OpenCog ULL - clustering 2017-12-23 Vector space Gutenberg_16_10 Algorithm KMeans - sklearn.cluster Number of clusters 20 Lexicon file Gut_16_10_lexicon.csv Lexicon size (words) 6855 AVERAGE METRICS FOR ALL CLUSTERS - Average top cluster word similarity to centroid 0.42 Average top 10 words similarity to centroid 0.392 Average cluster words similarity to centroid 0.251 Similarity weighted by words frequency within cluster (SWFC) 0.228 Similarity weighted by words frequency within lexicon (SWFL) 0.004 METRICS FOR CLUSTERS - Cluster sizes (words) 380, 314, 1309, 307, 322, 251, 341, 216, 296, 294, 307, 239, 250, 321, 373, 281, 225, 324, 221, 284 Cluster top words duel, disembodied, emma, neighbours, triumphant, select, distributed, knitting, strove, prof, mesmerism, blurted, fates, youngest, prevented, citizenship, destruction, haughtily, weariness, shoemaker Cluster top word similarities to centroids 0.453, 0.465, 0.115, 0.476, 0.432, 0.423, 0.447, 0.422, 0.417, 0.442, 0.414, 0.437, 0.499, 0.393, 0.373, 0.45, 0.439, 0.43, 0.445, 0.433 Cluster top 10 words avg similarities to centroids 0.433, 0.431, 0.109, 0.431, 0.407, 0.388, 0.42, 0.373, 0.405, 0.386, 0.395, 0.371, 0.47, 0.375, 0.344, 0.433, 0.42, 0.427, 0.424, 0.399 Cluster words avg similarities to centroids 0.258, 0.272, 0.052, 0.285, 0.26, 0.274, 0.271, 0.246, 0.225, 0.249, 0.264, 0.245, 0.303, 0.235, 0.217, 0.3, 0.293, 0.234, 0.296, 0.249 Similarities weighted by words frequency within cluster (SWFC) 0.246, 0.246, 0.035, 0.253, 0.232, 0.237, 0.246, 0.226, 0.213, 0.228, 0.235, 0.214, 0.272, 0.219, 0.217, 0.264, 0.249, 0.226, 0.264, 0.236 Similarities weighted by words frequency within lexicon (SWFL) 0.002, 0.003, 0.027, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.003, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.009, 0.003, 0.004, 0.001, 0.003, 0.002 SUPPLEMENTAL FILES CONTENT Gut_16_10_20_cluster_top_words.txt Cluster top 10 words statistics Gut_16_10_20_cluster_words.txt Cluster words, sorted by similarities to cluster centroids Gut_16_10_20_cluster_similarities.txt Cluster word similarities to cluster centroids