e-text prepared by al haines 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 e-text 3.575227871548428 1 e-text 4 al 12.4981634884651 1 e-text 2 prepared 11.865252026299267 3 by 4 al 6.7952715666563215 4 al 5 haines 16.56783701627192 note : project gutenberg also has an html version of this file which includes the original illustrations . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 html 1.4800706385080886 1 note 4 gutenberg 7.7482616303876775 1 note 2 : 4.307395549042678 3 project 4 gutenberg 11.969647356378768 4 gutenberg 8 html 11.408056761601 5 also 8 html 9.22440297528307 6 has 8 html 6.611983444549384 7 an 8 html 6.410868903008275 8 html 9 version 14.894164207693603 8 html 14 includes 14.223541108356098 10 of 14 includes 3.1608653066741077 11 this 14 includes 5.281287276075819 12 file 14 includes 14.505940839056823 13 which 14 includes 6.76447385265568 14 includes 16 original 13.246485112575183 14 includes 17 illustrations 12.783238520253715 14 includes 15 the 1.9079326140867536 17 illustrations 18 . 1.3664028706928448 see 20877-h.htm or 20877-h.zip : ( @url@ or ( @url@ 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 20877-h.htm 2.575227871548428 1 see 2 20877-h.htm 7.971115356629841 2 20877-h.htm 4 20877-h.zip 19.189325393018184 2 20877-h.htm 3 or 7.820477941402572 4 20877-h.zip 10 @url@ 14.754697165381462 4 20877-h.zip 7 @url@ 14.754697165381462 4 20877-h.zip 9 ( 11.32979060663553 4 20877-h.zip 6 ( 11.32979060663553 4 20877-h.zip 5 : 7.032926248146602 7 @url@ 8 or 7.4054404421237265 mother west wind's children 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wind's 1.9902653708272737 1 mother 3 wind's 8.548063877746692 2 west 3 wind's 11.421141068241258 3 wind's 4 children 8.137210236595678 by 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 thornton w burgess 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 thornton 0.9839515968950714 1 thornton 2 w 14.30751147876013 2 w 3 burgess 14.44295340985757 author of " old mother west wind " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 author 1.8096931251854507 1 author 6 west 7.628419416359922 1 author 2 of 3.6964926447714532 1 author 8 " 2.4913645001362106 1 author 3 " 2.4913645001362106 4 old 6 west 4.333801015832179 5 mother 6 west 6.260487287650108 6 west 7 wind 8.453050316196002 illustrated by george kerr 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 illustrated 2.1731294279770808 1 illustrated 4 kerr 14.65016658191016 1 illustrated 2 by 6.613077263174933 3 george 4 kerr 10.270089606989838 [ frontispiece : " yap-yap-yap , " barked reddy fox , as loud as he could . ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.5816143142080943 1 [ 5 yap-yap-yap 8.647744733027015 2 frontispiece 5 yap-yap-yap 14.481966260937302 3 : 5 yap-yap-yap 6.9443050808277 4 " 5 yap-yap-yap 3.7189177368221387 5 yap-yap-yap 8 barked 13.559968772938578 5 yap-yap-yap 9 reddy 8.816460332905596 5 yap-yap-yap 10 fox 8.658675213268172 5 yap-yap-yap 7 " 2.7703404498390327 5 yap-yap-yap 6 , 2.570049307818568 10 fox 13 loud 3.268624276771437 11 , 12 as 0.3162541076793648 12 as 13 loud 1.9474781434403994 13 loud 16 could 3.389997794731766 13 loud 18 ] 2.681066361016999 13 loud 14 as 2.630966031568949 15 he 16 could 1.799559825235125 17 . 18 ] 4.323777367545958 grosset & dunlap publishers new york by arrangement with little , brown and company 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grosset 3.575227871548428 1 grosset 3 dunlap 18.019400391575875 2 & 3 dunlap 15.381970470960578 3 dunlap 4 publishers 15.763060638316087 3 dunlap 8 arrangement 14.831773388400098 3 dunlap 6 york 12.931937550325532 3 dunlap 5 new 8.368348700396947 3 dunlap 7 by 6.397348572119498 8 arrangement 12 brown 7.325891923307093 8 arrangement 14 company 6.781946969738101 8 arrangement 10 little 4.467457793068306 8 arrangement 9 with 3.8576696245539353 8 arrangement 11 , 1.6004229568620865 8 arrangement 13 and 1.4495513745202189 copyright , @number@ by thornton w burgess . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 copyright 2.1346552801624448 1 copyright 5 thornton 11.847621264392057 1 copyright 3 @number@ 8.620567647136745 1 copyright 2 , 1.9420180852055289 4 by 5 thornton 6.733386326862174 5 thornton 6 w 14.30751147876013 6 w 7 burgess 14.44295340985757 6 w 8 . -0.13316813879766443 all rights reserved 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 reserved 0.8382622773822206 1 all 3 reserved 4.949661845892855 2 rights 3 reserved 13.86508713744362 to 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 to -0.39251667198466933 all the little friends 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 4 friends 1.1145904563041142 1 all 2 the 0.7368478466298409 3 little 4 friends 0.9133922283596014 of 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 of -0.5496429035038002 johnny chuck and reddy fox , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 4 reddy 3.339254012540323 2 chuck 3 and 0.43007236657999215 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 5 fox 6 , -0.02919341728609659 and to 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 to -0.39251667198466933 1 and 2 to 0.11639092271091656 all who love the green meadows 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 6 meadows 1.1109473155360412 2 who 3 love 0.6857017003910961 3 love 6 meadows 1.1887320602434137 4 the 6 meadows 2.3225225762090123 5 green 6 meadows 8.640219315758674 and the smiling pool , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the -0.06339004823085581 1 and 2 the 0.25490521846622727 2 the 4 pool 2.2980304314762776 3 smiling 4 pool 9.99688962068163 4 pool 5 , -0.11347702738617826 the laughing brook and the merry little breezes , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 merry 0.2462008379583409 1 the 3 brook 2.4170322032995006 2 laughing 3 brook 9.342696177760082 3 brook 6 merry 3.669946370423421 3 brook 4 and 0.776959566012362 5 the 6 merry 1.7667336024132325 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 6 merry 9 , -0.011754236000243168 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 this little book is dedicated . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 dedicated 0.7339256175674862 1 this 5 dedicated 3.913916210427292 2 little 5 dedicated 3.0956903334375667 3 book 5 dedicated 9.018600507602955 4 is 5 dedicated 4.651334991301489 5 dedicated 6 . -0.5829710562371844 contents 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 contents 1.830787156820076 chapter 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 chapter 3.2900278099121643 i danny meadow mouse learns why his tail is short ii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 ii 2.4288383845669053 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 2 danny 3 meadow 9.760926773564673 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 3 meadow 5 learns 8.71005036276798 5 learns 11 ii 9.44954478324492 5 learns 10 short 7.077863653160463 5 learns 8 tail 7.001664027279066 5 learns 6 why 5.295881647653008 5 learns 9 is 2.0579620021918856 7 his 8 tail 3.447553150949698 11 ii 12 . 2.4183257483812675 why reddy fox has no friends iii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 iii 2.397542254077365 1 why 7 iii 2.037138358656332 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 7 iii 4.516443157630288 4 has 7 iii 1.717423650851586 4 has 5 no 1.2302708851104853 6 friends 7 iii 5.5410497420836755 7 iii 8 . 2.452411821826299 why peter rabbit's ears are long iv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 iv 2.4677815816546733 1 why 3 rabbit's 5.346735651632972 2 peter 3 rabbit's 8.333833228938108 3 rabbit's 7 iv 10.674611338879696 3 rabbit's 4 ears 8.52321237102516 3 rabbit's 6 long 5.494845073460144 3 rabbit's 5 are 4.380870201661136 7 iv 8 . 2.574881112904553 reddy fox disobeys v . striped chipmunk's pockets vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 vi 2.1731294279770843 1 reddy 3 disobeys 9.55474119952449 2 fox 3 disobeys 9.79566680156341 3 disobeys 7 chipmunk's 17.019400391575875 3 disobeys 4 v 13.54546920324346 3 disobeys 9 vi 13.394909526668076 5 . 7 chipmunk's 5.731928481239567 6 striped 7 chipmunk's 11.891262825299169 7 chipmunk's 8 pockets 13.080800936240013 9 vi 10 . 2.362830635789564 reddy fox , the boaster vii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 vii 2.492765711356455 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 5 boaster 7.921197683647268 3 , 5 boaster 0.3321105289791859 4 the 5 boaster 0.5403919863417315 5 boaster 6 vii 11.890117374630908 6 vii 7 . 2.5914413361974447 johnny chuck's secret viii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 viii 2.515639075258626 1 johnny 2 chuck's 10.680398783329569 2 chuck's 4 viii 12.53230474404501 2 chuck's 3 secret 10.09195162402796 4 viii 5 . 2.696452310135644 johnny chuck's great fight ix . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ix 2.3871555233958546 1 johnny 2 chuck's 10.680398783329569 2 chuck's 5 ix 12.475079875352062 2 chuck's 4 fight 9.99395318561545 2 chuck's 3 great 7.265843146864579 5 ix 6 . 2.6864896187560454 mr . toad's old suit x grandfather frog gets even xi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 x 2.382582793606037 1 mr 3 toad's 7.752180205429724 2 . 3 toad's 7.0393570064318105 3 toad's 6 x 11.507501353044443 3 toad's 5 suit 9.797007970239424 3 toad's 4 old 5.060465102561828 6 x 11 xi 11.341050215647268 6 x 9 gets 7.518570804031203 6 x 7 grandfather 4.772066213547145 7 grandfather 8 frog 9.27687376659811 9 gets 10 even 3.4666536989062173 11 xi 12 . 2.696452310135644 the disappointed bush xii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 xii 2.482118467156944 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 disappointed 4 xii 7.572776549239197 3 bush 4 xii 8.013567946273717 4 xii 5 . 2.5313616192418102 why bobby coon washes his food xiii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 xiii 2.3589099646216667 1 why 4 washes 5.146437001147145 2 bobby 3 coon 11.609228375483951 2 bobby 4 washes 10.722942984204632 4 washes 7 xiii 10.85579730144703 4 washes 6 food 9.7391967084275 4 washes 5 his 4.336210809577899 7 xiii 8 . 2.48741827165421 the merry little breezes have a busy day xiv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 xiv 2.271447123371324 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 9 xiv 6.500401254950059 5 have 9 xiv 1.4336896164433277 5 have 6 a 0.7694929783844255 7 busy 9 xiv 5.872454645400641 7 busy 8 day 3.6299196707604686 9 xiv 10 . 2.512364628784443 why hooty the owl does not play on the green meadows xv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 xv 2.355914843143953 1 why 4 owl 1.8370308265144502 2 hooty 4 owl 10.485027851942906 3 the 4 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 owl 7 play 4.6180632365028025 4 owl 5 does 3.364948755659288 5 does 6 not 3.0983826205361353 7 play 12 xv 5.333434943564956 8 on 11 meadows 3.790009740513195 9 the 11 meadows 2.3225225762090123 10 green 11 meadows 8.640219315758674 11 meadows 12 xv 6.249287145627971 12 xv 13 . 2.5044917850131547 danny meadow mouse learns to laugh 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 learns 1.3407626179114018 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 4 learns 8.71005036276798 4 learns 6 laugh 6.685313368620097 5 to 6 laugh 1.432708002787571 list of illustrations 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 illustrations 1.3323713476522663 1 list 3 illustrations 12.266988769616578 1 list 2 of 3.4423450252727363 " yap-yap-yap , " barked reddy fox , as loud as he could . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yap-yap-yap 2.1157962529111316 1 " 2 yap-yap-yap 3.7189177368221387 2 yap-yap-yap 5 barked 13.559968772938578 2 yap-yap-yap 6 reddy 8.816460332905596 2 yap-yap-yap 7 fox 8.658675213268172 2 yap-yap-yap 4 " 2.7703404498390327 2 yap-yap-yap 3 , 2.570049307818568 7 fox 10 loud 3.268624276771437 8 , 9 as 0.3162541076793648 9 as 10 loud 1.9474781434403994 10 loud 13 could 3.389997794731766 10 loud 11 as 2.630966031568949 10 loud 25 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 24 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 23 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 22 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 21 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 20 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 19 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 18 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 17 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 16 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 15 . 0.48957315635788845 10 loud 14 . 0.48957315635788845 12 he 13 could 1.799559825235125 frontispiece 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 frontispiece 1.6683372759399084 mr . rabbit had a great deal of curiosity , a very great deal , indeed 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 mr 3 rabbit 3.360817261707208 1 mr 2 . 0.08759123856017936 3 rabbit 14 deal 2.7388188941624456 3 rabbit 4 had 1.5631435842423826 5 a 14 deal 3.2793914530784054 6 great 7 deal 6.854645307556908 6 great 14 deal 6.854645307556908 7 deal 9 curiosity 6.104641552634014 7 deal 8 of 2.2008649466680055 7 deal 10 , 0.25054795032574617 11 a 14 deal 3.2793914530784054 11 a 12 very 0.920846844810935 13 great 14 deal 6.854645307556908 14 deal 16 indeed 2.5887845005338974 15 , 16 indeed 1.2217707539259823 then everybody shouted " haw ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 5 haw 3.8454211351695413 2 everybody 5 haw 7.5089841853713075 3 shouted 5 haw 9.071722872055826 4 " 5 haw 2.8954153921879353 5 haw 6 ! 6.100393029381962 haw ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 haw 0.9703658133895665 1 haw 2 ! 6.100393029381962 haw ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 haw 0.9703658133895665 1 haw 2 ! 6.100393029381962 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 he was so surprised he forgot to close it 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 it 0.556060888200383 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 4 surprised 2.3914721453278993 3 so 4 surprised 2.7783813792996774 4 surprised 6 forgot 5.506324524800053 4 surprised 8 close 3.7460495077149503 5 he 6 forgot 2.204162726464528 6 forgot 7 to 1.1231843086557767 mother west wind's children 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wind's 1.9902653708272737 1 mother 3 wind's 8.548063877746692 2 west 3 wind's 11.421141068241258 3 wind's 4 children 8.137210236595678 i 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 danny meadow mouse learns why his tail is short 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 learns 1.3407626179114018 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 4 learns 8.71005036276798 4 learns 9 short 7.077863653160463 4 learns 7 tail 7.001664027279066 4 learns 5 why 5.295881647653008 4 learns 8 is 2.0579620021918856 6 his 7 tail 3.447553150949698 danny meadow mouse sat in his doorway and looked down the lone little path across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 7 doorway 4.695034035712322 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 sat 7 doorway 4.074589577275631 5 in 7 doorway 2.6480906555795976 6 his 7 doorway 2.5426047313038396 7 doorway 12 lone 5.432247959763892 7 doorway 9 looked 3.7017313131144505 7 doorway 19 . 1.1445305581312049 8 and 9 looked 1.4092917379590961 10 down 12 lone 5.664039199992068 11 the 12 lone 2.2115329445483454 12 lone 14 path 10.049187958238516 12 lone 18 meadows 6.176773595935355 12 lone 13 little 5.709163689461587 15 across 18 meadows 6.60215897375376 16 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 17 green 18 meadows 8.640219315758674 way , way over near the smiling pool he could see old mother west wind 's children , the merry little breezes , at play . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 west 0.007543362259109898 1 way 3 way 2.2387011594356636 1 way 2 , 0.2515931590710778 3 way 8 pool 1.314503897545336 4 over 8 pool 2.8891593808466602 5 near 8 pool 2.077102261918853 6 the 8 pool 2.2980304314762776 7 smiling 8 pool 9.99688962068163 8 pool 14 west 2.501403006386905 8 pool 10 could 1.0844656168351392 9 he 10 could 1.799559825235125 10 could 11 see 2.945997787046375 12 old 14 west 4.333801015832179 13 mother 14 west 6.260487287650108 14 west 20 merry 4.461139136173177 14 west 15 wind 8.453050316196002 14 west 17 children 3.905966897676965 14 west 16 's 0.9134620332384138 17 children 18 , 0.3881665500547804 19 the 20 merry 1.7667336024132325 20 merry 22 breezes 10.012501010913478 21 little 22 breezes 6.02611847789149 22 breezes 25 play 4.679543688948456 23 , 24 at -0.2341487168387122 24 at 25 play 0.448476110665883 25 play 26 . 0.5304125817944421 sammy jay was sitting on a fence post . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 8 post 5.7793544456567325 3 was 4 sitting 2.6030743563351812 4 sitting 7 fence 5.8779318361827855 4 sitting 5 on 3.757354227956391 4 sitting 6 a 0.874216224784444 7 fence 8 post 7.984983508780726 8 post 9 . 0.9024557709330558 he pretended to be taking a sun bath , but really he was planning mischief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 pretended 0.707331407555774 1 he 2 pretended 1.6842225942467302 2 pretended 8 bath 6.9897936237436475 2 pretended 4 be 3.6025317135441917 2 pretended 3 to 2.882625576868083 5 taking 8 bath 6.91278494785767 6 a 8 bath 2.333585977196524 7 sun 8 bath 7.30779448879537 8 bath 14 planning 8.97576546554173 8 bath 11 really 3.842528901237422 9 , 10 but 1.025230194614105 10 but 11 really 1.2297055573758797 12 he 13 was 1.2250956603177912 13 was 14 planning 1.7167219476073932 14 planning 15 mischief 8.747926556036074 14 planning 16 . 0.9458483664464339 you never see sammy jay that he isn't in mischief or planning it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 3 see 1.9987475929001217 2 never 3 see 0.8731726948180842 3 see 10 mischief 0.9781770204640274 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 5 jay 10 mischief 5.604998286971778 6 that 8 isn't 1.0101483574663455 6 that 7 he 0.8325098574022061 8 isn't 10 mischief 2.984904298511676 9 in 10 mischief 0.7879012089788908 10 mischief 12 planning 7.775300883140037 11 or 12 planning 2.098981625064045 12 planning 13 it 1.3940049316135124 12 planning 14 . 0.9458483664464339 reddy fox had trotted past an hour before in a great hurry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 4 trotted 5.8058029636922015 2 fox 3 had 1.570021966548854 4 trotted 5 past 4.238955555363983 4 trotted 7 hour 4.158748054459124 6 an 7 hour 6.059217168117854 7 hour 8 before 3.1258248532203616 7 hour 12 hurry 2.1518816624484423 9 in 12 hurry 3.2961920336069177 10 a 11 great 2.39190469798403 11 great 12 hurry 4.255971354640646 12 hurry 13 . 0.6580795298315074 jolly , round , red mr sun was playing at hide and seek behind some fleecy white clouds . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jolly 0.29416458841051707 1 jolly 7 sun 7.802391003369625 1 jolly 3 round 6.696861910350609 1 jolly 5 red 6.666665053003932 1 jolly 6 mr 5.42984718493695 1 jolly 4 , 1.1351122511020186 1 jolly 2 , 1.1351122511020186 7 sun 18 clouds 5.215112486285516 7 sun 8 was 1.6959455691341496 9 playing 11 hide 5.840686557171882 9 playing 10 at 1.871717202102296 11 hide 16 fleecy 10.16418583073968 12 and 16 fleecy 1.5829635589905315 13 seek 16 fleecy 10.459704649465149 14 behind 16 fleecy 8.02473267630582 15 some 16 fleecy 6.11401338655774 16 fleecy 18 clouds 12.638578607634944 16 fleecy 17 white 8.858735249145912 18 clouds 19 . 0.8359814930450433 all the birds were singing and singing , and the world was happy all but danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 3 birds 2.237066065445827 2 the 3 birds 1.9272316888111192 3 birds 7 singing 6.5746155489029725 3 birds 5 singing 6.5746155489029725 3 birds 6 and 0.7784726728285456 4 were 5 singing 2.9688510923154077 7 singing 17 meadow 3.1716977568216826 7 singing 11 world 3.7331247430820476 7 singing 13 happy 1.37566839747506 7 singing 9 and 0.39286946604941875 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 the 11 world 2.329264621664832 12 was 13 happy 1.281616550335933 14 all 17 meadow 1.808649536365781 15 but 16 danny 0.4667323131279346 16 danny 17 meadow 9.760926773564673 17 meadow 18 mouse 9.933986113433567 18 mouse 19 . 0.5440018000205846 no , danny meadow mouse was not happy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 , 0.7405451084932118 3 danny 4 meadow 9.760926773564673 4 meadow 5 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 mouse 8 happy 2.635263719342081 6 was 8 happy 1.281616550335933 6 was 7 not 0.9003556371467063 8 happy 9 . 0.5452045471022391 indeed , he was very far from happy , and all because his tail was short . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 indeed 8 happy 2.0703629929538963 1 indeed 2 , 1.1805591219564295 3 he 4 was 1.2250956603177912 4 was 5 very 1.8345067088627953 5 very 8 happy 2.5931764588331703 5 very 6 far 2.190258143729423 6 far 7 from 3.495269852369237 8 happy 14 tail 2.751328007364755 8 happy 12 because 1.0000530505645493 9 , 12 because 0.5055908043911348 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 11 all 12 because 0.8152289009825537 13 his 14 tail 3.447553150949698 14 tail 16 short 5.226632003006213 14 tail 17 . 0.6933305286035747 15 was 16 short 1.0550444807454227 by and by up came old mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 old 0.024111098853330404 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 2 and 4 up 0.3832179431629861 2 and 3 by 0.24013538346727792 4 up 6 old 0.43037722072441653 5 came 6 old 0.04898934226483931 6 old 8 toad 5.805182115852514 7 mr 8 toad 7.152496199001803 8 toad 9 . 0.8910229590360075 it was a warm day and mr toad was very hot and very , very thirsty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 16 thirsty 2.2070475741904723 3 a 4 warm 0.97955791900565 4 warm 8 toad 3.738608145258791 4 warm 5 day 2.6623411484528425 4 warm 6 and 1.3067193311730918 7 mr 8 toad 7.152496199001803 8 toad 10 very 2.223322278635063 9 was 10 very 1.8345067088627953 10 very 16 thirsty 4.511151677768659 11 hot 16 thirsty 7.697660159836232 11 hot 12 and 1.573170924703458 13 very 16 thirsty 4.511151677768659 13 very 14 , 0.45787015165122824 15 very 16 thirsty 4.511151677768659 16 thirsty 17 . 0.6555410304625404 he stopped to rest beside the house of danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 he 2 stopped 1.983089912422038 2 stopped 5 beside 3.5176977170793116 2 stopped 4 rest 3.720689684035353 3 to 4 rest 1.153745678693344 5 beside 9 danny 3.1961534143033354 6 the 8 of 0.973964595704846 6 the 7 house 1.6730874440715393 8 of 9 danny 0.9592314455044573 9 danny 10 meadow 9.760926773564673 10 meadow 11 mouse 9.933986113433567 11 mouse 12 . 0.5440018000205846 " good morning , danny meadow mouse , " said old mr toad , " it 's a fine morning . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 good 0.38742477789924123 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 13 toad 3.5330998851419864 3 morning 19 fine 1.861565104559748 3 morning 14 , 0.5531902047009183 3 morning 4 , 0.5531902047009183 5 danny 6 meadow 9.760926773564673 6 meadow 7 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 mouse 13 toad 3.794134366842119 8 , 10 said 1.3498770263619093 9 " 10 said 2.1846753891302146 10 said 13 toad 0.7617861707589846 11 old 13 toad 5.805182115852514 12 mr 13 toad 7.152496199001803 14 , 15 " 0.6466805192388225 16 it 17 's 1.695106683077423 17 's 19 fine 1.3740109010678623 18 a 19 fine 2.1660824004800148 19 fine 20 morning 3.564953288413207 19 fine 22 " 0.534759256746046 21 . 22 " 4.467019939707924 " morning , " said danny meadow mouse , grumpily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 2 morning 5 said 0.880554255536321 3 , 5 said 1.3498770263619093 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 5 said 10 grumpily 4.071963559991918 6 danny 7 meadow 9.760926773564673 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 meadow 10 grumpily 7.009610644626889 9 , 10 grumpily 1.550534048112688 10 grumpily 11 . 2.00199144448397 now old mr toad is very ugly to look upon , but the ugliness is all in his looks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 7 ugly 0.28395536454705805 2 old 4 toad 5.805182115852514 3 mr 4 toad 7.152496199001803 4 toad 7 ugly 3.7512428926130568 5 is 6 very 1.5624151199530516 6 very 7 ugly 2.5886304304463756 7 ugly 14 ugliness 8.684382297248067 8 to 9 look 1.4243381174913097 9 look 14 ugliness 4.973598077824615 10 upon 14 ugliness 4.70292242779982 11 , 12 but 1.025230194614105 12 but 14 ugliness 0.8203692677426417 13 the 14 ugliness 1.0929330093705119 14 ugliness 19 looks 7.2506187441306835 14 ugliness 18 his 2.9471685188319974 14 ugliness 16 all 2.0744841753136996 14 ugliness 15 is 1.7684553849969014 14 ugliness 20 . 1.1979116544592259 17 in 18 his 1.124025734450342 he has the sunniest of hearts and always he is looking for a chance to help someone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 is 0.828513342774535 1 he 4 sunniest 1.999578035210611 2 has 4 sunniest 5.581609795505866 3 the 4 sunniest 2.321751699866393 4 sunniest 6 hearts 9.90565822552669 4 sunniest 8 always 6.183086987006476 4 sunniest 10 is 3.379890097079251 4 sunniest 9 he 3.2137320815483292 4 sunniest 5 of 1.8644372820855324 4 sunniest 7 and 1.0268603026979441 10 is 13 a 0.8028730080486159 11 looking 12 for 2.0828964733873008 12 for 13 a 0.9242739977267913 13 a 14 chance 2.0436432872929053 14 chance 17 someone 3.371792066940042 14 chance 16 help 2.1100463570748182 14 chance 15 to 1.6748556769511218 14 chance 18 . 0.8005761569138414 " danny meadow mouse , " said old mr toad , " you make me think of your grandfather a thousand times removed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 danny 3 meadow 9.760926773564673 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 3 meadow 19 grandfather 2.1172196187134844 4 mouse 10 toad 3.794134366842119 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 10 toad 0.7617861707589846 8 old 10 toad 5.805182115852514 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 11 , 12 " 0.6466805192388225 12 " 19 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 13 you 18 your 1.922261107156693 13 you 16 think 2.021556920539867 13 you 15 me 1.6244728055747188 14 make 15 me 1.7668713639097398 16 think 17 of 1.4134225444720343 18 your 19 grandfather 1.3860262301437167 19 grandfather 23 removed 6.830867508550245 19 grandfather 24 . 0.23042545999148167 20 a 21 thousand 2.8403660451029467 21 thousand 23 removed 9.15191923443425 22 times 23 removed 7.734419797628114 you do indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 you 2 do 1.213626326375298 3 indeed 4 . 0.21529929449387453 danny meadow mouse sat up suddenly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 1 danny 4 sat 3.8258434228914098 1 danny 7 . 0.14497590310800845 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 sat 5 up 2.528762666070712 4 sat 6 suddenly 2.098565119344986 " what are you talking about , old mr. toad ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 5 talking 2.073079317001003 2 what 11 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 are 5 talking 2.715573246882265 3 are 4 you 1.7434690636892594 5 talking 10 toad 1.5700940926241849 5 talking 6 about 4.508896987999989 6 about 7 , 0.18737712382804972 8 old 10 toad 5.805182115852514 9 mr. 10 toad 5.742845138145263 what are you talking about ? " he asked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 6 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 4 talking 2.073079317001003 2 are 4 talking 2.715573246882265 2 are 3 you 1.7434690636892594 4 talking 5 about 4.508896987999989 6 ? 9 asked 5.562665578900452 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 6 ? 8 he 0.8632833153782649 9 asked 10 . 0.985916681625902 " did my grandfather a thousand times removed lose the half of his tail , and was it shorter then than mine is now ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 did 0.8143886674719916 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 did 8 removed 0.8466849676412629 3 my 8 removed 1.9636017330574695 4 grandfather 8 removed 6.830867508550245 5 a 6 thousand 2.8403660451029467 6 thousand 8 removed 9.15191923443425 7 times 8 removed 7.734419797628114 8 removed 9 lose 5.360759126964705 8 removed 14 tail 4.364234106663773 8 removed 11 half 3.648531388061148 8 removed 12 of 0.9050792665828737 8 removed 10 the 0.8678793645663134 13 his 14 tail 3.447553150949698 14 tail 19 shorter 7.299346186646627 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 16 and 19 shorter 0.8174288126275542 17 was 19 shorter 1.2895097343824453 18 it 19 shorter 2.929060041160138 19 shorter 22 mine 5.869812028059343 19 shorter 21 than 4.843305177537999 19 shorter 20 then 3.9955161184203725 19 shorter 24 now 2.949614996592569 19 shorter 25 ? 1.7128446765110503 22 mine 23 is 1.6263733266491904 was it , old mr. toad ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 was 0.6373980219783331 1 was 4 old 0.27140460643318143 1 was 3 , -0.20595815782608362 2 it 3 , -0.0653406437089803 4 old 6 toad 5.805182115852514 4 old 7 ? -0.23934517703029634 5 mr. 6 toad 5.742845138145263 and how did he come to lose the half of it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 how 1.1444914957494294 1 and 2 how 0.384957723767954 2 how 12 ? 2.0023888363050837 2 how 3 did 2.518082473303066 2 how 11 it 1.256912848244708 3 did 7 lose 2.3921619528976485 3 did 5 come 1.8340111376061508 3 did 4 he 0.29269630591840823 6 to 7 lose 1.7108182635867912 7 lose 9 half 3.2926559612504427 8 the 9 half -0.06001194475162919 9 half 10 of 0.5468383578611906 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 old mr toad laughed a funny silent laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 laughed 0.5438326752728955 1 old 3 toad 5.805182115852514 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 4 laughed 3.518935002411528 4 laughed 8 laugh 3.8684482272800196 5 a 6 funny 1.5211885612316145 6 funny 8 laugh 3.3601828416943924 6 funny 7 silent 3.1825172108827893 8 laugh 9 . 1.0176305682615663 " it 's a long story , " said old mr toad , " and i 'm afraid i can't tell it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 story 0.945761167017098 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 4 a 0.4824060255943863 4 a 6 story 1.1660628622241909 4 a 5 long 1.8939671708709067 6 story 21 tell 1.7420133655075674 7 , 8 " 0.6466805192388225 8 " 20 can't 1.3764571246724575 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 10 old 12 toad 5.805182115852514 11 mr 12 toad 7.152496199001803 12 toad 18 afraid 2.20124805229597 13 , 14 " 0.6466805192388225 14 " 17 'm 1.5924503438057567 15 and 16 i 0.1868691445446835 16 i 17 'm 3.654262465176622 17 'm 18 afraid 5.283750894253565 18 afraid 20 can't 1.7427459715264142 19 i 20 can't 2.5387420388482926 20 can't 21 tell 2.813910556713097 21 tell 22 it 1.0104883966277463 22 it 23 . 0.13987271256052836 but before you go catch three fat , foolish , green flies and take them with you as a present to grandfather frog . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 12 flies 0.2354067670214839 2 before 7 fat 1.119313559100899 3 you 5 catch 0.9329423807708785 3 you 4 go 1.2922665611073683 5 catch 7 fat 3.9426180360167358 6 three 7 fat 2.2040495281509855 7 fat 12 flies 7.578531223965005 7 fat 8 , 0.4283881585949807 9 foolish 12 flies 8.756750870553002 9 foolish 10 , 0.5757468414782174 11 green 12 flies 7.313562330960011 12 flies 22 grandfather 5.897597095630999 12 flies 14 take 2.7839318216243107 13 and 14 take 0.23621710125167006 14 take 15 them 1.2906711715998114 16 with 19 a 1.3165200252756044 17 you 19 a -0.10507416881686282 18 as 19 a 0.2928650623275999 19 a 20 present 1.6368326510178086 20 present 22 grandfather 1.9984421488020878 20 present 21 to 0.21046463424506 22 grandfather 23 frog 9.27687376659811 23 frog 24 . 0.622092755808108 24 . 25 " 4.467019939707924 danny meadow mouse could hardly wait for old mr toad to stop speaking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 3 mouse 10 toad 3.794134366842119 3 mouse 13 speaking 3.180969724604463 3 mouse 5 hardly 2.094258091411131 3 mouse 14 . 0.5440018000205846 4 could 5 hardly 4.578000056912845 5 hardly 6 wait 3.81371271534643 6 wait 7 for 2.6353752212065515 8 old 10 toad 5.805182115852514 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 11 to 12 stop 1.7010771375758438 12 stop 13 speaking 2.928277262992129 in fact , he was in such a hurry that he almost forgot his manners . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 hurry -0.2779022415980812 1 in 9 hurry 3.2961920336069177 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 4 he 1.6625578942834487 2 fact 5 was 1.5838681549324605 2 fact 3 , 0.9782331360563532 6 in 9 hurry 3.2961920336069177 7 such 9 hurry 4.695728237691409 7 such 8 a 2.6388379146949603 9 hurry 15 manners 4.495570750110566 10 that 13 forgot 1.556450134874268 11 he 13 forgot 2.204162726464528 12 almost 13 forgot 5.017578656366968 13 forgot 15 manners 6.483105200793474 14 his 15 manners 2.738769761411266 15 manners 16 . 0.6992928210766642 you see his short tail had always been a matter of mortification to danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 15 meadow 1.2492566548538413 3 his 5 tail 3.447553150949698 4 short 5 tail 4.474621502487089 5 tail 14 danny 2.219390882065227 6 had 7 always 1.3121554488160747 7 always 12 mortification 3.5441783058986402 7 always 8 been 2.5329811287199924 9 a 12 mortification 1.2700503203461935 10 matter 12 mortification 5.142073648514721 11 of 12 mortification 1.9269772464998312 12 mortification 14 danny 7.267019745022981 12 mortification 13 to -0.268298462644168 14 danny 15 meadow 9.760926773564673 15 meadow 16 mouse 9.933986113433567 16 mouse 17 . 0.5440018000205846 he had felt his queer short tail to be a sort of disgrace . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 felt 2.0830791199149683 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 felt 13 disgrace 3.4205299282337265 4 his 7 tail 3.447553150949698 5 queer 7 tail 3.8815701817887565 6 short 7 tail 4.474621502487089 7 tail 13 disgrace 4.558143599593951 8 to 9 be 1.7155747074306849 9 be 13 disgrace 1.9288576959930168 10 a 13 disgrace 2.378022831045744 11 sort 13 disgrace 5.313536052601144 11 sort 12 of 3.3622778027607385 13 disgrace 14 . 0.8537404859000297 it looked so mean and small ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 it 3 so 0.9214400222567871 2 looked 3 so 0.8097904635209687 3 so 6 small 1.9163756991219998 4 mean 6 small 1.615044060461468 5 and 6 small 0.15461105625904992 he had wondered and wondered if the meadow mice had always had short tails . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 14 tails 1.6039873310746806 3 wondered 9 mice 5.943921242087857 4 and 5 wondered 1.5759088014565776 5 wondered 9 mice 5.943921242087857 5 wondered 6 if 4.062533892024408 7 the 9 mice 1.188352574449194 8 meadow 9 mice 5.576651237350784 9 mice 14 tails 6.943129123724237 9 mice 11 always 3.208353745616904 10 had 11 always 1.3121554488160747 12 had 14 tails 1.6039873310746806 13 short 14 tails 5.068891745434474 14 tails 15 . 0.8738866187362859 so he hurried this way and he hurried that way over the green meadows in search of fat , foolish , green flies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 3 hurried 1.5336787962381386 2 he 3 hurried 1.8259585502105544 3 hurried 8 hurried 3.2395642131369193 3 hurried 5 way 2.3269453823874073 4 this 5 way 2.4795023497949593 6 and 8 hurried 1.447672192649577 7 he 8 hurried 1.8259585502105544 8 hurried 13 green 2.9455029116824996 8 hurried 11 over 3.571480034479322 8 hurried 10 way 2.3269453823874073 9 that 10 way 1.4644069919852818 12 the 13 green 2.032029580366329 13 green 23 flies 7.313562330960011 13 green 14 meadows 8.640219315758674 14 meadows 16 search 3.7177057412348375 15 in 16 search 2.6837480026965927 16 search 17 of 2.2921600409954905 18 fat 23 flies 7.578531223965005 18 fat 19 , 0.4283881585949807 20 foolish 23 flies 8.756750870553002 20 foolish 21 , 0.5757468414782174 22 green 23 flies 7.313562330960011 23 flies 24 . 0.5843800015413017 and when he had caught three , he caught one more for good measure . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 1 and 3 he 0.30330535602472075 2 when 3 he 1.8647931372101283 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 4 had 5 caught 1.9434351692149257 5 caught 14 measure 4.601101204872304 5 caught 6 three 0.5449759587766501 7 , 8 he 0.5080875377005949 8 he 9 caught 1.572354997483643 9 caught 14 measure 4.601101204872304 9 caught 10 one 1.396781172250293 11 more 14 measure 1.9685747182233193 12 for 14 measure 0.762430226345959 13 good 14 measure 2.8709341076735484 14 measure 15 . 0.8576015351487989 then he started for the smiling pool as fast as his short legs would take him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 started 2.045012774210665 2 he 3 started 1.8718415916217772 3 started 9 fast 5.196603497990555 3 started 4 for 2.656734960684876 5 the 7 pool 2.2980304314762776 6 smiling 7 pool 9.99688962068163 7 pool 9 fast 3.993290052076887 8 as 9 fast 3.412219047117258 9 fast 13 legs 6.528445548589374 9 fast 10 as 3.814423557372699 11 his 13 legs 3.7479346428605496 12 short 13 legs 5.4582675687309035 13 legs 15 take 3.053668056744602 13 legs 14 would 2.2451388097916514 13 legs 16 him 1.9712047402509647 16 him 17 . 0.8676779267655075 when finally he reached the edge of the smiling pool he was quite out of breath . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 4 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 finally 4 reached 4.611139458933444 2 finally 3 he 2.2855039634898446 4 reached 6 edge 5.719671463741385 5 the 6 edge 2.344761677912894 6 edge 10 pool 6.493027948535712 6 edge 15 of 3.5278893979253887 6 edge 7 of 3.5278893979253887 8 the 10 pool 2.2980304314762776 9 smiling 10 pool 9.99688962068163 10 pool 13 quite 2.2182309549820367 11 he 12 was 1.2250956603177912 12 was 13 quite 1.8819914417492924 14 out 15 of 2.138624548858049 15 of 16 breath 0.9701325281632442 16 breath 17 . 1.1930877353308826 there sat great-grandfather frog on his big , green lily pad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 3 great-grandfather 2.9387742544812774 2 sat 3 great-grandfather 4.787679195249211 3 great-grandfather 10 lily 8.042279504072464 3 great-grandfather 4 frog 8.973671061533597 3 great-grandfather 7 big 5.9206627833080425 3 great-grandfather 5 on 2.2594255438674757 3 great-grandfather 6 his 2.0040143792367076 7 big 8 , 0.19803546099998925 9 green 10 lily 6.186963181488657 10 lily 11 pad 12.746056782792667 11 pad 12 . 1.0208504717352866 he was blinking his great goggle eyes at jolly , round , red mr sun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 blinking 1.3702214151309988 2 was 3 blinking 1.7476159555531758 3 blinking 6 goggle 13.84947539013356 3 blinking 15 sun 7.035694198916524 3 blinking 16 . 0.05445886437810543 4 his 6 goggle 3.7596571278850917 5 great 6 goggle 6.643878211340091 6 goggle 9 jolly 10.698808744251327 6 goggle 11 round 8.149720875064428 6 goggle 7 eyes 7.950920653693107 6 goggle 8 at 4.775168713744048 6 goggle 12 , 2.1550118085397294 6 goggle 10 , 2.1550118085397294 13 red 15 sun 5.888800579714882 14 mr 15 sun 4.503183632996215 grandfather frog put a hand behind an ear and listened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 10 listened 3.7543519084801638 2 frog 11 . 0.622092755808108 3 put 5 hand 3.9267473811412152 4 a 5 hand 0.9403074829768538 5 hand 8 ear 4.37424235632832 6 behind 8 ear 4.581789180457086 7 an 8 ear 1.3525892573948752 8 ear 10 listened 6.96864477196598 9 and 10 listened 1.8005549940631589 " did i hear someone say ' foolish , green flies ? ' " asked grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 2 did 4 hear 3.2527569587864775 3 i 4 hear 1.3154129461835904 4 hear 5 someone 1.896287887311452 5 someone 11 flies 6.402085989253639 6 say 11 flies 2.273568530851918 6 say 7 ' 0.9197795215320905 8 foolish 11 flies 8.756750870553002 8 foolish 9 , 0.5757468414782174 10 green 11 flies 7.313562330960011 11 flies 16 grandfather 5.897597095630999 11 flies 15 asked 2.083133516498176 12 ? 15 asked 5.562665578900452 12 ? 14 " 3.328347337284576 12 ? 13 ' 3.2043001420707373 16 grandfather 17 frog 9.27687376659811 17 frog 18 . 0.622092755808108 " yes , grandfather frog , here they are , " said danny meadow mouse , still in a very small voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 13 danny 2.1248181188736908 2 yes 3 , 2.0305121841239 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 5 frog 13 danny 2.8611954239054675 6 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 7 here 12 said 0.788422966735256 7 here 9 are 1.7169622509699174 8 they 9 are 2.6489884724530945 10 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 11 " 12 said 2.1846753891302146 12 said 13 danny 1.3419507264674806 13 danny 14 meadow 9.760926773564673 13 danny 21 small 3.2489577837698143 13 danny 17 still 2.2865875121164727 14 meadow 15 mouse 9.933986113433567 16 , 17 still 0.28104201837810194 18 in 19 a 0.8157855541154699 19 a 21 small 2.050151047993282 20 very 21 small 2.3694204011885915 21 small 22 voice 3.756788071226069 22 voice 23 . 0.8478630205323796 then he gave grandfather frog the four fat , foolish , green flies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 10 foolish 0.7999494394824751 1 then 3 gave 1.9159054803521691 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 5 frog 10 foolish 3.8637066430615192 6 the 7 four 0.48941201759498654 7 four 8 fat 2.584834902924836 8 fat 10 foolish 5.098122471561382 8 fat 9 , 0.4283881585949807 10 foolish 13 flies 8.756750870553002 10 foolish 11 , 0.5757468414782174 12 green 13 flies 7.313562330960011 13 flies 14 . 0.5843800015413017 will you , grandfather frog will you ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.648680587459328 1 will 2 you 1.8704957056331537 3 , 4 grandfather 0.4654979442568852 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 6 will 7 you 1.8704957056331537 7 you 8 ? 2.030471363856357 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " my cousin , mr toad , talks too much . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 talks 0.8543819427454977 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 my 3 cousin 2.856044284713871 3 cousin 8 talks 5.37003608751505 3 cousin 4 , 1.0968581528652415 5 mr 6 toad 7.152496199001803 6 toad 8 talks 5.455418551661591 6 toad 7 , -0.19627100624194682 8 talks 10 much 2.88678649624649 9 too 10 much 3.9926843315095812 11 . 12 " 4.467019939707924 but he settled himself comfortably on the big lily pad , and this is what he told danny meadow mouse : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 he 0.9076706002035451 2 he 5 comfortably 0.30841613065752327 3 settled 5 comfortably 9.383219910792654 4 himself 5 comfortably 5.955292836175278 5 comfortably 10 pad 9.983939396987427 6 on 10 pad 4.59743476266755 6 on 7 the 1.3666129714665534 8 big 10 pad 7.673078187788665 9 lily 10 pad 12.746056782792667 10 pad 21 : 3.369961235424171 10 pad 13 this 2.283484013129357 10 pad 15 what 2.278099222885576 10 pad 16 he 1.720692070268207 10 pad 12 and 1.2707858855840293 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 this 14 is 2.1325164575981628 16 he 17 told 1.0939015739391724 17 told 18 danny 1.6702778139446863 18 danny 19 meadow 9.760926773564673 19 meadow 20 mouse 9.933986113433567 mr rabbit complained first . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 rabbit 3.360817261707208 2 rabbit 3 complained 3.9986149259296973 3 complained 4 first 3.08608198641522 3 complained 5 . 1.3411975308031714 and that is just what he said had happened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 happened 0.16066502107823766 1 and 2 that -0.06535214983912851 2 that 9 happened 1.3633425864864712 2 that 3 is 1.5257476832692056 4 just 9 happened 1.9068698312897219 5 what 9 happened 3.8251542092660387 6 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 6 he 7 said 0.4099816699979293 8 had 9 happened 2.7572805112890926 9 happened 10 . 0.5975764329453863 then striped chipmunk lost the greater part of his winter store of corn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 striped 1.1915489249282345 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 6 greater 4.558394720209673 4 lost 6 greater 3.115748639074969 5 the 6 greater 1.0719733907348648 6 greater 7 part 5.939087639792277 6 greater 11 store 5.474225853769116 6 greater 10 winter 3.7571777343779154 6 greater 9 his 1.2336726478654576 7 part 8 of 2.634493662720157 11 store 13 corn 6.43159249609646 11 store 14 . 0.7022164918351592 12 of 13 corn 2.100537434028677 a fat trout was stolen from billy mink . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.0173928021838492 1 a 2 fat 1.413037139924004 2 fat 3 trout 8.203650851158141 3 trout 8 mink 6.267249500047146 3 trout 5 stolen 6.148300867910809 3 trout 9 . 0.6950502339529656 3 trout 4 was 0.2699544605755051 5 stolen 6 from 4.1686971524485905 7 billy 8 mink 9.260717032646737 " it was a terrible time , for every one suspected every one else , and no one on the green meadows was happy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 3 was 13 one 0.6005441511344944 3 was 5 terrible 1.1874187674415388 4 a 5 terrible 2.090344298111294 6 time 8 for 0.9582811402805671 6 time 7 , 0.020766097725841703 8 for 13 one 0.5662841251696467 9 every 13 one 3.4259854658400464 9 every 10 one 3.4259854658400464 10 one 11 suspected 2.7263661656083613 12 every 13 one 3.4259854658400464 13 one 14 else 3.2310886289661234 14 else 24 happy 1.5735368876997562 14 else 25 . 0.8723257841850689 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 16 and 24 happy 0.5135359986842065 17 no 18 one 2.611222192281094 18 one 24 happy 0.16654742401982858 19 on 22 meadows 3.790009740513195 20 the 22 meadows 2.3225225762090123 21 green 22 meadows 8.640219315758674 22 meadows 24 happy 1.8468763019252883 23 was 24 happy 1.281616550335933 " one evening mr meadow mouse went for a stroll along the crooked little path up the hill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 evening 0.16714313291135063 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 one 3 evening 3.0539583251689173 3 evening 10 stroll 5.561820007069617 4 mr 10 stroll 3.6024330859250426 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 10 stroll 6.88223133815066 7 went 10 stroll 4.304022249601967 8 for 10 stroll 1.2051401441093574 9 a 10 stroll 2.3199755456778703 10 stroll 13 crooked 8.920296143890138 11 along 13 crooked 6.307545152812988 12 the 13 crooked 1.7037741419172718 13 crooked 15 path 9.62217258557886 13 crooked 18 hill 7.097397266772237 13 crooked 14 little 5.379445518156846 16 up 18 hill 3.5987422718971267 17 the 18 hill 2.0968829957252435 18 hill 19 . 0.8077003936980187 it was dark , very dark indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 5 very 1.8345067088627953 2 was 3 dark 1.7437969787917318 3 dark 4 , 0.4405797877331583 5 very 7 indeed 4.748811396098601 6 dark 7 indeed 1.3007690411366681 7 indeed 8 . 0.21529929449387453 now mr wharf rat was very big and strong and mr meadow mouse had for a long time looked up to and admired him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 wharf 3.403168522874438 2 mr 3 wharf 5.8614092751844815 3 wharf 4 rat 11.8574132095582 4 rat 13 mouse 6.423506941396727 4 rat 9 strong 4.941308282412972 5 was 6 very 1.8345067088627953 6 very 9 strong 2.4939806224036047 7 big 9 strong 4.30982517582747 8 and 9 strong 0.9932137273601498 9 strong 10 and 1.3009741544122235 11 mr 13 mouse 3.5112299073659052 12 meadow 13 mouse 9.933986113433567 13 mouse 19 looked 2.365997418702058 13 mouse 14 had 1.1581198735915592 13 mouse 17 long 1.114023289519217 15 for 17 long 1.6376868675559155 16 a 17 long 1.8939671708709067 17 long 18 time 3.7235556839354 19 looked 23 admired 2.8353120997230796 19 looked 20 up 2.456793580534695 20 up 21 to 0.5990262771899992 22 and 23 admired 1.2825686256528037 23 admired 24 him 2.2015421082653113 24 him 25 . 0.8676779267655075 " ' good evening , cousin meadow mouse , ' said mr wharf rat , swinging a bag down from his shoulder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ' 0.6413903098384974 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 ' 13 wharf 1.8686492328022482 3 good 4 evening 3.2128476832910273 4 evening 7 meadow 2.404745924077144 4 evening 5 , 0.37306181150528595 6 cousin 7 meadow 1.9539858152631417 7 meadow 13 wharf 6.556245026688945 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 10 ' 11 said 2.1255139733894506 11 said 13 wharf 2.033635441332823 12 mr 13 wharf 5.8614092751844815 13 wharf 14 rat 11.8574132095582 13 wharf 16 swinging 10.606869747907599 13 wharf 18 bag 8.094807794233894 15 , 16 swinging 1.2679801915594666 17 a 18 bag 1.5272081598433118 18 bag 22 shoulder 6.632739510151968 18 bag 19 down 2.2330872707253455 19 down 20 from 1.3085622526869827 21 his 22 shoulder 3.930991699582073 22 shoulder 23 . 1.2808290128101625 ' will you do a favor for me ? ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 10 ' 1.8066106120190106 2 will 3 you 1.8704957056331537 3 you 9 ? 2.030471363856357 4 do 9 ? 2.483544973711105 4 do 6 favor 3.00482192665298 5 a 6 favor 1.8303123804390218 6 favor 8 me 2.454422036982855 6 favor 7 for 1.4155125849553194 9 ? 10 ' 3.2043001420707373 " now mr meadow mouse felt very much flattered , and as he was a very obliging fellow anyway , he promptly said he would . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 1 " 2 now 0.5700434077622898 3 mr 4 meadow 3.3839584582684274 4 meadow 5 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 meadow 9 flattered 6.263794132878417 6 felt 9 flattered 6.650936033202125 7 very 9 flattered 3.912892354434046 8 much 9 flattered 5.311832751057558 9 flattered 23 said 1.6249186235711122 10 , 23 said 1.3498770263619093 11 and 17 obliging 2.0899235477104092 12 as 17 obliging 2.1485906427875143 12 as 13 he 1.5279784143694588 14 was 16 very 1.8345067088627953 14 was 15 a 0.9616525970137229 16 very 17 obliging 4.01811166648854 17 obliging 19 anyway 8.013931784125742 17 obliging 18 fellow 6.210674511250357 19 anyway 20 , 1.465638585782461 20 , 23 said 1.3498770263619093 20 , 22 promptly 1.0295976852488273 20 , 21 he 0.5080875377005949 23 said 26 . 0.9489036959486263 23 said 24 he 0.6185839486337201 24 he 25 would 1.3645954036822268 " ' all right , ' said mr wharf rat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ' 0.6413903098384974 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 ' 9 wharf 1.8686492328022482 3 all 4 right 3.090004727119574 4 right 9 wharf 3.821175636573443 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 7 said 9 wharf 2.033635441332823 8 mr 9 wharf 5.8614092751844815 9 wharf 10 rat 11.8574132095582 10 rat 11 . 0.665299996924869 ' i 'm going to get you to tote this bag down the crooked little path to the hollow chestnut tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 ' 2 i 1.0360354334931596 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 3 'm 9 tote 6.073096516211674 4 going 9 tote 6.5269537157106114 5 to 9 tote 3.763042890882236 6 get 9 tote 6.365759119372836 7 you 9 tote 2.859569194440656 8 to 9 tote 3.763042890882236 9 tote 14 crooked 11.401422833626757 9 tote 11 bag 10.831773388400098 9 tote 12 down 5.69797331945475 9 tote 10 this 4.946449025851788 13 the 14 crooked 1.7037741419172718 14 crooked 16 path 9.62217258557886 14 crooked 20 chestnut 7.750143815965657 14 crooked 15 little 5.379445518156846 16 path 17 to 0.9821612504190007 18 the 19 hollow 1.4193765853803626 19 hollow 20 chestnut 8.764529243879718 20 chestnut 21 tree 7.681430121909468 20 chestnut 22 . 1.026444488208508 i 've got an errand back on top of the hill . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 've 3.1337529080802184 2 've 3 got 5.105503628624941 3 got 8 top 1.7846462428068754 4 an 5 errand 5.3101059260733585 5 errand 8 top 5.125179103672668 6 back 8 top 1.7650048649286099 7 on 8 top 3.2863532398786752 8 top 11 hill 6.295679123920685 8 top 9 of 3.327721226218433 10 the 11 hill 2.0968829957252435 11 hill 12 . 0.8077003936980187 12 . 13 ' 4.2885620435386205 " so mr meadow mouse picked up the bag , which was very heavy , and swung it over his shoulder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 1 " 2 so -0.025007898527833916 3 mr 5 mouse 3.5112299073659052 4 meadow 5 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 mouse 9 bag 4.643596682401569 6 picked 9 bag 5.186715453415626 6 picked 7 up 5.300127722847709 8 the 9 bag 1.2861277901356694 9 bag 21 shoulder 6.632739510151968 9 bag 14 heavy 5.412691029283817 9 bag 11 which 2.321338531284521 9 bag 10 , 0.597016355418841 12 was 13 very 1.8345067088627953 13 very 14 heavy 2.95429086492717 14 heavy 17 swung 5.542569821972169 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 16 and 17 swung 1.1381787163176291 18 it 19 over 0.39530792962053596 19 over 21 shoulder 5.177967667198974 20 his 21 shoulder 3.930991699582073 21 shoulder 22 . 1.2808290128101625 then he started down the crooked little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 started 2.045012774210665 2 he 3 started 1.8718415916217772 3 started 6 crooked 6.139850230811017 4 down 6 crooked 4.72187757321522 5 the 6 crooked 1.7037741419172718 6 crooked 8 path 9.62217258557886 6 crooked 7 little 5.379445518156846 8 path 9 . 0.8227668823038989 half way down he met striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 half 2 way 2.6566207187151534 2 way 5 met 3.458373823079281 2 way 3 down 1.6481503295368434 4 he 5 met 1.7609783239221386 5 met 6 striped 4.286133937108758 6 striped 7 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 7 chipmunk 8 . 0.24517762611997185 " ' good evening , mr meadow mouse , ' said striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 ' 3 good 0.5216257556401036 3 good 4 evening 3.2128476832910273 4 evening 6 mr 0.9092527205828063 5 , 6 mr 0.5022150510440095 6 mr 13 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 8 mouse 12 striped 4.520021997283035 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 10 ' 11 said 2.1255139733894506 11 said 12 striped 1.1437193999825404 12 striped 13 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 13 chipmunk 14 . 0.24517762611997185 ' what are you toting in the bag across your shoulder ? ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 13 ' 1.8066106120190106 2 what 5 toting 4.354245447762619 2 what 12 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 are 5 toting 4.848640738654748 4 you 5 toting 2.6185610949368616 5 toting 8 bag 11.09480779423389 5 toting 11 shoulder 10.038731869827803 5 toting 9 across 8.560576095633667 5 toting 10 your 5.608536866721064 5 toting 6 in 3.2547015476568326 5 toting 7 the 1.4273067731803337 12 ? 13 ' 3.2043001420707373 " now no one had ever suspected mr meadow mouse of stealing no indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 no 0.9187691539522387 1 " 3 no 1.112764927397933 1 " 2 now 0.5700434077622898 3 no 14 indeed 2.9042839274692227 4 one 7 suspected 2.7263661656083613 5 had 6 ever 1.346397175182215 6 ever 7 suspected 3.6112654108777242 7 suspected 12 stealing 6.7559355582731015 8 mr 10 mouse 3.5112299073659052 9 meadow 10 mouse 9.933986113433567 10 mouse 12 stealing 5.450401901636408 11 of 12 stealing -0.009059694768208004 12 stealing 14 indeed 3.522332851204066 13 no 14 indeed 2.9042839274692227 14 indeed 15 ! 2.602606498852314 striped chipmunk picked it up and it wasn't a potato . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 3 picked 4.623660491675839 3 picked 5 up 5.300127722847709 3 picked 4 it 1.5897249202240928 5 up 10 potato 2.238648475317124 5 up 6 and 1.0590043195670393 7 it 8 wasn't 2.5487137974486345 8 wasn't 10 potato 5.225548752411104 9 a 10 potato 1.9029075111716587 10 potato 11 . 0.5081768318210109 it was a fat acorn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 5 acorn 1.2476895586878207 3 a 5 acorn 1.7554771475164337 4 fat 5 acorn 8.941101303349715 5 acorn 6 . 0.5363278721351605 striped chipmunk said nothing but slipped it into his pocket . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 slipped 0.6161996526047346 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 6 slipped 3.655950029632347 2 chipmunk 4 nothing 1.3202839884341948 3 said 4 nothing 1.4968178409388706 4 nothing 5 but 3.0228190933860777 6 slipped 8 into 4.356876453617591 7 it 8 into -0.08440157938077597 8 into 10 pocket 3.8626720822133898 9 his 10 pocket 3.8202638925892387 10 pocket 11 . 0.8400898899726812 " ' good night , ' said mr meadow mouse , once more shouldering the bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 2 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 3 good 7 said 0.7064063856054119 3 good 4 night 2.1797323644074282 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 7 said 14 shouldering 2.4649747529407655 7 said 17 . 0.9489036959486263 8 mr 14 shouldering 4.707786086071273 9 meadow 10 mouse 9.933986113433567 9 meadow 14 shouldering 7.987584338296891 11 , 14 shouldering 1.0690761231453934 12 once 14 shouldering 5.3497033076310565 13 more 14 shouldering 4.516637636132945 14 shouldering 16 bag 9.716296170980161 14 shouldering 15 the 1.633757650647759 " ' good night , ' said striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 2 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 3 good 7 said 0.7064063856054119 3 good 4 night 2.1797323644074282 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 7 said 9 chipmunk 1.306020869319454 7 said 10 . 0.9489036959486263 8 striped 9 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 " no sooner had mr meadow mouse disappeared in the darkness down the crooked little path than striped chipmunk hurried to his granary . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 1 " 2 no 1.112764927397933 2 no 3 sooner 5.175161873165646 3 sooner 19 chipmunk 3.7223169503302422 3 sooner 4 had 2.4305594433022186 5 mr 19 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 6 meadow 7 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 mouse 18 striped 4.520021997283035 8 disappeared 14 crooked 5.328173851596116 9 in 11 darkness 2.3732090668714463 10 the 11 darkness 1.7455700846874471 11 darkness 14 crooked 5.668972720583042 12 down 14 crooked 4.72187757321522 13 the 14 crooked 1.7037741419172718 14 crooked 16 path 9.62217258557886 14 crooked 15 little 5.379445518156846 16 path 18 striped 5.159376794822819 17 than 18 striped 1.4170280039597074 18 striped 19 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 19 chipmunk 23 granary 7.313975992543224 20 hurried 23 granary 7.168764970470523 20 hurried 21 to 2.090367162284622 22 his 23 granary 1.077833087911344 23 granary 24 . 1.335415178209164 some one had been there and stolen all his acorns ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 some 10 acorns 2.8286111676954953 1 some 2 one 2.3794051377540804 3 had 4 been 3.8301500596883944 4 been 7 stolen 3.4895770731941163 5 there 7 stolen 1.1212235653177878 6 and 7 stolen -0.20421348112944315 7 stolen 10 acorns 10.546371169537853 8 all 10 acorns 1.0227135979430848 9 his 10 acorns 1.474254909022843 10 acorns 11 ! 1.8430051866893074 ' and this , ' said striped chipmunk , holding out the fat acorn , ' is what fell out of the bag . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 6 said 2.1255139733894506 1 ' 3 this 0.21785025783971257 2 and 3 this -0.2675953853971098 4 , 6 said 1.3498770263619093 5 ' 6 said 2.1255139733894506 6 said 8 chipmunk 1.306020869319454 7 striped 8 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 8 chipmunk 14 acorn 9.451479516293166 8 chipmunk 23 bag 4.223210528620044 9 , 10 holding 1.4055262419506498 10 holding 14 acorn 10.111675144488547 11 out 14 acorn 3.506093158651634 11 out 12 the 0.8823696743148908 13 fat 14 acorn 8.941101303349715 14 acorn 19 fell 6.974525656333238 14 acorn 18 what 3.668045741201592 14 acorn 20 out 3.572288458730444 14 acorn 17 is 2.6918341033939903 14 acorn 16 ' 1.5344175772741444 15 , 16 ' 0.4516113676651887 20 out 21 of 2.138624548858049 22 the 23 bag 1.2861277901356694 23 bag 25 ' 1.0429897410922422 24 . 25 ' 4.2885620435386205 mr rabbit looked very grave , very grave indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 mr 2 rabbit 3.360817261707208 2 rabbit 3 looked 1.8648032756734985 3 looked 4 very 1.8422742853175507 4 very 9 indeed 4.748811396098601 5 grave 8 grave 5.148889394743826 5 grave 6 , 0.7588827718109457 7 very 8 grave 2.0811638370238477 8 grave 9 indeed 3.8220120838847293 9 indeed 10 . 0.21529929449387453 so hooty the owl flew away to tell all the little meadow people who were awake to meet at the hollow chestnut tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 5 flew 1.2185311647822594 2 hooty 4 owl 10.485027851942906 3 the 4 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 owl 5 flew 4.875422810971845 5 flew 6 away 4.269976530865012 5 flew 18 meet 3.6103807850335947 7 to 18 meet 2.4197161577369393 7 to 8 tell 1.5183880022970992 9 all 12 meadow 1.808649536365781 10 the 12 meadow 0.9218210929777548 11 little 12 meadow 3.274027574696074 12 meadow 16 awake 5.430207669247633 12 meadow 13 people 4.986993675017036 13 people 14 who 3.567541563953629 15 were 16 awake 2.4341944997662317 16 awake 18 meet 3.2749694607826108 17 to 18 meet 2.4197161577369393 18 meet 22 chestnut 5.486638633478677 19 at 22 chestnut 2.3646361826328857 20 the 21 hollow 1.4193765853803626 21 hollow 22 chestnut 8.764529243879718 22 chestnut 23 tree 7.681430121909468 22 chestnut 24 . 1.026444488208508 " very softly striped chipmunk stole up and opened the bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 softly 1.1879180643082137 2 very 3 softly 3.544794521596298 3 softly 6 stole 5.894686696698368 3 softly 12 . 1.006936419473984 4 striped 5 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 5 chipmunk 6 stole 5.887275575738801 6 stole 11 bag 4.980024346984045 6 stole 7 up 2.5698746603591154 7 up 8 and 1.0590043195670393 9 opened 11 bag 4.14760920997184 10 the 11 bag 1.2861277901356694 out fell his store of fat acorns . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 out -0.5131718184933014 1 out 7 acorns 2.7650114560131946 2 fell 7 acorns 5.033173170809821 3 his 7 acorns 1.474254909022843 4 store 7 acorns 7.889902703841003 5 of 7 acorns 1.9343567768654246 6 fat 7 acorns 6.200019600711276 7 acorns 8 . 0.39995543040387105 then they waked mr meadow mouse and marched him off to old mother nature , where they charged him with being a thief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 they 1.1507298404133923 2 they 18 charged 2.007642122232486 3 waked 5 meadow 5.1209529580765505 3 waked 8 marched 7.473577850186832 4 mr 5 meadow 3.3839584582684274 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 and 8 marched 1.582963558990528 8 marched 10 off 5.016844167172994 8 marched 14 nature 4.338025718684893 8 marched 11 to 1.1368777881183938 9 him 10 off 0.8566785178310603 12 old 14 nature 5.543369308255009 13 mother 14 nature 6.838452275712985 14 nature 18 charged 6.256526248896389 15 , 16 where 0.25827540064126175 16 where 18 charged 2.9946903583266327 17 they 18 charged 2.007642122232486 18 charged 23 thief 7.417010819096532 18 charged 21 being 4.647578380182683 18 charged 20 with 3.3678643568731204 18 charged 19 him 3.303504519210769 18 charged 24 . 0.7649522471831212 22 a 23 thief 1.8847601644613974 " old mother nature listened to all they had to say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 listened 0.5714951526720995 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 5 listened 3.4416962062766423 5 listened 10 to 1.55676163263362 5 listened 6 to 1.55676163263362 5 listened 7 all 1.4735042772551772 5 listened 12 . 0.3589883315297442 8 they 9 had 1.3304624549807897 9 had 10 to 0.6641217568330475 10 to 11 say 1.5454691794447797 she saw the bag of acorns and she heard how mr meadow mouse had said that he had a planting of potatoes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 14 had 1.6492100299667367 1 she 2 saw 1.6886667445301757 2 saw 6 acorns 3.2931290051027524 3 the 4 bag 1.2861277901356694 4 bag 6 acorns 8.854074624705373 5 of 6 acorns 1.9343567768654246 6 acorns 7 and 1.7873943680025484 8 she 14 had 1.6492100299667367 8 she 9 heard 1.3664058171415938 9 heard 12 meadow 1.2320507556396585 10 how 11 mr 1.2521716337244335 11 mr 12 meadow 3.3839584582684274 12 meadow 13 mouse 9.933986113433567 14 had 20 planting 2.5356003560944345 15 said 20 planting 1.7544813701357533 16 that 18 had 1.0478031204253906 17 he 18 had 1.735007688287725 18 had 20 planting 2.5356003560944345 18 had 19 a 0.8090864824564772 20 planting 22 potatoes 11.919809059567708 20 planting 21 of 2.510800327470829 22 potatoes 23 . 0.6501477716923212 then she asked him if he had stolen the acorns . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 she 1.3146291675277375 2 she 3 asked 1.1453313002362684 3 asked 5 if 1.8223749891019914 3 asked 4 him 1.5813960217383816 3 asked 11 . 0.985916681625902 5 if 10 acorns 2.279756007612189 6 he 7 had 1.735007688287725 7 had 8 stolen 3.3777799360540683 8 stolen 10 acorns 10.546371169537853 9 the 10 acorns 1.036349481004141 yes , sir , she asked him right out if he had stolen the acorns . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 she 0.6784469948620249 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 4 , 2.0305121841239 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 5 she 6 asked 1.1453313002362684 6 asked 7 him 1.5813960217383816 6 asked 16 . 0.985916681625902 7 him 15 acorns 1.1884973622400707 8 right 9 out 1.4447437239881893 9 out 15 acorns 2.7650114560131946 10 if 15 acorns 2.279756007612189 11 he 12 had 1.735007688287725 12 had 13 stolen 3.3777799360540683 13 stolen 15 acorns 10.546371169537853 14 the 15 acorns 1.036349481004141 " of course mr meadow mouse said that he had not stolen the acorns . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 . -0.5207573976168103 2 of 14 acorns 1.9343567768654246 2 of 3 course 4.211944956136168 4 mr 6 mouse 3.5112299073659052 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 6 mouse 12 stolen 4.044046645457367 6 mouse 7 said -0.2793980283735813 8 that 10 had 1.0478031204253906 9 he 10 had 1.735007688287725 10 had 12 stolen 3.3777799360540683 10 had 11 not 0.9640807313938264 12 stolen 14 acorns 10.546371169537853 13 the 14 acorns 1.036349481004141 14 acorns 15 . 0.39995543040387105 " ' then where did you get the bag of acorns ? ' asked old mother nature . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 did 0.8143886674719916 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ' 0.6413903098384974 4 where 5 did 1.6928729745490187 5 did 11 acorns 2.1056032650028236 5 did 6 you 1.4033521709320578 7 get 11 acorns 2.954826018426729 8 the 9 bag 1.2861277901356694 9 bag 11 acorns 8.854074624705373 10 of 11 acorns 1.9343567768654246 11 acorns 17 nature 6.448271035390402 11 acorns 14 asked 3.2206370402481106 12 ? 14 asked 5.562665578900452 12 ? 13 ' 3.2043001420707373 15 old 17 nature 5.543369308255009 16 mother 17 nature 6.838452275712985 17 nature 18 . 0.4127944381079125 but old mother nature saw him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 5 saw 0.5575893279190076 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 5 saw 1.8909355034889863 5 saw 6 him 2.092896016269684 6 him 7 . 0.8676779267655075 you can't fool old mother nature . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 can't 0.9469312647008561 1 you 2 can't 1.849683921377844 2 can't 3 fool 4.617163255502419 3 fool 6 nature 6.173710376175581 3 fool 7 . 0.4473228660764157 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 no , sir , you can't fool old mother nature , and it 's of no use to try . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 1 no 17 use 4.679587085814449 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 7 fool 2.8722733258164617 3 sir 11 , 1.4621697544826837 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 you 6 can't 1.849683921377844 6 can't 7 fool 4.617163255502419 7 fool 10 nature 6.173710376175581 8 old 10 nature 5.543369308255009 9 mother 10 nature 6.838452275712985 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 it 17 use 2.041550698512136 14 's 17 use 2.008294421623823 15 of 17 use 1.4080171606976393 16 no 17 use 4.679587085814449 17 use 19 try 4.760096904502465 17 use 20 . 0.4688456082915291 18 to 19 try 1.5576976681177115 " mr meadow mouse didn't know what to say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 " 2 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 mr 4 mouse 3.5112299073659052 2 mr 5 didn't 1.6336599684447926 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 didn't 6 know 4.1638850028764445 5 didn't 9 say 3.049930850266094 5 didn't 10 . 0.05574901341489813 6 know 7 what 3.2396222245850588 8 to 9 say 1.5454691794447797 he couldn't tell the world that mr wharf rat was a thief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 8 wharf 4.528510062476119 2 couldn't 13 . 0.24142579007521014 3 tell 8 wharf 3.3155608880786325 4 the 5 world 2.329264621664832 5 world 8 wharf 4.876752602303068 6 that 8 wharf 1.1171401121577453 7 mr 8 wharf 5.8614092751844815 8 wharf 9 rat 11.8574132095582 8 wharf 12 thief 8.724439344288779 8 wharf 10 was 1.8799457557881816 11 a 12 thief 1.8847601644613974 so mr meadow mouse said nothing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 mr 4 mouse 3.5112299073659052 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 mouse 6 nothing 0.7406701422157163 4 mouse 7 . 0.5440018000205846 5 said 6 nothing 1.4968178409388706 i know that you did not even guess that there were stolen acorns in that bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 6 not 0.9228524324125083 1 i 2 know 2.195699135273596 1 i 4 you 1.0637389700527446 2 know 3 that 1.300924681937678 5 did 6 not 3.8864912996016745 6 not 7 even 2.764114035029854 7 even 13 acorns 3.6776615208404344 8 guess 13 acorns 5.441932223570365 9 that 13 acorns 0.7225088235407391 10 there 13 acorns 2.207960887296668 10 there 11 were 2.013603566189328 12 stolen 13 acorns 10.546371169537853 13 acorns 16 bag 8.007344952983555 14 in 16 bag 1.1431796213338892 14 in 15 that 0.05729943447385821 16 bag 17 . 0.5668527391486187 everyone else thinks that you are the thief who caused so much trouble on the green meadows and in the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 thinks 0.5484975059339057 1 everyone 3 thinks 4.688751896875832 1 everyone 2 else 5.196372309063822 3 thinks 8 thief 3.7842725938059623 3 thinks 6 are 1.6810177805120254 3 thinks 4 that 0.24156399646401283 5 you 6 are 2.3430401060570176 7 the 8 thief 0.6812940865535317 8 thief 10 caused 5.833601510879934 9 who 10 caused 1.7245481712268251 10 caused 16 green 2.5786069068950006 10 caused 13 trouble 5.088325486518059 11 so 12 much 3.2954782062481396 12 much 13 trouble 3.2284203700968206 14 on 16 green 2.5084208030644852 15 the 16 green 2.032029580366329 16 green 17 meadows 8.640219315758674 16 green 22 forest 8.1998228972977 17 meadows 18 and 1.1069338943958122 19 in 22 forest 2.5699942883890863 20 the 22 forest 2.352946321469986 21 green 22 forest 8.1998228972977 22 forest 23 . 