AAB 2740 1 1 ! 1 AAC 0 2 1 ' 1 AAD 2586 3 1 'd 1 AAE 2586 4 1 'll 1 AAF 2741 5 1 'm 1 AAG 0 6 1 're 1 AAH 3167 7 1 's 1 AAJ 2680 8 1 've 1 AAK 2938 9 1 , 1 AAL 3167 10 1 . 1 AAM 3155 11 1 ....v 1 AAN 2821 12 1 ....y 1 AAO 0 13 1 ..y 1 AAP 3167 14 1 : 1 AAQ 3167 15 1 ; 1 AAR 2740 16 1 ? 1 AAS 3068 17 1 @number@ 1 AAT 2634 18 1 a 1 AAU 2969 19 1 abel 1 AAV 0 20 1 able 1 AAW 3167 21 1 about 1 AAX 3167 22 1 above 1 AAY 3167 23 1 abraham 1 AAZ 2974 24 1 abruptly 1 ABA 2883 25 1 absence 1 ABB 2822 26 1 accepted 1 ABC 2939 27 1 accordingly 1 ABD 3109 28 1 account 1 ABE 3167 29 1 ached 1 ABF 3150 30 1 acquainted 1 ABG 3151 31 1 across 1 ABH 3109 32 1 act 1 ABJ 2742 33 1 actually 1 ABK 3109 34 1 added 1 ABL 2681 35 1 admiration 1 ABM 0 36 1 admit 1 ABN 2955 37 1 admitted 1 ABO 3109 38 1 adventure 1 ABP 2682 39 1 adventures 1 ABQ 2980 40 1 advice 1 ABR 2979 41 1 affair 1 ABS 2885 42 1 affairs 1 ABT 0 43 1 afford 1 ABU 2940 44 1 afraid 1 ABV 3167 45 1 after 1 ABW 3109 46 1 afternoon 1 ABX 2797 47 1 afterwards 1 ABY 2611 48 1 again 1 ABZ 3167 49 1 against 1 ACA 2823 50 1 age 1 ACB 0 51 1 ago 1 ACC 2736 52 1 agony 1 ACD 3060 53 1 agreed 1 ACE 3109 54 1 ah 1 ACF 2886 55 1 ahead 1 ACG 3167 56 1 ain't 1 ACH 3063 57 1 air 1 ACJ 2979 58 1 aladdin 1 ACK 2679 59 1 alan 1 ACL 2979 60 1 alarm 1 ACM 2635 61 1 alarmed 1 ACN 2979 62 1 alec 1 ACO 2612 63 1 alexander 1 ACP 2575 64 1 alexina 1 ACQ 3110 65 1 ali 1 ACR 2979 66 1 alice 1 ACS 2613 67 1 alive 1 ACT 3153 68 1 all 1 ACU 2798 69 1 allan 1 ACV 0 70 1 allow 1 ACW 3109 71 1 allowed 1 ACX 2600 72 1 alma 1 ACY 2824 73 1 almost 1 ACZ 2825 74 1 alone 1 ADA 2966 75 1 along 1 ADB 2721 76 1 aloud 1 ADC 2867 77 1 already 1 ADD 2867 78 1 also 1 ADE 0 79 1 although 1 ADF 2981 80 1 altogether 1 ADG 2578 81 1 always 1 ADH 2741 82 1 am 1 ADJ 2683 83 1 amazed 1 ADK 2941 84 1 amazement 1 ADL 3167 85 1 among 1 ADM 3167 86 1 amused 1 ADN 2881 87 1 amusement 1 ADO 2636 88 1 amy 1 ADP 2982 89 1 an 1 ADQ 3167 90 1 and 1 ADR 3109 91 1 andrews 1 ADS 2817 92 1 anger 1 ADT 2799 93 1 angry 1 ADU 3064 94 1 animal 1 ADV 2979 95 1 animals 1 ADW 2819 96 1 anna 1 ADX 2679 97 1 anne 1 ADY 2637 98 1 another 1 ADZ 2887 99 1 answer 1 AEA 3167 100 1 answered 1 AEB 3159 101 1 antlers 1 AEC 3109 102 1 anxious 1 AED 2974 103 1 anxiously 1 AEE 2638 104 1 any 1 AEF 2868 105 1 anybody 1 AEG 2601 106 1 anyhow 1 AEH 2983 107 1 anyone 1 AEJ 2879 108 1 anything 1 AEK 2601 109 1 anyway 1 AEL 2684 110 1 anywhere 1 AEM 2884 111 1 apart 1 AEN 3167 112 1 appear 1 AEO 2984 113 1 appearance 1 AEP 3167 114 1 appeared 1 AEQ 3066 115 1 appetite 1 AER 3109 116 1 apple 1 AES 3111 117 1 apples 1 AET 2985 118 1 approached 1 AEU 2967 119 1 approaching 1 AEV 3069 120 1 are 1 AEW 2722 121 1 arm 1 AEX 2743 122 1 arms 1 AEY 3109 123 1 arose 1 AEZ 3109 124 1 around 1 AFA 2986 125 1 arrived 1 AFB 3109 126 1 arrow 1 AFC 3167 127 1 as 1 AFD 3039 128 1 ashamed 1 AFE 2678 129 1 ashes 1 AFF 2685 130 1 aside 1 AFG 3167 131 1 ask 1 AFH 0 132 1 asked 1 AFJ 3109 133 1 asking 1 AFK 2975 134 1 asleep 1 AFL 3109 135 1 astonished 1 AFM 2581 136 1 astonishment 1 AFN 2677 137 1 asylum 1 AFO 3167 138 1 at 1 AFP 3109 139 1 ate 1 AFQ 2888 140 1 attend 1 AFR 2889 141 1 attention 1 AFS 2676 142 1 attitude 1 AFT 2639 143 1 august 1 AFU 2987 144 1 aunt 1 AFV 2800 145 1 autumn 1 AFW 2979 146 1 avery 1 AFX 2686 147 1 avonlea 1 AFY 2613 148 1 awake 1 AFZ 3148 149 1 awakened 1 AGA 2614 150 1 away 1 AGB 3109 151 1 awful 1 AGC 2744 152 1 awkward 1 AGD 2976 153 1 awoke 1 AGE 3109 154 1 babies 1 AGF 2869 155 1 babu 1 AGG 2956 156 1 baby 1 AGH 3067 157 1 back 1 AGJ 2968 158 1 bad 1 AGK 3167 159 1 bade 1 AGL 3109 160 1 badly 1 AGM 2979 161 1 bag 1 AGN 2723 162 1 bagheera 1 AGO 2988 163 1 ball 1 AGP 2687 164 1 bank 1 AGQ 2884 165 1 bare 1 AGR 3167 166 1 bark 1 AGS 2640 167 1 barn 1 AGT 2688 168 1 barrel 1 AGU 3167 169 1 barry 1 AGV 3109 170 1 basket 1 AGW 2979 171 1 battle 1 AGX 3167 172 1 be 1 AGY 2724 173 1 beach 1 AGZ 0 174 1 bear 1 AHA 3109 175 1 beard 1 AHB 2957 176 1 beast 1 AHC 2957 177 1 beasts 1 AHD 3167 178 1 beat 1 AHE 3109 179 1 beating 1 AHF 2689 180 1 beautiful 1 AHG 2886 181 1 beautifully 1 AHH 2745 182 1 beauty 1 AHJ 3167 183 1 beaver 1 AHK 3167 184 1 became 1 AHL 0 185 1 because 1 AHM 3158 186 1 become 1 AHN 3109 187 1 bed 1 AHO 0 188 1 been 1 AHP 3167 189 1 before 1 AHQ 3167 190 1 began 1 AHR 3070 191 1 begged 1 AHS 3167 192 1 begin 1 AHT 3109 193 1 beginning 1 AHU 3167 194 1 begun 1 AHV 2976 195 1 beheld 1 AHW 3167 196 1 behind 1 AHX 3167 197 1 being 1 AHY 3167 198 1 believe 1 AHZ 3167 199 1 believed 1 AJA 3107 200 1 bell 1 AJB 3112 201 1 belong 1 AJC 3167 202 1 belonged 1 AJD 3167 203 1 below 1 AJE 2599 204 1 ben 1 AJF 3109 205 1 beneath 1 AJG 2587 206 1 benjamin 1 AJH 3109 207 1 bent 1 AJJ 2811 208 1 berries 1 AJK 2679 209 1 bertha 1 AJL 3113 210 1 beside 1 AJM 2746 211 1 besides 1 AJN 3109 212 1 best 1 AJO 2615 213 1 beth 1 AJP 3067 214 1 better 1 AJQ 2641 215 1 betty 1 AJR 3113 216 1 between 1 AJS 2747 217 1 bewildered 1 AJT 3167 218 1 beyond 1 AJU 2942 219 1 bhaer 1 AJV 2826 220 1 big 1 AJW 2642 221 1 bigger 1 AJX 3064 222 1 bill 1 AJY 2979 223 1 billy 1 AJZ 3109 224 1 bird 1 AKA 2748 225 1 birds 1 AKB 3109 226 1 birthday 1 AKC 3167 227 1 bit 1 AKD 3109 228 1 bits 1 AKE 2974 229 1 bitter 1 AKF 2721 230 1 bitterly 1 AKG 2820 231 1 bitterness 1 AKH 2968 232 1 black 1 AKJ 2819 233 1 blacky 1 AKK 2890 234 1 blair 1 AKL 3167 235 1 blame 1 AKM 0 236 1 blamed 1 AKN 2974 237 1 blank 1 AKO 3071 238 1 bless 1 AKP 2989 239 1 blessed 1 AKQ 3097 240 1 blew 1 AKR 2744 241 1 blind 1 AKS 3109 242 1 blood 1 AKT 2643 243 1 blossom 1 AKU 2881 244 1 blossoms 1 AKV 2983 245 1 blow 1 AKW 2977 246 1 blue 1 AKX 2801 247 1 blushed 1 AKY 3167 248 1 blythe 1 AKZ 2749 249 1 board 1 ALA 3109 250 1 boat 1 ALB 2750 251 1 boats 1 ALC 2690 252 1 bob 1 ALD 2990 253 1 bobby 1 ALE 3109 254 1 body 1 ALF 3167 255 1 bold 1 ALG 2820 256 1 bones 1 ALH 3167 257 1 book 1 ALJ 2817 258 1 books 1 ALK 2676 259 1 boots 1 ALL 3167 260 1 bore 1 ALM 2975 261 1 born 1 ALN 3108 262 1 both 1 ALO 3109 263 1 bother 1 ALP 3040 264 1 bottle 1 ALQ 2608 265 1 bottom 1 ALR 3167 266 1 boughs 1 ALS 3167 267 1 bought 1 ALT 3109 268 1 bound 1 ALU 3167 269 1 bounded 1 ALV 3041 270 1 bow 1 ALW 2801 271 1 bowed 1 ALX 2819 272 1 bowser 1 ALY 2979 273 1 box 1 ALZ 3109 274 1 boy 1 AMA 2891 275 1 boys 1 AMB 3042 276 1 brain 1 AMC 3109 277 1 branch 1 AMD 2678 278 1 branches 1 AME 2991 279 1 brave 1 AMF 2827 280 1 bread 1 AMG 0 281 1 break 1 AMH 2979 282 1 breakfast 1 AMJ 3139 283 1 breaking 1 AMK 2802 284 1 breast 1 AML 2992 285 1 breath 1 AMM 3064 286 1 breeze 1 AMN 0 287 1 breezes 1 AMO 2979 288 1 bride 1 AMP 2828 289 1 bridge 1 AMQ 2884 290 1 brief 1 AMR 2977 291 1 bright 1 AMS 2958 292 1 brightened 1 AMT 0 293 1 bring 1 AMU 3160 294 1 bringing 1 AMV 2989 295 1 broad 1 AMW 3167 296 1 broke 1 AMX 3109 297 1 broken 1 AMY 3109 298 1 brook 1 AMZ 2959 299 1 brother 1 ANA 2979 300 1 brothers 1 ANB 3167 301 1 brought 1 ANC 2803 302 1 brow 1 AND 2968 303 1 brown 1 ANE 0 304 1 brown's 1 ANF 3109 305 1 brushed 1 ANG 2602 306 1 buggy 1 ANH 3109 307 1 built 1 ANJ 3064 308 1 bull 1 ANK 3167 309 1 buried 1 ANL 3109 310 1 burned 1 ANM 2977 311 1 burning 1 ANN 3109 312 1 burst 1 ANO 3167 313 1 bush 1 ANP 2804 314 1 bushes 1 ANQ 2978 315 1 business 1 ANR 2819 316 1 buster 1 ANS 3109 317 1 busy 1 ANT 3167 318 1 but 1 ANU 3109 319 1 buy 1 ANV 3109 320 1 by 1 ANW 3109 321 1 by-and-by 1 ANX 3045 322 1 cage 1 ANY 3109 323 1 cake 1 ANZ 3167 324 1 call 1 AOA 3167 325 1 called 1 AOB 3109 326 1 calling 1 AOC 0 327 1 calls 1 AOD 2884 328 1 calm 1 AOE 3072 329 1 came 1 AOF 2725 330 1 camp 1 AOG 2644 331 1 campbell 1 AOH 2737 332 1 can 1 AOJ 2645 333 1 can't 1 AOK 2870 334 1 cannot 1 AOL 2820 335 1 cap 1 AOM 2751 336 1 captain 1 AON 3109 337 1 care 1 AOO 3167 338 1 cared 1 AOP 2892 339 1 careful 1 AOQ 3167 340 1 carefully 1 AOR 2884 341 1 careless 1 AOS 2603 342 1 carey 1 AOT 2616 343 1 carl 1 AOU 2812 344 1 carlisle 1 AOV 2979 345 1 caroline 1 AOW 2882 346 1 carriage 1 AOX 3167 347 1 carried 1 AOY 3158 348 1 carry 1 AOZ 3109 349 1 carrying 1 APA 2893 350 1 case 1 APB 3109 351 1 cast 1 APC 2752 352 1 castle 1 APD 2956 353 1 cat 1 APE 0 354 1 catch 1 APF 2812 355 1 cats 1 APG 3167 356 1 caught 1 APH 3109 357 1 cause 1 APJ 3148 358 1 caused 1 APK 2725 359 1 cave 1 APL 3155 360 1 ceased 1 APM 2691 361 1 cecily 1 APN 2820 362 1 ceremony 1 APO 2993 363 1 certain 1 APP 2646 364 1 certainly 1 APQ 2894 365 1 chair 1 APR 2994 366 1 chamber 1 APS 3167 367 1 chance 1 APT 3109 368 1 change 1 APU 3167 369 1 changed 1 APV 3109 370 1 changes 1 APW 3068 371 1 chapter 1 APX 2667 372 1 charles 1 APY 2599 373 1 charlotta 1 APZ 2679 374 1 charlotte 1 AQA 2679 375 1 charlottetown 1 AQB 2995 376 1 charm 1 AQC 2977 377 1 charming 1 AQD 2692 378 1 chatterer 1 AQE 2820 379 1 cheek 1 AQF 3109 380 1 cheeks 1 AQG 3158 381 1 cheer 1 AQH 2753 382 1 cheerful 1 AQJ 2809 383 1 chest 1 AQK 2819 384 1 chester 1 AQL 3109 385 1 chicken 1 AQM 3167 386 1 chief 1 AQN 3109 387 1 child 1 AQO 3109 388 1 childhood 1 AQP 3109 389 1 children 1 AQQ 3109 390 1 chill 1 AQR 3109 391 1 chimney 1 AQS 2895 392 1 chin 1 AQT 0 393 1 chipmunk 1 AQU 3167 394 1 choice 1 AQV 3109 395 1 choked 1 AQW 0 396 1 choose 1 AQX 3109 397 1 chose 1 AQY 2896 398 1 christmas 1 AQZ 2604 399 1 christopher 1 ARA 0 400 1 chuck 1 ARB 2945 401 1 chuckle 1 ARC 2754 402 1 chuckled 1 ARD 2813 403 1 church 1 ARE 3109 404 1 circle 1 ARF 3109 405 1 circumstances 1 ARG 2979 406 1 city 1 ARH 2829 407 1 clapped 1 ARJ 3165 408 1 clare 1 ARK 2897 409 1 clark 1 ARL 2829 410 1 clasped 1 ARM 2898 411 1 class 1 ARN 3109 412 1 claws 1 ARO 2943 413 1 clean 1 ARP 3109 414 1 clear 1 ARQ 3155 415 1 cleared 1 ARR 2633 416 1 clemantiny 1 ARS 2818 417 1 clever 1 ART 3109 418 1 climb 1 ARU 3109 419 1 climbed 1 ARV 2827 420 1 cloak 1 ARW 2996 421 1 clock 1 ARX 0 422 1 close 1 ARY 2997 423 1 closed 1 ARZ 2979 424 1 cloth 1 ASA 3109 425 1 clothes 1 ASB 2988 426 1 cloud 1 ASC 2812 427 1 clouds 1 ASD 2677 428 1 club 1 ASE 3109 429 1 coat 1 ASF 3109 430 1 cold 1 ASG 2724 431 1 college 1 ASH 3109 432 1 colour 1 ASJ 3073 433 1 come 1 ASK 3095 434 1 comes 1 ASL 3109 435 1 comfort 1 ASM 3109 436 1 comfortable 1 ASN 3109 437 1 comfortably 1 ASO 2635 438 1 comforted 1 ASP 3114 439 1 coming 1 ASQ 3109 440 1 common 1 ASR 2820 441 1 companion 1 ASS 2979 442 1 company 1 AST 2899 443 1 completely 1 ASU 3040 444 1 concert 1 ASV 3066 445 1 concluded 1 ASW 2802 446 1 conscience 1 ASX 2900 447 1 conscious 1 ASY 2871 448 1 consented 1 ASZ 3096 449 1 consider 1 ATA 3074 450 1 considered 1 ATB 3109 451 1 content 1 ATC 3167 452 1 continued 1 ATD 2979 453 1 conversation 1 ATE 2979 454 1 cook 1 ATF 2735 455 1 cool 1 ATG 0 456 1 coon 1 ATH 3109 457 1 corn 1 ATJ 2979 458 1 cornelia 1 ATK 2894 459 1 corner 1 ATL 2603 460 1 corona 1 ATM 3061 461 1 cottage 1 ATN 2814 462 1 could 1 ATO 2645 463 1 couldn't 1 ATP 2901 464 1 counsel 1 ATQ 0 465 1 count 1 ATR 3109 466 1 counted 1 ATS 3109 467 1 country 1 ATT 3109 468 1 couple 1 ATU 2944 469 1 courage 1 ATV 0 470 1 course 1 ATW 2755 471 1 court 1 ATX 2959 472 1 cousin 1 ATY 2687 473 1 cove 1 ATZ 3167 474 1 cover 1 AUA 3150 475 1 covered 1 AUB 3109 476 1 cow 1 AUC 2811 477 1 cows 1 AUD 3167 478 1 coyote 1 AUE 2953 479 1 crawled 1 AUF 2975 480 1 crazy 1 AUG 2881 481 1 cream 1 AUH 2998 482 1 creature 1 AUJ 3167 483 1 creatures 1 AUK 3167 484 1 crept 1 AUL 3167 485 1 cried 1 AUM 2673 486 1 crimson 1 AUN 2872 487 1 crooked 1 AUO 3167 488 1 cross 1 AUP 3109 489 1 crossed 1 AUQ 3109 490 1 crow 1 AUR 3109 491 1 crowd 1 AUS 3109 492 1 crowded 1 AUT 3115 493 1 crown 1 AUU 2805 494 1 cruel 1 AUV 2945 495 1 cry 1 AUW 3054 496 1 crying 1 AUX 2979 497 1 cup 1 AUY 2873 498 1 curiosity 1 AUZ 2977 499 1 curious 1 AVA 3167 500 1 curled 1 AVB 2817 501 1 curls 1 AVC 2967 502 1 curly 1 AVD 3109 503 1 curtains 1 AVE 3167 504 1 cut 1 AVF 3109 505 1 cuthbert 1 AVG 2693 506 1 cynthia 1 AVH 2582 507 1 cyrilla 1 AVJ 2726 508 1 cyrus 1 AVK 2819 509 1 daisy 1 AVL 2679 510 1 dan 1 AVM 3043 511 1 dance 1 AVN 3167 512 1 danced 1 AVO 2881 513 1 dancing 1 AVP 2978 514 1 danger 1 AVQ 2884 515 1 dangerous 1 AVR 2756 516 1 daniel 1 AVS 2819 517 1 danny 1 AVT 3167 518 1 dare 1 AVU 3167 519 1 dared 1 AVV 2977 520 1 dark 1 AVW 2979 521 1 darkness 1 AVX 3167 522 1 darling 1 AVY 3109 523 1 darted 1 AVZ 2902 524 1 dashed 1 AWA 2959 525 1 daughter 1 AWB 2999 526 1 daughters 1 AWC 2616 527 1 david 1 AWD 3047 528 1 davis 1 AWE 2679 529 1 davy 1 AWF 2800 530 1 dawn 1 AWG 3000 531 1 day 1 AWH 2800 532 1 daylight 1 AWJ 3001 533 1 days 1 AWK 2806 534 1 dead 1 AWL 0 535 1 deal 1 AWM 3109 536 1 dear 1 AWN 3161 537 1 dearly 1 AWO 2745 538 1 death 1 AWP 3166 539 1 decide 1 AWQ 3109 540 1 decided 1 AWR 3167 541 1 declared 1 AWS 2903 542 1 deep 1 AWT 3002 543 1 deeply 1 AWU 3109 544 1 deer 1 AWV 2588 545 1 delicious 1 AWW 3003 546 1 delight 1 AWX 3109 547 1 delighted 1 AWY 2904 548 1 delightful 1 AWZ 3109 549 1 demanded 1 AXA 2884 550 1 deserted 1 AXB 3109 551 1 desire 1 AXC 2617 552 1 despair 1 AXD 3109 553 1 determined 1 AXE 2679 554 1 diana 1 AXF 2819 555 1 dick 1 AXG 3116 556 1 did 1 AXH 2965 557 1 didn't 1 AXJ 3075 558 1 die 1 AXK 3167 559 1 died 1 AXL 3109 560 1 difference 1 AXM 3109 561 1 different 1 AXN 3109 562 1 difficult 1 AXO 3167 563 1 difficulty 1 AXP 3066 564 1 dignity 1 AXQ 2977 565 1 dim 1 AXR 2694 566 1 dinner 1 AXS 2893 567 1 direction 1 AXT 2673 568 1 dirty 1 AXU 2946 569 1 disappear 1 AXV 3109 570 1 disappeared 1 AXW 2695 571 1 disappointed 1 AXX 2676 572 1 disappointment 1 AXY 2588 573 1 discouraged 1 AXZ 3109 574 1 discovered 1 AYA 3109 575 1 discovery 1 AYB 3167 576 1 dishes 1 AYC 2581 577 1 dismay 1 AYD 3167 578 1 distance 1 AYE 2977 579 1 distant 1 AYF 2960 580 1 disturbed 1 AYG 3155 581 1 dived 1 AYH 3167 582 1 do 1 AYJ 2956 583 1 doctor 1 AYK 3167 584 1 does 1 AYL 3167 585 1 doesn't 1 AYM 3109 586 1 dog 1 AYN 2979 587 1 dogs 1 AYO 3117 588 1 doing 1 AYP 2629 589 1 don 1 AYQ 2965 590 1 don't 1 AYR 3167 591 1 done 1 AYS 2905 592 1 door 1 AYT 2979 593 1 doors 1 AYU 2961 594 1 doorstep 1 AYV 2757 595 1 doorway 1 AYW 2679 596 1 dora 1 AYX 3109 597 1 doubt 1 AYY 3167 598 1 douglas 1 AYZ 2807 599 1 down 1 AZA 2630 600 1 downstairs 1 AZB 3105 601 1 dozen 1 AZC 3167 602 1 dr 1 AZD 3097 603 1 dragged 1 AZE 2696 604 1 dragon 1 AZF 3060 605 1 drank 1 AZG 3109 606 1 draw 1 AZH 3118 607 1 drawn 1 AZJ 2758 608 1 dread 1 AZK 2815 609 1 dreadful 1 AZL 2618 610 1 dreadfully 1 AZM 3167 611 1 dream 1 AZN 3167 612 1 dreamed 1 AZO 2727 613 1 dreaming 1 AZP 3003 614 1 dreams 1 AZQ 3109 615 1 dress 1 AZR 3004 616 1 dressed 1 AZS 3109 617 1 dresses 1 AZT 3157 618 1 drew 1 AZU 2976 619 1 dried 1 AZV 2953 620 1 drifted 1 AZW 2830 621 1 drink 1 AZX 3167 622 1 drive 1 AZY 3109 623 1 driven 1 AZZ 2947 624 1 driving 1 BAA 3102 625 1 drop 1 BAB 3119 626 1 dropped 1 BAC 3167 627 1 drops 1 BAD 3157 628 1 drove 1 BAE 2975 629 1 drowned 1 BAF 2874 630 1 drunk 1 BAG 3109 631 1 dry 1 BAH 3065 632 1 duck 1 BAJ 3109 633 1 ducks 1 BAK 2977 634 1 dull 1 BAL 0 635 1 during 1 BAM 2697 636 1 dusk 1 BAN 2698 637 1 dust 1 BAO 2962 638 1 duty 1 BAP 2906 639 1 dying 1 BAQ 3107 640 1 each 1 BAR 3109 641 1 eager 1 BAS 3044 642 1 eagerly 1 BAT 2831 643 1 eagle 1 BAU 3005 644 1 ear 1 BAV 0 645 1 early 1 BAW 3006 646 1 earnest 1 BAX 2973 647 1 ears 1 BAY 2698 648 1 earth 1 BAZ 2832 649 1 ease 1 BBA 0 650 1 easier 1 BBB 3109 651 1 easily 1 BBC 2605 652 1 east 1 BBD 3109 653 1 easy 1 BBE 3154 654 1 eat 1 BBF 3109 655 1 eaten 1 BBG 2979 656 1 eating 1 BBH 2608 657 1 edge 1 BBJ 2729 658 1 edith 1 BBK 2875 659 1 edward 1 BBL 3109 660 1 effect 1 BBM 2647 661 1 effort 1 BBN 3109 662 1 egg 1 BBO 3109 663 1 eggs 1 BBP 2964 664 1 eight 1 BBQ 3109 665 1 either 1 BBR 3109 666 1 elder 1 BBS 2677 667 1 eldest 1 BBT 2610 668 1 eleven 1 BBU 2969 669 1 eliza 1 BBV 2619 670 1 elizabeth 1 BBW 2979 671 1 ellen 1 BBX 2819 672 1 elliott 1 BBY 2633 673 1 ellis 1 BBZ 3167 674 1 else 1 BCA 2619 675 1 emily 1 BCB 2869 676 1 emperor 1 BCC 2884 677 1 empty 1 BCD 2972 678 1 end 1 BCE 3004 679 1 ended 1 BCF 3109 680 1 enemy 1 BCG 2759 681 1 engaged 1 BCH 2599 682 1 england 1 BCJ 3006 683 1 english 1 BCK 0 684 1 enjoy 1 BCL 3167 685 1 enjoyed 1 BCM 0 686 1 enjoying 1 BCN 3108 687 1 enough 1 BCO 3109 688 1 enter 1 BCP 2976 689 1 entered 1 BCQ 2899 690 1 entirely 1 BCR 2882 691 1 entrance 1 BCS 2679 692 1 eric 1 BCT 3167 693 1 errand 1 BCU 3120 694 1 escape 1 BCV 2907 695 1 escaped 1 BCW 3109 696 1 especially 1 BCX 2679 697 1 estella 1 BCY 2833 698 1 esther 1 BCZ 2679 699 1 eunice 1 BDA 2819 700 1 eva 1 BDB 2971 701 1 even 1 BDC 2760 702 1 evening 1 BDD 2589 703 1 ever 1 BDE 2637 704 1 every 1 BDF 2979 705 1 everybody 1 BDG 2979 706 1 everyone 1 BDH 2879 707 1 everything 1 BDJ 2834 708 1 everywhere 1 BDK 2971 709 1 evidently 1 BDL 3109 710 1 evil 1 BDM 3167 711 1 exactly 1 BDN 3121 712 1 excellent 1 BDO 3167 713 1 except 1 BDP 2799 714 1 excited 1 BDQ 2738 715 1 excitement 1 BDR 2977 716 1 exciting 1 BDS 3109 717 1 exclaimed 1 BDT 3167 718 1 exclamation 1 BDU 3167 719 1 excuse 1 BDV 2620 720 1 existence 1 BDW 0 721 1 expect 1 BDX 3146 722 1 expected 1 BDY 2975 723 1 expecting 1 BDZ 2979 724 1 experience 1 BEA 3166 725 1 explain 1 BEB 3109 726 1 explained 1 BEC 2979 727 1 expression 1 BED 3109 728 1 eye 1 BEE 3167 729 1 eyes 1 BEF 2973 730 1 face 1 BEG 3109 731 1 faced 1 BEH 2885 732 1 faces 1 BEJ 3045 