie 1 CNA 0 1550 1 onto 1 CNB 3167 1551 1 oops 1 CNC 2881 1552 1 oopsie 1 CND 3197 1553 1 op.c 1 CNE 3249 1554 1 open 1 CNF 2739 1555 1 opened 1 CNG 3098 1556 1 opening 1 CNH 3116 1557 1 opens 1 CNJ 2793 1558 1 opposite 1 CNK 0 1559 1 options 1 CNL 0 1560 1 or 1 CNM 3059 1561 1 orange 1 CNN 2695 1562 1 oranges 1 CNO 3301 1563 1 orangish tanish 1 1 CNP 0 1564 1 other 1 CNQ 2794 1565 1 otherwise 1 CNR 3385 1566 1 our 1 CNS 3224 1567 1 out 1 CNT 2795 1568 1 outfit 1 CNU 3056 1569 1 outside 1 CNV 3257 1570 1 outtalk 1 CNW 2635 1571 1 oval 1 CNX 3224 1572 1 over 1 CNY 2671 1573 1 overalls 1 CNZ 3082 1574 1 ow 1 COA 2672 1575 1 owl 1 COB 3099 1576 1 own 1 COC 2997 1577 1 p.l 1 COD 3067 1578 1 pack 1 COE 3153 1579 1 page 1 COF 2732 1580 1 pages 1 COG 0 1581 1 paging 1 COH 3189 1582 1 pair 1 COJ 3278 1583 1 pajamaies 1 COK 2597 1584 1 pajamas 1 COL 2796 1585 1 pamper 1 COM 2668 1586 1 pan 1 CON 2729 1587 1 pancakes 1 COO 2714 1588 1 panda 1 COP 0 1589 1 panting 1 COQ 3326 1590 1 pants 1 COR 3353 1591 1 paper 1 COS 2701 1592 1 papers 1 COT 0 1593 1 parrot 1 COU 3389 1594 1 part 1 COV 2641 1595 1 party 1 COW 3375 1596 1 pat 1 COX 2779 1597 1 patio 1 COY 0 1598 1 patrice 1 COZ 3087 1599 1 patrick 1 CPA 0 1600 1 pats 1 CPB 0 1601 1 patting 1 CPC 2909 1602 1 pattycake 1 CPD 2903 1603 1 paul 1 CPE 3123 1604 1 paul's 1 CPF 0 1605 1 pause 1 CPG 2705 1606 1 paused 1 CPH 0 1607 1 pay 1 CPJ 0 1608 1 paycheck 1 CPK 0 1609 1 paying 1 CPL 0 1610 1 payperview 1 CPM 0 1611 1 pea 1 CPN 2661 1612 1 peace 1 CPO 2605 1613 1 peach 1 CPP 2959 1614 1 peaches 1 CPQ 0 1615 1 peanut 1 CPR 2934 1616 1 peanuts 1 CPS 0 1617 1 pearl 1 CPT 3198 1618 1 pears 1 CPU 2824 1619 1 peas 1 CPV 3131 1620 1 peekaboo 1 CPW 0 1621 1 peep 1 CPX 2625 1622 1 peeyou 1 CPY 2625 1623 1 peeyoustinky stomp 1 1 CPZ 3068 1624 1 peg 1 CQA 0 1625 1 pen 1 CQB 0 1626 1 pencil 1 CQC 2734 1627 1 penguin 1 CQD 3334 1628 1 people 1 CQE 2987 1629 1 pepe 1 CQF 2943 1630 1 pepsi 1 CQG 3385 1631 1 percent 1 CQH 0 1632 1 permission 1 CQJ 2859 1633 1 person 1 CQK 0 1634 1 pet 1 CQL 2883 1635 1 peter 1 CQM 3023 1636 1 phone 1 CQN 0 1637 1 phones 1 CQO 2666 1638 1 piano 1 CQP 3389 1639 1 pick 1 CQQ 2688 1640 1 picked 1 CQR 0 1641 1 picking 1 CQS 2913 1642 1 pickle 1 CQT 2715 1643 1 pickles 1 CQU 2658 1644 1 picnic 1 CQV 3130 1645 1 picture 1 CQW 2869 1646 1 pictures 1 CQX 0 1647 1 pie 1 CQY 3233 1648 1 piece 1 CQZ 0 1649 1 pieces 1 CRA 3154 1650 1 pig 1 CRB 3354 1651 1 piggie 1 CRC 3239 1652 1 piggies 1 CRD 3100 1653 1 piggy 1 CRE 2884 1654 1 piglet 1 CRF 2958 1655 1 pile 1 CRG 0 1656 1 piles 1 CRH 2910 1657 1 pillow 1 CRJ 2716 1658 1 pillows 1 CRK 2885 1659 1 pinch 1 CRL 2797 1660 1 pinching 1 CRM 3324 1661 1 pink 1 CRN 2984 1662 1 place 1 CRO 2960 1663 1 plain 1 CRP 3389 1664 1 plan 1 CRQ 2619 1665 1 plane 1 CRR 0 1666 1 planet 1 CRS 2750 1667 1 plant 1 CRT 2778 1668 1 plants 1 CRU 2904 1669 1 plastic 1 CRV 3371 1670 1 play 1 CRW 0 1671 1 player 1 CRX 3024 1672 1 playing 1 CRY 0 1673 1 plays 1 CRZ 3245 1674 1 please 1 CSA 2717 1675 1 plenty 1 CSB 0 1676 1 plow 1 CSC 0 1677 1 plums 1 CSD 2914 1678 1 pocket 1 CSE 3069 1679 1 pocketbook 1 CSF 0 1680 1 pockets 1 CSG 0 1681 1 point 1 CSH 2740 1682 1 pointing 1 CSJ 2624 1683 1 pointy 1 CSK 2886 1684 1 poke 1 CSL 3025 1685 1 pokemon 1 CSM 2730 1686 1 pokie 1 CSN 0 1687 1 poking 1 CSO 0 1688 1 policy 1 CSP 0 1689 1 polite 1 CSQ 0 1690 1 politely 1 CSR 2726 1691 1 polkadot 1 CSS 2903 1692 1 pooh 1 CST 2887 1693 1 pool 1 CSU 3328 1694 1 poopie 1 CSV 2600 1695 1 poopies 1 CSW 2626 1696 1 poopoo 1 CSX 2651 1697 1 poops 1 CSY 2671 1698 1 poopsie 1 CSZ 2981 1699 1 poor 1 CTA 2945 1700 1 pop 1 CTB 2727 1701 1 popeye 1 CTC 0 1702 1 popped 1 CTD 3123 1703 1 popsicle 1 CTE 0 1704 1 porch 1 CTF 3389 1705 1 position 1 CTG 2623 1706 1 possible 1 CTH 0 1707 1 post 1 CTJ 2907 1708 1 pot 1 CTK 2671 1709 1 potato 1 CTL 3245 1710 1 potatos 1 CTM 2670 1711 1 potholder 1 CTN 0 1712 1 potter 1 CTO 0 1713 1 pottie 1 CTP 0 1714 1 pouch 1 CTQ 3050 1715 1 pour 1 CTR 2961 1716 1 powder 1 CTS 0 1717 1 powells 1 CTT 0 1718 1 power 1 CTU 0 1719 1 practicing 1 CTV 0 1720 1 praise 1 CTW 0 1721 1 pray 1 CTX 0 1722 1 prayers 1 CTY 2718 1723 1 precious 1 CTZ 0 1724 1 presents 1 CUA 2983 1725 1 press 1 CUB 3333 1726 1 pretty 1 CUC 0 1727 1 prince 1 CUD 2888 1728 1 probably 1 CUE 3019 1729 1 problem 1 CUF 2979 1730 1 promise 1 CUG 3238 1731 1 protect 1 CUH 0 1732 1 prove 1 CUJ 0 1733 1 puff 1 CUK 3332 1734 1 pull 1 CUL 0 1735 1 pulled 1 CUM 3177 1736 1 pulling 1 CUN 2898 1737 1 pumpkin 1 CUO 2698 1738 1 pumpkins restrained 1 1 CUP 0 1739 1 punch 1 CUQ 2843 1740 1 puppet 1 CUR 2833 1741 1 puppies 1 CUS 3026 1742 1 puppy 1 CUT 3130 1743 1 puppydog 1 CUU 0 1744 1 pups 1 CUV 2740 1745 1 purple 1 CUW 2902 1746 1 purse 1 CUX 3389 1747 1 push 1 CUY 0 1748 1 pushed 1 CUZ 0 1749 1 pushing 1 CVA 0 1750 1 put 1 CVB 0 1751 1 puts 1 CVC 3258 1752 1 putting 1 CVD 2652 1753 1 q.l 1 CVE 0 1754 1 quack 1 CVF 0 1755 1 question 1 CVG 3327 1756 1 quick 1 CVH 3124 1757 1 quiet 1 CVJ 0 1758 1 quietness 1 CVK 0 1759 1 quilt 1 CVL 3245 1760 1 quit 1 CVM 0 1761 1 quite 1 CVN 2858 1762 1 quiver 1 CVO 2652 1763 1 r.l 1 CVP 2982 1764 1 rabbit 1 CVQ 2670 1765 1 rabbits 1 CVR 3335 1766 1 raccoon 1 CVS 2732 1767 1 radio 1 CVT 2585 1768 1 raggedy 1 CVU 0 1769 1 railing 1 CVV 2830 1770 1 rain 1 CVW 2908 1771 1 raincoat 1 CVX 0 1772 1 raining 1 CVY 0 1773 1 rains snows 1 1 CVZ 2627 1774 1 raisins 1 CWA 3063 1775 1 ran 1 CWB 0 1776 1 ranch 1 CWC 0 1777 1 rash 1 CWD 2719 1778 1 raspberry 1 CWE 3389 1779 1 rather 1 CWF 3236 1780 1 rattle 1 CWG 2763 1781 1 rattles 1 CWH 3332 1782 1 reach 1 CWJ 2739 1783 1 reached 1 CWK 2628 1784 1 reaching 1 CWL 3375 1785 1 read 1 CWM 3302 1786 1 reading 1 CWN 3355 1787 1 ready 1 CWO 3327 1788 1 real 1 CWP 3333 1789 1 really 1 CWQ 0 1790 1 rearrange 1 CWR 3027 1791 1 reason 1 CWS 2962 1792 1 recognize 1 CWT 0 1793 1 record 1 CWU 2889 1794 1 recorder 1 CWV 2719 1795 1 recording 1 CWW 3114 1796 1 red 1 CWX 2668 1797 1 refrigerator 1 CWY 2663 1798 1 register 1 CWZ 2720 1799 1 reindeer 1 CXA 3383 1800 1 remember 1 CXB 0 1801 1 remind 1 CXC 3245 1802 1 remote 1 CXD 3389 1803 1 rest 1 CXE 2611 1804 1 ribbon 1 CXF 2671 1805 1 rice 1 CXG 0 1806 1 rich 1 CXH 2671 1807 1 ricky 1 CXJ 3044 1808 1 rid 1 CXK 3027 1809 1 ride 1 CXL 2618 1810 1 riding 1 CXM 3389 1811 1 right 1 CXN 3169 1812 1 ring 1 CXO 2751 1813 1 ringing 1 CXP 3196 1814 1 rings 1 CXQ 3384 1815 1 rinse 1 CXR 3075 1816 1 rip 1 CXS 2739 1817 1 ripped scraping shook 1 1 1 CXT 2728 1818 1 ripping 1 CXU 0 1819 1 risen 1 CXV 2912 1820 1 river 1 CXW 2616 1821 1 road 1 CXX 0 1822 1 roadrunner 1 CXY 2612 1823 1 roar 1 CXZ 0 1824 1 roast 1 CYA 0 1825 1 roberts 1 CYB 0 1826 1 robin 1 CYC 2890 1827 1 rock 1 CYD 2621 1828 1 rocker 1 CYE 0 1829 1 rocking 1 CYF 2620 1830 1 rockingchair 1 CYG 0 1831 1 rocks 1 CYH 3199 1832 1 roll 1 CYJ 3155 1833 1 rolled 1 CYK 3244 1834 1 rolling 1 CYL 0 1835 1 rolls 1 CYM 3064 1836 1 roof 1 CYN 3125 1837 1 room 1 CYO 2752 1838 1 rooster 1 CYP 2584 1839 1 rose 1 CYQ 2798 1840 1 roses 1 CYR 2716 1841 1 rosey 1 CYS 2585 1842 1 rough 1 CYT 2740 1843 1 round 1 CYU 2938 1844 1 rover 1 CYV 2640 1845 1 rub 1 CYW 2661 1846 1 rubber 1 CYX 0 1847 1 rubbing 1 CYY 3356 1848 1 run 1 CYZ 3253 1849 1 running 1 CZA 2629 1850 1 runny 1 CZB 2866 1851 1 rush 1 CZC 2635 1852 1 s.l 1 CZD 2582 1853 1 sad 1 CZE 0 1854 1 safe 1 CZF 3334 1855 1 said 1 CZG 2660 1856 1 salsa 1 CZH 3135 1857 1 same 1 CZJ 0 1858 1 sample 1 CZK 0 1859 1 sampling 1 CZL 2736 1860 1 sandals 1 CZM 2636 1861 1 sandman 1 CZN 3088 1862 1 sandwich 1 CZO 0 1863 1 santa 1 CZP 3155 1864 1 sat 1 CZQ 0 1865 1 satisfying 1 CZR 2630 1866 1 sauce 1 CZS 2735 1867 1 saved 1 CZT 3303 1868 1 saw 1 CZU 3128 1869 1 say 1 CZV 3313 1870 1 saying 1 CZW 3387 1871 1 says 1 CZX 3367 1872 1 scare 1 CZY 3389 1873 1 scared 1 CZZ 0 1874 1 schedule 1 DAA 3101 1875 1 school 1 DAB 2897 1876 1 schoolhouse 1 DAC 2913 1877 1 scissors 1 DAD 3046 1878 1 scooby 1 DAE 0 1879 1 scoop 1 DAF 2721 1880 1 scoot 1 DAG 2669 1881 1 scott 1 DAH 3257 1882 1 scratch 1 DAJ 2911 1883 1 scratching 1 DAK 2986 1884 1 scratchy 1 DAL 0 1885 1 scream 1 DAM 2797 1886 1 screaming 1 DAN 0 1887 1 scrubbie 1 DAO 2610 1888 1 scrumptious superman 1 1 DAP 2631 1889 1 sea 1 DAQ 2671 1890 1 seagulls 1 DAR 2799 1891 1 seal 1 DAS 2843 1892 1 seat 1 DAT 3241 1893 1 seats 1 DAU 3067 1894 1 sec 1 DAV 3067 1895 1 second 1 DAW 3389 1896 1 see 1 DAX 2715 1897 1 seed 1 DAY 0 1898 1 seeds 1 DAZ 0 1899 1 seeing 1 DBA 2800 1900 1 seem 1 DBB 2801 1901 1 seems 1 DBC 0 1902 1 seen 1 DBD 0 1903 1 sees 1 DBE 0 1904 1 seesaw 1 DBF 0 1905 1 self 1 DBG 0 1906 1 send 1 DBH 0 1907 1 sending 1 DBJ 0 1908 1 sent 1 DBK 0 1909 1 serve 1 DBL 3374 1910 1 service 1 DBM 0 1911 1 sesame 1 DBN 2867 1912 1 set 1 DBO 2663 1913 1 settle upside 1 1 DBP 0 1914 1 seuss 1 DBQ 3102 1915 1 seven 1 DBR 2653 1916 1 sewing 1 DBS 2658 1917 1 sewingmachine 1 DBT 3021 1918 1 sewn 1 DBU 0 1919 1 shades 1 DBV 3357 1920 1 shake 1 DBW 2802 1921 1 shakes 1 DBX 3335 1922 1 shaking 1 DBY 0 1923 1 shall 1 DBZ 2670 1924 1 shame 1 DCA 2803 1925 1 shape 1 DCB 0 1926 1 shaped 1 DCC 3065 1927 1 shapes 1 DCD 2667 1928 1 share 1 DCE 2671 1929 1 sharp 1 DCF 2949 1930 1 she 1 DCG 3389 1931 1 sheep 1 DCH 2953 1932 1 sheets 1 DCJ 2615 1933 1 shelf 1 DCK 3119 1934 1 shena 1 DCL 0 1935 1 shielded 1 DCM 0 1936 1 shift 1 DCN 2669 1937 1 shining 1 DCO 0 1938 1 shiny 1 DCP 3241 1939 1 shirt 1 DCQ 0 1940 1 shirts 1 DCR 3225 1941 1 shoe 1 DCS 2823 1942 1 shoelaces 1 DCT 3225 1943 1 shoes 1 DCU 2664 1944 1 shoot 1 DCV 2663 1945 1 shopping 1 DCW 3050 1946 1 short 1 DCX 3319 1947 1 should 1 DCY 0 1948 1 shoulder 1 DCZ 2987 1949 1 shoulders 1 DDA 3364 1950 1 shouldn't 1 DDB 0 1951 1 shove 1 DDC 3378 1952 1 show 1 DDD 0 1953 1 showing 1 DDE 0 1954 1 shrimp 1 DDF 3312 1955 1 shut 1 DDG 2696 1956 1 sick 1 DDH 3330 1957 1 side 1 DDJ 2684 1958 1 sides 1 DDK 2596 1959 1 sign 1 DDL 2929 1960 1 silly 1 DDM 2653 1961 1 silverware 1 DDN 0 1962 1 since 1 DDO 3371 1963 1 sing 1 DDP 2891 1964 1 singing 1 DDQ 3049 1965 1 sink 1 DDR 3060 1966 1 sip 1 DDS 2637 1967 1 sips 1 DDT 0 1968 1 sir 1 DDU 2656 1969 1 siree 1 DDV 3275 1970 1 sister 1 DDW 3292 1971 1 sit 1 DDX 0 1972 1 sits 1 DDY 3258 1973 1 sitting 1 DDZ 3200 1974 1 six 1 DEA 0 1975 1 skelter 1 DEB 3098 1976 1 skipped 1 DEC 3049 1977 1 sky 1 DED 0 1978 1 slapped 1 DEE 2983 1979 1 sleep 1 DEF 2804 1980 1 sleeper 1 DEG 2630 1981 1 sleepies 1 DEH 3053 1982 1 sleeping 1 DEJ 3243 1983 1 sleepy 1 DEK 2908 1984 1 sleeve 1 DEL 0 1985 1 sleeves 1 DEM 0 1986 1 slide 1 DEN 0 1987 1 sliding 1 DEO 0 1988 1 slip 1 DEP 2736 1989 1 slippers 1 DEQ 0 1990 1 slobbering 1 DER 3028 1991 1 slow 1 DES 3389 1992 1 slowly 1 DET 0 1993 1 slumber 1 DEU 0 1994 1 slumbers 1 DEV 2805 1995 1 small 1 DEW 0 1996 1 smaller 1 DEX 2827 1997 1 smart 1 DEY 3389 1998 1 smell 1 DEZ 0 1999 1 smelling 1 DFA 3029 2000 1 smells 1 DFB 3201 2001 1 smile 1 DFC 2986 2002 1 smiley 1 DFD 0 2003 1 smiling 1 DFE 2818 2004 1 smoke 1 DFF 2680 2005 1 smush 1 DFG 3226 2006 1 smushed 1 DFH 3030 2007 1 snack 1 DFJ 0 2008 1 snakie 1 DFK 3324 2009 1 snap 1 DFL 2654 2010 1 snapped 1 DFM 2733 2011 1 snaps 1 DFN 0 2012 1 snatched 1 DFO 2787 2013 1 sneakers 1 DFP 3131 2014 1 sneaky 1 DFQ 3031 2015 1 sneeze 1 DFR 0 2016 1 snorting 1 DFS 3064 2017 1 snow 1 DFT 0 2018 1 snowsuit 1 DFU 2649 2019 1 snuggle 1 DFV 3202 2020 1 so 1 DFW 0 2021 1 soap 1 DFX 3242 2022 1 sock 1 DFY 2736 2023 1 sockie 1 DFZ 3225 2024 1 socks 1 DGA 3060 2025 1 soda 1 DGB 2665 2026 1 sofa 1 DGC 2788 2027 1 soft 1 DGD 3388 2028 1 softly 1 DGE 0 2029 1 soggy 1 DGF 0 2030 1 sold 1 DGG 3203 2031 1 some 1 DGH 3330 2032 1 somebody 1 DGJ 3119 2033 1 someone 1 DGK 0 2034 1 somersault stinker 1 1 DGL 3333 2035 1 something 1 DGM 2987 2036 1 sometimes 1 DGN 0 2037 1 somewhat 1 DGO 2747 2038 1 somewhere 1 DGP 3054 2039 1 son 1 DGQ 3375 2040 1 song 1 DGR 0 2041 1 sonic 1 DGS 3131 2042 1 soon 1 DGT 3012 2043 1 sorry 1 DGU 2963 2044 1 sort 1 DGV 0 2045 1 sorts 1 DGW 3334 2046 1 sound 1 DGX 2722 2047 1 sounds 1 DGY 2758 2048 1 soup 1 DGZ 3014 2049 1 sour 1 DHA 2682 2050 1 space 1 DHB 0 2051 1 spank 1 DHC 3371 2052 1 speak 1 DHD 2671 2053 1 special 1 DHE 0 2054 1 speeds 1 DHF 0 2055 1 spend 1 DHG 3389 2056 1 spider 1 DHH 3226 2057 1 spill 1 DHJ 0 2058 1 spilled 1 DHK 3226 2059 1 spin 1 DHL 2723 2060 1 spinning 1 DHM 0 2061 1 spins 1 DHN 0 2062 1 spirit 1 DHO 3304 2063 1 spit 1 DHP 0 2064 1 splash 1 DHQ 2667 2065 1 split 1 DHR 3023 2066 1 spoon 1 DHS 2913 2067 1 spoons 1 DHT 0 2068 1 spot 1 DHU 0 2069 1 spots 1 DHV 2819 2070 1 spout 