produced by david newman and the online distributed proofreading team . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 produced 1.7530759475627455 1 produced 4 newman 11.95072162009399 2 by 4 newman 6.589596540264811 3 david 4 newman 11.064557857195712 4 newman 7 online 12.434437890854714 5 and 7 online 2.582963558990528 6 the 7 online 2.1518266984240775 7 online 9 proofreading 14.291367922179674 8 distributed 9 proofreading 14.461404938454983 9 proofreading 10 team 14.62136931760272 10 team 11 . 0.6394213650992633 the adventures of mr . mocker 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 adventures 0.9073290298451973 1 the 2 adventures 2.2225997728374587 2 adventures 6 mocker 9.725214585254967 2 adventures 3 of 3.1110611731912847 4 mr 6 mocker 6.764253037730299 5 . 6 mocker 5.007035719373931 by thornton w burgess 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 thornton 0.9839515968950714 1 by 2 thornton 6.733386326862174 2 thornton 3 w 14.30751147876013 3 w 4 burgess 14.44295340985757 author of " the adventures of reddy fox , " " old mother west wind , " etc 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 author 1.8096931251854507 1 author 14 west 7.628419416359922 1 author 5 adventures 8.197714975555233 1 author 7 reddy 5.478590694149208 1 author 6 of 3.6964926447714532 1 author 2 of 3.6964926447714532 1 author 11 " 2.4913645001362106 1 author 10 " 2.4913645001362106 1 author 3 " 2.4913645001362106 4 the 5 adventures 2.2225997728374587 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 9 , 10 " 0.6466805192388225 12 old 14 west 4.333801015832179 13 mother 14 west 6.260487287650108 14 west 15 wind 8.453050316196002 14 west 18 etc 7.767698829637336 16 , 18 etc 1.8750655031787637 17 " 18 etc 1.7472995381919603 with illustrations by harrison cady 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 cady 1.3657745059194752 1 with 2 illustrations 4.84908726129369 2 illustrations 5 cady 14.028781627870178 3 by 5 cady 6.746465388881671 4 harrison 5 cady 12.006413814841721 @number@ 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 @number@ 1.102361588987911 contents 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 contents 1.830787156820076 i the lone traveler ii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ii 2.4288383845669053 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 2 the 3 lone 2.2115329445483454 3 lone 4 traveler 9.265007725651483 4 traveler 5 ii 9.791650760069917 5 ii 6 . 2.4183257483812675 unc ' billy possum grows excited iii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 iii 2.397542254077365 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 5 grows 8.07329737181815 5 grows 7 iii 7.801577292306892 5 grows 6 excited 6.8265596488642295 7 iii 8 . 2.452411821826299 unc ' billy's vain search iv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 iv 2.4677815816546733 1 unc 3 billy's 10.660382977953294 2 ' 3 billy's 4.759420163047491 3 billy's 6 iv 13.481966260937302 3 billy's 5 search 12.372341769762802 3 billy's 4 vain 12.087349722068954 6 iv 7 . 2.574881112904553 unc ' billy comes home v sammy jay is indignant vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 v 2.439166321972401 1 unc 6 v 4.601489288899721 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 comes 6 v 4.7861357960488 5 home 6 v 2.61042696232602 6 v 11 vi 11.131875120834284 7 sammy 8 jay 9.77475508855667 8 jay 10 indignant 6.421347891414271 8 jay 9 is 1.424089900989781 10 indignant 11 vi 8.648955149274617 11 vi 12 . 2.362830635789564 sammy jay thinks he's going crazy vii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 vii 2.492765711356455 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 he's 8.062661246516793 3 thinks 4 he's 8.784272593805962 4 he's 7 vii 10.053616106913783 4 he's 6 crazy 8.90884458269981 4 he's 5 going 5.38339263286915 7 vii 8 . 2.5914413361974447 sammy jay sits up all night viii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 viii 2.515639075258626 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 3 sits 6.118156359108497 3 sits 7 viii 8.4327690704941 3 sits 6 night 4.06017656153961 3 sits 4 up 3.3220880282242575 3 sits 5 all 2.2708813881172034 7 viii 8 . 2.696452310135644 sammy jay is glad he sat up all night ix . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 ix 2.3871555233958546 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 6 sat 3.1785981658737548 2 jay 4 glad 1.470063176447301 2 jay 3 is 1.424089900989781 5 he 6 sat 1.615049772791597 6 sat 10 ix 3.435377451318331 6 sat 7 up 2.528762666070712 8 all 9 night 2.1082253939637354 9 night 10 ix 3.1862138011862413 10 ix 11 . 2.6864896187560454 the mystery grows x sammy jay seeks advice xi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 x 2.382582793606037 1 the 2 mystery 1.6858224258632966 2 mystery 3 grows 7.633977343810823 3 grows 4 x 8.206331818323878 4 x 9 xi 11.341050215647268 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 6 jay 7 seeks 8.505179482217745 7 seeks 9 xi 11.04913468982635 7 seeks 8 advice 9.637056566028047 9 xi 10 . 2.696452310135644 how blacky the crow's plan worked out xii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 xii 2.482118467156944 1 how 4 crow's 7.196505044588353 2 blacky 4 crow's 10.36808288832049 3 the 4 crow's 2.736789199145239 4 crow's 8 xii 13.452359798851976 4 crow's 6 worked 11.855424656464752 4 crow's 5 plan 11.505161214589922 4 crow's 7 out 6.430269453858017 8 xii 9 . 2.5313616192418102 no one believes peter rabbit xiii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 xiii 2.3589099646216667 1 no 3 believes 3.1872178907407225 2 one 3 believes 2.6806833502813383 3 believes 6 xiii 9.351566072838732 3 believes 5 rabbit 5.50909637512985 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 xiii 7 . 2.48741827165421 sticky-toes the tree toad pours out his troubles xiv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 xiv 2.271447123371324 1 sticky-toes 5 pours 12.653402050951545 1 sticky-toes 4 toad 9.23429029016545 1 sticky-toes 3 tree 8.218811558096515 2 the 3 tree 1.7164199707292305 5 pours 9 xiv 11.88554464484108 5 pours 8 troubles 10.948534060856229 5 pours 6 out 4.845306953136859 5 pours 7 his 3.558603230914347 9 xiv 10 . 2.512364628784443 peter rabbit meets unc ' billy possum xv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 xv 2.355914843143953 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 3 meets 7.340083207212704 3 meets 8 xv 9.903923174155938 3 meets 7 possum 7.827381619282942 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 xv 9 . 2.5044917850131547 peter rabbit and unc ' billy possum keep watch xvi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 xvi 2.387024136387808 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 7 possum 4.022533552835913 2 rabbit 3 and 0.3512952531958753 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 possum 10 xvi 7.645518203647729 8 keep 9 watch 4.147345691760826 9 watch 10 xvi 5.890475230279744 10 xvi 11 . 2.3411975308031714 unc ' billy possum does a little surprising himself xvii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 xvii 2.4112521364373016 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 10 xvii 7.8455960390966375 5 does 8 surprising 4.747411936122347 6 a 8 surprising 2.163660975754212 6 a 7 little 2.1212036022401666 8 surprising 10 xvii 9.420796428828023 8 surprising 9 himself 3.8334760758099087 10 xvii 11 . 2.3398610832403577 the meeting of two old friends xviii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 xviii 2.414763199355182 1 the 2 meeting 0.6312547849728745 2 meeting 7 xviii 7.38489182490267 3 of 7 xviii 0.3868689815629338 4 two 7 xviii 3.5178879878017604 5 old 7 xviii 3.0346481790334217 6 friends 7 xviii 5.572345872573212 7 xviii 8 . 2.16780033745405 the mischief-makers xix . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 xix 2.3096377608108796 1 the 2 mischief-makers 2.862320081229093 2 mischief-makers 3 xix 13.784183929881845 3 xix 4 . 2.029127574421487 bobby coon makes a discovery xx . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 xx 2.487765030298089 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 6 xx 7.48347704950924 3 makes 5 discovery 7.223541108356095 4 a 5 discovery 2.5628320695740356 5 discovery 6 xx 9.770945673653227 6 xx 7 . 2.1190308656741905 bobby coon and ol ' mistah buzzard have a talk xxi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 xxi 2.4053028701061123 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 2 coon 4 ol 7.502142927585464 2 coon 3 and 0.5656082484362734 4 ol 6 mistah 11.772540580806826 4 ol 5 ' 4.034550903259408 6 mistah 7 buzzard 12.170812833732263 7 buzzard 11 xxi 8.490295245131765 8 have 11 xxi 1.1081137445408196 8 have 9 a 0.7694929783844255 10 talk 11 xxi 5.118407831139965 11 xxi 12 . 2.0723807723753715 bobby coon has a busy day xxii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 xxii 2.4283864832191604 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 7 xxii 7.616743580372706 2 coon 3 has 3.191643976102565 3 has 4 a 1.0147023060575844 5 busy 7 xxii 6.637076582469714 6 day 7 xxii 4.508272327180585 7 xxii 8 . 1.887348878542852 unc ' billy possum sees many backs xxiii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 xxiii 2.3214712793026457 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 8 xxiii 8.225300465263206 5 sees 8 xxiii 8.913200987743952 6 many 8 xxiii 4.485050219937463 7 backs 8 xxiii 10.085381963126625 8 xxiii 9 . 1.9911846895273904 unc ' billy possum consults ol ' mistah buzzard xxiv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 xxiv 2.2898256526861793 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 5 consults 10.764459276371237 5 consults 10 xxiv 13.4888856748771 5 consults 6 ol 11.811391888402081 6 ol 8 mistah 11.772540580806826 6 ol 7 ' 4.034550903259408 8 mistah 9 buzzard 12.170812833732263 10 xxiv 11 . 1.883346947985352 unc ' billy possum gives a party xxv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 xxv 2.344930252126634 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 8 xxv 8.833721938808349 5 gives 8 xxv 8.945705100170944 5 gives 6 a 1.8210022102474852 7 party 8 xxv 7.959380037068019 8 xxv 9 . 1.3763869592654707 unc ' billy possum's surprise xxvi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 xxvi 2.405302870106116 1 unc 4 possum's 10.245345478674448 2 ' 4 possum's 4.3443826637686485 3 billy 4 possum's 9.68947950593498 4 possum's 6 xxvi 16.019400391575875 4 possum's 5 surprise 11.786313369443189 6 xxvi 7 . 1.4588491194574438 mr . mocker makes himself at home 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 mocker 0.6804101082404834 1 mr 3 mocker 6.764253037730299 2 . 3 mocker 5.007035719373931 3 mocker 4 makes 7.142883445010874 3 mocker 5 himself 4.683141802725476 3 mocker 7 home 4.249011795872217 3 mocker 6 at 2.775168713744044 list of illustrations 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 illustrations 1.3323713476522663 1 list 3 illustrations 12.266988769616578 1 list 2 of 3.4423450252727363 " i don't know that it's any of your business ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 it's 1.3498077575144123 1 " 6 it's 2.25778382295384 1 " 3 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 i 3 don't 2.6483752334675046 3 don't 4 know 4.032009672248677 4 know 5 that 1.300924681937678 6 it's 10 business 4.79101312694517 6 it's 9 your 3.142562402216999 6 it's 7 any 2.801122721944676 6 it's 12 " 1.267840109309848 7 any 8 of 1.036042870197571 11 ! 12 " 2.8038844676111605 said sticky-toes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 said -1.051659479039719 1 said 2 sticky-toes 2.1995136097124295 1 said 3 . 0.9489036959486263 such a thing as unc ' billy forgetting to say good-by had never happened before 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 happened 0.16066502107823766 1 such 3 thing 4.335310678065554 1 such 2 a 2.6388379146949603 3 thing 14 happened 4.283163210514168 4 as 5 unc 0.38726584299290323 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 11 good-by 4.572920136702951 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 forgetting 11 good-by 7.468867354624887 9 to 10 say 1.5454691794447797 10 say 11 good-by 5.222279302155059 11 good-by 14 happened 4.001966875546774 12 had 14 happened 2.7572805112890926 12 had 13 never 1.7860497134872286 14 happened 15 before 1.6398929101993964 blacky's eyes twinkled as he listened to sammy jay's tale of woe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 blacky's 1.575227871548428 1 blacky's 3 twinkled 11.985977390038425 2 eyes 3 twinkled 7.5329354466902245 3 twinkled 9 jay's 11.91397683881986 3 twinkled 13 . 0.9714031246505499 4 as 9 jay's 3.6960784380900087 5 he 9 jay's 2.2991383170695165 6 listened 9 jay's 9.443581050571478 7 to 9 jay's 1.9370722906572873 8 sammy 9 jay's 10.306905234842464 9 jay's 12 woe 12.32050283824319 9 jay's 10 tale 9.793255835378321 11 of 12 woe 2.3733042539811287 " good mo'ning , brer coon , " said ol ' mistah buzzard 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 2 good 3 mo'ning 6.226351947640779 3 mo'ning 10 ol 8.525989669539836 3 mo'ning 5 brer 11.472873356888464 3 mo'ning 6 coon 9.812928641935347 3 mo'ning 9 said 3.7489073408465643 3 mo'ning 8 " 2.5293323503352383 3 mo'ning 7 , 1.9570724309278162 3 mo'ning 4 , 1.9570724309278162 10 ol 12 mistah 11.772540580806826 10 ol 11 ' 4.034550903259408 12 mistah 13 buzzard 12.170812833732263 there sat the three little scamps on the big rock 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 6 scamps 1.8495069163841933 2 sat 6 scamps 4.698411857152127 3 the 6 scamps 1.6778955100916662 4 three 6 scamps 4.856344798330202 5 little 6 scamps 5.463061399086094 6 scamps 10 rock 6.8537256840721845 7 on 10 rock 3.275982359945033 8 the 10 rock 1.8842494680709052 9 big 10 rock 5.818436934069041 sometimes he woke up in the night and would sing for very joy 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sometimes 0.7626315448486718 1 sometimes 10 sing 2.6513591326484764 1 sometimes 3 woke 3.050242911421268 1 sometimes 9 would 1.7698854125996952 2 he 3 woke 1.7370284874021777 3 woke 4 up 4.618660548834729 3 woke 7 night 3.6095151525300473 3 woke 8 and 1.7218763488840096 5 in 6 the 1.1613034400066837 6 the 7 night 0.9182531493261905 10 sing 13 joy 5.028683591580155 11 for 13 joy 2.3166420935357337 12 very 13 joy 0.13186958985529174 the adventures of mistah mocker 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 adventures 0.9073290298451973 1 the 2 adventures 2.2225997728374587 2 adventures 5 mocker 9.725214585254967 2 adventures 3 of 3.1110611731912847 4 mistah 5 mocker 11.273620263236417 i 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 the lone traveler 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 lone 2.2115329445483454 2 lone 3 traveler 9.265007725651483 winsome bluebird goes just a little way ahead of her , for winsome is the herald of mistress spring . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 herald 0.7678729494908225 1 winsome 2 bluebird 16.019400391575875 1 winsome 16 herald 12.627082968797115 2 bluebird 8 ahead 10.876442437733832 2 bluebird 3 goes 9.532900529740406 2 bluebird 7 way 6.0807192642401695 2 bluebird 4 just 5.717777182019059 2 bluebird 6 little 4.852121643303633 2 bluebird 5 a 2.275904170404271 8 ahead 9 of 2.692767155184402 10 her 13 winsome 3.1615651502116684 10 her 11 , 0.06756516287917869 12 for 13 winsome 1.5999997614505723 13 winsome 16 herald 12.627082968797115 14 is 16 herald 2.8779274011672236 15 the 16 herald 0.9294342770876298 16 herald 18 mistress 8.223541108356098 16 herald 19 spring 6.998266178486528 16 herald 17 of 1.4493997828066867 19 spring 20 . 0.6174788122185859 and with her come little friend the song sparrow , and cheerful robin and mr and mrs. redwing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 her -0.4899306321177672 1 and 3 her 0.43710927239609276 2 with 3 her 1.1890662520879562 3 her 19 . 0.6187705373945764 4 come 19 . 0.0658053250727253 5 little 8 song 2.141133304198732 6 friend 8 song 1.7358685279649428 7 the 8 song 1.2172611443727135 8 song 18 redwing 6.843365796614073 9 sparrow 13 robin 9.408512258413072 9 sparrow 12 cheerful 7.761488789559667 9 sparrow 11 and 0.9237668097338378 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 13 robin 18 redwing 9.536704458380019 14 and 18 redwing 1.239818978193469 15 mr 18 redwing 6.4615030445268005 16 and 17 mrs. 2.13682876296669 17 mrs. 18 redwing 8.439444329529405 18 redwing 19 . 0.716236962150095 then follow other travelers , ever so many of them , all eager to get back to the beautiful green forest and green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 travelers 4.8653206926072485 1 then 16 back 1.542707936610352 2 follow 4 travelers 9.639540725070322 3 other 4 travelers 6.8205461329768475 4 travelers 8 many 7.350613874704873 4 travelers 6 ever 6.23493972921462 4 travelers 10 them 4.967735125175292 4 travelers 7 so 4.363687483815337 4 travelers 9 of 2.33392256538675 4 travelers 5 , 1.454572090398635 10 them 12 all 1.4625849217647033 10 them 11 , 0.27026328174935266 13 eager 15 get 3.1765551997592993 13 eager 14 to 1.8926377555708882 15 get 16 back 1.70129757436532 16 back 23 green 1.6750427942932973 16 back 17 to 1.3967263723079633 18 the 21 forest 2.352946321469986 19 beautiful 20 green 1.8448123891278385 20 green 21 forest 8.1998228972977 21 forest 23 green 4.764949940394768 21 forest 22 and 0.8777454885777161 23 green 24 meadows 8.640219315758674 24 meadows 25 . 1.0373533873754468 ol ' mistah buzzard used to think that way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ol 0.5192224618196839 1 ol 3 mistah 11.772540580806826 1 ol 2 ' 4.034550903259408 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 4 buzzard 5 used 3.3866365435254124 4 buzzard 9 way 2.0110457364333634 4 buzzard 10 . 1.0373533873754504 5 used 6 to 2.9452970104551195 5 used 7 think 1.4217579587846885 8 that 9 way 1.4644069919852818 but he was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 he 0.9076706002035451 2 he 3 was 1.2250956603177912 3 was 4 . -0.098748168043306 yes , sir , he was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 he 0.7006048185438587 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 4 , 2.0305121841239 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 5 he 6 was 1.2250956603177912 6 was 7 . -0.098748168043306 he was so much interested that he began to wish he could see for himself all these things ol ' mistah buzzard was telling about . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 5 interested 2.183413917686739 3 so 4 much 3.2954782062481396 4 much 5 interested 4.261967552980643 5 interested 16 all 0.7499353802672033 5 interested 8 began 2.7141830747813103 5 interested 15 himself 2.162195794875476 5 interested 6 that 1.397750333263037 7 he 8 began 1.2052530616021215 8 began 9 to 2.775473939384737 8 began 10 wish 2.5488307839764417 10 wish 12 could 3.9114009078622587 10 wish 14 for 0.6545468231019669 11 he 12 could 1.799559825235125 12 could 13 see 2.945997787046375 16 all 25 about 2.2762306191684267 16 all 17 these 2.1456442128432265 17 these 18 things 4.404592990273368 19 ol 21 mistah 11.772540580806826 19 ol 20 ' 4.034550903259408 21 mistah 22 buzzard 12.170812833732263 22 buzzard 24 telling 5.759902304889049 23 was 24 telling 1.1046858565607955 24 telling 25 about 2.889170313950249 25 about 26 . 0.5409639965781246 but he didn't say a word , not a word . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 2 he 3 didn't 2.0746164561717215 3 didn't 4 say 3.049930850266094 4 say 6 word 4.175297421344652 4 say 10 word 4.175297421344652 4 say 7 , 0.5138332982520222 5 a 6 word 2.195100285073549 8 not 10 word 1.9017618139475303 9 a 10 word 2.195100285073549 10 word 11 . 0.6268970557050686 he just listened and listened and then went on about his business . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 8 went 1.5238829264000806 2 just 7 then 2.286942908449145 3 listened 5 listened 6.355185934625766 4 and 5 listened 1.8005549940631589 5 listened 7 then 2.5124539183358294 6 and 7 then 1.5029676557109006 7 then 8 went 2.2724420444263806 8 went 9 on 2.675890224316948 8 went 12 business 2.580325256591273 10 about 12 business 2.922367536864858 11 his 12 business 1.5067994258215904 12 business 13 . 0.6323666075653129 he didn't say anything about it to any one , but he just started off by himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 17 himself 2.1920991116882416 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 4 anything 3.2334313489473736 2 didn't 8 any 2.7072798490764107 2 didn't 7 to 0.9633637553258687 3 say 4 anything 3.4188153556500573 4 anything 5 about 3.42865236820278 5 about 6 it 1.8539463948922297 8 any 9 one 2.8382893103071787 10 , 11 but 1.025230194614105 11 but 12 he 0.9076706002035451 12 he 14 started 1.8718415916217772 12 he 17 himself 2.1920991116882416 13 just 14 started 1.1196956567273055 14 started 15 off 4.20931947557289 16 by 17 himself 1.4008255637369658 17 himself 18 . 0.6673551505339343 " all ah done got to do is to keep on going till ah see brer buzzard , " thought he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 3 ah 2.305127488456014 1 " 2 all -0.43175561930213924 3 ah 16 brer 6.400873526442343 4 done 16 brer 3.8274458554489676 5 got 16 brer 1.2052463296909757 6 to 10 keep 2.048401843387486 7 do 10 keep 1.4673877960144068 8 is 9 to 0.32517626840434666 9 to 10 keep 2.048401843387486 10 keep 16 brer 3.3274963638231974 10 keep 13 till 2.597618311829404 11 on 13 till 1.8775396012180678 12 going 13 till 0.8116516655616124 14 ah 16 brer 6.400873526442343 14 ah 15 see 1.263076699603051 16 brer 17 buzzard 7.437740655263067 16 brer 19 " 1.7237400369768885 16 brer 21 he 1.6145906456574046 16 brer 20 thought 1.1082268969400921 16 brer 22 . 0.38131684704341495 18 , 19 " 0.6466805192388225 so he traveled and traveled without speaking to any one , and always looking up in the blue , blue sky . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 traveled 0.6252685540480236 1 so 5 traveled 2.4133845625204273 2 he 5 traveled 2.760112100515215 3 traveled 5 traveled 11.557542035544035 3 traveled 4 and 1.1967853041402527 5 traveled 7 speaking 8.146754009266552 5 traveled 6 without 5.122227207269798 5 traveled 9 any 3.7816703592785004 5 traveled 12 and 1.1967853041402527 5 traveled 19 , 1.0480966046232147 5 traveled 11 , 1.0480966046232147 5 traveled 17 the 0.7492348680676955 7 speaking 8 to 0.4248128419326065 9 any 10 one 2.8382893103071787 13 always 14 looking 1.545559095642787 14 looking 15 up 2.179021195846193 15 up 16 in 0.8781007046049112 16 in 17 the 1.1613034400066837 17 the 18 blue 1.215311895512917 19 , 21 sky -0.022413185577928374 20 blue 21 sky 7.815162945191464 21 sky 22 . 0.6753409393542071 finally it dropped down , down , down until it disappeared among the trees . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 11 disappeared 4.6824444930065745 1 finally 3 dropped 4.26069007751315 1 finally 2 it -0.11366868219855775 3 dropped 8 down 2.525379131236452 3 dropped 6 down 2.525379131236452 3 dropped 4 down 2.525379131236452 4 down 5 , -0.023212265507886798 6 down 7 , -0.023212265507886798 9 until 11 disappeared 3.4197126975652665 9 until 10 it 0.8524182128560156 11 disappeared 14 trees 5.702448481963373 11 disappeared 15 . 1.0818722213526684 12 among 14 trees 6.14907581163564 12 among 13 the 1.964963559123131 " ah reckon ah 'll give unc ' billy a surprise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 3 reckon 6.4840383777206725 3 reckon 7 unc 4.861655803689779 3 reckon 4 ah 6.268622523219037 3 reckon 5 'll 4.3182687570578295 5 'll 6 give 2.8931136467295318 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 unc 11 surprise 3.2573709543782954 10 a 11 surprise 1.4966984823523752 11 surprise 12 . 1.0051820724874716 yes , sah , ah reckon so . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 yes 3 sah 7.607738090433358 2 , 3 sah 2.26547333594889 3 sah 6 reckon 9.135965118990658 3 sah 5 ah 9.089557533546692 3 sah 7 so 3.4435407915045495 3 sah 4 , 1.671928921837786 8 . 9 " 4.467019939707924 ii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ii 2.4288383845669053 unc ' billy possum grows excited 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 5 grows 8.07329737181815 5 grows 6 excited 6.8265596488642295 unc ' billy possum sat at the foot of the great hollow tree in which his home is . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 12 hollow 6.032009163327519 4 possum 5 sat 3.235272771120343 4 possum 17 home 1.8241456792252642 4 possum 16 his 1.381664627710979 4 possum 18 is 0.999418099790752 4 possum 19 . 0.554405251336938 6 at 8 foot 3.1723723665956918 7 the 8 foot 1.0680293275482882 8 foot 12 hollow 2.712041442474927 8 foot 11 great 2.3283642314226363 8 foot 9 of 2.1097074084434837 8 foot 10 the 1.2138543961970996 12 hollow 13 tree 7.306907782369336 13 tree 15 which 2.925758321496758 14 in 15 which 1.2902758908901113 unc ' billy felt very fine that morning . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 4 felt 1.1689752266004128 4 felt 5 very 2.1587496309573453 5 very 6 fine 2.6949186043646023 5 very 9 . 0.3823591548163865 6 fine 8 morning 3.564953288413207 7 that 8 morning 0.6261473977849619 he could hear old mrs possum cleaning house and scolding the little possums who kept climbing up on her back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 could 1.799559825235125 2 could 3 hear 3.3994042455384985 3 hear 4 old 0.5284939712742052 4 old 5 mrs 1.540889484826252 5 mrs 13 possums 6.616279848329402 6 possum 13 possums 10.516531762927645 7 cleaning 13 possums 12.731944513945653 8 house 13 possums 6.458926019539231 9 and 13 possums 2.504961046989255 10 scolding 13 possums 11.89700376021614 11 the 13 possums 2.0738241864228044 12 little 13 possums 5.858990075417232 13 possums 16 climbing 12.040848810839908 13 possums 15 kept 8.172169006635073 13 possums 14 who 5.374292405591692 13 possums 17 up 4.514733106166656 13 possums 18 on 3.9071237999365955 13 possums 19 her 3.150738573811889 13 possums 21 . 0.9024557709330594 19 her 20 back 0.521013583041011 as he listened , unc ' billy grinned and began to sing in a queer cracked voice : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 grinned 0.9422031300531373 1 as 3 listened 2.354917251764327 2 he 3 listened 1.743238281950827 3 listened 8 grinned 3.5684815218780415 4 , 5 unc 0.44301984271740835 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 8 grinned 6.254768732561072 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 grinned 12 sing 3.8412456430063777 9 and 10 began 1.170831790887096 10 began 12 sing 5.074988988679351 10 began 11 to 2.775473939384737 12 sing 16 cracked 5.5599687729385785 13 in 16 cracked 1.523451702452057 14 a 15 queer 1.998628129019675 15 queer 16 cracked 6.992415950477046 16 cracked 17 voice 6.381903382907328 17 voice 18 : 3.5699906510410884 " mah ol ' woman am a plain ol ' dame ' deed she am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mah 1.4965253154856875 2 mah 3 ol 9.55265762000191 2 mah 9 ol 9.55265762000191 2 mah 8 plain 5.176817242765257 2 mah 5 woman 4.3890911274565845 2 mah 6 am 3.6783363537061895 2 mah 16 ! 2.3562319338115465 3 ol 4 ' 4.034550903259408 7 a 8 plain 0.9680885480602939 9 ol 13 deed 6.466340025787904 9 ol 10 ' 4.034550903259408 11 dame 13 deed 7.770638226653471 12 ' 13 deed 1.989539946408545 13 deed 15 am 5.205266733055929 13 deed 14 she 1.8045480357712407 ' deed she am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 2 deed 1.989539946408545 2 deed 4 am 5.205266733055929 2 deed 5 ! 2.2981998124401315 2 deed 3 she 1.8045480357712407 quick with her broom , with her tongue the same ' deed she am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 quick 0.6386864694016516 1 quick 4 broom 6.3393420918493 1 quick 15 ! 3.0521180871295392 2 with 4 broom 3.0336272895990284 3 her 4 broom 3.7586004832334012 4 broom 8 tongue 6.377950699508244 4 broom 5 , 0.570049307818568 6 with 8 tongue 1.2545738831469642 7 her 8 tongue 2.043677414201049 8 tongue 12 deed 5.312800452819296 9 the 10 same 2.3126884001539167 10 same 12 deed 3.703241970868273 11 ' 12 deed 1.989539946408545 12 deed 14 am 5.205266733055929 12 deed 13 she 1.8045480357712407 ' deed she am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 2 deed 1.989539946408545 2 deed 4 am 5.205266733055929 2 deed 5 ! 2.2981998124401315 2 deed 3 she 1.8045480357712407 ' deed she am ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 0.8975782375580525 1 ' 2 deed 1.989539946408545 2 deed 4 am 5.205266733055929 2 deed 5 ! 2.2981998124401315 2 deed 3 she 1.8045480357712407 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 just then out tumbled his eight children , making such a racket that unc ' billy clapped both hands over his ears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 just 0.7017321607109004 1 just 4 tumbled 3.1414188626940174 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 2 then 3 out 0.735621373526687 4 tumbled 6 eight 6.119533006624355 4 tumbled 5 his 1.7860137270174192 6 eight 12 racket 7.765137229441116 7 children 12 racket 4.8734977215362 7 children 8 , 0.3881665500547804 9 making 12 racket 7.50812969259669 10 such 12 racket 6.232778533696667 11 a 12 racket 2.8115111824307597 12 racket 17 clapped 9.583537244076982 12 racket 14 unc 6.590109898000467 12 racket 13 that 1.6088410785262504 14 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 14 unc 15 ' 3.9798001185742837 17 clapped 19 hands 8.232353856353857 17 clapped 18 both 5.934583803495602 17 clapped 22 ears 5.611749045626819 17 clapped 20 over 3.4365106674338257 21 his 22 ears 3.6254128810696216 22 ears 23 . 1.073941286362988 " mah goodness gracious sakes alive ! " he exclaimed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 exclaimed 2.58246047828659 2 mah 5 sakes 9.599674246503401 2 mah 3 goodness 9.2959817230651 4 gracious 5 sakes 9.00755195420938 5 sakes 6 alive 9.655184656676774 5 sakes 10 exclaimed 5.63126348473563 7 ! 10 exclaimed 5.239162796733945 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 7 ! 9 he 0.9615561911892261 10 exclaimed 11 . 1.3682100388901777 one pulled unc ' billy 's tail . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.12395685507294729 1 one 2 pulled 0.5431798265314036 2 pulled 7 tail 5.002809477947324 3 unc 5 billy 9.19308924154302 3 unc 4 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 unc 7 tail 3.2865028034312083 5 billy 6 's 1.362372716573958 7 tail 8 . 0.6933305286035747 two scrambled up on his back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 scrambled 0.23208329075136902 1 two 2 scrambled 3.8377084197271287 2 scrambled 3 up 3.725815432365728 2 scrambled 6 back 2.8671236194347394 2 scrambled 5 his 2.5632346796459906 4 on 5 his 1.5589997391045252 6 back 7 . 0.44917212779751914 right in the midst of it unc ' billy sprang to his feet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 sprang 0.8406062178505209 1 right 4 midst 4.969837669376517 2 in 4 midst 4.286870838236641 3 the 4 midst 2.4850059282861494 4 midst 7 unc 4.553451427421621 4 midst 10 sprang 5.6487583875173435 4 midst 5 of 3.6106806898397465 4 midst 6 it 0.625234716209139 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 10 sprang 13 feet 6.571729637448794 11 to 13 feet 1.1484413531400293 12 his 13 feet 3.3397839825857663 13 feet 14 . 0.7277218346471965 his eyes were shining , and his funny little ears were pricked up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 pricked 1.1157962529111316 1 his 2 eyes 3.1614973247823546 2 eyes 4 shining 4.639370679258821 2 eyes 3 were 2.716307791809321 4 shining 8 funny 3.5809935554235004 4 shining 6 and 0.8538975906172439 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 his 8 funny 1.3753269644885115 8 funny 12 pricked 5.912910151125512 8 funny 9 little 3.8424929421058565 10 ears 12 pricked 7.633032235128301 10 ears 11 were 1.7423395942126056 12 pricked 13 up 5.628074579242597 12 pricked 14 . 0.8093463665415754 " hush , yo'alls ! " he commanded . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hush 1.9703658133895665 1 " 2 hush 2.9581511475358973 2 hush 4 yo'alls 10.0244184663425 2 hush 3 , 1.3476568864821203 4 yo'alls 8 commanded 9.405917850844663 4 yo'alls 5 ! 3.3455055272184886 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 5 ! 7 he 0.9615561911892261 8 commanded 9 . 0.4388883777265562 " how do yo'alls think ah can hear anything with yo'alls making such a racket ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 yo'alls 2.4057598515625074 2 how 4 yo'alls 3.838953039970267 3 do 4 yo'alls 3.0802293293110026 4 yo'alls 15 racket 11.624223314657872 4 yo'alls 5 think 4.123903998876184 4 yo'alls 17 " 2.670804776288115 6 ah 11 yo'alls 7.407257143233192 7 can 11 yo'alls 4.0231443264973485 8 hear 11 yo'alls 5.989946994525695 9 anything 11 yo'alls 5.461994308161255 10 with 11 yo'alls 2.2489649534015257 11 yo'alls 15 racket 11.624223314657872 12 making 15 racket 7.50812969259669 13 such 15 racket 6.232778533696667 14 a 15 racket 2.8115111824307597 16 ? 17 " 3.328347337284576 " ah cert'nly thought ah heard the voice of an ol ' friend from way down souf ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 3 cert'nly 8.789056694097955 3 cert'nly 11 ol 9.71546746840355 3 cert'nly 5 ah 7.029257023278877 3 cert'nly 8 voice 3.4876128240784467 3 cert'nly 4 thought 2.366331414995944 6 heard 8 voice 3.7144435227202663 6 heard 7 the 0.6012817737155078 8 voice 9 of 1.1142197328995422 10 an 11 ol 0.4175992486275 11 ol 17 souf 10.71426753923149 11 ol 12 ' 4.034550903259408 13 friend 17 souf 7.216225985456788 14 from 17 souf 4.175820969148308 15 way 17 souf 6.767362862259148 16 down 17 souf 6.854428303994101 17 souf 18 ! 4.082471121384703 iii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 iii 2.397542254077365 unc ' billy's vain search 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 billy's 1.9902653708272737 1 unc 3 billy's 10.660382977953294 2 ' 3 billy's 4.759420163047491 3 billy's 5 search 12.372341769762802 3 billy's 4 vain 12.087349722068954 unc ' billy possum was excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 6 excited 5.510217988995446 5 was 6 excited 2.122731288256997 6 excited 7 . 1.1448166085021043 any one would have known it just to look at him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 any -0.29262212708994007 1 any 12 . 0.5188462017179933 1 any 2 one 2.8382893103071787 3 would 4 have 3.0672420602972323 3 would 11 him 1.259956417005153 4 have 5 known 3.3945527547095544 5 known 6 it 1.1100975500020276 6 it 7 just 1.041628754004842 7 just 9 look 2.0464586626145937 8 to 9 look 1.4243381174913097 9 look 10 at 3.3351545489339856 11 him 12 . 0.8676779267655075 he hurried off up the lone little path through the green forest without even saying good-by to old mrs possum and all the little possums . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 hurried 1.8259585502105544 2 hurried 6 lone 6.115879390218431 2 hurried 3 off 3.6831708646125314 4 up 6 lone 2.6821887211845272 5 the 6 lone 2.2115329445483454 6 lone 9 through 5.265638412018195 6 lone 8 path 10.049187958238516 6 lone 7 little 5.709163689461587 9 through 12 forest 5.332623404404973 10 the 12 forest 2.352946321469986 11 green 12 forest 8.1998228972977 12 forest 16 good-by 4.8170384515432225 12 forest 26 . 1.036274920084331 13 without 15 saying 3.7500013041373954 13 without 14 even 2.824696196210091 15 saying 16 good-by 4.780498119728403 16 good-by 19 mrs 2.3021846213579202 16 good-by 18 old 3.0799174652280037 16 good-by 17 to 0.020614575015233783 19 mrs 25 possums 6.616279848329402 20 possum 25 possums 10.516531762927645 21 and 25 possums 2.504961046989255 22 all 25 possums 3.6451508040829026 23 the 25 possums 2.0738241864228044 24 little 25 possums 5.858990075417232 yes , indeed , unc ' billy certainly was excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 indeed 4.275248302687629 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 indeed 5 unc 2.6614609010302956 3 indeed 4 , 1.1805591219564295 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 10 excited 4.406141690577503 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 certainly 10 excited 3.692306957556596 9 was 10 excited 2.122731288256997 10 excited 11 . 1.1448166085021043 old mrs possum sat in the doorway of their home in the great hollow tree and watched unc ' billy out of sight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 possum 3.7150477850918726 2 mrs 3 possum 4.456459898424619 3 possum 7 doorway 6.4263914788286165 4 sat 7 doorway 4.074589577275631 5 in 7 doorway 2.6480906555795976 6 the 7 doorway 1.6915031508304637 7 doorway 14 hollow 6.43450746694602 7 doorway 8 of 1.4043118932781482 9 their 10 home 1.7625119340367483 10 home 14 hollow 2.5218330390570287 11 in 14 hollow 2.585417455758453 12 the 14 hollow 1.4193765853803626 13 great 14 hollow 2.2333561931837416 14 hollow 18 unc 5.110757585239913 14 hollow 15 tree 7.306907782369336 14 hollow 23 sight 3.127321430114357 14 hollow 24 . 0.7279580397009227 15 tree 17 watched 4.138880185868494 16 and 17 watched 1.489699764846545 18 unc 20 billy 9.19308924154302 18 unc 19 ' 3.9798001185742837 21 out 23 sight 4.4007149169268835 21 out 22 of 2.138624548858049 her sharp little eyes seemed to grow sharper as she watched . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 sharper 0.0036858865895936788 1 her 8 sharper 1.5900231652528376 2 sharp 8 sharper 7.498518024883566 2 sharp 4 eyes 5.60644233011849 2 sharp 3 little 2.7607622566977277 5 seemed 8 sharper 4.19519297416679 5 seemed 6 to 2.326680747988899 7 grow 8 sharper 7.741650208016335 8 sharper 11 watched 6.414383943664507 8 sharper 10 she 2.337280577719838 8 sharper 12 . 0.9024557709330558 9 as 10 she 1.4597925586118539 no , sah ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 sah 1.475692197997514 1 no 3 sah 4.213690102101911 2 , 3 sah 2.26547333594889 3 sah 4 ! 2.894844118208926 then she started out to hunt for their dinner , still muttering as she went . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 15 went 2.2724420444263806 2 she 15 went 1.6068967038011976 3 started 6 hunt 5.088099073818402 3 started 4 out 2.553360701277601 5 to 6 hunt 2.130054722755524 6 hunt 12 muttering 6.638037698408752 6 hunt 7 for 3.3364185859217272 8 their 12 muttering 2.55705256173362 9 dinner 12 muttering 5.399358800734493 10 , 12 muttering 0.8005872872194857 11 still 12 muttering 4.4207727378927295 12 muttering 15 went 3.4041539303665544 12 muttering 13 as 2.261940930046947 14 she 15 went 1.6068967038011976 15 went 16 . 0.020209302425195474 old mrs possum was quite right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 possum 3.7150477850918726 2 mrs 3 possum 4.456459898424619 3 possum 6 right 2.1221818978673745 3 possum 7 . 0.554405251336938 4 was 5 quite 1.8819914417492924 5 quite 6 right 2.5000756221232656 unc ' billy had forgotten all about that dinner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 5 forgotten 3.273083629941155 4 had 5 forgotten 3.53739452998677 5 forgotten 7 about 3.3809500448223098 5 forgotten 6 all 2.6693169200589146 5 forgotten 9 dinner 1.5169691155368348 5 forgotten 8 that 1.0947394517183007 9 dinner 10 . 0.6956674604057618 you see he had something else on his mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 5 something 1.1647408593744188 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 4 had 5 something 0.8794146422200626 5 something 6 else 4.283689027175683 5 something 9 mind 2.2873522412662695 7 on 8 his 1.5589997391045252 8 his 9 mind 2.329082308747058 9 mind 10 . 0.49110553453412464 he had listened and listened but didn't hear it again , and yet he was sure he had heard it that once . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 listened 1.743238281950827 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 1 he 15 was 1.2250956603177912 3 listened 5 listened 6.355185934625766 4 and 5 listened 1.8005549940631589 5 listened 8 hear 2.961378124275523 5 listened 10 again 2.169048584814231 5 listened 12 and 1.3347025038904086 6 but 7 didn't 2.2564897322454396 7 didn't 8 hear 2.427142319435916 8 hear 9 it 1.3044197867325025 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 12 and 13 yet 0.6759635481120885 14 he 15 was 1.2250956603177912 15 was 16 sure 1.0484836017541745 15 was 22 once 0.3730398612375758 16 sure 21 that 2.1122608601934836 17 he 18 had 1.735007688287725 18 had 19 heard 2.2644521069312997 19 heard 21 that 1.133313326145558 19 heard 20 it 0.8714920970538813 22 once 23 . 0.17567022093020412 he just had to go look for him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 just 0.7017321607109004 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 2 just 6 look 2.0464586626145937 3 had 4 to 0.6641217568330475 4 to 6 look 1.4243381174913097 4 to 5 go 1.5232590480520969 6 look 7 for 1.2775745799369638 7 for 8 him 0.7594884896931795 8 him 9 . 0.8676779267655075 but nowhere did he catch a glimpse of his old friend . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 nowhere 2.5000261789452054 2 nowhere 7 glimpse 7.7631261691939315 2 nowhere 3 did 2.2852602180046198 2 nowhere 12 . 0.9503902479967614 4 he 7 glimpse 1.1047602719026663 5 catch 7 glimpse 7.151306654720333 6 a 7 glimpse 3.0774052424037954 7 glimpse 8 of 3.50863898618136 7 glimpse 11 friend 3.3231492405087693 9 his 11 friend 1.5991133627370893 10 old 11 friend 2.682746881803485 the longer he looked , the more excited he grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 grew 0.18116119721752 1 the 10 grew 1.187653128321493 2 longer 8 excited 2.830485352078032 3 he 4 looked 1.645197537023618 4 looked 8 excited 2.8587456691849304 5 , 8 excited 0.22846276479377536 5 , 6 the -0.13782541102800216 7 more 8 excited 3.6287185630029732 8 excited 10 grew 2.821157870290204 8 excited 9 he 1.5786461014013327 10 grew 11 . 0.37611343664812047 " nuffin , nuffin , sah ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 nuffin 1.9902653708272737 1 " 4 nuffin 3.593386854738281 2 nuffin 4 nuffin 18.189325393018184 2 nuffin 3 , 2.7399743092608837 4 nuffin 6 sah 15.282434797409667 4 nuffin 7 ! 5.252396122827012 4 nuffin 5 , 2.7399743092608837 ah 'm just walking fo ' mah health , " replied unc ' billy over his shoulder , as he hurried on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 7 mah 7.913060106435218 2 'm 5 fo 2.818282617182849 3 just 5 fo 2.855114677537376 4 walking 5 fo 6.191219821298223 5 fo 7 mah 9.814014395545112 5 fo 6 ' 4.125176369604485 7 mah 12 unc 7.418838470850638 7 mah 8 health 6.736655149330797 9 , 11 replied 1.5802587282237415 10 " 11 replied 2.2297485079660806 11 replied 12 unc 4.682705064268205 12 unc 14 billy 9.19308924154302 12 unc 13 ' 3.9798001185742837 14 billy 21 hurried 3.815420302793836 14 billy 23 . 0.45585700976227805 15 over 17 shoulder 5.177967667198974 16 his 17 shoulder 3.930991699582073 17 shoulder 21 hurried 3.9308421692559143 17 shoulder 18 , 0.6160778388629744 19 as 20 he 1.5279784143694588 20 he 21 hurried 1.8259585502105544 21 hurried 22 on 1.475278012971195 his neck ached from looking up in the tree-tops , and his feet were sore from walking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 ached 0.08980104437818426 1 his 2 neck 3.482410952677821 2 neck 3 ached 8.393917022457462 3 ached 9 tree-tops 9.654050016397381 3 ached 18 . 1.2107089289233421 4 from 9 tree-tops 2.5908584684271467 5 looking 9 tree-tops 4.910549274535718 6 up 9 tree-tops 3.150111800715461 7 in 9 tree-tops 2.3010592811156094 8 the 9 tree-tops 2.2513623719749916 9 tree-tops 15 sore 8.790136493534138 9 tree-tops 13 feet 5.721305993499303 9 tree-tops 14 were 2.5579150230751786 9 tree-tops 10 , 0.8330837136523641 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 his 13 feet 3.3397839825857663 15 sore 17 walking 5.464651675635135 15 sore 16 from 2.430324737068144 and just then unc ' billy for the first time thought of that dinner that old mrs possum had sent him to get . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 and 4 unc 0.04849082872306809 2 just 4 unc 1.2096106348811695 2 just 3 then 2.286942908449145 4 unc 18 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 for 14 dinner 2.1544601737743783 7 for 10 time 2.018803318635184 8 the 9 first 1.5516170441444306 9 first 10 time 3.4855565059905267 11 thought 13 that 1.1061935276312251 11 thought 12 of 1.3441635669759684 13 that 14 dinner 0.5988973307519103 14 dinner 18 possum 2.3502979822836103 15 that 16 old 0.3157622940838394 16 old 18 possum 3.7150477850918726 17 mrs 18 possum 4.456459898424619 18 possum 20 sent 2.310674220875079 18 possum 24 . 0.554405251336938 19 had 20 sent 1.5091281447332427 20 sent 21 him 1.9295774879667142 20 sent 22 to 1.9262488840443641 22 to 23 get 1.8086562812674263 unc ' billy sat down and mopped his brow in dismay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 7 mopped 9.660382977953294 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 sat 7 mopped 8.34226804692685 5 down 7 mopped 6.754892630443187 6 and 7 mopped 2.5829635589905315 7 mopped 9 brow 13.099212973353897 7 mopped 11 dismay 12.380897436295353 7 mopped 8 his 4.8216376367481395 7 mopped 10 in 4.254701547656833 11 dismay 12 . 1.6938691491216389 " ah ' specks ah'm in fo ' it this time , sho ' enough ! " he said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 5 ah'm 8.957454225793672 2 ah 16 ! 3.6817092295172067 3 ' 5 ah'm 3.537027741711043 4 specks 5 ah'm 15.381970470960585 5 ah'm 7 fo 12.97257953482288 5 ah'm 6 in 3.489166801293859 7 fo 13 sho 10.588947839910343 7 fo 8 ' 4.125176369604485 7 fo 9 it 1.3189034763727996 10 this 11 time 3.0116306928359418 11 time 13 sho 3.9266019653309776 12 , 13 sho 0.6216171461741702 13 sho 15 enough 6.089412599342268 13 sho 14 ' 3.719973230430213 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 16 ! 19 said 2.5827010162001933 16 ! 18 he 0.9615561911892261 19 said 20 . 0.9489036959486263 iv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 iv 2.4677815816546733 unc ' billy comes home 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 4 comes 1.8681349482858955 4 comes 5 home 2.577141229927893 " ah ' specks ah'm in fo ' it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ah'm 1.3528354502119804 1 " 5 ah'm 2.370994433401833 2 ah 5 ah'm 8.957454225793672 3 ' 5 ah'm 3.537027741711043 4 specks 5 ah'm 15.381970470960585 5 ah'm 7 fo 12.97257953482288 5 ah'm 6 in 3.489166801293859 5 ah'm 9 it 3.339965091900627 7 fo 8 ' 4.125176369604485 9 it 10 . 0.13987271256052836 ah ' specks ah sho'ly am in fo ' it this time , " he kept muttering . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 3 specks 7.795182796894796 2 ' 3 specks 2.3747563128121634 3 specks 5 sho'ly 12.665763436961175 3 specks 8 fo 12.060042376073216 3 specks 7 in 2.5766296425441944 4 ah 5 sho'ly 9.048602113851864 5 sho'ly 6 am 4.574500542721648 8 fo 9 ' 4.125176369604485 8 fo 12 time 3.1672881632254146 8 fo 10 it 1.3189034763727996 11 this 12 time 3.0116306928359418 12 time 17 muttering 2.1055721063762967 13 , 17 muttering 0.8005872872194857 13 , 14 " 0.6466805192388225 15 he 16 kept 1.6352666218294765 16 kept 17 muttering 4.640029546082449 17 muttering 18 . 0.3398610832403577 so unc ' billy crept along in the black shadows until he got where he could look up and see his own doorway . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 so 2 unc 1.1854919628068927 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 billy 5 crept 3.3000274168506074 5 crept 10 shadows 5.561889672498868 5 crept 6 along 4.375245236737527 7 in 10 shadows 1.5462824108329443 8 the 10 shadows 1.738558291998288 9 black 10 shadows 7.018291975263526 10 shadows 23 doorway 4.702781013297294 11 until 13 got 2.1232280980077043 11 until 12 he 1.7572482101890436 13 got 18 up 2.5463140973564435 14 where 16 could 1.7776223734851762 15 he 16 could 1.799559825235125 16 could 17 look 0.8936800041350317 17 look 18 up 0.915841766814097 18 up 23 doorway 2.3418649497015416 18 up 19 and 1.0590043195670393 18 up 20 see 0.5070147794685376 21 his 23 doorway 2.5426047313038396 21 his 22 own 3.159107401474598 23 doorway 24 . 1.1445305581312049 then he sat down and watched a while . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 sat 1.8983766115774294 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 sat 4 down 5.31852152344641 3 sat 6 watched 3.8665346159604503 5 and 6 watched 1.489699764846545 6 watched 8 while 3.34502909751615 6 watched 9 . 0.17892384686350837 7 a 8 while 1.9353289888640361 all was still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 2 was 3 still 1.5469348989320366 3 still 4 . 0.370484954387031 there wasn't a sound in the great hollow tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 wasn't 2.9922778663227767 2 wasn't 4 sound 2.7474234151422685 3 a 4 sound 1.8754435829123892 4 sound 8 hollow 3.249250811747718 5 in 8 hollow 2.585417455758453 6 the 8 hollow 1.4193765853803626 7 great 8 hollow 2.2333561931837416 8 hollow 9 tree 7.306907782369336 8 hollow 10 . 0.7279580397009227 but at the first scratch of his toe-nails on the bark the sharp face of old mrs possum appeared in the doorway . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 at 0.010736919189856309 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 at 8 toe-nails 5.222617177760458 3 the 8 toe-nails 2.151826698424081 4 first 8 toe-nails 7.799156436818002 5 scratch 8 toe-nails 14.112509795967359 6 of 8 toe-nails 3.634796495006519 7 his 8 toe-nails 4.759657127885092 8 toe-nails 11 bark 12.0168978843727 8 toe-nails 13 sharp 10.510725253918725 8 toe-nails 14 face 7.841704024450049 8 toe-nails 9 on 5.229051894823957 8 toe-nails 12 the 3.164272367346541 8 toe-nails 10 the 3.164272367346541 14 face 19 appeared 3.732469683562062 15 of 16 old 0.7077538212180805 16 old 18 possum 3.7150477850918726 17 mrs 18 possum 4.456459898424619 18 possum 19 appeared 3.0674917501369485 19 appeared 22 doorway 6.502345059489379 20 in 22 doorway 2.6480906555795976 21 the 22 doorway 1.6915031508304637 22 doorway 23 . 