1.036274920084331 " ' i see him ! ' cried hooty the owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 2 ' 3 i 1.0360354334931596 3 i 4 see 1.4335400271941836 4 see 9 hooty 0.7455062226098512 4 see 5 him 1.3313224633505296 6 ! 8 cried 4.743957976292686 6 ! 7 ' 2.9511416521345986 8 cried 9 hooty 0.43196929705505127 9 hooty 11 owl 10.485027851942906 10 the 11 owl 2.0875330216279195 11 owl 12 . 0.4216162132584671 ' it 's mr wharf rat ! ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 ' 5 wharf 1.8686492328022482 1 ' 8 ' 1.8066106120190106 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 5 wharf 1.8319681250536988 4 mr 5 wharf 5.8614092751844815 5 wharf 6 rat 11.8574132095582 7 ! 8 ' 2.9511416521345986 " ' yes , ' said old mother nature , ' it 's mr wharf rat he is the thief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 3 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 ' 3 yes 2.940904270921804 3 yes 4 , 2.0305121841239 5 ' 6 said 2.1255139733894506 6 said 15 wharf 2.033635441332823 6 said 21 . 0.9489036959486263 7 old 9 nature 5.543369308255009 8 mother 9 nature 6.838452275712985 9 nature 15 wharf 6.562152531454654 10 , 11 ' 0.4516113676651887 11 ' 15 wharf 1.8686492328022482 12 it 13 's 1.695106683077423 13 's 15 wharf 1.8319681250536988 14 mr 15 wharf 5.8614092751844815 15 wharf 16 rat 11.8574132095582 15 wharf 20 thief 8.724439344288779 15 wharf 18 is 2.227887003634198 15 wharf 19 the 1.2346616952379357 15 wharf 17 he 1.061728988103276 and this shall be his punishment : always hereafter he will be driven out wherever he is found . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 wherever 0.7624594533044622 1 and 15 wherever 1.1946929692744703 2 this 9 hereafter 2.433290369520872 3 shall 9 hereafter 4.058835268173301 3 shall 4 be 2.8741730525617317 5 his 6 punishment 0.992944190324831 6 punishment 9 hereafter 8.223541108356098 7 : 9 hereafter 3.4968461038564804 8 always 9 hereafter 3.251997554405328 9 hereafter 15 wherever 9.128629461330636 9 hereafter 13 driven 8.288458585037436 9 hereafter 12 be 3.6659267948327035 10 he 11 will 0.0948713194855948 11 will 12 be 2.8842016019271277 13 driven 14 out 2.4110758886247012 15 wherever 17 is 2.561130411749396 15 wherever 16 he 2.131937990384678 15 wherever 18 found 2.0849467540490103 18 found 19 . -0.30479933713281504 he shall no longer live in the green meadows or the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 shall 0.6784134633273311 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 2 shall 5 live 2.3668757804205676 3 no 4 longer 4.8464405017773355 4 longer 5 live 2.678521634034965 5 live 13 forest 3.411008655788198 6 in 13 forest 2.5699942883890863 7 the 13 forest 2.352946321469986 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 8 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 9 meadows 10 or 2.3357669143169133 11 the 13 forest 2.352946321469986 12 green 13 forest 8.1998228972977 13 forest 14 . 1.036274920084331 everyone will turn their backs upon him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 everyone 0.3858066944803191 1 everyone 5 backs 6.111709911994435 2 will 3 turn 1.8847020005051291 3 turn 5 backs 7.051517710927801 4 their 5 backs 6.736910098387192 5 backs 6 upon 3.6778172234870574 5 backs 7 him 2.783114019785696 7 him 8 . 0.8676779267655075 he will live on what others throw away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 8 away 0.5958820845100838 2 will 7 throw 2.548698929415206 3 live 7 throw 2.432978110501896 3 live 4 on 1.6141332519471305 5 what 7 throw -0.5321546220581155 6 others 7 throw 3.2166232044148977 7 throw 8 away 4.308587980134991 8 away 9 . 0.6607964685513892 he will live in filth and there will be no one to say a good word for him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 filth 1.4760160791535952 2 will 5 filth 3.911537043178928 3 live 5 filth 7.496255942406709 4 in 5 filth 2.169814747837357 5 filth 10 no 4.3867753707904775 5 filth 8 will 4.330907224931661 5 filth 7 there 4.222789900299087 5 filth 11 one 4.196151110324589 5 filth 9 be 3.3439986999453417 5 filth 6 and 2.4598197099740453 5 filth 19 . 1.072380772375368 11 one 16 word 1.8688129471012367 12 to 13 say 1.5454691794447797 13 say 16 word 4.175297421344652 14 a 16 word 2.195100285073549 14 a 15 good 1.8924332050807688 17 for 18 him 0.7594884896931795 18 him 19 . 0.8676779267655075 he will become an outcast instead of a fine gentleman . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 he 5 outcast 1.3848681910954035 2 will 3 become 2.2547161955274113 3 become 5 outcast 6.7801996825528725 4 an 5 outcast 6.573140331907155 5 outcast 10 gentleman 7.353176388772695 5 outcast 6 instead 6.926166247827776 5 outcast 9 fine 5.804423626233625 6 instead 7 of 3.1350053606047315 8 a 9 fine 2.1660824004800148 11 . 12 ' 4.2885620435386205 " of course he felt terribly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 course 1.1137837747596677 1 " 3 course 0.9955464445692712 2 of 3 course 4.211944956136168 3 course 6 terribly 3.329169962636147 4 he 5 felt 2.0830791199149683 5 felt 6 terribly 3.6091914922576223 6 terribly 7 . 1.039272460563435 " thank you , grandfather frog , " said danny meadow mouse , very soberly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 thank 2.2783711941508873 2 thank 5 grandfather 4.6094938783919055 2 thank 3 you 3.854819450510554 2 thank 4 , 1.2586135867488526 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 7 , 9 said 1.3498770263619093 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 9 said 15 soberly 3.884878007391425 10 danny 11 meadow 9.760926773564673 11 meadow 12 mouse 9.933986113433567 11 meadow 15 soberly 5.015170169968787 13 , 15 soberly 1.3820641736795345 14 very 15 soberly 3.471623313582022 15 soberly 16 . 1.9258603752680017 " now i understand why my tail is short and i shall not forget . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 2 now 3 i 1.0002477511407122 3 i 14 forget 1.7256676969159308 3 i 4 understand 2.098274584437929 4 understand 5 why 4.16906688629879 6 my 7 tail 1.3356759359288475 7 tail 9 short 5.226632003006213 7 tail 8 is 0.9172237348426506 9 short 14 forget 2.44534759297019 9 short 10 and 0.8643902102018224 11 i 12 shall 2.3849574271848972 12 shall 14 forget 4.179243140191325 13 not 14 forget 2.8276602592292903 15 . 16 " 4.467019939707924 ii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ii 2.4288383845669053 why reddy fox has no friends 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 2 reddy 1.5284594431980203 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 4 has 1.336053035960287 4 has 6 friends 1.6104768563410943 4 has 5 no 1.2302708851104853 the green meadows lay peaceful and still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 3 meadows 2.3225225762090123 2 green 3 meadows 8.640219315758674 3 meadows 5 peaceful 5.74678680509879 3 meadows 8 . 1.0373533873754468 4 lay 5 peaceful 4.023489329010651 5 peaceful 7 still 3.262901981864786 5 peaceful 6 and 1.4542815264326165 mother moon , sailing high overhead , looked down upon them and smiled and smiled , flooding them with her silvery light . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mother 0.19889522399002324 1 mother 2 moon 2.606853208954295 2 moon 3 , 0.35060417053245985 3 , 17 flooding 1.5285077417826898 4 sailing 5 high 6.2573977976052255 5 high 7 , 0.5924866969383267 5 high 6 overhead 6.777395180469025 7 , 17 flooding 1.5285077417826898 8 looked 10 upon 2.6162963264481647 9 down 10 upon 2.6785337992789913 10 upon 11 them 1.469484257647462 11 them 17 flooding 6.519942020670289 12 and 17 flooding 3.5829635589905315 13 smiled 17 flooding 11.451233133397697 14 and 17 flooding 3.5829635589905315 15 smiled 17 flooding 11.451233133397697 16 , 17 flooding 1.5285077417826898 17 flooding 21 silvery 13.139476843567625 17 flooding 22 light 9.494097101522431 17 flooding 18 them 6.083212342595228 17 flooding 19 with 4.82729597551042 17 flooding 20 her 4.472666668699251 17 flooding 23 . 1.2243838658204211 all day long the merry little breezes of old mother west wind had romped there among the asters and goldenrod . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 romped 0.18291044876966822 1 all 7 breezes 2.1592524308908487 1 all 2 day 2.007828074516162 2 day 3 long 1.8882261953513755 4 the 7 breezes 2.2607610699772422 5 merry 7 breezes 10.012501010913478 6 little 7 breezes 6.02611847789149 7 breezes 11 west 7.092107584502667 8 of 11 west 1.1904944012224803 9 old 11 west 4.333801015832179 10 mother 11 west 6.260487287650108 11 west 14 romped 7.613786146183653 11 west 12 wind 8.453050316196002 13 had 14 romped 1.898170435479141 14 romped 20 goldenrod 13.072981431780715 14 romped 15 there 3.0528648988567753 16 among 20 goldenrod 6.9382128757520185 16 among 17 the 1.964963559123131 18 asters 20 goldenrod 14.083707838373773 18 asters 19 and 2.130696113682479 20 goldenrod 21 . 1.8093463665415754 they had played tag through the cat rushes around the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 4 tag 3.4197680260914254 2 had 4 tag 2.3362915478710278 3 played 4 tag 9.48470122865854 4 tag 8 rushes 10.075908781532238 4 tag 12 pool 6.799828489301802 4 tag 7 cat 6.601635762836686 4 tag 9 around 5.734287203074384 4 tag 5 through 4.637767319827752 5 through 6 the 1.8726201334000674 10 the 12 pool 2.2980304314762776 11 smiling 12 pool 9.99688962068163 12 pool 13 . 1.0200253673142292 but reddy fox was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 there 0.9622068167745255 1 but 4 was 0.8769417879204653 1 but 5 there 1.1924831197982169 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 2 reddy 4 was 1.0046949694891438 5 there 6 . -0.6227599007216114 jimmy skunk was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 there 0.9622068167745255 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 1 jimmy 3 was 0.7948421874117635 4 there 5 . -0.6227599007216114 if there is any mischief reddy fox does not think of jimmy skunk will be sure to discover it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.5304838990545235 1 if 4 any 1.8228391099199293 2 there 4 any 1.937457113835288 2 there 3 is 2.1194678581467485 4 any 5 mischief 2.9586017088267056 5 mischief 6 reddy 2.8700413731104426 5 mischief 20 . 0.93617638877706 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 7 fox 13 skunk 3.58332804489088 8 does 13 skunk 2.086247366714691 8 does 9 not 3.0983826205361353 8 does 10 think 1.3974431675463883 10 think 11 of 1.4134225444720343 12 jimmy 13 skunk 9.859461590276863 13 skunk 18 discover 4.5691246630288695 14 will 15 be 2.8842016019271277 15 be 16 sure 3.347040778220114 16 sure 18 discover 2.41083325395606 17 to 18 discover 2.420700619725231 18 discover 19 it 1.574430345537646 billy mink was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 there 0.9622068167745255 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 1 billy 3 was 0.7415563277789765 4 there 5 . -0.6227599007216114 yes indeed , billy mink was there ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 2 indeed 4.275248302687629 2 indeed 4 billy 2.190219980103361 2 indeed 8 ! 2.602606498852314 2 indeed 3 , 1.1805591219564295 2 indeed 7 there 0.5286061569659353 4 billy 5 mink 9.260717032646737 4 billy 6 was 0.7415563277789765 billy mink is another mischief maker . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 billy 0.29882624197680663 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 6 maker 7.1579687967624785 3 is 6 maker 1.9848426050837382 4 another 6 maker 4.80282292498168 5 mischief 6 maker 9.54246671508194 6 maker 7 . 1.165490176766852 when reddy fox and jimmy skunk are playing pranks or in trouble of any kind you are certain to find billy mink close by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 9 pranks 4.449891964721683 3 fox 18 certain 0.9883118795058046 4 and 9 pranks 0.5591168170361627 5 jimmy 6 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 skunk 9 pranks 6.064652080168077 7 are 9 pranks 2.6183431192329536 8 playing 9 pranks 7.132744122477103 9 pranks 12 trouble 5.257710658191346 9 pranks 15 kind 4.908618046616926 9 pranks 10 or 3.776083822044118 9 pranks 14 any 2.9596686612564937 9 pranks 17 are 2.1438310043602904 9 pranks 13 of 0.9899681641693867 11 in 12 trouble 0.6641370835535554 16 you 17 are 2.3430401060570176 18 certain 22 mink 3.068083630568239 18 certain 23 close 2.328178901134546 19 to 20 find 1.7384908305919051 20 find 22 mink 2.0033660917724774 21 billy 22 mink 9.260717032646737 23 close 24 by 4.000181749679339 23 close 25 . 0.2746760203514853 that is , you are certain to find him if you look sharp enough . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 is 0.828513342774535 1 that 2 is 1.5257476832692056 2 is 14 enough 1.6501122942991664 3 , 4 you 0.22054354895880657 4 you 8 find 1.646659414611026 4 you 5 are 2.3430401060570176 6 certain 8 find 1.4222533610665558 7 to 8 find 1.7384908305919051 8 find 14 enough 2.0769970622164315 8 find 9 him 0.9635668707243426 10 if 14 enough 1.2251336160203579 10 if 11 you 2.081684759546537 12 look 13 sharp 1.5238166292210344 13 sharp 14 enough 2.549463153746494 14 enough 15 . 0.3320435157797661 with billy mink came his cousin , shadow the weasel , who is sly and cruel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 cruel -0.2747713879176743 1 with 14 sly 2.0404629198485154 2 billy 14 sly 3.123425467763891 2 billy 3 mink 9.260717032646737 3 mink 4 came 2.0234108377768365 5 his 6 cousin 2.3925086402507887 6 cousin 10 weasel 3.763620477127578 6 cousin 7 , 1.0968581528652415 8 shadow 10 weasel 10.04970825071181 9 the 10 weasel 2.114071776428659 10 weasel 14 sly 7.567988919345904 10 weasel 12 who 2.2259005656990176 11 , 12 who 0.7573564620449389 13 is 14 sly 2.4046305039159854 14 sly 16 cruel 5.990413597565901 14 sly 15 and 1.5506226469823545 16 cruel 17 . 0.519561907257934 no one likes shadow the weasel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 2 one 3 likes 2.673705367918764 3 likes 6 weasel 4.981332418686119 4 shadow 6 weasel 10.04970825071181 5 the 6 weasel 2.114071776428659 6 weasel 7 . 0.7838112744344379 little joe otter and jerry muskrat came . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 otter -0.046048328560811314 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 6 muskrat 7.748270896222024 3 otter 7 came 1.3181541033379638 3 otter 4 and 1.0554294548947105 3 otter 8 . 0.3878825981032996 5 jerry 6 muskrat 10.20890526194098 of course peter rabbit was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 3 peter 2.085806442134217 2 course 6 there 1.0727592786729865 2 course 5 was 0.7955034757896584 2 course 7 . -0.23089610954641238 3 peter 4 rabbit 7.313713619688597 without him no party on the green meadows would be complete , and peter likes to be abroad at night even better than by day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 party -0.7217225682503141 1 without 4 party 1.787366773469369 1 without 2 him 1.0094193674180119 3 no 4 party 0.020575473287710366 4 party 18 abroad 6.0635688873399936 5 on 8 meadows 3.790009740513195 6 the 8 meadows 2.3225225762090123 7 green 8 meadows 8.640219315758674 8 meadows 11 complete 5.720908173273184 9 would 10 be 2.939110555868645 10 be 11 complete 2.5287044338001543 11 complete 15 likes 6.7571315073562275 11 complete 14 peter 2.4921768170201055 12 , 14 peter 0.5868727018224646 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 15 likes 18 abroad 5.236932972749077 15 likes 16 to 1.7065199433828369 16 to 17 be 1.7155747074306849 18 abroad 20 night 3.797142155705817 18 abroad 26 . 0.716236962150095 19 at 20 night 1.7817186554150624 20 night 25 day 2.5647105819747473 21 even 22 better 0.8258396906653154 22 better 24 by 0.6274683554805556 22 better 23 than 5.32098737373564 24 by 25 day 1.350709342639778 with peter came his cousin , jumper the hare , who had come down from the pine forest for a visit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 jumper 0.36577450591947525 1 with 7 jumper 0.9116367652204183 2 peter 7 jumper 4.6085793870954 3 came 7 jumper 2.0317583280896763 4 his 5 cousin 2.3925086402507887 5 cousin 7 jumper 7.5294009489359865 5 cousin 6 , 1.0968581528652415 7 jumper 9 hare 10.540508458932756 7 jumper 18 forest 4.384118937539153 7 jumper 12 had 2.0123958430366535 8 the 9 hare 2.121639977825204 9 hare 11 who 2.639733309132577 10 , 11 who 0.7573564620449389 13 come 14 down 2.0351981475169687 14 down 17 pine 3.1528566163630884 15 from 17 pine 2.7961773764046534 16 the 17 pine 2.064363857173742 17 pine 18 forest 4.885481236642374 18 forest 21 visit 2.1607888661867705 18 forest 22 . 1.036274920084331 19 for 21 visit 1.348140431173455 20 a 21 visit 1.7058323566381333 boomer the nighthawk and hooty the owl completed the party , though hooty had not been invited and no one knew that he was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 boomer 0.8026383676515003 1 boomer 3 nighthawk 15.028333516345878 2 the 3 nighthawk 2.213227243088223 3 nighthawk 8 completed 12.560576095633667 3 nighthawk 7 owl 9.481175526447306 3 nighthawk 13 hooty 9.31986006922347 3 nighthawk 4 and 0.5529291143655328 5 hooty 7 owl 10.485027851942906 6 the 7 owl 2.0875330216279195 8 completed 10 party 6.984983508780729 8 completed 12 though 4.858426016647936 9 the 10 party 1.327945879275596 11 , 12 though 1.4312280421721404 13 hooty 17 invited 4.698451018786809 13 hooty 21 knew 1.6979933835598544 13 hooty 19 no 1.1618090057902037 13 hooty 18 and 0.6498908442526172 13 hooty 26 . 0.09027093127126307 14 had 16 been 3.8301500596883944 14 had 15 not 0.9640807313938264 16 been 17 invited 2.9177366996915026 19 no 20 one 2.611222192281094 21 knew 22 that 2.5840220415164588 21 knew 24 was 1.8171644316243114 21 knew 25 there 1.1358191105681428 23 he 24 was 1.2250956603177912 each was to contribute something to the feast the thing that he liked best . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 each -0.3231232348935684 1 each 4 contribute 7.328044589429474 1 each 14 best 1.406118665459676 2 was 4 contribute 1.9846551528540246 3 to 4 contribute 2.2451945860196183 4 contribute 8 feast 10.232223351455897 4 contribute 5 something 6.052034017648143 4 contribute 10 thing 5.961220712663781 4 contribute 6 to 3.0942716167405386 4 contribute 9 the 1.3569174452889357 7 the 8 feast 1.5177794172034424 10 thing 11 that 0.9766039720183564 12 he 13 liked 1.595187780131269 13 liked 14 best 3.924769170369977 14 best 15 . 0.5213042658066236 such an array as mother moon looked down upon ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 3 array 4.439778904616137 1 such 10 ! 1.1764531675937313 2 an 3 array 4.73663906419004 3 array 6 moon 8.533869206559668 3 array 9 upon 5.698281326046779 3 array 7 looked 5.009853608476785 3 array 5 mother 4.9972092013315965 3 array 8 down 4.1536528032309405 3 array 4 as 2.302582914544292 reddy fox had brought a plump , tender chicken , stolen from farmer brown 's dooryard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 9 chicken 5.603021723621012 3 had 4 brought 2.266072700930007 4 brought 6 plump 4.251408526293556 5 a 6 plump 1.776235707683231 6 plump 9 chicken 8.89470464412656 6 plump 7 , 0.6152785618115679 8 tender 9 chicken 7.02693406426128 9 chicken 11 stolen 6.652278925501367 9 chicken 10 , 0.3120329767514036 11 stolen 16 dooryard 8.60295469790422 11 stolen 12 from 4.1686971524485905 13 farmer 16 dooryard 8.268104303446624 13 farmer 14 brown 8.64653815547903 13 farmer 15 's 4.683257407921326 16 dooryard 17 . 0.8093463665415754 very quietly , like a thin , brown shadow , billy mink had slipped up to the duck pond and alas ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 very 0.2444114602595704 1 very 2 quietly 2.278490920978385 2 quietly 6 thin 4.060867814407146 2 quietly 3 , 0.5495852052588539 4 like 6 thin 1.3500969445722397 4 like 5 a 1.5962898902440639 6 thin 12 mink 3.56000909503722 6 thin 9 shadow 3.8870687660033774 6 thin 10 , 0.9030077310927354 6 thin 7 , 0.9030077310927354 8 brown 9 shadow 3.037212116953203 11 billy 12 mink 9.260717032646737 12 mink 18 duck 6.693836747955462 12 mink 14 slipped 4.518558512018945 12 mink 15 up 1.4126349185479192 13 had 14 slipped 1.7579927774308821 15 up 16 to 0.5990262771899992 17 the 18 duck 1.5479698859504545 18 duck 21 alas 6.454615772792348 18 duck 19 pond 5.935477908030784 18 duck 20 and 0.9337508983064602 21 alas 22 ! 4.680314913402583 little joe otter had been fishing and he brought a great fat brother of the lamented tommy trout , who didn't mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 otter -0.046048328560811314 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 18 trout 6.006310392135429 3 otter 6 fishing 4.600757142199978 3 otter 9 brought 2.913723732165952 3 otter 11 great 2.2594168777051458 3 otter 7 and 1.0554294548947105 4 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 5 been 6 fishing 2.934926460989022 8 he 9 brought 0.895309570193497 10 a 11 great 2.39190469798403 12 fat 18 trout 8.203650851158141 13 brother 16 lamented 5.265812196709774 14 of 16 lamented 1.1322961544773342 14 of 15 the 0.8205289458717022 16 lamented 18 trout 8.250235975021514 17 tommy 18 trout 7.468951567248617 18 trout 22 mind 4.578903670336526 18 trout 21 didn't 3.7774293068592115 18 trout 20 who 2.934226111821321 18 trout 23 . 0.6950502339529656 19 , 20 who 0.7573564620449389 jerry muskrat brought up from the mud of the river bottom some fine fresh water clams , of which he is very fond . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jerry 0.5434911091232415 1 jerry 2 muskrat 10.20890526194098 2 muskrat 7 mud 4.776909914725838 3 brought 7 mud 3.976804731747624 3 brought 4 up 3.2240146493028625 3 brought 5 from 2.3704602802889916 6 the 7 mud 1.6166953536549293 7 mud 11 bottom 7.55066322715853 7 mud 10 river 3.6893549692660024 8 of 10 river 1.275336343622552 9 the 10 river 2.1830854155933963 11 bottom 16 clams 9.614731865680579 12 some 16 clams 5.055119697504178 13 fine 16 clams 7.595642492484355 14 fresh 16 clams 9.547348936461685 15 water 16 clams 7.182794766012794 16 clams 19 which 6.085784861872835 16 clams 22 very 4.906586852968022 16 clams 21 is 3.8493753803804687 16 clams 20 he 2.683217364849547 16 clams 18 of 2.33392256538675 16 clams 24 . 1.6938691491216389 16 clams 17 , 0.454572090398635 22 very 23 fond 4.257050396704873 jimmy skunk stole three big eggs from the nest of old gray goose . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 6 eggs 5.088498822122446 3 stole 6 eggs 4.845723255272457 3 stole 4 three 1.6889940682383937 5 big 6 eggs 3.2109724348530406 6 eggs 9 nest 6.314996369590357 6 eggs 14 . 0.7443165532266605 7 from 9 nest 1.2566171121009369 8 the 9 nest 1.2882151673400273 9 nest 13 goose 5.468653606192632 9 nest 10 of 1.2305651808834277 11 old 12 gray 2.667439204845195 12 gray 13 goose 4.54546920324346 peter rabbit and jumper the hare rolled up a great , tender , fresh cabbage . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 4 jumper 5.952631539605754 2 rabbit 3 and 0.3512952531958753 4 jumper 6 hare 10.540508458932756 5 the 6 hare 2.121639977825204 6 hare 15 cabbage 7.104932205101829 6 hare 7 rolled 5.014545968644722 6 hare 16 . 0.712217190697757 7 rolled 8 up 3.3702516000541465 9 a 10 great 2.39190469798403 10 great 15 cabbage 4.370859716933673 10 great 11 , 0.18321181435495326 12 tender 15 cabbage 7.16895306913371 12 tender 13 , 0.4520520984201184 14 fresh 15 cabbage 6.7482616303876775 now hooty the owl is a glutton and is lazy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 7 glutton 3.164656436174713 2 hooty 4 owl 10.485027851942906 3 the 4 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 owl 7 glutton 7.765421627181592 5 is 7 glutton 3.140961807001016 6 a 7 glutton 2.6299462654325723 7 glutton 10 lazy 8.344652316466156 7 glutton 9 is 2.6269829590440175 7 glutton 11 . 0.8865142270640334 7 glutton 8 and 0.6889906639415564 " reddy fox and jimmy skunk and billy mink are sure to bring somethink [ transcriber 's note : something ? ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 mink 1.2146650639496315 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 6 skunk 3.58332804489088 3 fox 4 and 0.2869424899497339 5 jimmy 6 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 skunk 8 billy 4.427433342315499 6 skunk 7 and 0.4622809474903278 8 billy 9 mink 9.260717032646737 9 mink 14 somethink 10.85840851490357 9 mink 22 ] 1.736011883543842 10 are 14 somethink 5.964117956074684 11 sure 14 somethink 8.252135507937002 12 to 14 somethink 3.052549508077224 13 bring 14 somethink 9.452078049990451 14 somethink 16 transcriber 16.10186255176784 14 somethink 15 [ 11.051053592845964 14 somethink 20 something 7.859388939705749 14 somethink 19 : 7.032926248146602 16 transcriber 18 note 11.750911555649967 16 transcriber 17 's 5.064262379601811 21 ? 22 ] 0.402360267697194 so hooty the owl went very early to the lone pine and hid among the thick branches where no one could see him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 4 owl 0.4954474160281741 2 hooty 4 owl 10.485027851942906 3 the 4 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 owl 10 lone 5.159995023900716 4 owl 7 early 3.7247796426842434 5 went 7 early 1.5062367890007842 6 very 7 early 2.970583296405959 8 to 9 the 0.3667201796407351 9 the 10 lone 2.2115329445483454 10 lone 11 pine 8.730085907429917 11 pine 17 branches 6.423901151426502 12 and 13 hid 1.4322491615140507 13 hid 16 thick 6.465157973250751 13 hid 14 among 5.118827048624432 14 among 15 the 1.964963559123131 16 thick 17 branches 6.511605751377179 17 branches 22 see 2.166646936919957 18 where 21 could 1.7776223734851762 19 no 20 one 2.611222192281094 20 one 21 could 0.9628479921351527 21 could 22 see 2.945997787046375 22 see 23 him 1.3313224633505296 23 him 24 . 0.8676779267655075 shadow the weasel is sly and a thief and lives by his wits . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shadow -0.21704761945541406 1 shadow 3 weasel 10.04970825071181 2 the 3 weasel 2.114071776428659 3 weasel 5 sly 7.567988919345904 3 weasel 8 thief 6.406122502953796 3 weasel 14 . 0.7838112744344379 4 is 5 sly 2.4046305039159854 5 sly 6 and 1.5506226469823545 7 a 8 thief 1.8847601644613974 8 thief 13 wits 5.002450275762907 9 and 13 wits 0.3410749620282836 10 lives 13 wits 4.189890524025635 11 by 12 his 0.7311889520826256 12 his 13 wits 3.3349044737730367 so because he had rather steal than be honest , he too went to the midnight spread with nothing but his appetite . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 midnight 0.44182874613123246 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 because 12 too 1.0464167768902115 2 because 3 he 1.6134711134543167 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 5 rather 12 too 1.4367019219484227 5 rather 7 than 4.039145902372834 5 rather 6 steal 2.169438802659446 5 rather 9 honest 1.7334416847449567 8 be 9 honest 2.1445462474052768 9 honest 10 , 0.6935943739785841 10 , 11 he 0.5080875377005949 12 too 16 midnight 2.5475743751746798 12 too 14 to 1.0212644306875376 13 went 14 to 1.73022000487234 14 to 15 the 0.3667201796407351 16 midnight 22 appetite 6.426268676326124 16 midnight 17 spread 5.380084808447911 18 with 22 appetite 1.9095494317853188 19 nothing 22 appetite 3.3206250637139725 19 nothing 20 but 3.0228190933860777 21 his 22 appetite 3.50563309749953 22 appetite 23 . 1.523189402676035 now reddy fox is also a glutton and very , very crafty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 reddy 1.2064766118693377 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 5 also 1.8718441402200554 3 fox 4 is 0.8565962252078805 5 also 12 crafty 5.686234686040855 6 a 7 glutton 2.6299462654325723 7 glutton 12 crafty 10.758698613341945 8 and 12 crafty 1.2450939202341438 9 very 12 crafty 5.343207040454583 10 , 12 crafty 0.6056756023051442 11 very 12 crafty 5.343207040454583 12 crafty 13 . 1.5614188530979902 so straightway he began to plan how he could get possession of billy mink 's duck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 2 straightway 2.574847985214543 2 straightway 6 plan 6.482793401561469 2 straightway 4 began 5.382686271045166 2 straightway 3 he 1.3612892699621852 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 plan 11 possession 5.375995114460199 7 how 9 could 2.5032621772750225 8 he 9 could 1.799559825235125 9 could 10 get 2.5903383122444907 10 get 11 possession 2.8479108145102145 11 possession 16 duck 6.5838844584592096 11 possession 12 of 3.559277400579056 11 possession 17 . 1.0827227165968303 13 billy 14 mink 9.260717032646737 14 mink 16 duck 6.693836747955462 14 mink 15 's 0.6137638857345173 at once he began to plan how he could secure that particular fat trout little joe otter guarded so carefully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 once 0.1976639201991084 1 at 2 once 4.141134533179308 2 once 4 began 2.6878286300462157 3 he 4 began 1.2052530616021215 4 began 10 secure 4.298301202868689 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 plan 10 secure 7.353275037960117 7 how 10 secure 3.6115425438671984 7 how 9 could 2.5032621772750225 8 he 9 could 1.799559825235125 10 secure 14 trout 8.516310835175364 10 secure 12 particular 7.682604586170807 10 secure 11 that 0.392523171599489 13 fat 14 trout 8.203650851158141 14 trout 18 guarded 8.324043195948438 14 trout 21 . 0.6950502339529656 15 little 17 otter 5.892167388174904 16 joe 17 otter 10.28726033754742 17 otter 18 guarded 7.179146988997644 18 guarded 20 carefully 7.203098172252133 19 so 20 carefully 1.666271012978136 because reddy fox is the largest he was given the place of honor at the head of the table under the lone pine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 because -0.22319817862267932 1 because 6 largest 4.6417128583590745 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 6 largest 4.414845017622479 4 is 6 largest 1.8894230400050525 5 the 6 largest 2.578359836540752 6 largest 9 given 5.620953581013538 6 largest 8 was 1.381694888260359 7 he 8 was 1.2250956603177912 9 given 13 honor 3.5880527251994714 10 the 11 place 0.9798448761251439 11 place 13 honor 3.052822342108616 12 of 13 honor 1.7978771154067772 13 honor 19 table 3.8105056097679757 13 honor 24 . 0.6282808074940611 14 at 19 table 2.736529927122106 15 the 19 table 2.042115326695468 16 head 19 table 2.0665811573607122 17 of 18 the 0.8205289458717022 18 the 19 table 2.042115326695468 19 table 23 pine 3.837419951541243 20 under 23 pine 4.348959284292416 21 the 22 lone 2.2115329445483454 22 lone 23 pine 8.730085907429917 on his right sat little joe otter and on his left jerry muskrat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 on -0.3379217145317739 1 on 2 his 1.5589997391045252 2 his 14 . 0.4811614129737549 3 right 13 muskrat 1.2773183391819636 4 sat 13 muskrat 1.9076398192901287 5 little 7 otter 5.892167388174904 6 joe 7 otter 10.28726033754742 7 otter 13 muskrat 7.748270896222024 7 otter 11 left 1.2300365653380858 7 otter 8 and 1.0554294548947105 9 on 10 his 1.5589997391045252 10 his 11 left 1.1060025877517035 12 jerry 13 muskrat 10.20890526194098 13 muskrat 14 . 0.7601987172124858 shadow the weasel was next to little joe otter , while right across from him was jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shadow -0.21704761945541406 1 shadow 3 weasel 10.04970825071181 1 shadow 13 across 4.359655204600045 2 the 3 weasel 2.114071776428659 3 weasel 9 otter 5.103375821270053 3 weasel 5 next 2.562290314013449 3 weasel 4 was 1.5616289144531983 5 next 6 to 0.41298827502833646 7 little 9 otter 5.892167388174904 8 joe 9 otter 10.28726033754742 9 otter 11 while 2.1972943357079053 10 , 11 while 0.4163470661472157 12 right 13 across 2.4051253643215276 13 across 14 from 1.334138070015534 13 across 18 skunk 1.045094939521256 14 from 15 him 0.5946081014707563 16 was 17 jimmy -0.03191907168148944 17 jimmy 18 skunk 9.859461590276863 18 skunk 19 . 0.71694841771642 peter rabbit was next , sitting opposite his cousin , jumper the hare . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 11 jumper 5.952631539605754 3 was 6 sitting 2.6030743563351812 3 was 4 next 0.12714802701660233 5 , 6 sitting 0.2918188917578739 6 sitting 7 opposite 5.90187753180782 7 opposite 11 jumper 6.269639572229739 8 his 9 cousin 2.3925086402507887 9 cousin 11 jumper 7.5294009489359865 9 cousin 10 , 1.0968581528652415 11 jumper 13 hare 10.540508458932756 12 the 13 hare 2.121639977825204 13 hare 14 . 0.712217190697757 at the extreme end , facing reddy fox , sat billy mink , with the plump duck right under his sharp little nose . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 mink 0.20739439690251515 1 at 3 extreme 3.2226171777604584 2 the 3 extreme 1.8522664165651719 3 extreme 6 facing 11.206331818323878 3 extreme 4 end 7.220778589430136 3 extreme 5 , 0.43254578406863686 6 facing 12 mink 7.103244470148656 6 facing 7 reddy 5.153495320183165 6 facing 10 sat 4.9971738750448615 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 9 , 10 sat 0.11176074331334895 11 billy 12 mink 9.260717032646737 12 mink 17 duck 6.693836747955462 13 , 14 with 0.25997842034339946 14 with 15 the 0.21672858888747726 15 the 17 duck 1.5479698859504545 16 plump 17 duck 7.40820478229109 17 duck 21 sharp 4.510725253918725 17 duck 19 under 3.628992558805745 17 duck 24 . 0.9792713679838876 18 right 19 under 1.7365762333273977 20 his 21 sharp 2.473374411564393 21 sharp 23 nose 4.257704406726429 21 sharp 22 little 2.7607622566977277 reddy fox paused a moment to look hungrily at billy mink 's duck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 8 hungrily 5.095227083422319 3 paused 8 hungrily 7.951667274338497 3 paused 5 moment 5.72957976583017 4 a 5 moment 2.601643222555513 6 to 7 look 1.4243381174913097 7 look 8 hungrily 3.917014549458248 8 hungrily 11 mink 7.373892060092327 8 hungrily 13 duck 8.7255456076828 8 hungrily 9 at 3.3828512909652844 8 hungrily 12 's 2.9674008403492174 10 billy 11 mink 9.260717032646737 13 duck 14 . 0.9792713679838876 billy mink cast a longing eye at little joe otter 's trout , while jimmy skunk stole an envious glance at reddy fox 's chicken . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 billy 0.29882624197680663 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 10 otter 8.457097998736234 3 cast 5 longing 5.280205790600991 4 a 5 longing 1.483104877103301 5 longing 10 otter 4.985397542765675 5 longing 6 eye 4.062595716783768 6 eye 7 at 0.8655063688854696 8 little 10 otter 5.892167388174904 9 joe 10 otter 10.28726033754742 10 otter 12 trout 6.006310392135429 11 's 12 trout 1.1608601676908243 12 trout 17 stole 5.82695345125261 13 , 14 while 0.4163470661472157 14 while 17 stole 3.2724400208072275 15 jimmy 16 skunk 9.859461590276863 16 skunk 17 stole 4.7169399595104835 17 stole 19 envious 6.911311596900031 18 an 19 envious 1.9542304992626605 19 envious 25 chicken 8.356435378853444 19 envious 20 glance 7.091211041928826 19 envious 26 . 1.0639191936271715 20 glance 21 at 4.398507886178255 22 reddy 23 fox 7.973188175503683 23 fox 25 chicken 5.603021723621012 24 's 25 chicken 0.3077015560200955 " but there is one missing to make our joy complete , " continued reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 there 0.9622068167745255 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 but 3 there 1.1924831197982169 3 there 4 is 2.1194678581467485 4 is 11 complete 1.4564636327289477 5 one 6 missing 3.608213711948892 6 missing 11 complete 8.281026603016858 7 to 8 make 1.9953753273403052 8 make 11 complete 3.3204877700665207 9 our 11 complete 3.603504610257321 10 joy 11 complete 5.383077874486556 11 complete 14 continued 6.011490631241109 11 complete 15 reddy 4.079494738739388 11 complete 17 . 1.1312744614289336 12 , 14 continued 1.196163030949986 13 " 14 continued 1.726164874620732 15 reddy 16 fox 7.973188175503683 " who has seen bobby coon ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 who 3 has 2.07996183191376 2 who 7 ? 1.7638373023408835 3 has 4 seen 1.782935496679034 4 seen 5 bobby 2.84245245051768 5 bobby 6 coon 11.609228375483951 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 no one had seen bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 bobby 0.8197896173107466 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 3 had 4 seen 3.3805568083293327 4 seen 5 bobby 2.84245245051768 5 bobby 6 coon 11.609228375483951 6 coon 7 . 0.327916430342281 somehow happy-go-lucky bobby coon had been overlooked when the invitations were sent out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 somehow 0.699890444824316 1 somehow 2 happy-go-lucky 7.17792340313812 2 happy-go-lucky 3 bobby 8.33147395606419 2 happy-go-lucky 7 overlooked 11.311785621142082 3 bobby 4 coon 11.609228375483951 5 had 6 been 3.8301500596883944 6 been 7 overlooked 3.7497115885221213 7 overlooked 10 invitations 11.227393433851706 7 overlooked 8 when 3.296960457745815 9 the 10 invitations 1.4566812799524982 10 invitations 12 sent 8.254413647785416 10 invitations 11 were 4.621108849562372 10 invitations 13 out 4.364180263400243 13 out 14 . 0.36696756247713225 little joe otter listened and his mouth watered and watered until he could sit still no longer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 sit 0.5952563520422469 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 10 watered 7.090141982938899 4 listened 8 watered 7.273656049129169 5 and 8 watered 1.6194894350156446 6 his 7 mouth 3.591456806912234 7 mouth 8 watered 9.750273712426452 8 watered 10 watered 10.096568252098333 9 and 10 watered 1.6194894350156446 10 watered 14 sit 6.899498610925217 10 watered 11 until 5.708366937791805 10 watered 13 could 3.2680655551745303 10 watered 12 he 1.8982302558203976 14 sit 15 still 4.735451939798839 14 sit 17 longer 2.4744717243903764 16 no 17 longer 4.8464405017773355 17 longer 18 . 1.066691386712451 now peter rabbit and jumper the hare are very fond of tender young carrots and they volunteered to bring a supply for the feast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 rabbit 1.433091226095943 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 5 jumper 5.952631539605754 3 rabbit 4 and 0.3512952531958753 5 jumper 10 fond 4.077048801378908 5 jumper 7 hare 10.540508458932756 6 the 7 hare 2.121639977825204 8 are 10 fond 2.419797439850875 9 very 10 fond 4.257050396704873 10 fond 14 carrots 6.384614545940199 10 fond 11 of 3.6534239228795737 12 tender 14 carrots 10.624835620689936 13 young 14 carrots 6.775824959566773 14 carrots 17 volunteered 11.965323718820077 14 carrots 15 and 2.2333111801653693 16 they 17 volunteered 2.265439879700132 17 volunteered 21 supply 10.816460332905596 17 volunteered 19 bring 6.427670283622163 17 volunteered 18 to 1.814163697547805 17 volunteered 20 a 1.773403829875086 21 supply 24 feast 7.367152931542005 22 for 24 feast 1.7901026448305117 23 the 24 feast 1.5177794172034424 24 feast 25 . 0.780777214344802 so away they hurried with big jumps down the lone little path and out across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 4 hurried 1.5336787962381386 2 away 4 hurried 2.5514807800518966 3 they 4 hurried 2.4003694597862406 4 hurried 10 lone 6.115879390218431 5 with 7 jumps 3.166893820462491 6 big 7 jumps 5.133919376680634 7 jumps 10 lone 6.987010222709351 8 down 10 lone 5.664039199992068 9 the 10 lone 2.2115329445483454 10 lone 12 path 10.049187958238516 10 lone 18 meadows 6.176773595935355 10 lone 11 little 5.709163689461587 13 and 14 out 0.5295400071917733 14 out 18 meadows 1.6726729279643315 15 across 18 meadows 6.60215897375376 16 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 17 green 18 meadows 8.640219315758674 18 meadows 19 . 1.0373533873754468 no sooner was jerry muskrat lost in the black shadows than reddy fox turned to speak to shadow the weasel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 sooner 5.175161873165646 2 sooner 5 muskrat 3.9060742249521248 2 sooner 11 than 5.72684966277205 2 sooner 18 shadow 2.8296087141290585 2 sooner 3 was 0.9382134109673608 4 jerry 5 muskrat 10.20890526194098 5 muskrat 10 shadows 4.396272512540019 6 lost 10 shadows 3.467460202984981 7 in 10 shadows 1.5462824108329443 8 the 10 shadows 1.738558291998288 9 black 10 shadows 7.018291975263526 12 reddy 18 shadow 3.503079079701994 12 reddy 13 fox 7.973188175503683 12 reddy 14 turned 1.6627044141125786 15 to 16 speak 1.8403355898109428 16 speak 18 shadow 2.1265233929377096 16 speak 17 to 1.2016673185935112 18 shadow 20 weasel 10.04970825071181 19 the 20 weasel 2.114071776428659 20 weasel 21 . 0.7838112744344379 so when reddy fox turned to speak to shadow the weasel , he found himself alone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 16 alone 0.6105396923578503 2 when 16 alone 1.229201452963654 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 4 fox 11 weasel 4.620408355818057 5 turned 11 weasel 3.0186089279843245 6 to 7 speak 1.8403355898109428 7 speak 11 weasel 4.140430590764783 7 speak 8 to 1.2016673185935112 9 shadow 11 weasel 10.04970825071181 10 the 11 weasel 2.114071776428659 11 weasel 14 found 3.603311506041141 11 weasel 16 alone 2.792524134271755 12 , 13 he 0.5080875377005949 13 he 14 found 1.790774678622114 14 found 15 himself 2.5953715144753815 16 alone 17 . 0.8711203278095585 at least he thought himself alone , and he smiled a wicked , selfish smile as he walked over to billy mink 's duck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 1 at 2 least 4.819164206482084 2 least 3 he 0.3415417431943979 3 he 5 himself 2.1920991116882416 4 thought 5 himself 1.862882545609228 5 himself 14 selfish 2.150599713841192 5 himself 6 alone 1.7643675361204139 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 8 and 10 smiled 1.4571997023335506 9 he 10 smiled 1.135605417536791 10 smiled 14 selfish 4.5403406072316805 11 a 12 wicked 1.5325857827059153 12 wicked 14 selfish 6.146575906243381 12 wicked 13 , 0.4988882788973328 14 selfish 18 walked 4.018383224436004 14 selfish 15 smile 4.2615512882493505 16 as 18 walked 2.256587895086625 17 he 18 walked 1.7865843118764104 18 walked 24 duck 3.057167098774009 19 over 24 duck 1.8762770438918004 19 over 20 to 0.3512024567814649 21 billy 22 mink 9.260717032646737 22 mink 24 duck 6.693836747955462 22 mink 23 's 0.6137638857345173 24 duck 25 . 0.9792713679838876 then without the teeniest , weeniest bit of noise , it floated back into the lone pine and with it went the plump chicken . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 teeniest 3.128355098441041 2 without 4 teeniest 7.413440809559674 3 the 4 teeniest 2.2222160263154755 4 teeniest 6 weeniest 16.14493127365973 4 teeniest 5 , 2.1106176891812716 6 weeniest 12 floated 11.233917649995771 6 weeniest 9 noise 10.818880150716925 6 weeniest 7 bit 8.361982688784071 6 weeniest 11 it 1.9038659770939539 7 bit 8 of 2.394616683259061 9 noise 10 , 0.2546566489811539 12 floated 17 pine 7.7031188598296545 13 back 16 lone 2.7888357444628618 13 back 14 into 1.939298664052128 15 the 16 lone 2.2115329445483454 16 lone 17 pine 8.730085907429917 17 pine 23 plump 6.800803521818576 17 pine 21 went 2.0310471115536295 18 and 21 went 1.3318517527892624 18 and 19 with 0.2493582544313142 18 and 20 it 0.22886494934528478 21 went 22 the 0.8549810981371024 23 plump 24 chicken 8.89470464412656 24 chicken 25 . 0.6444394398658879 now reddy fox is very suspicious , as people who are not honest themselves are very apt to be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 reddy 1.2064766118693377 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 2 reddy 6 suspicious 4.4485417956925595 4 is 6 suspicious 1.5790829193928992 5 very 6 suspicious 2.404952273936736 6 suspicious 9 people 3.044116314505686 6 suspicious 20 . 1.6190151544374238 7 , 8 as 0.3162541076793648 8 as 9 people 0.25060446474201115 9 people 17 apt 3.6280393126882835 9 people 10 who 3.567541563953629 11 are 17 apt 4.324707671331151 11 are 12 not 1.4815147225228742 13 honest 17 apt 6.343663836213967 14 themselves 17 apt 6.118156359108497 15 are 17 apt 4.324707671331151 16 very 17 apt 3.5636190976627944 17 apt 19 be 3.6029169973069024 17 apt 18 to 3.0424890746379916 reddy fox could hardly believe his eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 4 hardly 2.0587012073972026 3 could 4 hardly 4.578000056912845 4 hardly 5 believe 5.442395420879652 4 hardly 7 eyes 2.265694029498519 6 his 7 eyes 3.1614973247823546 7 eyes 8 . 0.8353789148017494 he didn't smile now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 now 1.0340186789003258 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 3 smile 0.47270843720812294 4 now 5 . -0.29732124066647003 he was too angry and too frightened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 7 frightened 2.151177570075493 3 too 7 frightened 3.317674971284653 4 angry 7 frightened 1.935271763686007 4 angry 5 and 0.610951873696969 6 too 7 frightened 3.317674971284653 7 frightened 8 . 0.6874013940010819 yes , reddy fox was frightened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 4 fox 1.3465485856765689 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 4 fox 6 frightened 1.8209335601738381 5 was 6 frightened 2.151177570075493 6 frightened 7 . 0.6874013940010819 he wrinkled and wrinkled his little black nose in an effort to smell the intruder , but not a whiff could he get . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 wrinkled 0.9263290531799697 2 wrinkled 4 wrinkled 10.486719790907937 3 and 4 wrinkled 2.094677077681048 4 wrinkled 6 little 2.8077275239451787 4 wrinkled 5 his 3.099171612277047 6 little 20 whiff 4.740595374615005 6 little 7 black 2.0693447353583814 7 black 8 nose 4.706667619823687 9 in 15 intruder 1.407974485032124 10 an 15 intruder 6.095093035102511 11 effort 15 intruder 10.511605751377179 12 to 15 intruder 1.9370722906572873 13 smell 15 intruder 9.491706193939475 14 the 15 intruder 1.4513869802829902 15 intruder 20 whiff 13.533496561577383 15 intruder 18 not 3.337397457059037 15 intruder 17 but 3.246833796509218 16 , 17 but 1.025230194614105 19 a 20 whiff 3.273325452379048 20 whiff 23 get 3.9631515616501076 20 whiff 21 could 3.2680655551745303 20 whiff 22 he 0.5763021609330359 23 get 24 . 0.17879202051509147 all was as still and peaceful as could be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 could 0.12369463306994888 1 all 8 could 0.5429390552503577 2 was 3 as 0.3899017098075124 3 as 8 could 2.2618002297096247 4 still 6 peaceful 4.945753133785658 5 and 6 peaceful 1.2869140959287755 6 peaceful 8 could 2.6324769813834052 7 as 8 could 2.2618002297096247 8 could 9 be 1.9342191241857787 9 be 10 . 0.24970592863907193 little joe otter 's trout lay shining in the moonlight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 otter -0.046048328560811314 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 5 trout 6.006310392135429 4 's 5 trout 1.1608601676908243 5 trout 10 moonlight 5.609547882585925 5 trout 11 . 0.6950502339529656 6 lay 10 moonlight 3.315536861514911 7 shining 10 moonlight 6.162955649432231 8 in 10 moonlight 2.925442131570396 9 the 10 moonlight 2.1112988918414715 the big head of cabbage lay just where peter rabbit and jumper the hare had left it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 14 hare 2.121639977825204 2 big 5 cabbage 5.03748961399754 3 head 5 cabbage 3.172734709676135 4 of 5 cabbage 1.5841704219365482 5 cabbage 12 jumper 7.680664009001955 5 cabbage 6 lay 4.870526646273028 5 cabbage 7 just 2.225924085689382 8 where 12 jumper 3.344204284885894 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 12 jumper 5.952631539605754 10 rabbit 11 and 0.3512952531958753 12 jumper 14 hare 10.540508458932756 13 the 14 hare 2.121639977825204 14 hare 16 left 2.8174055637663358 14 hare 18 . 0.712217190697757 14 hare 17 it 0.5229438352495421 15 had 16 left 2.2604574392147754 reddy fox rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not dreaming and that the plump chicken and the duck were not there too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 3 rubbed 3.513350562574903 3 rubbed 8 sure 4.1080097908864985 3 rubbed 5 eyes 6.217314071616816 3 rubbed 4 his 3.937890705243987 6 to 7 make 1.9953753273403052 7 make 8 sure 3.212824695930255 8 sure 13 dreaming 3.3109248391446044 8 sure 9 that 2.1122608601934836 10 he 13 dreaming 1.532298554750625 11 was 13 dreaming 1.5137644188416637 12 not 13 dreaming 0.9055538676807195 13 dreaming 17 plump 6.732810544766462 13 dreaming 15 that 0.6702416231903925 13 dreaming 14 and 0.4926511024414175 13 dreaming 16 the 0.13821007076034064 17 plump 18 chicken 8.89470464412656 17 plump 21 duck 7.40820478229109 17 plump 19 and 1.5460207450233447 20 the 21 duck 1.5479698859504545 21 duck 24 there 1.5447179951864491 21 duck 25 too 1.104683070830223 21 duck 26 . 0.9792713679838876 22 were 24 there 0.5466361158201174 22 were 23 not 1.004216314629982 just then bowser the hound , over at farmer brown 's , bayed at the moon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 just 0.7017321607109004 1 just 3 bowser 1.0647894558790867 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 3 bowser 5 hound 10.308918310242714 4 the 5 hound 2.5139408779658723 5 hound 9 farmer 4.333406056383065 5 hound 17 . 1.2537676726015121 5 hound 6 , 0.16879876026980156 7 over 9 farmer 1.2390249947555318 7 over 8 at 0.2584754890399168 9 farmer 10 brown 8.64653815547903 9 farmer 13 bayed 5.732051403206423 9 farmer 11 's 4.683257407921326 11 's 12 , -0.01265278820976512 13 bayed 16 moon 8.935231768941438 13 bayed 14 at 2.047248259180847 15 the 16 moon 2.2767052200894575 reddy fox always is nervous and by this time he was so fidgety that he couldn't stand still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 5 nervous 3.705075472608918 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 3 always 5 nervous 2.1392974216559644 4 is 5 nervous -0.1643834036907421 5 nervous 6 and 1.3152057970609228 6 and 13 fidgety 2.167926059711686 7 by 13 fidgety 4.464065658180953 8 this 13 fidgety 3.755218464408234 9 time 13 fidgety 4.833492560939494 10 he 13 fidgety 1.414615534489453 11 was 13 fidgety 1.7920100749116301 12 so 13 fidgety 3.237812997936974 13 fidgety 17 stand 8.847806569772946 13 fidgety 16 couldn't 7.064477099545556 13 fidgety 18 still 6.535920476271205 13 fidgety 14 that 2.526378918334281 13 fidgety 15 he 2.2137320815483292 13 fidgety 19 . 1.6394213650992668 then he remembered that bowser the hound is always chained up at night , so that he had nothing to fear from him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 remembered 3.6387282827415106 2 he 3 remembered 2.6713453634690367 3 remembered 5 bowser 2.2235025994321127 3 remembered 16 that 2.5245584827099066 3 remembered 4 that 2.5245584827099066 3 remembered 18 had 2.4845065957446977 5 bowser 7 hound 10.308918310242714 5 bowser 10 chained 8.384118937539153 6 the 7 hound 2.5139408779658723 8 is 9 always 1.3725308747124352 9 always 10 chained 3.2281508124509593 10 chained 11 up 3.898061745718163 10 chained 13 night 3.858542700369963 10 chained 15 so 3.125527746620566 12 at 13 night 1.7817186554150624 13 night 14 , 0.2803779335811054 17 he 18 had 1.735007688287725 18 had 19 nothing 1.0072892369538842 19 nothing 21 fear 3.8231534397864664 19 nothing 20 to 1.060810613842838 21 fear 22 from 1.8687180303948772 21 fear 23 him 1.6985880187023845 23 him 24 . 0.8676779267655075 after listening and looking a moment reddy fox decided that all was safe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.3077840665866276 1 after 2 listening 2.3346936178543913 2 listening 4 looking 1.7902714325610667 2 listening 3 and 0.34965985339004746 4 looking 13 safe 2.2489408157833743 5 a 6 moment 2.601643222555513 6 moment 8 fox 0.6807593210381455 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 8 fox 13 safe 3.3267034207534607 9 decided 13 safe 2.305676776401018 9 decided 10 that 2.4714432428493893 11 all 13 safe 1.231469858774144 12 was 13 safe 1.6805986987197628 13 safe 14 . 0.6910834849217551 " well , " said he to himself , " i 'll have that fat trout anyway , " and turned to get it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 well 1.1387269879559234 1 " 2 well 1.6936577844203988 2 well 3 , 1.4929336725718638 3 , 5 said 1.3498770263619093 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 6 he 21 turned 1.775244181527798 6 he 8 himself 2.1920991116882416 7 to 8 himself 1.482267600052099 9 , 10 " 0.6466805192388225 10 " 11 i 1.4514945219088577 11 i 12 'll 2.8458085143022114 12 'll 13 have 2.203619027571918 13 have 15 fat 0.5567961220864248 14 that 15 fat 1.2353215385060565 15 fat 16 trout 8.203650851158141 16 trout 17 anyway 5.203027794987069 16 trout 21 turned 2.6284036233400307 17 anyway 18 , 1.465638585782461 17 anyway 19 " 0.9821138401554812 20 and 21 turned 1.0173562607009305 21 turned 22 to 1.1967634075922042 22 to 23 get 1.8086562812674263 22 to 25 . 0.27764482140985614 23 get 24 it 0.8047602645440595 but the fat trout he had seen a minute before shining in the moonlight had also disappeared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 the -0.04993980246027263 2 the 14 moonlight 2.1112988918414715 3 fat 4 trout 8.203650851158141 4 trout 14 moonlight 5.609547882585925 4 trout 7 seen 3.306728610646264 5 he 6 had 1.735007688287725 6 had 7 seen 3.3805568083293327 8 a 9 minute 2.75284848895582 9 minute 14 moonlight 4.227223925937405 9 minute 10 before 1.8013206466983505 11 shining 14 moonlight 6.162955649432231 12 in 14 moonlight 2.925442131570396 13 the 14 moonlight 2.1112988918414715 14 moonlight 17 disappeared 4.448754048754925 15 had 17 disappeared 3.1089748825403767 16 also 17 disappeared 2.058320040135154 17 disappeared 18 . 1.0818722213526684 reddy fox looked and looked until his eyes nearly popped out of his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 5 looked 2.411443027536567 1 reddy 3 looked 2.411443027536567 1 reddy 6 until 2.0510626677980177 4 and 5 looked 1.4092917379590961 6 until 9 nearly 3.606220583203182 6 until 7 his 0.9246998215658238 7 his 8 eyes 3.1614973247823546 9 nearly 10 popped 4.788529324936203 10 popped 14 head 6.954160941554662 10 popped 11 out 3.9022340212216946 11 out 12 of 2.138624548858049 13 his 14 head 3.6389926349442767 14 head 15 . 0.9057652481458263 then he did what all cowards do ran home as fast as his legs could carry him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 6 cowards 3.642928271270801 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 did 6 cowards 3.1686130625286246 4 what 6 cowards 2.2473302438461076 5 all 6 cowards 2.085723395468886 6 cowards 11 fast 6.98424491247388 6 cowards 8 ran 6.506184558128421 6 cowards 9 home 4.51204620170601 6 cowards 7 do 3.2138430997487255 10 as 11 fast 3.412219047117258 11 fast 14 legs 6.528445548589374 11 fast 12 as 3.814423557372699 13 his 14 legs 3.7479346428605496 14 legs 16 carry 6.294568519047402 15 could 16 carry 2.491094245902442 16 carry 17 him 2.119079948073338 17 him 18 . 0.8676779267655075 they also were very tired , very hungry and very cross . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 11 cross 0.8661696962796022 2 also 5 tired 2.0699080144103625 3 were 5 tired 1.7743404525948172 4 very 5 tired 3.1814462322895807 5 tired 8 hungry 4.907501811984044 5 tired 11 cross 4.716708585592784 5 tired 9 and 1.2690524556487688 5 tired 6 , 0.4381171547566076 7 very 8 hungry 3.6325641013294394 10 very 11 cross 2.49521013389964 11 cross 12 . 0.6040982361558065 pretty soon up came peter rabbit and jumper the hare , who had failed to find the tender young carrots . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 rabbit 0.36561536466501465 1 pretty 6 rabbit 2.5888442080059306 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 4 came 3.0418830385739035 2 soon 3 up 0.8146543324960192 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 8 jumper 5.952631539605754 6 rabbit 21 . 0.6126504281875942 6 rabbit 7 and 0.3512952531958753 8 jumper 14 failed 5.270462155743591 8 jumper 10 hare 10.540508458932756 9 the 10 hare 2.121639977825204 10 hare 12 who 2.639733309132577 11 , 12 who 0.7573564620449389 13 had 14 failed 2.35461819567762 14 failed 20 carrots 7.8024524894 14 failed 15 to 2.0905292150547226 16 find 20 carrots 5.63206613556947 17 the 20 carrots 0.26430142768249354 18 tender 20 carrots 10.624835620689936 19 young 20 carrots 6.775824959566773 and up came jerry muskrat , who had found no luscious sweet apples . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 apples -0.5540551453965428 1 and 13 apples 0.4536805420455643 2 up 13 apples 1.5651492999943066 3 came 5 muskrat 0.4440133866971969 4 jerry 5 muskrat 10.20890526194098 5 muskrat 11 luscious 9.312041259494993 6 , 7 who 0.7573564620449389 7 who 11 luscious 4.357677954408491 8 had 11 luscious 2.5356003560944345 9 found 11 luscious 6.82310564654761 10 no 11 luscious 3.6287276013807563 11 luscious 13 apples 9.890117374630908 11 luscious 12 sweet 8.710050362767984 13 apples 14 . 0.16971889022203968 " where is reddy fox ? " asked peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 rabbit 0.8200014689648807 2 where 4 reddy 1.403185011738703 2 where 3 is 1.9567187397698582 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 5 fox 10 rabbit 3.3218416976489173 6 ? 8 asked 5.562665578900452 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 8 asked 9 peter 2.220069491081393 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 11 . 0.6126504281875942 sure enough , where was reddy fox ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sure 0.40510449333840803 1 sure 2 enough 4.164498059117204 2 enough 3 , 0.20640323885232625 3 , 4 where 0.25827540064126175 4 where 6 reddy 1.403185011738703 4 where 8 ? 2.597488677762863 4 where 5 was 1.426028450123944 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 billy mink and little joe otter and jimmy skunk stopped quarreling and looked at each other . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 billy 0.29882624197680663 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 6 otter 8.457097998736234 2 mink 3 and 1.0753217916545879 4 little 6 otter 5.892167388174904 5 joe 6 otter 10.28726033754742 6 otter 11 quarreling 8.232586247959109 6 otter 7 and 1.0554294548947105 8 jimmy 9 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 skunk 11 quarreling 7.267468963167769 10 stopped 11 quarreling 7.503335618920904 11 quarreling 15 each 6.4939883379021275 11 quarreling 13 looked 5.009853608476785 11 quarreling 17 . 1.265025850317766 12 and 13 looked 1.4092917379590961 13 looked 14 at 3.718023842519891 15 each 16 other 6.719601755836049 " reddy fox is the thief ! " they cried all together . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 cried 2.2573435939906012 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 6 thief 2.6527088477213674 4 is 6 thief 0.8642524642701481 5 the 6 thief 0.6812940865535317 6 thief 7 ! 4.5199059877279275 7 ! 10 cried 4.743957976292686 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 7 ! 9 they 0.22734405041475725 10 cried 12 together 1.7528473280724874 11 all 12 together 2.346801185436412 12 together 13 . 0.8962064633358473 and jimmy skunk , also tired and hungry and angry , started off up the crooked little path to look for some beetles . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 and 2 jimmy -0.1585034274106185 2 jimmy 3 skunk 9.859461590276863 3 skunk 16 crooked 6.207486858339536 3 skunk 4 , 0.06261385971457045 5 also 8 hungry 2.417596293794819 6 tired 8 hungry 4.907501811984044 6 tired 7 and 1.2690524556487688 8 hungry 10 angry 2.2941741934034177 8 hungry 9 and 0.8311358318235698 10 angry 16 crooked 4.292027447126461 10 angry 11 , 0.3554716846262167 12 started 16 crooked 6.139850230811017 12 started 13 off 4.20931947557289 14 up 16 crooked 3.076454758990156 15 the 16 crooked 1.7037741419172718 16 crooked 18 path 9.62217258557886 16 crooked 17 little 5.379445518156846 18 path 23 beetles 6.816075049142892 19 to 20 look 1.4243381174913097 20 look 23 beetles 4.114953927070154 21 for 23 beetles 3.2674244223636997 22 some 23 beetles 4.749016569778494 23 beetles 24 . 0.9283344027586651 and this is why reddy fox has no true friends on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 is 0.828513342774535 1 and 3 is -0.26213086915598893 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 3 is 9 true 2.9766655850398074 3 is 8 no 1.5220730096493487 3 is 4 why 1.2494759588514093 4 why 5 reddy 1.5284594431980203 5 reddy 6 fox 7.973188175503683 6 fox 7 has 1.336053035960287 9 true 10 friends 1.9333041067832042 10 friends 14 meadows 1.5356420434971696 11 on 14 meadows 3.790009740513195 12 the 14 meadows 2.3225225762090123 13 green 14 meadows 8.640219315758674 14 meadows 15 . 1.0373533873754468 iii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 iii 2.397542254077365 why peter rabbit's ears are long 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 rabbit's 2.190564021313101 1 why 3 rabbit's 5.346735651632972 2 peter 3 rabbit's 8.333833228938108 3 rabbit's 4 ears 8.52321237102516 3 rabbit's 6 long 5.494845073460144 3 rabbit's 5 are 4.380870201661136 the merry little breezes of old mother west wind were tired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 west 0.007543362259109898 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 8 west 7.092107584502667 5 of 8 west 1.1904944012224803 6 old 8 west 4.333801015832179 7 mother 8 west 6.260487287650108 8 west 9 wind 8.453050316196002 8 west 11 tired 2.8819822571332274 8 west 12 . 0.45055297790235116 10 were 11 tired 1.7743404525948172 jolly , round , red mr sun wore his broadest smile and the more he smiled the warmer it grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jolly 0.29416458841051707 1 jolly 7 sun 7.802391003369625 1 jolly 3 round 6.696861910350609 1 jolly 5 red 6.666665053003932 1 jolly 6 mr 5.42984718493695 1 jolly 4 , 1.1351122511020186 1 jolly 2 , 1.1351122511020186 7 sun 10 broadest 8.146250628140713 8 wore 10 broadest 9.840435903462737 9 his 10 broadest 4.269331501302009 10 broadest 11 smile 8.45021285227325 10 broadest 16 smiled 7.964871439687617 10 broadest 14 more 4.3106318179758745 10 broadest 21 . 1.7218835252912328 10 broadest 15 he 1.2961942417402987 10 broadest 12 and 1.1093224628899137 12 and 13 the 0.25490521846622727 16 smiled 18 warmer 8.354371594145103 17 the 18 warmer 1.639927659892642 18 warmer 20 grew 7.8125819761103905 18 warmer 19 it 2.1544094387445476 " i wonder why it is that peter rabbit has such long ears , " said the merry little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wonder 1.2064680557237146 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 wonder 2.7669017106106626 3 wonder 9 rabbit 1.452280001108889 3 wonder 4 why 3.486446415154358 3 wonder 6 is 1.6219851652206785 3 wonder 7 that 1.023046813561308 5 it 6 is 1.9483860238870534 8 peter 9 rabbit 7.313713619688597 9 rabbit 13 ears 3.2626848208019403 10 has 13 ears 1.044779790457806 10 has 11 such 1.6767973023586897 12 long 13 ears 2.705061374983945 13 ears 18 merry 2.3775744195340494 13 ears 21 . 1.073941286362988 14 , 15 " 0.6466805192388225 15 " 18 merry 0.8166067467259701 15 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 17 the 18 merry 1.7667336024132325 18 merry 20 breeze 8.28452534308401 18 merry 19 little 5.200496649987246 " chug-a-rum ! " replied a great , deep voice right behind him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 5 replied 3.304642599009963 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 5 replied 10 voice 2.9747280014014557 5 replied 14 . 1.0432973820548543 6 a 7 great 2.39190469798403 7 great 9 deep 2.745831134896701 7 great 8 , 0.18321181435495326 9 deep 10 voice 5.096203351142076 10 voice 12 behind 3.3377285940021117 11 right 12 behind 2.9001745650935966 12 behind 13 him 2.8641928425765464 all the merry little breezes jumped up and ran through the rushes to the very edge of the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 2 the 0.7368478466298409 2 the 16 edge 2.344761677912894 3 merry 5 breezes 10.012501010913478 4 little 5 breezes 6.02611847789149 5 breezes 6 jumped 4.750256121596056 6 jumped 12 rushes 5.858431850609907 6 jumped 9 ran 5.092787417230831 6 jumped 7 up 3.8707230371276466 8 and 9 ran 1.4312041846170782 10 through 12 rushes 4.03446691306198 10 through 11 the 1.8726201334000674 12 rushes 16 edge 6.1011997008299765 13 to 16 edge 0.9113300903454125 14 the 16 edge 2.344761677912894 15 very 16 edge 2.100745627221464 16 edge 20 pool 6.493027948535712 16 edge 17 of 3.5278893979253887 18 the 20 pool 2.2980304314762776 19 smiling 20 pool 9.99688962068163 20 pool 21 . 1.0200253673142292 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 grandfather frog cleared his throat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 3 cleared 6.239778735650397 3 cleared 5 throat 9.910304052979967 4 his 5 throat 3.972443343841597 5 throat 6 . 1.3845410910139115 he looked to the east and cleared his throat again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 looked 1.645197537023618 2 looked 7 cleared 2.2944047790798585 3 to 5 east 0.7914246922520611 4 the 5 east 1.9413279556688856 5 east 7 cleared 6.152958575316422 5 east 6 and 1.0785363374702612 7 cleared 9 throat 9.910304052979967 7 cleared 10 again 2.5668947826649244 8 his 9 throat 3.972443343841597 10 again 11 . 1.1694329788885494 then he looked to the west , and cleared his throat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 9 cleared 2.1760215320713563 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 looked 9 cleared 2.2944047790798585 4 to 5 the 0.3667201796407351 5 the 6 west 0.8748193500376829 6 west 9 cleared 4.409913812818001 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 8 and 9 cleared 0.5717363035672705 9 cleared 11 throat 9.910304052979967 10 his 11 throat 3.972443343841597 11 throat 12 . 1.3845410910139115 he looked north and he looked south , and each time he cleared his throat , but said nothing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 looked 1.645197537023618 2 looked 13 cleared 2.2944047790798585 3 north 7 south 7.5976160598564455 3 north 6 looked 1.9692116239794366 4 and 6 looked 1.4092917379590961 5 he 6 looked 1.645197537023618 7 south 13 cleared 6.172473588401051 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 9 and 10 each 1.055828510111743 10 each 13 cleared 3.124172256063826 11 time 13 cleared 2.8222653055162397 12 he 13 cleared 1.2107432011237975 13 cleared 15 throat 9.910304052979967 14 his 15 throat 3.972443343841597 15 throat 19 nothing 2.565442117350731 15 throat 20 . 1.3845410910139115 16 , 17 but 1.025230194614105 17 but 19 nothing 1.5568937382115102 18 said 19 nothing 1.4968178409388706 then up jumped all the merry little breezes and away they raced . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 jumped 3.040213501572019 2 up 3 jumped 2.488503341963117 3 jumped 8 breezes 4.322143196624442 4 all 8 breezes 2.1592524308908487 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 12 raced 7.257287543239524 8 breezes 13 . 0.39382932760703326 9 and 12 raced 1.6210315998240468 10 away 12 raced 3.393218696135161 11 they 12 raced 3.827069876590663 " now mr rabbit had a great deal of curiosity , a very great deal , indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 now 4 rabbit 1.433091226095943 3 mr 4 rabbit 3.360817261707208 4 rabbit 15 deal 2.7388188941624456 4 rabbit 5 had 1.5631435842423826 4 rabbit 18 . 0.6126504281875942 6 a 15 deal 3.2793914530784054 7 great 8 deal 6.854645307556908 7 great 15 deal 6.854645307556908 8 deal 10 curiosity 6.104641552634014 8 deal 9 of 2.2008649466680055 8 deal 11 , 0.25054795032574617 12 a 15 deal 3.2793914530784054 12 a 13 very 0.920846844810935 14 great 15 deal 6.854645307556908 15 deal 17 indeed 2.5887845005338974 16 , 17 indeed 1.2217707539259823 he was forever pushing his prying little nose into other people 's affairs , which , you know , is a most unpleasant habit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 forever 0.6588066885953197 3 forever 6 prying 11.375544201801151 3 forever 13 affairs 5.805688593470197 4 pushing 6 prying 13.009416303003253 5 his 6 prying 3.7596571278850917 6 prying 8 nose 9.2070447884599 6 prying 11 people 7.934887244750929 6 prying 10 other 7.491597610411713 6 prying 9 into 6.727334442432614 6 prying 7 little 4.852121643303633 6 prying 12 's 3.774755762406823 13 affairs 15 which 2.1751997827065743 13 affairs 18 know 2.080393331245986 13 affairs 25 . 0.9796812827588859 13 affairs 16 , 0.6314498524827172 13 affairs 14 , 0.6314498524827172 17 you 18 know 2.570776785774047 18 know 20 is 1.486096985708583 18 know 19 , 0.13899760719498389 20 is 24 habit 1.8314529713677175 21 a 24 habit 2.200855814046605 22 most 23 unpleasant 5.1011997008299765 23 unpleasant 24 habit 6.684444349982151 in fact , mr rabbit had become a nuisance . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 5 rabbit 2.3219757584250154 2 fact 3 , 0.9782331360563532 4 mr 5 rabbit 3.360817261707208 5 rabbit 9 nuisance 5.155658636075277 6 had 7 become 3.3616438215453357 7 become 9 nuisance 6.751053336893353 8 a 9 nuisance 3.4108289761289825 9 nuisance 10 . 1.1463813538191445 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 [ illustration : mr rabbit had a great deal of curiosity , a very great deal , indeed . ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.5816143142080943 1 [ 2 illustration 11.074386416546641 2 illustration 3 : 7.0618551198495485 2 illustration 5 rabbit 2.1611112926691334 4 mr 5 rabbit 3.360817261707208 5 rabbit 11 curiosity 5.822234902350086 5 rabbit 6 had 1.5631435842423826 7 a 9 deal 3.2793914530784054 8 great 9 deal 6.854645307556908 9 deal 11 curiosity 6.104641552634014 9 deal 10 of 2.2008649466680055 11 curiosity 16 deal 5.089101097143992 11 curiosity 12 , -0.010047437730772657 13 a 16 deal 3.2793914530784054 13 a 14 very 0.920846844810935 15 great 16 deal 6.854645307556908 16 deal 18 indeed 2.5887845005338974 16 deal 20 ] 1.2676471401365355 17 , 18 indeed 1.2217707539259823 19 . 20 ] 4.323777367545958 " the older he grew the worse mr rabbit became . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 older -0.05738760476414484 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 the 3 older 0.5299376287045661 3 older 7 worse 4.708498384654533 4 he 5 grew 1.2650869223749481 5 grew 7 worse 5.368220979888282 5 grew 6 the -0.097395202723348 7 worse 10 became 3.972947785399885 7 worse 11 . 0.8180349476616833 8 mr 10 became 2.588710226124711 8 mr 9 rabbit 3.360817261707208 and the more he heard the more mr rabbit 's curiosity grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 grew 0.18116119721752 1 and 12 grew 0.8629429289632036 2 the 12 grew 1.187653128321493 3 more 12 grew 2.572784050409954 4 he 12 grew 1.2650869223749481 4 he 5 heard 1.4545140533476228 6 the 12 grew 1.187653128321493 7 more 12 grew 2.572784050409954 8 mr 9 rabbit 3.360817261707208 9 rabbit 11 curiosity 5.822234902350086 10 's 11 curiosity 1.629981914379087 11 curiosity 12 grew 2.8761471048878526 12 grew 13 . 0.37611343664812047 " now , like most people who meddle in other folks ' affairs , mr rabbit had no time to tend to his own business . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 now 16 rabbit 1.433091226095943 2 now 3 , 0.7353592996076195 4 like 6 people 1.9618945261529284 5 most 6 people 3.3386146488923956 6 people 13 affairs 3.982996207963115 6 people 7 who 3.567541563953629 8 meddle 13 affairs 8.135654007422982 8 meddle 11 folks 6.952107131777048 8 meddle 10 other 4.177706834589767 8 meddle 9 in 2.092813865279936 8 meddle 12 ' 0.908582795137459 13 affairs 16 rabbit 3.017012650546004 13 affairs 14 , 0.6314498524827172 15 mr 16 rabbit 3.360817261707208 16 rabbit 21 tend 5.099075107708909 17 had 21 tend 1.59004814011681 18 no 21 tend 1.6831753854031355 19 time 21 tend 2.718015343519557 20 to 21 tend 2.106997292099596 21 tend 25 business 6.20387625498968 21 tend 22 to 1.6965121088935327 21 tend 26 . 