1 DHW 0 2071 1 spray 1 DHX 3002 2072 1 spread 1 DHY 2740 2073 1 spud 1 DHZ 3067 2074 1 spying 1 DJA 2832 2075 1 square 1 DJB 2651 2076 1 squash 1 DJC 0 2077 1 squashie 1 DJD 2729 2078 1 squashies 1 DJE 3218 2079 1 squeak 1 DJF 2776 2080 1 squeaker 1 DJG 2802 2081 1 squeaks 1 DJH 0 2082 1 squeeze 1 DJJ 2740 2083 1 squirmy 1 DJK 2806 2084 1 squirrel 1 DJL 2676 2085 1 squirrellie 1 DJM 2659 2086 1 squirrellies 1 DJN 3182 2087 1 squirrels 1 DJO 3356 2088 1 squirting 1 DJP 3332 2089 1 stack 1 DJQ 0 2090 1 stacked 1 DJR 0 2091 1 stain 1 DJS 2912 2092 1 stairs 1 DJT 3305 2093 1 stand 1 DJU 3041 2094 1 standing 1 DJV 3229 2095 1 star 1 DJW 3389 2096 1 stars 1 DJX 3197 2097 1 start 1 DJY 2632 2098 1 started 1 DJZ 2875 2099 1 starting 1 DKA 0 2100 1 starts 1 DKB 2702 2101 1 starving 1 DKC 0 2102 1 stay 1 DKD 0 2103 1 stayed 1 DKE 2689 2104 1 staying 1 DKF 0 2105 1 stays 1 DKG 3335 2106 1 steak 1 DKH 0 2107 1 steam 1 DKJ 0 2108 1 steer 1 DKK 2666 2109 1 step 1 DKL 2819 2110 1 steps 1 DKM 3285 2111 1 stew 1 DKN 3358 2112 1 stick 1 DKO 2911 2113 1 sticking 1 DKP 2807 2114 1 sticks 1 DKQ 3333 2115 1 still 1 DKR 2838 2116 1 stinky 1 DKS 2816 2117 1 stomach 1 DKT 2757 2118 1 stood 1 DKU 3306 2119 1 stop 1 DKV 2632 2120 1 stopped 1 DKW 0 2121 1 stops 1 DKX 3204 2122 1 store 1 DKY 3287 2123 1 story 1 DKZ 2960 2124 1 strange 1 DLA 2996 2125 1 strap 1 DLB 0 2126 1 straps 1 DLC 2819 2127 1 street 1 DLD 3086 2128 1 strength 1 DLE 0 2129 1 strengthening 1 DLF 0 2130 1 stretching 1 DLG 2750 2131 1 string 1 DLH 2913 2132 1 strings 1 DLJ 2964 2133 1 striped 1 DLK 2865 2134 1 stroller 1 DLL 3103 2135 1 strong 1 DLM 2965 2136 1 stuck 1 DLN 0 2137 1 studying 1 DLO 0 2138 1 stuff 1 DLP 2808 2139 1 stuffed 1 DLQ 2629 2140 1 stuffy 1 DLR 2889 2141 1 stupid 1 DLS 0 2142 1 sub 1 DLT 0 2143 1 such 1 DLU 2671 2144 1 suchi 1 DLV 0 2145 1 suck 1 DLW 2897 2146 1 sucker 1 DLX 2777 2147 1 sucking 1 DLY 0 2148 1 sucks 1 DLZ 3040 2149 1 sugar 1 DMA 0 2150 1 suit 1 DMB 0 2151 1 summer 1 DMC 3032 2152 1 sun 1 DMD 2809 2153 1 sunglasses 1 DME 2671 2154 1 sunny 1 DMF 2818 2155 1 sunshine 1 DMG 2957 2156 1 supper 1 DMH 0 2157 1 supposed 1 DMJ 3244 2158 1 sure 1 DMK 0 2159 1 surface 1 DML 0 2160 1 surprised 1 DMM 2645 2161 1 susie toot 1 1 DMN 2662 2162 1 suspender 1 DMO 2613 2163 1 suspenders 1 DMP 2602 2164 1 suzie 1 DMQ 2645 2165 1 suzy 1 DMR 2792 2166 1 swallow 1 DMS 2908 2167 1 sweater 1 DMT 0 2168 1 sweatpants 1 DMU 2902 2169 1 sweatshirt 1 DMV 0 2170 1 sweeping 1 DMW 3245 2171 1 sweet 1 DMX 3318 2172 1 sweetheart 1 DMY 3147 2173 1 sweetie 1 DMZ 3043 2174 1 sweetiepie 1 DNA 0 2175 1 sweetiest 1 DNB 0 2176 1 sweetums 1 DNC 0 2177 1 swim 1 DND 2976 2178 1 swimming 1 DNE 0 2179 1 swimsuit 1 DNF 2821 2180 1 swing 1 DNG 0 2181 1 swinging 1 DNH 0 2182 1 switch 1 DNJ 0 2183 1 swoosh 1 DNK 0 2184 1 syndrome 1 DNL 0 2185 1 system 1 DNM 2673 2186 1 t.l 1 DNN 2924 2187 1 tabitha 1 DNO 3033 2188 1 table 1 DNP 2662 2189 1 tag 1 DNQ 3126 2190 1 tail 1 DNR 0 2191 1 take 1 DNS 2864 2192 1 takes 1 DNT 0 2193 1 taking 1 DNU 3371 2194 1 talk 1 DNV 3333 2195 1 talking 1 DNW 0 2196 1 talks 1 DNX 3058 2197 1 tall 1 DNY 2648 2198 1 tambourine 1 DNZ 2579 2199 1 tank 1 DOA 0 2200 1 tantrum 1 DOB 2905 2201 1 tap 1 DOC 3244 2202 1 tape 1 DOD 0 2203 1 taped 1 DOE 3228 2204 1 tapioca 1 DOF 0 2205 1 tarts 1 DOG 3333 2206 1 taste 1 DOH 3029 2207 1 tastes 1 DOJ 0 2208 1 tasting 1 DOK 2892 2209 1 tasty 1 DOL 0 2210 1 tata 1 DOM 2766 2211 1 taters 1 DON 2735 2212 1 taught 1 DOO 2709 2213 1 taxi 1 DOP 0 2214 1 taz 1 DOQ 2882 2215 1 tea 1 DOR 0 2216 1 tear 1 DOS 2703 2217 1 tears 1 DOT 2714 2218 1 teddy 1 DOU 3324 2219 1 tee 1 DOV 0 2220 1 teeny 1 DOW 3385 2221 1 teenyweeny 1 DOX 3222 2222 1 teeth 1 DOY 0 2223 1 teethies 1 DOZ 2782 2224 1 teething 1 DPA 2978 2225 1 telephone 1 DPB 3281 2226 1 tell 1 DPC 0 2227 1 telling 1 DPD 2964 2228 1 ten 1 DPE 2641 2229 1 tennis 1 DPF 2607 2230 1 terrible 1 DPG 2642 2231 1 terry 1 DPH 0 2232 1 than 1 DPJ 3273 2233 1 thank 1 DPK 3118 2234 1 thankyou 1 DPL 2839 2235 1 that 1 DPM 2893 2236 1 the 1 DPN 0 2237 1 thee 1 DPO 3156 2238 1 their 1 DPP 2753 2239 1 them 1 DPQ 2622 2240 1 themselves 1 DPR 3070 2241 1 then 1 DPS 2872 2242 1 there 1 DPT 2870 2243 1 thermometer 1 DPU 2966 2244 1 these 1 DPV 3259 2245 1 they 1 DPW 2671 2246 1 thin 1 DPX 0 2247 1 thing 1 DPY 3389 2248 1 things 1 DPZ 3346 2249 1 think 1 DQA 0 2250 1 thinking 1 DQB 0 2251 1 thinks 1 DQC 0 2252 1 third 1 DQD 2748 2253 1 thirsty 1 DQE 0 2254 1 thirty 1 DQF 2839 2255 1 this 1 DQG 2966 2256 1 those 1 DQH 3150 2257 1 thought 1 DQJ 3085 2258 1 three 1 DQK 2739 2259 1 threw 1 DQL 3296 2260 1 through 1 DQM 3359 2261 1 throw 1 DQN 3184 2262 1 throwing 1 DQO 2650 2263 1 thumb 1 DQP 2609 2264 1 thy 1 DQQ 3386 2265 1 tickie 1 DQR 3205 2266 1 tickle 1 DQS 2740 2267 1 tickler 1 DQT 2735 2268 1 tickling 1 DQU 0 2269 1 ticks 1 DQV 0 2270 1 tiddywinkle 1 DQW 3034 2271 1 tie 1 DQX 2662 2272 1 tiger 1 DQY 2844 2273 1 tigger 1 DQZ 3206 2274 1 tim 1 DRA 2664 2275 1 timber 1 DRB 0 2276 1 time 1 DRC 0 2277 1 times 1 DRD 2894 2278 1 timmy 1 DRE 2784 2279 1 timothy 1 DRF 3206 2280 1 tims 1 DRG 0 2281 1 tinky winkle 1 1 DRH 2711 2282 1 tiny 1 DRJ 3190 2283 1 tipped 1 DRK 2667 2284 1 tippietoe 1 DRL 0 2285 1 tipping 1 DRM 2737 2286 1 tippy 1 DRN 2967 2287 1 tired 1 DRO 2626 2288 1 tissue 1 DRP 0 2289 1 to 1 DRQ 0 2290 1 toandfro 1 DRR 2810 2291 1 toast 1 DRS 3207 2292 1 today 1 DRT 3389 2293 1 toe 1 DRU 3370 2294 1 toes 1 DRV 3208 2295 1 together 1 DRW 2665 2296 1 toilet 1 DRX 3205 2297 1 told 1 DRY 0 2298 1 tom 1 DRZ 2627 2299 1 tomorrow 1 DSA 3122 2300 1 tongue 1 DSB 2905 2301 1 tonight 1 DSC 2717 2302 1 tons 1 DSD 3057 2303 1 too 1 DSE 0 2304 1 took 1 DSF 2772 2305 1 tool 1 DSG 0 2306 1 tooth 1 DSH 0 2307 1 toothbrush 1 DSJ 0 2308 1 toothie 1 DSK 2681 2309 1 tootsies 1 DSL 3307 2310 1 top 1 DSM 3332 2311 1 touch 1 DSN 2739 2312 1 touched 1 DSO 0 2313 1 touching 1 DSP 2980 2314 1 tough 1 DSQ 0 2315 1 toward 1 DSR 3227 2316 1 towel 1 DSS 0 2317 1 towels 1 DST 3236 2318 1 tower 1 DSU 2977 2319 1 towers 1 DSV 0 2320 1 town 1 DSW 3372 2321 1 toy 1 DSX 3334 2322 1 toys 1 DSY 0 2323 1 tracks 1 DSZ 0 2324 1 traffic 1 DTA 2648 2325 1 train 1 DTB 2742 2326 1 trash 1 DTC 2986 2327 1 tray 1 DTD 0 2328 1 treat 1 DTE 3104 2329 1 tree 1 DTF 3035 2330 1 trees 1 DTG 2917 2331 1 triangle 1 DTH 2923 2332 1 triangles 1 DTJ 3066 2333 1 trick 1 DTK 0 2334 1 tried 1 DTL 3234 2335 1 trip 1 DTM 2595 2336 1 trouble 1 DTN 3157 2337 1 truck 1 DTO 2840 2338 1 trucks 1 DTP 0 2339 1 truly 1 DTQ 3067 2340 1 trunk 1 DTR 3367 2341 1 trust 1 DTS 0 2342 1 truth 1 DTT 3389 2343 1 try 1 DTU 3333 2344 1 trying 1 DTV 0 2345 1 tug 1 DTW 0 2346 1 tumble 1 DTX 3209 2347 1 tummy 1 DTY 2854 2348 1 tuna 1 DTZ 3244 2349 1 turkey 1 DUA 3389 2350 1 turn 1 DUB 2972 2351 1 turned 1 DUC 3066 2352 1 turning 1 DUD 2752 2353 1 turtle 1 DUE 0 2354 1 tweet 1 DUF 0 2355 1 tweetie tweety 1 1 DUG 0 2356 1 twelve 1 DUH 2815 2357 1 twenty 1 DUJ 0 2358 1 twinkle 1 DUK 0 2359 1 twisting 1 DUL 3158 2360 1 two 1 DUM 2906 2361 1 ty 1 DUN 0 2362 1 typing 1 DUO 2906 2363 1 tyrese 1 DUP 2673 2364 1 u.l 1 DUQ 2708 2365 1 ugly 1 DUR 3244 2366 1 uh 1 DUS 3051 2367 1 uhoh 1 DUT 2888 2368 1 uhuh 1 DUU 3053 2369 1 um 1 DUV 2672 2370 1 umbrella 1 DUW 0 2371 1 uncle 1 DUX 0 2372 1 under 1 DUY 2724 2373 1 underarm 1 DUZ 2724 2374 1 underarms 1 DVA 0 2375 1 underneath 1 DVB 3246 2376 1 understand 1 DVC 2631 2377 1 underwear 1 DVD 2876 2378 1 undo 1 DVE 2671 2379 1 undone 1 DVF 2671 2380 1 unhappy 1 DVG 0 2381 1 unit 1 DVH 0 2382 1 unlock 1 DVJ 2980 2383 1 unpleasant 1 DVK 3333 2384 1 unplug 1 DVL 3251 2385 1 unsnap 1 DVM 2654 2386 1 unsnapped 1 DVN 2790 2387 1 unstrap 1 DVO 3389 2388 1 untie 1 DVP 0 2389 1 until 1 DVQ 3113 2390 1 unzip 1 DVR 2914 2391 1 unzipped 1 DVS 3008 2392 1 up 1 DVT 0 2393 1 upon 1 DVU 2646 2394 1 upset 1 DVV 2817 2395 1 upstairs 1 DVW 3274 2396 1 us 1 DVX 3389 2397 1 use 1 DVY 2801 2398 1 used 1 DVZ 0 2399 1 uses 1 DWA 3325 2400 1 usual 1 DWB 2811 2401 1 v.l 1 DWC 0 2402 1 vacation 1 DWD 3042 2403 1 vacuum 1 DWE 3066 2404 1 vas 1 DWF 0 2405 1 vegetable 1 DWG 2885 2406 1 vegetables 1 DWH 2852 2407 1 vehicle 1 DWJ 3137 2408 1 velcro 1 DWK 3202 2409 1 very 1 DWL 2904 2410 1 video 1 DWM 2661 2411 1 view 1 DWN 0 2412 1 violin 1 DWO 0 2413 1 virginia 1 DWP 2804 2414 1 visit 1 DWQ 2713 2415 1 vitamin 1 DWR 0 2416 1 voice 1 DWS 0 2417 1 vroom 1 DWT 0 2418 1 w.l 1 DWU 0 2419 1 wag 1 DWV 2671 2420 1 wahwahwah.si 1 DWW 3139 2421 1 wait 1 DWX 2628 2422 1 waiting 1 DWY 3244 2423 1 wake 1 DWZ 2812 2424 1 waking 1 DXA 3389 2425 1 walk 1 DXB 2925 2426 1 walker 1 DXC 2965 2427 1 walking 1 DXD 2675 2428 1 wall 1 DXE 2671 2429 1 wandering 1 DXF 0 2430 1 wanna 1 DXG 3389 2431 1 want 1 DXH 3314 2432 1 wanted 1 DXJ 0 2433 1 wanting 1 DXK 0 2434 1 wants 1 DXL 3124 2435 1 warm 1 DXM 0 2436 1 warmed 1 DXN 2812 2437 1 warming 1 DXO 3238 2438 1 warning 1 DXP 0 2439 1 warrior 1 DXQ 0 2440 1 was 1 DXR 0 2441 1 wash 1 DXS 2662 2442 1 washcloth 1 DXT 0 2443 1 washed 1 DXU 0 2444 1 washing 1 DXV 3254 2445 1 wasn't 1 DXW 0 2446 1 waste 1 DXX 2868 2447 1 wasting 1 DXY 3335 2448 1 watch 1 DXZ 0 2449 1 watches 1 DYA 3047 2450 1 watching 1 DYB 3276 2451 1 water 1 DYC 2786 2452 1 waterfall wheel 1 1 DYD 2884 2453 1 watermelon 1 DYE 2791 2454 1 wave 1 DYF 0 2455 1 waves 1 DYG 2891 2456 1 waving 1 DYH 3389 2457 1 way 1 DYJ 0 2458 1 ways 1 DYK 3093 2459 1 we 1 DYL 3218 2460 1 wear 1 DYM 0 2461 1 wearing 1 DYN 2861 2462 1 weather 1 DYO 0 2463 1 wee 1 DYP 3067 2464 1 weewee 1 DYQ 2722 2465 1 weewees 1 DYR 2718 2466 1 weird 1 DYS 3244 2467 1 well 1 DYT 0 2468 1 went 1 DYU 0 2469 1 were 1 DYV 0 2470 1 weren't 1 DYW 3048 2471 1 wet 1 DYX 3379 2472 1 what 1 DYY 3326 2473 1 whatcha 1 DYZ 3167 2474 1 whatever 1 DZA 0 2475 1 wheat 1 DZB 3131 2476 1 whee 1 DZC 0 2477 1 when 1 DZD 3347 2478 1 where 1 DZE 3007 2479 1 which 1 DZF 3308 2480 1 while 1 DZG 0 2481 1 whineyness 1 DZH 2671 2482 1 whiskers 1 DZJ 3245 2483 1 white 1 DZK 3244 2484 1 who 1 DZL 2794 2485 1 whoa 1 DZM 3365 2486 1 whole 1 DZN 0 2487 1 whom 1 DZO 2707 2488 1 whose 1 DZP 3244 2489 1 why 1 DZQ 3156 2490 1 wide 1 DZR 3370 2491 1 wiggle 1 DZS 0 2492 1 wiggles 1 DZT 0 2493 1 wild 1 DZU 3232 2494 1 will 1 DZV 3260 2495 1 win 1 DZW 0 2496 1 wind 1 DZX 2912 2497 1 window 1 DZY 0 2498 1 windows 1 DZZ 0 2499 1 windshield 1 EAA 2774 2500 1 windy 1 EAB 0 2501 1 winky 1 EAC 0 2502 1 winter 1 EAD 3384 2503 1 wipe 1 EAE 2793 2504 1 wipers 1 EAF 3335 2505 1 wipes 1 EAG 0 2506 1 wiping 1 EAH 3239 2507 1 wire 1 EAJ 0 2508 1 wires 1 EAK 0 2509 1 wish 1 EAL 0 2510 1 wishes 1 EAM 0 2511 1 with 1 EAN 0 2512 1 without 1 EAO 0 2513 1 woke 1 EAP 0 2514 1 woman 1 EAQ 3319 2515 1 won't 1 EAR 2986 2516 1 wonder 1 EAS 2762 2517 1 wonderful 1 EAT 2720 2518 1 wood 1 EAU 0 2519 1 wooly 1 EAV 3273 2520 1 woowoo 1 EAW 2765 2521 1 words 1 EAX 0 2522 1 wore 1 EAY 3138 2523 1 work 1 EAZ 0 2524 1 worked 1 EBA 2914 2525 1 working 1 EBB 3151 2526 1 workroom 1 EBC 0 2527 1 works 1 EBD 2674 2528 1 world 1 EBE 2941 2529 1 worry 1 EBF 2590 2530 1 worship 1 EBG 3387 2531 1 would 1 EBH 3368 2532 1 wouldn't 1 EBJ 2895 2533 1 wow 1 EBK 0 2534 1 wrap 1 EBL 2723 2535 1 wrapped 1 EBM 0 2536 1 wreck 1 EBN 2890 2537 1 write 1 EBO 2975 2538 1 writing 1 EBP 3244 2539 1 wrong 1 EBQ 0 2540 1 wuzzy 1 EBR 3025 2541 1 x.l 1 EBS 2670 2542 1 xylophone 1 EBT 2820 2543 1 y.l 1 EBU 3159 2544 1 ya 1 EBV 0 2545 1 yank 1 EBW 3064 2546 1 yard 1 EBX 2677 2547 1 yarn 1 EBY 2589 2548 1 yawn 1 EBZ 2671 2549 1 yawning 1 ECA 2926 2550 1 yay 1 ECB 3017 2551 1 yayayaya 1 ECC 2931 2552 1 yeah 1 ECD 2740 2553 1 yell 1 ECE 2617 2554 1 yelling 1 ECF 2916 2555 1 yellow 1 ECG 2664 2556 1 yep 1 ECH 2927 2557 1 yes 1 ECJ 3152 2558 1 yesterday 1 ECK 3092 2559 1 yet 1 ECL 2692 2560 1 yolk 1 ECM 3160 2561 1 you 1 ECN 2893 2562 1 your 1 ECO 2677 2563 1 yours 1 ECP 3020 2564 1 yourself 1 ECQ 0 2565 1 yuck 1 ECR 2664 2566 1 yucketyyuck 1 ECS 3142 2567 1 yucky 1 ECT 3132 2568 1 yum 1 ECU 2892 2569 1 yummy 1 ECV 2669 2570 1 yumyum 1 ECW 2710 2571 1 yup 1 ECX 2987 2572 1 z.l 1 ECY 2670 2573 1 zebra 1 ECZ 2983 2574 1 zero 1 EDA 3389 2575 1 zip 1 EDB 2654 2576 1 zipped 1 EDC 2841 2577 1 zipper 1 EDD 2712 2578 1 zoo 1 2674 2579 0.66 dishwasher tank 0 0 2745 2580 0.66 dyeisha fussies 0 0 2738 2581 0.66 gear hairbrush whale 0 0 0 2693 2582 0.66 glad sad 0 0 2691 2583 0.66 lovely muddy 0 0 2806 2584 0.66 drag joke rose snowman 0 0 0 0 2746 2585 0.66 awake fixable greasy gus raggedy rough shaving 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3062 2586 0.49 alive closer 0 0 2857 2587 0.49 angry