1.1445305581312049 " good evening , mah dear , " said unc ' billy , in the mildest kind of a voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 mah 1.4965253154856875 2 good 3 evening 3.2128476832910273 3 evening 5 mah 3.859818085158242 3 evening 4 , 0.37306181150528595 5 mah 10 unc 7.418838470850638 5 mah 6 dear 2.4367356753771965 5 mah 8 " 1.4591387615447253 6 dear 7 , 1.20773070046533 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 10 unc 12 billy 9.19308924154302 10 unc 16 mildest 8.245345478674448 10 unc 11 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 , 16 mildest 1.1134702425038476 14 in 16 mildest 3.693376703894373 15 the 16 mildest 1.7367891991452389 16 mildest 17 kind 7.631084071088019 16 mildest 20 voice 6.9985747433558245 16 mildest 18 of 3.127471687919325 16 mildest 21 . 0.9024557709330594 19 a 20 voice 2.0900790724389022 old mrs possum said nothing , but unc ' billy felt as if her sharp black eyes were looking right through him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 possum 3.7150477850918726 2 mrs 3 possum 4.456459898424619 3 possum 8 unc 4.252706622603856 3 possum 15 sharp 5.085859137271775 3 possum 19 looking 2.1511302220001802 4 said 8 unc 0.9362156738677001 4 said 5 nothing 1.4968178409388706 5 nothing 7 but 3.0228190933860777 6 , 7 but 1.025230194614105 8 unc 10 billy 9.19308924154302 8 unc 9 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 unc 11 felt 1.1689752266004128 11 felt 13 if 2.1383621935850634 12 as 13 if 2.776143507537343 14 her 15 sharp 1.23785251327568 15 sharp 17 eyes 5.60644233011849 16 black 17 eyes 3.7400501022518746 17 eyes 18 were 2.716307791809321 19 looking 21 through 2.3915535603463915 19 looking 22 him 1.424914066840401 20 right 21 through 1.3855959305717533 22 him 23 . 0.8676779267655075 unc ' billy grinned a sickly kind of grin as he said : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 6 sickly 6.3146081411115595 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 grinned 6 sickly 8.526137942411584 5 a 6 sickly 2.275950921785874 6 sickly 9 grin 10.33121485135069 6 sickly 7 kind 6.1117099119944385 7 kind 8 of 2.572643006627489 9 grin 13 : 2.4937674370385707 9 grin 10 as 1.8927071203812247 10 as 11 he 1.5279784143694588 12 said 13 : 3.134329440952296 " ah hopes yo'alls are feeling good tonight . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 yo'alls 2.4057598515625074 2 ah 4 yo'alls 7.407257143233192 3 hopes 4 yo'alls 9.813109544135063 4 yo'alls 8 tonight 7.886900661947362 4 yo'alls 6 feeling 6.897651047316312 4 yo'alls 7 good 3.886030701787803 4 yo'alls 5 are 3.281334528110225 4 yo'alls 10 " 2.670804776288115 9 . 10 " 4.467019939707924 " where 's that dinner ah sent yo ' fo ' ? " demanded old mrs possum sharply . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 demanded 2.538451179253393 2 where 14 demanded 0.9463273367652363 3 's 5 dinner 0.6798532424457626 4 that 5 dinner 0.5988973307519103 5 dinner 10 fo 4.9979962383527266 6 ah 8 yo 7.764809147851274 7 sent 8 yo 2.9765883760655747 8 yo 10 fo 8.39826427830123 8 yo 9 ' 4.052548569517089 10 fo 14 demanded 5.2510782011539625 10 fo 11 ' 4.125176369604485 12 ? 14 demanded 5.809249732826887 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 14 demanded 18 sharply 4.763388322475144 14 demanded 17 possum 4.30381966322593 14 demanded 19 . 1.6666061944254942 15 old 17 possum 3.7150477850918726 16 mrs 17 possum 4.456459898424619 unc ' billy fidgeted uneasily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 fidgeted 0.8747881534073336 1 unc 4 fidgeted 6.544905760533354 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 fidgeted 5 uneasily 12.23690769260158 4 fidgeted 6 . 1.5998930009126227 " ah done brought yo ' two eggs from farmer brown 's hen-house , " he replied meekly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 5 yo 7.764809147851274 3 done 5 yo 3.441359729866246 4 brought 5 yo 2.472407712330135 5 yo 8 eggs 4.620656699637681 5 yo 6 ' 4.052548569517089 7 two 8 eggs 3.946387746887165 8 eggs 13 hen-house 7.847783405298653 9 from 13 hen-house 4.052438553643025 10 farmer 11 brown 8.64653815547903 10 farmer 13 hen-house 7.659295060771104 10 farmer 12 's 4.683257407921326 13 hen-house 18 meekly 8.204283989675016 14 , 17 replied 1.5802587282237415 15 " 17 replied 2.2297485079660806 15 " 16 he 0.39943500565461143 17 replied 18 meekly 5.474498549175067 18 meekly 19 . 1.157269669961881 " two eggs ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 two 3 eggs 3.946387746887165 3 eggs 4 ! 1.3440918131995439 two eggs ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 two 2 eggs 3.946387746887165 2 eggs 3 ! 1.3440918131995439 how do yo ' think ah am going to feed eight hungry mouths on two eggs ? " snapped old mrs . possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 2 do 2.21537618817775 2 do 3 yo 2.550256063187497 3 yo 19 snapped 4.6737179433890965 3 yo 6 ah 6.900808657812725 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 3 yo 5 think 1.9539789974338753 7 am 8 going 3.9829473292069864 8 going 10 feed 2.9714349928819352 8 going 9 to 2.6873711669000304 10 feed 13 mouths 7.782854624488902 11 eight 13 mouths 6.907648873908869 12 hungry 13 mouths 6.870570770110167 13 mouths 19 snapped 7.022613085876724 13 mouths 16 eggs 5.969551842125309 14 on 16 eggs 1.0384674704793362 15 two 16 eggs 3.946387746887165 17 ? 19 snapped 3.018850850620119 17 ? 18 " 3.328347337284576 19 snapped 23 possum 4.487531616398318 19 snapped 24 . 1.2939247990734977 20 old 23 possum 3.7150477850918726 21 mrs 23 possum 4.456459898424619 21 mrs 22 . 0.08538007411686444 unc ' billy hung his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 6 head 2.245384892941569 4 hung 6 head 4.568786585198922 5 his 6 head 3.6389926349442767 6 head 7 . 0.9057652481458263 he hadn't a word to say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 2 hadn't 4 word 2.9822376154314334 3 a 4 word 2.195100285073549 4 word 6 say 2.7806993233292197 4 word 7 . 0.6268970557050686 5 to 6 say 1.5454691794447797 no , sir , unc ' billy hadn't a word to say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 5 unc 3.4801102927902114 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 unc 8 hadn't 1.951299165402947 8 hadn't 10 word 2.9822376154314334 9 a 10 word 2.195100285073549 10 word 12 say 2.7806993233292197 10 word 13 . 0.6268970557050686 11 to 12 say 1.5454691794447797 unc ' billy knew that he deserved every bit of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 7 deserved 4.302830973335208 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 knew 7 deserved 2.3143500470036322 4 knew 5 that 2.5840220415164588 6 he 7 deserved 1.5164951485086675 7 deserved 9 bit 4.227333162089291 7 deserved 8 every 3.2233438783756903 7 deserved 11 it 2.7692164503991705 7 deserved 12 . 0.32105988523209206 9 bit 10 of 2.394616683259061 he felt very miserable , and he was too tired to have a bit of spirit left . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 felt 2.0830791199149683 1 he 17 left 0.9344438152115622 2 felt 4 miserable 4.121439809338366 2 felt 16 spirit 1.7502353737128047 3 very 4 miserable 3.2578652484864286 4 miserable 10 tired 2.6347515295234665 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 6 and 10 tired 0.6187135839397335 7 he 10 tired 1.256278507322353 8 was 10 tired 2.143622194048838 9 too 10 tired 3.6513697875469795 10 tired 15 of 2.259364675181155 11 to 12 have 0.3754442231774444 12 have 13 a 0.7694929783844255 13 a 14 bit 3.0183847285915952 14 bit 15 of 2.394616683259061 17 left 18 . 0.3926661073802773 all the time she was looking at unc ' billy with those sharp eyes of hers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 all 3 time 1.9376348640459664 1 all 2 the 0.7368478466298409 3 time 8 unc 1.4916649086144282 4 she 5 was 1.2439662970653966 5 was 6 looking 1.2393769522281275 6 looking 8 unc 1.7911140435471005 6 looking 7 at 3.4886228602274656 8 unc 10 billy 9.19308924154302 8 unc 9 ' 3.9798001185742837 10 billy 13 sharp 3.5958418675566755 11 with 13 sharp 2.354181573622249 12 those 13 sharp 3.960077117722907 13 sharp 14 eyes 5.60644233011849 13 sharp 16 hers 4.505275391058873 15 of 16 hers 2.239936877665304 16 hers 17 . 1.1623228976881705 when she had finished the egg , she pushed the other over to him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 4 finished 4.427820134395326 1 when 2 she 1.8676408437172203 3 had 4 finished 3.3903455978980865 4 finished 9 pushed 4.3419070756693685 4 finished 5 the 0.6545456322549619 6 egg 9 pushed 5.5533569839382295 7 , 9 pushed 0.6251837611943643 8 she 9 pushed 2.20931496866519 9 pushed 14 him 2.1795158019353167 9 pushed 12 over 2.023471954280982 9 pushed 10 the 1.1092310037885795 10 the 11 other 1.329080263471381 13 to 14 him 1.0152537748115762 14 him 15 . 0.8676779267655075 " yo ' eat that ! " she said shortly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 shortly 2.078813681908521 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 2 yo 4 eat 3.0518138642798007 4 eat 10 shortly 3.576802410048252 4 eat 5 that -0.10243787197630638 6 ! 9 said 2.5827010162001933 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 she 9 said 1.0109551037748243 9 said 10 shortly 3.971712086356419 10 shortly 11 . 2.233661679408428 " yo ' look as if yo ' hadn't had anything to eat to-day " ( which was true ) . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 ( 1.4871825546663757 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 2 yo 13 eat 3.0518138642798007 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 2 yo 4 look 1.604715155768659 5 as 6 if 2.776143507537343 6 if 9 hadn't 4.084893104419972 7 yo 9 hadn't 2.818463482695858 7 yo 8 ' 4.052548569517089 9 hadn't 11 anything 3.335122232647443 9 hadn't 10 had 0.42049491239336234 11 anything 13 eat 3.218281999729083 12 to 13 eat 2.419166420524629 13 eat 14 to-day 3.7614546972371166 14 to-day 16 ( 2.981062452404455 14 to-day 15 " 1.1764997977714202 16 ( 20 ) 9.034149227406262 16 ( 17 which 1.7675607357488907 17 which 18 was 1.479772189141329 19 true 20 ) 2.067485006459993 20 ) 21 . 0.9722973439456801 " then yo ' hustle up to bed ; it 's all ready fo ' yo ' . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 3 yo 1.9461759133304 2 then 3 yo 0.2408298276994536 3 yo 5 hustle 9.942584794525043 3 yo 14 fo 8.39826427830123 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 hustle 8 bed 6.588367161681173 5 hustle 9 ; 3.613697516756641 5 hustle 6 up 3.5147331061666556 5 hustle 11 's 3.452827667519461 5 hustle 12 all 2.9489532932298417 7 to 8 bed 1.9805336918051033 10 it 11 's 1.695106683077423 13 ready 14 fo 4.4252313259015 14 fo 16 yo 9.19327566549843 14 fo 17 ' 4.125176369604485 14 fo 15 ' 4.125176369604485 14 fo 19 " 0.983744087948228 18 . 19 " 4.467019939707924 unc ' billy did as he was bid , and as he tucked himself into his snug , warm bed he murmured sleepily : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 8 bid 3.0099994064295323 4 did 8 bid 4.544415398524368 5 as 8 bid 3.671234367112529 5 as 6 he 1.5279784143694588 7 was 8 bid 1.8674174775696493 8 bid 13 tucked 7.608242529263979 8 bid 10 and 1.124157504052853 8 bid 11 as 0.8356761753448474 8 bid 9 , 0.7682754180242668 11 as 12 he 1.5279784143694588 13 tucked 17 snug 8.198600934217861 13 tucked 14 himself 3.493317243845457 13 tucked 15 into 3.1224723842737525 16 his 17 snug 2.8656478235733047 17 snug 23 sleepily 9.76796181521441 17 snug 19 warm 7.074263674952366 17 snug 18 , 0.3085570667931812 20 bed 23 sleepily 5.522472660166859 21 he 23 sleepily 1.5401464165733145 22 murmured 23 sleepily 9.553305042657566 23 sleepily 24 : 4.759907753740187 " ol ' mrs possum has a sharp , sharp tongue , but her bark is worse than her bite . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 ol 1.2598474694806292 2 ol 10 sharp 5.4279848229107905 2 ol 5 possum 6.967033609611455 2 ol 8 sharp 5.4279848229107905 2 ol 3 ' 4.034550903259408 4 mrs 5 possum 4.456459898424619 6 has 8 sharp 2.4879721571275617 7 a 8 sharp 1.5984774481407023 8 sharp 9 , 0.04697368078719322 10 sharp 15 bark 4.067557502639229 11 tongue 15 bark 4.1956553796750065 11 tongue 12 , 0.5561617251784767 11 tongue 14 her -0.026647741111084144 12 , 13 but 1.025230194614105 15 bark 20 bite 7.078373169337713 16 is 17 worse 1.6620926958529374 17 worse 20 bite 5.051988983544195 17 worse 18 than 6.03446401341953 19 her 20 bite 1.0246689491568262 20 bite 21 . 0.44624908267781294 for ol ' mrs possum has a soft , soft heart though she hides it way out of sight . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 hides -0.275628689145762 1 for 14 hides 0.6966757808622468 2 ol 5 possum 6.967033609611455 2 ol 3 ' 4.034550903259408 4 mrs 5 possum 4.456459898424619 5 possum 8 soft 4.233077815854923 6 has 8 soft 1.050228334989555 7 a 8 soft 1.710930708563172 8 soft 14 hides 8.358964243709561 8 soft 9 , 0.6331161029557748 10 soft 14 hides 8.358964243709561 11 heart 14 hides 4.404409437423201 12 though 14 hides 5.590066303925813 12 though 13 she 1.512576932616728 14 hides 19 sight 5.69413658412525 14 hides 16 way 3.343753670073962 14 hides 15 it 2.1054998382636008 14 hides 20 . 0.9468498902915101 17 out 19 sight 4.4007149169268835 17 out 18 of 2.138624548858049 20 . 21 " 4.467019939707924 v 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 v 2.439166321972401 sammy jay is indignant 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 indignant 6.421347891414271 2 jay 3 is 1.424089900989781 sammy jay was indignant . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 indignant 6.421347891414271 3 was 4 indignant 2.123215983387002 4 indignant 5 . 1.5658923296772969 yes , sir , sammy jay was very much put out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 6 jay 1.8490467739589285 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 6 jay 7 was 1.2181676580161955 6 jay 11 out 0.7684913560860274 7 was 8 very 1.8345067088627953 8 very 9 much 3.446378250176915 10 put 11 out 2.0111915977530863 11 out 12 . 0.36696756247713225 in fact , sammy was just plain downright mad ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 8 downright 7.182823985448753 2 fact 3 , 0.9782331360563532 4 sammy 8 downright 6.306905234842464 5 was 6 just 0.9981815055535073 6 just 8 downright 3.2839579763412523 7 plain 8 downright 7.714098615275919 8 downright 9 mad 8.224984525225768 8 downright 10 ! 2.082471121384703 it had begun when he met jimmy skunk early in the morning . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 3 begun 0.4133086771330987 2 had 3 begun 3.9267395876759146 3 begun 8 skunk 3.4429269798952937 3 begun 9 early 3.65526573656782 4 when 6 met 2.490902190996543 4 when 5 he 1.8647931372101283 6 met 8 skunk 3.96995936945169 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 early 12 morning 7.006816711473181 10 in 12 morning 1.8801250392169102 11 the 12 morning 1.3051003291955325 12 morning 13 . 0.23460429675904848 " hello , sammy jay ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 5 jay 5.275680174387034 2 hello 6 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 what were you doing up so late last night ? " said jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 doing 4.223808683176616 2 were 4 doing 1.7989866892156776 3 you 4 doing 1.9966484585078135 4 doing 14 skunk 2.3615294158750366 4 doing 10 ? 2.999479883146126 4 doing 7 late 2.1917645626308015 4 doing 6 so 1.4765759780556849 4 doing 5 up 1.4355231013841596 7 late 9 night 4.34827382589998 8 last 9 night 4.8940134788935 10 ? 11 " 3.328347337284576 10 ? 12 said 2.446556662798379 13 jimmy 14 skunk 9.859461590276863 14 skunk 15 . 0.71694841771642 " oh , come , sammy jay , be honest for once in your life ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 6 sammy 1.0229339808053908 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 5 , 2.0324623708210936 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 2 oh 4 come 0.6257721139896084 6 sammy 7 jay 9.77475508855667 7 jay 10 honest 3.090141982938899 8 , 10 honest 0.1409509789259502 9 be 10 honest 2.1445462474052768 10 honest 15 life 2.1440318798111626 10 honest 12 once 1.8895041940776203 10 honest 16 ! 0.7465845689074158 10 honest 11 for 0.6997779616614892 13 in 15 life 2.161389281153866 14 your 15 life 2.5409130413728462 what was it all about ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 6 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 5 about 1.452736343924986 1 what 2 was 0.7753595348472953 3 it 4 all 0.9413718508430762 4 all 5 about 2.2762306191684267 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 sammy jay stamped one foot . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 3 stamped 5.77935444565674 3 stamped 5 foot 8.16215851400234 4 one 5 foot 2.2907828516798645 5 foot 6 . 0.6419413570777799 he was beginning to lose his temper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 beginning 2.5015669467841235 3 beginning 5 lose 4.719653548206015 3 beginning 4 to 2.471087945979111 5 lose 7 temper 7.733638067753677 6 his 7 temper 3.263907829346987 7 temper 8 . 0.8397200155850939 you know he loses it very easily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 loses 0.9162647893834972 1 you 2 know 2.570776785774047 2 know 4 loses 3.127722152376098 3 he 4 loses 1.0926874396020914 4 loses 7 easily 7.2295045334374315 4 loses 6 very 3.65283026072224 5 it 6 very 1.1023999294715416 7 easily 8 . 0.7737224568108552 " i am honest ! " he screamed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 screamed 1.5084979571517607 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 am 3.4303740479986207 4 honest 8 screamed 5.139193322874778 5 ! 8 screamed 4.800175249318105 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 7 he 8 screamed 1.1182225317092254 8 screamed 9 . 0.6454831178864637 " i tell you i went to bed just as i always do , and i didn't wake up until this morning . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 5 i 1.4514945219088577 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 tell 1.8741143054510445 3 tell 4 you 2.6545447083109686 5 i 18 wake 1.180642976855765 6 went 8 bed 3.982094154714602 7 to 8 bed 1.9805336918051033 8 bed 18 wake 2.6644916650392823 9 just 10 as 2.6945437830364103 10 as 11 i 0.5717398069052724 11 i 18 wake 1.180642976855765 12 always 18 wake 3.1634036311363367 13 do 18 wake 0.7053312208853733 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 18 wake 0.6054009481102867 16 i 17 didn't 1.741406486714947 17 didn't 18 wake 2.39190802365901 18 wake 19 up 5.3512343738837735 18 wake 22 morning 3.478606386618832 18 wake 20 until 3.2165138414621275 18 wake 24 " 0.37802302706026936 21 this 22 morning 3.4311703176464974 23 . 24 " 4.467019939707924 when he did , he flew off screaming at the top of his lungs . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 he 0.7006048185438587 1 when 5 he 1.8647931372101283 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 2 he 3 did 1.2723526150845803 4 , 5 he 0.5080875377005949 5 he 8 screaming 1.7465972940407362 6 flew 8 screaming 6.294744436013957 7 off 8 screaming 3.2505555802314205 8 screaming 14 lungs 10.462936913747075 9 at 14 lungs 4.709089815082251 10 the 11 top 2.202480120385376 11 top 14 lungs 10.003372688368483 11 top 12 of 3.327721226218433 13 his 14 lungs 4.366423998924592 14 lungs 15 . 1.4447739342457204 he was still screaming when he flew over the old briar-patch where peter rabbit was just beginning to doze off . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 4 screaming 1.7465972940407362 2 was 3 still 1.5469348989320366 3 still 4 screaming 2.5737843563987006 4 screaming 7 flew 4.573853803719064 4 screaming 5 when 1.7451648209598538 5 when 6 he 1.8647931372101283 7 flew 11 briar-patch 4.884760164461394 7 flew 8 over 3.6936377890703476 9 the 11 briar-patch 2.3633308036177887 10 old 11 briar-patch 6.327429928261264 11 briar-patch 14 rabbit 5.99244887406223 11 briar-patch 12 where 3.120064450408602 11 briar-patch 21 . 1.1477625842175065 13 peter 14 rabbit 7.313713619688597 14 rabbit 19 doze 6.04462732368653 15 was 19 doze 1.622085073469318 16 just 19 doze 4.8144726930400275 17 beginning 19 doze 8.664049295151063 17 beginning 18 to 2.471087945979111 19 doze 20 off 5.788287570426746 peter was sleepy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 3 sleepy 2.331916025943819 2 was 3 sleepy 1.9289909777390264 3 sleepy 4 . 1.043811620178598 he didn't like to have his morning nap disturbed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 8 nap 2.260171992048445 2 didn't 3 like 2.0394779426598433 4 to 8 nap 1.0952539590314636 5 have 8 nap 2.7801748155746644 6 his 8 nap 0.8023615788393279 7 morning 8 nap 2.416496442027942 8 nap 9 disturbed 6.968569208522684 9 disturbed 10 . 1.4063816995633083 " hi , sammy jay ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hi 2.184037114223951 1 " 2 hi 3.5002774503467933 2 hi 5 jay 5.564306294123572 2 hi 6 ! 5.055595415393302 2 hi 3 , 1.5505531321927712 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 didn't you make racket enough last night to give honest folks a little peace and quiet to-day ? " shouted peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 didn't 4 racket 3.466146653950929 1 didn't 2 you 0.9862879812166092 3 make 4 racket 4.476057478531761 4 racket 10 honest 7.986385334347908 4 racket 5 enough 4.674375100063422 4 racket 9 give 4.546794160434509 4 racket 7 night 4.294641815176636 6 last 7 night 4.8940134788935 8 to 9 give 1.5309041182813363 10 honest 14 peace 5.092303190712258 10 honest 11 folks 4.93011135512171 12 a 13 little 2.1212036022401666 13 little 14 peace 1.1531368610897772 14 peace 16 quiet 5.169343813967284 14 peace 17 to-day 3.6533058933814964 14 peace 20 shouted 3.0664468562482803 14 peace 15 and 0.937592964600853 14 peace 23 . 0.8903829386324809 18 ? 20 shouted 2.3411904355879116 18 ? 19 " 3.328347337284576 20 shouted 22 rabbit 4.700259485771014 21 peter 22 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " what 's the joke , peter rabbit ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 5 joke 1.6611414829228721 2 what 9 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 's 5 joke 1.807242669122747 4 the 5 joke 0.9109300254537125 5 joke 8 rabbit 2.8899451882328684 5 joke 6 , 0.7023217677814841 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " then it 's a funny way you have of sleeping , " replied peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 then 6 funny 1.279356668041018 3 it 6 funny 1.996156033698469 3 it 4 's 1.695106683077423 5 a 6 funny 1.5211885612316145 6 funny 11 sleeping 4.235350657682574 7 way 11 sleeping 0.8527641715153642 7 way 10 of 0.8234768608774186 8 you 9 have 1.649567007707521 9 have 10 of -0.016613308587730913 11 sleeping 16 rabbit 2.770056452725786 12 , 14 replied 1.5802587282237415 13 " 14 replied 2.2297485079660806 14 replied 15 peter 3.3598056182875666 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 16 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 " peter rabbit , you and jimmy skunk are crazy , just as crazy as loons ! " sputtered sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 peter 1.2707344244317174 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 8 skunk 3.6396434890716094 4 , 7 jimmy 0.3984754674638893 4 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 4 , 5 you 0.22054354895880657 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 skunk 10 crazy 4.358764797187316 9 are 10 crazy 2.9999186775025244 10 crazy 16 loons 13.186510377411128 11 , 16 loons 1.5285077417826898 12 just 16 loons 6.399435193761189 13 as 16 loons 5.811555655509945 14 crazy 16 loons 13.186510377411128 15 as 16 loons 5.811555655509945 16 loons 19 sputtered 16.282434797409667 16 loons 21 jay 10.198512313864573 16 loons 22 . 1.2243838658204211 17 ! 19 sputtered 5.774640157210971 17 ! 18 " 2.8038844676111605 20 sammy 21 jay 9.77475508855667 " i tell you i was asleep , and i guess i ought to know ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 11 guess 3.2191923235064674 2 i 15 know 2.195699135273596 2 i 3 tell 1.8741143054510445 3 tell 4 you 2.6545447083109686 5 i 11 guess 3.2191923235064674 6 was 7 asleep 1.624601768465812 7 asleep 11 guess 2.1080630239321927 7 asleep 8 , 0.7695350578513462 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 i 11 guess 3.2191923235064674 12 i 15 know 2.195699135273596 13 ought 15 know 2.9204924162980994 13 ought 14 to 3.1353666378378975 15 know 17 " 0.3821567134043242 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 " and i guess i know your voice when i hear it ! " replied peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 replied 2.2297485079660806 1 " 4 guess 1.7580577951221201 2 and 3 i 0.1868691445446835 3 i 4 guess 3.2191923235064674 4 guess 10 i 1.5880454697819069 4 guess 5 i 1.5880454697819069 4 guess 12 it 1.4572900788950705 5 i 6 know 2.195699135273596 6 know 7 your 0.6665232468200983 8 voice 9 when 0.06908369381290314 9 when 10 i 1.1613607384519344 10 i 11 hear 1.3154129461835904 13 ! 14 " 2.8038844676111605 14 " 15 replied 2.2297485079660806 15 replied 16 peter 3.3598056182875666 15 replied 18 . 1.0432973820548543 16 peter 17 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " it 's bad enough in daytime , but if i was you , i 'd quit yelling in the night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 it 4 bad 1.7537220924853614 3 's 4 bad 1.7285681341011347 4 bad 7 daytime 4.384557836353306 4 bad 5 enough 3.5158099607856528 6 in 7 daytime 4.100421412419681 7 daytime 21 night 3.359736843398519 7 daytime 9 but 2.2688601028392164 7 daytime 22 . 0.8744413947634584 8 , 9 but 1.025230194614105 10 if 16 'd 2.7397871611381177 11 i 16 'd 2.867482558470151 11 i 12 was 0.020840037586784987 13 you 16 'd 2.2649154150917123 14 , 15 i 0.5715918990983972 15 i 16 'd 2.867482558470151 16 'd 18 yelling 4.695925964668643 17 quit 18 yelling 12.228840712061245 18 yelling 21 night 6.024552651808893 18 yelling 19 in 2.2190776379261123 19 in 20 the 1.1613034400066837 some one of these times hooty the owl will hear you , and that will be the end of you and your noise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 these 0.561619653500804 1 some 2 one 2.3794051377540804 2 one 4 these 2.097937598674239 3 of 4 these 1.6155195268722036 4 these 5 times 2.2992927316089826 5 times 6 hooty 2.352691461690842 6 hooty 8 owl 10.485027851942906 6 hooty 18 end 2.8113876532924387 7 the 8 owl 2.0875330216279195 8 owl 10 hear 1.9750964055233062 9 will 10 hear 0.837418855520049 11 you 15 will 1.5866417610621095 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 13 and 15 will 0.5473153653482967 14 that 15 will 0.5773294777749793 15 will 18 end 1.385415432922489 15 will 16 be 2.8842016019271277 17 the 18 end 1.7848185707758812 18 end 19 of 3.141526558632739 18 end 23 noise 2.743110363817653 18 end 24 . 0.25850149757762075 19 of 22 your 0.4974695809367944 20 you 22 your 1.922261107156693 21 and 22 your -0.010560955234049985 now go away ; i want to sleep . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 go 1.2291658401299195 2 go 8 sleep 3.2387753466381284 2 go 3 away 2.581826353701281 4 ; 5 i 1.2079039915098022 5 i 6 want 2.5379906821446223 6 want 7 to 2.5707362509545693 7 to 8 sleep 2.25926977123134 8 sleep 9 . 0.937353978917649 9 . 10 " 4.467019939707924 sammy went . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 went 0.3629934339141023 2 went 3 . 0.020209302425195474 he was mad clear through , and yet he didn't know what to make of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 1 he 10 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 was 4 clear 1.9349824235317499 3 mad 4 clear 4.443649610263794 4 clear 5 through 4.012512113158557 4 clear 8 yet 1.9825330570192037 4 clear 7 and 0.8466373356054326 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 9 he 10 didn't 2.0746164561717215 10 didn't 11 know 4.1638850028764445 10 didn't 14 make 2.1308924439167285 10 didn't 16 it 1.1741029572962027 11 know 12 what 3.2396222245850588 13 to 14 make 1.9953753273403052 14 make 15 of 0.8289715787087832 16 it 17 . 0.13987271256052836 were they just trying to make him mad , or had he really been screaming in his sleep ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 were 0.2797079299561087 1 were 4 trying 1.509846470763204 1 were 2 they 0.9191326474793264 1 were 3 just 0.5968385548671904 4 trying 5 to 2.925494045079269 5 to 18 sleep 2.25926977123134 5 to 6 make 1.9953753273403052 6 make 8 mad 2.3398530949334493 6 make 7 him 1.3018309900618483 8 mad 10 or 1.696701400764148 8 mad 9 , 0.6635034834008131 11 had 14 been 3.8301500596883944 12 he 14 been 0.8682553124130976 13 really 14 been 0.8164556160342293 14 been 15 screaming 3.286807777978016 15 screaming 18 sleep 4.113355372844676 15 screaming 17 his 2.3022634776545594 16 in 17 his 1.124025734450342 18 sleep 19 ? 0.391381292544402 he flew over to the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 flew 1.5108109187546752 2 flew 3 over 3.6936377890703476 3 over 7 pool 2.8891593808466602 4 to 7 pool 0.8301570867407726 5 the 7 pool 2.2980304314762776 6 smiling 7 pool 9.99688962068163 7 pool 8 . 1.0200253673142292 jerry muskrat looked up and saw him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jerry 0.5434911091232415 1 jerry 2 muskrat 10.20890526194098 2 muskrat 6 saw 2.183012708560188 3 looked 6 saw 1.94527793746186 3 looked 4 up 2.456793580534695 4 up 5 and 1.0590043195670393 6 saw 7 him 2.092896016269684 7 him 8 . 0.8676779267655075 " what were you yelling about in the night , sammy jay ? " asked jerry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 asked 1.8179061974260886 2 what 5 yelling 2.4399753217885056 2 what 13 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 were 5 yelling 2.9618238254214404 4 you 5 yelling 1.7042909689627486 5 yelling 11 sammy 6.930403636352594 5 yelling 9 night 6.024552651808893 5 yelling 6 about 3.6249625082625165 5 yelling 7 in 2.2190776379261123 7 in 8 the 1.1613034400066837 10 , 11 sammy 0.37533083932463995 11 sammy 12 jay 9.77475508855667 13 ? 15 asked 5.562665578900452 13 ? 14 " 3.328347337284576 15 asked 16 jerry 2.449304771483625 15 asked 17 . 0.985916681625902 this was too much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 this 2 was 1.1105823834267774 2 was 3 too 1.4420773729495036 3 too 4 much 3.9926843315095812 3 too 5 . 0.7709753899674379 sammy jay let his wings and his tail droop dejectedly and hung his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 let 0.7612259052922621 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 3 let 9 droop 5.627043212537114 4 his 9 droop 3.8851880099689495 5 wings 9 droop 9.681861077959088 6 and 9 droop 1.7084944410743894 7 his 9 droop 3.8851880099689495 8 tail 9 droop 8.51233990998082 9 droop 10 dejectedly 14.645004876794378 9 droop 12 hung 9.409332515257429 9 droop 14 head 5.838340184416257 9 droop 11 and 1.874857209252891 9 droop 15 . 1.072380772375368 13 his 14 head 3.6389926349442767 " i don't know . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 3 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 i 3 don't 2.6483752334675046 3 don't 4 know 4.032009672248677 4 know 5 . 0.15779691297505316 i really don't know anything about it , " he said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 don't 1.2775851170014203 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 i 3 don't 2.6483752334675046 1 i 2 really 1.3608696807323586 3 don't 4 know 4.032009672248677 3 don't 5 anything 2.7720768545637 5 anything 6 about 3.42865236820278 6 about 7 it 1.8539463948922297 8 , 9 " 0.6466805192388225 9 " 11 said 2.1846753891302146 10 he 11 said 0.4099816699979293 11 said 12 . 0.9489036959486263 vi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vi 2.1731294279770843 sammy jay thinks he's going crazy 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 he's 1.547747135126322 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 he's 8.062661246516793 3 thinks 4 he's 8.784272593805962 4 he's 6 crazy 8.90884458269981 4 he's 5 going 5.38339263286915 " sammy jay screams all day long , and now what do you think ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 screams 1.2532997766610663 1 " 4 screams 1.271458759850919 2 sammy 3 jay 9.77475508855667 3 jay 4 screams 8.883691105471474 4 screams 6 day 4.351455224357068 4 screams 7 long 4.332573644561268 4 screams 10 now 3.7348761477995573 4 screams 5 all 2.301255037160722 4 screams 9 and 0.6421964524626169 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 now 11 what 1.3171413236138747 11 what 12 do 3.3898156542937787 11 what 15 ? 2.8239428283003427 12 do 14 think 3.2421465407328665 12 do 13 you 2.418842332069122 why , sammy sits and yells all night and doesn't sleep a wink ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 6 yells 4.441892884673319 1 why 2 , 0.6307765723420751 3 sammy 6 yells 6.547913334346262 4 sits 6 yells 10.407965679493532 5 and 6 yells 2.0304225359617547 6 yells 10 doesn't 6.766822557112288 6 yells 11 sleep 6.698317873565831 6 yells 8 night 4.955839901724875 6 yells 7 all 2.4295791341362616 6 yells 9 and 0.7705205494381566 11 sleep 13 wink 7.769233588415869 12 a 13 wink 2.180058419466146 13 wink 14 ! 1.2080020034685575 14 ! 15 " 2.8038844676111605 everywhere he went sammy jay heard that shouted after him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 jay 0.623333781687121 1 everywhere 5 jay 3.7666665268991757 1 everywhere 3 went 3.1422331448434626 2 he 3 went 1.5238829264000806 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 5 jay 8 shouted 1.8965218548059717 5 jay 6 heard 1.2305673777510329 6 heard 7 that 1.133313326145558 8 shouted 9 after 2.383606033145746 9 after 10 him 1.1382722429713397 10 him 11 . 0.8676779267655075 dozens and dozens of times a day he heard it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 dozens 1.0516659154914159 1 dozens 3 dozens 12.080800936240013 1 dozens 2 and 1.1967853041402527 3 dozens 5 times 6.946151409545234 3 dozens 7 day 4.321081575313549 3 dozens 9 heard 4.044348568968072 3 dozens 4 of 3.2567547048642886 6 a 7 day 0.8744973418843323 8 he 9 heard 1.4545140533476228 9 heard 10 it 0.8714920970538813 10 it 11 . 0.13987271256052836 at first he lost his temper and was the very maddest jaybird ever seen on the green meadows or in the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 1 at 2 first 3.0642688108353635 2 first 3 he 0.8326919148873984 3 he 4 lost 1.2230840768577629 4 lost 6 temper 6.887479651401847 5 his 6 temper 3.263907829346987 6 temper 11 maddest 10.049774040619393 7 and 11 maddest 1.9980010582693772 8 was 11 maddest 2.207047574190476 9 the 11 maddest 1.5668641977029267 10 very 11 maddest 5.511151677768662 11 maddest 12 jaybird 15.356435378853444 11 maddest 22 green 6.792386197926742 12 jaybird 18 meadows 8.582765955611197 12 jaybird 14 seen 6.653685500025151 12 jaybird 13 ever 5.613451352468349 15 on 18 meadows 3.790009740513195 16 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 17 green 18 meadows 8.640219315758674 18 meadows 19 or 2.3357669143169133 20 in 22 green 1.6495843343010073 21 the 22 green 2.032029580366329 22 green 23 forest 8.1998228972977 23 forest 24 . 1.036274920084331 " it isn't true ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 isn't 1.002897857253009 1 " 3 isn't 1.619275437866282 2 it 3 isn't 2.542840456047969 3 isn't 4 true 3.0189274785861357 4 true 5 ! 0.7342207133170575 it isn't true ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 isn't 1.002897857253009 1 it 2 isn't 2.542840456047969 2 isn't 3 true 3.0189274785861357 3 true 4 ! 0.7342207133170575 it isn't true ! " he would scream at the top of his lungs . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 isn't 1.002897857253009 1 it 2 isn't 2.542840456047969 2 isn't 3 true 3.0189274785861357 3 true 8 scream 3.371941965120957 3 true 5 " 1.0024652729968935 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 6 he 7 would 1.3645954036822268 7 would 8 scream 2.107708809703535 8 scream 14 lungs 10.035372316592067 9 at 14 lungs 4.709089815082251 10 the 11 top 2.202480120385376 11 top 14 lungs 10.003372688368483 11 top 12 of 3.327721226218433 13 his 14 lungs 4.366423998924592 14 lungs 15 . 1.4447739342457204 and then everybody within hearing would shout : " it is true ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 and 2 then 1.5029676557109006 2 then 7 shout 2.5737662467634017 3 everybody 7 shout 5.237329296965168 4 within 5 hearing 8.341641605301334 5 hearing 7 shout 6.771066474331153 6 would 7 shout 2.9860793653020004 7 shout 8 : 4.566226629045264 7 shout 12 true 4.178748117104345 7 shout 13 ! 1.615771502283362 8 : 9 " 0.967745330980156 10 it 12 true 2.4955678146535973 11 is 12 true 2.9766655850398074 13 ! 14 " 2.8038844676111605 sammy would just dance up and down and scream and scream and scream , he was so angry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 13 scream 6.059812372877694 2 would 13 scream 2.107708809703535 3 just 13 scream 1.2295101923188767 4 dance 13 scream 5.197626409605309 5 up 13 scream 1.3725042220519121 5 up 6 and 1.0590043195670393 7 down 13 scream 2.1699301297220295 7 down 8 and 0.9385256906727442 9 scream 11 scream 8.580608538997613 9 scream 10 and 1.1503108743407537 11 scream 13 scream 8.580608538997613 11 scream 12 and 1.1503108743407537 13 scream 18 angry 4.243399626170291 14 , 15 he 0.5080875377005949 15 he 18 angry 1.31687255635752 16 was 18 angry 2.307243973670449 17 so 18 angry 1.4855665858308065 18 angry 19 . 0.7516130998637713 and then he was sure to hear some one pipe up : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 and 2 then 1.5029676557109006 2 then 12 : 1.6158121433441828 2 then 3 he 1.6706771798870523 3 he 4 was 1.2250956603177912 5 sure 10 pipe 2.007375273572098 6 to 7 hear 1.8018262537402165 7 hear 10 pipe 2.5177762640577193 7 hear 8 some 1.121344883641548 8 some 9 one 2.3794051377540804 10 pipe 12 : 2.2959606539803943 10 pipe 11 up 2.09969560688781 " sammy 's mad and we are glad , and we know how to tease him ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 2 sammy 1.0229339808053908 2 sammy 15 tease 5.2524574508200885 2 sammy 4 mad 2.6279665859122936 2 sammy 3 's 1.2932150405132852 4 mad 8 glad 3.4231022328597085 4 mad 9 , 0.6635034834008131 5 and 6 we 0.4221384052307151 6 we 7 are 2.6613610091574387 7 are 8 glad 1.3160247734134884 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 11 we 12 know 1.1589850460606925 12 know 15 tease 2.279725245821144 12 know 13 how 3.2299493409415607 14 to 15 tease 2.7895151022434277 15 tease 16 him 3.432129891614249 16 him 17 ! 0.12193281163230019 but some dark night he 'll get a fright , for hooty 'll come and seize him ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 hooty 0.3345118451382305 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 some 3 dark 0.9262489380390448 3 dark 9 fright 2.9704571185587945 3 dark 4 night 2.879770076228972 5 he 7 get 0.3664840319861966 6 'll 7 get 2.825130076534787 7 get 9 fright 2.108657043748739 8 a 9 fright 1.8686661883410984 9 fright 12 hooty 5.512505147165868 9 fright 10 , 0.6579970070942736 11 for 12 hooty 0.35167055093049626 12 hooty 16 seize 7.381903382907328 13 'll 16 seize 2.5437982980649245 14 come 16 seize 3.774169574527516 15 and 16 seize 0.6443641036546737 16 seize 17 him 3.071774233294988 16 seize 18 ! 1.7132373117189807 18 ! 19 " 2.8038844676111605 that really began to worry him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 really 0.5649728070761615 1 that 2 really 1.258817969431739 2 really 5 worry 1.9375205590008342 3 began 5 worry 2.8266259884766427 3 began 4 to 2.775473939384737 5 worry 6 him 2.1498629303699666 5 worry 7 . 1.12438024058169 then he began to think that it might be true that he did talk in his sleep , and this worried him a whole lot . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 began 2.762873423636428 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 began 4 to 2.775473939384737 4 to 17 sleep 2.25926977123134 4 to 9 be 1.7155747074306849 4 to 14 talk 1.6085942772965875 5 think 8 might 1.6761861021617896 6 that 8 might 1.817944311062556 7 it 8 might 1.0003968275743809 8 might 9 be 3.0435284874092243 9 be 10 true 2.120536063092043 10 true 11 that 0.9068264884492407 12 he 13 did 1.2723526150845803 13 did 14 talk 1.3208650896367686 15 in 16 his 1.124025734450342 16 his 17 sleep 0.864839364577147 17 sleep 21 worried 2.8563972291450916 18 , 19 and 0.752751396501802 19 and 21 worried 0.5641937549706881 20 this 21 worried 1.4145205655010287 21 worried 25 lot 4.832639881826406 21 worried 22 him 1.871714998505432 21 worried 26 . 1.0850786621099644 23 a 25 lot 3.11904174058326 24 whole 25 lot 4.925817490687386 the more he thought about it , the more worried sammy jay became . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 worried 0.3016441684997595 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 more 10 worried 2.9979414352477427 2 more 4 thought 1.477818387242415 2 more 5 about 1.3986149947122684 3 he 4 thought 1.3670260759711912 5 about 6 it 1.8539463948922297 5 about 8 the 0.46712665064445424 5 about 7 , 0.18737712382804972 9 more 10 worried 2.9979414352477427 10 worried 12 jay 3.4592942679669925 10 worried 13 became 3.4792824457579847 10 worried 14 . 1.0850786621099644 11 sammy 12 jay 9.77475508855667 he lost his appetite and began to grow thin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 4 appetite 1.3900733502266576 2 lost 4 appetite 7.763077020756494 3 his 4 appetite 3.50563309749953 4 appetite 9 thin 5.8947106266522376 4 appetite 8 grow 5.190426502076914 4 appetite 10 . 1.523189402676035 5 and 6 began 1.170831790887096 6 began 8 grow 5.4097224855371095 6 began 7 to 2.775473939384737 he kept out of sight whenever possible and no longer screamed " thief ! thief ! " through the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 kept 1.6352666218294765 2 kept 6 whenever 2.8601553604469494 3 out 5 sight 4.4007149169268835 3 out 4 of 2.138624548858049 5 sight 6 whenever 3.2753257474006325 6 whenever 11 screamed 5.307382974801865 6 whenever 7 possible 4.829335677997225 8 and 9 no 0.0463215459939228 9 no 10 longer 4.8464405017773355 10 longer 11 screamed 3.5404061232300066 11 screamed 15 thief 6.154583735957832 12 " 15 thief 1.6203539023385467 13 thief 15 thief 10.108408185777076 13 thief 14 ! 4.5199059877279275 15 thief 16 ! 4.5199059877279275 15 thief 21 forest 2.2908814586621844 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 18 through 21 forest 5.332623404404973 19 the 21 forest 2.352946321469986 20 green 21 forest 8.1998228972977 21 forest 22 . 1.036274920084331 in fact his voice was rarely heard during the day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 6 rarely 6.673810337960891 3 his 4 voice 2.4241643054159248 4 voice 6 rarely 5.177086427399097 4 voice 5 was 0.9015885912145905 6 rarely 8 during 8.484125014955072 6 rarely 7 heard 4.652031146189312 6 rarely 10 day 3.9287641525347894 6 rarely 11 . 1.2914980616789578 8 during 9 the 1.6845819097254413 but it seemed that he must be talking just as much as ever in the night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 it 0.9702850820529818 2 it 3 seemed 2.468318931699436 3 seemed 7 be 1.9263309446218244 3 seemed 12 as 1.5011285939263708 3 seemed 8 talking 1.330563246757432 4 that 6 must 1.0355450326693543 4 that 5 he 0.8325098574022061 6 must 7 be 3.278854510632158 9 just 12 as 2.6945437830364103 9 just 10 as 2.6945437830364103 11 much 12 as 2.2358459811122238 12 as 13 ever 2.041425487111727 13 ever 17 . 0.4828273527733309 14 in 15 the 1.1613034400066837 15 the 16 night 0.9182531493261905 16 night 17 . 0.5301089935735313 at least everybody said that he was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 at 2 least 4.819164206482084 2 least 3 everybody 2.8079167530418516 3 everybody 7 was 1.3140217043632987 3 everybody 4 said 0.1287554116631071 3 everybody 8 . 0.10310102671927801 5 that 7 was 1.2600580293094676 6 he 7 was 1.2250956603177912 worse still , different ones said that they heard him in different places in the green forest and even down on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 worse -0.211894397589937 1 worse 4 different 1.9715108380292143 1 worse 2 still 3.197258365624041 1 worse 3 , 0.3244966015628883 4 different 13 places 4.546815313235186 4 different 5 ones 2.647990516651042 5 ones 8 they 1.8231610161119782 6 said 8 they -0.17248519348263613 7 that 8 they 0.5856191905481172 8 they 9 heard 1.3022364944588247 9 heard 10 him 1.5150684611992844 11 in 13 places 2.6641956784824252 12 different 13 places 4.546815313235186 13 places 24 meadows 3.63556737134914 13 places 14 in 1.2143935590032946 15 the 24 meadows 2.3225225762090123 16 green 24 meadows 8.640219315758674 16 green 17 forest 8.1998228972977 17 forest 18 and 0.8777454885777161 17 forest 19 even 0.5198973962242057 20 down 24 meadows 3.2776162099811614 21 on 24 meadows 3.790009740513195 22 the 24 meadows 2.3225225762090123 23 green 24 meadows 8.640219315758674 24 meadows 25 . 1.0373533873754468 could it be that he was flying about as well as talking in his sleep ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 could 0.12369463306994888 1 could 15 sleep 2.003308145858277 1 could 3 be 1.9342191241857787 1 could 16 ? 0.4773885660913173 2 it 3 be 1.3628723356900565 4 that 6 was 1.2600580293094676 5 he 6 was 1.2250956603177912 6 was 12 talking 1.3151963780460925 7 flying 8 about 3.137024461936221 7 flying 12 talking 2.567813626820996 7 flying 10 well 0.7506193142566069 9 as 10 well 2.3424609395219242 10 well 11 as 1.3918375790227397 12 talking 15 sleep 2.7123656480514633 13 in 14 his 1.124025734450342 14 his 15 sleep 0.864839364577147 and nobody believed him when he said that he was asleep all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 nobody 0.8794082601522533 1 and 2 nobody 0.818517228402218 2 nobody 3 believed 4.547055066654199 3 believed 8 that 2.4926387065090445 3 believed 6 he 1.2830853626871956 3 believed 4 him 1.2373428296931586 5 when 6 he 1.8647931372101283 6 he 7 said 0.4099816699979293 8 that 13 night 1.6804705698408728 8 that 10 was 1.2600580293094676 9 he 10 was 1.2250956603177912 10 was 11 asleep 1.624601768465812 12 all 13 night 2.1082253939637354 13 night 14 . 0.5301089935735313 they thought that he was awake and doing it purposely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 thought 0.5537853740631107 2 thought 3 that 1.1061935276312251 3 that 10 purposely 2.6110208898344034 4 he 6 awake 1.304697842411418 5 was 6 awake 2.167519210003835 6 awake 10 purposely 8.137351795251622 6 awake 7 and 1.4182188055072729 8 doing 10 purposely 6.024974926533925 9 it 10 purposely 2.7831314621247714 10 purposely 11 . 1.108906648400481 " if they are not all crazy , then i must be , " said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 i 1.4514945219088577 1 " 15 said 2.1846753891302146 2 if 10 i 1.6269668967969526 2 if 3 they 1.4805449911921755 3 they 4 are 2.6489884724530945 4 are 7 crazy 2.9999186775025244 4 are 5 not 1.4815147225228742 6 all 7 crazy 1.0638086190404437 7 crazy 8 , 0.6440498892623481 8 , 9 then 0.4526255996048576 10 i 11 must 1.6151732779572345 11 must 12 be 3.278854510632158 13 , 15 said 1.3498770263619093 14 " 15 said 2.1846753891302146 15 said 16 . 0.9489036959486263 sammy jay to himself , as he turned away from the breakfast which he could not eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 4 himself 2.086123863412002 3 to 4 himself 1.482267600052099 4 himself 12 breakfast 1.5466686210278873 4 himself 8 turned 0.9768103766528995 5 , 7 he 0.5080875377005949 6 as 7 he 1.5279784143694588 7 he 8 turned 1.775244181527798 8 turned 9 away 3.3482297400486516 9 away 10 from 3.252407253562577 10 from 11 the 1.256185433253279 12 breakfast 17 eat 2.522532747520131 12 breakfast 18 . 0.9758391566280054 13 which 15 could 1.274247244706718 14 he 15 could 1.799559825235125 15 could 17 eat 2.5631711339826175 15 could 16 not 3.0316984035119585 then he had a happy idea . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 3 had 6 idea 2.0955903285841266 4 a 6 idea 1.0841415738996716 5 happy 6 idea 2.900563308819013 6 idea 7 . 0.2949482886863528 " why didn't i think of it before ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 2 why 3 didn't 3.2315623834485194 2 why 9 ? 2.4766474958462315 3 didn't 5 think 2.908341843508481 4 i 5 think 2.337341646589767 5 think 7 it 1.5650240986835797 5 think 6 of 1.4134225444720343 7 it 8 before 0.634957206885387 i 'll sleep all day , and then i 'll keep awake all night and see what happens then ! " he exclaimed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 'll 2.8458085143022114 2 'll 18 happens 1.6271831925645834 3 sleep 12 awake 2.9876417624233476 3 sleep 5 day 1.8910937345687309 4 all 5 day 2.007828074516162 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 7 and 8 then 1.5029676557109006 8 then 10 'll 1.1244959029854051 9 i 10 'll 2.8458085143022114 10 'll 11 keep 2.4303904499324496 11 keep 12 awake 3.8710209103490847 12 awake 18 happens 5.4159929811502145 12 awake 14 night 4.955839901724875 12 awake 15 and 1.4182188055072729 13 all 14 night 2.1082253939637354 16 see 18 happens 3.405407412988634 17 what 18 happens 4.073939722983656 18 happens 23 exclaimed 3.2130092727732453 18 happens 19 then 2.1097569872850066 20 ! 23 exclaimed 5.239162796733945 20 ! 21 " 2.8038844676111605 20 ! 22 he 0.9615561911892261 23 exclaimed 24 . 1.3682100388901777 so sammy jay hurried away to the darkest part of the green forest and tried to sleep through the day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 so 2 sammy 0.9214057466106205 2 sammy 3 jay 9.77475508855667 2 sammy 8 darkest 6.136980233400152 4 hurried 8 darkest 6.565186791582022 5 away 8 darkest 4.069748436439394 6 to 7 the 0.3667201796407351 7 the 8 darkest 2.188352574449194 8 darkest 9 part 7.067621010037659 8 darkest 13 forest 5.062190842651795 9 part 10 of 2.634493662720157 11 the 13 forest 2.352946321469986 12 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 13 forest 17 sleep 1.8397585280433084 13 forest 21 . 1.036274920084331 14 and 15 tried 0.9642522669148299 15 tried 16 to 2.6973369114137338 16 to 17 sleep 2.25926977123134 17 sleep 18 through 2.015134401140539 17 sleep 20 day 1.8910937345687309 18 through 19 the 1.8726201334000674 vii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vii 2.492765711356455 sammy jay sits up all night 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 3 sits 6.118156359108497 3 sits 6 night 4.06017656153961 3 sits 4 up 3.3220880282242575 3 sits 5 all 2.2708813881172034 sammy jay sat in the dark and shivered . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 shivered 1.100142988599643 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 8 shivered 4.6716406283564815 3 sat 8 shivered 2.8082894749244964 4 in 6 dark 1.7150656210046265 4 in 5 the 1.1613034400066837 6 dark 8 shivered 4.153012240817834 7 and 8 shivered 1.6339474877093316 8 shivered 9 . 1.5325061611827522 sammy was lonely , more lonely than he had ever supposed anybody could be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 3 lonely 2.611810817521256 2 was 3 lonely 1.373755862949242 3 lonely 11 supposed 4.790147622048526 3 lonely 15 . 0.6446866813119065 3 lonely 4 , 0.3450170046094172 5 more 7 than 5.60773144432164 5 more 6 lonely 1.750460120750251 7 than 10 ever 4.578882500155908 8 he 9 had 1.735007688287725 9 had 10 ever 1.346397175182215 10 ever 11 supposed 4.072908904292305 11 supposed 12 anybody 4.790798789582798 11 supposed 14 be 2.976627634296811 12 anybody 13 could 2.3356398674588696 and to tell the truth sammy jay was scared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 tell 0.46202522503732446 1 and 3 tell 0.30447141829661106 2 to 3 tell 1.5183880022970992 3 tell 5 truth 4.873093628299134 4 the 5 truth 2.0832917345937556 5 truth 9 scared 3.4467023578491798 6 sammy 7 jay 9.77475508855667 7 jay 9 scared 4.284770147160398 8 was 9 scared 1.678515943770794 9 scared 10 . 0.9583090056665746 yes , sir , that was just the way sammy jay felt scared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 11 jay 1.8490467739589285 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 that 6 was 1.2600580293094676 6 was 7 just 0.9981815055535073 7 just 10 sammy 1.4049560373221972 7 just 9 way 1.065616124584345 8 the 9 way 0.8412872900091273 10 sammy 11 jay 9.77475508855667 11 jay 13 scared 4.284770147160398 12 felt 13 scared 1.3283463033383036 13 scared 14 . 0.9583090056665746 every time a leaf rustled , sammy jumped almost out of his skin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 rustled 0.7938681580237663 1 every 5 rustled 4.952467209258099 2 time 5 rustled 3.63709534813599 3 a 4 leaf 2.9193739195427355 4 leaf 5 rustled 10.596323399032823 5 rustled 8 jumped 7.789624674645349 5 rustled 7 sammy 6.357218303407791 5 rustled 9 almost 5.78555883341728 6 , 7 sammy 0.37533083932463995 9 almost 13 skin 4.262851018466602 10 out 13 skin 1.7182172445342516 10 out 11 of 2.138624548858049 12 his 13 skin 2.707568616736637 13 skin 14 . 0.5446431403471621 his heart went pit-a-pat , pit-a-pat , pit-a-pat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 pit-a-pat 0.4053028701061159 1 his 8 pit-a-pat 4.5897321264427795 2 heart 8 pit-a-pat 8.629661512898888 3 went 8 pit-a-pat 7.020809961830544 4 pit-a-pat 6 pit-a-pat 16.627082968797115 4 pit-a-pat 5 , 1.762694385760966 6 pit-a-pat 8 pit-a-pat 16.627082968797115 6 pit-a-pat 7 , 1.762694385760966 8 pit-a-pat 9 . 1.00199144448397 but to-night sammy sat in the darkest , thickest part of a big pine-tree and kept blinking his eyes to keep from going to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 to-night 0.27074572809615205 2 to-night 7 darkest 7.332170530652391 3 sammy 7 darkest 6.136980233400152 4 sat 7 darkest 4.056865828064602 5 in 7 darkest 3.7299025799194823 6 the 7 darkest 2.188352574449194 7 darkest 9 thickest 10.707525961352435 7 darkest 8 , 0.18100701707266964 9 thickest 14 pine-tree 12.115183930265683 9 thickest 10 part 9.026979025540314 9 thickest 11 of 3.311896259056752 12 a 14 pine-tree 2.72948193898349 13 big 14 pine-tree 6.865723265731059 14 pine-tree 17 blinking 10.89700376021614 14 pine-tree 16 kept 5.831132088800004 14 pine-tree 15 and 1.5338202914178218 17 blinking 19 eyes 5.196033151529637 17 blinking 21 keep 4.820188163165316 17 blinking 23 going 3.687398819759249 17 blinking 22 from 3.5083272490694135 18 his 19 eyes 3.1614973247823546 20 to 21 keep 2.048401843387486 23 going 24 to 2.6873711669000304 24 to 25 sleep 2.25926977123134 25 sleep 26 . 0.937353978917649 he just would keep his eyes and his ears wide open . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 just 0.7017321607109004 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 2 just 4 keep 1.4145420861513927 3 would 4 keep 1.2483465841776002 4 keep 11 open 3.3358806674426376 5 his 6 eyes 3.1614973247823546 6 eyes 10 wide 5.181818376040631 6 eyes 7 and 0.9880505585569406 8 his 9 ears 3.6254128810696216 9 ears 10 wide 4.391157391806974 10 wide 11 open 7.223979721527602 11 open 12 . 0.41726833562279886 what was he doing it for ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 doing 4.223808683176616 2 was 4 doing 1.5521198805334606 3 he 4 doing 0.8527972452239219 4 doing 7 ? 2.999479883146126 4 doing 5 it 1.339447718740736 4 doing 6 for 1.007984809996362 now sammy knew better . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sammy 0.93438566972414 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 sammy 3 knew 3.047800511022654 3 knew 4 better 1.9332273790746193 4 better 5 . 0.4176220352576614 he never in his life had screamed in the night unless well , unless he did it in his sleep and didn't know it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 never 1.000375198690353 2 never 14 unless 3.502854046855017 3 in 5 life 2.161389281153866 4 his 5 life 2.1974550920975773 5 life 14 unless 2.6822465529040755 5 life 6 had 1.0839779738408915 7 screamed 11 unless 4.8601363774925765 7 screamed 14 unless 4.8601363774925765 7 screamed 9 the 1.066904530478336 7 screamed 12 well 0.8742506634249843 8 in 9 the 1.1613034400066837 10 night 11 unless 1.6556990844874626 12 well 13 , 1.4929336725718638 14 unless 20 sleep 2.0829234766307145 14 unless 15 he 1.3863920507118728 14 unless 24 it 1.3857687815137467 16 did 20 sleep 1.5741902325584043 16 did 17 it 0.6978863019832637 18 in 19 his 1.124025734450342 19 his 20 sleep 0.864839364577147 20 sleep 21 and 0.47134157986926084 22 didn't 23 know 4.1638850028764445 23 know 24 it 1.2727152881173946 24 it 25 . 0.13987271256052836 he had watched the black shadows creep through the green forest and grow blacker and blacker . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 watched 1.7608838015450594 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 watched 5 black 1.6057825620987067 3 watched 4 the 0.931185345213855 5 black 16 blacker 7.08161791063236 6 shadows 16 blacker 9.662337187586179 6 shadows 7 creep 8.166379692923766 8 through 11 forest 5.332623404404973 9 the 11 forest 2.352946321469986 10 green 11 forest 8.1998228972977 11 forest 16 blacker 7.789024075373625 12 and 16 blacker 2.4674863415705914 13 grow 16 blacker 8.782677476276387 14 blacker 16 blacker 14.266493253540649 15 and 16 blacker 2.4674863415705914 16 blacker 17 . 1.8093463665415754 the blacker they grew , the lonesomer he became . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 blacker 1.0363494810041445 2 blacker 7 lonesomer 14.574615548902973 2 blacker 3 they 3.414714186316477 2 blacker 10 . 1.8093463665415754 4 grew 7 lonesomer 9.33894318736603 4 grew 5 , 0.1852335069758162 6 the 7 lonesomer 1.3444717763664755 7 lonesomer 9 became 8.411145569597966 7 lonesomer 8 he 1.991339660211878 by and by it was so dark that he couldn't see anything at all , and every little noise made him shiver . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 was 0.6373980219783331 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 2 and 4 it 0.22886494934528478 2 and 3 by 0.24013538346727792 4 it 5 was 1.776593012608254 5 was 6 so 1.1056037364281295 6 so 8 that 1.6035496246307979 6 so 7 dark 0.44236597219704166 8 that 22 shiver 0.7557712776724834 8 that 10 couldn't 1.1404505916230079 9 he 10 couldn't 2.184206095579082 10 couldn't 12 anything 3.2202319096036796 10 couldn't 11 see 2.4834022222465855 13 at 17 every 0.9372149588982097 13 at 14 all 1.9101156124848444 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 16 and 17 every 0.7222767533094778 17 every 22 shiver 2.311762156609948 18 little 22 shiver 3.09989032196685 19 noise 22 shiver 5.569224918646118 20 made 22 shiver 4.927007224267147 20 made 21 him 1.8237909782843484 22 shiver 23 . 1.0264444882085115 sammy jay had it now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 it 0.556060888200383 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 3 had 1.4862442344428253 5 now 6 . -0.29732124066647003 he felt so creepy that it seemed as if he would crawl right out of his skin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 felt 2.0830791199149683 2 felt 4 creepy 5.0012678430931565 3 so 4 creepy 2.9898854844933886 4 creepy 7 seemed 6.105846065686347 4 creepy 5 that 2.5670209028316258 4 creepy 18 . 1.265025850317766 6 it 7 seemed 2.468318931699436 7 seemed 12 crawl 3.7174914401057784 7 seemed 9 if 2.2408642968951042 8 as 9 if 2.776143507537343 10 he 12 crawl 1.3653720154696032 11 would 12 crawl 3.3214996965174812 12 crawl 17 skin 7.027406227590937 12 crawl 14 out 3.407901640829561 12 crawl 13 right 3.1096427022070294 14 out 15 of 2.138624548858049 16 his 17 skin 2.707568616736637 he kept saying over and over to himself : " there 's nothing to be afraid of . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 kept 1.6352666218294765 2 kept 3 saying 3.9675449010571633 3 saying 9 : 4.671563748175235 3 saying 8 himself 2.2686679662945473 3 saying 6 over 1.8339644828503232 3 saying 4 over 1.8339644828503232 3 saying 13 nothing 1.5143730117833236 4 over 5 and 0.7219122551307535 7 to 8 himself 1.482267600052099 9 : 10 " 0.967745330980156 11 there 13 nothing 3.341409018133147 11 there 12 's 1.7231004370931355 13 nothing 16 afraid 1.9251185802315334 14 to 15 be 1.7155747074306849 15 be 16 afraid 2.551181150021023 16 afraid 17 of 2.1039206104891797 17 of 18 . 0.3392937059838008 there 's nothing to be afraid of . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 3 nothing 3.341409018133147 1 there 2 's 1.7231004370931355 3 nothing 6 afraid 1.9251185802315334 4 to 5 be 1.7155747074306849 5 be 6 afraid 2.551181150021023 6 afraid 7 of 2.1039206104891797 7 of 8 . 0.3392937059838008 i 'm just as safe as if i was fast asleep . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 'm 3.654262465176622 2 'm 3 just 1.1053740432082968 3 just 4 as 2.6945437830364103 4 as 10 fast 3.412219047117258 5 safe 10 fast 1.5512855051977752 6 as 10 fast 3.412219047117258 6 as 7 if 2.776143507537343 7 if 8 i 1.6269668967969526 9 was 10 fast 0.5812830312261816 10 fast 11 asleep 7.608666954979029 11 asleep 12 . 0.9536492013050442 12 . 13 " 4.467019939707924 but still he shivered and shook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 shook 0.9807086298779488 1 but 6 shook 1.833861016900162 2 still 4 shivered 2.6147146204535794 3 he 4 shivered 1.2025650573744606 4 shivered 6 shook 5.853760574337873 5 and 6 shook 1.2690727831685855 6 shook 7 . 0.8636964632537012 by and by , looking up through the top of the big pine-tree , he saw the little stars come out one by one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 3 by 1.8495083752714976 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 19 stars 2.4491153167149733 4 , 5 looking 1.0138687840852274 5 looking 7 through 2.3915535603463915 5 looking 6 up 2.179021195846193 7 through 13 pine-tree 4.140856257653958 8 the 9 top 2.202480120385376 9 top 13 pine-tree 8.072115208373795 9 top 10 of 3.327721226218433 11 the 13 pine-tree 1.7070418557511857 12 big 13 pine-tree 6.865723265731059 13 pine-tree 19 stars 7.926447538108626 13 pine-tree 16 saw 4.05748182647633 13 pine-tree 18 little 2.189156630581202 13 pine-tree 15 he 2.1357295695470526 14 , 15 he 0.5080875377005949 17 the 18 little 0.6646143918888416 19 stars 21 out 1.9476055289829972 19 stars 25 . 0.5193275196089573 20 come 21 out 1.5903377112468462 21 out 23 by 0.31913278566430847 22 one 23 by 0.3282777256591025 23 by 24 one 0.6754625197365591 they seemed to be looking right down at him and winking at him in the jolliest way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 11 winking 1.4314498311390622 1 they 2 seemed 0.8348055253702675 2 seemed 3 to 2.326680747988899 2 seemed 4 be 1.9263309446218244 5 looking 11 winking 3.945314692696396 5 looking 8 at 3.4886228602274656 5 looking 7 down 2.483939965722538 6 right 7 down 1.6635379891039754 9 him 11 winking 1.7013100772053917 9 him 10 and 0.49816777991094163 11 winking 16 jolliest 10.674611338879703 11 winking 12 at 4.179317896880153 13 him 16 jolliest 2.014467962465023 14 in 15 the 1.1613034400066837 15 the 16 jolliest 2.3928347979278755 16 jolliest 17 way 3.783038715599485 17 way 18 . 0.5851465906102735 somehow , he didn't feel quite so lonely then , and he tried to wink back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 somehow 0.699890444824316 1 somehow 5 feel 4.827289504854178 1 somehow 4 didn't 4.280402352189771 2 , 3 he 0.5080875377005949 3 he 4 didn't 2.0746164561717215 5 feel 8 lonely 3.733352651302148 5 feel 6 quite 2.985248476842415 7 so 8 lonely 2.556524380140793 8 lonely 13 tried 2.0743376418677464 8 lonely 17 . 0.6446866813119065 9 then 12 he 1.6706771798870523 10 , 12 he 0.5080875377005949 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 he 13 tried 1.9648804144625167 13 tried 15 wink 4.5382351508602135 13 tried 14 to 2.6973369114137338 15 wink 16 back 3.518537769485736 then little , soft , silvery bars of light began to creep through the branches of the trees and along the ground . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 12 creep 1.6689234798037447 2 little 7 bars 2.332130529259647 3 , 7 bars 0.3830773022611247 4 soft 7 bars 6.242388666860183 4 soft 5 , 0.6331161029557748 6 silvery 7 bars 8.77710841280172 7 bars 12 creep 9.122563460631273 7 bars 9 light 5.208694882660186 7 bars 8 of 2.7489600646655923 10 began 12 creep 5.68686649078634 10 began 11 to 2.775473939384737 12 creep 15 branches 7.205381739237257 12 creep 13 through 5.175424105770549 13 through 14 the 1.8726201334000674 15 branches 18 trees 5.917716468866441 15 branches 20 along 4.059006213731987 15 branches 22 ground 3.886329552022193 15 branches 16 of 2.0508504063164104 17 the 18 trees 1.8414865778119296 18 trees 19 and 1.140838899137016 21 the 22 ground 2.248876394839101 22 ground 23 . 0.8257662493736042 they were moonbeams , and sammy could see just a little , a very little . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 were 3.2736646255414907 2 were 3 moonbeams 3.9326774797619244 2 were 14 very 1.523014512955605 3 moonbeams 6 sammy 7.333759330583803 3 moonbeams 9 just 4.348543372353337 3 moonbeams 7 could 4.121224166845259 3 moonbeams 8 see 4.070431621660656 3 moonbeams 5 and 1.827551494474534 3 moonbeams 4 , 0.785777998874007 10 a 14 very 0.920846844810935 10 a 11 little 2.1212036022401666 11 little 12 , 0.14585298641299893 13 a 14 very 0.920846844810935 14 very 15 little 0.701424934114506 14 very 16 . 0.3823591548163865 he began to feel better . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 began 1.2052530616021215 2 began 4 feel 3.324569674976818 2 began 3 to 2.775473939384737 4 feel 5 better 3.269196713255994 5 better 6 . 0.4176220352576614 " whooo-hoo-hoo , whooo-hoo ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 whooo-hoo 1.5752278715484316 1 " 2 whooo-hoo-hoo 3.4413837612932276 2 whooo-hoo-hoo 4 whooo-hoo 17.96693297168174 3 , 4 whooo-hoo 2.1134702425038476 4 whooo-hoo 5 ! 5.252396122827012 4 whooo-hoo 6 " 3.3553029505601906 it was a terrible sound , fierce and hungry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 9 hungry 2.0434830390367793 3 a 4 terrible 2.090344298111294 4 terrible 5 sound 4.635269716787704 4 terrible 7 fierce 3.837859864653627 6 , 7 fierce 0.07847482114764048 7 fierce 9 hungry 4.32189782835286 8 and 9 hungry 0.43588714662540795 9 hungry 10 . 0.7876512954422559 sammy jay nearly fell from his perch . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 7 perch 5.600757142199974 3 nearly 7 perch 8.159037600268626 4 fell 7 perch 6.298675832234363 5 from 7 perch 5.115279427213256 6 his 7 perch 3.855234787867321 7 perch 8 . 0.9584898058473854 he opened his mouth to scream with fright . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 opened 1.2939253211865989 2 opened 4 mouth 5.460767095231471 3 his 4 mouth 3.591456806912234 4 mouth 6 scream 5.750273712426456 5 to 6 scream 1.274941929413675 6 scream 8 fright 7.618962346899689 7 with 8 fright 3.2592170734239367 8 fright 9 . 1.4242244451670203 then he remembered just in time and closed it without a sound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 remembered 3.6387282827415106 2 he 3 remembered 2.6713453634690367 3 remembered 8 closed 4.188914527648489 3 remembered 6 time 1.966563659186967 4 just 6 time 1.1863621388876773 5 in 6 time 0.9663908996592099 7 and 8 closed 0.8284395934400166 8 closed 12 sound 3.6491960928455214 8 closed 9 it 1.192766674481252 8 closed 13 . 0.5902819629228802 10 without 12 sound 4.0314653310023765 11 a 12 sound 1.8754435829123892 it was the hunting-cry of hooty the owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 hunting-cry 1.4053028701061194 1 it 4 hunting-cry 3.1096322868019577 2 was 4 hunting-cry 3.207047574190476 3 the 4 hunting-cry 2.5668641977029267 4 hunting-cry 8 owl 10.665600097584726 4 hunting-cry 6 hooty 10.504284640360897 4 hunting-cry 5 of 2.5749306648905446 7 the 8 owl 2.0875330216279195 8 owl 9 . 0.4216162132584671 sammy jay sat huddled in a little , forlorn , shivering heap , while twice more that fierce cry rang through the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 huddled 5.859844363517105 3 sat 4 huddled 5.99649321008512 4 huddled 11 shivering 9.686245041265256 4 huddled 7 little 3.010819389322691 4 huddled 5 in 2.5654023871209404 6 a 7 little 2.1212036022401666 8 , 11 shivering 1.2065796468953245 9 forlorn 11 shivering 9.63138310623074 10 , 11 shivering 1.2065796468953245 11 shivering 12 heap 8.970560367186227 11 shivering 15 twice 7.046899190699207 11 shivering 14 while 4.551643908287648 11 shivering 25 . 1.5198397493465912 11 shivering 13 , 0.5029351119600349 15 twice 20 rang 4.880133286058285 16 more 18 fierce 2.71868141207759 17 that 18 fierce 0.9204482011526416 18 fierce 20 rang 6.3334592700615 19 cry 20 rang 5.828885495658771 20 rang 21 through 5.527584402077327 20 rang 24 forest 5.493053309092321 22 the 24 forest 2.352946321469986 23 green 24 forest 8.1998228972977 then a shadow floated over the big pine-tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 8 pine-tree 1.835573349213199 2 a 8 pine-tree 2.72948193898349 3 shadow 8 pine-tree 6.17729744506585 4 floated 8 pine-tree 9.08276245257331 5 over 8 pine-tree 4.33302956233322 6 the 8 pine-tree 1.7070418557511857 7 big 8 pine-tree 6.865723265731059 8 pine-tree 9 . 0.5614188530979867 hooty the owl had flown away without seeing him , and sammy breathed easier . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hooty 0.3345118451382305 1 hooty 3 owl 10.485027851942906 1 hooty 5 flown 7.343222914743269 2 the 3 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 had 5 flown 4.050173528924191 5 flown 8 seeing 6.389866683857864 5 flown 6 away 5.991782317860217 5 flown 15 . 1.1147593746459243 7 without 8 seeing 4.7084996991836405 8 seeing 13 breathed 5.359986668051359 8 seeing 9 him 1.4785618456704803 10 , 13 breathed 0.9608232324933681 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 sammy 13 breathed 4.0473430209154735 13 breathed 14 easier 6.666713213400914 viii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 viii 2.515639075258626 sammy jay is glad he sat up all night 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 6 sat 3.1785981658737548 2 jay 4 glad 1.470063176447301 2 jay 3 is 1.424089900989781 5 he 6 sat 1.615049772791597 6 sat 7 up 2.528762666070712 7 up 9 night 1.237708827432197 8 all 9 night 2.1082253939637354 sammy jay was having no trouble in keeping awake now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 now 1.0340186789003258 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 8 keeping 3.2436872411923545 2 jay 3 was 1.2181676580161955 4 having 8 keeping 2.877559342394459 5 no 8 keeping 1.4216831443777416 6 trouble 8 keeping 4.289774403318031 7 in 8 keeping 1.5387996667854935 8 keeping 9 awake 4.737888877694907 9 awake 10 now 1.9563096491665775 10 now 11 . -0.29732124066647003 not a bit ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 not 0.4399229381402936 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 not 3 bit 2.688661243491648 2 a 3 bit 3.0183847285915952 he was too frightened and shivery and creepy to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 6 shivery 1.8296530337682988 2 was 6 shivery 3.207047574190476 3 too 6 shivery 5.832976594036932 4 frightened 6 shivery 8.740950933355396 5 and 6 shivery 1.9980010582693772 6 shivery 8 creepy 14.240958161433507 6 shivery 10 sleep 8.424142910126836 6 shivery 7 and 2.496345585999162 6 shivery 11 . 1.1089066484004846 9 to 10 sleep 2.25926977123134 but he didn't want to , anyway . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 2 he 3 didn't 2.0746164561717215 3 didn't 4 want 3.710404799976505 4 want 5 to 2.5707362509545693 4 want 7 anyway 2.5594552095067264 6 , 7 anyway 1.0184500500754226 7 anyway 8 . 0.5109250245388424 so he sat in the thickest part of the big pine-tree , shivering and creepy and miserable . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 15 creepy 2.9898854844933886 2 he 3 sat 1.615049772791597 3 sat 6 thickest 6.226790829506914 4 in 6 thickest 3.215329407089726 5 the 6 thickest 2.258741902340592 6 thickest 11 pine-tree 12.115183930265683 6 thickest 7 part 9.026979025540314 6 thickest 8 of 3.311896259056752 9 the 11 pine-tree 1.7070418557511857 10 big 11 pine-tree 6.865723265731059 11 pine-tree 15 creepy 11.693470366131013 12 , 13 shivering 1.2065796468953245 13 shivering 15 creepy 11.481966260937302 14 and 15 creepy 1.656964140434308 15 creepy 17 miserable 8.762361827432532 15 creepy 18 . 1.265025850317766 16 and 17 miserable 1.1679260597116858 out in a patch of bright moonlight he saw peter rabbit jumping and dancing and having the greatest kind of a time all by himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 out -0.5131718184933014 1 out 4 patch 1.6167123313315628 2 in 4 patch 1.5491819775454765 3 a 4 patch 1.5290613329187934 4 patch 11 rabbit 5.146910758116739 4 patch 7 moonlight 7.212343676394401 4 patch 6 bright 5.950808693914933 4 patch 20 of 2.491835049127083 4 patch 5 of 2.491835049127083 7 moonlight 9 saw 3.4375128759272577 8 he 9 saw 1.9208684375913663 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 rabbit 12 jumping 5.000773034097104 12 jumping 18 greatest 6.291038928896128 12 jumping 14 dancing 6.245162407163395 12 jumping 16 having 4.310987043122989 12 jumping 13 and 0.7946868605689055 14 dancing 15 and 0.8991047554995646 17 the 18 greatest 2.3084836508753455 19 kind 20 of 2.572643006627489 20 of 26 . 0.3392937059838008 20 of 23 all 0.338861944788869 20 of 21 a 0.08933598203417148 21 a 22 time 1.3848753204709663 24 by 25 himself 1.4008255637369658 25 himself 26 . 0.6673551505339343 pretty soon peter was joined by his cousin , jumper the hare . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 10 jumper 1.7929582321555486 3 peter 10 jumper 4.6085793870954 3 peter 4 was 0.7705739010174337 5 joined 10 jumper 5.694084524764275 5 joined 6 by 2.7262709136097456 7 his 8 cousin 2.3925086402507887 8 cousin 10 jumper 7.5294009489359865 8 cousin 9 , 1.0968581528652415 10 jumper 12 hare 10.540508458932756 11 the 12 hare 2.121639977825204 12 hare 13 . 0.712217190697757 such antics as they did cut up ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 antics 0.44594485460346434 1 such 2 antics 4.954352077445893 2 antics 6 cut 7.912474006100506 2 antics 5 did 4.587822988025053 2 antics 7 up 3.7777675120004552 2 antics 4 they 3.578212918599359 2 antics 3 as 2.7880097417145357 2 antics 8 ! 2.6085399330522883 sammy jay almost laughed aloud as he watched . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 8 watched 3.7242565999595527 3 almost 5 aloud 5.003658678927202 4 laughed 5 aloud 6.466756571020031 5 aloud 8 watched 3.826752256167371 6 as 8 watched 2.1134298032070973 7 he 8 watched 1.7608838015450594 8 watched 9 . 0.17892384686350837 it was less lonely with them there , and he did want to call to them dreadfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 17 dreadfully 1.9684752257985885 3 less 4 lonely 4.120187724387105 4 lonely 14 call 3.250879723293398 4 lonely 7 there 1.4493209723938918 4 lonely 9 and 0.9840313307095379 4 lonely 5 with 0.48678645488132943 5 with 6 them 0.8797822746679138 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 he 11 did 1.2723526150845803 11 did 12 want 2.128361470413825 12 want 13 to 2.5707362509545693 13 to 14 call 1.1867807846449097 14 call 17 dreadfully 2.184172375509327 15 to 16 them 0.8768042050932152 16 them 17 dreadfully 1.7704077530010274 17 dreadfully 18 . 0.6810690624577553 but that would never , never do , for no one must know that he was sitting up awake all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 no 0.9187691539522387 1 but 10 no 1.5130340843231664 1 but 6 never 1.4974440986894848 2 that 3 would 1.6180247609774892 3 would 6 never 1.9064621972386337 3 would 4 never 1.9064621972386337 5 , 6 never 0.15468167442949898 6 never 7 do 0.6762719725429456 7 do 9 for 0.6988056908568883 7 do 8 , 0.01940385376791376 10 no 11 one 2.611222192281094 11 one 21 night 2.0356441111557153 12 must 13 know 0.8835186994627868 13 know 14 that 1.300924681937678 14 that 21 night 1.6804705698408728 15 he 19 awake 1.304697842411418 16 was 17 sitting 2.6030743563351812 17 sitting 19 awake 2.6160110506597043 17 sitting 18 up 2.1130451605468323 19 awake 21 night 4.955839901724875 20 all 21 night 2.1082253939637354 21 night 22 . 0.5301089935735313 by and by along came jimmy skunk , walking out into the patch of bright moonlight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 16 moonlight 2.5531731320149333 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 16 moonlight 2.5531731320149333 4 along 16 moonlight 3.7251235674011056 4 along 5 came 2.496163834911968 6 jimmy 7 skunk 9.859461590276863 7 skunk 13 patch 5.3917630727447765 8 , 9 walking 0.3714336587902167 9 walking 13 patch 5.301838993978155 10 out 13 patch 1.6167123313315628 10 out 11 into 1.7356276492321001 12 the 13 patch 1.592594472796339 13 patch 16 moonlight 7.212343676394401 13 patch 15 bright 5.950808693914933 13 patch 14 of 2.491835049127083 16 moonlight 17 . 0.5264124032700757 he touched noses with peter rabbit and jumper the hare , which is one way of saying " good evening " in the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 touched 1.2892131031950527 2 touched 3 noses 6.84453248829195 3 noses 8 jumper 8.18762399772184 4 with 8 jumper 0.9116367652204183 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 8 jumper 5.952631539605754 6 rabbit 7 and 0.3512952531958753 8 jumper 10 hare 10.540508458932756 8 jumper 24 green 3.5028795807317543 8 jumper 17 saying 3.159563673350089 9 the 10 hare 2.121639977825204 11 , 17 saying 0.6411722244335749 12 which 17 saying 1.4229624421207596 12 which 15 way 1.5974044622930705 12 which 13 is 1.1687503548224143 13 is 14 one 0.9269254716485573 15 way 16 of 0.8234768608774186 18 " 19 good 0.38742477789924123 19 good 20 evening 3.2128476832910273 20 evening 24 green 0.48455293292516544 20 evening 21 " -0.4406312759099542 22 in 24 green 1.6495843343010073 23 the 24 green 2.032029580366329 24 green 25 forest 8.1998228972977 25 forest 26 . 1.036274920084331 " isn't it most time for sammy jay to scream in his sleep ? " asked peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 asked 1.8179061974260886 2 isn't 10 scream 2.222955132514027 2 isn't 14 ? 2.600545328249643 2 isn't 3 it 1.8930775194592933 4 most 10 scream 2.3463121986665136 4 most 5 time 1.9950418498729796 5 time 6 for 0.9582811402805671 7 sammy 8 jay 9.77475508855667 7 sammy 10 scream 6.059812372877694 9 to 10 scream 1.274941929413675 10 scream 13 sleep 5.6857907756896715 10 scream 12 his 2.026701973944604 11 in 12 his 1.124025734450342 14 ? 16 asked 5.562665578900452 14 ? 15 " 3.328347337284576 16 asked 17 peter 2.220069491081393 16 asked 19 . 0.985916681625902 17 peter 18 rabbit 7.313713619688597 sammy pricked up his ears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 pricked 1.1157962529111316 1 sammy 2 pricked 5.547913334346262 2 pricked 5 ears 10.02244499772043 2 pricked 3 up 5.628074579242597 2 pricked 4 his 4.198013515657877 5 ears 6 . 1.073941286362988 " scream in his sleep ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 scream 5 sleep 5.6857907756896715 2 scream 4 his 2.026701973944604 2 scream 6 ! 0.8136042702487494 3 in 4 his 1.124025734450342 nonsense ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nonsense 0.8117014511110909 1 nonsense 2 ! 3.267977664025871 sammy jay isn't any more asleep than i am . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 6 asleep 1.6288199577753169 2 jay 3 isn't 1.2889932781476006 3 isn't 4 any 3.4072898663894584 4 any 5 more 3.8525050352467343 6 asleep 10 . 0.9536492013050442 7 than 10 . 0.6729937762718201 7 than 9 am 1.6756472661785473 8 i 9 am 3.4303740479986207 he just screams out of pure meanness to wake up and frighten good honest folks who want to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 7 meanness 1.6072606124318476 2 just 7 meanness 5.592080271703583 3 screams 7 meanness 13.827381619282942 4 out 7 meanness 4.243058752817838 5 of 6 pure 2.185956287636934 6 pure 7 meanness 11.688483513461254 7 meanness 12 frighten 11.20443228540839 7 meanness 9 wake 10.208947766530887 7 meanness 11 and 1.9488577906966675 7 meanness 8 to 1.2386615260757132 9 wake 10 up 5.3512343738837735 12 frighten 14 honest 5.991699134244374 13 good 14 honest 2.5703063488581392 14 honest 15 folks 4.93011135512171 14 honest 19 sleep 2.6187710743483343 15 folks 16 who 2.3228861810678616 17 want 18 to 2.5707362509545693 18 to 19 sleep 2.25926977123134 19 sleep 20 . 0.937353978917649 for my part , i don't see what any one wants to sleep for on such a fine night as this , anyway . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 for 3 part 1.677507606880603 2 my 3 part 2.3105355336674585 3 part 5 i 0.5155904829453135 4 , 5 i 0.5715918990983972 5 i 6 don't 2.6483752334675046 6 don't 7 see 2.2889437084610673 7 see 8 what 2.254235659735974 8 what 11 wants 1.4848295575727626 9 any 10 one 2.8382893103071787 10 one 11 wants 1.4771499561962038 11 wants 13 sleep 2.8380248666599748 11 wants 23 anyway 3.585355017645359 11 wants 12 to 2.5309481560259606 13 sleep 19 night 4.445156826962275 13 sleep 14 for 1.2686416861163892 13 sleep 21 this 0.5164611851069658 13 sleep 20 as 0.41691559002328304 15 on 19 night 0.8385770476377346 16 such 19 night 1.013379951965856 16 such 17 a 2.6388379146949603 17 a 18 fine 2.1660824004800148 22 , 23 anyway 1.0184500500754226 23 anyway 24 . 0.5109250245388424 it serves ' em right if they do get waked up , " replied jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 serves 1.491811863360791 1 it 2 serves 2.8038238572778695 2 serves 4 em 5.966329291482861 3 ' 4 em 3.9197908577765492 4 em 10 waked 5.735808242490375 4 em 17 . 0.7964388827621924 5 right 10 waked 2.5287247427629147 6 if 7 they 1.4805449911921755 7 they 10 waked 1.6057800117013734 8 do 9 get 0.7377806720745568 9 get 10 waked 2.057006413233207 10 waked 16 skunk 5.045510402458866 10 waked 11 up 4.907999982774282 12 , 14 replied 1.5802587282237415 13 " 14 replied 2.2297485079660806 14 replied 15 jimmy 4.63098903361243 15 jimmy 16 skunk 9.859461590276863 " but sammy jay says that he doesn't do it and doesn't know anything about it , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 3 sammy 1.0229339808053908 2 but 3 sammy 0.20671189524457745 3 sammy 4 jay 9.77475508855667 4 jay 15 about 1.4582399388585472 4 jay 20 peter 0.8303987192481195 5 says 12 doesn't 3.598996021553969 5 says 8 doesn't 3.598996021553969 5 says 7 he 1.7495677247983057 6 that 7 he 0.8325098574022061 9 do 10 it 1.229193173512929 10 it 12 doesn't 2.1740901372857095 11 and 12 doesn't 0.0945201179854287 12 doesn't 14 anything 2.9730619152328366 12 doesn't 13 know 3.1189885765585643 14 anything 15 about 3.42865236820278 15 about 16 it 1.8539463948922297 17 , 19 said 1.3498770263619093 18 " 19 said 2.1846753891302146 19 said 20 peter 1.7439427448895923 20 peter 21 rabbit 7.313713619688597 21 rabbit 22 . 0.6126504281875942 " have you ever seen him scream in the night , jimmy skunk ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 have 5 seen 3.3566485806794955 2 have 3 you 1.0104688062102145 4 ever 5 seen 4.321407216968222 5 seen 7 scream 2.4429160447790217 5 seen 6 him 1.7893361997696324 7 scream 13 skunk 4.368269782325086 7 scream 10 night 1.9433128038487162 7 scream 14 ? 1.1988653275385701 8 in 9 the 1.1613034400066837 9 the 10 night 0.9182531493261905 11 , 12 jimmy 0.3984754674638893 12 jimmy 13 skunk 9.859461590276863 14 ? 15 " 3.328347337284576 " no , i don't have to , " replied jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 replied 2.2297485079660806 1 " 5 don't 1.9303840469320566 1 " 6 have 0.38766294493250975 2 no 5 don't 1.1857557593120092 2 no 3 , 0.7405451084932118 4 i 5 don't 2.6483752334675046 6 have 7 to 0.7773241544816258 8 , 10 replied 1.5802587282237415 9 " 10 replied 2.2297485079660806 10 replied 11 jimmy 4.63098903361243 10 replied 13 . 1.0432973820548543 11 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 peter shook his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 shook 0.9807086298779488 1 peter 2 shook 1.7752496832718805 2 shook 4 head 7.152334097761402 3 his 4 head 3.6389926349442767 4 head 5 . 0.9057652481458263 " i guess you 're right , jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 guess 1.091305205023403 1 " 3 guess 1.7580577951221201 2 i 3 guess 3.2191923235064674 3 guess 8 jimmy 1.8159424545891554 3 guess 5 're 3.3476672764331745 3 guess 6 right 2.917947078093494 4 you 5 're 3.6060902389633167 6 right 7 , 0.4882046170813723 8 jimmy 9 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 skunk 10 . 0.71694841771642 i guess you 're right , " he said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 1 i 2 guess 3.2191923235064674 2 guess 4 're 3.3476672764331745 2 guess 5 right 2.917947078093494 3 you 4 're 3.6060902389633167 6 , 7 " 0.6466805192388225 7 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 8 he 9 said 0.4099816699979293 9 said 10 . 0.9489036959486263 " of course i 'm right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 course 1.1137837747596677 1 " 3 course 0.9955464445692712 2 of 3 course 4.211944956136168 3 course 6 right 1.8187495447410775 4 i 5 'm 3.654262465176622 5 'm 6 right 1.2825681791238743 6 right 7 . 0.5438558348880775 there , now ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 2 , 3 now -0.2615219974795089 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 jimmy held up one hand to warn peter to keep still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 7 warn 3.857481226148625 1 jimmy 12 . 0.5315977202227646 2 held 5 hand 5.6234828937404835 2 held 7 warn 4.06702313960789 2 held 3 up 2.809096452691815 4 one 5 hand 1.3868866906768567 6 to 7 warn 1.9415181956884737 7 warn 10 keep 4.570074984270416 7 warn 8 peter 2.639179229406789 9 to 10 keep 2.048401843387486 10 keep 11 still 3.439973192461686 they all heard it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 all 1.334082204127343 1 they 3 heard 1.3022364944588247 3 heard 4 it 0.8714920970538813 4 it 5 . 0.13987271256052836 sammy jay heard it , too , and scratched himself to be sure that he was awake and sitting there in the big pine-tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 1 sammy 10 himself 2.086123863412002 3 heard 9 scratched 2.295697974663863 4 it 6 too 1.239309085414762 5 , 6 too 0.48106916074670103 6 too 9 scratched 1.7597276120062908 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 8 and 9 scratched 1.3841836948760324 9 scratched 10 himself 2.800498753363634 10 himself 19 sitting 1.7093261725624522 10 himself 25 . 0.6673551505339343 11 to 12 be 1.7155747074306849 12 be 13 sure 3.347040778220114 13 sure 17 awake 2.8202897209716014 13 sure 14 that 2.1122608601934836 15 he 17 awake 1.304697842411418 16 was 17 awake 2.167519210003835 17 awake 19 sitting 2.919041474541661 17 awake 18 and 1.4182188055072729 19 sitting 24 pine-tree 5.603071994952206 19 sitting 21 in 1.9389868251468627 19 sitting 20 there 1.795566862572123 22 the 24 pine-tree 1.7070418557511857 23 big 24 pine-tree 6.865723265731059 " i 'm glad i kept awake , but 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 'm 1.0964224937219313 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 but 0.9143403551529357 1 " 3 'm 1.5924503438057567 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 3 'm 4 glad 5.785656797709601 3 'm 7 awake 1.9307573464412648 4 glad 5 i 1.1734385764192083 6 kept 7 awake 4.936104213680249 8 , 9 but 1.025230194614105 " maybe i 'm going crazy ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 maybe 1.4459448546034572 1 " 2 maybe 2.008424354017123 2 maybe 6 crazy 4.064860738651483 3 i 4 'm 3.654262465176622 4 'm 5 going 4.947880392510408 5 going 6 crazy 2.934723214525416 6 crazy 7 ! 1.8345436079411108 my wits are getting hazy ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 my 5 hazy 2.4204594080309434 2 wits 5 hazy 9.307446685417741 3 are 5 hazy 2.876655114824345 4 getting 5 hazy 6.5249058870617525 5 hazy 6 ! 1.9669939039647666 that 's surely me , yet here i be ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 surely 1.049971616951538 1 that 3 surely 0.928553250789701 1 that 2 's 1.1346800697624513 3 surely 9 be 1.998223863103611 3 surely 7 here 1.4219459064294497 3 surely 10 ! 0.37824231363049066 4 me 7 here 0.6319225810020015 4 me 6 yet 0.556593288530312 4 me 5 , 0.44704990407605116 8 i 9 be 0.6768855453260603 oh , dear , i sure am crazy ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 3 dear 4.430786120406985 1 oh 9 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 4 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 2 , 2.0324623708210936 5 i 7 am 3.4303740479986207 5 i 6 sure 1.8904501017726254 7 am 8 crazy 1.7956812311181203 8 crazy 9 ! 1.8345436079411108 9 ! 10 " 2.8038844676111605 ix 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ix 2.3871555233958546 the mystery grows 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 grows 0.6210315611615549 1 the 2 mystery 1.6858224258632966 2 mystery 3 grows 7.633977343810823 " can a body be a body , yet not a body be ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 can 0.5448561843768722 2 can 12 body 1.4245622164870646 2 can 13 be 1.95181533171424 2 can 14 ? 1.607470348356447 3 a 12 body 1.4521880058900436 4 body 7 body 5.350548229027979 5 be 6 a 0.5471402906685334 6 a 7 body 1.4521880058900436 7 body 12 body 5.350548229027979 7 body 9 yet 1.8829973834682932 7 body 8 , 0.25422141246762564 9 yet 10 not 0.9313167213201439 11 a 12 body 1.4521880058900436 tell a body , anybody , didst such a body see ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 0.8975782375580525 1 tell 10 body 0.250197703695509 1 tell 12 ? 0.727912587453158 2 a 10 body 1.4521880058900436 3 body 7 didst 6.220988595259062 3 body 10 body 5.350548229027979 3 body 4 , 0.25422141246762564 5 anybody 7 didst 5.685779129735003 6 , 7 didst 0.08667018316013042 7 didst 8 such 2.0824911378736317 8 such 9 a 2.6388379146949603 11 see 12 ? 0.5021875747364266 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 of course it was sammy jay who was humming such a foolish-sounding rhyme as that . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 3 it 1.2706714483365502 3 it 4 was 1.776593012608254 4 was 12 foolish-sounding 3.79201007491163 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 6 jay 12 foolish-sounding 10.205619200358836 7 who 12 foolish-sounding 6.527602955850806 8 was 12 foolish-sounding 3.79201007491163 9 humming 12 foolish-sounding 14.814285961671263 10 such 12 foolish-sounding 7.498672593669703 11 a 12 foolish-sounding 3.299797663740243 12 foolish-sounding 13 rhyme 15.189325393018184 12 foolish-sounding 14 as 5.431865931489256 12 foolish-sounding 15 that 4.6963039197765895 12 foolish-sounding 16 . 1.8093463665415754 but really , it wasn't so foolish in sammy 's case , after all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 5 wasn't 1.9142306172002748 2 really 5 wasn't 2.1711449393905298 3 , 5 wasn't 0.41515265522965805 4 it 5 wasn't 2.5487137974486345 5 wasn't 11 case 1.369458163809817 6 so 7 foolish 1.8505136499248351 7 foolish 11 case 2.825698224270493 8 in 11 case 3.301689691892907 9 sammy 11 case 1.8474736162051677 10 's 11 case 1.6072618378790047 11 case 13 after 2.124650706099228 11 case 12 , 0.5305209436319345 11 case 15 . 0.48886168852388323 13 after 14 all 2.6405151338762938 now he knew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 knew 0.7175900076011832 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 he 3 knew 2.1822750360063026 3 knew 4 . -0.30080921061016497 did ever a jaybird have anything so queer as that to puzzle him ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 did 0.8143886674719916 1 did 4 jaybird 4.728040471142641 1 did 14 ? 1.818524260228294 2 ever 4 jaybird 5.906369717689376 3 a 4 jaybird 1.6368326510178122 4 jaybird 8 queer 8.588947839910336 4 jaybird 6 anything 6.276030792234383 4 jaybird 7 so 3.742199107069066 4 jaybird 5 have 3.5801899502313788 8 queer 12 puzzle 6.117946832560907 9 as 12 puzzle 1.3521240368726488 10 that 12 puzzle 0.5484794237656878 11 to 12 puzzle 1.4004728114975293 12 puzzle 13 him 2.7282899950411768 anyway , sammy jay knew that he didn't scream in his sleep , and there was a whole lot of comfort in that . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 anyway 0.5057427712271441 1 anyway 3 sammy 2.360177678888334 1 anyway 13 , 1.465638585782461 1 anyway 2 , 1.465638585782461 3 sammy 4 jay 9.77475508855667 3 sammy 9 scream 6.059812372877694 3 sammy 5 knew 3.047800511022654 5 knew 6 that 2.5840220415164588 7 he 8 didn't 2.0746164561717215 8 didn't 9 scream 2.369470634539258 9 scream 12 sleep 5.6857907756896715 9 scream 11 his 2.026701973944604 10 in 11 his 1.124025734450342 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 14 and 21 comfort 0.8659991649858583 15 there 19 lot 1.9202897602231737 15 there 16 was 2.1014798704396025 17 a 19 lot 3.11904174058326 18 whole 19 lot 4.925817490687386 19 lot 21 comfort 2.910565908224722 19 lot 20 of 3.0405232681545122 21 comfort 22 in 1.3138636201249767 21 comfort 23 that 0.7136458165501018 21 comfort 24 . 0.6817399274039921 he could eat with a better appetite now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 could 1.799559825235125 2 could 3 eat 2.5631711339826175 3 eat 7 appetite 3.3716879801436406 4 with 7 appetite 1.9095494317853188 4 with 5 a 1.3165200252756044 6 better 7 appetite 3.0220379320038653 7 appetite 8 now 2.3885981914964454 7 appetite 9 . 1.523189402676035 now he knew that he could go to sleep in peace , just as he always had . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 he 6 could 1.799559825235125 2 he 3 knew 2.1822750360063026 2 he 17 had 1.735007688287725 3 knew 4 that 2.5840220415164588 5 he 6 could 1.799559825235125 6 could 7 go 1.5833859489992541 7 go 9 sleep 3.2387753466381284 7 go 11 peace 2.515910250198548 8 to 9 sleep 2.25926977123134 10 in 11 peace 2.4240941503953977 11 peace 12 , 0.6080171580175922 13 just 14 as 2.6945437830364103 14 as 15 he 1.5279784143694588 15 he 17 had 1.735007688287725 15 he 16 always 0.7229603727519347 17 had 18 . -0.22995638183605216 sammy jay brushed and smoothed out his handsome blue coat and made himself as pert and smart-appearing as possible . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 3 brushed 6.511358057146868 3 brushed 4 and 1.1149912129766015 4 and 17 smart-appearing 3.5829635589905315 5 smoothed 11 and 1.8431483495255492 5 smoothed 10 coat 6.672353246321524 5 smoothed 6 out 4.906707497800998 7 his 10 coat 3.521134439408911 8 handsome 10 coat 6.41193478869474 9 blue 10 coat 5.464596171353474 11 and 17 smart-appearing 3.5829635589905315 12 made 17 smart-appearing 7.44218139483144 13 himself 17 smart-appearing 8.061492240007205 14 as 17 smart-appearing 4.811555655509945 15 pert 17 smart-appearing 15.461404938454987 16 and 17 smart-appearing 3.5829635589905315 17 smart-appearing 19 possible 11.581995079268577 17 smart-appearing 18 as 5.846903430768101 17 smart-appearing 20 . 2.224383865820421 he had been so worried lately that he hadn't taken much care of himself , which is very unusual for sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 14 himself 2.1920991116882416 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 been 3.8301500596883944 3 been 6 lately 5.003735618907669 4 so 5 worried 1.7901998951132576 5 worried 6 lately 7.270198257105665 7 that 8 he 0.8325098574022061 8 he 14 himself 2.1920991116882416 8 he 9 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 9 hadn't 10 taken 3.285099260380594 10 taken 12 care 3.892724160631552 11 much 12 care 0.2260578041212966 12 care 13 of 1.7057962774807685 14 himself 19 unusual 1.988243257976567 15 , 19 unusual 0.5427216010023912 16 which 19 unusual 2.7501185596786044 17 is 19 unusual 1.6120333411941843 18 very 19 unusual 3.6078276971803334 19 unusual 22 jay 5.628656705533626 19 unusual 20 for 1.8581263285865859 19 unusual 23 . 1.2394907582106285 21 sammy 22 jay 9.77475508855667 now , however , he felt so much better that he began to think about his looks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 however 1.48434023334047 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 , 3 however 1.6172276584143823 3 however 6 felt 2.4557643126678173 3 however 4 , 1.63004527252048 3 however 11 he 1.048394349601665 5 he 6 felt 2.0830791199149683 6 felt 9 better 2.6525396888620776 6 felt 10 that 2.0826033704174503 7 so 8 much 3.2954782062481396 8 much 9 better 3.2058274326309117 11 he 16 his 1.2727377188429507 11 he 17 looks 1.2572685991266077 11 he 12 began 1.2052530616021215 12 began 13 to 2.775473939384737 12 began 14 think 1.72473290505636 14 think 15 about 1.6958208658961738 17 looks 18 . 0.14480031799966753 when he had finished dressing , he started for the alders beside the laughing brook just to have a look around . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 4 finished 4.427820134395326 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 3 had 4 finished 3.3903455978980865 4 finished 5 dressing 7.423193376765422 5 dressing 11 alders 10.294507629710242 6 , 7 he 0.5080875377005949 7 he 8 started 1.8718415916217772 8 started 11 alders 6.25532744823095 8 started 9 for 2.656734960684876 10 the 11 alders 2.349766076035987 11 alders 15 brook 9.429622111435936 11 alders 12 beside 8.184212590769551 11 alders 16 just 3.7481508310625777 11 alders 22 . 0.8397200155850939 13 the 15 brook 2.4170322032995006 14 laughing 15 brook 9.342696177760082 16 just 20 look 2.0464586626145937 17 to 20 look 1.4243381174913097 18 have 19 a 0.7694929783844255 19 a 20 look 0.7345175288807866 20 look 21 around 2.724658501876604 of course he didn't expect to find his voice down there , for who ever saw a voice ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 4 didn't 2.8334930387721435 2 course 16 saw 1.407185868704353 3 he 4 didn't 2.0746164561717215 4 didn't 5 expect 3.7878515768924643 5 expect 7 find 3.256193068715117 5 expect 6 to 2.103529584601631 7 find 11 there 1.2558057924202544 7 find 9 voice 0.29462504131078404 8 his 9 voice 2.4241643054159248 10 down 11 there 0.8916449461361111 11 there 14 who 1.2994662320070596 12 , 14 who 0.7573564620449389 12 , 13 for -0.029487711338200384 15 ever 16 saw 3.3578440192850323 16 saw 17 a 1.0444883684223498 17 a 18 voice 2.0900790724389022 17 a 19 ? -0.38047863477397925 still he thought that he might find something that would explain the mystery . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 still 0.17744170464104236 1 still 6 might 0.8397853883919879 2 he 3 thought 1.3670260759711912 3 thought 6 might 2.5286350900783034 4 that 6 might 1.817944311062556 5 he 6 might 1.2806334129261927 6 might 7 find 1.8620672177780087 7 find 13 mystery 3.6007281690364685 7 find 8 something 2.555977167244439 8 something 9 that 1.2468294257174648 9 that 10 would 1.6180247609774892 11 explain 13 mystery 6.4782141260761925 12 the 13 mystery 1.6858224258632966 13 mystery 14 . 0.8031412170148684 he hunted all around in the thicket of alders beside the laughing brook , but nothing unusual did he find . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 hunted 2.2684958545498652 2 hunted 7 thicket 6.597997849920773 2 hunted 4 around 4.4660144203186185 3 all 4 around 2.222674973140208 5 in 7 thicket 2.2220709849687807 6 the 7 thicket 1.1983692843611102 7 thicket 9 alders 10.227393433851706 7 thicket 8 of 1.5749306648905446 9 alders 13 brook 9.429622111435936 9 alders 10 beside 8.184212590769551 11 the 13 brook 2.4170322032995006 12 laughing 13 brook 9.342696177760082 13 brook 17 unusual 5.141661821182019 14 , 15 but 1.025230194614105 15 but 16 nothing 1.5568937382115102 16 nothing 17 unusual 4.5817735285329135 17 unusual 20 find 2.550523605038453 17 unusual 21 . 1.2394907582106285 18 did 20 find 1.688381518462105 19 he 20 find 0.8314986635425701 then for a long time he sat as still as still can be , studying and thinking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 for -0.41797546668875896 2 for 5 time 2.018803318635184 2 for 18 . 0.2860888971907851 3 a 4 long 1.8939671708709067 4 long 5 time 3.7235556839354 5 time 15 studying 3.478288311177831 6 he 7 sat 1.615049772791597 7 sat 15 studying 3.6651357022778264 7 sat 11 still 3.6661430536797823 7 sat 9 still 3.6661430536797823 8 as 9 still -0.02806807002000511 9 still 10 as 0.2738767802888411 12 can 15 studying 2.1186014857452555 12 can 13 be 1.95181533171424 13 be 14 , -0.03441025666946551 15 studying 17 thinking 3.9460832144545606 15 studying 16 and 1.1920473851335878 " thief ! thief ! thief ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 thief 1.6203539023385467 2 thief 4 thief 10.108408185777076 2 thief 3 ! 4.5199059877279275 4 thief 6 thief 10.108408185777076 4 thief 5 ! 