733 1 fact 1 BEK 2907 734 1 faded 1 BEL 3155 735 1 failed 1 BEM 2761 736 1 failure 1 BEN 2948 737 1 faint 1 BEO 2806 738 1 fair 1 BEP 2748 739 1 fairies 1 BEQ 3109 740 1 fairly 1 BER 3109 741 1 fairy 1 BES 2679 742 1 faith 1 BET 3167 743 1 faithful 1 BEU 3167 744 1 fall 1 BEV 3155 745 1 fallen 1 BEW 3109 746 1 falling 1 BEX 2762 747 1 familiar 1 BEY 3109 748 1 family 1 BEZ 2949 749 1 famous 1 BFA 3158 750 1 fancy 1 BFB 3140 751 1 far 1 BFC 3076 752 1 farewell 1 BFD 3007 753 1 farm 1 BFE 3167 754 1 farmer 1 BFF 2808 755 1 farther 1 BFG 2820 756 1 fashion 1 BFH 3140 757 1 fast 1 BFJ 2977 758 1 fastened 1 BFK 2648 759 1 faster 1 BFL 2991 760 1 fat 1 BFM 2908 761 1 fate 1 BFN 2763 762 1 father 1 BFO 3167 763 1 fault 1 BFP 2820 764 1 favorite 1 BFQ 3109 765 1 favour 1 BFR 2882 766 1 favourite 1 BFS 3167 767 1 fear 1 BFT 3155 768 1 feared 1 BFU 2820 769 1 feast 1 BFV 3109 770 1 feathers 1 BFW 2958 771 1 fed 1 BFX 0 772 1 feel 1 BFY 3167 773 1 feeling 1 BFZ 2973 774 1 feelings 1 BGA 2973 775 1 feet 1 BGB 2691 776 1 felicity 1 BGC 2679 777 1 felix 1 BGD 3157 778 1 fell 1 BGE 2998 779 1 fellow 1 BGF 3167 780 1 felt 1 BGG 2961 781 1 fence 1 BGH 2804 782 1 ferns 1 BGJ 2944 783 1 fever 1 BGK 3105 784 1 few 1 BGL 2809 785 1 field 1 BGM 2678 786 1 fields 1 BGN 2764 787 1 fierce 1 BGO 2590 788 1 fifteen 1 BGP 3139 789 1 fifty 1 BGQ 3109 790 1 fight 1 BGR 2909 791 1 fighting 1 BGS 2962 792 1 figure 1 BGT 3109 793 1 fill 1 BGU 3167 794 1 filled 1 BGV 2699 795 1 finally 1 BGW 3167 796 1 find 1 BGX 0 797 1 finding 1 BGY 0 798 1 finds 1 BGZ 3109 799 1 fine 1 BHA 2631 800 1 finest 1 BHB 2820 801 1 finger 1 BHC 3042 802 1 fingers 1 BHD 3109 803 1 finish 1 BHE 3109 804 1 finished 1 BHF 2576 805 1 fir 1 BHG 2963 806 1 fire 1 BHH 3109 807 1 firm 1 BHJ 2884 808 1 firmly 1 BHK 2678 809 1 firs 1 BHL 2910 810 1 first 1 BHM 3109 811 1 fish 1 BHN 3077 812 1 fishing 1 BHO 3167 813 1 fit 1 BHP 2621 814 1 five 1 BHQ 3109 815 1 fixed 1 BHR 3109 816 1 flash 1 BHS 3109 817 1 flashed 1 BHT 3109 818 1 flat 1 BHU 3109 819 1 fled 1 BHV 3157 820 1 flew 1 BHW 3109 821 1 floated 1 BHX 2728 822 1 floor 1 BHY 3109 823 1 flower 1 BHZ 2979 824 1 flowers 1 BJA 3157 825 1 flung 1 BJB 3109 826 1 flushed 1 BJC 3109 827 1 fly 1 BJD 3109 828 1 flying 1 BJE 2977 829 1 folded 1 BJF 3167 830 1 folks 1 BJG 0 831 1 follow 1 BJH 3167 832 1 followed 1 BJJ 3109 833 1 following 1 BJK 3039 834 1 fond 1 BJL 3062 835 1 food 1 BJM 2979 836 1 fool 1 BJN 2765 837 1 foolish 1 BJO 2972 838 1 foot 1 BJP 3167 839 1 for 1 BJQ 3109 840 1 forced 1 BJR 0 841 1 ford 1 BJS 2803 842 1 forehead 1 BJT 2700 843 1 forest 1 BJU 2684 844 1 forever 1 BJV 3167 845 1 forget 1 BJW 3078 846 1 forgetting 1 BJX 3141 847 1 forgive 1 BJY 3167 848 1 forgot 1 BJZ 3167 849 1 forgotten 1 BKA 3109 850 1 form 1 BKB 2685 851 1 forth 1 BKC 2911 852 1 fortnight 1 BKD 2835 853 1 fortunately 1 BKE 3109 854 1 fortune 1 BKF 2630 855 1 forward 1 BKG 3155 856 1 fought 1 BKH 3167 857 1 found 1 BKJ 2677 858 1 fountain 1 BKK 2964 859 1 four 1 BKL 2970 860 1 fourth 1 BKM 0 861 1 fox 1 BKN 2679 862 1 frances 1 BKO 2819 863 1 frank 1 BKP 2604 864 1 freda 1 BKQ 2836 865 1 free 1 BKR 2753 866 1 fresh 1 BKS 3122 867 1 friend 1 BKT 2948 868 1 friendly 1 BKU 3122 869 1 friends 1 BKV 2817 870 1 friendship 1 BKW 2944 871 1 fright 1 BKX 3167 872 1 frighten 1 BKY 2837 873 1 frightened 1 BKZ 0 874 1 frog 1 BLA 3151 875 1 from 1 BLB 3109 876 1 front 1 BLC 3109 877 1 frost 1 BLD 2766 878 1 frowned 1 BLE 2912 879 1 fruit 1 BLF 3109 880 1 full 1 BLG 3123 881 1 fun 1 BLH 2767 882 1 funeral 1 BLJ 2815 883 1 funny 1 BLK 3109 884 1 fur 1 BLL 2967 885 1 furious 1 BLM 2808 886 1 further 1 BLN 0 887 1 fuss 1 BLO 2678 888 1 future 1 BLP 0 889 1 gables 1 BLQ 2913 890 1 game 1 BLR 2739 891 1 garden 1 BLS 2739 892 1 gardens 1 BLT 2609 893 1 garret 1 BLU 2649 894 1 gasp 1 BLV 2838 895 1 gasped 1 BLW 2839 896 1 gate 1 BLX 2882 897 1 gates 1 BLY 3156 898 1 gathered 1 BLZ 3167 899 1 gave 1 BMA 3109 900 1 gay 1 BMB 3109 901 1 gaze 1 BMC 3109 902 1 gazed 1 BMD 3079 903 1 gazing 1 BME 3008 904 1 general 1 BMF 2742 905 1 generally 1 BMG 2818 906 1 gentle 1 BMH 3167 907 1 gentleman 1 BMJ 2668 908 1 gentlemen 1 BMK 2768 909 1 gently 1 BML 2979 910 1 george 1 BMM 2897 911 1 gerda 1 BMN 3167 912 1 get 1 BMO 3167 913 1 gets 1 BMP 3167 914 1 getting 1 BMQ 2823 915 1 ghost 1 BMR 3109 916 1 giant 1 BMS 3109 917 1 gift 1 BMT 2679 918 1 gilbert 1 BMU 3109 919 1 girl 1 BMV 3109 920 1 girls 1 BMW 0 921 1 give 1 BMX 3167 922 1 given 1 BMY 3095 923 1 gives 1 BMZ 3152 924 1 giving 1 BNA 3109 925 1 glad 1 BNB 3167 926 1 glance 1 BNC 3097 927 1 glanced 1 BND 3167 928 1 glared 1 BNE 3109 929 1 glass 1 BNF 3109 930 1 gleam 1 BNG 2677 931 1 glen 1 BNH 2736 932 1 gloom 1 BNJ 2701 933 1 glorious 1 BNK 2758 934 1 glory 1 BNL 3040 935 1 glow 1 BNM 3073 936 1 go 1 BNN 3066 937 1 god 1 BNO 2876 938 1 gods 1 BNP 0 939 1 goes 1 BNQ 3114 940 1 going 1 BNR 3109 941 1 gold 1 BNS 3109 942 1 golden 1 BNT 3167 943 1 gone 1 BNU 2968 944 1 good 1 BNV 2821 945 1 good-bye 1 BNW 2622 946 1 good-natured 1 BNX 2803 947 1 goodness 1 BNY 2650 948 1 goose 1 BNZ 3167 949 1 gordon 1 BOA 2962 950 1 gossip 1 BOB 3167 951 1 got 1 BOC 3066 952 1 grace 1 BOD 2904 953 1 grand 1 BOE 3109 954 1 grandfather 1 BOF 2598 955 1 grandma 1 BOG 3109 956 1 grandmother 1 BOH 3009 957 1 granny 1 BOJ 3047 958 1 grant 1 BOK 2669 959 1 grass 1 BOL 3167 960 1 grateful 1 BOM 3109 961 1 grave 1 BON 2651 962 1 gravely 1 BOO 2606 963 1 graveyard 1 BOP 3010 964 1 gray 1 BOQ 2826 965 1 great 1 BOR 3011 966 1 greatest 1 BOS 3161 967 1 greatly 1 BOT 3109 968 1 green 1 BOU 0 969 1 grew 1 BOV 3010 970 1 grey 1 BOW 2591 971 1 grief 1 BOX 2673 972 1 grim 1 BOY 2889 973 1 grin 1 BOZ 2754 974 1 grinned 1 BPA 2871 975 1 groaned 1 BPB 2810 976 1 ground 1 BPC 2979 977 1 group 1 BPD 2623 978 1 grove 1 BPE 3167 979 1 grow 1 BPF 3109 980 1 growing 1 BPG 0 981 1 grown 1 BPH 0 982 1 grows 1 BPJ 3167 983 1 guess 1 BPK 3167 984 1 guessed 1 BPL 2979 985 1 guests 1 BPM 3167 986 1 gun 1 BPN 0 987 1 gutenberg 1 BPO 3109 988 1 habit 1 BPP 3167 989 1 had 1 BPQ 3080 990 1 hadn't 1 BPR 3109 991 1 hair 1 BPS 3167 992 1 half 1 BPT 2840 993 1 hall 1 BPU 2973 994 1 hand 1 BPV 3167 995 1 handed 1 BPW 2743 996 1 hands 1 BPX 2769 997 1 handsome 1 BPY 3167 998 1 hanging 1 BPZ 2652 999 1 hannah 1 BQA 2914 1000 1 hans 1 BQB 3158 1001 1 happen 1 BQC 3167 1002 1 happened 1 BQD 3167 1003 1 happens 1 BQE 2874 1004 1 happier 1 BQF 2841 1005 1 happily 1 BQG 2770 1006 1 happiness 1 BQH 2968 1007 1 happy 1 BQJ 2592 1008 1 harbor 1 BQK 2592 1009 1 harbour 1 BQL 3109 1010 1 hard 1 BQM 3109 1011 1 harder 1 BQN 2702 1012 1 hardly 1 BQO 3167 1013 1 hare 1 BQP 3167 1014 1 harm 1 BQQ 3109 1015 1 harmon 1 BQR 2644 1016 1 harrison 1 BQS 3167 1017 1 has 1 BQT 0 1018 1 hasn't 1 BQU 2941 1019 1 haste 1 BQV 3109 1020 1 hastened 1 BQW 2703 1021 1 hastily 1 BQX 2915 1022 1 hat 1 BQY 3167 1023 1 hate 1 BQZ 3167 1024 1 hated 1 BRA 2750 1025 1 hats 1 BRB 3109 1026 1 haunted 1 BRC 3167 1027 1 have 1 BRD 2680 1028 1 haven't 1 BRE 3167 1029 1 having 1 BRF 2593 1030 1 he 1 BRG 2973 1031 1 head 1 BRH 3167 1032 1 heads 1 BRJ 2877 1033 1 health 1 BRK 3167 1034 1 hear 1 BRL 3167 1035 1 heard 1 BRM 2909 1036 1 hearing 1 BRN 2973 1037 1 heart 1 BRO 2884 1038 1 heartily 1 BRP 2916 1039 1 hearts 1 BRQ 2679 1040 1 heaven 1 BRR 2977 1041 1 heavy 1 BRS 0 1042 1 heed 1 BRT 3109 1043 1 heels 1 BRU 3119 1044 1 held 1 BRV 2629 1045 1 helen 1 BRW 3167 1046 1 help 1 BRX 3167 1047 1 helped 1 BRY 2771 1048 1 helpless 1 BRZ 3109 1049 1 hen 1 BSA 2640 1050 1 henhouse 1 BSB 3109 1051 1 henry 1 BSC 2979 1052 1 hens 1 BSD 2573 1053 1 her 1 BSE 2653 1054 1 here 1 BSF 3109 1055 1 hero 1 BSG 2624 1056 1 hers 1 BSH 2579 1057 1 herself 1 BSJ 2766 1058 1 hesitated 1 BSK 2599 1059 1 hester 1 BSL 3167 1060 1 hid 1 BSM 3167 1061 1 hidden 1 BSN 3120 1062 1 hide 1 BSO 3012 1063 1 hiding 1 BSP 3142 1064 1 high 1 BSQ 2808 1065 1 higher 1 BSR 2979 1066 1 hill 1 BSS 3109 1067 1 hills 1 BST 2571 1068 1 him 1 BSU 2579 1069 1 himself 1 BSV 3109 1070 1 hind 1 BSW 3109 1071 1 hired 1 BSX 2573 1072 1 his 1 BSY 2883 1073 1 history 1 BSZ 3124 1074 1 hit 1 BTA 3081 1075 1 ho 1 BTB 3167 1076 1 hold 1 BTC 3167 1077 1 holding 1 BTD 2917 1078 1 hole 1 BTE 3167 1079 1 holland 1 BTF 3109 1080 1 hollow 1 BTG 2949 1081 1 holy 1 BTH 3067 1082 1 home 1 BTJ 3109 1083 1 homestead 1 BTK 2625 1084 1 honest 1 BTL 2812 1085 1 honour 1 BTM 3046 1086 1 hook 1 BTN 2772 1087 1 hooty 1 BTO 3167 1088 1 hope 1 BTP 3013 1089 1 hoped 1 BTQ 0 1090 1 hoping 1 BTR 3109 1091 1 hopped 1 BTS 2842 1092 1 horns 1 BTT 3109 1093 1 horrible 1 BTU 2618 1094 1 horribly 1 BTV 2949 1095 1 horrid 1 BTW 2736 1096 1 horror 1 BTX 2979 1097 1 horse 1 BTY 3109 1098 1 horses 1 BTZ 2704 1099 1 hot 1 BUA 3082 1100 1 hound 1 BUB 2876 1101 1 hounds 1 BUC 3098 1102 1 hour 1 BUD 2918 1103 1 hours 1 BUE 2843 1104 1 house 1 BUF 3167 1105 1 household 1 BUG 3167 1106 1 housekeeper 1 BUH 3083 1107 1 how 1 BUJ 2773 1108 1 however 1 BUK 3084 1109 1 huge 1 BUL 2723 1110 1 hugh 1 BUM 2919 1111 1 human 1 BUN 2820 1112 1 humour 1 BUO 3105 1113 1 hundred 1 BUP 3167 1114 1 hung 1 BUQ 2799 1115 1 hungry 1 BUR 3167 1116 1 hunt 1 BUS 3109 1117 1 hunted 1 BUT 3014 1118 1 hunter 1 BUU 2876 1119 1 hunters 1 BUV 3167 1120 1 hunting 1 BUW 3167 1121 1 hurried 1 BUX 3109 1122 1 hurry 1 BUY 3167 1123 1 hurt 1 BUZ 2959 1124 1 husband 1 BVA 2609 1125 1 hut 1 BVB 2733 1126 1 i 1 BVC 2669 1127 1 ice 1 BVD 3109 1128 1 idea 1 BVE 0 1129 1 if 1 BVF 3109 1130 1 ill 1 BVG 3011 1131 1 illustrations 1 BVH 2978 1132 1 imagination 1 BVJ 0 1133 1 imagine 1 BVK 3109 1134 1 immediately 1 BVL 2844 1135 1 important 1 BVM 2993 1136 1 impossible 1 BVN 2647 1137 1 impression 1 BVO 3109 1138 1 in 1 BVP 3125 1139 1 inclined 1 BVQ 2773 1140 1 indeed 1 BVR 2632 1141 1 indignant 1 BVS 3109 1142 1 influence 1 BVT 2686 1143 1 ingleside 1 BVU 3109 1144 1 inquired 1 BVV 2845 1145 1 inside 1 BVW 2955 1146 1 insisted 1 BVX 3109 1147 1 instant 1 BVY 3167 1148 1 instantly 1 BVZ 2654 1149 1 instead 1 BWA 3167 1150 1 intention 1 BWB 3066 1151 1 interest 1 BWC 2920 1152 1 interested 1 BWD 2974 1153 1 interesting 1 BWE 3015 1154 1 interrupted 1 BWF 3151 1155 1 into 1 BWG 3109 1156 1 invited 1 BWH 3167 1157 1 iron 1 BWJ 0 1158 1 irving 1 BWK 3085 1159 1 is 1 BWL 3109 1160 1 isabel 1 BWM 2633 1161 1 isabella 1 BWN 3109 1162 1 island 1 BWO 3086 1163 1 isn't 1 BWP 2674 1164 1 it 1 BWQ 2950 1165 1 its 1 BWR 2679 1166 1 itself 1 BWS 2774 1167 1 iv 1 BWT 3109 1168 1 jack 1 BWU 2655 1169 1 jackal 1 BWV 3016 1170 1 james 1 BWW 2819 1171 1 jane 1 BWX 2705 1172 1 janet 1 BWY 0 1173 1 jay 1 BWZ 2818 1174 1 jealous 1 BXA 2729 1175 1 jed 1 BXB 2626 1176 1 jem 1 BXC 2575 1177 1 jerome 1 BXD 2706 1178 1 jerry 1 BXE 2598 1179 1 jill 1 BXF 3109 1180 1 jim 1 BXG 2692 1181 1 jimmy 1 BXH 2679 1182 1 jims 1 BXJ 3047 1183 1 jo 1 BXK 3167 1184 1 joe 1 BXL 2979 1185 1 john 1 BXM 2706 1186 1 johnny 1 BXN 3167 1187 1 join 1 BXO 3167 1188 1 joined 1 BXP 3109 1189 1 joke 1 BXQ 2818 1190 1 jolly 1 BXR 2729 1191 1 jordan 1 BXS 2633 1192 1 joscelyn 1 BXT 2820 1193 1 joseph 1 BXU 2707 1194 1 josephine 1 BXV 2629 1195 1 josie 1 BXW 3007 1196 1 journey 1 BXX 2878 1197 1 joy 1 BXY 2969 1198 1 joyce 1 BXZ 3109 1199 1 judge 1 BYA 2675 1200 1 judith 1 BYB 3167 1201 1 jump 1 BYC 3157 1202 1 jumped 1 BYD 2679 1203 1 jumper 1 BYE 0 1204 1 jumps 1 BYF 2725 1205 1 jungle 1 BYG 2734 1206 1 just 1 BYH 2811 1207 1 justice 1 BYJ 2679 1208 1 kate 1 BYK 3167 1209 1 keep 1 BYL 3109 1210 1 keeping 1 BYM 3167 1211 1 keeps 1 BYN 3167 1212 1 kept 1 BYO 3017 1213 1 key 1 BYP 3109 1214 1 kicked 1 BYQ 3167 1215 1 kill 1 BYR 3109 1216 1 killed 1 BYS 2805 1217 1 killing 1 BYT 2633 1218 1 kilmeny 1 BYU 2679 1219 1 kim 1 BYV 3018 1220 1 kind 1 BYW 2970 1221 1 king 1 BYX 3109 1222 1 kingdom 1 BYY 3043 1223 1 kiss 1 BYZ 2976 1224 1 kissed 1 BZA 2739 1225 1 kitchen 1 BZB 2819 1226 1 kitty 1 BZC 2775 1227 1 knee 1 BZD 2722 1228 1 knees 1 BZE 3167 1229 1 knelt 1 BZF 3167 1230 1 knew 1 BZG 3041 1231 1 knife 1 BZH 3099 1232 1 knight 1 BZJ 3150 1233 1 knitting 1 BZK 2833 1234 1 knock 1 BZL 2986 1235 1 knocked 1 BZM 3167 1236 1 know 1 BZN 3167 1237 1 knowing 1 BZO 3167 1238 1 known 1 BZP 3167 1239 1 knows 1 BZQ 3048 1240 1 lad 1 BZR 2776 1241 1 ladder 1 BZS 2979 1242 1 ladies 1 BZT 3109 1243 1 lady 1 BZU 3167 1244 1 laid 1 BZV 2979 1245 1 lake 1 BZW 2951 1246 1 lama 1 BZX 3109 1247 1 lamp 1 BZY 2777 1248 1 land 1 BZZ 2946 1249 1 landed 1 CAA 2840 1250 1 lane 1 CAB 2708 1251 1 lap 1 CAC 3049 1252 1 large 1 CAD 2910 1253 1 last 1 CAE 3109 1254 1 lasted 1 CAF 3142 1255 1 late 1 CAG 3167 1256 1 later 1 CAH 2751 1257 1 latter 1 CAJ 3109 1258 1 laugh 1 CAK 3050 1259 1 laughed 1 CAL 3054 1260 1 laughing 1 CAM 2878 1261 1 laughter 1 CAN 2979 1262 1 laurie 1 CAO 2979 1263 1 lavendar 1 CAP 3110 1264 1 lavinia 1 CAQ 3109 1265 1 law 1 CAR 3100 1266 1 lay 1 CAS 3096 1267 1 lead 1 CAT 3109 1268 1 leaf 1 CAU 3109 1269 1 leaned 1 CAV 3079 1270 1 leaning 1 CAW 2921 1271 1 leaped 1 CAX 3158 1272 1 learn 1 CAY 3167 1273 1 learned 1 CAZ 0 1274 1 least 1 CBA 3167 1275 1 leave 1 CBB 3109 1276 1 leaves 1 CBC 3167 1277 1 leaving 1 CBD 3167 1278 1 led 1 CBE 3167 1279 1 left 1 CBF 3167 1280 1 leg 1 CBG 3109 1281 1 legs 1 CBH 3126 1282 1 lend 1 CBJ 3127 1283 1 length 1 CBK 2942 1284 1 leonard 1 CBL 2679 1285 1 leslie 1 CBM 2874 1286 1 less 1 CBN 3109 1287 1 lesson 1 CBO 2901 1288 1 lessons 1 CBP 0 1289 1 lest 1 CBQ 0 1290 1 let 1 CBR 2922 1291 1 let's 1 CBS 3109 1292 1 letter 1 CBT 2923 1293 1 letters 1 CBU 3017 1294 1 lid 1 CBV 3101 1295 1 lie 1 CBW 0 1296 1 lies 1 CBX 2973 1297 1 life 1 CBY 3167 1298 1 lifted 1 CBZ 3109 1299 1 light 1 CCA 2977 1300 1 lighted 1 CCB 2819 1301 1 lightfoot 1 CCC 3002 1302 1 lightly 1 CCD 2979 1303 1 lights 1 CCE 3167 1304 1 like 1 CCF 3167 1305 1 liked 1 CCG 0 1306 1 likely 1 CCH 3167 1307 1 likes 1 CCJ 3099 1308 1 lily 1 CCK 0 1309 1 lily-pad 1 CCL 3109 1310 1 line 1 CCM 3109 1311 1 lines 1 CCN 2696 1312 1 lion 1 CCO 3109 1313 1 lips 1 CCP 2888 1314 1 listen 1 CCQ 3109 1315 1 listened 1 CCR 2759 1316 1 listening 1 CCS 2884 1317 1 lit 1 CCT 2816 1318 1 little 1 CCU 3167 1319 1 live 1 CCV 3167 1320 1 lived 1 CCW 2916 1321 1 lives 1 CCX 3109 1322 1 living 1 CCY 3109 1323 1 locked 1 CCZ 2961 1324 1 log 1 CDA 0 1325 1 lone 1 CDB 2974 1326 1 lonely 1 CDC 2943 1327 1 lonesome 1 CDD 3109 1328 1 long 1 CDE 3109 1329 1 longed 1 CDF 0 1330 1 longer 1 CDG 3143 1331 1 longing 1 CDH 3046 1332 1 longlegs 1 CDJ 3167 1333 1 look 1 CDK 3128 1334 1 looked 1 CDL 3167 1335 1 looking 1 CDM 3167 1336 1 looks 1 CDN 2869 1337 1 lord 1 CDO 3167 1338 1 lose 1 CDP 2877 1339 1 loss 1 CDQ 3167 1340 1 lost 1 CDR 3158 1341 1 lot 1 CDS 2709 1342 1 loud 1 CDT 2679 1343 1 louisa 1 CDU 3167 1344 1 love 1 CDV 3167 1345 1 loved 1 CDW 2689 1346 1 lovely 1 CDX 3019 1347 1 lover 1 CDY 3167 1348 1 loves 1 CDZ 2668 1349 1 loving 1 CEA 2974 1350 1 low 1 CEB 2979 1351 1 lower 1 CEC 2976 1352 1 lowered 1 CED 2979 1353 1 luck 1 CEE 3109 1354 1 lucy 1 CEF 2667 1355 1 ludovic 1 CEG 2875 1356 1 lurgan 1 CEH 3167 1357 1 lying 1 CEJ 2798 1358 1 lynde 1 CEK 2656 1359 1 ma 1 CEL 2836 1360 1 mad 1 CEM 3167 1361 1 made 1 CEN 3167 1362 1 magic 1 CEO 2979 1363 1 magician 1 CEP 2701 1364 1 magnificent 1 CEQ 2594 1365 1 mahbub 1 CER 3065 1366 1 maid 1 CES 3065 1367 1 maiden 1 CET 2675 1368 1 maimie 1 CEU 3167 1369 1 make 1 CEV 0 1370 1 makes 1 CEW 3167 1371 1 making 1 CEX 2612 1372 1 malcolm 1 CEY 3109 1373 1 man 1 CEZ 0 1374 1 manage 1 CFA 3167 1375 1 managed 1 CFB 2820 1376 1 manner 1 CFC 3066 1377 1 manners 1 CFD 2677 1378 1 manse 1 CFE 2964 1379 1 many 1 CFF 2679 1380 1 marcella 1 CFG 3109 1381 1 march 1 CFH 3051 1382 1 marched 1 CFJ 2957 1383 1 mare 1 CFK 2819 1384 1 margaret 1 CFL 2583 1385 1 marian 1 CFM 2679 1386 1 marilla 1 CFN 3144 1387 1 mark 1 CFO 2978 1388 1 marriage 1 CFP 3167 1389 1 married 1 CFQ 3167 1390 1 marry 1 CFR 3167 1391 1 marshall 1 CFS 2979 1392 1 martha 1 CFT 3109 1393 1 martin 1 CFU 2979 1394 1 mary 1 CFV 3109 1395 1 master 1 CFW 3066 1396 1 match 1 CFX 3020 1397 1 matter 1 CFY 3158 1398 1 matters 1 CFZ 2679 1399 1 matthew 1 CGA 2969 1400 1 mattie 1 CGB 2969 1401 1 maud 1 CGC 2965 1402 1 may 1 CGD 2657 1403 1 maybe 1 CGE 2571 1404 1 me 1 CGF 3109 1405 1 meadow 1 CGG 2700 1406 1 meadows 1 CGH 3109 1407 1 meal 1 CGJ 3167 1408 1 mean 1 CGK 3167 1409 1 meaning 1 CGL 3167 1410 1 means 1 CGM 3167 1411 1 meant 1 CGN 2979 1412 1 meantime 1 CGO 2979 1413 1 meanwhile 1 CGP 2820 1414 1 medicine 1 CGQ 3167 1415 1 meet 1 CGR 3109 1416 1 meeting 1 CGS 2819 1417 1 meg 1 CGT 2924 1418 1 memory 1 CGU 3109 1419 1 men 1 CGV 3102 1420 1 mention 1 CGW 3167 1421 1 mere 1 CGX 3167 1422 1 meredith 1 CGY 2846 1423 1 merely 1 CGZ 2778 1424 1 merry 1 CHA 3158 1425 1 message 1 CHB 3167 1426 1 met 1 CHC 2678 1427 1 mice 1 CHD 2583 1428 1 michael 1 CHE 2882 1429 1 middle 1 CHF 3066 1430 1 midnight 1 CHG 2710 1431 1 midst 1 CHH 2965 1432 1 might 1 CHJ 3167 1433 1 mighty 1 CHK 0 1434 1 miles 1 CHL 3109 1435 1 milk 1 CHM 3109 1436 1 mind 1 CHN 2679 1437 1 mine 1 CHO 2956 1438 1 minister 1 CHP 3162 1439 1 mink 1 CHQ 3167 1440 1 minute 1 CHR 3103 1441 1 minutes 1 CHS 2739 1442 1 mirror 1 CHT 2817 1443 1 mischief 1 CHU 2818 1444 1 miserable 1 CHV 2987 1445 1 miss 1 CHW 3109 1446 1 missed 1 CHX 3167 1447 1 mistake 1 CHY 2658 1448 1 mistaken 1 CHZ 0 1449 1 mistakes 1 CJA 3109 1450 1 mistress 1 CJB 3098 1451 1 moment 1 CJC 2979 1452 