AB 55 1 0 for with 0 0 AC 61 2 0 about again always angry aunt away back bad beautiful bed better bird boy chance chapter charm child coat coming day dead different down dreadful everything eyes fair fairy father fault fellow frightened going good great hand happy head heart here home house idea interesting into just last letter life little long man master mistake morning mother name new night no not nothing on one out over plan pretty right rose sad secret shadow something splendid still story suddenly surprise tale terrible them there thing time too true up voice way well what woman wonderful wrong 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 75 3 0 : answered said 0 0 0 AE 63 4 0 laughed nodded shook smiled 0 0 0 0 AF 61 5 0 ! " $ ' 'm - . ....v ....y ..y 1.25 1.50 1871-72 ; = ? .date. a-here abel abenteuer abimelech aboard abominable abominably abraham abruptly absently absolutely academy accepted accidents accommodation accompanied accomplished accordingly ache ached acquire across act acton actually adams added adder addie adelia adella adjoined admirably admit admitted adolphus adopt adopted adore adores adroitly adventure adventures advice advised affected afford afield afresh after afternoon afterwards against aggravate aggravating aggrieved agitated agnes agony agree agreement ahead aided aimlessly aina air akela al aladdin alan alarm alarmed alcott alec alexander alfred ali alice's allan allow allowed almost along alonzo aloof aloud already also altered am amazed amazement amberley ambitions amendment amiably amir among amount amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrily ankus anna annie's annoyed answer answers anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel aren't arm arms arnold arose arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow-shot art artfulness as ascendancy ash ashley aside asks asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astonishment astute ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention aunty author averil's avery avoided awakened awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness ay b babies baby bachelors backed backwards bade badge badly bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier baloo bangs bar barbara bargain barked barlow barnabas barrie barry bashful bassoutos battle beach beamed bear bearings bears beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautifully beaver become becomes bed-time bedfellows bedford bedtime bee been beetles before begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved beheld behind behold belief believes belong belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beside besides besottedly bess bessie best bet beth betrayed betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhagat bidding billy billy's birthright bite bitter bitterly blacksnake blair blame blamed blandly blankly blazed bleed bless blessings blewett blighted blistered block blood bloom blurt blurted blushed blythe boats bob bobby bodies bolder bolting bond book books boston both bother bothered bottle boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowser boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished bravery bread break breakfast breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathlessly brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broadly brothered brothers brought brow brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan bubbled bucketings budged bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury busily buster buy by by-and-by cab cabin cabin-boy caesar california caliph call callers calling calls calmly calmness cameron camilla campbell camped cap capitally captain carbuncle care career careful carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles catalans catch catches caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously caw caylus ceased cecil celebration celia celia's cell centurion certainly chamber champagne champion chandler changes changeth charge charlotta charlotte charmed chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheaper cheated check cheer cheered cheering cheque ches chewing chickens child-guess childhood children chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose choppily chops chose christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck's chuckle chuckling chummily church circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws cleared clearer clerk clicked climb clorinda close closely clothes clouded club cluck cluny coasting coaxed cobra-speech cobwebs coddles cold coldly college colonel colony color colored comedy comely comes comfortably comforted commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse condemned conduct confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience consciously consented considerable considered constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continued continues contrition convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cottage cottager cottontail coughed count counting country courage course court courteously cousin covered cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking craig crash crawl cream creature creighton crept cricket crimsoned crisply critically critter croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd cruelly cruise cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curled curtis curtness cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty dalveigh damaris dan danby dancing dandelion dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dares daresay dark-browed darkened darling darning-needle dass dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy dazed de deadly deal dearly deborah debts deceive deception decide decided decidedly decides deck declamation dedicated deed deemed deeply deer defenceless delight delightedly delightsomely delivers demanded demi deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy detest developed di diana dick's die diego difference difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt disagree disappearance disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismay displeased dissatisfied dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distress divined doc dodged dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dominicus don donald door doors dora doric dorinda doris double doubt doubtfully doubtless douglas downstairs dr dragged draw dreaded dreadfully dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drown drowsily drum drummer dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunno dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easy eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective egg eggs eighteen elbowed eleanore's element elephants eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end endicott ends endure energetically engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enquired ensued entertained enthralled entreated envy epimetheus equal eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva's eve even eventually ever every everyone evidently evil exactly example exasperated exceedingly except excite excitement exclaimed exclamation excuse exhaled exhilarating exile exist existing expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explanation explode exploded explore expression extraordinarily extremely eye eyed f face faces factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintly fairy-land faithfully falconer fall fallen falls falsoms faltered family fancied fancy's fane's fanner fare farewell farm farmer fascinates fashion faster father's fatima favorite favour faëry feared fearful feathers feebly feel feels feet felix fellows fenwick ferry fetch fever few fidgeted fields fifty fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine-looking finer finery finish finished fir fire fired firm fish fishes fishing five flamed flash flashed flat flattered fleece flesh flight flinch flinched flitted floated flood flora florea florrie flourishing flowers flown flung fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fooled fools foot football footprints forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forgetting forgotten form forsake forth fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully four foxham france frances frank frantic freckled freda frees frequent fresh fret frewen friend frightens frightfully frisky frog's from front frosts frowning frozen fruit fulcrum fully fumbled funny furniture further fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gainsaid gallantly galloped game games garden gardens gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gazed gazelle generally gentle gentleman gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany ghost giantess gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory gloucester gloves glow glowed goblin god gods goin' golden goldilocks goldthwaite's gonzenbach good-naturedly gordon gorgon's gossip gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grateful gratitude grave gravely great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grey griggs grim grimace grimly grinding groaned grossly ground grow growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblingly gryphon guard guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gunpowder gush gussie gut hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half-past halvor handed hands handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happens happily hapur hardened hardly hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison haskell hasn't hastened hastily hat hatch hate hates hathi hats haunt haunted haunts haven't hawkins he's heads hear hearing hears heartbroken heartened hearth heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavily hee heed heedlessness heels hello helm helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hercules herded hereupon herewith hero heroine herrings hers herself hesitate hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham highland highly hiked hill hinder hints hiram hissed hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds holes holiday holidays holloway holywood homeless honestly honor hood hooded hope hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horribly horridly horror horseback hoseason hot-foot hound hour hours housekeeper housekeepers how howe's howl humiliated humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hunt hunting-song hurree hurries husbands hush hyaena hyphenation hysterically hábogi ian ida idleness idlewild ignored ii iii ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imagine imagined immediately immensely immodest impatient impatiently implore important impress impression impressions improved inclined incoherently increased incredibly incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indigestion indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably ingleside inhabit injure ink inquired inquiring inquisitive inspiration instantly instead instruct instruction insulted intense intently interest interests interrupted interruption intervenes introduce invalids invention investigated investigates inwardly irene iron-gray irritated irving ismay issues its itself iv ix j ja jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane jaqueline jaw jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jenny jerome jesper jessamine jest jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo's joan joe jog johnny joined joke joker jokes jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumper june jungfrau jungle justice kaa kabir kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps kennel kenneth kensington kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kill kilmeny kind kindergarten kings kirby kiss kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knight knighthood knights knitting-needles knives knock knocks knowing knowingly knowledge known knuckles kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la lad lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagoon lake lama laments lamp land lang langemarck langton languished lantern lanthorn larry lass lasted later latest laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legends legs lehon lemon lemuel lend length lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let's letting lewis liberty licked life-book lige light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lightly likes lilian lilliput lily lily-bell limberheels lina linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lip lips lisa lisped list listen listening literally littler lives lloyd loath locks locksley logical loiterer loker lollardy london longer longing longlegs longmans longworth looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses lots loud loudest louisa louise lovell lover lovers loves lower loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan madame maddening madeline madison madwoman maggie magnificent mahbub mahratta mahrchen maid mailed maisonneuve majesty makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma manage manfully manling manners manse mantle many maple marble march mare mares margaret marian marie mark markdale marked markham marley marmee married marry marsh martha marvel marveled mas'r mascot masquerade mast mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters mattie mattie's maude max maximus maya maybe maybin maypole meadow meadows meaneth means meantime meanwhile measles mechanically meddling medicine meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa memory mentally mentioned mercedes meredith merely mermaid mermaids merran merrily merry messenger messes messmates messrs met metaphors methinks mice michael midnight mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millicent millionaire milty min minds mingling minion minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miriam misadventure miscarried mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserably misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missis missy mistah mistakes mistress mixed moat mock mocker modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment monastery monday money months montreal moore mopsa moral morgan morison moses mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mournfully mouth mouthful mouths move movement moving mowgli's mr mrs muchly murderous murmured murphy museum muskrat muskrat's mustn't mute mutely muttered myself mysteriously mystery nagaina nagging named nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily nearly neck need needn't neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nest nettled nevar nevertheless newbury newsboy nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimbly nine nineteen ninnies nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway nose noses noted notice noticed notoriously novels november nowadays nudged number nursery nut oaths obdurate obediently obey object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred oddly odds off offered office offices often oh ointment okward old old-fashioned oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously once oozed open opinion opportunity oppressors orchard order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes otter otter's ought ours out-caesared outrage outside outstretched outwardly overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overly overslept overtook owl owls own p p.c. pa pace pack packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid painfully paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon parker parnesius parr part parted particular parting partners pass passage passes passionately pasture pat patent path patience patriarch patted patterson patty paul paused pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peeped peerybingle peg peggy pencase penelope penningtons peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfection perhaps perished permit peronnik persian persisted personified pertinax pester petersen petru pevensey pew phantom phebe phil philippa phineas phrase pick picked picking picture pictures pigs pilgrimage pills piper piqued pirret pitcher pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi plain plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasantly pleasantry please pleasure plenty plover pluck plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointer points poisonous poisons politely politeness politics pond pook's pool poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine portrait positively possibly possum possum's poured poverty practice pranks pray prayed prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve press pressed pretended pretends prettily prevailed prevent pricked prickly priest prigio princes princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner probably probation proceeded promise prompt promptly pronounce proof proposal prospect protection protects protested proud proudly proved proves providence prowl prue pryor publications puck puffed puffiness pull punctuation punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pussy putney puzzles pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked qualms quarreled quarreling quarter queens quest question questions quickly quicksilver quince quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit's rabbits rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble randall randolph's rang rape rapidly rapped rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading realize realized reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked receives reckon recognize reconnoitred record redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relish reluctantly remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached rescue resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels reverently reviewed reward rhinoceros riach ricardo richard ride riding rikki rikki-tikki rill rimini ring ripple risen risingham rivals river roared robbins roberts robinson rock rocks rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance rome romney room rosa's rosamond rosebud rosemary roses round rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed ruefully ruggles ruminated run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacrifice sadly sagely sahib sailed salaam salome salon salts sam sands sank saranac sarcastic satisfaction saucily savagely save saved scamps scar scared-like scarlet scenery school school-girl schoolboy scientific scoffed scooted scornfully scott scrap scrap-bag scrapes scrooge sea seashore season seasons seconds seeds seeing seek-seek seeks seem seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfless sells selwyn send sends sensation sense senseless sent sentiment september serenely sergeant sermon sermons servants serve served serves service set sets settled settles several severely sewing shabby shaitan shake shaken shakily shaking shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shirked shirley shiv shiveringly shone shooting shore shortly shoulder shoulders shouldn't shouted shouting shovel show shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shrieked shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddering shudderingly shunned si sicilianische side sidled sidney siege sigh sight sights signals signed silently silk simla simon simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sinclair sing singers singing singly sinking sir siree sister's sisters sit six sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slaves sleek sleep sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slept slice slid slim slipped slippery sloane slower slowly slumped slyly smacked smallpox smarted smee smell smile smiles smilingly smith smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered snivel snore snored snow sob sofa softened softish softly soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary sombre somehow someone somersaults sometimes someway somewhere song sonsy soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak spear specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spencer spends spenslow spirit spirits splash split spoil spoils sponge spot spotty spread spruce spunk spy square squash squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage stalked stammered stamped stand standing stare staring starkey stars start startling station-master stay stayed stays steadfastly steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens sternly stick sticky-toes stiffened stiffly stings stole stolen stomach stony stooped stop stories stork stout strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened strike striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll struggles strut studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such suffer suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly suggest suggested suit suited suits sulk sulked sum sunday sunday-school sung sunset sunshine sup supper supplies suppose supposed surely surer surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspicions suspiciously swallows swan sweat sweetheart swift swiftly swim swimming sword swung sylvia sympathetically sympathized table tack tact taffy tail tails take taken takes talent tales talisman talk talked tamzine tangled tanks tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased teddy teeth tegumai telephone-bell telford tells temper ten tennyson tense test testily testimonies text than thank thaw thee their theirs themselves theodora theodore theodosius therefore these theseus thief thieves thine thinking thirsty thirty thomas thorkild thorne thornton thoroughly those thou though thoughtfully thoughts threateningly threw thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thus