4.5199059877279275 6 thief 7 ! 4.5199059877279275 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 then out popped jenny wren , and she was so mad that she couldn't sit still a second . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 popped 3.2118784540033225 2 out 3 popped 1.9819339369926752 3 popped 5 wren 8.219729018583255 4 jenny 5 wren 13.869552931617616 5 wren 11 mad 6.195237181831715 5 wren 9 was 1.4172390051180273 5 wren 7 and 0.5820754600250453 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 she 9 was 1.2439662970653966 9 was 10 so 1.1056037364281295 11 mad 15 sit 3.6761863967358757 11 mad 19 . 0.6241692812390092 12 that 14 couldn't 1.1404505916230079 13 she 14 couldn't 1.2934249433275937 14 couldn't 15 sit 2.744164054743596 15 sit 16 still 4.735451939798839 15 sit 18 second 1.2561563203137602 17 a 18 second 1.8684035894668085 my , my , my , how she did scold ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 how 1.1444914957494294 1 my 3 my 1.1208825252475592 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 3 my 5 my 1.1208825252475592 3 my 4 , 0.4065615569975396 5 my 7 how 0.6738150643457494 5 my 6 , 0.4065615569975396 7 how 9 did 2.518082473303066 7 how 11 ! 1.7025192702459062 8 she 9 did 1.487309064234319 9 did 10 scold 2.9243058647637348 " you ought to be ashamed of yourself , sammy jay ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 you 1.0774489925638644 1 " 12 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 you 3 ought 2.213129182743039 3 ought 6 ashamed 5.8187728889467145 3 ought 5 be 3.5981450096469345 3 ought 4 to 3.1353666378378975 6 ashamed 11 jay 2.8542164059487583 6 ashamed 8 yourself 5.210823465361361 6 ashamed 7 of 3.023967112165465 8 yourself 9 , 0.8685964610958941 10 sammy 11 jay 9.77475508855667 you ought to be ashamed of yourself ! " she sputtered . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ought 0.6505259998234489 1 you 2 ought 2.213129182743039 2 ought 5 ashamed 5.8187728889467145 2 ought 4 be 3.5981450096469345 2 ought 3 to 3.1353666378378975 5 ashamed 11 sputtered 8.938138889493853 5 ashamed 6 of 3.023967112165465 7 yourself 11 sputtered 7.391157391806974 8 ! 11 sputtered 5.774640157210971 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 10 she 11 sputtered 1.9606358558084658 11 sputtered 12 . 3.323919539371335 " isn't it enough to keep us awake half the night without coming down and screaming all day ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 isn't 1.002897857253009 1 " 2 isn't 1.619275437866282 2 isn't 4 enough 2.665832400393004 2 isn't 3 it 1.8930775194592933 4 enough 6 keep 2.2925663590879424 4 enough 5 to 2.0867227826403028 6 keep 8 awake 3.8710209103490847 6 keep 16 screaming 2.990992267091041 6 keep 7 us 1.525827726884284 8 awake 11 night 4.955839901724875 8 awake 9 half 4.766587149582858 10 the 11 night 0.9182531493261905 12 without 16 screaming 2.990535066947494 13 coming 16 screaming 3.506872524984967 13 coming 14 down 2.8192479779746407 14 down 15 and 0.9385256906727442 16 screaming 18 day 2.8948168206114495 16 screaming 19 ? 1.0414674239724242 17 all 18 day 2.007828074516162 19 ? 20 " 3.328347337284576 " i haven't been down here in the night , and i haven't kept anybody awake ! " replied sammy jay indignantly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 haven't 1.0945053385042502 1 " 13 haven't 1.86884051982614 2 i 13 haven't 2.8375175406992117 2 i 3 haven't 2.8375175406992117 3 haven't 4 been 3.15733149895987 3 haven't 6 here 1.9033758426287442 5 down 6 here 1.468997266800578 6 here 9 night 1.6096722489575868 7 in 8 the 1.1613034400066837 8 the 9 night 0.9182531493261905 9 night 11 and 0.6241262639738405 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 i 13 haven't 2.8375175406992117 13 haven't 16 awake 2.7008418909395893 14 kept 16 awake 4.936104213680249 15 anybody 16 awake 3.4327364955583697 16 awake 22 indignantly 5.5133545813463805 17 ! 22 indignantly 4.001680304180731 17 ! 18 " 2.8038844676111605 19 replied 20 sammy 4.081583860794364 20 sammy 21 jay 9.77475508855667 21 jay 22 indignantly 3.8628037389976484 22 indignantly 23 . 2.544643140347162 jenny wren came right up in front of sammy jay and hopped up and down . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jenny 0.8267666385443881 1 jenny 2 wren 13.869552931617616 2 wren 7 front 5.768065926917018 2 wren 4 right 4.517300671120271 2 wren 3 came 2.3473004489974834 2 wren 5 up 2.2219513569388134 6 in 7 front 3.523451702452057 7 front 12 hopped 5.943735550321172 7 front 8 of 2.89173232674095 7 front 16 . 0.5770791972700096 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 10 jay 12 hopped 4.477698745795635 11 and 12 hopped 0.8550431044273274 12 hopped 15 down 3.9466524323114704 12 hopped 13 up 3.6703028146318957 13 up 14 and 1.0590043195670393 she was so mad that with every word she jerked her funny little tail so that sammy jay almost had to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 10 jerked 3.204561438694551 1 she 2 was 1.2439662970653966 2 was 3 so 1.1056037364281295 4 mad 10 jerked 8.495693244048812 5 that 10 jerked 1.3449460296805533 6 with 10 jerked 2.3585894445760225 7 every 10 jerked 5.485899409339172 8 word 10 jerked 6.3868090278969625 9 she 10 jerked 3.204561438694551 10 jerked 14 tail 6.908554622887582 10 jerked 12 funny 7.696470772843437 10 jerked 11 her 2.472666668699251 10 jerked 21 to 1.4865890395192984 12 funny 13 little 3.8424929421058565 14 tail 18 jay 2.980958449464513 15 so 17 sammy 0.9214057466106205 15 so 16 that 1.6035496246307979 17 sammy 18 jay 9.77475508855667 18 jay 19 almost 2.732589978320817 18 jay 20 had 1.3950118646231182 21 to 22 laugh 1.432708002787571 22 laugh 23 . 1.0176305682615663 " don't tell that to me , sammy jay ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 sammy 0.93438566972414 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 " 8 sammy 1.0229339808053908 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 3 tell 1.633923318936855 3 tell 6 me 3.3262481576645637 3 tell 4 that 0.9940811152128806 5 to 6 me 1.06718172908033 6 me 7 , 0.44704990407605116 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 don't tell that to me ! " she cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 tell 1.633923318936855 2 tell 5 me 3.3262481576645637 2 tell 3 that 0.9940811152128806 4 to 5 me 1.06718172908033 5 me 6 ! 1.3843858963622608 6 ! 9 cried 4.743957976292686 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 she 9 cried 0.9533678553444229 9 cried 10 . 0.7704540247731817 " didn't i see you with my own eyes sitting in that alder over there ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 you 1.0774489925638644 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 1 " 2 didn't 0.5473432790798398 3 i 4 see 1.4335400271941836 5 you 16 ? 2.030471363856357 6 with 13 alder 1.0519281063419719 7 my 8 own 3.252222173909548 8 own 13 alder 4.4226455214319 9 eyes 13 alder 3.789377175213591 10 sitting 13 alder 5.663192987389774 10 sitting 11 in 1.9389868251468627 12 that 13 alder 1.0382846914465027 13 alder 14 over 3.0892397244320016 13 alder 15 there 2.478628804728679 13 alder 16 ? 1.9866054889379043 don't tell that to me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 tell 1.633923318936855 2 tell 5 me 3.3262481576645637 2 tell 3 that 0.9940811152128806 4 to 5 me 1.06718172908033 5 me 6 ! 1.3843858963622608 you ought to be ashamed of yourself ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 you 7 yourself 2.978394165165815 2 ought 5 ashamed 5.8187728889467145 2 ought 4 be 3.5981450096469345 2 ought 3 to 3.1353666378378975 5 ashamed 7 yourself 5.210823465361361 5 ashamed 6 of 3.023967112165465 7 yourself 8 ! 1.3908660606183645 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 x 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 x 2.382582793606037 sammy jay seeks advice 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 3 seeks 8.505179482217745 3 seeks 4 advice 9.637056566028047 sammy jay had a headache , such a headache ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 9 headache 4.907938651718151 3 had 5 headache 3.215199730953664 4 a 5 headache 2.8094720371571604 5 headache 9 headache 8.36808288832049 5 headache 6 , 1.0908814711200137 7 such 9 headache 3.7859545457501724 8 a 9 headache 2.8094720371571604 9 headache 10 ! 0.7288341667700031 he had thought and thought and thought , until now it seemed to him that the world surely had turned topsy-turvy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 1 he 7 thought 1.3670260759711912 1 he 5 thought 1.3670260759711912 1 he 3 thought 1.3670260759711912 4 and 5 thought 0.007544830940243941 6 and 7 thought 0.007544830940243941 7 thought 9 until 0.9675421481699615 7 thought 8 , -0.22157408133679013 10 now 21 topsy-turvy 3.486584531062075 11 it 12 seemed 2.468318931699436 12 seemed 15 that 0.9776170593286899 12 seemed 13 to 2.326680747988899 12 seemed 14 him 1.514772097632754 15 that 21 topsy-turvy 1.2005561203453787 16 the 17 world 2.329264621664832 17 world 21 topsy-turvy 7.545131111211862 18 surely 21 topsy-turvy 7.80737694362297 19 had 21 topsy-turvy 2.898170435479141 20 turned 21 topsy-turvy 7.708440546559434 21 topsy-turvy 22 . 1.4170289437628156 his poor little head was all in a whirl , and that was what made it ache . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 4 head 3.6389926349442767 1 his 3 little 0.3649678835097774 2 poor 3 little 2.8546136526305155 4 head 17 ache 4.533529164170989 4 head 9 whirl 4.6156782055248655 4 head 18 . 0.9057652481458263 5 was 9 whirl 0.37697257563278797 6 all 9 whirl 2.8930783175264914 7 in 9 whirl 3.5007316259519747 8 a 9 whirl 3.2066882593487627 9 whirl 14 what 2.8536013943576712 9 whirl 11 and 1.5243599621687594 9 whirl 12 that 1.023878577805096 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 that 13 was 1.2600580293094676 15 made 17 ache 5.1149198556410305 16 it 17 ache 1.519336341777759 first he had been accused of screaming in the night to waken and scare the little meadow and forest people who wanted to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 first 0.35613908124313376 1 first 5 accused 5.0265669329210745 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 3 had 4 been 3.8301500596883944 4 been 5 accused 3.767199015250956 5 accused 7 screaming 10.50589210018278 5 accused 6 of 3.6262775448907654 7 screaming 12 waken 8.008173136152617 7 screaming 10 night 3.9558399017248753 8 in 9 the 1.1613034400066837 9 the 10 night 0.9182531493261905 11 to 12 waken 1.467587007356066 12 waken 14 scare 8.015648256714766 12 waken 17 meadow 5.490186767742269 12 waken 13 and 0.8044678813614894 15 the 17 meadow 0.9218210929777548 16 little 17 meadow 3.274027574696074 17 meadow 20 people 4.986993675017036 17 meadow 19 forest 4.908596042150059 17 meadow 22 wanted 1.9494967297922408 17 meadow 18 and 0.40867217844312975 20 people 21 who 3.567541563953629 22 wanted 23 to 2.7126182034946353 23 to 24 sleep 2.25926977123134 24 sleep 25 . 0.937353978917649 it was no wonder that his head ached . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 wonder 1.2064680557237146 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 no 1.0927478610959405 3 no 4 wonder 3.052555996904733 4 wonder 8 ached 4.884284929328754 4 wonder 5 that 1.023046813561308 6 his 7 head 3.6389926349442767 7 head 8 ached 6.071357689301049 8 ached 9 . 1.2107089289233421 hardly any of the little meadow and forest people would speak to him now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hardly 0.5448542225049113 1 hardly 6 meadow 1.7378459476891486 1 hardly 11 speak 3.1656966400352182 1 hardly 2 any 1.6142920399465304 3 of 6 meadow 1.082862794672831 4 the 6 meadow 0.9218210929777548 5 little 6 meadow 3.274027574696074 6 meadow 9 people 4.986993675017036 6 meadow 8 forest 4.908596042150059 6 meadow 7 and 0.40867217844312975 10 would 11 speak 1.3986633009947589 11 speak 13 him 1.2686781484112792 11 speak 12 to 1.2016673185935112 13 him 15 . 0.8676779267655075 13 him 14 now 0.016982683410056154 they just turned their backs to him whenever he met them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 10 met 2.35072977963231 2 just 5 backs 1.3919406572142599 3 turned 5 backs 5.508300932070117 4 their 5 backs 6.736910098387192 5 backs 8 whenever 7.531783633314806 5 backs 10 met 5.186268718109826 5 backs 7 him 2.783114019785696 6 to 7 him 1.0152537748115762 8 whenever 9 he 2.331437399860377 10 met 11 them 0.946549795284664 11 them 12 . 0.8864773153321437 he didn't mind this so much , because he knew that none of them had ever liked him very well . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 knew 0.7175900076011832 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 1 he 10 knew 2.1822750360063026 2 didn't 6 much 2.4520105114894513 2 didn't 3 mind 2.8608933033999477 4 this 6 much 0.28932171666238204 5 so 6 much 3.2954782062481396 7 , 8 because 0.5055908043911348 8 because 10 knew 2.0438813773913935 9 he 10 knew 2.1822750360063026 10 knew 20 well 2.6748757799489162 10 knew 11 that 2.5840220415164588 10 knew 21 . -0.30080921061016497 12 none 17 liked 2.4184421602388646 12 none 16 ever 2.904276824349651 12 none 13 of 2.483252601641393 12 none 14 them 2.4766075481170766 15 had 16 ever 1.346397175182215 17 liked 20 well 2.733259330551668 17 liked 18 him 1.9501267856983482 19 very 20 well 3.082214088252625 you see he had played too many mean tricks for any one to really like him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 15 like 1.1828561467974676 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 4 had 5 played 2.2015103764055652 5 played 9 tricks 7.931102898846717 6 too 7 many 3.1125573087506027 7 many 9 tricks 4.1013768915679485 8 mean 9 tricks 4.043396563192953 9 tricks 14 really 3.123597229901481 9 tricks 15 like 1.8451432838957942 9 tricks 11 any 1.5391767318855436 10 for 11 any -0.03595948243909319 11 any 12 one 2.8382893103071787 12 one 13 to 0.09022358842172906 15 like 17 . 0.3890054387593409 16 him 17 . 0.8676779267655075 but he did hate to have them blame him for something that he hadn't done . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 he 0.9076706002035451 2 he 14 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 3 did 4 hate 2.1802529780845 4 hate 8 blame 3.756302391781258 5 to 8 blame 1.9573922750368808 5 to 7 them 0.8768042050932152 6 have 7 them 0.8162326571057541 8 blame 10 for 3.094081200364098 8 blame 14 hadn't 2.9764158424720897 8 blame 9 him 1.914462228464867 11 something 14 hadn't 1.5198051671313415 12 that 14 hadn't 1.5276459203485224 13 he 14 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 14 hadn't 15 done 2.8152353124438854 15 done 16 . 0.5947645168171025 " it 's too much for me ! " said sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 11 sammy 1.0229339808053908 2 it 4 too 1.239309085414762 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 4 too 6 for 1.9655846778372972 4 too 5 much 3.9926843315095812 6 for 7 me 1.2206324729456206 7 me 8 ! 1.3843858963622608 8 ! 11 sammy 2.002553422108427 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 8 ! 10 said 2.5827010162001933 11 sammy 12 jay 9.77475508855667 12 jay 13 . 0.19196238812804012 " it 's too much for me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 it 4 too 1.239309085414762 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 4 too 5 much 3.9926843315095812 4 too 6 for 1.9655846778372972 6 for 7 me 1.2206324729456206 7 me 8 ! 1.3843858963622608 i must get help somewhere . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 must 1.6151732779572345 2 must 5 somewhere 3.4526608686963485 3 get 5 somewhere 3.328536655416638 4 help 5 somewhere 3.4845385825340927 5 somewhere 6 . 0.5797973824128455 now , who can i go to , so few will have anything to do with me ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 , 0.7353592996076195 2 , 3 who 0.7573564620449389 3 who 18 ? 1.7638373023408835 4 can 15 do 2.7896380584670997 4 can 13 anything 2.1816472479977556 4 can 6 go 1.9167057363292272 5 i 6 go 1.4343473524787154 6 go 7 to 1.227751785132229 6 go 8 , 0.18481233961955468 9 so 10 few 0.5854735967221281 10 few 13 anything 0.8720814280015183 11 will 12 have 1.1441297325402964 12 have 13 anything 1.4315060775862385 14 to 15 do 1.2374113854924609 15 do 18 ? 2.483544973711105 16 with 17 me 0.9494029121594938 17 me 18 ? 1.1909982268631278 18 ? 19 " 3.328347337284576 " caw , caw , caw ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 caw 0.9122628588260007 1 " 6 caw 2.351885610454122 2 caw 4 caw 12.679477094051514 3 , 4 caw 2.3710707622870117 4 caw 6 caw 12.679477094051514 5 , 6 caw 2.3710707622870117 6 caw 7 ! 4.277408010835085 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 sammy jay pricked up his ears and spread his wings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 pricked 1.1157962529111316 1 sammy 3 pricked 5.547913334346262 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 3 pricked 6 ears 10.02244499772043 3 pricked 8 spread 6.330696781485749 3 pricked 4 up 5.628074579242597 3 pricked 5 his 4.198013515657877 3 pricked 7 and 1.0813080867203162 3 pricked 11 . 0.8093463665415754 8 spread 10 wings 8.528469948157994 9 his 10 wings 3.4513180977456805 " my cousin , blacky the crow ! " he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 11 cried 2.2573435939906012 2 my 3 cousin 2.856044284713871 2 my 8 ! 0.9633104018688687 3 cousin 7 crow 5.613108761691176 3 cousin 4 , 1.0968581528652415 5 blacky 7 crow 9.126376991927202 6 the 7 crow 1.9503846722445246 8 ! 11 cried 4.743957976292686 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 8 ! 10 he 0.9615561911892261 11 cried 12 . 0.7704540247731817 " why didn't i think of him before ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 2 why 3 didn't 3.2315623834485194 2 why 9 ? 2.4766474958462315 3 didn't 5 think 2.908341843508481 3 didn't 7 him 1.1606756322027607 4 i 5 think 2.337341646589767 5 think 6 of 1.4134225444720343 7 him 8 before 0.4749734144536397 he 's very smart , is blacky the crow , and perhaps he can tell me what to do . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 perhaps 1.3560145943827386 1 he 4 smart 1.686695079926249 2 's 4 smart 1.1647436021780493 3 very 4 smart 3.0686334420677106 4 smart 7 blacky 3.598368049002776 4 smart 12 perhaps 2.190632135546057 4 smart 6 is 1.5274472854931034 4 smart 5 , 0.4364247436883737 7 blacky 9 crow 9.126376991927202 8 the 9 crow 1.9503846722445246 10 , 12 perhaps 0.7271079798396975 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 perhaps 14 can 2.0908015706909175 12 perhaps 13 he 1.0146094395347234 14 can 15 tell 3.165181623471838 14 can 19 do 2.7896380584670997 15 tell 16 me 3.3262481576645637 17 what 19 do 3.3898156542937787 18 to 19 do 1.2374113854924609 19 do 21 " 0.6563269422752409 20 . 21 " 4.467019939707924 so sammy jay hurried as fast as he could to lay his troubles before blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 so 2 sammy 0.9214057466106205 2 sammy 3 jay 9.77475508855667 3 jay 17 crow 5.235992849402351 3 jay 4 hurried 4.916522497938846 4 hurried 6 fast 3.9674366247873287 4 hurried 10 to 2.090367162284622 5 as 6 fast 3.412219047117258 6 fast 9 could 4.67019871939473 6 fast 7 as 3.814423557372699 8 he 9 could 1.799559825235125 11 lay 13 troubles 2.5706005562401266 12 his 13 troubles 2.425756391331653 13 troubles 17 crow 4.468154982972607 13 troubles 14 before 0.9310605270817085 15 blacky 17 crow 9.126376991927202 16 the 17 crow 1.9503846722445246 17 crow 18 . 0.6089192767019185 blacky 's eyes twinkled as he listened to sammy jay 's tale of woe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 blacky 0.8974092708067118 1 blacky 4 twinkled 5.749697386061879 2 's 4 twinkled 3.9372435672050763 3 eyes 4 twinkled 7.5329354466902245 4 twinkled 7 listened 6.018226800816546 4 twinkled 5 as 3.441919596153177 4 twinkled 6 he 2.5457138410996123 4 twinkled 15 . 0.9714031246505499 7 listened 14 woe 5.597126308824937 7 listened 8 to 1.55676163263362 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 9 sammy 14 woe 5.4604504930959195 9 sammy 11 's 1.2932150405132852 12 tale 14 woe 8.172110998350515 13 of 14 woe 2.3733042539811287 when sammy had finished and had asked for blacky 's advice , blacky went into a black study . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 blacky 0.8974092708067118 1 when 4 finished 4.427820134395326 2 sammy 3 had 1.4862442344428253 3 had 4 finished 3.3903455978980865 4 finished 13 blacky 2.168494621600413 4 finished 7 asked 1.7627492366761537 4 finished 5 and 0.4994315658729036 5 and 6 had -0.010413060524513185 7 asked 8 for 0.3321716948337361 9 blacky 13 blacky 3.799493357333528 10 's 11 advice 2.023779783712474 11 advice 13 blacky 3.0134055482816144 11 advice 12 , 0.8875314976747397 13 blacky 18 study 2.6693782215501436 14 went 18 study 2.9249897037786177 15 into 18 study 3.6295338202524476 16 a 17 black 1.147172852965646 17 black 18 study 2.083352962003108 18 study 19 . 0.4575830421134519 sammy sat and waited patiently , for he felt certain that blacky 's shrewd head would find some plan to solve the mystery . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 5 patiently 3.827435862968624 2 sat 4 waited 3.621422118123917 3 and 4 waited 1.6694725522452032 4 waited 5 patiently 8.044594135776542 5 patiently 10 certain 5.523989475833009 5 patiently 9 felt 3.254974145816586 5 patiently 7 for 2.5175335218958246 5 patiently 6 , 0.5449583268557419 8 he 9 felt 2.0830791199149683 10 certain 14 shrewd 5.921343932384392 10 certain 11 that 1.5424985836975509 12 blacky 14 shrewd 5.798227279989536 13 's 14 shrewd 1.7378459476891486 14 shrewd 19 plan 6.156433060358847 14 shrewd 15 head 5.133468219959905 14 shrewd 17 find 3.356613559859479 14 shrewd 16 would 2.3434938817702324 17 find 18 some 2.665991458766161 19 plan 21 solve 7.383648687003635 20 to 21 solve 2.0829231571207387 21 solve 23 mystery 10.489102442218933 21 solve 22 the 1.8747657501515533 21 solve 24 . 0.9348772486254333 " how ? " asked sammy jay eagerly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 asked 1.8179061974260886 2 how 3 ? 2.0023888363050837 3 ? 5 asked 5.562665578900452 3 ? 4 " 3.328347337284576 5 asked 8 eagerly 4.935786696155446 6 sammy 7 jay 9.77475508855667 7 jay 8 eagerly 3.566580026881887 8 eagerly 9 . 1.789717559792642 " go away from the green meadows and the green forest and stay away for a week , " replied blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 go 0.31217386346644993 2 go 3 away 2.581826353701281 3 away 7 meadows 2.3924474076693762 3 away 4 from 3.252407253562577 5 the 7 meadows 2.3225225762090123 6 green 7 meadows 8.640219315758674 7 meadows 21 blacky 3.3811373327821066 7 meadows 11 forest 6.648346146285782 7 meadows 13 stay 2.6489929911508234 7 meadows 12 and 1.1069338943958122 7 meadows 8 and 1.1069338943958122 9 the 11 forest 2.352946321469986 10 green 11 forest 8.1998228972977 13 stay 17 week 3.254917510269827 13 stay 14 away 1.5621313646721688 15 for 17 week 2.836067119684092 16 a 17 week 2.4960005610958262 18 , 20 replied 1.5802587282237415 19 " 20 replied 2.2297485079660806 20 replied 21 blacky 4.073327164019847 21 blacky 23 crow 9.126376991927202 22 the 23 crow 1.9503846722445246 23 crow 24 . 0.6089192767019185 " go up to the far-away old pasture on the edge of the mountain , where reddy and granny fox are living . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 go 0.31217386346644993 2 go 6 far-away 2.2997659765272793 3 up 6 far-away 2.7350743014366223 3 up 5 the 0.8234378872509165 3 up 4 to 0.5990262771899992 6 far-away 8 pasture 9.070384320294675 6 far-away 11 edge 6.908554622887582 7 old 8 pasture 5.702793430861529 9 on 11 edge 4.022139300575336 10 the 11 edge 2.344761677912894 11 edge 14 mountain 6.169124911463296 11 edge 12 of 3.5278893979253887 13 the 14 mountain 2.2454294162212527 14 mountain 19 granny 4.506047461084567 14 mountain 16 where 2.9446224439987283 14 mountain 23 . 0.753203288504043 14 mountain 15 , 0.6451507630592914 17 reddy 19 granny 4.428448225185335 17 reddy 18 and 0.013412222478880409 19 granny 20 fox 8.362081850090306 19 granny 22 living 1.6170621741904654 21 are 22 living 1.4657034156167512 " the very thing ! " cried sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 7 cried 2.2573435939906012 2 the 4 thing 0.9122291969928451 3 very 4 thing 2.214523231301051 4 thing 7 cried 1.391491114076267 5 ! 7 cried 4.743957976292686 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 7 cried 8 sammy 2.0781367739148955 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 9 jay 10 . 0.19196238812804012 " i 'll move at once ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 4 move 0.3634566806772739 4 move 6 once 1.5624257338324732 5 at 6 once 4.141134533179308 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 and off he hurried to prepare to move up to the old pasture . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 off -0.393920647147036 1 and 2 off 0.7856100290904244 2 off 13 pasture 2.7065233435651486 3 he 4 hurried 1.8259585502105544 4 hurried 6 prepare 5.590061460221051 5 to 6 prepare 2.3155839139110164 6 prepare 8 move 5.7919348620742 7 to 8 move 1.6884959375171853 8 move 13 pasture 4.2374943061299355 9 up 13 pasture 3.297957268686858 10 to 13 pasture 1.1815359487973005 11 the 13 pasture 2.1414100824787425 12 old 13 pasture 5.702793430861529 13 pasture 14 . 0.7307773141674652 xi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xi 2.1039221526228395 how blacky the crow's plan worked out 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 crow's 1.5752278715484316 1 how 4 crow's 7.196505044588353 2 blacky 4 crow's 10.36808288832049 3 the 4 crow's 2.736789199145239 4 crow's 6 worked 11.855424656464752 4 crow's 5 plan 11.505161214589922 4 crow's 7 out 6.430269453858017 " thief ! thief ! thief ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 thief 1.6203539023385467 2 thief 4 thief 10.108408185777076 2 thief 3 ! 4.5199059877279275 4 thief 6 thief 10.108408185777076 4 thief 5 ! 4.5199059877279275 6 thief 7 ! 4.5199059877279275 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 old granny fox , trotting along a cow-path in the old pasture on the edge of the mountain , heard it and grinned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 12 pasture 5.702793430861529 2 granny 8 cow-path 9.81591643278949 3 fox 8 cow-path 8.79566680156341 4 , 8 cow-path 1.5285077417826898 5 trotting 8 cow-path 13.657943932501869 6 along 8 cow-path 9.051053592845964 7 a 8 cow-path 3.299797663740243 8 cow-path 12 pasture 11.48542181957352 8 cow-path 11 old 6.282857523898276 8 cow-path 9 in 3.99166714182304 8 cow-path 10 the 3.164272367346541 12 pasture 18 mountain 6.1159020549550185 13 on 15 edge 4.022139300575336 14 the 15 edge 2.344761677912894 15 edge 18 mountain 6.169124911463296 15 edge 16 of 3.5278893979253887 17 the 18 mountain 2.2454294162212527 18 mountain 23 grinned 5.165325645367361 18 mountain 20 heard 2.5958880681517797 18 mountain 19 , 0.6451507630592914 20 heard 21 it 0.8714920970538813 22 and 23 grinned 1.2070966569923591 23 grinned 24 . 1.3745768021385487 pretty soon he caught sight of a wonderful coat of bright blue with white trimmings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 5 sight 2.5109749237526735 3 he 4 caught 1.572354997483643 4 caught 5 sight 5.757263122301019 5 sight 6 of 2.369624264510133 6 of 15 trimmings 3.0498339942853647 7 a 8 wonderful 1.791650760069917 8 wonderful 9 coat 3.8717346557597914 9 coat 15 trimmings 9.48542181957352 10 of 15 trimmings 3.0498339942853647 11 bright 15 trimmings 8.99149439500599 12 blue 15 trimmings 8.288081360550809 13 with 15 trimmings 4.436591956577299 14 white 15 trimmings 8.22579708229647 15 trimmings 16 . 2.4874182716542137 " hi , sammy jay ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hi 2.184037114223951 1 " 2 hi 3.5002774503467933 2 hi 5 jay 5.564306294123572 2 hi 6 ! 5.055595415393302 2 hi 3 , 1.5505531321927712 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 what are you doing up here ? " shouted reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 doing 4.223808683176616 2 are 4 doing 3.8397049791164513 3 you 4 doing 1.9966484585078135 4 doing 9 shouted 3.019658329158162 4 doing 6 here 3.956999574414585 4 doing 7 ? 2.999479883146126 4 doing 5 up 1.4355231013841596 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 shouted 10 reddy 2.473644871544412 9 shouted 12 . 0.7228706584401756 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 sammy jay heard him and hurried over to where reddy fox was sitting . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 6 hurried 4.916522497938846 2 jay 13 sitting 3.5904187270802908 2 jay 10 reddy 3.4177166409673987 2 jay 3 heard 1.2305673777510329 2 jay 14 . 0.19196238812804012 3 heard 4 him 1.5150684611992844 5 and 6 hurried 1.447672192649577 6 hurried 7 over 3.571480034479322 6 hurried 9 where 2.4466639850198675 6 hurried 8 to 2.090367162284622 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 12 was 13 sitting 2.6030743563351812 " hello , reddy fox ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 4 reddy 4.630593787594261 2 hello 6 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 how are you feeling ? " said sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 2 are 1.860740692474085 2 are 4 feeling 1.164296706702487 2 are 3 you 1.7434690636892594 4 feeling 8 sammy 1.955919092609026 5 ? 8 sammy 1.4118830418157025 5 ? 6 " 3.328347337284576 5 ? 7 said 2.446556662798379 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 9 jay 10 . 0.19196238812804012 " better , thank you . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 thank 1.2836126435411135 1 " 4 thank 2.2783711941508873 2 better 4 thank 0.7691787474790424 3 , 4 thank 0.9774247229617696 4 thank 5 you 3.854819450510554 4 thank 6 . -0.07923235078999724 what are you doing way up here in this lonely place ? " replied reddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 doing 4.223808683176616 2 are 4 doing 3.8397049791164513 3 you 4 doing 1.9966484585078135 4 doing 7 here 3.956999574414585 4 doing 12 ? 2.999479883146126 4 doing 9 this 2.173342148794969 4 doing 5 way 1.8051120466541697 4 doing 6 up 1.4355231013841596 8 in 9 this 0.974062292784982 9 this 11 place 2.1480525697186756 10 lonely 11 place 3.3872268019851575 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 13 " 14 replied 2.2297485079660806 14 replied 15 reddy 2.4065551586441494 14 replied 16 . 1.0432973820548543 " it 's a long story , " said sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 story 0.945761167017098 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 4 a 0.4824060255943863 4 a 6 story 1.1660628622241909 4 a 5 long 1.8939671708709067 6 story 11 jay 1.1439079959039056 6 story 12 . 0.7954883909242128 7 , 8 " 0.6466805192388225 8 " 10 sammy 1.0229339808053908 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 10 sammy 11 jay 9.77475508855667 " tell it to me , " begged reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 tell 8 begged 2.944236972953693 2 tell 5 me 3.3262481576645637 2 tell 3 it 1.0104883966277463 4 to 5 me 1.06718172908033 6 , 8 begged 0.8362685047434582 6 , 7 " 0.6466805192388225 8 begged 9 reddy 3.2231729675335075 9 reddy 10 fox 7.973188175503683 10 fox 11 . 0.44635491133374394 then he told about blacky the crow 's plan , which was that sammy should come to the old pasture and live for a week . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 told 1.4457210675465078 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 told 7 crow 1.8680696088199404 3 told 4 about 2.642112335062091 5 blacky 7 crow 9.126376991927202 6 the 7 crow 1.9503846722445246 7 crow 9 plan 5.2823663117218125 7 crow 14 sammy 5.065160738102563 8 's 9 plan 1.6824310666453997 9 plan 11 which 2.9501742249558554 10 , 11 which 0.5112693294198909 11 which 12 was 1.479772189141329 13 that 14 sammy 0.7212511344706805 14 sammy 20 pasture 3.303441379538892 15 should 16 come 1.9282600781712986 16 come 17 to 1.0626007271686397 17 to 20 pasture 1.1815359487973005 18 the 20 pasture 2.1414100824787425 19 old 20 pasture 5.702793430861529 20 pasture 22 live 3.6384621447674483 20 pasture 25 week 3.3828890524143134 20 pasture 21 and 1.0965211806668194 20 pasture 26 . 0.7307773141674652 23 for 25 week 2.836067119684092 24 a 25 week 2.4960005610958262 reddy fox chuckled as he listened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 6 listened 3.5917944681977616 2 fox 7 . 0.44635491133374394 3 chuckled 6 listened 3.8030587062480095 3 chuckled 4 as 2.700682689917052 3 chuckled 5 he 1.9155082472522302 that night sammy jay found a comfortable place which seemed quite safe in which to go to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 that 0.13760182241605357 1 that 2 night 1.6804705698408728 2 night 18 sleep 2.6133241327656584 3 sammy 4 jay 9.77475508855667 4 jay 7 comfortable 2.811871241973634 5 found 7 comfortable 2.5992826896047205 6 a 7 comfortable 1.1914519242172865 7 comfortable 8 place 3.4330475076217404 7 comfortable 12 safe 3.1562125222225035 7 comfortable 18 sleep 2.560433138282196 7 comfortable 13 in 1.260407666002049 9 which 10 seemed 2.3716715718515538 10 seemed 11 quite 2.1529175957322835 11 quite 12 safe 4.088427119096018 13 in 14 which 1.2902758908901113 15 to 18 sleep 2.25926977123134 16 go 18 sleep 3.2387753466381284 17 to 18 sleep 2.25926977123134 18 sleep 19 . 0.937353978917649 sammy screamed twice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 screamed 2.8780619360385877 2 screamed 3 twice 4.6145471061181915 2 screamed 4 . 0.6454831178864637 boomer heard him and down he came with a rush . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 boomer 0.8026383676515003 1 boomer 2 heard 4.821956147631628 1 boomer 7 came 3.739617871776243 1 boomer 5 down 3.4755808981183023 1 boomer 3 him 3.388540623066568 1 boomer 6 he 1.5763021609330359 1 boomer 4 and 1.3894303820826508 7 came 10 rush 3.9919289006630265 8 with 10 rush 2.719804244348719 9 a 10 rush 2.0569411398440742 10 rush 11 . 0.4826172853903934 " why , sammy jay , what under the sun are you doing way off here ? " exclaimed boomer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 2 why 16 here 1.1939653712297265 2 why 3 , 0.6307765723420751 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 5 jay 13 doing 2.05883841037215 6 , 7 what 0.28727385126647853 7 what 13 doing 4.223808683176616 8 under 10 sun 4.645008747354172 9 the 10 sun 2.340860522814099 10 sun 13 doing 1.7121878860735578 11 are 13 doing 3.8397049791164513 12 you 13 doing 1.9966484585078135 13 doing 16 here 3.956999574414585 13 doing 14 way 1.8051120466541697 14 way 15 off 2.4300197149850966 16 here 20 boomer 4.251986058873111 16 here 21 . 0.053987472431128225 17 ? 20 boomer 3.2927357765226937 17 ? 18 " 3.328347337284576 19 exclaimed 20 boomer 7.317388078718064 " going to bed , " replied sammy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 replied 2.2297485079660806 1 " 2 going 0.7509824053109622 2 going 3 to 2.6873711669000304 2 going 4 bed 2.0996726206770226 5 , 7 replied 1.5802587282237415 6 " 7 replied 2.2297485079660806 7 replied 8 sammy 4.081583860794364 7 replied 9 . 1.0432973820548543 " say , boomer , will you do something for me ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 boomer 1.820797350841353 2 say 4 boomer 4.729797717450868 2 say 3 , 0.5138332982520222 4 boomer 9 something 4.636996518369305 4 boomer 8 do 3.7284162725784817 4 boomer 6 will 2.8454803977614205 4 boomer 10 for 1.3982345935234832 5 , 6 will 0.4203778412878201 6 will 7 you 1.8704957056331537 10 for 11 me 1.2206324729456206 11 me 12 ? 1.1909982268631278 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 " that depends upon what it is , " replied boomer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 replied 2.2297485079660806 2 that 3 depends 3.2353215385060565 3 depends 10 replied 3.166067369101384 3 depends 4 upon 5.491280955127312 3 depends 5 what 3.1897433484647344 5 what 7 is 2.2160747713273903 6 it 7 is 1.9483860238870534 8 , 10 replied 1.5802587282237415 9 " 10 replied 2.2297485079660806 10 replied 11 boomer 5.962436595501359 10 replied 12 . 1.0432973820548543 boomer promised that he would , and off he started . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 boomer 0.8026383676515003 1 boomer 2 promised 7.375410625111005 1 boomer 5 would 3.8848671139437023 1 boomer 3 that 2.473911498440142 1 boomer 9 he 1.5763021609330359 1 boomer 4 he 1.5763021609330359 1 boomer 7 and 1.3894303820826508 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 7 and 8 off 0.7856100290904244 9 he 10 started 1.8718415916217772 10 started 11 . 0.30266126588930575 he found peter and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 found 1.790774678622114 2 found 6 him 1.1150780175158452 3 peter 5 told 0.9639132063998908 4 and 5 told 0.6852295993259059 5 told 6 him 2.7984624222692833 6 him 7 . 0.8676779267655075 xii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xii 2.482118467156944 no one believes peter rabbit 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 believes 1.1157962529111316 1 no 3 believes 3.1872178907407225 2 one 3 believes 2.6806833502813383 3 believes 5 rabbit 5.50909637512985 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 peter rabbit sat in his secret place in the middle of the old briar-patch . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 6 secret 3.246461573083586 2 rabbit 3 sat 2.8552908213202635 3 sat 4 in 1.562462310617601 5 his 6 secret 1.557101122202809 6 secret 14 briar-patch 4.05151370927177 7 place 10 middle 1.8523340326660147 8 in 10 middle 3.7273536480887905 9 the 10 middle 2.391756953245025 10 middle 14 briar-patch 6.579180063661521 10 middle 11 of 3.2324773018272026 12 the 14 briar-patch 2.3633308036177887 13 old 14 briar-patch 6.327429928261264 14 briar-patch 15 . 1.1477625842175065 peter was doing some very hard thinking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 7 thinking 1.7279203330600588 1 peter 8 . 0.41977955477884876 2 was 7 thinking 1.8014333287982502 3 doing 7 thinking 3.7532164278764952 3 doing 4 some 2.1026015592088 5 very 6 hard 3.1680934161172836 6 hard 7 thinking 2.712631920124281 he ought to have been asleep , for he had been out the whole night long . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 11 been 0.8682553124130976 2 ought 4 have 2.8663974691652747 2 ought 3 to 3.1353666378378975 4 have 11 been 3.478630943815215 4 have 5 been 3.478630943815215 5 been 6 asleep 1.663428994705459 5 been 8 for 1.3569525416310935 6 asleep 7 , 0.7695350578513462 9 he 10 had 1.735007688287725 10 had 11 been 3.8301500596883944 11 been 16 long 1.8375384645557347 11 been 14 whole 1.2942358128922002 12 out 13 the 0.8823696743148908 13 the 14 whole 1.9588420429725506 14 whole 15 night 2.3921098181730116 16 long 17 . 0.15729866099026424 but instead of sleeping , he was wide awake and thinking and thinking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 instead 1.3367755984313483 2 instead 4 sleeping 3.7379398587359987 2 instead 3 of 3.1350053606047315 4 sleeping 9 awake 5.314536110204063 4 sleeping 5 , 0.5449583268557419 4 sleeping 14 . 0.4749273274710184 6 he 9 awake 1.304697842411418 7 was 9 awake 2.167519210003835 8 wide 9 awake 8.78511517296699 9 awake 13 thinking 5.8655932965941915 9 awake 11 thinking 5.8655932965941915 9 awake 12 and 1.4182188055072729 9 awake 10 and 1.4182188055072729 you see early the night before boomer the nighthawk had told peter that sammy jay was up in the far-away old pasture . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 nighthawk 0.6366284162125702 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 early 9 nighthawk 8.510101893192914 4 the 9 nighthawk 2.213227243088223 5 night 9 nighthawk 6.154504941458903 6 before 9 nighthawk 5.4768655637189845 7 boomer 9 nighthawk 15.028333516345878 8 the 9 nighthawk 2.213227243088223 9 nighthawk 15 jay 8.13961862481101 9 nighthawk 11 told 5.916416212553774 9 nighthawk 12 peter 5.170248722132747 9 nighthawk 10 had 2.8279712718992336 9 nighthawk 13 that 2.0524477300018695 14 sammy 15 jay 9.77475508855667 15 jay 20 far-away 6.983226779022388 15 jay 16 was 1.2181676580161955 17 up 20 far-away 2.7350743014366223 18 in 20 far-away 1.4709842825579216 18 in 19 the 1.1613034400066837 20 far-away 22 pasture 9.070384320294675 21 old 22 pasture 5.702793430861529 22 pasture 23 . 0.7307773141674652 boomer had seen him going to bed there and had come straight down to tell peter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 boomer 0.8026383676515003 1 boomer 7 bed 5.687902835232091 1 boomer 3 seen 5.168258672854908 1 boomer 5 going 4.219893900586268 1 boomer 16 peter 4.006749989849865 1 boomer 13 down 3.4755808981183023 1 boomer 4 him 3.388540623066568 1 boomer 8 there 2.737363073128847 1 boomer 10 had 2.6644725396163516 1 boomer 9 and 1.3894303820826508 2 had 3 seen 3.3805568083293327 5 going 6 to 2.6873711669000304 11 come 13 down 2.0351981475169687 12 straight 13 down 1.926012303932339 13 down 14 to 0.7749638081138475 14 to 15 tell 1.5183880022970992 16 peter 17 . 0.41977955477884876 so he had hurried this way and that way , telling every one he met how sammy jay had moved away to the old pasture . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 4 hurried 1.5336787962381386 2 he 4 hurried 1.8259585502105544 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 4 hurried 9 way 2.3269453823874073 5 this 9 way 2.4795023497949593 5 this 6 way 2.4795023497949593 6 way 7 and 0.2608756344258456 8 that 9 way 1.4644069919852818 9 way 25 pasture 1.870814210872087 9 way 10 , 0.2515931590710778 11 telling 12 every 1.6182861607548205 12 every 20 moved 2.7338269227827574 12 every 13 one 3.4259854658400464 14 he 15 met 1.7609783239221386 15 met 17 sammy 2.4508533755190207 15 met 16 how 0.33324059972271414 17 sammy 18 jay 9.77475508855667 17 sammy 20 moved 4.007344952983555 17 sammy 19 had 1.4862442344428253 20 moved 25 pasture 5.12055760953557 20 moved 21 away 3.362981735694074 22 to 25 pasture 1.1815359487973005 23 the 25 pasture 2.1414100824787425 24 old 25 pasture 5.702793430861529 25 pasture 26 . 0.7307773141674652 but no one believed him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 no 1.5130340843231664 1 but 4 believed 1.4728385878220713 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 4 believed 5 him 1.2373428296931586 5 him 6 . 0.8676779267655075 " wait and see ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 wait 0.8964109919007583 2 wait 4 see 2.7876570457881904 2 wait 5 ! 0.9414246551238961 3 and 4 see 0.33414547685564955 wait and see ! " said jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 wait 0.8254001264451745 1 wait 7 jimmy 1.7190344240280275 1 wait 3 see 2.7876570457881904 2 and 3 see 0.33414547685564955 4 ! 7 jimmy 2.1851762642548707 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 4 ! 6 said 2.5827010162001933 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 skunk 9 . 0.71694841771642 " it 's just a trick , " said bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 11 coon 0.9942454188473633 2 it 4 just 1.041628754004842 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 4 just 6 trick 1.7317322620320965 5 a 6 trick 2.4134544455358125 6 trick 10 bobby 5.509043713544489 7 , 9 said 1.3498770263619093 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 9 said 10 bobby 1.8544574940154988 10 bobby 11 coon 11.609228375483951 11 coon 12 . 0.327916430342281 " but boomer the nighthawk saw him up there going to bed and talked with him ! " cried peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 boomer 1.820797350841353 2 but 3 boomer 1.6916359536204375 3 boomer 5 nighthawk 15.028333516345878 3 boomer 12 bed 5.687902835232091 3 boomer 16 him 3.388540623066568 3 boomer 17 ! 1.4450412007694062 4 the 5 nighthawk 2.213227243088223 5 nighthawk 6 saw 5.661553150145192 5 nighthawk 10 going 5.38339263286915 5 nighthawk 9 there 3.900861805411729 5 nighthawk 8 up 3.7777675120004552 5 nighthawk 7 him 2.9670768546282957 10 going 11 to 2.6873711669000304 12 bed 14 talked 1.4950692572411022 13 and 14 talked 1.281003880335767 14 talked 15 with 1.2074544702207675 17 ! 19 cried 4.743957976292686 17 ! 18 " 2.8038844676111605 19 cried 20 peter 2.189248545572841 19 cried 22 . 0.7704540247731817 20 peter 21 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " but that would be a wrong story , and i don't believe that boomer would do anything like that ! " cried peter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 boomer 1.820797350841353 2 but 15 boomer 1.6916359536204375 3 that 4 would 1.6180247609774892 4 would 5 be 2.939110555868645 5 be 7 wrong 1.5268440917746204 5 be 6 a 0.5471402906685334 7 wrong 13 believe 2.0189787941883104 7 wrong 8 story 3.0564659047114304 9 , 11 i 0.5715918990983972 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 11 i 12 don't 2.6483752334675046 12 don't 13 believe 4.403342584760027 13 believe 15 boomer 5.74785090485501 13 believe 14 that 1.8022059951115157 15 boomer 18 anything 4.790603965064143 15 boomer 24 peter 4.006749989849865 15 boomer 16 would 3.8848671139437023 15 boomer 17 do 3.7284162725784817 15 boomer 19 like 3.087636911288751 15 boomer 20 that 2.473911498440142 21 ! 23 cried 4.743957976292686 21 ! 22 " 2.8038844676111605 23 cried 24 peter 2.189248545572841 24 peter 25 . 0.41977955477884876 just then there was a shrill scream of " thief ! thief ! thief ! " over in the alder bushes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 just 0.7017321607109004 1 just 6 shrill 1.698995475620098 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 3 there 6 shrill 1.792923388017826 3 there 4 was 2.1014798704396025 5 a 6 shrill 2.769282947041461 6 shrill 10 thief 7.948335356215615 6 shrill 7 scream 8.921368308615346 7 scream 8 of 1.4029253530071841 9 " 10 thief 1.6203539023385467 10 thief 12 thief 10.108408185777076 10 thief 11 ! 4.5199059877279275 12 thief 14 thief 10.108408185777076 12 thief 13 ! 4.5199059877279275 14 thief 20 alder 7.6670299445474335 14 thief 15 ! 4.5199059877279275 15 ! 16 " 2.8038844676111605 17 over 20 alder 3.8081880540496336 18 in 20 alder 1.7237503529378877 19 the 20 alder 1.182200347467596 20 alder 21 bushes 10.379523775953619 21 bushes 22 . 0.6513445324750826 it certainly sounded like sammy jay 's voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 3 sounded 2.151279984160446 2 certainly 3 sounded 3.4607189362304815 3 sounded 5 sammy 3.718100032639729 3 sounded 4 like 4.1324911470730115 3 sounded 8 voice 3.335609730633397 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 7 's 8 voice 1.628703560125114 8 voice 9 . 0.8478630205323796 " what did i tell you ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 3 did 2.0434579104804538 4 i 5 tell 1.8741143054510445 5 tell 6 you 2.6545447083109686 6 you 7 ? 2.030471363856357 now what do you think ? " cried bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 what 1.3171413236138747 2 what 6 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 3 do 3.3898156542937787 3 do 5 think 3.2421465407328665 3 do 4 you 2.418842332069122 6 ? 9 bobby 2.294936684715964 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 6 ? 8 cried 3.3210916857893746 6 ? 11 . 0.429339115003188 9 bobby 10 coon 11.609228375483951 peter didn't know what to think , and he said so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 peter 2 didn't 1.8499550951968473 2 didn't 3 know 4.1638850028764445 2 didn't 6 think 2.908341843508481 2 didn't 12 . 0.05574901341489813 3 know 4 what 3.2396222245850588 5 to 6 think 0.9867758504635944 6 think 11 so 1.2973010274712742 7 , 9 he 0.5080875377005949 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 he 11 so 0.23632361788409284 9 he 10 said 0.4099816699979293 so now peter sat in the old briar-patch thinking and thinking , when he should have been asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 sat 0.59678815168078 1 so 4 sat 1.100943915464839 2 now 3 peter 0.8959988955088782 3 peter 4 sat 2.2337046932809947 4 sat 11 thinking 2.8111229194507708 4 sat 18 asleep 1.350431305064486 5 in 8 briar-patch 1.9308760176210278 6 the 8 briar-patch 2.3633308036177887 7 old 8 briar-patch 6.327429928261264 8 briar-patch 11 thinking 4.755805151056084 8 briar-patch 9 thinking 4.755805151056084 8 briar-patch 10 and 0.6607324039000417 12 , 13 when 0.08922048516420666 13 when 18 asleep 1.767412503816697 13 when 14 he 1.8647931372101283 15 should 16 have 3.2494314584260167 16 have 17 been 3.478630943815215 17 been 18 asleep 1.663428994705459 18 asleep 19 . 0.9536492013050442 finally he yawned and stretched and then started along one of his private little paths . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 yawned 5.929410530212717 2 he 3 yawned 2.396237005174598 3 yawned 9 along 3.924520881544968 3 yawned 5 stretched 10.178937157706333 3 yawned 8 started 4.747194527227403 3 yawned 7 then 4.342899793990405 3 yawned 6 and 2.6637505954629574 3 yawned 4 and 2.6637505954629574 9 along 15 paths 6.69741663823126 9 along 16 . 0.28209936367670707 10 one 15 paths 4.053958325168917 11 of 15 paths 1.8116742570905977 12 his 13 private 2.57832736317053 13 private 15 paths 10.422589453488218 14 little 15 paths 4.583355632803805 " i 'll just run up to the green forest and try to find sammy jay , " he said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 6 up 1.3513206827014201 3 'll 5 run 2.073950063482286 3 'll 4 just 1.502702638731325 6 up 8 the 0.8234378872509165 6 up 7 to 0.5990262771899992 8 the 10 forest 2.352946321469986 9 green 10 forest 8.1998228972977 10 forest 16 jay 2.4986507143611085 10 forest 21 . 1.036274920084331 10 forest 11 and 0.8777454885777161 12 try 15 sammy 1.7627611227377677 12 try 14 find 3.1187466511935042 12 try 13 to 2.027483711744164 15 sammy 16 jay 9.77475508855667 17 , 20 said 1.3498770263619093 18 " 20 said 2.1846753891302146 19 he 20 said 0.4099816699979293 20 said 21 . 0.9489036959486263 so peter hunted and hunted all through the green forest for sammy jay , and asked everybody he met if they had seen sammy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 3 hunted 2.250391064016444 2 peter 3 hunted 2.561150143810597 3 hunted 5 hunted 7.956350752841974 3 hunted 4 and 1.0805156148295367 5 hunted 10 forest 5.1829603506419275 5 hunted 6 all 1.41764610464028 7 through 10 forest 5.332623404404973 8 the 10 forest 2.352946321469986 9 green 10 forest 8.1998228972977 10 forest 13 jay 2.4986507143611085 10 forest 25 . 