gentle hammer heybie imposter shoeless upsa upsie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2810 2588 0.49 apricots cards complicated 0 0 0 2785 2589 0.49 belch ruffle yawn 0 0 0 2820 2590 0.49 benjamin butter daniel kelsey mayonnaise meme mustard poppy quilts sammy scamper slippery timone worship yaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2813 2591 0.49 bongos forever 0 0 2822 2592 0.49 bonked nodding 0 0 2809 2593 0.49 bowls latches others 0 0 0 2972 2594 0.49 breathing knocking landed 0 0 0 2811 2595 0.49 california price punishment trouble 0 0 0 0 0 2596 0.49 cartoon sign 0 0 2721 2597 0.49 chip pajamas 0 0 2822 2598 0.49 choking hitting scratched 0 0 0 3272 2599 0.49 dada's mickey's 0 0 2909 2600 0.49 dat draw letters live once poopies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2601 0.49 dead macaroni 0 0 2783 2602 0.49 didi.o suzie 0 0 2807 2603 0.49 died jingles matches 0 0 0 0 2604 0.49 do.si fa.si la.si mi.si re.si so.si ti.si 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3148 2605 0.49 dolphin peach pear strawberry 0 0 0 0 2901 2606 0.49 doors mothers riders 0 0 0 3145 2607 0.49 friday terrible 0 0 0 2608 0.49 gifts natural 0 0 2775 2609 0.49 glorify thy 0 0 3036 2610 0.49 gold scrumptious superman 0 0 0 2900 2611 0.49 goose ribbon 0 0 2823 2612 0.49 gotcha roar 0 0 2733 2613 0.49 hood jammies slipper suspenders 0 0 0 0 3228 2614 0.49 huff loosen 0 0 2823 2615 0.49 jacket shelf 0 0 2912 2616 0.49 lane road 0 0 3018 2617 0.49 late yelling 0 0 0 2618 0.49 lawn riding 0 0 2880 2619 0.49 leftie plane yoyo 0 0 0 0 2620 0.49 lever rockingchair 0 0 3252 2621 0.49 michael's rocker 0 0 0 2622 0.49 myself themselves 0 0 2985 2623 0.49 necessary possible 0 0 3302 2624 0.49 noisy pointy 0 0 2805 2625 0.49 peeyou peeyoustinky stomp 0 0 0 2803 2626 0.49 poopoo tissue 0 0 2817 2627 0.49 raisins tomorrow 0 0 3283 2628 0.49 reaching waiting 0 0 2808 2629 0.49 runny stuffy 0 0 3389 2630 0.49 sauce sleepies 0 0 2799 2631 0.49 sea underwear 0 0 3063 2632 0.49 started stopped 0 0 3334 2633 0.49 alice's dan's dapper lena's marie's tata's 0 0 0 0 0 0 2968 2634 0.49 alligator boomerang camera gears grass museum sweetest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3059 2635 0.49 apronstring earthquake oval s.l 0 0 0 0 2904 2636 0.49 alphabet barrette doghouse sandman 0 0 0 0 2913 2637 0.49 bounder dude outlets sips warmer 0 0 0 0 0 2914 2638 0.49 brave crabby frustrated squished 0 0 0 0 3037 2639 0.49 cakes donna genius 0 0 0 3209 2640 0.49 chubby circular cubby rub 0 0 0 0 3334 2641 0.49 cindy's party tennis 0 0 0 2961 2642 0.49 cooking families kittycats terry 0 0 0 0 2843 2643 0.49 bucket closet cupboard mug 0 0 0 0 2886 2644 0.49 darn doggone hasn't mark suddenly 0 0 0 0 0 3105 2645 0.49 david susie suzy toot 0 0 0 0 2879 2646 0.49 crud exactly farther glorified lawrence lazy lighter pretend renewed totally upset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2985 2647 0.49 flavored jello naptime 0 0 0 2795 2648 0.49 bow jeffrey's rug tambourine tapemeasure train 0 0 0 0 0 0 2883 2649 0.49 dumb gail's judy's snuggle 0 0 0 0 2853 2650 0.49 mailbox main thumb wrist 0 0 0 0 2905 2651 0.49 nearby poops squash 0 0 0 2749 2652 0.49 life obie q.l r.l 0 0 0 0 3040 2653 0.49 cars earth sewing silverware 0 0 0 0 3323 2654 0.49 snapped unsnapped zipped 0 0 0 2986 2655 0.49 agree ashy burped complaining decide exploded fussbucket leaning moved remembered resting stink twying 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3043 2656 0.49 annie's boboni booboonee hers phonics purpose siree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2976 2657 0.49 ahead alicia anywhere backwards bones chichi content disposition due dust exploring gigi grateful huge kiddo noah nowhere poles slurping squirming stacking tricky welcome 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2658 0.49 basement changing checkout crowd market park picnic sewingmachine swings training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2986 2659 0.49 bunnyrabbit candle cows lights squirrellies wheels 0 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2660 0.49 dizzy drops juices organized russell salsa sticky 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3065 2661 0.49 mush peace rubber springs view 0 0 0 0 0 2780 2662 0.49 backyard deal kitten screen streetlight suspender tag tiger washcloth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3038 2663 0.49 calm cart driveway register settle shopping upside 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 2664 0.49 crash hush jaylen shoot timber uhhuh whoopee yep yucketyyuck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3239 2665 0.49 desitin fishies gums sofa toilet 0 0 0 0 0 2831 2666 0.49 beginning deck dryer fence heater internet label piano step stereo treetop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3154 2667 0.49 anybody bob bumblebees faker fussy greece grunt listen mimi mistake mit.l muffin ohmygoodness papa share split tippietoe tupperware young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3229 2668 0.49 army bathtub bedroom carpet chimney chin dish fishbowl forest hall mattress middle pan parade refrigerator sidewalk slot tent toybox tub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3107 2669 0.49 augmentin boring busted drenched drumming ella grammy hiding hunkamunka jeffrey meeko ned nicole scott shining whitney yumyum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3097 2670 0.49 bummer chick fan furby halloween herself jumper k.l liz mommies moocow nono pacifier paint potholder rabbits rat scale shame tulip twister valentine vent xylophone zebra zipping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3309 2671 0.49 abc amusing angels arfarf asleep attached baebae beard begun below bogus boops.o boopsieboo bracelet breakable cardboard caves chill christopher cracker daisies dancing definitely dis dressing dueling dumbo empty faking fluffy free granny happening hardly hugs incredible independent jacks jeff jelly jill joey ketchup king kristin lalalalala lifesavers liquid lobster longest magic minnies moira nana nightnight october okeydokey overalls papou pesky pete pinto pooie poopsie poopsie^boo popular potato pumba rice ricky rosies rushing salad saucers scrub scurry seagulls sharp shy sleet snowing special splishysplashy steadfast suchi sunny thin ticklish tonga undone unhappy unique wahwahwah.si wandering weeweeweeweewee whiskers whispering wreath yawning zippers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3059 2672 0.39 owl umbrella 0 0 3015 2673 0.39 t.l u.l 0 0 2814 2674 0.39 corner dishwasher tank world 0 0 0 0 3067 2675 0.39 kite leash wall 0 0 0 2844 2676 0.37 candy squirrellie 0 0 2828 2677 0.37 yarn yours 0 0 3045 2678 0.35 anymore either 0 0 3320 2679 0.32 age clicking drinking 0 0 0 0 2680 0.32 attach smush 0 0 2986 2681 0.32 bedspread cheeks tootsie tootsies 0 0 0 0 2969 2682 0.32 binoculars space 0 0 2986 2683 0.32 boosh buddy 0 0 2814 2684 0.32 bottom sides 0 0 2813 2685 0.32 bucky instead 0 0 2840 2686 0.32 bunnies often 0 0 0 2687 0.32 captain crunch 0 0 2781 2688 0.32 choose picked 0 0 2954 2689 0.32 comfortable staying 0 0 0 2690 0.32 commander edge 0 0 2914 2691 0.32 conversation frozen lovely muddy neato spaghetti technical whiney 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3230 2692 0.32 cross yolk 0 0 3108 2693 0.32 cups glad sad 0 0 0 2863 2694 0.32 deny lose 0 0 2896 2695 0.32 detergent ma'am oranges outlet touchie 0 0 0 0 0 2845 2696 0.32 dressed sick 0 0 3054 2697 0.32 earring fault opinion 0 0 0 2823 2698 0.32 eleven pumpkins restrained 0 0 0 3016 2699 0.32 experience grief 0 0 2752 2700 0.32 facecloth giraffe plate 0 0 0 3054 2701 0.32 fishes papers 0 0 0 2702 0.32 fixing starving 0 0 2913 2703 0.32 garbage tears 0 0 2914 2704 0.32 generous handsome 0 0 3389 2705 0.32 hate paused 0 0 2979 2706 0.32 helped kissed 0 0 3034 2707 0.32 kay's whose 0 0 2838 2708 0.32 low ugly 0 0 3353 2709 0.32 newspaper taxi 0 0 2895 2710 0.32 nope yup 0 0 3108 2711 0.32 nosed tiny 0 0 2887 2712 0.32 ocean zoo 0 0 2820 2713 0.32 onion vitamin 0 0 3175 2714 0.32 panda teddy 0 0 2896 2715 0.32 pickles seed 0 0 2970 2716 0.32 pillows rosey 0 0 2914 2717 0.32 plenty tons 0 0 2914 2718 0.32 precious weird 0 0 3124 2719 0.32 raspberry recording 0 0 2974 2720 0.32 reindeer wood 0 0 2796 2721 0.32 chip pajamas scoot 0 0 0 2800 2722 0.32 sounds weewees 0 0 2914 2723 0.32 spinning wrapped 0 0 2821 2724 0.32 underarm underarms 0 0 2842 2725 0.32 bert ernie kittykitty locks 0 0 0 0 3161 2726 0.32 bigger bouncy polkadot 0 0 0 3118 2727 0.32 da flopsy popeye 0 0 0 3320 2728 0.32 enjoying licking ripping 0 0 0 0 2729 0.32 faces pancakes squashies 0 0 0 3327 2730 0.32 fake nummy pokie 0 0 0 2898 2731 0.32 goodness grace heavens neighbors shield 0 0 0 0 0 3261 2732 0.32 heat pages radio 0 0 0 2798 2733 0.32 hood jammies kitties slipper snaps suspenders 0 0 0 0 0 0 3042 2734 0.32 loudie machine penguin 0 0 0 2911 2735 0.32 saved taught tickling 0 0 0 3099 2736 0.32 guys sandals slippers sockie 0 0 0 0 2919 2737 0.32 allen brittney drooling frosty nan tippy 0 0 0 0 0 0 3169 2738 0.32 blankie boat fishie flower gear hairbrush lamb lion whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3180 2739 0.32 opened reached ripped scraping shook threw touched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3245 2740 0.32 pointing purple round spud squirmy tickler yell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3062 2741 0.3 alice gail 0 0 3064 2742 0.28 ark trash 0 0 2767 2743 0.28 balloon crayon 0 0 2760 2744 0.28 butterfly duck 0 0 2894 2745 0.28 digby dyeisha fussies 0 0 0 3053 2746 0.28 awake eight fixable greasy gus raggedy rough shaving 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3057 2747 0.28 forward somewhere 0 0 3091 2748 0.28 hungry thirsty 0 0 3022 2749 0.28 l.l life obie q.l r.l 0 0 0 0 0 3067 2750 0.28 plant string 0 0 3191 2751 0.28 mamama mine ringing 0 0 0 2841 2752 0.28 coaster facecloth giraffe plate rooster turtle 0 0 0 0 0 0 2789 2753 0.26 him them 0 0 3055 2754 0.26 a.l b.l c.l 0 0 0 3103 2755 0.24 attacked greedy 0 0 3065 2756 0.24 babbling crawling 0 0 3095 2757 0.24 backing stood 0 0 3064 2758 0.24 barney soup 0 0 2909 2759 0.24 believe complain 0 0 3026 2760 0.24 block butterfly duck 0 0 0 3262 2761 0.24 booboon grandpa 0 0 3060 2762 0.24 brand popup wonderful 0 0 0 3066 2763 0.24 broke rattles 0 0 0 2764 0.24 brushing combing 0 0 2974 2765 0.24 cats words 0 0 2959 2766 0.24 cheerios taters 0 0 2982 2767 0.24 balloon clock crayon 0 0 0 3389 2768 0.24 counting lying 0 0 2969 2769 0.24 crackers hens silver 0 0 0 2903 2770 0.24 cranky judy 0 0 2986 2771 0.24 cutie fusser 0 0 3039 2772 0.24 drill rule tool 0 0 0 0 2773 0.24 duckies inches 0 0 2985 2774 0.24 dusty windy 0 0 0 2775 0.24 family glorify thy 0 0 0 2968 2776 0.24 farmer squeaker 0 0 2962 2777 0.24 feeling sucking 0 0 3311 2778 0.24 frilly plants 0 0 2970 2779 0.24 front patio 0 0 3064 2780 0.24 backyard deal glass kitten screen streetlight suspender tag tiger washcloth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3363 2781 0.24 choose hurry picked 0 0 0 3058 2782 0.24 invent teething 0 0 3389 2783 0.24 didi.o itch suzie 0 0 0 3066 2784 0.24 jesse timothy 0 0 3031 2785 0.24 belch leaf ruffle yawn 0 0 0 0 3038 2786 0.24 line waterfall wheel 0 0 0 3058 2787 0.24 macaroniandcheese sneakers 0 0 3048 2788 0.24 marco soft 0 0 3127 2789 0.24 him me them 0 0 0 3386 2790 0.24 miss unstrap 0 0 3389 2791 0.24 mkay wave 0 0 2955 2792 0.24 ok swallow yucka 0 0 0 2901 2793 0.24 opposite wipers 0 0 2906 2794 0.24 otherwise whoa 0 0 3039 2795 0.24 bow jeffrey's outfit rug tambourine tapemeasure train 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3072 2796 0.24 chip pajamas pamper scoot 0 0 0 0 3065 2797 0.24 pinching screaming 0 0 2862 2798 0.24 hood jammies kitties roses slipper snaps suspenders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3297 2799 0.24 sea seal underwear 0 0 0 3115 2800 0.24 seem sounds weewees 0 0 0 0 2801 0.24 seems used 0 0 3368 2802 0.24 shakes squeaks 0 0 3030 2803 0.24 poopoo shape tissue 0 0 0 2987 2804 0.24 sleeper visit 0 0 3066 2805 0.24 peeyou peeyoustinky small stomp 0 0 0 0 2837 2806 0.24 drag joke rose snowman squirrel 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2807 0.24 died jingles matches sticks 0 0 0 0 0 2808 0.24 runny stuffed stuffy 0 0 0 3065 2809 0.24 bowls latches others sunglasses 