thy thyra tick ticking tickled tidings tightly till tillie tilly tim times timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tit tit-for-tat to-day to-morrow toad toad's today together tom's tommy tomorrow tongue toomai top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed touchy tour toward towards toys tracy trade trail trails tramp tramped transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembling tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tries trim triumph trot trouble troubled troubles trumpet trunk trunks trust tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turnovers turns turtle's tweedledee twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched ugly umbrella una's unbearable unbelievable unc uncle uncomfortably uncomfy unconcerned undauntedly under understandingly understands undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unfit unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhesitatingly unique unmoved unpleasant unquestioningly unscrupulous unsteadily unsympathetic unthinkable until uphill upon upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us used uses usual utterly v vacation vagabonds valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanity vanquished various vassili vastly vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vivienne voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waits wake wakefield wakes walk walters waned wanly wanting wanton warmly warned warning wash washed wasted wastes watch watched watches water-babies watered waves ways we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wednesday weekly weep weeping welcome wendy's weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's wheel wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whiskers whispered whistle whistling whit whiteland whittington who wholesomely wholesomer why wilbur wildfire wildly wilful wilfy willard willem william williams williamson wilson wilt win wince winced wind window windows winds wing winged wings winslow winter wipe wiry wisely wish wishbone wisht wistfully witches within without witnesses wits wolverine womanhood women won wonder wondering wonderland woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked works world worn worries worry worst worthie wot wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writing wrote wrought wunderland x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii years yeats yell yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder your yours yourself yourselves youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AG 58 6 0 'd addressed admires admonished adored advanced agreed awoke aylesbury baffled bared baviaan became bed-rooms believed belonged bent blinked boasted bone brightened broke broken-spirited button-holes called changed checked chooses chortled chow-chow chuckled clenched co coloured continually counted cried danced dared date declined deep died disappeared disappears dismissal dissipated distressfully does doesn't drank drew drove dry eat embraced enjoys entered er eva examined exchanged expansive faced fascinated fast fell fight flew flushed forgive forgot fretted frowned furtively gets glossy goes grew grinned grunted halted happened hard-working harder hated held hesitated hoped hugged hurried hypnotized hysterical infuriated instant introduced isabella jumped justified kabo kept kissed knocked knows lagged laid landed leaned lies lifted listened listless live lived loathed lost lowered marched meant moaned mocking mounted moved murray nearer neat needed needs nervously nursed obeyed opened or p.o passed peered penniless perseus physiology pitied plot pointed portentously possessed pranced prissy promised prowled pulled pushed put quarrelled quickened raced ran received recognized recovered reflected remained resented responded sarah sat says scolded scowled scratched screamed seemed senna serene shipped shivered showed shuddered shuffled shut sighed signy sistered smelled sniffed snorted snuffed snuffled sobbed soda speaks spelling spent spoiled spoke spoken sprang spun squeaked staggered standardized stared started statuesque steady stepped stirred stood stopped stouter straightened stretched struck struggled suffered sullen surpassed swallowed swore ted tenantless testiment thinks thinner thistledown trembled tried turned unbarred understood vain vanished veered vexation vituperative waited wakened walked wandered want wanted wants wheeled whirled whistled whitetail winked wiped wished woke wondered worshipped wrung yawned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AH 56 7 0 him me 0 0 AJ 52 8 0 were 0 AK 60 9 0 above abroad admired advertised afraid afterward aghast alert alike ambitious annice anxious anything appreciated army around asleep auspicious avonlea awake behaving beseechingly big birthday blank bleeding blind bold bones bored brave broken business busy cared carefully careless carried catching certain chagrined cheap chela childish chums clever closed collected colour columbus comfortable complimentary concerned conscienshus convinced cost crafty crawled crazy creatures cruel cunning curious dancers darkly deaf death decision deferred delighted difficult dirty disappointed discouraged discovered dismayed distressed distributed distrustful disturbed divinely dizzy dolls done dooty doubtful draper drowned dubious either eleven elias ended engaged envied envious enviously excited exquisite faithful falling famous far fashionable fate fine fixed flagrantly flatly flattering foolish forgiven frenchy friday friends gaily gardner getting glad gold good-bye good-natured goodridge great-aunt grieved grumblers guns hard hassebu haughtily heart-broken heartier heavy hens himself hollow holy homely homesick honest horrid humble humiliating hungry hygienic ignorance ill impolite improving impulsive inconsistent incredulous indignant interested keepsakes killed killing kindly kismet larger late lifting lonesome looking losing mad madly mahogany managed medusa member mended message mine miserable mistaken monkey montmorency more most much mummy mysterious nag near nimble o'clock offended older only optimist otherwise outcasts painted pathetic patiently penance perfectly perplexedly persistent phoebus piercingly piteous pleased poky poor position positive preserved priest-beaters proper prosaic prosecuted punishing puzzled puzzling queer quick quicker quiet quietly quite ready real really reason reasonably regretful relieved reproachfully rewarded rich richer richly ridiculous risky rob romantic rough rude safe sallie salt sanguine satisfactory saying scarce scared sceptical selfish sensitive sentimental serious shadows shallamagouslem she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish shirking shocked short shy sick sideways sigurd silent silly sitting slender slight slow small smart sober soberly social solitude solved soon sorry spellbound startled steadily stronger stubborn stupid stupidly summer supremely sure surprised suspicious swam sweet sweetness tactful tame temple thankful thick thick-skinned thoughtful thrifty timid tired tootles tough truth turn-coat twelve uncharitable uncomfortable uncommonly uncomprehendingly unexpected unfair unfortunate unhappy unjust unpromising unreasonable unsympathetically upset use useful usually waked watching wedding wept white-faces whitey wickedly wide-awake wild wonderfully wonderingly worried worse wylde year younger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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tell think try understand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AP 51 14 0 my 0 AQ 53 15 0 'll 're 've ain't can can't cannot could couldn't didn't don't may might must shall should will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AR 51 16 0 her 0 AS 72 17 0 that 0 AT 64 18 0 be 0 AU 59 19 0 adam alicia alma alphabet amelia ankle another artist august barbaik barely barn bessy bottom bowes brooke brown buchanan buldeo cable cake calista ceremony charles chester church-going clemantiny clock cobra danger dawn dot effort evidence finger floor francis frankfurt friendship fright fulke gale gunwale halfman harry heavenly helen heroism hook hooty host husband ice inside ivan jeffrey jem jo kilburn kissing knitting koshchei label latter lavendar lemar lennox liza lure maie maimie martyrdom matthew milburn mischief monosyllable moon muffette myra nan ned newcomer octavia ophelia our pain partition party performance pharaoh portia prayer price rangely recovery relief rod rosetta ruby sally seeley sentence silver steve suleiman-bin-daoud suspense tannis temptation thanksgiving thatt theodosia thereat threat thumbelina turkey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AV 60 20 0 acorn attitude balloon blow boat born bowman bright broad broom busybody bye-hours camp chair clean comfort conscious conversation counter coward crown dance decent delightful detestable diabolical discouragement dismal doorway fact fear feeling fellowship fetch-and-carry fib flea flower fool footprint free freedom french full habit handsome hateful haul hole hunter imitation journey leap lie lively lonely lovely low madman marvellous meal mean methodist mighty misfortune mood musical never-to-be-forgotten nice nugget nuisance ordeal pal pause paw peculiarity perfect personality petition pie pleasant pow-wow princess privilege puss puzzler retort saint scamp scene scholarship shout shriek sickly sign signal silence single situation slave sleeper sly staggerer storm strange strong sudden sugar sunrise target testimonial tetchy thorough thoroughbred ticket tidy tragedy train turning tyrant week whole widower wink wolf wondrous worker worthless worthy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AW 56 21 0 .number. 0 AX 72 22 0 all this 0 0 AY 64 23 0 have 0 AZ 55 24 0 at 0 BA 0 25 0 very 0 BB 65 26 0 but 0 BC 53 27 0 did 0 BD 56 28 0 a 0 BE 55 29 0 in 0 BF 55 30 0 of 0 BG 69 31 0 so 0 BH 56 32 0 the 0 BJ 54 33 0 's 0 BK 57 34 0 he 0 BL 57 35 0 it 0 BM 54 36 0 is 0 BN 62 37 0 had 0 BO 57 38 0 i 0 BP 52 39 0 are 0 BQ 70 40 0 and 0 BR 63 41 0 looked 0 BS 57 42 0 she 0 BT 57 43 0 you 0 BU 60 44 0 aeroplane affair alexina ambassador argus armadillos attics autumn bag basket bassets baxter beanstalk beast beasts beggar bell bhaer bible biographical birds bit black blue boaster boatman box bravely breeze breezes brig brooch brother brynhild bubble buccaneer bushes buttercups butterflies butterfly carcass cards cat cave change charming children's churchill cinque-cento coat-tails cobras conductor constable corn courier covan cow creeps cries crimson critic custom daisies days dearest den details dinghy dog downpour dragon dragon's dream dunnage dusk dwarfs dyke easily elder elephant's evening exhibition explains faintest farquhar fat feelings fen ferryman fifth fire-pot firedrake first flats flint flower's formed fountain fourth fraser funeral garden-gate geese gentlemen gertrude giant giants goblet goldsmith goldsmith's grasshopper graveyard gray grocer gudu gun hare hath herdsman hesitating hills history homestead horse horses hunted hunting iarlaid indians inn innocent invitations isabel island isuro jelly-fish jogi jolliest josé kelpy kiddy king king's kitchen knave ladder lamb language lapp legend letters light lighthouse lilac lily's lincoln lioness lobster lock logic loss madam madrissak magician maiden manor manus marks measures men merchant mermaid's messua method millennium miller minister miraculous mirror mortgage mountain-sickness mouse mugger music mussalmans needle north notation note nurse oak ogress oldest opens orange other others ousel overlooker owen palace palanquin paridamie paris parlour particulars past pen people photograph pinafore pine pink pins pirate plum-pudding pomegranate ponsonby porter pride prince prophetic protests province-house publisher pudding puma quakers quarrel queen queen's rabbit-hole rain red reddest remora round-house rug rule sacred salary salmon same schoolmaster schoolmaster's scullion sea-cook seal search second serpentine seventh shaft shaker shots shrill sister sixth slide soldier some somebody son sons special spinner spouts stallion stalos stationmaster sting stockade stockings straight string style suds suggestion sun tailor tapers telegram test-sentence thermometers things third thirtieth three threefold thrush thrush's tide toll-gatherer's tontlawald tony town-pump trampling troll truce turkey-maiden turner turtle turves two unicorn violet wall water water-spirit weeks white wife wills windac witch witch's wood-cutter yara ye yellow york youth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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impossible impressed incited increasing inexorable injured insufferable intensely intoxicated irresistible jesting jolly legree likely lipping living locked looking-glass magic meek missing momentarily momentary monroe muttering nearby necessary news next outgrown overjoyed overwhelming owlwood packing pale partially patient perplexed place plainly plaintive poisoned porky portion posed president pretending privileged profoundly prosperous provoked rate red-hot revenge reversed rife rising robert ruined rumpled sand satisfied scandalised scandalized schoolteacher secretly securely seeking sensible seriously setting seven shakespeare simple sincere sis slightly smiling smoke snow-queen snowing sobbing solace somewhat south speaking splendidly spring starving sticking superb sympathetic talking terribly thin thirteen thirty-five thunderstruck to-night tonight tossing tremendous true-blue truly turn unanswerable unconquered unlike unpardonable unsuccessful untrue waiting wallet warm washing weland welwa whisper winston wise withdrawn wood writhing young 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BW 51 46 0 his 0 BX 57 47 0 they 0 BY 54 48 0 was 0 BZ 65 49 0 , 0 CA 55 50 0 to 0 56 51 0.21 her his my 0 0 0 62 52 0.19 are were 0 0 62 53 0.19 'll 're 've ain't can can't cannot could couldn't did didn't don't may might must shall should will won't would wouldn't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 54 0.19 's is was 0 0 0 70 55 0.19 at for in of to with 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 56 0.19 .number. a her him his me my the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 57 0.19 he i it she they you 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 58 0.17 'd addressed admires admonished adored advanced agreed asked awoke aylesbury baffled bared baviaan became bed-rooms began believed belonged bent blinked boasted bone brightened broke broken-spirited button-holes called came changed checked chooses chortled chow-chow chuckled clenched co coloured continually counted cried danced dared date declined deep died disappeared disappears dismissal dissipated distressfully does doesn't drank drew drove dry eat embraced enjoys entered er eva examined exchanged expansive faced fascinated fast fell felt fight flew flushed forgive forgot found fretted frowned furtively gave gets glossy goes got grew grinned grunted halted happened hard-working harder has hated heard held hesitated hoped hugged hurried hypnotized hysterical infuriated instant introduced isabella isn't jumped justified kabo kept kissed knew knocked knows lagged laid landed leaned lies lifted liked listened listless live lived loathed lost loved lowered made marched meant moaned mocking mounted moved murray nearer neat needed needs nervously nursed obeyed opened or p.o passed peered penniless perseus physiology pitied plot pointed portentously possessed pranced prissy promised prowled pulled pushed put quarrelled quickened raced ran received recognized recovered reflected remained resented responded sarah sat saw says scolded scowled scratched screamed seemed senna serene shipped shivered showed shuddered shuffled shut sighed signy sistered smelled sniffed snorted snuffed snuffled sobbed soda speaks spelling spent spoiled spoke spoken sprang spun squeaked staggered standardized stared started statuesque steady stepped stirred stood stopped stouter straightened stretched struck struggled suffered sullen surpassed swallowed swore ted tenantless testiment thinks thinner thistledown thought told took trembled tried turned unbarred understood vain vanished veered vexation vituperative waited wakened walked wandered want wanted wants wasn't went wheeled whirled whistled whitetail winked wiped wished woke wondered worshipped wrung yawned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 59 0.17 adam alice alicia alma alphabet amelia ankle anne another artist august barbaik barely barn bessy blacky bottom bowes brooke brown buchanan buldeo cable cake calista cecily ceremony charles chester chuck church-going clemantiny clock cobra danger dawn dick doctor dot effort everybody evidence faith felicity finger floor fox francis frankfurt friendship fright frog fulke gale girl gunwale halfman harry he heavenly helen heroism hook hooty host husband i ice inside it ivan jack janet jay jeffrey jem jerry jo john kilburn kim kissing knitting koshchei label latter lavendar lemar lennox liza lure maie maimie marilla martyrdom mary matthew milburn mischief monosyllable moon mowgli muffette myra nan ned never newcomer nobody octavia ophelia our pain partition party performance peter pharaoh portia prayer price rabbit rangely recovery reddy relief rilla rod rosetta ruby sally sammy sara seeley sentence she silver skunk steve suleiman-bin-daoud suspense tannis temptation thanksgiving thatt theodosia thereat they threat thumbelina tom turkey una walter we wendy whitefoot worth you 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 60 0.17 above abroad acorn admirable admired advertised aeroplane affair afraid afterward aghast ago alarming alert alexina alike alone altogether ambassador ambitious amphibious angrier annice antreus anxious anything appalling appreciated argus armadillos army around arrow ashamed asleep astern astonished astonishing astounded attics attitude auspicious autumn avenged avonlea awake awful bag balloon basket bassets baxter beaming beanstalk beast beasts beauty bedonebyasyoudid beggar behaving being bell beseechingly bhaer bible big bigger biographical birds birthday bit black blank bleeding blind blow blue blushing boaster boasting boat boatman bold bones bored born bowman box brave bravely breaking breathing breeze breezes brig bright broad broken broken-hearted brooch broom brother brynhild bubble buccaneer bushes business busy busybody buttercups butterflies butterfly bye-hours cage calm calmer camp captured carcass cards cared carefully careless carried cat catching cave certain chagrined chair change charming cheap chela childish children's chums churchill cinque-cento clean clear clever cleverly closed cloth clumsy-looking coat-tails cobras cockiness collected colour colt columbus comfort comfortable comfortless complimentary concerned conductor conscienshus conscious considerably constable conversation convinced corn cost counter courier courting covan cow coward crafty crawled crazy creatures creeps cries crimson crisis critic crocodile crown cruel crushed cunning curious curt custom cut daisies daisy dance dancers dark darkly days deaf dear dearest death decent decision deferred dejected delicious delighted delightful delivered den dense details detestable diabolical difficult dinghy dirty disappointed discouraged discouragement discovered dismal dismayed distraught distressed distributed distrustful disturbed divinely dizzy dog dolls done doorway dooty doubtful downpour dragon dragon's draper dream drowned dubious dunnage dusk dwarfs dyke easily effectual either elder elephant's eleven elias embittered empty enchanted ended engaged enough entirely envied envious enviously evening eventful everywhere excited exciting excruciating exhibition explains expressed exquisite extensive extreme fact faintest fairies fairly faithful falling famous fancy far farquhar fashionable fastened fat fatally fate favourite fear fearfully feeling feelings fellowship fen ferryman fetch-and-carry fib fifteen fifth fine fire-pot firedrake first fixed flagrantly flatly flats flattering flea flint flirtatious flower flower's fool foolish foolishness footprint forgiven formed forthcoming fountain fourth fraser free freedom french frenchy friday friends frostier full fun funeral furious gaily garden-gate gardner geese gentlemen gertrude getting giant giants giving glad gladder goblet gold goldsmith goldsmith's gone good-bye good-natured goodridge gospeller grasshopper graveyard gray great-aunt grieved grievously grocer growing grumblers grumbling gudu gun guns ha'nted habit half handsome hard hardest hare hassebu hateful hath haughtily haul heart-broken heartier heavy heedless hens herdsman hesitating high hills himself history hole hollow holy homely homesick homestead honest horrible horrid horse horses however humble humiliating hungry hunted hunter hunting hurry hygienic iarlaid idle ignorance ill imaginative imitation immovable immoveable impending imploring impolite impossible impressed improving impulsive incited inconsistent increasing incredulous indians indignant inexorable injured inn innocent insufferable intensely interested intoxicated invitations irresistible isabel island isuro jelly-fish jesting jogi jolliest jolly josé journey keepsakes kelpy kiddy killed killing kindly king king's kismet kitchen knave ladder lamb language lapp larger late leap legend legree letters lie lifting light lighthouse likely lilac lily's lincoln lioness lipping lively living lobster lock locked logic lonely lonesome looking looking-glass losing loss lovely low mad madam madly madman madrissak magic magician mahogany maiden managed