produced by juliet sutherland , richard j shiffer and the pg distributed proofreading team . the bedtime story-books the adventures of prickly porky by thornton w burgess with illustrations by harrison cady boston little , brown , and company @number@ [ illustration : " do tell me quickly what has happened to peter ! " frontispiece . see page @number@ ] contents list of illustrations " do tell me quickly what has happened to peter ! " frontispiece " pooh , " exclaimed reddy fox . " who's afraid of that fellow ? " then he braced himself and pulled with all his might reddy wouldn't have believed that it was alive " drop him ! " he grunted " i see you are up to your old tricks , prickly porky ! " he shouted the adventures of prickly porky i happy jack squirrel makes a find happy jack squirrel had had a wonderful day . now he was thinking of going home , for it was getting late in the afternoon . he looked out across the open field where mr goshawk had nearly caught him that morning . his home was on the other side . so happy jack started on his long journey around the open field . now , happy jack 's eyes are bright , and there is very little that happy jack does not see . so , as he was jumping from one tree to another , he spied something down on the ground which excited his curiosity . " i must stop and see what that is , " said happy jack . so down the tree he ran , and in a few minutes he had found the queer thing , which had caught his eyes . it was smooth and black and white , and at one end it was very sharp with a tiny little barb . happy jack found it out by pricking himself with it . " ooch , " he cried , and dropped the queer thing . pretty soon he noticed there were a lot more on the ground . " i wonder what they are , " said happy jack . " they don't grow , for they haven't any roots . they are not thorns , for there is no plant from which they could come . they are not alive , so what can they be ? " now , happy jack 's eyes are bright , but sometimes he doesn't use them to the very best advantage . he was so busy examining the queer things on the ground that he never once thought to look up in the tops of the trees . if he had , perhaps he would not have been so much puzzled . as it was he just gathered up three or four of the queer things and started on again . on the way he met peter rabbit and showed peter what he had . now , you know peter rabbit is very curious . he just couldn't sit still , but must scamper over to the place happy jack squirrel told him about . " you 'd better be careful , peter rabbit ; they 're very sharp , " shouted happy jack . but as usual , peter was in too much of a hurry to heed what was said to him . lipperty-lipperty-lip , lipperty-lipperty-lip , went peter rabbit through the woods , as fast as his long legs would take him . then suddenly he squealed and sat down to nurse one of his feet . but he was up again in a flash with another squeal louder than before . peter rabbit had found the queer things that happy jack squirrel had told him about . one was sticking in his foot , and one was in the white patch on the seat of his trousers . ii the stranger from the north the merry little breezes of old mother west wind were excited . yes , sir , they certainly were excited . they hurried this way and that way over the green meadows and told every one they met . finally they reached the smiling pool and excitedly told grandfather frog all about it . grandfather frog smoothed down his white and yellow waistcoat and looked very wise , for you know that grandfather frog is very old . " pooh , " said grandfather frog . " i know what they are . " " what ? " cried all the merry little breezes together . " happy jack says he is sure they do not grow , for there are no strange plants over there . " grandfather frog opened his big mouth and snapped up a foolish green fly that one of the merry little breezes blew over to him . " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . " things do not have to be on plants in order to grow . now i am sure that those things grew , and that they did not grow on a plant . " the merry little breezes looked puzzled . " what is there that grows and doesn't grow on a plant ? " asked one of them . " how about the claws on peter rabbit 's toes and the hair of happy jack 's tail ? " asked grandfather frog . the merry little breezes looked foolish . " of course , " they cried . " we didn't think of that . but we are quite sure that these queer things that prick so are not claws , and certainly they are not hair . " " don't you be too sure , " said grandfather frog . away raced the merry little breezes to the green forest and began to search among the treetops . presently , way up in the top of a big poplar , they found a stranger . " good morning , " said the merry little breezes politely . " mornin ' , " grunted the stranger in the treetop . " may we ask where you come from ? " said one of the merry little breezes politely . iii prickly porky makes friends the merry little breezes soon spread the news over the green meadows and through the green forest that a stranger had come from the north . at first he was very shy and had nothing to say . " pooh , " exclaimed reddy fox . " who 's afraid of that fellow ? " just then the stranger began to come down the tree . reddy