Child Directed Speech test 2018-10-29: clean training and test sets

Agglomerative clustering, test_grammar updated 2018-10-19 , Link Grammar 5.4.4.
This notebook is shared as static Child-Directed-Speech-2018-10-29.html
The data is shared via Child-Directed-Speech-2018-10-29 directory.
Previous (reference) tests: Child-Directed-Speech-2018-10-19.html, Child-Directed-Speech-2018-08-14.html, Child-Directed-Speech-2018-08-06.html.

Basic settings

In [1]:
import os, sys, time
module_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..'))
if module_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(module_path)
from src.grammar_learner.utl import UTC
from src.grammar_learner.read_files import check_dir
from src.grammar_learner.write_files import list2file
from src.grammar_learner.widgets import html_table
from src.grammar_learner.pqa_table import table_rows
tmpath = module_path + '/tmp/'
check_dir(tmpath, True, 'none')
table = []
long_table = []
start = time.time()
print(UTC(), ':: module_path =', module_path)
2018-10-29 17:40:15 UTC :: module_path = /home/obaskov/py/language-learning

Corpus test settings

In [2]:
#corpus = 'CDS-caps-br-text+brent9mos'
corpus = 'CDS-caps-br-text'
dataset = 'LG-English'
dataset = 'LG-English-clean-clean'  # 2018-10-29: only 100% parsed 
out_dir = module_path + '/output/Child-Directed-Speech-' + str(UTC())[:10]
runs = (1,1)
kwargs = {
    'left_wall'     :   ''          ,
    'period'        :   False       ,
    'context'       :   2           ,
    'word_space'    :   'sparse'    ,
    'min_word_count':   5           ,
    'min_link_count':   2           ,
    'min_co-occurrence_count': 1    ,
    'min_co-occurrence_probability' : 0.0 ,
    'clustering'    :   ('agglomerative', 'ward'),
    'cluster_range' :   10,
    'cluster_criteria'  : 'silhouette',
    'clustering_metric' : ('silhouette', 'cosine'),
    'cluster_level' :   1           ,
    'grammar_rules' :   2           ,
    'max_disjuncts' :   100         ,
    'tmpath'        :   tmpath      , 
    'verbose'       :   'min'       ,
    'template_path' :   'poc-turtle',
    'linkage_limit' :   1000        ,
    'categories_generalization': 'off' }
lines = [
    [33, corpus , dataset                          ,0,0, 'none'  ], 
    [34, corpus , dataset                          ,0,0, 'rules' ], 
    [35, corpus , 'R=6-Weight=6:R-mst-weight=+1:R' ,0,0, 'none'  ], 
    [36, corpus , 'R=6-Weight=6:R-mst-weight=+1:R' ,0,0, 'rules' ]]
line = [[33, corpus, dataset, 0,0, 'none'  ]]
rp = module_path + '/data/CDS-caps-br-text/LG-English-clean-clean'
cp = rp  # corpus path = reference_path :: use 'gold' parses as test corpus

Tests with cleaned "CDS-caps-br-test" dataset

"Clean-clean" set 2018-10-29

Only 100% parsed sentences

In [3]:
dataset = 'LG-English-clean-clean'  # 2018-10-29: only 100% parsed 
rp = module_path + '/data/CDS-caps-br-text/LG-English-clean-clean'
cp = rp  # corpus path = reference_path :: use 'gold' parses as test corpus
average21 = []
table = []
crange = kwargs['cluster_range']
for kwargs['cluster_range'] in range(5,45,5):
    kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 500
    #kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 10 * kwargs['cluster_range']
    average, _, header = table_rows(line, out_dir, cp, rp, runs, **kwargs)
kwargs['cluster_range'] = crange
In [4]:
display(html_table([header] + average21))
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd5 --- 94%67%0.70
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd10 --- 93%70%0.72
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd15 --- 93%73%0.76
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd20 --- 92%74%0.77
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd25 --- 90%74%0.78
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd30 --- 88%73%0.77
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd35 --- 86%71%0.76
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd40 --- 84%69%0.75

Basic training set, "clean-clean" test set 2018-10-29

In [5]:
corpus = 'CDS-caps-br-text+brent9mos'
dataset = 'LG-English'
rp = module_path + '/data/CDS-caps-br-text/LG-English-clean-clean'
cp = rp  # corpus path = reference_path :: use 'gold' parses as test corpus
average22 = []
table = []
crange = kwargs['cluster_range']
crange = kwargs['cluster_range']
for kwargs['cluster_range'] in range(5,45,5):
    kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 500
    #kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 10 * kwargs['cluster_range']
    average, _, header = table_rows(line, out_dir, cp, rp, runs, **kwargs)
kwargs['cluster_range'] = crange
In [6]:
display(html_table([header] + average22))
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd5 --- 94%67%0.70
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd10 --- 93%70%0.72
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd15 --- 93%73%0.76
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd20 --- 92%74%0.77
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd25 --- 90%74%0.78
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd30 --- 88%73%0.77
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd35 --- 86%71%0.76
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd40 --- 84%69%0.75

Clean dataset 2018-10-26: moderate cleanup

In [7]:
dataset = 'LG-English-clean'  # 2018-10-26: moderate cleanup
rp = module_path + '/data/CDS-caps-br-text/LG-English-clean'
cp = rp  # corpus path = reference_path :: use 'gold' parses as test corpus
average23 = []
table = []
crange = kwargs['cluster_range']
crange = kwargs['cluster_range']
for kwargs['cluster_range'] in range(5,45,5):
    kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 500
    #kwargs['max_disjuncts'] = 10 * kwargs['cluster_range']
    average, _, header = table_rows(line, out_dir, cp, rp, runs, **kwargs)
kwargs['cluster_range'] = crange
In [8]:
display(html_table([header] + average23))
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd5 --- 92%64%0.66
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd10 --- 92%66%0.68
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd15 --- 91%70%0.72
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd20 --- 90%71%0.73
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd25 --- 88%70%0.73
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd30 --- 86%69%0.72
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd35 --- 83%66%0.71
33CDS-caps-br-textLG-English-clean-clean --- --- nonedALEd40 --- 80%64%0.69