1.1347466533357462 23 his 24 own 3.159107401474598 24 own 25 business 4.425718355481518 his cabbage patch grew up to weeds . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 7 weeds 1.7596571278850917 1 his 8 . 0.4811614129737549 2 cabbage 7 weeds 11.112509795967359 3 patch 7 weeds 10.12323620256041 4 grew 7 weeds 5.561335608702482 5 up 7 weeds 3.5424292234942207 6 to 7 weeds 0.6375120087983781 his house leaked , his fences fell to pieces , and altogether his was the worst looking place on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 worst 0.2236960636161669 1 his 3 leaked 2.3002255092477952 2 house 3 leaked 5.662459413624365 3 leaked 6 fences 12.619469784687237 3 leaked 9 pieces 8.604519443221267 3 leaked 7 fell 6.584579138017222 3 leaked 4 , 0.9070842950961406 5 his 6 fences 3.7596571278850917 8 to 9 pieces 1.5230259937814914 9 pieces 12 altogether 4.48746394682318 9 pieces 11 and 0.9408870795880873 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 altogether 16 worst 4.522172260933761 12 altogether 14 was 1.0738795296991483 12 altogether 13 his 0.4078888334378661 15 the 16 worst 2.3314861347719926 16 worst 22 meadows 3.209465759002807 17 looking 22 meadows 2.01823535479485 18 place 22 meadows 1.7136348359669 19 on 22 meadows 3.790009740513195 20 the 22 meadows 2.3225225762090123 21 green 22 meadows 8.640219315758674 22 meadows 23 . 1.0373533873754468 " worse still , mr rabbit was a trouble maker . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 worse 5 mr 1.1414582807710154 2 worse 3 still 3.197258365624041 4 , 5 mr 0.5022150510440095 5 mr 10 maker 3.466777986567479 6 rabbit 10 maker 5.514112606987755 7 was 10 maker 1.0915703567705393 8 a 10 maker 1.921286040486514 9 trouble 10 maker 6.9663041436222635 10 maker 11 . 1.165490176766852 he just couldn't keep his tongue still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 3 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 just 3 couldn't 2.1993994038943327 3 couldn't 4 keep 3.0338499555278347 4 keep 7 still 3.439973192461686 5 his 6 tongue 3.247490452762424 6 tongue 7 still 3.884602973015813 7 still 8 . 0.370484954387031 and like most gossips , he never could tell the exact truth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 tell 0.46202522503732446 1 and 4 gossips 0.61333720803405 2 like 4 gossips 3.452290457113598 3 most 4 gossips 5.546610849152341 4 gossips 9 tell 4.4302954692224255 4 gossips 7 never 3.653875340809801 4 gossips 8 could 3.5835673809024584 4 gossips 6 he 1.891803986660964 5 , 6 he 0.5080875377005949 9 tell 12 truth 4.873093628299134 10 the 12 truth 2.0832917345937556 11 exact 12 truth 7.671211860085162 12 truth 13 . 0.6241970051146559 " dear me ! dear me ! " said grandfather frog , shaking his head solemnly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 2 dear 5 dear 3.347786682792517 2 dear 4 ! 2.6326896727811206 2 dear 3 me 2.209755018283886 5 dear 7 ! 2.6326896727811206 5 dear 6 me 2.209755018283886 7 ! 9 said 2.5827010162001933 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 9 said 16 solemnly 3.8778637856410327 10 grandfather 11 frog 9.27687376659811 10 grandfather 16 solemnly 3.812945600552986 12 , 13 shaking 1.7301416029523367 13 shaking 16 solemnly 5.186905907239762 13 shaking 15 head 6.305053718467423 14 his 15 head 3.6389926349442767 16 solemnly 17 . 1.5411895280951953 " things had come to a dreadful pass on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 13 . -0.5207573976168103 2 things 13 . 0.5809931366210783 3 had 6 a 0.8090864824564772 3 had 4 come 1.7334935119989794 4 come 5 to 1.0626007271686397 6 a 7 dreadful 1.746671250141091 7 dreadful 12 meadows 2.866460915766776 8 pass 12 meadows 2.754946930993878 9 on 12 meadows 3.790009740513195 10 the 12 meadows 2.3225225762090123 11 green 12 meadows 8.640219315758674 12 meadows 13 . 1.0373533873754468 reddy fox and bobby coon never met without fighting . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 4 bobby 4.832633127917358 3 and 4 bobby 0.4564311530615939 4 bobby 5 coon 11.609228375483951 4 bobby 9 fighting 4.774359440296152 6 never 7 met 2.197981116147389 7 met 9 fighting 3.970680176381947 8 without 9 fighting 4.090791547428662 9 fighting 10 . 0.6947230674898002 jimmy skunk and johnny chuck turned their backs on each other . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 8 backs 5.402932380462882 2 skunk 12 . 0.71694841771642 2 skunk 3 and 0.4622809474903278 4 johnny 5 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 chuck 8 backs 4.660230416747535 6 turned 8 backs 5.508300932070117 7 their 8 backs 6.736910098387192 8 backs 10 each 6.058486736063568 8 backs 9 on 3.6642672760404267 10 each 11 other 6.719601755836049 jerry muskrat , little joe otter , and billy mink called each other bad names . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jerry 0.5434911091232415 1 jerry 2 muskrat 10.20890526194098 2 muskrat 6 otter 6.358189720298878 2 muskrat 16 . 0.7601987172124858 2 muskrat 3 , 0.06236252057404812 4 little 6 otter 5.892167388174904 5 joe 6 otter 10.28726033754742 6 otter 10 mink 7.537390792375199 6 otter 8 and 1.0554294548947105 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 billy 10 mink 9.260717032646737 10 mink 15 names 3.9375594617051313 11 called 15 names 5.373934136638873 12 each 15 names 3.799512959009796 12 each 13 other 6.719601755836049 14 bad 15 names 4.378592169516917 all because mr rabbit had told so many stories that were not true . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 true 0.26736440663600725 1 all 13 true 1.14361652706409 2 because 5 had 1.590438929818017 3 mr 4 rabbit 3.360817261707208 4 rabbit 5 had 1.5631435842423826 5 had 8 many 1.8618743062561514 5 had 6 told 1.4515117981939802 7 so 8 many 2.9575221928923234 8 many 9 stories 2.762114185675312 9 stories 13 true 2.757381014888818 10 that 13 true 1.8038833884751 11 were 13 true 1.009935936224057 11 were 12 not 1.004216314629982 13 true 14 . 0.7912445601662643 " ' it 's all because of mr rabbit , ' said reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 mr 1.0642852586011227 1 " 4 's 0.47415569605254504 2 ' 3 it 0.09423785766880144 3 it 4 's 1.695106683077423 4 's 5 all 0.5987109167480646 5 all 6 because 0.8152289009825537 6 because 7 of 0.5186232239885911 8 mr 14 fox 2.613847448458472 8 mr 9 rabbit 3.360817261707208 10 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 11 ' 12 said 2.1255139733894506 12 said 14 fox 0.6511440345206978 13 reddy 14 fox 7.973188175503683 14 fox 15 . 0.44635491133374394 " ' no one is to blame but mr rabbit , ' said striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 no 0.9187691539522387 1 " 3 no 1.112764927397933 2 ' 3 no 0.8543374825416716 3 no 7 blame 2.3595409685653657 3 no 4 one 2.611222192281094 5 is 7 blame 0.8676590657133936 6 to 7 blame 1.9573922750368808 7 blame 9 mr 2.0531102504732566 7 blame 8 but 1.0097945992083694 7 blame 16 . 0.9054334707329552 9 mr 15 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 10 rabbit 14 striped 4.318388136113381 11 , 13 said 1.3498770263619093 12 ' 13 said 2.1255139733894506 13 said 14 striped 1.1437193999825404 14 striped 15 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 " everywhere old mother nature inquired it was the same mr rabbit , mr rabbit , mr rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 inquired 1.7838175116152328 2 everywhere 5 nature 3.840853683841548 2 everywhere 6 inquired 4.823788951100553 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 6 inquired 18 rabbit 3.1543316982339427 6 inquired 10 same 1.9665882613585666 6 inquired 19 . 1.1300564832722664 7 it 10 same 0.8763007430457961 7 it 8 was 1.776593012608254 9 the 10 same 2.3126884001539167 11 mr 18 rabbit 3.360817261707208 11 mr 12 rabbit 3.360817261707208 13 , 14 mr 0.5022150510440095 14 mr 18 rabbit 3.360817261707208 14 mr 15 rabbit 3.360817261707208 16 , 17 mr 0.5022150510440095 17 mr 18 rabbit 3.360817261707208 " so then old mother nature sent for blustering great mr north wind , who is very strong . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.5555017361605685 3 then 9 blustering 4.280358191886094 4 old 9 blustering 5.697613191755853 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 9 blustering 8.867960960978738 7 sent 9 blustering 8.016116740252212 8 for 9 blustering 3.18496226217173 9 blustering 12 north 10.104517005213825 9 blustering 13 wind 8.144419043922102 9 blustering 10 great 5.903273067479876 9 blustering 11 mr 5.802048486305541 9 blustering 15 who 5.1112579997579 9 blustering 14 , 0.9850868070974172 15 who 16 is 1.469293243279136 16 is 17 very 1.5624151199530516 17 very 18 strong 2.4939806224036047 17 very 19 . 0.3823591548163865 and she sent for mr rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 0.6784469948620249 1 and 2 she 0.15891898295203788 2 she 3 sent 1.0575975856955466 3 sent 4 for 2.606028050308435 5 mr 6 rabbit 3.360817261707208 6 rabbit 7 . 0.6126504281875942 " mr rabbit trembled in his shoes when he got old mother nature 's message . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 mr 3 rabbit 3.360817261707208 3 rabbit 4 trembled 3.005098959499893 3 rabbit 16 . 0.6126504281875942 4 trembled 7 shoes 5.780492592552967 5 in 7 shoes 1.3032077476941843 6 his 7 shoes 1.539413173127219 7 shoes 13 nature 3.707914852023425 8 when 13 nature 1.176047057193017 8 when 10 got 2.484099070162685 8 when 9 he 1.8647931372101283 11 old 13 nature 5.543369308255009 12 mother 13 nature 6.838452275712985 13 nature 15 message 4.089518730836371 14 's 15 message 1.9442968251565738 he would have liked to run away and hide . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 4 liked 1.595187780131269 2 would 4 liked 1.9874145759858202 2 would 3 have 3.0672420602972323 4 liked 9 hide 2.4312551135292715 5 to 9 hide 1.8904505368966653 6 run 7 away 5.01082334339533 6 run 9 hide 3.1002818790388993 6 run 8 and 0.8400917910922132 9 hide 10 . 0.4280629940377949 and besides , his curiosity would give him no peace . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 besides 2.1863610484554954 1 and 2 besides 1.5323374859205607 2 besides 5 curiosity 3.106464288240833 2 besides 3 , 1.578535773706399 4 his 5 curiosity 2.367339705106332 5 curiosity 10 peace 4.388661379002901 5 curiosity 6 would 2.9422002890096515 5 curiosity 11 . 0.9036737490897266 7 give 10 peace 3.4616931923856598 7 give 8 him 1.9192963348297205 9 no 10 peace 2.7924044551578895 he just had to know what old mother nature wanted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 10 wanted 2.0920219898481847 2 just 10 wanted 2.187318185481484 3 had 10 wanted 0.935926584957997 3 had 4 to 0.6641217568330475 5 know 6 what 3.2396222245850588 6 what 10 wanted 2.4316350566779015 7 old 9 nature 5.543369308255009 8 mother 9 nature 6.838452275712985 9 nature 10 wanted 0.9554042345579496 10 wanted 11 . 0.18825007976670705 but he didn't dare to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 2 he 3 didn't 2.0746164561717215 3 didn't 4 dare 4.920355766378048 4 dare 5 to 1.6833291955472554 5 to 6 . 0.27764482140985614 no , sir , he didn't dare to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 6 didn't 2.5118862504986517 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 he 6 didn't 2.0746164561717215 6 didn't 7 dare 4.920355766378048 7 dare 8 to 1.6833291955472554 8 to 9 . 0.27764482140985614 and then he was so curious to know what it all meant that he wouldn't have run if he had dared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 and 2 then 1.5029676557109006 2 then 3 he 1.6706771798870523 3 he 12 meant 1.810794006516982 4 was 6 curious 1.5076651628324207 4 was 5 so 1.1056037364281295 6 curious 12 meant 3.523795160385088 7 to 8 know 0.4372852929742166 8 know 9 what 3.2396222245850588 9 what 12 meant 3.7677207432711803 10 it 12 meant 1.3820045572150832 10 it 11 all 0.9413718508430762 12 meant 21 dared 2.761550157770529 12 meant 13 that 1.3382022123357409 12 meant 22 . 0.40544096948760355 14 he 21 dared 1.514867008124952 15 wouldn't 21 dared 3.5597968236977486 15 wouldn't 16 have 2.919691831640865 15 wouldn't 18 if 2.865439952079271 15 wouldn't 17 run 1.3730257550311187 18 if 20 had 1.920462829674415 19 he 20 had 1.735007688287725 " old mother nature made mr rabbit sit up on an old log where all could see him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 17 see 0.20840874891102779 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 2 old 13 log 4.8486791659468516 2 old 6 mr 3.7965428182317353 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 5 made 0.33225357505963515 6 mr 7 rabbit 3.360817261707208 8 sit 13 log 3.2151797202424 8 sit 9 up 2.4868540735912177 10 on 13 log 3.433459027556424 11 an 13 log 3.9210636353274637 12 old 13 log 4.8486791659468516 13 log 14 where 2.1610618222807965 13 log 16 could 1.8433993546979082 15 all 16 could 0.5429390552503577 16 could 17 see 2.945997787046375 17 see 18 him 1.3313224633505296 18 him 19 . 0.8676779267655075 then in turn she asked each present who was the cause of all the trouble on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 turn 1.499348265013861 2 in 3 turn 0.8799452993297656 3 turn 7 present 2.074119139864937 4 she 5 asked 1.1453313002362684 5 asked 6 each -0.12051118548366091 6 each 7 present 3.0573969994858032 7 present 11 cause 4.089833747697714 7 present 8 who 1.00505859592597 8 who 9 was 1.4649639171139448 10 the 11 cause 0.6413424136622012 11 cause 15 trouble 3.200566751087738 11 cause 12 of 1.932824257065782 11 cause 13 all 1.3392683630974531 13 all 14 the 0.7368478466298409 15 trouble 19 meadows 3.38211251924373 16 on 19 meadows 3.790009740513195 17 the 19 meadows 2.3225225762090123 18 green 19 meadows 8.640219315758674 19 meadows 20 . 1.0373533873754468 and each in turn answered ' mr rabbit . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 and 2 each 1.055828510111743 2 each 4 turn 3.447498989006334 3 in 4 turn 0.8799452993297656 4 turn 6 ' 0.18808484541447967 5 answered 6 ' 1.730955634357306 6 ' 10 ' 1.8066106120190106 7 mr 8 rabbit 3.360817261707208 8 rabbit 9 . 0.6126504281875942 9 . 10 ' 4.2885620435386205 " ' mr rabbit , ' said old mother nature , ' you are lazy , for your cabbage patch has all gone to weeds . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 ' 3 mr -0.3704689009725044 3 mr 4 rabbit 3.360817261707208 4 rabbit 15 lazy 3.877673888775508 5 , 6 ' 0.4516113676651887 6 ' 15 lazy 1.0075042274153105 6 ' 7 said 2.1255139733894506 8 old 10 nature 5.543369308255009 9 mother 10 nature 6.838452275712985 10 nature 15 lazy 4.116045025346562 11 , 12 ' 0.4516113676651887 12 ' 14 are 1.4360395353890532 13 you 14 are 2.3430401060570176 14 are 15 lazy 3.0866711383586463 15 lazy 19 cabbage 7.780597612507368 15 lazy 16 , 1.0636966417937792 15 lazy 26 . 0.7504526774880098 17 for 18 your 0.8329924263704882 18 your 19 cabbage 2.5359134783494817 19 cabbage 25 weeds 11.112509795967359 20 patch 25 weeds 10.12323620256041 21 has 23 gone 3.6092149684571453 22 all 23 gone 1.2743204450924672 23 gone 25 weeds 4.657213022223186 23 gone 24 to 1.1880963454840003 you are shiftless , for your house leaks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 are 0.7162346595515352 1 you 2 are 2.3430401060570176 2 are 8 leaks 5.37915545535353 3 shiftless 8 leaks 13.876442437733832 4 , 8 leaks 0.9435452410615355 5 for 8 leaks 3.18496226217173 6 your 8 leaks 5.808931972755904 7 house 8 leaks 7.536928531540507 8 leaks 9 . 1.809346366541579 you are a sneak , for you creep up where you are not wanted and listen to things which do not concern you . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 are 0.7162346595515352 1 you 2 are 2.3430401060570176 2 are 4 sneak 2.9792248484648916 2 are 18 things 1.934241483565227 3 a 4 sneak 2.774336174767747 4 sneak 8 creep 9.843181060709998 4 sneak 6 for 1.0558423960764038 4 sneak 5 , 0.32719278392240625 7 you 8 creep 0.5376410995532943 8 creep 14 wanted 3.9302549334317582 8 creep 10 where 3.2164942130916963 8 creep 9 up 2.9820005642180583 10 where 12 are 2.8410389930096223 11 you 12 are 2.3430401060570176 12 are 13 not 1.4815147225228742 14 wanted 17 to 2.7126182034946353 15 and 16 listen 0.5092817900837225 16 listen 17 to 2.293824061718876 18 things 22 concern 3.1241328033489744 19 which 22 concern 3.355761991626249 20 do 22 concern 2.5551382845672457 21 not 22 concern 3.0345108150026725 22 concern 23 you 1.6365700017248592 22 concern 24 . 1.2243838658204211 you are a thief , for you steal the secrets of others . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 are 0.7162346595515352 1 you 2 are 2.3430401060570176 2 are 12 others 1.2922820707164462 3 a 4 thief 1.8847601644613974 4 thief 10 secrets 6.118330987813049 4 thief 5 , 0.5565390214123305 6 for 7 you 0.5056029183926576 7 you 8 steal 1.8619131349089528 8 steal 10 secrets 6.602221807341909 9 the 10 secrets 1.0258188135119788 10 secrets 12 others 4.830988980476736 10 secrets 11 of 2.2547523519531403 12 others 13 . 0.7454120607874763 you are a prevaricator , for you tell things which are not so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 are 0.7162346595515352 1 you 4 prevaricator 2.9970727181905907 1 you 11 are 2.3430401060570176 2 are 4 prevaricator 5.227152361908477 3 a 4 prevaricator 2.5628320695740356 4 prevaricator 9 things 7.326558906343987 4 prevaricator 8 tell 6.922148565552103 4 prevaricator 10 which 6.786224580013929 4 prevaricator 6 for 4.205589515581089 4 prevaricator 7 you 3.543460597333379 4 prevaricator 5 , 1.1550118085397294 11 are 12 not 1.4815147225228742 11 are 13 so 1.1698366431275442 13 so 14 . -0.294717124557204 mr rabbit , you are all these a lazy , shiftless sneak , thief and prevaricator . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 prevaricator 0.2532997766610663 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 rabbit 3.360817261707208 3 , 16 prevaricator 1.7915421476164823 4 you 16 prevaricator 2.9970727181905907 5 are 16 prevaricator 5.227152361908477 6 all 7 these 2.1456442128432265 7 these 11 shiftless 4.137325251945594 8 a 11 shiftless 1.6495437027673674 9 lazy 11 shiftless 10.403362145940914 9 lazy 10 , 1.0636966417937792 11 shiftless 16 prevaricator 13.724439344288779 12 sneak 16 prevaricator 14.302612679347295 13 , 16 prevaricator 1.7915421476164823 14 thief 16 prevaricator 10.899690701337708 15 and 16 prevaricator 1.845997964824324 16 prevaricator 18 ' 3.3923985724017136 17 . 18 ' 4.2885620435386205 " it was dreadful . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 it 4 dreadful 2.2313538774411548 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 4 dreadful 5 . 0.37844354555940996 mother nature paused , and mr rabbit felt oh so ashamed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 paused 1.0025856424631385 1 mother 2 nature 6.838452275712985 2 nature 3 paused 3.8505338892205536 3 paused 7 rabbit 3.09081904731476 3 paused 8 felt 2.5757367404055564 3 paused 5 and 1.1514199999313313 4 , 5 and 0.752751396501802 6 mr 7 rabbit 3.360817261707208 8 felt 11 ashamed 4.891643351918656 9 oh 11 ashamed 1.3277147961596292 10 so 11 ashamed 1.5176909139341817 11 ashamed 12 . 0.403649913961619 so he hung his head and two great tears fell splash , right at his feet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 so 2 he 0.9566864029452766 2 he 4 his 1.2727377188429507 3 hung 4 his 2.672378271248512 4 his 16 feet 3.3397839825857663 4 his 5 head 3.6389926349442767 5 head 6 and 1.0268603026979424 7 two 16 feet 2.333969714279945 8 great 11 splash 4.500920257498045 9 tears 11 splash 4.517425024111244 10 fell 11 splash 4.590654935108869 11 splash 16 feet 3.8061948910858128 11 splash 13 right 3.672578896598182 11 splash 12 , 0.2805426906235837 14 at 16 feet 2.5703813223697587 15 his 16 feet 3.3397839825857663 16 feet 17 . 0.7277218346471965 you see mr rabbit wasn't altogether bad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 mr 4 rabbit 3.360817261707208 4 rabbit 6 altogether 2.0165166169295894 5 wasn't 6 altogether 1.746331291667797 6 altogether 7 bad 2.112963840457116 6 altogether 8 . 0.8662273884734688 it was just this dreadful curiosity . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 5 dreadful 2.2313538774411548 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 1 it 3 just 1.041628754004842 4 this 5 dreadful 0.9796996294726306 5 dreadful 6 curiosity 4.643297618087711 6 curiosity 7 . 0.9036737490897266 " old mother nature knew this and down in her heart she loved mr rabbit and was oh so sorry for him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 2 old 14 mr 3.7965428182317353 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 5 knew 2.1523421019039226 5 knew 13 loved 3.459497784900776 5 knew 11 heart 1.4400586556095298 5 knew 6 this 1.203812744056485 7 and 8 down 0.7480363487048738 8 down 9 in 0.719625708004946 9 in 11 heart 1.1742513558017187 10 her 11 heart 2.544431598314697 12 she 13 loved 2.165316917015229 14 mr 15 rabbit 3.360817261707208 15 rabbit 17 was 0.7918854015697292 15 rabbit 16 and 0.3512952531958753 17 was 20 sorry 1.3902037340019184 18 oh 20 sorry 2.2255795437875 19 so 20 sorry 2.1676281481184674 20 sorry 21 for 3.1352001876896907 21 for 22 him 0.7594884896931795 22 him 23 . 0.8676779267655075 and because you are shiftless and your house leaks , you will hereafter live in a hole in the ground . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.5651728891422607 1 and 9 leaks 0.9980010582693772 2 because 4 are 1.4392868878864569 3 you 4 are 2.3430401060570176 4 are 9 leaks 5.37915545535353 5 shiftless 9 leaks 13.876442437733832 5 shiftless 6 and 1.05382735029821 7 your 9 leaks 5.808931972755904 8 house 9 leaks 7.536928531540507 9 leaks 13 hereafter 13.867397298130829 9 leaks 14 live 8.783120387599336 9 leaks 12 will 5.652835319819026 9 leaks 18 in 3.576629642544198 9 leaks 15 in 3.576629642544198 9 leaks 11 you 3.543460597333379 9 leaks 21 . 1.809346366541579 9 leaks 10 , 1.1550118085397294 16 a 17 hole 2.3800742530841603 17 hole 18 in 2.9254768621285727 18 in 19 the 1.1613034400066837 19 the 20 ground 2.248876394839101 21 . 22 ' 4.2885620435386205 and when they put him down peter rabbit 's ears and his hind legs were long , many times longer than they used to be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 put 0.2105242344650975 1 and 4 put 0.9074805064216722 1 and 3 they 0.63876852408176 2 when 3 they 2.3330121141685183 4 put 6 down 2.1634182459298827 4 put 5 him 0.7477552234167817 6 down 13 hind 0.8804235125270488 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 rabbit 13 hind 3.340083207212704 9 's 10 ears 1.448943456084674 10 ears 13 hind 5.048069734407147 10 ears 11 and 1.0174616046956935 12 his 13 hind 3.839384320355826 13 hind 14 legs 9.715168801194825 13 hind 19 times 3.7366980439162845 13 hind 17 , 0.33787586568954 14 legs 16 long 3.5275421112795904 14 legs 15 were 2.995002315973956 18 many 19 times 5.6223373015534825 19 times 23 used 2.752175869633387 19 times 21 than 2.3794853051728815 19 times 26 . 0.3581929060126132 20 longer 21 than 4.017155882194118 22 they 23 used 1.4483039368499426 23 used 24 to 2.9452970104551195 23 used 25 be 2.4579884674536565 and now you know why peter rabbit 's ears are long , and why he is always sitting up and listening , " concluded great-grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.0340186789003258 1 and 2 now 0.24534558967061137 2 now 7 rabbit 1.433091226095943 2 now 5 why 1.3842019004138493 3 you 4 know 2.570776785774047 4 know 5 why 2.555854238426651 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 7 rabbit 18 sitting 3.0847786790205376 7 rabbit 9 ears 3.2626848208019403 8 's 9 ears 1.448943456084674 9 ears 11 long 2.4277308776016113 9 ears 10 are 2.3137560058026025 9 ears 14 why 1.5209482032877837 9 ears 13 and 1.0174616046956935 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 why 17 always 1.1239047877947783 15 he 17 always 0.7229603727519347 16 is 17 always 1.3725308747124352 18 sitting 21 listening 5.459082722953923 18 sitting 19 up 2.1130451605468323 19 up 20 and 1.0590043195670393 21 listening 25 great-grandfather 7.264049134533327 22 , 24 concluded 1.1289475791227872 23 " 24 concluded 2.0260992463403156 24 concluded 25 great-grandfather 8.571341460052036 25 great-grandfather 26 frog 8.973671061533597 26 frog 27 . 0.622092755808108 iv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 iv 2.4677815816546733 reddy fox disobeys 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 disobeys 1.9902653708272737 1 reddy 3 disobeys 9.55474119952449 2 fox 3 disobeys 9.79566680156341 on the brow of the hill by the lone pine sat reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 on -0.3379217145317739 1 on 3 brow 3.0516428592270692 1 on 2 the 1.3666129714665534 3 brow 9 lone 6.9547698857091405 3 brow 6 hill 6.5937894608928325 3 brow 7 by 2.482465185757448 3 brow 14 . 1.5949026983206167 3 brow 4 of 1.5345163964446336 5 the 6 hill 2.0968829957252435 8 the 9 lone 2.2115329445483454 9 lone 10 pine 8.730085907429917 9 lone 12 reddy 3.9365367848973456 10 pine 11 sat 3.702069568233213 12 reddy 13 fox 7.973188175503683 every few moments he pointed his little black nose up at the round , yellow moon and barked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 pointed 0.4691493521307457 1 every 2 few 3.6034402247632684 2 few 3 moments 8.572677003652714 3 moments 5 pointed 5.680323644919568 4 he 5 pointed 1.626712975098016 5 pointed 9 nose 4.237418437503418 5 pointed 16 moon 4.108563371827 6 his 9 nose 3.647741242910211 7 little 8 black 2.0693447353583814 8 black 9 nose 4.706667619823687 9 nose 15 yellow 3.8554312060337885 9 nose 13 round 2.2721811031883163 10 up 13 round 1.1657897182628965 10 up 11 at 0.9441894797811088 11 at 12 the 1.019138853025721 13 round 14 , 0.514430750797862 16 moon 18 barked 6.211240618707496 17 and 18 barked 1.7084944410743859 18 barked 19 . 0.6754906198067836 " yap-yap-yap , " barked reddy fox , as loud as he could . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yap-yap-yap 2.1157962529111316 1 " 2 yap-yap-yap 3.7189177368221387 2 yap-yap-yap 5 barked 13.559968772938578 2 yap-yap-yap 6 reddy 8.816460332905596 2 yap-yap-yap 7 fox 8.658675213268172 2 yap-yap-yap 4 " 2.7703404498390327 2 yap-yap-yap 3 , 2.570049307818568 7 fox 10 loud 3.268624276771437 8 , 9 as 0.3162541076793648 9 as 10 loud 1.9474781434403994 10 loud 13 could 3.389997794731766 10 loud 11 as 2.630966031568949 10 loud 14 . 0.48957315635788845 12 he 13 could 1.799559825235125 " bow-wow-wow , " said bowser the hound in his deepest voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bow-wow-wow 2.575227871548428 1 " 2 bow-wow-wow 4.178349355459435 2 bow-wow-wow 8 hound 11.146298109423636 2 bow-wow-wow 5 said 4.449347058987659 2 bow-wow-wow 4 " 2.7703404498390327 2 bow-wow-wow 3 , 1.5700493078185715 6 bowser 8 hound 10.308918310242714 7 the 8 hound 2.5139408779658723 8 hound 11 deepest 7.529803269186566 9 in 11 deepest 3.046129924918869 10 his 11 deepest 3.310349726521501 11 deepest 12 voice 7.605905057105435 11 deepest 13 . 1.716236962150095 then both would listen and watch the million little stars twinkle and twinkle in the frosty sky . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 both 1.4993223519829222 2 both 8 million 4.483711003461661 3 would 4 listen 3.2638945826953183 4 listen 8 million 5.877186944756598 5 and 6 watch 0.607351643451814 6 watch 8 million 5.859669183498568 6 watch 7 the 0.6708638045148234 8 million 11 twinkle 9.321274539273023 8 million 9 little 2.459804220524873 10 stars 11 twinkle 8.008535615840326 11 twinkle 16 frosty 9.607771714201998 12 and 16 frosty 1.3953365558147581 13 twinkle 16 frosty 9.607771714201998 13 twinkle 14 in 3.744945391124851 15 the 16 frosty 1.4947144119470899 16 frosty 17 sky 6.759395651664914 16 frosty 18 . 0.8551500561547023 now just why reddy fox should bark at the moon he did not know . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 14 know 1.043959702098416 2 just 7 bark 1.8119701858368593 3 why 4 reddy 1.5284594431980203 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 5 fox 7 bark 3.793164294360242 6 should 7 bark 2.2009809488116723 7 bark 10 moon 4.859021202321319 7 bark 11 he 0.7494510632496301 8 at 9 the 1.019138853025721 9 the 10 moon 2.2767052200894575 11 he 12 did 1.2723526150845803 12 did 13 not 3.8864912996016745 12 did 14 know 2.4527939615109524 14 know 15 . 0.15779691297505316 he just had to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 3 had 4 to 0.6641217568330475 4 to 5 . 0.27764482140985614 every night for a week he had sat at the foot of the lone pine and barked and barked until his throat was sore . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 he 0.7006048185438587 1 every 6 he 0.5030674488124447 1 every 5 week 3.809014419176979 1 every 2 night 3.1745336996351305 3 for 5 week 2.836067119684092 4 a 5 week 2.4960005610958262 6 he 19 barked 1.8296530337682952 6 he 7 had 1.735007688287725 8 sat 19 barked 4.297873927568396 9 at 11 foot 3.1723723665956918 10 the 11 foot 1.0680293275482882 11 foot 15 pine 5.620063120102092 11 foot 12 of 2.1097074084434837 13 the 14 lone 2.2115329445483454 14 lone 15 pine 8.730085907429917 15 pine 19 barked 8.601899453404496 16 and 19 barked 1.7084944410743859 17 barked 19 barked 9.841150525482629 18 and 19 barked 1.7084944410743859 19 barked 22 throat 7.794550112620488 19 barked 24 sore 7.615638762302002 19 barked 20 until 6.533869206559668 21 his 22 throat 3.972443343841597 23 was 24 sore 2.476300502759422 24 sore 25 . 0.9764563523768359 deep down under his little red coat was a strange feeling which he could not explain . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 explain 0.17801164935682934 1 deep 7 coat 2.631765712392802 1 deep 3 under 2.9717336644285304 1 deep 2 down 2.966713843633759 1 deep 11 feeling 2.825354653660259 4 his 7 coat 3.521134439408911 5 little 6 red 1.9964742290630362 6 red 7 coat 5.419664963097286 8 was 10 strange 1.2703501560989885 9 a 10 strange 2.126061048347914 10 strange 11 feeling 4.050926919883075 11 feeling 16 explain 3.2376802011284873 12 which 16 explain 1.6187963974600414 13 he 14 could 1.799559825235125 14 could 16 explain 3.611940999363366 14 could 15 not 3.0316984035119585 16 explain 17 . 0.5614188530979902 bowser the hound knew , too , and he made up his mind that reddy fox was making fun of him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bowser 0.598134138284415 1 bowser 3 hound 10.308918310242714 2 the 3 hound 2.5139408779658723 3 hound 15 reddy 5.061572830742126 3 hound 18 making 2.8949155431337275 3 hound 4 knew 2.0570409340079117 4 knew 14 that 2.5840220415164588 4 knew 6 too 1.0791128257634242 4 knew 9 he 0.9747581983723332 5 , 6 too 0.48106916074670103 6 too 7 , 0.528283753111511 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 10 made 13 mind 3.86521708871188 11 up 13 mind 3.0068848447546515 12 his 13 mind 2.329082308747058 13 mind 14 that 1.2081380863268265 15 reddy 16 fox 7.973188175503683 17 was 18 making 1.3293033242414722 18 making 19 fun 5.781017999172615 19 fun 20 of 1.6023477109476403 19 fun 21 him 1.3044493539066728 21 him 22 . 0.8676779267655075 " yap-yap-yap , " barked reddy fox , and then listened to hear bowser 's deep voice reply . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yap-yap-yap 2.1157962529111316 1 " 2 yap-yap-yap 3.7189177368221387 2 yap-yap-yap 5 barked 13.559968772938578 2 yap-yap-yap 6 reddy 8.816460332905596 2 yap-yap-yap 7 fox 8.658675213268172 2 yap-yap-yap 4 " 2.7703404498390327 2 yap-yap-yap 3 , 2.570049307818568 7 fox 11 listened 3.5917944681977616 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 9 and 11 listened 1.8005549940631589 9 and 10 then 1.5029676557109006 11 listened 14 bowser 4.224412530109319 11 listened 13 hear 2.961378124275523 12 to 13 hear 1.8018262537402165 14 bowser 17 voice 3.561510937746977 14 bowser 18 reply 2.621369317602717 15 's 17 voice 1.628703560125114 16 deep 17 voice 5.096203351142076 18 reply 19 . 1.190733476378501 but this time there was no reply . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 this 0.5876713045967783 2 this 3 time 3.0116306928359418 3 time 7 reply 1.6318586997698432 4 there 6 no 3.2427616145242 4 there 5 was 2.1014798704396025 6 no 7 reply 3.445015648208365 7 reply 8 . 1.190733476378501 reddy listened , and listened , and then tried it again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 5 listened 3.1284764448223896 1 reddy 9 tried 3.442041066775122 2 listened 5 listened 6.355185934625766 3 , 4 and 0.752751396501802 4 and 5 listened 1.8005549940631589 5 listened 8 then 2.5124539183358294 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 7 and 8 then 1.5029676557109006 9 tried 11 again 2.190796851434669 9 tried 10 it 1.2403728431829073 11 again 12 . 1.1694329788885494 way off on a distant hill he could hear hooty the owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 way -0.6355328012240751 1 way 5 distant 2.676872328311241 1 way 2 off 2.4300197149850966 3 on 5 distant 1.632475110803501 4 a 5 distant 2.326764711340509 5 distant 10 hooty 6.099530114343917 5 distant 6 hill 4.644486702600606 5 distant 9 hear 3.4055310097606544 5 distant 13 . 1.1150852233296078 7 he 8 could 1.799559825235125 8 could 9 hear 3.3994042455384985 10 hooty 12 owl 10.485027851942906 11 the 12 owl 2.0875330216279195 close by him jack frost was busy snapping sticks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 close -0.3210062273374632 1 close 5 frost 4.272031020253177 1 close 2 by 4.000181749679339 1 close 3 him 1.584409601883248 4 jack 5 frost 7.27965884165129 5 frost 8 snapping 8.480421138515158 5 frost 10 . 0.678814803399348 6 was 7 busy 2.300366535564077 7 busy 8 snapping 6.057294320854236 8 snapping 9 sticks 8.766734959125625 down on the white meadows he could see jimmy skunk prowling about . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 down -0.10716002709574646 1 down 5 meadows 3.2776162099811614 2 on 5 meadows 3.790009740513195 3 the 5 meadows 2.3225225762090123 4 white 5 meadows 2.8480563353853547 5 meadows 11 prowling 7.2309086163131155 5 meadows 13 . 1.0373533873754468 6 he 7 could 1.799559825235125 7 could 11 prowling 2.7053764733778642 7 could 8 see 2.945997787046375 9 jimmy 10 skunk 9.859461590276863 10 skunk 11 prowling 6.691608669553862 11 prowling 12 about 6.175159590822993 so he sat still and barked , and pretty soon he forgot all else but the moon and the sound of his own voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 12 forgot 2.0493864962420467 2 he 12 forgot 2.204162726464528 3 sat 6 barked 4.297873927568396 4 still 6 barked 4.104299073097476 5 and 6 barked 1.7084944410743859 6 barked 12 forgot 5.652724023787709 6 barked 9 pretty 4.093567823942397 6 barked 8 and 0.7003594780207543 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 pretty 10 soon 5.24198976135278 11 he 12 forgot 2.204162726464528 12 forgot 14 else 3.787611305257183 12 forgot 13 all 2.8382139948165666 12 forgot 17 moon 2.7147849919199594 12 forgot 15 but 0.6647887791703546 16 the 17 moon 2.2767052200894575 17 moon 20 sound 2.4737286526200144 17 moon 18 and 0.7225262678253124 19 the 20 sound 1.1046302332039808 20 sound 24 voice 4.157272489374883 20 sound 21 of 1.976484934805768 22 his 24 voice 2.4241643054159248 22 his 23 own 3.159107401474598 24 voice 25 . 0.8478630205323796 now bowser the hound had managed to slip his collar . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 bowser 1.1292187166798904 2 bowser 4 hound 10.308918310242714 3 the 4 hound 2.5139408779658723 4 hound 10 collar 6.406531894284832 4 hound 11 . 1.2537676726015121 5 had 6 managed 1.8135080384097577 6 managed 8 slip 8.182561031827152 6 managed 7 to 2.7559490836025056 8 slip 10 collar 7.188386444048572 9 his 10 collar 2.8085667283660385 reddy fox had just barked for the hundreth time when he heard a twig crack just back of him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 8 hundreth 8.79566680156341 3 had 8 hundreth 4.705525357536747 4 just 8 hundreth 6.399435193761189 5 barked 8 hundreth 13.88554464484108 6 for 8 hundreth 4.7699247628928845 7 the 8 hundreth 2.151826698424081 8 hundreth 14 twig 14.922538852323282 8 hundreth 12 heard 8.044348568968072 8 hundreth 9 time 6.690850119282427 8 hundreth 10 when 6.17142957566195 8 hundreth 11 he 3.7986945822694835 8 hundreth 13 a 3.275904170404271 14 twig 15 crack 9.67757273925081 14 twig 17 back 3.6560412932356705 14 twig 16 just 3.3958490871316975 14 twig 19 him 2.7040424487944996 14 twig 18 of 2.127471687919325 14 twig 20 . 1.3618873895703558 reddy fox didn't wait to say " good evening , " or to see more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 3 didn't 2.9410131145767267 3 didn't 6 say 3.049930850266094 3 didn't 4 wait 2.810941541670875 3 didn't 14 see 2.2075881891756524 3 didn't 12 or 1.1478281078658696 5 to 6 say 1.5454691794447797 6 say 11 " 0.8357829247215349 6 say 7 " 0.8357829247215349 6 say 8 good 0.7353397458055433 8 good 9 evening 3.2128476832910273 10 , 11 " 0.6466805192388225 13 to 14 see 1.81043644982023 14 see 15 more 0.45290311724428634 15 more 16 . 0.4470583792760703 oh , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 4 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 3 no 2.4079928764171274 1 oh 2 , 2.0324623708210936 he turned a back somersault and away he sped over the hard , snowy crust as fast as his legs could carry him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 9 sped 1.8397066984322166 2 turned 5 somersault 7.498721955258098 3 a 5 somersault 3.3822598239322126 4 back 5 somersault 4.377188834384793 5 somersault 9 sped 10.526953715710608 5 somersault 6 and 1.694284963611068 7 away 9 sped 4.780241819244413 8 he 9 sped 1.8397066984322166 9 sped 15 crust 10.4532053757293 10 over 15 crust 2.9365121510251733 10 over 11 the 1.1378148676806195 12 hard 15 crust 6.05455149019911 13 , 15 crust 0.4945604098593499 14 snowy 15 crust 10.138569773408296 15 crust 20 legs 6.973337451856803 16 as 17 fast 3.412219047117258 17 fast 20 legs 6.528445548589374 17 fast 18 as 3.814423557372699 19 his 20 legs 3.7479346428605496 20 legs 22 carry 6.294568519047402 21 could 22 carry 2.491094245902442 22 carry 23 him 2.119079948073338 23 him 24 . 0.8676779267655075 how reddy did wish that he had minded mother fox ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 2 reddy 1.2830716031130613 1 how 11 ! 1.7025192702459062 2 reddy 10 fox 7.973188175503683 3 did 8 minded 2.630193147744496 4 wish 8 minded 6.077494972726484 5 that 8 minded 1.984064300448619 6 he 8 minded 1.7692804157888133 7 had 8 minded 2.8191821393323124 8 minded 10 fox 5.040697655319054 8 minded 9 mother 3.9235521596062846 it was coming in great pants now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 coming 1.4736384501161233 3 coming 6 pants 6.207312243126058 4 in 6 pants 2.8189075859782307 5 great 6 pants 4.769409093423953 6 pants 7 now 4.704502498756039 6 pants 8 . 1.5463119607077829 his bushy tail , of which he was so proud , had become very heavy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 2 bushy 3.9941223815221143 2 bushy 3 tail 9.05057362776001 2 bushy 6 which 4.3432810841651985 2 bushy 16 . 0.536327872135157 4 , 6 which 0.5112693294198909 5 of 6 which 1.1974799666643463 6 which 12 had 2.1539023067868133 7 he 12 had 1.735007688287725 7 he 8 was 1.2250956603177912 8 was 10 proud 1.9249373020865903 9 so 10 proud 2.508243748861865 10 proud 11 , 0.12398491291910219 12 had 13 become 3.3616438215453357 13 become 15 heavy 4.083161211663118 14 very 15 heavy 2.95429086492717 how reddy fox did wish and wish that he had minded mother fox ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 2 reddy 1.2830716031130613 1 how 14 ! 1.7025192702459062 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 2 reddy 13 fox 7.973188175503683 4 did 11 minded 2.630193147744496 5 wish 11 minded 6.077494972726484 6 and 11 minded 0.23718872214879738 7 wish 11 minded 6.077494972726484 8 that 11 minded 1.984064300448619 9 he 11 minded 1.7692804157888133 10 had 11 minded 2.8191821393323124 11 minded 13 fox 5.040697655319054 11 minded 12 mother 3.9235521596062846 he twisted and turned , and doubled this way and that way , and all the time bowser the hound got closer and closer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 7 doubled 2.2626124410444 2 twisted 7 doubled 10.684175474075051 2 twisted 4 turned 6.699029284271663 2 twisted 6 and 2.0724571691380476 2 twisted 3 and 2.0724571691380476 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 doubled 12 way 4.398895224266422 7 doubled 9 way 4.398895224266422 7 doubled 23 and 1.5149612641665051 7 doubled 14 and 1.5149612641665051 7 doubled 10 and 1.5149612641665051 8 this 9 way 2.4795023497949593 11 that 12 way 1.4644069919852818 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 15 all 16 the 0.7368478466298409 16 the 20 hound 2.5139408779658723 17 time 18 bowser 1.0838093237785529 18 bowser 20 hound 10.308918310242714 19 the 20 hound 2.5139408779658723 20 hound 22 closer 7.375769640514147 21 got 22 closer 3.1398703208389485 22 closer 23 and 1.0268603026979406 23 and 24 closer 0.0865377328710295 24 closer 25 . 0.6394213650992633 now way off on the hill behind the white meadows mother fox had been hunting for her supper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 12 fox 1.1556066961484248 2 way 10 meadows 1.9275163624124154 2 way 3 off 2.4300197149850966 4 on 10 meadows 3.790009740513195 5 the 10 meadows 2.3225225762090123 6 hill 10 meadows 3.713223518774978 6 hill 7 behind 3.3640811615475172 8 the 10 meadows 2.3225225762090123 9 white 10 meadows 2.8480563353853547 10 meadows 12 fox 3.5890016854613584 10 meadows 11 mother 1.4718561897485927 12 fox 15 hunting 3.1888298012194944 13 had 14 been 3.8301500596883944 14 been 15 hunting 2.5179140195251186 15 hunting 18 supper 3.1878154878119567 15 hunting 16 for 2.9063064174383406 16 for 17 her 0.5585813947101865 18 supper 19 . 0.9164853308371157 so mother fox pattered down the crooked little path onto the white meadows , where she could see the chase . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 pattered 0.8747881534073372 1 so 4 pattered 4.122335780517037 2 mother 4 pattered 6.432586660326756 3 fox 4 pattered 7.6801895841434735 4 pattered 10 onto 14.134042957517 4 pattered 7 crooked 11.179030412290306 4 pattered 5 down 7.060543398839457 6 the 7 crooked 1.7037741419172718 7 crooked 9 path 9.62217258557886 7 crooked 8 little 5.379445518156846 10 onto 13 meadows 9.526182427244827 10 onto 12 white 5.4802236258921795 10 onto 15 where 4.277605727395088 10 onto 19 the 2.218720151368913 10 onto 11 the 2.218720151368913 14 , 15 where 0.25827540064126175 15 where 17 could 1.7776223734851762 16 she 17 could 1.7000404954260855 17 could 18 see 2.945997787046375 19 the 20 chase 1.0040730779803866 20 chase 21 . 1.10447440208522 when she got near enough , she barked twice to tell reddy that she would help him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 she 0.6784469948620249 1 when 3 got 2.484099070162685 1 when 14 she 1.8676408437172203 1 when 2 she 1.8676408437172203 3 got 8 barked 2.3992569496575946 4 near 8 barked 4.444925122776866 4 near 5 enough 3.7056879802056173 6 , 7 she 0.49249656943275966 7 she 8 barked 0.23816983133737324 8 barked 9 twice 7.787512561880554 8 barked 12 reddy 6.682604586170807 8 barked 11 tell 2.618367817374999 10 to 11 tell 1.5183880022970992 13 that 14 she 0.6448988043719375 14 she 15 would 1.560247653280122 15 would 16 help 1.4424212393972944 16 help 17 him 1.6633278667356386 17 him 18 . 0.8676779267655075 now reddy fox was so tired that he was almost in despair when he heard mother fox bark . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 reddy 1.2064766118693377 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 2 reddy 17 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 10 almost 2.129992501582997 3 fox 6 tired 1.9934735846215865 4 was 6 tired 2.143622194048838 5 so 6 tired 2.6372536421648007 7 that 9 was 1.2600580293094676 8 he 9 was 1.2250956603177912 9 was 10 almost 1.7865864029566048 10 almost 12 despair 4.826232988602243 11 in 12 despair 3.648588782147531 12 despair 13 when 2.7836994223788416 13 when 15 heard 2.7253037340176967 13 when 14 he 1.8647931372101283 16 mother 17 fox 1.187338699438989 17 fox 18 bark 3.793164294360242 17 fox 19 . 0.44635491133374394 so for a few minutes he ran faster than ever and he gained a long way on bowser the hound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 minutes 0.1225571376445771 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 for 5 minutes 3.219189742654784 3 a 4 few 3.275693471712252 4 few 5 minutes 8.429930807745183 5 minutes 8 faster 3.836570694966966 5 minutes 6 he 1.3488331150829538 7 ran 8 faster 5.590033609234261 8 faster 13 gained 7.64066400695636 8 faster 9 than 6.100286913249537 8 faster 12 he 1.9242254643533414 8 faster 11 and 1.133282361834091 9 than 10 ever 4.578882500155908 13 gained 18 bowser 5.5785552498618465 13 gained 15 long 2.6110380909646658 13 gained 17 on 1.5378899902708731 14 a 15 long 1.8939671708709067 15 long 16 way 2.5981712999833952 18 bowser 20 hound 10.308918310242714 19 the 20 hound 2.5139408779658723 20 hound 21 . 1.2537676726015121 as he passed a shock of corn that had been left standing on the white meadows , mother fox stepped out from behind it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 passed 0.33431815885825067 1 as 3 passed 2.2058816500221425 1 as 2 he 1.5279784143694588 3 passed 5 shock 3.910083609089117 4 a 5 shock 2.3333502234512693 5 shock 7 corn 7.236159600782447 6 of 7 corn 2.100537434028677 7 corn 12 standing 3.895763937772049 7 corn 11 left 3.592606644722789 8 that 9 had 1.0478031204253906 9 had 11 left 2.2604574392147754 9 had 10 been 3.8301500596883944 12 standing 23 behind 3.707856307348276 13 on 16 meadows 3.790009740513195 14 the 16 meadows 2.3225225762090123 15 white 16 meadows 2.8480563353853547 16 meadows 20 stepped 4.030863626494469 16 meadows 19 fox 3.5890016854613584 16 meadows 18 mother 1.4718561897485927 17 , 18 mother 0.19699359806612904 20 stepped 23 behind 4.209037960105459 20 stepped 21 out 3.7211856413076703 22 from 23 behind 2.9170867007481327 23 behind 25 . 0.6105379344912976 24 it 25 . 0.13987271256052836 " go home , reddy fox , " said she , sharply , " go home and stay there until i come . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 sharply 1.4257213604780894 2 go 3 home 3.1383508553896817 3 home 6 fox 1.0455610672380935 3 home 4 , 0.24233738065074206 5 reddy 6 fox 7.973188175503683 6 fox 12 sharply 3.8001822826859026 7 , 9 said 1.3498770263619093 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 9 said 12 sharply 3.2508499475879127 10 she 12 sharply 1.823132332058524 11 , 12 sharply 0.5861345593647407 12 sharply 18 stay 3.88577650479289 12 sharply 23 . 1.6394213650992633 12 sharply 13 , 0.3616501585616234 13 , 14 " 0.6466805192388225 15 go 18 stay 1.613741948024245 15 go 16 home 3.1383508553896817 15 go 17 and 0.8882695098786773 18 stay 20 until 4.516110569279451 18 stay 19 there 2.3595510514604214 20 until 22 come 1.243540135247276 21 i 22 come 0.6739451447071829 23 . 24 " 4.467019939707924 then she deliberately sat down in front of the shock of corn to wait until bowser the hound should come in sight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 deliberately 2.87537435727117 2 she 3 deliberately 2.292617615359749 3 deliberately 7 front 5.869706188792854 3 deliberately 4 sat 4.147069305527925 4 sat 5 down 5.31852152344641 6 in 7 front 3.523451702452057 7 front 10 shock 4.8472275694678295 7 front 8 of 2.89173232674095 9 the 10 shock 1.1347531850651364 10 shock 12 corn 7.236159600782447 11 of 12 corn 2.100537434028677 12 corn 18 hound 4.695086997591307 12 corn 14 wait 3.337234844903673 13 to 14 wait 1.4845600859597816 14 wait 15 until 5.600679068477426 16 bowser 18 hound 10.308918310242714 17 the 18 hound 2.5139408779658723 18 hound 22 sight 3.5062896746856786 18 hound 23 . 1.2537676726015121 18 hound 19 should 0.9851925014697933 19 should 20 come 1.9282600781712986 21 in 22 sight 1.37809698501637 now bowser the hound thinks slowly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 bowser 1.1292187166798904 2 bowser 4 hound 10.308918310242714 3 the 4 hound 2.5139408779658723 4 hound 5 thinks 5.249097837025715 4 hound 6 slowly 4.419807125000467 4 hound 7 . 1.2537676726015121 he would have just hunted around until he had found where reddy had gone to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 hunted 2.2684958545498652 1 he 13 had 1.735007688287725 2 would 3 have 3.0672420602972323 3 have 5 hunted 1.750048430699895 3 have 4 just 0.3427377506721285 5 hunted 6 around 4.4660144203186185 5 hunted 10 found 3.4130412352866486 5 hunted 7 until 3.270169153593727 5 hunted 12 reddy 3.1558701273710703 5 hunted 11 where 1.7324927392804987 8 he 10 found 1.790774678622114 9 had 10 found 1.8041505261405 13 had 14 gone 3.5716341511162923 14 gone 15 to 1.1880963454840003 14 gone 16 . 0.34332318620434954 but bowser the hound thinks slowly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bowser 0.598134138284415 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 bowser 4 hound 10.308918310242714 3 the 4 hound 2.5139408779658723 4 hound 5 thinks 5.249097837025715 4 hound 6 slowly 4.419807125000467 4 hound 7 . 1.2537676726015121 when he saw old mother fox sitting there , he thought it was reddy fox and that now he had him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 saw 3.14735638164184 2 he 3 saw 1.9208684375913663 3 saw 15 fox 1.333283263077238 4 old 15 fox 3.980744203222873 4 old 6 fox 3.980744203222873 4 old 5 mother 3.44374419193349 6 fox 7 sitting 2.1804663282848686 7 sitting 8 there 1.795566862572123 8 there 13 was 2.1014798704396025 9 , 10 he 0.5080875377005949 10 he 11 thought 1.3670260759711912 11 thought 13 was 1.3417501326813586 12 it 13 was 1.776593012608254 14 reddy 15 fox 7.973188175503683 15 fox 20 had 1.570021966548854 15 fox 21 him 0.9986341664729004 15 fox 16 and 0.2869424899497339 17 that 20 had 1.0478031204253906 18 now 19 he 0.3617152556075087 19 he 20 had 1.735007688287725 21 him 22 . 0.8676779267655075 with a great roar of his big voice , he sprang forward . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 sprang 0.8406062178505209 1 with 4 roar 3.7799684707286936 2 a 3 great 2.39190469798403 3 great 4 roar 4.724220319657693 4 roar 11 sprang 5.939989685181789 4 roar 8 voice 4.657537825520755 4 roar 7 big 2.905396026654735 4 roar 5 of 2.5937896921418613 4 roar 6 his 1.895638218191916 9 , 10 he 0.5080875377005949 10 he 11 sprang 1.9981698408177948 11 sprang 12 forward 6.945086759237764 12 forward 13 . 0.47694666814215836 mother fox waited until he was almost upon her , then springing to one side , she trotted off a little way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fox 0.3253484619290159 1 mother 2 fox 1.187338699438989 2 fox 18 trotted 3.8768035642888172 3 waited 4 until 5.550899692622703 4 until 7 almost 2.956861879547791 4 until 5 he 1.7572482101890436 6 was 7 almost 1.7865864029566048 7 almost 12 springing 4.770619013391247 8 upon 12 springing 4.036923354987756 9 her 12 springing 1.4366723883460395 10 , 12 springing 1.3885774806382116 11 then 12 springing 1.5554654300204618 12 springing 18 trotted 8.685499655022436 12 springing 15 side 5.336405807894192 12 springing 13 to 1.708981460855746 12 springing 17 she 1.6592086726072033 14 one 15 side 2.9310515735693663 16 , 17 she 0.49249656943275966 18 trotted 19 off 5.714706438045635 18 trotted 22 way 2.7507983785992742 18 trotted 21 little 1.5222007576627377 20 a 21 little 2.1212036022401666 22 way 23 . 0.5851465906102735 at once bowser the hound started after her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 at 0.010736919189856309 1 at 2 once 4.141134533179308 1 at 8 her 0.7562568713478584 2 once 6 started 2.114357889955624 3 bowser 5 hound 10.308918310242714 4 the 5 hound 2.5139408779658723 5 hound 6 started 4.814848350936213 6 started 7 after 2.4648488916911973 8 her 9 . 0.6187705373945764 she pretended to be very tired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 pretended 0.707331407555774 1 she 2 pretended 1.6777018925369624 2 pretended 4 be 3.6025317135441917 2 pretended 6 tired 3.0018089999004864 2 pretended 3 to 2.882625576868083 5 very 6 tired 3.1814462322895807 6 tired 7 . 0.35759378155424315 every time he rushed forward she managed to just slip out of his grasp . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 1 every 4 rushed 1.109945432769301 1 every 2 time 2.8352644912341276 3 he 4 rushed 1.2336775403247202 4 rushed 10 slip 5.101023682229499 4 rushed 5 forward 5.573232249412907 6 she 7 managed 1.8600319148700564 7 managed 10 slip 8.182561031827152 7 managed 8 to 2.7559490836025056 9 just 10 slip 1.7082732892081047 10 slip 14 grasp 7.866458349161206 10 slip 11 out 2.872274000737125 11 out 12 of 2.138624548858049 13 his 14 grasp 3.33463554003362 14 grasp 15 . 1.1463813538191445 little by little she led him across the white meadows back towards farmer brown 's barnyard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 little -0.13626703510166038 1 little 10 meadows 1.900288758342466 2 by 3 little 0.5698054043151224 3 little 10 meadows 1.900288758342466 4 she 5 led 0.5772650328081497 5 led 10 meadows 2.266258136508089 5 led 6 him 2.142422131854854 7 across 10 meadows 6.60215897375376 7 across 9 white 2.878128267288478 7 across 8 the 2.2208878494453064 10 meadows 16 barnyard 8.042836268160542 10 meadows 17 . 1.0373533873754468 11 back 16 barnyard 4.29472667419282 12 towards 16 barnyard 7.602075273895952 13 farmer 14 brown 8.64653815547903 13 farmer 16 barnyard 6.098179302004315 13 farmer 15 's 4.683257407921326 pretty soon old mother fox began to run as fast as she could , and that is very fast indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 11 as 3.164312083826303 3 old 5 fox 3.980744203222873 3 old 4 mother 3.44374419193349 5 fox 10 fast 2.4974769166276225 6 began 8 run 2.719928511507881 6 began 7 to 2.775473939384737 8 run 10 fast 4.913855584582478 9 as 10 fast 3.412219047117258 10 fast 11 as 3.814423557372699 11 as 19 fast 3.412219047117258 11 as 13 could 2.2618002297096247 12 she 13 could 1.7000404954260855 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 19 fast 0.6884958601057534 16 that 17 is 1.5257476832692056 17 is 18 very 1.5624151199530516 18 very 19 fast 2.2573559121913256 19 fast 20 indeed 3.4773163309916697 19 fast 21 . 0.6245713857256554 she left bowser the hound a long , long way behind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 2 left 1.102840598894847 2 left 11 behind 4.361263855446239 3 bowser 5 hound 10.308918310242714 4 the 5 hound 2.5139408779658723 5 hound 11 behind 1.8233842676077074 6 a 7 long 1.8939671708709067 7 long 9 long 2.6916444188849056 7 long 8 , 0.29621882800116595 9 long 11 behind 1.5377283523935112 9 long 10 way 2.5981712999833952 11 behind 12 . 0.6105379344912976 when she came to a stone wall she jumped up on the stone wall and ran along it , just like a squirrel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 came 3.257675302277521 1 when 2 she 1.8676408437172203 3 came 6 stone 0.9115755036960032 3 came 4 to 1.4047239513309133 5 a 6 stone 1.8352318936315122 6 stone 7 wall 7.966060386059372 6 stone 14 wall 7.966060386059372 8 she 9 jumped 1.1355286647732399 9 jumped 14 wall 4.495608555771998 9 jumped 10 up 3.8707230371276466 11 on 14 wall 2.9488984237931035 12 the 14 wall 2.2176513343836692 13 stone 14 wall 7.966060386059372 14 wall 23 squirrel 3.475489180048296 14 wall 16 ran 3.183054718031304 15 and 16 ran 1.4312041846170782 16 ran 17 along 3.3461195380241904 18 it 20 just 1.041628754004842 19 , 20 just 0.009336782751542927 20 just 21 like 1.8930041934807864 21 like 23 squirrel 1.7454559528634235 21 like 22 a 1.5962898902440639 23 squirrel 24 . 0.5453530407383553 every once in a while she would make a long jump and then trot along a little way again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 once 0.1976639201991084 1 every 2 once 1.2617453726491483 2 once 4 a 1.5030440174040471 3 in 4 a 0.8157855541154699 4 a 14 trot 1.4652212729476162 4 a 5 while 1.9353289888640361 6 she 7 would 1.560247653280122 7 would 8 make 1.9728092651826756 8 make 14 trot 3.3928019748824134 9 a 10 long 1.8939671708709067 10 long 11 jump 3.8619932165073116 11 jump 14 trot 7.286306586199732 12 and 14 trot 1.7483871681979046 13 then 14 trot 1.7088162069272599 14 trot 15 along 6.7604827231795745 14 trot 18 way 3.924214778560181 14 trot 19 again 2.8879237219975487 15 along 17 little 2.0536998460160376 16 a 17 little 2.1212036022401666 19 again 20 . 1.1694329788885494 way down at the end of the pasture an old apple tree stretched a long limb out towards the stone wall . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 at 0.010736919189856309 1 way 2 down 1.6481503295368434 2 down 3 at 1.1672844384599603 3 at 5 end 3.3428586128893194 4 the 5 end 1.7848185707758812 5 end 21 wall 3.4129617621253203 5 end 6 of 3.141526558632739 7 the 21 wall 2.2176513343836692 8 pasture 11 apple 5.2786904693610275 9 an 11 apple 4.421873495197087 9 an 10 old 3.515686536482063 11 apple 16 limb 7.882124583877378 11 apple 12 tree 6.714913967132102 13 stretched 16 limb 7.453205375729301 14 a 16 limb 2.399333337291157 15 long 16 limb 4.756464552861761 16 limb 21 wall 6.597608269274396 16 limb 18 towards 6.297106732198362 16 limb 17 out 2.922474813659317 19 the 21 wall 2.2176513343836692 20 stone 21 wall 7.966060386059372 21 wall 22 . 0.5451102154980312 when she got opposite to this she jumped onto this long limb and ran up into the tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 got 2.484099070162685 1 when 2 she 1.8676408437172203 3 got 9 onto 4.195723555572467 3 got 16 into 2.4854858564262265 4 opposite 9 onto 9.45355784575155 5 to 6 this 0.36905023143750526 6 this 9 onto 2.5072909509646486 7 she 8 jumped 1.1355286647732399 8 jumped 9 onto 7.746641025152353 9 onto 12 limb 11.266493253540649 9 onto 14 ran 6.127672934874692 9 onto 10 this 2.830971808431851 9 onto 15 up 2.7211839836340808 11 long 12 limb 4.756464552861761 13 and 14 ran 1.4312041846170782 16 into 18 tree 1.7578221313560185 17 the 18 tree 1.7164199707292305 18 tree 19 . 0.7073254296010649 there in the crotch , close to the trunk , she sat and watched . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 4 crotch 3.830398093436486 2 in 4 crotch 4.445449190450784 3 the 4 crotch 2.0738241864228044 4 crotch 9 trunk 10.055969083260077 4 crotch 6 close 8.087705298101536 4 crotch 8 the 2.2256729120106833 4 crotch 5 , 0.6314498524827137 6 close 7 to 1.9030090928482615 9 trunk 14 watched 3.9814245363884027 9 trunk 15 . 0.408095818992809 10 , 11 she 0.49249656943275966 11 she 12 sat 1.722044238640141 12 sat 14 watched 3.8665346159604503 13 and 14 watched 1.489699764846545 bowser the hound , making a tremendous noise , followed her trail up to the stone wall . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bowser 0.598134138284415 1 bowser 3 hound 10.308918310242714 2 the 3 hound 2.5139408779658723 3 hound 12 trail 6.505179482217738 3 hound 18 . 1.2537676726015121 4 , 5 making 0.20330451486246304 5 making 7 tremendous 5.638864169288091 6 a 7 tremendous 2.6971331612856275 7 tremendous 12 trail 6.750511886318076 7 tremendous 8 noise 7.662962007268494 7 tremendous 10 followed 4.9336759112495905 9 , 10 followed 0.4914971706275679 10 followed 11 her 2.080662977582243 12 trail 17 wall 4.105402909473096 13 up 17 wall 2.121471752671564 13 up 14 to 0.5990262771899992 15 the 17 wall 2.2176513343836692 16 stone 17 wall 7.966060386059372 then he was puzzled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 3 was 1.2250956603177912 3 was 4 puzzled 2.3951199223430386 4 puzzled 5 . 1.1958147136236477 he sniffed this way , and he sniffed that way , but he could not tell where mother fox had disappeared to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 8 sniffed 1.5832151384651958 2 sniffed 8 sniffed 9.008367310373412 2 sniffed 4 way 2.4035869195911452 2 sniffed 6 and 1.327007881548834 3 this 4 way 2.4795023497949593 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 he 8 sniffed 1.5832151384651958 8 sniffed 10 way 2.4035869195911452 8 sniffed 12 but 2.251525491833938 8 sniffed 23 . 1.1018403728490327 9 that 10 way 1.4644069919852818 11 , 12 but 1.025230194614105 12 but 15 not 1.6882779839745012 13 he 14 could 1.799559825235125 14 could 15 not 3.0316984035119585 16 tell 17 where 2.2429793842854515 17 where 21 disappeared 1.2253032864680478 18 mother 19 fox 1.187338699438989 19 fox 21 disappeared 3.244920016180167 20 had 21 disappeared 3.1089748825403767 21 disappeared 23 . 1.0818722213526684 22 to 23 . 0.27764482140985614 he looked up at old mother moon and bayed and bayed , but old mother moon did not help him a bit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 looked 1.645197537023618 2 looked 4 at 3.718023842519891 2 looked 3 up 2.456793580534695 4 at 11 bayed 2.9495986833540435 5 old 11 bayed 4.009557198070592 6 mother 11 bayed 5.275045383340277 7 moon 11 bayed 8.982616243659539 8 and 11 bayed 2.4798700660264252 9 bayed 11 bayed 12.188386444048572 10 and 11 bayed 2.4798700660264252 11 bayed 16 moon 8.935231768941438 11 bayed 15 mother 5.398571763713363 11 bayed 17 did 5.08872122395773 11 bayed 14 old 4.139899570056233 11 bayed 13 but 2.9783449605833177 11 bayed 12 , 1.4270913539765253 17 did 18 not 3.8864912996016745 18 not 22 bit 2.688661243491648 18 not 19 help 1.4575380522969112 19 help 20 him 1.6633278667356386 21 a 22 bit 3.0183847285915952 22 bit 23 . 0.7804866120594269 the longer he hunted , the angrier he grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 7 angrier 1.5668641977029232 2 longer 7 angrier 6.914801638011507 3 he 4 hunted 2.2684958545498652 4 hunted 7 angrier 8.773847685320192 5 , 7 angrier 0.6805108352277394 6 the 7 angrier 1.5668641977029232 7 angrier 9 grew 8.703130833694388 7 angrier 8 he 2.193832524110622 7 angrier 10 . 1.5264124032700757 old mother fox , sitting in the apple tree , watched him and laughed and laughed to herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 laughed 0.5438326752728955 1 old 3 fox 3.980744203222873 1 old 2 mother 3.44374419193349 3 fox 11 watched 2.834506543426773 4 , 5 sitting 0.2918188917578739 5 sitting 8 apple 3.86684265752098 5 sitting 6 in 1.9389868251468627 7 the 8 apple 1.6337775310423908 8 apple 9 tree 6.714913967132102 8 apple 11 watched 4.821428652189823 9 tree 10 , 0.33602218599871847 11 watched 12 him 3.0152759428856264 11 watched 16 laughed 1.789133888505571 13 and 14 laughed 0.9256340809375345 14 laughed 16 laughed 4.342859293048111 14 laughed 15 and 1.1979223290572882 16 laughed 18 herself 2.7157002286727447 16 laughed 19 . 0.82555871192071 17 to 18 herself 1.3077942123770203 v 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 v 2.439166321972401 striped chipmunk's pockets 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chipmunk's 1.7272309649934812 1 striped 2 chipmunk's 11.891262825299169 2 chipmunk's 3 pockets 13.080800936240013 it was one of striped chipmunk 's busy days . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 8 busy 2.300366535564077 3 one 4 of 1.5254413726359868 4 of 5 striped 0.7386323059910573 5 striped 6 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 6 chipmunk 8 busy 5.416693651919079 6 chipmunk 7 's 1.073083498235281 8 busy 9 days 3.714755946291586 9 days 10 . 0.36844078149205295 so striped chipmunk was very busy , very busy indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 so 9 busy 2.628332968295563 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 9 busy 5.416693651919079 4 was 6 busy 2.300366535564077 5 very 6 busy 4.179972810614355 6 busy 9 busy 6.749132106424899 6 busy 7 , 0.5793271214065818 8 very 9 busy 4.179972810614355 9 busy 10 indeed 4.905490839314158 10 indeed 11 ! 2.602606498852314 he whisked in and out of the old stone wall along one edge of the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 whisked 1.444989183532968 2 whisked 9 stone 4.817117819243929 2 whisked 5 out 4.610090491442826 2 whisked 3 in 1.7564506801290065 2 whisked 4 and 0.6985344366124302 5 out 6 of 2.138624548858049 7 the 9 stone 1.3002378052060983 8 old 9 stone 3.015949299980182 9 stone 10 wall 7.966060386059372 10 wall 13 edge 5.263496687903107 11 along 13 edge 4.355245323436517 12 one 13 edge 1.1812722936753914 13 edge 17 meadows 5.620613586232551 13 edge 14 of 3.5278893979253887 15 the 17 meadows 2.3225225762090123 16 green 17 meadows 8.640219315758674 17 meadows 18 . 1.0373533873754468 they got there just in time to see him disappear under a great stone in the old wall . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 10 disappear 1.0142147761559706 1 they 2 got 1.2092507616813286 2 got 3 there 1.368899279515265 4 just 10 disappear 2.2096106348811695 5 in 6 time 0.9663908996592099 6 time 10 disappear 2.643668002059478 7 to 8 see 1.81043644982023 8 see 10 disappear 2.1963282970286677 9 him 10 disappear 1.8690375229434544 10 disappear 14 stone 5.194353285810383 10 disappear 19 . 0.6883309655802101 11 under 14 stone 3.906761327212134 12 a 13 great 2.39190469798403 13 great 14 stone 2.6768121007021755 14 stone 18 wall 7.966060386059372 15 in 16 the 1.1613034400066837 16 the 18 wall 2.2176513343836692 17 old 18 wall 3.556205213550001 in a minute he was out again and off as fast as he could go to the old hickory tree . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 go 0.2627561631072819 1 in 3 minute 1.7438417708773564 2 a 3 minute 2.75284848895582 3 minute 11 fast 1.2549640664464796 3 minute 4 he 1.376842261434323 4 he 5 was 1.2250956603177912 6 out 7 again 1.1769795174391646 7 again 11 fast 0.7928155071928416 8 and 9 off 0.7856100290904244 9 off 11 fast 3.2642401255190734 10 as 11 fast 3.412219047117258 11 fast 15 go 3.002380685448827 11 fast 14 could 4.67019871939473 11 fast 12 as 3.814423557372699 13 he 14 could 1.799559825235125 15 go 19 hickory 1.8125001496932533 15 go 16 to 1.227751785132229 17 the 19 hickory 1.8344858730323708 18 old 19 hickory 3.572917444306537 19 hickory 20 tree 8.30386732804929 20 tree 21 . 0.7073254296010649 " oh , striped chipmunk , come play with us , " shouted the merry little breezes , running after him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 13 shouted 2.261569432685331 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 4 striped 5 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 5 chipmunk 13 shouted 4.271665187685262 5 chipmunk 8 play 3.7191586248932147 5 chipmunk 6 , -0.23115862990388436 7 come 8 play 2.3747270775754714 8 play 9 with 3.0381674584440965 8 play 10 us 2.4463134901395662 11 , 13 shouted 0.8043728969509765 12 " 13 shouted 2.261569432685331 13 shouted 17 breezes 6.174084589685499 13 shouted 20 after 2.383606033145746 14 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 15 merry 17 breezes 10.012501010913478 16 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 17 breezes 19 running 3.103742284986069 18 , 19 running 0.28339524394615623 20 after 21 him 1.1382722429713397 21 him 22 . 0.8676779267655075 but striped chipmunk just flirted his funny little tail and winked with both his bright eyes at them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 flirted 1.1692355118725928 1 but 5 flirted 2.3212675036753225 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 5 flirted 8.852842078674929 4 just 5 flirted 4.8414397406403005 5 flirted 11 winked 9.49322722206232 5 flirted 9 tail 8.838165294996184 5 flirted 7 funny 7.304153350064677 5 flirted 6 his 3.973640730193189 7 funny 8 little 3.8424929421058565 10 and 11 winked 2.034070312976894 11 winked 15 bright 6.641858453025776 11 winked 17 at 4.338728737732975 11 winked 13 both 3.6934001188834706 11 winked 14 his 1.1835637995674197 11 winked 19 . 1.019269435915806 12 with 13 both 1.100340959347026 15 bright 16 eyes 4.585979669845653 18 them 19 . 0.8864773153321437 " busy ! busy ! busy ! " said striped chipmunk , hurrying along as fast as his short legs could take him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 11 chipmunk 0.6474266944511662 2 busy 4 busy 6.749132106424899 2 busy 3 ! 0.9022711361089968 4 busy 6 busy 6.749132106424899 4 busy 5 ! 0.9022711361089968 6 busy 10 striped 4.695108703841125 7 ! 10 striped 1.4227964844193188 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 7 ! 9 said 2.5827010162001933 10 striped 11 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 11 chipmunk 13 hurrying 6.446336213017201 12 , 13 hurrying 0.300972017170281 13 hurrying 16 fast 5.393283671131282 13 hurrying 14 along 5.174022874071909 15 as 16 fast 3.412219047117258 16 fast 20 legs 6.528445548589374 16 fast 21 could 4.67019871939473 16 fast 17 as 3.814423557372699 16 fast 22 take 3.0050389911689486 18 his 20 legs 3.7479346428605496 19 short 20 legs 5.4582675687309035 22 take 23 him 1.4751871188898207 23 him 24 . 0.8676779267655075 the merry little breezes laughed , and one of them , dancing ahead , pulled the funny little tail of striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 12 dancing 6.069472382901321 4 breezes 5 laughed 2.807002522189542 5 laughed 7 and 1.1979223290572882 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 one 9 of 1.5254413726359868 9 of 12 dancing 1.2220149696680416 9 of 10 them 1.260850870246946 11 , 12 dancing 0.3787606222780049 12 dancing 13 ahead 5.408836887650832 13 ahead 17 funny 4.267412803249659 13 ahead 15 pulled 4.519476091262451 13 ahead 23 . 0.7953258962266396 13 ahead 14 , 0.04788193383330963 15 pulled 16 the 0.7731003952360425 17 funny 21 striped 4.306252579305035 17 funny 19 tail 5.261496001074512 17 funny 18 little 3.8424929421058565 19 tail 20 of 1.0132056319312817 21 striped 22 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 " it 's a beautiful day ; do come and play with us , " cried the merry little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 8 do 0.8845447173996668 1 " 3 's 0.47415569605254504 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 5 beautiful 0.5422159218438409 4 a 5 beautiful 1.6123145415652615 5 beautiful 6 day 1.5255108599596987 7 ; 8 do 0.6148623700899947 9 come 11 play 2.3747270775754714 10 and 11 play 0.7437274636740732 11 play 13 us 2.4463134901395662 11 play 12 with 3.0381674584440965 13 us 15 " 0.7885544475872042 14 , 15 " 0.6466805192388225 15 " 16 cried 2.2573435939906012 16 cried 18 merry 3.867501500449272 16 cried 21 . 0.7704540247731817 17 the 18 merry 1.7667336024132325 18 merry 20 breeze 8.28452534308401 18 merry 19 little 5.200496649987246 but striped chipmunk flirted his tail over his back once more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 flirted 1.1692355118725928 1 but 4 flirted 2.3212675036753225 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 4 flirted 8.852842078674929 4 flirted 6 tail 8.838165294996184 4 flirted 10 once 4.418035824497299 4 flirted 8 his 3.973640730193189 4 flirted 5 his 3.973640730193189 4 flirted 9 back 3.5856519653442724 4 flirted 7 over 3.178048991389854 10 once 11 more 4.326243222615789 11 more 12 . 0.4470583792760703 " busy ! busy ! busy ! " he shouted over his shoulder and ran faster than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 busy 4 busy 6.749132106424899 2 busy 3 ! 0.9022711361089968 4 busy 6 busy 6.749132106424899 4 busy 5 ! 