backed away . " it looks as if you were afraid , reddy fox , " said peter rabbit . " i 'm not afraid of anything , " said reddy fox , and swelled himself up to look twice as big as he really is . " it seems to me i hear bowser the hound , " piped up striped chipmunk . [ illustration : " pooh , " exclaimed reddy fox . " who 's afraid of that fellow ? " page @number@ ] my , how everybody did run , everybody but the stranger from the north . he kept on coming down the tree just the same . bowser saw him and stopped in surprise . he had never seen anything quite like this big dark fellow . " bow , wow , wow ! " shouted bowser in his deepest voice . bowser was so surprised that he just stood still and stared . then he growled his deepest growl . still the stranger paid no attention to him . bowser did not know what to make of it . " i 'll teach that fellow a lesson , " said bowser to himself . " i 'll shake him , and shake him and shake him until he hasn't any breath left . " by this time the stranger was down on the ground and starting for another tree , minding his own business . then something happened . bowser made a rush at him , and instead of running , what do you suppose the stranger did ? he just rolled himself up in a tight ball with his head tucked down in his waistcoat . bowser stopped short . then he reached out his nose and sniffed at this queer thing . slap ! then the stranger unrolled himself and smiled , and all the little meadow people and forest folk who had been watching shouted aloud for joy . and this is the way that prickly porky the porcupine made friends . iv peter rabbit has some startling news she was worried . there was no doubt about it . little mrs peter was very much worried . why didn't peter come home ? she did wish that he would be content to stay close by the dear old briar-patch . for her part , she couldn't see why under the sun he wanted to go way over to the green forest . she didn't feel easy in her mind one minute while he was out of her sight . but he wouldn't promise not to go to the green forest . no , sir , peter wouldn't promise that . this particular morning she was unusually anxious . peter had been gone all night . " something has happened . i just know something has happened ! " she wailed . " oh , peter , peter , peter rabbit why will you be so heedless ? why will you take such dreadful risks , so foolish and so needless ? " " don't worry . " he 'll be home pretty soon . in fact , i think i see him coming now . " mrs peter looked in the direction that the merry little breeze was looking , and sure enough there was peter . mrs peter 's heart gave a frightened thump . in a few minutes he reached her side . his eyes were very wide , and it was plain to see that he was bursting with important news . " what is it , peter ? do tell me quick ! have you had another narrow escape ? " gasped little mrs . peter . peter nodded while he panted for breath . v peter rabbit tells his story at least , that is what peter said . " you see , it was this way , " declared peter . mrs peter nodded . " but somehow time slipped away faster than i thought for , or else mr sun got up earlier than usual , " continued peter . then he stopped . that last idea was a new one , and it struck peter as a good one . mrs peter looked as if she very much doubted it , but she didn't say anything , and so peter went on with his story . of course i thought it was prickly himself starting out for his breakfast , and i looked up with my mouth open to say hello . but i didn't say hello . no , sir , i didn't say a word . i was too scared . peter 's eyes grew very round and wide as he said this . " i took one good look , and then i jumped . my gracious , how i did jump ! " he continued . mrs peter had listened with her mouth wide open . when peter finished , she closed it with a snap and hopped over and felt of his head . " are you sick , peter ? " she asked anxiously . peter stared at her . " sick ! me sick ! not a bit of it ! " he exclaimed . " never felt better in my life , save that i am a little tired from my long run . what a silly question ! do i look sick ? " " no-o , " replied little mrs peter slowly . " no-o , you don't look sick , but you talk as if there were something the matter with your head . i think you must be just a little light-headed , peter , or else you have taken a nap somewhere and had a bad dream . did i understand you to say that this dreadful creature has no legs , and yet that it chased you ? " peter scratched his head in great perplexity . suddenly he had a happy thought . " mr blacksnake runs fast enough , but he doesn't have legs , does he ? " he asked in triumph . little mrs peter looked a bit discomfited . " no-o , " she admitted slowly , " he doesn't have legs ; but i never could understand how he runs without them . " " well , then , " snapped peter , " if he can run without legs , why can't other creatures ? besides , this one didn't run exactly ; it rolled . now i 've told you all i 'm going to . i need a long nap , after all i 've been through , so don't let any one disturb me . " " i won't , " replied mrs peter meekly . " but , peter , if i were you , i wouldn't tell that story to any one else . " vi peter has to tell his story many times once you start a story you cannot call it back ; it