0 0 0 0 3060 2810 0.24 apricots cards complicated toast 0 0 0 0 2991 2811 0.24 california price punishment trouble v.l 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2812 0.24 waking warming 0 0 2963 2813 0.24 bongos bucky forever instead 0 0 0 0 2912 2814 0.24 bottom corner dishwasher sides tank world 0 0 0 0 0 0 3316 2815 0.24 babe munchkin twenty 0 0 0 3117 2816 0.24 battery curtain stomach 0 0 0 3056 2817 0.24 dinner raisins tomorrow upstairs 0 0 0 0 3074 2818 0.24 gum smoke sunshine 0 0 0 2925 2819 0.24 spout steps street 0 0 0 3244 2820 0.24 benjamin butter daniel kelsey mayonnaise meme mustard onion poppy quilts sammy scamper slippery timone vitamin worship y.l yaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2936 2821 0.24 belly brother swing underarm underarms 0 0 0 0 0 3263 2822 0.24 bonked bumped choking hitting ignoring leaving nodding scratched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3111 2823 0.24 eleven gotcha jacket pumpkins restrained roar shelf shoelaces 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3244 2824 0.24 alone butterflies certainly holy kittens losing peas ravens tiggers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3009 2825 0.22 annie crayons 0 0 3131 2826 0.22 boom byebyes 0 0 3243 2827 0.22 busy smart 0 0 3045 2828 0.22 chance yarn yours 0 0 0 3335 2829 0.22 computer drums 0 0 3228 2830 0.22 corn rain 0 0 3033 2831 0.22 beginning couch deck dryer fence heater internet label piano step stereo treetop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3125 2832 0.22 favorite square 0 0 3035 2833 0.22 fine puppies 0 0 2928 2834 0.22 full mad 0 0 3215 2835 0.22 gate m.l 0 0 3168 2836 0.22 hole mirror 0 0 2978 2837 0.22 drag joke mouse rose snowman squirrel 0 0 0 0 0 0 3028 2838 0.22 low stinky ugly 0 0 0 3127 2839 0.22 that this 0 0 2988 2840 0.22 bunnies often trucks 0 0 0 3004 2841 0.22 coaster facecloth giraffe plate rooster turtle zipper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2928 2842 0.22 alright bert ernie everywhere kittykitty locks 0 0 0 0 0 0 3168 2843 0.22 bucket closet cupboard mug puppet seat 0 0 0 0 0 0 3245 2844 0.22 angelica candy moving squirrellie tigger 0 0 0 0 0 3055 2845 0.22 brisco dressed e.l f.l kittycat sick 0 0 0 0 0 0 2927 2846 0.2 ah maybe 0 0 3056 2847 0.2 amelia clapping 0 0 3328 2848 0.2 answering messy 0 0 3037 2849 0.2 balooga bop 0 0 3162 2850 0.2 barking building 0 0 3227 2851 0.2 bibbie couple 0 0 3170 2852 0.2 birdie vehicle 0 0 3130 2853 0.2 birthday mailbox main thumb wrist 0 0 0 0 0 3389 2854 0.2 black tuna 0 0 3041 2855 0.2 blowing missing 0 0 3236 2856 0.2 bo moose 0 0 2981 2857 0.2 angry booger gentle hammer heybie imposter shoeless upsa upsie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3161 2858 0.2 bounce quiver 0 0 3315 2859 0.2 card person 0 0 3164 2860 0.2 controller ladder 0 0 3032 2861 0.2 dirt weather 0 0 3133 2862 0.2 doggies hood jammies kitties roses slipper snaps suspenders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3186 2863 0.2 deny drop lose 0 0 0 3389 2864 0.2 eats takes 0 0 3229 2865 0.2 exersaucer stroller 0 0 3170 2866 0.2 fight rush 0 0 3264 2867 0.2 fixed set 0 0 3162 2868 0.2 following wasting 0 0 3204 2869 0.2 footie pictures 0 0 2946 2870 0.2 ground thermometer 0 0 2950 2871 0.2 h.l n.l 0 0 3128 2872 0.2 here there 0 0 3054 2873 0.2 highchair lip 0 0 3084 2874 0.2 last next 0 0 3219 2875 0.2 listening starting 0 0 3321 2876 0.2 lock undo 0 0 3024 2877 0.2 messing obsessed 0 0 3170 2878 0.2 mixed oatmeal 0 0 3109 2879 0.2 crud exactly farther glorified lawrence lazy lighter mooshas pretend renewed totally upset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3328 2880 0.2 leftie motorcycle plane yoyo 0 0 0 0 2926 2881 0.2 mount oopsie 0 0 3126 2882 0.2 noodles tea 0 0 3130 2883 0.2 dumb gail's judy's peter snuggle 0 0 0 0 0 3187 2884 0.2 piglet watermelon 0 0 3245 2885 0.2 pinch vegetables 0 0 3199 2886 0.2 darn doggone hasn't mark poke suddenly 0 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2887 0.2 ocean pool zoo 0 0 0 3244 2888 0.2 probably uhuh 0 0 3244 2889 0.2 recorder stupid 0 0 3101 2890 0.2 rock write 0 0 3094 2891 0.2 singing waving 0 0 3334 2892 0.2 tasty yummy 0 0 2932 2893 0.2 the your 0 0 2924 2894 0.2 digby dyeisha fussies timmy 0 0 0 0 2973 2895 0.2 nope wow yup 0 0 0 3231 2896 0.2 detergent ma'am oranges outlet pickles seed touchie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3354 2897 0.2 belt schoolhouse sucker 0 0 0 3126 2898 0.2 boobie goodness grace heavens neighbors pumpkin shield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2899 0.2 built cleaned lined 0 0 0 3104 2900 0.2 dinosaur goldfish goose ribbon 0 0 0 0 3261 2901 0.2 doors drawer mothers opposite riders wipers 0 0 0 0 0 0 3242 2902 0.2 desk onsie purse sweatshirt wife 0 0 0 0 0 3136 2903 0.2 cranky judy paul pooh 0 0 0 0 3329 2904 0.2 alphabet barrette bone doghouse plastic sandman video 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3337 2905 0.2 bears nearby poops squash tap tonight 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 2906 0.2 ever otherwise ty tyrese whoa 0 0 0 0 0 3215 2907 0.2 air breeze christmas lemon pot 0 0 0 0 0 3130 2908 0.2 antibiotic raincoat sleeve sweater 0 0 0 0 3332 2909 0.2 believe care complain dat draw letters live once pattycake poopies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3157 2910 0.2 cheerio crane didey grate helper pillow 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 2911 0.2 falling laying saved scratching sticking taught tickling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3210 2912 0.2 bottom corner dishwasher lane river road sides stairs tank window world 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3334 2913 0.2 bounder dude garbage girls humpty lettuce outlets pickle scissors sips spoons strings tears warmer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3334 2914 0.2 alrightie awful brave cake conversation crabby duckie exciting frozen frustrated generous handsome interesting jar lovely muddy neato oats plenty pocket precious spaghetti spinning squished technical tons unzipped weird whiney working wrapped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 2915 0.18 almost never 0 0 3089 2916 0.18 blue yellow 0 0 3125 2917 0.18 circle triangle 0 0 2956 2918 0.18 crying great 0 0 3005 2919 0.18 allen brittney dada drooling frosty nan tippy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3129 2920 0.18 dog doggie 0 0 3096 2921 0.18 dolly elephant 0 0 3220 2922 0.18 his my 0 0 3120 2923 0.18 meat triangles 0 0 3052 2924 0.18 digby dyeisha fussies tabitha timmy 0 0 0 0 0 3326 2925 0.18 spout steps street walker 0 0 0 0 3051 2926 0.18 mount oopsie yay 0 0 0 3110 2927 0.18 ah maybe yes 0 0 0 2967 2928 0.18 alright bert ernie everywhere full kittykitty locks mad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3011 2929 0.18 cute dirty silly 0 0 0 3114 2930 0.18 fat flying jumping 0 0 0 3128 2931 0.18 oh okay yeah 0 0 0 3220 2932 0.16 a the your 0 0 0 3275 2933 0.16 always ma 0 0 3036 2934 0.16 apples peanuts 0 0 3061 2935 0.16 best decibels softest 0 0 0 3242 2936 0.16 belly bike brother swing underarm underarms 0 0 0 0 0 0 3231 2937 0.16 careful fascinated steady 0 0 0 3265 2938 0.16 circles rover 0 0 3231 2939 0.16 cranberry fruit slopping 0 0 0 3334 2940 0.16 crazy heavy 0 0 3260 2941 0.16 cry worry 0 0 3229 2942 0.16 cushions kitchen 0 0 3006 2943 0.16 diapers pepsi 0 0 3056 2944 0.16 direction lena 0 0 3321 2945 0.16 figure pop 0 0 3163 2946 0.16 floor ground thermometer 0 0 0 3090 2947 0.16 fly match 0 0 3120 2948 0.16 groceries lotion 0 0 3333 2949 0.16 he she 0 0 3055 2950 0.16 h.l i.l n.l 0 0 0 3159 2951 0.16 jacob miranda 0 0 3290 2952 0.16 knows lives 0 0 3245 2953 0.16 laundry sheets 0 0 3188 2954 0.16 comfortable marie staying 0 0 0 3245 2955 0.16 mix ok swallow yucka 0 0 0 0 3219 2956 0.16 crying great moomooshas 0 0 0 3239 2957 0.16 neck supper 0 0 3245 2958 0.16 nipple pile 0 0 3222 2959 0.16 cheerios peaches taters 0 0 0 3244 2960 0.16 plain strange 0 0 3223 2961 0.16 cooking families kittycats powder terry 0 0 0 0 0 3239 2962 0.16 feeling recognize sucking 0 0 0 3166 2963 0.16 bongos bucky forever instead sort 0 0 0 0 0 3102 2964 0.16 striped ten 0 0 3107 2965 0.16 stuck walking 0 0 3203 2966 0.16 these those 0 0 3243 2967 0.16 alright bert ernie everywhere full kittykitty locks mad tired 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3100 2968 0.16 alligator boomerang camera farmer gears grass museum squeaker sweetest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3198 2969 0.16 binoculars crackers hens silver space 0 0 0 0 0 3200 2970 0.16 front patio pillows rosey 0 0 0 0 3062 2971 0.16 apart baths faster 0 0 0 3329 2972 0.16 bang breathing knocking landed turned 0 0 0 0 0 3335 2973 0.16 bless excuse nope wow yup 0 0 0 0 0 3165 2974 0.16 cats chairs reindeer wood words 0 0 0 0 0 3360 2975 0.16 climbing finding writing 0 0 0 3245 2976 0.16 ahead alicia anywhere backwards bones chichi content dakota disposition due dust exploring gigi grateful huge kiddo noah nowhere poles slurping squirming stacking swimming tricky welcome 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3278 2977 0.16 dogs kids towers 0 0 0 3240 2978 0.16 drag dragon joke mouse rose snowman squirrel telephone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3303 2979 0.16 heard helped kissed promise 0 0 0 0 3334 2980 0.16 important mushy tough unpleasant 0 0 0 0 3325 2981 0.16 angry booger gentle hammer heybie imposter its poor shoeless upsa upsie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3129 2982 0.16 balloon chair clock crayon cup rabbit 0 0 0 0 0 0 3294 2983 0.16 automatic press sleep zero 0 0 0 0 3163 2984 0.16 bridge gorilla hills moon place 0 0 0 0 0 3243 2985 0.16 dusty fair flavored hot jello naptime necessary possible windy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 2986 0.16 agree ashy beads bedspread boosh buddy bunnyrabbit burped candle cheeks chickies complaining cows cutie decide dress exploded fire fussbucket fusser leaning learn lights moved remembered resting scratchy smiley squirrellies stink tootsie tootsies tray twying wheels wonder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3370 2987 0.16 cool father pepe shoulders sleeper sometimes visit z.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3335 2988 0.14 abcs bunnies often trucks 0 0 0 0 3245 2989 0.14 ate caught 0 0 3110 2990 0.14 aw hey 0 0 3265 2991 0.14 bags california price punishment trouble v.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 3309 2992 0.14 bat glasses 0 0 3210 2993 0.14 bathroom cage 0 0 3195 2994 0.14 bed house 0 0 3330 2995 0.14 bingo everybody lydia momma 0 0 0 0 3329 2996 0.14 binkie strap 0 0 3335 2997 0.14 boogie p.l 0 0 3211 2998 0.14 bottle car 0 0 3111 2999 0.14 carrots cheese 0 0 3105 3000 0.14 cheeto fido 0 0 3169 3001 0.14 chickie horsie 0 0 3329 3002 0.14 click spread 0 0 3126 3003 0.14 coffee measuring 0 0 3216 3004 0.14 coaster cow facecloth giraffe plate rooster turtle zipper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3121 3005 0.14 allen brittney dada daddy drooling frosty nan tippy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3183 3006 0.14 diapers diapie pepsi 0 0 0 3301 3007 0.14 different which 0 0 3224 3008 0.14 down up 0 0 3230 3009 0.14 annie crayons eggs 0 0 0 3263 3010 0.14 excited far 0 0 3243 3011 0.14 cute dirty funny silly 0 0 0 0 3333 3012 0.14 gone sorry 0 0 3243 3013 0.14 good nice 0 0 3322 3014 0.14 ice sour 0 0 3212 3015 0.14 j.l t.l u.l 0 0 0 3236 3016 0.14 experience grief job 0 0 0 3244 3017 0.14 kinda yayayaya 0 0 3255 3018 0.14 late laughing yelling 0 0 0 3237 3019 0.14 matter problem 0 0 3274 3020 0.14 max yourself 0 0 3322 3021 0.14 nothing sewn 0 0 3335 3022 0.14 l.l life o.l obie q.l r.