1 moments 1 CJD 2979 1453 1 monday 1 CJE 3062 1454 1 money 1 CJF 3099 1455 1 monkey 1 CJG 2779 1456 1 monster 1 CJH 3165 1457 1 montgomery 1 CJJ 2911 1458 1 month 1 CJK 3167 1459 1 months 1 CJL 2820 1460 1 mood 1 CJM 2780 1461 1 moon 1 CJN 2738 1462 1 moonlight 1 CJO 0 1463 1 moore 1 CJP 2925 1464 1 more 1 CJQ 2939 1465 1 moreover 1 CJR 2819 1466 1 morgan 1 CJS 2760 1467 1 morning 1 CJT 2960 1468 1 mortal 1 CJU 3108 1469 1 most 1 CJV 2763 1470 1 mother 1 CJW 3109 1471 1 mothers 1 CJX 3109 1472 1 mount 1 CJY 2739 1473 1 mountain 1 CJZ 2871 1474 1 mounted 1 CKA 3167 1475 1 mouse 1 CKB 2973 1476 1 mouth 1 CKC 3109 1477 1 move 1 CKD 3167 1478 1 moved 1 CKE 0 1479 1 moving 1 CKF 2679 1480 1 mowgli 1 CKG 2584 1481 1 mr 1 CKH 2584 1482 1 mrs 1 CKJ 3109 1483 1 much 1 CKK 2736 1484 1 mud 1 CKL 2979 1485 1 murray 1 CKM 2979 1486 1 music 1 CKN 0 1487 1 muskrat 1 CKO 2737 1488 1 must 1 CKP 3163 1489 1 mustn't 1 CKQ 2580 1490 1 my 1 CKR 2627 1491 1 myself 1 CKS 3021 1492 1 mysterious 1 CKT 2817 1493 1 mystery 1 CKU 3109 1494 1 name 1 CKV 2975 1495 1 named 1 CKW 2979 1496 1 names 1 CKX 2598 1497 1 nan 1 CKY 2670 1498 1 nancy 1 CKZ 2729 1499 1 naomi 1 CLA 3019 1500 1 nap 1 CLB 2735 1501 1 narrow 1 CLC 2607 1502 1 nat 1 CLD 2906 1503 1 naturally 1 CLE 2781 1504 1 nature 1 CLF 3167 1505 1 near 1 CLG 3109 1506 1 nearer 1 CLH 2631 1507 1 nearest 1 CLJ 2824 1508 1 nearly 1 CLK 2818 1509 1 neat 1 CLL 3109 1510 1 necessary 1 CLM 3109 1511 1 neck 1 CLN 2670 1512 1 ned 1 CLO 0 1513 1 need 1 CLP 3074 1514 1 needed 1 CLQ 3163 1515 1 needn't 1 CLR 3167 1516 1 needs 1 CLS 2984 1517 1 neighbors 1 CLT 3109 1518 1 neighbours 1 CLU 2675 1519 1 neil 1 CLV 2952 1520 1 neither 1 CLW 2622 1521 1 nervous 1 CLX 3048 1522 1 nest 1 CLY 2578 1523 1 never 1 CLZ 2654 1524 1 nevertheless 1 CMA 3109 1525 1 new 1 CMB 3167 1526 1 news 1 CMC 3109 1527 1 next 1 CMD 2769 1528 1 nice 1 CME 3118 1529 1 niece 1 CMF 2926 1530 1 night 1 CMG 2979 1531 1 nights 1 CMH 2610 1532 1 nine 1 CMJ 2638 1533 1 no 1 CMK 3167 1534 1 nobody 1 CML 2976 1535 1 nodded 1 CMM 3109 1536 1 noise 1 CMN 2927 1537 1 none 1 CMO 3066 1538 1 nonsense 1 CMP 3167 1539 1 nor 1 CMQ 2633 1540 1 nora 1 CMR 2726 1541 1 norman 1 CMS 2605 1542 1 north 1 CMT 2915 1543 1 nose 1 CMU 3167 1544 1 not 1 CMV 3109 1545 1 note 1 CMW 2872 1546 1 noted 1 CMX 2879 1547 1 nothing 1 CMY 3145 1548 1 notice 1 CMZ 3167 1549 1 noticed 1 CNA 2979 1550 1 november 1 CNB 2628 1551 1 now 1 CNC 2658 1552 1 nowhere 1 CND 3109 1553 1 number 1 CNE 2979 1554 1 nurse 1 CNF 2979 1555 1 nuts 1 CNG 0 1556 1 o'clock 1 CNH 3109 1557 1 obeyed 1 CNJ 2693 1558 1 octavia 1 CNK 2690 1559 1 october 1 CNL 3109 1560 1 odd 1 CNM 3167 1561 1 of 1 CNN 2614 1562 1 off 1 CNO 3109 1563 1 offer 1 CNP 3167 1564 1 offered 1 CNQ 2782 1565 1 office 1 CNR 2971 1566 1 often 1 CNS 2711 1567 1 oh 1 CNT 2847 1568 1 old 1 CNU 3109 1569 1 old-fashioned 1 CNV 2642 1570 1 older 1 CNW 2677 1571 1 oldest 1 CNX 2979 1572 1 oliver 1 CNY 2979 1573 1 olivia 1 CNZ 3109 1574 1 on 1 COA 2925 1575 1 once 1 COB 3153 1576 1 one 1 COC 0 1577 1 ones 1 COD 2734 1578 1 only 1 COE 3167 1579 1 open 1 COF 3087 1580 1 opened 1 COG 3055 1581 1 opening 1 COH 3109 1582 1 opinion 1 COJ 3066 1583 1 opportunity 1 COK 3109 1584 1 opposite 1 COL 0 1585 1 or 1 COM 2739 1586 1 orchard 1 CON 2978 1587 1 order 1 COO 3129 1588 1 ordered 1 COP 3022 1589 1 orders 1 COQ 3164 1590 1 other 1 COR 2848 1591 1 others 1 COS 2835 1592 1 otherwise 1 COT 0 1593 1 otter 1 COU 3167 1594 1 ought 1 COV 2950 1595 1 our 1 COW 2783 1596 1 ourselves 1 COX 2807 1597 1 out 1 COY 2845 1598 1 outside 1 COZ 3067 1599 1 over 1 CPA 3150 1600 1 overcome 1 CPB 2914 1601 1 owen 1 CPC 3109 1602 1 owl 1 CPD 3109 1603 1 own 1 CPE 2784 1604 1 pa 1 CPF 2979 1605 1 pack 1 CPG 2772 1606 1 paddy 1 CPH 2979 1607 1 page 1 CPJ 3109 1608 1 paid 1 CPK 3064 1609 1 pail 1 CPL 2878 1610 1 pain 1 CPM 3109 1611 1 painted 1 CPN 3109 1612 1 pair 1 CPO 2659 1613 1 palace 1 CPP 3049 1614 1 pale 1 CPQ 3109 1615 1 pan 1 CPR 2623 1616 1 pantry 1 CPS 2979 1617 1 paper 1 CPT 2820 1618 1 papers 1 CPU 2895 1619 1 parents 1 CPV 2606 1620 1 parlour 1 CPW 3158 1621 1 part 1 CPX 3109 1622 1 parted 1 CPY 3130 1623 1 particular 1 CPZ 3127 1624 1 parting 1 CQA 2755 1625 1 party 1 CQB 3131 1626 1 pass 1 CQC 3167 1627 1 passed 1 CQD 3109 1628 1 passing 1 CQE 2912 1629 1 passion 1 CQF 3167 1630 1 past 1 CQG 2688 1631 1 pasture 1 CQH 2979 1632 1 patch 1 CQJ 3167 1633 1 path 1 CQK 3109 1634 1 paths 1 CQL 3066 1635 1 patience 1 CQM 2849 1636 1 patient 1 CQN 2679 1637 1 patty 1 CQO 2979 1638 1 paul 1 CQP 3132 1639 1 pause 1 CQQ 3052 1640 1 paused 1 CQR 3133 1641 1 paw 1 CQS 3109 1642 1 paws 1 CQT 3109 1643 1 pay 1 CQU 2898 1644 1 peace 1 CQV 3021 1645 1 peaceful 1 CQW 2668 1646 1 pearls 1 CQX 2953 1647 1 peeped 1 CQY 2595 1648 1 peg 1 CQZ 3109 1649 1 people 1 CRA 3109 1650 1 perfect 1 CRB 2818 1651 1 perfectly 1 CRC 2730 1652 1 perhaps 1 CRD 3167 1653 1 person 1 CRE 3109 1654 1 persons 1 CRF 2819 1655 1 peter 1 CRG 2819 1656 1 petru 1 CRH 2679 1657 1 phil 1 CRJ 2582 1658 1 philippa 1 CRK 3167 1659 1 pick 1 CRL 3109 1660 1 picked 1 CRM 3109 1661 1 picking 1 CRN 3115 1662 1 picnic 1 CRO 3109 1663 1 picture 1 CRP 2979 1664 1 pictures 1 CRQ 2979 1665 1 pie 1 CRR 3023 1666 1 piece 1 CRS 2978 1667 1 pieces 1 CRT 2820 1668 1 pies 1 CRU 2842 1669 1 pigs 1 CRV 3109 1670 1 pile 1 CRW 2708 1671 1 pillow 1 CRX 2785 1672 1 pine 1 CRY 3109 1673 1 pink 1 CRZ 3024 1674 1 pipe 1 CSA 2779 1675 1 pirate 1 CSB 3143 1676 1 pity 1 CSC 3109 1677 1 place 1 CSD 3109 1678 1 placed 1 CSE 3025 1679 1 places 1 CSF 3109 1680 1 plain 1 CSG 3109 1681 1 plainly 1 CSH 3167 1682 1 plan 1 CSJ 2883 1683 1 plans 1 CSK 3154 1684 1 play 1 CSL 2976 1685 1 played 1 CSM 3012 1686 1 playing 1 CSN 2815 1687 1 pleasant 1 CSO 2922 1688 1 please 1 CSP 2975 1689 1 pleased 1 CSQ 2873 1690 1 pleasure 1 CSR 2927 1691 1 plenty 1 CSS 2735 1692 1 plump 1 CST 3155 1693 1 plunged 1 CSU 2757 1694 1 pocket 1 CSV 2990 1695 1 poetry 1 CSW 2972 1696 1 point 1 CSX 3109 1697 1 pointed 1 CSY 2892 1698 1 polite 1 CSZ 2726 1699 1 polly 1 CTA 2739 1700 1 pond 1 CTB 2652 1701 1 ponsonby 1 CTC 0 1702 1 pool 1 CTD 2712 1703 1 poor 1 CTE 0 1704 1 popped 1 CTF 2994 1705 1 porch 1 CTG 0 1706 1 porky 1 CTH 2820 1707 1 position 1 CTJ 3126 1708 1 possessed 1 CTK 3109 1709 1 possession 1 CTL 3109 1710 1 possible 1 CTM 2730 1711 1 possibly 1 CTN 3162 1712 1 possum 1 CTO 2739 1713 1 post 1 CTP 2677 1714 1 pot 1 CTQ 3167 1715 1 poured 1 CTR 2682 1716 1 power 1 CTS 2830 1717 1 pray 1 CTT 2979 1718 1 prayer 1 CTU 3109 1719 1 prayers 1 CTV 2967 1720 1 precious 1 CTW 3109 1721 1 prepared 1 CTX 2781 1722 1 presence 1 CTY 3109 1723 1 present 1 CTZ 3109 1724 1 presented 1 CUA 2699 1725 1 presently 1 CUB 3109 1726 1 pretended 1 CUC 3058 1727 1 pretty 1 CUD 3158 1728 1 prevent 1 CUE 0 1729 1 price 1 CUF 3167 1730 1 pricked 1 CUG 3167 1731 1 prickly 1 CUH 3026 1732 1 pride 1 CUJ 3109 1733 1 priest 1 CUK 3167 1734 1 prigio 1 CUL 2970 1735 1 prince 1 CUM 2970 1736 1 princess 1 CUN 2599 1737 1 priscilla 1 CUO 2761 1738 1 prisoner 1 CUP 2600 1739 1 prissy 1 CUQ 2730 1740 1 probably 1 CUR 3109 1741 1 project 1 CUS 3167 1742 1 promise 1 CUT 3167 1743 1 promised 1 CUU 2975 1744 1 promptly 1 CUV 3109 1745 1 proof 1 CUW 3104 1746 1 proper 1 CUX 2954 1747 1 proposed 1 CUY 2850 1748 1 proud 1 CUZ 2651 1749 1 proudly 1 CVA 3109 1750 1 proved 1 CVB 2832 1751 1 puck 1 CVC 3167 1752 1 puffed 1 CVD 3101 1753 1 pull 1 CVE 3167 1754 1 pulled 1 CVF 3109 1755 1 pure 1 CVG 2671 1756 1 purple 1 CVH 3109 1757 1 purpose 1 CVJ 3167 1758 1 pushed 1 CVK 3167 1759 1 put 1 CVL 3167 1760 1 putting 1 CVM 3109 1761 1 puzzled 1 CVN 3109 1762 1 pye 1 CVO 2798 1763 1 quack 1 CVP 3167 1764 1 quarrel 1 CVQ 3109 1765 1 quarter 1 CVR 2851 1766 1 queen 1 CVS 2815 1767 1 queer 1 CVT 3020 1768 1 question 1 CVU 3109 1769 1 questions 1 CVV 3142 1770 1 quick 1 CVW 2786 1771 1 quickly 1 CVX 3109 1772 1 quiet 1 CVY 3044 1773 1 quietly 1 CVZ 2713 1774 1 quite 1 CWA 0 1775 1 rabbit 1 CWB 2820 1776 1 race 1 CWC 2819 1777 1 rachel 1 CWD 2676 1778 1 rage 1 CWE 2738 1779 1 rain 1 CWF 2852 1780 1 rainbow 1 CWG 3156 1781 1 raised 1 CWH 3088 1782 1 ran 1 CWJ 3109 1783 1 rang 1 CWK 3167 1784 1 rapidly 1 CWL 2928 1785 1 rather 1 CWM 3167 1786 1 ray 1 CWN 3109 1787 1 reach 1 CWO 3167 1788 1 reached 1 CWP 3167 1789 1 read 1 CWQ 3124 1790 1 reading 1 CWR 3109 1791 1 ready 1 CWS 3109 1792 1 real 1 CWT 0 1793 1 realize 1 CWU 3146 1794 1 realized 1 CWV 2646 1795 1 really 1 CWW 3167 1796 1 reason 1 CWX 3109 1797 1 received 1 CWY 3109 1798 1 recognized 1 CWZ 0 1799 1 recovered 1 CXA 2787 1800 1 red 1 CXB 2819 1801 1 reddy 1 CXC 2724 1802 1 redmond 1 CXD 3109 1803 1 reflected 1 CXE 3134 1804 1 refuse 1 CXF 3112 1805 1 refused 1 CXG 2949 1806 1 regular 1 CXH 3109 1807 1 relatives 1 CXJ 2978 1808 1 relief 1 CXK 2747 1809 1 relieved 1 CXL 0 1810 1 remain 1 CXM 3167 1811 1 remained 1 CXN 3167 1812 1 remember 1 CXO 3146 1813 1 remembered 1 CXP 2884 1814 1 removed 1 CXQ 3156 1815 1 repeated 1 CXR 3129 1816 1 replied 1 CXS 2887 1817 1 reply 1 CXT 2962 1818 1 reputation 1 CXU 2955 1819 1 resolved 1 CXV 3109 1820 1 respect 1 CXW 2974 1821 1 respectable 1 CXX 3109 1822 1 rest 1 CXY 2946 1823 1 rested 1 CXZ 2820 1824 1 result 1 CYA 3109 1825 1 return 1 CYB 3109 1826 1 returned 1 CYC 3167 1827 1 reward 1 CYD 2806 1828 1 rich 1 CYE 2756 1829 1 richard 1 CYF 0 1830 1 rid 1 CYG 2958 1831 1 ride 1 CYH 3109 1832 1 right 1 CYJ 2679 1833 1 rilla 1 CYK 3048 1834 1 ring 1 CYL 3075 1835 1 rise 1 CYM 2979 1836 1 river 1 CYN 2979 1837 1 road 1 CYO 2594 1838 1 robert 1 CYP 2979 1839 1 rock 1 CYQ 2678 1840 1 rocks 1 CYR 3157 1841 1 rode 1 CYS 2979 1842 1 roger 1 CYT 3109 1843 1 roll 1 CYU 3167 1844 1 rolled 1 CYV 2979 1845 1 romance 1 CYW 3167 1846 1 romantic 1 CYX 2810 1847 1 roof 1 CYY 3109 1848 1 room 1 CYZ 2979 1849 1 rooms 1 CZA 3109 1850 1 roots 1 CZB 3109 1851 1 rose 1 CZC 2633 1852 1 rosemary 1 CZD 2979 1853 1 roses 1 CZE 2673 1854 1 rosy 1 CZF 2818 1855 1 rough 1 CZG 3109 1856 1 round 1 CZH 3109 1857 1 roused 1 CZJ 3109 1858 1 row 1 CZK 2853 1859 1 rowed 1 CZL 0 1860 1 royal 1 CZM 3089 1861 1 rubbed 1 CZN 2607 1862 1 ruby 1 CZO 2929 1863 1 rule 1 CZP 3167 1864 1 run 1 CZQ 3109 1865 1 running 1 CZR 3167 1866 1 rush 1 CZS 3135 1867 1 rushed 1 CZT 2710 1868 1 sack 1 CZU 2974 1869 1 sad 1 CZV 2727 1870 1 sadly 1 CZW 3109 1871 1 safe 1 CZX 2884 1872 1 safely 1 CZY 2620 1873 1 safety 1 CZZ 2979 1874 1 sahib 1 DAA 3167 1875 1 said 1 DAB 0 1876 1 sail 1 DAC 3156 1877 1 sailed 1 DAD 2980 1878 1 sake 1 DAE 2979 1879 1 sally 1 DAF 2979 1880 1 salome 1 DAG 2617 1881 1 salt 1 DAH 2969 1882 1 sam 1 DAJ 3164 1883 1 same 1 DAK 2819 1884 1 sammy 1 DAL 2854 1885 1 sand 1 DAM 2854 1886 1 sands 1 DAN 3051 1887 1 sang 1 DAO 3109 1888 1 sank 1 DAP 2679 1889 1 sara 1 DAQ 3100 1890 1 sat 1 DAR 2676 1891 1 satisfaction 1 DAS 2975 1892 1 satisfied 1 DAT 3147 1893 1 saturday 1 DAU 3167 1894 1 save 1 DAV 3109 1895 1 saved 1 DAW 3167 1896 1 saw 1 DAX 3167 1897 1 say 1 DAY 3117 1898 1 saying 1 DAZ 0 1899 1 says 1 DBA 2702 1900 1 scarcely 1 DBB 2977 1901 1 scared 1 DBC 3109 1902 1 scattered 1 DBD 2979 1903 1 scene 1 DBE 2979 1904 1 scent 1 DBF 2813 1905 1 school 1 DBG 2853 1906 1 scrambled 1 DBH 3109 1907 1 scratched 1 DBJ 2649 1908 1 scream 1 DBK 2656 1909 1 scrooge 1 DBL 2788 1910 1 sea 1 DBM 3167 1911 1 search 1 DBN 3055 1912 1 season 1 DBO 2924 1913 1 seat 1 DBP 3148 1914 1 seated 1 DBQ 2714 1915 1 second 1 DBR 3167 1916 1 secret 1 DBS 3167 1917 1 see 1 DBT 3109 1918 1 seeing 1 DBU 3167 1919 1 seek 1 DBV 0 1920 1 seem 1 DBW 3167 1921 1 seemed 1 DBX 3167 1922 1 seems 1 DBY 3167 1923 1 seen 1 DBZ 3167 1924 1 seized 1 DCA 2846 1925 1 seldom 1 DCB 3109 1926 1 self 1 DCC 3167 1927 1 send 1 DCD 3109 1928 1 sensation 1 DCE 3167 1929 1 sense 1 DCF 3109 1930 1 senses 1 DCG 3167 1931 1 sent 1 DCH 3109 1932 1 sentence 1 DCJ 2767 1933 1 sermon 1 DCK 2957 1934 1 servant 1 DCL 2908 1935 1 servants 1 DCM 3167 1936 1 served 1 DCN 3109 1937 1 service 1 DCO 3167 1938 1 set 1 DCP 2930 1939 1 setting 1 DCQ 3167 1940 1 settled 1 DCR 2610 1941 1 seven 1 DCS 2964 1942 1 several 1 DCT 2930 1943 1 sewing 1 DCU 3109 1944 1 shadow 1 DCV 2923 1945 1 shadows 1 DCW 3167 1946 1 shake 1 DCX 3109 1947 1 shaking 1 DCY 2737 1948 1 shall 1 DCZ 2671 1949 1 shame 1 DDA 3102 1950 1 share 1 DDB 2919 1951 1 sharp 1 DDC 2974 1952 1 sharply 1 DDD 2593 1953 1 she 1 DDE 3167 1954 1 shed 1 DDF 3053 1955 1 sheep 1 DDG 3109 1956 1 shining 1 DDH 2979 1957 1 ship 1 DDJ 3078 1958 1 shirley 1 DDK 3060 1959 1 shivered 1 DDL 2978 1960 1 shock 1 DDM 2683 1961 1 shocked 1 DDN 2817 1962 1 shoes 1 DDO 3109 1963 1 shone 1 DDP 3167 1964 1 shook 1 DDQ 0 1965 1 shoot 1 DDR 2789 1966 1 shore 1 DDS 2903 1967 1 short 1 DDT 3167 1968 1 shot 1 DDU 2965 1969 1 should 1 DDV 2722 1970 1 shoulder 1 DDW 2802 1971 1 shoulders 1 DDX 0 1972 1 shouldn't 1 DDY 3109 1973 1 shouted 1 DDZ 3167 1974 1 show 1 DEA 3167 1975 1 showed 1 DEB 0 1976 1 showing 1 DEC 3167 1977 1 shown 1 DED 3109 1978 1 shrank 1 DEE 0 1979 1 shrugged 1 DEF 2801 1980 1 shuddered 1 DEG 2997 1981 1 shut 1 DEH 2849 1982 1 shy 1 DEJ 3109 1983 1 si 1 DEK 2818 1984 1 sick 1 DEL 2973 1985 1 side 1 DEM 3167 1986 1 sides 1 DEN 2679 1987 1 sidney 1 DEO 2855 1988 1 sigh 1 DEP 2976 1989 1 sighed 1 DEQ 3109 1990 1 sight 1 DER 0 1991 1 sign 1 DES 2979 1992 1 sigurd 1 DET 3109 1993 1 silence 1 DEU 2818 1994 1 silent 1 DEV 2939 1995 1 silently 1 DEW 3109 1996 1 silk 1 DEX 2765 1997 1 silly 1 DEY 2778 1998 1 silver 1 DEZ 2856 1999 1 simple 1 DFA 2971 2000 1 simply 1 DFB 3167 2001 1 since 1 DFC 3109 2002 1 sing 1 DFD 2947 2003 1 singing 1 DFE 3084 2004 1 single 1 DFF 3167 2005 1 sir 1 DFG 2959 2006 1 sister 1 DFH 3109 2007 1 sisters 1 DFJ 0 2008 1 sit 1 DFK 3109 2009 1 sitting 1 DFL 2650 2010 1 situation 1 DFM 2672 2011 1 six 1 DFN 2811 2012 1 size 1 DFO 2820 2013 1 skin 1 DFP 0 2014 1 skunk 1 DFQ 2739 2015 1 sky 1 DFR 3065 2016 1 slave 1 DFS 3066 2017 1 slaves 1 DFT 3154 2018 1 sleep 1 DFU 2969 2019 1 sleeping 1 DFV 2818 2020 1 sleepy 1 DFW 0 2021 1 sleeves 1 DFX 2574 2022 1 slender 1 DFY 3109 2023 1 slept 1 DFZ 2735 2024 1 slight 1 DGA 3090 2025 1 slightly 1 DGB 2574 2026 1 slim 1 DGC 3131 2027 1 slip 1 DGD 3167 2028 1 slipped 1 DGE 3109 2029 1 sloane 1 DGF 2979 2030 1 slope 1 DGG 2856 2031 1 slow 1 DGH 2857 2032 1 slowly 1 DGJ 2974 2033 1 small 1 DGK 3109 2034 1 smaller 1 DGL 3109 2035 1 smart 1 DGM 2639 2036 1 smee 1 DGN 3109 2037 1 smell 1 DGO 3109 2038 1 smile 1 DGP 3050 2039 1 smiled 1 DGQ 3109 2040 1 smiles 1 DGR 3054 2041 1 smiling 1 DGS 2736 2042 1 smoke 1 DGT 3167 2043 1 snake 1 DGU 2977 2044 1 snatched 1 DGV 3109 2045 1 sniffed 1 DGW 2669 2046 1 snow 1 DGX 2790 2047 1 so 1 DGY 3109 2048 1 sobbing 1 DGZ 2632 2049 1 sober 1 DHA 2820 2050 1 society 1 DHB 2961 2051 1 sofa 1 DHC 2977 2052 1 soft 1 DHD 2721 2053 1 softly 1 DHE 3109 2054 1 sold 1 DHF 2929 2055 1 soldier 1 DHG 2732 2056 1 some 1 DHH 3158 2057 1 somebody 1 DHJ 2731 2058 1 somehow 1 DHK 3167 2059 1 someone 1 DHL 2879 2060 1 something 1 DHM 2731 2061 1 sometimes 1 DHN 2834 2062 1 somewhat 1 DHO 2931 2063 1 somewhere 1 DHP 2959 2064 1 son 1 DHQ 3109 2065 1 song 1 DHR 2999 2066 1 sons 1 DHS 2867 2067 1 soon 1 DHT 2660 2068 1 sorrow 1 DHU 3109 2069 1 sorry 1 DHV 3018 2070 1 sort 1 DHW 3109 2071 1 sorts 1 DHX 3109 2072 1 sought 1 DHY 2858 2073 1 soul 1 DHZ 3109 2074 1 sound 1 DJA 3027 2075 1 sounded 1 DJB 3027 2076 1 sounds 1 DJC 2859 2077 1 south 1 DJD 2979 2078 1 space 1 DJE 3104 2079 1 spare 1 DJF 2958 2080 1 sparkled 1 DJG 3154 2081 1 speak 1 DJH 3109 2082 1 speaking 1 DJJ 3028 2083 1 speech 1 DJK 3109 2084 1 speed 1 DJL 3109 2085 1 spell 1 DJM 3009 2086 1 spencer 1 DJN 3167 2087 1 spend 1 DJO 3167 2088 1 spent 1 DJP 2913 2089 1 spirit 1 DJQ 3022 2090 1 spirits 1 DJR 2736 2091 1 spite 1 DJS 3008 2092 1 splash 1 DJT 2815 2093 1 splendid 1 DJU 3167 2094 1 spoil 1 DJV 3015 2095 1 spoiled 1 DJW 3167 2096 1 spoke 1 DJX 3167 2097 1 spoken 1 DJY 3109 2098 1 spot 1 DJZ 2860 2099 1 spotty 1 DKA 3052 2100 1 sprang 1 DKB 3167 2101 1 spread 1 DKC 3109 2102 1 spring 1 DKD 2576 2103 1 spruce 1 DKE 3167 2104 1 square 1 DKF 0 2105 1 squirrel 1 DKG 0 2106 1 st 1 DKH 2609 2107 1 stable 1 DKJ 2776 2108 1 stairs 1 DKK 3154 2109 1 stand 1 DKL 3109 2110 1 standing 1 DKM 2852 2111 1 star 1 DKN 3158 2112 1 stare 1 DKO 3136 2113 1 stared 1 DKP 3167 2114 1 staring 1 DKQ 2979 2115 1 stars 1 DKR 3109 2116 1 start 1 DKS 3167 2117 1 started 1 DKT 3054 2118 1 startled 1 DKU 2979 2119 1 state 1 DKV 3061 2120 1 station 1 DKW 3167 2121 1 stay 1 DKX 3167 2122 1 stayed 1 DKY 2977 2123 1 steady 1 DKZ 3166 2124 1 steal 1 DLA 3152 2125 1 stealing 1 DLB 2707 2126 1 stella 1 DLC 3167 2127 1 step 1 DLD 2819 2128 1 stephen 1 DLE 3109 2129 1 stepped 1 DLF 2972 2130 1 steps 1 DLG 2671 2131 1 stern 1 DLH 0 2132 1 stick 1 DLJ 2715 2133 1 sticks 1 DLK 2818 2134 1 stiff 1 DLL 3167 2135 1 still 1 DLM 2822 2136 1 stirred 1 DLN 3109 2137 1 stockings 1 DLO 3109 2138 1 stole 1 DLP 2932 2139 1 stolen 1 DLQ 3167 2140 1 stomach 1 DLR 3109 2141 1 stone 1 DLS 2812 2142 1 stones 1 DLT 3100 2143 1 stood 1 DLU 2838 2144 1 stooped 1 DLV 3109 2145 1 stop 1 DLW 3109 2146 1 stopped 1 DLX 3109 2147 1 stopping 1 DLY 2782 2148 1 store 1 DLZ 3167 2149 1 stories 1 DMA 2979 2150 1 storm 1 DMB 2979 2151 1 story 1 DMC 2828 2152 1 stove 1 DMD 2791 2153 1 straight 1 DME 2815 2154 1 strange 1 DMF 2709 2155 1 strangely 1 DMG 2956 2156 1 stranger 