travels on and on and on and ever on , alack ! that is the reason why you should always be sure that a story you repeat is a good story . then you will be glad to have it travel on and on and on , and will never want to call it back . you see stories are just like rivers , they run on and on forever . when peter awoke , the first thing he thought of was the terrible creature he had seen in the green forest . " i won't , " said peter to himself . " i won't repeat it to a soul . no one will believe it . the truth is , i can hardly believe it myself . i 'll just keep my tongue still . " so peter was obliged to repeat it ever so many times , and every time it sounded to him more foolish than before . now , strange to say , no one laughed at peter , queer as the story sounded . then it had been peter 's turn to laugh at them . so now , impossible as this new story sounded , they didn't dare laugh at it . " that is very true , " replied old mr toad solemnly . " probably peter has seen something out of the ordinary , and in his excitement he has exaggerated it . the thing to do is to make sure whether or not there is a stranger in the green forest . peter says that it came down the hill where prickly porky the porcupine lives . some one ought to go ask him what he knows about it . if there is such a terrible creature up there , he ought to have seen it . why don't you go up there and ask him , jimmy skunk ? you 're not afraid of anybody or anything . " " i will , " replied jimmy promptly , and off he started . vii jimmy skunk calls on prickly porky " of course i 'm not afraid , but just the same i don't like meddling with things i don't know anything about . whoever heard of such a thing ? it gives me a queer feeling inside . " but there was nothing unusual to be seen . the green forest looked just as it always did . it was very still and quiet there save for the cheerful voice of redeye the vireo telling over and over how happy he was . " that doesn't sound as if there were any terrible stranger around here , " muttered jimmy . jimmy grinned as he listened . " that 's prickly porky telling himself how good his dinner tastes , " laughed jimmy . " funny how some people do like to hear their own voices . " " hello ! " said jimmy skunk . prickly porky took no notice . he was so busy eating , and making so much noise about it , that he didn't hear jimmy at all . " hello ! " shouted jimmy a little louder . " hello , there ! are you deaf ? " of course this wasn't polite at all , but jimmy was feeling a little out of sorts because he had had to make this call . this time prickly porky looked down . " hello yourself , and see how you like it , jimmy skunk ! " he cried . " come on up and have some of this nice bark with me . " jimmy made a face at him . " thank you , i 've just dined . come down here where i can talk to you without straining my voice , " he replied . " wait until i get another bite , " replied prickly porky , stripping off a long piece of bark . then with this to chew on , he came half way down the tree and made himself comfortable on a big limb . " now , what is it you've got on your mind ? " he demanded . at once jimmy told him the queer story peter rabbit had told . " i 've been sent up here to find out if you have seen this legless , headless , tailess creature . have you ? " he concluded . prickly porky slowly shook his head . " no , " said he . " i 've been right here all the time , and i haven't seen any such creature . " " that 's all i want to know , " replied jimmy . " peter rabbit 's got something the matter with his eyes , and i 'm going straight back to the old briar-patch to tell him so . much obliged . " with that jimmy started back the way he had come , grumbling to himself . viii prickly porky nearly chokes he was very busy , was redeye , telling all who would listen how happy he was and what a beautiful world this is . it never seems to enter his head that he is making other people happy just by being happy himself and saying so . right away he saw that prickly porky was in some kind of trouble , and that it was he who was making the queer noise . it was such a strange performance that redeye simply stared for a minute . then in a flash it came to him what it meant . prickly porky was choking , and if something wasn't done to help him , he might choke to death ! now there was nothing that redeye himself could do to help , for he was too small . he must get help somewhere else , and he must do it quickly . anxiously he looked this way and that way , but there was no one in sight . then he remembered that unc ' billy possum 's hollow tree was not far away . perhaps unc ' billy could help . he hoped that unc ' billy was at home , and he wasted no time in finding out . he saw right away what was the trouble . prickly porky did as he was told . indeed , he was so weak from his long struggle that he was glad to . unc ' billy caught hold of the piece of bark hanging from prickly porky 's mouth . then he braced himself and pulled with all his might . for a minute the piece of bark held . then it gave way so suddenly that unc ' billy fell over flat on his back . [ illustration : then he braced himself and pulled with all his might . page @number@ ] prickly porky grinned weakly and rather foolishly . " it wasn't greed , unc ' billy . it wasn't greed at all , " he replied . " then what was it , may ah ask ? " demanded unc ' billy severely . he laughed and laughed and laughed , until finally unc ' billy quite lost patience . " yo ' cert'nly have lost your manners , brer porky ! " he snapped . prickly porky wiped the tears from his eyes . " come closer so that i can whisper , unc ' billy , " said he . ix jimmy skunk and unc ' billy possum tell different stories the little people of the green meadows and the green forest didn't know what to believe . first came peter rabbit with the strangest kind of a story about being chased by a terrible creature without legs , head , or tail . he said that it had come down the hill where prickly porky the porcupine lives in the green forest . if jimmy skunk was right , why peter rabbit 's queer story wasn't to be believed at all . if unc ' billy was right , why peter 's story wasn't as crazy as it sounded . little by little they began to think that jimmy skunk was right , and that peter rabbit 's terrible creature existed only in peter 's imagination . about this time unc ' billy told of having just such an experience as peter had . " what did you do , unc ' billy ? " asked bobby coon . " what did ah do ? " yes , sah , ah done run , and ah didn't turn around until ah was safe in mah holler tree . " " pooh ! " sneered reddy fox , who had been listening . " you 're a coward . i wouldn't have run ! i would have waited and found out what it was . you and peter rabbit would run away from your own shadows . " " you don't dare go there yourself at daybreak to-morrow ! " retorted unc ' billy . " i do too ! " declared reddy angrily , though he didn't have the least intention of going . " all right . then reddy knew that he would have to go or else be called a coward . " i 'll be there , " he snarled angrily , as he slunk away . x unc ' billy possum tells jimmy skunk a secret be sure before you drop a friend that you 've done nothing to offend . a friend is always worth keeping . unc ' billy possum says so , and he knows . and when unc ' billy makes a friend , he keeps him . he says that it is easier and a lot better to keep a friend than to make a new one . instead , he goes to that friend , finds out what the trouble is , explains it all away , and then does something nice . in fact , they had been partners in stealing eggs from the hen-house of farmer brown 's boy . it seemed to him that either prickly porky had told an untruth or that unc ' billy was telling an untruth . it made him very angry . jimmy scowled and was going to pass without so much as speaking . unc ' billy 's shrewd little eyes twinkled , and he grinned as only unc ' billy can grin . " howdy , brer skunk , " said he . jimmy just frowned harder than ever and tried to pass . " howdy , brer skunk , " repeated unc ' billy possum . " yo ' must have something on your mind . " jimmy skunk stopped . " i have ! " he snapped . " i want to know whether it is you or prickly porky who has been telling an untruth . if peter saw that thing , prickly porky would know it , for he hasn't been away from home this summer . why would he tell me that he hasn't seen it if he has ? " " don ' be hasty , brer skunk . don ' be hasty , " replied unc ' billy soothingly . " ah haven't said that brer porky told me that he had seen the thing that peter says chased him . he told the truth when he told you that he hadn't seen any stranger around his hill . what he told me was that " here unc ' billy whispered . jimmy skunk 's face cleared . " that 's different , " said he . " of course it is , " replied unc ' billy . " yo ' see peter did see something strange , even if brer porky didn't . only don ' forget that it 's a secret . " jimmy was chuckling by this time . " i won't forget , and i 'll be there , " he promised . " don ' mention it , brer skunk , don ' mention it . ah 'll be looking fo ' yo ' to-morrow mo'ning , " replied unc ' billy , with a sly wink that made jimmy laugh aloud . xi what happened to reddy fox he was just idly boasting and nothing more . you see , reddy is one of the greatest boasters in the green forest or on the green meadows . he likes to strut around and talk big . but like most boasters , he is a coward at heart . but think as he would , he couldn't think of a single excuse that would sound reasonable . but he knew that bowser was chained . nevertheless he did go up to farmer brown 's dooryard to make sure . it was just as he expected , bowser was chained . reddy sneaked away without even a look at farmer brown 's hen-house . he didn't see that the door had carelessly been left open , and even if he had , it would have made no difference . he hadn't a bit of appetite . no , sir . reddy fox wouldn't have eaten the fattest chicken there if it had been right before him . he just wandered about restlessly , waiting for daybreak and hoping that something would turn up to prevent him from going to prickly porky 's hill . he didn't dare to tell old granny fox about it . he knew just what she would say . it seemed as if he could hear her sharp voice and the very words : " serves you right for boasting about something you don't know anything about . how many times have i told you that no good comes of boasting ? a wise fox never goes near strange things until he has