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 3129 3023 0.14 phone spoon 0 0 3333 3024 0.14 messing obsessed playing 0 0 0 3335 3025 0.14 pokemon x.l 0 0 3129 3026 0.14 block butterfly duck puppy 0 0 0 0 3308 3027 0.14 reason ride 0 0 3080 3028 0.14 low slow stinky ugly 0 0 0 0 3275 3029 0.14 smells tastes 0 0 3227 3030 0.14 poopoo shape snack tissue 0 0 0 0 3201 3031 0.14 belch leaf ruffle sneeze yawn 0 0 0 0 0 3237 3032 0.14 dirt sun weather 0 0 0 3307 3033 0.14 beginning couch deck dryer fence heater internet label piano step stereo table treetop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3334 3034 0.14 kay's tie whose 0 0 0 3140 3035 0.14 fine puppies trees 0 0 0 3335 3036 0.14 apples gold peanuts scrumptious superman 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3037 0.14 balooga bop cakes donna genius 0 0 0 0 0 3193 3038 0.14 calm cart driveway line register settle shopping upside waterfall wheel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3223 3039 0.14 bow drill jeffrey's outfit rug rule tambourine tapemeasure tool train 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3365 3040 0.14 birds cars earth sewing silverware sugar 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3041 0.14 biting blowing missing standing 0 0 0 0 3235 3042 0.14 blanket loudie machine penguin vacuum 0 0 0 0 0 3266 3043 0.14 annie's boboni booboonee boobooneen hers phonics purpose siree sweetiepie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3247 3044 0.14 cord lots rid 0 0 0 3245 3045 0.14 anymore chance either elmo yarn yours 0 0 0 0 0 0 3322 3046 0.14 facing himself ourself scooby 0 0 0 0 3320 3047 0.14 feeding helping watching 0 0 0 3389 3048 0.14 fuzzy marco soft wet 0 0 0 0 3389 3049 0.14 kit sink sky 0 0 0 3327 3050 0.14 knees pour short 0 0 0 3335 3051 0.14 lookee mount oopsie uhoh yay 0 0 0 0 0 3121 3052 0.14 digby dyeisha fussies mama morgan tabitha timmy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3369 3053 0.14 alexander awake eight fixable greasy gus raggedy rough shaving sleeping um 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3345 3054 0.14 earring fault fishes highchair lip opinion papers son 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3212 3055 0.14 a.l b.l brisco c.l dressed e.l f.l h.l i.l kittycat n.l sick 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3245 3056 0.14 amelia clapping dinner direction lena outside raisins tomorrow upstairs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3127 3057 0.14 again away forward somewhere too 0 0 0 0 0 3325 3058 0.14 ants invent kissing macaroniandcheese sneakers tall teething 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3267 3059 0.14 apple apronstring earthquake orange oval owl s.l umbrella 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3060 0.14 apricots brand broken cards complicated popup sip soda toast wonderful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3061 0.14 already best clown decibels end only softest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3245 3062 0.14 alice alive apart baths closer faster gail kay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3250 3063 0.14 died dizzy drops jingles juices matches organized ran russell salsa started sticks sticky stopped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3235 3064 0.14 ark backyard barney bus deal glass kitten lid roof screen snow soup streetlight suspender tag tiger trash washcloth yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3065 0.14 babbling bowls course crawling latches mush others peace pinching rubber screaming shapes springs sunglasses view 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3066 0.14 broke jesse maggie moo peeyou peeyoustinky rattles small stomp timothy trick turning vas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3293 3067 0.14 buckle cough kite leash pack plant sec second spying string trunk wall weewee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3324 3068 0.12 arches heels peg 0 0 0 3310 3069 0.12 attention pocketbook 0 0 3244 3070 0.12 because then 0 0 3241 3071 0.12 boots eye 0 0 3326 3072 0.12 booty chip pajamas pamper scoot 0 0 0 0 0 3171 3073 0.12 boy girl 0 0 3334 3074 0.12 bread gum smoke sunshine 0 0 0 0 3146 3075 0.12 break rip 0 0 3306 3076 0.12 brooklyn hollering 0 0 3248 3077 0.12 butt medicine 0 0 3232 3078 0.12 can can't 0 0 3264 3079 0.12 ducks money 0 0 3328 3080 0.12 fast low slow stinky ugly 0 0 0 0 0 3289 3081 0.12 figs leaves 0 0 0 3082 0.12 finally ow 0 0 3241 3083 0.12 finger fingers 0 0 3208 3084 0.12 first last next 0 0 0 3158 3085 0.12 four three 0 0 3389 3086 0.12 friend strength 0 0 3221 3087 0.12 froggie patrick 0 0 3389 3088 0.12 gift sandwich 0 0 3335 3089 0.12 blue green yellow 0 0 0 3179 3090 0.12 fly happen match 0 0 0 3243 3091 0.12 happy hungry thirsty 0 0 0 3207 3092 0.12 home yet 0 0 3160 3093 0.12 i we 0 0 3243 3094 0.12 laugh singing waving 0 0 0 3305 3095 0.12 backing lift stood 0 0 0 3153 3096 0.12 dolly elephant microphone 0 0 0 3141 3097 0.12 bummer chick fan furby halloween herself jumper k.l liz mommies moocow movie nono pacifier paint potholder rabbits rat scale shame tulip twister valentine vent xylophone zebra zipping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3366 3098 0.12 opening skipped 0 0 3330 3099 0.12 guys own sandals slippers sockie 0 0 0 0 0 3242 3100 0.12 alligator boomerang camera farmer gears grass museum piggy squeaker sweetest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3330 3101 0.12 rock school write 0 0 0 3334 3102 0.12 seven striped ten 0 0 0 3300 3103 0.12 attacked greedy strong 0 0 0 3168 3104 0.12 dinosaur goldfish goose ribbon tree 0 0 0 0 0 3192 3105 0.12 cheeto david fido susie suzy toot 0 0 0 0 0 0 3361 3106 0.12 basement changing checkout crowd market ocean park picnic pool sewingmachine swings training zoo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3181 3107 0.12 augmentin boring busted drenched drumming ella grammy hiding hunkamunka jeffrey meeko ned nicole scott shining stuck walking whitney yumyum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3108 0.12 cups glad nosed sad tiny 0 0 0 0 0 3256 3109 0.12 crud exactly farther glorified lawrence lazy lighter mooshas pretend renewed totally upset waking warming 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3244 3110 0.12 ah aw hey maybe yes 0 0 0 0 0 3299 3111 0.12 applesauce carrots cheese eleven gotcha jacket pumpkins restrained roar shelf shoelaces 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3245 3112 0.12 beautiful dididi.o gorgeous 0 0 0 3334 3113 0.12 catch forget unzip 0 0 0 3245 3114 0.12 dry fat flying jumping red 0 0 0 0 0 3388 3115 0.12 easier feels seem sounds weewees 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3116 0.12 else happens opens 0 0 0 3389 3117 0.12 battery curtain heart mike stomach 0 0 0 0 0 3262 3118 0.12 da flopsy hi popeye thankyou 0 0 0 0 0 3221 3119 0.12 inchworm shena someone 0 0 0 3334 3120 0.12 groceries keys list lotion meat triangles 0 0 0 0 0 0 3268 3121 0.12 allen brittney dada daddy digby drooling dyeisha frosty fussies mama mommy morgan nan tabitha timmy tippy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3211 3122 0.12 name nose tongue 0 0 0 3233 3123 0.12 noodle paul's popsicle 0 0 0 3355 3124 0.12 loud quiet raspberry recording warm 0 0 0 0 0 3372 3125 0.12 circle favorite room square triangle 0 0 0 0 0 3276 3126 0.12 boobie coffee dollie goodness grace heavens measuring neighbors noodles pumpkin shield tail tea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3213 3127 0.12 again away forward him it me somewhere that them this too 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3213 3128 0.12 here no now oh okay say there yeah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3174 3129 0.12 ball balloon block bunny butterfly chair clock crayon cup dog doggie duck kitty phone puppy rabbit spoon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3372 3130 0.12 animal antibiotic birthday dumb gail's judy's letter mailbox main number peter picture puppydog raincoat sleeve snuggle sweater thumb wrist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3131 0.12 basketball boom bump bumpity byebyes freddy peekaboo sneaky soon whee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3352 3132 0.11 banana yum 0 0 3217 3133 0.11 books doggies hood jammies kitties roses slipper snaps suspenders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3216 3134 0.11 brush comb 0 0 3335 3135 0.11 children same 0 0 3333 3136 0.11 cindy cranky judy paul pooh 0 0 0 0 0 3230 3137 0.11 cover velcro 0 0 3344 3138 0.11 dance work 0 0 3380 3139 0.11 dear wait 0 0 3244 3140 0.11 doggy fine puppies trees 0 0 0 0 3351 3141 0.11 bummer chick drum fan furby halloween herself jumper k.l liz mommies moocow movie nono pacifier paint potholder rabbits rat scale shame tulip twister valentine vent xylophone zebra zipping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3269 3142 0.11 ew yucky 0 0 3375 3143 0.11 exists means word 0 0 0 3335 3144 0.11 farm nap 0 0 3335 3145 0.11 finished friday terrible 0 0 0 3312 3146 0.11 break grab rip 0 0 0 3266 3147 0.11 honey sweetie 0 0 3335 3148 0.11 dolphin horse peach pear strawberry 0 0 0 0 0 3259 3149 0.11 just let's 0 0 3389 3150 0.11 knew thought 0 0 3241 3151 0.11 lap workroom 0 0 3349 3152 0.11 later yesterday 0 0 3240 3153 0.11 dolly elephant microphone page 0 0 0 0 3233 3154 0.11 anybody bob bumblebees faker fussy greece grunt listen mimi mistake mit.l muffin ohmygoodness papa pig share split tippietoe tupperware young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3155 0.11 rolled sat 0 0 3384 3156 0.11 their wide 0 0 3233 3157 0.11 cheerio crane didey grate helper pillow truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3185 3158 0.11 four three two 0 0 0 3194 3159 0.11 jacob miranda ya 0 0 0 3277 3160 0.11 i we you 0 0 0 3304 3161 0.11 bigger bounce bouncy polkadot quiver 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3162 0.11 barking building following wasting 0 0 0 0 3335 3163 0.11 bridge floor gorilla ground hills moon place thermometer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3334 3164 0.11 breakfast coat controller dishes ladder 0 0 0 0 0 3217 3165 0.11 cats chairs fish flowers reindeer wood words 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3338 3166 0.11 bongos bucky forever instead nobody none sort 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3167 0.11 crash hush jaylen oops shoot timber uhhuh whatever whoopee yep yucketyyuck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3240 3168 0.11 bag bucket closet cupboard dinosaur goldfish goose hole mirror mug puppet ribbon seat tree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3240 3169 0.11 blankie boat chickie doll fishie flower gear hairbrush horsie lamb lion ring whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3170 0.11 birdie fight fuss mixed oatmeal rush vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3279 3171 0.09 baby boy girl 0 0 0 3389 3172 0.09 bath minute 0 0 0 3173 0.09 belong fit 0 0 3279 3174 0.09 ball balloon block book bunny butterfly chair clock crayon cup dog doggie duck kitty phone puppy rabbit spoon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3323 3175 0.09 brown panda teddy 0 0 0 3319 3176 0.09 cannot may 0 0 0 3177 0.09 chewing pulling 0 0 3334 3178 0.09 control noises 0 0 3332 3179 0.09 crawl fly happen match 0 0 0 0 3366 3180 0.09 discovered opened reached ripped scraping shook threw touched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3181 0.09 augmentin boring busted done drenched drumming ella grammy hiding hunkamunka jeffrey meeko ned nicole scott shining stuck walking whitney yumyum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3267 3182 0.09 ears squirrels 0 0 3389 3183 0.09 diapers diapie friends pepsi 0 0 0 0 3389 3184 0.09 fussing throwing 0 0 3270 3185 0.09 four her three two 0 0 0 0 3359 3186 0.09 deny drop hit lose 0 0 0 0 3360 3187 0.09 hopping piglet watermelon 0 0 0 3318 3188 0.09 comfortable jesus marie staying 0 0 0 0 3315 3189 0.09 kind pair 0 0 3377 3190 0.09 knocked tipped 0 0 3310 3191 0.09 legs mamama mine ringing 0 0 0 0 3335 3192 0.09 cheeto david fido letting susie suzy toot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3193 0.09 calm cart driveway lie line register settle shopping upside waterfall wheel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3271 3194 0.09 jacob miranda morgie ya 0 0 0 0 3279 3195 0.09 bed house mouth 0 0 0 3334 3196 0.09 music rings 0 0 3375 3197 0.09 op.c start 0 0 3362 3198 0.09 binoculars crackers hens pears silver space 0 0 0 0 0 0 3357 3199 0.09 darn doggone hasn't mark poke roll suddenly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3386 3200 0.09 front patio pillows rosey six 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3201 0.09 belch leaf ruffle smile sneeze yawn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3202 0.09 so very 0 0 3270 3203 0.09 some these those 0 0 0 3361 3204 0.09 footie pictures store 0 0 0 3367 3205 0.09 tickle told 0 0 3389 3206 0.09 tim tims 0 0 3369 3207 0.09 home today yet 0 0 0 3333 3208 0.09 first last next together 0 0 0 0 3375 3209 0.09 chubby circular cubby rub tummy 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3210 0.09 bathroom bottom cage corner dishwasher lane river road sides stairs tank window world 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3279 3211 0.09 bottle car name nose tongue 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3212 0.09 a.l b.l brisco c.l dressed e.l f.l h.l i.l j.l kittycat n.l sick t.l u.