0.9022711361089968 6 busy 10 shouted 3.2821755473037193 7 ! 10 shouted 4.967379996560403 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 9 he 10 shouted 1.5317829436386852 10 shouted 16 faster 5.140013913595812 11 over 13 shoulder 5.177967667198974 12 his 13 shoulder 3.930991699582073 13 shoulder 16 faster 5.0052959499443865 13 shoulder 14 and 1.4562174732938473 15 ran 16 faster 5.590033609234261 16 faster 17 than 6.100286913249537 16 faster 19 . 0.7458434242354137 17 than 18 ever 4.578882500155908 in a few minutes he was back again , but such a queer-looking fellow as he was ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 a -0.0173928021838492 1 in 2 a 0.8157855541154699 2 a 13 queer-looking 3.299797663740243 2 a 3 few 3.275693471712252 3 few 4 minutes 8.429930807745183 4 minutes 5 he 1.3488331150829538 5 he 6 was 1.2250956603177912 7 back 13 queer-looking 6.201617269801339 8 again 13 queer-looking 6.675967892849783 9 , 13 queer-looking 1.5285077417826898 10 but 13 queer-looking 3.464225457517365 11 such 13 queer-looking 7.498672593669703 12 a 13 queer-looking 3.299797663740243 13 queer-looking 14 fellow 8.60922388774063 13 queer-looking 15 as 4.972434312851959 13 queer-looking 16 he 4.509187965074496 13 queer-looking 18 ! 3.7929645041897153 13 queer-looking 17 was 3.1574797313170926 " oh , striped chipmunk 's got the mumps ! " shouted the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 merry 0.8166067467259701 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 4 striped 5 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 5 chipmunk 9 mumps 8.188445110459366 6 's 9 mumps 2.9153841332413357 7 got 9 mumps 6.221258647679601 8 the 9 mumps 1.6663998712538373 9 mumps 12 shouted 7.48791062468656 9 mumps 14 merry 7.252043537450188 10 ! 12 shouted 4.967379996560403 10 ! 11 " 2.8038844676111605 13 the 14 merry 1.7667336024132325 14 merry 16 breezes 10.012501010913478 15 little 16 breezes 6.02611847789149 16 breezes 17 . 0.39382932760703326 but striped chipmunk said never a word . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 striped 0.5966015223409968 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 7 word 1.1295514214057967 4 said 7 word 1.4157097650849728 5 never 7 word 2.787706562894506 6 a 7 word 2.195100285073549 7 word 8 . 0.6268970557050686 he couldn't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 3 . 0.24142579007521014 he ran faster than ever until he disappeared under the big stone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 ran 1.3480235433786767 2 ran 3 faster 5.590033609234261 3 faster 4 than 6.100286913249537 3 faster 8 disappeared 4.931219475554055 3 faster 6 until 4.3933252284896795 3 faster 7 he 1.9242254643533414 4 than 5 ever 4.578882500155908 8 disappeared 12 stone 2.979085298907318 8 disappeared 13 . 1.0818722213526684 9 under 12 stone 3.906761327212134 9 under 10 the 1.5803545408498074 11 big 12 stone 3.8459423382952203 when he popped his head out again he was just his usual saucy little self . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 popped 0.658751227110713 1 when 3 popped 2.0469133180215735 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 3 popped 11 his 3.6155302989991824 3 popped 5 head 6.954160941554662 3 popped 6 out 3.9022340212216946 3 popped 7 again 2.8789628544259216 4 his 5 head 3.6389926349442767 8 he 11 his 1.2727377188429507 8 he 9 was 1.2250956603177912 9 was 10 just 0.9981815055535073 11 his 15 self 3.4331563032079053 12 usual 15 self 7.5397698079993525 13 saucy 15 self 9.45927989013899 13 saucy 14 little 3.010819389322691 15 self 16 . 1.2538276437128992 he 'll know . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 'll 0.8514765952855274 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 know 0.5890732608509612 4 . 5 " 4.467019939707924 " good-bye , striped chipmunk , " they shouted as they romped across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 good-bye 4 striped 4.441412162586669 2 good-bye 3 , 1.3800783641745014 4 striped 5 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 5 chipmunk 9 shouted 4.271665187685262 6 , 9 shouted 0.8043728969509765 7 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 8 they 9 shouted 0.9824048307334614 9 shouted 12 romped 7.869230008157082 10 as 12 romped 2.0042007334523397 11 they 12 romped 3.9816469136995387 12 romped 16 meadows 7.412840954168882 13 across 16 meadows 6.60215897375376 14 the 16 meadows 2.3225225762090123 15 green 16 meadows 8.640219315758674 16 meadows 17 . 1.0373533873754468 and striped chipmunk stopped long enough to shout " good-bye " before he filled his pockets with the brown nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 good-bye 1.1766784950581552 1 and 8 shout 1.1982997087552043 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 8 shout 6.704245586673128 4 stopped 8 shout 5.354739126919103 5 long 6 enough 3.1562315806526478 6 enough 8 shout 3.030299140212346 6 enough 7 to 2.0867227826403028 8 shout 10 good-bye 7.10975727662581 9 " 10 good-bye 1.3203683603318588 10 good-bye 16 pockets 6.398976896266273 10 good-bye 11 " 1.6431052615429245 10 good-bye 21 . 0.7323843847266929 12 before 16 pockets 1.8919030629978266 13 he 16 pockets 1.2129816733197991 14 filled 16 pockets 5.036406816881563 15 his 16 pockets 4.323558013078419 16 pockets 20 nuts 7.438112617198232 16 pockets 17 with 1.9332866711986334 18 the 20 nuts 0.6933669188541103 19 brown 20 nuts 3.7906380574557446 old grandfather frog sat on his big green lily pad blinking in the sun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 old 2 grandfather 1.85966994986482 2 grandfather 3 frog 9.27687376659811 3 frog 10 pad 5.221258647679605 4 sat 10 pad 4.119875625590403 5 on 10 pad 4.59743476266755 6 his 10 pad 4.122227207269798 7 big 10 pad 7.673078187788665 8 green 10 pad 7.972065296699135 9 lily 10 pad 12.746056782792667 10 pad 11 blinking 10.89700376021614 10 pad 15 . 1.0208504717352866 11 blinking 14 sun 7.035694198916524 11 blinking 12 in 1.8217421403807244 13 the 14 sun 2.340860522814099 it was very still , very , very still indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 very 1.8345067088627953 3 very 10 indeed 4.748811396098601 3 very 4 still 1.4199891852427484 5 , 10 indeed 1.2217707539259823 6 very 10 indeed 4.748811396098601 7 , 10 indeed 1.2217707539259823 8 very 10 indeed 4.748811396098601 8 very 9 still 1.4199891852427484 10 indeed 11 . 0.21529929449387453 suddenly out of the brown bulrushes burst the merry little breezes and surrounded old grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 1 suddenly 6 bulrushes 4.55216516640586 2 out 6 bulrushes 2.2007479479598757 2 out 3 of 2.138624548858049 4 the 6 bulrushes 2.346555090866964 5 brown 6 bulrushes 4.891285206439822 6 bulrushes 11 breezes 6.483477049509236 6 bulrushes 7 burst 6.974335983603023 6 bulrushes 15 grandfather 4.82610605326003 8 the 11 breezes 2.2607610699772422 9 merry 11 breezes 10.012501010913478 10 little 11 breezes 6.02611847789149 11 breezes 13 surrounded 5.844180071059082 11 breezes 14 old 3.541570323781972 12 and 13 surrounded 0.7928866283647586 15 grandfather 16 frog 9.27687376659811 16 frog 17 . 0.622092755808108 and every one of them had brought to him a fat , foolish , green fly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 every 0.172343299375866 1 and 2 every 0.7222767533094778 2 every 3 one 3.4259854658400464 3 one 11 fat 1.1658916038520566 3 one 4 of 1.5254413726359868 3 one 5 them 1.3727383010695942 6 had 7 brought 2.266072700930007 7 brought 11 fat 2.385709618005148 7 brought 9 him 2.118419070809889 8 to 9 him 1.0152537748115762 10 a 11 fat 1.413037139924004 11 fat 13 foolish 5.098122471561382 11 fat 12 , 0.4283881585949807 13 foolish 16 fly 6.139382724270678 13 foolish 15 green 5.127789177065466 13 foolish 14 , 0.5757468414782174 16 fly 17 . 0.45476505433546066 grandfather 's big goggly eyes sparkled and he gave a funny little hop up into the air as he caught each foolish green fly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 4 goggly 7.330793905415607 2 's 4 goggly 2.263307436661645 3 big 4 goggly 7.17300458465402 4 goggly 6 sparkled 9.365626445559894 4 goggly 5 eyes 7.902557632131707 6 sparkled 11 funny 5.637577083789868 6 sparkled 9 gave 4.573686177959932 6 sparkled 7 and 1.2533688325066201 8 he 9 gave 1.0866886989806481 9 gave 10 a 2.002574134868505 11 funny 13 hop 6.545793282471891 11 funny 12 little 3.8424929421058565 11 funny 22 foolish 2.400079921029512 13 hop 17 air 4.445862774248983 13 hop 14 up 2.763412219023383 15 into 17 air 3.435632428947777 16 the 17 air 1.8314471531427614 18 as 19 he 1.5279784143694588 19 he 20 caught 1.572354997483643 20 caught 22 foolish 2.2212963934070906 21 each 22 foolish 2.333062664196099 22 foolish 24 fly 6.139382724270678 22 foolish 23 green 5.127789177065466 24 fly 25 . 0.45476505433546066 " chug-a-rum ! " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " what is it you want this morning ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 9 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 6 want 2.5177209390721487 2 what 3 is 2.2160747713273903 2 what 4 it 0.7873099891421482 5 you 6 want 2.2352748944575858 7 this 8 morning 3.4311703176464974 7 this 9 ? 1.0697988626180486 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 do tell us , grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 do 2 tell 1.1554976140727895 2 tell 5 grandfather 1.1984635749905337 2 tell 3 us 3.005793769866642 4 , 5 grandfather 0.4654979442568852 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 6 frog 7 . 0.622092755808108 please do ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 " 0.8975782375580525 1 please 3 ! 1.4545639748879147 1 please 2 do 1.8592453429191238 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " how should i know ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 how 1.1444914957494294 1 " 2 how 1.0930574825678523 2 how 6 ? 2.0023888363050837 2 how 3 should 1.4717735083233805 3 should 5 know 1.563557186677567 4 i 5 know 2.195699135273596 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 " but you do know , grandfather frog , you know you do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 1 " 12 you 1.0774489925638644 1 " 10 you 1.0774489925638644 1 " 3 you 1.0774489925638644 1 " 9 , 0.4301121689192957 2 but 3 you 0.4014434293354885 3 you 5 know 2.570776785774047 4 do 5 know 2.5578516274133545 6 , 7 grandfather 0.4654979442568852 7 grandfather 8 frog 9.27687376659811 10 you 11 know 2.570776785774047 12 you 13 do 1.213626326375298 13 do 14 . -0.15592806489905797 please tell us ! " cried the merry little breezes as they settled themselves among the rushes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 please 0.7105067301838481 1 please 4 ! 1.4545639748879147 1 please 2 tell 3.3788892446985983 2 tell 3 us 3.005793769866642 4 ! 6 cried 4.743957976292686 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 6 cried 10 breezes 4.307081183990906 6 cried 18 . 0.7704540247731817 7 the 10 breezes 2.2607610699772422 8 merry 10 breezes 10.012501010913478 9 little 10 breezes 6.02611847789149 10 breezes 13 settled 5.528057597852921 10 breezes 12 they 1.4218882192042095 11 as 12 they 1.6596826666793785 13 settled 17 rushes 6.23780540921862 14 themselves 17 rushes 5.321869674007093 15 among 17 rushes 7.233921974731388 15 among 16 the 1.964963559123131 and presently grandfather frog began : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 presently 1.763989515003594 1 and 2 presently 0.9745420854453855 2 presently 5 began 3.8763429504436253 3 grandfather 4 frog 9.27687376659811 4 frog 5 began 2.659379760071488 5 began 6 : 2.4547850132814553 " once upon a time a long , long while ago " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 once 3 upon 4.555898333020075 3 upon 5 time 3.583012964064622 3 upon 4 a 1.541881851738795 5 time 11 ago 2.543985943744506 6 a 7 long 1.8939671708709067 7 long 11 ago 6.169040814624321 7 long 8 , 0.29621882800116595 9 long 11 ago 6.169040814624321 9 long 10 while 2.99700432090847 11 ago 12 " 0.6325123237610555 " when the world was young ? " asked a mischievous little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 when 0.5986489700216406 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 when 6 young 1.836295781264937 3 the 4 world 2.329264621664832 4 world 6 young 2.9326101028472706 5 was 6 young 0.9570966452105907 6 young 11 mischievous 3.223727092751247 7 ? 9 asked 5.562665578900452 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 asked 11 mischievous 3.4913465423005583 10 a 11 mischievous 2.152956275410972 11 mischievous 13 breeze 9.987048489974793 11 mischievous 14 . 0.536327872135157 12 little 13 breeze 5.1370171957265 grandfather frog pretended to be very much put out by the interruption , and tried to look very severe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 pretended 0.707331407555774 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 3 pretended 4.253826510136033 3 pretended 5 be 3.6025317135441917 3 pretended 16 to 2.882625576868083 3 pretended 4 to 2.882625576868083 3 pretended 18 very 2.1285939905417592 6 very 7 much 3.446378250176915 7 much 12 interruption 3.8511983853386056 8 put 12 interruption 4.577954722442492 9 out 12 interruption 2.7284855799880816 10 by 12 interruption 4.727100064014746 10 by 11 the 1.0393901856171475 12 interruption 15 tried 6.9602812990313545 12 interruption 13 , 0.9455584429107766 14 and 15 tried 0.9642522669148299 15 tried 16 to 2.6973369114137338 16 to 17 look 1.4243381174913097 18 very 19 severe 2.42368883651832 19 severe 20 . 1.2529530180171875 but the merry little breezes were all giggling , so that presently he had to smile too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 17 too 0.6155973272294872 2 the 5 breezes 2.2607610699772422 3 merry 5 breezes 10.012501010913478 4 little 5 breezes 6.02611847789149 5 breezes 8 giggling 8.804182003127163 5 breezes 17 too 1.3045021816603573 6 were 8 giggling 3.576533669536648 7 all 8 giggling 2.8930783175264914 8 giggling 12 presently 9.006310392135429 8 giggling 10 so 3.420271012181704 8 giggling 14 had 2.8279712718992336 8 giggling 11 that 2.0524477300018695 8 giggling 13 he 1.739800893215918 8 giggling 9 , 0.5111556187650059 14 had 15 to 0.6641217568330475 16 smile 17 too 0.6298504797562785 17 too 18 . 0.7709753899674379 " yes , " said he , " it was when the world was young , before old king bear became king . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 3 , 2.0305121841239 2 yes 5 said 1.378806417965814 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 6 he 21 became 1.0287531338479887 6 he 10 was 1.2250956603177912 7 , 8 " 0.6466805192388225 8 " 9 it 0.3031646092631046 9 it 10 was 1.776593012608254 11 when 21 became 1.014932874125126 12 the 13 world 2.329264621664832 13 world 21 became 2.3816611319068492 13 world 15 young 2.9326101028472706 13 world 16 , 0.24100458826855053 14 was 15 young 0.9570966452105907 17 before 21 became 1.0296026184133815 18 old 20 bear 3.023667783221974 19 king 20 bear 4.433910651477078 20 bear 21 became 2.186454764724761 21 became 22 king 2.4473600623297784 21 became 23 . 0.3896525048315098 mr chipmunk , striped chipmunk 's a thousand times removed , was the smallest of the squirrels , just as striped chipmunk is now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 2 chipmunk 10 removed 5.451479516293158 3 , 4 striped -0.021881610391041306 4 striped 5 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 5 chipmunk 10 removed 5.451479516293158 6 's 10 removed 2.50034663396249 7 a 8 thousand 2.8403660451029467 8 thousand 10 removed 9.15191923443425 9 times 10 removed 7.734419797628114 10 removed 14 smallest 8.52606380407087 11 , 14 smallest 0.69496888792143 12 was 14 smallest 1.8429940036304338 13 the 14 smallest 2.2028106271428847 14 smallest 17 squirrels 10.7861357960488 14 smallest 15 of 2.2385030003080644 14 smallest 25 . 0.16549017676685196 16 the 17 squirrels 1.7144213861167792 17 squirrels 21 striped 7.620735862031228 17 squirrels 19 just 3.215276841489871 17 squirrels 23 is 1.4623522572712204 17 squirrels 18 , 0.3894770621767485 19 just 20 as 2.6945437830364103 21 striped 22 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 23 is 24 now 0.6983112659137998 but he didn't mind that , not the least little bit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 2 he 3 didn't 2.0746164561717215 3 didn't 11 bit 3.483542401248048 3 didn't 4 mind 2.8608933033999477 4 mind 5 that 1.2081380863268265 4 mind 6 , 0.5815139212902007 7 not 11 bit 2.688661243491648 8 the 9 least 1.1462156111620292 9 least 11 bit 5.813055656001325 10 little 11 bit 2.8031368406837167 11 bit 12 . 0.7804866120594269 but mr chipmunk didn't envy his big cousins their fine tails ; not he ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 mr 3 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 3 chipmunk 8 cousins 6.133679307028476 4 didn't 5 envy 3.405539889246775 5 envy 8 cousins 7.192778347308764 6 his 8 cousins 3.4824989031177473 7 big 8 cousins 3.4483873829154597 8 cousins 11 tails 7.065419553527665 9 their 11 tails 5.353359991277063 10 fine 11 tails 4.552998155075855 11 tails 12 ; 2.263200269672506 11 tails 15 ! 1.8023632021919624 12 ; 13 not 0.8974856009851813 12 ; 14 he 0.7188858828016009 " mr gray squirrel grumbled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 grumbled 2.0866495213226273 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 gray 4 squirrel 7.368474628476356 4 squirrel 5 grumbled 7.542077787234312 5 grumbled 6 . 1.4268767297191651 mr fox squirrel grumbled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 3 squirrel 5.46476164096897 2 fox 3 squirrel 4.481776025741464 3 squirrel 4 grumbled 7.542077787234312 4 grumbled 5 . 1.4268767297191651 mr red squirrel grumbled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 3 squirrel 5.46476164096897 2 red 3 squirrel 7.641977424392209 3 squirrel 4 grumbled 7.542077787234312 4 grumbled 5 . 1.4268767297191651 but they didn't dare disobey old mother nature , so they all set out , each to gather a thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 they 0.9584486201594142 2 they 5 disobey 2.629130498978757 2 they 16 each 2.445340218922503 3 didn't 5 disobey 4.964486799924334 4 dare 5 disobey 8.418839290210148 5 disobey 8 nature 6.381928540561706 5 disobey 10 so 2.5883937709900273 5 disobey 9 , 0.2642408782944834 6 old 8 nature 5.543369308255009 7 mother 8 nature 6.838452275712985 11 they 16 each 2.445340218922503 11 they 13 set 1.6885017194412093 11 they 12 all 1.334082204127343 13 set 14 out 3.6064567466028876 15 , 16 each 0.07619586966078451 16 each 18 gather 3.643546415157406 17 to 18 gather 2.2611361298886408 18 gather 21 nuts 6.30237457811597 19 a 20 thousand 2.8403660451029467 20 thousand 21 nuts 7.04548715661732 21 nuts 22 . 0.5547735394559794 and mr chipmunk alone was pleasant and cheerful . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.5651728891422607 1 and 8 cheerful 0.767995452823051 2 mr 3 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 3 chipmunk 8 cheerful 4.425944424186024 4 alone 8 cheerful 2.7039638224553038 5 was 8 cheerful 1.4700819800242648 6 pleasant 8 cheerful 4.01955694250011 7 and 8 cheerful 0.767995452823051 8 cheerful 9 . 0.03969215366919343 " when they reached the nut trees , what do you suppose they discovered ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 when 0.5986489700216406 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 when 4 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 when 13 they 2.3330121141685183 2 when 14 discovered 1.945468054462026 3 they 4 reached 3.5494196531231808 4 reached 6 nut 4.286196716205868 4 reached 5 the 1.9689341860630432 6 nut 7 trees 5.267902823795314 6 nut 12 suppose 4.385379292865547 8 , 12 suppose 0.4991428225236483 9 what 10 do 3.3898156542937787 10 do 12 suppose 3.1416298739751447 10 do 11 you 2.418842332069122 14 discovered 15 ? -0.609795684518101 they quarreled and they fought over the nuts on the ground and even up in the trees . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 quarreled 4.20403933503599 2 quarreled 5 fought 9.463107233685992 2 quarreled 8 nuts 8.779580898481246 2 quarreled 6 over 3.695897296252479 2 quarreled 3 and 1.3223161862241142 2 quarreled 18 . 1.1572696699618845 4 they 5 fought 3.0247156355914235 6 over 7 the 1.1378148676806195 8 nuts 17 trees 3.688234622743675 8 nuts 11 ground 3.241810206620581 8 nuts 13 even 1.717258655198492 8 nuts 12 and 1.4668744675079957 9 on 11 ground 3.650090339724116 10 the 11 ground 2.248876394839101 14 up 17 trees 1.1288012944700512 15 in 16 the 1.1613034400066837 16 the 17 trees 1.8414865778119296 " poor mr chipmunk kept his temper and was as polite as ever , but how he did work ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 poor 3 mr 1.3809409828501522 3 mr 4 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 4 chipmunk 7 temper 3.522770810478953 4 chipmunk 5 kept 3.885534241742377 6 his 7 temper 3.263907829346987 7 temper 11 polite 5.108563371827 7 temper 13 ever 1.9657530963992293 7 temper 20 ! 1.1572388897866723 8 and 11 polite 0.8641453115345854 9 was 11 polite 1.7893988614550906 9 was 10 as 0.3899017098075124 12 as 13 ever 2.041425487111727 13 ever 18 did 1.2841138571648898 14 , 15 but 1.025230194614105 15 but 18 did 1.7710218425255544 16 how 18 did 2.518082473303066 17 he 18 did 1.2723526150845803 18 did 19 work 0.8632678518368664 " finally mr gray squirrel announced that he had got his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 announced 1.8757865854390054 2 finally 6 announced 5.438775412039714 3 mr 5 squirrel 5.46476164096897 4 gray 5 squirrel 7.368474628476356 5 squirrel 6 announced 6.161289849908378 6 announced 12 thousand 5.99296340269154 6 announced 10 got 2.7927906395638082 6 announced 7 that 2.4043883939556636 6 announced 11 his 1.7641873645642363 6 announced 14 . 0.7518960943576758 8 he 10 got 1.383301085109677 8 he 9 had 1.735007688287725 12 thousand 13 nuts 7.04548715661732 then mr fox squirrel announced that he had got his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 squirrel 0.9664674160641447 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 fox 4 squirrel 4.481776025741464 4 squirrel 5 announced 6.161289849908378 5 announced 11 thousand 5.99296340269154 5 announced 9 got 2.7927906395638082 5 announced 6 that 2.4043883939556636 5 announced 10 his 1.7641873645642363 5 announced 13 . 0.7518960943576758 7 he 9 got 1.383301085109677 7 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 11 thousand 12 nuts 7.04548715661732 the next day mr red squirrel stopped hunting because he had his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 the 2 next 1.9282489224560901 2 next 3 day 5.296390411303532 3 day 4 mr 1.1993130426839969 4 mr 6 squirrel 5.46476164096897 5 red 6 squirrel 7.641977424392209 6 squirrel 14 nuts 4.420430339637679 7 stopped 8 hunting 2.7175284775316655 8 hunting 14 nuts 5.59395458213406 8 hunting 9 because 2.0971842318240554 10 he 11 had 1.735007688287725 11 had 14 nuts 1.662103077245618 12 his 14 nuts 1.1312723468728088 13 thousand 14 nuts 7.04548715661732 14 nuts 15 . 0.5547735394559794 " but mr chipmunk had hardly more than half as many . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 but 3 mr 0.20106986263390425 3 mr 4 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 4 chipmunk 9 half 1.5842890445048994 4 chipmunk 6 hardly 2.6738719376296096 4 chipmunk 12 . 0.24517762611997185 5 had 6 hardly 1.809862017351481 7 more 8 than 5.60773144432164 8 than 9 half 1.4866437056842514 9 half 10 as 2.2759634969138105 10 as 11 many 0.7818083121158885 and that night he made a dreadful discovery some one had found his secret store-house and had stolen some of his precious nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 made 0.0470150221762502 1 and 5 made 0.6911123628461535 2 that 5 made 1.1304151392356747 2 that 3 night 1.6804705698408728 4 he 5 made 0.9628306321154412 5 made 6 a 0.9810014126483413 6 a 15 store-house 2.5628320695740356 6 a 8 discovery 2.5628320695740356 7 dreadful 8 discovery 6.606771742062595 9 some 15 store-house 4.792085291670379 10 one 15 store-house 3.5551524681974804 11 had 15 store-house 3.968559763370539 12 found 15 store-house 5.6711025531025605 13 his 15 store-house 3.43772903299773 14 secret 15 store-house 8.299441222715355 15 store-house 18 stolen 10.062298350013588 15 store-house 23 nuts 9.484125014955072 15 store-house 16 and 1.4418978019767863 15 store-house 24 . 0.6394213650992633 17 had 18 stolen 3.3777799360540683 18 stolen 22 precious 6.809405575371645 19 some 22 precious 1.4135736684166496 19 some 20 of 1.2673893072068072 21 his 22 precious 1.2291424111863058 he had worked so hard that he had grown thinner and thinner until now he was only a shadow of his old self . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 12 thinner 2.1487214745164174 2 had 3 worked 1.831056239620608 3 worked 5 hard 6.238867458945954 4 so 5 hard 2.261697947363391 5 hard 12 thinner 4.822604762149414 6 that 12 thinner 1.5196245610935044 7 he 12 thinner 2.1487214745164174 8 had 9 grown 3.426428082897342 9 grown 12 thinner 7.804328095982587 10 thinner 12 thinner 12.608281770788853 10 thinner 11 and 2.2739531646627107 12 thinner 13 until 7.329855314538072 12 thinner 19 shadow 6.170437014359695 12 thinner 14 now 3.781670359278497 12 thinner 17 only 3.390072234037145 12 thinner 16 was 2.694079210476847 12 thinner 15 he 2.6832173648495434 18 a 19 shadow 1.3432927769580907 19 shadow 23 self 5.488226541003957 19 shadow 20 of 1.5278151099359576 21 his 23 self 3.4331563032079053 22 old 23 self 3.733682446463373 23 self 24 . 1.2538276437128992 but he was as cheerful as ever and kept right on hunting and hunting for stray nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 9 kept 1.5827783572386487 2 he 9 kept 1.6352666218294765 3 was 5 cheerful 1.4700819800242648 4 as 5 cheerful 1.0490549692365967 5 cheerful 9 kept 4.139480387928899 5 cheerful 6 as 1.8142148120619268 5 cheerful 8 and 1.3016002091840129 6 as 7 ever 2.041425487111727 9 kept 10 right 3.0655226250264107 10 right 16 stray 3.805055971210166 11 on 16 stray 2.453504969758182 12 hunting 16 stray 8.052414361704034 12 hunting 13 and 0.6106210582093397 14 hunting 16 stray 8.052414361704034 14 hunting 15 for 2.9063064174383406 16 stray 17 nuts 7.812747762416439 17 nuts 18 . 0.5547735394559794 mr gray squirrel and mr fox squirrel and mr red squirrel sat around and rested and made fun of him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 11 squirrel 5.46476164096897 2 gray 11 squirrel 7.368474628476356 2 gray 7 squirrel 7.368474628476356 2 gray 3 squirrel 7.368474628476356 3 squirrel 4 and 0.8376347452966897 5 mr 7 squirrel 5.46476164096897 6 fox 7 squirrel 4.481776025741464 7 squirrel 8 and 0.8376347452966897 9 mr 11 squirrel 5.46476164096897 10 red 11 squirrel 7.641977424392209 11 squirrel 15 rested 5.589383502012669 11 squirrel 12 sat 3.7484473058949526 13 around 15 rested 3.5230320315437673 14 and 15 rested 1.1235319403532351 15 rested 18 fun 3.9626999628613753 15 rested 16 and 1.4143767392128765 17 made 18 fun 3.101252338014021 18 fun 19 of 1.6023477109476403 18 fun 20 him 1.3044493539066728 20 him 21 . 0.8676779267655075 " and then old mother nature came down across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 and 3 then 1.5029676557109006 3 then 6 nature 0.5336572711171641 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 12 meadows 3.7532546199014227 6 nature 7 came 2.2700024811528543 8 down 12 meadows 3.2776162099811614 9 across 12 meadows 6.60215897375376 10 the 12 meadows 2.3225225762090123 11 green 12 meadows 8.640219315758674 12 meadows 13 . 1.0373533873754468 first mr gray squirrel took her to his storehouse and she counted his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 first 0.35613908124313376 1 first 15 nuts 0.8488435609183576 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 gray 4 squirrel 7.368474628476356 4 squirrel 9 storehouse 7.161289849908378 5 took 9 storehouse 2.746252350629536 5 took 6 her 1.8629284819530074 7 to 9 storehouse 1.5435358605893654 8 his 9 storehouse 3.1351662629772967 9 storehouse 12 counted 9.291133419287338 9 storehouse 15 nuts 7.89028436288746 10 and 12 counted 1.4929313581280574 11 she 12 counted 1.9030251326383656 12 counted 14 thousand 7.338918768225355 12 counted 13 his 2.1101427300980475 15 nuts 16 . 0.5547735394559794 then mr fox squirrel led her to his storehouse and she counted his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 squirrel 0.9664674160641447 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 fox 4 squirrel 4.481776025741464 4 squirrel 9 storehouse 7.161289849908378 5 led 9 storehouse 5.341436113398768 5 led 7 to 1.9774361424737918 5 led 6 her 1.6671207688735237 8 his 9 storehouse 3.1351662629772967 9 storehouse 12 counted 9.291133419287338 9 storehouse 15 nuts 7.89028436288746 9 storehouse 16 . 0.7825463071978618 10 and 12 counted 1.4929313581280574 11 she 12 counted 1.9030251326383656 12 counted 14 thousand 7.338918768225355 12 counted 13 his 2.1101427300980475 then mr red squirrel showed her his store-house and she counted his thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 squirrel 0.9664674160641447 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 red 4 squirrel 7.641977424392209 4 squirrel 8 store-house 9.048815120649966 5 showed 8 store-house 8.6397813547166 6 her 8 store-house 2.4245995560454645 7 his 8 store-house 3.43772903299773 8 store-house 11 counted 10.88497407135495 8 store-house 14 nuts 9.484125014955072 8 store-house 13 thousand 8.617454267599339 8 store-house 10 she 4.074246171886045 8 store-house 12 his 3.388678229472035 8 store-house 9 and 1.4418978019767863 8 store-house 15 . 0.6394213650992633 old mother nature didn't need to count them to see that there were not a thousand there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 count 0.0718791363809217 1 old 3 nature 5.543369308255009 2 mother 3 nature 6.838452275712985 3 nature 7 count 3.8906810374788208 4 didn't 5 need 2.5523346916890617 5 need 7 count 3.2651391950618702 6 to 7 count 1.3971976794646643 7 count 8 them 1.6569475878931321 8 them 18 . 0.8864773153321437 9 to 10 see 1.81043644982023 10 see 12 there 0.891292577581634 10 see 11 that 0.9592205731248633 12 there 13 were 2.013603566189328 13 were 16 thousand 1.3445125470024202 13 were 14 not 1.004216314629982 15 a 16 thousand 2.8403660451029467 16 thousand 18 . 0.3707085082038297 16 thousand 17 there -0.06384486459360872 " ' i 've done the best i could , ' said mr chipmunk bravely , and he trembled all over , he was so tired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 2 ' 3 i 1.0360354334931596 3 i 4 've 3.1337529080802184 4 've 5 done 3.4508086365861033 5 done 15 bravely 2.5189561348864054 5 done 7 best 3.184566655301591 6 the 7 best 1.4382396595018232 7 best 9 could 1.8280203609945254 8 i 9 could 1.2900067095949783 10 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 11 ' 12 said 2.1255139733894506 12 said 15 bravely 2.5474369131327386 13 mr 14 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 14 chipmunk 15 bravely 5.03386807335049 15 bravely 19 trembled 6.897722986035365 15 bravely 27 . 0.7271973251877029 16 , 17 and 0.752751396501802 17 and 19 trembled 1.3277065037484554 18 he 19 trembled 1.0125170909181058 19 trembled 21 over 3.1366650706247334 19 trembled 20 all 2.0595724659097705 19 trembled 25 so 1.4605008569702385 19 trembled 23 he 1.239462356641745 19 trembled 22 , 0.5513854635535331 23 he 24 was 1.2250956603177912 25 so 26 tired 2.6372536421648007 when they had all gathered before her she suddenly turned to mr gray squirrel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 1 when 2 they 2.3330121141685183 2 they 5 gathered 2.9997942604098036 3 had 5 gathered 1.5012802829105603 4 all 5 gathered 2.241374265929082 5 gathered 9 suddenly 3.0477770094308134 5 gathered 7 her 1.8322090553863895 6 before 7 her 0.9058206149134378 7 her 8 she 1.2892134650660498 9 suddenly 10 turned 2.8317222027968825 10 turned 14 squirrel 2.616942192073939 10 turned 11 to 1.1967634075922042 12 mr 14 squirrel 5.46476164096897 13 gray 14 squirrel 7.368474628476356 14 squirrel 15 . 0.5453530407383553 " ' go bring me a hundred nuts from your store-house , ' said she . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 she 0.6784469948620249 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 ' 4 bring 0.6474703191228777 3 go 4 bring 2.1333683485802872 4 bring 5 me 2.9748571746638817 5 me 11 store-house 4.166497057501335 6 a 7 hundred 2.723678682184218 7 hundred 11 store-house 9.207401405700846 8 nuts 11 store-house 10.779934456880486 9 from 11 store-house 5.0762852955973905 10 your 11 store-house 5.071966378589696 11 store-house 15 she 4.074246171886045 11 store-house 14 said 3.2794220575453465 11 store-house 13 ' 2.6375110702382436 12 , 13 ' 0.4516113676651887 15 she 16 . -0.3267511828640224 " then she turned to mr fox squirrel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 then 4 turned 2.6737236253364323 3 she 4 turned 1.8417382771162494 4 turned 8 squirrel 2.616942192073939 4 turned 5 to 1.1967634075922042 6 mr 8 squirrel 5.46476164096897 7 fox 8 squirrel 4.481776025741464 8 squirrel 9 . 0.5453530407383553 " ' go bring me a hundred nuts from your store-house , ' said she . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 she 0.6784469948620249 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 ' 4 bring 0.6474703191228777 3 go 4 bring 2.1333683485802872 4 bring 5 me 2.9748571746638817 5 me 11 store-house 4.166497057501335 6 a 7 hundred 2.723678682184218 7 hundred 11 store-house 9.207401405700846 8 nuts 11 store-house 10.779934456880486 9 from 11 store-house 5.0762852955973905 10 your 11 store-house 5.071966378589696 11 store-house 15 she 4.074246171886045 11 store-house 14 said 3.2794220575453465 11 store-house 13 ' 2.6375110702382436 12 , 13 ' 0.4516113676651887 15 she 16 . -0.3267511828640224 " last of all she called mr red squirrel out where all could see him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 she 0.6784469948620249 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 last 5 she 0.8328955928457127 2 last 3 of 0.5906652253528204 2 last 4 all 0.3677527113048811 5 she 6 called 1.2682493537608721 6 called 9 squirrel 2.3515357939357564 6 called 10 out 2.6461512403707914 6 called 15 him 2.0513750889349502 7 mr 9 squirrel 5.46476164096897 8 red 9 squirrel 7.641977424392209 11 where 13 could 1.7776223734851762 12 all 13 could 0.5429390552503577 13 could 14 see 2.945997787046375 14 see 15 him 1.3313224633505296 15 him 16 . 0.8676779267655075 mr red squirrel crept out very slowly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 3 squirrel 5.46476164096897 2 red 3 squirrel 7.641977424392209 3 squirrel 4 crept 3.9812911264529554 3 squirrel 7 slowly 3.110999951846548 3 squirrel 8 . 0.5453530407383553 4 crept 5 out 3.5514924944584116 6 very 7 slowly 2.643725836856639 " then old mother nature told how she had ordered each squirrel to get and store for her a thousand nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 then 10 ordered 2.2486493321587524 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 5 nature 10 ordered 5.099286507085193 5 nature 6 told 2.4088329717313606 5 nature 7 how 2.0189034345772328 8 she 10 ordered 1.5918920088035584 8 she 9 had 1.6492100299667367 10 ordered 16 store 4.812366294035613 10 ordered 11 each 4.051518711343551 12 squirrel 16 store 4.565536760058301 13 to 14 get 1.8086562812674263 14 get 16 store 1.4350217818099509 14 get 15 and -0.20156506620571157 16 store 21 nuts 6.809954547524757 16 store 17 for 1.7765315459873072 16 store 22 . 0.7022164918351592 18 her 20 thousand 0.7368989497350498 19 a 20 thousand 2.8403660451029467 20 thousand 21 nuts 7.04548715661732 she told just how selfish mr gray squirrel and mr fox squirrel had been . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 13 had 1.6492100299667367 2 told 12 squirrel 1.9388426832333217 3 just 4 how 1.7983051808032648 4 how 5 selfish 3.022578112588544 5 selfish 12 squirrel 5.4293852104796905 6 mr 12 squirrel 5.46476164096897 7 gray 8 squirrel 7.368474628476356 7 gray 12 squirrel 7.368474628476356 8 squirrel 9 and 0.8376347452966897 10 mr 12 squirrel 5.46476164096897 11 fox 12 squirrel 4.481776025741464 12 squirrel 13 had 1.6532452841930905 13 had 14 been 3.8301500596883944 14 been 15 . -0.07531891659263401 she told just how hard mr chipmunk had worked and then she told how part of his precious store had been stolen . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 how 1.1444914957494294 1 she 2 told 1.566400296236102 2 told 4 how 1.8631075512910584 3 just 4 how 1.7983051808032648 4 how 6 mr 1.2521716337244335 4 how 5 hard 1.276346399988789 6 mr 22 stolen 1.7950781638674407 6 mr 7 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 8 had 22 stolen 3.3777799360540683 8 had 9 worked 1.831056239620608 10 and 11 then 1.5029676557109006 11 then 13 told 1.4457210675465078 12 she 13 told 1.566400296236102 13 told 19 store 2.617452005018553 13 told 14 how 1.8631075512910584 15 part 19 store 4.047612377728903 15 part 16 of 2.634493662720157 17 his 18 precious 1.2291424111863058 18 precious 19 store 6.342459785901941 19 store 22 stolen 5.803165381862122 20 had 21 been 3.8301500596883944 21 been 22 stolen 3.4895770731941163 22 stolen 23 . 0.41526848589837684 " mr red squirrel sneaked off with his head hanging , and began to bring the nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 mr 4 squirrel 5.46476164096897 3 red 4 squirrel 7.641977424392209 4 squirrel 5 sneaked 7.868242875008143 4 squirrel 17 nuts 4.420430339637679 5 sneaked 10 hanging 7.668543039531798 5 sneaked 6 off 5.85700032051076 5 sneaked 9 head 3.8027162746855367 5 sneaked 7 with 2.639668972334647 8 his 9 head 3.6389926349442767 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 12 and 13 began 1.170831790887096 13 began 17 nuts 3.669916421856403 13 began 14 to 2.775473939384737 15 bring 17 nuts 4.501765174090803 16 the 17 nuts 0.6933669188541103 17 nuts 18 . 0.5547735394559794 thief ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 thief 2 ! 4.5199059877279275 thief ! ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 ' 0.6413903098384974 1 thief 2 ! 4.5199059877279275 2 ! 3 ' 2.9511416521345986 then she set mr chipmunk up on an old stump where all could see him and she said : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 set 1.1798580755701487 1 then 2 she 1.3146291675277375 3 set 5 chipmunk 1.15467014623637 4 mr 5 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 5 chipmunk 10 stump 6.7994028197134675 6 up 10 stump 1.3460320106907169 7 on 10 stump 2.971353274620796 8 an 10 stump 4.058567159077395 9 old 10 stump 4.545610098310799 10 stump 11 where 3.4234565938585355 10 stump 14 see 1.8850765796487359 12 all 13 could 0.5429390552503577 13 could 14 see 2.945997787046375 14 see 15 him 1.3313224633505296 15 him 19 : 1.277502368298812 16 and 19 : 0.5603488232988525 17 she 18 said 1.0109551037748243 18 said 19 : 3.134329440952296 " and all the little meadow people and all the little forest folks shouted ' hurrah for mr chipmunk ! ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 hurrah 1.9313716817737046 1 " 16 hurrah 2.649970383104648 2 and 16 hurrah 0.5240698699369624 3 all 12 forest 1.2842690748509646 4 the 12 forest 2.352946321469986 5 little 6 meadow 3.274027574696074 6 meadow 12 forest 4.908596042150059 6 meadow 7 people 4.986993675017036 8 and 9 all 0.48908058405982757 9 all 12 forest 1.2842690748509646 10 the 12 forest 2.352946321469986 11 little 12 forest 2.050649369214071 12 forest 16 hurrah 6.260645103018838 13 folks 16 hurrah 6.499709541860778 14 shouted 16 hurrah 8.617691241161118 15 ' 16 hurrah 1.7005264739939214 16 hurrah 19 chipmunk 6.582255203987412 16 hurrah 20 ! 4.907567625829564 16 hurrah 17 for 2.2169048288089215 18 mr 19 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 20 ! 21 ' 2.9511416521345986 all but his cousins , mr gray squirrel and mr fox squirrel and mr red squirrel , who hid themselves for shame . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 squirrel 0.061038445240651384 1 all 4 cousins 1.7679231862042002 1 all 2 but 0.03450920456261386 3 his 4 cousins 3.4824989031177473 4 cousins 16 squirrel 6.683141802725476 4 cousins 5 , 0.9906249906388425 6 mr 16 squirrel 5.46476164096897 7 gray 16 squirrel 7.368474628476356 7 gray 12 squirrel 7.368474628476356 7 gray 8 squirrel 7.368474628476356 8 squirrel 9 and 0.8376347452966897 10 mr 12 squirrel 5.46476164096897 11 fox 12 squirrel 4.481776025741464 12 squirrel 13 and 0.8376347452966897 14 mr 16 squirrel 5.46476164096897 15 red 16 squirrel 7.641977424392209 16 squirrel 19 hid 4.412673896003245 16 squirrel 23 . 0.5453530407383553 17 , 18 who 0.7573564620449389 18 who 19 hid 1.154496137037878 19 hid 20 themselves 5.000900745116397 19 hid 22 shame 4.328299085365376 21 for 22 shame 1.3564983135200244 " and ever since that time long ago , when the world was young , the chipmunks have had pockets in their cheeks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 , 0.4301121689192957 2 and 3 ever -0.18716660940768648 3 ever 4 since 5.660559490458345 4 since 8 ago 2.5786959810074777 5 that 8 ago 0.5394342841626774 6 time 8 ago 2.543985943744506 7 long 8 ago 6.169040814624321 8 ago 9 , 0.6257587404048586 9 , 17 chipmunks 1.5285077417826898 10 when 11 the 0.5445107815046768 11 the 17 chipmunks 3.151826698424081 12 world 17 chipmunks 8.767523532548314 13 was 17 chipmunks 3.79201007491163 14 young 17 chipmunks 8.17792340313812 15 , 17 chipmunks 1.5285077417826898 16 the 17 chipmunks 3.151826698424081 17 chipmunks 20 pockets 13.080800936240013 17 chipmunks 23 cheeks 11.411248263482829 17 chipmunks 22 their 7.048575490213256 17 chipmunks 18 have 5.317155544397586 17 chipmunks 19 had 4.886864960952796 17 chipmunks 21 in 3.99166714182304 23 cheeks 24 . 0.9926535799046334 " you can't fool old mother nature , " concluded great-grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 frog 1.4337605200902068 2 you 3 can't 1.849683921377844 3 can't 4 fool 4.617163255502419 4 fool 7 nature 6.173710376175581 5 old 7 nature 5.543369308255009 6 mother 7 nature 6.838452275712985 7 nature 11 great-grandfather 5.898334610022257 8 , 10 concluded 1.1289475791227872 9 " 10 concluded 2.0260992463403156 10 concluded 11 great-grandfather 8.571341460052036 11 great-grandfather 12 frog 8.973671061533597 12 frog 13 . 0.622092755808108 " no , sir , you can't fool old mother nature and it 's no use to try . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 1 " 2 no 1.112764927397933 2 no 4 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 no 16 use 4.679587085814449 3 , 4 sir 1.7912620398511336 4 sir 8 fool 2.8722733258164617 4 sir 5 , 1.4621697544826837 6 you 7 can't 1.849683921377844 7 can't 8 fool 4.617163255502419 8 fool 11 nature 6.173710376175581 9 old 11 nature 5.543369308255009 10 mother 11 nature 6.838452275712985 12 and 13 it 0.22886494934528478 13 it 16 use 2.041550698512136 14 's 16 use 2.008294421623823 15 no 16 use 4.679587085814449 16 use 18 try 4.760096904502465 16 use 19 . 0.4688456082915291 17 to 18 try 1.5576976681177115 19 . 20 " 4.467019939707924 " thank you , thank you , " cried the merry little breezes , clapping their hands . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 5 thank 2.2783711941508873 2 thank 5 thank 5.404501005132339 2 thank 3 you 3.854819450510554 2 thank 4 , 1.2586135867488526 5 thank 6 you 3.854819450510554 5 thank 7 , 1.2586135867488526 8 " 9 cried 2.2573435939906012 9 cried 15 clapping 5.775841312694862 9 cried 18 . 0.7704540247731817 10 the 13 breezes 2.2607610699772422 11 merry 13 breezes 10.012501010913478 12 little 13 breezes 6.02611847789149 13 breezes 15 clapping 7.167557382583514 14 , 15 clapping 1.3348266170877672 15 clapping 17 hands 8.729239798899158 15 clapping 16 their 3.8521782774097524 then they all raced across the green meadows to shake down some more nuts for striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 raced 2.9033887334407673 2 they 4 raced 3.827069876590663 3 all 4 raced 1.9311463583600066 4 raced 10 shake 6.808526151363381 4 raced 8 meadows 6.619291831636307 5 across 8 meadows 6.60215897375376 6 the 8 meadows 2.3225225762090123 7 green 8 meadows 8.640219315758674 9 to 10 shake 1.4963112963926974 10 shake 16 striped 4.754002392894694 10 shake 14 nuts 5.284816206731666 10 shake 11 down 2.650667604676393 10 shake 18 . 0.4990062459294222 12 some 14 nuts 3.9710554327156977 12 some 13 more 1.2535199903286554 14 nuts 15 for 1.118126674330746 16 striped 17 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 vi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vi 2.1731294279770843 reddy fox , the boaster 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 5 boaster 7.921197683647268 3 , 5 boaster 0.3321105289791859 4 the 5 boaster 0.5403919863417315 johnny chuck waddled down the lone little path across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 3 waddled 7.20829333465716 3 waddled 6 lone 9.547725177183825 3 waddled 9 across 6.975613594912513 4 down 6 lone 5.664039199992068 5 the 6 lone 2.2115329445483454 6 lone 8 path 10.049187958238516 6 lone 7 little 5.709163689461587 9 across 12 meadows 6.60215897375376 10 the 12 meadows 2.3225225762090123 11 green 12 meadows 8.640219315758674 12 meadows 13 . 1.0373533873754468 johnny chuck was very fat and rolly-poly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 7 rolly-poly 7.6677249532944565 3 was 7 rolly-poly 3.3769725756327844 4 very 7 rolly-poly 4.096114178489817 5 fat 7 rolly-poly 10.48542181957352 6 and 7 rolly-poly 2.9048916538778933 7 rolly-poly 8 . 2.072380772375368 his yellow brown coat fitted him so snugly that it seemed as if it must burst . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 2 yellow 1.7462462086255286 2 yellow 8 snugly 8.235583632255693 2 yellow 16 burst 3.8266067282749106 2 yellow 17 . 0.582390420062886 3 brown 8 snugly 5.968361429458465 4 coat 8 snugly 8.29779481639775 5 fitted 8 snugly 10.737255789615812 6 him 8 snugly 2.7013100772053917 7 so 8 snugly 3.465223494040046 8 snugly 11 seemed 6.280932772244437 8 snugly 13 if 3.60073396362262 8 snugly 14 it 2.473231622764093 8 snugly 10 it 2.473231622764093 8 snugly 9 that 1.7421076093897163 12 as 13 if 2.776143507537343 15 must 16 burst 1.2823217162418956 once in a while johnny chuck stopped to brush his coat carefully , for he is very particular about his appearance , is johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 once 0.1976639201991084 1 once 4 while 3.0232024829538666 2 in 3 a 0.8157855541154699 3 a 4 while 1.9353289888640361 4 while 9 brush 2.938020981736674 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 chuck 9 brush 5.224781457445729 7 stopped 9 brush 5.78831257763537 7 stopped 8 to 0.9988396547652485 9 brush 11 coat 6.960698740684503 9 brush 12 carefully 5.890713850035645 10 his 11 coat 3.521134439408911 12 carefully 18 particular 4.067522097073319 12 carefully 13 , 0.25851638429358914 14 for 18 particular 1.3743396262802108 15 he 17 very 0.6005010373573079 16 is 17 very 1.5624151199530516 17 very 18 particular 3.416736075876557 18 particular 21 appearance 5.061861651183282 18 particular 19 about 3.8571625475255473 20 his 21 appearance 2.7937189639587174 21 appearance 24 johnny 3.3721356066585066 21 appearance 26 . 0.9952498666049188 22 , 24 johnny 0.2375115064472162 22 , 23 is 0.10967806833826899 24 johnny 25 chuck 9.449430308003667 by and by he came to the old butternut tree down by the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 9 butternut 4.142137563293591 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 9 butternut 4.142137563293591 4 he 9 butternut 2.0926874396020914 5 came 9 butternut 4.556713519446557 5 came 6 to 1.4047239513309133 7 the 9 butternut 2.4148611042578736 8 old 9 butternut 6.282575692477007 9 butternut 15 pool 7.8702178171932005 9 butternut 10 tree 8.96683234077172 9 butternut 11 down 4.376045224567388 9 butternut 12 by 4.075420477232136 13 the 15 pool 2.2980304314762776 14 smiling 15 pool 9.99688962068163 15 pool 16 . 1.0200253673142292 " there must be something going on , " said johnny chuck to himself , and began to waddle faster . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 going 0.7509824053109622 1 " 3 must 0.8061104824398466 2 there 3 must 0.6213640549550519 3 must 4 be 3.278854510632158 3 must 5 something 2.30387667224948 6 going 20 faster 1.864851817007878 7 on 19 waddle 3.087377070960283 8 , 10 said 1.3498770263619093 9 " 10 said 2.1846753891302146 10 said 14 himself 1.6826653815119528 11 johnny 12 chuck 9.449430308003667 12 chuck 14 himself 2.2059354823602 13 to 14 himself 1.482267600052099 14 himself 19 waddle 5.78847374560079 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 16 and 17 began 1.170831790887096 17 began 19 waddle 6.025282708462274 17 began 18 to 2.775473939384737 19 waddle 20 faster 10.652754376399312 20 faster 21 . 0.7458434242354137 he looked so very queer when he tried to hurry that jolly round , red mr sun smiled more than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 looked 1.645197537023618 2 looked 12 jolly 2.6224703077938543 3 so 5 queer 1.3516809624952515 4 very 5 queer 2.62501964232694 5 queer 10 hurry 2.489031876357668 6 when 7 he 1.8647931372101283 7 he 8 tried 1.9648804144625167 8 tried 10 hurry 2.2700675384348656 8 tried 9 to 2.6973369114137338 10 hurry 12 jolly 3.34786956270489 10 hurry 11 that 0.045804456371250524 12 jolly 17 sun 7.802391003369625 12 jolly 13 round 6.696861910350609 12 jolly 15 red 6.666665053003932 12 jolly 16 mr 5.42984718493695 12 jolly 14 , 1.1351122511020186 17 sun 18 smiled 3.3069400647011697 18 smiled 19 more 0.9819304944930884 18 smiled 22 . 0.8591566663125167 19 more 20 than 5.60773144432164 20 than 21 ever 4.578882500155908 he could see the merry little breezes dancing and racing under the old butternut tree and having such a good time ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 14 butternut 2.0926874396020914 1 he 2 could 1.799559825235125 2 could 3 see 2.945997787046375 4 the 14 butternut 2.4148611042578736 5 merry 7 breezes 10.012501010913478 6 little 7 breezes 6.02611847789149 7 breezes 8 dancing 6.069472382901321 8 dancing 14 butternut 9.814829247326667 8 dancing 9 and 0.8991047554995646 10 racing 14 butternut 12.166957579989731 11 under 14 butternut 6.436422125542755 12 the 14 butternut 2.4148611042578736 13 old 14 butternut 6.282575692477007 14 butternut 15 tree 8.96683234077172 14 butternut 17 having 7.613549813143422 14 butternut 18 such 5.181225091458991 14 butternut 20 good 4.470993202508961 15 tree 16 and 0.9132442272788239 18 such 19 a 2.6388379146949603 20 good 21 time 1.7722707932634734 20 good 22 ! 1.3551273030534716 and he could see the long ears of peter rabbit standing up straight above the tall meadow grasses . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 the -0.06339004823085581 1 and 5 the 0.25490521846622727 1 and 4 see 0.33414547685564955 2 he 3 could 1.799559825235125 3 could 4 see 2.945997787046375 5 the 18 grasses 2.036349481004141 6 long 18 grasses 3.1084922546148057 7 ears 10 rabbit 2.946213407879611 7 ears 8 of 0.41143193260766253 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 17 meadow 3.907731122631688 11 standing 16 tall 3.3253191490040983 12 up 13 straight 2.2136769294929266 13 straight 16 tall 4.278196771618962 14 above 16 tall 3.6167213770370203 14 above 15 the 1.405280466850332 16 tall 17 meadow 3.179465801534615 17 meadow 18 grasses 7.161613738071939 18 grasses 19 . 0.809346366541579 one of the merry little breezes spied johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 one 6 breezes 2.848511410888065 1 one 2 of 1.5254413726359868 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 7 spied 7.509561254235535 7 spied 8 johnny 4.724652021379292 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 9 chuck 10 . 0.47262126972613316 " hurry up , johnny chuck ! " he shouted , and johnny chuck hurried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 johnny 0.9967643368445458 2 hurry 5 johnny 3.766030262611622 2 hurry 3 up 3.024880830615615 2 hurry 4 , 0.5854323405179542 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 johnny 14 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 ! 10 shouted 4.967379996560403 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 9 he 10 shouted 1.5317829436386852 10 shouted 13 johnny 3.18919148207571 10 shouted 11 , 0.4624503081514142 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 johnny 14 chuck 9.449430308003667 14 chuck 15 hurried 3.6416626567082595 14 chuck 16 . 0.47262126972613316 when he reached the old butternut tree he was all out of breath . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 he 3 reached 2.192223113153002 3 reached 6 butternut 8.286196716205868 4 the 6 butternut 2.4148611042578736 5 old 6 butternut 6.282575692477007 6 butternut 7 tree 8.96683234077172 6 butternut 11 out 3.5233788582494974 6 butternut 10 all 2.9489532932298417 6 butternut 9 was 1.710020754345873 6 butternut 8 he 1.4767664873821218 11 out 13 breath 2.811513613904072 11 out 12 of 2.138624548858049 13 breath 14 . 1.1930877353308826 " hello , johnny chuck ! " shouted peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 4 johnny 5.609174803959355 2 hello 10 rabbit 6.120242807654659 2 hello 8 shouted 6.1093990014328305 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 johnny 5 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 ! 8 shouted 4.967379996560403 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 11 . 0.6126504281875942 " hello yourself , and see how you like it ! " replied johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 14 johnny 5.609174803959355 2 hello 3 yourself 5.684754653693773 2 hello 11 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 13 replied 3.3164842116544797 2 hello 4 , 1.762694385760966 4 , 5 and 0.752751396501802 6 see 7 how 2.9855558303234755 7 how 11 ! 1.7025192702459062 7 how 8 you 1.7421107806271205 7 how 10 it 1.256912848244708 8 you 9 like 1.1828561467974676 11 ! 12 " 2.8038844676111605 14 johnny 15 chuck 9.449430308003667 15 chuck 16 . 0.47262126972613316 " hello myself ! " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 8 rabbit 6.120242807654659 2 hello 4 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 6 said 2.8484430143974784 2 hello 3 myself 2.3171224714396566 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 rabbit 9 . 0.6126504281875942 and then because it was so very foolish everybody laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 and 2 then 1.5029676557109006 2 then 10 laughed 2.007692564068421 3 because 9 everybody 2.075558764898666 3 because 8 foolish 2.2201977950090246 3 because 5 was 1.257475521293813 4 it 5 was 1.776593012608254 6 so 8 foolish 1.8505136499248351 7 very 8 foolish 3.5161697525352835 9 everybody 10 laughed 3.8171064807336386 10 laughed 11 . 0.82555871192071 it is a good thing to feel foolishly happy on a beautiful sunshiny day , especially down on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 is 0.828513342774535 1 it 2 is 1.9483860238870534 2 is 3 a 0.8028730080486159 3 a 13 sunshiny 1.9461607091255395 4 good 13 sunshiny 2.939829188884616 4 good 5 thing 1.7150667286163248 5 thing 6 to 0.9763424573900181 7 feel 13 sunshiny 4.797969908649836 8 foolishly 13 sunshiny 11.296529627295453 8 foolishly 12 beautiful 5.29971844701274 8 foolishly 9 happy 5.132278520787533 8 foolishly 10 on 2.859818085158242 11 a 12 beautiful 1.6123145415652615 13 sunshiny 16 especially 8.087076261666503 13 sunshiny 14 day 4.95184776564783 13 sunshiny 17 down 3.328739509789031 15 , 16 especially 1.0386664035696747 17 down 21 meadows 3.2776162099811614 18 on 21 meadows 3.790009740513195 19 the 21 meadows 2.3225225762090123 20 green 21 meadows 8.640219315758674 21 meadows 22 . 1.0373533873754468 jimmy skunk was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 there 0.9622068167745255 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 1 jimmy 3 was 0.7948421874117635 4 there 5 . -0.6227599007216114 he was feeling very , very good indeed , was jimmy skunk , for he had found some very fine beetles for his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 feeling 1.2589753662343348 3 feeling 12 skunk 1.4750250865416952 3 feeling 8 indeed 3.056029573694172 3 feeling 10 was 0.8698373023138934 4 very 8 indeed 4.748811396098601 5 , 8 indeed 1.2217707539259823 6 very 8 indeed 4.748811396098601 7 good 8 indeed 2.4922068725369506 8 indeed 9 , 1.1805591219564295 11 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 12 skunk 21 beetles 7.393353403650867 12 skunk 13 , 0.06261385971457045 14 for 21 beetles 3.2674244223636997 15 he 17 found 1.790774678622114 16 had 17 found 1.8041505261405 17 found 21 beetles 3.1686022125733793 18 some 21 beetles 4.749016569778494 19 very 20 fine 2.6949186043646023 20 fine 21 beetles 4.830107746121374 21 beetles 24 breakfast 8.108991635983887 21 beetles 22 for 3.002649456910813 21 beetles 23 his 2.5255881736863834 24 breakfast 25 . 0.9758391566280054 little joe otter was there , and billy mink and jerry muskrat and happy jack squirrel , and of course reddy fox was there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 muskrat 0.11022599486818407 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 12 muskrat 7.748270896222024 3 otter 9 mink 7.537390792375199 3 otter 7 and 1.0554294548947105 3 otter 5 there 0.3158993046905678 4 was 5 there 0.3396954915506605 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 billy 9 mink 9.260717032646737 9 mink 10 and 1.0753217916545879 11 jerry 12 muskrat 10.20890526194098 12 muskrat 16 squirrel 3.9981504836730473 12 muskrat 25 . 0.7601987172124858 12 muskrat 13 and 0.6988795376883203 12 muskrat 24 there 0.4223213638267218 14 happy 15 jack 8.066809588263567 15 jack 16 squirrel 7.731008113990729 16 squirrel 22 fox 4.010018037229624 16 squirrel 23 was 1.5532166746369995 16 squirrel 18 and 0.8376347452966897 17 , 18 and 0.752751396501802 19 of 20 course 4.211944956136168 20 course 21 reddy 2.3105542844687967 21 reddy 22 fox 7.973188175503683 oh my , yes , of course reddy fox was there ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 4 yes 4.573369201722244 1 oh 12 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 2 my 1.2172582352247225 4 yes 7 course 2.2650842242754585 4 yes 5 , 2.0305121841239 6 of 7 course 4.211944956136168 7 course 8 reddy 2.3105542844687967 7 course 11 there 1.0727592786729865 8 reddy 9 fox 7.973188175503683 8 reddy 10 was 1.0046949694891438 reddy fox never misses a chance to show off . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 4 misses 5.547739288119825 2 fox 10 . 0.44635491133374394 3 never 4 misses 5.04847565594401 4 misses 6 chance 7.600435115322899 4 misses 8 show 6.520385023795374 4 misses 9 off 4.381662310964103 5 a 6 chance 2.0436432872929053 7 to 8 show 2.043047640310066 he was wearing his very newest red coat and his whitest waistcoat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 6 newest 1.6776499403232457 2 was 6 newest 3.0550444807454227 3 wearing 6 newest 11.2139550595269 4 his 6 newest 3.022691533718884 5 very 6 newest 4.359148584323609 6 newest 11 whitest 15.43443789085472 7 red 11 whitest 7.658187651573474 8 coat 11 whitest 9.48542181957352 8 coat 9 and 1.1439334218745145 10 his 11 whitest 3.1746946271639374 11 whitest 12 waistcoat 12.590032398333992 12 waistcoat 13 . 1.4308347432878463 he had brushed his tail till it looked very handsome , and every few minutes he would turn and admire it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 brushed 1.7203543912774855 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 brushed 10 handsome 6.500971864447546 3 brushed 5 tail 4.504832436836573 3 brushed 8 looked 3.150451938649585 3 brushed 6 till 2.9104298200397842 3 brushed 7 it 0.4387432463787988 4 his 5 tail 3.447553150949698 9 very 10 handsome 3.9612299554748738 10 handsome 15 minutes 2.179535038710849 10 handsome 12 and 0.8982317176267003 10 handsome 11 , 0.8564582220261734 13 every 14 few 3.6034402247632684 14 few 15 minutes 8.429930807745183 15 minutes 20 admire 4.763347357884751 16 he 17 would 1.3645954036822268 17 would 20 admire 1.9308738632785456 18 turn 20 admire 4.127289798886274 19 and 20 admire 0.5581317060105953 20 admire 21 it 0.8068415226990915 20 admire 22 . 0.56727157934343 reddy fox thought himself a very fine gentleman . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 4 himself 2.3884076121163993 3 thought 4 himself 1.862882545609228 4 himself 8 gentleman 2.454161926257594 4 himself 9 . 0.6673551505339343 5 a 8 gentleman 2.4203878045538296 6 very 7 fine 2.6949186043646023 7 fine 8 gentleman 5.369133962675672 he admired himself and he wanted every one else to admire him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 6 wanted 2.0920219898481847 2 admired 6 wanted 3.6974527290173818 2 admired 3 himself 2.273750866587772 2 admired 4 and 1.2898947085317296 5 he 6 wanted 2.0920219898481847 6 wanted 11 admire 4.434872796485212 7 every 11 admire 3.5390700683605125 7 every 8 one 3.4259854658400464 9 else 11 admire 3.7446650009550773 10 to 11 admire 1.835072577154893 11 admire 12 him 2.990346633951141 12 him 13 . 0.8676779267655075 " let's do stunts , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 let's 1.8176975860101336 1 " 2 let's 2.5827865495845295 2 let's 4 stunts 10.025046954717016 3 do 4 stunts 6.115853239041723 4 stunts 9 rabbit 8.043074947132201 4 stunts 7 said 3.4493470589876587 4 stunts 5 , 1.5700493078185715 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 8 peter 9 rabbit 7.313713619688597 9 rabbit 10 . 0.6126504281875942 " i can jump farther than anybody here ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 can 1.8928675187738602 3 can 4 jump 2.678870072703379 4 jump 5 farther 4.215596267086429 4 jump 9 ! 1.5058818016885454 5 farther 6 than 4.415572605410791 5 farther 7 anybody 4.159974352078073 7 anybody 8 here 2.256758823993799 9 ! 10 " 2.8038844676111605 then peter rabbit jumped a tremendously long jump . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 6 tremendously 2.1104331904437785 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 6 tremendously 5.459664822965376 4 jumped 6 tremendously 7.239681036432469 5 a 6 tremendously 0.5449101615767731 6 tremendously 8 jump 7.621250523494961 7 long 8 jump 3.8619932165073116 8 jump 9 . 0.6326876537340631 then everybody jumped , everybody but reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 everybody 1.358917406591896 2 everybody 5 everybody 5.022480456793659 2 everybody 3 jumped 3.0599203619990654 4 , 5 everybody 0.36663397959183186 5 everybody 7 reddy 2.91090618485989 5 everybody 6 but 0.7462634830784367 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 8 fox 9 . 0.44635491133374394 and because his hind legs are long and meant for jumping peter rabbit had jumped farther than any one else . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 farther -0.4295945119084159 1 and 16 farther 0.8151803728345328 2 because 4 hind 2.1480655243838633 3 his 4 hind 3.839384320355826 4 hind 5 legs 9.715168801194825 5 legs 11 jumping 6.528462875776793 5 legs 6 are 2.4960293996725547 7 long 11 jumping 3.5951526817241586 8 and 11 jumping 0.6911123628461517 9 meant 11 jumping 5.032481893824443 9 meant 10 for 1.4324503088613945 11 jumping 16 farther 5.752657222595946 11 jumping 15 jumped 5.510908646579285 12 peter 15 jumped 3.5714617932508474 12 peter 13 rabbit 7.313713619688597 13 rabbit 14 had 1.5631435842423826 16 farther 17 than 4.415572605410791 17 than 20 else 3.417840789919733 18 any 19 one 2.8382893103071787 19 one 20 else 3.2310886289661234 20 else 21 . 0.8723257841850689 but happy jack squirrel was at the top of the old butternut tree almost before the others had started . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 jack 0.5976742697699926 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 happy 3 jack 8.066809588263567 3 jack 4 squirrel 7.731008113990729 3 jack 19 started 2.627655829028864 4 squirrel 8 top 3.1267758886069963 4 squirrel 5 was 1.5532166746369995 6 at 8 top 3.5178086619381546 7 the 8 top 2.202480120385376 8 top 12 butternut 8.194971956159328 8 top 9 of 3.327721226218433 10 the 12 butternut 2.4148611042578736 11 old 12 butternut 6.282575692477007 12 butternut 13 tree 8.96683234077172 12 butternut 17 others 7.610598912051433 12 butternut 14 almost 6.809405575371649 12 butternut 15 before 4.775713990562291 12 butternut 18 had 2.564936866065434 16 the 17 others 1.855030244412772 19 started 20 . 0.30266126588930575 the merry little breezes clapped their hands and everybody shouted for happy jack squirrel , everybody but reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 everybody 0.699458944639515 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 5 clapped 7.285856695436298 5 clapped 7 hands 8.232353856353857 5 clapped 10 shouted 5.5764472992882155 5 clapped 6 their 4.329757242757307 5 clapped 16 everybody 4.131213845382145 5 clapped 9 everybody 4.131213845382145 7 hands 8 and 1.1648904535903881 10 shouted 13 jack 3.634378370093998 10 shouted 15 , 0.4624503081514142 11 for 13 jack 0.49325294913517226 12 happy 13 jack 8.066809588263567 13 jack 14 squirrel 7.731008113990729 16 everybody 18 reddy 2.91090618485989 16 everybody 17 but 0.7462634830784367 18 reddy 19 fox 7.973188175503683 19 fox 20 . 0.44635491133374394 " i can swim faster than anybody here , " shouted little joe otter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 11 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 i 3 can 1.8928675187738602 3 can 4 swim 4.505514595234253 4 swim 5 faster 7.966253849216091 5 faster 11 shouted 4.172868915384438 5 faster 6 than 6.100286913249537 5 faster 7 anybody 6.094666912925167 7 anybody 8 here 2.256758823993799 9 , 11 shouted 0.8043728969509765 10 " 11 shouted 2.261569432685331 11 shouted 14 otter 5.552808389576263 11 shouted 15 . 0.7228706584401756 12 little 14 otter 5.892167388174904 13 joe 14 otter 10.28726033754742 they belonged to little joe otter , billy mink and jerry muskrat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 belonged 1.8752575691075606 2 belonged 6 otter 5.015700302929201 2 belonged 3 to 2.9484931438361173 4 little 6 otter 5.892167388174904 5 joe 6 otter 10.28726033754742 6 otter 12 muskrat 7.748270896222024 6 otter 9 mink 7.537390792375199 7 , 9 mink 0.1660877633231408 8 billy 9 mink 9.260717032646737 9 mink 10 and 1.0753217916545879 11 jerry 12 muskrat 10.20890526194098 12 muskrat 13 . 0.7601987172124858 across the smiling pool and back again they raced and little joe otter was first out on the bank . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 across -0.49000734437896654 1 across 4 pool 5.263069230863213 2 the 4 pool 2.2980304314762776 3 smiling 4 pool 9.99688962068163 4 pool 9 raced 5.9145104785673475 4 pool 20 . 1.0200253673142292 5 and 9 raced 1.6210315998240468 6 back 7 again 2.9992345897999257 7 again 9 raced 2.714035933683302 8 they 9 raced 3.827069876590663 9 raced 12 joe 5.991033837925972 9 raced 10 and 1.0268603026979406 11 little 12 joe 5.515956347518216 12 joe 13 otter 10.28726033754742 13 otter 19 bank 5.710208284615973 13 otter 15 first 0.6473402265451078 14 was 15 first 0.7849052883627685 16 out 19 bank 2.844509376327565 17 on 19 bank 3.9045130138104724 18 the 19 bank 2.3444717763664755 " hurrah for little joe otter ! " shouted blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hurrah 1.9313716817737046 1 " 2 hurrah 2.649970383104648 2 hurrah 6 otter 6.754936070720234 2 hurrah 9 shouted 7.891543360693152 2 hurrah 3 for 2.2169048288089215 4 little 6 otter 5.892167388174904 5 joe 6 otter 10.28726033754742 7 ! 9 shouted 4.967379996560403 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 9 shouted 10 blacky 5.429923494115091 9 shouted 13 . 0.7228706584401756 10 blacky 12 crow 9.126376991927202 11 the 12 crow 1.9503846722445246 and everybody shouted " hurrah ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 hurrah 1.9313716817737046 1 and 2 everybody 0.9371572163097568 2 everybody 5 hurrah 5.885027553034288 3 shouted 5 hurrah 8.617691241161118 4 " 5 hurrah 2.649970383104648 5 hurrah 6 ! 4.907567625829564 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 everybody but reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 everybody 3 reddy 2.91090618485989 1 everybody 2 but 0.7462634830784367 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 4 fox 5 . 0.44635491133374394 " what can you do , jimmy skunk ? " asked peter rabbit , dancing up and down , he was so excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 jimmy 1.3962403845609437 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 1 " 6 , 0.4301121689192957 2 what 5 do 3.3898156542937787 3 can 5 do 2.7896380584670997 3 can 4 you 1.5844972623461953 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 skunk 13 rabbit 4.434101472566137 8 skunk 23 excited 3.1561856296340203 9 ? 11 asked 5.562665578900452 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 11 asked 12 peter 2.220069491081393 12 peter 13 rabbit 7.313713619688597 13 rabbit 15 dancing 3.479842704903003 14 , 15 dancing 0.3787606222780049 15 dancing 16 up 2.954018151692175 15 dancing 18 down 2.5522958642591114 16 up 17 and 1.0590043195670393 19 , 20 he 0.5080875377005949 20 he 21 was 1.2250956603177912 21 was 23 excited 2.122731288256997 22 so 23 excited 2.8415527056887555 23 excited 24 . 1.1448166085021043 jimmy skunk yawned lazily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 yawned 1.026334625534794 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 3 yawned 6.691608669553862 3 yawned 4 lazily 11.596946223516465 4 lazily 5 . 0.6595992470368905 " i can throw a wonderful perfume farther than anybody here , " said jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 can 1.8928675187738602 3 can 4 throw 2.37881904387476 4 throw 7 perfume 6.948906705838514 5 a 6 wonderful 1.791650760069917 6 wonderful 7 perfume 5.66547250156308 7 perfume 10 anybody 5.907208281698107 7 perfume 8 farther 7.067292824916951 8 farther 9 than 4.415572605410791 10 anybody 16 skunk 3.6522435258512402 10 anybody 11 here 2.256758823993799 12 , 14 said 1.3498770263619093 13 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 14 said 15 jimmy 1.5676032354122391 15 jimmy 16 skunk 9.859461590276863 16 skunk 17 . 0.71694841771642 " we know it ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 we 0.9482686439870296 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 " 2 we 0.9099779854089931 2 we 3 know 1.1589850460606925 3 know 4 it 1.2727152881173946 we know it ! " shouted the merry little breezes as everybody tumbled heels over head away from jimmy skunk , even reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 0.9482686439870296 1 we 2 know 1.1589850460606925 2 know 13 tumbled 0.8697058213089264 2 know 3 it 1.2727152881173946 4 ! 6 shouted 4.967379996560403 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 6 shouted 10 breezes 6.174084589685499 7 the 10 breezes 2.2607610699772422 8 merry 10 breezes 10.012501010913478 9 little 10 breezes 6.02611847789149 10 breezes 13 tumbled 5.639275076451472 11 as 13 tumbled 0.8165737302765663 12 everybody 13 tumbled 3.9489393168544815 13 tumbled 14 heels 6.739016247480251 14 heels 20 skunk 4.503280886726245 14 heels 23 reddy 4.097642085449653 14 heels 16 head 3.4414500318476726 14 heels 18 from 2.5443965037769374 14 heels 15 over 2.4365106674338257 14 heels 25 . 