found out all about them . that is the only way to keep out of trouble and live to a ripe old age . wisdom is nothing but knowledge , and a wise fox always knows what he is doing . " so reddy wandered about all the long night . it seemed as if it never would pass , and yet he wished it would last forever . the more he thought about it , the more afraid he grew . at last he saw the first beams from jolly , round , red mr sun creeping through the green forest . the time had come , and he must choose between making his boast good or being called a coward by everybody . very , very slowly , reddy fox began to walk towards the hill where prickly porky lives . xii what reddy fox saw and did the trouble with a great many people is that they remember this too late . reddy fox is one of these . you see it is a boastful tongue and an untruthful tongue and that is the worst combination for making trouble that i know of . he had almost reached the foot of the hill without seeing anything out of the usual and without any signs of unc ' billy possum . reddy looked up with a sickly grin . there sat unc ' billy possum in a pine tree right over his head . he knew now that there was no backing out ; he had got to go on . he tried to swagger and look very bold and brave . " i told you i 'm not afraid . " keep right on to the foot of the hill ; that 's where ah saw it yesterday . my , ah 'm glad that we 've got some one so truly brave ! " replied unc ' billy . so , there being nothing else to do , he went on . he reached the foot of the hill without seeing or hearing a thing out of the usual . the green forest seemed just as it always had seemed . redeye the vireo was pouring out his little song of gladness , quite as if everything was just as it should be . reddy 's courage began to come back . nothing had happened , and nothing was going to happen . of course not ! it was all some of peter rabbit 's foolishness . some day he would catch peter rabbit and put an end to such silly tales . " ah ! what was that ? " reddy 's sharp ears had caught a sound up near the top of the hill . he stopped short and looked up . for just a little wee minute reddy couldn't believe that his eyes saw right . coming down the hill straight towards him was the strangest thing he ever had seen . he couldn't see any legs . he couldn't see any head . he couldn't see any tail . it was round like a ball , but it was the strangest looking ball that ever was . it was covered with old leaves . reddy wouldn't have believed that it was alive but for the noises it was making . for just a wee minute he stared , and then , what do you think he did ? yes , sir , that 's just what reddy fox did . [ illustration : reddy wouldn't have believed that it was alive . page @number@ ] xiii reddy fox is very miserable he forgot all about unc ' billy possum watching from the safety of a big pine-tree . he didn't see jimmy skunk poking his head out from behind an old stump and laughing fit to kill himself . when reddy was safely past , peter came out . " why ! why , my gracious , i do believe reddy has had a fright ! " exclaimed peter . " i do believe that was it ! " he cried . " i do believe it was . reddy is coming from the direction of prickly porky 's , and that was where i got my fright . i i " peter hesitated . he knew it would be a foolish thing to do , for he might walk right into danger . " it won't do any harm to go part way up there , " thought peter . " perhaps i will find out something without going way up there . " with that he boldly hopped up the hill and joined them . " what 's the joke ? " he demanded . " did you meet reddy fox ? " asked jimmy skunk , wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes . " did i meet him ? why , he almost ran into me and didn't see me at all . i guess he 's running yet . now , what 's the joke ? " peter demanded . " now who else can we scare ? " all of which shows that there was something very like mischief being planned on the hill where prickly porky the porcupine lives . xiv reddy fox tries to keep out of sight never in all his life was reddy fox more uncomfortable in his mind . and he was right ; everybody did know it , and everybody was laughing about it . usually he is very proud of his handsome red coat , but now he wished that he could get rid of it . it is very hard to keep out of sight when you have bright colored clothes . presently sammy jay 's sharp eyes spied him as he tried to crawl up on the young family of mrs grouse . at once sammy flew over there screaming at the top of his lungs : reddy looked up at sammy and snarled . he had gone only a little way when a sharp voice called : " coward ! coward ! coward ! " it was chatterer the red squirrel . no sooner had he got out out of chatterer 's sight than he heard another voice . it was saying over and over : " dee , dee , dee ! oh , me , me ! some folks can talk so very brave and then such cowards be . " it was tommy tit the chickadee . but nowhere that he could go was he free from those taunting voices . " bumble , grumble , rumble , hum ! reddy surely can run some . " late that afternoon old granny fox called him out , and it was clear to see that granny was very much put out about something . " serves you right for boasting ! " snapped granny . " how many times have i told you that