1.036274920084331 11 for 12 sammy 0.3279866294826732 12 sammy 13 jay 9.77475508855667 13 jay 24 sammy 2.8892119490324824 13 jay 17 everybody 2.4512884008998945 13 jay 23 seen 1.5768699029743196 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 17 everybody 0.9371572163097568 16 asked 17 everybody -0.3087879467715098 17 everybody 19 met 3.2605366881264928 18 he 19 met 1.7609783239221386 20 if 22 had 1.920462829674415 20 if 21 they 1.4805449911921755 22 had 23 seen 3.3805568083293327 but no one had , though every one took pains to tell peter that they had heard sammy in the night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 4 had 0.39598370369044567 1 but 2 no 1.5130340843231664 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 4 had 10 pains 2.2213258337505053 4 had 17 heard 2.2644521069312997 5 , 6 though 1.4312280421721404 6 though 10 pains 3.3717608401126036 7 every 10 pains 2.85730997621776 7 every 8 one 3.4259854658400464 9 took 10 pains 5.986079365302 10 pains 12 tell 2.2710968743731677 10 pains 13 peter 2.163053220728539 10 pains 11 to 2.157465443227732 14 that 16 had 1.0478031204253906 15 they 16 had 1.3304624549807897 16 had 17 heard 2.2644521069312997 17 heard 18 sammy 2.0525397053681473 18 sammy 21 night 0.6151617156711886 19 in 20 the 1.1613034400066837 20 the 21 night 0.9182531493261905 21 night 22 . 0.5301089935735313 at last peter found sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 at 2 last 4.330067049822615 2 last 5 sticky-toes 3.3913789528979237 3 peter 5 sticky-toes 2.823679315865494 4 found 5 sticky-toes 3.6831753854031355 5 sticky-toes 8 toad 9.23429029016545 5 sticky-toes 7 tree 8.218811558096515 6 the 7 tree 1.7164199707292305 8 toad 9 . 0.8910229590360075 he was muttering and grumbling to himself , and he didn't see peter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 didn't 0.9571996491670411 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 he 11 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 was 5 grumbling 2.388287888860617 3 muttering 5 grumbling 9.615678205524862 4 and 5 grumbling 0.9865962949971241 5 grumbling 7 himself 6.361213707838111 5 grumbling 11 didn't 3.7320687734593356 5 grumbling 6 to 1.9422685232954855 5 grumbling 9 and 1.4825397864741277 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 he 11 didn't 2.0746164561717215 11 didn't 12 see 2.2075881891756524 13 peter 14 . 0.41977955477884876 xiii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xiii 2.3589099646216667 sticky-toes the tree toad pours out his troubles 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 sticky-toes 5 pours 12.653402050951545 1 sticky-toes 4 toad 9.23429029016545 1 sticky-toes 3 tree 8.218811558096515 2 the 3 tree 1.7164199707292305 5 pours 8 troubles 10.948534060856229 5 pours 6 out 4.845306953136859 5 pours 7 his 3.558603230914347 sticky-toes was quite upset . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 sticky-toes 4 upset 8.570939890759579 2 was 3 quite 1.8819914417492924 3 quite 4 upset 4.70939359335102 4 upset 5 . 0.7763313093136155 there was no doubt about it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 4 doubt 3.5443470348777204 1 there 2 was 2.1014798704396025 3 no 4 doubt 5.264674030820718 4 doubt 5 about 3.2510859835411168 5 about 6 it 1.8539463948922297 5 about 7 . 0.5409639965781246 " don't know what it means ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 3 know 4.032009672248677 2 don't 7 ! 0.3671355431900345 3 know 6 means 3.738371296760903 4 what 6 means 3.6482607969295735 5 it 6 means 1.8958529957702126 don't know what it means ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 know 4.032009672248677 1 don't 6 ! 0.3671355431900345 2 know 5 means 3.738371296760903 3 what 5 means 3.6482607969295735 4 it 5 means 1.8958529957702126 don't know what it means ! " croaked sticky-toes the tree toad , over and over again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 know 4.032009672248677 2 know 5 means 3.738371296760903 3 what 5 means 3.6482607969295735 4 it 5 means 1.8958529957702126 5 means 8 croaked 7.344652316466156 6 ! 8 croaked 4.874175830761885 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 croaked 9 sticky-toes 11.324881278753761 8 croaked 16 over 3.6007400632121325 8 croaked 14 over 3.6007400632121325 8 croaked 13 , 0.18538545758324432 9 sticky-toes 12 toad 9.23429029016545 9 sticky-toes 11 tree 8.218811558096515 10 the 11 tree 1.7164199707292305 14 over 15 and 0.7219122551307535 16 over 17 again 2.2402475334150758 17 again 18 . 1.1694329788885494 " don't know what what means ? " asked peter rabbit , whose curiosity would not let him keep still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 3 know 4.032009672248677 3 know 5 what 3.2396222245850588 3 know 4 what 3.2396222245850588 5 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 5 what 6 means 3.6482607969295735 7 ? 9 asked 5.562665578900452 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 asked 14 curiosity 2.9377482124887315 9 asked 21 . 0.985916681625902 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 rabbit 14 curiosity 5.822234902350086 12 , 13 whose 0.8588974154182445 13 whose 14 curiosity 3.3152085385736747 14 curiosity 17 let 3.276112615327744 14 curiosity 15 would 2.9422002890096515 14 curiosity 19 keep 1.9505848004209874 15 would 16 not 2.072984403263572 17 let 18 him 2.1030290718530207 19 keep 20 still 3.439973192461686 " hello , long-ears ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 4 long-ears 12.681530752819487 3 , 4 long-ears 2.113470242503844 4 long-ears 5 ! 7.252396122827012 i don't know that it 's any of your business ! " said sticky-toes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 i 2 don't 2.6483752334675046 2 don't 7 any 2.7455848773937532 2 don't 3 know 4.032009672248677 3 know 4 that 1.300924681937678 3 know 5 it 1.2727152881173946 5 it 6 's 1.695106683077423 7 any 10 business 2.908170931034835 7 any 8 of 1.036042870197571 9 your 10 business 2.6414657619230404 10 business 14 sticky-toes 6.030065029483641 11 ! 14 sticky-toes 2.786712989511546 11 ! 12 " 2.8038844676111605 11 ! 13 said 2.5827010162001933 14 sticky-toes 15 . 0.6828139606126413 sticky-toes nodded his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 nodded 1.3097667283200956 1 sticky-toes 2 nodded 6.846047128893947 2 nodded 4 head 5.254981569397689 2 nodded 5 . 1.4317972886638515 3 his 4 head 3.6389926349442767 " i heard it , " said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 heard 1.4240220184621553 3 heard 4 it 0.8714920970538813 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 9 . 0.9489036959486263 7 said 8 he 0.6185839486337201 " but how could sammy jay be down here if he went to bed way off there in the old pasture ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 " 5 sammy 1.0229339808053908 1 " 3 how 1.0930574825678523 2 but 3 how 0.7983897551716304 3 how 4 could 2.5032621772750225 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 5 sammy 21 pasture 3.303441379538892 7 be 8 down -0.6894348299089508 8 down 21 pasture 1.2209140584408367 8 down 9 here 1.468997266800578 10 if 11 he 1.1794500942947774 11 he 12 went 1.5238829264000806 12 went 16 off 2.286351223274913 12 went 14 bed 3.982094154714602 13 to 14 bed 1.9805336918051033 15 way 16 off 2.4300197149850966 16 off 21 pasture 2.7065233435651486 17 there 18 in 1.2371193259066793 18 in 21 pasture 2.5130350865067186 19 the 21 pasture 2.1414100824787425 20 old 21 pasture 5.702793430861529 21 pasture 22 ? -0.09196356343620593 tell me that , sticky-toes ? " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 tell 5 sticky-toes 3.896476555737088 1 tell 2 me 3.3262481576645637 1 tell 3 that 0.9940811152128806 1 tell 4 , 0.028443762470946155 5 sticky-toes 10 rabbit 4.594614446315905 5 sticky-toes 11 . 0.6828139606126413 6 ? 8 said 2.446556662798379 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 8 said 9 peter 1.7439427448895923 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 sticky-toes shook his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 shook 0.9807086298779488 1 sticky-toes 2 shook 5.797617496300337 2 shook 4 head 7.152334097761402 3 his 4 head 3.6389926349442767 4 head 5 . 0.9057652481458263 " don't ask me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 3 ask 2.238050391394907 3 ask 4 me 2.3574029152770777 4 me 5 ! 1.3843858963622608 don't ask me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 ask 2.238050391394907 2 ask 3 me 2.3574029152770777 3 me 4 ! 1.3843858963622608 just tell me how it is that i hear my own voice when i don't speak a word , " said sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 how 1.1444914957494294 1 just 4 how 1.7983051808032648 2 tell 4 how 2.89125286392472 2 tell 3 me 3.3262481576645637 4 how 5 it 1.256912848244708 5 it 6 is 1.9483860238870534 6 is 7 that 0.43305218214518604 8 i 9 hear 1.3154129461835904 9 hear 12 voice 2.7266039578123653 10 my 11 own 3.252222173909548 11 own 12 voice 1.1084118183345346 12 voice 22 sticky-toes 6.491722029720105 13 when 14 i 1.1613607384519344 14 i 15 don't 2.6483752334675046 15 don't 16 speak 1.378273446477131 16 speak 22 sticky-toes 5.327761868810711 17 a 18 word 2.195100285073549 18 word 22 sticky-toes 4.739918778032607 19 , 21 said 1.3498770263619093 20 " 21 said 2.1846753891302146 21 said 22 sticky-toes 2.1995136097124295 22 sticky-toes 25 toad 9.23429029016545 22 sticky-toes 24 tree 8.218811558096515 23 the 24 tree 1.7164199707292305 25 toad 26 . 0.8910229590360075 " what 's that ? " exclaimed peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 exclaimed 2.58246047828659 2 what 5 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 3 's 0.525811908631745 4 that 5 ? 0.2742923523554719 5 ? 7 exclaimed 3.221508889803193 5 ? 6 " 3.328347337284576 7 exclaimed 8 peter 2.962684614947861 7 exclaimed 10 . 1.3682100388901777 8 peter 9 rabbit 7.313713619688597 then sticky-toes poured out all his troubles to peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 sticky-toes 2.555465430020462 2 sticky-toes 3 poured 9.374542677956075 2 sticky-toes 10 rabbit 4.594614446315905 2 sticky-toes 11 . 0.6828139606126413 3 poured 7 troubles 8.128355098441041 3 poured 4 out 4.19505299216398 5 all 7 troubles 3.1117186040018296 6 his 7 troubles 2.425756391331653 7 troubles 8 to 0.8225078216805386 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 they were very much like the troubles of sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 were 3.2736646255414907 2 were 3 very 1.523014512955605 3 very 4 much 3.446378250176915 4 much 7 troubles 1.517297648785167 4 much 5 like 1.7491576401375397 6 the 7 troubles 0.08096036770443504 7 troubles 10 jay 4.031930755496635 7 troubles 11 . 0.7582420255935709 8 of 9 sammy 0.9033517444013199 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 he was getting so worried that he couldn't eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 8 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 was 3 getting 1.7181019768834318 3 getting 5 worried 3.464315907347288 4 so 5 worried 1.7901998951132576 5 worried 8 couldn't 3.495184055090281 5 worried 6 that 1.1794782952154534 7 he 8 couldn't 2.184206095579082 8 couldn't 9 eat 2.7509024838125633 9 eat 10 . 0.6924286147624255 peter rabbit listened with his mouth wide open . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 7 wide 3.2681333653336857 2 rabbit 9 . 0.6126504281875942 3 listened 7 wide 4.027676807475103 3 listened 4 with 2.3967011953200092 5 his 6 mouth 3.591456806912234 6 mouth 7 wide 6.803854752631295 7 wide 8 open 7.223979721527602 it was just the same kind of a story that sammy jay had told . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 6 kind 1.0948556589768543 3 just 5 same 3.3783242662841815 4 the 5 same 2.3126884001539167 5 same 6 kind 2.5222111793266535 6 kind 9 story 1.877933150264088 6 kind 7 of 2.572643006627489 8 a 9 story 1.1660628622241909 9 story 14 told 2.7280605057042706 9 story 15 . 0.7954883909242128 10 that 12 jay 0.8499879774141199 11 sammy 12 jay 9.77475508855667 12 jay 14 told 1.898494304556511 13 had 14 told 1.4515117981939802 what under the sun could be going on ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 sun 0.46329639602312156 1 what 9 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 under 4 sun 4.645008747354172 3 the 4 sun 2.340860522814099 4 sun 8 on 1.2910126006447769 5 could 6 be 1.9342191241857787 6 be 7 going 0.23930274369644522 7 going 8 on 1.5574932966699961 peter couldn't understand it at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 peter 2 couldn't 1.426538799865547 2 couldn't 3 understand 4.494528460226963 3 understand 6 all 1.5367363130133747 3 understand 4 it 1.483359788672903 3 understand 7 . 0.7985778208560017 5 at 6 all 1.9101156124848444 it certainly was very , very curious . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 certainly 1.2672389676189404 1 it 2 certainly 1.7820905854510691 2 certainly 4 very 1.9887402879311082 3 was 4 very 1.8345067088627953 4 very 7 curious 4.237075101143283 4 very 5 , 0.45787015165122824 4 very 8 . 0.3823591548163865 6 very 7 curious 4.237075101143283 he just must find out about it ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 he 4 find 0.8314986635425701 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 3 must 4 find 1.979904445191977 4 find 5 out 3.6523191703692017 4 find 7 it 1.1950992587511386 6 about 7 it 1.8539463948922297 xiv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xiv 2.271447123371324 peter rabbit meets unc ' billy possum 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 meets 0.8813309992741054 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 3 meets 7.340083207212704 3 meets 7 possum 7.827381619282942 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 after sticky-toes the tree toad had poured out his troubles , peter went back to the old briar-patch , more puzzled than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 after 2 sticky-toes 3.005929892717539 2 sticky-toes 7 poured 9.374542677956075 2 sticky-toes 5 toad 9.23429029016545 2 sticky-toes 4 tree 8.218811558096515 2 sticky-toes 12 peter 2.780681910370017 2 sticky-toes 6 had 1.4384044601364998 3 the 4 tree 1.7164199707292305 7 poured 10 troubles 8.128355098441041 7 poured 8 out 4.19505299216398 7 poured 9 his 2.43886398664025 11 , 12 peter 0.5868727018224646 12 peter 21 puzzled 2.9001431581665713 13 went 14 back 2.789307824099133 14 back 18 briar-patch 4.091193280107685 14 back 15 to 1.3967263723079633 16 the 18 briar-patch 2.3633308036177887 17 old 18 briar-patch 6.327429928261264 18 briar-patch 21 puzzled 5.705635554826149 18 briar-patch 19 , 0.17149993132829522 20 more 21 puzzled 3.7426778344845353 21 puzzled 23 ever 3.262954105384214 21 puzzled 24 . 1.1958147136236477 22 than 23 ever 4.578882500155908 wasn't it enough to drive any one crazy ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 wasn't 0.8420327990733956 1 wasn't 3 enough 2.838807643049993 1 wasn't 2 it 0.9898244620574346 3 enough 5 drive 3.0011282382504874 3 enough 4 to 2.0867227826403028 5 drive 8 crazy 5.02522376641414 6 any 7 one 2.8382893103071787 7 one 8 crazy 0.8254184432623468 8 crazy 9 ? 2.137342505038955 the more peter studied over it , the more puzzled he grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 puzzled 0.5193746368149128 1 the 10 puzzled 0.0652766664676463 2 more 10 puzzled 3.7426778344845353 3 peter 10 puzzled 2.9001431581665713 4 studied 10 puzzled 6.4343335330087505 4 studied 5 over 2.4410833972236468 5 over 8 the 1.1378148676806195 5 over 6 it 0.3513072998328184 6 it 7 , -0.0653406437089803 9 more 10 puzzled 3.7426778344845353 10 puzzled 12 grew 4.4131751285453085 10 puzzled 13 . 1.1958147136236477 11 he 12 grew 1.2650869223749481 the next night he started out for the green forest with a new plan in his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 10 forest 2.352946321469986 2 next 5 started 2.907614768474371 2 next 3 night 1.9650960696381965 4 he 5 started 1.8718415916217772 5 started 10 forest 3.871484570555701 5 started 7 for 2.656734960684876 5 started 6 out 2.553360701277601 8 the 10 forest 2.352946321469986 9 green 10 forest 8.1998228972977 10 forest 14 plan 2.2203371143653 10 forest 18 . 1.036274920084331 11 with 12 a 1.3165200252756044 12 a 14 plan 1.9375615801993433 13 new 14 plan 3.7261454415335606 14 plan 17 head 2.324217924245552 15 in 16 his 1.124025734450342 16 his 17 head 3.6389926349442767 he would hide down among the alders by the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 would 1.3645954036822268 2 would 7 alders 2.4532053757293006 3 hide 7 alders 7.661685490210491 4 down 7 alders 4.2523922899140025 5 among 7 alders 7.645165900851783 6 the 7 alders 2.349766076035987 7 alders 11 brook 9.429622111435936 7 alders 8 by 4.427722221163016 7 alders 12 . 0.8397200155850939 9 the 11 brook 2.4170322032995006 10 laughing 11 brook 9.342696177760082 he would see for himself who was screaming with the voice of sammy jay and talking with the voice of sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 himself 2.1920991116882416 1 he 2 would 1.3645954036822268 2 would 3 see 0.9305596076866252 4 for 5 himself 0.50691515607312 5 himself 8 screaming 2.4865834039499717 6 who 8 screaming 0.9526941197935734 6 who 7 was 1.4649639171139448 8 screaming 14 jay 7.094175654049838 8 screaming 11 voice 4.479200584262241 8 screaming 12 of 1.7235747462456814 8 screaming 9 with 1.4010312208083207 8 screaming 10 the 0.825470453894777 13 sammy 14 jay 9.77475508855667 14 jay 21 sticky-toes 5.895763937772049 15 and 21 sticky-toes 0.2731082964037448 16 talking 21 sticky-toes 5.8822906494937754 17 with 21 sticky-toes 0.7116991947116666 18 the 19 voice 0.467879486557365 19 voice 21 sticky-toes 6.491722029720105 20 of 21 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 21 sticky-toes 24 toad 9.23429029016545 21 sticky-toes 23 tree 8.218811558096515 22 the 23 tree 1.7164199707292305 24 toad 25 . 0.8910229590360075 he just had to know ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 know 0.5890732608509612 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 3 had 4 to 0.6641217568330475 he was hurrying so that he almost ran into unc ' billy possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 7 almost 1.7865864029566048 3 hurrying 7 almost 3.803406834750202 3 hurrying 4 so 2.151237865726465 3 hurrying 6 he 1.0557302474818293 4 so 5 that 1.6035496246307979 7 almost 10 unc 1.5687216222106564 7 almost 8 ran 2.0411896308629913 8 ran 9 into 2.378859192933689 10 unc 13 possum 9.3510072550222 10 unc 12 billy 9.19308924154302 10 unc 11 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 possum 14 . 0.554405251336938 " yo ' seem to be in a powerful hurry , brer rabbit , " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 2 yo 12 brer 9.289142555921117 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 4 seem 9 powerful 5.297096848322209 4 seem 6 be 2.5314354868849733 4 seem 5 to 2.342937732286094 7 in 8 a 0.8157855541154699 8 a 9 powerful 2.093768688612684 9 powerful 12 brer 7.0867345090388305 9 powerful 10 hurry 6.236792673523368 11 , 12 brer 1.0714627159822712 12 brer 13 rabbit 6.122005416353918 12 brer 17 unc 6.001615706309057 12 brer 16 said 1.9433150274882216 14 , 16 said 1.3498770263619093 15 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 17 unc 19 billy 9.19308924154302 17 unc 18 ' 3.9798001185742837 19 billy 20 . 0.45585700976227805 " i am , " replied peter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 replied 2.2297485079660806 2 i 3 am 3.4303740479986207 3 am 6 replied 1.4822968097756082 4 , 6 replied 1.5802587282237415 5 " 6 replied 2.2297485079660806 6 replied 7 peter 3.3598056182875666 6 replied 8 . 1.0432973820548543 " i must get down to the laughing brook before dark . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 must 1.6151732779572345 3 must 4 get 2.1325320560594676 4 get 5 down 0.7932702830839915 5 down 9 brook 3.665255417958509 5 down 6 to 0.7749638081138475 7 the 9 brook 2.4170322032995006 8 laughing 9 brook 9.342696177760082 9 brook 11 dark 2.027146354693965 10 before 11 dark 2.3976255719784554 12 . 13 " 4.467019939707924 " ' pears to me it must be mighty impo'tant to make yo ' hurry this way , " said unc ' billy possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ' 0.6413903098384974 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 ' 3 pears 2.84188232323946 3 pears 9 mighty 7.428189743189538 3 pears 5 me 3.281024843633734 3 pears 7 must 2.907802811122888 3 pears 4 to 1.2011868206570497 6 it 7 must 0.771276959034271 7 must 8 be 3.278854510632158 9 mighty 10 impo'tant 10.190734963272863 10 impo'tant 13 yo 10.394909526668076 10 impo'tant 15 hurry 8.93105381673534 10 impo'tant 12 make 5.938471857539543 10 impo'tant 16 this 4.361486525130633 10 impo'tant 11 to 2.901626538798144 10 impo'tant 22 ' 2.222473570959405 10 impo'tant 19 " 1.1853779491178784 13 yo 14 ' 4.052548569517089 16 this 17 way 2.4795023497949593 18 , 19 " 0.6466805192388225 19 " 20 said 2.1846753891302146 21 unc 22 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 ' 24 possum 3.5522944983643505 23 billy 24 possum 8.827381619282942 24 possum 25 . 0.554405251336938 " it is , " replied peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 replied 2.2297485079660806 1 " 3 is 0.9174951776856268 2 it 3 is 1.9483860238870534 4 , 6 replied 1.5802587282237415 5 " 6 replied 2.2297485079660806 6 replied 7 peter 3.3598056182875666 6 replied 9 . 1.0432973820548543 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " it 's to keep me from going crazy . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 9 crazy 0.9930050303638076 4 to 5 keep 2.048401843387486 5 keep 9 crazy 2.5142389833257788 5 keep 7 from 2.7166060584138023 5 keep 6 me 0.9339576330230628 8 going 9 crazy 2.934723214525416 9 crazy 11 " 1.2593785305616514 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 unc ' billy looked at peter very hard for a few minutes , just as if he thought that peter was crazy already . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 4 looked 2.1951567110780097 4 looked 5 at 3.718023842519891 4 looked 7 very 1.8422742853175507 4 looked 15 as 1.5593998283974404 6 peter 7 very 1.1511485987303374 7 very 8 hard 3.1680934161172836 7 very 13 , 0.45787015165122824 8 hard 12 minutes 2.161896899886184 9 for 12 minutes 3.219189742654784 10 a 11 few 3.275693471712252 11 few 12 minutes 8.429930807745183 14 just 15 as 2.6945437830364103 15 as 16 if 2.776143507537343 15 as 17 he 1.5279784143694588 17 he 18 thought 1.3670260759711912 18 thought 22 crazy 3.9114116564036046 18 thought 21 was 1.3417501326813586 19 that 21 was 1.2600580293094676 20 peter 21 was 0.7705739010174337 22 crazy 23 already 4.691321568518202 22 crazy 24 . 0.8509254702929745 then he put a hand behind one ear just as if he was hard of hearing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 8 ear 1.59230219820083 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 put 5 hand 3.9267473811412152 4 a 5 hand 0.9403074829768538 5 hand 8 ear 4.37424235632832 6 behind 8 ear 4.581789180457086 7 one 8 ear 2.2414919892937135 8 ear 14 hard 1.9511889260115005 8 ear 17 . 1.1442135171364356 9 just 10 as 2.6945437830364103 10 as 12 he 1.5279784143694588 10 as 11 if 2.776143507537343 12 he 13 was 1.2250956603177912 13 was 14 hard 1.2641688530908262 14 hard 16 hearing 3.2234284022085546 15 of 16 hearing 1.4218027716723185 peter chuckled in spite of himself , as he once more replied : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chuckled 0.7747022878809418 1 peter 2 chuckled 1.999108258231356 2 chuckled 6 himself 5.214992966987069 2 chuckled 4 spite 4.031833711145591 2 chuckled 8 as 2.700682689917052 2 chuckled 9 he 1.9155082472522302 3 in 4 spite 4.2566992902104275 4 spite 5 of 3.5680994608938246 7 , 8 as 0.3162541076793648 9 he 13 : 0.5366658478383481 9 he 11 more 0.23809464481268883 10 once 11 more 4.326243222615789 12 replied 13 : 2.9964794694125985 " it 's to keep me from going crazy . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 9 crazy 0.9930050303638076 4 to 5 keep 2.048401843387486 5 keep 9 crazy 2.5142389833257788 5 keep 7 from 2.7166060584138023 5 keep 6 me 0.9339576330230628 8 going 9 crazy 2.934723214525416 9 crazy 11 " 1.2593785305616514 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 then peter told unc ' billy all about sammy jay 's troubles and all about the troubles of sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 told 1.4457210675465078 2 peter 3 told 0.9639132063998908 3 told 8 about 2.642112335062091 3 told 4 unc 0.9109058067302023 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 all 8 about 2.2762306191684267 8 about 19 sticky-toes 2.3649409858320816 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 10 jay 19 sticky-toes 5.895763937772049 11 's 12 troubles 1.2368352253004495 12 troubles 19 sticky-toes 8.127926071342301 12 troubles 13 and 0.5327040863014929 14 all 17 troubles 3.1117186040018296 15 about 17 troubles 2.6039299176992223 15 about 16 the 0.46712665064445424 17 troubles 19 sticky-toes 8.127926071342301 18 of 19 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 19 sticky-toes 22 toad 9.23429029016545 19 sticky-toes 21 tree 8.218811558096515 20 the 21 tree 1.7164199707292305 22 toad 23 . 0.8910229590360075 he listened to all that peter rabbit had to say , and a funny , pleased sort of look came into his eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 1 he 2 listened 1.743238281950827 1 he 16 pleased 0.953595044501153 2 listened 3 to 1.55676163263362 2 listened 4 all 1.4735042772551772 5 that 8 had 1.0478031204253906 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 7 rabbit 8 had 1.5631435842423826 9 to 10 say 1.5454691794447797 10 say 16 pleased 1.5819351127222028 10 say 11 , 0.5138332982520222 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 a 14 funny 1.5211885612316145 14 funny 16 pleased 2.544999065528689 15 , 16 pleased 0.2403238486566046 16 pleased 17 sort 1.9456167844722039 17 sort 18 of 3.3622778027607385 17 sort 19 look 0.8043318421477714 19 look 23 eyes 2.1604092417989165 20 came 21 into 2.11013762124767 21 into 23 eyes 2.189369421248628 22 his 23 eyes 3.1614973247823546 23 eyes 24 . 0.8353789148017494 " ah reckon ah will go along with yo'all , " said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 1 " 12 said 2.1846753891302146 2 ah 9 yo'all 8.009921645687808 3 reckon 9 yo'all 8.618520955293693 4 ah 9 yo'all 8.009921645687808 5 will 9 yo'all 2.6802114970724737 6 go 9 yo'all 3.352233396421415 7 along 9 yo'all 5.881128591403655 8 with 9 yo'all 1.8516294558561412 10 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 11 " 12 said 2.1846753891302146 12 said 14 . 0.9489036959486263 12 said 13 he 0.6185839486337201 so unc ' billy possum went with peter rabbit to the laughing brook , where they hid underneath the alders . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 so 2 unc 1.1854919628068927 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 billy 20 alders 5.602016664684637 4 billy 5 possum 8.827381619282942 5 possum 6 went 1.8861784093281209 6 went 7 with 1.2963110958480861 8 peter 9 rabbit 7.313713619688597 9 rabbit 12 laughing 2.779368252738223 10 to 11 the 0.3667201796407351 11 the 12 laughing 1.0951542492871873 12 laughing 13 brook 9.342696177760082 13 brook 20 alders 7.712410462683476 14 , 15 where 0.25827540064126175 15 where 20 alders 4.688587230600955 16 they 20 alders 2.701538994506805 17 hid 20 alders 8.046580116266657 18 underneath 20 alders 9.567883979765494 19 the 20 alders 2.349766076035987 20 alders 21 . 0.8397200155850939 xv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xv 2.355914843143953 peter rabbit and unc ' billy possum keep watch 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 7 possum 4.022533552835913 2 rabbit 3 and 0.3512952531958753 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 possum 9 watch 3.7609413642626315 8 keep 9 watch 4.147345691760826 " what 's that ? " asked peter , pricking up his ears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 10 pricking 3.4899005471201825 3 's 10 pricking 1.1579544365154142 4 that 10 pricking 1.4431264236194572 5 ? 7 asked 5.562665578900452 5 ? 6 " 3.328347337284576 7 asked 10 pricking 5.465720734625055 8 peter 10 pricking 3.5687499596687537 9 , 10 pricking 0.2856512178865245 10 pricking 13 ears 9.237457888691285 10 pricking 11 up 5.006586202496333 12 his 13 ears 3.6254128810696216 13 ears 14 . 1.073941286362988 " nothing , nothing , brer rabbit , nothing at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 nothing 0.4896750092451718 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 nothing 6 brer 3.1942253499020303 2 nothing 9 nothing 2.457553763285418 3 , 6 brer 1.0714627159822712 4 nothing 6 brer 3.1942253499020303 5 , 6 brer 1.0714627159822712 6 brer 7 rabbit 6.122005416353918 6 brer 8 , 0.2864096976555821 9 nothing 11 all 0.7430047748220048 9 nothing 12 . 0.2814697532463786 10 at 11 all 1.9101156124848444 ah has a habit of just talking foolishness to mahself , " replied unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 10 mahself 8.764809147851278 2 has 4 habit 2.4647460378149653 3 a 4 habit 2.200855814046605 4 habit 10 mahself 9.941397879574598 4 habit 5 of 2.8308288894427065 6 just 10 mahself 5.399435193761189 7 talking 10 mahself 8.192145912080562 8 foolishness 10 mahself 12.381970470960585 9 to 10 mahself 2.052549508077224 10 mahself 14 unc 8.35564464436344 10 mahself 13 replied 6.502350756965814 10 mahself 17 . 0.4874182716542137 11 , 13 replied 1.5802587282237415 12 " 13 replied 2.2297485079660806 14 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 14 unc 15 ' 3.9798001185742837 unc ' billy agreed , and side by side they sat as still as if they were made of wood or stone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 4 agreed 2.776590169705017 4 agreed 9 side 3.1204684086950394 4 agreed 6 and 0.6812876230821914 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 side 9 side 5.669754403209378 8 by 9 side 3.481510792640357 9 side 19 of 2.227533220794772 9 side 11 sat 2.1454905765275356 9 side 20 wood 1.8907580363054954 9 side 18 made 1.4544715215872515 9 side 17 were 1.2656591331718623 9 side 23 . 0.7715117521673527 10 they 11 sat 1.488634021002131 11 sat 13 still 3.6661430536797823 12 as 13 still -0.02806807002000511 14 as 15 if 2.776143507537343 15 if 17 were 2.560882710427512 16 they 17 were 3.2736646255414907 20 wood 22 stone 1.6184011605374629 21 or 22 stone 2.0145585637879684 it grew later and later , and still there was not a sound of the voice of either sammy jay or sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 13 sound 0.4362506581341883 2 grew 8 still 2.24778069484012 2 grew 5 later 2.506053173201291 2 grew 3 later 2.506053173201291 2 grew 7 and 1.7976142103204307 2 grew 4 and 1.7976142103204307 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 still 13 sound 2.3667871070099906 9 there 13 sound 2.296419521434135 9 there 10 was 2.1014798704396025 11 not 13 sound 1.4978178583032822 12 a 13 sound 1.8754435829123892 13 sound 16 voice 4.157272489374883 13 sound 14 of 1.976484934805768 14 of 15 the 0.8205289458717022 16 voice 22 sticky-toes 6.491722029720105 17 of 22 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 18 either 22 sticky-toes 6.277699342023691 19 sammy 20 jay 9.77475508855667 20 jay 22 sticky-toes 5.895763937772049 21 or 22 sticky-toes 2.6717694118390973 22 sticky-toes 25 toad 9.23429029016545 22 sticky-toes 24 tree 8.218811558096515 23 the 24 tree 1.7164199707292305 25 toad 26 . 0.8910229590360075 peter began to get hungry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 began 0.7643007687865584 2 began 3 to 2.775473939384737 2 began 5 hungry 1.6917931718662658 3 to 4 get 1.8086562812674263 5 hungry 6 . 0.7876512954422559 the more he thought about it , the hungrier he grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 grew 0.18116119721752 1 the 11 grew 1.187653128321493 2 more 11 grew 2.572784050409954 3 he 9 hungrier 2.4970776946814226 4 thought 9 hungrier 5.875610934975761 5 about 9 hungrier 4.757258408610841 5 about 6 it 1.8539463948922297 7 , 9 hungrier 0.3479354961408667 8 the 9 hungrier 1.8192513593372048 9 hungrier 11 grew 9.348634876350598 9 hungrier 10 he 3.6466914888244304 11 grew 12 . 0.37611343664812047 the moonbeams crept farther and farther into the thicket of alder trees and bushes where peter rabbit and unc ' billy possum were hiding . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 moonbeams 0.5163341824948624 1 the 2 moonbeams 2.6778955100916697 2 moonbeams 6 farther 10.007914277838015 2 moonbeams 4 farther 10.007914277838015 2 moonbeams 3 crept 8.845676993546942 2 moonbeams 5 and 1.827551494474534 6 farther 9 thicket 7.201498863248478 7 into 9 thicket 4.175108728123455 7 into 8 the 1.552468254406742 9 thicket 11 alder 9.760267423424413 9 thicket 24 hiding 8.006517244962641 10 of 11 alder 1.6651701440500375 11 alder 14 bushes 10.379523775953619 11 alder 17 rabbit 6.561948257395585 11 alder 15 where 3.9119562550784046 11 alder 18 and 1.7156586144036368 12 trees 14 bushes 7.096884812180317 12 trees 13 and 1.140838899137016 16 peter 17 rabbit 7.313713619688597 19 unc 22 possum 9.3510072550222 19 unc 21 billy 9.19308924154302 19 unc 20 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 possum 24 hiding 6.041082746952981 23 were 24 hiding 1.8531571401183946 24 hiding 25 . 0.7038119523692181 then it was that they heard the voice of sticky-toes the tree toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 10 sticky-toes 2.555465430020462 2 it 10 sticky-toes 0.9697020256574795 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 4 that 10 sticky-toes 0.6980557798161975 5 they 6 heard 1.3022364944588247 6 heard 8 voice 3.7144435227202663 6 heard 7 the 0.6012817737155078 8 voice 10 sticky-toes 6.491722029720105 9 of 10 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 10 sticky-toes 13 toad 9.23429029016545 10 sticky-toes 12 tree 8.218811558096515 11 the 12 tree 1.7164199707292305 13 toad 14 . 0.8910229590360075 peter looked up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 looked 0.6891079852710398 1 peter 2 looked 2.458385242202766 2 looked 3 up 2.456793580534695 3 up 4 . 0.22089297341213054 there sat sticky-toes himself , but his voice was coming from an alder on the other side of the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 sat 1.1929952914039035 2 sat 3 sticky-toes 4.032412784340064 3 sticky-toes 8 voice 3.8720423374268904 3 sticky-toes 4 himself 4.819643802630335 3 sticky-toes 7 his 2.917497652155653 3 sticky-toes 6 but 0.6728424136090645 5 , 6 but 1.025230194614105 8 voice 13 alder 4.83195094135041 8 voice 22 . 0.8478630205323796 9 was 10 coming 1.4736384501161233 10 coming 13 alder 5.1121550100857185 11 from 13 alder 3.4285870395282707 12 an 13 alder 2.8259064022871208 13 alder 21 brook 7.333159271934644 13 alder 17 side 5.855279118157572 14 on 17 side 3.9504194760914295 14 on 15 the 1.3666129714665534 16 other 17 side 5.196445238348733 17 side 18 of 2.227533220794772 19 the 21 brook 2.4170322032995006 20 laughing 21 brook 9.342696177760082 " do you hear that ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 do 0.8845447173996668 2 do 6 ? 2.483544973711105 2 do 3 you 2.418842332069122 4 hear 6 ? 1.7344302415782806 4 hear 5 that 0.712458521029756 do you hear that ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 do 0.5470781180777742 1 do 5 ? 2.483544973711105 1 do 2 you 2.418842332069122 3 hear 5 ? 1.7344302415782806 3 hear 4 that 0.712458521029756 there 's my voice over there , and here i am here ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 's 1.7231004370931355 2 's 13 ! 0.30544603795097913 3 my 13 ! 0.9633104018688687 4 voice 5 over 0.35254331489963064 5 over 9 here 1.169990946476144 5 over 6 there 1.2727583595731744 5 over 8 and 0.7219122551307535 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 here 11 am 1.3870306359734172 9 here 13 ! 1.3019654133796283 10 i 11 am 3.4303740479986207 11 am 12 here 1.9175917975232828 what do you make of it ? " whispered sticky-toes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 2 do 3.3898156542937787 2 do 10 sticky-toes 1.5429635706211435 2 do 3 you 2.418842332069122 4 make 10 sticky-toes 3.2394511979756153 5 of 10 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 6 it 10 sticky-toes 0.9697020256574795 7 ? 9 whispered 3.4156517640495814 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 whispered 10 sticky-toes 6.072115208373795 10 sticky-toes 11 . 0.6828139606126413 peter didn't know what to make of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 peter 2 didn't 1.8499550951968473 2 didn't 3 know 4.1638850028764445 2 didn't 6 make 2.1308924439167285 2 didn't 8 it 1.1741029572962027 3 know 4 what 3.2396222245850588 5 to 6 make 1.9953753273403052 6 make 7 of 0.8289715787087832 8 it 9 . 0.13987271256052836 all he could do was to gaze at sticky-toes as if he thought sticky-toes was a ghost . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 all 14 sticky-toes 0.9982605542185468 2 he 3 could 1.799559825235125 3 could 14 sticky-toes 3.1143394582470236 3 could 4 do 1.9653973768739572 5 was 14 sticky-toes 0.48215481232484336 6 to 7 gaze 0.8826245066349117 7 gaze 14 sticky-toes 9.235613940656673 8 at 14 sticky-toes 2.497724415894826 9 sticky-toes 14 sticky-toes 9.846047128893947 9 sticky-toes 13 thought 2.7507609283443877 9 sticky-toes 11 if 1.5215072724720429 10 as 11 if 2.776143507537343 12 he 13 thought 1.3670260759711912 14 sticky-toes 17 ghost 6.985977390038421 14 sticky-toes 15 was 1.5834883484169389 16 a 17 ghost 1.415274881160176 17 ghost 18 . 1.0789534262988525 peter turned to ask unc ' billy possum what he thought , but unc ' billy wasn't there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 peter 5 unc 2.5286725202934193 2 turned 5 unc 2.004042814849665 3 to 4 ask 1.8856402078019592 4 ask 5 unc 2.477593731634908 5 unc 8 possum 9.3510072550222 5 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 possum 11 thought 0.7743553125137339 9 what 10 he 0.6167956023414938 10 he 11 thought 1.3670260759711912 12 , 14 unc 0.44301984271740835 12 , 13 but 1.025230194614105 14 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 14 unc 15 ' 3.9798001185742837 16 billy 17 wasn't 2.0184692646565274 16 billy 19 . 0.45585700976227805 17 wasn't 18 there 1.4696846034776279 xvi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xvi 2.387024136387808 unc ' billy possum does a little surprising himself 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 8 surprising 7.043360087664052 5 does 8 surprising 4.747411936122347 6 a 8 surprising 2.163660975754212 6 a 7 little 2.1212036022401666 8 surprising 9 himself 3.8334760758099087 but when he heard a whisper right over their heads and looked up to see sticky-toes himself , unc ' billy almost chuckled out loud . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 when 0.8321920408025907 2 when 4 heard 2.7253037340176967 2 when 3 he 1.8647931372101283 4 heard 16 sticky-toes 3.644054194828872 5 a 6 whisper 2.614806344687814 6 whisper 10 heads 4.681863658922012 6 whisper 7 right 2.3671389244993897 8 over 10 heads 2.0352242616460288 9 their 10 heads 6.310567197713663 10 heads 16 sticky-toes 7.007564892772212 11 and 12 looked 1.4092917379590961 12 looked 16 sticky-toes 2.9957767719163293 12 looked 13 up 2.456793580534695 14 to 15 see 1.81043644982023 15 see 16 sticky-toes 2.0762975933219003 16 sticky-toes 19 unc 5.644149737713356 16 sticky-toes 17 himself 4.819643802630335 18 , 19 unc 0.44301984271740835 19 unc 21 billy 9.19308924154302 19 unc 23 chuckled 5.525956657732362 19 unc 20 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 almost 23 chuckled 4.753402877814711 23 chuckled 25 loud 5.702280936158129 23 chuckled 26 . 1.604231936636964 24 out 25 loud 4.260336744249674 " yo ' can't fool uncle billy , so don't go fo ' to try ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 2 yo 12 fo 8.39826427830123 2 yo 7 billy 4.281519314718093 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 2 yo 5 fool 3.7298857693924354 4 can't 5 fool 4.617163255502419 5 fool 6 uncle 2.37116141605874 8 , 10 don't 0.5550211830151603 9 so 10 don't 0.27497368336895534 10 don't 12 fo 2.8649265338494523 11 go 12 fo 2.9778378816399105 12 fo 13 ' 4.125176369604485 12 fo 15 try 3.940290663871796 12 fo 16 ! 2.1438716660488417 14 to 15 try 1.5576976681177115 ah knows yo ' , yes , ah knows yo ' ah knows yo ' , mistah sly . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 14 yo 7.764809147851274 2 knows 14 yo 5.495519033570307 3 yo 10 yo 7.9030564303384025 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 4 ' 5 , 0.3471583980254067 6 yes 8 ah 3.628022921853294 6 yes 7 , 2.0305121841239 8 ah 10 yo 7.764809147851274 9 knows 10 yo 5.495519033570307 10 yo 14 yo 7.9030564303384025 10 yo 11 ' 4.052548569517089 12 ah 14 yo 7.764809147851274 13 knows 14 yo 5.495519033570307 14 yo 17 mistah 6.573350984859321 14 yo 15 ' 4.052548569517089 15 ' 16 , 0.3471583980254067 17 mistah 18 sly 6.280455893485907 17 mistah 19 . 0.662928117983892 19 . 20 " 4.467019939707924 unc ' billy is very soft-footed , oh , very soft-footed indeed , when he wants to be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 11 soft-footed 7.338454883065928 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 is 11 soft-footed 2.3633542283374673 5 very 11 soft-footed 6.096114178489817 6 soft-footed 11 soft-footed 13.960506702522306 6 soft-footed 8 oh 5.928369116367573 6 soft-footed 7 , 1.5700493078185715 8 oh 9 , 2.0324623708210936 10 very 11 soft-footed 6.096114178489817 11 soft-footed 16 wants 8.71257918907872 11 soft-footed 12 indeed 7.896213025726148 11 soft-footed 14 when 3.849501480774588 11 soft-footed 15 he 2.476766487382122 11 soft-footed 13 , 1.5700493078185715 16 wants 17 to 2.5309481560259606 16 wants 18 be 2.4237631525831986 18 be 19 . 0.24970592863907193 you see one must needs be very soft-footed to steal eggs in farmer brown 's hen-house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 8 soft-footed 4.064224761021325 3 one 8 soft-footed 4.55515246819748 4 must 8 soft-footed 4.556997528511086 5 needs 8 soft-footed 10.11585323904173 6 be 8 soft-footed 2.850632528687516 7 very 8 soft-footed 6.096114178489817 8 soft-footed 10 steal 9.60295469790422 8 soft-footed 11 eggs 8.375544201801151 9 to 10 steal 2.127956910735243 11 eggs 16 hen-house 7.847783405298653 11 eggs 17 . 0.7443165532266605 12 in 16 hen-house 2.3476018670526386 13 farmer 16 hen-house 7.659295060771104 13 farmer 14 brown 8.64653815547903 13 farmer 15 's 4.683257407921326 peter rubbed his eyes and stared all around , this way and that way , but no sign of unc ' billy could he see . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 rubbed 0.6621454422256399 1 peter 2 rubbed 3.436180840184928 2 rubbed 3 his 3.937890705243987 3 his 14 way 1.6706417274649592 3 his 4 eyes 3.1614973247823546 4 eyes 6 stared 3.9559487415460914 4 eyes 9 , 0.00777829471561553 5 and 6 stared 1.8388024634201194 6 stared 8 around 1.5797101659655048 7 all 8 around 2.222674973140208 10 this 14 way 2.4795023497949593 10 this 11 way 2.4795023497949593 11 way 12 and 0.2608756344258456 13 that 14 way 1.4644069919852818 14 way 20 unc 1.8930401291070602 14 way 24 he 0.5878091596190611 14 way 26 . 0.5851465906102735 15 , 16 but 1.025230194614105 16 but 17 no 1.5130340843231664 17 no 18 sign 4.2901032176210805 18 sign 20 unc 4.47463268058053 18 sign 19 of 2.9468994422775054 20 unc 22 billy 9.19308924154302 20 unc 21 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 billy 23 could 0.16053709087008272 24 he 25 see 0.18360872847103238 this so surprised peter rabbit that he felt queer all over . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.5823537722224774 1 this 9 queer 0.7986971010751098 2 so 3 surprised 2.7783813792996774 3 surprised 9 queer 2.4606956876329527 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 5 rabbit 9 queer 2.5210653676295145 6 that 9 queer 0.9389149498114548 7 he 8 felt 2.0830791199149683 8 felt 9 queer 3.430177516953556 9 queer 12 . 0.5193275196089573 10 all 11 over 1.805500799193231 11 over 12 . 0.4497240344348832 now here unc ' billy possum had disappeared , just as if the earth had swallowed him up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 16 swallowed 1.4442737262041128 2 here 3 unc 0.8347510038900232 3 unc 6 possum 9.3510072550222 3 unc 5 billy 9.19308924154302 3 unc 4 ' 3.9798001185742837 6 possum 8 disappeared 3.628749990266833 7 had 8 disappeared 3.1089748825403767 8 disappeared 14 earth 3.228855795519163 8 disappeared 11 as 1.4740941668785545 8 disappeared 9 , 0.3296903399526734 10 just 11 as 2.6945437830364103 11 as 12 if 2.776143507537343 13 the 14 earth 1.6044560858403187 14 earth 16 swallowed 7.261064062606497 15 had 16 swallowed 2.3152912492584754 16 swallowed 18 up 4.182657055903206 16 swallowed 17 him 1.606431652168073 16 swallowed 19 . 0.6528418808615832 all this time unc ' billy possum had been crawling along without the tiniest sound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 all 3 time 1.9376348640459664 2 this 3 time 3.0116306928359418 3 time 4 unc 1.4916649086144282 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 possum 10 crawling 7.149749432256026 7 possum 16 . 0.554405251336938 8 had 9 been 3.8301500596883944 9 been 10 crawling 2.5100411757538375 10 crawling 14 tiniest 11.791294319045033 11 along 14 tiniest 6.11245413751011 12 without 14 tiniest 5.626844447668869 13 the 14 tiniest 2.2132272430882196 14 tiniest 15 sound 6.947987688934955 when he came to the laughing brook , he went up a way until he found a big tree with a branch stretching clear across . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 came 3.257675302277521 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 3 came 7 brook 1.4104927785955148 3 came 4 to 1.4047239513309133 5 the 7 brook 2.4170322032995006 6 laughing 7 brook 9.342696177760082 7 brook 18 big 2.7638714510139515 7 brook 13 way 2.0131952700431626 8 , 9 he 0.5080875377005949 9 he 10 went 1.5238829264000806 10 went 13 way 2.100050742492101 10 went 11 up 1.467427391388295 12 a 13 way 0.8012935979618927 14 until 18 big 1.326775052807406 14 until 16 found 2.8320454542514177 15 he 16 found 1.790774678622114 17 a 18 big 1.4224054990348538 18 big 19 tree 3.8022605738236095 19 tree 23 stretching 4.908898956653129 19 tree 26 . 0.7073254296010649 20 with 21 a 1.3165200252756044 21 a 22 branch 1.9638627108590008 22 branch 23 stretching 7.640082198225329 23 stretching 24 clear 5.9006695590174125 23 stretching 25 across 5.893819503748869 he was across the laughing brook without even wetting his feet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 9 wetting 2.414615534489453 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 3 across 9 wetting 7.427358697636095 4 the 6 brook 2.4170322032995006 5 laughing 6 brook 9.342696177760082 6 brook 9 wetting 9.214910803212657 7 without 9 wetting 6.565443903004727 8 even 9 wetting 5.963063739702683 9 wetting 11 feet 7.528660915556905 9 wetting 10 his 4.406600137469294 11 feet 12 . 0.7277218346471965 unc ' billy didn't waste any time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 5 waste 2.7474936417233273 4 didn't 5 waste 3.4338612218092095 5 waste 7 time 5.862184690979408 5 waste 6 any 3.760359853033087 7 time 8 . 0.2397831621113511 unc ' billy listened , and the longer he listened , the broader grew the smile on unc ' billy 's shrewd face . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 13 broader 6.463985765149786 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 listened 13 broader 7.36266105518791 4 listened 6 and 1.3347025038904086 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 6 and 7 the 0.25490521846622727 8 longer 13 broader 7.888329426650312 9 he 10 listened 1.743238281950827 10 listened 13 broader 7.36266105518791 11 , 13 broader 0.6540386238665477 12 the 13 broader -0.04457051437942283 13 broader 18 unc 7.092610238529652 13 broader 16 smile 6.952713192802431 13 broader 14 grew 6.500637969795651 13 broader 17 on 3.2290518948239573 13 broader 15 the 0.7492348680676955 18 unc 20 billy 9.19308924154302 18 unc 22 shrewd 6.6754898703434975 18 unc 19 ' 3.9798001185742837 21 's 22 shrewd 1.7378459476891486 22 shrewd 23 face 4.662900871661282 23 face 24 . 0.872471518043243 " thief ! thief ! thief ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 thief 1.6203539023385467 2 thief 4 thief 10.108408185777076 2 thief 3 ! 4.5199059877279275 4 thief 6 thief 10.108408185777076 4 thief 5 ! 4.5199059877279275 6 thief 7 ! 4.5199059877279275 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 it certainly sounded for all the world like sammy jay 's voice , and it was right over unc ' billy 's head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 3 sounded 2.151279984160446 1 it 16 was 1.776593012608254 1 it 17 right 1.1608418657974209 2 certainly 3 sounded 3.4607189362304815 3 sounded 9 sammy 3.718100032639729 3 sounded 8 like 4.1324911470730115 3 sounded 12 voice 3.335609730633397 3 sounded 7 world 1.2891130677292928 3 sounded 14 and 0.7562127127542695 4 for 5 all 0.3373100666938047 5 all 7 world 2.4534925308137865 6 the 7 world 2.329264621664832 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 11 's 12 voice 1.628703560125114 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 15 it 16 was 1.776593012608254 17 right 19 unc 2.2001939130513044 17 right 18 over 1.7440392791480406 19 unc 21 billy 9.19308924154302 19 unc 20 ' 3.9798001185742837 21 billy 23 head 2.245384892941569 21 billy 22 's 1.362372716573958 23 head 24 . 0.9057652481458263 unc ' billy peered up through the alders . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 8 alders 5.602016664684637 4 peered 8 alders 10.401422833626757 4 peered 6 through 4.914607525186575 4 peered 5 up 1.1362214829129265 7 the 8 alders 2.349766076035987 8 alders 9 . 