produced by david widger twice told tales the toll-gatherer's day a sketch of transitory life by nathaniel hawthorne if any mortal be favored with a lot analogous to this , it is the toll-gatherer . sitting on the aforesaid bench , i amuse myself with a conception , illustrated by numerous pencil-sketches in the air , of the toll-gatherer 's day . the toll is paid , creak , creak , again go the wheels , and the huge haymow vanishes into the morning mist . as yet , nature is but half awake , and familiar objects appear visionary . the morn breathes upon them and blushes , and they forget how wearily the darkness toiled away . the old man looks eastward , and ( for he is a moralizer ) frames a simile of the stage coach and the sun . while the world is rousing itself , we may glance slightly at the scene of our sketch . beneath the window is a wooden bench , on which a long succession of weary wayfarers have reposed themselves . and there sits our good old toll-gatherer , glorified by the early sunbeams . now the sun smiles upon the landscape , and earth smiles back again upon the sky . frequent , now , are the travellers . the bottom of the chaise is heaped with multifarious bandboxes and carpet-bags , and beneath the axle swings a leathern trunk dusty with yesterday 's journey . luckless wight , doomed , through a whole summer day , to be the butt of mirth and mischief among the frolicsome maidens ! the vinegar-faced traveller proves to be a manufacturer of pickles . he is a country preacher , going to labor at a protracted meeting . the next object passing townward is a butcher 's cart , canopied with its arch of snow-white cotton . see there , a man trundling a wheelbarrow-load of lobsters . but let all these pay their toll and pass . but methinks her blushing cheek burns through the snowy veil . another white-robed virgin sits in front . take my blessing too , ye happy ones ! may the sky not frown upon you , nor clouds bedew you with their chill and sullen rain ! may the hot sun kindle no fever in your hearts ! in a close carriage sits a fragile figure , muffled carefully , and shrinking even from the mild breath of summer . she leans against a manly form , and his arm infolds her , as if to guard his treasure from some enemy . and now has morning gathered up her dewy pearls , and fled away . the sun rolls blazing through the sky , and cannot find a cloud to cool his face with . glisten , too , the faces of the travellers . no air is stirring on the road . nature dares draw no breath , lest she should inhale a stifling cloud of dust . " awful hot ! dreadful dusty ! " answers the sympathetic toll-gatherer . yes , old friend ; and a quiet heart will make a dog-day temperate . and as the wayfarer makes ready to resume his journey , he tells him a sovereign remedy for blistered feet . now comes the noontide hour , of all the hours nearest akin to midnight ; for each has its own calmness and repose . meanwhile , on both sides of the chasm , a throng of impatient travellers fret and fume . and what are the haughtiest of us , but the ephemeral aristocrats of a summer 's day ? here a frenchman , with a hand-organ on his shoulder ; and there an itinerant swiss jeweller . what miracle shall set all things right again ? the sage old man ! strollers come from the town to quaff the freshening breeze . one or two let down long lines , and haul up flapping flounders ? or cunners , or small cod , or perhaps an eel . the horses now tramp heavily along the bridge , and wistfully bethink them of their stables . end of the project gutenberg ebook of the toll gatherer 's day ( from " twice told tales " ) , by nathaniel hawthorne