no good comes of boasting ? probably somebody has played a trick on you . i 've lived a good many years , and i never before heard of such a creature . if there were one , i 'd have seen it before now . you go back into the house and stay there . you are a disgrace to the fox family . i am going to have a look about and find out what is going on . if this is some trick , they 'll find that old granny fox isn't so easily fooled . " xv old granny fox investigates in-vest-i-gate is a great big word , but its meaning is very simple . to in-vest-i-gate is to look into and try to find out all about something . now old granny fox is very sly and smart and clever , as you all know . compared with her , reddy fox is almost stupid . he may be as sly and smart and clever some day , but he has got a lot to learn before then . but old granny fox did nothing of the kind . oh , my , no ! she went about hunting her dinner just as usual and didn't appear to be paying the least attention to what was going on about her . with her nose to the ground she ran this way and ran that way as if hunting for a trail . granny had heard that the same thing had happened to peter rabbit and to unc ' billy possum . so instead of coming to the hill along the hollow at the bottom , she came to it from the other way . " if there is anything there , i 'll be behind it instead of in front of it , " she thought shrewdly . no one would ever have guessed that she was thinking of anything else . she followed these down to the bottom , but there they disappeared . as she was trotting home along the lone little path through the green forest , she met unc ' billy possum . no , she didn't exactly meet him , because he saw her before she saw him , and he promptly climbed a tree . granny stopped and looked up . " it doesn't take much to scare the young and innocent , mr possum , " she replied . " i don't believe all i hear . i 've just been hunting all over the hill where prickly porky lives , and i couldn't find so much as a wood mouse for dinner . do you believe such a foolish tale , mr possum ? " unc ' billy coughed behind one hand . " yes , mrs fox , ah confess ah done have to believe it , " he replied . " yo ' see , ah done see that thing mah own self , and ah just naturally has to believe mah own eyes . " " huh ! i 'd like to see it ! maybe i 'd believe it then ! " snapped granny fox . " the only time to see it is just at sun-up , " replied unc ' billy . " anybody that comes along through that hollow at the foot of brer porky 's hill at sun-up is likely never to forget it . ah wouldn't do it again . no , sah , once is enough fo ' your unc ' billy . " " huh ! " snorted granny and trotted on . unc ' billy watched her out of sight and grinned broadly . " as sho ' as brer sun gets up to-morrow mo'ning , ol ' granny fox will be there , " he chuckled . " ah must get word to brer porky and brer skunk and brer rabbit . " xvi old granny fox loses her dignity how did unc ' billy know ? well , he just guessed . she 'll come just the way she did this afternoon , from back of the hill instead of along the holler . " unc ' billy was quite right . she was at the top of the hill where prickly porky lives a full hour before sun-up , and there she sat down to wait . she couldn't see or hear anything in the least suspicious . only prickly porky was to be seen , and he seemed to be asleep in his favorite tree . everything seemed to be just as old granny fox had seen it a hundred times before . at last the jolly little sunbeams began to dance through the green forest , chasing out the black shadows . redeye the vireo awoke and at once began to sing , as is his way , not even waiting to get a mouthful of breakfast . prickly porky yawned and grunted . old granny fox arose and slowly stretched . she glanced at prickly porky contemptuously . she had seen him act in this stupid , uncertain way dozens of times before . now old granny fox can be very dignified when she wants to be , and she was now . she didn't hurry the least little bit . she carried her big , plumey tail just so . she turned like a flash and then well , for a minute old granny fox was too surprised to do anything but stare . there , rolling down the hill straight towards her , was the very thing reddy had told her about . the nearer it got , the stranger and more terrible it seemed . then granny forgot her dignity . yes , sir , she forgot her dignity . in fact , she quite lost it altogether . granny fox ran just as reddy had run ! xvii granny fox catches peter rabbit now listen to this little tale that deals somewhat with folly , and shows how sometimes one may be a little bit too jolly . " ho , ho , ho ! " shouted jimmy skunk . " i wonder what reddy fox would have said if he could have seen old granny go down that hollow ! " " ha , ha , ha ! " shouted peter rabbit . " did you see how her eyes popped out ? " " hee , hee , hee ! " squeaked unc ' billy possum in his funny cracked voice . " ah reckons she am bound to have sore feet if she keeps on running the way she started . " prickly porky didn't say a word . he just smiled in a quiet sort of way as he slowly climbed up to the top of the hill . now old granny fox had been badly frightened . who wouldn't have been at seeing a strange creature without head , tail , or legs rolling