0.8397200155850939 the leaves were so thick that he could not see very well , but what he did see was enough . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 leaves 1.3438176412199745 2 leaves 5 thick 4.379184750140897 2 leaves 3 were 2.8678704762964635 4 so 5 thick 1.613322133029179 5 thick 8 could 1.6200932569275714 5 thick 21 . 0.3540191462370146 6 that 8 could 1.2733844936881962 7 he 8 could 1.799559825235125 8 could 9 not 3.0316984035119585 8 could 18 see 2.945997787046375 8 could 10 see 2.945997787046375 10 see 15 what 2.254235659735974 11 very 12 well 3.082214088252625 12 well 15 what 1.0957642755843757 12 well 13 , 1.4929336725718638 13 , 14 but 1.025230194614105 15 what 17 did 2.0434579104804538 16 he 17 did 1.2723526150845803 19 was 20 enough 1.3011605622097768 20 enough 21 . 0.3320435157797661 it was a long tail , a tail of feathers hanging down . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 a 0.9616525970137229 3 a 4 long 1.8939671708709067 4 long 5 tail 3.3419423938423307 5 tail 10 feathers 6.146494698563252 5 tail 11 hanging 5.545506773916021 5 tail 12 down 2.287774377112285 5 tail 13 . 0.6933305286035747 5 tail 6 , 0.21047643854607756 7 a 8 tail 1.436879408495539 8 tail 10 feathers 6.146494698563252 8 tail 9 of 1.0132056319312817 it wasn't sammy jay 's tail , either . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 wasn't 0.8420327990733956 1 it 2 wasn't 2.5487137974486345 2 wasn't 8 either 2.7342639179285904 3 sammy 4 jay 9.77475508855667 4 jay 6 tail 2.5098109309493886 5 's 6 tail 1.2748582993330793 6 tail 8 either 2.854777851071141 6 tail 7 , 0.21047643854607756 8 either 9 . 1.0467793662308118 " don ' yo'all think that yo'all have joked enough ? " asked unc ' billy , trying hard to keep from chuckling aloud . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 yo'all 2.008424354017123 2 don 4 yo'all 10.301723968509474 2 don 3 ' 2.3185783391100365 4 yo'all 9 joked 13.65016658191016 5 think 9 joked 4.230206404062269 6 that 7 yo'all 1.8379860409606756 7 yo'all 9 joked 13.65016658191016 7 yo'all 8 have 2.9479217347318674 9 joked 14 unc 7.819591744123237 9 joked 10 enough 5.903856946186192 9 joked 13 asked 4.772046981258246 11 ? 13 asked 5.562665578900452 11 ? 12 " 3.328347337284576 14 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 14 unc 23 chuckling 4.4444455787541415 14 unc 15 ' 3.9798001185742837 17 , 23 chuckling 1.4000331838338802 18 trying 23 chuckling 4.8198359621109255 19 hard 23 chuckling 3.679916344980903 20 to 21 keep 2.048401843387486 21 keep 23 chuckling 3.3499637039491255 21 keep 22 from 2.7166060584138023 23 chuckling 24 aloud 6.8551219532747005 23 chuckling 25 . 1.195814713623644 a cry of " thief " stopped right in the middle , and two sharp eyes looked down in surprise at unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 thief 0.20485942160331305 1 a 5 thief 1.8847601644613974 2 cry 5 thief 4.450799132552813 2 cry 3 of 0.608718978346829 4 " 5 thief 1.6203539023385467 5 thief 11 middle 4.075686650404556 5 thief 6 " 1.9319168699908822 7 stopped 11 middle 4.0853239276635875 8 right 11 middle 4.238439762969662 9 in 11 middle 3.7273536480887905 10 the 11 middle 2.391756953245025 11 middle 15 sharp 3.055398033614164 11 middle 13 and 0.4044230965581228 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 two 15 sharp 1.2571403635881957 15 sharp 20 surprise 3.25201048698856 15 sharp 16 eyes 5.60644233011849 17 looked 20 surprise 2.7099749329857232 17 looked 18 down 2.0285990817404453 19 in 20 surprise 1.8753271810405288 20 surprise 22 unc 4.595423697896937 20 surprise 21 at 1.3710915775028063 20 surprise 25 . 1.0051820724874716 22 unc 24 billy 9.19308924154302 22 unc 23 ' 3.9798001185742837 xvii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xvii 2.4112521364373016 the meeting of two old friends 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 meeting 0.6312547849728745 2 meeting 6 friends 3.4392939778450433 3 of 6 friends 1.0111267428362503 4 two 6 friends 2.379645062801732 5 old 6 friends 2.7037601760909986 " why , unc ' billy possum ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 2 why 7 possum 1.861308824462732 2 why 3 , 0.6307765723420751 4 unc 7 possum 9.3510072550222 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 possum 8 ! 0.2425675054589007 what are yo'all doing way up here ? " cried the owner of the long tail and sharp eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 3 yo'all 3.8847601644613974 2 are 3 yo'all 2.794192954632372 3 yo'all 4 doing 7.088348292644625 3 yo'all 7 here 4.720415028492823 3 yo'all 5 way 4.711485454574454 3 yo'all 6 up 4.052389892109456 3 yo'all 8 ? 3.683460869729956 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 8 ? 10 cried 3.3210916857893746 10 cried 12 owner 2.7506878354665254 11 the 12 owner 1.8887922925902814 12 owner 18 sharp 6.945940635135198 12 owner 16 tail 6.928732504825209 12 owner 15 long 4.322377877455377 12 owner 13 of 2.5850548821642505 12 owner 17 and 0.6320006853567257 13 of 14 the 0.8205289458717022 18 sharp 19 eyes 5.60644233011849 19 eyes 20 . 0.8353789148017494 " this is mah home now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 now 1.0340186789003258 1 " 4 mah 1.4965253154856875 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 3 is 4 mah 1.0034582832510814 4 mah 5 home 3.3528476068567556 4 mah 6 now 1.2233758090194229 6 now 7 . -0.29732124066647003 ah done moved up here , " replied unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 9 unc 3.6680939933627386 1 ah 2 done 3.3754144235272783 1 ah 3 moved 2.7648091478512775 3 moved 5 here 1.724784628120588 4 up 5 here 0.9021842872718722 6 , 8 replied 1.5802587282237415 7 " 8 replied 2.2297485079660806 8 replied 9 unc 4.682705064268205 9 unc 11 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 10 ' 3.9798001185742837 11 billy 12 . 0.45585700976227805 " ' pears to me that the question is what am yo'all doing way off up here ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 yo'all 2.008424354017123 2 ' 3 pears 2.84188232323946 3 pears 8 question 5.953367277108423 3 pears 5 me 3.281024843633734 3 pears 4 to 1.2011868206570497 6 that 8 question 1.5492082416851467 7 the 8 question 1.2940279422964203 8 question 12 yo'all 7.491923385515477 8 question 9 is 1.8803190875887346 10 what 12 yo'all 3.8847601644613974 11 am 12 yo'all 4.092455848777146 12 yo'all 13 doing 7.088348292644625 12 yo'all 17 here 4.720415028492823 12 yo'all 14 way 4.711485454574454 12 yo'all 15 off 4.260356014741969 12 yo'all 16 up 4.052389892109456 12 yo'all 18 ? 3.683460869729956 ah thought ah sho'ly done hear your voice the other day , and ah most wore mah po ' feet out looking fo ' yo ' . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 3 ah 6.34452138788523 1 ah 2 thought 1.5820601060513795 3 ah 14 ah 6.34452138788523 3 ah 4 sho'ly 9.048602113851864 3 ah 12 , 1.2196745254041677 4 sho'ly 6 hear 5.684754653693776 4 sho'ly 8 voice 5.320502838243186 4 sho'ly 5 done 5.156074478919468 4 sho'ly 10 other 4.491597610411713 4 sho'ly 7 your 3.345502460887271 9 the 10 other 1.329080263471381 10 other 11 day 2.209690157964861 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 ah 25 yo 7.764809147851274 15 most 18 po 6.708882278051217 16 wore 18 po 9.330761530045816 17 mah 18 po 11.315881280502811 18 po 23 fo 11.475079875352062 18 po 20 feet 7.265626509723113 18 po 22 looking 6.575996338647133 18 po 19 ' 4.807436071680556 18 po 21 out 3.845306953136859 23 fo 25 yo 9.19327566549843 23 fo 24 ' 4.125176369604485 25 yo 26 ' 4.052548569517089 25 yo 27 . -0.6429783656014578 ah thought ah was mistaken , but now ah reckon that ah was right , after all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 ah 2.101878867830969 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 after 0.3077840665866276 1 ah 10 reckon 6.4840383777206725 1 ah 12 ah 6.34452138788523 1 ah 2 thought 1.5820601060513795 3 ah 10 reckon 6.4840383777206725 4 was 5 mistaken 2.433556103999152 5 mistaken 10 reckon 6.25511238428366 6 , 10 reckon 1.1725494752578705 7 but 8 now 1.1568221012444546 8 now 10 reckon 1.1830936844313875 9 ah 10 reckon 6.4840383777206725 10 reckon 11 that 0.9958642016354986 12 ah 14 right 2.2099946105977537 12 ah 15 , 1.2196745254041677 13 was 14 right 0.7681181986663734 16 after 17 all 2.6405151338762938 17 all 18 . 0.2432863525850255 my , but ah am right smart glad to see yo ' ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ah 2.101878867830969 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 but 0.9143403551529357 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 2 , 3 but 1.025230194614105 4 ah 11 yo 7.764809147851274 4 ah 13 ! 3.6817092295172067 5 am 11 yo 2.637889985311663 6 right 7 smart 3.5689886129766393 7 smart 11 yo 4.542466715081936 8 glad 11 yo 2.1835619723986035 8 glad 10 see 3.476245390500484 9 to 10 see 1.81043644982023 11 yo 12 ' 4.052548569517089 13 ! 14 " 2.8038844676111605 " thank yo ' , unc ' billy , " replied the owner of the long tail and the sharp eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 thank 1.2836126435411135 1 " 2 thank 2.2783711941508873 2 thank 3 yo 5.466802445149863 3 yo 6 unc 5.600757142199978 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 , 6 unc 0.44301984271740835 6 unc 8 billy 9.19308924154302 6 unc 7 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 billy 13 owner 4.197626409605302 9 , 11 replied 1.5802587282237415 10 " 11 replied 2.2297485079660806 11 replied 13 owner 3.828135503789767 12 the 13 owner 1.8887922925902814 13 owner 20 sharp 6.945940635135198 13 owner 17 tail 6.928732504825209 13 owner 16 long 4.322377877455377 13 owner 14 of 2.5850548821642505 13 owner 18 and 0.6320006853567257 13 owner 19 the 0.5994877485630106 14 of 15 the 0.8205289458717022 20 sharp 21 eyes 5.60644233011849 21 eyes 22 . 0.8353789148017494 " ah reckon yo ' can't be any more glad to see me , than ah am to see yo ' . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 4 yo 7.764809147851274 3 reckon 4 yo 6.748917592549361 4 yo 20 yo 7.9030564303384025 4 yo 5 ' 4.052548569517089 4 yo 12 see 2.3628498342755435 4 yo 6 can't 2.163412640238146 7 be 10 glad 2.3795191050025792 7 be 8 any 0.9816514480304974 8 any 9 more 3.8525050352467343 10 glad 12 see 3.476245390500484 11 to 12 see 1.81043644982023 12 see 13 me 0.7609985514461144 13 me 14 , 0.44704990407605116 15 than 20 yo 0.6887013280673742 16 ah 20 yo 7.764809147851274 17 am 20 yo 2.637889985311663 17 am 18 to 0.9368550271091234 18 to 19 see 1.81043644982023 20 yo 21 ' 4.052548569517089 20 yo 22 . -0.6429783656014578 fact is , ah was getting right smart lonesome . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ah 2.101878867830969 1 fact 4 ah 2.9711228472941222 1 fact 2 is 2.848615467252081 1 fact 3 , 0.9782331360563532 4 ah 8 smart 3.773854287454281 5 was 6 getting 1.7181019768834318 6 getting 8 smart 1.884448273748891 7 right 8 smart 3.5689886129766393 8 smart 9 lonesome 4.5596272662401205 9 lonesome 10 . 1.1452136523868113 " ' pears like if all ah hear am true , that yo ' haven't done much lying low nights . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 7 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ' 7 ah 3.3688797464754927 3 pears 7 ah 5.991782317860217 3 pears 4 like 3.02462711376295 3 pears 6 all 1.9854791692549547 3 pears 5 if 1.68456555442609 7 ah 13 yo 7.764809147851274 8 hear 13 yo 3.138045633514828 9 am 13 yo 2.637889985311663 10 true 13 yo 2.9173761016554707 10 true 11 , 0.9832868130512047 10 true 12 that 0.9068264884492407 13 yo 14 ' 4.052548569517089 13 yo 18 lying 3.6789243548168606 13 yo 16 done 3.6642213825897905 13 yo 15 haven't 3.0887554426679387 16 done 17 much 1.6405958315255411 18 lying 19 low 4.193492008273882 19 low 20 nights 5.512694887275327 20 nights 21 . 0.4817717085130724 ah reckon yo ' done make up fo ' those lonesome feelings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 3 yo 7.764809147851274 2 reckon 3 yo 6.748917592549361 3 yo 8 fo 8.39826427830123 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 done 8 fo 4.936567577829077 6 make 8 fo 2.420023443617435 6 make 7 up 1.5095252238825871 8 fo 11 lonesome 6.888508121769252 8 fo 12 feelings 6.296166090682501 8 fo 9 ' 4.125176369604485 8 fo 10 those 3.3171735845123926 12 feelings 13 . 0.9159390002966781 yes , sah , ah reckon so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sah 7.607738090433358 2 , 3 sah 2.26547333594889 3 sah 6 reckon 9.135965118990658 3 sah 5 ah 9.089557533546692 3 sah 7 so 3.4435407915045495 3 sah 4 , 1.671928921837786 7 so 8 . -0.294717124557204 mah goodness , man , yo ' done set everybody to running around like they was crazy ! " exclaimed unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 mah 2 goodness 9.2959817230651 1 mah 6 yo 7.498745337652618 1 mah 4 man 2.3198450077586514 1 mah 5 , 0.4108507129693173 2 goodness 3 , 1.0477785852147008 6 yo 21 unc 5.600757142199978 6 yo 7 ' 4.052548569517089 6 yo 8 done 3.6642213825897905 6 yo 9 set 1.6721596767667926 10 everybody 17 crazy 3.4772216229865194 10 everybody 11 to 0.09293393000502803 12 running 17 crazy 3.5583473356156787 12 running 13 around 2.7172136897154395 14 like 17 crazy 0.3702546882475879 15 they 17 crazy 0.4743053101008563 16 was 17 crazy 1.1326653778678946 17 crazy 21 unc 3.6747577236437543 17 crazy 20 exclaimed 3.0207658919073346 18 ! 20 exclaimed 5.239162796733945 18 ! 19 " 2.8038844676111605 21 unc 23 billy 9.19308924154302 21 unc 22 ' 3.9798001185742837 23 billy 24 . 0.45585700976227805 the owner of the long tail and sharp eyes threw back his head and laughed , and his laugh was like the most beautiful music . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 laughed 0.5438326752728955 1 the 2 owner 1.8887922925902814 2 owner 8 sharp 6.945940635135198 2 owner 6 tail 6.928732504825209 2 owner 5 long 4.322377877455377 2 owner 3 of 2.5850548821642505 2 owner 7 and 0.6320006853567257 3 of 4 the 0.8205289458717022 8 sharp 9 eyes 5.60644233011849 8 sharp 10 threw 2.9214422015819856 10 threw 13 head 3.9855803318353473 10 threw 11 back 3.696366236738246 10 threw 15 laughed 2.795065543275843 12 his 13 head 3.6389926349442767 13 head 14 and 1.0268603026979424 15 laughed 19 laugh 3.8684482272800196 15 laughed 17 and 1.1979223290572882 15 laughed 18 his 1.0047724954080621 16 , 17 and 0.752751396501802 19 laugh 25 music 3.1909195206992074 19 laugh 26 . 1.0176305682615663 20 was 25 music 0.42176491221403367 21 like 25 music 1.9875413079527675 22 the 23 most 1.4161498002264477 23 most 24 beautiful 4.689351021268422 24 beautiful 25 music 3.330022557467416 it made unc ' billy feel good just listening to it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 unc 0.8360647216779782 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 2 made 0.6400140913406247 3 unc 5 billy 9.19308924154302 3 unc 4 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 unc 9 listening 2.6792914405033557 6 feel 9 listening 1.7554778265357562 6 feel 8 just 2.05943701933667 6 feel 7 good 0.9251277690849804 9 listening 10 to 2.2656487522167623 11 it 12 . 0.13987271256052836 the next mo'ning everybody said that he had been screaming just the same , and po ' sammy jay just moved away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 the 2 next 1.9282489224560901 2 next 3 mo'ning 4.99095709270475 3 mo'ning 4 everybody 6.149592374696997 4 everybody 10 screaming 3.953974906751778 4 everybody 5 said 0.1287554116631071 6 that 10 screaming 1.0179647070669056 7 he 10 screaming 1.7465972940407362 8 had 9 been 3.8301500596883944 9 been 10 screaming 3.286807777978016 10 screaming 16 po 11.370743215537328 11 just 16 po 4.592080271703583 12 the 13 same 2.3126884001539167 13 same 16 po 7.366206983590704 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 16 po 1.775608636932926 16 po 21 moved 9.189325393018184 16 po 19 jay 8.198512313864576 16 po 22 away 5.027406227590937 16 po 17 ' 4.807436071680556 16 po 20 just 4.717777182019059 18 sammy 19 jay 9.77475508855667 22 away 23 . 0.6607964685513892 yo ' ought to be ashamed to play such jokes . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yo 1.0096306956942023 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 0.8975782375580525 1 yo 6 ashamed 4.000070289185803 1 yo 2 ' 4.052548569517089 3 ought 6 ashamed 5.8187728889467145 3 ought 5 be 3.5981450096469345 3 ought 4 to 3.1353666378378975 6 ashamed 10 jokes 6.377423935019376 7 to 8 play 1.959129924509238 8 play 10 jokes 7.47315970723157 9 such 10 jokes 2.616029544307864 11 . 12 " 4.467019939707924 unc ' billy grinned as he said it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 grinned 0.9422031300531373 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 4 grinned 6.254768732561072 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 grinned 5 as 3.0213439133329025 4 grinned 6 he 1.9731350648342847 4 grinned 9 . 1.3745768021385487 7 said 9 . 0.9489036959486263 8 it 9 . 0.13987271256052836 then both little rascals laughed fit to kill themselves . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 rascals 2.749843475187312 2 both 4 rascals 5.933018404825251 3 little 4 rascals 2.821515369998572 4 rascals 6 fit 7.890117374630908 4 rascals 9 themselves 7.886258179175275 4 rascals 8 kill 7.152121651866214 4 rascals 5 laughed 6.022220910638254 6 fit 7 to 1.9446124637637823 9 themselves 10 . 0.6478829438474598 " yo ' come over to my house , " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 2 yo 12 unc 5.600757142199978 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 3 ' 11 said 2.1255139733894506 3 ' 7 my 0.818823075653496 4 come 7 my 0.7203027025487785 4 come 5 over 1.2023345077919707 4 come 6 to 1.0626007271686397 7 my 8 house 0.9299517195308482 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 10 " 11 said 2.1846753891302146 12 unc 14 billy 9.19308924154302 12 unc 13 ' 3.9798001185742837 14 billy 15 . 0.45585700976227805 she done been laughing at me fo ' a week , because ah was sho ' ah done hear yo ' that day . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 2 done 0.38886438899590203 2 done 7 fo 4.936567577829077 3 been 7 fo 1.4105055022029198 4 laughing 7 fo 5.209074225090781 4 laughing 5 at 2.705560276286267 4 laughing 6 me 0.4379249359846362 7 fo 15 sho 10.588947839910343 7 fo 20 yo 9.19327566549843 7 fo 21 ' 4.125176369604485 7 fo 16 ' 4.125176369604485 7 fo 8 ' 4.125176369604485 7 fo 23 day 3.2125571185353827 9 a 10 week 2.4960005610958262 10 week 15 sho 7.391410607260166 11 , 15 sho 0.6216171461741702 12 because 15 sho 5.115644046691486 13 ah 15 sho 7.857918552242754 14 was 15 sho 1.8851194793031105 17 ah 20 yo 7.764809147851274 18 done 20 yo 3.441359729866246 19 hear 20 yo 3.138045633514828 22 that 23 day 0.982017568112159 23 day 24 . 0.25741529359152615 24 . 25 " 4.467019939707924 xviii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xviii 2.414763199355182 the mischief-makers 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mischief-makers 1.700758753632286 1 the 2 mischief-makers 2.862320081229093 there was a dreadful time on the green meadows and in the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 was 2.1014798704396025 2 was 4 dreadful 1.6794562526984578 3 a 4 dreadful 1.746671250141091 4 dreadful 8 green 1.5090405653584291 4 dreadful 5 time 1.4075044867141138 6 on 8 green 2.5084208030644852 7 the 8 green 2.032029580366329 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 8 green 14 forest 8.1998228972977 9 meadows 10 and 1.1069338943958122 11 in 14 forest 2.5699942883890863 12 the 14 forest 2.352946321469986 13 green 14 forest 8.1998228972977 14 forest 15 . 1.036274920084331 oh , dear , dear , dear ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 3 dear 4.430786120406985 1 oh 7 dear 4.430786120406985 1 oh 5 dear 4.430786120406985 1 oh 8 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 6 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 4 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 2 , 2.0324623708210936 it really was dreadful ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 4 dreadful 2.2313538774411548 2 really 4 dreadful 3.4272260609898524 3 was 4 dreadful 1.6794562526984578 4 dreadful 5 ! 1.606480410873992 first sammy jay had been accused of screaming in the night and keeping honest little meadow and forest people awake when they wanted to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 first 0.35613908124313376 1 first 8 screaming 2.224247600760769 2 sammy 3 jay 9.77475508855667 3 jay 8 screaming 7.800635365743911 4 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 5 been 6 accused 3.767199015250956 6 accused 8 screaming 10.50589210018278 6 accused 7 of 3.6262775448907654 8 screaming 13 keeping 6.216166178428448 8 screaming 14 honest 6.0626209201749965 8 screaming 11 night 3.9558399017248753 9 in 10 the 1.1613034400066837 10 the 11 night 0.9182531493261905 11 night 12 and 0.6241262639738405 14 honest 20 awake 4.66670555141204 15 little 16 meadow 3.274027574696074 16 meadow 20 awake 5.430207669247633 16 meadow 19 people 4.986993675017036 16 meadow 18 forest 4.908596042150059 16 meadow 17 and 0.40867217844312975 20 awake 25 sleep 2.7914272779573146 20 awake 23 wanted 2.358650815565621 21 when 22 they 2.3330121141685183 22 they 23 wanted 1.4069598260351341 23 wanted 24 to 2.7126182034946353 25 sleep 26 . 0.937353978917649 and all the time sammy jay hadn't made a sound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 all 0.032366379137952705 1 and 2 all 0.48908058405982757 2 all 3 the 0.7368478466298409 2 all 11 . 0.2432863525850255 3 the 10 sound 1.1046302332039808 4 time 5 sammy 1.1020478103342946 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 6 jay 7 hadn't 3.4965353878084926 7 hadn't 10 sound 1.89665513965436 8 made 10 sound 1.6602753093854972 9 a 10 sound 1.8754435829123892 those who had been the very best of friends would pass without speaking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 those 0.11538126799790227 1 those 2 who 3.683537385467215 2 who 13 speaking 2.0997414162143784 2 who 3 had 1.987524562495807 3 had 4 been 3.8301500596883944 5 the 7 best 1.4382396595018232 6 very 7 best 1.7453449557161456 7 best 9 friends 4.485365510445565 7 best 8 of 1.378588398292404 9 friends 11 pass 2.984223030958727 10 would 11 pass 1.704617861921566 11 pass 13 speaking 4.804361811819472 12 without 13 speaking 4.330227441310694 13 speaking 14 . 0.3131673448091128 you see , everybody on the green meadows and in the green forest knows everybody else by their voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 everybody 0.699458944639515 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 , 4 everybody 0.36663397959183186 4 everybody 14 knows 6.2528350119579805 4 everybody 16 else 5.520321729305582 4 everybody 18 their 1.673536058866329 5 on 7 green 2.5084208030644852 6 the 7 green 2.032029580366329 7 green 8 meadows 8.640219315758674 7 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 8 meadows 9 and 1.1069338943958122 10 in 13 forest 2.5699942883890863 11 the 13 forest 2.352946321469986 12 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 13 forest 14 knows 3.270900557324449 15 everybody 16 else 5.520321729305582 17 by 18 their 0.4318402121541922 18 their 20 . 0.5515526999747582 19 voice 20 . 0.8478630205323796 instead , he went straight over and told johnny chuck the unkind things that he had overheard mrs redwing saying about johnny . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 instead 5 straight 2.688197681687363 2 , 3 he 0.5080875377005949 3 he 4 went 1.5238829264000806 4 went 5 straight 4.074391002035384 5 straight 9 johnny 3.5376535065780352 5 straight 6 over 1.4504820952258974 5 straight 8 told 1.3959939640273262 6 over 7 and 0.7219122551307535 9 johnny 10 chuck 9.449430308003667 10 chuck 12 unkind 5.264002767243451 10 chuck 23 . 0.47262126972613316 10 chuck 11 the -0.1874030709348773 12 unkind 17 overheard 9.374208991117332 12 unkind 13 things 5.481068855399609 12 unkind 14 that 1.4357763695533698 15 he 17 overheard 1.7669172784203333 16 had 17 overheard 3.8233618478306006 17 overheard 19 redwing 9.381635061887184 17 overheard 22 johnny 5.822348695266427 17 overheard 21 about 2.687893763988974 18 mrs 19 redwing 6.2256068974497545 19 redwing 20 saying 5.203957792708547 and so it was , all over the green meadows and through the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.5555017361605685 1 and 2 so 0.17458482925872154 3 it 6 all 0.9413718508430762 3 it 4 was 1.776593012608254 5 , 6 all -0.02977503349915267 6 all 7 over 1.805500799193231 7 over 9 green 2.5280801348568964 8 the 9 green 2.032029580366329 9 green 10 meadows 8.640219315758674 9 green 15 forest 8.1998228972977 10 meadows 11 and 1.1069338943958122 12 through 15 forest 5.332623404404973 13 the 15 forest 2.352946321469986 14 green 15 forest 8.1998228972977 15 forest 16 . 1.036274920084331 it seemed as if almost everybody was heard talking about some one else , and never saying nice things . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 it 2 seemed 2.468318931699436 2 seemed 5 almost 2.686023159866366 2 seemed 4 if 2.2408642968951042 3 as 4 if 2.776143507537343 5 almost 6 everybody 3.133498398576698 6 everybody 13 else 5.520321729305582 6 everybody 9 talking 3.9227870289985063 6 everybody 17 saying 2.5435161424993744 7 was 9 talking 1.3151963780460925 8 heard 9 talking 2.8072443622424537 9 talking 10 about 4.508896987999989 11 some 13 else 2.5782043701894466 12 one 13 else 3.2310886289661234 14 , 17 saying 0.6411722244335749 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 16 never 0.26898734666486135 17 saying 19 things 2.590156975025696 18 nice 19 things 3.080457820591974 19 things 20 . 0.5809931366210783 the only one who still managed to keep on good terms with everybody was unc ' billy possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 11 terms 0.5938312453031891 2 only 11 terms 1.5955589211906798 2 only 3 one 2.4713478234677257 3 one 4 who 1.7891171336820513 5 still 11 terms 3.6838071437265256 6 managed 11 terms 6.6718712934846245 6 managed 8 keep 4.69243261596694 6 managed 7 to 2.7559490836025056 9 on 11 terms 4.419071472694306 10 good 11 terms 3.9985050962122237 11 terms 15 unc 5.062862895135602 11 terms 13 everybody 6.820284749444038 11 terms 12 with 3.797548632116367 11 terms 19 . 0.8950762405674624 13 everybody 14 was 1.3140217043632987 15 unc 18 possum 9.3510072550222 15 unc 17 billy 9.19308924154302 15 unc 16 ' 3.9798001185742837 my , my , no , indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 my 8 ! 0.9633104018688687 2 , 7 indeed 1.2217707539259823 3 my 4 , 0.4065615569975396 4 , 7 indeed 1.2217707539259823 5 no 7 indeed 2.9042839274692227 6 , 7 indeed 1.2217707539259823 7 indeed 8 ! 2.602606498852314 then they would whisper and sometimes talk right out loud , when they felt sure that no one was near to hear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 whisper 1.9653164825839653 1 then 2 they 1.1507298404133923 2 they 3 would 1.242211354639915 4 whisper 10 loud 5.312448776768964 4 whisper 6 sometimes 3.9021992274118666 5 and 6 sometimes 0.6900656041999156 7 talk 10 loud 3.0507969249852884 8 right 10 loud 4.059373159942851 9 out 10 loud 4.260336744249674 10 loud 15 sure 3.1450531328572175 10 loud 22 hear 2.8838547537734733 10 loud 13 they 0.8362067077326216 10 loud 23 . 0.48957315635788845 11 , 13 they 0.35322827803727463 12 when 13 they 2.3330121141685183 14 felt 15 sure 4.2152763619250315 15 sure 16 that 2.1122608601934836 15 sure 20 near 1.490953676349971 15 sure 17 no 1.3564760813178083 17 no 18 one 2.611222192281094 19 was 20 near 1.400062052990318 21 to 22 hear 1.8018262537402165 what were they talking about ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 talking 2.073079317001003 1 what 6 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 were 4 talking 2.7074025498923504 3 they 4 talking 1.2417988110002085 4 talking 5 about 4.508896987999989 yes , sir , they were the mischief-makers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 8 mischief-makers 7.795465733754082 4 , 8 mischief-makers 1.6540386238665477 5 they 8 mischief-makers 4.329570217119848 6 were 8 mischief-makers 5.117102050899348 7 the 8 mischief-makers 2.862320081229093 8 mischief-makers 9 . 1.6394213650992668 it was great fun to fool everybody so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 it 4 fun 1.860018396730485 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 great 4 fun 4.428480036606533 4 fun 6 fool 3.330292674504612 4 fun 7 everybody 2.3736234008994366 4 fun 5 to 0.4696119662179399 7 everybody 8 so 1.3105761473557713 7 everybody 9 . 0.10310102671927801 they never once stopped to think how very , very uncomfortable it kept everybody feeling . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 4 stopped 1.187551212247417 2 never 3 once 1.0569823760442567 3 once 4 stopped 1.9346658083522073 4 stopped 5 to 0.9988396547652485 5 to 6 think 0.9867758504635944 6 think 11 uncomfortable 2.1124190259551305 7 how 11 uncomfortable 1.49375516576006 8 very 11 uncomfortable 4.037220489436244 8 very 9 , 0.45787015165122824 10 very 11 uncomfortable 4.037220489436244 11 uncomfortable 15 feeling 6.845183627422177 11 uncomfortable 14 everybody 3.7207490758931243 11 uncomfortable 13 kept 3.364814084577471 11 uncomfortable 16 . 1.1825636901257965 12 it 13 kept -0.09374290836411703 xix 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xix 2.3096377608108796 bobby coon makes a discovery 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 5 discovery 7.026619374535766 3 makes 5 discovery 7.223541108356095 4 a 5 discovery 2.5628320695740356 bobby coon had overslept . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 4 overslept 10.111508272122283 3 had 4 overslept 3.8310562396206045 4 overslept 5 . 0.8707469112057176 usually bobby is astir shortly after jolly , round , red mr sun has gone to bed behind the purple hills . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 jolly 0.29416458841051707 1 usually 4 astir 9.43381185698033 2 bobby 4 astir 8.664049295151063 3 is 4 astir 1.778391727616306 4 astir 5 shortly 10.23804067805121 4 astir 7 jolly 8.654414624892869 5 shortly 6 after 5.620222090675007 7 jolly 13 sun 7.802391003369625 7 jolly 9 round 6.696861910350609 7 jolly 11 red 6.666665053003932 7 jolly 12 mr 5.42984718493695 7 jolly 10 , 1.1351122511020186 7 jolly 8 , 1.1351122511020186 13 sun 17 bed 3.624332658969049 14 has 15 gone 3.6092149684571453 15 gone 17 bed 3.6070015762694148 16 to 17 bed 1.9805336918051033 17 bed 20 purple 5.583160586865958 17 bed 22 . 0.7818343423424778 18 behind 20 purple 5.670383103726081 19 the 20 purple 1.2922418175939185 20 purple 21 hills 9.373104922922078 but bobby is very irregular in his habits . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 5 irregular 2.6916359536204375 2 bobby 5 irregular 8.798350386862655 3 is 5 irregular 1.9126928193278978 4 very 5 irregular 4.323524674592893 5 irregular 8 habits 11.424453802282091 5 irregular 6 in 1.6697390469356783 7 his 8 habits 2.709031054815121 8 habits 9 . 0.9792713679838876 this night bobby coon had overslept because he had not gone to bed until the middle of the day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.5823537722224774 1 this 6 overslept 3.2957868457709374 2 night 6 overslept 5.6336727781574645 3 bobby 4 coon 11.609228375483951 3 bobby 6 overslept 10.111508272122283 5 had 6 overslept 3.8310562396206045 6 overslept 11 gone 6.523443608470139 6 overslept 7 because 6.2186802107515184 6 overslept 8 he 3.44505762765478 6 overslept 20 . 0.8707469112057176 9 had 11 gone 3.5716341511162923 9 had 10 not 0.9640807313938264 11 gone 13 bed 3.6070015762694148 12 to 13 bed 1.9805336918051033 13 bed 16 middle 2.8359721329836383 14 until 16 middle 1.4094898378491543 15 the 16 middle 2.391756953245025 16 middle 17 of 3.2324773018272026 16 middle 19 day 1.4507168557301426 16 middle 18 the 1.4368656016051773 by this time bobby coon had sticks in his eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 time -0.08404361409038685 1 by 3 time 2.2300329846717943 2 this 3 time 3.0116306928359418 3 time 7 sticks 2.1657896292104013 4 bobby 5 coon 11.609228375483951 4 bobby 7 sticks 5.903236959030483 5 coon 6 had 1.9281132472203133 7 sticks 10 eyes 1.8902247220055521 7 sticks 8 in 1.3232886329142453 9 his 10 eyes 3.1614973247823546 10 eyes 11 . 0.8353789148017494 he was so sleepy that it seemed to him that he never , never could get home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 4 sleepy 1.9289909777390264 3 so 4 sleepy 1.4361944454285123 4 sleepy 7 seemed 2.8257381464936095 4 sleepy 18 . 1.043811620178598 5 that 7 seemed 0.9240794515995141 6 it 7 seemed 2.468318931699436 7 seemed 8 to 2.326680747988899 8 to 16 get 1.8086562812674263 8 to 9 him 1.0152537748115762 10 that 15 could 1.2733844936881962 11 he 15 could 1.799559825235125 12 never 15 could 1.1597781771014581 13 , 14 never 0.15468167442949898 14 never 15 could 1.1597781771014581 15 could 16 get 2.5903383122444907 16 get 17 home 1.791767736472682 he was stumbling along through the green forest when he came to a hollow log . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 stumbling 1.2895097343824453 3 stumbling 4 along 5.312125150700698 4 along 14 hollow 3.6405315746896143 5 through 14 hollow 3.6080784894466014 5 through 8 forest 5.332623404404973 6 the 8 forest 2.352946321469986 7 green 8 forest 8.1998228972977 9 when 11 came 3.257675302277521 9 when 10 he 1.8647931372101283 11 came 14 hollow 1.1461915012902075 11 came 12 to 1.4047239513309133 13 a 14 hollow 1.717094670201213 14 hollow 15 log 8.70622094539652 15 log 16 . 0.7737224568108552 what do you think he did ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 2 do 3.3898156542937787 1 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 6 did 2.0434579104804538 2 do 4 think 3.2421465407328665 2 do 3 you 2.418842332069122 5 he 6 did 1.2723526150845803 there bobby slept all the rest of the day and until long after mr sun had pulled on his rosy nightcap . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 11 until 0.8641536923485909 2 bobby 11 until 3.4822988583119567 2 bobby 3 slept 4.0618247058088315 3 slept 6 rest 3.0125350007662597 3 slept 10 and 1.0748818175608825 4 all 6 rest 2.189866850135342 5 the 6 rest 1.7084257359924404 6 rest 9 day 3.075969077477019 6 rest 7 of 2.2695787452218745 8 the 9 day 1.0042546675450001 11 until 14 mr 1.212539196315472 11 until 13 after 1.9575885050723052 12 long 13 after 2.021481108913708 14 mr 21 nightcap 4.970820491905066 15 sun 21 nightcap 8.247533963977894 16 had 21 nightcap 2.5091281447332427 17 pulled 21 nightcap 8.694865612495665 18 on 21 nightcap 2.163998352563194 19 his 21 nightcap 3.563259915081588 20 rosy 21 nightcap 9.566663425512584 21 nightcap 22 . 0.9680441125606336 perhaps he would have slept there all night , if he hadn't been waked up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 perhaps 1.3560145943827386 1 perhaps 5 slept 2.34537827994944 1 perhaps 3 would 1.7836548625854043 2 he 3 would 1.3645954036822268 3 would 4 have 3.0672420602972323 5 slept 14 waked 7.076845160325444 5 slept 8 night 4.260201169847605 5 slept 16 . 0.48000080009173374 5 slept 6 there 0.20042208727063482 7 all 8 night 2.1082253939637354 9 , 10 if 0.40042020387430455 10 if 12 hadn't 4.084893104419972 11 he 12 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 12 hadn't 14 waked 4.495339401044525 12 hadn't 13 been 4.069332944953075 14 waked 15 up 4.907999982774282 it was the cry of " thief ! thief ! thief ! " that waked him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 15 waked 0.6087882508558593 3 the 11 thief 0.6812940865535317 4 cry 11 thief 4.450799132552813 4 cry 5 of 0.608718978346829 6 " 11 thief 1.6203539023385467 7 thief 9 thief 10.108408185777076 7 thief 8 ! 4.5199059877279275 9 thief 11 thief 10.108408185777076 9 thief 10 ! 4.5199059877279275 11 thief 15 waked 7.453434471448144 11 thief 12 ! 4.5199059877279275 12 ! 13 " 2.8038844676111605 14 that 15 waked 0.4096517190683677 15 waked 16 him 1.849381811958537 16 him 17 . 0.8676779267655075 it seemed to come from right over his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 2 seemed 2.468318931699436 2 seemed 6 right 1.8179445381210897 2 seemed 3 to 2.326680747988899 4 come 6 right 1.4883441662454082 4 come 5 from 1.9715337309863514 6 right 7 over 1.7440392791480406 7 over 9 head 2.208188909928843 8 his 9 head 3.6389926349442767 9 head 10 . 0.9057652481458263 at first he couldn't think where he was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 was 0.6373980219783331 1 at 2 first 3.0642688108353635 2 first 4 couldn't 1.544672862928774 2 first 8 was 0.9749352433436655 3 he 4 couldn't 2.184206095579082 4 couldn't 5 think 2.131114913771281 6 where 8 was 1.426028450123944 7 he 8 was 1.2250956603177912 8 was 9 . -0.098748168043306 then he remembered . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 remembered 3.6387282827415106 2 he 3 remembered 2.6713453634690367 3 remembered 4 . -0.31403604896370396 " this is the greatest joke that ever was ! " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 billy 0.9912150639848996 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 3 is 5 greatest 1.1663742261740282 4 the 5 greatest 2.3084836508753455 5 greatest 6 joke 5.253717167753901 6 joke 13 unc 3.9394804796303156 6 joke 8 ever 2.7822496884563783 7 that 8 ever 0.6906030357430808 9 was 13 unc 0.4897107867732018 10 ! 13 unc 1.8327431117745405 10 ! 11 " 2.8038844676111605 10 ! 12 said 2.5827010162001933 13 unc 15 billy 9.19308924154302 13 unc 14 ' 3.9798001185742837 15 billy 16 . 0.45585700976227805 " pretty soon nobody on the green meadows or in the green forest will speak to anybody else excepting me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 nobody 0.8794082601522533 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 pretty 4 nobody 1.0413899146666274 2 pretty 3 soon 5.24198976135278 4 nobody 20 me 1.8928235293272024 5 on 7 green 2.5084208030644852 6 the 7 green 2.032029580366329 7 green 8 meadows 8.640219315758674 7 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 8 meadows 9 or 2.3357669143169133 10 in 13 forest 2.5699942883890863 11 the 13 forest 2.352946321469986 12 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 13 forest 19 excepting 6.1856830453376155 14 will 19 excepting 2.1313182510588398 15 speak 19 excepting 5.918798883941552 15 speak 16 to 1.2016673185935112 17 anybody 19 excepting 7.730726535788978 18 else 19 excepting 7.220603607921376 19 excepting 20 me 1.5256807201526748 20 me 21 . 0.46572320055489413 yo ' cert'nly have got all your ol ' tricks with yo ' . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 yo 1.0096306956942023 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 0.8975782375580525 1 yo 3 cert'nly 10.399791748047821 1 yo 12 yo 7.9030564303384025 1 yo 2 ' 4.052548569517089 3 cert'nly 8 ol 9.71546746840355 3 cert'nly 7 your 3.097574947443686 3 cert'nly 5 got 2.754316491749176 3 cert'nly 4 have 2.069228030954001 3 cert'nly 6 all 0.4379913739524639 8 ol 10 tricks 7.013827821090398 8 ol 9 ' 4.034550903259408 10 tricks 11 with 1.3624099267810124 12 yo 13 ' 4.052548569517089 14 . 15 " 4.467019939707924 " yes , " said the voice , " ah done got all mah ol ' tricks and some more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 10 ah 3.628022921853294 2 yes 3 , 2.0305121841239 4 " 10 ah 2.305127488456014 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 5 said 7 voice 2.0328637403029823 5 said 8 , 0.7273264874386918 6 the 7 voice 0.467879486557365 9 " 10 ah 2.305127488456014 10 ah 14 mah 7.913060106435218 11 done 14 mah 4.7990640540791425 12 got 14 mah 3.761827029042305 12 got 13 all 0.17625875529399693 14 mah 15 ol 9.55265762000191 14 mah 17 tricks 7.200404063082875 15 ol 16 ' 4.034550903259408 17 tricks 19 some 1.6909303067289478 17 tricks 20 more 1.3482461097756548 17 tricks 18 and 0.7318992554108448 20 more 21 . 0.4470583792760703 don ' yo ' think it is most time to stop ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 don 3 yo 6.847158105043992 1 don 2 ' 2.3185783391100365 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 3 yo 8 most 2.9845154749909604 3 yo 5 think 1.9539789974338753 3 yo 12 ? 1.4783794228740241 5 think 6 it 1.5650240986835797 6 it 7 is 1.9483860238870534 8 most 9 time 1.9950418498729796 9 time 11 stop 1.761542719060479 10 to 11 stop 1.7010771375758438 ah don't want to show mahself in daylight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 6 mahself 8.764809147851278 2 don't 6 mahself 4.409247050073265 3 want 6 mahself 5.876867823271599 3 want 4 to 2.5707362509545693 5 show 6 mahself 7.807782441833599 6 mahself 8 daylight 10.704166949262518 7 in 8 daylight 2.7525387763625133 8 daylight 9 . 1.0019914444839735 besides , if ah'm found out , nobody ain't gwine to have anything to do with me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 besides 2.1863610484554954 1 besides 4 ah'm 8.97682900782424 1 besides 2 , 1.578535773706399 3 if 4 ah'm 4.34276580513799 4 ah'm 10 gwine 13.905465338964344 4 ah'm 9 ain't 8.977741239938663 4 ah'm 8 nobody 8.315048408151082 4 ah'm 5 found 6.571131100291993 4 ah'm 6 out 4.342806612607678 7 , 8 nobody 0.38554978794064354 10 gwine 13 anything 4.715315837759906 10 gwine 14 to 3.063377608794756 10 gwine 11 to 3.063377608794756 10 gwine 12 have 3.0194749957569016 10 gwine 15 do 2.6531281452742483 10 gwine 16 with 1.5296154268697357 16 with 17 me 0.9494029121594938 17 me 19 " 0.7778775081748375 18 . 19 " 4.467019939707924 " don't yo ' worry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 5 worry 4.71893154920588 3 yo 5 worry 4.055872080854154 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 worry 6 . 1.12438024058169 nobody 's gwine to find yo ' out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nobody 0.8794082601522533 1 nobody 3 gwine 7.149399645603591 2 's 3 gwine 2.5263418424954374 3 gwine 6 yo 8.682191478748553 3 gwine 5 find 4.822698664728716 3 gwine 4 to 3.063377608794756 3 gwine 8 out 2.5476264044961745 6 yo 7 ' 4.052548569517089 8 out 9 . 0.36696756247713225 we 'll keep it up just a day or two longer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 0.9482686439870296 1 we 2 'll 3.0627553084831955 2 'll 3 keep 2.4303904499324496 3 keep 11 longer 3.950723989380112 3 keep 5 up 1.9681244133475708 3 keep 4 it 0.8700928337388234 6 just 7 a 0.5118456394792954 7 a 8 day 0.8744973418843323 8 day 11 longer 1.0399366017416902 8 day 10 two 1.5246805207331882 9 or 10 two 3.471257781326294 11 longer 12 . 1.066691386712451 yo ' cert'nly am powerful good at imitating other people 's voices . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 cert'nly 1.4474723243500556 1 yo 3 cert'nly 10.399791748047821 1 yo 2 ' 4.052548569517089 3 cert'nly 8 imitating 12.186510377411135 4 am 8 imitating 5.677418349498307 5 powerful 8 imitating 11.740176747642753 6 good 8 imitating 5.2934661434993195 7 at 8 imitating 3.637654677039304 8 imitating 12 voices 10.118868977073536 8 imitating 10 people 6.432386904221747 8 imitating 9 other 5.9890972698825315 8 imitating 11 's 4.272255421877642 8 imitating 13 . 0.7218835252912399 ah wonder that ol ' mistah buzzard hasn't got his eye on yo ' before now , " said unc ' billy possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 13 yo 7.764809147851274 2 wonder 4 ol 3.050671940936457 2 wonder 3 that 1.023046813561308 4 ol 6 mistah 11.772540580806826 4 ol 5 ' 4.034550903259408 6 mistah 7 buzzard 12.170812833732263 7 buzzard 13 yo 5.910198499582425 7 buzzard 8 hasn't 5.249287145627971 7 buzzard 11 eye 5.166182902982527 8 hasn't 9 got 4.642348060106372 10 his 11 eye 2.6949314145544996 11 eye 12 on 3.1108029281539658 13 yo 20 unc 5.600757142199978 13 yo 14 ' 4.052548569517089 14 ' 19 said 2.1255139733894506 14 ' 16 now 0.9256489599642705 15 before 16 now 0.5156046255138449 17 , 19 said 1.3498770263619093 18 " 19 said 2.1846753891302146 20 unc 23 possum 9.3510072550222 20 unc 22 billy 9.19308924154302 20 unc 21 ' 3.9798001185742837 23 possum 24 . 0.554405251336938 bobby coon had become wide awake as he listened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 6 awake 4.554131603073028 3 had 4 become 3.3616438215453357 4 become 6 awake 3.793138738260371 5 wide 6 awake 8.78511517296699 6 awake 9 listened 3.844942787284314 7 as 9 listened 2.354917251764327 8 he 9 listened 1.743238281950827 9 listened 10 . 0.3589883315297442 bobby waited until unc ' billy and his friend had left . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 4 unc 4.644149737713356 1 bobby 2 waited 3.6801689605143366 1 bobby 8 his 2.048742185433909 1 bobby 10 had 1.6607968814729475 2 waited 3 until 5.550899692622703 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 and 8 his 0.5304961390963943 8 his 9 friend 1.5991133627370893 10 had 11 left 2.2604574392147754 11 left 12 . 0.3926661073802773 then he crawled out of the hollow log , and he was chuckling to himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 crawled 2.908025143561485 2 he 3 crawled 2.2228547318066667 3 crawled 8 log 7.8492898702926475 3 crawled 4 out 3.357020471827372 4 out 5 of 2.138624548858049 6 the 8 log 1.5785271152285034 7 hollow 8 log 8.70622094539652 8 log 13 chuckling 7.156404370563656 9 , 13 chuckling 1.4000331838338802 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 11 he 13 chuckling 1.7836406360114587 12 was 13 chuckling 2.3834275977700834 13 chuckling 15 himself 6.470148079391276 13 chuckling 14 to 2.1360917924351632 13 chuckling 16 . 1.195814713623644 " i 'll just have a little talk with ol ' mistah buzzard , " said bobby to himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 8 talk 1.4736579038366209 3 'll 5 have 2.203619027571918 3 'll 4 just 1.502702638731325 5 have 6 a 0.7694929783844255 6 a 7 little 2.1212036022401666 8 talk 10 ol 2.7848684458823136 8 talk 9 with 1.7951259698495114 10 ol 12 mistah 11.772540580806826 10 ol 11 ' 4.034550903259408 12 mistah 13 buzzard 12.170812833732263 13 buzzard 17 bobby 5.7643007687865655 13 buzzard 19 himself 3.1984307756398174 13 buzzard 20 . 1.0373533873754504 14 , 16 said 1.3498770263619093 15 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 16 said 17 bobby 1.8544574940154988 18 to 19 himself 1.482267600052099 xx 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xx 2.487765030298089 bobby coon and ol ' mistah buzzard have a talk 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 2 coon 4 ol 7.502142927585464 2 coon 3 and 0.5656082484362734 4 ol 6 mistah 11.772540580806826 4 ol 5 ' 4.034550903259408 6 mistah 7 buzzard 12.170812833732263 7 buzzard 10 talk 3.9409870142049037 7 buzzard 8 have 0.8324445173119308 8 have 9 a 0.7694929783844255 bobby had watched him until his own neck ached . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 5 until 3.4822988583119567 1 bobby 2 had 1.6607968814729475 3 watched 5 until 4.697672336995566 3 watched 4 him 3.0152759428856264 5 until 9 ached 6.0111014674458545 6 his 8 neck 3.482410952677821 6 his 7 own 3.159107401474598 8 neck 9 ached 8.393917022457462 9 ached 10 . 1.2107089289233421 mistah buzzard hardly ever moved his wings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mistah 0.20599406188270564 1 mistah 2 buzzard 12.170812833732263 2 buzzard 7 wings 5.226350334350812 2 buzzard 5 moved 5.119651865211377 2 buzzard 3 hardly 4.212761269602858 2 buzzard 8 . 1.0373533873754504 3 hardly 4 ever 2.7907212045238268 6 his 7 wings 3.4513180977456805 at last mistah buzzard came sailing down straight for the tall dead tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 last 0.1642607395588609 1 at 2 last 4.330067049822615 2 last 6 sailing 2.13137860715376 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 4 buzzard 6 sailing 9.964833756159265 5 came 6 sailing 4.308786006002968 6 sailing 11 tall 5.0981793020043185 6 sailing 8 straight 4.565186791582018 6 sailing 7 down 3.2605680071474517 6 sailing 10 the 1.5342219770968448 8 straight 9 for 1.289238590723503 11 tall 13 tree 5.70673744763403 11 tall 12 dead 4.134938744579486 13 tree 14 . 0.7073254296010649 with two or three flaps of his great wings he settled down on his favorite perch and looked down at bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 settled 0.08918039689995538 1 with 5 flaps 4.0829550019625955 2 two 5 flaps 5.827216045909488 3 or 5 flaps 5.04302521909003 4 three 5 flaps 6.561601532769071 5 flaps 11 settled 10.743275986301636 5 flaps 9 wings 10.711061361436467 5 flaps 8 great 6.903273067479876 5 flaps 7 his 3.9736407301931926 5 flaps 10 he 3.2137320815483292 5 flaps 6 of 2.8644372820855324 11 settled 16 perch 6.769080039045786 11 settled 12 down 3.926984142999661 13 on 16 perch 3.0774616020952017 14 his 16 perch 3.855234787867321 15 favorite 16 perch 8.100647557595067 16 perch 21 bobby 7.7607253145627375 16 perch 18 looked 4.480925142669957 16 perch 17 and 1.7084988228307694 16 perch 23 . 0.9584898058473854 18 looked 20 at 3.718023842519891 18 looked 19 down 2.0285990817404453 21 bobby 22 coon 11.609228375483951 " good mo'ning , brer coon , " said ol ' mistah buzzard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 2 good 3 mo'ning 6.226351947640779 3 mo'ning 10 ol 8.525989669539836 3 mo'ning 5 brer 11.472873356888464 3 mo'ning 6 coon 9.812928641935347 3 mo'ning 9 said 3.7489073408465643 3 mo'ning 8 " 2.5293323503352383 3 mo'ning 7 , 1.9570724309278162 3 mo'ning 4 , 1.9570724309278162 10 ol 12 mistah 11.772540580806826 10 ol 11 ' 4.034550903259408 12 mistah 13 buzzard 12.170812833732263 13 buzzard 14 . 1.0373533873754504 " fair to middling well , " said ol ' mistah buzzard , with a twinkle in his eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 middling 1.7189177368221387 2 fair 4 middling 9.431449288713676 3 to 4 middling 2.763042890882236 4 middling 9 ol 11.004036966344476 4 middling 5 well 6.958679444585687 4 middling 8 said 3.226954637651211 4 middling 20 . 