produced by david widger . html version by al haines . twice told tales the seven vagabonds by nathaniel hawthorne " halloo ! who stands guard here ? is the doorkeeper asleep ? " cried i , approaching a ladder of two or three steps which was let down from the wagon . a small piece of silver was my passport within his premises , where i found only one other person , hereafter to be described . perhaps the movable scene of this narrative is still peregrinating new england , and may enable the reader to test the accuracy of my description . the spectacle for i will not use the unworthy term of puppet-show consisted of a multitude of little people assembled on a miniature stage . " what an admirable piece of work is this ! " exclaimed i , lifting up my bands in astonishment . and then with how fresh a feeling must he return , at intervals , to his own peculiar home ! the literary man now evinced a great kindness for me , and i ventured to inquire which way he was travelling . " you are housed but just in time , my young friends , " said the master of the wagon . " the sky would have been down upon you within five minutes . " i , meanwhile , with many a wild and undetermined fantasy , was narrowly inspecting these two doves that had flown into our ark . when we had travelled through the vast extent of the mahogany box , i looked into my guide 's face . " where are you going , my pretty maid ? " inquired i , in the words of an old song . " ah , " said the gay damsel , " you might as well ask where the summer wind is going . we are wanderers here , and there , and everywhere . wherever there is mirth , our merry hearts are drawn to it . blessed pair , whose happy home was throughout all the earth ! " o maiden ! " said i aloud , " why did you not come hither alone ? " while the merry girl and myself were busy with the show-box , the unceasing rain had driven another wayfarer into the wagon . " it is a bill of the suffolk bank , " said i , " and better than the specie . " as the beggar had nothing to object , he now produced a small buff-leather bag , tied up carefully with a shoe-string . in this precious heap was my bank , note deposited , the rate of exchange being considerably against me . here let me have credit for a sober fact . but i must stop and see the breaking up of the camp-meeting at stamford . " all this was a sort of happiness which i could conceive of , though i had little sympathy with it . my reflections were here interrupted . " another visitor ! " exclaimed the old showman . it was a red indian , armed with his bow and arrow . this son of the wilderness , and pilgrim of the storm , took his place silently in the midst of us . the indian had not long been seated , ere our merry damsel sought to draw him into conversation . at length , she inquired whether his journey had any particular end or purpose . " i go shoot at the camp-meeting at stamford , " replied the indian . " and here are five more , " said the girl , " all aiming at the camp-meeting too . but , o , you would find it very dull indeed , to go all the way to stamford alone ! " now , hoping no offence , i should like to know where this young gentleman may be going ? " i started . how came i among these wanderers ? " but in what capacity ? " asked the old showman , after a moment 's silence . " all of us here can get our bread in some creditable way . every honest man should have his livelihood . you , sir , as i take it , are a mere strolling gentleman . " " either this , " said i , " is my vocation , or i have been born in vain . " dreading a rejection , i solicited the interest of the merry damsel . " mirth , " cried i , most aptly appropriating the words of l'allegro , " to thee i sue ! mirth , admit me of thy crew ! " " i have espied much promise in him . true , a shadow sometimes flits across his brow , but the sunshine is sure to follow in a moment . he is never guilty of a sad thought , but a merry one is twin born with it . this affair settled , a marvellous jollity entered into the whole tribe of us , manifesting itself characteristically in each individual . the young foreigner flourished his fiddle-bow with a master 's hand , and gave an inspiring echo to the showman's melody . " we 'll come among them in procession , with music and dancing , " cried the merry damsel . casting our eyes northward , we beheld a horseman approaching leisurely , and splashing through the little puddles on the stamford road . what puzzled us was the fact , that his face appeared turned from , instead of to , the camp-meeting at stamford . " what news , what news from the camp-meeting at stamford ? " the missionary looked down , in surprise , at as singular a knot of people as could have been selected from all his heterogeneous auditors . i even fancied that a smile was endeavoring to disturb the iron gravity of the preacher 's mouth . " good people , " answered he , " the camp-meeting is broke up . " so saying , the methodist minister switched his steed , and rode westward . our union being thus nullified , by the removal of its object , we were sundered at once to the four winds of heaven . the old showman and his literary coadjutor were already tackling their horses to the wagon , with a design to peregrinate southwest along the seacoast . end of the project gutenberg ebook of the seven vagabonds ( from " twice told tales " ) , by nathaniel hawthorne