down hill straight towards them ? but granny was too old and wise to run very far without cause . it didn't take her long to decide that it wasn't . then she did some quick thinking . " i said beforehand that there was some trick , and now i 'm sure of it , " she muttered . " i have an idea that that good-for-nothing old billy possum knows something about it , and i 'm just going back to find out . " she wasted no time thinking about it , but began to steal back the way she had come . now , no one is lighter of foot than old granny fox , and no one knows better how to keep out of sight . then she smiled grimly . at last they were so tired with their good time that they just had to stop for a rest . " oh , dear , i 'm all out of breath , " panted peter , as he threw himself flat on the ground . " that was the funniest thing i ever saw . i wonder who we " peter didn't finish . no , sir , peter didn't finish . old granny fox had caught peter rabbit at last ! xviii a friend in need is a friend indeed the friendship which is truest , best , is that which meets the trouble test . no one really knows who his best friends are until he gets in trouble . when everything is lovely and there is no sign of trouble anywhere , one may have ever and ever so many friends . at least , it may seem so . these are the real friends , the true friends , and they are worth more than all the others put together . remember that if you are a true friend to any one , you will stand by him and help him , no matter what happens . sometimes it is almost worth while getting into trouble just to find out who your real friends are . peter rabbit found out who some of his truest friends are when , because of his own carelessness , old granny fox caught him . now it was her turn to laugh , all because he had been careless and foolish . at peter 's scream of fright , unc ' billy possum scampered for the nearest tree , and jimmy skunk dodged behind a big stump . you see , it was so sudden that they really didn't know what had happened . but prickly porky , whom some people call stupid , made no move to run away . he happened to be looking at peter when granny caught him , and so he knew just what it meant . a spark of anger flashed in his usually dull eyes and for once in his life prickly porky moved quickly . the thousand little spears hidden in his coat suddenly stood on end and prickly porky made a fierce little rush forward . [ illustration : " drop him ! " he grunted . page @number@ ] " drop him ! " he grunted . granny fox just snarled and backed away , dragging peter with her and keeping him between prickly porky and herself . by this time jimmy skunk had recovered himself . you know he is not afraid of anybody or anything . he sprang out from behind the stump , looking a wee bit shame-faced , and started for old granny fox . " you let peter rabbit go ! " he commanded in a very threatening way . granny fox knows all about this . for just a minute she hesitated . so she kept on backing away , dragging peter with her . he slipped down from the tree where he had sought safety , crept around behind granny , and bit her sharply on one heel . granny let go of peter to turn and snap at unc ' billy . this was peter 's chance . he slipped out from under granny 's paws and in a flash was behind prickly porky . xix jimmy skunk takes word to mrs . peter to think that she actually had caught peter rabbit and then lost him was too provoking ! it was more than her temper , never of the best , could stand . her yellow eyes snapped so that it seemed almost as if sparks of fire flew from them . it made peter shiver just to look at her . so she talked herself out and then with many parting threats of what she would do , she started for home . when she had gone , the others turned to peter rabbit to see how badly he had been hurt . they looked him all over and found that he wasn't much the worse for his rough experience . " i must get home now , " said he in a rather faint voice . " mrs peter will be sure that something has happened to me and will be worried almost to death . " " no , you don't ! " declared jimmy skunk . " you are going to stay right here where we can take care of you . he found little mrs peter anxiously looking towards the green forest for some sign of peter . " oh ! " she cried , " you have come to bring me bad news . do tell me quickly what has happened to peter ! " " nothing much has happened to peter , " replied jimmy promptly . but little mrs peter wasn't wholly satisfied . nothing that jimmy could say had the least effect , and so at last he agreed to take her to peter . xx a plot to frighten old man coyote mischief leads to mischief , for it is almost sure to never , never be content without a little more . no , sir , they were not ! you see , when danger is over , it is quickly forgotten . " there is old man coyote ; he is forever frightening those smaller and weaker than himself . i 'd just love to see him run , " said peter rabbit . " the very one ! " cried jimmy skunk . " i wonder if he would be afraid . you know he is even smarter than granny fox , and though she was frightened at first , she soon got over it . how do you suppose we can get him over here ? " " we-uns will take brer jay into our secret . " that 's all brer jay need to say . " peter