1.0601544700421108 17 away 18 from 3.252407253562577 19 jimmy 20 skunk 9.859461590276863 20 skunk 22 even 1.0258230204404555 21 , 22 even 0.5532947813510347 23 reddy 24 fox 7.973188175503683 " but please don't ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 don't 1.2775851170014203 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 but 4 don't 1.2883924196151444 3 please 4 don't 3.704698287899493 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 and jimmy skunk didn't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 and 4 didn't -0.13767972987374222 2 jimmy 3 skunk 9.859461590276863 3 skunk 4 didn't 2.474770737174687 4 didn't 5 . 0.05574901341489813 now for the first time in his life johnny chuck began to feel just a wee , wee bit discontented . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 first 0.35613908124313376 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 for 4 first 1.3085073283317392 3 the 4 first 1.5516170441444306 4 first 20 discontented 3.214193936096848 4 first 5 time 3.4855565059905267 4 first 8 life 2.213870787917447 6 in 8 life 2.161389281153866 7 his 8 life 2.1974550920975773 9 johnny 10 chuck 9.449430308003667 10 chuck 18 wee 3.249872438408559 11 began 13 feel 3.324569674976818 11 began 12 to 2.775473939384737 13 feel 16 wee 4.903679349820948 14 just 16 wee 4.229510192318873 15 a 16 wee 2.5823848669954366 16 wee 18 wee 7.993395748596928 17 , 18 wee 0.7830805688682858 18 wee 20 discontented 8.826285762761671 18 wee 19 bit 8.316920880934674 20 discontented 21 . 0.036756862644647725 what was there he could do better than any one else ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 11 else 1.7533414031724384 1 what 12 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 2 was 0.7753595348472953 3 there 11 else 2.079544614169233 4 he 5 could 1.799559825235125 5 could 7 better 1.4422488972743501 5 could 6 do 1.9653973768739572 7 better 8 than 5.32098737373564 8 than 11 else 3.417840789919733 9 any 10 one 2.8382893103071787 10 one 11 else 3.2310886289661234 he couldn't jump and he couldn't climb and he couldn't swim . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 7 climb 4.485168928377814 3 jump 7 climb 4.701344085478574 3 jump 4 and 0.537733824252129 5 he 6 couldn't 2.184206095579082 6 couldn't 7 climb 4.485168928377814 7 climb 11 swim 6.14192452504145 7 climb 8 and 1.0924486443255148 9 he 10 couldn't 2.184206095579082 10 couldn't 11 swim 4.19046230222548 11 swim 12 . 0.6082726665285989 he couldn't even run fast , because he was so fat and round and rolly-poly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 7 because 2.431629385149005 2 couldn't 3 even 2.61963959687316 2 couldn't 5 fast 2.343483529122018 4 run 5 fast 4.913855584582478 6 , 7 because 0.5055908043911348 7 because 9 was 1.257475521293813 7 because 8 he 1.6134711134543167 9 was 15 rolly-poly 3.3769725756327844 10 so 15 rolly-poly 4.237812997936974 11 fat 15 rolly-poly 10.48542181957352 12 and 15 rolly-poly 2.9048916538778933 13 round 15 rolly-poly 7.764109489718802 14 and 15 rolly-poly 2.9048916538778933 15 rolly-poly 16 . 2.072380772375368 he quite forgot that he was so sunny-hearted and good-natured that everybody loved him , everybody but reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 8 sunny-hearted 2.829653033768299 2 quite 8 sunny-hearted 6.3874654984636585 3 forgot 8 sunny-hearted 8.655995660712353 4 that 8 sunny-hearted 2.42294854168183 5 he 8 sunny-hearted 2.829653033768299 6 was 8 sunny-hearted 2.207047574190476 7 so 8 sunny-hearted 5.237812997936974 8 sunny-hearted 10 good-natured 11.409606037874784 8 sunny-hearted 13 loved 8.34756450621764 8 sunny-hearted 16 everybody 8.265069592116934 8 sunny-hearted 12 everybody 8.265069592116934 8 sunny-hearted 11 that 3.526378918334281 8 sunny-hearted 14 him 3.441008042960707 8 sunny-hearted 9 and 1.0268603026979441 8 sunny-hearted 15 , 0.9850868070974172 16 everybody 18 reddy 2.91090618485989 16 everybody 17 but 0.7462634830784367 18 reddy 19 fox 7.973188175503683 19 fox 20 . 0.44635491133374394 just then reddy fox began to boast , for reddy fox is a great boaster . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 just 3 reddy 1.6989954756200945 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 3 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 5 began 7 boast 3.246639083046194 5 began 6 to 2.775473939384737 7 boast 10 reddy 4.182254313164595 8 , 10 reddy 0.12430947486530819 9 for 10 reddy 0.5967320476166549 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 11 fox 15 boaster 7.921197683647268 12 is 15 boaster 3.0738476111424795 13 a 14 great 2.39190469798403 14 great 15 boaster 5.447480998536587 15 boaster 16 . 2.2243838658204176 " pooh ! " said reddy fox , " pooh ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 pooh 1.9570985068920734 1 " 10 pooh 3.6575171921579965 2 pooh 10 pooh 10.628355747918828 2 pooh 6 reddy 6.299884807164691 2 pooh 3 ! 5.120484447321427 2 pooh 5 said 3.517734033967905 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 8 , 9 " 0.6466805192388225 9 " 10 pooh 3.6575171921579965 10 pooh 11 ! 5.120484447321427 anybody could jump if their legs were made for jumping . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 anybody -0.19736163234849968 1 anybody 3 jump 4.010752930666666 2 could 3 jump 2.444834486892848 3 jump 6 legs 3.2712172500767913 3 jump 11 . 0.6326876537340631 4 if 6 legs -0.02147309460733382 5 their 6 legs 3.113379194493888 6 legs 10 jumping 6.528462875776793 6 legs 7 were 2.995002315973956 8 made 10 jumping 1.6434396030785443 9 for 10 jumping 1.2931110660273504 and what 's the good of climbing trees anyway ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 and 2 what 0.2539381876086999 2 what 3 's 0.525811908631745 2 what 10 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 's 5 good 1.0250396264474197 3 's 4 the -0.35870026875866223 5 good 7 climbing 1.636842657650714 6 of 7 climbing 0.978173009157917 7 climbing 8 trees 6.813765504827533 7 climbing 9 anyway 6.325018319365679 now i can run faster than anybody here faster than anybody in the whole world ! " said reddy fox , puffing himself out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 i 3 can 1.8928675187738602 3 can 9 faster 3.5810909086627625 4 run 9 faster 6.616580763845818 5 faster 9 faster 9.530357745039577 5 faster 6 than 6.100286913249537 5 faster 7 anybody 6.094666912925167 7 anybody 8 here 2.256758823993799 9 faster 10 than 6.100286913249537 9 faster 11 anybody 6.094666912925167 9 faster 14 whole 3.236413554681622 9 faster 19 reddy 2.6940637015458684 9 faster 16 ! 1.8669650856334918 9 faster 25 . 0.7458434242354137 12 in 13 the 1.1613034400066837 13 the 14 whole 1.9588420429725506 14 whole 15 world 4.783243963780389 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 16 ! 18 said 2.5827010162001933 19 reddy 20 fox 7.973188175503683 20 fox 22 puffing 5.023077297666486 21 , 22 puffing 0.9258432393280707 22 puffing 23 himself 5.723783787222818 22 puffing 24 out 3.885948937634204 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " you can't beat spotty the turtle . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 can't 0.9469312647008561 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 can't 1.3764571246724575 2 you 3 can't 1.849683921377844 3 can't 5 spotty 1.8763124838331962 4 beat 5 spotty 5.262983063708756 5 spotty 7 turtle 11.145513286137529 6 the 7 turtle 2.257008935116133 8 . 9 " 4.467019939707924 for a minute reddy fox looked very foolish . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 looked 0.6891079852710398 1 for 3 minute 3.1168472372471143 2 a 3 minute 2.75284848895582 3 minute 4 reddy 2.9351763934331423 3 minute 6 looked 2.5473593031442796 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 6 looked 8 foolish 3.6732201886544473 7 very 8 foolish 3.5161697525352835 8 foolish 9 . 0.3244087820282182 then he lost his temper , which is a very unwise thing to do , for it is hard to find again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 11 unwise 3.9267212372713907 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 lost 5 temper 6.887479651401847 4 his 5 temper 3.263907829346987 5 temper 11 unwise 8.696137086004686 6 , 7 which 0.5112693294198909 7 which 11 unwise 4.2998055856522335 8 is 11 unwise 1.7466828678889676 9 a 10 very 0.920846844810935 10 very 11 unwise 4.742477223875117 11 unwise 12 thing 6.353538135442545 11 unwise 14 do 3.5357711946360872 11 unwise 16 for 2.2055895155810887 11 unwise 20 to 2.0715515402404563 11 unwise 13 to 2.0715515402404563 11 unwise 23 . 1.1312744614289407 11 unwise 15 , 0.7399743092608837 17 it 19 hard 2.0885021200379423 17 it 18 is 1.9483860238870534 19 hard 20 to 1.4831362376137829 20 to 21 find 1.7384908305919051 22 again 23 . 1.1694329788885494 he swelled himself out until every hair stood on end and he looked twice as big as he did before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 swelled 1.2554169396401988 2 swelled 5 until 6.46043942434822 2 swelled 14 twice 6.451048373835313 2 swelled 7 hair 5.797164521163662 2 swelled 8 stood 5.685926652107533 2 swelled 3 himself 5.534749962832802 2 swelled 6 every 4.826272925626295 2 swelled 4 out 4.544912019799135 2 swelled 16 big 3.6830036053182873 2 swelled 13 looked 3.0838541899205616 2 swelled 17 as 1.9615459967092228 2 swelled 18 he 1.6503027423768124 2 swelled 12 he 1.6503027423768124 8 stood 10 end 2.763435023527073 8 stood 9 on 2.204667736196999 8 stood 11 and 0.8769452619871192 14 twice 15 as 3.1354729287090315 18 he 19 did 1.2723526150845803 19 did 20 before 0.05420967846000124 20 before 21 . 0.6721106131218804 he strutted up and down and glared at each in turn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 strutted 0.9902653708272702 1 he 2 strutted 2.8296530337682952 2 strutted 7 glared 10.284690771350032 2 strutted 3 up 3.8568390829916446 2 strutted 5 down 3.133188700671223 2 strutted 4 and 1.8543931066931734 2 strutted 12 . 0.46695416909449605 6 and 7 glared 1.915538898077397 7 glared 8 at 5.043364824693619 7 glared 11 turn 4.640337964542049 7 glared 9 each 4.084112543739064 7 glared 10 in 1.037470831436167 " and i 'm not afraid of any living thing on the green meadows ! " boasted reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 'm 1.0964224937219313 1 " 4 'm 1.5924503438057567 2 and 3 i 0.1868691445446835 3 i 4 'm 3.654262465176622 4 'm 9 living 2.6556019711373082 4 'm 6 afraid 5.283750894253565 5 not 6 afraid 2.45671060902572 6 afraid 7 of 2.1039206104891797 8 any 9 living 2.4572299028673292 9 living 14 meadows 2.4178590289355064 9 living 10 thing 3.3261347325167883 11 on 14 meadows 3.790009740513195 12 the 14 meadows 2.3225225762090123 13 green 14 meadows 8.640219315758674 14 meadows 17 boasted 6.766505039713291 14 meadows 20 . 1.0373533873754468 15 ! 17 boasted 2.913346428042562 15 ! 16 " 2.8038844676111605 17 boasted 18 reddy 5.633238508849825 18 reddy 19 fox 7.973188175503683 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " do i see bowser the hound ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.1800156400149504 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 1 " 2 do 0.8845447173996668 3 i 4 see 1.4335400271941836 4 see 5 bowser 1.3734352129139502 5 bowser 7 hound 10.308918310242714 6 the 7 hound 2.5139408779658723 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 every hair on reddy fox suddenly fell back into place . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 1 every 2 hair 2.1339140805956305 2 hair 8 back 1.9024902386350107 2 hair 3 on 1.6454258416656167 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 4 reddy 8 back 0.9283476953504888 6 suddenly 7 fell 3.7454518699051427 7 fell 8 back 2.862106886940385 8 back 9 into 1.939298664052128 8 back 10 place 1.494915701560867 10 place 11 . 0.5271801005295877 he whirled about nervously and anxiously looked over the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 whirled 0.7042143122685083 1 he 2 whirled 1.8806369624870989 2 whirled 4 nervously 8.931151982627998 2 whirled 3 about 4.183772721127703 4 nervously 6 anxiously 7.724503144124025 4 nervously 7 looked 5.457312585448001 4 nervously 10 green 4.695524658674149 4 nervously 8 over 3.8885423741948664 4 nervously 12 . 2.2429995439877644 4 nervously 5 and 0.9299987634453508 9 the 10 green 2.032029580366329 10 green 11 meadows 8.640219315758674 but everybody took good care to keep away from reddy fox , everybody but johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 everybody 10 reddy 2.91090618485989 2 everybody 3 took 1.1656615506995642 3 took 5 care 3.9155276357623308 4 good 5 care 1.6683255622820106 5 care 7 keep 2.4668997277070126 6 to 7 keep 2.048401843387486 7 keep 9 from 2.7166060584138023 8 away 9 from 3.252407253562577 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 11 fox 15 johnny 3.4237505708443727 12 , 13 everybody 0.36663397959183186 13 everybody 15 johnny 1.456527793948883 13 everybody 14 but 0.7462634830784367 15 johnny 16 chuck 9.449430308003667 16 chuck 17 . 0.47262126972613316 he just sat still and chuckled and chuckled till his fat sides shook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 chuckled 0.7747022878809418 1 he 8 chuckled 2.0081096688317253 2 just 8 chuckled 1.265008873540264 3 sat 4 still 3.6661430536797823 4 still 8 chuckled 2.599229372956163 5 and 8 chuckled 0.6964647522131919 6 chuckled 8 chuckled 7.679859641450335 7 and 8 chuckled 0.6964647522131919 8 chuckled 12 sides 6.860089651284383 8 chuckled 13 shook 5.777929161378225 8 chuckled 14 . 1.604231936636964 9 till 12 sides 3.843415592760646 10 his 12 sides 2.542426411664419 11 fat 12 sides 5.531225509186644 " what are you laughing at ? " demanded reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 demanded 2.538451179253393 2 what 9 demanded 2.354245447762615 3 are 9 demanded 2.041285816597142 3 are 4 you 1.7434690636892594 5 laughing 9 demanded 3.678559508392002 5 laughing 6 at 2.705560276286267 7 ? 9 demanded 5.809249732826887 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 demanded 10 reddy 4.1002532989061855 9 demanded 12 . 1.6666061944254942 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 reddy fox just glared at him for a minute , he was so mad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 4 glared 6.384816198082174 3 just 4 glared 1.6445476915977189 4 glared 5 at 5.043364824693619 4 glared 9 minute 4.963666054726939 4 glared 6 him 3.0717742332949847 7 for 9 minute 3.1168472372471143 8 a 9 minute 2.75284848895582 9 minute 14 mad 2.3437005857533144 9 minute 11 he 1.376842261434323 10 , 11 he 0.5080875377005949 11 he 12 was 1.2250956603177912 12 was 13 so 1.1056037364281295 14 mad 15 . 0.6241692812390092 then he sprang straight at johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 sprang 1.770803093822959 2 he 3 sprang 1.9981698408177948 3 sprang 7 chuck 3.321387113502798 4 straight 6 johnny 3.5376535065780352 4 straight 5 at 0.8588177888864585 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 chuck 8 . 0.47262126972613316 " i 'll show you ! " he snarled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 snarled 2.1444020235360988 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 9 snarled 3.9630235943072023 4 show 9 snarled 4.966480187852657 4 show 5 you 2.321788982927181 6 ! 9 snarled 4.7146976167546875 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 he 9 snarled 1.895241375395873 9 snarled 10 . 1.5914413361974447 now johnny chuck had been sitting close beside a hole that grandfather chuck had dug a long time before and which was empty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 johnny 0.7758904170947112 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 johnny 13 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 6 sitting 3.5379513071861552 4 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 5 been 6 sitting 2.4100148730395787 7 close 10 hole 4.228128198376364 7 close 8 beside 5.619168595535935 9 a 10 hole 2.3800742530841603 10 hole 13 chuck 4.301846927107153 10 hole 12 grandfather 3.0586291548771776 10 hole 11 that 0.35483563849357935 13 chuck 15 dug 4.531588265308432 14 had 15 dug 1.8913167644380806 15 dug 23 empty 5.839059524991441 15 dug 19 before 2.9210533537263252 15 dug 21 which 2.024673347569447 15 dug 20 and 1.6051590731380827 16 a 17 long 1.8939671708709067 17 long 19 before 2.781991429937616 17 long 18 time 3.7235556839354 22 was 23 empty 1.8471516291040864 23 empty 24 . 0.7570629756088358 in a flash johnny chuck disappeared head first in the hole . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 flash 0.18730221788682755 1 in 3 flash 2.7508621985551294 2 a 3 flash 3.227647877984406 3 flash 6 disappeared 4.672794322972852 4 johnny 5 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 chuck 6 disappeared 4.116978167911213 6 disappeared 11 hole 6.011477657423178 6 disappeared 7 head 2.0870192972729775 6 disappeared 9 in 1.5622743495671223 6 disappeared 10 the 1.3578099260108019 6 disappeared 12 . 1.0818722213526684 7 head 8 first 2.002951447688755 now the hole was too small for reddy fox to enter , but he was so angry that he straightway began to dig it larger . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 enter 0.2017694760209814 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 the 3 hole 0.9175926644431165 3 hole 6 small 2.452278350167699 4 was 5 too 1.4420773729495036 5 too 6 small 3.1822316699689956 6 small 11 enter 3.5447930983927414 6 small 7 for 0.9382677513441919 8 reddy 11 enter 3.306813686080904 8 reddy 9 fox 7.973188175503683 10 to 11 enter 2.1265500895210003 11 enter 17 angry 4.0168555615633785 12 , 13 but 1.025230194614105 13 but 14 he 0.9076706002035451 14 he 17 angry 1.31687255635752 15 was 17 angry 2.307243973670449 16 so 17 angry 1.4855665858308065 17 angry 20 straightway 6.247039992353148 17 angry 26 . 0.7516130998637713 18 that 20 straightway 1.759983528959399 19 he 20 straightway 1.7516505217670222 20 straightway 25 larger 9.065419553527665 20 straightway 23 dig 8.240167426943504 21 began 23 dig 6.1788659718800645 21 began 22 to 2.775473939384737 24 it 25 larger 0.9149848559484148 my , how the sand did fly ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 how 1.1444914957494294 1 my 3 how 0.6738150643457494 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 3 how 7 fly 2.180393206367839 3 how 8 ! 1.7025192702459062 4 the 5 sand 1.9990564180208317 5 sand 7 fly 3.836335118444339 6 did 7 fly 2.4834181024227284 it poured out behind reddy fox in a stream of shining yellow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 13 . 0.13987271256052836 2 poured 5 reddy 2.9962813704904114 2 poured 9 stream 6.237289469994206 2 poured 3 out 4.19505299216398 2 poured 4 behind 2.9280178087983018 5 reddy 6 fox 7.973188175503683 7 in 8 a 0.8157855541154699 8 a 9 stream 1.7972973232110583 9 stream 11 shining 5.061263924036357 10 of 11 shining 1.0005904752655113 11 shining 12 yellow 6.424848682547562 11 shining 13 . 0.648065459508512 johnny chuck ran down the long tunnel underground until he reached the end . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 7 tunnel 5.826422699313515 2 chuck 14 . 0.47262126972613316 3 ran 7 tunnel 5.285302371872202 3 ran 4 down 3.1028581023727035 5 the 7 tunnel 1.8954869451642935 6 long 7 tunnel 5.137554720217267 7 tunnel 8 underground 10.54546920324346 7 tunnel 11 reached 6.116062461729481 7 tunnel 13 end 5.451391517571555 7 tunnel 9 until 5.286903169353529 10 he 11 reached 2.192223113153002 11 reached 12 the 1.9689341860630432 my , how his short legs did fly and his stout little claws dug into the soft earth ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 how 1.1444914957494294 1 my 3 how 0.6738150643457494 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 3 how 18 earth 1.4792094305622747 3 how 19 ! 1.7025192702459062 4 his 11 stout 2.64845456556548 5 short 11 stout 6.6807155863231955 6 legs 11 stout 5.9305998863478315 7 did 8 fly 2.4834181024227284 8 fly 11 stout 4.648062369004446 9 and 11 stout 0.7713212785298253 10 his 11 stout 2.64845456556548 11 stout 14 dug 7.913637352633362 11 stout 13 claws 7.801846527175805 11 stout 12 little 1.2975327916259936 14 dug 18 earth 6.125516045826476 14 dug 17 soft 5.481355200778548 14 dug 15 into 3.5507457107092897 15 into 16 the 1.552468254406742 his little forepaws flew so fast that if you had been there you could hardly have seen them at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 have 0.388901834353911 1 his 3 forepaws 5.022691533718884 2 little 3 forepaws 4.615064492531147 3 forepaws 4 flew 8.415156057700006 3 forepaws 6 fast 8.136248005918933 3 forepaws 5 so 3.894202200514119 6 fast 14 could 4.67019871939473 7 that 14 could 1.2733844936881962 8 if 14 could 2.0987117371433097 8 if 13 you 2.081684759546537 8 if 9 you 2.081684759546537 8 if 11 been 2.0008264843015375 8 if 12 there 1.163724812115655 10 had 11 been 3.8301500596883944 14 could 15 hardly 4.578000056912845 14 could 16 have 2.1676545091813075 16 have 17 seen 3.3566485806794955 17 seen 18 them 1.339618009963118 18 them 20 all 1.4625849217647033 18 them 21 . 0.8864773153321437 19 at 20 all 1.9101156124848444 and with his strong hind legs he kicked the sand right back into the face of reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.5651728891422607 1 and 2 with 0.2493582544313142 2 with 15 face 1.8211380136725488 3 his 15 face 2.836202048135057 4 strong 8 kicked 4.887043474760873 5 hind 6 legs 9.715168801194825 5 hind 8 kicked 8.504138596422838 7 he 8 kicked 2.331199526301816 8 kicked 10 sand 6.282293916100937 9 the 10 sand 1.9990564180208317 10 sand 13 into 2.975418506800434 10 sand 12 back 2.226053452490852 10 sand 11 right 2.21016957816099 13 into 15 face 2.080152792005567 13 into 14 the 1.552468254406742 15 face 19 . 0.872471518043243 16 of 17 reddy 0.6150782603920142 17 reddy 18 fox 7.973188175503683 18 fox 19 . 0.44635491133374394 all the little meadow people gathered around the hole where johnny chuck and reddy fox had disappeared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 chuck 0.33831503247327 1 all 6 gathered 2.241374265929082 2 the 4 meadow 0.9218210929777548 3 little 4 meadow 3.274027574696074 4 meadow 6 gathered 5.50580528814179 4 meadow 5 people 4.986993675017036 6 gathered 9 hole 4.356806184890619 6 gathered 7 around 5.858115789927236 7 around 8 the 1.2863659862907433 9 hole 12 chuck 4.301846927107153 9 hole 10 where 2.4990736405032337 11 johnny 12 chuck 9.449430308003667 12 chuck 17 disappeared 4.116978167911213 12 chuck 14 reddy 3.339254012540323 12 chuck 13 and 0.43007236657999215 14 reddy 15 fox 7.973188175503683 16 had 17 disappeared 3.1089748825403767 17 disappeared 18 . 1.0818722213526684 they were very anxious , very anxious indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 they 2 were 3.2736646255414907 2 were 3 very 1.523014512955605 3 very 8 indeed 4.748811396098601 4 anxious 8 indeed 4.143464434319011 5 , 8 indeed 1.2217707539259823 6 very 8 indeed 4.748811396098601 7 anxious 8 indeed 4.143464434319011 8 indeed 9 . 0.21529929449387453 would reddy fox catch johnny chuck ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 would 4 catch 2.3732500711479005 2 reddy 4 catch 3.672725272554999 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 4 catch 5 johnny 3.488341641997902 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 chuck 7 ? -0.6615508382704505 and what would he do to him ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 and 2 what 0.2539381876086999 2 what 5 do 3.3898156542937787 2 what 8 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 6 to 0.3042047122222655 3 would 5 do 1.4620228546547729 4 he 5 do -0.3052480089404117 6 to 7 him 1.0152537748115762 was all their fun to end in something terrible to sunny-hearted , merry johnny chuck , whom everybody loved ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 was 0.6373980219783331 1 was 11 sunny-hearted 2.207047574190476 1 was 4 fun 0.9916493994569109 2 all 4 fun 0.7556826547942066 2 all 3 their 1.424753756693054 5 to 11 sunny-hearted 2.4675870073560695 6 end 11 sunny-hearted 7.589993650061896 7 in 11 sunny-hearted 2.5234517024520606 8 something 11 sunny-hearted 6.321998384073165 9 terrible 11 sunny-hearted 8.510285206625124 10 to 11 sunny-hearted 2.4675870073560695 11 sunny-hearted 14 johnny 7.947044442715743 11 sunny-hearted 13 merry 8.47443595878664 11 sunny-hearted 17 whom 8.407146199186979 11 sunny-hearted 19 loved 8.34756450621764 11 sunny-hearted 18 everybody 8.265069592116934 11 sunny-hearted 16 , 0.9850868070974172 11 sunny-hearted 12 , 0.9850868070974172 14 johnny 15 chuck 9.449430308003667 19 loved 20 ? -1.6367209731295311 he looked very warm and a little tired , but he was still chuckling as he scampered across to another hole of grandfather chuck 's . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 14 chuckling 1.7836406360114587 2 looked 3 very 1.8422742853175507 3 very 8 tired 3.1814462322895807 4 warm 8 tired 2.651576152164825 4 warm 5 and 1.3067193311730918 4 warm 7 little 0.608418715721772 6 a 7 little 2.1212036022401666 8 tired 14 chuckling 4.423603325871177 9 , 14 chuckling 1.4000331838338802 9 , 10 but 1.025230194614105 11 he 14 chuckling 1.7836406360114587 12 was 14 chuckling 2.3834275977700834 13 still 14 chuckling 5.517718293977939 14 chuckling 17 scampered 9.27849531172161 14 chuckling 23 grandfather 4.602141212104829 14 chuckling 15 as 3.174478088796601 14 chuckling 26 . 1.195814713623644 16 he 17 scampered 2.5685282179431326 17 scampered 21 hole 6.202083590091977 17 scampered 18 across 5.99986114115919 17 scampered 20 another 5.373176094026906 17 scampered 19 to 1.9258740850448213 17 scampered 22 of 1.3741116555024497 23 grandfather 24 chuck 1.7036469580621763 24 chuck 25 's 1.7450084190127697 by and by something else crawled out of the hole johnny chuck had made . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 crawled 0.755435846252599 1 by 6 crawled 2.1848420142478275 2 and 6 crawled 1.2106305106659256 3 by 6 crawled 2.1848420142478275 4 something 5 else 4.283689027175683 5 else 6 crawled 4.075235710723046 6 crawled 10 hole 5.426515156702024 6 crawled 7 out 3.357020471827372 6 crawled 9 the 0.965492503232042 7 out 8 of 2.138624548858049 10 hole 12 chuck 4.301846927107153 10 hole 14 made 3.075110528515225 10 hole 15 . 0.46787808525856533 11 johnny 12 chuck 9.449430308003667 13 had 14 made 1.6616710679473172 could it be reddy fox ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.556060888200383 1 could 2 it 0.6902032575364743 2 it 3 be 1.3628723356900565 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 5 fox 6 ? -0.6971077222843789 where were his white waistcoat and beautiful red coat ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 where 0.1518504834578529 1 where 5 waistcoat 2.292234294587036 1 where 10 ? 2.597488677762863 2 were 5 waistcoat 3.0927178922723897 3 his 5 waistcoat 4.561243569483082 4 white 5 waistcoat 7.9119063064745205 5 waistcoat 9 coat 6.495475484237442 5 waistcoat 7 beautiful 4.553475039258526 5 waistcoat 6 and 1.4963455859991583 8 red 9 coat 5.419664963097286 and was that thing dragging behind him his splendid tail ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 and 2 was 0.13564005522999167 2 was 5 dragging 0.8612727373487452 3 that 4 thing 0.9135907712284883 4 thing 5 dragging 4.079456489059773 5 dragging 6 behind 5.525804349877038 5 dragging 9 splendid 5.1964755467497135 5 dragging 10 tail 5.1011997008299765 5 dragging 11 ? 0.6603772566169148 6 behind 7 him 2.8641928425765464 7 him 8 his 0.8096828709042185 he crept out of the hole and then just lay down and panted for breath . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 13 panted 1.9442955997094131 2 crept 6 hole 4.542984667331783 2 crept 3 out 3.5514924944584116 2 crept 5 the 1.2074928959456628 3 out 4 of 2.138624548858049 6 hole 10 lay 3.7314048441247074 7 and 8 then 1.5029676557109006 8 then 10 lay 1.2083000436340754 9 just 10 lay 0.47938013895422316 10 lay 13 panted 4.7561094529008905 10 lay 11 down 4.12739473689625 11 down 12 and 0.9385256906727442 13 panted 15 breath 8.040719720831241 13 panted 14 for 2.5950919227527933 15 breath 16 . 1.1930877353308826 he was almost too tired to move . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 7 move 1.5686929561723595 2 was 5 tired 2.143622194048838 3 almost 4 too 1.9731118772899912 4 too 5 tired 3.6513697875469795 5 tired 7 move 4.742992073683265 6 to 7 move 1.6884959375171853 7 move 8 . 1.0532719494276641 the long hair of his fine coat was filled full of sand and no one would ever have guessed that this was reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 long -0.08187709024637257 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 long 3 hair 2.9149970322512893 3 hair 7 coat 3.535473552169364 4 of 7 coat 0.8508396699958212 5 his 7 coat 3.521134439408911 6 fine 7 coat 4.831050992340579 7 coat 23 reddy 2.282481760903245 7 coat 12 sand 4.363025188213793 7 coat 13 and 1.1439334218745145 8 was 9 filled 1.579422847604711 9 filled 12 sand 3.8526096408576933 9 filled 10 full 3.4258847697297874 10 full 11 of 3.1216258468030187 14 no 19 guessed 2.0285786968449244 14 no 15 one 2.611222192281094 16 would 19 guessed 2.96323938894389 17 ever 19 guessed 3.5768684030972118 18 have 19 guessed 3.3299665380269943 19 guessed 23 reddy 3.148757401176507 19 guessed 20 that 2.531101328576682 19 guessed 22 was 2.064685635645233 19 guessed 21 this 1.600674189010057 23 reddy 24 fox 7.973188175503683 24 fox 25 . 0.44635491133374394 " haw ! haw ! haw ! " shouted blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 haw 0.9703658133895665 1 " 6 haw 2.8954153921879353 2 haw 4 haw 15.3780124573919 2 haw 3 ! 6.100393029381962 4 haw 6 haw 15.3780124573919 4 haw 5 ! 6.100393029381962 6 haw 9 shouted 7.973337451856803 6 haw 10 blacky 7.713845266422712 6 haw 7 ! 6.100393029381962 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 10 blacky 12 crow 9.126376991927202 11 the 12 crow 1.9503846722445246 12 crow 13 . 0.6089192767019185 [ illustration : then everybody shouted " haw ! haw ! haw ! " ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.5816143142080943 1 [ 15 ] 8.685219438445676 1 [ 2 illustration 11.074386416546641 2 illustration 3 : 7.0618551198495485 4 then 12 haw 3.8454211351695413 5 everybody 12 haw 7.5089841853713075 6 shouted 12 haw 9.071722872055826 7 " 12 haw 2.8954153921879353 8 haw 10 haw 15.3780124573919 8 haw 9 ! 6.100393029381962 10 haw 12 haw 15.3780124573919 10 haw 11 ! 6.100393029381962 12 haw 15 ] 7.16003816604994 12 haw 13 ! 6.100393029381962 13 ! 14 " 2.8038844676111605 vii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vii 2.492765711356455 johnny chuck's secret 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chuck's 2.3825827936060335 1 johnny 2 chuck's 10.680398783329569 2 chuck's 3 secret 10.09195162402796 he smoothed it down on the big , yellow mound he had made in front of his door . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 10 mound 1.4347934164270804 2 smoothed 9 yellow 6.794371522574039 2 smoothed 4 down 4.344336364840046 2 smoothed 7 big 4.214724084762462 2 smoothed 3 it 1.9038659770939539 2 smoothed 8 , 0.43880477454031563 4 down 5 on 2.097258056036514 5 on 6 the 1.3666129714665534 9 yellow 10 mound 6.44338851736909 10 mound 15 front 6.122248220809006 10 mound 13 made 4.808127956154706 11 he 12 had 1.735007688287725 12 had 13 made 1.6616710679473172 14 in 15 front 3.523451702452057 15 front 18 door 6.294616412264322 15 front 16 of 2.89173232674095 16 of 17 his 0.6817939745436874 18 door 19 . 0.8163859776636695 but he wouldn't tell , not jolly mr sun ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 wouldn't 1.3758969126461515 1 but 2 he 0.9076706002035451 3 wouldn't 7 jolly 3.138953702737698 3 wouldn't 4 tell 2.2202745191660433 4 tell 5 , 0.028443762470946155 5 , 6 not 0.1728718711338857 7 jolly 9 sun 7.802391003369625 7 jolly 8 mr 5.42984718493695 7 jolly 10 ! 0.8561206864795672 no , sir ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 4 ! 0.9618242719749297 not even the merry little breezes , who find out almost everything , had discovered it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 not 0.4399229381402936 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 it 0.556060888200383 1 not 2 even 2.764114035029854 2 even 6 breezes 1.8756008984523405 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 11 almost 2.746190280367987 6 breezes 9 find 1.73523582347838 6 breezes 8 who 0.8960396113091811 7 , 8 who 0.7573564620449389 9 find 10 out 3.6523191703692017 11 almost 12 everything 3.2849757116102154 11 almost 15 discovered 3.2101095563946274 12 everything 13 , 0.022117538042380147 14 had 15 discovered 2.676462891934282 16 it 17 . 0.13987271256052836 then he started for his old home along a secret little path he had made for himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 started 2.045012774210665 1 then 17 himself 1.353490539173393 2 he 3 started 1.8718415916217772 3 started 12 path 5.046050526684759 3 started 7 home 2.9260386483923355 3 started 16 for 2.656734960684876 3 started 4 for 2.656734960684876 3 started 6 old 2.021284921082536 3 started 5 his 0.8819931288197616 8 along 12 path 5.924238831491746 9 a 10 secret 1.8677598119351941 10 secret 12 path 2.2091523373862536 11 little 12 path 4.704684697216976 13 he 14 had 1.735007688287725 14 had 15 made 1.6616710679473172 15 made 16 for 0.9976043285023692 17 himself 18 . 0.6673551505339343 pretty soon he came to the lone little path that went past his own home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 pretty 0.30681300670675427 1 pretty 7 lone 3.6784569387787123 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 4 came 3.0418830385739035 2 soon 3 he 0.9426976651504084 4 came 5 to 1.4047239513309133 6 the 7 lone 2.2115329445483454 7 lone 9 path 10.049187958238516 7 lone 8 little 5.709163689461587 7 lone 12 past 4.688952892996625 7 lone 15 home 0.7841257471428129 10 that 12 past -0.05029548538925255 11 went 12 past 1.7402110127018595 13 his 14 own 3.159107401474598 14 own 15 home 1.9911170863504424 15 home 16 . 0.7569471749859744 he danced and he skipped along the lone little path , and , because he was so happy , he tried to turn a somersault . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 skipped 2.23404328884763 2 danced 5 skipped 7.279557288244266 3 and 5 skipped 1.665425719182501 4 he 5 skipped 2.23404328884763 5 skipped 8 lone 8.079576341445424 5 skipped 18 happy 3.71143539982749 5 skipped 12 and 1.8217458727933291 5 skipped 13 , 0.7799723771928022 5 skipped 11 , 0.7799723771928022 6 along 8 lone 5.486268974062437 7 the 8 lone 2.2115329445483454 8 lone 10 path 10.049187958238516 8 lone 9 little 5.709163689461587 14 because 17 so 1.8280737888011345 14 because 15 he 1.6134711134543167 14 because 16 was 1.257475521293813 17 so 18 happy 2.1683854376306506 18 happy 21 tried 2.205153127079871 18 happy 26 . 0.5452045471022391 19 , 20 he 0.5080875377005949 20 he 21 tried 1.9648804144625167 21 tried 25 somersault 5.533985677858855 21 tried 22 to 2.6973369114137338 23 turn 25 somersault 8.23458381205818 24 a 25 somersault 3.3822598239322126 but johnny chuck was so round and fat and rolly-poly that he just tumbled over in a heap . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 johnny 0.7758904170947112 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 10 rolly-poly 7.6677249532944565 4 was 10 rolly-poly 3.3769725756327844 5 so 10 rolly-poly 4.237812997936974 6 round 10 rolly-poly 7.764109489718802 7 and 10 rolly-poly 2.9048916538778933 8 fat 10 rolly-poly 10.48542181957352 9 and 10 rolly-poly 2.9048916538778933 10 rolly-poly 14 tumbled 12.287452872176292 10 rolly-poly 13 just 5.980811587852852 10 rolly-poly 11 that 3.3743758248892277 10 rolly-poly 12 he 3.061728988103276 10 rolly-poly 19 . 2.072380772375368 14 tumbled 18 heap 7.265085059147836 14 tumbled 15 over 4.160346989656393 16 in 18 heap 1.6710088908659166 17 a 18 heap 2.898016261163665 " well , well , well ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 well 1.1387269879559234 1 " 6 well 1.6936577844203988 2 well 4 well 1.7991724267387461 2 well 3 , 1.4929336725718638 4 well 6 well 1.7991724267387461 4 well 5 , 1.4929336725718638 6 well 7 ! 0.26959263905344244 what 's the matter with you ? " said a voice close beside him before he could pick himself up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 matter 3.988668969705401 2 's 4 matter 2.1351462985331118 3 the 4 matter 1.6108601015296085 4 matter 7 ? 2.8425452003438636 4 matter 5 with 2.5343054275209553 6 you 7 ? 2.030471363856357 7 ? 9 said 2.446556662798379 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 said 11 voice 2.0328637403029823 9 said 21 . 0.9489036959486263 10 a 11 voice 2.0900790724389022 11 voice 12 close 4.030874075504855 12 close 13 beside 5.619168595535935 13 beside 18 pick 3.3338242167410215 13 beside 14 him 3.1602186428668233 15 before 17 could 2.1089150253263895 16 he 17 could 1.799559825235125 17 could 18 pick 1.3944473774397572 18 pick 20 up 4.518299721186846 18 pick 19 himself 2.1948553214159894 it was jimmy skunk , who was out looking for some beetles for his dinner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 jimmy 4 skunk 9.859461590276863 4 skunk 12 beetles 7.393353403650867 4 skunk 6 who 2.087247025912987 4 skunk 8 out 0.4587258999072432 5 , 6 who 0.7573564620449389 6 who 7 was 1.4649639171139448 9 looking 12 beetles 4.893475761176777 10 for 12 beetles 3.2674244223636997 11 some 12 beetles 4.749016569778494 12 beetles 15 dinner 4.500556025646006 12 beetles 13 for 3.002649456910813 12 beetles 14 his 2.5255881736863834 12 beetles 16 . 0.9283344027586651 johnny chuck scrambled to his feet and looked foolish , very foolish indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 3 scrambled 4.154655371055089 3 scrambled 6 feet 7.27025795845476 3 scrambled 12 foolish 4.521255274875447 3 scrambled 4 to 1.6652498880259934 5 his 6 feet 3.3397839825857663 7 and 8 looked 1.4092917379590961 8 looked 9 foolish 3.6732201886544473 9 foolish 12 foolish 6.013307712315587 9 foolish 10 , 0.5757468414782174 11 very 12 foolish 3.5161697525352835 12 foolish 13 indeed 4.5993477893653605 13 indeed 14 . 0.21529929449387453 " there 's nothing the matter with me , jimmy skunk , " said johnny . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 jimmy 1.3962403845609437 2 there 4 nothing 3.341409018133147 2 there 3 's 1.7231004370931355 4 nothing 6 matter 2.331967750221903 5 the 6 matter 1.6108601015296085 6 matter 10 jimmy 1.8453915047864662 6 matter 7 with 2.5343054275209553 7 with 8 me 0.9494029121594938 8 me 9 , 0.44704990407605116 10 jimmy 11 skunk 9.859461590276863 11 skunk 15 johnny 3.659999063037038 11 skunk 16 . 0.71694841771642 12 , 14 said 1.3498770263619093 13 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 14 said 15 johnny 1.3439035190476076 " there 's nothing the matter with me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 0.9622068167745255 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 there 4 nothing 3.341409018133147 2 there 3 's 1.7231004370931355 4 nothing 6 matter 2.331967750221903 5 the 6 matter 1.6108601015296085 6 matter 7 with 2.5343054275209553 7 with 8 me 0.9494029121594938 8 me 9 . 0.46572320055489413 it 's just because i 've got a secret . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 2 's 9 secret 1.987309060043959 3 just 4 because 1.8103329626791016 4 because 6 've 1.8035128341012445 5 i 6 've 3.1337529080802184 6 've 7 got 5.105503628624941 6 've 9 secret 2.14964658439375 8 a 9 secret 1.8677598119351941 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 " a secret ! " cried jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 skunk 0.9660105987869088 2 a 3 secret 1.8677598119351941 3 secret 8 skunk 3.824068060209033 4 ! 7 jimmy 2.1851762642548707 4 ! 6 cried 4.743957976292686 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 skunk 9 . 0.71694841771642 " what is it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 5 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 3 is 2.2160747713273903 2 what 4 it 0.7873099891421482 5 ? 6 " 3.328347337284576 " yes , a secret , a really , truly secret , " said johnny chuck , and looked very important . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 10 truly 2.406539891366034 2 yes 3 , 2.0305121841239 4 a 5 secret 1.8677598119351941 5 secret 10 truly 3.320635444984479 5 secret 6 , 0.493946328732779 7 a 10 truly 0.7539512932854713 8 really 10 truly 5.430389995662001 9 , 10 truly 0.31523671041478707 10 truly 15 johnny 4.1671427333989435 10 truly 21 important 4.239498682259072 10 truly 11 secret 2.9494798353264535 12 , 14 said 1.3498770263619093 13 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 14 said 15 johnny 1.3439035190476076 15 johnny 16 chuck 9.449430308003667 16 chuck 19 looked 2.787461187140334 17 , 18 and 0.752751396501802 18 and 19 looked 1.4092917379590961 20 very 21 important 4.22539719543478 21 important 22 . 0.8413801941812906 " tell me , johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 johnny 0.9967643368445458 2 tell 5 johnny 1.1339758694637396 2 tell 3 me 3.3262481576645637 3 me 4 , 0.44704990407605116 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 chuck 7 . 0.47262126972613316 come on , tell just me , and then we 'll have the secret together , " begged jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 tell 0.46202522503732446 1 come 4 tell 1.4679600154257386 1 come 2 on 0.7297754551690616 1 come 3 , 0.5595694060600103 4 tell 14 secret 2.9163129713912497 4 tell 6 me 3.3262481576645637 5 just 6 me 0.36149936396014226 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 8 and 9 then 1.5029676557109006 9 then 11 'll 1.1244959029854051 10 we 11 'll 3.0627553084831955 11 'll 14 secret 0.9997338285257626 11 'll 12 have 2.203619027571918 13 the 14 secret 0.4911644715710679 14 secret 20 skunk 3.824068060209033 14 secret 18 begged 3.3592744722325385 15 together 18 begged 2.265897794852819 16 , 18 begged 0.8362685047434582 16 , 17 " 0.6466805192388225 19 jimmy 20 skunk 9.859461590276863 20 skunk 21 . 0.71694841771642 now johnny chuck was so tickled with his secret that it seemed as if he must share it with some one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 6 tickled 1.0147158091865585 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 6 tickled 4.3885013093613345 4 was 5 so 1.1056037364281295 5 so 6 tickled 1.958589354003852 6 tickled 9 secret 4.9804433088109725 6 tickled 12 seemed 3.3162658453567175 6 tickled 8 his 1.8096649950820627 6 tickled 10 that 1.362403183223151 7 with 8 his 1.244921475065187 11 it 12 seemed 2.468318931699436 12 seemed 17 share 2.3706059223968445 12 seemed 14 if 2.2408642968951042 13 as 14 if 2.776143507537343 14 if 15 he 1.1794500942947774 16 must 17 share 1.8978340859485137 17 share 20 some 2.5313254905505573 17 share 19 with 2.524733205489987 17 share 18 it 1.5399026624093786 17 share 22 . 0.7084174576907927 20 some 21 one 2.3794051377540804 he just couldn't keep it to himself any longer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 3 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 just 3 couldn't 2.1993994038943327 3 couldn't 4 keep 3.0338499555278347 4 keep 9 longer 3.950723989380112 4 keep 7 himself 1.345119731717812 4 keep 5 it 0.8700928337388234 6 to 7 himself 1.482267600052099 8 any 9 longer 4.889597724423222 9 longer 10 . 1.066691386712451 " you won't tell any one ? " said johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 you 1.0774489925638644 2 you 7 ? 2.030471363856357 2 you 3 won't 1.9393029815611484 3 won't 5 any 3.329618271006801 3 won't 4 tell 2.3789485892222046 5 any 6 one 2.8382893103071787 7 ? 10 johnny 1.452400950196786 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 7 ? 9 said 2.446556662798379 10 johnny 11 chuck 9.449430308003667 11 chuck 12 . 0.47262126972613316 jimmy skunk promised that he wouldn't tell a soul . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 3 promised 3.4038670711602315 2 skunk 10 . 0.71694841771642 3 promised 6 wouldn't 4.362165692202577 3 promised 7 tell 2.913504471142847 3 promised 9 soul 1.8448257534937689 3 promised 4 that 1.6310762970009662 5 he 6 wouldn't 0.9014017043830513 8 a 9 soul 1.2342374450971185 " cross your heart , " commanded johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 commanded 1.7612640275317304 2 cross 7 commanded 4.670155003760119 2 cross 4 heart 3.3672959742070745 3 your 4 heart 2.201579441651514 5 , 7 commanded 1.2593211089672955 6 " 7 commanded 1.7612640275317304 7 commanded 8 johnny 3.4985839418994473 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 9 chuck 10 . 0.47262126972613316 jimmy skunk crossed his heart . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 3 crossed 4.149899366786588 2 skunk 6 . 0.71694841771642 3 crossed 4 his 1.99672434330623 4 his 5 heart 2.605816243874184 then johnny chuck looked this way and looked that way to be sure that no one was listening . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 no 0.9187691539522387 1 then 2 johnny 1.4934044618882076 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 8 looked 2.787461187140334 3 chuck 4 looked 2.787461187140334 4 looked 6 way 2.010807096942134 5 this 6 way 2.4795023497949593 7 and 8 looked 1.4092917379590961 8 looked 10 way 2.010807096942134 9 that 10 way 1.4644069919852818 11 to 12 be 1.7155747074306849 12 be 13 sure 3.347040778220114 13 sure 15 no 1.3564760813178083 13 sure 14 that 2.1122608601934836 15 no 16 one 2.611222192281094 15 no 18 listening 1.1394891602604993 17 was 18 listening 1.8553126568201463 18 listening 19 . 0.4386589597343544 finally he whispered in jimmy skunk 's ear : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 whispered 1.9541611419401725 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 whispered 8 ear 7.893223285498728 3 whispered 9 : 3.5654213289736205 4 in 8 ear 2.4203582094879508 5 jimmy 6 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 skunk 8 ear 4.552445921882235 7 's 8 ear 1.864758060171365 " i 've got a new home under the old apple tree in a corner of the green meadows , " said johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 've 3.1337529080802184 3 've 4 got 5.105503628624941 4 got 7 home 2.7030098167064445 5 a 6 new 1.8220066865668834 6 new 7 home 3.130246650841247 7 home 8 under 2.015878412775667 8 under 11 apple 4.314301634492203 9 the 11 apple 1.6337775310423908 10 old 11 apple 2.1015615123728857 11 apple 15 corner 4.7855976601988 11 apple 12 tree 6.714913967132102 13 in 15 corner 3.102377813442544 14 a 15 corner 1.9581582422251351 15 corner 19 meadows 3.358764281413091 15 corner 16 of 2.2026780321084978 17 the 19 meadows 2.3225225762090123 18 green 19 meadows 8.640219315758674 19 meadows 23 johnny 3.87737091490893 19 meadows 25 . 1.0373533873754468 20 , 22 said 1.3498770263619093 21 " 22 said 2.1846753891302146 22 said 23 johnny 1.3439035190476076 23 johnny 24 chuck 9.449430308003667 of course jimmy skunk was very much surprised and very much interested , so johnny chuck told him all about it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 15 johnny 1.8037084736636508 3 jimmy 4 skunk 9.859461590276863 4 skunk 8 surprised 3.9509952983725114 4 skunk 15 johnny 3.659999063037038 5 was 8 surprised 2.3914721453278993 6 very 7 much 3.446378250176915 7 much 8 surprised 4.376659874311098 8 surprised 12 interested 4.921095622999591 9 and 12 interested 0.7191103465235642 10 very 11 much 3.446378250176915 11 much 12 interested 4.261967552980643 13 , 15 johnny 0.2375115064472162 14 so 15 johnny 1.0234380442044113 15 johnny 16 chuck 9.449430308003667 16 chuck 20 about 1.161353791297966 17 told 20 about 2.642112335062091 17 told 18 him 2.7984624222692833 19 all 20 about 2.2762306191684267 20 about 21 it 1.8539463948922297 20 about 22 . 0.5409639965781246 " i 'll remember , " said jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 4 remember 2.4295667968936883 4 remember 8 jimmy 1.9960033782192816 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 8 jimmy 1.5676032354122391 8 jimmy 9 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 skunk 10 . 0.71694841771642 " and don't tell ! " called johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 3 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 and 3 don't -0.2099507541351766 3 don't 4 tell 1.633923318936855 4 tell 8 johnny 1.1339758694637396 5 ! 8 johnny 2.153495320183165 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 7 called 8 johnny 2.9329206237821914 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 9 chuck 10 . 0.47262126972613316 jimmy skunk promised that he wouldn't tell . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 3 promised 3.4038670711602315 2 skunk 8 . 0.71694841771642 3 promised 6 wouldn't 4.362165692202577 3 promised 7 tell 2.913504471142847 3 promised 4 that 1.6310762970009662 5 he 6 wouldn't 0.9014017043830513 " hello , jimmy skunk , " said peter rabbit , " can't you see where you are going ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 5 skunk 6.299266994704649 2 hello 10 rabbit 6.120242807654659 2 hello 8 said 2.8484430143974784 2 hello 12 " 2.3286350000981066 2 hello 7 " 2.3286350000981066 2 hello 11 , 1.762694385760966 2 hello 6 , 1.762694385760966 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 jimmy 5 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 12 " 13 can't 1.3764571246724575 13 can't 15 see 1.8964903657708234 13 can't 17 you 1.234082716386526 14 you 15 see 1.9987475929001217 16 where 17 you 1.2934156250347897 17 you 18 are 2.3430401060570176 18 are 19 going 3.5231405744075577 18 are 20 ? 2.0466557629143356 it must be you have something on your mind ; what is it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 must 0.7720167276273937 1 it 2 must 0.771276959034271 2 must 3 be 3.278854510632158 4 you 14 ? 2.030471363856357 4 you 8 your 1.922261107156693 4 you 5 have 1.649567007707521 5 have 6 something 1.1888936248326551 7 on 8 your 0.7088654477065539 8 your 9 mind 2.320254199054297 9 mind 10 ; 1.2824005319237415 11 what 14 ? 2.8239428283003427 11 what 12 is 2.2160747713273903 11 what 13 it 0.7873099891421482 14 ? 15 " 3.328347337284576 " i was thinking of johnny chuck 's new home , " said jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 4 thinking 1.0236024689004175 3 was 4 thinking 1.8014333287982502 4 thinking 6 johnny 1.653445070886871 4 thinking 5 of 2.1855477543718678 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 chuck 15 skunk 3.6073892900669797 7 chuck 9 new 3.239065683451976 7 chuck 8 's 1.7450084190127697 9 new 10 home 3.130246650841247 11 , 13 said 1.3498770263619093 12 " 13 said 2.1846753891302146 13 said 14 jimmy 1.5676032354122391 14 jimmy 15 skunk 9.859461590276863 15 skunk 16 . 0.71694841771642 " johnny chuck 's new home ! " exclaimed peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 johnny 0.9967643368445458 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 11 rabbit 3.5658686267669246 3 chuck 5 new 3.239065683451976 3 chuck 4 's 1.7450084190127697 5 new 6 home 3.130246650841247 7 ! 9 exclaimed 5.239162796733945 7 ! 8 " 2.8038844676111605 9 exclaimed 10 peter 2.962684614947861 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 rabbit 12 . 0.6126504281875942 " has johnny chuck got a new home ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 johnny 0.9967643368445458 1 " 2 has 0.5953889550343305 3 johnny 4 chuck 9.449430308003667 4 chuck 7 new 3.239065683451976 5 got 7 new 1.5295649720033282 6 a 7 new 1.8220066865668834 7 new 8 home 3.130246650841247 7 new 9 ? 0.5537868255320504 where is it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 1 where 4 ? 2.597488677762863 1 where 2 is 1.9567187397698582 3 it 4 ? 0.6084929794311567 4 ? 5 " 3.328347337284576 you see he hadn't really meant to tell . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 4 hadn't 1.3775087614994348 3 he 4 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 4 hadn't 6 meant 2.826812183684236 5 really 6 meant 3.257886450117912 6 meant 7 to 2.1397145875017056 6 meant 9 . 0.40544096948760355 7 to 8 tell 1.5183880022970992 it just slipped out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 just 0.7017321607109004 1 it 2 just 1.041628754004842 2 just 3 slipped 1.6445476915977189 3 slipped 4 out 3.4363748165072003 4 out 5 . 0.36696756247713225 " oh , but it 's a secret ! " cried jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 3 , 4 but 1.025230194614105 4 but 5 it 0.9702850820529818 5 it 6 's 1.695106683077423 6 's 8 secret 1.987309060043959 7 a 8 secret 1.8677598119351941 8 secret 13 skunk 3.824068060209033 9 ! 12 jimmy 2.1851762642548707 9 ! 11 cried 4.743957976292686 9 ! 10 " 2.8038844676111605 12 jimmy 13 skunk 9.859461590276863 13 skunk 14 . 0.71694841771642 " it 's a secret , and you mustn't tell . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 mustn't 1.2523499369032116 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 5 secret 1.987309060043959 4 a 5 secret 1.8677598119351941 5 secret 9 mustn't 4.958404304880286 6 , 9 mustn't 0.6728976511178608 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 you 9 mustn't 3.546806730600764 9 mustn't 10 tell 3.5982181177535857 10 tell 11 . -0.1143027473283098 i guess johnny chuck won't mind if you know , peter rabbit , but you mustn't tell any one else . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 guess 3.2191923235064674 2 guess 3 johnny 2.2399409942936366 3 johnny 4 chuck 9.449430308003667 4 chuck 12 rabbit 3.5658686267669246 5 won't 8 you 1.820994572862288 5 won't 6 mind 2.988381644273467 7 if 8 you 2.081684759546537 8 you 9 know 2.570776785774047 9 know 11 peter 0.7182859559274632 10 , 11 peter 0.5868727018224646 11 peter 12 rabbit 7.313713619688597 12 rabbit 16 mustn't 2.551587312406415 13 , 14 but 1.025230194614105 14 but 16 mustn't 1.6086153668525363 15 you 16 mustn't 3.546806730600764 16 mustn't 18 any 3.6801323328164344 16 mustn't 17 tell 3.5982181177535857 18 any 19 one 2.8382893103071787 19 one 20 else 3.2310886289661234 20 else 21 . 0.8723257841850689 21 . 22 " 4.467019939707924 peter rabbit promised he wouldn't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 wouldn't 0.7301704776895832 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 3 promised 2.7929549800004203 3 promised 5 wouldn't 4.362165692202577 4 he 5 wouldn't 0.9014017043830513 5 wouldn't 6 . -0.12479983190758404 now peter rabbit is very inquisitive , very inquisitive indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 9 inquisitive 2.708976952398526 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 9 inquisitive 6.629589824407692 4 is 9 inquisitive 2.685282323224829 5 very 9 inquisitive 5.318506599826264 6 inquisitive 9 inquisitive 11.960506702522313 7 , 9 inquisitive 0.5285077417826898 8 very 9 inquisitive 5.318506599826264 9 inquisitive 10 indeed 7.159247431559944 9 inquisitive 11 . 1.335415178209164 so as soon as he had parted from jimmy skunk he made up his mind that he must see the new home of johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 7 parted 1.927957735350187 2 as 3 soon 3.3233734415398537 3 soon 4 as 3.164312083826303 4 as 7 parted 2.376169510839297 5 he 6 had 1.735007688287725 6 had 7 parted 2.270139212866102 7 parted 10 skunk 4.657314515398664 7 parted 8 from 3.868355133891665 9 jimmy 10 skunk 9.859461590276863 10 skunk 24 johnny 3.659999063037038 10 skunk 14 his 1.2226482507546983 10 skunk 26 . 0.71694841771642 11 he 14 his 1.2727377188429507 12 made 14 his 1.0829222606319746 12 made 13 up 2.2594422043095825 14 his 15 mind 2.329082308747058 15 mind 16 that 1.2081380863268265 16 that 17 he 0.8325098574022061 18 must 22 home 1.3049342404982944 18 must 19 see 1.495587875952456 20 the 21 new 0.4970130884489503 21 new 22 home 3.130246650841247 22 home 24 johnny 1.404319624577056 23 of 24 johnny 0.5624405461463837 24 johnny 25 chuck 9.449430308003667 so off he started as fast as he could go towards the old apple tree in a corner of the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 4 started 1.695039055069298 2 off 4 started 3.130687379975928 3 he 4 started 1.8718415916217772 4 started 11 towards 4.695331863026372 4 started 6 fast 5.196603497990555 5 as 6 fast 3.412219047117258 6 fast 9 could 4.67019871939473 6 fast 7 as 3.814423557372699 6 fast 10 go 3.002380685448827 8 he 9 could 1.799559825235125 11 towards 14 apple 3.7429891886792 11 towards 13 old 2.435388014549307 11 towards 12 the 1.8237628467174503 14 apple 18 corner 4.7855976601988 14 apple 15 tree 6.714913967132102 16 in 18 corner 3.102377813442544 17 a 18 corner 1.9581582422251351 18 corner 22 meadows 3.358764281413091 18 corner 19 of 2.2026780321084978 20 the 22 meadows 2.3225225762090123 21 green 22 meadows 8.640219315758674 22 meadows 23 . 1.0373533873754468 half way there he met reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 half -0.15445907648989987 1 half 2 way 2.6566207187151534 2 way 5 met 3.458373823079281 2 way 8 . 0.5851465906102735 2 way 3 there 0.2837473410997191 4 he 5 met 1.7609783239221386 5 met 7 fox 2.6289278698741185 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 " hello , peter rabbit ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 5 rabbit 6.120242807654659 2 hello 6 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 where are you going in such a hurry ? " asked reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 where 12 reddy 1.403185011738703 1 where 4 going 3.01769568752799 1 where 9 ? 2.597488677762863 2 are 4 going 3.5231405744075577 2 are 3 you 1.7434690636892594 4 going 8 hurry 2.483001260228523 5 in 8 hurry 3.2961920336069177 6 such 8 hurry 4.695728237691409 6 such 7 a 2.6388379146949603 9 ? 11 asked 5.562665578900452 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 12 reddy 13 fox 7.973188175503683 13 fox 14 . 0.44635491133374394 then of a sudden he remembered and clapped both hands over his mouth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 8 clapped 2.6689234798037482 2 of 4 sudden 1.8739841588859427 3 a 4 sudden 2.9382555110401967 4 sudden 8 clapped 5.28405984000301 5 he 6 remembered 2.6713453634690367 6 remembered 8 clapped 5.039823029623346 7 and 8 clapped 1.2345632527419745 8 clapped 10 hands 8.232353856353857 8 clapped 13 mouth 6.178185512760198 8 clapped 9 both 5.934583803495602 8 clapped 11 over 3.4365106674338257 12 his 13 mouth 3.591456806912234 13 mouth 14 . 0.8007472376153792 " oh , but it 's a secret , reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 3 , 4 but 1.025230194614105 4 but 5 it 0.9702850820529818 5 it 6 's 1.695106683077423 6 's 8 secret 1.987309060043959 7 a 8 secret 1.8677598119351941 8 secret 10 reddy 1.8334667582112871 8 secret 9 , 0.493946328732779 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 11 fox 12 . 0.44635491133374394 it 's a secret , and you mustn't tell ! " cried peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 mustn't 0.612702576967088 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 2 's 4 secret 1.987309060043959 3 a 4 secret 1.8677598119351941 4 secret 8 mustn't 4.958404304880286 5 , 8 mustn't 0.6728976511178608 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 you 8 mustn't 3.546806730600764 8 mustn't 14 rabbit 2.134181998612533 8 mustn't 9 tell 3.5982181177535857 10 ! 12 cried 4.743957976292686 10 ! 11 " 2.8038844676111605 12 cried 13 peter 2.189248545572841 13 peter 14 rabbit 7.313713619688597 14 rabbit 15 . 0.6126504281875942 so when reddy fox left peter rabbit he grinned a wicked grin and hurried off to find bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 grinned 0.9422031300531373 1 so 3 reddy 0.8761751932476365 1 so 2 when 0.5463466677030375 3 reddy 9 grinned 5.6516272946614485 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 5 left 9 grinned 1.6121433863012022 6 peter 9 grinned 4.142957832338901 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 he 9 grinned 1.4684329077345275 9 grinned 12 grin 7.4400669922879175 10 a 12 grin 2.48266172089005 11 wicked 12 grin 7.210585146165148 12 grin 18 bobby 6.294815485485341 12 grin 14 hurried 5.454179283881647 12 grin 17 find 2.581220402261369 12 grin 20 . 1.5181150688771297 13 and 14 hurried 1.447672192649577 14 hurried 15 off 3.6831708646125314 14 hurried 16 to 2.090367162284622 18 bobby 19 coon 11.609228375483951 he met him on his way to the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 met 1.7609783239221386 2 met 6 way 1.2436169987885108 2 met 3 him 2.3386153977348876 4 on 6 way 1.9347840202703672 5 his 6 way 1.6706417274649592 6 way 10 brook 1.9366439471360373 6 way 7 to 0.7868648171799144 6 way 11 . 0.5851465906102735 8 the 10 brook 2.4170322032995006 9 laughing 10 brook 9.342696177760082 reddy fox told bobby coon all about johnny chuck 's secret and then hurried away after peter rabbit , for reddy fox also is very inquisitive . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 4 bobby 4.832633127917358 3 told 4 bobby 2.067307364072768 4 bobby 5 coon 11.609228375483951 5 coon 21 reddy 4.09217387281014 5 coon 8 johnny 3.485792388454076 5 coon 7 about 1.3513374571766228 6 all 7 about 2.2762306191684267 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 8 johnny 11 secret 4.319990608505552 8 johnny 14 hurried 3.262019063964612 8 johnny 18 rabbit 3.186225034023277 10 's 11 secret 1.987309060043959 12 and 13 then 1.5029676557109006 13 then 14 hurried 3.061650817357499 14 hurried 15 away 3.5955604406255404 14 hurried 16 after 2.750255191317727 17 peter 18 rabbit 7.313713619688597 19 , 21 reddy 0.12430947486530819 20 for 21 reddy 0.5967320476166549 21 reddy 22 fox 7.973188175503683 22 fox 26 inquisitive 5.210704300842256 23 also 26 inquisitive 6.024104324797243 24 is 26 inquisitive 2.685282323224829 25 very 26 inquisitive 5.318506599826264 26 inquisitive 27 . 1.335415178209164 bobby coon went on down to the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 2 coon 8 laughing 3.801036170036223 3 went 5 down 2.599041916086861 3 went 4 on 2.675890224316948 5 down 8 laughing 2.752667965328669 5 down 7 the 1.3427081020625824 5 down 6 to 0.7749638081138475 8 laughing 9 brook 9.342696177760082 8 laughing 10 . 1.019074147246691 pretty soon billy mink met little joe otter and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 told 0.41378043094173833 1 pretty 8 otter 1.3824994227576113 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 3 billy 4 mink 9.260717032646737 4 mink 8 otter 8.457097998736234 5 met 8 otter 3.9065184920407425 6 little 8 otter 5.892167388174904 7 joe 8 otter 10.28726033754742 8 otter 10 told 1.7464912111114579 8 otter 9 and 1.0554294548947105 10 told 11 him 2.7984624222692833 11 him 12 . 0.8676779267655075 then little joe otter met jerry muskrat and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 7 muskrat 1.7526205598578848 2 little 4 otter 5.892167388174904 3 joe 4 otter 10.28726033754742 4 otter 7 muskrat 7.748270896222024 4 otter 5 met 2.522234646397475 6 jerry 7 muskrat 10.20890526194098 7 muskrat 9 told 2.8529132702476154 7 muskrat 8 and 0.6988795376883203 9 told 10 him 2.7984624222692833 10 him 11 . 0.8676779267655075 jerry muskrat saw blacky the crow and told him , and great-grandfather frog heard him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jerry 0.5434911091232415 1 jerry 2 muskrat 10.20890526194098 2 muskrat 13 frog 4.083935186964151 2 muskrat 3 saw 2.183012708560188 2 muskrat 15 him 0.9035739123221305 4 blacky 6 crow 9.126376991927202 5 the 6 crow 1.9503846722445246 6 crow 12 great-grandfather 6.411941638472435 7 and 8 told 0.6852295993259059 8 told 12 great-grandfather 3.283107108098786 8 told 9 him 2.7984624222692833 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 11 and 12 great-grandfather 0.6133372080340465 12 great-grandfather 13 frog 8.973671061533597 14 heard 15 him 1.5150684611992844 15 him 16 . 0.8676779267655075 blacky the crow met his first cousin , sammy jay , and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 blacky 0.8974092708067118 1 blacky 3 crow 9.126376991927202 2 the 3 crow 1.9503846722445246 3 crow 10 jay 5.368034833775223 3 crow 13 told 1.9224400001815418 4 met 7 cousin 2.9189854494744587 5 his 7 cousin 2.3925086402507887 6 first 7 cousin 2.173273680783531 7 cousin 10 jay 4.439918940048994 7 cousin 8 , 1.0968581528652415 9 sammy 10 jay 9.77475508855667 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 12 and 13 told 0.6852295993259059 13 told 14 him 2.7984624222692833 14 him 15 . 0.8676779267655075 sammy jay met happy jack squirrel and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 6 squirrel 2.721803423094581 2 jay 3 met 2.3523096449551595 4 happy 5 jack 8.066809588263567 5 jack 6 squirrel 7.731008113990729 6 squirrel 8 told 3.063618319735003 6 squirrel 7 and 0.8376347452966897 8 told 9 him 2.7984624222692833 9 him 10 . 0.8676779267655075 happy jack met his cousin , striped chipmunk , and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jack 0.5976742697699926 1 happy 2 jack 8.066809588263567 2 jack 7 striped 4.496658004217522 3 met 7 striped 4.286133937108758 4 his 5 cousin 2.3925086402507887 5 cousin 7 striped 3.7796803280236766 5 cousin 6 , 1.0968581528652415 7 striped 8 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 8 chipmunk 11 told 2.951709542548439 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 10 and 11 told 0.6852295993259059 11 told 12 him 2.7984624222692833 12 him 13 . 0.8676779267655075 striped chipmunk passed the house of old mr toad and told him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 11 told 2.951709542548439 2 chipmunk 3 passed 2.200301468149153 3 passed 9 toad 2.1124602250492863 3 passed 5 house 1.4377232672992797 3 passed 10 and 0.9218810456426638 4 the 5 house 1.6730874440715393 6 of 7 old 0.7077538212180805 7 old 9 toad 5.805182115852514 8 mr 9 toad 7.152496199001803 11 told 12 him 2.7984624222692833 12 him 13 . 0.8676779267655075 he had hardly begun to dig when he heard some one cough right behind him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 4 begun 3.9267395876759146 3 hardly 4 begun 5.98577346113273 4 begun 6 dig 5.898400584963909 5 to 6 dig 2.4833113596490826 6 dig 12 cough 8.09022419012664 7 when 9 heard 2.7253037340176967 7 when 8 he 1.8647931372101283 9 heard 12 cough 3.207955080022195 10 some 12 cough 2.3680590091642806 10 some 11 one 2.3794051377540804 12 cough 14 behind 4.48766922099027 12 cough 13 right 3.2865204642911046 14 behind 15 him 2.8641928425765464 15 him 16 . 0.8676779267655075 " what a splendid new home you have , johnny chuck ! " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 johnny 0.9967643368445458 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 3 a 4 splendid 2.1749986712169296 4 splendid 5 new 2.573210945094626 5 new 6 home 3.130246650841247 6 home 10 johnny 1.404319624577056 6 home 9 , 0.24233738065074206 7 you 9 , 0.09993708362850562 7 you 8 have 1.649567007707521 10 johnny 11 chuck 9.449430308003667 11 chuck 16 rabbit 3.5658686267669246 12 ! 16 rabbit 2.0898691586111404 12 ! 13 " 2.8038844676111605 12 ! 14 said 2.5827010162001933 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 16 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 " y e s , " said johnny chuck , slowly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 y 1.1314414337879661 1 " 2 y 2.6848098825018702 2 y 4 s 6.766702111251831 3 e 4 s 11.945291973821266 4 s 8 johnny 4.228226195259797 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 8 johnny 1.3439035190476076 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 9 chuck 11 slowly 2.4079816896036768 10 , 11 slowly 0.6610819008706699 11 slowly 12 . 0.5221407786434042 " it 's a secret , " he added suddenly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 added 2.0882997508170114 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 5 secret 1.987309060043959 4 a 5 secret 1.8677598119351941 5 secret 9 added 1.911711069432247 6 , 9 added 1.3772702068808798 7 " 9 added 2.0882997508170114 8 he 9 added 1.7383802878564332 9 added 10 suddenly 2.944918196425075 9 added 11 . 0.401099134798411 " you won't tell , will you , peter rabbit ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 peter 1.2707344244317174 1 " 3 won't 1.4406339729203133 2 you 3 won't 1.9393029815611484 3 won't 4 tell 2.3789485892222046 4 tell 7 you 2.6545447083109686 5 , 6 will 0.4203778412878201 6 will 7 you 1.8704957056331537 8 , 9 peter 0.5868727018224646 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 ? 12 " 3.328347337284576 peter rabbit promised that he wouldn't tell . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 3 promised 2.7929549800004203 2 rabbit 8 . 0.6126504281875942 3 promised 6 wouldn't 4.362165692202577 3 promised 7 tell 2.913504471142847 3 promised 4 that 1.6310762970009662 5 he 6 wouldn't 0.9014017043830513 then johnny chuck felt better and went back to work as soon as peter rabbit left . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 johnny 1.4934044618882076 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 15 rabbit 3.5658686267669246 3 chuck 4 felt 2.1763172019415826 4 felt 5 better 2.6525396888620776 6 and 7 went 1.3318517527892624 7 went 10 work 2.5109942377996006 7 went 8 back 2.789307824099133 7 went 9 to 1.73022000487234 10 work 15 rabbit 1.5676792652112148 11 as 12 soon 3.3233734415398537 12 soon 15 rabbit 1.9854441688434825 12 soon 13 as 3.164312083826303 14 peter 15 rabbit 7.313713619688597 15 rabbit 16 left 1.390972783553142 15 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 he had hardly begun , however , when some one just above him said : " good morning , johnny chuck . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 4 begun 3.9267395876759146 3 hardly 4 begun 5.98577346113273 4 begun 9 some 1.3766442011714553 4 begun 6 however 3.6899089804437217 4 begun 8 when 1.7141855162624147 5 , 6 however 1.6172276584143823 6 however 7 , 1.63004527252048 9 some 10 one 2.3794051377540804 10 one 18 morning 2.3068718290537085 11 just 12 above 2.784725349645978 12 above 18 morning 0.6890261662892065 12 above 15 : 1.1140630108720053 13 him 15 : 1.277502368298812 14 said 15 : 3.134329440952296 15 : 16 " 0.967745330980156 17 good 18 morning 3.609875610050441 18 morning 21 chuck 2.6091415199703363 18 morning 19 , 0.5531902047009183 20 johnny 21 chuck 9.449430308003667 21 chuck 22 . 0.47262126972613316 22 . 23 " 4.467019939707924 johnny chuck looked up and there in the old apple tree sat blacky the crow and his cousin , sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 there 0.9622068167745255 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 3 looked 2.787461187140334 3 looked 4 up 2.456793580534695 4 up 5 and 1.0590043195670393 6 there 7 in 1.2371193259066793 7 in 8 the 1.1613034400066837 8 the 15 crow 1.9503846722445246 9 old 15 crow 2.705266764299285 10 apple 15 crow 4.134890654257344 10 apple 11 tree 6.714913967132102 10 apple 12 sat 2.1602930006840886 13 blacky 15 crow 9.126376991927202 14 the 15 crow 1.9503846722445246 15 crow 21 jay 5.368034833775223 15 crow 16 and 0.6178465910468631 15 crow 22 . 