manor manus marks marvellous meal mean measures medusa meek member men mended merchant mermaid's message messua method methodist mighty millennium miller mine minister miraculous mirror miserable misfortune missing mistaken momentarily momentary monkey monroe montmorency mood more mortgage most mountain-sickness mouse much mugger mummy music musical mussalmans muttering mysterious nag near nearby necessary needle never-to-be-forgotten news next nice nimble north notation note nugget nuisance nurse o'clock oak offended ogress older oldest only opens optimist orange ordeal other others otherwise ousel outcasts outgrown overjoyed overlooker overwhelming owen owlwood packing painted pal palace palanquin pale paridamie paris parlour partially particulars past pathetic patient patiently pause paw peculiarity pen penance people perfect perfectly perplexed perplexedly persistent personality petition phoebus photograph pie piercingly pinafore pine pink pins pirate piteous place plainly plaintive pleasant pleased plum-pudding poisoned poky pomegranate ponsonby poor porky porter portion posed position positive pow-wow preserved president pretending pride priest-beaters prince princess privilege privileged profoundly proper prophetic prosaic prosecuted prosperous protests province-house provoked publisher pudding puma punishing puss puzzled puzzler puzzling quakers quarrel queen queen's queer quick quicker quiet quietly quite rabbit-hole rain rate ready real really reason reasonably red red-hot reddest regretful relieved remora reproachfully retort revenge reversed rewarded rich richer richly ridiculous rife rising risky rob robert romantic rough round-house rude rug ruined rule rumpled sacred safe saint salary sallie salmon salt same sand sanguine satisfactory satisfied saying scamp scandalised scandalized scarce scared scene sceptical scholarship schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scullion sea-cook seal search second secretly securely seeking selfish sensible sensitive sentimental serious seriously serpentine setting seven seventh shadows shaft shaker shakespeare shallamagouslem she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish shirking shocked short shots shout shriek shrill shy sick sickly sideways sign signal sigurd silence silent silly simple sincere single sis sister sitting situation sixth slave sleeper slender slide slight slightly slow sly small smart smiling smoke snow-queen snowing sobbing sober soberly social solace soldier solitude solved some somebody somewhat son sons soon sorry south speaking special spellbound spinner splendidly spouts spring staggerer stallion stalos startled starving stationmaster steadily sticking sting stockade stockings storm straight strange string strong stronger stubborn stupid stupidly style sudden suds sugar suggestion summer sun sunrise superb supremely sure surprised suspicious swam sweet sweetness sympathetic tactful tailor talking tame tapers target telegram temple terribly test-sentence testimonial tetchy thankful thermometers thick thick-skinned thin things third thirteen thirtieth thirty-five thorough thoroughbred thoughtful three threefold thrifty thrush thrush's thunderstruck ticket tide tidy timid tired to-night toll-gatherer's tonight tontlawald tony tootles tossing tough town-pump tragedy train trampling tremendous troll truce true-blue truly truth turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turner turning turtle turves twelve two tyrant unanswerable uncharitable uncomfortable uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconquered unexpected unfair unfortunate unhappy unicorn unjust unlike unpardonable unpromising unreasonable unsuccessful unsympathetically untrue upset use useful usually violet waiting waked wall wallet warm washing watching water water-spirit wedding week weeks weland welwa wept whisper white white-faces whitey whole wickedly wide-awake widower wife wild wills windac wink winston wise witch witch's withdrawn wolf wonderfully wonderingly wondrous wood wood-cutter worker worried worse worthless worthy writhing wylde yara ye year yellow york young younger youth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 61 0.15 ! " $ ' 'm - . ....v ....y ..y 1.25 1.50 1871-72 ; = ? .date. a-here abel abenteuer abimelech aboard abominable abominably about above abraham abroad abruptly absently absolutely academy accepted accidents accommodation accompanied accomplished accordingly ache ached acorn acquire across act acton actually adams added adder addie adelia adella adjoined admirable admirably admired admit admitted adolphus adopt adopted adore adores adroitly adventure adventures advertised advice advised aeroplane affair affected afford afield afraid afresh after afternoon afterward afterwards again against aggravate aggravating aggrieved aghast agitated agnes ago agony agree agreement ahead aided aimlessly aina air akela al aladdin alan alarm alarmed alarming alcott alec alert alexander alexina alfred ali alice's alike allan allow allowed almost alone along alonzo aloof aloud already also altered altogether always am amazed amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankus anna annice annie's annoyed answer answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness ay b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbara bargain barked barlow barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baxter beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver become becomes bed bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believes bell belong belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broken broken-hearted brooch broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer bucketings budged bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody buttercups butterflies butterfly buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy caesar cage california caliph call callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness cameron camilla camp campbell camped cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil celebration celia celia's cell centurion certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changes changeth chapter charge charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose choppily chops chose christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck's chuckle chuckling chummily chums church churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour colt columbus comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed count counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance dancers dancing dandelion dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation dedicated deed deemed deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick's die diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed displeased dissatisfied dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy doc dodged dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enough enquired ensued entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everyone everything everywhere evidently evil exactly example exasperated exceedingly except excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinates fashion fashionable fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felix fellow fellows fellowship fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forgetting forgiven forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully fountain four fourth foxham france frances frank frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret frewen friday friend friends frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog's from front frostier frosts frowning frozen fruit fulcrum full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory gloucester gloves glow glowed goblet goblin god gods goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gush gussie gut ha'nted habit hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happens happily happy hapur hard hardened hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts haven't hawkins he's head heads hear hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels hello helm helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine herrings hers herself hesitate hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills himself hinder hints hiram hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hope hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurries hurry husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hysterically hábogi ian iarlaid ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inspiration instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving isabel island ismay issues isuro its itself iv ix j ja jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane jaqueline jaw jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jelly-fish jenny jerome jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo's joan joe jog jogi johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice kaa kabir kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kill killed killing kilmeny kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knight knighthood knights knitting-needles knives knock knocks knowing knowingly knowledge known knuckles kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagoon lake lama lamb laments lamp land lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemon lemuel lend length lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie life life-book lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listening literally little littler lively lives living lloyd loath lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lots loud loudest louisa louise lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden mailed maisonneuve majesty makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march mare mares margaret marian marie mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha marvel marveled marvellous mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters mattie mattie's maude max maximus maya maybe maybin maypole meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight mighty mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moat mock mocker modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monroe months montmorency montreal mood moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move movement moving mowgli's mr mrs much muchly mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearly necessary neck need needle needn't neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nest nettled nevar never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred oddly odds off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opens opinion opportunity oppressors optimist orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partners pass passage passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky porter portion portrait posed position positive positively possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranks pray prayed prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push puss pussy putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble randall randolph's rang rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked receives reckon recognize reconnoitred record red red-hot reddest redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relieved relish reluctantly remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib sailed saint salaam salary sallie salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sand sands sanguine sank saranac sarcastic satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saying scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scooted scornfully scott scrap scrap-bag scrapes scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seem seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentiment sentimental september serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shirked shirking shirley shiv shiveringly shocked shone shooting shore short shortly shots shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddering shudderingly shunned shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sight sights sign signal signals signed sigurd silence silent silently silk silly simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smile smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered snivel snore snored snow snow-queen snowing sob sobbing sober soberly social sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spencer spends spenslow spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoils sponge spot spotty spouts spread spring spruce spunk spy square squash squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standing stare staring starkey stars start startled startling starving station-master stationmaster stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens sternly stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stooped stop stories stork storm story stout straight strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits sulk sulked sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tells temper temple ten tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thaw thee their theirs them themselves theodora theodore theodosius there therefore thermometers these theseus thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things thinking third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together toll-gatherer's tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una's unanswerable unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understandingly understands undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanity vanquished various vassili vastly vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakes walk wall wallet walters waned wanly wanting wanton warm warmly warned warning wash washed washing wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy's wept weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistling whit white white-faces whiteland whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winslow winston winter wipe wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wisht wistfully witch witch's witches withdrawn within without witnesses wits wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won wonder wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worst worthie worthless worthy wot wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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continually could couldn't counted cried danced dared date declined deep did didn't died disappeared disappears dismissal dissipated distressfully does doesn't don't drank drew drove dry eat embraced enjoys entered er eva examined exchanged expansive faced fascinated fast fell felt fight flew flushed forgive forgot found fretted frowned furtively gave gets glossy goes got grew grinned grunted had halted happened hard-working harder has hated heard held hesitated hoped hugged hurried hypnotized hysterical infuriated instant introduced is isabella isn't jumped justified kabo kept kissed knew knocked knows lagged laid landed leaned lies lifted liked listened listless live lived loathed lost loved lowered made marched may meant might moaned mocking mounted moved murray must nearer neat needed needs nervously nursed obeyed opened or p.o passed peered penniless perseus physiology pitied plot pointed portentously possessed pranced prissy promised prowled pulled pushed put quarrelled quickened raced ran received recognized recovered reflected remained resented responded sarah sat saw says scolded scowled scratched screamed seemed senna serene shall shipped shivered should showed shuddered shuffled shut sighed signy sistered smelled sniffed snorted snuffed snuffled sobbed soda speaks spelling spent spoiled spoke spoken sprang spun squeaked staggered standardized stared started statuesque steady stepped stirred stood stopped stouter straightened stretched struck struggled suffered sullen surpassed swallowed swore ted tenantless testiment thinks thinner thistledown thought told took trembled tried turned unbarred understood vain vanished veered vexation vituperative waited wakened walked wandered want wanted wants was wasn't went were wheeled whirled whistled whitetail will winked wiped wished woke won't wondered worshipped would wouldn't wrung yawned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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" $ ' 'd 'll 'm 're 's 've - . ....v ....y ..y 1.25 1.50 1871-72 ; = ? .date. a-here abel abenteuer abimelech aboard abominable abominably about above abraham abroad abruptly absently absolutely academy accepted accidents accommodation accompanied accomplished accordingly ache ached acorn acquire across act acton actually adams added adder addie addressed adelia adella adjoined admirable admirably admired admires admit admitted admonished adolphus adopt adopted adore adored adores adroitly advanced adventure adventures advertised advice advised aeroplane affair affected afford afield afraid afresh after afternoon afterward afterwards again against aggravate aggravating aggrieved aghast agitated agnes ago agony agree agreed agreement ahead aided aimlessly ain't aina air akela al aladdin alan alarm alarmed alarming alcott alec alert alexander alexina alfred ali alice's alike allan allow allowed almost alone along alonzo aloof aloud already also altered altogether always am amazed amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankus anna annice annie's annoyed answer answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel are aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside asked asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness awoke ay aylesbury b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly baffled bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbara bared bargain barked barlow barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baviaan baxter beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become becomes bed bed-rooms bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before began beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believed believes bell belong belonged belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bent bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blinked blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boasted boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bone bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright brightened bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broke broken broken-hearted broken-spirited brooch broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer bucketings budged bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody buttercups butterflies butterfly button-holes buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy caesar cage california caliph call called callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness came cameron camilla camp campbell camped can can't cannot cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil celebration celia celia's cell centurion certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changed changes changeth chapter charge charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check checked cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose chooses choppily chops chortled chose chow-chow christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck's chuckle chuckled chuckling chummily chums church churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clenched clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny co coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour coloured colt columbus comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continually continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed could couldn't count counted counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cried cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance danced dancers dancing dandelion dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dared dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass date dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation declined dedicated deed deemed deep deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick's did didn't die died diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappeared disappears disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed dismissal displeased dissatisfied dissipated dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distressfully distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy doc dodged does doesn't dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don don't donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's drank draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drew drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drove drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dry dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eat eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embraced embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys enough enquired ensued entered entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal er eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everyone everything everywhere evidently evil exactly examined example exasperated exceedingly except exchanged excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expansive expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faced faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinated fascinates fashion fashionable fast fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felix fell fellow fellows fellowship felt fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flew flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung flushed fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forgetting forgive forgiven forgot forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully found fountain four fourth foxham france frances frank frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret fretted frewen friday friend friends frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog's from front frostier frosts frowned frowning frozen fruit fulcrum full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further furtively fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gave gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude gets getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory glossy gloucester gloves glow glowed goblet goblin god gods goes goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip got gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grew grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding grinned groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly grunted gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gush gussie gut ha'nted habit had hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halted halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happened happens happily happy hapur hard hard-working hardened harder hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison has haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hated hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts haven't hawkins he's head heads hear heard hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels held hello helm helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine herrings hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills himself hinder hints hiram hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hope hoped hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl hugged humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurried hurries hurry husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hypnotized hysterical hysterically hábogi ian iarlaid ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable infuriated ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inspiration instant instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce introduced invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving is isabel isabella island ismay isn't issues isuro its itself iv ix j ja jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane jaqueline jaw jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jelly-fish jenny jerome jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo's joan joe jog jogi johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumped jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice justified kaa kabir kabo kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kept kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kill killed killing kilmeny kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kissed kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knew knight knighthood knights knitting-needles knives knock knocked knocks knowing knowingly knowledge known knows knuckles kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagged lagoon laid lake lama lamb laments lamp land landed lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leaned leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemon lemuel lend length lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie lies life life-book lifted lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly liked likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listened listening listless literally little littler live lived lively lives living lloyd loath loathed lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lost lots loud loudest louisa louise loved lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower lowered loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening made madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden mailed maisonneuve majesty makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march marched mare mares margaret marian marie mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha marvel marveled marvellous mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters mattie mattie's maude max maximus may maya maybe maybin maypole meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meant meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight might mighty mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moaned moat mock mocker mocking modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monroe months montmorency montreal mood moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mounted mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moving mowgli's mr mrs much muchly mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy murray museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans must mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearer nearly neat necessary neck need needed needle needn't needs neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nervously nest nettled nevar never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursed nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey obeyed object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred oddly odds off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opened opens opinion opportunity oppressors optimist or orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. p.o pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partners pass passage passed passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peered peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penniless penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly perseus persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase physiology pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitied pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plot plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointed pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky portentously porter portion portrait posed position positive positively possessed possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranced pranks pray prayed prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner prissy privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise promised prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prowled prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull pulled puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pushed puss pussy put putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrelled quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quickened quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits raced rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble ran randall randolph's rang rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked received receives reckon recognize recognized reconnoitred record recovered red red-hot reddest redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflected reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relieved relish reluctantly remained remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resented resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects responded response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib sailed saint salaam salary sallie salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sand sands sanguine sank sarah saranac sarcastic sat satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saw saying says scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scolded scooted scornfully scott scowled scrap scrap-bag scrapes scratched screamed scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seem seemed seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends senna sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentiment sentimental september serene serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shall shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shipped shirked shirking shirley shiv shivered shiveringly shocked shone shooting shore short shortly shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show showed shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddered shuddering shudderingly shuffled shunned shut shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sighed sight sights sign signal signals signed signy sigurd silence silent silently silk silly simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sistered sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smelled smile smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered sniffed snivel snore snored snorted snow snow-queen snowing snuffed snuffled sob sobbed sobbing sober soberly social soda sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking speaks spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spelling spencer spends spenslow spent spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spot spotty spouts sprang spread spring spruce spun spunk spy square squash squeaked squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggered staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standardized standing stare stared staring starkey stars start started startled startling starving station-master stationmaster statuesque stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steady steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens stepped sternly stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stirred stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stood stooped stop stopped stories stork storm story stout stouter straight straightened strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened stretched strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struck struggled struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffered suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits sulk sulked sullen sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surpassed surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallowed swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swore swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased ted teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tells temper temple ten tenantless tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testiment testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thaw thee their theirs them themselves theodora theodore theodosius there therefore thermometers these theseus thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things thinking thinks thinner third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five thistledown thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together told toll-gatherer's tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too took toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tried tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turned turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una's unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understandingly understands understood undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds vain valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanished vanity vanquished various vassili vastly veered vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexation vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vituperative vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waited waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakened wakes walk walked wall wallet walters wandered waned wanly want wanted wanting wanton wants warm warmly warned warning was wash washed washing wasn't wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy's went wept were weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheeled wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whirled whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistled whistling whit white white-faces whiteland whitetail whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy will willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winked winslow winston winter wipe wiped wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wished wisht wistfully witch witch's witches withdrawn within without witnesses wits woke wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worshipped worst worthie worthless worthy wot would wouldn't wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wrung wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara yawned ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankus anna annice annie's annoyed answer answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel are aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside ask asked asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness awoke ay aylesbury b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly baffled bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbara bared bargain barked barlow barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baviaan baxter be beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become becomes bed bed-rooms bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before began beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believe believed believes bell belong belonged belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bent bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blinked blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boasted boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bone bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright brightened bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broke broken broken-hearted broken-spirited brooch broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer bucketings budged bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody buttercups butterflies butterfly button-holes buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy caesar cage california caliph call called callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness came cameron camilla camp campbell camped can can't cannot cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil celebration celia celia's cell centurion certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changed changes changeth chapter charge charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check checked cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose chooses choppily chops chortled chose chow-chow christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck's chuckle chuckled chuckling chummily chums church churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clenched clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny co coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour coloured colt columbus come comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continually continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed could couldn't count counted counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cried cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance danced dancers dancing dandelion dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dared dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass date dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation declined dedicated deed deemed deep deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick's did didn't die died diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappeared disappears disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed dismissal displeased dissatisfied dissipated dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distressfully distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy do doc dodged does doesn't dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don don't donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's drank draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drew drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drove drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dry dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eat eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embraced embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys enough enquired ensued entered entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal er eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everyone everything everywhere evidently evil exactly examined example exasperated exceedingly except exchanged excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expansive expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faced faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinated fascinates fashion fashionable fast fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felix fell fellow fellows fellowship felt fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flew flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung flushed fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forget forgetting forgive forgiven forgot forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully found fountain four fourth foxham france frances frank frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret fretted frewen friday friend friends frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog's from front frostier frosts frowned frowning frozen fruit fulcrum full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further furtively fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gave gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude get gets getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory glossy gloucester gloves glow glowed go goblet goblin god gods goes goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip got gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grew grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding grinned groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly grunted gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gush gussie gut ha'nted habit had hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halted halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happened happens happily happy hapur hard hard-working hardened harder hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison has haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hated hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts have haven't hawkins he's head heads hear heard hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels held hello helm help helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine herrings hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills himself hinder hints hiram hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hope hoped hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl hugged humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurried hurries hurry hurt husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hypnotized hysterical hysterically hábogi ian iarlaid ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable infuriated ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inspiration instant instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce introduced invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving is isabel isabella island ismay isn't issues isuro its itself iv ix j ja jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane jaqueline jaw jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jelly-fish jenny jerome jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo's joan joe jog jogi johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumped jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice justified kaa kabir kabo kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kept kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kill killed killing kilmeny kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kissed kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knew knight knighthood knights knitting-needles knives knock knocked knocks know knowing knowingly knowledge known knows knuckles kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagged lagoon laid lake lama lamb laments lamp land landed lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leaned leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemon lemuel lend length lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie lies life life-book lifted lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly like liked likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listened listening listless literally little littler live lived lively lives living lloyd loath loathed lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth look looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lost lots loud loudest louisa louise love loved lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower lowered loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening made madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden mailed maisonneuve majesty make makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march marched mare mares margaret marian marie mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha marvel marveled marvellous mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters mattie mattie's maude max maximus may maya maybe maybin maypole meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meant meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight might mighty mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min mind minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moaned moat