has had trouble enough already , and i 'm not going to let him have any more , so there ! " " peter isn't going to get into any trouble , " spoke up jimmy skunk . now , please , mrs. peter , don't be foolish . you don't like old man coyote , do you ? you know sammy is always ready for any mischief . just as he started to look for old man coyote , unc ' billy possum made another suggestion . yo ' know she isn't wasting any love on him . what do yo ' alls say ? " xxi sammy jay delivers his message sammy jay has been the bearer of so many messages that no one knows better than he how to deliver one . he knows when to be polite , and no one can be more polite than he . " all right , " replied sammy , quite as if it made no difference to him . " they 'll be there , " he muttered . they 'll try to keep out of sight , but they 'll be there . " sammy found old man coyote taking a sun-bath . " good morning , mr coyote . i hope you are feeling well , " said sammy in his politest manner . " what 's the news in the green forest ? " " there isn't any , that is , none to amount to anything , " declared sammy . " i never did see such a dull summer . is there any news down here on the green meadows ? i hear danny meadow mouse has found his lost baby . " " so i hear , " replied old man coyote . " i tried to find it for him . you know i believe in being neighborly . " peter is going to come to a bad end some day if he doesn't watch out . " " that depends on what you call a bad end , " replied old man coyote with a sly grin . " it might be bad for peter and at the same time be very good for some one else . " sammy laughed right out . " that 's one way of looking at it , " said he . i think i 'll go up to the old orchard and see what is going on there . " off flew sammy in the direction of the old orchard , and once more he chuckled as he flew . " old man coyote will start for the green forest as soon as i am out of sight , " thought sammy . and that is just what old man coyote did . xxii old man coyote loses his appetite hardly was sammy jay out of sight , flying towards the old orchard , before old man coyote started for the green forest . he is very sharp , is old man coyote , so sharp that it is not very often that he is fooled . sammy had been clever enough to know this . there wasn't even a hint that old man coyote should go over there . this was what made him sure that the news about peter was probably true . " i knew they would be on hand , " he chuckled . it was decided that everybody but peter should get out of sight at once . so unc ' billy possum climbed a tree . jimmy skunk crawled into a hollow log . sammy jay hid in the thickest part of a hemlock tree . prickly porky got behind a big stump right at the top of the hill . peter took a couple of steps , and it was very plain to see that he was lame , just as sammy jay had said . " that good-for-nothing jay told the truth for once , " thought old man coyote , with a hungry gleam in his eyes . he would lie perfectly still when peter seemed to be looking towards him . my , but it was exciting to those who were watching ! peter knew what it meant and jumped to one side . it was plain to see that he was afraid , very much afraid . quite suddenly he had lost his appetite . xxiii buster bear gives it all away now , it is a very bad plan to run fast down-hill . yes , sir , it is a very bad plan . you see , once you are started , it is not the easiest thing in the world to stop . and then again , you are quite likely to stub your toes . this is what old man coyote did . he stubbed his toes and turned a complete somersault . he looked so funny that the little scamps watching him had all they could do to keep from shouting right out . old granny fox and reddy fox , looking on from a safe distance , did laugh . but old man coyote didn't stop for a little thing like a tumble . oh , my , no ! he just rolled over on to his feet and was off again , harder than before . why , buster bear , to be sure . where buster had come from nobody knew , but there he was , as big as life . then it was that buster bear first saw , rolling down the hill , the strange creature which had so frightened old man coyote . if he did , it would be almost too good to be true . but he didn't . then he began to laugh . " ha , ha , ha ! ho , ho , ho ! ha , ha , ho ! [ illustration : " i see you are up to your old tricks , prickly porky ! " he shouted . page @number@ ] old man coyote heard him and stopped short and turned to see what it meant . very slowly the strange creature unrolled and turned over . there was a head now and a tail and four legs . it was none other than prickly porky himself ! prickly porky grinned . " i think it was high time i did , " replied buster bear , still chuckling . " you might have scared somebody to death down here where they don't know you . " as for old man coyote , he sneaked away , grinding his teeth angrily . like a great many other people , he couldn't take a joke on himself . so prickly porky made himself at home in the green forest and took his place among the little people who live there . in just the same way old man coyote came as a stranger to the green meadows and established himself there . the end end of the project gutenberg ebook of the adventures of prickly porky by thornton w burgess