1 DMH 2804 2157 1 straw 1 DMJ 2661 2158 1 stream 1 DMK 2738 2159 1 street 1 DML 3109 2160 1 strength 1 DMM 3167 2161 1 stretched 1 DMN 3109 2162 1 strike 1 DMO 3109 2163 1 striped 1 DMP 3155 2164 1 strode 1 DMQ 3109 2165 1 strong 1 DMR 3167 2166 1 struck 1 DMS 3109 2167 1 struggle 1 DMT 3167 2168 1 stuck 1 DMU 2979 2169 1 study 1 DMV 3144 2170 1 stuff 1 DMW 3167 2171 1 stump 1 DMX 2805 2172 1 stupid 1 DMY 3064 2173 1 subject 1 DMZ 2976 2174 1 succeeded 1 DNA 2873 2175 1 success 1 DNB 3109 2176 1 such 1 DNC 3109 2177 1 sudden 1 DND 2792 2178 1 suddenly 1 DNE 3102 2179 1 suffer 1 DNF 2976 2180 1 suffered 1 DNG 3167 2181 1 suit 1 DNH 2655 2182 1 sultan 1 DNJ 2933 2183 1 summer 1 DNK 2780 2184 1 sun 1 DNL 2896 2185 1 sunday 1 DNM 2678 2186 1 sunlight 1 DNN 2679 2187 1 sunrise 1 DNO 2697 2188 1 sunset 1 DNP 2738 2189 1 sunshine 1 DNQ 2694 2190 1 supper 1 DNR 3167 2191 1 suppose 1 DNS 0 2192 1 supposed 1 DNT 3167 2193 1 sure 1 DNU 2657 2194 1 surely 1 DNV 3109 2195 1 surprise 1 DNW 2695 2196 1 surprised 1 DNX 3167 2197 1 surprising 1 DNY 2679 2198 1 susan 1 DNZ 3167 2199 1 suspected 1 DOA 2818 2200 1 suspicious 1 DOB 3167 2201 1 swallow 1 DOC 2976 2202 1 swallowed 1 DOD 3135 2203 1 swam 1 DOE 2974 2204 1 sweet 1 DOF 2631 2205 1 sweetest 1 DOG 3167 2206 1 swept 1 DOH 2648 2207 1 swiftly 1 DOJ 3134 2208 1 swim 1 DOK 2820 2209 1 sword 1 DOL 3109 2210 1 swung 1 DOM 2819 2211 1 sylvia 1 DON 2770 2212 1 sympathy 1 DOO 2739 2213 1 table 1 DOP 3109 2214 1 tail 1 DOQ 3159 2215 1 tails 1 DOR 3167 2216 1 take 1 DOS 3167 2217 1 taken 1 DOT 3095 2218 1 takes 1 DOU 3167 2219 1 taking 1 DOV 2979 2220 1 tale 1 DOW 2817 2221 1 tales 1 DOX 3167 2222 1 talk 1 DOY 3109 2223 1 talked 1 DOZ 2947 2224 1 talking 1 DPA 2974 2225 1 tall 1 DPB 2595 2226 1 tannis 1 DPC 3045 2227 1 task 1 DPD 3109 2228 1 taste 1 DPE 3167 2229 1 tasted 1 DPF 3167 2230 1 taught 1 DPG 2817 2231 1 tea 1 DPH 3167 2232 1 teach 1 DPJ 2979 2233 1 teacher 1 DPK 3132 2234 1 tear 1 DPL 3109 2235 1 tears 1 DPM 2636 2236 1 ted 1 DPN 3167 2237 1 teeth 1 DPO 2667 2238 1 telford 1 DPP 0 2239 1 tell 1 DPQ 0 2240 1 telling 1 DPR 0 2241 1 tells 1 DPS 3109 2242 1 temper 1 DPT 3167 2243 1 temple 1 DPU 2621 2244 1 ten 1 DPV 2764 2245 1 tender 1 DPW 3109 2246 1 terrible 1 DPX 2662 2247 1 terribly 1 DPY 2681 2248 1 terror 1 DPZ 3167 2249 1 than 1 DQA 3071 2250 1 thank 1 DQB 3109 2251 1 thanked 1 DQC 2967 2252 1 thankful 1 DQD 2820 2253 1 thanks 1 DQE 3109 2254 1 that 1 DQF 2577 2255 1 the 1 DQG 2716 2256 1 thee 1 DQH 2585 2257 1 their 1 DQJ 2572 2258 1 them 1 DQK 2783 2259 1 themselves 1 DQL 2628 2260 1 then 1 DQM 2860 2261 1 theodora 1 DQN 2615 2262 1 theodosia 1 DQO 2653 2263 1 there 1 DQP 2731 2264 1 therefore 1 DQQ 2717 2265 1 these 1 DQR 2663 2266 1 they 1 DQS 2977 2267 1 thick 1 DQT 2735 2268 1 thin 1 DQU 3167 2269 1 thing 1 DQV 3167 2270 1 things 1 DQW 3167 2271 1 think 1 DQX 3167 2272 1 thinking 1 DQY 0 2273 1 thinks 1 DQZ 2714 2274 1 third 1 DRA 2732 2275 1 this 1 DRB 3109 2276 1 thomas 1 DRC 2717 2277 1 those 1 DRD 2960 2278 1 thou 1 DRE 3167 2279 1 though 1 DRF 3167 2280 1 thought 1 DRG 2632 2281 1 thoughtful 1 DRH 2973 2282 1 thoughts 1 DRJ 3105 2283 1 thousand 1 DRK 2664 2284 1 three 1 DRL 3109 2285 1 threshold 1 DRM 3157 2286 1 threw 1 DRN 3167 2287 1 thrill 1 DRO 2883 2288 1 throat 1 DRP 3151 2289 1 through 1 DRQ 3167 2290 1 throw 1 DRR 3155 2291 1 thrown 1 DRS 3167 2292 1 thrust 1 DRT 2797 2293 1 thus 1 DRU 2950 2294 1 thy 1 DRV 2587 2295 1 thyra 1 DRW 3070 2296 1 tied 1 DRX 0 2297 1 till 1 DRY 3167 2298 1 time 1 DRZ 0 2299 1 times 1 DSA 2934 2300 1 timmy 1 DSB 3109 2301 1 tiny 1 DSC 2850 2302 1 tired 1 DSD 0 2303 1 tit 1 DSE 3167 2304 1 to 1 DSF 2952 2305 1 to-day 1 DSG 3147 2306 1 to-morrow 1 DSH 3109 2307 1 to-night 1 DSJ 3167 2308 1 toad 1 DSK 3109 2309 1 today 1 DSL 3024 2310 1 toes 1 DSM 2825 2311 1 together 1 DSN 3167 2312 1 told 1 DSO 2819 2313 1 tom 1 DSP 2705 2314 1 tommy 1 DSQ 2793 2315 1 tomorrow 1 DSR 3028 2316 1 tone 1 DSS 3109 2317 1 tongue 1 DST 2793 2318 1 tonight 1 DSU 3067 2319 1 too 1 DSV 3167 2320 1 took 1 DSW 2608 2321 1 top 1 DSX 2985 2322 1 tore 1 DSY 2932 2323 1 torn 1 DSZ 3060 2324 1 tossed 1 DTA 3109 2325 1 touch 1 DTB 3167 2326 1 touched 1 DTC 3167 2327 1 toward 1 DTD 3167 2328 1 towards 1 DTE 2602 2329 1 tower 1 DTF 2813 2330 1 town 1 DTG 3141 2331 1 trace 1 DTH 3109 2332 1 trail 1 DTJ 2979 2333 1 train 1 DTK 3045 2334 1 trap 1 DTL 2979 2335 1 treasure 1 DTM 3109 2336 1 treated 1 DTN 3029 2337 1 tree 1 DTO 3025 2338 1 trees 1 DTP 3109 2339 1 trembled 1 DTQ 2977 2340 1 trembling 1 DTR 3167 2341 1 trick 1 DTS 3109 2342 1 tricks 1 DTT 3167 2343 1 tried 1 DTU 3065 2344 1 trip 1 DTV 2676 2345 1 triumph 1 DTW 3109 2346 1 trotted 1 DTX 3143 2347 1 trouble 1 DTY 2960 2348 1 troubled 1 DTZ 2883 2349 1 troubles 1 DUA 3167 2350 1 trout 1 DUB 3030 2351 1 true 1 DUC 3109 2352 1 trunk 1 DUD 3141 2353 1 trust 1 DUE 3014 2354 1 truth 1 DUF 0 2355 1 try 1 DUG 3167 2356 1 trying 1 DUH 2976 2357 1 tucked 1 DUJ 2996 2358 1 turkey 1 DUK 3167 2359 1 turn 1 DUL 3157 2360 1 turned 1 DUM 3167 2361 1 turning 1 DUN 2957 2362 1 turtle 1 DUO 2610 2363 1 twelve 1 DUP 2590 2364 1 twenty 1 DUQ 2797 2365 1 twice 1 DUR 2736 2366 1 twilight 1 DUS 3081 2367 1 twinkled 1 DUT 2678 2368 1 twins 1 DUU 2715 2369 1 twisted 1 DUV 2664 2370 1 two 1 DUW 2974 2371 1 ugly 1 DUX 2679 2372 1 una 1 DUY 0 2373 1 unc 1 DUZ 3109 2374 1 uncle 1 DVA 2974 2375 1 uncomfortable 1 DVB 3109 2376 1 under 1 DVC 3167 2377 1 understand 1 DVD 3109 2378 1 understood 1 DVE 2718 2379 1 unexpected 1 DVF 2974 2380 1 unhappy 1 DVG 3139 2381 1 unless 1 DVH 2762 2382 1 unpleasant 1 DVJ 0 2383 1 until 1 DVK 2844 2384 1 unusual 1 DVL 2807 2385 1 up 1 DVM 3109 2386 1 upon 1 DVN 3152 2387 1 upset 1 DVO 2630 2388 1 upstairs 1 DVP 2627 2389 1 us 1 DVQ 3123 2390 1 use 1 DVR 3167 2391 1 used 1 DVS 3140 2392 1 usual 1 DVT 2952 2393 1 usually 1 DVU 3152 2394 1 uttered 1 DVV 2774 2395 1 v 1 DVW 2676 2396 1 vacation 1 DVX 3055 2397 1 vain 1 DVY 2861 2398 1 valley 1 DVZ 3109 2399 1 vance 1 DWA 3156 2400 1 vanished 1 DWB 2643 2401 1 vanity 1 DWC 3167 2402 1 veil 1 DWD 2728 2403 1 veranda 1 DWE 2713 2404 1 very 1 DWF 3023 2405 1 view 1 DWG 2979 2406 1 village 1 DWH 2675 2407 1 violet 1 DWJ 3041 2408 1 violin 1 DWK 3167 2409 1 visit 1 DWL 3167 2410 1 visited 1 DWM 3109 2411 1 visiting 1 DWN 3167 2412 1 visits 1 DWO 3109 2413 1 voice 1 DWP 3111 2414 1 voices 1 DWQ 3109 2415 1 wait 1 DWR 3109 2416 1 waited 1 DWS 3167 2417 1 waiting 1 DWT 3109 2418 1 wake 1 DWU 2921 2419 1 wakened 1 DWV 3167 2420 1 walk 1 DWW 3157 2421 1 walked 1 DWX 3167 2422 1 walking 1 DWY 2979 2423 1 wall 1 DWZ 2678 2424 1 walls 1 DXA 2719 2425 1 walter 1 DXB 3051 2426 1 wandered 1 DXC 3167 2427 1 want 1 DXD 3167 2428 1 wanted 1 DXE 0 2429 1 wants 1 DXF 2861 2430 1 war 1 DXG 2704 2431 1 warm 1 DXH 3043 2432 1 warning 1 DXJ 3085 2433 1 was 1 DXK 3167 2434 1 wash 1 DXL 3109 2435 1 washed 1 DXM 3086 2436 1 wasn't 1 DXN 3167 2437 1 waste 1 DXO 3167 2438 1 watch 1 DXP 3167 2439 1 watched 1 DXQ 3167 2440 1 watching 1 DXR 2810 2441 1 water 1 DXS 2955 2442 1 waved 1 DXT 3109 2443 1 way 1 DXU 3167 2444 1 ways 1 DXV 2663 2445 1 we 1 DXW 2718 2446 1 weak 1 DXX 3167 2447 1 wear 1 DXY 2967 2448 1 wearing 1 DXZ 3082 2449 1 weasel 1 DYA 2817 2450 1 weather 1 DYB 2978 2451 1 wedding 1 DYC 3125 2452 1 wee 1 DYD 3056 2453 1 week 1 DYE 2918 2454 1 weeks 1 DYF 3109 2455 1 welcome 1 DYG 3109 2456 1 well 1 DYH 2641 2457 1 wendy 1 DYJ 3072 2458 1 went 1 DYK 3055 2459 1 wept 1 DYL 3069 2460 1 were 1 DYM 0 2461 1 weren't 1 DYN 2665 2462 1 west 1 DYO 2818 2463 1 wet 1 DYP 3167 2464 1 what 1 DYQ 0 2465 1 whatever 1 DYR 0 2466 1 when 1 DYS 3167 2467 1 whenever 1 DYT 3167 2468 1 where 1 DYU 0 2469 1 wherever 1 DYV 0 2470 1 whether 1 DYW 3167 2471 1 which 1 DYX 0 2472 1 while 1 DYY 2943 2473 1 whipped 1 DYZ 2954 2474 1 whispered 1 DZA 2945 2475 1 whistle 1 DZB 3060 2476 1 whistled 1 DZC 2872 2477 1 whistling 1 DZD 2862 2478 1 white 1 DZE 2819 2479 1 whitefoot 1 DZF 2675 2480 1 whitey 1 DZG 3167 2481 1 who 1 DZH 3109 2482 1 whole 1 DZJ 3147 2483 1 whom 1 DZK 0 2484 1 whose 1 DZL 3083 2485 1 why 1 DZM 2974 2486 1 wicked 1 DZN 3167 2487 1 wide 1 DZO 3057 2488 1 wife 1 DZP 2974 2489 1 wild 1 DZQ 3090 2490 1 wildly 1 DZR 2814 2491 1 will 1 DZS 2633 2492 1 willard 1 DZT 3047 2493 1 william 1 DZU 3121 2494 1 willing 1 DZV 3109 2495 1 win 1 DZW 2788 2496 1 wind 1 DZX 2839 2497 1 window 1 DZY 2728 2498 1 windows 1 DZZ 3158 2499 1 winds 1 EAA 2817 2500 1 wine 1 EAB 2820 2501 1 wings 1 EAC 2902 2502 1 winked 1 EAD 2933 2503 1 winter 1 EAE 3089 2504 1 wiped 1 EAF 2881 2505 1 wire 1 EAG 2877 2506 1 wisdom 1 EAH 2818 2507 1 wise 1 EAJ 3167 2508 1 wish 1 EAK 3013 2509 1 wished 1 EAL 3133 2510 1 wishes 1 EAM 2970 2511 1 witch 1 EAN 3109 2512 1 with 1 EAO 3109 2513 1 within 1 EAP 3167 2514 1 without 1 EAQ 3167 2515 1 wits 1 EAR 3109 2516 1 woke 1 EAS 2794 2517 1 wolf 1 EAT 3109 2518 1 woman 1 EAU 3109 2519 1 women 1 EAV 3109 2520 1 won 1 EAW 2870 2521 1 won't 1 EAX 3109 2522 1 wonder 1 EAY 3136 2523 1 wondered 1 EAZ 2815 2524 1 wonderful 1 EBA 3109 2525 1 wondering 1 EBB 2979 2526 1 wood 1 EBC 2678 2527 1 woods 1 EBD 3167 2528 1 word 1 EBE 3109 2529 1 words 1 EBF 3167 2530 1 wore 1 EBG 3109 2531 1 work 1 EBH 3109 2532 1 worked 1 EBJ 3109 2533 1 working 1 EBK 3109 2534 1 world 1 EBL 3148 2535 1 worn 1 EBM 3109 2536 1 worried 1 EBN 3167 2537 1 worry 1 EBO 3130 2538 1 worrying 1 EBP 3109 2539 1 worse 1 EBQ 3167 2540 1 worshipped 1 EBR 2820 2541 1 worst 1 EBS 3167 2542 1 worth 1 EBT 2900 2543 1 worthy 1 EBU 2814 2544 1 would 1 EBV 2870 2545 1 wouldn't 1 EBW 2976 2546 1 wrapped 1 EBX 3167 2547 1 write 1 EBY 3109 2548 1 writing 1 EBZ 3167 2549 1 written 1 ECA 3031 2550 1 wrong 1 ECB 3167 2551 1 wrote 1 ECC 3109 2552 1 wrung 1 ECD 2666 2553 1 yard 1 ECE 2841 2554 1 yawned 1 ECF 3108 2555 1 ye 1 ECG 3056 2556 1 year 1 ECH 3103 2557 1 years 1 ECJ 2673 2558 1 yellow 1 ECK 2711 2559 1 yes 1 ECL 2931 2560 1 yesterday 1 ECM 2971 2561 1 yet 1 ECN 2733 2562 1 you 1 ECO 2712 2563 1 young 1 ECP 2677 2564 1 youngest 1 ECQ 2580 2565 1 your 1 ECR 2591 2566 1 yours 1 ECS 2716 2567 1 yourself 1 ECT 2978 2568 1 youth 1 ECU 3167 2569 1 { 1 ECV 3165 2570 1 | 1 2572 2571 0.44 him me 0 0 2596 2572 0.39 him me them 0 0 0 2577 2573 0.34 her his 0 0 2625 2574 0.34 slender slim 0 0 2679 2575 0.28 alexina jerome 0 0 2785 2576 0.28 fir spruce 0 0 2597 2577 0.28 her his the 0 0 0 2589 2578 0.26 always never 0 0 2596 2579 0.26 herself himself 0 0 2585 2580 0.26 my your 0 0 2660 2581 0.24 astonishment dismay 0 0 2979 2582 0.24 cyrilla philippa 0 0 2670 2583 0.24 marian michael 0 0 3109 2584 0.24 mr mrs 0 0 2597 2585 0.24 my their your 0 0 0 2737 2586 0.22 'd 'll 0 0 2679 2587 0.22 benjamin thyra 0 0 2863 2588 0.22 delicious discouraged 0 0 2734 2589 0.22 always ever never 0 0 0 2672 2590 0.22 fifteen twenty 0 0 2624 2591 0.22 grief yours 0 0 2739 2592 0.22 harbor harbour 0 0 2733 2593 0.22 he she 0 0 2679 2594 0.22 mahbub robert 0 0 2679 2595 0.22 peg tannis 0 0 2611 2596 0.22 herself him himself me them 0 0 0 0 0 2634 2597 0.22 her his my the their your 0 0 0 0 0 0 2679 2598 0.22 grandma jill nan 0 0 0 2679 2599 0.22 ben charlotta england hester priscilla 0 0 0 0 0 2819 2600 0.2 alma prissy 0 0 2975 2601 0.2 anyhow anyway 0 0 2979 2602 0.2 buggy tower 0 0 2819 2603 0.2 carey corona 0 0 2626 2604 0.2 christopher freda 0 0 2665 2605 0.2 east north 0 0 2666 2606 0.2 graveyard parlour 0 0 3066 2607 0.2 nat ruby 0 0 2972 2608 0.2 bottom edge top 0 0 0 2659 2609 0.2 garret hut stable 0 0 0 2720 2610 0.2 eleven nine seven twelve 0 0 0 0 2674 2611 0.18 again herself him himself me them 0 0 0 0 0 0 2875 2612 0.18 alexander malcolm 0 0 2818 2613 0.18 alive awake 0 0 2674 2614 0.18 away off 0 0 2679 2615 0.18 beth theodosia 0 0 2819 2616 0.18 carl david 0 0 2736 2617 0.18 despair salt 0 0 2662 2618 0.18 dreadfully horribly 0 0 2819 2619 0.18 elizabeth emily 0 0 2749 2620 0.18 existence safety 0 0 2672 2621 0.18 five ten 0 0 2818 2622 0.18 good-natured nervous 0 0 2661 2623 0.18 grove pantry 0 0 2679 2624 0.18 grief hers yours 0 0 0 2818 2625 0.18 honest slender slim 0 0 0 2679 2626 0.18 christopher freda jem 0 0 0 2674 2627 0.18 myself us 0 0 2816 2628 0.18 now then 0 0 2819 2629 0.18 don helen josie 0 0 0 2791 2630 0.18 downstairs forward upstairs 0 0 0 2677 2631 0.18 finest nearest sweetest 0 0 0 2818 2632 0.18 indignant sober thoughtful 0 0 0 2679 2633 0.18 clemantiny ellis isabella joscelyn kilmeny nora rosemary willard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2816 2634 0.16 a her his my the their your 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2920 2635 0.16 alarmed comforted 0 0 2819 2636 0.16 amy ted 0 0 2732 2637 0.16 another every 0 0 2732 2638 0.16 any no 0 0 2784 2639 0.16 august smee 0 0 2739 2640 0.16 barn henhouse 0 0 2819 2641 0.16 betty wendy 0 0 3109 2642 0.16 bigger older 0 0 2817 2643 0.16 blossom vanity 0 0 2942 2644 0.16 campbell harrison 0 0 2737 2645 0.16 can't couldn't 0 0 2734 2646 0.16 certainly really 0 0 3109 2647 0.16 effort impression 0 0 2786 2648 0.16 faster swiftly 0 0 2855 2649 0.16 gasp scream 0 0 2979 2650 0.16 goose situation 0 0 2703 2651 0.16 gravely proudly 0 0 2979 2652 0.16 hannah ponsonby 0 0 2816 2653 0.16 here there 0 0 2746 2654 0.16 instead nevertheless 0 0 2831 2655 0.16 jackal sultan 0 0 2819 2656 0.16 ma scrooge 0 0 2730 2657 0.16 maybe surely 0 0 2727 2658 0.16 mistaken nowhere 0 0 2752 2659 0.16 garret hut palace stable 0 0 0 0 2979 2660 0.16 astonishment dismay sorrow 0 0 0 2809 2661 0.16 grove pantry stream 0 0 0 2863 2662 0.16 dreadfully horribly terribly 0 0 0 2733 2663 0.16 they we 0 0 2795 2664 0.16 three two 0 0 2859 2665 0.16 east north west 0 0 0 2739 2666 0.16 graveyard parlour yard 0 0 0 2723 2667 0.16 charles ludovic telford 0 0 0 3053 2668 0.16 gentlemen loving pearls 0 0 0 2963 2669 0.16 grass ice snow 0 0 0 2719 2670 0.16 marian michael nancy ned 0 0 0 0 2979 2671 0.16 purple shame stern 0 0 0 2720 2672 0.16 fifteen five six ten twenty 0 0 0 0 0 2787 2673 0.16 crimson dirty grim rosy yellow 0 0 0 0 0 2816 2674 0.16 again away herself him himself it me myself off them us 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2819 2675 0.16 judith maimie neil violet whitey 0 0 0 0 0 3032 2676 0.16 attitude boots disappointment rage satisfaction triumph vacation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2677 0.16 asylum club eldest finest fountain glen manse nearest oldest pot sweetest youngest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2979 2678 0.16 ashes branches fields firs future mice rocks sunlight twins walls woods 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2816 2679 0.16 alan alexina anne ben benjamin bertha beth charlotta charlotte charlottetown christopher clemantiny dan davy diana dora ellis england eric estella eunice faith felix frances freda gilbert grandma grief heaven hers hester isabella itself jem jerome jill jims joscelyn jumper kate kilmeny kim leslie louisa mahbub marcella marilla matthew mine mowgli nan nora patty peg phil priscilla rilla robert rosemary sara sidney sunrise susan tannis theodosia thyra una willard yours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3080 2680 0.14 've haven't 0 0 2878 2681 0.14 admiration terror 0 0 3062 2682 0.14 adventures power 0 0 2935 2683 0.14 amazed shocked 0 0 2936 2684 0.14 anywhere forever 0 0 2796 2685 0.14 aside forth 0 0 2813 2686 0.14 avonlea ingleside 0 0 2789 2687 0.14 bank cove 0 0 2809 2688 0.14 barrel pasture 0 0 2880 2689 0.14 beautiful lovely 0 0 2979 2690 0.14 bob october 0 0 2819 2691 0.14 cecily felicity 0 0 2819 2692 0.14 chatterer jimmy 0 0 2819 2693 0.14 cynthia octavia 0 0 3062 2694 0.14 dinner supper 0 0 2837 2695 0.14 disappointed surprised 0 0 2794 2696 0.14 dragon lion 0 0 2864 2697 0.14 dusk sunset 0 0 2777 2698 0.14 dust earth 0 0 2792 2699 0.14 finally presently 0 0 2963 2700 0.14 forest meadows 0 0 3109 2701 0.14 glorious magnificent 0 0 2971 2702 0.14 hardly scarcely 0 0 2796 2703 0.14 gravely hastily proudly 0 0 0 3109 2704 0.14 hot warm 0 0 2979 2705 0.14 janet tommy 0 0 2819 2706 0.14 jerry johnny 0 0 2934 2707 0.14 josephine stella 0 0 2775 2708 0.14 lap pillow 0 0 2771 2709 0.14 loud strangely 0 0 2882 2710 0.14 midst sack 0 0 2975 2711 0.14 oh yes 0 0 2847 2712 0.14 poor young 0 0 2790 2713 0.14 quite very 0 0 3109 2714 0.14 second third 0 0 2977 2715 0.14 sticks twisted 0 0 2868 2716 0.14 thee yourself 0 0 2964 2717 0.14 these those 0 0 2977 2718 0.14 unexpected weak 0 0 2979 2719 0.14 marian michael nancy ned walter 0 0 0 0 0 2795 2720 0.14 eleven fifteen five nine seven six ten twelve twenty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2768 2721 0.14 aloud bitterly softly 0 0 0 2865 2722 0.14 arm knees shoulder 0 0 0 3066 2723 0.14 bagheera charles hugh ludovic telford 0 0 0 0 0 2813 2724 0.14 beach college redmond 0 0 0 2979 2725 0.14 camp cave jungle 0 0 0 2979 2726 0.14 cyrus norman polly 0 0 0 2975 2727 0.14 dreaming mistaken nowhere sadly 0 0 0 0 2979 2728 0.14 floor veranda windows 0 0 0 2819 2729 0.14 edith jed jordan naomi 0 0 0 0 2971 2730 0.14 maybe perhaps possibly probably surely 0 0 0 0 0 2866 2731 0.14 somehow sometimes therefore 0 0 0 2816 2732 0.14 another any every no some this 0 0 0 0 0 0 2938 2733 0.14 he i she they we you 0 0 0 0 0 0 2816 2734 0.14 always certainly ever just never only really 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3049 2735 0.14 cool narrow plump slight thin 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2736 0.14 agony despair gloom horror mud salt smoke spite twilight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2814 2737 0.14 'd 'll can can't couldn't must shall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2738 0.14 excitement moonlight rain street sunshine 0 0 0 0 0 2937 2739 0.14 barn garden gardens graveyard harbor harbour henhouse kitchen mirror mountain orchard parlour pond post sky table yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 2740 0.12 ! ? 