mock mocker mocking modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monroe months montmorency montreal mood moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mounted mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moving mowgli's mr mrs much muchly mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy murray museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans must mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearer nearly neat necessary neck need needed needle needn't needs neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nervously nest nettled nevar never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursed nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey obeyed object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred oddly odds off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opened opens opinion opportunity oppressors optimist or orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. p.o pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partners pass passage passed passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peered peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penniless penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly perseus persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase physiology pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitied pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plot plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointed pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky portentously porter portion portrait posed position positive positively possessed possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranced pranks pray prayed prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner prissy privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise promised prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prowled prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull pulled puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pushed puss pussy put putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrelled quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quickened quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits raced rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble ran randall randolph's rang rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked received receives reckon recognize recognized reconnoitred record recovered red red-hot reddest redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflected reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relieved relish reluctantly remained remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resented resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects responded response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib sailed saint salaam salary sallie salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sand sands sanguine sank sarah saranac sarcastic sat satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saw say saying says scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scolded scooted scornfully scott scowled scrap scrap-bag scrapes scratched screamed scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely see seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seem seemed seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends senna sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentiment sentimental september serene serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shall shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shipped shirked shirking shirley shiv shivered shiveringly shocked shone shooting shore short shortly shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show showed shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddered shuddering shudderingly shuffled shunned shut shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sighed sight sights sign signal signals signed signy sigurd silence silent silently silk silly simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sistered sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smelled smile smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered sniffed snivel snore snored snorted snow snow-queen snowing snuffed snuffled sob sobbed sobbing sober soberly social soda sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking speaks spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spelling spencer spends spenslow spent spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spot spotty spouts sprang spread spring spruce spun spunk spy square squash squeaked squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggered staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standardized standing stare stared staring starkey stars start started startled startling starving station-master stationmaster statuesque stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steady steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens stepped sternly stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stirred stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stood stooped stop stopped stories stork storm story stout stouter straight straightened strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened stretched strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struck struggled struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffered suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits sulk sulked sullen sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surpassed surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallowed swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swore swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased ted teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tell tells temper temple ten tenantless tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testiment testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thaw thee their theirs them themselves theodora theodore theodosius there therefore thermometers these theseus thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things think thinking thinks thinner third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five thistledown thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together told toll-gatherer's tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too took toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tried tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth try tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turned turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una's unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understand understandingly understands understood undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds vain valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanished vanity vanquished various vassili vastly veered vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexation vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vituperative vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waited waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakened wakes walk walked wall wallet walters wandered waned wanly want wanted wanting wanton wants warm warmly warned warning was wash washed washing wasn't wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy's went wept were weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheeled wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whirled whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistled whistling whit white white-faces whiteland whitetail whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy will willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winked winslow winston winter wipe wiped wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wished wisht wistfully witch witch's witches withdrawn within without witnesses wits woke wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worshipped worst worthie worthless worthy wot would wouldn't wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wrung wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara yawned ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any and andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankus anna annice annie's annoyed answer answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel are aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside ask asked asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute at ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness awoke ay aylesbury b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly baffled bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbara bared bargain barked barlow barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baviaan baxter be beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become becomes bed bed-rooms bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before began beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believe believed believes bell belong belonged belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bent bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blinked blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boasted boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bone bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright brightened bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broke broken broken-hearted broken-spirited brooch broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer bucketings budged bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody but buttercups butterflies butterfly button-holes buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy caesar cage california caliph call called callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness came cameron camilla camp campbell camped can can't cannot cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil celebration celia celia's cell centurion certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changed changes changeth chapter charge charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check checked cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose chooses choppily chops chortled chose chow-chow christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck's chuckle chuckled chuckling chummily chums church churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clenched clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny co coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour coloured colt columbus come comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continually continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed could couldn't count counted counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cried cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance danced dancers dancing dandelion dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dared dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass date dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation declined dedicated deed deemed deep deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick's did didn't die died diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappeared disappears disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed dismissal displeased dissatisfied dissipated dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distressfully distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy do doc dodged does doesn't dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don don't donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's drank draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drew drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drove drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dry dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eat eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embraced embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys enough enquired ensued entered entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal er eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everyone everything everywhere evidently evil exactly examined example exasperated exceedingly except exchanged excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expansive expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faced faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinated fascinates fashion fashionable fast fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felix fell fellow fellows fellowship felt fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flew flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung flushed fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints for forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forget forgetting forgive forgiven forgot forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully found fountain four fourth foxham france frances frank frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret fretted frewen friday friend friends frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog's from front frostier frosts frowned frowning frozen fruit fulcrum full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further furtively fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gave gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude get gets getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory glossy gloucester gloves glow glowed go goblet goblin god gods goes goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip got gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grew grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding grinned groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly grunted gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gush gussie gut ha'nted habit had hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halted halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happened happens happily happy hapur hard hard-working hardened harder hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison has haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hated hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts have haven't hawkins he's head heads hear heard hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels held hello helm help helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine herrings hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills himself hinder hints hiram hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hope hoped hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl hugged humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurried hurries hurry hurt husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hypnotized hysterical hysterically hábogi ian iarlaid ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive in incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable infuriated ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inspiration instant instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce introduced invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving is isabel isabella island ismay isn't issues isuro its itself iv ix j ja jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane jaqueline jaw jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jelly-fish jenny jerome jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo's joan joe jog jogi johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumped jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice justified kaa kabir kabo kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kept kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kill killed killing kilmeny kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kissed kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knew knight knighthood knights knitting-needles knives knock knocked knocks know knowing knowingly knowledge known knows knuckles kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagged lagoon laid lake lama lamb laments lamp land landed lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leaned leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemon lemuel lend length lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie lies life life-book lifted lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly like liked likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listened listening listless literally little littler live lived lively lives living lloyd loath loathed lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth look looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lost lots loud loudest louisa louise love loved lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower lowered loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening made madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden mailed maisonneuve majesty make makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march marched mare mares margaret marian marie mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha marvel marveled marvellous mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters mattie mattie's maude max maximus may maya maybe maybin maypole meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meant meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight might mighty mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min mind minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moaned moat mock mocker mocking modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monroe months montmorency montreal mood moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mounted mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moving mowgli's mr mrs much muchly mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy murray museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans must mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearer nearly neat necessary neck need needed needle needn't needs neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nervously nest nettled nevar never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursed nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey obeyed object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred oddly odds of off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opened opens opinion opportunity oppressors optimist or orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. p.o pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partners pass passage passed passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peered peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penniless penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly perseus persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase physiology pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitied pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plot plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointed pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky portentously porter portion portrait posed position positive positively possessed possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranced pranks pray prayed prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner prissy privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise promised prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prowled prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull pulled puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pushed puss pussy put putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrelled quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quickened quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits raced rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble ran randall randolph's rang rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked received receives reckon recognize recognized reconnoitred record recovered red red-hot reddest redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflected reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relieved relish reluctantly remained remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resented resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects responded response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib sailed saint salaam salary sallie salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sand sands sanguine sank sarah saranac sarcastic sat satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saw say saying says scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scolded scooted scornfully scott scowled scrap scrap-bag scrapes scratched screamed scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely see seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seem seemed seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends senna sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentiment sentimental september serene serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shall shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shipped shirked shirking shirley shiv shivered shiveringly shocked shone shooting shore short shortly shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show showed shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddered shuddering shudderingly shuffled shunned shut shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sighed sight sights sign signal signals signed signy sigurd silence silent silently silk silly simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sistered sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smelled smile smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered sniffed snivel snore snored snorted snow snow-queen snowing snuffed snuffled sob sobbed sobbing sober soberly social soda sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking speaks spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spelling spencer spends spenslow spent spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spot spotty spouts sprang spread spring spruce spun spunk spy square squash squeaked squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggered staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standardized standing stare stared staring starkey stars start started startled startling starving station-master stationmaster statuesque stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steady steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens stepped sternly stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stirred stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stood stooped stop stopped stories stork storm story stout stouter straight straightened strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened stretched strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struck struggled struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffered suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits sulk sulked sullen sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surpassed surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallowed swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swore swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased ted teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tell tells temper temple ten tenantless tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testiment testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thaw thee their theirs them themselves theodora theodore theodosius there therefore thermometers these theseus thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things think thinking thinks thinner third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five thistledown thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together told toll-gatherer's tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too took toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tried tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth try tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turned turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una's unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understand understandingly understands understood undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds vain valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanished vanity vanquished various vassili vastly veered vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexation vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vituperative vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waited waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakened wakes walk walked wall wallet walters wandered waned wanly want wanted wanting wanton wants warm warmly warned warning was wash washed washing wasn't wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy's went wept were weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheeled wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whirled whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistled whistling whit white white-faces whiteland whitetail whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy will willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winked winslow winston winter wipe wiped wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wished wisht wistfully witch witch's witches with withdrawn within without witnesses wits woke wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worshipped worst worthie worthless worthy wot would wouldn't wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wrung wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara yawned ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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" $ ' 'd 'll 'm 're 's 've , - . ....v ....y ..y 1.25 1.50 1871-72 ; = ? .date. .number. a a-here abel abenteuer abimelech aboard abominable abominably about above abraham abroad abruptly absently absolutely academy accepted accidents accommodation accompanied accomplished accordingly ache ached acorn acquire across act acton actually adam adams added adder addie addressed adelia adella adjoined admirable admirably admired admires admit admitted admonished adolphus adopt adopted adore adored adores adroitly advanced adventure adventures advertised advice advised aeroplane affair affected afford afield afraid afresh after afternoon afterward afterwards again against aggravate aggravating aggrieved aghast agitated agnes ago agony agree agreed agreement ahead aided aimlessly ain't aina air akela al aladdin alan alarm alarmed alarming alcott alec alert alexander alexina alfred ali alice alice's alicia alike all allan allow allowed alma almost alone along alonzo aloof aloud alphabet already also altered altogether always am amazed amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amelia amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any and andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankle ankus anna anne annice annie's annoyed another answer answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel are aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness artist as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside ask asked asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute at ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude august aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness awoke ay aylesbury b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly baffled bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbaik barbara bared barely bargain barked barlow barn barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baviaan baxter be beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become becomes bed bed-rooms bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before began beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believe believed believes bell belong belonged belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bent bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie bessy best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blacky blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blinked blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boasted boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bone bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle bottom boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowes bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright brightened bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broke broken broken-hearted broken-spirited brooch brooke broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer buchanan bucketings budged buldeo bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody but buttercups butterflies butterfly button-holes buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy cable caesar cage cake california caliph calista call called callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness came cameron camilla camp campbell camped can can't cannot cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil cecily celebration celia celia's cell centurion ceremony certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changed changes changeth chapter charge charles charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check checked cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chester chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose chooses choppily chops chortled chose chow-chow christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck chuck's chuckle chuckled chuckling chummily chums church church-going churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clemantiny clenched clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clock clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny co coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour coloured colt columbus come comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continually continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed could couldn't count counted counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cried cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance danced dancers dancing dandelion danger dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dared dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass date dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy dawn day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation declined dedicated deed deemed deep deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick dick's did didn't die died diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappeared disappears disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed dismissal displeased dissatisfied dissipated dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distressfully distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy do doc doctor dodged does doesn't dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don don't donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris dot double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's drank draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drew drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drove drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dry dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eat eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual effort egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embraced embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys enough enquired ensued entered entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal er eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evidently evil exactly examined example exasperated exceedingly except exchanged excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expansive expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faced faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faith faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinated fascinates fashion fashionable fast fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felicity felix fell fellow fellows fellowship felt fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finger finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flew flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood floor flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung flushed fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints for forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forget forgetting forgive forgiven forgot forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully found fountain four fourth fox foxham france frances francis frank frankfurt frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret fretted frewen friday friend friends friendship fright frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog frog's from front frostier frosts frowned frowning frozen fruit fulcrum fulke full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further furtively fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gale gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gave gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude get gets getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory glossy gloucester gloves glow glowed go goblet goblin god gods goes goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip got gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grew grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding grinned groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly grunted gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gunwale gush gussie gut ha'nted habit had hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halfman halted halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happened happens happily happy hapur hard hard-working hardened harder hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison harry has haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hated hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts have haven't hawkins he he's head heads hear heard hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavenly heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels held helen hello helm help helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens her hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine heroism herrings hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills him himself hinder hints hiram his hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hook hooty hope hoped hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason host hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl hugged humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurried hurries hurry hurt husband husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hypnotized hysterical hysterically hábogi i ian iarlaid ice ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive in incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable infuriated ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inside inspiration instant instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce introduced invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving is isabel isabella island ismay isn't issues isuro it its itself iv ivan ix j ja jack jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane janet jaqueline jaw jay jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jeffrey jelly-fish jem jenny jerome jerry jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo jo's joan joe jog jogi john johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumped jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice justified kaa kabir kabo kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kept kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kilburn kill killed killing kilmeny kim kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kissed kissing kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knew knight knighthood knights knitting knitting-needles knives knock knocked knocks know knowing knowingly knowledge known knows knuckles koshchei kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la label lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagged lagoon laid lake lama lamb laments lamp land landed lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest latter laugh laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavendar lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leaned leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemar lemon lemuel lend length lennox lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie lies life life-book lifted lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly like liked likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listened listening listless literally little littler live lived lively lives living liza lloyd loath loathed lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth look looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lost lots loud loudest louisa louise love loved lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower lowered loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lure lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening made madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden maie mailed maimie maisonneuve majesty make makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march marched mare mares margaret marian marie marilla mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha martyrdom marvel marveled marvellous mary mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters matthew mattie mattie's maude max maximus may maya maybe maybin maypole me meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meant meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight might mighty milburn mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min mind minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischief mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moaned moat mock mocker mocking modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monosyllable monroe months montmorency montreal mood moon moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mounted mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moving mowgli mowgli's mr mrs much muchly muffette mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy murray museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans must mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering my myra myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nan nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearer nearly neat necessary neck ned need needed needle needn't needs neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nervously nest nettled nevar never never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury newcomer news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nobody nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november now nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursed nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey obeyed object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred octavia oddly odds of off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opened opens ophelia opinion opportunity oppressors optimist or orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought our ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. p.o pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid pain painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partition partners party pass passage passed passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peered peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penniless penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly performance perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly perseus persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester peter petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom pharaoh phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase physiology pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitied pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plot plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointed pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky portentously porter portia portion portrait posed position positive positively possessed possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranced pranks pray prayed prayer prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent price pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner prissy privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise promised prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prowled prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull pulled puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pushed puss pussy put putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrelled quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quickened quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits raced rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble ran randall randolph's rang rangely rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked received receives reckon recognize recognized reconnoitred record recovered recovery red red-hot reddest reddy redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflected reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relief relieved relish reluctantly remained remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resented resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects responded response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rilla rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rod rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rosetta rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed ruby rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib sailed saint salaam salary sallie sally salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sammy sand sands sanguine sank sara sarah saranac sarcastic sat satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saw say saying says scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scolded scooted scornfully scott scowled scrap scrap-bag scrapes scratched screamed scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely see seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seeley seem seemed seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends senna sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentence sentiment sentimental september serene serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shall shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shipped shirked shirking shirley shiv shivered shiveringly shocked shone shooting shore short shortly shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show showed shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddered shuddering shudderingly shuffled shunned shut shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sighed sight sights sign signal signals signed signy sigurd silence silent silently silk silly silver simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sistered sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skunk skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smelled smile smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered sniffed snivel snore snored snorted snow snow-queen snowing snuffed snuffled so sob sobbed sobbing sober soberly social soda sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking speaks spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spelling spencer spends spenslow spent spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spot spotty spouts sprang spread spring spruce spun spunk spy square squash squeaked squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggered staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standardized standing stare stared staring starkey stars start started startled startling starving station-master stationmaster statuesque stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steady steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens stepped sternly steve stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stirred stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stood stooped stop stopped stories stork storm story stout stouter straight straightened strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened stretched strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struck struggled struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffered suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits suleiman-bin-daoud sulk sulked sullen sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surpassed surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspense suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallowed swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swore swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tannis tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased ted teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tell tells temper temple temptation ten tenantless tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testiment testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thanksgiving that thatt thaw the thee their theirs them themselves then theodora theodore theodosia theodosius there thereat therefore thermometers these theseus they thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things think thinking thinks thinner third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five this thistledown thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threat threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thumbelina thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together told toll-gatherer's tom tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too took toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tried tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth try tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turned turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una una's unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understand understandingly understands understood undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds vain valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanished vanity vanquished various vassili vastly veered vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexation vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vituperative vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waited waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakened wakes walk walked wall wallet walter walters wandered waned wanly want wanted wanting wanton wants warm warmly warned warning was wash washed washing wasn't wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy wendy's went wept were weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheeled wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whirled whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistled whistling whit white white-faces whitefoot whiteland whitetail whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy will willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winked winslow winston winter wipe wiped wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wished wisht wistfully witch witch's witches with withdrawn within without witnesses wits woke wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worshipped worst worth worthie worthless worthy wot would wouldn't wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wrung wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara yawned ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york you young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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" $ ' 'd 'll 'm 're 's 've , - . ....v ....y ..y 1.25 1.50 1871-72 : ; = ? .date. .number. a a-here abel abenteuer abimelech aboard abominable abominably about above abraham abroad abruptly absently absolutely academy accepted accidents accommodation accompanied accomplished accordingly ache ached acorn acquire across act acton actually adam adams added adder addie addressed adelia adella adjoined admirable admirably admired admires admit admitted admonished adolphus adopt adopted adore adored adores adroitly advanced adventure adventures advertised advice advised aeroplane affair affected afford afield afraid afresh after afternoon afterward afterwards again against aggravate aggravating aggrieved aghast agitated agnes ago agony agree agreed agreement ahead aided aimlessly ain't aina air akela al aladdin alan alarm alarmed alarming alcott alec alert alexander alexina alfred ali alice alice's alicia alike all allan allow allowed alma almost alone along alonzo aloof aloud alphabet already also altered altogether always am amazed amazement ambassador amberley ambitions ambitious amelia amendment amiably amir among amount amphibious amplifications amply amused amusedly amy amy's an an-any and andrews anew anger angered anglo-saxon angrier angrily angry ankle ankus anna anne annice annie's annoyed another answer answered answers antreus anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apace apathetically apiece apologized apology appalled appalling apparently appealed appear appearance appeared appears appetite apple apples appreciate appreciated apprehensively approach approached approval approve approvingly april aquila arab arblaster arcady archangel are aren't argus arm armadillos arms army arnold arose around arranged arranges arrayed arrived arrives arrow arrow-shot art artfulness artist as ascendancy ash ashamed ashley aside ask asked asks asleep asmund assailed assented assistance assuredly astern astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astute at ate atonement atossa attack attacked attempt attend attended attention attics attitude august aunt aunty auspicious author autumn avenged averil's avery avoided avonlea awake awakened away awful awfully awhile awkwardly awkwardness awoke ay aylesbury b babies baby bachelors back backed backwards bad bade badge badly baffled bag bagheera bags bail bailed baker baker's balance bald ball-carrier balloon baloo bangs bar barbaik barbara bared barely bargain barked barlow barn barnabas barrie barry bashful basket bassets bassoutos battle baviaan baxter be beach beamed beaming beanstalk bear bearings bears beast beasts beat beaten beating beatrice beats beau beaumont beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became become becomes bed bed-rooms bed-time bedfellows bedford bedonebyasyoudid bedtime bee been beetles before began beggar begged begin beginnest beginning begins begun behave behaved behaving beheld behind behold being belief believe believed believes bell belong belonged belongs ben ben's beneath benjamin bennett bent bentley bentwell berrying bertha berthday bertie beseech beseechingly beside besides besottedly bess bessie bessy best bet beth betrayed better betty betty's between beverley bewildered bewilderment bewitchment beyond bhaer bhagat bible bidding big bigger billy billy's biographical bird birds birthday birthright bit bite bitter bitterly black blacksnake blacky blair blame blamed blandly blank blankly blazed bleed bleeding bless blessings blewett blighted blind blinked blistered block blood bloom blow blue blurt blurted blushed blushing blythe boasted boaster boasting boat boatman boats bob bobby bodies bold bolder bolting bond bone bones book books bored born boston both bother bothered bottle bottom boulter bounced bounded bouquet bournemouth bow bowed bowen bowes bowman bowser box boy boy-book boyishly boys bradley braids brain braithwaite branches brandished brave bravely bravery bread break breakfast breaking breaks breast breath breathe breathed breathing breathlessly breeze breezes brentano's briar-patch bridal bride bridled brief brig bright brightened bring bringing-up brings briskly bristol broad broadly broke broken broken-hearted broken-spirited brooch brooke broom brother brothered brothers brought brow brown brown's browne bruce bruises brush brutal brute bryan brynhild bubble bubbled buccaneer buchanan bucketings budged buldeo bull bump bumping bun burgess burglar buried burned burnett burns burnt burst bury bushes busily business buster busy busybody but buttercups butterflies butterfly button-holes buy by by-and-by bye-hours cab cabin cabin-boy cable caesar cage cake california caliph calista call called callers calling calls calm calmer calmly calmness came cameron camilla camp campbell camped can can't cannot cap capitally captain captured carbuncle carcass cards care cared career careful carefully careless carey carl carlisle carlyle caroline carried carroll carry cars carved case cases caskets cast castes castle castles cat catalans catch catches catching caterpillar catesby catherine cats cattle caught caution cautiously cave caw caylus ceased cecil cecily celebration celia celia's cell centurion ceremony certain certainly chagrined chair chamber champagne champion chance chandler change changed changes changeth chapter charge charles charlotta charlotte charm charmed charming chase chased chateau chatterer chatterer's chattering cheap cheaper cheated check checked cheer cheered cheering chela cheque ches chester chewing chickens child child-guess childhood childish children children's chill chin china chipmunk chipmunk's chippings chisel chloe choiachoi choice choke choked chokes choose chooses choppily chops chortled chose chow-chow christie christmas christmases christopher chronicles chuck chuck's chuckle chuckled chuckling chummily chums church church-going churchill cinque-cento circles city civilized clair clam-shells clapped clark clashed clasped class claude claws clean clear cleared clearer clemantiny clenched clerk clever cleverly clicked climb clock clorinda close closed closely cloth clothes clouded club cluck clumsy-looking cluny co coasting coat coat-tails coaxed cobra cobra-speech cobras cobwebs cockiness coddles cold coldly collected college colonel colony color colored colour coloured colt columbus come comedy comely comes comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comfortless coming commands common common-sense commotion commune companion companions company compassionately compete competent complain complained completely complimentary composedly compositions comprehension compromise compromised comte comtesse concerned condemned conduct conductor confess confessed confession confidential confidentially confound confronted conscience conscienshus conscious consciously consented considerable considerably considered constable constantly consult consults contain contemptuously content contentedly contents contes continually continued continues contrition conversation convinced convulsively cook coolidge's coon cooper cope copper cordelia corn cornelia corner corona correct corrected correctly correspondents cost cottage cottager cottontail coughed could couldn't count counted counter counting country courage courier course court courteously courting cousin covan covered cow coward cowered cowherd coyote crab crack cracking crafty craig crash crawl crawled crazy cream creature creatures creeps creighton crept cricket cried cries crimson crimsoned crisis crisply critic critically critter crocodile croquet-ground cross crossed crosses crossly crouched croup crow crowd crown cruel cruelly cruise crushed cry crying cuentos culprit cultivate cunning cup cupid cupid's curator cure cures curiosity curious curled curt curtis curtness custom cut cuthbert cuts cynthia cynthia's cyrilla cyrus d d'aulnoy daddy daily daintily dainty daisies daisy dalveigh damaris dan danby dance danced dancers dancing dandelion danger dangerous dangerously daniel danish danny dapplegrim dare dared dares daresay dark dark-browed darkened darkly darling darning-needle dass date dates daughter dauntless dave david davidson davis davy dawn day days dazed de dead deadly deaf deal dear dearest dearly death deborah debts deceive decent deception decide decided decidedly decides decision deck declamation declined dedicated deed deemed deep deeply deer defenceless deferred dejected delicious delight delighted delightedly delightful delightsomely delivered delivers demanded demi den dense deny departed depend dependence depends deprecatingly des descend descends describe deserted deserve deserves desire despair desperate desperately despise destiny destroy details detest detestable developed di diabolical diana dick dick's did didn't die died diego difference different difficult difficulties difficulty dig digger dignified dignity dilber dimly dinghy dining-room dinner dinnerless directly dirt dirty disagree disappearance disappeared disappears disappointed disappointment disapprovingly disarmed disbelieve disciple discouraged discouragement discovered discovers discovery discusses disguise disgust disliked dismal dismay dismayed dismissal displeased dissatisfied dissipated dissipation dissolved distance distinguished distraught distress distressed distressfully distributed distrustful disturbed divined divinely dizzy do doc doctor dodged does doesn't dog dogs doing doings dole dolefully doll dolls dominicus don don't donald done door doors doorway dooty dora doric dorinda doris dot double doubt doubtful doubtfully doubtless douglas down downpour downstairs dr dragged dragon dragon's drank draper draw dreaded dreadful dreadfully dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamland dreams drearily dress drew drifted drink drive driver drivers drooped drop dropped drops drove drown drowned drowsily drum drummer dry dubious dubiously duck ducks dudley dully dumb dumpling dumpty duncan dunnage dunno dusk dusky dust dutcher dutifully duty dwarfs dyke dyspepsia e-text each eagerly eagle ear earl early earned earnest earnestly ears easier easily easy eat eating eben ebenezer echo echoed ecstasy eden editeur edith edition edna education edward effect effective effectual effort egg eggs eighteen either elbowed elder eleanore's element elephant's elephants eleven elias eliza elizabeth ellen elliot elliott ellis elopement else em embittered embraced embroidered emily emmeline emmy emory empty enchanted enchanting enchantress enclose encouraged end ended endicott ends endure energetically engaged engine-driver england englishman enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys enough enquired ensued entered entertained enthralled entirely entreated envied envious enviously envy epimetheus equal er eric ernest errand errors esben escape escaped esme esq esquire essay estella estelle esterbrook esther etc ethel eunice eva eva's eve even evening eventful eventually ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evidently evil exactly examined example exasperated exceedingly except exchanged excite excited excitement exciting exclaimed exclamation excruciating excuse exhaled exhibition exhilarating exile exist existing expansive expect expectations expected expecting expects experience explain explained explains explanation explode exploded explore expressed expression exquisite extensive extraordinarily extreme extremely eye eyed eyes f face faced faces fact factory faded fail failed failing failure faint fainted fainter faintest faintly fair fairies fairly fairy fairy-land faith faithful faithfully falconer fall fallen falling falls falsoms faltered family famous fancied fancy fancy's fane's fanner far fare farewell farm farmer farquhar fascinated fascinates fashion fashionable fast fastened faster fat fatally fate father father's fatima fault favorite favour favourite faëry fear feared fearful fearfully feathers feebly feel feeling feelings feels feet felicity felix fell fellow fellows fellowship felt fen fenwick ferry ferryman fetch fetch-and-carry fever few fib fidgeted fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighting fights figure filled filling finally find finds fine fine-looking finer finery finger finish finished fir fire fire-pot fired firedrake firm first fish fishes fishing five fixed flagrantly flamed flash flashed flat flatly flats flattered flattering flea fleece flesh flew flight flinch flinched flint flirtatious flitted floated flood floor flora florea florrie flourishing flower flower's flowers flown flung flushed fly flying fog folks follow followed following fond food fool fooled foolish foolishness fools foot football footprint footprints for forbade forced ford ford's forehead forepaw forestalled forget forgetting forgive forgiven forgot forgotten form formed forsake forth forthcoming fortnight fortuna fortunately fortune forty-three forward foster fought foully found fountain four fourth fox foxham france frances francis frank frankfurt frantic fraser freckled freda free freedom frees french frenchy frequent fresh fret fretted frewen friday friend friends friendship fright frightened frightens frightfully frisky frog frog's from front frostier frosts frowned frowning frozen fruit fulcrum fulke full fully fumbled fun funeral funny furious furniture further furtively fusses fuzzytail g'way gables gaily gainsaid gale gallantly galloped game games garden garden-gate gardens gardner gasp gasped gate gathered gaunt gave gazed gazelle geese generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently geography george gerald gerda germans germany gertrude get gets getting ghost giant giantess giants gift gifts giggled gilbert gillis giovanni girl girl's girls git-up-and-git give given gives giving glad gladder gladly glanced glances glared glass gleamed gloomily glorious glory glossy gloucester gloves glow glowed go goblet goblin god gods goes goin' going gold golden goldilocks goldsmith goldsmith's goldthwaite's gone gonzenbach good good-bye good-natured good-naturedly goodridge gordon gorgon's gospeller gossip got gott gourd government grace gracious graciously gradually grandfather grandma grandmother granny grant grapple grasped grass grasshopper grateful gratitude grave gravely graveyard gray great great-aunt great-grandfather greatly greedily greedy green greenvale greenwood grew grey grieved grievously griggs grim grimace grimly grinding grinned groaned grocer grossly ground grow growing growled grown grown-up grown-ups grows growth grumble grumbled grumblers grumbling grumblingly grunted gryphon guard gudu guess guessed guessing guest guests guffaw guilbert guineas gulliver gulped gum gun gunpowder guns gunwale gush gussie gut ha'nted habit had hadn't haigha hail hailed haines hair half half-past halfman halted halvor hand handed hands handsome handyman hang hanging hannah hansel happen happened happens happily happy hapur hard hard-working hardened harder hardest hardly hare hares harm harmed harmless harmon harp harpooned harriet harrington harrison harry has haskell hasn't hassebu hastened hastily hat hatch hate hated hateful hates hath hathi hats haughtily haul haunt haunted haunts have haven't hawkins he he's head heads hear heard hearing hears heart heart-broken heartbroken heartened hearth heartier heartlessly hearts hearty heat heaven heavenly heavily heavy hee heed heedless heedlessness heels held helen hello helm help helped helpless helplessly helps hen henceforth henhouse hens her hercules herded herdsman here hereupon herewith hero heroine heroism herrings hers herself hesitate hesitated hesitating hester hezekiah hide hideous hides higginbotham high highland highly hiked hill hills him himself hinder hints hiram his hissed history hoarsely hobden hoffman hoist hold holds hole holes holiday holidays hollow holloway holy holywood home homeless homely homesick homestead honest honestly honor hood hooded hook hooty hope hoped hopeful hopelessly hopped hoppy-hippy-hippy-hop-o horn horrible horribly horrid horridly horror horse horseback horses hoseason host hot-foot hound hour hours house housekeeper housekeepers how howe's however howl hugged humble humiliated humiliating humiliation humour humpty hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunter hunting hunting-song hurree hurried hurries hurry hurt husband husbands hush hyaena hygienic hyphenation hypnotized hysterical hysterically hábogi i ian iarlaid ice ida idea idle idleness idlewild ignorance ignored ii iii ill ill-luck illusion illustrated illustrations im imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imitation immediately immensely immodest immovable immoveable impatient impatiently impending implore imploring impolite important impossible impress impressed impression impressions improved improving impulsive in incited inclined incoherently inconsistent increased increasing incredibly incredulous incredulously indeed indescribable indescribably indian indians indigestion indignant indignantly indignation indolence induce inevitably inexorable infuriated ingleside inhabit injure injured ink inn innocent inquired inquiring inquisitive inside