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3277 3213 0.09 again away forward here him it me no now oh okay say somewhere that them there this too yeah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3214 0.09 animals color colors 0 0 0 3389 3215 0.09 air basket breeze christmas gate lemon m.l pot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3372 3216 0.09 bear brush coaster comb cow facecloth giraffe plate rooster turtle zipper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3374 3217 0.09 blocks books cats chairs doggies fish flowers hood jammies kitties reindeer roses slipper snaps suspenders wood words 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3218 0.09 five squeak wear 0 0 0 3269 3219 0.09 crying great happened listening moomooshas starting 0 0 0 0 0 0 3277 3220 0.09 a his little my the your 0 0 0 0 0 0 3271 3221 0.09 froggie inchworm mandy patrick shena someone 0 0 0 0 0 0 3276 3222 0.09 cheerios milk peaches taters teeth 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3223 0.09 bow cooking drill families jeffrey's kittycats numbers outfit powder rug rule tambourine tapemeasure terry tool train 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3282 3224 0.09 down out over up 0 0 0 0 3279 3225 0.09 hands shoe shoes socks 0 0 0 0 3321 3226 0.09 smushed spill spin 0 0 0 3389 3227 0.09 bibbie couple poopoo shape snack tissue towel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3228 0.09 bubbles corn huff loosen rain tapioca 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3229 0.09 army bathtub bedroom carpet chimney chin cushions dish exersaucer fishbowl forest hall kitchen mattress middle pan parade refrigerator sidewalk slot star stroller tent toybox tub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3230 0.09 annie cover crayons cross eggs velcro yolk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3231 0.09 careful cranberry detergent fascinated fruit ma'am oranges outlet pickles seed slopping steady touchie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3232 0.09 'll can can't gotta will 0 0 0 0 0 3372 3233 0.09 anybody bean bob bumblebees cheerio crane didey faker fussy grate greece grunt helper listen mimi mistake mit.l muffin noodle ohmygoodness papa paul's piece pig pillow popsicle share split tippietoe truck tupperware young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3234 0.09 beat chew choke trip 0 0 0 0 3279 3235 0.09 ark backyard barney blanket box bus deal door glass kitten lid loudie machine penguin roof screen snow soup streetlight suspender tag tiger trash vacuum washcloth yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3339 3236 0.09 bo carrot experience grief job moose rattle tower 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3358 3237 0.09 dirt hanger matter monkey problem sun weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3348 3238 0.09 headache hug protect warning 0 0 0 0 0 3239 0.09 desitin feeling fishies gums neck piggies recognize sofa sucking supper toilet wire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3279 3240 0.09 bag blankie boat bucket chickie closet cupboard dinosaur doll dolly drag dragon elephant fishie flower gear goldfish goose hairbrush hole horsie joke lamb lion microphone mirror mouse mug page puppet ribbon ring rose seat snowman squirrel telephone tree whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3279 3241 0.09 arm boots eye finger fingers hand lap seats shirt workroom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3279 3242 0.09 alligator balmex baseball belly bib bike boomerang brother camera desk farmer foot gears grass key mail museum onsie piggy purse sock squeaker sweatshirt sweetest swing underarm underarms wife 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3243 0.09 alright bad bert big busy cute dirty dusty ernie everywhere fair flavored full funny good happy hot hungry jello kittykitty laugh locks mad naptime necessary nice possible silly singing sleepy smart thirsty tired waving windy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3244 0.09 ah alone aw because benjamin both butter butterflies certainly chicken daniel doggy fine hey holy kelsey kinda kittens lemme losing maybe mayonnaise meme mickey mustard onion peas plain poppy probably puppies quilts ravens recorder rolling sammy scamper slippery strange stupid sure tape then tiggers timone trees turkey uh uhuh vitamin wake well who why worship wrong y.l yaya yayayaya yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3268 3245 0.09 ahead alice alicia alive amelia angelica anymore anyway anywhere apart ate backwards baths beautiful bell bones booboo boobooshas candy carry caught chance character chichi clapping closer cold content dakota dididi.o dillon dinner direction disposition downstairs dry due dust either elmo exploring faster fat flying fun g.l gail gave gigi gorgeous grateful handle henry huge huh jumping kay kiddo laundry lena loves mix moving new nipple noah nowhere ok outside pile pinch please pointing poles potatos purple quit raisins red remote round sheets slurping spud squirming squirmy squirrellie stacking swallow sweet swimming tickler tigger tomorrow tricky upstairs vegetables welcome white yarn yell yours yucka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3246 0.08 am understand 0 0 3389 3247 0.08 bowl cord lots rid 0 0 0 0 3389 3248 0.08 butt cereal medicine 0 0 0 3389 3249 0.08 close open 0 0 3389 3250 0.08 closed died dizzy drops jingles juices matches organized ran russell salsa started sticks sticky stopped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3375 3251 0.08 fix unsnap 0 0 3328 3252 0.08 high michael's rocker 0 0 0 3389 3253 0.08 icky running 0 0 0 3254 0.08 isn't wasn't 0 0 3389 3255 0.08 late laughing looking yelling 0 0 0 0 3389 3256 0.08 crud exactly farther glorified lawrence lazy lighter mooshas mootie pretend renewed totally upset waking warming 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3257 0.08 outtalk scratch 0 0 3389 3258 0.08 putting sitting 0 0 3331 3259 0.08 just let's they 0 0 0 3332 3260 0.08 cry win worry 0 0 0 3389 3261 0.08 doors drawer heat mothers opposite pages radio riders wipers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3262 0.08 booboon da flopsy grandpa hi popeye thankyou 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3263 0.08 bonked bumped choking excited far hitting ignoring leaving nodding scratched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3264 0.08 ducks fixed money set 0 0 0 0 3389 3265 0.08 bags california circles price punishment rover trouble v.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3318 3266 0.08 annie's boboni booboonee boobooneen hers honey phonics purpose siree sweetie sweetiepie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3335 3267 0.08 apple apronstring ears earthquake orange oval owl s.l squirrels umbrella 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3268 0.08 ahead alice alicia alive allen amelia angelica anymore anyway anywhere apart ate backwards baths beautiful bell bones booboo boobooshas brittney candy carry caught chance character chichi clapping closer cold content dada daddy dakota dididi.o digby dillon dinner direction disposition downstairs drooling dry due dust dyeisha either elmo exploring faster fat flying frosty fun fussies g.l gail gave gigi gorgeous grateful handle henry huge huh jumping kay kiddo laundry lena loves mama mix mommy morgan moving nan new nipple noah nowhere ok outside pile pinch please pointing poles potatos purple quit raisins red remote round sheets slurping spud squirming squirmy squirrellie stacking swallow sweet swimming tabitha tickler tigger timmy tippy tomorrow tricky upstairs vegetables welcome white yarn yell yours yucka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3269 0.08 crying ew great happened listening moomooshas starting yucky 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3270 0.08 four her some these those three two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3333 3271 0.08 froggie inchworm jacob mandy miranda morgie patrick shena someone ya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3363 3272 0.08 dada's grandma hang mickey's 0 0 0 0 3389 3273 0.08 lord thank woowoo 0 0 0 3333 3274 0.08 max mom us yourself 0 0 0 0 3388 3275 0.08 always looks ma sister smells tastes 0 0 0 0 0 0 3374 3276 0.08 boobie cheerios coffee dollie goodness grace heavens measuring milk neighbors noodles peaches pumpkin shield tail taters tea teeth water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3331 3277 0.08 a again away forward here him his i it little me my no now oh okay say somewhere that the them there this too we yeah you your 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3278 0.08 balls checkbook dogs kids pajamaies towers 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 3279 0.08 alligator ark arm baby backyard bag ball balloon balmex barney baseball bed belly bib bike blanket blankie block boat book boomerang boots bottle box boy brother bucket bunny bus butterfly camera car chair chickie clock closet crayon cup cupboard deal desk dinosaur dog doggie doll dolly door drag dragon duck elephant eye farmer finger fingers fishie flower foot gear gears girl glass goldfish goose grass hairbrush hand hands hole horsie house joke key kitten kitty lamb lap lid lion loudie machine mail microphone mirror mouse mouth mug museum name nose onsie page penguin phone piggy puppet puppy purse rabbit ribbon ring roof rose screen seat seats shirt shoe shoes snow snowman sock socks soup spoon squeaker squirrel streetlight suspender sweatshirt sweetest swing tag telephone tiger tongue trash tree underarm underarms vacuum washcloth whale wife workroom yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3280 0.06 apron ear 0 0 0 3281 0.06 ask tell 0 0 3389 3282 0.06 back down out over up 0 0 0 0 0 3381 3283 0.06 beans reaching waiting 0 0 0 3389 3284 0.06 bet hope 0 0 3389 3285 0.06 bites stew 0 0 3389 3286 0.06 bleed day heal 0 0 0 3389 3287 0.06 bunch story tickletickle 0 0 0 3389 3288 0.06 burp idea 0 0 3381 3289 0.06 buttons figs leaves 0 0 0 3389 3290 0.06 called knows lives 0 0 0 3389 3291 0.06 combed cut 0 0 3389 3292 0.06 come sit 0 0 0 3293 0.06 buckle cough diaper kite leash pack plant sec second spying string trunk wall weewee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3342 3294 0.06 automatic dig press sleep zero 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3295 0.06 eyes mobile 0 0 0 3296 0.06 inside through 0 0 3389 3297 0.06 lady sea seal underwear 0 0 0 0 3389 3298 0.06 mean meant 0 0 3374 3299 0.06 applesauce carrots cheese eleven gotcha jacket more pumpkins restrained roar shelf shoelaces 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3300 0.06 attacked greedy neat strong 0 0 0 0 3362 3301 0.06 different orangish tanish which 0 0 0 0 3389 3302 0.06 noisy pointy reading 0 0 0 3389 3303 0.06 heard helped kissed promise saw 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3304 0.06 bigger bounce bouncy polkadot quiver spit 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3305 0.06 backing lift stand stood 0 0 0 0 3380 3306 0.06 brooklyn hollering stop 0 0 0 3389 3307 0.06 beginning couch deck dryer fence heater internet label piano step stereo table top treetop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3308 0.06 reason ride while 0 0 0 3374 3309 0.06 abc amusing angels arfarf asleep attached baebae bat beard begun below bogus boops.o boopsieboo bracelet breakable cardboard caves chill christopher cracker daisies dancing definitely dis dressing dueling dumbo empty faking fluffy free glasses granny happening hardly hugs incredible independent jacks jeff jelly jill joey ketchup king kristin lalalalala lifesavers liquid lobster longest magic minnies moira nana nightnight october