0 0 0 2741 0.12 'm am 0 0 2971 2742 0.12 actually generally 0 0 2973 2743 0.12 arms hands 0 0 3058 2744 0.12 awkward blind 0 0 2973 2745 0.12 beauty death 0 0 2975 2746 0.12 besides instead nevertheless 0 0 0 2935 2747 0.12 bewildered relieved 0 0 2848 2748 0.12 birds fairies 0 0 2979 2749 0.12 board existence safety 0 0 0 3053 2750 0.12 boats hats 0 0 2970 2751 0.12 captain latter 0 0 2843 2752 0.12 castle garret hut palace stable 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2753 0.12 cheerful fresh 0 0 3050 2754 0.12 chuckled grinned 0 0 3061 2755 0.12 court party 0 0 0 2756 0.12 daniel richard 0 0 2917 2757 0.12 doorway pocket 0 0 2941 2758 0.12 dread glory 0 0 2975 2759 0.12 engaged listening 0 0 2926 2760 0.12 evening morning 0 0 2995 2761 0.12 failure prisoner 0 0 3091 2762 0.12 familiar unpleasant 0 0 3057 2763 0.12 father mother 0 0 2948 2764 0.12 fierce tender 0 0 3058 2765 0.12 foolish silly 0 0 2976 2766 0.12 frowned hesitated 0 0 2979 2767 0.12 funeral sermon 0 0 2857 2768 0.12 aloud bitterly gently softly 0 0 0 0 2880 2769 0.12 handsome nice 0 0 2978 2770 0.12 happiness sympathy 0 0 3152 2771 0.12 helpless loud strangely 0 0 0 2979 2772 0.12 hooty paddy 0 0 2866 2773 0.12 however indeed 0 0 3167 2774 0.12 iv v 0 0 3005 2775 0.12 knee lap pillow 0 0 0 3109 2776 0.12 ladder stairs 0 0 2963 2777 0.12 dust earth land 0 0 0 3109 2778 0.12 merry silver 0 0 2979 2779 0.12 monster pirate 0 0 3109 2780 0.12 moon sun 0 0 2858 2781 0.12 nature presence 0 0 3061 2782 0.12 office store 0 0 2868 2783 0.12 ourselves themselves 0 0 3109 2784 0.12 august pa smee 0 0 0 3109 2785 0.12 fir pine spruce 0 0 0 2966 2786 0.12 faster quickly swiftly 0 0 0 2862 2787 0.12 crimson dirty grim red rosy yellow 0 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2788 0.12 sea wind 0 0 2972 2789 0.12 bank cove shore 0 0 0 3067 2790 0.12 quite so very 0 0 0 2966 2791 0.12 downstairs forward straight upstairs 0 0 0 0 2971 2792 0.12 finally presently suddenly 0 0 0 3033 2793 0.12 tomorrow tonight 0 0 2851 2794 0.12 dragon lion wolf 0 0 0 2964 2795 0.12 eleven fifteen five nine seven six ten three twelve twenty two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2966 2796 0.12 aside forth gravely hastily proudly 0 0 0 0 0 2971 2797 0.12 afterwards thus twice 0 0 0 3034 2798 0.12 allan lynde quack 0 0 0 2940 2799 0.12 angry excited hungry 0 0 0 2864 2800 0.12 autumn dawn daylight 0 0 0 3092 2801 0.12 blushed bowed shuddered 0 0 0 2865 2802 0.12 breast conscience shoulders 0 0 0 3042 2803 0.12 brow forehead goodness 0 0 0 3109 2804 0.12 bushes ferns straw 0 0 0 3058 2805 0.12 cruel killing stupid 0 0 0 3109 2806 0.12 dead fair rich 0 0 0 3067 2807 0.12 down out up 0 0 0 3109 2808 0.12 farther further higher 0 0 0 2979 2809 0.12 barrel chest field grove pantry pasture stream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2963 2810 0.12 ground roof water 0 0 0 3109 2811 0.12 berries cows justice size 0 0 0 0 3109 2812 0.12 carlisle cats clouds honour stones 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2813 0.12 avonlea beach church college ingleside redmond school town 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3035 2814 0.12 'd 'll can can't could couldn't must shall will would 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2880 2815 0.12 dreadful funny pleasant queer splendid strange wonderful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2938 2816 0.12 a again alan alexina always anne another any away ben benjamin bertha beth certainly charlotta charlotte charlottetown christopher clemantiny dan davy diana dora ellis england eric estella eunice ever every faith felix frances freda gilbert grandma grief heaven her here hers herself hester him himself his isabella it itself jem jerome jill jims joscelyn jumper just kate kilmeny kim leslie little louisa mahbub marcella marilla matthew me mine mowgli my myself nan never no nora now off only patty peg phil priscilla really rilla robert rosemary sara sidney some sunrise susan tannis the their them then theodosia there this thyra una us willard your yours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2817 0.12 anger blossom books curls friendship mischief mystery shoes tales tea vanity weather wine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2968 2818 0.12 alive awake clever gentle good-natured honest indignant jealous jolly miserable neat nervous perfectly rough sick silent sleepy slender slim sober stiff suspicious thoughtful wet wise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2819 0.12 alma amy anna betty blacky bowser buster carey carl cecily chatterer chester corona cynthia daisy danny david dick don edith elizabeth elliott emily eva felicity frank helen jane jed jerry jimmy johnny jordan josie judith kitty lightfoot ma maimie margaret meg morgan naomi neil octavia peter petru prissy rachel reddy sammy scrooge stephen sylvia ted tom violet wendy whitefoot whitey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2973 2820 0.12 bitterness bones cap ceremony cheek companion fashion favorite feast finger humour joseph manner medicine mood papers pies position race result skin society sword thanks wings worst 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3076 2821 0.11 ....y good-bye 0 0 3109 2822 0.11 accepted stirred 0 0 3109 2823 0.11 age ghost 0 0 3108 2824 0.11 almost nearly 0 0 2966 2825 0.11 alone together 0 0 2968 2826 0.11 big great 0 0 3026 2827 0.11 bread cloak 0 0 2979 2828 0.11 bridge stove 0 0 3109 2829 0.11 clapped clasped 0 0 3109 2830 0.11 drink pray 0 0 2951 2831 0.11 eagle jackal sultan 0 0 0 3066 2832 0.11 ease puck 0 0 3109 2833 0.11 esther knock 0 0 3044 2834 0.11 everywhere somewhat 0 0 2975 2835 0.11 fortunately otherwise 0 0 3109 2836 0.11 free mad 0 0 3109 2837 0.11 disappointed frightened surprised 0 0 0 2954 2838 0.11 gasped stooped 0 0 2905 2839 0.11 gate window 0 0 2979 2840 0.11 hall lane 0 0 3109 2841 0.11 happily yawned 0 0 3109 2842 0.11 horns pigs 0 0 2937 2843 0.11 castle garret house hut palace stable 0 0 0 0 0 0 3091 2844 0.11 important unusual 0 0 3109 2845 0.11 inside outside 0 0 2971 2846 0.11 merely seldom 0 0 2968 2847 0.11 old poor young 0 0 0 2891 2848 0.11 birds fairies others 0 0 0 3109 2849 0.11 patient shy 0 0 2940 2850 0.11 proud tired 0 0 2970 2851 0.11 dragon lion queen wolf 0 0 0 0 2979 2852 0.11 rainbow star 0 0 2953 2853 0.11 rowed scrambled 0 0 3109 2854 0.11 sand sands 0 0 2945 2855 0.11 gasp scream sigh 0 0 0 2974 2856 0.11 simple slow 0 0 2966 2857 0.11 aloud bitterly gently slowly softly 0 0 0 0 0 2973 2858 0.11 nature presence soul 0 0 0 3031 2859 0.11 east north south west 0 0 0 0 2979 2860 0.11 spotty theodora 0 0 2979 2861 0.11 valley war 0 0 2968 2862 0.11 crimson dirty grim red rosy white yellow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2936 2863 0.11 delicious discouraged dreadfully horribly terribly 0 0 0 0 0 3063 2864 0.11 autumn dawn daylight dusk sunset 0 0 0 0 0 2973 2865 0.11 arm breast conscience knees shoulder shoulders 0 0 0 0 0 0 2971 2866 0.11 however indeed somehow sometimes therefore 0 0 0 0 0 2971 2867 0.11 already also soon 0 0 0 2966 2868 0.11 anybody ourselves thee themselves yourself 0 0 0 0 0 2951 2869 0.11 babu emperor lord 0 0 0 2965 2870 0.11 cannot won't wouldn't 0 0 0 3109 2871 0.11 consented groaned mounted 0 0 0 3109 2872 0.11 crooked noted whistling 0 0 0 2973 2873 0.11 curiosity pleasure success 0 0 0 2928 2874 0.11 drunk happier less 0 0 0 2890 2875 0.11 alexander edward lurgan malcolm 0 0 0 0 2979 2876 0.11 gods hounds hunters 0 0 0 2979 2877 0.11 health loss wisdom 0 0 0 2973 2878 0.11 admiration joy laughter pain terror 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2879 0.11 anything everything nothing something 0 0 0 0 2968 2880 0.11 beautiful dreadful funny handsome lovely nice pleasant queer splendid strange wonderful 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2881 0.11 amusement blossoms cream dancing wire 0 0 0 0 0 2972 2882 0.11 carriage entrance favourite gates middle midst sack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2883 0.11 absence history plans throat troubles 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2884 0.11 apart bare brief calm careless dangerous deserted empty firmly heartily lit removed safely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3158 2885 0.09 affairs faces 0 0 3077 2886 0.09 ahead beautifully 0 0 3158 2887 0.09 answer reply 0 0 3096 2888 0.09 attend listen 0 0 3101 2889 0.09 attention grin 0 0 3016 2890 0.09 alexander blair edward lurgan malcolm 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2891 0.09 birds boys fairies others 0 0 0 0 3109 2892 0.09 careful polite 0 0 3109 2893 0.09 case direction 0 0 3036 2894 0.09 chair corner 0 0 3109 2895 0.09 chin parents 0 0 3063 2896 0.09 christmas sunday 0 0 3145 2897 0.09 clark gerda 0 0 3109 2898 0.09 class peace 0 0 2981 2899 0.09 completely entirely 0 0 3039 2900 0.09 conscious worthy 0 0 3145 2901 0.09 counsel lessons 0 0 3097 2902 0.09 dashed winked 0 0 3109 2903 0.09 deep short 0 0 3104 2904 0.09 delightful grand 0 0 3037 2905 0.09 door gate window 0 0 0 3109 2906 0.09 dying naturally 0 0 3109 2907 0.09 escaped faded 0 0 3109 2908 0.09 fate servants 0 0 3109 2909 0.09 fighting hearing 0 0 3109 2910 0.09 first last 0 0 3056 2911 0.09 fortnight month 0 0 3109 2912 0.09 fruit passion 0 0 3109 2913 0.09 game spirit 0 0 3066 2914 0.09 hans owen 0 0 3109 2915 0.09 hat nose 0 0 3167 2916 0.09 hearts lives 0 0 3036 2917 0.09 doorway hole pocket 0 0 0 3001 2918 0.09 hours weeks 0 0 3167 2919 0.09 human sharp 0 0 3109 2920 0.09 alarmed comforted interested 0 0 0 3052 2921 0.09 leaped wakened 0 0 3109 2922 0.09 let's please 0 0 3109 2923 0.09 letters shadows 0 0 3109 2924 0.09 memory seat 0 0 3067 2925 0.09 more once 0 0 3000 2926 0.09 evening morning night 0 0 0 3108 2927 0.09 none plenty 0 0 3109 2928 0.09 drunk happier less rather 0 0 0 0 3109 2929 0.09 rule soldier 0 0 3167 2930 0.09 setting sewing 0 0 3033 2931 0.09 somewhere yesterday 0 0 3167 2932 0.09 stolen torn 0 0 3109 2933 0.09 summer winter 0 0 3046 2934 0.09 josephine stella timmy 0 0 0 3109 2935 0.09 amazed bewildered relieved shocked 0 0 0 0 3067 2936 0.09 anywhere delicious discouraged dreadfully forever horribly terribly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3037 2937 0.09 barn castle garden gardens garret graveyard harbor harbour henhouse house hut kitchen mirror mountain orchard palace parlour pond post sky stable table yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2938 0.09 , a again alan alexina always anne another any away ben benjamin bertha beth certainly charlotta charlotte charlottetown christopher clemantiny dan davy diana dora ellis england eric estella eunice ever every faith felix frances freda gilbert grandma grief he heaven her here hers herself hester him himself his i isabella it itself jem jerome jill jims joscelyn jumper just kate kilmeny kim leslie little louisa mahbub marcella marilla matthew me mine mowgli my myself nan never no nora now off only patty peg phil priscilla really rilla robert rosemary sara she sidney some sunrise susan tannis the their them then theodosia there they this thyra una us we willard you your yours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2939 0.09 accordingly moreover silently 0 0 0 3109 2940 0.09 afraid angry excited hungry proud tired 0 0 0 0 0 0 3032 2941 0.09 amazement dread glory haste 0 0 0 0 3034 2942 0.09 bhaer campbell harrison leonard 0 0 0 0 3109 2943 0.09 clean lonesome whipped 0 0 0 2992 2944 0.09 courage fever fright 0 0 0 3109 2945 0.09 chuckle cry gasp scream sigh whistle 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 2946 0.09 disappear landed rested 0 0 0 3093 2947 0.09 driving singing talking 0 0 0 3109 2948 0.09 faint fierce friendly tender 0 0 0 0 3030 2949 0.09 famous holy horrid regular 0 0 0 0 2982 2950 0.09 its our thy 0 0 0 3109 2951 0.09 babu eagle emperor jackal lama lord sultan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3107 2952 0.09 neither to-day usually 0 0 0 3088 2953 0.09 crawled drifted peeped rowed scrambled 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2954 0.09 gasped proposed stooped whispered 0 0 0 0 3109 2955 0.09 admitted insisted resolved waved 0 0 0 0 3038 2956 0.09 baby cat doctor minister stranger 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2957 0.09 beast beasts mare servant turtle 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2958 0.09 brightened fed ride sparkled 0 0 0 0 3057 2959 0.09 brother cousin daughter husband sister son 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2960 0.09 disturbed mortal thou troubled 0 0 0 0 3029 2961 0.09 doorstep fence log sofa 0 0 0 0 3109 2962 0.09 duty figure gossip reputation 0 0 0 0 3109 2963 0.09 dust earth fire forest grass ground ice land meadows roof snow water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3153 2964 0.09 eight eleven fifteen five four many nine seven several six ten these those three twelve twenty two 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3035 2965 0.09 cannot didn't don't may might should won't wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3067 2966 0.09 alone along aloud anybody aside bitterly downstairs faster forth forward gently gravely hastily ourselves proudly quickly slowly softly straight swiftly thee themselves together upstairs yourself 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2967 0.09 approaching curly furious precious thankful wearing 0 0 0 0 0 0 3059 2968 0.09 alive awake bad beautiful big black brown clever crimson dirty dreadful funny gentle good good-natured great grim handsome happy honest indignant jealous jolly lovely miserable neat nervous nice old perfectly pleasant poor queer red rosy rough sick silent sleepy slender slim sober splendid stiff strange suspicious thoughtful wet white wise wonderful yellow young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3108 2969 0.09 abel eliza joyce mattie maud sam sleeping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3038 2970 0.09 captain dragon fourth king latter lion prince princess queen witch wolf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3067 2971 0.09 actually afterwards already also even evidently finally generally hardly however indeed maybe merely often perhaps possibly presently probably scarcely seldom simply somehow sometimes soon suddenly surely therefore thus twice yet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2972 0.09 bank bottom carriage cove edge end entrance favourite foot gates middle midst point sack shore steps top 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2973 0.09 admiration arm arms beauty bitterness bones breast cap ceremony cheek companion conscience curiosity death ears face fashion favorite feast feelings feet finger hand hands head heart humour joseph joy knees laughter life manner medicine mood mouth nature pain papers pies pleasure position presence race result shoulder shoulders side skin society soul success sword terror thanks thoughts wings worst 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3059 2974 0.09 abruptly anxiously bitter blank interesting lonely low respectable sad sharply simple slow small sweet tall ugly uncomfortable unhappy wicked wild 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2975 0.09 anyhow anyway asleep besides born crazy dreaming drowned engaged expecting fortunately instead listening mistaken named nevertheless nowhere oh otherwise pleased promptly sadly satisfied yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3094 2976 0.09 awoke beheld dried entered frowned hesitated kissed lowered nodded played sighed succeeded suffered swallowed tucked wrapped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3059 2977 0.09 blue bright burning charming curious dark dim distant dull exciting fastened folded heavy lighted scared snatched soft steady sticks thick trembling twisted unexpected weak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2978 0.09 business danger happiness imagination marriage order pieces relief shock sympathy wedding youth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3106 2979 0.09 affair aladdin alarm alec alice animals ashes astonishment avery bag barrel battle billy board bob box branches breakfast bride bridge brothers buggy camp caroline cave chest city cloth company conversation cook cornelia cup cyrilla cyrus darkness dismay dogs doors eating ellen everybody everyone existence experience expression field fields firs floor