0.6089192767019185 17 his 18 cousin 2.3925086402507887 18 cousin 21 jay 4.439918940048994 18 cousin 19 , 1.0968581528652415 20 sammy 21 jay 9.77475508855667 it seemed as if all the little meadow people were there , all but jimmy skunk , who wisely stayed away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 2 seemed 2.468318931699436 2 seemed 4 if 2.2408642968951042 3 as 4 if 2.776143507537343 4 if 20 stayed 2.1480728985467366 4 if 10 were 2.560882710427512 5 all 8 meadow 1.808649536365781 6 the 8 meadow 0.9218210929777548 7 little 8 meadow 3.274027574696074 8 meadow 9 people 4.986993675017036 9 people 10 were 2.0049207736828905 10 were 13 all 1.27279950875087 10 were 11 there 0.5466361158201174 10 were 12 , -0.019681165927636357 14 but 19 wisely 2.3808094493297247 15 jimmy 16 skunk 9.859461590276863 16 skunk 19 wisely 5.519655986764565 17 , 18 who 0.7573564620449389 18 who 19 wisely 3.2217945263267147 19 wisely 20 stayed 7.046021905758284 20 stayed 21 away 2.46262160880741 21 away 22 . 0.6607964685513892 " it 's so nicely hidden away , it 's really quite secret , " said reddy fox , grinning wickedly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 2 it 5 nicely 1.3295979707438654 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 4 so 5 nicely 3.220739484578033 5 nicely 8 , 0.9740738143749965 5 nicely 6 hidden 5.980481402283569 6 hidden 7 away 3.689536588834553 8 , 16 said 1.3498770263619093 9 it 10 's 1.695106683077423 10 's 13 secret 1.987309060043959 11 really 13 secret 1.1191769264602591 11 really 12 quite 2.2104159092783817 13 secret 14 , 0.493946328732779 14 , 16 said 1.3498770263619093 15 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 16 said 21 wickedly 3.6849404368826733 17 reddy 18 fox 7.973188175503683 18 fox 20 grinning 5.639162315883421 19 , 20 grinning 1.5012862730476648 20 grinning 21 wickedly 11.136078267105763 21 wickedly 22 . 1.8093463665415754 just then up raced the merry little breezes and one of them had a message for johnny chuck from great-grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 2 then 4 raced 2.9033887334407673 3 up 4 raced 1.9955347636065888 4 raced 8 breezes 6.646535331463284 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 17 johnny 4.4687916484332355 8 breezes 11 of 1.151719234166002 8 breezes 13 had 0.8236496659491372 8 breezes 9 and 0.436132779157024 10 one 11 of 1.5254413726359868 11 of 12 them 1.260850870246946 14 a 15 message 2.0238557741270604 15 message 17 johnny 3.389048989594855 15 message 16 for 1.0626315617390425 17 johnny 18 chuck 9.449430308003667 18 chuck 20 great-grandfather 5.113136101616821 19 from 20 great-grandfather 1.8436245388071164 20 great-grandfather 21 frog 8.973671061533597 21 frog 22 . 0.622092755808108 it was this : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 this 0.5823537722224774 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 this 4 : 0.8842215383988936 " whisper a secret to a friend and you shout it in the ear of the whole world . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 whisper 0.6409152248208656 2 whisper 14 ear 6.981510306433368 3 a 10 shout 2.4676748365336962 4 secret 10 shout 6.914777372480028 5 to 10 shout 1.4614347803744714 6 a 10 shout 2.4676748365336962 7 friend 10 shout 5.7320264616705465 8 and 10 shout 1.1982997087552043 9 you 10 shout 0.4424838665129549 10 shout 14 ear 7.694719777346965 10 shout 11 it 1.3757658133284743 12 in 14 ear 2.4203582094879508 12 in 13 the 1.1613034400066837 14 ear 17 whole 4.149356820412397 14 ear 19 . 1.1442135171364356 15 of 16 the 0.8205289458717022 16 the 17 whole 1.9588420429725506 17 whole 18 world 4.783243963780389 19 . 20 " 4.467019939707924 after every one had admired the new home , they said good-bye and scattered over the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.3077840665866276 1 after 5 admired 2.845465220524293 2 every 5 admired 3.6785444872815667 2 every 3 one 3.4259854658400464 4 had 5 admired 2.820167923477868 5 admired 19 . 0.5154326478238112 6 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 7 new 8 home 3.130246650841247 8 home 12 good-bye 2.2263771555308587 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 9 , 10 they 0.35322827803727463 11 said 12 good-bye 1.8033909706166966 12 good-bye 14 scattered 5.817503381624995 13 and 14 scattered 0.9373597069295379 14 scattered 18 meadows 5.293669253191208 14 scattered 15 over 4.244743835723511 16 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 17 green 18 meadows 8.640219315758674 18 meadows 19 . 1.0373533873754468 then johnny chuck began to dig again , but this time he wasn't making his new back door . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 johnny 1.4934044618882076 1 then 17 back 1.542707936610352 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 johnny 6 dig 4.94625370822574 2 johnny 16 new 2.8594220907083283 4 began 6 dig 6.1788659718800645 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 dig 7 again 2.276243882900612 6 dig 10 this 1.7632272017960169 7 again 8 , 0.6146340944376139 8 , 9 but 1.025230194614105 10 this 11 time 3.0116306928359418 12 he 13 wasn't 1.3903439915188436 13 wasn't 14 making 1.7446946550306883 14 making 16 new 2.930326983448399 15 his 16 new 1.0154960323146796 17 back 18 door 2.291145477100219 18 door 19 . 0.8163859776636695 no indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 indeed 2.9042839274692227 2 indeed 3 ! 2.602606498852314 johnny chuck was digging at that new mound of yellow gravel of which he had been so proud . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 4 digging 5.907259576609878 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 was 4 digging 0.9961507916918535 4 digging 8 mound 9.980684584459933 4 digging 7 new 5.309455011343378 4 digging 5 at 2.716275024690475 4 digging 19 . 0.6249217954041484 4 digging 6 that 0.05244773000186598 8 mound 11 gravel 13.49583843551886 8 mound 13 which 4.940734529069552 8 mound 12 of 2.6483038512207635 9 of 11 gravel 3.6347964950065155 10 yellow 11 gravel 10.423210635431463 13 which 15 had 2.1539023067868133 14 he 15 had 1.735007688287725 15 had 16 been 3.8301500596883944 16 been 17 so 1.5694084371382306 17 so 18 proud 2.508243748861865 when he got through , there wasn't any new home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 got 2.484099070162685 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 3 got 10 home 2.7030098167064445 3 got 4 through 1.7273539144531007 3 got 8 any 1.5712714118971682 5 , 7 wasn't 0.41515265522965805 6 there 7 wasn't 2.9922778663227767 7 wasn't 8 any 2.8676288442419846 9 new 10 home 3.130246650841247 10 home 11 . 0.7569471749859744 and this time he didn't take his special hidden path , for johnny chuck didn't care who saw him go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.5823537722224774 1 and 2 this -0.2675953853971098 2 this 3 time 3.0116306928359418 3 time 18 saw 1.3418939306199853 4 he 5 didn't 2.0746164561717215 4 he 18 saw 1.9208684375913663 5 didn't 16 care 3.7887241726804 6 take 16 care 5.529768797484131 6 take 7 his 0.09576750539800827 8 special 13 johnny 4.316069544237749 8 special 9 hidden 6.218500491655568 8 special 10 path 4.9762085128814135 8 special 15 didn't 2.645414391205154 8 special 12 for 2.212044537718384 8 special 11 , 0.16146683067702483 13 johnny 14 chuck 9.449430308003667 15 didn't 16 care 3.7887241726804 17 who 18 saw 0.7729699196974984 18 saw 19 him 2.092896016269684 19 him 21 . 0.8676779267655075 19 him 20 go 0.706619844689726 " ' whisper a secret to a friend and you shout it in the ear of the whole world . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 whisper 0.6409152248208656 2 ' 3 whisper 0.37398912585396715 3 whisper 15 ear 6.981510306433368 4 a 11 shout 2.4676748365336962 5 secret 11 shout 6.914777372480028 6 to 11 shout 1.4614347803744714 7 a 11 shout 2.4676748365336962 8 friend 11 shout 5.7320264616705465 9 and 11 shout 1.1982997087552043 10 you 11 shout 0.4424838665129549 11 shout 15 ear 7.694719777346965 11 shout 12 it 1.3757658133284743 13 in 15 ear 2.4203582094879508 13 in 14 the 1.1613034400066837 15 ear 18 whole 4.149356820412397 15 ear 20 . 1.1442135171364356 16 of 17 the 0.8205289458717022 17 the 18 whole 1.9588420429725506 18 whole 19 world 4.783243963780389 20 . 21 ' 4.2885620435386205 now what did grandfather frog mean by that ? " thought johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 4 grandfather 1.134068116341286 1 now 2 what 1.3171413236138747 2 what 3 did 2.0434579104804538 4 grandfather 13 chuck 1.7036469580621763 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 6 mean 9 ? 2.5911492214924614 6 mean 7 by 2.373924226608164 6 mean 8 that 1.4274035398157707 9 ? 12 johnny 1.452400950196786 9 ? 10 " 3.328347337284576 10 " 11 thought 0.5891248278841186 12 johnny 13 chuck 9.449430308003667 13 chuck 14 . 0.47262126972613316 " now i didn't tell anybody but jimmy skunk and jimmy skunk didn't tell anyone but peter rabbit and and " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 3 i 1.4514945219088577 2 now 3 i 1.0002477511407122 3 i 4 didn't 1.741406486714947 4 didn't 6 anybody 3.152096287969428 4 didn't 5 tell 2.5576210273777242 6 anybody 12 skunk 3.6522435258512402 6 anybody 7 but 1.7738397274308575 6 anybody 21 " 0.4484123549516674 8 jimmy 9 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 skunk 10 and 0.4622809474903278 11 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 12 skunk 18 rabbit 4.434101472566137 12 skunk 15 anyone 3.1816082265139265 12 skunk 20 and 0.4622809474903278 12 skunk 19 and 0.4622809474903278 13 didn't 15 anyone 2.6325050403730472 14 tell 15 anyone 3.147438129270302 15 anyone 16 but 1.3791940169831953 17 peter 18 rabbit 7.313713619688597 then johnny chuck began to chuckle and finally to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 6 chuckle 2.790032565303008 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 johnny 6 chuckle 4.40543831118897 4 began 6 chuckle 5.5855831549491555 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 chuckle 8 finally 8.02955915148959 6 chuckle 10 laugh 5.449246010386574 6 chuckle 11 . 1.5076906666804746 7 and 8 finally 1.0580083676336542 9 to 10 laugh 1.432708002787571 " ' whisper a secret to a friend and you shout it in the ear of the whole world . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 whisper 0.6409152248208656 2 ' 3 whisper 0.37398912585396715 3 whisper 15 ear 6.981510306433368 4 a 11 shout 2.4676748365336962 5 secret 11 shout 6.914777372480028 6 to 11 shout 1.4614347803744714 7 a 11 shout 2.4676748365336962 8 friend 11 shout 5.7320264616705465 9 and 11 shout 1.1982997087552043 10 you 11 shout 0.4424838665129549 11 shout 15 ear 7.694719777346965 11 shout 12 it 1.3757658133284743 13 in 15 ear 2.4203582094879508 13 in 14 the 1.1613034400066837 15 ear 18 whole 4.149356820412397 15 ear 20 . 1.1442135171364356 16 of 17 the 0.8205289458717022 17 the 18 whole 1.9588420429725506 18 whole 19 world 4.783243963780389 20 . 21 ' 4.2885620435386205 and the next day johnny chuck started to make a new home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 johnny 0.7758904170947112 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 next 0.47718097766429857 1 and 2 the 0.25490521846622727 2 the 3 next 1.9282489224560901 3 next 4 day 5.296390411303532 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 chuck 7 started 3.803022915539419 6 chuck 11 new 3.239065683451976 8 to 9 make 1.9953753273403052 9 make 11 new 1.7056096914410759 10 a 11 new 1.8220066865668834 11 new 12 home 3.130246650841247 12 home 13 . 0.7569471749859744 where ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 where 0.1518504834578529 1 where 2 ? 2.597488677762863 oh , that 's johnny chuck 's secret . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 4 's 0.5013181032962173 1 oh 2 , 2.0324623708210936 3 that 4 's 1.1346800697624513 4 's 8 secret 1.987309060043959 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 johnny 8 secret 4.319990608505552 7 's 8 secret 1.987309060043959 8 secret 9 . 0.41131529256842114 and no one but jolly , round , red mr sun has found it out yet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 1 and 2 no 0.0463215459939228 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 4 but 16 yet 0.9170574438943113 5 jolly 11 sun 7.802391003369625 5 jolly 7 round 6.696861910350609 5 jolly 9 red 6.666665053003932 5 jolly 10 mr 5.42984718493695 5 jolly 8 , 1.1351122511020186 5 jolly 6 , 1.1351122511020186 11 sun 16 yet 1.7572118107595536 12 has 16 yet 1.8017810250925343 13 found 16 yet 0.891273782689229 13 found 15 out 2.765356169346063 13 found 14 it 1.0124929016473594 16 yet 17 . 0.2657621070527494 viii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 viii 2.515639075258626 johnny chuck's great fight 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chuck's 2.3825827936060335 1 johnny 2 chuck's 10.680398783329569 2 chuck's 4 fight 9.99395318561545 2 chuck's 3 great 7.265843146864579 johnny chuck sat on the doorstep of his new home , looking away across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 6 doorstep 6.354841998010102 2 chuck 9 new 3.239065683451976 2 chuck 17 meadows 2.9680561114959865 2 chuck 8 his 1.5992452154116883 3 sat 6 doorstep 5.61434759236365 4 on 6 doorstep 5.024792533582261 5 the 6 doorstep 1.45365358725493 7 of 8 his 0.6817939745436874 9 new 10 home 3.130246650841247 11 , 12 looking 1.0138687840852274 12 looking 14 across 2.4110829940961693 13 away 14 across 1.9552200484130076 14 across 17 meadows 6.60215897375376 15 the 17 meadows 2.3225225762090123 16 green 17 meadows 8.640219315758674 17 meadows 18 . 1.0373533873754468 johnny chuck felt very well satisfied with himself and with all the world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 6 satisfied 3.3249094919332727 3 felt 6 satisfied 3.228307990062916 4 very 5 well 3.082214088252625 5 well 6 satisfied 3.6197808649973418 6 satisfied 10 with 3.3116545352931688 6 satisfied 7 with 3.3116545352931688 6 satisfied 8 himself 2.2606097668997016 6 satisfied 13 world 1.26651163879216 6 satisfied 9 and 0.6487223862306237 11 all 13 world 2.4534925308137865 12 the 13 world 2.329264621664832 13 world 14 . 0.8011724350958733 he yawned lazily and stretched and stretched and then settled himself comfortably to watch the merry little breezes playing down by the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yawned 1.026334625534794 1 he 2 yawned 2.396237005174598 2 yawned 3 lazily 11.596946223516465 2 yawned 7 stretched 10.178937157706333 2 yawned 5 stretched 10.178937157706333 2 yawned 6 and 2.6637505954629574 2 yawned 4 and 2.6637505954629574 7 stretched 12 comfortably 5.984435892512668 7 stretched 9 then 2.406601026073716 8 and 9 then 1.5029676557109006 10 settled 12 comfortably 9.383219910792654 11 himself 12 comfortably 5.955292836175278 12 comfortably 18 breezes 5.533906476352378 12 comfortably 14 watch 4.787776406936427 13 to 14 watch 1.7837412161944606 15 the 18 breezes 2.2607610699772422 16 merry 18 breezes 10.012501010913478 17 little 18 breezes 6.02611847789149 18 breezes 19 playing 5.462848509067204 19 playing 24 pool 5.0663019791023665 20 down 24 pool 2.664603745114082 20 down 21 by 1.4786156478285406 22 the 24 pool 2.2980304314762776 23 smiling 24 pool 9.99688962068163 24 pool 25 . 1.0200253673142292 by and by he saw peter rabbit go bobbing along down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 9 bobbing 2.1786634393187008 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 9 bobbing 2.1786634393187008 4 he 5 saw 1.9208684375913663 5 saw 9 bobbing 5.293129005102752 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 7 rabbit 9 bobbing 5.929150106266594 8 go 9 bobbing 2.2367561790014783 9 bobbing 13 lone 7.673256059267686 9 bobbing 10 along 6.720589996056059 11 down 13 lone 5.664039199992068 12 the 13 lone 2.2115329445483454 13 lone 15 path 10.049187958238516 13 lone 14 little 5.709163689461587 15 path 16 . 0.8227668823038989 lipperty , lipperty , lip , went peter rabbit and every other jump he looked behind him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 lipperty 2.575227871548428 1 lipperty 3 lipperty 18.189325393018184 1 lipperty 2 , 2.8919774027059333 3 lipperty 5 lip 14.24681088767895 3 lipperty 9 rabbit 8.043074947132201 3 lipperty 7 went 6.989116431087709 3 lipperty 6 , 2.8919774027059333 3 lipperty 4 , 2.8919774027059333 8 peter 9 rabbit 7.313713619688597 9 rabbit 13 jump 3.360722973271738 9 rabbit 16 behind 1.9433487047664606 9 rabbit 15 looked 1.8648032756734985 10 and 11 every 0.7222767533094778 11 every 13 jump 3.295035070204495 11 every 12 other 1.8434540622338886 14 he 15 looked 1.645197537023618 16 behind 17 him 2.8641928425765464 17 him 18 . 0.8676779267655075 johnny chuck sat up a little straighter to watch peter rabbit hop down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 7 straighter 8.667724953294456 3 sat 7 straighter 7.342268046926851 4 up 7 straighter 5.957466722773066 5 a 7 straighter 2.299797663740243 6 little 7 straighter 4.9369925874185085 7 straighter 12 hop 12.36277690572727 7 straighter 9 watch 9.185807480909585 7 straighter 11 rabbit 8.043074947132201 7 straighter 8 to 1.9016265387981441 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 12 hop 15 lone 7.796404290040552 13 down 15 lone 5.664039199992068 14 the 15 lone 2.2115329445483454 15 lone 17 path 10.049187958238516 15 lone 16 little 5.709163689461587 17 path 18 . 0.8227668823038989 then of a sudden he caught sight of something that made him sit up straighter than ever and open his eyes very wide . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 a 0.10671757904543533 2 of 3 a 0.08933598203417148 3 a 15 straighter 2.299797663740243 3 a 4 sudden 2.9382555110401967 4 sudden 7 sight 2.629124433688304 5 he 6 caught 1.572354997483643 6 caught 7 sight 5.757263122301019 7 sight 8 of 2.369624264510133 9 something 15 straighter 6.906960884794319 10 that 15 straighter 3.0079110424029842 11 made 15 straighter 6.44218139483144 12 him 15 straighter 4.4738995811023194 13 sit 15 straighter 8.897003760216148 14 up 15 straighter 5.957466722773066 15 straighter 19 open 8.374342456591396 15 straighter 21 eyes 6.365958152971952 15 straighter 17 ever 6.350416946634557 15 straighter 16 than 6.013230178980315 15 straighter 20 his 3.558603230914347 15 straighter 18 and 1.6118228034190984 21 eyes 23 wide 5.181818376040631 21 eyes 24 . 0.8353789148017494 22 very 23 wide 2.8866608128608675 something was following peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 rabbit 0.36561536466501465 1 something 3 following 1.7023897405451187 2 was 3 following 1.0468705492997223 3 following 5 rabbit 2.9734014193253913 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 5 rabbit 6 . 0.6126504281875942 yes , sir , something was bobbing along right at peter rabbit 's heels . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 7 bobbing 4.384532632807979 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 something 7 bobbing 4.621558665932074 6 was 7 bobbing 1.5066078560493814 7 bobbing 9 right 4.350650801710824 7 bobbing 8 along 6.720589996056059 9 right 14 heels 4.885975966593737 10 at 14 heels 3.6921024610616797 11 peter 12 rabbit 7.313713619688597 12 rabbit 14 heels 5.251078201153959 12 rabbit 13 's 1.2675882446004785 14 heels 15 . 1.0601544700421108 johnny chuck forgot the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 5 merry 3.1227605205052207 2 chuck 3 forgot 3.0198668329622365 2 chuck 8 . 0.47262126972613316 4 the 5 merry 1.7667336024132325 5 merry 7 breezes 10.012501010913478 6 little 7 breezes 6.02611847789149 he forgot how warm it was and how lazy he felt . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 forgot 2.204162726464528 2 forgot 4 warm 2.087828402534175 2 forgot 3 how 1.976863135753156 4 warm 9 lazy 4.43881902764068 4 warm 7 and 1.3067193311730918 5 it 6 was 1.776593012608254 6 was 7 and 0.1709743980770302 8 how 9 lazy 1.2746641075138605 9 lazy 11 felt 2.5622083555609123 9 lazy 12 . 0.7504526774880098 10 he 11 felt 2.0830791199149683 he forgot everything else in his curiosity to learn what it could be following so closely at peter rabbit 's heels . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 forgot 2.204162726464528 2 forgot 6 his 1.749787351728461 2 forgot 3 everything 4.860497096344531 3 everything 4 else 5.0265340054395615 5 in 6 his 1.124025734450342 6 his 21 heels 3.8665723318016028 7 curiosity 9 learn 5.430408207889464 8 to 9 learn 2.037064260579804 9 learn 14 following 3.388564492624571 9 learn 10 what 1.6302766983258472 10 what 11 it 0.7873099891421482 12 could 14 following 0.8045860773057605 12 could 13 be 1.9342191241857787 14 following 16 closely 6.685023637574648 15 so 16 closely 1.710075365908768 16 closely 21 heels 6.9910338379259755 17 at 21 heels 3.6921024610616797 18 peter 19 rabbit 7.313713619688597 19 rabbit 21 heels 5.251078201153959 19 rabbit 20 's 1.2675882446004785 21 heels 22 . 1.0601544700421108 presently peter rabbit stopped and sat up very straight and then johnny chuck nearly tumbled over in sheer surprise ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 3 rabbit 2.4363613015009307 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 12 johnny 4.897083878432177 3 rabbit 4 stopped 3.6620113021000655 4 stopped 5 and 1.5546202918657617 6 sat 9 straight 3.7404972585191345 6 sat 7 up 2.528762666070712 8 very 9 straight 2.01790534613912 9 straight 12 johnny 3.5376535065780352 10 and 11 then 1.5029676557109006 11 then 12 johnny 1.4934044618882076 12 johnny 13 chuck 9.449430308003667 13 chuck 15 tumbled 5.087780527339927 13 chuck 20 ! 0.9402490487322339 14 nearly 15 tumbled 7.669382059643198 15 tumbled 18 sheer 7.521918125813315 15 tumbled 16 over 4.160346989656393 17 in 18 sheer 1.9278419575313954 18 sheer 19 surprise 6.247154558335161 he rubbed his eyes to make sure that he saw aright , for there were two peter rabbits ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 11 aright 2.554793192537712 2 rubbed 6 make 2.9485255222034645 2 rubbed 4 eyes 6.217314071616816 2 rubbed 3 his 3.937890705243987 5 to 6 make 1.9953753273403052 6 make 11 aright 4.5195591171683525 7 sure 11 aright 6.222388164542952 7 sure 8 that 2.1122608601934836 9 he 11 aright 2.554793192537712 10 saw 11 aright 5.133746381292109 11 aright 16 two 5.638668778892882 11 aright 15 were 2.932310537856676 11 aright 14 there 2.7898304930229827 11 aright 19 ! 2.4975086206635417 11 aright 13 for 1.4507020134176187 11 aright 12 , 0.4001243063762594 16 two 18 rabbits 4.664277474783283 17 peter 18 rabbits 4.031996551990218 yes , sir , there were two peter rabbits , only one was very small , very small indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 9 rabbits 4.568396825208165 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 there 9 rabbits 2.3918250796968543 6 were 9 rabbits 2.8900331423534276 7 two 9 rabbits 4.664277474783283 8 peter 9 rabbits 4.031996551990218 9 rabbits 18 small 5.913328247203381 9 rabbits 15 small 5.913328247203381 9 rabbits 11 only 3.5580168713512172 9 rabbits 16 , 0.815161805655098 9 rabbits 10 , 0.815161805655098 9 rabbits 20 . 0.7914244585443129 11 only 12 one 2.4713478234677257 13 was 14 very 1.8345067088627953 14 very 15 small 2.3694204011885915 17 very 18 small 2.3694204011885915 18 small 19 indeed 1.9914613408739612 " oh ! " said johnny chuck , " that must be peter rabbit 's baby brother ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 ! 3.081912208044674 2 oh 18 ! 3.081912208044674 3 ! 6 johnny 2.153495320183165 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 3 ! 5 said 2.5827010162001933 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 chuck 14 rabbit 3.5658686267669246 8 , 9 " 0.6466805192388225 9 " 13 peter 1.2707344244317174 9 " 11 must 0.8061104824398466 10 that 11 must 1.0355450326693543 11 must 12 be 3.278854510632158 13 peter 14 rabbit 7.313713619688597 14 rabbit 16 baby 2.6779813085099704 14 rabbit 15 's 1.2675882446004785 16 baby 17 brother 3.93437368732425 18 ! 19 " 2.8038844676111605 then he began to chuckle till his fat sides shook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 5 chuckle 2.790032565303008 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 began 5 chuckle 5.5855831549491555 3 began 4 to 2.775473939384737 5 chuckle 9 sides 6.9222461273469555 5 chuckle 11 . 1.5076906666804746 6 till 9 sides 3.843415592760646 7 his 9 sides 2.542426411664419 8 fat 9 sides 5.531225509186644 9 sides 10 shook 5.667810148969483 when peter rabbit wiggled his right ear , his baby brother wiggled his right ear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 4 wiggled 4.285318057346654 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 4 wiggled 7.79951482585 4 wiggled 7 ear 10.839491301560937 4 wiggled 15 ear 10.839491301560937 4 wiggled 6 right 7.225119919626966 4 wiggled 9 his 4.8216376367481395 4 wiggled 5 his 4.8216376367481395 7 ear 8 , 0.4760731596095553 10 baby 12 wiggled 8.981497599438281 11 brother 12 wiggled 8.35327503796012 12 wiggled 15 ear 10.839491301560937 12 wiggled 14 right 7.225119919626966 12 wiggled 13 his 4.8216376367481395 15 ear 16 . 1.1442135171364356 when peter rabbit scratched his left ear , his baby brother scratched his left ear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 scratched 0.8556158441324939 1 when 4 scratched 1.6271065745948583 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 4 scratched 4.55634084237705 4 scratched 7 ear 9.086131269144062 4 scratched 15 ear 9.086131269144062 4 scratched 6 left 5.746137207914433 4 scratched 9 his 4.376399899693599 4 scratched 5 his 4.376399899693599 7 ear 8 , 0.4760731596095553 10 baby 12 scratched 4.738323615965328 11 brother 12 scratched 4.1101010544871635 12 scratched 15 ear 9.086131269144062 12 scratched 14 left 5.746137207914433 12 scratched 13 his 4.376399899693599 15 ear 16 . 1.1442135171364356 whatever peter rabbit did , his baby brother did too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 did 0.8143886674719916 1 whatever 7 baby 2.4445200180595243 1 whatever 9 did 2.60840732018114 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 7 baby 2.6779813085099704 3 rabbit 6 his 0.9761475858037656 3 rabbit 4 did 0.578834204797797 5 , 6 his -0.09466148570743371 7 baby 8 brother 3.93437368732425 9 did 10 too -0.02121149635139119 10 too 11 . 0.7709753899674379 johnny chuck watched them out of sight , and then he settled himself on his doorstep once more to enjoy a sun bath . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 16 doorstep 6.354841998010102 3 watched 5 out 2.764223024449226 3 watched 4 them 2.2037622750772456 5 out 16 doorstep 2.5448856416486905 5 out 7 sight 4.4007149169268835 5 out 6 of 2.138624548858049 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 9 and 10 then 1.5029676557109006 10 then 12 settled 1.9111243822203718 10 then 11 he 1.6706771798870523 12 settled 16 doorstep 5.061059141920293 12 settled 13 himself 5.096577197407811 14 on 16 doorstep 5.024792533582261 15 his 16 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 16 doorstep 20 enjoy 5.470097023062298 16 doorstep 17 once 2.0159373809259513 16 doorstep 24 . 0.9535299555273262 17 once 18 more 4.326243222615789 19 to 20 enjoy 1.7787886956503698 20 enjoy 23 bath 6.3066743838936965 21 a 23 bath 2.333585977196524 22 sun 23 bath 7.30779448879537 every once in a while he chuckled to himself as he remembered how funny peter rabbit 's baby brother had looked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 1 every 5 while 2.2925426508557187 2 once 5 while 3.0232024829538666 3 in 4 a 0.8157855541154699 4 a 5 while 1.9353289888640361 5 while 21 looked 1.652703804876328 6 he 12 remembered 2.6713453634690367 7 chuckled 12 remembered 3.9729837076903216 7 chuckled 9 himself 5.214992966987069 7 chuckled 10 as 2.700682689917052 8 to 9 himself 1.482267600052099 11 he 12 remembered 2.6713453634690367 12 remembered 13 how 3.372055823635133 13 how 14 funny 2.7036504244136026 14 funny 15 peter 2.219513709988533 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 15 peter 21 looked 2.458385242202766 16 rabbit 18 baby 2.6779813085099704 16 rabbit 20 had 1.5631435842423826 16 rabbit 17 's 1.2675882446004785 18 baby 19 brother 3.93437368732425 21 looked 22 . 0.12286970113655649 presently johnny chuck fell asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 5 asleep 2.42085000408224 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 5 asleep 2.0909257107109376 4 fell 5 asleep 7.249570787287251 5 asleep 6 . 0.9536492013050442 jolly , round , red mr sun had climbed quite high in the sky when johnny chuck awoke . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jolly 0.29416458841051707 1 jolly 7 sun 7.802391003369625 1 jolly 3 round 6.696861910350609 1 jolly 5 red 6.666665053003932 1 jolly 6 mr 5.42984718493695 1 jolly 4 , 1.1351122511020186 1 jolly 2 , 1.1351122511020186 7 sun 18 awoke 5.202345190211641 7 sun 19 . 0.01814846069166265 8 had 9 climbed 1.048266463159532 9 climbed 14 sky 5.218181046308921 9 climbed 11 high 4.029467192727349 9 climbed 10 quite 0.8657779930812133 12 in 14 sky 2.050533287092712 13 the 14 sky 2.1976937071814078 14 sky 18 awoke 4.8829966416981705 15 when 18 awoke 4.706697083499325 16 johnny 17 chuck 9.449430308003667 17 chuck 18 awoke 5.0111014674458545 he yawned and stretched and stretched and yawned , and then he sat up to look over the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 yawned 1.026334625534794 1 he 8 yawned 2.396237005174598 2 yawned 4 stretched 10.178937157706333 2 yawned 6 stretched 10.178937157706333 2 yawned 8 yawned 9.893078317526491 2 yawned 7 and 2.6637505954629574 2 yawned 5 and 2.6637505954629574 2 yawned 3 and 2.6637505954629574 8 yawned 11 then 4.342899793990405 8 yawned 13 sat 3.6676725604527043 8 yawned 10 and 2.6637505954629574 8 yawned 12 he 1.8062282549548883 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 13 sat 14 up 2.528762666070712 13 sat 19 green 1.7002163539988722 15 to 16 look 1.4243381174913097 16 look 17 over 0.8313853029145086 17 over 19 green 2.5280801348568964 18 the 19 green 2.032029580366329 19 green 20 meadows 8.640219315758674 20 meadows 21 . 1.0373533873754468 then he became wide awake , very wide awake indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 9 awake 1.304697842411418 3 became 9 awake 4.89484224849399 4 wide 5 awake 8.78511517296699 4 wide 9 awake 8.78511517296699 5 awake 6 , 0.4942818002006035 7 very 8 wide 2.8866608128608675 8 wide 9 awake 8.78511517296699 9 awake 10 indeed 3.469948271024048 10 indeed 11 ! 2.602606498852314 way down on the green meadows he caught a glimpse of something red jumping about in the long meadow grass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 way -0.6355328012240751 1 way 6 meadows 1.9275163624124154 2 down 6 meadows 3.2776162099811614 3 on 6 meadows 3.790009740513195 4 the 6 meadows 2.3225225762090123 5 green 6 meadows 8.640219315758674 6 meadows 10 glimpse 5.054909100461121 6 meadows 21 . 1.0373533873754468 7 he 8 caught 1.572354997483643 8 caught 10 glimpse 7.80124081936162 9 a 10 glimpse 3.0774052424037954 10 glimpse 14 jumping 7.0068793087912375 10 glimpse 13 red 5.2503928980734536 10 glimpse 12 something 3.6456096486740073 10 glimpse 11 of 3.50863898618136 14 jumping 20 grass 5.109507307805831 14 jumping 15 about 2.7730611472516493 16 in 20 grass 1.5234517024520535 17 the 20 grass 1.9538873208121714 18 long 20 grass 3.1084922546148057 19 meadow 20 grass 4.898579332238146 " that must be reddy fox , " thought johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 johnny 0.9967643368445458 1 " 3 must 0.8061104824398466 2 that 3 must 1.0355450326693543 3 must 4 be 3.278854510632158 5 reddy 6 fox 7.973188175503683 6 fox 10 johnny 3.4237505708443727 7 , 8 " 0.6466805192388225 8 " 10 johnny 0.9967643368445458 8 " 9 thought 0.5891248278841186 10 johnny 11 chuck 9.449430308003667 11 chuck 12 . 0.47262126972613316 " yes , it surely is reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.326458955168958 1 " 2 yes 3.0386791389347074 2 yes 8 fox 1.3465485856765689 2 yes 3 , 2.0305121841239 2 yes 6 is 1.3156909829312369 4 it 6 is 1.9483860238870534 4 it 5 surely 1.0302744951886709 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 8 fox 9 . 0.44635491133374394 now i wonder what mischief he is up to . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wonder 1.2064680557237146 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 i 3 wonder 2.7669017106106626 3 wonder 5 mischief 2.020629610107907 3 wonder 4 what 3.533491113640469 5 mischief 10 . 0.93617638877706 5 mischief 7 is 1.3403617328926138 5 mischief 8 up 0.8902422412588642 6 he 7 is 0.5098148602186647 8 up 9 to 0.5990262771899992 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 then he saw all the merry little breezes racing towards reddy fox as fast as they could go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 3 saw 1.9208684375913663 3 saw 9 racing 4.463054006545068 4 all 8 breezes 2.1592524308908487 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 9 racing 8.688704785707223 9 racing 10 towards 6.104461654255967 9 racing 14 fast 5.605733289220151 9 racing 11 reddy 4.700983115485659 11 reddy 12 fox 7.973188175503683 13 as 14 fast 3.412219047117258 14 fast 17 could 4.67019871939473 14 fast 15 as 3.814423557372699 14 fast 18 go 3.002380685448827 14 fast 19 . 0.6245713857256554 15 as 16 they 1.6596826666793785 and there was sammy jay screaming at the top of his voice , and his cousin , blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 sammy 0.93438566972414 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 0.9622068167745255 1 and 2 there 0.3895672729911226 2 there 3 was 2.1014798704396025 4 sammy 5 jay 9.77475508855667 5 jay 6 screaming 7.800635365743911 5 jay 20 crow 5.235992849402351 6 screaming 9 top 7.741485732722204 7 at 9 top 3.5178086619381546 8 the 9 top 2.202480120385376 9 top 12 voice 4.480967510436432 9 top 10 of 3.327721226218433 11 his 12 voice 2.4241643054159248 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 14 and 15 his 0.5304961390963943 15 his 16 cousin 2.3925086402507887 16 cousin 20 crow 5.613108761691176 16 cousin 17 , 1.0968581528652415 18 blacky 20 crow 9.126376991927202 19 the 20 crow 1.9503846722445246 20 crow 21 . 0.6089192767019185 happy jack squirrel was dancing up and down excitedly on the branch of an old elm close by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jack 0.5976742697699926 1 happy 2 jack 8.066809588263567 2 jack 3 squirrel 7.731008113990729 3 squirrel 9 excitedly 7.054838908277734 3 squirrel 4 was 1.5532166746369995 5 dancing 9 excitedly 6.820853034954439 5 dancing 6 up 2.954018151692175 5 dancing 8 down 2.5522958642591114 6 up 7 and 1.0590043195670393 9 excitedly 12 branch 7.387313978740689 9 excitedly 19 . 1.344678099538129 10 on 12 branch 2.836833609309682 11 the 12 branch 1.725126281619655 12 branch 16 elm 9.880133286058285 13 of 16 elm 2.9467405013212584 14 an 16 elm 4.522514258837187 15 old 16 elm 4.009557198070592 16 elm 17 close 7.856379751995082 16 elm 18 by 4.227423570677185 johnny chuck waited to see no more , but started down the lone little path to find out what it all was about . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 13 lone 4.933015333068621 2 chuck 3 waited 1.7769540230492176 3 waited 5 see 2.1752829822407627 3 waited 6 no 1.96627371978758 3 waited 9 but 1.063371342807173 4 to 5 see 1.81043644982023 6 no 7 more 2.8961651179293586 8 , 9 but 1.025230194614105 10 started 13 lone 6.193043169976605 11 down 13 lone 5.664039199992068 12 the 13 lone 2.2115329445483454 13 lone 15 path 10.049187958238516 13 lone 14 little 5.709163689461587 15 path 17 find 1.7414823063529603 15 path 24 . 0.8227668823038989 16 to 17 find 1.7384908305919051 17 find 18 out 3.6523191703692017 17 find 20 it 1.1950992587511386 17 find 19 what 1.0195230984903425 17 find 23 about 0.8046336225031467 20 it 22 was 1.776593012608254 20 it 21 all 0.9413718508430762 half way down the lone little path he met peter rabbit running as hard as he could . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 half -0.15445907648989987 1 half 5 lone 3.491358416159297 1 half 2 way 2.6566207187151534 1 half 15 as 2.2759634969138105 3 down 5 lone 5.664039199992068 4 the 5 lone 2.2115329445483454 5 lone 7 path 10.049187958238516 5 lone 6 little 5.709163689461587 5 lone 11 rabbit 4.5781888984027965 5 lone 9 met 4.2861672881639485 8 he 9 met 1.7609783239221386 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 rabbit 12 running 2.6840376084300637 12 running 14 hard 2.7512513555027525 12 running 13 as 0.9400128351595818 15 as 17 could 2.2618002297096247 16 he 17 could 1.799559825235125 17 could 18 . 0.025782976260215307 " what are you running so for , peter rabbit ? " asked johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 johnny 0.9967643368445458 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 3 are 2.039426833607605 2 what 4 you 1.794682770860362 5 running 14 johnny 1.5376535065780423 6 so 14 johnny 1.0234380442044113 7 for 9 peter 0.24019433272654211 8 , 9 peter 0.5868727018224646 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 14 johnny 4.897083878432177 11 ? 13 asked 5.562665578900452 11 ? 12 " 3.328347337284576 13 asked 14 johnny 2.0736266219683905 14 johnny 15 chuck 9.449430308003667 15 chuck 16 . 0.47262126972613316 " to get bowser the hound , " shouted peter rabbit over his shoulder , as he tried to run faster . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 to 3 get 1.8086562812674263 3 get 6 hound 1.3671259551367392 4 bowser 6 hound 10.308918310242714 5 the 6 hound 2.5139408779658723 6 hound 9 shouted 4.3704530431383795 7 , 9 shouted 0.8043728969509765 8 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 9 shouted 21 faster 5.140013913595812 9 shouted 11 rabbit 4.700259485771014 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 12 over 14 shoulder 5.177967667198974 13 his 14 shoulder 3.930991699582073 14 shoulder 21 faster 5.0052959499443865 14 shoulder 15 , 0.6160778388629744 16 as 17 he 1.5279784143694588 17 he 18 tried 1.9648804144625167 18 tried 21 faster 4.821843096656526 18 tried 19 to 2.6973369114137338 20 run 21 faster 6.616580763845818 21 faster 22 . 0.7458434242354137 johnny chuck hurried down the lone little path as fast as his short legs could take his fat , rolly-poly self . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 6 lone 4.933015333068621 3 hurried 6 lone 6.115879390218431 4 down 6 lone 5.664039199992068 5 the 6 lone 2.2115329445483454 6 lone 8 path 10.049187958238516 6 lone 7 little 5.709163689461587 8 path 10 fast 4.079279193789855 9 as 10 fast 3.412219047117258 10 fast 14 legs 6.528445548589374 10 fast 11 as 3.814423557372699 12 his 14 legs 3.7479346428605496 13 short 14 legs 5.4582675687309035 14 legs 20 rolly-poly 8.742242166808534 15 could 20 rolly-poly 4.42419472083381 16 take 20 rolly-poly 5.602368355672663 17 his 20 rolly-poly 2.7596571278850917 18 fat 20 rolly-poly 10.48542181957352 18 fat 19 , 0.4283881585949807 20 rolly-poly 21 self 12.148579050674872 20 rolly-poly 22 . 2.072380772375368 reddy fox had found peter rabbit 's baby brother and was doing his best to frighten him to death . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 6 rabbit 3.3218416976489173 2 fox 16 frighten 3.0587012073972026 2 fox 3 had 1.570021966548854 3 had 4 found 1.8041505261405 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 8 baby 2.6779813085099704 6 rabbit 7 's 1.2675882446004785 8 baby 9 brother 3.93437368732425 10 and 16 frighten 0.9334608060746596 11 was 12 doing 1.5521198805334606 12 doing 16 frighten 5.006827579823668 12 doing 14 best 3.4999391551327115 13 his 14 best 1.3523043767450496 15 to 16 frighten 2.44486693085598 16 frighten 19 death 5.771289799187027 16 frighten 17 him 1.528784003049143 18 to 19 death 1.8321401730198765 19 death 20 . 0.8760803555087602 " coward ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 coward 0.9124552954863994 2 coward 3 ! 3.4398978974934487 coward , reddy fox ! " shrieked sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 coward 0.27456839341471806 1 coward 7 shrieked 8.340653555131137 1 coward 3 reddy 4.8519590141269795 1 coward 10 . 0.9603222651828958 1 coward 2 , 0.48001710695609745 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 5 ! 7 shrieked 5.2403037295597805 5 ! 6 " 2.8038844676111605 7 shrieked 9 jay 4.685442731625205 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 " shame ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 shame 3 ! 2.7171207462062057 shame ! " shouted the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shame 0.14452343074373175 1 shame 4 shouted 3.344952670844517 2 ! 4 shouted 4.967379996560403 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 4 shouted 8 breezes 6.174084589685499 4 shouted 9 . 0.7228706584401756 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 " you 're nothing but a great big bully ! " yelled blacky the crow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 yelled 2.090886514209096 2 you 3 're 3.6060902389633167 3 're 9 bully 4.752950015781661 4 nothing 9 bully 4.608201653810557 4 nothing 5 but 3.0228190933860777 6 a 7 great 2.39190469798403 7 great 9 bully 4.404412276644699 8 big 9 bully 5.071042173708566 9 bully 12 yelled 9.017940068222753 10 ! 12 yelled 4.8350760110729425 10 ! 11 " 2.8038844676111605 12 yelled 13 blacky 6.883770267865021 13 blacky 15 crow 9.126376991927202 14 the 15 crow 1.9503846722445246 15 crow 16 . 0.6089192767019185 and for a few minutes no one recognized the furious little yellow-brown bundle that suddenly knocked reddy fox over and seized him by the throat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 no 0.9187691539522387 1 and 6 no 0.0463215459939228 2 for 5 minutes 3.219189742654784 3 a 4 few 3.275693471712252 4 few 5 minutes 8.429930807745183 5 minutes 6 no 0.47748228496665135 6 no 12 yellow-brown 5.798652602823072 7 one 12 yellow-brown 5.877080563084842 8 recognized 12 yellow-brown 13.229323460950102 9 the 12 yellow-brown 2.151826698424081 10 furious 12 yellow-brown 12.853935038324263 11 little 12 yellow-brown 5.9369925874185085 12 yellow-brown 13 bundle 12.58199507926857 12 yellow-brown 16 knocked 11.96773827175338 12 yellow-brown 15 suddenly 9.77569746399401 12 yellow-brown 17 reddy 8.816460332905596 12 yellow-brown 18 fox 8.658675213268172 12 yellow-brown 14 that 4.111341419055435 18 fox 21 seized 2.366608831969632 19 over 20 and 0.7219122551307535 20 and 21 seized 0.5462230121755134 21 seized 25 throat 5.903574006375344 21 seized 23 by 3.957479219860712 21 seized 22 him 2.223531112038369 21 seized 24 the 1.361832935703049 25 throat 26 . 1.3845410910139115 you see it didn't look a bit like johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 you 8 like 1.1828561467974676 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 3 it 0.8650467282034224 4 didn't 5 look 2.474544491631594 5 look 8 like 2.698160139274428 5 look 7 bit 2.313673519422231 6 a 7 bit 3.0183847285915952 8 like 9 johnny 1.0500005773510388 9 johnny 10 chuck 9.449430308003667 10 chuck 11 . 0.47262126972613316 " coward ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 coward 0.9124552954863994 2 coward 3 ! 3.4398978974934487 coward ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 coward 0.27456839341471806 1 coward 2 ! 3.4398978974934487 coward ! " shrieked johnny chuck as he shook reddy fox by the throat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 coward 4 shrieked 8.340653555131137 1 coward 10 reddy 4.8519590141269795 2 ! 4 shrieked 5.2403037295597805 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 4 shrieked 5 johnny 4.018937361197526 4 shrieked 9 shook 4.733008414877258 4 shrieked 7 as 1.655761943416092 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 as 8 he 1.5279784143694588 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 11 fox 14 throat 1.7046722693428187 12 by 14 throat 0.9580336266815124 12 by 13 the 1.0393901856171475 14 throat 15 . 1.3845410910139115 and then began the greatest fight that the green meadows had ever seen . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 and 2 then 1.5029676557109006 2 then 3 began 2.762873423636428 3 began 5 greatest 1.6094681043755799 4 the 5 greatest 2.3084836508753455 5 greatest 9 green 3.6426390784220573 5 greatest 12 ever 3.785632327851026 5 greatest 6 fight 3.481635986726058 7 that 8 the -0.13669750885213894 8 the 9 green 2.032029580366329 9 green 10 meadows 8.640219315758674 11 had 12 ever 1.346397175182215 12 ever 13 seen 4.321407216968222 13 seen 14 . 0.49964856043962413 now johnny chuck is not naturally a fighter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 johnny 0.7758904170947112 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 8 fighter 7.165224612765275 4 is 8 fighter 3.1827819826956407 5 not 8 fighter 2.6072986017777247 6 naturally 8 fighter 10.268972537603101 7 a 8 fighter 3.11922541809842 8 fighter 9 . 0.9348772486254333 oh my , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 5 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 4 no 2.4079928764171274 1 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 2 my 1.2172582352247225 he is so good-natured and so sunny-hearted that he seldom quarrels with any one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 7 sunny-hearted 2.829653033768299 2 is 7 sunny-hearted 3.1003198225036748 3 so 7 sunny-hearted 5.237812997936974 4 good-natured 7 sunny-hearted 11.655995660712353 4 good-natured 5 and 1.0557729946131786 6 so 7 sunny-hearted 5.237812997936974 7 sunny-hearted 11 quarrels 13.77147287813229 7 sunny-hearted 10 seldom 10.682521955222544 7 sunny-hearted 13 any 5.419100279893794 7 sunny-hearted 8 that 3.526378918334281 7 sunny-hearted 9 he 2.2137320815483292 11 quarrels 12 with 3.505367880623055 13 any 14 one 2.8382893103071787 13 any 15 . 0.5188462017179933 but when he has to fight , there isn't a cowardly hair on him , not the teeniest , weeniest one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 he 0.9076706002035451 2 when 3 he 1.8647931372101283 3 he 18 teeniest 1.6776499403232457 3 he 4 has 1.563811011561853 5 to 6 fight 1.6070467280713245 6 fight 11 cowardly 7.314536110204063 7 , 11 cowardly 0.5774173422636366 8 there 9 isn't 2.542521468609767 9 isn't 11 cowardly 6.119861639549921 10 a 11 cowardly 1.6117416700549825 11 cowardly 12 hair 6.393015338027556 12 hair 18 teeniest 6.791918148642804 13 on 18 teeniest 2.6234299712004905 14 him 18 teeniest 2.736933986936112 15 , 18 teeniest 0.37650464833763664 16 not 18 teeniest 2.372833348140702 17 the 18 teeniest 2.2222160263154755 18 teeniest 20 weeniest 16.14493127365973 18 teeniest 19 , 2.1106176891812716 20 weeniest 21 one 3.994517249154942 20 weeniest 22 . 1.2857844104845633 no one ever has a chance to cry , " ' fraid cat ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 6 chance 1.8500072613501288 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 3 ever 6 chance 2.8133344668812583 4 has 6 chance 1.0480019533117684 5 a 6 chance 2.0436432872929053 6 chance 12 fraid 8.575075665328786 6 chance 7 to 1.6748556769511218 8 cry 12 fraid 8.34582957295127 8 cry 9 , 0.8753478091759934 10 " 12 fraid 2.515384342737004 11 ' 12 fraid 4.418383245212421 12 fraid 13 cat 10.491452845086261 12 fraid 14 ! 5.164933281576676 cry baby ! " after johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 cry 6 johnny 1.9364386368135733 1 cry 2 baby 2.4722235690548295 3 ! 6 johnny 2.153495320183165 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 5 after 6 johnny 0.5653573013315558 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 chuck 8 . 0.47262126972613316 he didn't stop to think of what might happen to himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 1 he 11 himself 2.1920991116882416 2 didn't 3 stop 4.137297192410216 3 stop 9 happen 3.029067404465234 3 stop 5 think 2.9822428496525966 4 to 5 think 0.9867758504635944 5 think 6 of 1.4134225444720343 7 what 9 happen 3.7782398408103575 8 might 9 happen 4.647723691291386 9 happen 10 to 1.823999973389455 11 himself 12 . 0.6673551505339343 he didn't stop to think at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 2 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 didn't 3 stop 4.137297192410216 2 didn't 6 at 0.8667059431085704 3 stop 5 think 2.9822428496525966 4 to 5 think 0.9867758504635944 6 at 7 all 1.9101156124848444 6 at 8 . 0.26022699166643015 he just gritted his teeth and in a flash had reddy fox on his back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 gritted 1.2532997766610698 1 he 3 gritted 3.3557218454358875 2 just 3 gritted 4.34054150470762 3 gritted 5 teeth 10.909714811965703 3 gritted 9 flash 9.787379269041654 3 gritted 14 his 4.684134112998205 3 gritted 4 his 4.684134112998205 3 gritted 7 in 3.117198023906898 3 gritted 6 and 1.7373536855029563 8 a 9 flash 3.227647877984406 9 flash 11 reddy 3.435638548964665 9 flash 10 had 1.5060431770118612 11 reddy 12 fox 7.973188175503683 13 on 14 his 1.5589997391045252 14 his 15 back 1.1885460592122836 14 his 16 . 0.4811614129737549 such a fight was never seen before on the green meadows ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 3 fight 1.695617809045725 1 such 2 a 2.6388379146949603 1 such 12 ! 1.1764531675937313 3 fight 11 meadows 2.3029232620908466 3 fight 6 seen 1.9588053072259584 4 was 6 seen 0.7381696135843434 5 never 6 seen 3.915581385446661 6 seen 7 before 3.66070909105159 8 on 11 meadows 3.790009740513195 9 the 11 meadows 2.3225225762090123 10 green 11 meadows 8.640219315758674 and he certainly had to fight now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 and 2 he 0.30330535602472075 2 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 2 he 3 certainly 0.7777457750308336 4 had 6 fight 0.8410700282486268 5 to 6 fight 1.6070467280713245 6 fight 8 . 0.7153702183325663 6 fight 7 now 0.6876942110694877 " bully ! " hissed johnny chuck as with his stout little hind feet he ripped the bright red coat of reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 hissed 1.6728213222326822 2 bully 5 hissed 9.251951572826034 3 ! 5 hissed 4.176002719592734 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 5 hissed 11 stout 8.67724339441639 5 hissed 6 johnny 5.416529726016961 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 8 as 11 stout 0.9999133750492426 9 with 11 stout 2.0172670988953527 10 his 11 stout 2.64845456556548 11 stout 16 ripped 10.080147689662912 12 little 16 ripped 2.967366236462027 13 hind 16 ripped 10.010245676432756 14 feet 16 ripped 6.750057224822189 15 he 16 ripped 1.4449891835329716 16 ripped 20 coat 7.803597779599773 16 ripped 18 bright 7.62458046159394 16 ripped 19 red 6.241779767768744 16 ripped 22 reddy 6.00910541084799 16 ripped 21 of 2.2270073614702355 16 ripped 17 the 2.1642723673465376 22 reddy 23 fox 7.973188175503683 23 fox 24 . 0.44635491133374394 " you great big bully ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 bully 1.3539209200428886 2 you 5 bully 1.7169647989978536 3 great 5 bully 4.404412276644699 4 big 5 bully 5.071042173708566 5 bully 6 ! 2.6279052579192133 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 even great-grandfather frog , who left his big lily pad , and came hurrying with great jumps across the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 even 0.3181884746977399 1 even 2 great-grandfather 3.4084748880250437 2 great-grandfather 9 lily 8.042279504072464 2 great-grandfather 3 frog 8.973671061533597 2 great-grandfather 8 big 5.9206627833080425 2 great-grandfather 6 left 3.9042664041563278 2 great-grandfather 5 who 3.141631648801411 2 great-grandfather 7 his 2.0040143792367076 4 , 5 who 0.7573564620449389 9 lily 10 pad 12.746056782792667 10 pad 14 hurrying 9.391934060074828 10 pad 20 green 5.7143836859254655 10 pad 18 across 5.634576677077444 10 pad 12 and 1.2707858855840293 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 came 14 hurrying 4.499102796276457 14 hurrying 17 jumps 8.099847325064896 15 with 17 jumps 3.166893820462491 16 great 17 jumps 4.7892175745041285 18 across 19 the 2.2208878494453064 20 green 21 meadows 8.640219315758674 21 meadows 22 . 1.0373533873754468 they formed a ring around reddy fox and johnny chuck and danced with excitement . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 12 danced 2.541074322313559 2 formed 6 reddy 4.000543397344568 2 formed 4 ring 7.845931451396762 2 formed 5 around 5.895650191013271 2 formed 3 a 1.45998723484324 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 7 fox 9 johnny 3.4237505708443727 7 fox 8 and 0.2869424899497339 9 johnny 10 chuck 9.449430308003667 10 chuck 12 danced 3.91729709932169 11 and 12 danced 1.6138954185424232 12 danced 14 excitement 5.428910803275372 13 with 14 excitement 3.368847349941465 14 excitement 15 . 1.2243838658204176 and all wanted johnny chuck to win . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wanted 0.22406517471038967 1 and 2 all 0.48908058405982757 2 all 3 wanted 0.7174871852719029 3 wanted 7 win 5.055441621780481 4 johnny 5 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 chuck 7 win 3.871144502831033 6 to 7 win 1.9564087757548876 7 win 8 . 0.7636280662357393 how peter rabbit 's little brother did hope that johnny chuck would win ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 14 ! 1.7025192702459062 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 10 johnny 4.897083878432177 3 rabbit 6 brother 2.4893565079021798 3 rabbit 4 's 1.2675882446004785 3 rabbit 14 ! 0.9780627730787614 3 rabbit 7 did 0.578834204797797 5 little 6 brother 2.955957865762251 7 did 8 hope 0.7498999051063784 8 hope 9 that 1.0895656023589986 10 johnny 11 chuck 9.449430308003667 11 chuck 13 win 3.871144502831033 12 would 13 win 2.859564983936149 but reddy fox wasn't whipping johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 5 whipping 0.8792629567962109 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 5 whipping 4.210704300842256 4 wasn't 5 whipping 4.359404499145899 5 whipping 6 johnny 5.444544102186558 5 whipping 8 . 0.944275946627684 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 try as he would , he could not get a good hold on that round , fat , little body . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 try 0.1558167878873924 1 try 9 get 2.360789182894738 2 as 7 could 2.2618002297096247 3 he 7 could 1.799559825235125 3 he 4 would 1.3645954036822268 5 , 6 he 0.5080875377005949 6 he 7 could 1.799559825235125 7 could 9 get 2.5903383122444907 7 could 8 not 3.0316984035119585 9 get 17 fat 2.1140017787773466 9 get 12 hold 3.4482901646623887 9 get 11 good 0.5987116438305797 10 a 11 good 1.8924332050807688 12 hold 13 on 1.704295654724497 14 that 17 fat 1.2353215385060565 15 round 17 fat 3.6378830312071706 15 round 16 , 0.514430750797862 17 fat 20 body 2.5292877049451583 17 fat 18 , 0.4283881585949807 19 little 20 body 1.565820973511297 20 body 21 . 0.5236384595669676 pretty soon reddy fox began to think of nothing but getting away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 think 0.7329786047611666 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 5 began 2.4994263992299466 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 3 reddy 5 began 2.3554323913010755 5 began 6 to 2.775473939384737 5 began 7 think 1.72473290505636 7 think 11 getting 1.5262479157843742 7 think 8 of 1.4134225444720343 7 think 9 nothing 0.783509050475363 9 nothing 10 but 3.0228190933860777 11 getting 12 away 0.8427669856636015 12 away 13 . 0.6607964685513892 every one was shouting for johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 every 4 shouting 3.3415095000039976 1 every 2 one 3.4259854658400464 3 was 4 shouting 1.569617653575179 4 shouting 6 johnny 5.029506602907713 4 shouting 5 for 0.11812667433074608 6 johnny 7 chuck 9.449430308003667 7 chuck 8 . 0.47262126972613316 so it was with johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 so 5 johnny 1.0234380442044113 1 so 2 it 0.27033140441985815 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 3 was 4 with 0.3964861093096008 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 6 chuck 7 . 0.47262126972613316 he had fought so hard that his breath was nearly gone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 11 gone 3.5716341511162923 3 fought 5 hard 4.961333483417047 3 fought 8 breath 3.5043759253302653 4 so 5 hard 2.261697947363391 5 hard 6 that 0.4902951121887966 7 his 8 breath 2.7568244251472436 8 breath 10 nearly 3.3461905045033724 8 breath 11 gone 3.182819419872871 9 was 10 nearly 1.5273068487172168 11 gone 12 . 0.34332318620434954 finally he loosed his hold on reddy fox for just a second to draw in a good breath . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 loosed 7.400301264225078 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 loosed 7 reddy 5.231497832184441 3 loosed 5 hold 7.420107396891684 3 loosed 6 on 2.644089394102803 3 loosed 4 his 1.9736407301931926 7 reddy 8 fox 7.973188175503683 8 fox 14 draw 1.7295776111056362 9 for 12 second 1.521394745769257 10 just 12 second 1.3435502545799558 11 a 12 second 1.8684035894668085 12 second 14 draw 2.972854233742563 13 to 14 draw 1.940656628006323 14 draw 18 breath 5.649378313995754 14 draw 17 good 1.7613349543384906 15 in 16 a 0.8157855541154699 16 a 17 good 1.8924332050807688 18 breath 19 . 1.1930877353308826 reddy fox saw his chance , and , with a quick pull and spring , he broke away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 1 reddy 11 quick 2.687462459814828 3 saw 5 chance 2.1444590553218212 3 saw 4 his 0.5439988180055728 5 chance 11 quick 2.370761938341552 6 , 11 quick 0.40269598847417143 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 , 11 quick 0.40269598847417143 9 with 11 quick 0.9616306396463941 9 with 10 a 1.3165200252756044 11 quick 12 pull 3.7283483012376486 11 quick 14 spring 3.6280631413467397 11 quick 17 broke 3.503689717973021 11 quick 15 , 0.8243371355865783 12 pull 13 and 0.7215431706554902 15 , 16 he 0.5080875377005949 17 broke 18 away 2.584037596910523 18 away 19 . 0.6607964685513892 how all the little meadow people did scatter ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1444914957494294 1 how 9 ! 1.7025192702459062 2 all 8 scatter 2.8269891270687175 3 the 8 scatter 0.9926281035748268 4 little 5 meadow 3.274027574696074 5 meadow 8 scatter 6.965889267197571 5 meadow 6 people 4.986993675017036 7 did 8 scatter 2.9098787941284563 8 scatter 9 ! 2.042942757198059 jimmy skunk knocked jerry muskrat flat in his hurry to get away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 6 flat 5.7053705707983475 2 skunk 13 . 0.71694841771642 3 knocked 6 flat 5.245864307481643 4 jerry 5 muskrat 10.20890526194098 5 muskrat 6 flat 4.776909914725838 6 flat 9 hurry 4.021494034350834 7 in 9 hurry 3.2961920336069177 7 in 8 his 1.124025734450342 9 hurry 11 get 3.5894923036035884 10 to 11 get 1.8086562812674263 11 get 12 away 2.27798141669809 billy mink trod on great-grandfather frog 's big feet and didn't even say " excuse me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 excuse 0.758535084911486 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 3 trod 7.139590267447623 3 trod 5 great-grandfather 10.386809027896962 3 trod 9 feet 5.602661497000682 3 trod 4 on 3.888014976988888 5 great-grandfather 6 frog 8.973671061533597 5 great-grandfather 8 big 5.9206627833080425 5 great-grandfather 7 's 2.8051294114503413 9 feet 15 excuse 3.4435591705044324 9 feet 10 and 1.1947490369837297 11 didn't 15 excuse 2.2632712307073284 11 didn't 13 say 3.049930850266094 11 didn't 12 even 2.284074756357178 14 " 15 excuse 0.9611186392387623 15 excuse 16 me 4.200443787530684 16 me 18 " 0.7778775081748375 17 . 18 " 4.467019939707924 striped chipmunk ran head first into a big thistle and squealed as much from fear as pain . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 squealed 0.7976202928848757 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 11 squealed 7.995800032516971 2 chipmunk 3 ran 2.6345872925145706 4 head 5 first 2.002951447688755 5 first 11 squealed 4.799156436818002 6 into 11 squealed 3.935921064244031 7 a 8 big 1.4224054990348538 8 big 11 squealed 5.310508108403955 9 thistle 11 squealed 10.523989475833009 10 and 11 squealed 1.1679260597116858 11 squealed 17 pain 9.448607663990874 11 squealed 15 fear 6.566758744137108 11 squealed 13 much 3.950289438552648 11 squealed 14 from 3.204321062179318 11 squealed 16 as 2.7880097417145357 11 squealed 12 as 2.7880097417145357 17 pain 18 . 0.9047659316202612 but reddy fox paid no attention to any of them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 6 attention 0.8618358850380226 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 6 attention 3.193277229084071 4 paid 6 attention 9.303142854538255 5 no 6 attention 3.719824986400745 6 attention 7 to 2.3743795359332722 6 attention 8 any 1.8043904357785827 6 attention 10 them 1.4685024984800172 6 attention 11 . 0.9073545703458983 9 of 10 them 1.260850870246946 he just wanted to get away , and off he started , limping as fast as he could go up the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 wanted 2.0920219898481847 2 just 3 wanted 2.187318185481484 3 wanted 5 get 2.269704430650549 3 wanted 4 to 2.7126182034946353 5 get 9 off 2.1480982187614757 5 get 6 away 2.27798141669809 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 8 and 9 off 0.7856100290904244 9 off 11 started 3.130687379975928 10 he 11 started 1.8718415916217772 11 started 22 lone 6.193043169976605 11 started 13 limping 6.320422476452837 12 , 13 limping 1.091102429475388 13 limping 15 fast 6.197648550583075 14 as 15 fast 3.412219047117258 15 fast 18 could 4.67019871939473 15 fast 16 as 3.814423557372699 15 fast 19 go 3.002380685448827 17 he 18 could 1.799559825235125 20 up 22 lone 2.6821887211845272 21 the 22 lone 2.2115329445483454 22 lone 24 path 10.049187958238516 22 lone 23 little 5.709163689461587 24 path 25 . 0.8227668823038989 such a looking sight ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 2 a 2.6388379146949603 1 such 4 sight 1.9103743803852886 1 such 5 ! 1.1764531675937313 3 looking 4 sight 0.5446434825877553 his beautiful red coat was in tatters . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 7 tatters 3.4866386334786768 2 beautiful 7 tatters 6.628883086928248 3 red 7 tatters 6.9701316578882135 4 coat 7 tatters 8.79736582588826 5 was 7 tatters 1.5189915805052152 6 in 7 tatters 3.4203582094879543 7 tatters 8 . 0.4874182716542137 his face was scratched . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 2 face 2.836202048135057 2 face 4 scratched 4.186263226323401 2 face 3 was 1.42180778551608 2 face 5 . 0.872471518043243 he hobbled as he ran . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hobbled 1.0606546987186682 1 he 2 hobbled 2.4850048623808476 2 hobbled 5 ran 5.059928328238858 2 hobbled 3 as 2.248644107433485 2 hobbled 6 . -0.15148303617774772 3 as 4 he 1.5279784143694588 coward ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 coward 0.27456839341471806 1 coward 2 ! 3.4398978974934487 coward ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 " 0.8975782375580525 1 coward 2 ! 3.4398978974934487 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 then they crowded around johnny chuck and all began talking at once about his great fight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 5 johnny 1.4934044618882076 2 they 3 crowded 2.524298609562731 3 crowded 5 johnny 3.8737954606851055 3 crowded 4 around 5.468393143101348 5 johnny 6 chuck 9.449430308003667 5 johnny 16 fight 2.900064075205673 6 chuck 9 began 2.998930861769832 6 chuck 14 his 1.5992452154116883 7 and 9 began 1.170831790887096 7 and 8 all 0.48908058405982757 9 began 10 talking 2.8621294905004966 10 talking 13 about 4.508896987999989 10 talking 12 once 0.9830987677807421 11 at 12 once 4.141134533179308 15 great 16 fight 3.1627515216034716 16 fight 17 . 0.7153702183325663 just then they heard a great noise up on the hill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 1.513245420733929 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 2 then 7 noise 1.24082982769945 3 they 4 heard 1.3022364944588247 4 heard 7 noise 5.428954266058778 5 a 6 great 2.39190469798403 6 great 7 noise 3.7969949250958486 7 noise 11 hill 2.725674638334471 8 up 11 hill 3.5987422718971267 9 on 11 hill 3.1060077743054926 10 the 11 hill 2.0968829957252435 11 hill 12 . 0.8077003936980187 they saw reddy fox coming back down the lone little path , and he was using his legs just as well as he knew how . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 they 2 saw 1.469870401442403 2 saw 3 reddy 2.2500602832108676 3 reddy 4 fox 7.973188175503683 4 fox 9 lone 4.645919682058729 5 coming 9 lone 4.932034241537512 5 coming 6 back 3.5639123136463695 7 down 9 lone 5.664039199992068 8 the 9 lone 2.2115329445483454 9 lone 11 path 10.049187958238516 9 lone 10 little 5.709163689461587 11 path 16 using 5.3862621971836475 11 path 26 . 0.8227668823038989 12 , 16 using 0.596194549294264 12 , 13 and 0.752751396501802 14 he 15 was 1.2250956603177912 15 was 16 using 1.537768787535839 16 using 18 legs 5.210376649157652 16 using 21 well 1.9586794445856874 17 his 18 legs 3.7479346428605496 19 just 20 as 2.6945437830364103 20 as 21 well 2.3424609395219242 21 well 22 as 1.3918375790227397 22 as 23 he 1.5279784143694588 23 he 24 knew 2.1822750360063026 24 knew 25 how 2.559810119386416 right behind him , his great mouth open and waking all the echoes with his big voice , was bowser the hound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 waking 0.2532997766610663 1 right 2 behind 2.9001745650935966 2 behind 3 him 2.8641928425765464 3 him 10 waking 2.036494268795021 3 him 4 , 0.2649423381031948 5 his 7 mouth 3.591456806912234 6 great 7 mouth 1.5214815799803638 7 mouth 10 waking 5.897830900840315 7 mouth 8 open 5.427143872329342 8 open 9 and 1.0992319651830833 10 waking 13 echoes 9.068439550230398 11 all 13 echoes 1.2206529755549944 12 the 13 echoes 1.9223448523013111 13 echoes 17 voice 3.676646648468463 13 echoes 16 big 3.5094673503235967 14 with 15 his 1.244921475065187 15 his 16 big 1.612398523863483 17 voice 22 hound 4.343512509433495 17 voice 19 was 0.9015885912145905 17 voice 18 , 0.09369319495073647 20 bowser 22 hound 10.308918310242714 21 the 22 hound 2.5139408779658723 22 hound 23 . 1.2537676726015121 indeed , he had been very brave , very brave indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 indeed 6 very 1.5909147328885993 1 indeed 2 , 1.1805591219564295 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 4 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 5 been 6 very 1.3753422121247105 6 very 11 indeed 4.748811396098601 6 very 12 . 0.3823591548163865 7 brave 11 indeed 3.2665326047157883 8 , 11 indeed 1.2217707539259823 9 very 11 indeed 4.748811396098601 10 brave 11 indeed 3.2665326047157883 he had gone up to farmer brown 's and had jumped right under the nose of bowser the hound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 6 farmer 0.8886501645964522 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 gone 3.5716341511162923 4 up 6 farmer 0.9332504853522465 4 up 5 to 0.5990262771899992 6 farmer 17 bowser 4.255386660451894 6 farmer 7 brown 8.64653815547903 6 farmer 8 's 4.683257407921326 9 and 11 jumped 1.158394297539033 10 had 11 jumped 1.4844894901703825 11 jumped 17 bowser 2.65992280071384 11 jumped 15 nose 3.5972504347588092 11 jumped 12 right 3.39668527945053 13 under 15 nose 3.5309571180352997 13 under 14 the 1.5803545408498074 16 of 17 bowser 1.107505679182026 17 bowser 19 hound 10.308918310242714 18 the 19 hound 2.5139408779658723 19 hound 20 . 1.2537676726015121 now that is something that bowser the hound never can stand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 6 bowser 1.1292187166798904 2 that 6 bowser 1.5312462996484584 2 that 3 is 1.5257476832692056 4 something 5 that 1.2468294257174648 5 that 6 bowser 1.5312462996484584 6 bowser 8 hound 10.308918310242714 7 the 8 hound 2.5139408779658723 8 hound 11 stand 3.5079565668883177 8 hound 12 . 1.2537676726015121 8 hound 9 never 1.2209159335336928 10 can 11 stand 3.379027510754817 so off he had started after peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 5 started 1.695039055069298 2 off 5 started 3.130687379975928 3 he 5 started 1.8718415916217772 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 5 started 8 rabbit 2.196539843595307 5 started 6 after 2.4648488916911973 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 rabbit 9 . 0.6126504281875942 and reddy fox did . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 did 0.8143886674719916 1 and 2 reddy -0.06538764800210828 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 4 did 5 . -0.1994398976411773 ix 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ix 2.3871555233958546 mr . toad's old suit 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 toad's 1.4232247781033749 1 mr 3 toad's 7.752180205429724 2 . 3 toad's 7.0393570064318105 3 toad's 5 suit 9.797007970239424 3 toad's 4 old 5.060465102561828 peter rabbit was tired and very sleepy as he hopped along the crooked little path down the hill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 hopped 0.7217765349013661 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 10 hopped 5.486631870565642 3 was 4 tired 2.143622194048838 4 tired 7 sleepy 5.574887766728072 4 tired 5 and 1.2690524556487688 6 very 7 sleepy 3.879458126702513 7 sleepy 10 hopped 7.052014002317282 8 as 9 he 1.5279784143694588 9 he 10 hopped 2.4940500019838545 10 hopped 13 crooked 7.91313635231727 11 along 13 crooked 6.307545152812988 12 the 13 crooked 1.7037741419172718 13 crooked 15 path 9.62217258557886 13 crooked 18 hill 7.097397266772237 13 crooked 14 little 5.379445518156846 16 down 18 hill 4.2035231016248495 17 the 18 hill 2.0968829957252435 18 hill 19 . 0.8077003936980187 peter rabbit yawned and yawned again as he watched them dance over to the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 yawned 1.026334625534794 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 3 yawned 6.495734077672896 3 yawned 5 yawned 9.893078317526491 3 yawned 4 and 2.6637505954629574 5 yawned 11 dance 6.038249377489116 5 yawned 9 watched 6.328808211958435 5 yawned 6 again 4.636924381084096 5 yawned 7 as 2.439399604174664 5 yawned 8 he 1.8062282549548883 9 watched 10 them 2.2037622750772456 11 dance 16 pool 2.9553344308311544 12 over 16 pool 2.8891593808466602 13 to 16 pool 0.8301570867407726 14 the 16 pool 2.2980304314762776 15 smiling 16 pool 9.99688962068163 16 pool 17 . 1.0200253673142292 then he hopped on down the crooked little path towards home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 hopped 2.7223627387652023 2 he 3 hopped 2.4940500019838545 3 hopped 7 crooked 7.91313635231727 3 hopped 10 towards 5.146689889645263 4 on 7 crooked 1.9648104287540278 5 down 7 crooked 4.72187757321522 6 the 7 crooked 1.7037741419172718 7 crooked 9 path 9.62217258557886 7 crooked 8 little 5.379445518156846 10 towards 11 home 2.4755428679670253 10 towards 12 . 0.8432323606939889 sammy jay , sitting on a fence post , saw him coming . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 sammy 2 jay 9.77475508855667 2 jay 8 post 5.7793544456567325 3 , 4 sitting 0.2918188917578739 4 sitting 7 fence 5.8779318361827855 4 sitting 5 on 3.757354227956391 4 sitting 6 a 0.874216224784444 7 fence 8 post 7.984983508780726 8 post 12 coming 3.3347065525345556 8 post 13 . 