okeydokey overalls papou pesky pete pinto pooie poopsie poopsie^boo popular potato pumba rice ricky rosies rushing salad saucers scrub scurry seagulls sharp shy sleet snowing special splishysplashy steadfast suchi sunny thin ticklish tonga undone unhappy unique wahwahwah.si wandering weeweeweeweewee whiskers whispering wreath yawning zippers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3310 0.06 attention legs mamama mine pocketbook ringing 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3311 0.06 bend frilly lay plants 0 0 0 0 3389 3312 0.06 break build grab rip shut 0 0 0 0 0 0 3313 0.06 doing giant saying scrambled 0 0 0 0 3389 3314 0.06 dropped grabbing wanted 0 0 0 3389 3315 0.06 card egg kind pair person 0 0 0 0 0 3350 3316 0.06 babe jump kick munchkin twenty 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3317 0.06 mister mummy night 0 0 0 3389 3318 0.06 annie's boboni booboonee boobooneen comfortable hers honey jesus marie phonics purpose siree staying sweetheart sweetie sweetiepie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3364 3319 0.06 cannot may must should won't 0 0 0 0 0 3388 3320 0.06 age clicking drinking enjoying feeding helping licking ripping watching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3321 0.06 figure lock pop smushed spill spin undo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3388 3322 0.06 facing himself ice nothing ourself scooby sewn sour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3323 0.06 brown changed dried panda snapped teddy unsnapped zipped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3374 3324 0.06 arches dale heels peg pink snap tee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3382 3325 0.06 angry ants booger gentle hammer heybie imposter invent its kissing macaroniandcheese old poor shoeless sneakers tall teething upsa upsie usual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3326 0.06 booty chip lover milkie pajamas pamper pants scoot spout steps street walker whatcha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3327 0.06 fake knees nummy pokie pour quick real short 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3328 0.06 above answering change fast high leftie low messy michael's motorcycle plane poopie rocker slow stinky ugly yoyo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3329 0.06 alphabet bang barrette binkie bone breathing click doghouse knocking landed missed monster plastic sandman spread strap turned video 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3330 0.06 bingo everybody guys lydia momma own rock sandals school side slippers sockie somebody write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 3331 0.06 'll a again ah ahead alice alicia alive allen alone alright amelia angelica anymore anyway anywhere apart ate aw away backwards bad baths beautiful because bell benjamin bert big bones booboo boobooshas both brittney busy butter butterflies can can't candy carry caught certainly chance character chichi chicken clapping closer cold content cute dada daddy dakota daniel dididi.o digby dillon dinner direction dirty disposition doggy don't downstairs drooling dry due dust dusty dyeisha either elmo ernie everywhere exploring fair faster fat fine flavored flying forward four frosty full fun funny fussies g.l gail gave gigi gonna good gorgeous gotta grateful handle happy henry her here hey him his holy hot huge huh hungry i it jello jumping just kay kelsey kiddo kinda kittens kittykitty laugh laundry lemme lena let's little locks losing loves mad mama maybe mayonnaise me meme mickey mix mommy morgan moving mustard my nan naptime necessary new nice nipple no noah now nowhere oh ok okay onion outside peas pile pinch plain please pointing poles poppy possible potatos probably puppies purple quilts quit raisins ravens recorder red remote rolling round sammy say scamper sheets silly singing sleepy slippery slurping smart some somewhere spud squirming squirmy squirrellie stacking strange stupid sure swallow sweet swimming tabitha tape that the them then there these they thirsty this those three tickler tigger tiggers timmy timone tippy tired tomorrow too trees tricky turkey two uh uhuh upstairs vegetables vitamin wake waving we welcome well white who why will windy worship wrong y.l yarn yaya yayayaya yeah yell yes you your yours yucka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3332 0.06 anything believe care clap complain count crawl cry dat draw fall feed fly happen haven't help letters live match once pattycake poopies pull reach stack touch win worry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 3333 0.06 almost already annie augmentin awfully best better biting blowing boring bubbles busted cindy clown corn cover cranky crayons cross crying decibels done drenched drumming ducks eggs ella end ever ew first fixed froggie going gone grammy great happened he hiding huff hunkamunka inchworm jacob jeffrey judy last listening loosen mandy max meeko messing miranda missing mom money moomooshas morgie ned never next nicole obsessed only otherwise patrick paul playing pooh pretty rain really scott set she shena shining softest someone something sorry standing starting still stuck talking tapioca taste together trying ty tyrese unplug us velcro walking whitney whoa ya yolk yourself yucky yumyum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 3334 0.06 alice's alrightie awful boo bounder brave bread breakfast cake catch cindy's coat coming control controller conversation cookie crabby crazy dan's dapper dial dishes duckie dude enough everything exciting feel forget frozen frustrated garbage generous girls groceries gum handsome hat heavy humpty important interesting jar kay's keys ladder left lena's lettuce list long lotion lovely marie's meat muddy mushy music neato noise noises oats outlets party people pickle plenty pocket precious rings said scissors seven sips smoke sound spaghetti spinning spoons squished strings striped sunshine tasty tata's tears technical ten tennis tie tons tough toys triangles unpleasant unzip unzipped warmer weird whiney whose working wrapped yummy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 3335 0.06 a.l abcs another apple apples apronstring b.l balloons balooga barking bathroom bless blue booboon boogie bop bottom bridge brisco building bunnies bye byebye c.l cage cakes calling cat cheeto children computer corner cups d.l da david dishwasher dolphin donna dressed drums e.l ears earthquake excuse f.l farm fido finished floor flopsy following friday genius glad gold gorilla grandpa green ground h.l hello hi hills hmm horse i.l j.l kittycat l.l lane letting life light lookee moon mount n.l nap nope nosed o.l obie often oopsie orange oval owl p.l peach peanuts pear place pokemon popeye q.l r.l raccoon river road s.l sad same scrumptious shaking sick sides squirrels stairs steak strawberry superman susie suzy t.l tank terrible thankyou thermometer tiny toot trucks u.l uhoh umbrella wasting watch window wipes world wow x.l yay yellow yup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3336 0.05 around off 0 0 3389 3337 0.05 bears been nearby poops squash tap tonight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3338 0.05 behind bongos bucky forever instead nobody none sort 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3339 0.05 bird bo carrot experience grief job moose rattle tower 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3340 0.05 dad mother 0 0 0 3341 0.05 did do 0 0 3389 3342 0.05 automatic dig drink press sleep zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3343 0.05 drummer game 0 0 3389 3344 0.05 dance froggie's work 0 0 0 0 3345 0.05 earring fault fishes god highchair lip opinion papers son 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3346 0.05 guess think 0 0 3379 3347 0.05 how where 0 0 3389 3348 0.05 headache hug kiss protect warning 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3349 0.05 later littler yesterday 0 0 0 0 3350 0.05 babe jump kick love munchkin twenty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3351 0.05 bummer chick drum fan furby halloween herself jumper k.l liz mess mommies moocow movie nono pacifier paint potholder rabbits rat scale shame tulip twister valentine vent xylophone zebra zipping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3352 0.05 banana named yogurt yum 0 0 0 0 3389 3353 0.05 newspaper paper taxi 0 0 0 3389 3354 0.05 belt piggie schoolhouse sucker 0 0 0 0 0 3355 0.05 loud quiet raspberry ready recording warm 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3356 0.05 run squirting 0 0 3389 3357 0.05 darn doggone hasn't mark poke roll shake suddenly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3382 3358 0.05 dirt hanger matter monkey problem stick sun weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3359 0.05 deny drop hit lose throw 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3360 0.05 climbing finding hopping piglet watermelon writing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3361 0.05 basement changing checkout crowd footie market ocean park picnic pictures pool sewingmachine store swings training zoo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3362 0.05 arms binoculars crackers different hens orangish pears silver space tanish which 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3363 0.05 choose climb dada's grandma hang hurry mickey's picked 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3387 3364 0.05 cannot could may must should shouldn't won't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3365 0.05 birds cars earth gimme sewing silverware sugar whole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3366 0.05 discovered holding opened opening reached ripped scraping shook skipped threw touched 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3386 3367 0.05 scare tickle told trust 0 0 0 0 3387 3368 0.05 'd might shakes squeaks wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3369 0.05 alex alexander awake eight fixable food greasy gus home raggedy rough shaving sleeping today um yet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3370 0.05 cool father lips pepe shoulders sleeper sometimes toes visit wiggle z.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3371 0.05 play sing speak talk 0 0 0 0 3389 3372 0.05 animal antibiotic anybody bean bear birthday bob brush bumblebees cheerio circle coaster comb cow crane didey dumb facecloth faker favorite fussy gail's giraffe grate greece grunt helper judy's letter listen mailbox main mimi mistake mit.l muffin noodle number ohmygoodness papa paul's peter picture piece pig pillow plate popsicle puppydog raincoat room rooster share sleeve snuggle split square sweater thumb tippietoe toy triangle truck tupperware turtle wrist young zipper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3373 0.05 'll a a.l abcs again ah ahead alice alice's alicia alive allen alligator almost alone already alright alrightie amelia angelica annie another anymore anyway anywhere apart apple apples apronstring ark arm ate augmentin aw away awful awfully b.l baby backwards backyard bad bag ball balloon balloons balmex balooga barking barney baseball bathroom baths beautiful because bed bell belly benjamin bert best better bib big bike biting blanket blankie bless block blowing blue boat bones boo booboo booboon boobooshas boogie book boomerang boots bop boring both bottle bottom bounder box boy brave bread breakfast bridge brisco brittney brother bubbles bucket building bunnies bunny bus busted busy butter butterflies butterfly bye byebye c.l cage cake cakes calling camera can can't candy car carry cat catch caught certainly chair chance character cheeto chichi chicken chickie children cindy cindy's clapping clock closer closet clown coat cold coming computer content control controller conversation cookie corn corner cover crabby cranky crayon crayons crazy cross crying cup cupboard cups cute d.l da dada daddy dakota dan's daniel dapper david deal decibels desk dial dididi.o digby dillon dinner dinosaur direction dirty dishes dishwasher disposition dog doggie doggy doll dolly dolphin don't done donna door downstairs drag dragon drenched dressed drooling drumming drums dry duck duckie ducks dude due dust dusty dyeisha e.l ears earthquake eggs either elephant ella elmo end enough ernie ever everything everywhere ew exciting excuse exploring eye f.l fair farm farmer faster