1.5869539452051278 5 well 6 , 1.4929336725718638 7 " 8 said 2.1846753891302146 9 ol 11 mistah 11.772540580806826 9 ol 10 ' 4.034550903259408 11 mistah 12 buzzard 12.170812833732263 12 buzzard 16 twinkle 6.643918434244977 13 , 16 twinkle 0.3926243137009138 14 with 16 twinkle 3.4527116219405727 15 a 16 twinkle 2.7309548283823624 16 twinkle 19 eyes 6.3118814802161545 16 twinkle 17 in 3.744945391124851 16 twinkle 18 his 3.4431260134944104 " what can ah do fo ' yo'all ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 yo'all 2.008424354017123 2 what 8 yo'all 3.8847601644613974 3 can 8 yo'all 3.625808828951964 4 ah 8 yo'all 8.009921645687808 5 do 8 yo'all 4.267856332486772 6 fo 8 yo'all 10.32591343407655 6 fo 7 ' 4.125176369604485 8 yo'all 9 ? 3.683460869729956 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 is there ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 " 0.8975782375580525 1 is 3 ? 1.4510267240883437 1 is 2 there 0.6331319626611727 3 ? 4 " 3.328347337284576 bobby was using his very politest manner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 6 politest 9.249011795872217 2 was 3 using 1.537768787535839 3 using 6 politest 11.060042376073216 4 his 6 politest 4.022691533718884 5 very 6 politest 3.774186083602455 6 politest 7 manner 11.477754009650386 6 politest 8 . 1.0019914444839735 " cert'nly ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cert'nly 1.4474723243500556 1 " 2 cert'nly 1.8806688068187505 2 cert'nly 3 ! 2.1564717028284797 cert'nly ! " chuckled ol ' mistah buzzard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 cert'nly 1.4474723243500556 1 cert'nly 5 ol 9.71546746840355 1 cert'nly 4 chuckled 7.637046557911365 1 cert'nly 2 ! 2.1564717028284797 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 5 ol 7 mistah 11.772540580806826 5 ol 6 ' 4.034550903259408 7 mistah 8 buzzard 12.170812833732263 8 buzzard 9 . 1.0373533873754504 " it 's mistah mockah the mocking-bird . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 mocking-bird 1.9053308610530202 2 it 7 mocking-bird 2.421576293116697 3 's 5 mockah 2.9153841332413357 4 mistah 5 mockah 12.039155009599394 5 mockah 7 mocking-bird 14.523989475833009 6 the 7 mocking-bird 1.4637707047388204 7 mocking-bird 8 . 2.4874182716542137 why , that bird just likes to go around making trouble ; he just naturally likes to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 16 likes 1.7910587125360173 1 why 2 , 0.6307765723420751 3 that 16 likes 0.4826077523495478 4 bird 16 likes 3.382961431287729 5 just 16 likes 2.4590944044288996 6 likes 16 likes 5.9532156692653935 6 likes 9 around 3.5857231935961025 6 likes 7 to 1.7065199433828369 6 likes 8 go 1.7022504396789877 10 making 15 naturally 3.9926640390450636 11 trouble 15 naturally 3.6629917269022485 11 trouble 12 ; 1.2459340945539168 13 he 15 naturally 1.2182183216859457 14 just 15 naturally 3.395683058900076 15 naturally 16 likes 5.661207087357692 16 likes 17 to 1.7065199433828369 16 likes 18 . 0.45609193746031096 why do yo ' ask , brer coon ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 8 coon 3.395292471811171 1 why 9 ? 2.4766474958462315 2 do 3 yo 2.550256063187497 3 yo 7 brer 9.289142555921117 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 ask 7 brer 3.7509416460772123 6 , 7 brer 1.0714627159822712 7 brer 8 coon 8.592298829298151 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 " because he is right here in the green forest now , " replied bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 coon 0.9942454188473633 2 because 15 bobby 1.2521460465963479 2 because 3 he 1.6134711134543167 2 because 4 is 1.383024347803378 5 right 6 here 2.197232512680195 6 here 15 bobby 1.2541869670663814 7 in 10 forest 2.5699942883890863 8 the 10 forest 2.352946321469986 9 green 10 forest 8.1998228972977 10 forest 15 bobby 4.134112697089908 11 now 12 , 0.7353592996076195 12 , 14 replied 1.5802587282237415 13 " 14 replied 2.2297485079660806 14 replied 15 bobby 2.964637503694629 15 bobby 16 coon 11.609228375483951 16 coon 17 . 0.327916430342281 " what 's that yo ' am a-saying , brer coon ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 8 a-saying 4.732757071016348 3 's 8 a-saying 3.985773461132734 4 that 8 a-saying 3.270945448236777 5 yo 8 a-saying 10.79058170107999 5 yo 6 ' 4.052548569517089 7 am 8 a-saying 6.525415256053254 8 a-saying 10 brer 11.628992558805745 8 a-saying 11 coon 10.77640276591023 8 a-saying 12 ? 3.730766584508313 8 a-saying 9 , 1.833083713652364 what 's that ? " cried ol ' mistah buzzard , growing very excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 2 's 0.525811908631745 3 that 4 ? 0.2742923523554719 4 ? 6 cried 3.3210916857893746 4 ? 5 " 3.328347337284576 6 cried 14 excited 3.403337143699254 7 ol 9 mistah 11.772540580806826 7 ol 8 ' 4.034550903259408 9 mistah 10 buzzard 12.170812833732263 10 buzzard 14 excited 5.280448077114432 11 , 14 excited 0.22846276479377536 12 growing 14 excited 5.081774550238723 13 very 14 excited 2.301304509751329 14 excited 15 . 1.1448166085021043 ol ' mistah buzzard chuckled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 chuckled 0.7747022878809418 1 ol 3 mistah 11.772540580806826 1 ol 2 ' 4.034550903259408 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 4 buzzard 5 chuckled 6.985225544990449 5 chuckled 6 . 1.604231936636964 " yo ' might have known unc ' billy was behind all that trouble , " said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 1 " 17 said 2.1846753891302146 2 yo 7 unc 5.600757142199978 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 2 yo 6 known 3.9116111909289124 4 might 6 known 4.166213907195022 4 might 5 have 3.4308123261931502 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 9 billy 11 behind 2.248350884130282 9 billy 14 trouble 0.802258890466593 9 billy 10 was 0.7415563277789765 12 all 14 trouble 1.29125992092035 13 that 14 trouble 0.8141773844339255 15 , 17 said 1.3498770263619093 16 " 17 said 2.1846753891302146 17 said 19 . 0.9489036959486263 17 said 18 he 0.6185839486337201 " yes , sah , yo ' might have known that ol ' rascal was behind it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 4 sah 7.607738090433358 2 yes 17 it 0.8341195530153112 3 , 4 sah 2.26547333594889 4 sah 6 yo 8.622320022771152 4 sah 5 , 1.671928921837786 6 yo 12 ol 6.149613790630095 6 yo 7 ' 4.052548569517089 6 yo 10 known 3.9116111909289124 8 might 10 known 4.166213907195022 8 might 9 have 3.4308123261931502 10 known 11 that 1.5748937466029105 12 ol 14 rascal 6.720722561368792 12 ol 13 ' 4.034550903259408 14 rascal 16 behind 3.6258001398537623 15 was 16 behind 0.37878744967681754 17 it 18 . 0.13987271256052836 when unc ' billy possum and mockah get their haids together , there sho'ly is gwine to be something doing . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 unc 0.8360647216779782 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 2 unc 5 possum 9.3510072550222 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 possum 10 haids 10.179496775650076 6 and 10 haids 1.5829635589905315 7 mockah 10 haids 15.797007970239424 8 get 10 haids 6.240228237288978 9 their 10 haids 6.284973016296821 10 haids 14 sho'ly 14.665763436961175 10 haids 16 gwine 14.407965679493525 10 haids 11 together 7.999192071153384 10 haids 13 there 4.959755494465295 10 haids 15 is 3.964852597800405 10 haids 22 " 1.7703404498390327 10 haids 12 , 0.5700493078185715 16 gwine 20 doing 6.159901553669659 16 gwine 19 something 4.561708391065064 16 gwine 18 be 3.368246246192019 16 gwine 17 to 3.063377608794756 21 . 22 " 4.467019939707924 xxi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxi 2.4053028701061123 bobby coon has a busy day 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 5 busy 4.406871009440533 2 coon 3 has 3.191643976102565 3 has 4 a 1.0147023060575844 5 busy 6 day 3.6299196707604686 bobby coon had left ol ' mistah buzzard sitting on his favorite dead tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 2 coon 5 ol 7.502142927585464 3 had 4 left 2.2604574392147754 4 left 5 ol 2.224786627798469 5 ol 7 mistah 11.772540580806826 5 ol 6 ' 4.034550903259408 7 mistah 8 buzzard 12.170812833732263 8 buzzard 12 favorite 6.335017019653858 8 buzzard 15 . 1.0373533873754504 9 sitting 12 favorite 4.433146993509894 9 sitting 10 on 3.757354227956391 11 his 12 favorite 3.5599847830487263 12 favorite 14 tree 5.652941564949774 13 dead 14 tree 3.9066662467782045 every few minutes ol ' mistah buzzard would chuckle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ol 0.5192224618196839 1 every 2 few 3.6034402247632684 2 few 3 minutes 8.429930807745183 3 minutes 4 ol 4.995208206969739 4 ol 6 mistah 11.772540580806826 4 ol 5 ' 4.034550903259408 6 mistah 7 buzzard 12.170812833732263 7 buzzard 9 chuckle 6.652046315128377 8 would 9 chuckle 2.3949907617840047 9 chuckle 10 . 1.5076906666804746 " brer coon is right smart , and ah reckon unc ' billy possum is gwine to get a taste of his own medicine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 9 ah 2.305127488456014 2 brer 9 ah 5.771152505223025 2 brer 3 coon 8.592298829298151 2 brer 6 smart 4.785447905513234 4 is 6 smart 2.349679291440385 5 right 6 smart 3.5689886129766393 6 smart 8 and 0.6979794471688123 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 ah 16 gwine 7.983449434326619 10 reckon 16 gwine 8.592048743932498 11 unc 14 possum 9.3510072550222 11 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 11 unc 12 ' 3.9798001185742837 14 possum 16 gwine 7.983099562846572 15 is 16 gwine 2.488885110421325 16 gwine 20 taste 8.210406432599694 16 gwine 18 get 3.8878634343458707 16 gwine 17 to 3.063377608794756 19 a 20 taste 0.8473779424583157 20 taste 24 medicine 5.725120021367172 21 of 23 own 1.2369315185149876 22 his 23 own 3.159107401474598 23 own 24 medicine 2.2767946549684446 24 medicine 25 . 0.8143644413082001 yes , sah , ah reckon he is ! " said ol ' mistah buzzard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sah 7.607738090433358 2 , 3 sah 2.26547333594889 3 sah 5 ah 9.089557533546692 3 sah 4 , 1.671928921837786 5 ah 12 ol 5.801913142514014 5 ah 6 reckon 6.4840383777206725 5 ah 9 ! 3.6817092295172067 6 reckon 8 is 1.1489356622393743 6 reckon 7 he 0.9827776467084526 9 ! 10 " 2.8038844676111605 9 ! 11 said 2.5827010162001933 12 ol 14 mistah 11.772540580806826 12 ol 13 ' 4.034550903259408 14 mistah 15 buzzard 12.170812833732263 15 buzzard 16 . 1.0373533873754504 he whispered a few words in the ear of one and then hurried on to whisper to the next one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 13 hurried 1.8259585502105544 2 whispered 8 ear 7.893223285498728 2 whispered 5 words 3.072494117119472 3 a 4 few 3.275693471712252 4 few 5 words 4.079970998613074 6 in 8 ear 2.4203582094879508 6 in 7 the 1.1613034400066837 8 ear 13 hurried 4.198922228639571 8 ear 10 one 0.13870083814068934 8 ear 9 of 0.11441553509387603 11 and 12 then 1.5029676557109006 12 then 13 hurried 3.061650817357499 13 hurried 16 whisper 4.143229878363389 13 hurried 15 to 2.090367162284622 13 hurried 14 on 1.475278012971195 16 whisper 19 next 2.437663659499705 16 whisper 20 one 1.3381701151970198 16 whisper 17 to 1.2452794048402218 16 whisper 21 . 0.8773647899702262 18 the 19 next 1.9282489224560901 when he got through , he always carried away with him a promise that just what he had asked should be done . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 6 he 1.8647931372101283 1 when 3 got 2.484099070162685 1 when 17 he 1.8647931372101283 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 3 got 4 through 1.7273539144531007 5 , 6 he 0.5080875377005949 6 he 8 carried 1.7905729203358902 7 always 8 carried 1.0919020400115578 8 carried 9 away 3.4139770715677216 8 carried 13 promise 2.2982819134090313 8 carried 11 him 2.098432797230579 8 carried 15 just 0.9027141648261896 9 away 10 with 1.285442870595915 12 a 13 promise 0.7156702976536309 13 promise 14 that 1.5145869410026513 15 just 16 what 1.8602578489013517 17 he 18 had 1.735007688287725 18 had 22 done 2.437146034174118 19 asked 20 should 0.07311306035333942 20 should 21 be 3.0464070720751764 21 be 22 done 2.4724650597867743 22 done 23 . 0.5947645168171025 it was the busiest day that bobby coon could remember . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 remember 0.8349871453493609 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 4 busiest 3.2895097343824453 3 the 4 busiest 2.2342888586160505 4 busiest 7 bobby 9.611581875256928 4 busiest 10 remember 7.374943204066614 4 busiest 5 day 6.0986891539771015 4 busiest 9 could 4.26806555517453 4 busiest 6 that 2.8889489977189875 7 bobby 8 coon 11.609228375483951 10 remember 11 . -0.12090822213245112 it was the very next morning that unc ' billy possum was trotting along the crooked little path down the hill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 the 0.14186067835205485 3 the 18 path 1.982783701680562 3 the 5 next 1.9282489224560901 4 very 5 next 1.5355887904095233 5 next 6 morning 6.228702282209989 7 that 8 unc 0.4961583886356067 8 unc 11 possum 9.3510072550222 8 unc 10 billy 9.19308924154302 8 unc 9 ' 3.9798001185742837 11 possum 13 trotting 7.202216852150162 12 was 13 trotting 1.814730151411709 13 trotting 18 path 8.415651953727714 13 trotting 14 along 7.429999867701699 15 the 18 path 1.982783701680562 16 crooked 18 path 9.62217258557886 16 crooked 17 little 5.379445518156846 18 path 21 hill 5.41928255743343 18 path 22 . 0.8227668823038989 19 down 21 hill 4.2035231016248495 20 the 21 hill 2.0968829957252435 he was just starting out on his daily round of calls , and he was grinning as only unc ' billy possum can grin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 16 grinning 1.4428605112892434 3 just 4 starting 3.54382510309636 4 starting 8 daily 7.5643966988351785 4 starting 5 out 3.9129937606484333 6 on 7 his 1.5589997391045252 7 his 8 daily 2.143857223241337 8 daily 11 calls 7.351993124371003 8 daily 9 round 3.2072063697251885 8 daily 10 of 1.4137758730759664 11 calls 16 grinning 7.517121069054156 12 , 16 grinning 1.5012862730476648 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 he 15 was 1.2250956603177912 15 was 16 grinning 1.4428605112892434 16 grinning 22 possum 6.183525429508219 16 grinning 18 only 2.6690481837399638 16 grinning 17 as 1.7880097417145322 19 unc 22 possum 9.3510072550222 19 unc 21 billy 9.19308924154302 19 unc 20 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 possum 24 grin 4.747650988684679 23 can 24 grin 1.9488505441500337 24 grin 25 . 1.5181150688771297 " mah name is billy possum and mah home 's a hollow tree ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mah 1.4965253154856875 2 mah 13 tree 5.485705651035104 2 mah 3 name 4.314272027641152 2 mah 14 ! 2.3562319338115465 3 name 4 is 2.427418467161832 5 billy 6 possum 8.827381619282942 6 possum 12 hollow 6.032009163327519 6 possum 8 mah 5.912710234955174 6 possum 10 's 1.050329363900964 6 possum 7 and -0.005688391170252771 8 mah 9 home 3.3528476068567556 11 a 12 hollow 1.717094670201213 12 hollow 13 tree 7.306907782369336 by day or night ah wander forth it 's all the same to me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ah 2.101878867830969 1 by 2 day 1.350709342639778 2 day 5 ah 0.13529028199289073 2 day 4 night 2.410135403139712 2 day 3 or 1.0005117815603626 5 ah 6 wander 4.479406928989032 5 ah 15 ! 3.6817092295172067 6 wander 7 forth 6.199576117556052 6 wander 12 same 4.240621666141617 6 wander 10 all 2.656171544001996 8 it 10 all 0.9413718508430762 8 it 9 's 1.695106683077423 11 the 12 same 2.3126884001539167 13 to 14 me 1.06718172908033 14 me 15 ! 1.3843858963622608 ah fill mah stomach with an egg , or sometimes it is fish ; in fact ah always helps mahself to anything ah wish . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 3 mah 7.913060106435218 2 fill 3 mah 6.765191916960443 3 mah 7 egg 6.057147012102639 3 mah 4 stomach 7.089813201022963 5 with 6 an 1.6808705691520114 6 an 7 egg 5.221296659115502 7 egg 10 sometimes 3.4262794859860044 7 egg 9 or 2.4865772048491337 7 egg 8 , 0.5289303204929752 10 sometimes 24 wish 2.447129022832936 10 sometimes 13 fish 2.352603637461133 10 sometimes 12 is 0.9967122847856693 10 sometimes 25 . -0.4787842371190294 11 it 12 is 1.9483860238870534 14 ; 20 mahself 3.8933771371251744 15 in 16 fact 3.603313005547186 16 fact 20 mahself 8.29830120286869 17 ah 20 mahself 8.764809147851278 18 always 20 mahself 5.57392564929269 19 helps 20 mahself 12.559968772938578 20 mahself 23 ah 8.540218942556255 20 mahself 24 wish 7.310571957180976 20 mahself 22 anything 6.276030792234383 20 mahself 21 to 2.1646609446319367 this morning he was on his way to call first on johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.5823537722224774 1 this 2 morning 3.4311703176464974 2 morning 13 chuck 2.6091415199703363 2 morning 4 was 0.9046657564219274 3 he 4 was 1.2250956603177912 5 on 7 way 1.9347840202703672 6 his 7 way 1.6706417274649592 7 way 8 to 0.7868648171799144 8 to 9 call 1.1867807846449097 9 call 13 chuck 1.7540186727963807 10 first 12 johnny 1.0487285828452322 11 on 12 johnny -0.12699788277227597 12 johnny 13 chuck 9.449430308003667 13 chuck 14 . 0.47262126972613316 half-way down the hill he met bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 half-way 7 bobby 6.984308569677804 1 half-way 4 hill 6.07404461961816 1 half-way 6 met 5.901387609977785 2 down 4 hill 4.2035231016248495 3 the 4 hill 2.0968829957252435 5 he 6 met 1.7609783239221386 7 bobby 8 coon 11.609228375483951 8 coon 9 . 0.327916430342281 unc ' billy stopped and held out one hand as he said " good mo'ning , brer coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 15 mo'ning 5.645085386576529 3 billy 19 . 0.45585700976227805 4 stopped 6 held 3.237468510349263 4 stopped 5 and 1.5546202918657617 6 held 9 hand 5.6234828937404835 6 held 7 out 3.9083447535555607 8 one 9 hand 1.3868866906768567 9 hand 15 mo'ning 5.187829232097446 10 as 15 mo'ning 2.352124036872649 10 as 11 he 1.5279784143694588 12 said 15 mo'ning 2.4649747529407655 13 " 15 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 14 good 15 mo'ning 6.226351947640779 15 mo'ning 17 brer 11.472873356888464 15 mo'ning 18 coon 9.812928641935347 15 mo'ning 16 , 1.9570724309278162 how do yo'all do this fine mo'ning ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 3 yo'all 4.441617542424883 2 do 3 yo'all 4.267856332486772 3 yo'all 7 mo'ning 11.77569746399401 3 yo'all 8 ? 3.683460869729956 4 do 7 mo'ning 3.393387214570634 5 this 7 mo'ning 3.8807493464920917 6 fine 7 mo'ning 7.195104562900621 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 bobby coon walked right past as if he didn't see unc ' billy at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 11 unc 4.644149737713356 1 bobby 3 walked 3.676122127451638 3 walked 5 past 3.6781055107596323 4 right 5 past 2.4313476176899975 6 as 8 he 1.5279784143694588 6 as 7 if 2.776143507537343 8 he 9 didn't 2.0746164561717215 9 didn't 11 unc 1.349571077101551 9 didn't 10 see 2.2075881891756524 11 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 11 unc 12 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 billy 16 . 0.45585700976227805 14 at 16 . 0.26022699166643015 14 at 15 all 1.9101156124848444 he didn't even look at him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 4 look 2.474544491631594 2 didn't 3 even 2.284074756357178 2 didn't 6 him 1.1606756322027607 4 look 5 at 3.3351545489339856 6 him 7 . 0.8676779267655075 " what 's the matter with yo ' this mo'ning , brer coon ? " shouted unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 2 what 5 matter 3.988668969705401 3 's 5 matter 2.1351462985331118 4 the 5 matter 1.6108601015296085 5 matter 10 mo'ning 5.712389373271474 5 matter 6 with 2.5343054275209553 7 yo 10 mo'ning 9.068115676608901 7 yo 8 ' 4.052548569517089 9 this 10 mo'ning 3.8807493464920917 10 mo'ning 12 brer 11.472873356888464 10 mo'ning 13 coon 9.812928641935347 10 mo'ning 17 unc 7.392170520388561 10 mo'ning 16 shouted 6.594825828603074 10 mo'ning 15 " 2.5293323503352383 10 mo'ning 11 , 1.9570724309278162 14 ? 15 " 3.328347337284576 17 unc 19 billy 9.19308924154302 17 unc 18 ' 3.9798001185742837 19 billy 20 . 0.45585700976227805 bobby coon kept right on , without so much as turning his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 3 kept 3.4606740999849848 3 kept 4 right 3.0655226250264107 3 kept 5 on 2.747526505336044 3 kept 11 turning 2.63324038041981 6 , 11 turning 1.5217185761200476 7 without 11 turning 4.0006592842211965 7 without 9 much 1.6141203280886316 8 so 9 much 3.2954782062481396 9 much 10 as 2.2358459811122238 11 turning 13 head 3.4425918562372253 12 his 13 head 3.6389926349442767 13 head 14 . 0.9057652481458263 unc ' billy watched him , and there was a puzzled look on unc ' billy 's face . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 watched 11 puzzled 3.160604526378723 4 watched 5 him 3.0152759428856264 4 watched 7 and 0.7786663881750506 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 there 9 was 2.1014798704396025 9 was 11 puzzled 2.3951199223430386 9 was 10 a 0.9616525970137229 11 puzzled 14 unc 3.4201848965581547 11 puzzled 12 look 4.179030412290299 11 puzzled 13 on 1.1415890535736146 14 unc 16 billy 9.19308924154302 14 unc 15 ' 3.9798001185742837 16 billy 17 's 1.362372716573958 17 's 18 face 2.41540740775652 18 face 19 . 0.872471518043243 " must be that brer coon has something powerful impo'tant on his mind , " muttered unc ' billy , as he started on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 must 0.8061104824398466 2 must 10 impo'tant 6.293963122677294 3 be 10 impo'tant 3.5875981228537235 4 that 10 impo'tant 2.42294854168183 5 brer 10 impo'tant 10.928405859355284 6 coon 10 impo'tant 9.97318583659305 7 has 10 impo'tant 5.411684794063557 8 something 10 impo'tant 7.321998384073165 9 powerful 10 impo'tant 11.740176747642753 10 impo'tant 16 muttered 9.12256346063128 10 impo'tant 13 mind 6.7559355582731015 10 impo'tant 24 on 3.644089394102803 10 impo'tant 11 on 3.644089394102803 10 impo'tant 12 his 2.9736407301931926 14 , 16 muttered 1.201526419169042 15 " 16 muttered 2.5294399379584256 16 muttered 17 unc 3.8352223958370004 17 unc 19 billy 9.19308924154302 17 unc 18 ' 3.9798001185742837 19 billy 23 started 2.5617430623461495 20 , 22 he 0.5080875377005949 21 as 22 he 1.5279784143694588 22 he 23 started 1.8718415916217772 24 on 25 . 0.2881865707807929 pretty soon he met jimmy skunk who had always been one of unc ' billy 's best friends . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 skunk 0.3561944623018931 1 pretty 4 met 2.7822494249373264 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 3 he 4 met 1.7609783239221386 4 met 6 skunk 3.96995936945169 5 jimmy 6 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 skunk 13 unc 5.483636763963585 6 skunk 18 friends 2.216901556508592 6 skunk 7 who 2.087247025912987 7 who 8 had 1.987524562495807 8 had 10 been 3.8301500596883944 9 always 10 been 2.5329811287199924 11 one 13 unc 0.5352529107597732 11 one 12 of 1.5254413726359868 13 unc 15 billy 9.19308924154302 13 unc 14 ' 3.9798001185742837 15 billy 16 's 1.362372716573958 17 best 18 friends 4.485365510445565 18 friends 19 . 0.8153337908871112 jimmy was looking under every stick and stone for beetles for his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 10 beetles 6.372902793616703 2 was 3 looking 1.2393769522281275 3 looking 10 beetles 4.893475761176777 4 under 10 beetles 2.9339217850135704 5 every 6 stick 2.6610243882385483 6 stick 10 beetles 5.535174222515582 6 stick 8 stone 6.129502141460417 6 stick 7 and 0.45452541030453375 9 for 10 beetles 3.2674244223636997 10 beetles 13 breakfast 8.108991635983887 10 beetles 11 for 3.002649456910813 10 beetles 12 his 2.5255881736863834 13 breakfast 14 . 0.9758391566280054 " good mo'ning , neighbor skunk ! " said unc ' billy in his heartiest voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 2 good 3 mo'ning 6.226351947640779 3 mo'ning 10 unc 7.392170520388561 3 mo'ning 5 neighbor 9.41742331232047 3 mo'ning 6 skunk 7.5216594160411 3 mo'ning 9 said 3.7489073408465643 3 mo'ning 4 , 1.9570724309278162 7 ! 9 said 2.5827010162001933 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 10 unc 15 heartiest 9.660382977953294 10 unc 12 billy 9.19308924154302 10 unc 11 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 in 15 heartiest 4.108414203173215 14 his 15 heartiest 4.759657127885092 15 heartiest 16 voice 9.905465338964337 15 heartiest 17 . 2.8093463665415754 jimmy just went right on about his business . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 3 went 1.4565538857400675 1 jimmy 2 just 1.4262227361752124 3 went 8 business 2.580325256591273 3 went 5 on 2.675890224316948 4 right 5 on 1.131051435695717 6 about 8 business 2.922367536864858 7 his 8 business 1.5067994258215904 8 business 9 . 0.6323666075653129 unc ' billy sat down and scratched his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 scratched 0.8556158441324939 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 7 scratched 4.002171495201498 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 sat 7 scratched 4.269019064896209 4 sat 5 down 5.31852152344641 6 and 7 scratched 1.3841836948760324 7 scratched 9 head 6.5000176512782275 7 scratched 8 his 4.376399899693599 9 head 10 . 0.9057652481458263 his face had lost the cheerful grin with which he had started out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 2 face 2.836202048135057 2 face 7 grin 2.8276664213886384 3 had 4 lost 2.2573572652694125 4 lost 7 grin 3.1213081644168668 5 the 6 cheerful -0.09610081501950773 6 cheerful 7 grin 5.817900391738096 7 grin 12 started 4.200502043433961 7 grin 9 which 2.6621032681847403 7 grin 14 . 1.5181150688771297 8 with 9 which 1.1806960685152674 9 which 11 had 2.1539023067868133 10 he 11 had 1.735007688287725 12 started 13 out 2.553360701277601 pretty soon he started on , but every few minutes he would stop and scratch his head thoughtfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 4 started 1.6820300762532732 3 he 4 started 1.8718415916217772 4 started 10 minutes 1.4389084437451096 4 started 5 on 1.9060787473440755 6 , 7 but 1.025230194614105 7 but 9 few 0.43337443304878676 8 every 9 few 3.6034402247632684 9 few 10 minutes 8.429930807745183 10 minutes 15 scratch 5.540251697421102 11 he 12 would 1.3645954036822268 12 would 13 stop 2.331214851350687 13 stop 15 scratch 5.3306037105214195 14 and 15 scratch 0.9199985462681006 15 scratch 18 thoughtfully 9.1531517804647 16 his 17 head 3.6389926349442767 17 head 18 thoughtfully 5.57385802983023 18 thoughtfully 19 . 2.0224555470436876 he didn't know what to make of bobby coon and jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 3 know 4.1638850028764445 3 know 8 bobby 2.0011897464471637 3 know 4 what 3.2396222245850588 5 to 6 make 1.9953753273403052 6 make 8 bobby 1.7789178648587445 6 make 7 of 0.8289715787087832 8 bobby 9 coon 11.609228375483951 8 bobby 12 skunk 4.773638633365895 9 coon 10 and 0.5656082484362734 11 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 12 skunk 13 . 0.71694841771642 he was so surprised that he hadn't known whether to be angry or not . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 4 surprised 2.3914721453278993 3 so 4 surprised 2.7783813792996774 4 surprised 9 whether 3.800545690517577 4 surprised 7 hadn't 3.615023834024246 4 surprised 5 that 1.7696856286688494 4 surprised 15 . 0.2660567149853428 6 he 7 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 7 hadn't 8 known 4.232550122225316 9 whether 13 or 6.093162517270084 9 whether 14 not 3.3470476270927563 9 whether 12 angry 3.0035913396490947 10 to 11 be 1.7155747074306849 11 be 12 angry 2.309282899079964 " ah must find out what brer chuck knows about it , " thought unc ' billy , as he trotted on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 7 brer 6.400873526442343 3 must 7 brer 2.2254833847945257 4 find 7 brer 2.018152261152192 4 find 5 out 3.6523191703692017 4 find 6 what 1.0195230984903425 7 brer 15 unc 6.001615706309057 7 brer 9 knows 3.8797676246073216 7 brer 8 chuck 3.4267897940857104 7 brer 13 " 1.7237400369768885 7 brer 14 thought 1.1082268969400921 9 knows 10 about 3.3191913780163524 10 about 11 it 1.8539463948922297 12 , 13 " 0.6466805192388225 15 unc 17 billy 9.19308924154302 15 unc 16 ' 3.9798001185742837 15 unc 21 trotted 3.7415197406786938 18 , 21 trotted 0.8575720179516786 19 as 20 he 1.5279784143694588 20 he 21 trotted 2.2506397993783267 21 trotted 22 on 1.899131009183062 21 trotted 23 . 0.47942548090068016 xxii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxii 2.4283864832191604 unc ' billy possum sees many backs 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 7 backs 7.172002239103154 5 sees 7 backs 8.859902761583896 6 many 7 backs 4.431751993777411 unc ' billy possum was very sober as he hurried down the lone little path to johnny chuck 's house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 7 sober 4.860577430635054 5 was 6 very 1.8345067088627953 6 very 7 sober 3.5845497555323966 7 sober 13 lone 5.931053816735332 7 sober 21 . 0.7776375068142407 8 as 9 he 1.5279784143694588 9 he 10 hurried 1.8259585502105544 10 hurried 13 lone 6.115879390218431 11 down 13 lone 5.664039199992068 12 the 13 lone 2.2115329445483454 13 lone 15 path 10.049187958238516 13 lone 14 little 5.709163689461587 13 lone 17 johnny 4.0671208947074895 15 path 16 to 0.9821612504190007 17 johnny 18 chuck 9.449430308003667 18 chuck 20 house 3.370936176088076 19 's 20 house 1.8353412142302634 he was very sober indeed , and that is very unusual for unc ' billy possum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 very 1.8345067088627953 3 very 11 unusual 3.6078276971803334 3 very 5 indeed 4.748811396098601 4 sober 5 indeed 4.279541665277652 5 indeed 6 , 1.1805591219564295 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 that 9 is 1.5257476832692056 9 is 11 unusual 1.6120333411941843 10 very 11 unusual 3.6078276971803334 11 unusual 16 possum 5.257526010951995 11 unusual 12 for 1.8581263285865859 11 unusual 17 . 1.2394907582106285 13 unc 16 possum 9.3510072550222 13 unc 15 billy 9.19308924154302 13 unc 14 ' 3.9798001185742837 it was very plain to see that something was bothering him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 4 plain 1.9769945182238366 2 was 3 very 1.8345067088627953 3 very 4 plain 2.4716233135820254 4 plain 10 bothering 7.185719642921132 5 to 6 see 1.81043644982023 6 see 10 bothering 4.327259166855118 7 that 10 bothering 1.3640548526282608 8 something 10 bothering 4.263104695019596 9 was 10 bothering 1.1481538851369066 10 bothering 11 him 4.414535831599512 11 him 12 . 0.8676779267655075 johnny chuck was sitting on his doorstep when unc ' billy possum came in sight , trotting down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 7 doorstep 6.354841998010102 3 was 4 sitting 2.6030743563351812 4 sitting 7 doorstep 6.9048988837830585 5 on 7 doorstep 5.024792533582261 6 his 7 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 7 doorstep 12 possum 5.032965752932835 7 doorstep 23 . 0.9535299555273262 7 doorstep 8 when 0.37701370931184286 9 unc 12 possum 9.3510072550222 9 unc 11 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 10 ' 3.9798001185742837 12 possum 17 trotting 7.202216852150162 13 came 17 trotting 3.4863241915551555 14 in 15 sight 1.37809698501637 15 sight 17 trotting 4.805840464099415 16 , 17 trotting 1.0106594369200685 17 trotting 20 lone 9.730589234333635 18 down 20 lone 5.664039199992068 19 the 20 lone 2.2115329445483454 20 lone 22 path 10.049187958238516 20 lone 21 little 5.709163689461587 unc ' billy came to a stop about two feet behind johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 3 billy 11 behind 2.248350884130282 4 came 11 behind 1.6074379939715335 4 came 5 to 1.4047239513309133 5 to 7 stop 1.7010771375758438 5 to 6 a -0.049195989196572754 8 about 9 two 0.686382058514635 9 two 11 behind 1.6100890983028968 9 two 10 feet 2.333969714279945 11 behind 12 johnny 2.7597316495032906 11 behind 14 . 0.6105379344912976 12 johnny 13 chuck 9.449430308003667 " a-hem ! " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 a-hem 2.575227871548428 1 " 2 a-hem 4.178349355459435 2 a-hem 6 unc 10.092610238529648 2 a-hem 3 ! 4.667433622105857 2 a-hem 5 said 4.449347058987659 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 unc 8 billy 9.19308924154302 6 unc 7 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 billy 9 . 0.45585700976227805 johnny chuck sat there without moving , just as if he hadn't heard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 3 sat 3.423940666905814 3 sat 6 moving 4.505766779209729 4 there 6 moving 1.434469417105344 5 without 6 moving 5.828478308838516 6 moving 12 hadn't 3.5673522442378776 6 moving 14 . 0.8033476259201322 7 , 10 if 0.40042020387430455 8 just 9 as 2.6945437830364103 9 as 10 if 2.776143507537343 10 if 12 hadn't 4.084893104419972 11 he 12 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 12 hadn't 13 heard 2.818986619912433 " it 's a fine mo'ning , " said unc ' billy in his pleasantest voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 5 fine 1.3740109010678623 4 a 5 fine 2.1660824004800148 5 fine 6 mo'ning 7.195104562900621 6 mo'ning 10 unc 7.392170520388561 6 mo'ning 9 said 3.7489073408465643 6 mo'ning 8 " 2.5293323503352383 6 mo'ning 7 , 1.9570724309278162 10 unc 12 billy 9.19308924154302 10 unc 15 pleasantest 6.095598359169763 10 unc 11 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 in 15 pleasantest 2.128592085110842 14 his 15 pleasantest 1.1948725091015646 15 pleasantest 16 voice 5.951269028577467 16 voice 17 . 0.8478630205323796 instead of replying , johnny chuck suddenly kicked up his heels and disappeared inside his house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 replying 0.47089121173369364 1 instead 3 replying 9.44866621611413 1 instead 2 of 3.1350053606047315 3 replying 8 kicked 10.254160343414494 3 replying 7 suddenly 7.901228346077875 3 replying 5 johnny 6.657537825520759 3 replying 4 , 1.2805426906235873 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 8 kicked 11 heels 9.70425082931957 8 kicked 13 disappeared 5.438906262798575 8 kicked 9 up 3.029306278996412 8 kicked 12 and 1.167037960746196 10 his 11 heels 3.8665723318016028 13 disappeared 14 inside 5.8602609881136445 13 disappeared 17 . 1.0818722213526684 14 inside 16 house 4.106920678723181 15 his 16 house 1.097074370419712 after a while he started on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 he 0.7006048185438587 1 after 3 while 3.629388385540757 2 a 3 while 1.9353289888640361 3 while 4 he 1.2757358856989462 4 he 5 started 1.8718415916217772 5 started 6 on 1.9060787473440755 5 started 7 . 0.30266126588930575 pretty soon he came to where danny meadow mouse was playing all by himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 4 came 3.0418830385739035 2 soon 3 he 0.9426976651504084 4 came 6 where 1.6673616668519102 4 came 5 to 1.4047239513309133 4 came 13 by 0.8415522955986958 6 where 11 playing 1.849754077070184 7 danny 8 meadow 9.760926773564673 8 meadow 9 mouse 9.933986113433567 9 mouse 11 playing 5.07485269223854 10 was 11 playing 1.4950707002101247 11 playing 12 all 0.46696555002637297 13 by 14 himself 1.4008255637369658 14 himself 15 . 0.6673551505339343 he didn't know that unc ' billy was about until unc ' billy said : " good mo'ning , brer meadow mouse . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 5 unc 1.349571077101551 2 didn't 3 know 4.1638850028764445 3 know 4 that 1.300924681937678 5 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 billy 8 was 0.7415563277789765 9 about 11 unc 1.484971689538856 10 until 11 unc 2.7806349240684973 11 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 11 unc 12 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 billy 18 mo'ning 5.645085386576529 14 said 15 : 3.134329440952296 15 : 18 mo'ning 4.359342580106546 16 " 18 mo'ning 2.133955236100981 17 good 18 mo'ning 6.226351947640779 18 mo'ning 20 brer 11.472873356888464 18 mo'ning 21 meadow 6.597101971658784 18 mo'ning 24 " 2.5293323503352383 18 mo'ning 19 , 1.9570724309278162 21 meadow 22 mouse 9.933986113433567 23 . 24 " 4.467019939707924 now danny had always been delighted to see unc ' billy possum and to have a chat with him whenever unc ' billy would stop . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 danny 6 delighted 2.7828034153486065 3 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 4 always 5 been 2.5329811287199924 5 been 6 delighted 1.9448419298541033 6 delighted 9 unc 2.902785679649636 6 delighted 8 see 1.8348033731675137 7 to 8 see 1.81043644982023 9 unc 12 possum 9.3510072550222 9 unc 23 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 11 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 10 ' 3.9798001185742837 9 unc 25 stop 2.129001517436979 12 possum 17 chat 6.894094556787831 13 and 17 chat 1.1049162621858848 14 to 17 chat 1.3521097899361294 15 have 17 chat 2.867105645037025 16 a 17 chat 2.184320446320303 17 chat 20 whenever 8.238587256970764 17 chat 18 with 4.139239981825156 19 him 20 whenever 1.773459862961225 21 unc 23 billy 9.19308924154302 21 unc 22 ' 3.9798001185742837 24 would 25 stop 2.331214851350687 25 stop 26 . 0.4488506153947256 but this morning no sooner did danny hear unc ' billy 's voice than he turned his back to unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 5 sooner 1.7252575104400059 2 this 3 morning 3.4311703176464974 3 morning 5 sooner 1.7868271374413958 4 no 5 sooner 5.175161873165646 5 sooner 9 unc 2.8289497988214727 5 sooner 7 danny 3.173284306757111 5 sooner 8 hear 3.006056714706748 5 sooner 6 did 2.5529812388127446 9 unc 11 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 22 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 10 ' 3.9798001185742837 11 billy 12 's 1.362372716573958 12 's 13 voice 1.628703560125114 13 voice 14 than 1.0177995010477794 15 he 16 turned 1.775244181527798 16 turned 20 unc 2.004042814849665 16 turned 18 back 3.4285607755510696 16 turned 17 his 1.7829187625187117 18 back 19 to 1.3967263723079633 20 unc 22 billy 9.19308924154302 20 unc 21 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 billy 23 . 0.45585700976227805 this was more than unc ' billy could stand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 this 2 was 1.1105823834267774 2 was 4 than 0.8662132787800889 3 more 4 than 5.60773144432164 4 than 9 stand 2.141598371172236 4 than 10 . 0.6729937762718201 5 unc 7 billy 9.19308924154302 5 unc 6 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 unc 9 stand 2.488789156150361 8 could 9 stand 3.3818839159758447 so unc ' billy possum gave it up and went on down to the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 so 2 unc 1.1854919628068927 2 unc 5 possum 9.3510072550222 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 possum 16 pool 2.7672797954336126 6 gave 8 up 2.1672439599807696 6 gave 7 it 0.279963395273068 8 up 12 down 1.363960105215142 9 and 10 went 1.3318517527892624 10 went 12 down 2.599041916086861 10 went 11 on 2.675890224316948 12 down 16 pool 2.664603745114082 13 to 16 pool 0.8301570867407726 14 the 16 pool 2.2980304314762776 15 smiling 16 pool 9.99688962068163 16 pool 17 . 1.0200253673142292 there little joe otter and billy mink and jerry muskrat were at play . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 little 0.44156157530661133 2 little 4 otter 5.892167388174904 3 joe 4 otter 10.28726033754742 4 otter 10 muskrat 7.748270896222024 4 otter 7 mink 7.537390792375199 4 otter 5 and 1.0554294548947105 6 billy 7 mink 9.260717032646737 7 mink 8 and 1.0753217916545879 9 jerry 10 muskrat 10.20890526194098 10 muskrat 13 play 4.205324853313545 10 muskrat 14 . 0.7601987172124858 10 muskrat 11 were 0.5648014086604114 11 were 12 at 0.583039038735226 " hello , yo'alls ! " shouted unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 4 yo'alls 9.323978748201402 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 yo'alls 8 unc 8.185719642921132 4 yo'alls 7 shouted 7.388374951135642 5 ! 7 shouted 4.967379996560403 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 8 unc 10 billy 9.19308924154302 8 unc 9 ' 3.9798001185742837 10 billy 11 . 0.45585700976227805 splash ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 splash 2 ! 3.7315639595255696 all three had dived into the smiling pool , and though unc ' billy waited and waited , he didn't see one of them again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 dived 0.575227871548428 1 all 4 dived 1.3081158168053335 2 three 4 dived 3.5002009881049254 3 had 4 dived 2.0274534524241083 4 dived 8 pool 7.5418919511076865 4 dived 5 into 5.740045494182169 6 the 8 pool 2.2980304314762776 7 smiling 8 pool 9.99688962068163 8 pool 14 billy 3.630414457205724 8 pool 11 though 0.9718078160656773 9 , 11 though 1.4312280421721404 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 12 unc 14 billy 9.19308924154302 12 unc 13 ' 3.9798001185742837 14 billy 17 waited 2.7987085756897336 14 billy 20 didn't 2.609433416764684 15 waited 17 waited 6.655660390433599 16 and 17 waited 1.6694725522452032 18 , 19 he 0.5080875377005949 19 he 20 didn't 2.0746164561717215 20 didn't 21 see 2.2075881891756524 21 see 25 again 1.9657695236879889 21 see 24 them 1.2048523090915104 22 one 24 them 1.3727383010695942 22 one 23 of 1.5254413726359868 25 again 26 . 1.1694329788885494 so he went home to his hollow tree in the green forest early that day to try and study out what it all meant . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 3 went 1.4743155781437096 2 he 3 went 1.5238829264000806 3 went 19 study 2.9249897037786177 3 went 4 home 2.9563992678094095 3 went 5 to 1.73022000487234 6 his 19 study 1.893842475279488 7 hollow 12 forest 3.5397698079993525 7 hollow 8 tree 7.306907782369336 7 hollow 13 early 3.1306571426776166 9 in 12 forest 2.5699942883890863 10 the 12 forest 2.352946321469986 11 green 12 forest 8.1998228972977 13 early 19 study 3.334959182479583 13 early 15 day 1.4873481264326536 14 that 15 day 0.982017568112159 16 to 19 study 1.6667277965912355 17 try 19 study 1.9654262080149323 18 and 19 study 0.11307758271606616 19 study 24 meant 2.91972383671623 19 study 20 out 1.0124169389721196 19 study 25 . 0.4575830421134519 21 what 24 meant 3.7677207432711803 22 it 24 meant 1.3820045572150832 22 it 23 all 0.9413718508430762 xxiii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxiii 2.3214712793026457 unc ' billy possum consults ol ' mistah buzzard 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 consults 1.5752278715484316 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 5 consults 10.764459276371237 5 consults 6 ol 11.811391888402081 6 ol 8 mistah 11.772540580806826 6 ol 7 ' 4.034550903259408 8 mistah 9 buzzard 12.170812833732263 ol ' mistah buzzard has very sharp eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ol 0.5192224618196839 1 ol 3 mistah 11.772540580806826 1 ol 2 ' 4.034550903259408 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 4 buzzard 7 sharp 5.441051726111919 4 buzzard 9 . 1.0373533873754504 5 has 7 sharp 2.4879721571275617 6 very 7 sharp 2.2504040535551013 7 sharp 8 eyes 5.60644233011849 nobody has sharper eyes than he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nobody 0.8794082601522533 1 nobody 3 sharper 5.189292372727106 2 has 3 sharper 3.840142809104723 3 sharper 5 than 6.428267678259157 3 sharper 4 eyes 5.044030058084584 3 sharper 7 . 0.9024557709330558 5 than 6 he 0.6055559659081489 there is very little that ol ' mistah buzzard misses . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 2 is 2.1194678581467485 2 is 3 very 1.5624151199530516 3 very 4 little 0.701424934114506 3 very 11 . 0.3823591548163865 4 little 10 misses 2.6890650739749233 5 that 10 misses 2.3449460296805533 6 ol 8 mistah 11.772540580806826 6 ol 7 ' 4.034550903259408 8 mistah 9 buzzard 12.170812833732263 9 buzzard 10 misses 9.286761851046638 by and by unc ' billy looked up in the sky where ol ' mistah buzzard was sailing ' round and ' round . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 2 and 4 unc 0.04849082872306809 2 and 3 by 0.24013538346727792 4 unc 6 billy 9.19308924154302 4 unc 5 ' 3.9798001185742837 6 billy 15 mistah 4.565358194105791 7 looked 8 up 2.456793580534695 8 up 11 sky 3.236620793970136 9 in 11 sky 2.050533287092712 10 the 11 sky 2.1976937071814078 11 sky 15 mistah 5.585423817159896 11 sky 12 where 1.9133026807859217 13 ol 15 mistah 11.772540580806826 13 ol 14 ' 4.034550903259408 15 mistah 16 buzzard 12.170812833732263 16 buzzard 18 sailing 9.964833756159265 16 buzzard 24 . 1.0373533873754504 17 was 18 sailing 1.5440825614680413 18 sailing 23 round 6.449281156923334 18 sailing 20 round 6.449281156923334 18 sailing 22 ' 0.6919588542606228 18 sailing 19 ' 0.6919588542606228 20 round 21 and 1.1638868236196274 then unc ' billy hopped up mighty spry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 unc 0.9385305395610253 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 8 spry 5.006940739349368 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 hopped 8 spry 7.8776716716624655 5 hopped 6 up 3.6703028146318957 7 mighty 8 spry 8.122255225390091 8 spry 9 . 0.46539196532421556 he hadn't been there long when unc ' billy possum came shuffling along , just as if he was out walking for his health . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 when 0.5986489700216406 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 there 0.9622068167745255 1 he 2 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 2 hadn't 3 been 4.069332944953075 3 been 4 there 0.8838658080883164 5 long 6 when 0.5756710009571826 6 when 12 shuffling 2.5573976027834533 6 when 18 he 1.8647931372101283 7 unc 10 possum 9.3510072550222 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 10 possum 12 shuffling 8.036538821808033 11 came 12 shuffling 3.735683660491876 12 shuffling 13 along 6.887239865465514 12 shuffling 15 just 3.6880298386250097 12 shuffling 17 if 2.940220429894289 13 along 14 , 0.13048217441669507 16 as 17 if 2.776143507537343 18 he 23 his 1.2727377188429507 18 he 19 was 1.2250956603177912 19 was 21 walking 2.0397777240921116 19 was 22 for 0.3377047516206808 20 out 21 walking 2.0655205672656507 23 his 24 health 2.4605389159058113 24 health 25 . 0.6547693294326997 " howdy , mistah buzzard ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 howdy 2.575227871548428 1 " 2 howdy 4.178349355459435 2 howdy 4 mistah 10.126604625853137 2 howdy 6 ! 2.728834166769996 2 howdy 3 , 2.4388047745403156 4 mistah 5 buzzard 12.170812833732263 ah cert'nly hopes yo'all feel right smart , " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 2 cert'nly 8.789056694097955 2 cert'nly 4 yo'all 10.601547876689981 2 cert'nly 11 unc 7.259720224364912 3 hopes 4 yo'all 9.415774046589679 4 yo'all 7 smart 7.50720862806811 4 yo'all 5 feel 5.454042632681837 4 yo'all 6 right 4.177814204848605 4 yo'all 10 said 2.08011324932194 8 , 10 said 1.3498770263619093 9 " 10 said 2.1846753891302146 11 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 11 unc 12 ' 3.9798001185742837 13 billy 14 . 0.45585700976227805 ol ' mistah buzzard 's eyes twinkled as he replied : " ah feel right pert , brer possum , thank yo ' . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ol 3 mistah 11.772540580806826 1 ol 2 ' 4.034550903259408 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 4 buzzard 7 twinkled 6.501266362952769 5 's 7 twinkled 3.9372435672050763 6 eyes 7 twinkled 7.5329354466902245 7 twinkled 13 ah 4.702275700665229 7 twinkled 8 as 3.441919596153177 7 twinkled 10 replied 2.664407515074789 7 twinkled 9 he 2.5457138410996123 10 replied 11 : 2.9964794694125985 12 " 13 ah 2.305127488456014 13 ah 22 yo 7.764809147851274 14 feel 16 pert 5.540172151182187 15 right 16 pert 4.515549354015182 16 pert 22 yo 8.836914073547195 16 pert 18 brer 9.22300019912991 16 pert 19 possum 7.6844236654408995 16 pert 21 thank 7.0965407284170325 16 pert 20 , 1.0120538546976832 17 , 18 brer 1.0714627159822712 22 yo 23 ' 4.052548569517089 22 yo 24 . -0.6429783656014578 ah hopes yo ' feel the same . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.101878867830969 1 ah 3 yo 7.764809147851274 2 hopes 3 yo 5.961208183124199 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 3 yo 7 same 2.7785159132059967 5 feel 7 same 2.794892904003092 6 the 7 same 2.3126884001539167 7 same 8 . 0.6515638742992689 yo ' look like nothing ever bothers yo ' . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yo 1.0096306956942023 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 1 yo 7 bothers 8.827107577105107 1 yo 9 ' 4.052548569517089 1 yo 2 ' 4.052548569517089 3 look 7 bothers 4.917014549458248 4 like 7 bothers 3.721477089928989 5 nothing 7 bothers 5.147227870364862 6 ever 7 bothers 6.4538575129918705 7 bothers 8 yo 9.47737168686005 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 nothing ever does bother me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 1 nothing 2 ever 2.0199863975455763 2 ever 3 does 1.3615069368318977 3 does 7 " 0.8308858951750366 3 does 4 bother 3.397048762272906 4 bother 5 me 2.2385002269871777 6 . 7 " 4.467019939707924 " ah watched yo ' take a long walk this mo'ning , brer possum , " said ol ' mistah buzzard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 4 yo 7.764809147851274 3 watched 4 yo 3.5768600038142395 4 yo 11 mo'ning 9.068115676608901 4 yo 5 ' 4.052548569517089 6 take 11 mo'ning 4.142936737035367 7 a 8 long 1.8939671708709067 8 long 11 mo'ning 3.934462854839758 9 walk 11 mo'ning 6.666498693092379 10 this 11 mo'ning 3.8807493464920917 11 mo'ning 18 ol 8.525989669539836 11 mo'ning 13 brer 11.472873356888464 11 mo'ning 17 said 3.7489073408465643 11 mo'ning 16 " 2.5293323503352383 11 mo'ning 15 , 1.9570724309278162 11 mo'ning 12 , 1.9570724309278162 13 brer 14 possum 7.321349587783505 18 ol 20 mistah 11.772540580806826 18 ol 19 ' 4.034550903259408 20 mistah 21 buzzard 12.170812833732263 21 buzzard 22 . 1.0373533873754504 " did yo ' , indeed ; yo ' have keen eyes , mistah buzzard ! " replied unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 3 yo 1.9461759133304 2 did 3 yo 2.5738695410148793 3 yo 8 yo 7.9030564303384025 3 yo 19 unc 5.600757142199978 3 yo 4 ' 4.052548569517089 5 , 6 indeed 1.2217707539259823 6 indeed 8 yo 2.5487226898898783 6 indeed 7 ; 1.3118311962022489 8 yo 14 mistah 6.573350984859321 8 yo 9 ' 4.052548569517089 8 yo 10 have 1.2403399473467545 11 keen 14 mistah 6.411761842585076 11 keen 12 eyes 5.171947533005326 13 , 14 mistah 0.15927393211696383 14 mistah 15 buzzard 12.170812833732263 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 17 " 18 replied 2.2297485079660806 18 replied 19 unc 4.682705064268205 19 unc 21 billy 9.19308924154302 19 unc 20 ' 3.9798001185742837 21 billy 22 . 