flowers fool funeral future george gods goose group grove guests hall hannah health hens hill hooty horse hounds hunters janet john jungle ladies lake lane laurie lavendar lights loss lower luck magician marian martha mary meantime meanwhile mice michael moments monday monster murray music names nancy ned nights norman november nurse nuts october oliver olivia pack paddy page pantry paper pasture patch paul philippa pictures pie pirate polly ponsonby prayer purple rainbow river road rock rocks roger romance rooms roses safety sahib sally salome scene scent sermon shame ship sigurd situation slope sorrow space spotty star stars state stern storm story stove stream study sunlight tale teacher theodora tommy tower train treasure twins valley veranda village wall walls walter war windows wisdom wood woods 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 2980 0.08 advice sake 0 0 3149 2981 0.08 altogether completely entirely 0 0 0 3109 2982 0.08 an its our thy 0 0 0 0 3109 2983 0.08 anyone blow 0 0 3109 2984 0.08 appearance neighbors 0 0 3155 2985 0.08 approached tore 0 0 3109 2986 0.08 arrived knocked 0 0 3109 2987 0.08 aunt miss 0 0 3109 2988 0.08 ball cloud 0 0 3167 2989 0.08 blessed broad 0 0 3144 2990 0.08 bobby poetry 0 0 3109 2991 0.08 brave fat 0 0 3109 2992 0.08 breath courage fever fright 0 0 0 0 3167 2993 0.08 certain impossible 0 0 3109 2994 0.08 chamber porch 0 0 3109 2995 0.08 charm failure prisoner 0 0 0 3167 2996 0.08 clock turkey 0 0 3087 2997 0.08 closed shut 0 0 3109 2998 0.08 creature fellow 0 0 3167 2999 0.08 daughters sons 0 0 3137 3000 0.08 day evening morning night 0 0 0 0 3103 3001 0.08 days hours weeks 0 0 0 3109 3002 0.08 deeply lightly 0 0 3109 3003 0.08 delight dreams 0 0 3109 3004 0.08 dressed ended 0 0 3109 3005 0.08 ear knee lap pillow 0 0 0 0 3167 3006 0.08 earnest english 0 0 3109 3007 0.08 farm journey 0 0 3109 3008 0.08 general splash 0 0 3107 3009 0.08 granny spencer 0 0 3109 3010 0.08 gray grey 0 0 3109 3011 0.08 greatest illustrations 0 0 3109 3012 0.08 hiding playing 0 0 3146 3013 0.08 hoped wished 0 0 3109 3014 0.08 hunter truth 0 0 3109 3015 0.08 interrupted spoiled 0 0 3107 3016 0.08 alexander blair edward james lurgan malcolm 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3017 0.08 key lid 0 0 3109 3018 0.08 kind sort 0 0 3167 3019 0.08 lover nap 0 0 3109 3020 0.08 matter question 0 0 3109 3021 0.08 mysterious peaceful 0 0 3109 3022 0.08 orders spirits 0 0 3109 3023 0.08 piece view 0 0 3167 3024 0.08 pipe toes 0 0 3109 3025 0.08 places trees 0 0 3109 3026 0.08 bread cloak pride 0 0 0 3167 3027 0.08 sounded sounds 0 0 3109 3028 0.08 speech tone 0 0 3109 3029 0.08 doorstep fence log sofa tree 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3030 0.08 famous holy horrid regular true 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3031 0.08 east north south west wrong 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3032 0.08 amazement attitude boots disappointment dread glory haste rage satisfaction triumph vacation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3033 0.08 somewhere tomorrow tonight yesterday 0 0 0 0 3107 3034 0.08 allan bhaer campbell harrison leonard lynde quack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3116 3035 0.08 'd 'll can can't cannot could couldn't didn't don't may might must shall should will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3036 0.08 chair corner doorway hole pocket 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3037 0.08 barn castle door garden gardens garret gate graveyard harbor harbour henhouse house hut kitchen mirror mountain orchard palace parlour pond post sky stable table window yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3038 0.08 baby captain cat doctor dragon fourth king latter lion minister prince princess queen stranger witch wolf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3039 0.08 ashamed conscious fond worthy 0 0 0 0 3109 3040 0.08 bottle concert glow 0 0 0 3109 3041 0.08 bow knife violin 0 0 0 3109 3042 0.08 brain brow fingers forehead goodness 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3043 0.08 dance kiss warning 0 0 0 3149 3044 0.08 eagerly everywhere quietly somewhat 0 0 0 0 3109 3045 0.08 cage fact task trap 0 0 0 0 3107 3046 0.08 hook josephine longlegs stella timmy 0 0 0 0 0 3107 3047 0.08 davis grant jo william 0 0 0 0 3109 3048 0.08 lad nest ring 0 0 0 3109 3049 0.08 cool large narrow pale plump slight thin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3094 3050 0.08 chuckled grinned laughed smiled 0 0 0 0 3092 3051 0.08 marched sang wandered 0 0 0 3157 3052 0.08 leaped paused sprang wakened 0 0 0 0 3109 3053 0.08 boats gentlemen hats loving pearls sheep 0 0 0 0 0 0 3093 3054 0.08 crying laughing smiling startled 0 0 0 0 3167 3055 0.08 opening season vain wept 0 0 0 0 3098 3056 0.08 fortnight month week year 0 0 0 0 3106 3057 0.08 brother cousin daughter father husband mother sister son wife 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3058 0.08 awkward blind cruel foolish killing pretty silly stupid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3059 0.08 abruptly alive anxiously awake bad beautiful big bitter black blank blue bright brown burning charming clever crimson curious dark dim dirty distant dreadful dull exciting fastened folded funny gentle good good-natured great grim handsome happy heavy honest indignant interesting jealous jolly lighted lonely lovely low miserable neat nervous nice old perfectly pleasant poor queer red respectable rosy rough sad scared sharply sick silent simple sleepy slender slim slow small snatched sober soft splendid steady sticks stiff strange suspicious sweet tall thick thoughtful trembling twisted ugly uncomfortable unexpected unhappy weak wet white wicked wild wise wonderful yellow young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3060 0.08 agreed drank shivered tossed whistled 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3061 0.08 cottage court office party station store 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3062 0.08 adventures dinner food money power supper 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3063 0.08 agony air autumn christmas dawn daylight despair dusk excitement gloom horror moonlight mud rain salt sea smoke spite street sunday sunset sunshine twilight wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3064 0.08 animal bill breeze bull pail subject 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3065 0.08 duck maid maiden slave trip 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3066 0.08 appetite bagheera charles concluded dignity ease god grace hans hugh interest ludovic manners match midnight nat nonsense opportunity owen patience puck ruby slaves telford 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3109 3067 0.08 actually afterwards alone along aloud already also anybody anywhere aside back better bitterly delicious discouraged down downstairs dreadfully even evidently faster finally forever forth forward generally gently gravely hardly hastily home horribly however indeed maybe merely more often once ourselves out over perhaps possibly presently probably proudly quickly quite scarcely seldom simply slowly so softly somehow sometimes soon straight suddenly surely swiftly terribly thee themselves therefore thus together too twice up upstairs very yet yourself 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3068 0.06 @number@ chapter 0 0 0 3069 0.06 are were 0 0 3156 3070 0.06 begged tied 0 0 3167 3071 0.06 bless thank 0 0 3167 3072 0.06 came went 0 0 3167 3073 0.06 come go 0 0 3167 3074 0.06 considered needed 0 0 3154 3075 0.06 die rise 0 0 3167 3076 0.06 ....y farewell good-bye 0 0 0 3167 3077 0.06 ahead beautifully fishing 0 0 0 3167 3078 0.06 forgetting shirley 0 0 3167 3079 0.06 gazing leaning 0 0 3167 3080 0.06 've hadn't haven't 0 0 0 0 3081 0.06 ho twinkled 0 0 3167 3082 0.06 hound weasel 0 0 3167 3083 0.06 how why 0 0 3167 3084 0.06 huge single 0 0 3167 3085 0.06 is was 0 0 0 3086 0.06 isn't wasn't 0 0 3167 3087 0.06 closed opened shut 0 0 0 3157 3088 0.06 crawled drifted peeped ran rowed scrambled 0 0 0 0 0 0 3156 3089 0.06 rubbed wiped 0 0 3149 3090 0.06 slightly wildly 0 0 3167 3091 0.06 familiar important unpleasant unusual 0 0 0 0 3167 3092 0.06 blushed bowed marched sang shuddered wandered 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3093 0.06 crying driving laughing singing smiling startled talking 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3128 3094 0.06 awoke beheld chuckled dried entered frowned grinned hesitated kissed laughed lowered nodded played sighed smiled succeeded suffered swallowed tucked wrapped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3095 0.06 comes gives takes 0 0 0 3154 3096 0.06 attend consider lead listen 0 0 0 0 3167 3097 0.06 blew dashed dragged glanced winked 0 0 0 0 0 3137 3098 0.06 fortnight hour moment month week year 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3099 0.06 knight lily monkey 0 0 0 3167 3100 0.06 lay sat stood 0 0 0 3167 3101 0.06 attention grin lie pull 0 0 0 0 3167 3102 0.06 drop mention share suffer 0 0 0 0 3167 3103 0.06 days hours minutes weeks years 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3104 0.06 delightful grand proper spare 0 0 0 0 0 3105 0.06 dozen few hundred thousand 0 0 0 0 3138 3106 0.06 admiration affair aladdin alarm alec alice alma amy animals anna anything arm arms ashes astonishment avery bag barrel battle beauty betty billy bitterness blacky board bob bones bowser box branches breakfast breast bride bridge brother brothers buggy buster camp cap carey carl caroline cave cecily ceremony chatterer cheek chest chester city cloth companion company conscience conversation cook cornelia corona cousin cup curiosity cynthia cyrilla cyrus daisy danny darkness daughter david death dick dismay dogs don doors ears eating edith elizabeth ellen elliott emily eva everybody everyone everything existence experience expression face fashion father favorite feast feelings feet felicity field fields finger firs floor flowers fool frank funeral future george gods goose group grove guests hall hand hands hannah head health heart helen hens hill hooty horse hounds humour hunters husband jane janet jed jerry jimmy john johnny jordan joseph josie joy judith jungle kitty knees ladies lake lane laughter laurie lavendar life lightfoot lights loss lower luck ma magician maimie manner margaret marian martha mary meantime meanwhile medicine meg mice michael moments monday monster mood morgan mother mouth murray music names nancy naomi nature ned neil nights norman nothing november nurse nuts octavia october oliver olivia pack paddy page pain pantry paper papers pasture patch paul peter petru philippa pictures pie pies pirate pleasure polly ponsonby position prayer presence prissy purple race rachel rainbow reddy result river road rock rocks roger romance rooms roses safety sahib sally salome sammy scene scent scrooge sermon shame ship shoulder shoulders side sigurd sister situation skin slope society something son sorrow soul space spotty star stars state stephen stern storm story stove stream study success sunlight sword sylvia tale teacher ted terror thanks theodora thoughts tom tommy tower train treasure twins valley veranda village violet wall walls walter war wendy whitefoot whitey wife windows wings wisdom wood woods worst 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3153 3107 0.06 alexander allan bell bhaer blair campbell davis each edward granny grant harrison hook james jo josephine leonard longlegs lurgan lynde malcolm neither quack spencer stella timmy to-day usually william 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3153 3108 0.06 abel almost both eliza enough joyce mattie maud most nearly none plenty sam sleeping ye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3138 3109 0.06 , a abruptly absence accepted accordingly account act actually added admitted adventure adventures advice afraid afternoon afterwards again age agony ah air alan alarmed alexina alive allowed alone along aloud already also always amazed amazement amusement an andrews anger angry animal anne another anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anyway anywhere apart appearance appetite apple approaching arose around arrived arrow ashamed aside asking asleep astonished asylum ate attitude august aunt autumn avonlea awake away awful awkward babies babu baby back bad badly bagheera ball bank bare barn basket beach beard beast beasts beating beautiful bed beginning ben beneath benjamin bent berries bertha besides best beth better bewildered big bigger bill bird birds birthday bits bitter bitterly black blank blind blood blossom blossoms blow blue boat boats body books boots born bother bottle bottom bound bow boy boys brain branch brave bread breath breeze brief bright brightened broken brook brow brown brushed built bull burned burning burst bushes business busy buy by by-and-by cage cake calling calm captain care careful careless carlisle carriage carrying case cast castle cat cats cause certainly chair chamber change changes charles charlotta charlotte charlottetown charm charming cheeks cheerful chicken child childhood children chill chimney chin choked chose christmas christopher chuckle church circle circumstances clapped clasped class claws clean clear clemantiny clever climb climbed cloak clothes cloud clouds club coat cold college colour comfort comfortable comfortably comforted common concert concluded conscious consented content cool corn corner cottage counted country couple courage court cove cow cows crazy cream creature crimson crooked crossed crow crowd crowded cruel cry curious curls curly curtains cuthbert dan dance dancing danger dangerous dark darted davy dawn daylight dead dear decided deep deeply deer delicious delight delighted demanded deserted desire despair determined diana difference different difficult dignity dim dinner direction dirty disappeared disappointed disappointment discouraged discovered discovery distant disturbed doctor dog door doorstep doorway dora doubt down downstairs dragon draw dread dreadful dreadfully dreaming dreams dress dressed dresses drink driven drowned drunk dry duck ducks dull dusk dust duty dying eager eagle ear earth ease easily east easy eaten edge effect effort egg eggs either elder eldest ellis emperor empty end ended enemy engaged england enter entrance eric escaped especially estella esther eunice even ever every evidently evil excited excitement exciting exclaimed expecting explained eye faced fact faded failure faint fair fairies fairly fairy faith falling family famous farm farther fastened faster fat fate favour favourite feathers fed felix fellow fence ferns fever fierce fight fighting figure fill finally fine finest fingers finish finished fir fire firm firmly first fish fixed flash flashed flat fled floated flower flushed fly flying folded following fond food foolish foot forced forehead forest forever form forth fortunately fortune forward fountain fourth frances freda free fresh friendly friendship fright frightened front frost fruit full funny fur furious further game garden gardens garret gasp gasped gate gates gay gaze gazed general generally gentle gentlemen gently ghost giant gift gilbert girl girls glad glass gleam glen gloom glorious glory glow god gold golden good good-natured goodness gossip grace grandfather grandma grandmother grass grave gravely graveyard gray great greatest green grey grief grim groaned ground growing habit hair handsome hans happier happily happiness happy harbor harbour hard harder hardly harmon haste hastened hastily hat hats haunted he hearing heartily heaven heavy heels hen henhouse henry her here hero hers herself hester hiding higher hills him himself hind hired his history hole hollow holy home homestead honest honour hopped horns horrible horribly horrid horror horses hot house however hugh hungry hunted hunter hurry hut i ice idea ill illustrations imagination immediately impression in indeed indignant influence ingleside inquired inside insisted instant instead interest interested interesting interrupted invited isabel isabella island it its itself jack jackal jealous jem jerome jill jim jims joke jolly joscelyn journey judge jumper just justice kate keeping key kicked killed killing kilmeny kim kind king kingdom kiss kitchen knee knife knock knocked lad ladder lady lama lamp land lap large last lasted latter laugh law leaf leaned leaves legs leslie less lesson let's letter letters lid light lighted lightly line lines lion lips listened listening lit little living locked log lonely lonesome long longed lord louisa lovely loving low lucy ludovic mad magnificent mahbub maid maiden man manners manse marcella march mare marilla marriage martin master match matter matthew maybe me meadow meadows meal meeting memory men merely merry middle midnight midst milk mind mine minister mirror mischief miserable miss missed mistaken mistress money moon moonlight more moreover mortal mothers mount mountain mounted move mowgli mr mrs much mud my myself mysterious mystery name named nan narrow nat naturally nearer nearest neat necessary