fat feel fido fine finger fingers finished first fishie fixed flavored floor flopsy flower flying following foot forget forward four friday froggie frosty frozen frustrated full fun funny fussies g.l gail garbage gave gear gears generous genius gigi girl girls glad glass going gold goldfish gone gonna good goose gorgeous gorilla gotta grammy grandpa grass grateful great green groceries ground gum h.l hairbrush hand handle hands handsome happened happy hat he heavy hello henry her here hey hi hiding hills him his hmm hole holy horse horsie hot house huff huge huh humpty hungry hunkamunka i i.l important inchworm interesting it j.l jacob jar jeffrey jello joke judy jumping just kay kay's kelsey key keys kiddo kinda kitten kittens kitty kittycat kittykitty l.l ladder lamb lane lap last laugh laundry left lemme lena lena's let's letting lettuce lid life light lion list listening little locks long lookee loosen losing lotion loudie lovely loves machine mad mail mama mandy marie's max maybe mayonnaise me meat meeko meme messing mickey microphone miranda mirror missing mix mom mommy money moomooshas moon morgan morgie mount mouse mouth moving muddy mug museum mushy music mustard my n.l name nan nap naptime neato necessary ned never new next nice nicole nipple no noah noise noises nope nose nosed now nowhere o.l oats obie obsessed often oh ok okay onion only onsie oopsie orange otherwise outlets outside oval owl p.l page party patrick paul peach peanuts pear peas penguin people phone pickle piggy pile pinch place plain playing please plenty pocket pointing pokemon poles pooh popeye poppy possible potatos precious pretty probably puppet puppies puppy purple purse q.l quilts quit r.l rabbit raccoon rain raisins ravens really recorder red remote ribbon ring rings river road rolling roof rose round s.l sad said same sammy say scamper scissors scott screen scrumptious seat seats set seven shaking she sheets shena shining shirt shoe shoes sick sides silly singing sips sleepy slippery slurping smart smoke snow snowman sock socks softest some someone something somewhere sorry sound soup spaghetti spinning spoon spoons spud squeaker squirming squirmy squirrel squirrellie squirrels squished stacking stairs standing starting steak still strange strawberry streetlight strings striped stuck stupid sunshine superman sure susie suspender suzy swallow sweatshirt sweet sweetest swimming swing t.l tabitha tag talking tank tape tapioca taste tasty tata's tears technical telephone ten tennis terrible thankyou that the them then there thermometer these they thirsty this those three tickler tie tiger tigger tiggers timmy timone tiny tippy tired together tomorrow tongue tons too toot tough toys trash tree trees triangles tricky trucks trying turkey two ty tyrese u.l uh uhoh uhuh umbrella underarm underarms unpleasant unplug unzip unzipped upstairs us vacuum vegetables velcro vitamin wake walking warmer washcloth wasting watch waving we weird welcome well whale whiney white whitney who whoa whose why wife will window windy wipes working workroom world worship wow wrapped wrong x.l y.l ya yard yarn yay yaya yayayaya yeah yell yellow yes yolk you your yours yourself yucka yucky yummy yumyum yup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3374 0.05 abc amusing angels applesauce arches arfarf asleep attached baebae bat beard begun below blocks bogus boobie books boops.o boopsieboo bracelet breakable button cardboard carrots cats caves chairs cheerios cheese chill christopher coffee cracker daisies dale dancing definitely dis doggies dollie dressing dueling dumbo eleven empty faking fish flowers fluffy free glasses goodness gotcha grace granny happening hardly heavens heels hood hugs incredible independent jacket jacks jammies jeff jelly jill joey juice ketchup king kitties kristin lalalalala lifesavers liquid lobster longest magic measuring milk minnies moira more nana neighbors nightnight noodles october okeydokey overalls papou peaches peg pesky pete pink pinto pooie poopsie poopsie^boo popular potato pumba pumpkin pumpkins reindeer restrained rice ricky roar roses rosies rushing salad saucers scrub scurry seagulls service sharp shelf shield shoelaces shy sleet slipper snap snaps snowing special splishysplashy steadfast suchi sunny suspenders tail taters tea tee teeth thin ticklish tonga undone unhappy unique wahwahwah.si wandering water weeweeweeweewee whiskers whispering wood words wreath yawning zippers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 3375 0.05 chubby circular cream cubby exists finish fix means op.c pat read rub song start tummy unsnap word 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3376 0.03 's is 0 0 0 3377 0.03 knock knocked tipped 0 0 0 0 3378 0.03 lick show 0 0 0 3379 0.03 how what where 0 0 0 0 3380 0.03 brooklyn dear hollering stop wait 0 0 0 0 0 0 3381 0.03 beans buttons figs leaves reaching waiting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3382 0.03 angry ants booger dirt gentle hammer hanger heybie imposter invent its kissing macaroniandcheese matter monkey old poor problem shoeless sneakers stick sun tall teething upsa upsie usual weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3383 0.03 grin meet remember 0 0 0 0 3384 0.03 rinse their wide wipe 0 0 0 0 0 3385 0.03 hopefully our percent plug teenyweeny 0 0 0 0 0 0 3386 0.03 front miss patio pillows rosey scare six tickie tickle told trust unstrap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3387 0.03 'd bending cannot comes could didn't doesn't fell goes may might must says shakes should shouldn't squeaks walked won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3388 0.03 age always babies clicking constantly drinking easier enjoying facing feeding feels helping himself ice licking looks ma nothing ourself ripping scooby seem sewn sister smells softly sounds sour tastes usually watching weewees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3389 0.03 abc afraid agree air alex alexander am amusing and angels animal animals annie's answer antibiotic any anybody anything applesauce apricots apron arches aren't arfarf arms army around ashy asleep attached attacked attention automatic awake babbling back backing baebae bags balls banana bar basket basketball bat bath bathtub battery beads bean bear beard bears beat beating bedroom bedspread been before beginning begun behind belch believe below belt bend bet bibbie bigger binoculars bird birdie birds birthday bite bites black bleed blocks bo bob boboni bogus bongo bongos bonked boobie booboonee boobooneen books boom boops.o boopsieboo boosh booty bottles bounce bouncy bow bowl bowls bracelet brand break breakable breeze broke broken brown brush bucky buddy build bumblebees bump bumped bumpity bunch bunnyrabbit burp burped but butt button byebyes california call called calm candle card cardboard cards care careful carpet carrot carrots cars cart cats caves cereal chairs changed checkbook cheeks cheerio cheerios cheese chew chickies chill chimney chin chip choke choking christmas christopher chubby circle circles circular clap clean climbing close closed clothes coaster coasters coffee color colors comb combed come comfortable complain complaining complicated cookies cooking cool cord couch count counting couple course cow cows cracker crackers cranberry crane crash crawl crawling cream crud cry cubby curtain cushions cut cutie daisies dale dance dancing darn dat day decide deck definitely deny detergent diapers diapie didey didi.o died different dig dis dish dizzy doggies doggone dogs dollie doors down draw drawer dress dressing dried drill drink driveway drop dropped drops drummer dryer dueling dumb dumbo each ear earth eat eating eats egg eight eleven else empty exactly excited exersaucer exists experience exploded eyes face facecloth faker faking fall falling families far farther fascinated father favorite feed feet fence fight finding finish fire fish fishbowl five fix fixable flat flowers fluffy fly food forest forever found freddy free friend friends frilly froggie's fruit fuss fussbucket fusser fussing fussy fuzzy gail's game gate get gift gimme giraffe glasses glorified go goodness gotcha grab grabbing grace granny grate greasy greece greedy grief grunt guess gus haircut hall happen happening happens hard hardly hasn't hate have haven't head headache heal hear heard heart heat heater heavens heels help helped helper hens hers hit hitting hold home honey hood hooked hope hopping hug hugs hurt hush icky idea ignoring in incredible independent instead internet itch jacket jacks jammies jaylen jeff jeffrey's jelly jesse jesus jill jingles job joey judy's juice juices keep ketchup kids kind king kiss kissed kisses kit kitchen kitties kittycats knew know knows kristin label lady lalalalala latches late later laughing lawrence lay laying lazy leaf lean leaning learn leaving leg legs lemon letter letters lie lifesavers lift lighter lights line lips liquid listen littler live lives lobster longest look looking lord lose lot lots lover lunch lying m.l ma'am maggie magic mailbox main mamama man marco marie mark match matches mattress mean means meant measuring medicine middle mike milk milkie mimi mine minnies minute missy mistake mister mit.l mixed mkay mobile moira moo moose mooshas mootie more morning mothers moved much muffin mummy mush named nana napkin nearby neat neighbors newspaper night nightnight nine nobody nodding noisy none noodle noodles number numbers oatmeal october off ohmygoodness okeydokey on once one oops op.c open opens opposite oranges orangish organized others out outfit outlet outtalk over overalls pages pair pajamaies pajamas pamper pan panda pants papa paper papou parade part pat pattycake paul's paused peace peaches pears peekaboo peeyou peeyoustinky peg pepe pepsi person pesky pete peter phonics piano pick pickles picture piece pig piggie piglet pillow pinching pink pinto plan plants plate play pocketbook pointy poke polkadot pooie poopies poopoo poops poopsie poopsie^boo popsicle popular popup position pot potato powder press pretend price promise protect pull pumba pumpkin pumpkins punishment puppydog purpose push putting quiver radio raggedy raincoat ran rather rattle rattles reach read reading refrigerator register reindeer remembered renewed rest resting restrained rice ricky rid riders right ringing rip roar roll rolled room rooster roses rosies rough rover rub rubber ruffle rug rule run running rush rushing russell salad salsa sandwich sat sauce saucers saved saw scared schoolhouse scoot scratch scratched scratching scratchy screaming scrub scurry sea seagulls seal see seed service settle sewing shake shape shapes share sharp shaving sheep shelf shield shoelaces shoot shopping shoulders shut shy sidewalk silver silverware sing sink sip siree sit sitting sky sleep sleeper sleepies sleeping sleet sleeve slipper slopping slot slowly small smell smile smiley snack snap snapped snaps sneaky sneeze snowing snuggle soda soft sometimes song soon sort space speak special spider spit splishysplashy split spout springs square squash squeak squirrellies squirting stack stand star stars start started staying steadfast steady step steps stereo stew sticking sticks sticky stink stomach stomp stood stopped story street strength stroller strong suchi sucker suddenly sugar sunglasses sunny suspenders suzie sweater sweetheart sweetie sweetiepie table tail takes talk tambourine tanish tap tapemeasure taters taught taxi tea teddy tee teeth tent terry thank thin things think thought throw throwing thumb tickletickle tickling ticklish tim timber timothy tims tippietoe tissue toast today toe toes tonga tonight tool tootsie tootsies top totally touch touchie towel tower towers toy toybox train tray treetop triangle trick trip trouble truck try tub tummy tuna tupperware turn turning turtle twying uhhuh um understand underwear undone unhappy unique unsnap unsnapped untie up upset upside use v.l vas vehicle view visit wahwahwah.si waking walk walker wandering want wanted warming warning water waterfall watermelon wave way wear weeweeweeweewee wet whatcha whatever whee wheel wheels which whiskers whispering whole whoopee wiggle win wipers wonder wonderful wood woowoo word words work worry wreath wrist writing yawn yawning yelling yep yesterday yet yogurt young yucketyyuck yum z.l zero zip zipped zipper zippers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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