0.9024557709330558 8 post 9 , 0.7220524012636176 10 saw 12 coming 3.9504751000368863 10 saw 11 him 2.092896016269684 " peter rabbit out all night ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 peter 1.2707344244317174 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 4 out 1.04045888668983 3 rabbit 7 ! 0.9780627730787614 4 out 6 night 1.0505478603418368 5 all 6 night 2.1082253939637354 oh my goodness what a sight ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 7 ! 3.081912208044674 2 my 3 goodness 3.1831681103151546 3 goodness 4 what 3.2488685115618203 3 goodness 7 ! 3.014766262246308 3 goodness 6 sight 2.568981452802962 5 a 6 sight 0.9078966632593328 peter rabbit , reprobate ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 4 reprobate 6.712051984599658 3 , 4 reprobate 1.6109699019746593 4 reprobate 5 ! 2.728834166769996 no good end will be your fate ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 end 1.4188204348172846 1 no 2 good 0.6165676280019738 3 end 7 fate 2.1712040159219406 4 will 5 be 2.8842016019271277 4 will 6 your 1.662738429661653 6 your 7 fate 1.7120704335033103 7 fate 8 ! 1.386147511715837 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 shouted sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shouted -0.6323314475423771 1 shouted 3 jay 3.2707343517822345 1 shouted 4 . 0.7228706584401756 2 sammy 3 jay 9.77475508855667 peter rabbit ran out his tongue at sammy jay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 9 jay 2.3936642474175436 2 rabbit 10 . 0.6126504281875942 3 ran 6 tongue 2.9001924330643547 3 ran 4 out 2.321744997079847 5 his 6 tongue 3.247490452762424 6 tongue 9 jay 3.3772698091668794 6 tongue 7 at 0.828395326962486 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 " who stole happy jack 's nuts ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 who 0.32910065269502553 2 who 3 stole 2.6414709204090805 2 who 8 ? 1.7638373023408835 3 stole 5 jack 3.3884791958729217 3 stole 7 nuts 4.802300974981325 4 happy 5 jack 8.066809588263567 5 jack 6 's 1.2950189523932067 thief ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 thief 2 ! 4.5199059877279275 thief ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 thief 2 ! 4.5199059877279275 thief ! " shouted peter rabbit at sammy jay , and kept on down the crooked little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 sammy 0.93438566972414 1 thief 8 sammy 5.905211544898716 1 thief 2 ! 4.5199059877279275 1 thief 7 at 1.222499616229772 2 ! 4 shouted 4.967379996560403 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 4 shouted 6 rabbit 4.700259485771014 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 sammy 9 jay 9.77475508855667 8 sammy 12 kept 2.3121166614878064 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 11 and 12 kept 0.7673185171075616 12 kept 16 crooked 3.1650099419753737 12 kept 13 on 2.747526505336044 14 down 16 crooked 4.72187757321522 15 the 16 crooked 1.7037741419172718 16 crooked 18 path 9.62217258557886 16 crooked 17 little 5.379445518156846 18 path 19 . 0.8227668823038989 now when most of the little meadow people were just waking up peter rabbit was thinking of bed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 when 0.5986489700216406 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 when 7 meadow 0.5634593555706502 2 when 18 bed 1.0937507621473443 3 most 7 meadow 2.209415997611668 3 most 4 of 1.7578788718003366 5 the 7 meadow 0.9218210929777548 6 little 7 meadow 3.274027574696074 7 meadow 11 waking 6.009610644626889 7 meadow 8 people 4.986993675017036 8 people 9 were 2.0049207736828905 10 just 11 waking 2.9620298814538906 11 waking 14 rabbit 4.594614446315905 11 waking 16 thinking 5.165325645367357 11 waking 12 up 4.195555622295323 13 peter 14 rabbit 7.313713619688597 15 was 16 thinking 1.8014333287982502 16 thinking 17 of 2.1855477543718678 18 bed 19 . 0.7818343423424778 presently he came to a big piece of bark which is the roof of mr toad 's house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 6 big 1.8685379893544116 1 presently 3 came 4.377664460509873 1 presently 2 he 1.601371872775914 3 came 4 to 1.4047239513309133 5 a 6 big 1.4224054990348538 6 big 9 bark 4.308005601200787 7 piece 9 bark 8.460694376632969 7 piece 8 of 3.2599786057385742 9 bark 13 roof 5.482316838732974 9 bark 10 which 2.9820935588306092 10 which 11 is 1.1687503548224143 12 the 13 roof 2.1558397609307 13 roof 18 house 4.675305899591134 13 roof 16 toad 3.613077263174933 13 roof 14 of 1.7806056912820587 13 roof 19 . 1.0048971756593836 15 mr 16 toad 7.152496199001803 17 's 18 house 1.8353412142302634 " good morning , mr toad , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 5 mr 2.3363491758183024 3 morning 4 , 0.5531902047009183 5 mr 11 rabbit 3.360817261707208 5 mr 6 toad 7.152496199001803 7 , 9 said 1.3498770263619093 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 9 said 10 peter 1.7439427448895923 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 11 rabbit 12 . 0.6126504281875942 " good morning , " said mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 toad 0.7262225374453735 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 8 toad 3.5330998851419864 4 , 6 said 1.3498770263619093 5 " 6 said 2.1846753891302146 6 said 7 mr 1.1989075626374017 7 mr 8 toad 7.152496199001803 8 toad 9 . 0.8910229590360075 " you 're looking very fine this morning , mr toad , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 're 1.4231730543677887 2 you 3 're 3.6060902389633167 3 're 4 looking 2.3563668196059098 4 looking 6 fine 2.3691760423622448 5 very 6 fine 2.6949186043646023 6 fine 16 rabbit 2.6782107370942434 6 fine 8 morning 3.564953288413207 6 fine 9 , 0.5975025205593774 7 this 8 morning 3.4311703176464974 10 mr 16 rabbit 3.360817261707208 10 mr 11 toad 7.152496199001803 12 , 14 said 1.3498770263619093 13 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 14 said 15 peter 1.7439427448895923 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 16 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 " i 'm feeling very fine this morning , " said mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 'm 1.0964224937219313 1 " 3 'm 1.5924503438057567 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 3 'm 4 feeling 1.6071760033929188 4 feeling 6 fine 3.8711307698101614 4 feeling 5 very 2.829578874425099 6 fine 8 morning 3.564953288413207 7 this 8 morning 3.4311703176464974 8 morning 13 toad 3.5330998851419864 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 10 " 11 said 2.1846753891302146 11 said 12 mr 1.1989075626374017 12 mr 13 toad 7.152496199001803 13 toad 14 . 0.8910229590360075 " why , my gracious , you have on a new suit , mr toad ! " exclaimed peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 2 why 2.060618760477773 2 why 5 gracious 2.7515773838059303 2 why 3 , 0.6307765723420751 4 my 5 gracious 3.8500282261062715 5 gracious 11 new 2.2950997183663056 5 gracious 7 you 1.207177209468945 5 gracious 6 , 1.1115101699031378 7 you 8 have 1.649567007707521 9 on 11 new 0.6789702251442513 10 a 11 new 1.8220066865668834 11 new 12 suit 5.1879171986253745 12 suit 20 rabbit 1.8190732729340944 12 suit 21 . 0.8205611540375024 13 , 14 mr 0.5022150510440095 14 mr 20 rabbit 3.360817261707208 14 mr 15 toad 7.152496199001803 16 ! 18 exclaimed 5.239162796733945 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 18 exclaimed 19 peter 2.962684614947861 19 peter 20 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " well , what if i have , peter rabbit ? " demanded mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 peter 1.2707344244317174 1 " 2 well 1.6936577844203988 2 well 8 , 1.4929336725718638 2 well 3 , 1.4929336725718638 2 well 6 i 1.4071878060463803 2 well 4 what 1.0957642755843757 5 if 6 i 1.6269668967969526 6 i 7 have 1.80547384079307 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 15 toad 3.592500505672465 11 ? 13 demanded 5.809249732826887 11 ? 12 " 3.328347337284576 13 demanded 15 toad 4.45874911678364 14 mr 15 toad 7.152496199001803 15 toad 16 . 0.8910229590360075 what have you done with your old suit , mr toad ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 12 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 2 have 1.251293595268523 3 you 6 your 1.922261107156693 3 you 12 ? 2.030471363856357 3 you 4 done 0.7935445391779332 4 done 5 with 1.1132121134039785 6 your 7 old 0.3012077955741823 7 old 11 toad 5.805182115852514 8 suit 11 toad 3.758309398642549 9 , 10 mr 0.5022150510440095 10 mr 11 toad 7.152496199001803 12 ? 13 " 3.328347337284576 " swallowed it , " said mr toad shortly , turning his back on peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 swallowed 7 mr 1.645544000625545 2 swallowed 3 it 1.5604300646659581 4 , 6 said 1.3498770263619093 5 " 6 said 2.1846753891302146 6 said 7 mr 1.1989075626374017 7 mr 16 rabbit 3.360817261707208 7 mr 8 toad 7.152496199001803 8 toad 9 shortly 4.439298886298314 9 shortly 11 turning 6.178491367518106 10 , 11 turning 1.5217185761200476 11 turning 13 back 3.167183560665155 11 turning 12 his 2.3003584264852464 11 turning 14 on 0.9708070903948602 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 16 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 and that was all peter rabbit could get out of mr toad , so he started on down the crooked little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 all 0.032366379137952705 1 and 4 all 0.48908058405982757 2 that 4 all 0.4866068437376079 2 that 3 was 1.2600580293094676 4 all 20 crooked 1.1051757581350614 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 20 crooked 4.596574767179725 7 could 8 get 2.5903383122444907 8 get 16 started 1.697454294421302 8 get 9 out 2.153597640100301 9 out 10 of 2.138624548858049 11 mr 12 toad 7.152496199001803 12 toad 16 started 3.803415539039161 13 , 14 so 0.1710801994976361 14 so 16 started 1.695039055069298 15 he 16 started 1.8718415916217772 16 started 20 crooked 6.139850230811017 17 on 20 crooked 1.9648104287540278 18 down 20 crooked 4.72187757321522 19 the 20 crooked 1.7037741419172718 20 crooked 22 path 9.62217258557886 20 crooked 21 little 5.379445518156846 22 path 23 . 0.8227668823038989 now peter rabbit has a great deal of curiosity and is forever poking into other people 's affairs . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 rabbit 1.433091226095943 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 7 deal 2.7388188941624456 4 has 7 deal 2.5209138638183077 5 a 7 deal 3.2793914530784054 6 great 7 deal 6.854645307556908 7 deal 13 poking 6.908917081759647 7 deal 8 of 2.2008649466680055 9 curiosity 13 poking 7.498745337652618 10 and 12 forever 0.5966015610034923 11 is 12 forever 1.6516146104594291 12 forever 13 poking 7.894417512064532 13 poking 18 affairs 7.688732447124348 13 poking 16 people 4.589112407909198 13 poking 14 into 3.9665221063120377 15 other 16 people 4.674632441487756 17 's 18 affairs 1.9602383690255962 18 affairs 19 . 0.9796812827588859 the more he thought about it the more he wondered what mr toad could have done with his old suit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 wondered 0.7437446785979311 1 the 10 wondered -0.016691481803984942 2 more 8 more 1.9263055073794142 2 more 4 thought 1.477818387242415 2 more 5 about 1.3986149947122684 3 he 4 thought 1.3670260759711912 5 about 6 it 1.8539463948922297 5 about 7 the 0.46712665064445424 8 more 10 wondered 1.55962356109859 9 he 10 wondered 1.5527586924954342 10 wondered 13 toad 2.192234142214886 10 wondered 11 what 3.7359498057033953 12 mr 13 toad 7.152496199001803 13 toad 20 suit 5.083155076073041 13 toad 21 . 0.8910229590360075 14 could 15 have 2.1676545091813075 15 have 16 done 3.3262712699780828 16 done 20 suit 2.4808880940528866 17 with 18 his 1.244921475065187 18 his 20 suit 2.032675622291503 19 old 20 suit 2.945540705199438 of course he hadn't swallowed it ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 5 swallowed 3.441436194887057 3 he 4 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 4 hadn't 5 swallowed 4.828895498184725 5 swallowed 6 it 1.5604300646659581 who ever heard of such a thing ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 who 2 ever 0.8586195109094881 2 ever 5 such 2.4454049479610447 2 ever 3 heard 3.532882363139862 3 heard 4 of 1.4209981673816898 5 such 7 thing 4.335310678065554 5 such 6 a 2.6388379146949603 7 thing 8 ! 1.2630891153115016 the more he thought of it the more peter rabbit felt that he must know what mr toad had done with his old suit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 peter 0.6498438522938219 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 more 4 thought 1.477818387242415 3 he 4 thought 1.3670260759711912 4 thought 9 peter 1.0385147041249496 4 thought 5 of 1.3441635669759684 4 thought 6 it 1.3304593333038461 4 thought 8 more 1.219148757212487 7 the 8 more -0.17587966209671002 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 18 toad 3.592500505672465 10 rabbit 11 felt 1.1381820730548142 11 felt 12 that 2.0826033704174503 11 felt 14 must 1.2974691128621494 12 that 13 he 0.8325098574022061 14 must 15 know 0.8835186994627868 15 know 16 what 3.2396222245850588 17 mr 18 toad 7.152496199001803 18 toad 24 suit 5.083155076073041 18 toad 25 . 0.8910229590360075 19 had 20 done 2.437146034174118 20 done 24 suit 2.4808880940528866 21 with 22 his 1.244921475065187 22 his 24 suit 2.032675622291503 23 old 24 suit 2.945540705199438 by this time he had forgotten that he had been out all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 13 night 1.3572846397308318 1 by 3 time 2.2300329846717943 2 this 3 time 3.0116306928359418 4 he 5 had 1.735007688287725 5 had 10 been 3.8301500596883944 5 had 6 forgotten 3.53739452998677 6 forgotten 7 that 1.0947394517183007 8 he 9 had 1.735007688287725 9 had 10 been 3.8301500596883944 10 been 13 night 1.1248852053354348 11 out 13 night 1.0505478603418368 12 all 13 night 2.1082253939637354 13 night 14 . 0.5301089935735313 he had forgotten that he was sleepy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 forgotten 3.53739452998677 3 forgotten 7 sleepy 5.03125487028797 4 that 6 was 1.2600580293094676 5 he 6 was 1.2250956603177912 6 was 7 sleepy 1.9289909777390264 7 sleepy 8 . 1.043811620178598 he had got to find out about mr toad 's old suit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 got 1.383301085109677 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 got 12 suit 1.8586885682948946 3 got 6 out 1.7398775653570695 4 to 5 find 1.7384908305919051 5 find 6 out 3.6523191703692017 7 about 8 mr 0.8837090978506303 8 mr 9 toad 7.152496199001803 9 toad 12 suit 5.083155076073041 9 toad 10 's 0.7645098654602158 11 old 12 suit 2.945540705199438 12 suit 13 . 0.8205611540375024 " i 'll just run over to the smiling pool and ask grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 13 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 2 i 3 'll 2.8458085143022114 3 'll 5 run 2.073950063482286 3 'll 4 just 1.502702638731325 5 run 6 over 2.2484383192812487 6 over 10 pool 2.8891593808466602 7 to 10 pool 0.8301570867407726 8 the 10 pool 2.2980304314762776 9 smiling 10 pool 9.99688962068163 10 pool 13 grandfather 5.794573612956711 10 pool 12 ask 3.6348564511640724 10 pool 11 and 0.6387898510193644 13 grandfather 14 frog 9.27687376659811 14 frog 15 . 0.622092755808108 he 'll surely know what mr toad does with his old suits , " said peter rabbit , and began to hop faster . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 surely 1.049971616951538 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 'll 0.8514765952855274 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 3 surely 7 toad 1.9926800462241978 3 surely 4 know 1.116824601215729 4 know 5 what 3.2396222245850588 6 mr 7 toad 7.152496199001803 7 toad 22 hop 6.104603495337077 7 toad 12 suits 5.210052793920806 8 does 12 suits 3.7474119361223472 9 with 10 his 1.244921475065187 10 his 12 suits 1.2084829406202182 11 old 12 suits 2.731401505212137 13 , 15 said 1.3498770263619093 14 " 15 said 2.1846753891302146 15 said 16 peter 1.7439427448895923 16 peter 17 rabbit 7.313713619688597 17 rabbit 22 hop 4.972966338559086 18 , 22 hop 0.8718842559340878 19 and 20 began 1.170831790887096 20 began 22 hop 3.0567152162989295 20 began 21 to 2.775473939384737 22 hop 23 faster 7.994542893647516 23 faster 24 . 0.7458434242354137 when he reached the smiling pool there sat great-grandfather frog on his big green lily pad as usual . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 he 3 reached 2.192223113153002 3 reached 9 great-grandfather 5.053535959415587 4 the 6 pool 2.2980304314762776 5 smiling 6 pool 9.99688962068163 6 pool 9 great-grandfather 6.321853586056189 7 there 9 great-grandfather 2.9387742544812774 8 sat 9 great-grandfather 4.787679195249211 9 great-grandfather 15 lily 8.042279504072464 9 great-grandfather 10 frog 8.973671061533597 9 great-grandfather 13 big 5.9206627833080425 9 great-grandfather 11 on 2.2594255438674757 9 great-grandfather 12 his 2.0040143792367076 14 green 15 lily 6.186963181488657 15 lily 16 pad 12.746056782792667 16 pad 18 usual 7.858361844623225 16 pad 19 . 1.0208504717352866 17 as 18 usual 4.137910556696273 but peter rabbit was too full of curiosity in mr toad 's affairs to notice this . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 15 notice 1.9087067346886855 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 8 curiosity 5.822234902350086 4 was 5 too 1.4420773729495036 5 too 8 curiosity 2.3251819538382357 6 full 8 curiosity 4.192309969297817 6 full 7 of 3.1216258468030187 8 curiosity 13 affairs 6.410016419058284 9 in 13 affairs 1.7864861082858532 10 mr 11 toad 7.152496199001803 11 toad 13 affairs 3.7763338735758865 12 's 13 affairs 1.9602383690255962 13 affairs 15 notice 4.978387753523705 14 to 15 notice 1.1805571204532903 15 notice 16 this 1.393322612252632 15 notice 17 . 0.5504030573468839 " good morning , grandfather frog , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 5 grandfather 2.687851842627726 3 morning 4 , 0.5531902047009183 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 6 frog 10 peter 2.390358682792698 6 frog 12 . 0.622092755808108 7 , 9 said 1.3498770263619093 8 " 9 said 2.1846753891302146 9 said 10 peter 1.7439427448895923 10 peter 11 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " good morning , " replied grandfather frog a wee bit gruffly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 gruffly 2.2938265728793716 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 12 gruffly 3.6957200859610673 4 , 12 gruffly 1.113470242503844 5 " 12 gruffly 2.2938265728793716 6 replied 12 gruffly 6.056954194285648 7 grandfather 8 frog 9.27687376659811 8 frog 12 gruffly 7.443651069016049 9 a 10 wee 2.5823848669954366 10 wee 12 gruffly 7.411248263482825 10 wee 11 bit 8.316920880934674 12 gruffly 13 . 2.2832775548739868 " you 're looking very fine this morning , grandfather frog , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 're 1.4231730543677887 2 you 3 're 3.6060902389633167 3 're 4 looking 2.3563668196059098 4 looking 6 fine 2.3691760423622448 5 very 6 fine 2.6949186043646023 6 fine 8 morning 3.564953288413207 6 fine 16 rabbit 2.6782107370942434 7 this 8 morning 3.4311703176464974 8 morning 10 grandfather 2.687851842627726 8 morning 9 , 0.5531902047009183 10 grandfather 11 frog 9.27687376659811 12 , 14 said 1.3498770263619093 13 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 14 said 15 peter 1.7439427448895923 15 peter 16 rabbit 7.313713619688597 16 rabbit 17 . 0.6126504281875942 " not so fine as i 'd feel if i had a few fat , foolish , green flies , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 so 0.5555017361605685 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 not 3 so 1.0452966829327028 3 so 14 fat 1.585517727757754 4 fine 14 fat 3.943347222305132 5 as 14 fat 1.1592603853307253 5 as 9 if 2.776143507537343 6 i 8 feel 2.3502378382086135 6 i 7 'd 2.867482558470151 8 feel 9 if 3.0908589317491675 9 if 11 had 1.920462829674415 9 if 10 i 1.6269668967969526 12 a 14 fat 1.413037139924004 12 a 13 few 3.275693471712252 14 fat 19 flies 7.578531223965005 14 fat 15 , 0.4283881585949807 16 foolish 19 flies 8.756750870553002 16 foolish 17 , 0.5757468414782174 18 green 19 flies 7.313562330960011 19 flies 23 grandfather 5.897597095630999 20 , 22 said 1.3498770263619093 21 " 22 said 2.1846753891302146 22 said 23 grandfather 1.8040633989863082 23 grandfather 24 frog 9.27687376659811 24 frog 25 . 0.622092755808108 " i 've just met your cousin , mr toad , and he has on a new suit , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 've 3.1337529080802184 3 've 5 met 2.4932464715312186 3 've 4 just 1.5072760314352749 5 met 9 mr 2.9422261443538 6 your 7 cousin 2.420088414022281 7 cousin 9 mr 2.950345708098478 7 cousin 8 , 1.0968581528652415 9 mr 23 rabbit 3.360817261707208 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 10 toad 18 suit 5.083155076073041 11 , 13 he 0.5080875377005949 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 he 14 has 1.563811011561853 14 has 16 a 1.0147023060575844 15 on 16 a 0.22422965794470606 16 a 17 new 1.8220066865668834 17 new 18 suit 5.1879171986253745 19 , 21 said 1.3498770263619093 20 " 21 said 2.1846753891302146 21 said 22 peter 1.7439427448895923 22 peter 23 rabbit 7.313713619688597 23 rabbit 24 . 0.6126504281875942 " indeed ! " replied grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 6 grandfather 1.6167373420156572 2 indeed 3 ! 2.602606498852314 3 ! 6 grandfather 2.7667719138776263 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 5 replied 6 grandfather 4.727157856064945 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " well , i think it 's high time . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 4 i 1.4514945219088577 1 " 2 well 1.6936577844203988 2 well 3 , 1.4929336725718638 4 i 5 think 2.337341646589767 5 think 6 it 1.5650240986835797 6 it 7 's 1.695106683077423 6 it 8 high 1.0827155537792947 8 high 9 time 3.180792427575156 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 " what does mr toad do with his old suit , grandfather frog ? " asked peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 mr 1.0642852586011227 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 3 does 3.261894871602646 4 mr 5 toad 7.152496199001803 4 mr 18 rabbit 3.360817261707208 5 toad 10 suit 5.083155076073041 6 do 7 with 0.5310791367258805 7 with 8 his 1.244921475065187 8 his 10 suit 2.032675622291503 9 old 10 suit 2.945540705199438 10 suit 12 grandfather 3.635527380599374 11 , 12 grandfather 0.4654979442568852 12 grandfather 13 frog 9.27687376659811 14 ? 16 asked 5.562665578900452 14 ? 15 " 3.328347337284576 16 asked 17 peter 2.220069491081393 17 peter 18 rabbit 7.313713619688597 18 rabbit 19 . 0.6126504281875942 " chug-a-rum ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 it 's none of my business . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 2 's 6 business 1.5385941033194541 3 none 6 business 4.759317168524252 3 none 4 of 2.483252601641393 5 my 6 business 2.067437544042008 6 business 7 . 0.6323666075653129 maybe he swallows it , " replied grandfather frog crossly , and turned his back on peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 maybe 1.4459448546034572 1 maybe 3 swallows 6.946597857031666 2 he 3 swallows 0.8296530337682952 3 swallows 7 replied 3.953914132269773 4 it 7 replied 0.14972720877328882 5 , 7 replied 1.5802587282237415 6 " 7 replied 2.2297485079660806 7 replied 10 crossly 5.398742711533853 7 replied 17 peter 3.3598056182875666 7 replied 19 . 1.0432973820548543 8 grandfather 9 frog 9.27687376659811 9 frog 10 crossly 5.370402086985411 10 crossly 13 turned 4.107464048726261 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 12 and 13 turned 1.0173562607009305 13 turned 15 back 3.4285607755510696 13 turned 14 his 1.7829187625187117 13 turned 16 on 1.2902315906486521 17 peter 18 rabbit 7.313713619688597 peter rabbit saw that his curiosity must remain unsatisfied . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 3 saw 1.4590718909829619 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 saw 9 unsatisfied 6.578531223965005 4 that 9 unsatisfied 3.0079110424029842 5 his 9 unsatisfied 3.7596571278850917 6 curiosity 9 unsatisfied 10.979872027389238 7 must 9 unsatisfied 5.878925623398448 8 remain 9 unsatisfied 11.276436056788224 9 unsatisfied 10 . 3.224383865820421 first of all they scattered over the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 first 0.35613908124313376 1 first 5 scattered 1.694120966119712 2 of 5 scattered 1.1147235250293832 3 all 5 scattered 1.2030803461070434 4 they 5 scattered 1.0990038643376998 5 scattered 9 meadows 5.293669253191208 5 scattered 6 over 4.244743835723511 7 the 9 meadows 2.3225225762090123 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 9 meadows 10 . 1.0373533873754468 presently back they all came , each blowing ahead of him a fat , foolish , green fly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 5 came 4.377664460509873 1 presently 3 they 1.6742491517963742 1 presently 2 back 1.5411807439340706 3 they 4 all 1.334082204127343 5 came 8 blowing 3.0712866922763133 6 , 8 blowing 0.6280434153336003 7 each 8 blowing 3.3280445894294743 8 blowing 9 ahead 6.2964980117792955 8 blowing 13 fat 4.72826700638856 9 ahead 10 of 2.692767155184402 9 ahead 11 him 2.5038031696965994 12 a 13 fat 1.413037139924004 13 fat 15 foolish 5.098122471561382 13 fat 14 , 0.4283881585949807 15 foolish 18 fly 6.139382724270678 15 foolish 17 green 5.127789177065466 15 foolish 16 , 0.5757468414782174 18 fly 19 . 0.45476505433546066 right over to the big green lily pad they blew the green flies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 right 0.10912364215205805 1 right 8 pad 3.489554145482238 2 over 8 pad 4.140384484390822 3 to 4 the 0.3667201796407351 4 the 5 big 1.2895019818076339 5 big 8 pad 7.673078187788665 6 green 8 pad 7.972065296699135 7 lily 8 pad 12.746056782792667 8 pad 13 flies 9.71257918907872 8 pad 10 blew 8.397077363350785 8 pad 9 they 1.9741415949304972 8 pad 14 . 1.0208504717352866 11 the 12 green 2.032029580366329 12 green 13 flies 7.313562330960011 " chug-a-rum ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 chug-a-rum ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 chug-a-rum 2 ! 4.980687383427384 chug-a-rum ! " said grandfather frog , as each fat , foolish , green fly disappeared inside his white and yellow waistcoat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 chug-a-rum 5 grandfather 8.732210224733027 1 chug-a-rum 2 ! 4.980687383427384 1 chug-a-rum 4 said 3.8366014017529615 2 ! 3 " 2.8038844676111605 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 6 frog 22 waistcoat 4.544797792472952 7 , 8 as 0.3162541076793648 8 as 15 fly 0.702334412897951 9 each 12 foolish 2.333062664196099 10 fat 12 foolish 5.098122471561382 10 fat 11 , 0.4283881585949807 12 foolish 15 fly 6.139382724270678 12 foolish 14 green 5.127789177065466 12 foolish 13 , 0.5757468414782174 15 fly 16 disappeared 4.493920364803056 16 disappeared 22 waistcoat 7.632260633723288 17 inside 22 waistcoat 7.352853085941408 18 his 22 waistcoat 4.561243569483082 19 white 22 waistcoat 7.9119063064745205 20 and 22 waistcoat 1.7715731236977668 21 yellow 22 waistcoat 9.694282360330671 22 waistcoat 23 . 1.4308347432878463 grandfather frog settled himself comfortably on the big green lily pad and folded his hands across his white and yellow waistcoat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 11 pad 5.221258647679605 3 settled 5 comfortably 9.383219910792654 4 himself 5 comfortably 5.955292836175278 5 comfortably 11 pad 9.983939396987427 6 on 11 pad 4.59743476266755 6 on 7 the 1.3666129714665534 8 big 11 pad 7.673078187788665 9 green 11 pad 7.972065296699135 10 lily 11 pad 12.746056782792667 11 pad 13 folded 9.05062694932936 11 pad 12 and 1.2707858855840293 13 folded 21 waistcoat 9.220798588668274 13 folded 15 hands 6.334010780700499 14 his 15 hands 2.9353544230051085 16 across 21 waistcoat 6.850433515980356 17 his 21 waistcoat 4.561243569483082 18 white 21 waistcoat 7.9119063064745205 19 and 21 waistcoat 1.7715731236977668 20 yellow 21 waistcoat 9.694282360330671 21 waistcoat 22 . 1.4308347432878463 " chug-a-rum , " began grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 began 5.107810252566857 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " once upon a time " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 once 0.1976639201991084 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 once 3 upon 4.555898333020075 3 upon 5 time 3.583012964064622 3 upon 4 a 1.541881851738795 old king bear appeared every day in a suit of glossy black . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 every 0.172343299375866 1 old 4 appeared 1.6300022856011758 1 old 3 bear 3.023667783221974 2 king 3 bear 4.433910651477078 4 appeared 5 every 1.2696084193074988 5 every 11 glossy 3.8390091594748164 5 every 6 day 4.717332146494179 7 in 9 suit 1.108414203173215 8 a 9 suit 1.3586913527938087 9 suit 11 glossy 7.070505955512136 10 of 11 glossy 0.9099037331408866 11 glossy 12 black 7.0859624461961594 11 glossy 13 . 0.8865142270640334 lightfoot the deer , threw away his dingy gray suit , and put on a coat of beautiful red and fawn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 lightfoot 0.5419314610733057 1 lightfoot 3 deer 8.63394059280619 2 the 3 deer 2.00964668746467 3 deer 8 dingy 8.219699042061706 4 , 8 dingy 0.6984327432250019 5 threw 8 dingy 7.20728252349231 6 away 8 dingy 3.9401131560228 7 his 8 dingy 1.3446196286062495 8 dingy 10 suit 7.823003178772371 8 dingy 9 gray 7.269267235804698 8 dingy 13 put 4.890132283510862 8 dingy 12 and 2.000388091336749 8 dingy 11 , 0.958614595736222 13 put 14 on 3.2660388062579297 13 put 16 coat 2.906472626690203 15 a 16 coat 1.6283155679879577 16 coat 21 fawn 8.567883979765494 17 of 21 fawn 1.1322961544773342 18 beautiful 21 fawn 6.399401240805478 19 red 21 fawn 6.74064981176544 19 red 20 and 0.8579403771663046 21 fawn 22 . 1.349914747904279 mr skunk changed his black and white stripes for a suit of all black , very handsome , very handsome indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 skunk 2.2443855652310276 2 skunk 8 stripes 7.267468963167762 3 changed 8 stripes 6.071235982254802 4 his 8 stripes 2.031736673321891 5 black 7 white 4.510361173954745 5 black 6 and 0.8910555663575828 7 white 8 stripes 5.08283912845442 8 stripes 11 suit 6.758872841352652 8 stripes 9 for 1.3600994646367113 10 a 11 suit 1.3586913527938087 11 suit 14 black 4.784792911475595 11 suit 20 handsome 4.095729875579298 11 suit 13 all 1.9537703095276164 11 suit 12 of 0.8692542983833036 11 suit 22 . 0.8205611540375024 11 suit 15 , 0.4335104748708076 16 very 17 handsome 3.9612299554748738 17 handsome 20 handsome 4.213823041206243 17 handsome 18 , 0.8564582220261734 19 very 20 handsome 3.9612299554748738 20 handsome 21 indeed 3.1122326120423516 mr chipmunk took care to see that his new suit had the most beautiful stripes to be obtained . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 chipmunk 4.796759715893547 2 chipmunk 15 stripes 7.267879577953771 3 took 8 his 1.8641423652626727 3 took 4 care 3.9155276357623308 3 took 5 to 0.4913741020846736 5 to 6 see 1.81043644982023 6 see 7 that 0.9592205731248633 8 his 10 suit 2.032675622291503 9 new 10 suit 5.1879171986253745 10 suit 15 stripes 6.652440763535726 11 had 14 beautiful 0.7008520594810648 12 the 13 most 1.4161498002264477 13 most 14 beautiful 4.689351021268422 14 beautiful 15 stripes 4.173981126771462 15 stripes 18 obtained 10.588947839910336 15 stripes 19 . 0.5488188163183558 16 to 17 be 1.7155747074306849 17 be 18 obtained 3.002635622132562 even mr crow and mr owl took pains to look their very best . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 even 0.3181884746977399 1 even 3 crow 1.5783998894673559 2 mr 3 crow 4.326874370697052 3 crow 8 pains 5.674976044306231 3 crow 14 . 0.6089192767019185 4 and 8 pains 0.8763716138678426 5 mr 6 owl 4.960905023039981 6 owl 8 pains 6.603150198282712 7 took 8 pains 5.986079365302 8 pains 13 best 3.4870647609244934 8 pains 11 their 2.9824862997554824 8 pains 10 look 2.6154415623617133 8 pains 9 to 2.157465443227732 12 very 13 best 1.7453449557161456 " but mr toad couldn't see the need of such a fuss . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 but 5 couldn't 1.8930064579610963 3 mr 4 toad 7.152496199001803 4 toad 5 couldn't 2.713194284763876 5 couldn't 6 see 2.4834022222465855 6 see 12 fuss 2.028600851290605 7 the 12 fuss 0.25370631244329545 8 need 12 fuss 3.4698296146648637 8 need 9 of 1.3162746995673267 10 such 12 fuss 4.841560307192712 10 such 11 a 2.6388379146949603 12 fuss 13 . 0.585697789234704 he thought his neighbors spent altogether too much time and thought on dress . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 thought 1.3670260759711912 2 thought 6 altogether 1.4431099731394816 2 thought 13 dress 0.9722606970724925 3 his 4 neighbors 4.057655205973717 4 neighbors 5 spent 4.962054171366347 4 neighbors 6 altogether 4.917148222066427 6 altogether 7 too 4.05350434690466 6 altogether 11 thought 1.8261146103477586 6 altogether 9 time 1.3177433004694983 6 altogether 10 and 0.046070906663775446 7 too 8 much 3.9926843315095812 12 on 13 dress 1.778973422350795 13 dress 14 . 0.2861348769118628 to be sure he was anxious to look his best when old mother nature came , so he got a new suit all ready . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 he 0.7006048185438587 1 to 2 be 1.7155747074306849 2 be 3 sure 3.347040778220114 3 sure 4 he 0.9140727479924458 4 he 9 his 1.2727377188429507 4 he 5 was 1.2250956603177912 5 was 6 anxious 1.5368690712354685 6 anxious 8 look 2.606854066524992 6 anxious 7 to 1.9312865123183833 9 his 22 suit 2.032675622291503 10 best 22 suit 3.7720002753382644 11 when 12 old 0.5184015406255362 12 old 14 nature 5.543369308255009 12 old 22 suit 2.945540705199438 13 mother 14 nature 6.838452275712985 14 nature 15 came 2.2700024811528543 16 , 18 he 0.5080875377005949 17 so 18 he 0.9566864029452766 18 he 19 got 1.383301085109677 19 got 22 suit 1.8586885682948946 20 a 21 new 1.8220066865668834 21 new 22 suit 5.1879171986253745 22 suit 24 ready 3.088806772255083 22 suit 25 . 0.8205611540375024 23 all 24 ready 2.2063859298415096 but mr toad couldn't afford to sit around in idleness admiring his new clothes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 5 afford 4.2658160654428166 4 couldn't 5 afford 6.039347294398432 5 afford 10 idleness 8.534241947820203 5 afford 6 to 2.4139612394318988 7 sit 10 idleness 5.838110071162578 8 around 10 idleness 5.245498056014856 9 in 10 idleness 3.049520514119642 10 idleness 11 admiring 10.153609851603935 10 idleness 14 clothes 7.1064279148738585 10 idleness 13 new 4.887222010660327 10 idleness 15 . 1.2026887947211016 11 admiring 12 his 2.227089087197786 no indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 indeed 2.9042839274692227 2 indeed 3 ! 2.602606498852314 mr toad had too much to do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 toad 7.152496199001803 2 toad 3 had 1.2136540512837577 2 toad 5 much 1.0729378121033832 2 toad 8 . 0.8910229590360075 4 too 5 much 3.9926843315095812 5 much 7 do 0.8233530300209679 6 to 7 do 1.2374113854924609 he was altogether too busy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 5 busy 2.300366535564077 3 altogether 5 busy 4.4822246914439 4 too 5 busy 4.5757983083264016 5 busy 6 . 0.21129386637997527 he had a large garden to take care of , had mr toad , and work in a garden is very hard on clothes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 a 0.8090864824564772 3 a 4 large 2.64995943935655 4 large 5 garden 3.476581786954153 5 garden 13 toad 1.5366064373148696 5 garden 9 of 0.9809750707808149 6 to 7 take 1.5885130911812997 7 take 8 care 5.529768797484131 8 care 9 of 1.7057962774807685 10 , 12 mr 0.5022150510440095 10 , 11 had -0.1911050617324328 12 mr 13 toad 7.152496199001803 13 toad 24 clothes 3.3293811942202822 13 toad 21 very 2.223322278635063 13 toad 16 work 1.4965237549912693 13 toad 25 . 0.8910229590360075 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 16 work 0.36992245261861 16 work 19 garden 1.8451071563221966 17 in 19 garden 2.6232959408722643 17 in 18 a 0.8157855541154699 20 is 21 very 1.5624151199530516 21 very 22 hard 3.1680934161172836 23 on 24 clothes 1.591514791123732 so mr toad just wore his old suit over his new one and went on about his business . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 8 suit 5.083155076073041 3 toad 17 his 1.6223579154115164 3 toad 10 his 1.6223579154115164 3 toad 19 . 0.8910229590360075 4 just 8 suit 1.621827615097633 5 wore 8 suit 5.875082046269625 6 his 8 suit 2.032675622291503 7 old 8 suit 2.945540705199438 9 over 10 his 1.1243721664021926 10 his 11 new 1.0154960323146796 11 new 12 one 1.4862973617756268 13 and 14 went 1.3318517527892624 14 went 15 on 2.675890224316948 15 on 17 his 1.5589997391045252 16 about 17 his 0.4428177782532199 17 his 18 business 1.5067994258215904 " by and by the great day came when old mother nature arrived to inspect the kingdom of old king bear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 the -0.06339004823085581 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 by 4 by 1.8495083752714976 2 by 3 and 0.3434308069622034 4 by 5 the 1.0393901856171475 5 the 6 great 0.6225391622899057 6 great 21 bear 2.5182368329485207 7 day 8 came 2.343677994440135 8 came 15 inspect 4.878641614333919 9 when 15 inspect 3.700355556625496 10 old 12 nature 5.543369308255009 11 mother 12 nature 6.838452275712985 12 nature 15 inspect 8.452923461699893 13 arrived 15 inspect 10.129980932193764 14 to 15 inspect 3.052549508077224 15 inspect 17 kingdom 10.171125214204967 15 inspect 21 bear 7.888758332125942 15 inspect 20 king 6.222534578638236 15 inspect 19 old 4.7803571833690945 15 inspect 16 the 2.246734527538514 15 inspect 18 of 1.9468994422775054 21 bear 22 . 0.34715624794171696 he was so busy that he didn't even know that old mother nature had arrived . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 he 7 didn't 2.0746164561717215 2 was 4 busy 2.300366535564077 3 so 4 busy 2.628332968295563 4 busy 7 didn't 1.848261790963857 5 that 6 he 0.8325098574022061 6 he 7 didn't 2.0746164561717215 7 didn't 13 nature 1.207732214491486 7 didn't 9 know 4.1638850028764445 7 didn't 8 even 2.284074756357178 9 know 10 that 1.300924681937678 11 old 13 nature 5.543369308255009 12 mother 13 nature 6.838452275712985 13 nature 15 arrived 4.451671665490434 13 nature 16 . 0.4127944381079125 14 had 15 arrived 1.9772920557337024 " late in the afternoon , mr toad stopped to rest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 8 toad 0.7262225374453735 2 late 8 toad 1.778555240871352 2 late 5 afternoon 6.104674173973308 3 in 5 afternoon 1.7055661129022823 4 the 5 afternoon 1.2644762892112063 6 , 7 mr 0.5022150510440095 7 mr 8 toad 7.152496199001803 8 toad 9 stopped 3.471720363990695 8 toad 12 . 0.8910229590360075 9 stopped 11 rest 3.720689684035353 10 to 11 rest 1.153745678693344 he had just cleared his cabbage patch of the slugs which threatened to eat up his crop and he was very tired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 12 threatened 2.1612048413129337 3 just 4 cleared 1.9731704390590856 4 cleared 10 slugs 12.541866966563266 5 his 10 slugs 4.759657127885092 6 cabbage 10 slugs 14.112509795967359 7 patch 10 slugs 13.12323620256041 8 of 10 slugs 3.634796495006519 9 the 10 slugs 2.151826698424081 10 slugs 12 threatened 14.475079875352062 10 slugs 11 which 7.201262079292771 12 threatened 17 crop 10.281433273564591 12 threatened 14 eat 6.254160343414494 12 threatened 15 up 1.9621920831378823 12 threatened 23 . 0.9348772486254369 13 to 14 eat 2.419166420524629 16 his 17 crop 1.3111966270687958 17 crop 22 tired 4.8363853906931205 18 and 22 tired 0.6187135839397335 19 he 22 tired 1.256278507322353 20 was 22 tired 2.143622194048838 21 very 22 tired 3.1814462322895807 " suddenly mr toad remembered that he had on his working clothes , which were very old , very dirty and very ragged . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 suddenly 5 remembered 5.952846062119246 3 mr 4 toad 7.152496199001803 4 toad 5 remembered 3.504887227925895 5 remembered 11 working 3.796597104869729 5 remembered 6 that 2.5245584827099066 5 remembered 8 had 2.4845065957446977 7 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 9 on 11 working 2.2992840510633137 9 on 10 his 1.5589997391045252 11 working 12 clothes 5.592572679377099 12 clothes 23 ragged 6.880814522116815 12 clothes 14 which 2.6001103404722805 12 clothes 24 . 0.6232321269999304 13 , 14 which 0.5112693294198909 15 were 23 ragged 3.454137038176917 16 very 23 ragged 3.5586800478512437 17 old 23 ragged 2.1601790611172795 18 , 23 ragged 0.493573951673298 19 very 23 ragged 3.5586800478512437 20 dirty 23 ragged 9.62398526580973 21 and 23 ragged 1.161006645771895 22 very 23 ragged 3.5586800478512437 for just a minute he didn't know what to do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 what 1.0239342403725384 1 for 2 just -0.18592360982220413 2 just 8 what 1.8602578489013517 2 just 4 minute 2.712934666577965 3 a 4 minute 2.75284848895582 5 he 6 didn't 2.0746164561717215 6 didn't 7 know 4.1638850028764445 7 know 8 what 3.2396222245850588 8 what 10 do 3.3898156542937787 9 to 10 do 1.2374113854924609 10 do 11 . -0.15592806489905797 then he dived under a cabbage leaf and began to pull off his old suit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 dived 4.035245694049557 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 dived 6 cabbage 9.511165435475423 3 dived 4 under 6.201131019169317 5 a 6 cabbage 1.2491715906702723 6 cabbage 7 leaf 8.874105056642279 6 cabbage 11 pull 7.191660742768917 6 cabbage 15 suit 6.5275472952461975 6 cabbage 12 off 4.137736728078014 6 cabbage 8 and 1.4418978019767863 9 began 11 pull 4.377452149670248 9 began 10 to 2.775473939384737 13 his 15 suit 2.032675622291503 14 old 15 suit 2.945540705199438 15 suit 16 . 0.8205611540375024 but the old suit stuck ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 but 5 stuck 0.8495156134021506 2 the 3 old 1.2295992545342926 3 old 4 suit 2.945540705199438 4 suit 5 stuck 4.765651373983715 he was in such a hurry and so excited that he couldn't find the buttons . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 9 excited 2.122731288256997 3 in 6 hurry 3.2961920336069177 4 such 6 hurry 4.695728237691409 4 such 5 a 2.6388379146949603 6 hurry 9 excited 3.584144924095966 7 and 9 excited 0.4580052885597077 8 so 9 excited 2.8415527056887555 9 excited 15 buttons 8.152293288894658 9 excited 10 that 1.679788832993573 9 excited 16 . 1.1448166085021043 11 he 12 couldn't 2.184206095579082 12 couldn't 15 buttons 4.646691488824434 13 find 15 buttons 4.4839674965803376 14 the 15 buttons 1.3792371945271498 finally he got his trousers off . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 5 trousers 5.957066873115579 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 got 5 trousers 2.7524891644629683 4 his 5 trousers 3.7689349414730984 5 trousers 6 off 3.248768040466757 6 off 7 . 0.39531210057115374 " mr toad was very well pleased with himself until he thought how terribly untidy that ragged old suit looked lying on the ground . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 9 himself 2.2323233143928825 4 was 7 pleased 2.1194854797296188 5 very 6 well 3.082214088252625 6 well 7 pleased 3.5166827287604363 7 pleased 9 himself 3.27469411280698 7 pleased 8 with 2.921348626121109 9 himself 15 untidy 4.046541898541232 10 until 15 untidy 4.9555091414825405 10 until 11 he 1.7572482101890436 12 thought 15 untidy 3.0412328391516112 13 how 15 untidy 2.5965922024012222 14 terribly 15 untidy 8.01198372279531 15 untidy 17 ragged 9.781526542796211 15 untidy 19 suit 7.318960673434784 15 untidy 21 lying 7.0553002337266015 15 untidy 20 looked 4.853734406559504 15 untidy 16 that 0.4109017009143443 18 old 19 suit 2.945540705199438 21 lying 24 ground 4.991651145878407 21 lying 22 on 3.8687099163313654 23 the 24 ground 2.248876394839101 24 ground 25 . 0.8257662493736042 what should he do with it ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 do 3.3898156542937787 1 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 2 should 1.5302522801245715 1 what 3 he 0.6167956023414938 4 do 6 it 1.229193173512929 4 do 5 with 0.5310791367258805 he couldn't hide it in the garden , for old mother nature 's eyes are so sharp that she would be sure to see it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 3 hide 1.7814485905744029 3 hide 7 garden 2.2953632759646787 3 hide 4 it 0.9872508715936128 5 in 7 garden 2.6232959408722643 6 the 7 garden 1.8182795202698845 7 garden 12 nature 1.8269948352811625 7 garden 8 , 0.20116026934361386 8 , 9 for -0.029487711338200384 10 old 12 nature 5.543369308255009 11 mother 12 nature 6.838452275712985 12 nature 17 sharp 3.359285823321592 12 nature 24 see 0.8731885014503966 12 nature 26 . 0.4127944381079125 13 's 14 eyes 1.783542334361142 14 eyes 17 sharp 3.124797506429065 15 are 17 sharp 2.0404053191386886 15 are 16 so 1.1698366431275442 18 that 20 would 1.6180247609774892 19 she 20 would 1.560247653280122 20 would 24 see 0.9305596076866252 20 would 21 be 2.939110555868645 21 be 22 sure 3.347040778220114 23 to 24 see 1.81043644982023 24 see 25 it 0.8650467282034224 what should he do ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 4 do 3.3898156542937787 1 what 5 ? 2.8239428283003427 1 what 2 should 1.5302522801245715 1 what 3 he 0.6167956023414938 " then mr toad had a happy thought . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 then 3 mr 0.29182497711163435 3 mr 4 toad 7.152496199001803 4 toad 5 had 1.2136540512837577 4 toad 9 . 0.8910229590360075 5 had 8 thought 1.0619351268448831 5 had 6 a 0.8090864824564772 7 happy 8 thought 1.694071510217551 every one made fun of his big mouth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 1 every 3 made 0.7286342535624364 1 every 2 one 3.4259854658400464 3 made 8 mouth 1.9047472641928636 3 made 4 fun 3.101252338014021 4 fun 5 of 1.6023477109476403 6 his 8 mouth 3.591456806912234 7 big 8 mouth 4.773073977765382 8 mouth 9 . 0.8007472376153792 but what was a big mouth for if not to use ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 what 11 use 2.0646060896151646 2 what 12 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 was 11 use 1.077565441236512 4 a 5 big 1.4224054990348538 5 big 6 mouth 4.773073977765382 6 mouth 11 use 2.0972296234154832 7 for 11 use 0.28680567532422074 8 if 9 not 1.1442054631033614 9 not 11 use 0.5722320707158701 9 not 10 to 0.7496928874864288 he would swallow his old suit ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 he 2 would 1.3645954036822268 2 would 6 suit 2.618670728980913 3 swallow 6 suit 4.579223330018522 4 his 6 suit 2.032675622291503 5 old 6 suit 2.945540705199438 in a flash mr toad dived under the cabbage leaf and crammed his old suit into his mouth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 dived 0.575227871548428 1 in 3 flash 2.7508621985551294 2 a 3 flash 3.227647877984406 3 flash 6 dived 7.223541108356098 4 mr 5 toad 7.152496199001803 5 toad 6 dived 5.346189481906837 6 dived 12 crammed 11.369146430603 7 under 12 crammed 6.758350220430117 8 the 9 cabbage 1.9377018930712282 9 cabbage 12 crammed 12.112509795967359 10 leaf 12 crammed 10.792720611836327 10 leaf 11 and 0.7070711185669118 12 crammed 15 suit 8.697472296688513 12 crammed 18 mouth 7.575075665328786 12 crammed 16 into 5.405406347545252 12 crammed 14 old 3.960929429010914 12 crammed 17 his 3.8216376367481395 12 crammed 13 his 3.8216376367481395 18 mouth 19 . 0.8007472376153792 " when old mother nature came into the garden , mr toad was waiting in the path to receive her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 12 toad 0.7262225374453735 2 when 3 old 0.5184015406255362 3 old 12 toad 5.805182115852514 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 5 nature 6 came 2.2700024811528543 6 came 7 into 2.11013762124767 7 into 9 garden 3.8484582229936883 8 the 9 garden 1.8182795202698845 10 , 11 mr 0.5022150510440095 11 mr 12 toad 7.152496199001803 12 toad 17 path 3.5189350024115207 12 toad 21 . 0.8910229590360075 13 was 14 waiting 1.7692529230491054 14 waiting 17 path 3.089732729364254 15 in 16 the 1.1613034400066837 16 the 17 path 1.982783701680562 17 path 19 receive 4.795013433615061 18 to 19 receive 2.5289875520202116 19 receive 20 her 1.7775212502276716 " of course old mother nature saw it right away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 course 1.1137837747596677 1 " 3 course 0.9955464445692712 2 of 3 course 4.211944956136168 3 course 7 saw 1.407185868704353 3 course 9 right 1.8187495447410775 3 course 8 it 1.2706714483365502 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 7 saw 1.8909355034889863 9 right 10 away 3.2224527433629326 10 away 11 . 0.6607964685513892 and how she did laugh ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 how 1.1444914957494294 1 and 2 how 0.384957723767954 2 how 4 did 2.518082473303066 2 how 6 ! 1.7025192702459062 3 she 4 did 1.487309064234319 4 did 5 laugh 1.838278174433956 and of course mr toad felt very much mortified . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 course 1.1137837747596677 1 and 3 course -0.1791062469567848 2 of 3 course 4.211944956136168 3 course 9 mortified 4.853696609495326 4 mr 5 toad 7.152496199001803 5 toad 9 mortified 6.908784169599539 6 felt 9 mortified 6.396752544950598 7 very 8 much 3.446378250176915 8 much 9 mortified 4.735721167918669 9 mortified 10 . 0.48741827165421725 " ' fine clothes arc not to be compared with fine work , ' said old mother nature . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 15 said 2.1846753891302146 2 ' 5 arc 1.700526473993925 2 ' 15 said 2.1255139733894506 3 fine 5 arc 7.595642492484355 4 clothes 5 arc 8.944317464422976 5 arc 9 compared 11.746727411490571 5 arc 11 fine 7.389386126954783 5 arc 10 with 4.353364787178009 5 arc 6 not 3.1529728859216135 5 arc 8 be 3.0220706050579835 7 to 8 be 1.7155747074306849 11 fine 12 work 0.8048704546223497 13 , 15 said 1.3498770263619093 14 ' 15 said 2.1255139733894506 15 said 19 . 0.9489036959486263 16 old 18 nature 5.543369308255009 17 mother 18 nature 6.838452275712985 18 nature 19 . 0.4127944381079125 ' i herewith appoint you my chief gardener , mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 appoint 1.575227871548428 1 ' 4 appoint 4.344382663768645 2 i 4 appoint 3.543859280233761 3 herewith 4 appoint 18.073848175598247 4 appoint 8 gardener 13.913200987743945 4 appoint 7 chief 12.0168978843727 4 appoint 10 mr 7.387010987026695 4 appoint 6 my 5.48261354803747 4 appoint 5 you 3.958498096612221 4 appoint 9 , 1.5700493078185715 10 mr 11 toad 7.152496199001803 11 toad 12 . 0.8910229590360075 " and from that day to this the toads have been the very best of gardeners . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 toads -0.2449510908667598 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 and 9 toads 0.34774709729650155 3 from 9 toads 2.1629969287907223 4 that 5 day 0.982017568112159 5 day 9 toads 3.227252175873428 6 to 7 this 0.36905023143750526 7 this 9 toads 1.5200020027142038 8 the 9 toads 1.0865352381723596 9 toads 14 best 4.553153951382267 9 toads 11 been 3.5521911163010813 9 toads 13 very 2.022064070387959 9 toads 12 the 0.4862004622339029 10 have 11 been 3.478630943815215 14 best 16 gardeners 6.356962776059422 14 best 15 of 1.378588398292404 14 best 17 . 0.5213042658066236 and in memory of their great , great , great-grandfather a thousand times removed they have always swallowed their old suits . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.5651728891422607 1 and 5 their 0.6871720493367341 2 in 5 their 1.207262829617406 2 in 3 memory 1.7001552365254327 3 memory 4 of 2.16967418640429 5 their 21 suits 3.148836328310793 6 great 10 great-grandfather 4.089289359662452 7 , 10 great-grandfather 0.29584698499241213 8 great 10 great-grandfather 4.089289359662452 9 , 10 great-grandfather 0.29584698499241213 10 great-grandfather 14 removed 8.50545352439558 11 a 12 thousand 2.8403660451029467 12 thousand 14 removed 9.15191923443425 13 times 14 removed 7.734419797628114 14 removed 18 swallowed 7.210376649157649 14 removed 17 always 3.223728971503821 15 they 17 always 1.095646385029788 15 they 16 have 0.9196470027436003 18 swallowed 21 suits 8.726759217909855 19 their 21 suits 3.148836328310793 20 old 21 suits 2.731401505212137 21 suits 22 . 0.5538456333931912 " oh , " cried the merry little breezes , " thank you , thank you , grandfather frog ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 4 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 5 cried 9 breezes 4.307081183990906 6 the 9 breezes 2.2607610699772422 7 merry 9 breezes 10.012501010913478 8 little 9 breezes 6.02611847789149 9 breezes 18 grandfather 4.474385664906457 10 , 12 thank 0.9774247229617696 11 " 12 thank 2.2783711941508873 12 thank 15 thank 5.404501005132339 12 thank 13 you 3.854819450510554 12 thank 14 , 1.2586135867488526 15 thank 18 grandfather 4.6094938783919055 15 thank 16 you 3.854819450510554 15 thank 17 , 1.2586135867488526 18 grandfather 19 frog 9.27687376659811 19 frog 20 ! 0.4136123944333967 20 ! 21 " 2.8038844676111605 then they raced away across the green meadows and up the crooked little path to see if old mr toad was gardening . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 raced 2.9033887334407673 2 they 3 raced 3.827069876590663 3 raced 8 meadows 6.619291831636307 3 raced 4 away 4.06393210361605 3 raced 16 see 2.1542632124641266 5 across 8 meadows 6.60215897375376 6 the 8 meadows 2.3225225762090123 7 green 8 meadows 8.640219315758674 8 meadows 12 crooked 4.74678680509879 8 meadows 9 and 1.1069338943958122 10 up 12 crooked 3.076454758990156 11 the 12 crooked 1.7037741419172718 12 crooked 14 path 9.62217258557886 12 crooked 13 little 5.379445518156846 15 to 16 see 1.81043644982023 16 see 22 gardening 5.511683737992545 17 if 22 gardening 4.690689108558299 18 old 20 toad 5.805182115852514 19 mr 20 toad 7.152496199001803 20 toad 22 gardening 9.471720363990695 21 was 22 gardening 2.917540956995488 22 gardening 23 . 2.8093463665415754 and peter rabbit still wonders what old mr toad did with his old suit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 toad -0.13993335229942971 1 and 5 wonders 0.9269179602078914 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 5 wonders 5.099075107708909 4 still 5 wonders 4.618178475757151 5 wonders 9 toad 5.17495615078305 5 wonders 6 what 2.1337093135504013 7 old 9 toad 5.805182115852514 8 mr 9 toad 7.152496199001803 9 toad 14 suit 5.083155076073041 9 toad 15 . 0.8910229590360075 10 did 14 suit 0.8060429831439144 11 with 12 his 1.244921475065187 12 his 14 suit 2.032675622291503 13 old 14 suit 2.945540705199438 x 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 x 2.382582793606037 grandfather frog gets even 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 1 grandfather 3 gets 4.03700877487395 3 gets 4 even 3.4666536989062173 his hands were folded across his white and yellow waistcoat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 10 waistcoat 4.561243569483082 2 hands 4 folded 6.168627529262547 3 were 4 folded 2.685762739291402 4 folded 10 waistcoat 9.220798588668274 5 across 10 waistcoat 6.850433515980356 6 his 10 waistcoat 4.561243569483082 7 white 10 waistcoat 7.9119063064745205 8 and 10 waistcoat 1.7715731236977668 9 yellow 10 waistcoat 9.694282360330671 10 waistcoat 11 . 1.4308347432878463 round , red , smiling mr sun sent down his warmest rays on the back of grandfather frog 's green coat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 round -0.6742997157795632 1 round 5 smiling 2.5204065621369374 1 round 3 red 4.700734383577796 1 round 4 , 0.514430750797862 1 round 2 , 0.514430750797862 5 smiling 11 warmest 8.270834800725876 6 mr 11 warmest 5.13747036131452 7 sun 11 warmest 7.829221332666194 8 sent 11 warmest 6.5713318975793165 9 down 11 warmest 3.7251452870491377 10 his 11 warmest 4.051837879378404 11 warmest 12 rays 13.086037584606157 11 warmest 21 coat 7.7040621060488625 11 warmest 17 grandfather 6.367675958467807 11 warmest 20 green 5.470458103039377 11 warmest 15 back 4.071078792514513 11 warmest 13 on 3.3221612992154412 11 warmest 14 the 1.5793098666253833 11 warmest 16 of 1.542509187198167 17 grandfather 18 frog 9.27687376659811 17 grandfather 19 's 1.3980237064699956 21 coat 22 . 0.6904052938180669 and still old grandfather frog sat dreaming and dreaming of the days when all the frogs had tails and ruled the world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 still 0.17744170464104236 1 and 2 still 0.2893082025658771 3 old 4 grandfather 1.85966994986482 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 5 frog 16 frogs 4.973331134236016 6 sat 7 dreaming 3.8160948774133026 7 dreaming 9 dreaming 6.052127426197284 7 dreaming 8 and 0.4926511024414175 9 dreaming 12 days 5.11682114842468 9 dreaming 10 of 1.0082999869416476 10 of 11 the 0.8205289458717022 12 days 16 frogs 5.445209859023887 12 days 13 when 2.0675589778899983 14 all 16 frogs 0.8377958820253006 15 the 16 frogs 1.8909601292729974 16 frogs 20 ruled 9.873012430349842 17 had 18 tails 1.6039873310746806 18 tails 20 ruled 7.894848231590313 18 tails 19 and 0.939397461447598 20 ruled 22 world 4.778595259596219 21 the 22 world 2.329264621664832 22 world 23 . 0.8011724350958733 presently billy mink came hopping and skipping down the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 7 skipping 5.84114476098577 2 billy 3 mink 9.260717032646737 3 mink 7 skipping 7.701904029223581 4 came 7 skipping 4.72213712865393 5 hopping 7 skipping 12.277933405174728 6 and 7 skipping 1.5963840747528515 7 skipping 11 brook 7.972983707690322 7 skipping 8 down 5.441633566194962 7 skipping 12 . 0.9680441125606336 9 the 11 brook 2.4170322032995006 10 laughing 11 brook 9.342696177760082 sometimes he swam a little way and sometimes he ran a little way along the bank , and sometimes he jumped from stone to stone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 sometimes 0.7626315448486718 1 sometimes 8 sometimes 5.683333650082204 1 sometimes 3 swam 4.699666428031147 2 he 3 swam 2.1326954117662744 3 swam 6 way 1.3756629180287092 3 swam 7 and 1.2643184618257166 4 a 5 little 2.1212036022401666 5 little 6 way 1.1548159457627953 8 sometimes 19 sometimes 5.683333650082204 9 he 10 ran 1.3480235433786767 10 ran 16 bank 3.461268708667969 10 ran 13 way 1.7728859992385928 11 a 12 little 2.1212036022401666 12 little 13 way 1.1548159457627953 14 along 16 bank 4.9706801763819435 15 the 16 bank 2.3444717763664755 16 bank 19 sometimes 2.9256038317468125 16 bank 18 and 0.847635740517866 17 , 18 and 0.752751396501802 19 sometimes 21 jumped 2.213062888085471 20 he 21 jumped 2.249432901856604 21 jumped 25 stone 4.442539927236865 21 jumped 23 stone 4.442539927236865 21 jumped 22 from 2.2383828982529472 21 jumped 24 to 0.3362263044555043 25 stone 26 . 0.6021884589002902 billy mink was feeling very good very good indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 4 feeling 3.0585872655313757 3 was 4 feeling 1.2589753662343348 4 feeling 9 indeed 3.056029573694172 5 very 9 indeed 4.748811396098601 6 good 9 indeed 2.4922068725369506 7 very 9 indeed 4.748811396098601 8 good 9 indeed 2.4922068725369506 9 indeed 10 . 0.21529929449387453 he had caught a fine fat trout for breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 caught 1.9434351692149257 3 caught 7 trout 4.824324432474665 4 a 5 fine 2.1660824004800148 5 fine 7 trout 4.870264872593356 6 fat 7 trout 8.203650851158141 7 trout 9 breakfast 6.0056167897726205 8 for 9 breakfast 2.624334953579286 9 breakfast 10 . 0.9758391566280054 he had hidden two more away for dinner in a snug little hole no one knew of but himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 2 had 3 hidden 2.4424909517029505 3 hidden 8 dinner 3.7806639448387394 3 hidden 6 away 3.689536588834553 3 hidden 19 himself 3.082237758135296 3 hidden 4 two 0.8857616408576519 4 two 5 more 1.2599869863156208 7 for 8 dinner 2.1544601737743783 8 dinner 11 snug 4.911341856098545 9 in 11 snug 2.062401805416375 10 a 11 snug 1.6688227652622487 11 snug 13 hole 6.122794680287338 11 snug 12 little 4.697544606194754 11 snug 16 knew 3.0199214784472126 11 snug 15 one 2.556147246045473 11 snug 17 of 1.2948227456978074 11 snug 18 but 1.1593709552588791 14 no 15 one 2.611222192281094 19 himself 20 . 0.6673551505339343 now he had nothing to do but get into mischief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 3 had 4 nothing 1.0072892369538842 4 nothing 5 to 1.060810613842838 5 to 8 get 1.8086562812674263 5 to 6 do 1.2374113854924609 7 but 8 get 0.4547974843445921 8 get 10 mischief 3.4172149025654726 9 into 10 mischief 3.527945228799368 10 mischief 11 . 0.93617638877706 you can always depend upon billy mink to get into mischief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 4 depend 2.2368517717240763 2 can 4 depend 4.620475384648923 3 always 4 depend 3.6617016093811294 4 depend 7 mink 5.211620631193444 4 depend 5 upon 6.00994108548031 6 billy 7 mink 9.260717032646737 7 mink 11 mischief 4.45043267945891 8 to 9 get 1.8086562812674263 9 get 11 mischief 3.4172149025654726 10 into 11 mischief 3.527945228799368 11 mischief 12 . 0.93617638877706 he just can't help it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 can't 0.9469312647008561 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 just 0.7017321607109004 1 he 2 just 0.8249460310907679 3 can't 4 help 4.658086267630718 4 help 5 it 1.6841812539897738 4 help 6 . 0.6555918465820536 so billy mink came hopping and skipping down the laughing brook to the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 billy 0.29882624197680663 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 billy 3 mink 9.260717032646737 3 mink 7 skipping 7.701904029223581 3 mink 14 smiling 4.614705587321705 4 came 7 skipping 4.72213712865393 5 hopping 7 skipping 12.277933405174728 6 and 7 skipping 1.5963840747528515 7 skipping 11 brook 7.972983707690322 7 skipping 8 down 5.441633566194962 9 the 11 brook 2.4170322032995006 10 laughing 11 brook 9.342696177760082 12 to 14 smiling 0.4333374454031542 13 the 14 smiling 1.862320081229095 14 smiling 15 pool 9.99688962068163 15 pool 16 . 1.0200253673142292 then he stopped , as still as the rock he was standing on , and peeped through the bulrushes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 16 peeped 2.7103151110006714 2 he 3 stopped 1.983089912422038 3 stopped 16 peeped 4.906325490435215 4 , 5 as 0.3162541076793648 5 as 16 peeped 1.486625072461056 6 still 16 peeped 1.8237626094070443 7 as 16 peeped 1.486625072461056 8 the 9 rock 1.8842494680709052 9 rock 16 peeped 4.617654211476154 10 he 16 peeped 1.7335411412152872 11 was 12 standing 2.500406516881064 12 standing 16 peeped 4.069166843940625 12 standing 13 on 2.972982739903312 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 16 peeped 1.6155849805597278 16 peeped 19 bulrushes 7.39129243451794 16 peeped 17 through 4.6666800117429865 18 the 19 bulrushes 2.346555090866964 19 bulrushes 20 . 0.5832782870617272 billy mink is very cautious , very cautious indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 8 cautious 7.77094567365323 3 is 8 cautious 2.1827819826956407 4 very 8 cautious 3.5936138379606355 5 cautious 8 cautious 10.501949709580717 5 cautious 6 , 1.0145305849898953 7 very 8 cautious 3.5936138379606355 8 cautious 9 indeed 6.203190779147537 9 indeed 10 . 0.21529929449387453 he always looks well before he shows himself , that nothing may surprise him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 shows 0.8182046250409662 1 he 7 shows 0.9206266938157874 2 always 7 shows 2.7580087137316625 3 looks 7 shows 5.53893740747294 4 well 7 shows 1.8987518773539165 5 before 7 shows 2.5995480834938114 5 before 6 he 1.1056517359144618 7 shows 13 surprise 4.940823318498815 7 shows 12 may 4.003057978457317 7 shows 11 nothing 2.6683192979910295 7 shows 8 himself 2.422614252502253 7 shows 10 that 1.1727419637195773 8 himself 9 , 0.18452559089158704 13 surprise 15 . 1.0051820724874716 13 surprise 14 him 0.9072956263028722 so billy mink looked all over the smiling pool and the grassy banks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 billy 0.29882624197680663 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 billy 3 mink 9.260717032646737 3 mink 8 smiling 4.614705587321705 4 looked 6 over 1.8107943674827283 5 all 6 over 1.805500799193231 6 over 8 smiling 2.5341114774242506 7 the 8 smiling 1.862320081229095 8 smiling 9 pool 9.99688962068163 9 pool 12 grassy 6.891549330124036 9 pool 14 . 1.0200253673142292 9 pool 10 and 0.6387898510193644 11 the 12 grassy 1.7518960915354427 12 grassy 13 banks 9.778167530706295 he saw the sunbeams dancing on the water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 saw 1.9208684375913663 2 saw 4 sunbeams 4.163493724686159 3 the 4 sunbeams 2.321751699866393 4 sunbeams 5 dancing 8.754176054651257 4 sunbeams 8 water 6.665518434830858 5 dancing 6 on 2.5688012667985625 7 the 8 water 1.7399704463899148 8 water 9 . 0.8129941435567201 he saw the tadpoles having such a good time in the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 saw 1.9208684375913663 2 saw 3 the 0.6521682949669483 3 the 13 pool 2.2980304314762776 4 tadpoles 10 in 3.053067686487182 4 tadpoles 5 having 7.996878452694926 4 tadpoles 6 such 5.564553731010495 4 tadpoles 8 good 4.854321842060465 4 tadpoles 9 time 4.752250663946569 6 such 7 a 2.6388379146949603 10 in 13 pool 1.650393533343621 11 the 13 pool 2.2980304314762776 12 smiling 13 pool 9.99688962068163 13 pool 14 . 1.0200253673142292 then billy mink took a long breath , a very long breath , and dived into the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 15 dived 4.035245694049557 2 billy 3 mink 9.260717032646737 3 mink 15 dived 6.858408514903569 4 took 7 breath 3.3124154002077724 5 a 6 long 1.8939671708709067 6 long 7 breath 4.685509129204462 7 breath 15 dived 6.517784326306302 7 breath 8 , 0.29082566388544606 9 a 11 long 1.8939671708709067 10 very 11 long 1.3789137824316953 11 long 12 breath 4.685509129204462 12 breath 15 dived 6.517784326306302 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 14 and 15 dived 1.042395177627828 15 dived 19 pool 7.5418919511076865 15 dived 16 into 5.740045494182169 17 the 19 pool 2.2980304314762776 18 smiling 19 pool 9.99688962068163 19 pool 20 . 1.0200253673142292 now , billy mink can swim very fast , very fast indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 6 swim 2.065120762623799 1 now 2 , 0.7353592996076195 3 billy 4 mink 9.260717032646737 4 mink 6 swim 6.3665554185738955 5 can 6 swim 4.505514595234253 6 swim 11 fast 5.297744385290663 6 swim 8 fast 5.297744385290663 6 swim 9 , 0.3560365520980966 7 very 8 fast 2.2573559121913256 10 very 11 fast 2.2573559121913256 11 fast 12 indeed 3.4773163309916697 11 fast 13 . 0.6245713857256554 for a little way he can swim even faster than mr trout . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 for -0.5111667242866442 1 for 12 trout 1.400690953227162 2 a 3 little 2.1212036022401666 3 little 9 faster 2.5703465722419416 4 way 7 swim 2.17597409237856 5 he 7 swim 1.9227624381597792 6 can 7 swim 4.505514595234253 7 swim 9 faster 7.966253849216091 8 even 9 faster 3.4264927230838076 9 faster 12 trout 6.112732451271583 9 faster 10 than 6.100286913249537 11 mr 12 trout 3.7979838950428473 12 trout 13 . 0.6950502339529656 and he can stay under water a long time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 can 0.35310588254693975 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 and 2 he 0.30330535602472075 3 can 4 stay 2.0799624584971923 4 stay 8 long 2.8875512056689523 4 stay 6 water 1.5083658672744242 5 under 6 water 3.6898704825473487 7 a 8 long 1.8939671708709067 8 long 9 time 3.7235556839354 9 time 10 . 0.2397831621113511 straight across the smiling pool , with not even the tip of his nose out of water , swam billy mink . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 straight -0.11165953049723143 1 straight 5 pool 4.420184896558148 2 across 5 pool 5.263069230863213 3 the 5 pool 2.2980304314762776 4 smiling 5 pool 9.99688962068163 5 pool 19 swam 5.894082596869556 5 pool 11 tip 5.868947901186903 6 , 7 with 0.25997842034339946 7 with 11 tip 2.014059920751528 8 not 9 even 2.764114035029854 9 even 11 tip 3.9555692031557577 10 the 11 tip 2.002313157004725 11 tip 14 nose 7.638201953102023 11 tip 16 of 3.603022971919895 11 tip 12 of 3.603022971919895 11 tip 15 out 2.539498523612771 13 his 14 nose 3.647741242910211 17 water 19 swam 5.2593286142020865 17 water 18 , 0.4168282362168494 19 swam 21 mink 4.061153136659623 20 billy 21 mink 9.260717032646737 21 mink 22 . 0.4209439937661976 when he was right under the big green lily pad he suddenly kicked up hard with his hind feet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 2 he 13 kicked 2.331199526301816 2 he 3 was 1.2250956603177912 4 right 10 pad 3.489554145482238 5 under 10 pad 4.535957799093669 5 under 6 the 1.5803545408498074 7 big 10 pad 7.673078187788665 8 green 10 pad 7.972065296699135 9 lily 10 pad 12.746056782792667 10 pad 13 kicked 9.465664448608198 10 pad 12 suddenly 6.1127324512715795 10 pad 11 he 1.720692070268207 13 kicked 18 hind 7.11518393026568 13 kicked 15 hard 3.1308949482464 13 kicked 14 up 3.029306278996412 16 with 18 hind 2.954440261439917 17 his 18 hind 3.839384320355826 18 hind 19 feet 6.44849056687292 19 feet 20 . 0.7277218346471965 now , grandfather frog 's mouth is very big . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 grandfather 1.134068116341286 1 now 2 , 0.7353592996076195 3 grandfather 4 frog 9.27687376659811 4 frog 6 mouth 4.643182532543687 4 frog 9 big 4.121894733762307 4 frog 8 very 2.0312772485492907 4 frog 10 . 0.622092755808108 5 's 6 mouth 1.9926598467179737 7 is 8 very 1.5624151199530516 indeed , no one else has so big a mouth , unless it be his cousin , old mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 indeed 5 else 1.1349041979001946 1 indeed 2 , 1.1805591219564295 3 no 4 one 2.611222192281094 4 one 5 else 3.2310886289661234 5 else 21 . 0.8723257841850689 5 else 6 has 1.447386612081825 5 else 7 so 0.5511892584817737 8 big 16 cousin 3.9647332715622206 8 big 10 mouth 4.773073977765382 9 a 10 mouth 0.5697184551592755 10 mouth 12 unless 2.897830900840315 11 , 12 unless 0.6910152716625184 12 unless 13 it 1.3857687815137467 13 it 14 be 1.3628723356900565 15 his 16 cousin 2.3925086402507887 16 cousin 20 toad 3.638755198303919 16 cousin 17 , 1.0968581528652415 18 old 20 toad 5.805182115852514 19 mr 20 toad 7.152496199001803 20 toad 21 . 0.8910229590360075 and when grandfather frog went over flat on his back , splash in the smiling pool , his mouth was wide open . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 when 0.5986489700216406 1 and 2 when 0.12157379630622422 2 when 16 pool 0.6100666712963907 3 grandfather 4 frog 9.27687376659811 4 frog 16 pool 2.6163965895207397 5 went 6 over 1.5896978924205456 6 over 16 pool 2.8891593808466602 7 flat 12 splash 6.3819201546281725 7 flat 8 on 3.6887259221051742 7 flat 10 back 3.2908020270749745 7 flat 9 his 1.9709715434172033 7 flat 11 , 0.20481004165787908 12 splash 16 pool 7.3176767941644165 12 splash 13 in 1.8541636180731054 14 the 16 pool 2.2980304314762776 15 smiling 16 pool 9.99688962068163 16 pool 21 wide 3.3450609772175177 16 pool 23 . 