neck neighbors neighbours nervous nest never nevertheless new next nice no noise nonsense nora north nose note noted now nowhere number obeyed odd off offer office often oh old old-fashioned older oldest on once only opinion opportunity opposite orchard order orders others otherwise our ourselves out outside over owen owl own pa paid pail painted pair palace pale pan parents parlour parted party passing passion paths patience patient patty paws pay peace peaceful pearls peg people perfect perfectly perhaps persons phil picked picking picture piece pieces pigs pile pillow pine pink place placed places plain plainly plans playing pleasant please pleased plump pocket point pointed polite pond poor porch possession possible possibly post pot power pray prayers precious prepared present presented presently pretended pretty pride priest prince princess priscilla prisoner probably project promptly proof proposed proud proudly proved puck pure purpose puzzled pye quarter queen queer question questions quickly quiet quite rage rain rang rather reach ready real really received recognized red redmond reflected regular relatives relief relieved removed reputation resolved respect respectable rest return returned rich ride right rilla ring robert roll roof room roots rose rosemary rosy rough round roused row ruby rule running sack sad sadly safe safely sake salt sand sands sank sara satisfaction satisfied saved scarcely scared scattered school scratched scream sea seat second seeing seldom self sensation senses sentence servant servants service shadow shadows shaking sharply she sheep shining shock shocked shoes shone shore short shouted shrank shy si sick sidney sigh sight silence silent silently silk silly silver simple simply sing sisters sitting size sky slave slaves sleepy slender slept slight slim sloane slow slowly small smaller smart smee smell smile smiles smoke snatched sniffed snow so sobbing sober sofa soft softly sold soldier some somehow sometimes somewhere song soon sorry sort sorts sought sound south sparkled speaking speech speed spell spirit spirits spite splash splendid spoiled spot spring spruce stable stairs standing start station steady stepped steps sticks stiff stirred stockings stole stone stones stooped stop stopped stopping store straight strange stranger straw street strength strike striped strong struggle stupid subject such sudden suddenly sultan summer sun sunday sunrise sunset sunshine supper surely surprise surprised susan suspicious sweet sweetest swiftly swung sympathy table tail tales talked tall tannis task taste tea tears telford temper tender terrible terribly thanked thankful that the thee their them themselves then theodosia there therefore they thick thin third this thomas thou thoughtful threshold throat thus thy thyra tiny tired to-night today together tomorrow tone tongue tonight too top touch town trail trap treated tree trees trembled trembling tricks trip triumph trotted troubled troubles true trunk truth turtle twice twilight twisted ugly una uncle uncomfortable under understood unexpected unhappy up upon upstairs us vacation vance vanity very view violin visiting voice wait waited wake warm warning washed water waved way we weak wearing weather wedding welcome well west wet whipped whispered whistle whistling white whole wicked wild willard win wind window wine winter wire wise witch with within woke wolf woman women won wonder wonderful wondering words work worked working world worried worse worthy writing wrong wrung yard yawned yellow yes yesterday yet you young youngest your yours yourself youth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3110 0.05 ali lavinia 0 0 3167 3111 0.05 apples voices 0 0 3167 3112 0.05 belong refused 0 0 3167 3113 0.05 beside between 0 0 3167 3114 0.05 coming going 0 0 3167 3115 0.05 crown picnic 0 0 3167 3116 0.05 'd 'll can can't cannot could couldn't did didn't don't may might must shall should will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3117 0.05 doing saying 0 0 3167 3118 0.05 drawn niece 0 0 3167 3119 0.05 dropped held 0 0 3167 3120 0.05 escape hide 0 0 3167 3121 0.05 excellent willing 0 0 3167 3122 0.05 friend friends 0 0 3167 3123 0.05 fun use 0 0 3167 3124 0.05 hit reading 0 0 3167 3125 0.05 inclined wee 0 0 3167 3126 0.05 lend possessed 0 0 3160 3127 0.05 length parting 0 0 3167 3128 0.05 awoke beheld chuckled dried entered frowned grinned hesitated kissed laughed looked lowered nodded played sighed smiled succeeded suffered swallowed tucked wrapped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3129 0.05 ordered replied 0 0 3167 3130 0.05 particular worrying 0 0 3167 3131 0.05 pass slip 0 0 3167 3132 0.05 pause tear 0 0 3167 3133 0.05 paw wishes 0 0 3167 3134 0.05 refuse swim 0 0 3167 3135 0.05 rushed swam 0 0 3167 3136 0.05 stared wondered 0 0 3167 3137 0.05 day evening fortnight hour moment month morning night week year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3138 0.05 , a abruptly absence accepted accordingly account act actually added admiration admitted adventure adventures advice affair afraid afternoon afterwards again age agony ah air aladdin alan alarm alarmed alec alexina alice alive allowed alma alone along aloud already also always amazed amazement amusement amy an andrews anger angry animal animals anna anne another anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart appearance appetite apple approaching arm arms arose around arrived arrow ashamed ashes aside asking asleep astonished astonishment asylum ate attitude august aunt autumn avery avonlea awake away awful awkward babies babu baby back bad badly bag bagheera ball bank bare barn barrel basket battle beach beard beast beasts beating beautiful beauty bed beginning ben beneath benjamin bent berries bertha besides best beth better betty bewildered big bigger bill billy bird birds birthday bits bitter bitterly bitterness black blacky blank blind blood blossom blossoms blow blue board boat boats bob body bones books boots born bother bottle bottom bound bow bowser box boy boys brain branch branches brave bread breakfast breast breath breeze bride bridge brief bright brightened broken brook brother brothers brow brown brushed buggy built bull burned burning burst bushes business buster busy buy by by-and-by cage cake calling calm camp cap captain care careful careless carey carl carlisle caroline carriage carrying case cast castle cat cats cause cave cecily ceremony certainly chair chamber change changes charles charlotta charlotte charlottetown charm charming chatterer cheek cheeks cheerful chest chester chicken child childhood children chill chimney chin choked chose christmas christopher chuckle church circle circumstances city clapped clasped class claws clean clear clemantiny clever climb climbed cloak cloth clothes cloud clouds club coat cold college colour comfort comfortable comfortably comforted common companion company concert concluded conscience conscious consented content conversation cook cool corn cornelia corner corona cottage counted country couple courage court cousin cove cow cows crazy cream creature crimson crooked crossed crow crowd crowded cruel cry cup curiosity curious curls curly curtains cuthbert cynthia cyrilla cyrus daisy dan dance dancing danger dangerous danny dark darkness darted daughter david davy dawn daylight dead dear death decided deep deeply deer delicious delight delighted demanded deserted desire despair determined diana dick difference different difficult dignity dim dinner direction dirty disappeared disappointed disappointment discouraged discovered discovery dismay distant disturbed doctor dog dogs don door doors doorstep doorway dora doubt down downstairs dragon draw dread dreadful dreadfully dreaming dreams dress dressed dresses drink driven drowned drunk dry duck ducks dull dusk dust duty dying eager eagle ear ears earth ease easily east easy eaten eating edge edith effect effort egg eggs either elder eldest elizabeth ellen elliott ellis emily emperor empty end ended enemy engaged england enter entrance eric escaped especially estella esther eunice eva even ever every everybody everyone everything evidently evil excited excitement exciting exclaimed existence expecting experience explained expression eye face faced fact faded failure faint fair fairies fairly fairy faith falling family famous farm farther fashion fastened faster fat fate father favorite favour favourite feast feathers fed feelings feet felicity felix fellow fence ferns fever field fields fierce fight fighting figure fill finally fine finest finger fingers finish finished fir fire firm firmly firs first fish fixed flash flashed flat fled floated floor flower flowers flushed fly flying folded following fond food fool foolish foot forced forehead forest forever form forth fortunately fortune forward fountain fourth frances frank freda free fresh friendly friendship fright frightened front frost fruit full funeral funny fur furious further future game garden gardens garret gasp gasped gate gates gay gaze gazed general generally gentle gentlemen gently george ghost giant gift gilbert girl girls glad glass gleam glen gloom glorious glory glow god gods gold golden good good-natured goodness goose gossip grace grandfather grandma grandmother grass grave gravely graveyard gray great greatest green grey grief grim groaned ground group grove growing guests habit hair hall hand hands handsome hannah hans happier happily happiness happy harbor harbour hard harder hardly harmon haste hastened hastily hat hats haunted he head health hearing heart heartily heaven heavy heels helen hen henhouse henry hens her here hero hers herself hester hiding higher hill hills him himself hind hired his history hole hollow holy home homestead honest honour hooty hopped horns horrible horribly horrid horror horse horses hot hounds house however hugh humour hungry hunted hunter hunters hurry husband hut i ice idea ill illustrations imagination immediately impression in indeed indignant influence ingleside inquired inside insisted instant instead interest interested interesting interrupted invited isabel isabella island it its itself jack jackal jane janet jealous jed jem jerome jerry jill jim jimmy jims john johnny joke jolly jordan joscelyn joseph josie journey joy judge judith jumper jungle just justice kate keeping key kicked killed killing kilmeny kim kind king kingdom kiss kitchen kitty knee knees knife knock knocked lad ladder ladies lady lake lama lamp land lane lap large last lasted latter laugh laughter laurie lavendar law leaf leaned leaves legs leslie less lesson let's letter letters lid life light lighted lightfoot lightly lights line lines lion lips listened listening lit little living locked log lonely lonesome long longed lord loss louisa lovely loving low lower luck lucy ludovic ma mad magician magnificent mahbub maid maiden maimie man manner manners manse marcella march mare margaret marian marilla marriage martha martin mary master match matter matthew maybe me meadow meadows meal meantime meanwhile medicine meeting meg memory men merely merry mice michael middle midnight midst milk mind mine minister mirror mischief miserable miss missed mistaken mistress moments monday money monster mood moon moonlight more moreover morgan mortal mother mothers mount mountain mounted mouth move mowgli mr mrs much mud murray music my myself mysterious mystery name named names nan nancy naomi narrow nat naturally nature nearer nearest neat necessary neck ned neighbors neighbours neil nervous nest never nevertheless new next nice nights no noise nonsense nora norman north nose note noted nothing november now nowhere number nurse nuts obeyed octavia october odd off offer office often oh old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia on once only opinion opportunity opposite orchard order orders others otherwise our ourselves out outside over owen owl own pa pack paddy page paid pail pain painted pair palace pale pan pantry paper papers parents parlour parted party passing passion pasture patch paths patience patient patty paul paws pay peace peaceful pearls peg people perfect perfectly perhaps persons peter petru phil philippa picked picking picture pictures pie piece pieces pies pigs pile pillow pine pink pirate place placed places plain plainly plans playing pleasant please pleased pleasure plump pocket point pointed polite polly pond ponsonby poor porch position possession possible possibly post pot power pray prayer prayers precious prepared presence present presented presently pretended pretty pride priest prince princess priscilla prisoner prissy probably project promptly proof proposed proud proudly proved puck pure purple purpose puzzled pye quarter queen queer question questions quickly quiet quite race rachel rage rain rainbow rang rather reach ready real really received recognized red reddy redmond reflected regular relatives relief relieved removed reputation resolved respect respectable rest result return returned rich ride right rilla ring river road robert rock rocks roger roll romance roof room rooms roots rose rosemary roses rosy rough round roused row ruby rule running sack sad sadly safe safely safety sahib sake sally salome salt sammy sand sands sank sara satisfaction satisfied saved scarcely scared scattered scene scent school scratched scream scrooge sea seat second seeing seldom self sensation senses sentence sermon servant servants service shadow shadows shaking shame sharply she sheep shining ship shock shocked shoes shone shore short shoulder shoulders shouted shrank shy si sick side sidney sigh sight sigurd silence silent silently silk silly silver simple simply sing sister sisters sitting situation size skin sky slave slaves sleepy slender slept slight slim sloane slope slow slowly small smaller smart smee smell smile smiles smoke snatched sniffed snow so sobbing sober society sofa soft softly sold soldier some somehow something sometimes somewhere son song soon sorrow sorry sort sorts sought soul sound south space sparkled speaking speech speed spell spirit spirits spite splash splendid spoiled spot spotty spring spruce stable stairs standing star stars start state station steady stephen stepped steps stern sticks stiff stirred stockings stole stone stones stooped stop stopped stopping store storm story stove straight strange stranger straw stream street strength strike striped strong struggle study stupid subject success such sudden suddenly sultan summer sun sunday sunlight sunrise sunset sunshine supper surely surprise surprised susan suspicious sweet sweetest swiftly sword swung sylvia sympathy table tail tale tales talked tall tannis task taste tea teacher tears ted telford temper tender terrible terribly terror thanked thankful thanks that the thee their them themselves then theodora theodosia there therefore they thick thin third this thomas thou thoughtful thoughts threshold throat thus thy thyra tiny tired to-night today together tom tommy tomorrow tone tongue tonight too top touch tower town trail train trap treasure treated tree trees trembled trembling tricks trip triumph trotted troubled troubles true trunk truth turtle twice twilight twins twisted ugly una uncle uncomfortable under understood unexpected unhappy up upon upstairs us vacation valley vance vanity veranda very view village violet violin visiting voice wait waited wake wall walls walter war warm warning washed water waved way we weak wearing weather wedding welcome well wendy west wet whipped whispered whistle whistling white whitefoot whitey whole wicked wife wild willard win wind window windows wine wings winter wire wisdom wise witch with within woke wolf woman women won wonder wonderful wondering wood woods words work worked working world worried worse worst worthy writing wrong wrung yard yawned yellow yes yesterday yet you young youngest your yours yourself youth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3139 0.05 breaking fifty unless 0 0 0 3167 3140 0.05 far fast usual 0 0 0 0 3141 0.05 forgive trace trust 0 0 0 3167 3142 0.05 high late quick 0 0 0 3167 3143 0.05 longing pity trouble 0 0 0 3167 3144 0.05 bobby mark poetry stuff 0 0 0 0 3167 3145 0.05 clark counsel gerda lessons notice 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3146 0.05 expected hoped realized remembered wished 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3147 0.05 saturday to-morrow whom 0 0 0 3167 3148 0.05 awakened caused seated worn 0 0 0 0 3167 3149 0.05 altogether completely eagerly entirely everywhere quietly slightly somewhat wildly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3150 0.05 acquainted covered knitting overcome 0 0 0 0 3167 3151 0.05 across from into through 0 0 0 0 3167 3152 0.05 giving helpless loud stealing strangely upset uttered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3153 0.05 abel alexander all allan almost bell bhaer blair both campbell davis each edward eight eleven eliza enough fifteen five four granny grant harrison hook james jo josephine joyce leonard longlegs lurgan lynde malcolm many mattie maud most nearly neither nine none one plenty quack sam seven several six sleeping spencer stella ten these those three timmy to-day twelve twenty two usually william ye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3154 0.05 attend consider die eat lead listen play rise sleep speak stand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3155 0.05 ....v approached ceased cleared dived failed fallen feared fought plunged strode thrown tore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3156 0.05 begged gathered raised repeated rubbed sailed tied vanished wiped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3157 0.05 crawled drew drifted drove fell flew flung jumped leaped paused peeped ran rode rowed scrambled sprang threw turned wakened walked 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3167 3158 0.05 affairs answer become carry cheer faces fancy happen learn lot matters message part prevent reply somebody stare winds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3159 0.03 antlers tails 0 0 0 3160 0.03 bringing length parting 0 0 0 0 3161 0.03 dearly greatly 0 0 0 3162 0.03 mink possum 0 0 0 3163 0.03 mustn't needn't 0 0 0 3164 0.03 other same 0 0 0 3165 0.03 clare montgomery | 0 0 0 0 3166 0.03 decide explain steal 0 0 0 0 3167 0.03 ! 