inspiration instant instantly instead instruct instruction insufferable insulted intense intensely intently interest interested interesting interests interrupted interruption intervenes into intoxicated introduce introduced invalids invention investigated investigates invitations inwardly irene iron-gray irresistible irritated irving is isabel isabella island ismay isn't issues isuro it its itself iv ivan ix j ja jack jack's jackal jacob james jamesina jameson jane janet jaqueline jaw jay jay's jealous jealousy jeanette jed jeff jeffrey jelly-fish jem jenny jerome jerry jesper jessamine jest jesting jill jim jimmy jimmy's jims jo jo's joan joe jog jogi john johnny joined joke joker jokes jolliest jolly jorinde joringel joscelyn joseph josephina josephine josephs josie josé journey joy joyce joyfully joyousness jubilant judge judith judson juice july jump jumped jumper june jungfrau jungle just justice justified kaa kabir kabo kadmiel kai kangaroo karait karl karo kate katherine katy keep keeps keepsakes kelpy kennel kenneth kensington kept kettle keyton-wells khan kicked kiddy kilburn kill killed killing kilmeny kim kind kindergarten kindly king king's kings kirby kismet kiss kissed kissing kitchen kitchen-midden kitchener kitten kitty kitty's knave knew knight knighthood knights knitting knitting-needles knives knock knocked knocks know knowing knowingly knowledge known knows knuckles koshchei kotgarh kotick kotuko koumongoé kulu l la label lad ladder lads lady lady-business lady-like ladylike lagged lagoon laid lake lama lamb laments lamp land landed lang langemarck langton language languished lantern lanthorn lapp larger larry lass last lasted late later latest latter laugh laughed laughing laughter laura laurence lauretta laurie laurin lavendar lavinia law lawless lawyer lay lazily lazy lead leaders leaf leak lean leaned leap learn learned learns least leave lectured led ledyard left legend legends legree legs lehon lemar lemon lemuel lend length lennox lent leo leprince leroux lesley leslie lesson let let's letter letters letting lewis liberty licked lie lies life life-book lifted lifting lige light light- lighted lightfoot lightfoot's lighthouse lightly like liked likely likes lilac lilian lilliput lily lily's lily-bell limberheels lina lincoln linda lindsay liniment lion lionel lioness lip lipping lips lisa lisped list listen listened listening listless literally little littler live lived lively lives living liza lloyd loath loathed lobster lock locked locks locksley logic logical loiterer loker lollardy london lonely lonesome long longer longing longlegs longmans longworth look looked looking looking-glass looks loon lord lorelei lorenzo lose loses losing loss lost lots loud loudest louisa louise love loved lovell lovely lover lovers loves low lower lowered loyal lubber lucinda luck luckily lucky lucy ludovic ludovine lurched lure lurgan lynde m ma ma'am ma'sh macanaccady mackerel macmillan mad madam madame maddening made madeline madison madly madman madrissak madwoman maggie magic magician magnificent mahbub mahogany mahratta mahrchen maid maiden maie mailed maimie maisonneuve majesty make makes malcolm malicious maliciously mamma man manage managed manfully manling manners manor manse mantle manus many maple marble march marched mare mares margaret marian marie marilla mark markdale marked markham marks marley marmee married marry marsh martha martyrdom marvel marveled marvellous mary mas'r mascot masquerade mast master mastered matcham materializing mates matey mathematics matheson matilda matron matte matter mattered matters matthew mattie mattie's maude max maximus may maya maybe maybin maypole me meadow meadows meal mean meaneth means meant meantime meanwhile measles measures mechanically meddling medicine medusa meek meekness meet meets meg melancholy melissa member memory men mended mentally mentioned mercedes merchant meredith merely mermaid mermaid's mermaids merran merrily merry message messenger messes messmates messrs messua met metaphors methinks method methodist mice michael midnight might mighty milburn mildly miles milestone milford milgrave milk milking millennium miller millicent millionaire milty min mind minds mine mingling minion minister minister's ministers mink mink's minnie minnikin minute minutes miracle miraculous miriam mirror misadventure miscarried mischief mischievous mischievously misdoubt miser miserable miserably misfortune misfortunes misgiving misjudged miss missed missing missis missy mistah mistake mistaken mistakes mistress mixed moaned moat mock mocker mocking modest mogarzea molested molinda mollie molly moment momentarily momentary monastery monday money monkey monosyllable monroe months montmorency montreal mood moon moore mopsa moral more morgan morison morning mortgage moses most mother mothers motionless moulton's mount mountain mountain-sickness mounted mournfully mouse mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moving mowgli mowgli's mr mrs much muchly muffette mugger mummy murderous murmured murphy murray museum music musical muskrat muskrat's mussalmans must mustn't mute mutely muttered muttering my myra myself mysterious mysteriously mystery nag nagaina nagging name named nan nana nancy naomi narrowed nat nathan natty naturally nature naughtily near nearby nearer nearly neat necessary neck ned need needed needle needn't needs neighbor neighed neil neither nellie nelly nelly's nervous nervously nest nettled nevar never never-to-be-forgotten nevertheless new newbury newcomer news newsboy next nice nicely niceness nicer nicholson niels nigger niggers night night-dresses night-gown nightgown nightingale nightingales nights nimble nimbly nine nineteen ninnies no nobody nodded nodding noise noiselessly noises none noon nor nora norman normandy norroway north nose noses not notation note noted nothing notice noticed notoriously novels november now nowadays nudged nugget nuisance number nurse nursed nursery nut o'clock oak oaths obdurate obediently obey obeyed object objection obliged obligingly obstacle occasion occasionally occupies occurred octavia oddly odds of off offended offered office offices often ogress oh ointment okward old old-fashioned older oldest oliver olivia olivia's omen ominous ominously on once one only oozed open opened opens ophelia opinion opportunity oppressors optimist or orange orchard ordeal order ordinance organ original osborne osbornes other others otherwise otter otter's ought our ours ousel out out-caesared outcasts outgrown outrage outside outstretched outwardly over overcome overcoming overdid overflowed overhear overjoyed overlooker overly overslept overtook overwhelming owen owl owls owlwood own p p.c. p.o pa pace pack packing packs paddling paddy paddy's page pah paid pain painfully painted pal palace palanquin pale paled paler pan pandora panted pantouflia paper papers par paradise paragon pardon paridamie paris parker parlour parnesius parr part parted partially particular particulars parting partition partners party pass passage passed passes passionately past pasture pat patent path pathetic patience patient patiently patriarch patted patterson patty paul pause paused paw pay pea-green peace pecked peculiar peculiarity peeped peered peerybingle peg peggy pen penance pencase penelope penniless penningtons people peoples peppermint perceived perceptibly percinet perfect perfection perfectly performance perhaps perished permit peronnik perplexed perplexedly perseus persian persisted persistent personality personified pertinax pester peter petersen petition petru pevensey pew phantom pharaoh phebe phil philippa phineas phoebus photograph phrase physiology pick picked picking picture pictures pie piercingly pigs pilgrimage pills pinafore pine pink pins piper piqued pirate pirret pitcher piteous pitied pitiful pitifully pitman pity pivi place plain plainly plaintive plan plans planted plates play playing plays pleaded pleadingly pleasant pleasantly pleasantry please pleased pleasure plenty plot plover pluck plum-pudding plumb plunder pneumonia pocket pockets poetical poets point pointed pointer points poisoned poisonous poisons poky politely politeness politics pomegranate pond ponsonby pook's pool poor poppy's populaires popular populars porcupine porky portentously porter portia portion portrait posed position positive positively possessed possibly possum possum's poured poverty pow-wow practice pranced pranks pray prayed prayer prayers preached precious preface prefer prepared presented presentiment presently preserve preserved president press pressed pretended pretending pretends prettily pretty prevailed prevent price pricked prickly pride priest priest-beaters prigio prince princes princess princesses printed printing priscilla prisoner prissy privilege privileged probably probation proceeded profoundly promise promised prompt promptly pronounce proof proper prophetic proposal prosaic prosecuted prospect prosperous protection protects protested protests proud proudly proved proves providence province-house provoked prowl prowled prue pryor publications publisher puck pudding puffed puffiness pull pulled puma punctuation punishing punishment punjabi purchase purchaser pure purple purpose purred purse pursued pursuit purun push pushed puss pussy put putney puzzled puzzler puzzles puzzling pye quack quacker quaddies quadrille quailed quaked quakers qualms quarrel quarreled quarreling quarrelled quarter queen queen's queens queer quest question questions quick quickened quicker quickly quicksilver quiet quietly quince quite quivered quote r.l.s. rabbit rabbit's rabbit-hole rabbits raced rachel radiance radiant radiantly rage raged rain rainy raised ralph ralston rama ramble ran randall randolph's rang rangely rape rapidly rapped rate rather rattles rawlingses ray ray's re-entered reach reached read readily reading ready real realize realized really reason reasonably reassured rebecca rebellious rebuked received receives reckon recognize recognized reconnoitred record recovered recovery red red-hot reddest reddy redeem redemption redmond reed reeled refer referred reflected reflections reflectively refreshed refuge refuse refused regained regarded regretful regretfully regularly rejoiced relations relatives released relent relented relief relieved relish reluctantly remained remarked remarks remember remembered remembering remembrance remora renelde rented repaired repeated repeatedly repentance repetition replied reply reproached reproachfully rescue resented resentfully resignation resigned resist resisted resolute resolutely respect respectable respectfully respects responded response responsibility responsible rest restive restless retort retorted retrospect return returned returns revelation revels revenge reverently reversed reviewed reward rewarded rhinoceros riach ricardo rich richard richer richly ride ridiculous riding rife right rikki rikki-tikki rill rilla rimini ring ripple risen rising risingham risky rivals river roared rob robbins robert roberts robinson rock rocks rod rode roger rogue roguishly roll rolled rolling romance romantic rome romney room rosa's rosamond rose rosebud rosemary roses rosetta rough round round-house rouse roused rover roy royal rubbed ruby rude ruefully rug ruggles ruined rule ruminated rumpled run run-away running rush rushed russell ruth sack sacred sacrifice sad sadly safe sagely sahib said sailed saint salaam salary sallie sally salmon salome salon salt salts sam same sammy sand sands sanguine sank sara sarah saranac sarcastic sat satisfaction satisfactory satisfied saucily savagely save saved saw say saying says scamp scamps scandalised scandalized scar scarce scared scared-like scarlet scene scenery sceptical scholarship school school-girl schoolboy schoolmaster schoolmaster's schoolteacher scientific scoffed scolded scooted scornfully scott scowled scrap scrap-bag scrapes scratched screamed scrooge scullion sea sea-cook seal search seashore season seasons second seconds secret secretly securely see seeds seeing seek-seek seeking seeks seeley seem seemed seems seen seeonee sees seldom selena self-command self-respect selfish selfless sells selwyn send sends senna sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentence sentiment sentimental september serene serenely sergeant serious seriously sermon sermons serpentine servants serve served serves service set sets setting settled settles seven seventh several severely sewing shabby shadow shadows shaft shaitan shake shaken shaker shakespeare shakily shaking shall shallamagouslem shalt shame shamefaced shamefacedly shamlegh shamlegh-under-the-snow shan't share sharp sharply sharpness shaw shawl-straps she she-who-must-be-obeyed sheepish sheepishly sheer shelby sheldon shelley shells shelmardine shere sherman shi shield shining ship shipped shirked shirking shirley shiv shivered shiveringly shocked shone shook shooting shore short shortly shots should shoulder shoulders shouldn't shout shouted shouting shovel show showed shown shrank shrewd shrewdly shriek shrieked shrill shrink shrivelled shrugged shudder shuddered shuddering shudderingly shuffled shunned shut shy si sicilianische sick sickly side sideways sidled sidney siege sigh sighed sight sights sign signal signals signed signy sigurd silence silent silently silk silly silver simla simon simple simplicity simply simultaneously sin since sincere sinclair sing singers singing single singly sinking sir siree sis sister sister's sistered sisters sit sitting situation six sixth sixty skared skeered skerryvore sketch skill skimpy skin skinner skull skunk skylarking skylights slab slackened slain slang slave slaves sleek sleep sleeper sleepily sleeping sleepy sleeves slender slept slice slid slide slight slightly slim slipped slippery sloane slow slower slowly slumped sly slyly smacked small smallpox smart smarted smee smell smelled smile smiled smiles smiling smilingly smith smoke smoked smokes smothered snake snaky snapped snapping snarled snatched sneaks sneeze snickered sniffed snivel snore snored snorted snow snow-queen snowing snuffed snuffled so sob sobbed sobbing sober soberly social soda sofa softened softish softly solace soldier soldier's soldiers solely solemn solemnly solicitude solitary solitude solved sombre some somebody somehow someone somersaults something sometimes someway somewhat somewhere son song sons sonsy soon soot sophia sore sorely sorrow sorrowfully sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds sour sourly south spades spare spared sparkled spasm spasms spat speak speaking speaks spear special specimen spectator sped speech speeches speed spell spellbound spelling spencer spends spenslow spent spinner spirit spirits splash splendid splendidly split spoil spoiled spoils spoke spoken sponge spot spotty spouts sprang spread spring spruce spun spunk spy square squash squeaked squiffily squire squirm squirmed squirrel squirrel's sssso st stacy stage staggered staggerer stalked stallion stalos stammered stamped stand standardized standing stare stared staring starkey stars start started startled startling starving station-master stationmaster statuesque stay stayed stays steadfastly steadily steady steeled steeple stella step step-daughter stephen stephens stepped sternly steve stick sticking sticky-toes stiffened stiffly still sting stings stirred stockade stockings stole stolen stomach stony stood stooped stop stopped stories stork storm story stout stouter straight straightened strange strangely stranger strangers strawberries strayed strength strengthened stretched strike string striped stripes strode stroke strokes stroll strong stronger struck struggled struggles strut stubborn studies study stuff stuffy stumped stung stunned stupid stupidly style subjects subside subtraction succeed succeeded succumbed such sudden suddenly suds suffer suffered suffice sufficed sufficient suffocatingly sugar suggest suggested suggestion suit suited suits suleiman-bin-daoud sulk sulked sullen sum summer sun sunday sunday-school sung sunrise sunset sunshine sup superb supper supplies suppose supposed supremely sure surely surer surpassed surprise surprised surprising surveyed susan susanna susette suspect suspected suspects suspense suspicions suspicious suspiciously swallowed swallows swam swan sweat sweet sweetheart sweetness swift swiftly swim swimming sword swore swung sylvia sympathetic sympathetically sympathized table tack tact tactful taffy tail tailor tails take taken takes tale talent tales talisman talk talked talking tame tamzine tangled tanks tannis tapers target tart task taste tastes taught taunting tea teach teacher teaches teaching teachings teams tear tearfully tears tease teased ted teddy teeth tegumai telegram telephone-bell telford tell tells temper temple temptation ten tenantless tennyson tense terrible terribly test test-sentence testily testiment testimonial testimonies tetchy text than thank thankful thanksgiving that thatt thaw the thee their theirs them themselves then theodora theodore theodosia theodosius there thereat therefore thermometers these theseus they thick thick-skinned thief thieves thin thine thing things think thinking thinks thinner third thirsty thirteen thirtieth thirty thirty-five this thistledown thomas thorkild thorne thornton thorough thoroughbred thoroughly those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts threat threateningly three threefold threw thrifty thrilled thrilling thrive throat throbbed through throve throw thrush thrush's thumbelina thunderstruck thus thy thyra tick ticket ticking tickled tide tidings tidy tightly till tillie tilly tim time times timid timidly timmy timothy tiny tip-top tiptoed tire tired tit tit-for-tat to to-day to-morrow to-night toad toad's today together told toll-gatherer's tom tom's tommy tomorrow tongue tonight tontlawald tony too took toomai tootles top topsy tore torment tormentor tornaq tossed tossing touchy tough tour toward towards town-pump toys tracy trade tragedy trail trails train tramp tramped trampling transcriber transformation transitory translate translated trap traps traveling travellers tray treasure treasure-hunt trees tremayne trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulously trespassers trevor tribute trick tricked tried tries trim triumph troll trot trouble troubled troubles truce true true-blue truly trumpet trunk trunks trust truth try tucks tuesday tufty tumultuously tune turkey turkey-maiden turn turn-coat turned turner turning turnovers turns turtle turtle's turves tweedledee twelve twenty twenty-first twenty-six twenty-two twice twinkled twins twitched two tyrant ugly umbrella una una's unanswerable unbarred unbearable unbelievable unc uncharitable uncle uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomfy uncommonly uncomprehendingly unconcerned unconquered undauntedly under understand understandingly understands understood undoubtedly uneasily uneasy unexpected unfair unfit unfortunate unfriends ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unhesitatingly unicorn unique unjust unlike unmoved unpardonable unpleasant unpromising unquestioningly unreasonable unscrupulous unsteadily unsuccessful unsympathetic unsympathetically unthinkable until untrue up uphill upon upset upsets upside upstairs uptown upward uraschimataro ursula us use used useful uses usual usually utterly v vacation vagabonds vain valdez vale valeria valiantly valley valnor value vance vanish vanished vanity vanquished various vassili vastly veered vehemently veil velvet venture ventured vetoed vexation vexes vi victor victory view views vigorously vii viii village villeneuve violently violet virtuous virtuously visible visibly vision visit visited visiting visitors visits vituperative vivienne voice voices von vote vow voyage w wagged waif waist wait waited waiting waits wake waked wakefield wakened wakes walk walked wall wallet walter walters wandered waned wanly want wanted wanting wanton wants warm warmly warned warning was wash washed washing wasn't wasted wastes watch watched watches watching water water-babies water-spirit watered waves way ways we we're weak wealth wear wearied wearily wears weasel weather wedding wednesday week weekly weeks weep weeping weland welcome well welwa wendy wendy's went wept were weren't wesley west wetted whale whale's what wheel wheeled wheels when where wherefore which while whim whimpered whipped whirled whiskers whisper whispered whistle whistled whistling whit white white-faces whitefoot whiteland whitetail whitey whittington who whole wholesomely wholesomer why wickedly wide-awake widower wife wilbur wild wildfire wildly wilful wilfy will willard willem william williams williamson wills wilson wilt win wince winced wind windac window windows winds wing winged wings wink winked winslow winston winter wipe wiped wiry wise wisely wish wishbone wished wisht wistfully witch witch's witches with withdrawn within without witnesses wits woke wolf wolverine woman womanhood women won won't wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wonderland wondrous wood wood-cutter woodford woodpecker wool word words wore work worked worker works world worn worried worries worry worse worshipped worst worth worthie worthless worthy wot would wouldn't wounded wounds wren wrenched wriggle wright write writer writhed writhing writing wrong wrote wrought wrung wunderland wylde x xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xxi xxii xxxii yara yawned ye year years yeats yell yellow yellow-wing yes yesterday yet yield yielded yonder york you young younger your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful yowler zara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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