0.45585700976227805 " ah saw yo ' meet a lot of yo ' friends . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 2 ah 10 yo 7.764809147851274 3 saw 10 yo 0.9540403590572062 4 yo 10 yo 7.9030564303384025 4 yo 5 ' 4.052548569517089 6 meet 10 yo 3.7201287636984546 7 a 8 lot 3.11904174058326 8 lot 10 yo 4.111563894099767 8 lot 9 of 3.0405232681545122 10 yo 11 ' 4.052548569517089 10 yo 12 friends 3.3340219347449853 12 friends 13 . 0.8153337908871112 it 's fine to have a lot of friends , isn't it , brer possum ? " said ol ' mistah buzzard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 2 's 3 fine 1.3740109010678623 3 fine 7 lot 3.622031216964878 4 to 5 have 0.3754442231774444 5 have 7 lot 0.8204426174673252 6 a 7 lot 3.11904174058326 7 lot 9 friends 3.1274918992275005 7 lot 8 of 3.0405232681545122 9 friends 14 brer 3.5818686466917207 10 , 14 brer 1.0714627159822712 11 isn't 14 brer 2.154475394631259 11 isn't 12 it 1.8930775194592933 13 , 14 brer 1.0714627159822712 14 brer 19 ol 8.135434855460332 14 brer 15 possum 7.321349587783505 16 ? 19 ol 2.2723542765246734 16 ? 17 " 3.328347337284576 16 ? 18 said 2.446556662798379 19 ol 21 mistah 11.772540580806826 19 ol 20 ' 4.034550903259408 21 mistah 22 buzzard 12.170812833732263 22 buzzard 23 . 1.0373533873754504 unc ' billy looked at ol ' mistah buzzard sharply . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 looked 2.1951567110780097 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 looked 10 sharply 5.117502437683207 4 looked 5 at 3.718023842519891 6 ol 8 mistah 11.772540580806826 6 ol 7 ' 4.034550903259408 8 mistah 9 buzzard 12.170812833732263 9 buzzard 10 sharply 6.21727675072535 10 sharply 11 . 1.6394213650992633 unc ' billy stared , and for a minute he couldn't find his tongue . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 stared 0.8783724907563801 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 1 unc 4 stared 2.272365692608158 4 stared 9 minute 4.692896000113539 4 stared 6 and 0.27438170916041216 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 for 9 minute 3.1168472372471143 8 a 9 minute 2.75284848895582 9 minute 14 tongue 3.4966667600357866 9 minute 11 couldn't 3.1831931600730954 10 he 11 couldn't 2.184206095579082 11 couldn't 12 find 2.935297313793729 13 his 14 tongue 3.247490452762424 14 tongue 15 . 0.6699279018176227 then he heard a noise that sounded very much like a chuckle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 12 chuckle 2.790032565303008 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 heard 5 noise 5.428954266058778 4 a 5 noise 2.189879971662208 5 noise 7 sounded 4.505460376117025 6 that 7 sounded 1.1070442344222329 7 sounded 12 chuckle 6.736826735325398 7 sounded 10 like 4.1324911470730115 7 sounded 9 much 2.8316449420540266 8 very 9 much 3.446378250176915 11 a 12 chuckle 2.7025568332406493 12 chuckle 13 . 1.5076906666804746 in a few minutes it was a laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 minutes 0.1225571376445771 1 in 4 minutes 2.6096738205733736 2 a 3 few 3.275693471712252 3 few 4 minutes 8.429930807745183 4 minutes 8 laugh 1.3609827835174322 4 minutes 6 was 0.9706526699643554 5 it 6 was 1.776593012608254 7 a 8 laugh 1.467547825686765 8 laugh 9 . 1.0176305682615663 finally unc ' billy began to laugh too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 2 unc 4.136476123901286 1 finally 7 laugh 3.221032350321405 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 began 7 laugh 4.678459697579033 5 began 6 to 2.775473939384737 7 laugh 8 too 2.58504681798701 7 laugh 9 . 1.0176305682615663 unc ' billy shook his head doubtfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 7 doubtfully 4.026176958212286 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 shook 7 doubtfully 6.044684851205776 4 shook 6 head 7.152334097761402 5 his 6 head 3.6389926349442767 7 doubtfully 8 . 1.6345719654378676 " serves yo'alls right ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 serves 1.491811863360791 1 " 2 serves 2.1620475431303348 2 serves 3 yo'alls 11.266988769616578 2 serves 4 right 7.152188397173109 2 serves 5 ! 2.1026490033223304 " ah know it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ah 2.101878867830969 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 know 0.5890732608509612 1 " 2 ah 2.305127488456014 3 know 4 it 1.2727152881173946 3 know 5 . 0.15779691297505316 it cert'nly does , " replied unc ' billy meekly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cert'nly 1.4474723243500556 1 it 2 cert'nly 1.7188423337697891 2 cert'nly 7 unc 7.259720224364912 2 cert'nly 3 does 6.826679490386173 4 , 6 replied 1.5802587282237415 5 " 6 replied 2.2297485079660806 6 replied 7 unc 4.682705064268205 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 7 unc 10 meekly 3.8148929270089162 10 meekly 11 . 1.157269669961881 " mischief always trots ahead of grim ol ' mistah trouble , they look and act enough alike to be each other 's double . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 ol 1.2598474694806292 2 mischief 4 trots 10.072981431780722 3 always 4 trots 5.9889631485715356 4 trots 8 ol 10.226429387680927 4 trots 7 grim 10.701485359195136 4 trots 5 ahead 9.876442437733832 5 ahead 6 of 2.692767155184402 8 ol 10 mistah 11.772540580806826 8 ol 9 ' 4.034550903259408 10 mistah 16 act 5.722388619827807 11 trouble 16 act 3.1275850506553233 11 trouble 12 , 0.4526092397000845 13 they 16 act 0.6648805239279589 14 look 16 act 1.078295456491304 15 and 16 act 0.798692250045967 16 act 18 alike 6.073299628781591 17 enough 18 alike 3.1687238271568567 18 alike 24 double 7.293024527906997 18 alike 19 to 1.354883360307472 18 alike 25 . 1.1751403468005712 19 to 20 be 1.7155747074306849 21 each 24 double 3.4582671668380556 21 each 22 other 6.719601755836049 21 each 23 's 0.7652240002341699 whoever fools with mischief 's gwine to wake some day or other and find that trouble 's just the same as mischief 's own twin brother . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 whoever 0.28060712265679655 1 whoever 6 gwine 9.248094342715138 2 fools 6 gwine 10.461546719698365 3 with 6 gwine 1.8251572444949495 4 mischief 6 gwine 8.461546719698372 5 's 6 gwine 2.5263418424954374 6 gwine 8 wake 8.574232230612633 6 gwine 14 find 4.822698664728716 6 gwine 12 other 4.193917061771028 6 gwine 10 day 4.023401026672865 6 gwine 9 some 3.8581358068176677 6 gwine 11 or 3.5227973927618876 6 gwine 7 to 3.063377608794756 13 and 14 find 0.4118628353472591 14 find 16 trouble 1.954298885730033 14 find 15 that 0.8928185441806349 16 trouble 22 mischief 2.258768026318698 17 's 18 just 0.9076157075775928 18 just 20 same 3.3783242662841815 19 the 20 same 2.3126884001539167 20 same 22 mischief 1.7655860702036499 20 same 21 as 2.144022898682575 22 mischief 25 twin 5.829278504198857 22 mischief 23 's 0.9982618040539784 22 mischief 27 . 0.93617638877706 24 own 25 twin 2.563606444085366 25 twin 26 brother 6.710355693938759 27 . 28 " 4.467019939707924 old mrs possum grumbled and scolded , but all the time she was thinking , and unc ' billy knew that she was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 possum 3.7150477850918726 2 mrs 3 possum 4.456459898424619 3 possum 17 unc 4.252706622603856 3 possum 6 scolded 5.983099562846572 4 grumbled 6 scolded 8.218141120613506 5 and 6 scolded 1.4740291874373632 6 scolded 8 but 1.6691760964112952 7 , 8 but 1.025230194614105 9 all 11 time 1.9376348640459664 9 all 10 the 0.7368478466298409 11 time 14 thinking 1.8429158148261173 12 she 13 was 1.2439662970653966 13 was 14 thinking 1.8014333287982502 14 thinking 17 unc 2.2140483659796253 15 , 17 unc 0.44301984271740835 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 17 unc 19 billy 9.19308924154302 17 unc 18 ' 3.9798001185742837 17 unc 20 knew 2.2077985247122633 20 knew 21 that 2.5840220415164588 20 knew 23 was 1.8171644316243114 22 she 23 was 1.2439662970653966 23 was 24 . -0.098748168043306 finally she finished sweeping the doorsteps and looked thoughtfully at unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 6 doorsteps 8.063266276947509 2 she 6 doorsteps 1.6976014499746732 3 finished 6 doorsteps 8.152121651866214 4 sweeping 6 doorsteps 12.178098137594933 4 sweeping 5 the 0.6448982082529611 6 doorsteps 9 thoughtfully 10.001148687019654 6 doorsteps 11 unc 8.033716549476086 6 doorsteps 8 looked 5.495280435647029 6 doorsteps 10 at 3.1313125239693242 6 doorsteps 7 and 2.137891615086687 6 doorsteps 14 . 0.7504526774880098 11 unc 13 billy 9.19308924154302 11 unc 12 ' 3.9798001185742837 " why don't yo ' give a party fo ' mistah mocking-bird ? " she inquired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 mocking-bird 1.9053308610530202 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 1 " 4 yo 1.9461759133304 2 why 3 don't 2.635293656436815 4 yo 5 ' 4.052548569517089 6 give 12 mocking-bird 5.60996034492327 7 a 12 mocking-bird 2.026779169333828 8 party 12 mocking-bird 9.032136379503331 9 fo 12 mocking-bird 11.222819941112451 9 fo 10 ' 4.125176369604485 11 mistah 12 mocking-bird 10.988528936529423 12 mocking-bird 16 inquired 10.518669143899746 12 mocking-bird 17 . 2.4874182716542137 13 ? 16 inquired 5.458064112589689 13 ? 14 " 3.328347337284576 13 ? 15 she 1.2520280213385888 " the very thing ! " cried unc ' billy , and like a flash back came his old-time grin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 billy 0.9912150639848996 2 the 4 thing 0.9122291969928451 3 very 4 thing 2.214523231301051 4 thing 5 ! 1.2630891153115016 5 ! 10 billy 2.0204652730125403 5 ! 7 cried 4.743957976292686 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 8 unc 10 billy 9.19308924154302 8 unc 9 ' 3.9798001185742837 10 billy 20 grin 5.672671218248421 11 , 19 old-time 0.9435452410615355 12 and 19 old-time 1.5829635589905315 13 like 19 old-time 4.836954307348925 14 a 15 flash 3.227647877984406 15 flash 19 old-time 9.638578607634944 16 back 19 old-time 4.616654769080185 17 came 19 old-time 4.2936791136127646 18 his 19 old-time 2.1746946271639374 19 old-time 20 grin 10.435551511165425 20 grin 21 . 1.5181150688771297 xxiv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxiv 2.2898256526861793 unc ' billy possum gives a party 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 4 possum 9.3510072550222 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 possum 5 gives 6.5292428146772 5 gives 7 party 5.513402807477316 5 gives 6 a 1.8210022102474852 at first unc ' billy had been afraid that no one would come . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 come 0.45549376292818344 1 at 2 first 3.0642688108353635 2 first 6 had 1.012395843036657 3 unc 5 billy 9.19308924154302 3 unc 4 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 billy 6 had 1.1149395284327888 6 had 7 been 3.8301500596883944 6 had 13 come 1.7334935119989794 8 afraid 12 would 2.140291986216372 9 that 12 would 1.6180247609774892 9 that 10 no 0.5357177371332185 10 no 11 one 2.611222192281094 12 would 13 come 1.993072568722969 13 come 14 . 0.0658053250727253 of course that meant that unc ' billy must take them around himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 6 unc 2.5867041900928527 2 course 4 meant 2.609277881828877 3 that 4 meant 1.6318954319533248 4 meant 5 that 1.3382022123357409 6 unc 8 billy 9.19308924154302 6 unc 7 ' 3.9798001185742837 8 billy 12 around 1.6267587387699365 8 billy 13 himself 1.1832959156422653 9 must 12 around 0.5710923583968714 9 must 10 take 2.086515702349981 10 take 11 them 1.2906711715998114 13 himself 14 . 0.6673551505339343 my , but that was hard work ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 my 7 work 0.9801846172530766 1 my 8 ! 0.9633104018688687 2 , 3 but 1.025230194614105 3 but 5 was 0.8769417879204653 4 that 5 was 1.2600580293094676 5 was 6 hard 1.2641688530908262 6 hard 7 work 5.386038020149108 it took him two whole days . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 took 0.4850241738453942 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 2 took 6 days 1.8161543638596918 2 took 3 him 1.4753454506038395 4 two 6 days 4.326703866987643 5 whole 6 days 3.207336390779286 6 days 7 . 0.36844078149205295 in the first place there were so many to see . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 there 0.9622068167745255 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 first 0.35613908124313376 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 see 0.3038319414383359 1 in 2 the 1.1613034400066837 2 the 3 first 1.5516170441444306 3 first 4 place 2.80866190257694 5 there 8 many 2.504838425491375 5 there 6 were 2.013603566189328 7 so 8 many 2.9575221928923234 9 to 10 see 1.81043644982023 10 see 11 . 0.013201096326046269 then unc ' billy would make another low bow and hurry on to the next one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 9 bow 1.1216082660004574 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 2 unc 8 low 3.002171495201491 4 billy 5 would 0.5143042438054621 5 would 6 make 1.9728092651826756 6 make 7 another 1.2007627116541109 8 low 9 bow 6.868184138375639 9 bow 11 hurry 4.037583736889136 9 bow 15 next 2.1391401689472858 9 bow 10 and 1.4553183177391062 9 bow 17 . 0.5008387874165336 9 bow 16 one 0.45468412392344604 12 on 14 the 1.3666129714665534 13 to 14 the 0.3667201796407351 14 the 15 next 1.9282489224560901 mistah buzzard had found sammy jay in the far-away old pasture , and sammy had moved back to the green forest that very day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 moved 0.3166948579495745 1 mistah 2 buzzard 12.170812833732263 2 buzzard 16 moved 5.119651865211377 3 had 4 found 1.8041505261405 4 found 9 far-away 3.7706382266534746 5 sammy 6 jay 9.77475508855667 6 jay 9 far-away 6.983226779022388 7 in 9 far-away 1.4709842825579216 7 in 8 the 1.1613034400066837 9 far-away 11 pasture 9.070384320294675 10 old 11 pasture 5.702793430861529 11 pasture 16 moved 4.629629650907457 11 pasture 13 and 1.0965211806668194 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 sammy 16 moved 4.007344952983555 14 sammy 15 had 1.4862442344428253 16 moved 21 forest 1.8937238454173446 17 back 21 forest 1.6631973550172106 17 back 18 to 1.3967263723079633 19 the 21 forest 2.352946321469986 20 green 21 forest 8.1998228972977 21 forest 25 . 1.036274920084331 22 that 23 very 0.47273613260794 23 very 25 . 0.3823591548163865 23 very 24 day 0.9213573182845067 such a good time as everybody did have ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 2 a 2.6388379146949603 1 such 5 as 2.4485722642216565 1 such 9 ! 1.1764531675937313 2 a 3 good 1.8924332050807688 3 good 4 time 1.7722707932634734 5 as 7 did 1.2505142214733915 5 as 6 everybody 0.5807868121080162 8 have 9 ! -0.0944234348724553 there were heaps and heaps of good things to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 5 heaps 2.1523261883238476 1 there 2 were 2.013603566189328 3 heaps 5 heaps 9.351434697795074 3 heaps 4 and 1.10932246288991 5 heaps 8 things 5.611064842480605 5 heaps 10 eat 3.538666279551105 5 heaps 7 good 3.5248862105041603 5 heaps 6 of 3.382998557084175 9 to 10 eat 2.419166420524629 10 eat 11 . 0.6924286147624255 they danced and played hide and seek . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 danced 2.541074322313559 2 danced 4 played 5.470687725584668 3 and 4 played 1.1295746509293174 4 played 7 seek 5.467353985094643 5 hide 7 seek 8.362567278231214 6 and 7 seek 1.262471696218686 7 seek 8 . 0.5059903776906367 finally unc ' billy climbed up on a stump . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 5 climbed 4.669041788404087 2 unc 4 billy 9.19308924154302 2 unc 5 climbed 5.0031240835760755 2 unc 3 ' 3.9798001185742837 5 climbed 9 stump 5.327592263029505 5 climbed 6 up 4.42871312656149 7 on 9 stump 2.971353274620796 8 a 9 stump 1.425328545824101 9 stump 10 . 1.1292266327800746 he was dressed in his finest suit , and he wore his broadest grin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 dressed 2.0086888450536797 3 dressed 7 suit 6.7898694349382005 3 dressed 6 finest 6.65031808253941 3 dressed 4 in 2.5464074941299337 5 his 6 finest 1.526996371094814 7 suit 13 broadest 8.082680669458238 8 , 10 he 0.5080875377005949 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 he 11 wore 1.0284177180905907 11 wore 13 broadest 9.840435903462737 12 his 13 broadest 4.269331501302009 13 broadest 14 grin 10.670016764802444 13 broadest 15 . 1.7218835252912328 everybody crowded around to hear what unc ' billy was about to say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 everybody 2 crowded 3.6792180158934435 1 everybody 10 was 1.3140217043632987 1 everybody 11 about 0.9070353633925841 1 everybody 13 say 0.6748465247976831 1 everybody 14 . 0.10310102671927801 2 crowded 7 unc 4.43439875577786 2 crowded 3 around 5.468393143101348 2 crowded 5 hear 3.0265431709419808 4 to 5 hear 1.8018262537402165 5 hear 6 what 1.5910909380632745 7 unc 9 billy 9.19308924154302 7 unc 8 ' 3.9798001185742837 12 to 13 say 1.5454691794447797 " mah friends and neighbors , " said unc ' billy , " ah have a great surprise fo ' yo'alls . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 ah 2.101878867830969 1 " 14 ah 2.305127488456014 2 mah 14 ah 6.79605784698585 2 mah 9 unc 7.418838470850638 2 mah 5 neighbors 7.271487161144357 2 mah 7 " 1.4591387615447253 3 friends 5 neighbors 6.775879266658343 3 friends 4 and 0.6090930106635248 6 , 7 " 0.6466805192388225 7 " 8 said 2.1846753891302146 9 unc 11 billy 9.19308924154302 9 unc 10 ' 3.9798001185742837 12 , 13 " 0.6466805192388225 13 " 14 ah 2.305127488456014 14 ah 21 yo'alls 7.407257143233192 15 have 21 yo'alls 2.379918360002346 16 a 17 great 2.39190469798403 17 great 21 yo'alls 4.8712887074431634 18 surprise 21 yo'alls 8.012658752880025 19 fo 21 yo'alls 10.723248931621935 19 fo 20 ' 4.125176369604485 21 yo'alls 23 " 2.670804776288115 22 . 23 " 4.467019939707924 then he stepped down , and everybody began to wonder and to guess what the surprise could be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 8 began 2.762873423636428 1 then 3 stepped 2.5314199560538064 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 stepped 7 everybody 2.7259107810089027 3 stepped 4 down 1.158814508346719 3 stepped 6 and 0.9795545879195835 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 8 began 10 wonder 3.6623875147007716 8 began 9 to 2.775473939384737 8 began 19 . 0.36747082176751533 10 wonder 14 what 3.533491113640469 10 wonder 16 surprise 3.025593421977568 10 wonder 17 could 1.1220554518241137 11 and 14 what 0.2539381876086999 11 and 12 to 0.11639092271091656 13 guess 14 what 1.8189232879070616 15 the 16 surprise 0.01560121554398819 17 could 18 be 1.9342191241857787 xxv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxv 2.344930252126634 unc ' billy possum's surprise 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 possum's 1.5752278715484316 1 unc 4 possum's 10.245345478674448 2 ' 4 possum's 4.3443826637686485 3 billy 4 possum's 9.68947950593498 4 possum's 5 surprise 11.786313369443189 everybody was asking everybody else what the surprise could be which unc ' billy had said he had for them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 everybody 8 surprise 2.7108342199551707 1 everybody 2 was 1.3140217043632987 3 asking 8 surprise 3.4178069079355 3 asking 5 else 3.1975470738918617 3 asking 6 what 1.4794483697088374 3 asking 7 the 0.5901817721889557 4 everybody 5 else 5.520321729305582 8 surprise 12 unc 4.595423697896937 8 surprise 19 for 1.4453685691145743 8 surprise 21 . 1.0051820724874716 8 surprise 11 which 0.9671099444938456 8 surprise 9 could 0.2563058417120523 9 could 10 be 1.9342191241857787 12 unc 14 billy 9.19308924154302 12 unc 13 ' 3.9798001185742837 14 billy 18 had 1.1149395284327888 14 billy 15 had 1.1149395284327888 16 said 17 he 0.6185839486337201 17 he 18 had 1.735007688287725 20 them 21 . 0.8864773153321437 after he had made his speech , he had scurried out of sight , and no one could find him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 after 2 he 0.8001356922093965 2 he 10 scurried 2.455257518986798 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 4 made 10 scurried 3.897860878607627 5 his 10 scurried 2.2153366116612823 6 speech 10 scurried 8.472577368148894 7 , 8 he 0.5080875377005949 8 he 10 scurried 2.455257518986798 8 he 9 had 1.735007688287725 10 scurried 13 sight 5.787245988516734 10 scurried 18 could 2.8466017867362545 10 scurried 16 no 2.4798847751819615 10 scurried 15 and 1.2898947085317367 11 out 13 sight 4.4007149169268835 11 out 12 of 2.138624548858049 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 16 no 17 one 2.611222192281094 18 could 19 find 2.9514382973294353 19 find 20 him 0.9635668707243426 20 him 21 . 0.8676779267655075 sammy jay became greatly excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 4 greatly 3.7544080885265068 3 became 4 greatly 3.875476923627062 4 greatly 5 excited 6.58046739204886 5 excited 6 . 1.1448166085021043 " there ! " he cried ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 7 ! 0.8182193278517804 1 " 2 there 0.39068616144878376 3 ! 6 cried 4.743957976292686 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 3 ! 5 he 0.9615561911892261 " you heard that when you was standing right in front of me and talking to me , jerry muskrat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 you 1.0774489925638644 2 you 15 talking 1.215404439796636 3 heard 15 talking 2.8072443622424537 4 that 7 was 1.2600580293094676 5 when 7 was 1.257224530506667 5 when 6 you 0.4995056068091106 7 was 8 standing 2.500406516881064 8 standing 15 talking 2.788000713179006 8 standing 11 front 4.494438400612065 9 right 11 front 4.075321946275036 10 in 11 front 3.523451702452057 11 front 12 of 2.89173232674095 11 front 14 and 0.7665787572567808 11 front 13 me 0.48171708163827276 15 talking 20 muskrat 2.7575176844438367 15 talking 16 to 1.4319240639209134 16 to 17 me 1.06718172908033 18 , 19 jerry 0.6055186426095247 19 jerry 20 muskrat 10.20890526194098 20 muskrat 21 . 0.7601987172124858 you know that i wasn't making a sound ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 wasn't 0.8420327990733956 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 you 2 know 2.570776785774047 2 know 3 that 1.300924681937678 3 that 5 wasn't 1.169790815289275 4 i 5 wasn't 0.9687734589538408 5 wasn't 8 sound 2.7474234151422685 6 making 8 sound 4.67394170709753 7 a 8 sound 1.8754435829123892 i told you that i hadn't been screaming in the night , and this proves it ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 told 1.1177463482143448 2 told 8 screaming 2.262787123719189 2 told 4 that 1.816349700926871 2 told 3 you 1.326257484312542 5 i 6 hadn't 1.525937372236502 6 hadn't 8 screaming 4.103652389043063 6 hadn't 7 been 4.069332944953075 8 screaming 11 night 3.9558399017248753 8 screaming 17 ! 1.5630969622911195 9 in 10 the 1.1613034400066837 10 the 11 night 0.9182531493261905 11 night 15 proves 3.8836510311658117 11 night 13 and 0.6241262639738405 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 this 15 proves 3.545765098779281 15 proves 16 it 0.557063213567563 17 ! 18 " 2.8038844676111605 jerry muskrat looked as if he couldn't believe his own ears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 jerry 2 muskrat 10.20890526194098 1 jerry 7 couldn't 1.658862854153334 3 looked 4 as 1.5593998283974404 4 as 6 he 1.5279784143694588 4 as 5 if 2.776143507537343 6 he 7 couldn't 2.184206095579082 7 couldn't 8 believe 2.948253796692967 8 believe 11 ears 3.8316073102588284 9 his 11 ears 3.6254128810696216 10 own 11 ears 3.440404368061479 11 ears 12 . 1.073941286362988 just then the voice of sticky-toes the tree toad began to croak " it 's going to rain ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 2 then 6 sticky-toes 2.555465430020462 3 the 4 voice 0.467879486557365 4 voice 6 sticky-toes 6.491722029720105 5 of 6 sticky-toes 2.3249412324197287 6 sticky-toes 12 croak 10.591117772697206 6 sticky-toes 9 toad 9.23429029016545 6 sticky-toes 8 tree 8.218811558096515 7 the 8 tree 1.7164199707292305 10 began 12 croak 5.733516584085162 10 began 11 to 2.775473939384737 12 croak 18 rain 7.690310025237686 12 croak 16 going 3.779321309200288 12 croak 19 ! 3.589431110104581 12 croak 15 's 1.111790749684392 13 " 15 's 0.47415569605254504 14 it 15 's 1.695106683077423 16 going 17 to 2.6873711669000304 it 's going to rain ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 5 rain 1.4879010525446539 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 3 going 5 rain 3.6097665979271376 3 going 4 to 2.6873711669000304 5 rain 6 ! 0.9950082801343605 it 's going to rain ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 1 it 5 rain 1.4879010525446539 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 3 going 5 rain 3.6097665979271376 3 going 4 to 2.6873711669000304 5 rain 6 ! 0.9950082801343605 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 the voice seemed to come out of that very same hemlock-tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 11 hemlock-tree 0.8717187792313439 2 voice 3 seemed 2.9348438231703504 3 seemed 5 come 1.2377549890363007 3 seemed 4 to 2.326680747988899 5 come 11 hemlock-tree 2.6253061886130347 6 out 11 hemlock-tree 3.5479133343462586 6 out 7 of 2.138624548858049 8 that 11 hemlock-tree 1.505410701873803 9 very 11 hemlock-tree 2.008651337239481 10 same 11 hemlock-tree 5.086099064397967 11 hemlock-tree 12 . 0.8295242484792027 it was sticky-toes himself , and he had dropped from another tree altogether . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 13 altogether 1.1789368674335279 3 sticky-toes 12 tree 8.218811558096515 3 sticky-toes 9 dropped 6.183401190604066 3 sticky-toes 4 himself 4.819643802630335 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 6 and 9 dropped 0.9323904530012257 7 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 8 had 9 dropped 1.7774182760185298 10 from 12 tree 2.930607840401752 11 another 12 tree 1.6730870136550635 12 tree 13 altogether 2.2239328306932435 13 altogether 14 . 0.8662273884734688 " you hear it ! " he shrieked , dancing up and down he was so angry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 he 0.7006048185438587 1 " 8 shrieked 1.6340288392356257 2 you 3 hear 1.7152968817342913 3 hear 8 shrieked 3.0482909807565015 3 hear 4 it 1.3044197867325025 5 ! 8 shrieked 5.2403037295597805 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 7 he 8 shrieked 1.2853325175444859 8 shrieked 10 dancing 6.356583689831819 8 shrieked 9 , 1.0111760359660735 10 dancing 11 up 2.954018151692175 10 dancing 13 down 2.5522958642591114 11 up 12 and 1.0590043195670393 14 he 17 angry 1.31687255635752 15 was 17 angry 2.307243973670449 16 so 17 angry 1.4855665858308065 17 angry 18 . 0.7516130998637713 " you hear it ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 you 1.0774489925638644 2 you 3 hear 1.7152968817342913 3 hear 4 it 1.3044197867325025 3 hear 5 ! 0.9130700694817904 it isn't me , is it ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 isn't 1.002897857253009 1 it 2 isn't 2.542840456047969 2 isn't 7 ? 2.600545328249643 2 isn't 6 it 1.8930775194592933 3 me 4 , 0.44704990407605116 4 , 5 is 0.10967806833826899 5 is 6 it 0.19251154250702385 that 's my voice , yet it isn't mine , because i 'm right here ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 here 0.49999844072943134 1 that 2 's 1.1346800697624513 2 's 4 voice 1.628703560125114 2 's 3 my 0.018842225925277845 4 voice 14 right 1.551617336581792 5 , 8 isn't 0.4975781929108489 6 yet 8 isn't 0.9217602892605186 7 it 8 isn't 2.542840456047969 8 isn't 14 right 2.036004974314725 8 isn't 9 mine 1.735144866769481 9 mine 10 , 0.8470346257858576 11 because 13 'm 1.6552759171216636 12 i 13 'm 3.654262465176622 13 'm 14 right 1.2825681791238743 14 right 15 here 2.197232512680195 15 here 16 ! 1.3019654133796283 how can i be here and over there too ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 2 can 3.1357169084716627 1 how 10 ? 2.0023888363050837 2 can 4 be 1.95181533171424 3 i 4 be 0.6768855453260603 5 here 10 ? 1.2973357852852256 5 here 8 there 0.646754705633203 6 and 7 over 0.4452994847720575 7 over 8 there 1.2727583595731744 8 there 9 too 0.4199480393942103 tell me that ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 1 tell 2 me 3.3262481576645637 2 me 4 ! 1.3843858963622608 2 me 3 that 0.47316194559098435 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 no one could tell him , and sticky-toes continued to scold and sputter and swell himself up with anger . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 2 one 8 sticky-toes 2.5672253004980554 3 could 8 sticky-toes 3.1143394582470236 4 tell 8 sticky-toes 3.896476555737088 4 tell 5 him 1.6335640189025824 5 him 7 and 0.49816777991094163 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 sticky-toes 13 sputter 13.155902391480733 9 continued 13 sputter 9.942584794525043 10 to 13 sputter 3.052549508077224 11 scold 13 sputter 12.960506702522306 12 and 13 sputter 2.5829635589905315 13 sputter 15 swell 13.365958152971952 13 sputter 19 anger 10.73399817271363 13 sputter 16 himself 7.098179302004322 13 sputter 17 up 5.251698700332863 13 sputter 18 with 4.242333474789266 13 sputter 14 and 2.026860302697944 19 anger 20 . 0.9571169871683978 now no one knew that blacky the crow had come to the party , for blacky never goes abroad at night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 3 one 4 knew 0.7781330644585225 4 knew 5 that 2.5840220415164588 5 that 21 night 1.6804705698408728 6 blacky 8 crow 9.126376991927202 6 blacky 16 blacky 3.799493357333528 7 the 8 crow 1.9503846722445246 8 crow 13 party 3.188453360614716 8 crow 10 come 1.1521483011985012 9 had 10 come 1.7334935119989794 11 to 13 party 1.2968401915703183 12 the 13 party 1.327945879275596 13 party 15 for 0.7808506151099479 13 party 14 , 0.4205884089359735 16 blacky 19 abroad 3.5415344010295726 17 never 18 goes 2.3948658082732805 18 goes 19 abroad 5.283292121900455 19 abroad 21 night 3.797142155705817 20 at 21 night 1.7817186554150624 21 night 22 . 0.5301089935735313 " come out , blacky ! " they all shouted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 come 10 shouted 1.211026606368108 2 come 3 out 1.5903377112468462 4 , 10 shouted 0.8043728969509765 5 blacky 10 shouted 1.4740230420464648 6 ! 10 shouted 4.967379996560403 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 they 10 shouted 0.9824048307334614 8 they 9 all 1.334082204127343 10 shouted 11 . 0.7228706584401756 but no blacky appeared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 1 but 2 no 1.5130340843231664 2 no 4 appeared 1.774110418560273 3 blacky 4 appeared 1.6711153620862014 4 appeared 5 . 0.17467934822150966 instead out of that magic hemlock-tree poured a beautiful song , so beautiful that when it ended everybody clapped their hands . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 instead 0.2778530110201025 1 instead 6 hemlock-tree 6.202505628844737 2 out 6 hemlock-tree 3.5479133343462586 2 out 3 of 2.138624548858049 4 that 6 hemlock-tree 1.505410701873803 5 magic 6 hemlock-tree 7.600025366865548 6 hemlock-tree 7 poured 9.258218559988844 6 hemlock-tree 10 song 7.3368283946852095 6 hemlock-tree 9 beautiful 5.104167637894935 6 hemlock-tree 8 a 1.7111195516207438 6 hemlock-tree 22 . 0.8295242484792027 10 song 17 ended 6.075149268463427 11 , 12 so 0.1710801994976361 12 so 13 beautiful 1.8259643183754193 13 beautiful 17 ended 2.0356529702234916 14 that 17 ended 0.4635905261791784 15 when 17 ended 3.419069446235479 16 it 17 ended 1.1502742712993062 17 ended 19 clapped 6.481175526447306 18 everybody 19 clapped 4.010558435118149 19 clapped 21 hands 8.232353856353857 19 clapped 20 their 4.329757242757307 no one had ever heard anything like it , and when it ended every one shouted for more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 17 for 0.5698042275494384 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 3 had 5 heard 2.2644521069312997 4 ever 5 heard 3.532882363139862 5 heard 8 it 0.8714920970538813 5 heard 6 anything 2.00639914129394 6 anything 7 like 2.399681871023649 8 it 13 ended 1.1502742712993062 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 10 and 13 ended 0.36057113765408033 11 when 13 ended 3.419069446235479 12 it 13 ended 1.1502742712993062 13 ended 14 every 3.6917308022474664 13 ended 16 shouted 3.6904034885853 13 ended 17 for 1.337693051588431 14 every 15 one 3.4259854658400464 17 for 19 . 0.2860888971907851 18 more 19 . 0.4470583792760703 even sticky-toes the tree toad forgot his ill temper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sticky-toes 0.48776503029808893 1 even 2 sticky-toes 3.6532084771158964 2 sticky-toes 5 toad 9.23429029016545 2 sticky-toes 4 tree 8.218811558096515 2 sticky-toes 8 ill 6.393243523633753 2 sticky-toes 6 forgot 5.9230817704273555 2 sticky-toes 7 his 2.917497652155653 3 the 4 tree 1.7164199707292305 8 ill 9 temper 3.696705442622285 9 temper 10 . 0.8397200155850939 instead of more music , out from the hemlock-tree flew a stranger . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 instead 0.2778530110201025 1 instead 9 hemlock-tree 6.202505628844737 1 instead 2 of 3.1350053606047315 3 more 9 hemlock-tree 2.8886064135199057 4 music 9 hemlock-tree 6.907105697345596 4 music 5 , 0.31780695873556297 6 out 9 hemlock-tree 3.5479133343462586 7 from 9 hemlock-tree 3.3107505492344167 7 from 8 the 1.256185433253279 9 hemlock-tree 12 stranger 6.658035322328917 9 hemlock-tree 10 flew 6.4353339396376334 9 hemlock-tree 11 a 1.7111195516207438 9 hemlock-tree 13 . 0.8295242484792027 he was about the size of sammy jay and wore a modest gray suit with white trimmings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 5 size 0.8534106195757687 3 about 5 size 3.5662717916406983 4 the 5 size 1.043302241645911 5 size 8 jay 4.430327989087651 5 size 6 of 2.3250716478044815 7 sammy 8 jay 9.77475508855667 8 jay 12 modest 7.77935444565674 9 and 12 modest 0.47862689917579715 10 wore 12 modest 6.711851697401325 10 wore 11 a 1.6425477443754026 12 modest 17 trimmings 13.080800936240013 13 gray 17 trimmings 9.019400391575875 14 suit 17 trimmings 9.795398717377768 15 with 17 trimmings 4.436591956577299 16 white 17 trimmings 8.22579708229647 17 trimmings 18 . 2.4874182716542137 unc ' billy wore his broadest grin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 unc 0.8360647216779782 1 unc 6 broadest 6.3627024293126055 1 unc 3 billy 9.19308924154302 1 unc 2 ' 3.9798001185742837 4 wore 6 broadest 9.840435903462737 5 his 6 broadest 4.269331501302009 6 broadest 7 grin 10.670016764802444 6 broadest 8 . 1.7218835252912328 we uns is right sorry fo ' the trouble we uns have made . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 0.9482686439870296 1 we 2 uns 5.505640816493628 2 uns 6 fo 11.667724953294456 2 uns 5 sorry 7.919468198363315 2 uns 4 right 5.739693092456722 2 uns 13 made 5.676338083599166 2 uns 12 have 4.509800622339981 2 uns 3 is 3.1574976757427997 6 fo 11 uns 11.832873422796428 6 fo 7 ' 4.125176369604485 8 the 11 uns 0.4888616857016501 9 trouble 11 uns 8.003778849040923 10 we 11 uns 5.505640816493628 13 made 14 . 0.12694513310508526 it was all a joke , and now we asks yo ' pardon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 5 joke 1.6332475348834627 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 1 it 3 all 0.9413718508430762 4 a 5 joke 2.541842554550527 5 joke 10 asks 6.696345631234227 5 joke 14 . 0.8526138204457467 5 joke 6 , 0.7023217677814841 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 now 10 asks 1.5390519509562104 8 now 9 we 1.2998048361324521 10 asks 11 yo 7.29804798741549 10 asks 13 pardon 7.217482506111825 11 yo 12 ' 4.052548569517089 mah friend mistah mockah would like to stay here and live , if yo'alls is willing , " said unc ' billy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 yo'alls 0.8026383676515003 1 mah 4 mockah 11.315881280502811 2 friend 4 mockah 7.63126348473563 3 mistah 4 mockah 12.039155009599394 4 mockah 8 stay 7.4962740976211855 4 mockah 6 like 4.502674410567597 4 mockah 5 would 4.299904613222548 7 to 8 stay 1.8445727763788362 8 stay 14 yo'alls 6.559143603423731 8 stay 9 here 4.986944054624484 8 stay 10 and 0.45813409116623305 11 live 14 yo'alls 6.662265893845639 12 , 13 if 0.40042020387430455 13 if 14 yo'alls 2.79256872257751 14 yo'alls 16 willing 9.063266276947505 14 yo'alls 20 unc 8.185719642921132 14 yo'alls 18 " 2.670804776288115 14 yo'alls 15 is 2.0579620021918856 17 , 18 " 0.6466805192388225 18 " 19 said 2.1846753891302146 20 unc 22 billy 9.19308924154302 20 unc 21 ' 3.9798001185742837 22 billy 23 . 0.45585700976227805 xxvi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xxvi 2.405302870106116 mr . mocker makes himself at home 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 mocker 0.6804101082404834 1 mr 3 mocker 6.764253037730299 2 . 3 mocker 5.007035719373931 3 mocker 4 makes 7.142883445010874 3 mocker 5 himself 4.683141802725476 3 mocker 7 home 4.249011795872217 3 mocker 6 at 2.775168713744044 while they were talking the matter over , mr mocker began to sing again that wonderful song of his . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 mocker 0.6804101082404834 1 while 4 talking 3.4753074819159906 2 they 3 were 3.2736646255414907 3 were 4 talking 2.7074025498923504 4 talking 10 mocker 5.8822906494937754 5 the 6 matter 1.6108601015296085 6 matter 10 mocker 4.861965729321984 7 over 10 mocker 2.4679591424193283 8 , 9 mr 0.5022150510440095 9 mr 10 mocker 6.764253037730299 10 mocker 13 sing 6.573695756050089 10 mocker 19 his 1.558603230914347 11 began 13 sing 5.074988988679351 11 began 12 to 2.775473939384737 13 sing 17 song 7.671000085327314 13 sing 14 again 2.491887184648757 15 that 16 wonderful 0.8152659644605897 16 wonderful 17 song 2.577432466849995 17 song 18 of 1.3307552863080652 19 his 20 . 0.4811614129737549 it was so beautiful that by the time it was ended , every one was ready to grant the pardon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 16 ready 1.748383142511372 3 so 4 beautiful 1.8259643183754193 4 beautiful 11 ended 2.0356529702234916 5 that 10 was 1.2600580293094676 6 by 8 time 2.2300329846717943 6 by 7 the 1.0393901856171475 8 time 10 was 0.7569335447628678 9 it 10 was 1.776593012608254 10 was 11 ended 1.569617653575179 11 ended 16 ready 2.707946388294328 11 ended 13 every 3.6917308022474664 11 ended 12 , 0.4246188682970029 13 every 14 one 3.4259854658400464 15 was 16 ready 1.748383142511372 16 ready 20 pardon 3.8494579966350067 16 ready 17 to 1.8852009908850302 16 ready 21 . 0.6462105307619019 18 grant 20 pardon 5.632520005390663 18 grant 19 the -0.5175516726272065 of course they heard all about the party the next morning and were very anxious indeed to see the stranger with the wonderful voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 4 heard 1.431527316614762 3 they 4 heard 1.3022364944588247 4 heard 6 about 1.8763815942230373 5 all 6 about 2.2762306191684267 6 about 8 party 1.2186472137708755 7 the 8 party 1.327945879275596 8 party 15 anxious 3.6576964474548284 8 party 23 wonderful 3.720192373188592 9 the 10 next 1.9282489224560901 10 next 11 morning 6.228702282209989 11 morning 15 anxious 3.048261659506146 12 and 13 were 0.7318878971714131 13 were 15 anxious 1.803544360997865 14 very 15 anxious 2.8409731748136586 15 anxious 16 indeed 4.143464434319011 15 anxious 17 to 1.9312865123183833 17 to 18 see 1.81043644982023 19 the 20 stranger 1.8630408881593468 20 stranger 23 wonderful 2.8696532720711936 21 with 23 wonderful 1.13703167471839 22 the 23 wonderful 0.3612800640530267 23 wonderful 24 voice 2.581284792345599 24 voice 25 . 0.8478630205323796 of course mr mocker had to show off his wonderful voice to each one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 4 mocker 4.981246659215838 3 mr 4 mocker 6.764253037730299 4 mocker 10 wonderful 7.019400391575875 4 mocker 7 show 5.768312537238959 4 mocker 11 voice 4.320502838243186 4 mocker 8 off 3.629589824407688 4 mocker 5 had 2.8868649609527957 4 mocker 14 one 1.9331167044907964 4 mocker 9 his 1.558603230914347 4 mocker 15 . 0.22438386582041758 6 to 7 show 2.043047640310066 12 to 13 each 0.6463668066845223 13 each 14 one 1.9877152797378628 so he soon made himself at home and , because he was happy , he would sing all day long . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 so 2 he 0.9566864029452766 2 he 4 made 0.9628306321154412 3 soon 4 made 0.9114890545382934 4 made 20 long 0.8404582161932517 4 made 5 himself 1.9472250599619798 6 at 7 home 2.2115619892514626 6 at 18 all 1.9101156124848444 7 home 8 and 0.6597741371959636 9 , 10 because 0.5055908043911348 10 because 13 happy 1.3791156990935285 10 because 11 he 1.6134711134543167 12 was 13 happy 1.281616550335933 13 happy 18 all 0.6986172733155342 13 happy 17 sing 2.1940767191908144 14 , 15 he 0.5080875377005949 15 he 16 would 1.3645954036822268 16 would 17 sing 0.7323935020691437 18 all 19 day 2.007828074516162 19 day 20 long 1.8882261953513755 20 long 21 . 0.15729866099026424 and sometimes , when the moon was shining , he woke up in the night and would sing for very joy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sometimes 0.7626315448486718 1 and 2 sometimes 0.6900656041999156 2 sometimes 11 woke 3.050242911421268 2 sometimes 18 sing 2.6513591326484764 2 sometimes 17 would 1.7698854125996952 3 , 11 woke 0.5405805740832612 4 when 11 woke 3.9265531942789167 5 the 6 moon 2.2767052200894575 6 moon 8 shining 6.6214287183249425 7 was 8 shining 1.6723772280003821 8 shining 11 woke 4.857102317402944 9 , 11 woke 0.5405805740832612 10 he 11 woke 1.7370284874021777 11 woke 12 up 4.618660548834729 11 woke 15 night 3.6095151525300473 11 woke 16 and 1.7218763488840096 13 in 14 the 1.1613034400066837 14 the 15 night 0.9182531493261905 18 sing 21 joy 5.028683591580155 19 for 21 joy 2.3166420935357337 20 very 21 joy 0.13186958985529174 21 joy 22 . 0.5265382873974538 it was great fun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 4 fun 1.860018396730485 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 great 4 fun 4.428480036606533 4 fun 5 . 0.6488419818625122 finally he thought of grandfather frog , who is very old and very wise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 5 grandfather 1.3184324394479603 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 2 he 3 thought 1.3670260759711912 3 thought 4 of 1.3441635669759684 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 6 frog 14 wise 4.401340264158087 6 frog 15 . 0.622092755808108 7 , 8 who 0.7573564620449389 8 who 14 wise 1.4852921509928372 9 is 14 wise 2.1575446911966196 10 very 14 wise 4.312537642032019 11 old 14 wise 2.13334968370253 12 and 14 wise 0.37715402184968383 13 very 14 wise 4.312537642032019 " he 'll know , " said peter , as off he posted to the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 he 13 posted 2.2991383170695165 3 'll 4 know 0.306418583823298 4 know 7 said 0.21349765122868014 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 13 posted 2.223966653436971 8 peter 13 posted 4.43309486031119 9 , 13 posted 0.4130305243627532 10 as 13 posted 2.1111159373688544 11 off 13 posted 5.125024698147563 12 he 13 posted 2.2991383170695165 13 posted 17 pool 7.529180899358131 13 posted 14 to 1.8236240267968675 13 posted 18 . 1.1463813538191445 15 the 17 pool 2.2980304314762776 16 smiling 17 pool 9.99688962068163 now grandfather frog was feeling out of sorts that morning . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 grandfather 1.134068116341286 2 grandfather 3 frog 9.27687376659811 3 frog 8 sorts 3.183123518792833 4 was 5 feeling 1.2589753662343348 5 feeling 8 sorts 4.596761294433318 6 out 8 sorts 3.5972410467098257 6 out 7 of 2.138624548858049 8 sorts 10 morning 2.5966621481405454 8 sorts 11 . 0.67258822903446 9 that 10 morning 0.6261473977849619 " chugarum ! " replied grandfather frog crossly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chugarum 2.1322843756996974 1 " 2 chugarum 3.7797999789691588 2 chugarum 6 grandfather 8.590068379804254 2 chugarum 8 crossly 8.454298313215563 2 chugarum 5 replied 5.332425755523502 2 chugarum 3 ! 5.219974645134631 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 8 crossly 9 . 1.6639159270200103 " go ask mr buzzard , " and that was all that peter could get out of him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 ask 0.4307522095633409 2 go 3 ask 2.3849090711087015 3 ask 5 buzzard 2.3287561798677636 3 ask 18 him 2.2564440877314915 4 mr 5 buzzard 2.828555594061406 5 buzzard 13 peter 1.1594688833795033 5 buzzard 15 get 1.1158704551797456 6 , 7 " 0.6466805192388225 7 " 13 peter 1.2707344244317174 8 and 11 all 0.48908058405982757 9 that 11 all 0.4866068437376079 9 that 10 was 1.2600580293094676 11 all 12 that 0.5033446526969154 12 that 13 peter 0.42059312068369614 14 could 15 get 2.5903383122444907 15 get 16 out 2.153597640100301 16 out 17 of 2.138624548858049 18 him 19 . 0.8676779267655075 ol ' mistah buzzard laughed when he heard that some folks said that mr mocker had not come by his voice honestly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 mocker 0.6804101082404834 1 ol 3 mistah 11.772540580806826 1 ol 2 ' 4.034550903259408 3 mistah 4 buzzard 12.170812833732263 3 mistah 15 mocker 11.273620263236417 4 buzzard 5 laughed 3.122472384273756 4 buzzard 8 heard 1.974675041161266 6 when 8 heard 2.7253037340176967 6 when 7 he 1.8647931372101283 9 that 15 mocker 1.2830182805373518 10 some 11 folks 4.608538416024448 11 folks 15 mocker 5.8337104690487145 12 said 15 mocker 1.6145511089912752 13 that 15 mocker 1.2830182805373518 14 mr 15 mocker 6.764253037730299 15 mocker 21 voice 4.320502838243186 15 mocker 19 by 3.3973485721194976 15 mocker 16 had 2.8868649609527957 15 mocker 18 come 2.7899807033454564 15 mocker 17 not 1.2118665749751791 20 his 21 voice 2.4241643054159248 21 voice 22 honestly 3.6051800795033877 21 voice 23 . 0.8478630205323796 " there isn't a word of truth in it , brer rabbit , " he declared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 declared 1.802173240471486 2 there 3 isn't 2.542521468609767 3 isn't 11 brer 2.154475394631259 4 a 5 word 2.195100285073549 5 word 11 brer 4.396331802015471 5 word 6 of 1.0445580506337322 7 truth 11 brer 4.129146671722541 7 truth 9 it 0.55985026156727 7 truth 8 in 0.39871185034834866 10 , 11 brer 1.0714627159822712 11 brer 12 rabbit 6.122005416353918 11 brer 16 declared 4.9806877594085 13 , 16 declared 1.1954994859511174 14 " 16 declared 1.802173240471486 15 he 16 declared 0.46689743454266974 16 declared 17 . 0.8076775461809582 " yo ' go tell all your friends that mistah mockah is the best loved of all the birds way down souf . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yo 1.0096306956942023 1 " 2 yo 1.9461759133304 2 yo 5 tell 2.2603704677801133 2 yo 3 ' 4.052548569517089 4 go 5 tell 1.2549815703976357 5 tell 11 mockah 5.398976896266269 6 all 11 mockah 3.500760894747728 7 your 11 mockah 4.5865395514194525 8 friends 11 mockah 8.012918463959192 9 that 11 mockah 2.2005561203453787 10 mistah 11 mockah 12.039155009599394 11 mockah 15 loved 8.12517208488119 11 mockah 14 best 6.745799029324662 11 mockah 17 all 3.463526466059598 11 mockah 12 is 3.1574976757427997 11 mockah 16 of 1.6420448607490812 13 the 14 best 1.4382396595018232 17 all 22 souf 3.085723395468886 18 the 19 birds 1.9272316888111192 19 birds 22 souf 8.767260626845374 20 way 22 souf 6.767362862259148 21 down 22 souf 6.854428303994101 22 souf 24 " 1.1853779491178784 23 . 24 " 4.467019939707924 and this is all for the present about the adventures of mr mocker the mocking-bird . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 is 0.828513342774535 1 and 3 is -0.26213086915598893 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 3 is 15 mocking-bird 2.412263828818414 3 is 4 all 0.6162434192716031 5 for 7 present 2.1944225914207927 6 the 7 present 0.898252621839351 7 present 13 mocker 7.018383224436004 8 about 13 mocker 2.3649409858320816 9 the 10 adventures 2.2225997728374587 10 adventures 13 mocker 9.725214585254967 10 adventures 11 of 3.1110611731912847 12 mr 13 mocker 6.764253037730299 13 mocker 15 mocking-bird 12.331344397890614 14 the 15 mocking-bird 1.4637707047388204 15 mocking-bird 16 . 2.4874182716542137 but others have had adventures , and one is jerry muskrat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 adventures 0.9073290298451973 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 others 5 adventures 2.7346847143913102 3 have 5 adventures 1.25365458735617 4 had 5 adventures 1.2217095802724884 5 adventures 11 muskrat 6.4305166187627165 6 , 10 jerry 0.6055186426095247 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 6 , 9 is 0.10967806833826899 8 one 9 is 0.16238277219399677 10 jerry 11 muskrat 10.20890526194098 11 muskrat 12 . 0.7601987172124858 the next book will tell all about them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 next 0.47718097766429857 1 the 2 next 1.9282489224560901 2 next 3 book 3.3237504156526434 3 book 7 about 1.768569098866248 4 will 5 tell 2.1976695151639056 5 tell 7 about 3.256908780878941 6 all 7 about 2.2762306191684267 7 about 8 them 1.2725867714405723 8 them 9 . 0.8864773153321437 the end 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 end -0.007097160356098087 1 the 2 end 1.7848185707758812 end of the project gutenberg ebook of the adventures of mr mocker by thornton w burgess 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 gutenberg 1.290844145521202 1 end 5 gutenberg 9.292313101421204 2 of 4 project 3.8199787557202924 3 the 4 project 2.1706505727157364 4 project 5 gutenberg 11.969647356378768 5 gutenberg 6 ebook 11.772256509276609 6 ebook 9 adventures 8.292728090415455 6 ebook 7 of 3.691970086080765 8 the 9 adventures 2.2225997728374587 9 adventures 12 mocker 9.725214585254967 9 adventures 10 of 3.1110611731912847 11 mr 12 mocker 6.764253037730299 12 mocker 14 thornton 9.350121604921245 13 by 14 thornton 6.733386326862174 14 thornton 15 w 14.30751147876013 15 w 16 burgess 14.44295340985757