'd 'll 's 've , . ....v ....y : ; ? @number@ a abel about above abraham abruptly absence accepted accordingly account ached acquainted across act actually added admiration admitted adventure adventures advice affair affairs afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age agony agreed ah ahead ain't air aladdin alan alarm alarmed alec alexander alexina alice alive all allan allowed alma almost alone along aloud already also altogether always amazed amazement among amused amusement amy an and andrews anger angry animal animals anna anne another answer answered anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart appear appearance appeared appetite apple apples approached approaching arm arms arose around arrived arrow as ashamed ashes aside ask asking asleep astonished astonishment asylum at ate attend attention attitude august aunt autumn avery avonlea awake awakened away awful awkward awoke babies babu baby back bad bade badly bag bagheera ball bank bare bark barn barrel barry basket battle be beach beard beast beasts beat beating beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become bed before began begged begin beginning begun beheld behind being believe believed bell belong belonged below ben beneath benjamin bent berries bertha beside besides best beth better betty between bewildered beyond bhaer big bigger bill billy bird birds birthday bit bits bitter bitterly bitterness black blacky blair blame blank bless blessed blew blind blood blossom blossoms blow blue blushed blythe board boat boats bob bobby body bold bones book books boots bore born both bother bottle bottom boughs bought bound bounded bow bowed bowser box boy boys brain branch branches brave bread breakfast breaking breast breath breeze bride bridge brief bright brightened broad broke broken brook brother brothers brought brow brown brushed buggy built bull buried burned burning burst bush bushes business buster busy but buy by by-and-by cage cake call called calling calm came camp campbell can can't cannot cap captain care cared careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle caroline carriage carried carry carrying case cast castle cat cats caught cause caused cave ceased cecily ceremony certain certainly chair chamber chance change changed changes chapter charles charlotta charlotte charlottetown charm charming chatterer cheek cheeks cheer cheerful chest chester chicken chief child childhood children chill chimney chin choice choked chose christmas christopher chuckle chuckled church circle circumstances city clapped clark clasped class claws clean clear cleared clemantiny clever climb climbed cloak clock closed cloth clothes cloud clouds club coat cold college colour come comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted coming common companion company completely concert concluded conscience conscious consented consider considered content continued conversation cook cool corn cornelia corner corona cottage could couldn't counsel counted country couple courage court cousin cove cover covered cow cows coyote crawled crazy cream creature creatures crept cried crimson crooked cross crossed crow crowd crowded crown cruel cry crying cup curiosity curious curled curls curly curtains cut cuthbert cynthia cyrilla cyrus daisy dan dance danced dancing danger dangerous danny dare dared dark darkness darling darted dashed daughter daughters david davis davy dawn day daylight days dead dear death decided declared deep deeply deer delicious delight delighted delightful demanded deserted desire despair determined diana dick did didn't die died difference different difficult difficulty dignity dim dinner direction dirty disappear disappeared disappointed disappointment discouraged discovered discovery dishes dismay distance distant disturbed dived do doctor does doesn't dog dogs doing don don't done door doors doorstep doorway dora doubt douglas down downstairs dr dragged dragon drank draw drawn dread dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreaming dreams dress dressed dresses drew dried drifted drink drive driven driving drop dropped drops drove drowned drunk dry duck ducks dull dusk dust duty dying each eager eagerly eagle ear earnest ears earth ease easily east easy eat eaten eating edge edith edward effect effort egg eggs eight either elder eldest eleven eliza elizabeth ellen elliott ellis else emily emperor empty end ended enemy engaged england english enjoyed enough enter entered entirely entrance eric errand escape escaped especially estella esther eunice eva even evening ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evidently evil exactly excellent except excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excuse existence expected expecting experience explained expression eye eyes face faced faces fact faded failed failure faint fair fairies fairly fairy faith faithful fall fallen falling familiar family famous fancy far farewell farm farmer farther fashion fast fastened faster fat fate father fault favorite favour favourite fear feared feast feathers fed feeling feelings feet felicity felix fell fellow felt fence ferns fever field fields fierce fifteen fifty fight fighting figure fill filled finally find fine finest finger fingers finish finished fir fire firm firmly firs first fish fishing fit five fixed flash flashed flat fled flew floated floor flower flowers flung flushed fly flying folded folks followed following fond food fool foolish foot for forced forehead forest forever forget forgetting forgot forgotten form forth fortnight fortunately fortune forward fought found fountain four fourth frances frank freda free fresh friend friendly friends friendship fright frighten frightened from front frost frowned fruit full fun funeral funny fur furious further future game garden gardens garret gasp gasped gate gates gathered gave gay gaze gazed gazing general generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently george gerda get gets getting ghost giant gift gilbert girl girls given gives giving glad glance glanced glared glass gleam glen gloom glorious glory glow go god gods going gold golden gone good good-bye good-natured goodness goose gordon gossip got grace grand grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grass grateful grave gravely graveyard gray great greatest green grey grief grim grin grinned groaned ground group grove grow growing guess guessed guests gun habit had hadn't hair half hall hand handed hands handsome hanging hannah hans happen happened happens happier happily happiness happy harbor harbour hard harder hardly hare harm harmon harrison has haste hastened hastily hat hate hated hats haunted have haven't having he head heads health hear heard hearing heart heartily hearts heaven heavy heels held helen help helped helpless hen henhouse henry hens her here hero hers herself hesitated hester hid hidden hide hiding high higher hill hills him himself hind hired his history hit hold holding hole holland hollow holy home homestead honest honour hook hooty hope hoped hopped horns horrible horribly horrid horror horse horses hot hound hounds hour hours house household housekeeper how however huge hugh human humour hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunters hunting hurried hurry hurt husband hut i ice idea ill illustrations imagination immediately important impossible impression in inclined indeed indignant influence ingleside inquired inside insisted instant instantly instead intention interest interested interesting interrupted into invited iron is isabel isabella island it its itself iv jack jackal james jane janet jealous jed jem jerome jerry jill jim jimmy jims jo joe john johnny join joined joke jolly jordan joscelyn joseph josephine josie journey joy joyce judge judith jump jumped jumper jungle just justice kate keep keeping keeps kept key kicked kill killed killing kilmeny kim kind king kingdom kiss kissed kitchen kitty knee knees knelt knew knife knight knitting knock knocked know knowing known knows lad ladder ladies lady laid lake lama lamp land landed lane lap large last lasted late later latter laugh laughed laughing laughter laurie lavendar law lay lead leaf leaned leaning leaped learn learned leave leaves leaving led left leg legs lend leonard leslie less lesson lessons let's letter letters lid lie life lifted light lighted lightfoot lightly lights like liked likes lily line lines lion lips listen listened listening lit little live lived lives living locked log lonely lonesome long longed longing longlegs look looked looking looks lord lose loss lost lot loud louisa love loved lovely lover loves loving low lower lowered luck lucy ludovic lurgan lying lynde ma mad made magic magician magnificent mahbub maid maiden maimie make making malcolm man managed manner manners manse many marcella march marched mare margaret marian marilla mark marriage married marry marshall martha martin mary master match matter matters matthew mattie maud may maybe me meadow meadows meal mean meaning means meant meantime meanwhile medicine meet meeting meg memory men mention mere meredith merely merry message met mice michael middle midnight midst might mighty milk mind mine minister minute minutes mirror mischief miserable miss missed mistake mistaken mistress moment moments monday money monkey monster month months mood moon moonlight more moreover morgan morning mortal most mother mothers mount mountain mounted mouse mouth move moved mowgli mr mrs much mud murray music must my myself mysterious mystery name named names nan nancy naomi nap narrow nat naturally nature near nearer nearest nearly neat necessary neck ned needed needs neighbors neighbours neil neither nervous nest never nevertheless new news next nice niece night nights nine no nobody nodded noise none nonsense nor nora norman north nose not note noted nothing notice noticed november now nowhere number nurse nuts obeyed octavia october odd of off offer offered office often oh old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia on once one only open opened opening opinion opportunity opposite orchard order ordered orders others otherwise ought our ourselves out outside over overcome owen owl own pa pack paddy page paid pail pain painted pair palace pale pan pantry paper papers parents parlour part parted particular party pass passed passing passion past pasture patch path paths patience patient patty paul pause paused paw paws pay peace peaceful pearls peeped peg people perfect perfectly perhaps person persons peter petru phil philippa pick picked picking picnic picture pictures pie piece pieces pies pigs pile pillow pine pink pipe pirate pity place placed places plain plainly plan plans play played playing pleasant please pleased pleasure plenty plump plunged pocket poetry point pointed polite polly pond ponsonby poor porch position possessed possession possible possibly post pot poured power pray prayer prayers precious prepared presence present presented presently pretended pretty prevent pricked prickly pride priest prigio prince princess priscilla prisoner prissy probably project promise promised promptly proof proper proposed proud proudly proved puck puffed pull pulled pure purple purpose pushed put putting puzzled pye quack quarrel quarter queen queer question questions quick quickly quiet quietly quite race rachel rage rain rainbow raised ran rang rapidly rather ray reach reached read reading ready real realized really reason received recognized red reddy redmond reflected refuse refused regular relatives relief relieved remained remember remembered removed repeated replied reply reputation resolved respect respectable rest rested result return returned reward rich ride right rilla ring rise river road robert rock rocks rode roger roll rolled romance romantic roof room rooms roots rose rosemary roses rosy rough round roused row rowed rubbed ruby rule run running rush rushed sack sad sadly safe safely safety sahib said sailed sake sally salome salt sam sammy sand sands sang sank sara sat satisfaction satisfied saturday save saved saw say saying scarcely scared scattered scene scent school scrambled scratched scream scrooge sea search season seat seated second secret see seeing seek seemed seems seen seized seldom self send sensation sense senses sent sentence sermon servant servants served service set setting settled seven several sewing shadow shadows shake shaking shall shame share sharp sharply she shed sheep shining ship shirley shivered shock shocked shoes shone shook shore short shot should shoulder shoulders shouted show showed shown shrank shuddered shut shy si sick side sides sidney sigh sighed sight sigurd silence silent silently silk silly silver simple simply since sing singing single sir sister sisters sitting situation six size skin sky slave slaves sleep sleeping sleepy slender slept slight slightly slim slip slipped sloane slope slow slowly small smaller smart smee smell smile smiled smiles smiling smoke snake snatched sniffed snow so sobbing sober society sofa soft softly sold soldier some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song sons soon sorrow sorry sort sorts sought soul sound sounded sounds south space spare sparkled speak speaking speech speed spell spencer spend spent spirit spirits spite splash splendid spoil spoiled spoke spoken spot spotty sprang spread spring spruce square stable stairs stand standing star stare stared staring stars start started startled state station stay stayed steady stealing stella step stephen stepped steps stern sticks stiff still stirred stockings stole stolen stomach stone stones stood stooped stop stopped stopping store stories storm story stove straight strange strangely stranger straw stream street strength stretched strike striped strode strong struck struggle stuck study stuff stump stupid subject succeeded success such sudden suddenly suffer suffered suit sultan summer sun sunday sunlight sunrise sunset sunshine supper suppose sure surely surprise surprised surprising susan suspected suspicious swallow swallowed swam sweet sweetest swept swiftly swim sword swung sylvia sympathy table tail take taken takes taking tale tales talk talked talking tall tannis task taste tasted taught tea teach teacher tear tears ted teeth telford temper temple ten tender terrible terribly terror than thank thanked thankful thanks that the thee their them themselves then theodora theodosia there therefore these they thick thin thing things think thinking third this thomas those thou though thought thoughtful thoughts three threshold threw thrill throat through throw thrown thrust thus thy thyra tied time timmy tiny tired to to-day to-morrow to-night toad today toes together told tom tommy tomorrow tone tongue tonight too took top tore torn tossed touch touched toward towards tower town trail train trap treasure treated tree trees trembled trembling trick tricks tried trip triumph trotted trouble troubled troubles trout true trunk truth trying tucked turkey turn turned turning turtle twelve twenty twice twilight twins twisted two ugly una uncle uncomfortable under understand understood unexpected unhappy unless unpleasant unusual up upon upset upstairs us use used usual usually uttered v vacation vain valley vance vanished vanity veil veranda very view village violet violin visit visited visiting visits voice voices wait waited waiting wake wakened walk walked walking wall walls walter wandered want wanted war warm warning was wash washed waste watch watched watching water waved way ways we weak wear wearing weasel weather wedding wee week weeks welcome well wendy went wept west wet what whenever where which whipped whispered whistle whistled whistling white whitefoot whitey who whole whom why wicked wide wife wild wildly will willard william willing win wind window windows winds wine wings winked winter wiped wire wisdom wise wish wished wishes witch with within without wits woke wolf woman women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wondering wood woods word 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