1.0200253673142292 17 , 21 wide -0.07213638117073629 18 his 19 mouth 3.591456806912234 19 mouth 21 wide 6.803854752631295 20 was 21 wide 0.9610683325364064 21 wide 22 open 7.223979721527602 you see he was so surprised he forgot to close it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 it 0.556060888200383 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 he 4 was 1.2250956603177912 4 was 6 surprised 2.3914721453278993 5 so 6 surprised 2.7783813792996774 6 surprised 8 forgot 5.506324524800053 6 surprised 10 close 3.7460495077149503 7 he 8 forgot 2.204162726464528 8 forgot 9 to 1.1231843086557767 11 it 12 . 0.13987271256052836 finally he climbed out on his big green lily pad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 climbed 4.669041788404087 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 climbed 10 pad 7.301597054496561 3 climbed 4 out 2.9348585381151473 5 on 10 pad 4.59743476266755 6 his 10 pad 4.122227207269798 7 big 10 pad 7.673078187788665 8 green 10 pad 7.972065296699135 9 lily 10 pad 12.746056782792667 10 pad 11 . 1.0208504717352866 [ illustration : he was so surprised he forgot to close it . ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.5816143142080943 1 [ 2 illustration 11.074386416546641 1 [ 14 ] 8.685219438445676 2 illustration 3 : 7.0618551198495485 2 illustration 7 surprised 3.093042617754353 4 he 5 was 1.2250956603177912 5 was 7 surprised 2.3914721453278993 6 so 7 surprised 2.7783813792996774 7 surprised 9 forgot 5.506324524800053 7 surprised 11 close 3.7460495077149503 8 he 9 forgot 2.204162726464528 9 forgot 10 to 1.1231843086557767 12 it 13 . 0.13987271256052836 13 . 14 ] 4.323777367545958 " chug-a-rum ? " said grandfather frog , and looked this way and looked that way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 ? 4 " 3.328347337284576 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 14 looked 2.7153903963069794 7 frog 10 looked 2.7153903963069794 7 frog 17 . 0.622092755808108 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 9 and 10 looked 1.4092917379590961 10 looked 12 way 2.010807096942134 11 this 12 way 2.4795023497949593 13 and 14 looked 1.4092917379590961 14 looked 16 way 2.010807096942134 15 that 16 way 1.4644069919852818 " chug-a-rum ! " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " it is very strange . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 is 0.9174951776856268 2 it 3 is 1.9483860238870534 3 is 4 very 1.5624151199530516 4 very 5 strange 3.33741506237633 4 very 6 . 0.3823591548163865 i must have fallen asleep and had a bad dream . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 must 1.6151732779572345 2 must 4 fallen 2.5184442877416906 2 must 3 have 2.754109604255911 4 fallen 5 asleep 7.2629935941527 5 asleep 10 dream 3.1335981160393267 5 asleep 11 . 0.9536492013050442 5 asleep 6 and 0.6814282709049628 7 had 10 dream 1.0810344926289517 8 a 10 dream 2.3191629886071716 9 bad 10 dream 5.259912858528718 11 . 12 " 4.467019939707924 no , indeed ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 indeed 2.9042839274692227 2 , 3 indeed 1.2217707539259823 3 indeed 4 ! 2.602606498852314 they were very much awake , and they saw all that was going on in the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 were 3.2736646255414907 2 were 13 going 1.487706081192968 2 were 5 awake 2.4341944997662317 2 were 3 very 1.523014512955605 3 very 4 much 3.446378250176915 5 awake 10 all 1.5226885385277384 5 awake 7 and 1.4182188055072729 6 , 7 and 0.752751396501802 8 they 10 all 1.334082204127343 8 they 9 saw 1.469870401442403 11 that 12 was 1.2600580293094676 12 was 13 going 1.277391930992236 13 going 14 on 1.5574932966699961 14 on 18 pool 1.1961060985938197 15 in 18 pool 1.650393533343621 16 the 18 pool 2.2980304314762776 17 smiling 18 pool 9.99688962068163 18 pool 19 . 1.0200253673142292 great-grandfather frog was just pretending . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 great-grandfather 0.1361162372907252 1 great-grandfather 2 frog 8.973671061533597 1 great-grandfather 5 pretending 8.715873304065955 3 was 5 pretending 1.917540956995488 4 just 5 pretending 2.6504969579289046 5 pretending 6 . 0.8168800392269837 little joe otter laughed and laughed until he had to hold his sides . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 laughed 0.5438326752728955 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 6 laughed 2.9633272215846844 4 laughed 6 laughed 4.342859293048111 4 laughed 5 and 1.1979223290572882 6 laughed 13 sides 4.756485843519247 6 laughed 14 . 0.82555871192071 7 until 13 sides 5.601225673282787 7 until 8 he 1.7572482101890436 8 he 9 had 1.735007688287725 10 to 11 hold 1.208144015556499 11 hold 13 sides 6.218519746202173 12 his 13 sides 2.542426411664419 pretty soon one of the merry little breezes danced over to see if grandfather frog had really gone to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 8 breezes 3.1373411778706064 3 one 8 breezes 2.848511410888065 3 one 4 of 1.5254413726359868 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 9 danced 6.790719743320597 8 breezes 14 grandfather 4.474385664906457 8 breezes 20 sleep 2.1544767376557523 9 danced 10 over 3.069989245532401 10 over 12 see 0.5673132544223343 11 to 12 see 1.81043644982023 12 see 13 if 1.9166646635756823 14 grandfather 15 frog 9.27687376659811 16 had 18 gone 3.5716341511162923 17 really 18 gone 1.4368009463441531 18 gone 20 sleep 2.762395258915241 19 to 20 sleep 2.25926977123134 20 sleep 21 . 0.937353978917649 then all the merry little breezes clapped their hands and laughed too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 7 clapped 2.6689234798037482 2 all 6 breezes 2.1592524308908487 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 7 clapped 7.285856695436298 7 clapped 9 hands 8.232353856353857 7 clapped 8 their 4.329757242757307 7 clapped 11 laughed 3.4733276646246196 7 clapped 12 too 1.3858648233742805 9 hands 10 and 1.1648904535903881 12 too 13 . 0.7709753899674379 they left the buttercups and daisies and began to play tag across the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 11 tag 3.4197680260914254 2 left 4 buttercups 4.9588639426398515 3 the 4 buttercups 2.2084102267904484 4 buttercups 6 daisies 12.880417588954248 4 buttercups 5 and 1.8991047554995681 6 daisies 11 tag 11.205381739237257 6 daisies 10 play 6.713011640558069 6 daisies 8 began 5.205381739237261 7 and 8 began 1.170831790887096 8 began 9 to 2.775473939384737 11 tag 15 pool 6.799828489301802 11 tag 12 across 5.905224267021115 13 the 15 pool 2.2980304314762776 14 smiling 15 pool 9.99688962068163 15 pool 16 . 1.0200253673142292 now , right on the edge of the big rock lay a big stick . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 right 0.10912364215205805 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 , 0.7353592996076195 3 right 6 edge 2.0161382974092383 4 on 6 edge 4.022139300575336 5 the 6 edge 2.344761677912894 6 edge 10 rock 5.798463910302061 6 edge 7 of 3.5278893979253887 6 edge 8 the 2.0065276359751643 9 big 10 rock 5.818436934069041 10 rock 14 stick 4.454744760701988 10 rock 11 lay 4.0225297397180775 10 rock 15 . 0.6394213650992633 12 a 14 stick 1.9412406468621555 13 big 14 stick 3.992593076023212 off it went , and then such a splashing and squealing as there was behind the big rock ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 went 0.3629934339141023 1 off 3 went 1.1644142654662062 1 off 2 it -0.5965830406939396 3 went 5 and 0.796619634922644 4 , 5 and 0.752751396501802 5 and 11 squealing 2.167926059711686 6 then 11 squealing 3.8653206926072485 7 such 11 squealing 5.498672593669703 7 such 8 a 2.6388379146949603 9 splashing 11 squealing 13.461404938454987 10 and 11 squealing 2.167926059711686 11 squealing 15 behind 7.245696430684308 11 squealing 17 big 6.650823199569139 11 squealing 13 there 4.457255153936114 11 squealing 12 as 3.34440309023892 11 squealing 14 was 2.5294485087040535 16 the 17 big 1.2895019818076339 17 big 18 rock 5.818436934069041 18 rock 19 ! 0.5906180250550221 in a few moments little joe otter crept out beside his slippery slide and slipped away holding on to his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 few 0.2224487521924896 1 in 3 few 1.7890580853547284 2 a 3 few 3.275693471712252 3 few 4 moments 8.572677003652714 4 moments 7 otter 5.022521568785212 5 little 7 otter 5.892167388174904 6 joe 7 otter 10.28726033754742 7 otter 13 slide 8.751053336893353 8 crept 12 slippery 6.2988552666650754 8 crept 9 out 3.5514924944584116 10 beside 12 slippery 5.5998059066251535 10 beside 11 his 1.0726994009158588 12 slippery 13 slide 13.04496705561112 13 slide 17 holding 6.935773330380723 13 slide 15 slipped 6.601547876689974 14 and 15 slipped 0.8280760568270615 15 slipped 16 away 4.766572729950411 17 holding 21 head 2.94886664188515 17 holding 18 on 1.602612758126643 17 holding 19 to 0.47682126327048024 20 his 21 head 3.6389926349442767 21 head 22 . 0.9057652481458263 billy mink wasn't laughing now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 billy 0.29882624197680663 1 billy 2 mink 9.260717032646737 2 mink 4 laughing 3.1012963476255884 2 mink 3 wasn't 2.4504326794589097 4 laughing 6 . 1.019074147246691 4 laughing 5 now 0.023459349215912084 oh , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 4 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 3 no 2.4079928764171274 1 oh 2 , 2.0324623708210936 he was limping and he was holding on to his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 7 holding 1.3713480264389055 3 limping 7 holding 8.075176387046138 3 limping 6 was 1.5083868931762225 3 limping 5 he 1.2751326262124714 3 limping 4 and 0.6732233480832406 7 holding 11 head 2.94886664188515 7 holding 8 on 1.602612758126643 7 holding 9 to 0.47682126327048024 10 his 11 head 3.6389926349442767 11 head 12 . 0.9057652481458263 little joe otter and billy mink had been sitting right underneath the big stick . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 mink 0.20739439690251515 1 little 3 otter 5.892167388174904 2 joe 3 otter 10.28726033754742 3 otter 6 mink 7.537390792375199 3 otter 4 and 1.0554294548947105 5 billy 6 mink 9.260717032646737 6 mink 11 underneath 5.283499678846336 7 had 8 been 3.8301500596883944 8 been 9 sitting 2.4100148730395787 9 sitting 11 underneath 4.0579105022890225 10 right 11 underneath 3.722000231482607 11 underneath 14 stick 5.582544286471624 12 the 13 big 1.2895019818076339 13 big 14 stick 3.992593076023212 14 stick 15 . 0.4714767277851948 " chug-a-rum ! " said grandfather frog once more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 3 ! 4.980687383427384 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 8 once 1.8756794951539995 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 8 once 9 more 4.326243222615789 9 more 10 . 0.4470583792760703 xi 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xi 2.1039221526228395 the disappointed bush 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 3 bush 1.3576171524233978 2 disappointed 3 bush 7.123215174625958 way down beside the laughing brook grew a little bush . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 way -0.6355328012240751 1 way 6 brook 1.9366439471360373 2 down 3 beside 4.211259275480703 3 beside 6 brook 4.573494629509305 4 the 6 brook 2.4170322032995006 5 laughing 6 brook 9.342696177760082 6 brook 10 bush 5.0283838344332175 6 brook 7 grew 3.696148381432433 8 a 9 little 2.1212036022401666 9 little 10 bush 3.750465618639062 10 bush 11 . 0.6559567328255618 it looked a whole lot like other little bushes all around it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 looked 0.6891079852710398 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 it 0.556060888200383 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 2 looked 11 around 2.9571567850041944 3 a 5 lot 3.11904174058326 4 whole 5 lot 4.925817490687386 5 lot 9 bushes 3.9923423324007707 5 lot 7 other 2.4306443991798474 6 like 7 other 1.8941140269059176 8 little 9 bushes 2.652711779449014 9 bushes 11 around 3.7986777903443354 10 all 11 around 2.222674973140208 12 it 13 . 0.13987271256052836 but really it was quite different , as you shall see . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 shall 0.6784134633273311 1 but 2 really 1.2297055573758797 2 really 5 quite 2.2104159092783817 3 it 4 was 1.776593012608254 4 was 5 quite 1.8819914417492924 5 quite 6 different 4.714411668117641 5 quite 8 as 1.9631613872453428 7 , 8 as 0.3162541076793648 9 you 10 shall 1.471537997825937 10 shall 11 see 2.365813021594686 11 see 12 . 0.013201096326046269 this little bush of which i am telling you put out its green leaves with the rest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.5823537722224774 1 this 3 bush 1.1536539963499415 2 little 3 bush 3.750465618639062 3 bush 8 telling 6.560708981559909 3 bush 14 leaves 5.228278965569697 3 bush 5 which 3.932395228156821 3 bush 7 am 3.305633691585701 4 of 5 which 1.1974799666643463 6 i 7 am 3.4303740479986207 8 telling 9 you 1.6021194918480788 10 put 14 leaves 2.3776282424596253 10 put 11 out 2.0111915977530863 12 its 14 leaves 3.601520047192942 13 green 14 leaves 4.672203143165358 14 leaves 17 rest 3.2155752500710335 14 leaves 15 with 0.6860403168993763 16 the 17 rest 1.7084257359924404 17 rest 18 . 0.66732736166915 the little leaves grew bigger and bigger on all the little bushes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 12 bushes 1.834379026519386 2 little 12 bushes 2.652711779449014 3 leaves 7 bigger 7.202579683462769 3 leaves 12 bushes 5.719394807079198 3 leaves 8 on 1.7882359543540112 4 grew 7 bigger 6.88577055920042 5 bigger 7 bigger 9.542216789565348 5 bigger 6 and 1.5471698450768443 9 all 12 bushes 0.8863314850859041 10 the 12 bushes 1.834379026519386 11 little 12 bushes 2.652711779449014 12 bushes 13 . 0.6513445324750826 by and by on some of the other little bushes , little brown buds began to appear and grow and grow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 2 and 8 other 0.4185655086898912 2 and 3 by 0.24013538346727792 4 on 8 other 1.2249102069812956 5 some 8 other 2.4769815356388207 5 some 6 of 1.2673893072068072 7 the 8 other 1.329080263471381 8 other 14 buds 4.361114514339551 9 little 14 buds 4.799489063668574 10 bushes 14 buds 9.817004438150928 11 , 14 buds 0.3910042180327551 12 little 14 buds 4.799489063668574 13 brown 14 buds 6.866481815439247 14 buds 17 appear 9.008173136152617 14 buds 21 grow 7.336405807894192 14 buds 19 grow 7.336405807894192 14 buds 15 began 5.065204081188998 14 buds 20 and 2.0268603026979406 14 buds 18 and 2.0268603026979406 14 buds 22 . 0.8618137864357109 15 began 16 to 2.775473939384737 then on more and more of the little bushes the little brown buds came and grew and grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 more -0.19798958662152444 1 then 2 on 0.4383769267188562 3 more 13 buds 3.5166376361329448 4 and 5 more 0.3444019227128301 5 more 13 buds 3.5166376361329448 6 of 7 the 0.8205289458717022 7 the 13 buds 1.0143231746741463 8 little 13 buds 4.799489063668574 9 bushes 13 buds 9.817004438150928 10 the 13 buds 1.0143231746741463 11 little 13 buds 4.799489063668574 12 brown 13 buds 6.866481815439247 13 buds 18 grew 7.330712968353335 13 buds 16 grew 7.330712968353335 13 buds 14 came 3.7920852916703787 13 buds 17 and 2.0268603026979406 13 buds 15 and 2.0268603026979406 13 buds 19 . 0.8618137864357109 but on this little bush of which i am telling you no little brown buds appeared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 15 buds 2.004793838880069 2 on 3 this 0.6332190364843413 3 this 15 buds 2.2957868457709374 4 little 15 buds 4.799489063668574 5 bush 10 telling 6.560708981559909 5 bush 7 which 3.932395228156821 5 bush 9 am 3.305633691585701 6 of 7 which 1.1974799666643463 8 i 9 am 3.4303740479986207 10 telling 15 buds 7.466624574008225 10 telling 11 you 1.6021194918480788 12 no 15 buds 2.3392209841857756 13 little 15 buds 4.799489063668574 14 brown 15 buds 6.866481815439247 15 buds 16 appeared 7.322432865341586 15 buds 17 . 0.8618137864357109 the little bush felt very sad indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 the 3 bush 1.3576171524233978 2 little 3 bush 3.750465618639062 3 bush 7 indeed 4.364311768756405 3 bush 4 felt 4.259125789087047 5 very 7 indeed 4.748811396098601 6 sad 7 indeed 4.321304189668911 7 indeed 8 . 0.21529929449387453 it brought the bees from far , far away to gather the honey , and all the little bushes were very happy indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 6 far 0.27748593822457224 2 brought 4 bees 3.710317524008314 3 the 4 bees 1.0131731586380504 4 bees 6 far 4.635786090371596 5 from 6 far 1.4923573557243586 6 far 11 gather 4.918300142401616 7 , 11 gather 0.036654645453012336 8 far 11 gather 4.918300142401616 8 far 9 away 4.505621915996695 10 to 11 gather 2.2611361298886408 11 gather 13 honey 7.66272427223609 11 gather 12 the 0.8125969290651227 13 honey 19 bushes 6.657710407019966 13 honey 14 , 1.121996751311766 13 honey 16 all 1.0679413294469313 13 honey 15 and 0.8683143633861192 17 the 19 bushes 1.834379026519386 18 little 19 bushes 2.652711779449014 19 bushes 23 indeed 2.890214285104701 19 bushes 20 were 1.7743087037901795 19 bushes 24 . 0.6513445324750826 21 very 23 indeed 4.748811396098601 22 happy 23 indeed 2.712991201670377 but it bravely kept on growing and growing and growing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 bravely 1.0872559990720383 1 but 2 it 0.9702850820529818 3 bravely 6 growing 6.59542369789693 3 bravely 10 growing 6.59542369789693 3 bravely 8 growing 6.59542369789693 3 bravely 11 . 0.7271973251877029 4 kept 6 growing 4.663552268935867 4 kept 5 on 2.747526505336044 6 growing 7 and 1.226118798098419 8 growing 9 and 1.226118798098419 its little leaves grew bigger and bigger and bigger , and it tried its best not to mind because it had no little flowers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 its -1.0931825465677942 1 its 3 leaves 3.601520047192942 1 its 14 its 4.155978677710667 2 little 3 leaves 1.414738012548277 3 leaves 9 bigger 7.202579683462769 4 grew 9 bigger 6.88577055920042 5 bigger 7 bigger 9.542216789565348 5 bigger 6 and 1.5471698450768443 7 bigger 9 bigger 9.542216789565348 7 bigger 8 and 1.5471698450768443 9 bigger 13 tried 4.1981911107095335 9 bigger 11 and 1.5471698450768443 9 bigger 12 it 0.2632393012577978 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 14 its 24 flowers 2.143635044424009 14 its 15 best 1.5579925083186446 14 its 25 . 0.6239913245296567 16 not 19 because 0.8721690817262058 16 not 18 mind 0.9337969502544752 16 not 17 to 0.7496928874864288 19 because 24 flowers 1.36432315954821 19 because 21 had 1.590438929818017 19 because 20 it 1.1061272333771583 21 had 22 no 1.3043882140232146 23 little 24 flowers 1.394258322086646 all summer long all the little bushes grew and grew and grew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 2 summer 2.409409088592991 2 summer 7 bushes 3.5319755383622926 2 summer 3 long 1.2954531630771662 4 all 7 bushes 0.8863314850859041 5 the 7 bushes 1.834379026519386 6 little 7 bushes 2.652711779449014 7 bushes 8 grew 5.172711134286843 7 bushes 12 grew 5.172711134286843 7 bushes 10 grew 5.172711134286843 7 bushes 13 . 0.6513445324750826 8 grew 9 and 1.7976142103204307 10 grew 11 and 1.7976142103204307 the birds came and built their nests among them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 birds 1.9272316888111192 2 birds 7 nests 8.339399087208943 3 came 7 nests 1.6434251526398889 3 came 4 and 0.5795884829553106 5 built 7 nests 6.759352076901909 6 their 7 nests 6.049756554602787 7 nests 8 among 4.576677631442255 8 among 9 them 3.231377749838032 9 them 10 . 0.8864773153321437 peter rabbit and his brothers and sisters scampered under them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 8 scampered 4.5611100865249234 3 and 7 sisters 1.3605711376540803 4 his 5 brothers 3.205931464000731 5 brothers 7 sisters 8.644666784762777 6 and 7 sisters 1.3605711376540803 7 sisters 8 scampered 7.0241305006468835 8 scampered 9 under 3.746349509443906 8 scampered 10 them 1.2005692932333893 10 them 11 . 0.8864773153321437 the butterflies flew over them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 butterflies 0.21767586693034247 1 the 2 butterflies 0.3792371945271533 2 butterflies 3 flew 7.922116046419884 2 butterflies 4 over 3.907401401446183 2 butterflies 5 them 2.4202473298727973 5 them 6 . 0.8864773153321437 by and by came the fall , and with the fall came jack frost . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 14 frost 2.8952228228230688 2 and 14 frost 0.39263234688637993 3 by 14 frost 2.8952228228230688 4 came 14 frost 1.9878706840886764 5 the 14 frost 0.9049119579535585 6 fall 14 frost 4.695855597754978 6 fall 8 and 0.5713663626222036 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 with 14 frost 1.938138449110813 10 the 14 frost 0.9049119579535585 11 fall 14 frost 4.695855597754978 12 came 14 frost 1.9878706840886764 13 jack 14 frost 7.27965884165129 14 frost 15 . 0.678814803399348 he went about among the little bushes , pinching the leaves . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 9 pinching 1.0926874396020914 1 he 2 went 1.5238829264000806 3 about 9 pinching 4.352868153531507 4 among 9 pinching 7.240775645772455 4 among 5 the 1.964963559123131 6 little 9 pinching 3.615064492531147 7 bushes 9 pinching 9.954507961900863 8 , 9 pinching 1.7915421476164823 9 pinching 11 leaves 9.419143304704374 9 pinching 12 . 1.5614188530979902 10 the 11 leaves 1.3438176412199745 they had no leaves at all to cover their little naked brown limbs . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 2 had 1.3304624549807897 2 had 13 limbs 1.3132079347579868 2 had 3 no 1.3043882140232146 2 had 14 . -0.22995638183605216 4 leaves 8 cover 6.082285449745058 4 leaves 5 at 1.218875555854158 5 at 6 all 1.9101156124848444 7 to 8 cover 1.3721674422773837 8 cover 13 limbs 8.145956279060496 9 their 11 naked 3.54200868150917 10 little 11 naked 2.1940282526308543 11 naked 13 limbs 9.1531517804647 11 naked 12 brown 4.651662084488851 the little bush of which i am telling you lost its leaves with the rest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 15 rest 1.7084257359924404 2 little 3 bush 3.750465618639062 3 bush 8 telling 6.560708981559909 3 bush 12 leaves 5.228278965569697 3 bush 5 which 3.932395228156821 3 bush 7 am 3.305633691585701 4 of 5 which 1.1974799666643463 6 i 7 am 3.4303740479986207 8 telling 9 you 1.6021194918480788 10 lost 11 its 2.802949442102392 11 its 12 leaves 3.601520047192942 12 leaves 15 rest 3.2155752500710335 12 leaves 13 with 0.6860403168993763 14 the 15 rest 1.7084257359924404 15 rest 16 . 0.66732736166915 such a multitude of these little yellow flowers ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 3 multitude 3.6079016634244603 1 such 9 ! 1.1764531675937313 2 a 3 multitude 2.993989234216155 3 multitude 7 yellow 7.014152730453951 3 multitude 8 flowers 6.64237066136813 3 multitude 5 these 4.877582989934602 3 multitude 6 little 3.133303395847687 3 multitude 4 of 2.730581535350737 they covered the little bush from top to bottom . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 9 bottom 1.1276195933974016 2 covered 5 bush 5.380746604782367 3 the 5 bush 1.3576171524233978 4 little 5 bush 3.750465618639062 5 bush 9 bottom 5.504188797359031 6 from 7 top 2.854685781695512 7 top 9 bottom 5.855517808686951 8 to 9 bottom 1.3607936166739627 9 bottom 10 . 0.5415740417011214 then the little bush felt very happy indeed , for it was the only bush which had any flowers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 15 bush 0.6787937238278055 2 the 15 bush 1.3576171524233978 3 little 15 bush 3.750465618639062 4 bush 15 bush 6.564006571660482 4 bush 8 indeed 4.364311768756405 4 bush 5 felt 4.259125789087047 4 bush 11 it 0.9886360805727037 4 bush 10 for 0.7667976630028264 6 very 8 indeed 4.748811396098601 7 happy 8 indeed 2.712991201670377 8 indeed 9 , 1.1805591219564295 11 it 12 was 1.776593012608254 13 the 15 bush 1.3576171524233978 14 only 15 bush 0.8739180011406411 15 bush 19 flowers 4.507359556966971 15 bush 16 which 3.932395228156821 15 bush 18 any 1.1502334287578435 15 bush 20 . 0.6559567328255618 16 which 17 had 2.1539023067868133 and every one who passed that way stopped to look at it and to praise it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 stopped 0.533648767797029 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 it 0.556060888200383 1 and 2 every 0.7222767533094778 2 every 3 one 3.4259854658400464 2 every 5 passed 2.1607207797513865 3 one 4 who 1.7891171336820513 5 passed 8 stopped 2.445005427310676 6 that 7 way 1.4644069919852818 7 way 8 stopped 1.5303236649582956 8 stopped 11 at 2.2982260839465773 9 to 10 look 1.4243381174913097 10 look 11 at 3.3351545489339856 11 at 15 praise 1.8475777464135348 12 it 14 to 0.38524889146821373 13 and 14 to 0.11639092271091656 14 to 15 praise 0.6775100767302931 16 it 17 . 0.13987271256052836 colder grew the weather and colder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 colder 0.1157962529111316 1 colder 6 colder 12.501075083885002 2 grew 6 colder 7.949900896620132 3 the 4 weather 1.6182747278858471 4 weather 6 colder 8.012788602575526 5 and 6 colder 1.971528846908182 6 colder 7 . 0.6394213650992633 johnny chuck tucked himself away to sleep all winter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 johnny 0.7758904170947112 1 johnny 2 chuck 9.449430308003667 2 chuck 3 tucked 4.682831845684664 3 tucked 9 winter 4.892283758546785 3 tucked 5 away 4.644936590768523 3 tucked 7 sleep 4.349795568666757 3 tucked 4 himself 3.493317243845457 6 to 7 sleep 2.25926977123134 8 all 9 winter 2.178178664713869 9 winter 10 . 0.8162991271833455 grandfather frog went deep , deep down in the mud , not to come out again until spring . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 6 deep 3.8086383984064547 2 frog 3 went 0.8284046078067284 4 deep 6 deep 4.7271288265890625 4 deep 5 , 0.7098033912775001 6 deep 10 mud 6.242047651708351 6 deep 7 down 2.966713843633759 8 in 10 mud 2.49082069821209 9 the 10 mud 1.6166953536549293 10 mud 17 until 2.801476342183289 10 mud 19 . 0.927990863040197 11 , 12 not 0.1728718711338857 12 not 17 until 1.8956270277754257 12 not 13 to 0.7496928874864288 14 come 16 again 2.2613588020220448 14 come 15 out 1.5903377112468462 16 again 17 until 2.0898272009313423 17 until 18 spring 2.9493252698591625 but they left behind them tiny little packages , one for every little flower that had been on the bush . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 they 0.9584486201594142 2 they 8 packages 3.20403933503599 3 left 8 packages 6.602720132414575 4 behind 8 packages 7.02473267630582 5 them 8 packages 4.519942020670289 6 tiny 8 packages 9.657943932501876 7 little 8 packages 5.521955088139663 8 packages 20 bush 10.41783592351759 8 packages 14 flower 9.61757274951464 8 packages 12 every 6.296592860406324 8 packages 13 little 4.852121643303633 8 packages 10 one 3.9331167044907964 8 packages 11 for 2.620627014859931 9 , 10 one -0.06525508916403666 14 flower 15 that 0.9281195949996608 15 that 16 had 1.0478031204253906 16 had 17 been 3.8301500596883944 18 on 20 bush 1.7588310973084127 18 on 19 the 1.3666129714665534 20 bush 21 . 0.6559567328255618 all winter long these little packages clung to the little bush . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 6 packages 3.3081158168053335 2 winter 6 packages 8.49583843551886 3 long 6 packages 6.393894473477054 4 these 6 packages 6.372541713639624 5 little 6 packages 5.521955088139663 6 packages 7 clung 11.516900051046694 6 packages 11 bush 10.41783592351759 6 packages 10 little 4.852121643303633 7 clung 8 to 2.516962688562817 7 clung 9 the 0.7796085171112104 11 bush 12 . 0.6559567328255618 and they comforted the little bush because it felt that it really had something worth while . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 comforted -0.057901911633237546 1 and 3 comforted 0.6867993699750663 1 and 2 they 0.63876852408176 3 comforted 6 bush 7.014113737466577 3 comforted 9 felt 4.709232954893142 3 comforted 12 really 3.1847610925798726 3 comforted 7 because 2.753557480036367 3 comforted 17 . 0.9905866812117203 4 the 6 bush 1.3576171524233978 5 little 6 bush 3.750465618639062 7 because 8 it 1.1061272333771583 9 felt 10 that 2.0826033704174503 11 it 12 really 1.38607430593785 12 really 15 worth 3.6009823597652293 13 had 14 something 0.8794146422200626 14 something 15 worth 3.361781877000464 15 worth 16 while 5.885544644841076 all the summer long the little brown packages grew and grew until they looked like little nuts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 8 packages 3.3081158168053335 1 all 17 nuts 0.6797310357930506 2 the 8 packages 1.151826698424081 3 summer 8 packages 8.275687964969084 4 long 8 packages 6.393894473477054 5 the 8 packages 1.151826698424081 6 little 8 packages 5.521955088139663 7 brown 8 packages 6.740950933355389 8 packages 9 grew 8.500637969795651 8 packages 11 grew 8.500637969795651 8 packages 12 until 6.930759359128253 8 packages 14 looked 5.5541741247005945 8 packages 16 little 4.852121643303633 8 packages 13 they 3.637106607652928 9 grew 10 and 1.7976142103204307 14 looked 15 like 2.324181430115644 17 nuts 18 . 0.5547735394559794 and out of each one flew two brown shiny little seeds . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 out -0.5131718184933014 1 and 2 out 0.5295400071917733 2 out 3 of 2.138624548858049 3 of 11 seeds 2.4331626338368686 4 each 11 seeds 4.611837555430068 4 each 5 one 1.9877152797378628 6 flew 11 seeds 5.346091316014178 7 two 11 seeds 3.2422535451883334 8 brown 11 seeds 5.802351478019535 9 shiny 11 seeds 9.965323718820077 10 little 11 seeds 3.4134306313614964 11 seeds 12 . 0.5005936604019467 you never saw such a popping and a snapping and a jumping ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 never 0.6492740170588132 1 you 2 never 0.7402899059286518 2 never 3 saw 2.8303396311752174 3 saw 6 popping 3.2327563871232705 4 such 6 popping 3.152897756827972 4 such 5 a 2.6388379146949603 6 popping 9 snapping 9.70115051062896 7 and 9 snapping 1.0489849869881773 8 a 9 snapping 0.7658190917378924 9 snapping 12 jumping 8.635696099101825 9 snapping 13 ! 1.4975086206635417 10 and 12 jumping 0.6911123628461517 10 and 11 a 0.026819411019424422 pop ! pop ! snap ! snap ! hippetty hop ! they went , faster than the corn pops in the corn popper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 pop 0.19671624829469891 1 pop 3 pop 10.359602657932125 1 pop 2 ! 3.1231131058820445 3 pop 18 corn 7.731367448745271 3 pop 9 hippetty 14.475079875352062 4 ! 9 hippetty 7.681530752819487 5 snap 9 hippetty 14.401422833626757 6 ! 9 hippetty 7.681530752819487 7 snap 9 hippetty 14.401422833626757 8 ! 9 hippetty 7.681530752819487 9 hippetty 10 hop 13.36277690572727 9 hippetty 15 faster 12.06779187567815 9 hippetty 13 went 6.989116431087709 9 hippetty 12 they 5.637106607652928 9 hippetty 11 ! 4.667433622105857 9 hippetty 14 , 1.5700493078185715 15 faster 16 than 6.100286913249537 17 the 18 corn 0.8675458904545827 18 corn 23 popper 12.1531517804647 19 pops 23 popper 16.101862551767848 20 in 23 popper 3.108414203173215 21 the 23 popper 2.7367891991452353 22 corn 23 popper 12.1531517804647 23 popper 24 . 2.4874182716542137 reddy fox , who always is suspicious , thought some one was shooting at him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 7 suspicious 4.4485417956925595 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 3 , 4 who 0.7573564620449389 4 who 7 suspicious 2.4214035520188766 5 always 7 suspicious 4.467726245460764 6 is 7 suspicious 1.5790829193928992 7 suspicious 13 shooting 8.751660002885306 7 suspicious 9 thought 2.3084504989154446 7 suspicious 16 . 1.6190151544374238 7 suspicious 15 him 1.135199613436619 8 , 9 thought 0.2397102398838129 10 some 13 shooting 3.1520814273912627 11 one 13 shooting 2.5001111046395152 12 was 13 shooting 1.1520062106325106 13 shooting 14 at 2.9990647256708804 now , what do you think is the name of this little bush ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 what 1.3171413236138747 1 now 2 , 0.7353592996076195 3 what 9 name 2.1526115865929683 3 what 4 do 3.3898156542937787 3 what 14 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 what 7 is 2.2160747713273903 4 do 6 think 3.2421465407328665 4 do 5 you 2.418842332069122 8 the 9 name 0.4408946064653456 9 name 13 bush 2.836007673520559 9 name 10 of 0.6877504952248472 11 this 13 bush 1.1536539963499415 12 little 13 bush 3.750465618639062 why , it is the witch hazel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 7 hazel 3.214823976127395 1 why 2 , 0.6307765723420751 3 it 4 is 1.9483860238870534 4 is 7 hazel 2.583744296762763 5 the 6 witch 2.0478289778898606 6 witch 7 hazel 8.261238879265207 7 hazel 8 . 0.36640287069284483 do you know what it is ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 what 1.0239342403725384 1 do 3 know 2.5578516274133545 2 you 3 know 2.570776785774047 3 know 4 what 3.2396222245850588 4 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 4 what 6 is 2.2160747713273903 5 it 6 is 1.9483860238870534 it is the gift of the witch hazel bush to little boys and big men to make them feel better when they are hurt . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 is 0.828513342774535 1 it 2 is 1.9483860238870534 2 is 8 hazel 2.583744296762763 3 the 4 gift 0.722621867218642 4 gift 8 hazel 8.024392285267613 4 gift 5 of 1.7783221242969347 6 the 7 witch 2.0478289778898606 7 witch 8 hazel 8.261238879265207 8 hazel 9 bush 8.559854928390013 8 hazel 12 boys 5.435769115509931 8 hazel 14 big 4.295342544970747 8 hazel 11 little 1.9941406481760602 8 hazel 13 and 1.5611967303491276 9 bush 10 to 0.047797186941036074 14 big 15 men 1.2752507836176221 15 men 23 are 2.4011387991671214 15 men 24 hurt 1.1686193917068657 16 to 17 make 1.9953753273403052 17 make 18 them 1.5673147219686285 18 them 22 they 1.8241487639305607 19 feel 21 when 1.5130894129795642 19 feel 20 better 3.269196713255994 21 when 22 they 2.3330121141685183 22 they 23 are 2.6489884724530945 24 hurt 25 . 0.656394443702979 xii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xii 2.482118467156944 why bobby coon washes his food 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 4 washes 5.146437001147145 2 bobby 3 coon 11.609228375483951 2 bobby 4 washes 10.722942984204632 4 washes 6 food 9.7391967084275 4 washes 5 his 4.336210809577899 bobby coon had been out all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 2 coon 3 had 1.9281132472203133 2 coon 5 out 1.384054898875192 3 had 4 been 3.8301500596883944 5 out 7 night 1.0505478603418368 6 all 7 night 2.1082253939637354 7 night 8 . 0.5301089935735313 not that bobby coon is really bad ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 not 0.4399229381402936 1 not 7 bad 1.3838241320586775 2 that 3 bobby 0.8224849474204845 3 bobby 4 coon 11.609228375483951 3 bobby 7 bad 2.037610158453745 5 is 7 bad 1.7518654331061185 6 really 7 bad 2.460828541808201 7 bad 8 ! 0.7887767072262797 oh my , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.410574962587239 1 oh 5 ! 3.081912208044674 1 oh 4 no 2.4079928764171274 1 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 1 oh 2 my 1.2172582352247225 everybody likes bobby coon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 everybody 2 likes 5.225972874092022 2 likes 3 bobby 4.7081303636151794 3 bobby 4 coon 11.609228375483951 4 coon 5 . 0.327916430342281 but he can no more keep out of mischief than a duck can keep out of water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 no 0.9187691539522387 1 but 4 no 1.5130340843231664 1 but 2 he 0.9076706002035451 1 but 3 can 0.6578291123538609 4 no 5 more 2.8961651179293586 5 more 10 than 5.60773144432164 5 more 9 mischief 1.8900215142129468 6 keep 9 mischief 3.9652801897612164 7 out 9 mischief 2.2274003401519415 7 out 8 of 2.138624548858049 10 than 12 duck 2.4116548318608544 11 a 12 duck 2.3051508982344515 12 duck 17 water 3.7809956522507946 12 duck 14 keep 2.575075665328786 12 duck 18 . 0.9792713679838876 13 can 14 keep 2.2582996997557068 14 keep 15 out 2.181884595335024 15 out 16 of 2.138624548858049 so bobby coon sat on the edge of the laughing brook and he was very busy , very busy indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 16 busy 2.628332968295563 2 bobby 3 coon 11.609228375483951 2 bobby 16 busy 4.406871009440533 2 bobby 7 edge 3.875131621350132 4 sat 7 edge 4.346899495658494 5 on 7 edge 4.022139300575336 6 the 7 edge 2.344761677912894 7 edge 11 brook 4.307813076068808 7 edge 8 of 3.5278893979253887 9 the 11 brook 2.4170322032995006 10 laughing 11 brook 9.342696177760082 11 brook 12 and 0.776959566012362 13 he 14 was 1.2250956603177912 14 was 16 busy 2.300366535564077 15 very 16 busy 4.179972810614355 16 busy 19 busy 6.749132106424899 16 busy 17 , 0.5793271214065818 18 very 19 busy 4.179972810614355 19 busy 20 indeed 4.905490839314158 20 indeed 21 . 0.21529929449387453 he was washing his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 washing 1.5048473981849426 3 washing 5 breakfast 7.558157812801401 4 his 5 breakfast 2.30372719795934 5 breakfast 6 . 0.9758391566280054 really , it was his dinner , for turning night into day just turns everything topsy-turvy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 really 0.5649728070761615 1 really 2 , 5.910319788871021e-4 2 , 9 turning 1.5217185761200476 3 it 4 was 1.776593012608254 4 was 9 turning 0.30522796812937614 5 his 6 dinner 0.988073336849304 6 dinner 9 turning 2.3925696350718546 7 , 9 turning 1.5217185761200476 7 , 8 for -0.029487711338200384 9 turning 14 turns 5.357906803902605 10 night 12 day 2.5647105819747473 10 night 11 into -0.6139990516273457 12 day 14 turns 2.933688972239427 13 just 14 turns 0.8706555284331579 14 turns 16 topsy-turvy 10.416186186298493 15 everything 16 topsy-turvy 6.416186186298493 16 topsy-turvy 17 . 1.4170289437628156 so bobby coon eats dinner when most of the little meadow people are eating breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 so 2 bobby 0.789352497120678 2 bobby 3 coon 11.609228375483951 2 bobby 4 eats 7.4554626733396425 2 bobby 14 eating 5.548572077731123 4 eats 5 dinner 5.357721247474547 4 eats 7 most 4.130593734478904 4 eats 6 when 1.8256547388202229 7 most 8 of 1.7578788718003366 9 the 11 meadow 0.9218210929777548 10 little 11 meadow 3.274027574696074 11 meadow 14 eating 3.4246481439057312 11 meadow 12 people 4.986993675017036 12 people 13 are 2.5961456663530704 14 eating 15 breakfast 6.087286821586336 15 breakfast 16 . 0.9758391566280054 this morning he was very busy washing a luscious ear of sweet corn just in the milk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.5823537722224774 1 this 2 morning 3.4311703176464974 2 morning 6 busy 2.5316512046420208 3 he 4 was 1.2250956603177912 4 was 6 busy 2.300366535564077 5 very 6 busy 4.179972810614355 6 busy 9 luscious 8.421347891414275 7 washing 9 luscious 11.48801893105956 8 a 9 luscious 1.129872662297931 9 luscious 13 corn 9.860650465690238 9 luscious 10 ear 9.161419396448299 9 luscious 12 sweet 8.710050362767984 9 luscious 11 of 2.4493997828066867 13 corn 17 milk 5.782464373657483 13 corn 14 just 1.8515285709078846 13 corn 15 in 1.1254185307118654 15 in 16 the 1.1613034400066837 17 milk 18 . 0.5548717655013533 he dipped it in the water and with one little black paw rubbed it thoroughly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 dipped 0.9902653708272737 1 he 2 dipped 1.7141758163483622 2 dipped 6 water 6.264420126509886 2 dipped 4 in 2.890129115360974 2 dipped 5 the 1.8700892629420807 2 dipped 3 it -0.2590725940322507 6 water 12 paw 4.200942112723048 6 water 7 and 0.7727103222454339 8 with 12 paw 2.8876987105636616 9 one 12 paw 3.295765839378827 10 little 12 paw 2.481208745796355 11 black 12 paw 6.3262737871512975 12 paw 15 thoroughly 7.336015837614511 12 paw 13 rubbed 6.678190463533799 12 paw 14 it 1.3685342440973933 15 thoroughly 16 . 1.1377294835662362 then he looked it over carefully before , with a sigh of contentment , he sat down to put it in his empty little stomach . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 3 looked 1.645197537023618 3 looked 6 carefully 2.8271994539357586 4 it 6 carefully 1.3454452239007253 5 over 6 carefully 1.8843443251599155 6 carefully 19 put 2.337591260482082 7 before 13 contentment 4.385717675660789 8 , 9 with 0.25997842034339946 9 with 11 sigh 4.480986075935746 10 a 11 sigh 3.2135419303898196 11 sigh 13 contentment 9.478339637846329 12 of 13 contentment 2.6050491516124694 13 contentment 16 sat 6.115818371543487 13 contentment 19 put 5.542208980090553 13 contentment 15 he 2.254374066045674 13 contentment 14 , 1.0257287915947622 16 sat 17 down 5.31852152344641 18 to 19 put 0.792103954787212 19 put 25 stomach 2.8664598157924033 19 put 21 in 2.008286255563048 19 put 20 it 1.381159340935584 22 his 25 stomach 3.792323316805412 23 empty 25 stomach 8.08981320102296 24 little 25 stomach 1.4885320866022127 25 stomach 26 . 0.5861964261323891 one of the merry little breezes softly followed him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 followed 0.14201644312732142 1 one 6 breezes 2.848511410888065 1 one 2 of 1.5254413726359868 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 8 followed 3.6430501201428562 6 breezes 7 softly 3.1133109938348476 8 followed 9 him 2.2770323078495736 9 him 10 . 0.8676779267655075 " oh ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 ! 3.081912208044674 grandfather frog , " cried a merry little breeze , " tell us why it is that bobby coon always washes his food . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 7 merry 3.7060415582844186 3 , 5 cried 0.7696273711880401 4 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 5 cried 7 merry 3.867501500449272 6 a 7 merry 0.8422960722013464 7 merry 9 breeze 8.28452534308401 7 merry 8 little 5.200496649987246 9 breeze 12 tell 2.0517838459686963 10 , 11 " 0.6466805192388225 11 " 12 tell 0.5646147665972716 12 tell 13 us 3.005793769866642 13 us 23 food 2.367197871721828 14 why 21 washes 5.146437001147145 15 it 16 is 1.9483860238870534 16 is 21 washes 3.5153573217825134 17 that 21 washes 2.42294854168183 18 bobby 19 coon 11.609228375483951 18 bobby 21 washes 10.722942984204632 20 always 21 washes 4.404000647850378 21 washes 23 food 9.7391967084275 21 washes 22 his 4.336210809577899 23 food 24 . 0.6051718031463551 none of the other meadow people do that . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 0.8975782375580525 1 none 4 other 3.119458069570584 1 none 2 of 2.483252601641393 3 the 4 other 1.329080263471381 4 other 6 people 4.674632441487756 4 other 9 . 0.6979549491928907 5 meadow 6 people 4.986993675017036 6 people 7 do 1.1969781665526504 7 do 8 that 0.7797575378142216 9 . 10 " 4.467019939707924 now great-grandfather frog is counted very wise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 great-grandfather 1.739350601442041 2 great-grandfather 3 frog 8.973671061533597 2 great-grandfather 5 counted 8.500310221119623 2 great-grandfather 7 wise 6.200108313703819 3 frog 4 is 0.5590282766828949 6 very 7 wise 4.312537642032019 7 wise 8 . 0.5155752841421695 then , while all the merry little breezes gathered around him , he settled himself on his big green lily pad and began : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 14 settled 1.9111243822203718 2 , 3 while 0.4163470661472157 3 while 14 settled 1.1048400723111627 4 all 8 breezes 2.1592524308908487 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 14 settled 5.528057597852921 8 breezes 9 gathered 5.693046332892454 9 gathered 10 around 5.858115789927236 9 gathered 11 him 1.9984898072597517 11 him 13 he 1.0454418014633244 12 , 13 he 0.5080875377005949 14 settled 15 himself 5.096577197407811 15 himself 21 pad 4.839099818670757 16 on 21 pad 4.59743476266755 17 his 21 pad 4.122227207269798 18 big 21 pad 7.673078187788665 19 green 21 pad 7.972065296699135 20 lily 21 pad 12.746056782792667 21 pad 23 began 4.5721640699088795 21 pad 24 : 3.369961235424171 21 pad 22 and 1.2707858855840293 " once upon a time , when the world was young , old king bear ruled in the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 once 0.1976639201991084 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 once 3 upon 4.555898333020075 3 upon 5 time 3.583012964064622 3 upon 4 a 1.541881851738795 5 time 16 ruled 2.796403242204274 5 time 7 when 1.05877072705621 6 , 7 when 0.08922048516420666 8 the 9 world 2.329264621664832 9 world 16 ruled 3.730434213813094 10 was 16 ruled 1.339883256897565 11 young 16 ruled 4.140834084402901 11 young 12 , 0.19073373077368672 13 old 16 ruled 3.2454863737417874 14 king 16 ruled 6.186714121659222 15 bear 16 ruled 6.5352278466310025 16 ruled 20 forest 6.178214638991278 17 in 20 forest 2.5699942883890863 18 the 20 forest 2.352946321469986 19 green 20 forest 8.1998228972977 20 forest 21 . 1.036274920084331 he grew fatter and fatter and fatter until it seemed as if his skin must burst . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 7 fatter 2.3702214151309953 2 grew 7 fatter 8.32429641140163 3 fatter 5 fatter 12.685499655022436 3 fatter 4 and 1.3223161862241142 5 fatter 7 fatter 12.685499655022436 5 fatter 6 and 1.3223161862241142 7 fatter 8 until 6.641252741933268 7 fatter 10 seemed 5.7756974639940175 9 it 10 seemed 2.468318931699436 10 seemed 16 burst 3.170131051969072 10 seemed 12 if 2.2408642968951042 11 as 12 if 2.776143507537343 13 his 14 skin 2.707568616736637 14 skin 16 burst 4.573130757503751 14 skin 15 must 1.3435393030695693 16 burst 17 . 0.5202496641215895 and the fatter he grew the lazier he grew . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 1 and 7 lazier 2.5829635589905315 2 the 7 lazier 3.151826698424081 3 fatter 7 lazier 14.729893774380887 4 he 7 lazier 3.414615534489453 5 grew 7 lazier 9.561335608702482 6 the 7 lazier 3.151826698424081 7 lazier 9 grew 10.085600470516805 7 lazier 8 he 4.383657082990638 7 lazier 11 " 3.355302950560187 10 . 11 " 4.467019939707924 grandfather frog paused with an expectant far-away look in his great bulging eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 grandfather 0.5643508783427489 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 6 expectant 6.602348815035111 3 paused 6 expectant 9.81080473849865 4 with 6 expectant 3.1802522033175116 5 an 6 expectant 5.9542304992626605 6 expectant 12 bulging 14.686825052489002 6 expectant 14 . 1.043811620178598 7 far-away 12 bulging 13.189325393018184 7 far-away 8 look 6.2664932535406415 9 in 12 bulging 2.693376703894373 10 his 12 bulging 4.929582129327404 11 great 12 bulging 6.228840712061249 12 bulging 13 eyes 7.143565731635501 then he leaped into the air so far that when he came down it was with a great splash in the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 leaped 2.8230098877492793 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 leaped 13 down 2.2061202231250725 3 leaped 6 air 5.027258659949947 3 leaped 8 far 2.6674949500989307 4 into 6 air 3.435632428947777 5 the 6 air 1.8314471531427614 7 so 8 far 2.820704148638434 8 far 9 that 0.19015025989610734 10 when 12 came 3.257675302277521 10 when 11 he 1.8647931372101283 12 came 13 down 2.152161131506574 13 down 23 pool 2.664603745114082 14 it 15 was 1.776593012608254 15 was 19 splash 1.3860177152357913 16 with 19 splash 3.200524598343769 17 a 19 splash 2.7813305748059918 18 great 19 splash 4.500920257498045 19 splash 23 pool 7.3176767941644165 19 splash 20 in 1.8541636180731054 21 the 23 pool 2.2980304314762776 22 smiling 23 pool 9.99688962068163 23 pool 24 . 1.0200253673142292 " now perhaps you don't know it , but the bear family and the coon family are very closely related . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 " 5 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 now 5 don't 1.1181064152174613 3 perhaps 4 you 1.2309964822438317 4 you 5 don't 1.5313155562055396 5 don't 20 related 1.824284549352111 5 don't 6 know 4.032009672248677 6 know 7 it 1.2727152881173946 6 know 9 but 0.49015222544879933 8 , 9 but 1.025230194614105 10 the 12 family 1.2847209689214232 11 bear 12 family 3.0613552460888407 12 family 20 related 5.661115496395478 13 and 20 related 0.319929153156739 14 the 20 related 0.3742191197605287 15 coon 20 related 6.9731858365930535 16 family 20 related 5.661115496395478 17 are 20 related 2.964117956074684 18 very 19 closely 3.2464484515742456 19 closely 20 related 8.69147355606707 20 related 21 . 1.2124112241543443 in fact , they are second cousins . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 7 cousins 4.436180477380191 2 fact 3 , 0.9782331360563532 4 they 5 are 2.6489884724530945 5 are 7 cousins 2.909352152643791 6 second 7 cousins 5.761785199432996 7 cousins 8 . 0.644959548640692 he began to pass some of his old playfellows on the green meadows without seeing them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 began 1.2052530616021215 2 began 3 to 2.775473939384737 3 to 4 pass 1.9444196075823506 4 pass 9 playfellows 8.71765017862614 5 some 9 playfellows 4.792085291670379 6 of 9 playfellows 1.3128684001191573 7 his 9 playfellows 3.43772903299773 8 old 9 playfellows 3.960647597589645 9 playfellows 15 seeing 8.8729495705598 9 playfellows 13 meadows 8.445262431861256 9 playfellows 14 without 6.470150510690107 10 on 13 meadows 3.790009740513195 11 the 13 meadows 2.3225225762090123 12 green 13 meadows 8.640219315758674 15 seeing 16 them 1.673307168333782 16 them 17 . 0.8864773153321437 he spent a great deal of time brushing his coat and combing his whiskers and caring for his big ringed tail . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 spent 1.5468879944523657 2 spent 8 brushing 7.856286544103913 3 a 5 deal 3.2793914530784054 4 great 5 deal 6.854645307556908 5 deal 8 brushing 7.044268934654532 5 deal 6 of 2.2008649466680055 7 time 8 brushing 3.4877177240977666 8 brushing 12 combing 12.11028513085284 8 brushing 10 coat 8.898234653737848 8 brushing 9 his 3.8458851829948166 10 coat 11 and 1.1439334218745145 12 combing 16 caring 11.278183114399216 12 combing 14 whiskers 10.491778587498505 12 combing 15 and 1.4688648495770558 13 his 14 whiskers 4.111958871815972 16 caring 20 ringed 11.917862365113809 16 caring 17 for 3.3264439104554704 18 his 20 ringed 3.1746946271639374 19 big 20 ringed 6.7255456076828 20 ringed 21 tail 8.738629621445273 21 tail 22 . 0.6933305286035747 " so just as old king bear had grown fat and lazy and selfish , mr coon grew fat and lazy and selfish . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 just 0.7017321607109004 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.5555017361605685 3 just 7 bear 1.2737938153696184 3 just 4 as 2.6945437830364103 5 old 7 bear 3.023667783221974 6 king 7 bear 4.433910651477078 7 bear 9 grown 1.6785100466116134 8 had 9 grown 3.426428082897342 9 grown 23 selfish 5.966684551847212 9 grown 24 . 0.29201391788672026 10 fat 23 selfish 6.159491794128662 11 and 23 selfish 0.841996034266824 12 lazy 14 selfish 8.727686081468928 12 lazy 23 selfish 8.727686081468928 12 lazy 13 and 1.0383559415357695 14 selfish 17 coon 5.822206455523354 14 selfish 15 , 0.7368683983930602 16 mr 17 coon 4.883578094545577 18 grew 23 selfish 4.650443082536466 19 fat 23 selfish 6.159491794128662 20 and 23 selfish 0.841996034266824 21 lazy 23 selfish 8.727686081468928 21 lazy 22 and 1.0383559415357695 pretty soon he began to pick out the best things for himself and hide them before old king bear saw them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 pretty 0.30681300670675427 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 1 pretty 10 things 2.4248691902464934 2 soon 4 began 2.4994263992299466 3 he 4 began 1.2052530616021215 4 began 6 pick 2.8535163601957905 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 pick 7 out 3.1643753938849777 8 the 9 best 1.4382396595018232 9 best 10 things 2.157161302107653 10 things 19 bear 1.3786341337900616 10 things 11 for 0.6229528174608419 11 for 12 himself 0.50691515607312 12 himself 13 and 0.6350061893003627 14 hide 19 bear 2.9510816110977736 14 hide 15 them 1.4503902030954805 15 them 16 before 0.5678100655005487 17 old 19 bear 3.023667783221974 18 king 19 bear 4.433910651477078 19 bear 21 them 1.0511666156644175 20 saw 21 them 1.207127793767885 21 them 22 . 0.8864773153321437 when old king bear was asleep he would go get them and stuff himself like a greedy pig . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 king 0.9084904247462262 2 old 3 king 2.0897482465306148 3 king 18 pig 2.5516727966245405 3 king 4 bear 4.433910651477078 4 bear 6 asleep 2.5804804235038574 5 was 6 asleep 1.624601768465812 7 he 8 would 1.3645954036822268 8 would 9 go 1.8290526556820446 9 go 10 get 1.3701260292481514 10 get 13 stuff 2.0592140571848567 11 them 13 stuff 1.3389278405661678 11 them 12 and 0.3234415406221274 13 stuff 17 greedy 7.019009088570709 14 himself 17 greedy 3.959954213545142 15 like 17 greedy 1.3203787816080172 15 like 16 a 1.5962898902440639 17 greedy 18 pig 7.691224149023334 18 pig 19 . 0.04305410110585939 and because he was stealing and wanted no one to see him he always ate his stolen feasts at night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 1 and 3 he 0.30330535602472075 2 because 3 he 1.6134711134543167 3 he 18 feasts 3.414615534489453 3 he 7 wanted 2.0920219898481847 4 was 5 stealing 1.7331163858580574 5 stealing 7 wanted 3.411035395745639 6 and 7 wanted 0.3333718452921701 7 wanted 11 see 2.712859703380392 7 wanted 10 to 2.7126182034946353 7 wanted 9 one 0.958383463101228 8 no 9 one 2.611222192281094 12 him 18 feasts 5.4738995811023194 13 he 18 feasts 3.414615534489453 14 always 18 feasts 7.57392564929269 15 ate 18 feasts 11.12323620256041 16 his 18 feasts 4.759657127885092 17 stolen 18 feasts 12.509845293512743 18 feasts 20 night 8.797142155705817 18 feasts 19 at 6.19020621302289 18 feasts 21 . 2.224383865820421 " now old mother nature is , as you all know , very , very wise , oh very wise indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 now 16 wise 0.7662018210914745 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 3 old 16 wise 2.13334968370253 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 6 is 16 wise 2.1575446911966196 6 is 10 all 0.6162434192716031 6 is 8 as 0.09524100752763331 7 , 8 as 0.3162541076793648 8 as 9 you 0.40648219198709157 11 know 13 very 0.5112076151291127 11 know 12 , 0.13899760719498389 13 very 16 wise 4.312537642032019 13 very 14 , 0.45787015165122824 15 very 16 wise 4.312537642032019 16 wise 20 wise 4.151070820395265 16 wise 18 oh 0.6466708662687388 16 wise 17 , 0.4582760591620527 19 very 20 wise 4.312537642032019 20 wise 21 indeed 2.614514775627317 20 wise 22 . 0.5155752841421695 " now when old mother nature made this proclamation old king bear was fast asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 when 0.5986489700216406 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 3 when 9 proclamation 1.8930006345678905 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 9 proclamation 6.645568539642287 7 made 9 proclamation 4.634826472773835 8 this 9 proclamation 2.9478635423506283 9 proclamation 15 asleep 6.6583298400477915 9 proclamation 12 bear 6.022024862989404 9 proclamation 10 old 3.913623714232557 11 king 12 bear 4.433910651477078 13 was 15 asleep 1.624601768465812 14 fast 15 asleep 7.608666954979029 15 asleep 16 . 0.9536492013050442 old mother nature peeped in at him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 nature 5.543369308255009 2 mother 3 nature 6.838452275712985 3 nature 4 peeped 4.1279928786510105 3 nature 7 him 1.6818860351423268 4 peeped 6 at 1.8268014821593646 4 peeped 5 in 1.6282624109595147 7 him 8 . 0.8676779267655075 he was snoring and probably dreaming of more good things to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 snoring 1.772110517473923 3 snoring 6 dreaming 8.805171228377066 3 snoring 5 probably 8.290598055547303 3 snoring 8 more 3.5401136640986444 3 snoring 9 good 3.5199028029899075 3 snoring 4 and 0.9237668097338378 3 snoring 13 . 0.7587202934716082 6 dreaming 7 of 1.0082999869416476 9 good 12 eat 1.9876577139752278 10 things 12 eat 2.778969935187998 11 to 12 eat 2.419166420524629 he shall sleep until gentle sister south wind comes in the spring to kiss away the snow and ice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 shall 0.6784134633273311 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 2 shall 3 sleep 2.2229111939189217 3 sleep 7 south 3.2607376235031076 3 sleep 4 until 2.3308465169411257 5 gentle 7 south 7.818079081938599 6 sister 7 south 6.388298088628687 7 south 8 wind 6.8936819968916865 7 south 9 comes 4.39145281415691 7 south 17 snow 4.123004912136754 7 south 12 spring 3.577604130013807 10 in 12 spring 1.9285822440648097 11 the 12 spring 1.3401458509636832 13 to 14 kiss 0.7911858552279405 14 kiss 17 snow 3.6248037233348818 15 away 17 snow 1.2944547236140913 16 the 17 snow 1.7349869565112535 17 snow 19 ice 6.189729035433206 17 snow 18 and 1.229952168075453 19 ice 20 . 1.1837418813230762 then he shall waken with a lean stomach and a great appetite and there shall be none to feed him . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 waken 1.6953956911649364 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 shall 4 waken 4.532766456505708 4 waken 7 lean 8.939026975111847 4 waken 20 him 3.025970543681858 5 with 6 a 1.3165200252756044 6 a 7 lean 1.2491715906702723 7 lean 12 appetite 7.585467271175379 7 lean 8 stomach 6.6640492951510595 7 lean 11 great 2.5813449725925075 7 lean 9 and 1.5122871298681808 10 a 11 great 2.39190469798403 12 appetite 17 none 4.827661424375911 12 appetite 15 shall 2.4039064510502044 12 appetite 14 there 2.2288136879268556 12 appetite 13 and 0.8808809968806592 15 shall 16 be 2.8741730525617317 17 none 19 feed 4.895344915102566 18 to 19 feed 2.529452262940925 20 him 21 . 0.8676779267655075 21 . 22 ' 4.2885620435386205 " now old mother nature always has a warm heart and she was very fond of bobby coon 's grandfather a thousand times removed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 17 bobby 0.9929232604769318 1 " 2 now 0.5700434077622898 3 old 4 mother 3.44374419193349 4 mother 15 fond 1.8021095003532288 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 6 always 15 fond 2.3133980990694667 6 always 7 has 1.0147762101386526 7 has 8 a 1.0147023060575844 9 warm 15 fond 2.707814991713189 9 warm 10 heart 2.9588915672606753 9 warm 11 and 1.3067193311730918 12 she 15 fond 1.572233483033088 13 was 15 fond 2.2319222428295014 14 very 15 fond 4.257050396704873 15 fond 17 bobby 3.823679315865494 15 fond 16 of 3.6534239228795737 17 bobby 18 coon 11.609228375483951 18 coon 24 removed 6.013827821090398 18 coon 25 . 0.327916430342281 19 's 24 removed 2.50034663396249 20 grandfather 24 removed 6.830867508550245 21 a 22 thousand 2.8403660451029467 22 thousand 24 removed 9.15191923443425 23 times 24 removed 7.734419797628114 but first she would teach mr coon that stolen food is not the sweetest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 she 1.003894132089684 2 first 3 she 0.5954692035293192 3 she 14 sweetest 2.1260594650158318 4 would 9 stolen 1.5835661754173564 5 teach 9 stolen 4.820006371239433 6 mr 7 coon 4.883578094545577 7 coon 9 stolen 6.186008796473079 8 that 9 stolen 0.9576995964492205 9 stolen 14 sweetest 6.768378307111593 10 food 14 sweetest 5.034230477592864 11 is 14 sweetest 2.2657434317110408 11 is 12 not 0.9757805895846587 13 the 14 sweetest 1.9649485637005704 14 sweetest 15 . 0.369477014282797 " so old mother nature found some tender , juicy corn just in the milk which mr coon had stolen from old king bear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 nature 0.16861402885671595 1 " 2 so -0.025007898527833916 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 5 nature 10 juicy 8.452923461699893 6 found 10 juicy 5.993030647989922 7 some 10 juicy 5.11401338655774 8 tender 10 juicy 11.02693406426128 9 , 10 juicy 1.5285077417826898 10 juicy 11 corn 11.053295543632633 10 juicy 15 milk 9.426320563432203 10 juicy 16 which 5.393907157235166 10 juicy 12 just 4.910422259961454 10 juicy 22 old 4.47550260184067 10 juicy 19 had 3.07951003889519 10 juicy 13 in 2.1843122197654345 13 in 14 the 1.1613034400066837 17 mr 18 coon 4.883578094545577 18 coon 19 had 1.9281132472203133 19 had 20 stolen 3.3777799360540683 20 stolen 21 from 4.1686971524485905 22 old 24 bear 3.023667783221974 23 king 24 bear 4.433910651477078 24 bear 25 . 0.34715624794171696 so no one was there when he took a great bite of the tender , juicy corn old mother nature had put back for him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 4 was 16 juicy 1.7920100749116301 4 was 5 there 0.3396954915506605 6 when 7 he 1.8647931372101283 7 he 16 juicy 1.414615534489453 7 he 8 took 1.6624181396873556 9 a 10 great 2.39190469798403 10 great 16 juicy 6.643878211340091 11 bite 16 juicy 10.578300595710832 12 of 16 juicy 1.634796495006519 12 of 13 the 0.8205289458717022 14 tender 16 juicy 11.02693406426128 15 , 16 juicy 1.5285077417826898 16 juicy 17 corn 11.053295543632633 16 juicy 20 nature 8.465344548749346 16 juicy 22 put 6.279174574256761 16 juicy 21 had 3.07951003889519 18 old 20 nature 5.543369308255009 19 mother 20 nature 6.838452275712985 22 put 23 back 2.2042266507187414 22 put 25 him 0.7477552234167817 24 for 25 him 0.7594884896931795 25 him 26 . 0.8676779267655075 mr coon rolled over and over with both of his forepaws clasped over his stomach and groaned and groaned and groaned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 coon 4.883578094545577 2 coon 3 rolled 4.609781105729532 3 rolled 4 over 5.074810467509227 4 over 11 forepaws 5.455886310118753 5 and 11 forepaws 1.2610354641031698 6 over 11 forepaws 5.455886310118753 7 with 11 forepaws 4.699626362411092 8 both 11 forepaws 7.726567527357826 9 of 11 forepaws 2.3128684001191573 10 his 11 forepaws 5.022691533718884 11 forepaws 12 clasped 11.144931273659733 11 forepaws 21 groaned 10.641466886959773 11 forepaws 19 groaned 10.641466886959773 11 forepaws 17 groaned 10.641466886959773 11 forepaws 15 stomach 9.985977390038425 11 forepaws 13 over 4.98540391344746 11 forepaws 14 his 3.9736407301931926 11 forepaws 20 and 2.026860302697944 11 forepaws 18 and 2.026860302697944 11 forepaws 16 and 2.026860302697944 21 groaned 22 . 1.2167706817105461 he had rubbed his eyes and of course had got mustard into them and could not see . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 rubbed 2.1322992955009425 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 rubbed 5 eyes 6.217314071616816 3 rubbed 4 his 3.937890705243987 5 eyes 11 mustard 4.61604557232803 5 eyes 18 . 0.8353789148017494 6 and 11 mustard 1.0249681058696432 7 of 8 course 4.211944956136168 8 course 11 mustard 5.148143967960582 9 had 11 mustard 1.562567403694704 10 got 11 mustard 4.30069311517401 11 mustard 12 into 3.5049420210961664 11 mustard 15 could 3.2680655551745303 11 mustard 17 see 3.2172730099899276 11 mustard 13 them 2.8608199212587806 11 mustard 14 and 1.3894303820826508 15 could 16 not 3.0316984035119585 " finally old mother nature came to his relief and brought him some water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 finally 1.610081703684365 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 finally 5 nature 3.9015278568997367 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 5 nature 9 relief 3.4813799077491225 5 nature 6 came 2.2700024811528543 6 came 7 to 1.4047239513309133 7 to 8 his 0.42358737430060067 9 relief 11 brought 2.721880374189112 9 relief 14 water 2.36033360377807 9 relief 15 . 1.0325405078435779 10 and 11 brought 0.6680375492429746 11 brought 12 him 2.118419070809889 13 some 14 water 2.2906461465115058 " but mr coon remembered the burning of his stomach and mouth and could not forget it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 but 16 forget 1.0966952832090975 3 mr 4 coon 4.883578094545577 4 coon 7 burning 4.911889657324178 4 coon 16 forget 2.8330661583878616 5 remembered 7 burning 3.9118896573241777 5 remembered 6 the 0.6416197684207319 7 burning 10 stomach 5.204617676513763 7 burning 12 mouth 3.530681545970328 8 of 9 his 0.6817939745436874 9 his 10 stomach 3.792323316805412 10 stomach 11 and 1.015455539425691 12 mouth 13 and 1.000907607021471 14 could 15 not 3.0316984035119585 15 not 16 forget 2.8276602592292903 16 forget 17 it 1.2812710976416 16 forget 18 . 0.5530066132817879 " oh thank you , thank you , grandfather frog , " cried the merry little breezes as they danced away over the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 13 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 6 thank 3.9497592108193658 2 oh 11 , 2.0324623708210936 3 thank 6 thank 5.404501005132339 3 thank 4 you 3.854819450510554 3 thank 5 , 1.2586135867488526 6 thank 9 grandfather 4.6094938783919055 6 thank 7 you 3.854819450510554 6 thank 8 , 1.2586135867488526 9 grandfather 10 frog 9.27687376659811 12 " 13 cried 2.2573435939906012 13 cried 17 breezes 4.307081183990906 14 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 15 merry 17 breezes 10.012501010913478 16 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 17 breezes 20 danced 6.790719743320597 17 breezes 25 meadows 5.519550660607532 18 as 19 they 1.6596826666793785 19 they 20 danced 2.541074322313559 20 danced 21 away 2.527029058954721 22 over 25 meadows 3.7411105759300725 23 the 25 meadows 2.3225225762090123 24 green 25 meadows 8.640219315758674 25 meadows 26 . 1.0373533873754468 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog , smacking his lips . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 9 smacking 6.7806860562936215 8 , 9 smacking 2.0354677305025675 9 smacking 11 lips 10.973792393272529 9 smacking 10 his 4.285584736507932 9 smacking 12 . 1.273293466301368 xiii 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xiii 2.3589099646216667 the merry little breezes have a busy day 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 busy 0.025868834344588976 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 7 busy 4.640113121808113 5 have 6 a 0.7694929783844255 6 a 7 busy 0.26501179936616026 7 busy 8 day 3.6299196707604686 then old mother west wind kissed them all around and hurried away to hunt for a rain cloud which had gone astray . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 old 0.3382311905585986 2 old 4 west 4.333801015832179 3 mother 4 west 6.260487287650108 4 west 5 wind 8.453050316196002 5 wind 17 rain 5.226283832523141 5 wind 6 kissed 4.162977264658096 6 kissed 11 hurried 3.823413093547366 6 kissed 9 around 1.9566796244108282 7 them 8 all 1.4625849217647033 8 all 9 around 2.222674973140208 10 and 11 hurried 1.447672192649577 11 hurried 12 away 3.5955604406255404 13 to 14 hunt 2.130054722755524 14 hunt 17 rain 5.11487029863504 14 hunt 15 for 3.3364185859217272 15 for 16 a 0.9242739977267913 17 rain 22 astray 9.10750911490899 18 cloud 22 astray 9.831956669228763 19 which 22 astray 4.7359047004589065 20 had 21 gone 3.5716341511162923 21 gone 22 astray 7.962067603751606 22 astray 23 . 0.6129491537380716 the merry little breezes watched her go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 watched 0.4753613425801966 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 5 watched 4.521093650103158 5 watched 7 go 1.9105091762524253 5 watched 6 her 1.6546171458454104 7 go 8 . 0.25135707474239055 pretty soon along came peter rabbit , lipperty-lipperty-lip . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 4.286204563785088 3 along 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 5.11245413751011 4 came 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 2.940042158998061 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 5.2759528697929845 7 , 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 1.6773711276971675 8 lipperty-lipperty-lip 9 . 0.8707469112057176 " hello , peter rabbit ! " shouted the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 8 shouted 6.1093990014328305 2 hello 5 rabbit 6.120242807654659 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 ! 8 shouted 4.967379996560403 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 8 shouted 12 breezes 6.174084589685499 8 shouted 13 . 0.7228706584401756 9 the 12 breezes 2.2607610699772422 10 merry 12 breezes 10.012501010913478 11 little 12 breezes 6.02611847789149 " come play with us ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 come 3 play 2.3747270775754714 2 come 6 ! 1.1809812228085406 3 play 4 with 3.0381674584440965 3 play 5 us 2.4463134901395662 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 " can't , " said peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 3 , 5 said 1.3498770263619093 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 5 said 6 peter 1.7439427448895923 5 said 8 . 0.9489036959486263 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 " i have to go find some tender young carrots for my breakfast , " and away be hurried , lipperty-lipperty-lip . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 5 go 1.4343473524787154 2 i 3 have 1.80547384079307 4 to 5 go 1.5232590480520969 5 go 21 lipperty-lipperty-lip 2.583558942527869 6 find 10 carrots 5.63206613556947 7 some 10 carrots 2.9045600209287947 8 tender 10 carrots 10.624835620689936 9 young 10 carrots 6.775824959566773 10 carrots 13 breakfast 6.80413705445547 11 for 13 breakfast 2.624334953579286 12 my 13 breakfast 1.4081361295808108 13 breakfast 19 hurried 4.387241381179177 13 breakfast 15 " 0.7789535801437388 14 , 15 " 0.6466805192388225 16 and 19 hurried 1.447672192649577 17 away 19 hurried 2.5514807800518966 18 be 19 hurried 0.36889074832512847 19 hurried 21 lipperty-lipperty-lip 7.911989555108413 20 , 21 lipperty-lipperty-lip 1.6773711276971675 21 lipperty-lipperty-lip 22 . 0.8707469112057176 in a few minutes jimmy skunk came in sight and he seemed to be almost hurrying along the crooked little path down the hill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 skunk 0.3561944623018931 1 in 4 minutes 2.6096738205733736 2 a 3 few 3.275693471712252 3 few 4 minutes 8.429930807745183 4 minutes 6 skunk 1.9908779534710028 5 jimmy 6 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 skunk 19 crooked 6.207486858339536 7 came 16 hurrying 4.499102796276457 8 in 9 sight 1.37809698501637 9 sight 16 hurrying 4.233656568099558 10 and 11 he 0.30330535602472075 11 he 16 hurrying 1.1870798098770443 12 seemed 16 hurrying 2.8022336403470085 12 seemed 13 to 2.326680747988899 12 seemed 14 be 1.9263309446218244 15 almost 16 hurrying 3.5310104564782634 16 hurrying 19 crooked 7.073495998117949 17 along 19 crooked 6.307545152812988 18 the 19 crooked 1.7037741419172718 19 crooked 21 path 9.62217258557886 19 crooked 24 hill 7.097397266772237 19 crooked 20 little 5.379445518156846 22 down 24 hill 4.2035231016248495 23 the 24 hill 2.0968829957252435 24 hill 25 . 0.8077003936980187 the merry little breezes danced over to meet him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 5 danced 6.790719743320597 4 breezes 8 meet 3.6380189204810485 5 danced 6 over 3.069989245532401 7 to 8 meet 2.4197161577369393 8 meet 9 him 2.9560518388710975 9 him 10 . 0.8676779267655075 " hello , jimmy skunk ! " they cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hello 2.4597506541284915 1 " 2 hello 3.922694479991236 2 hello 5 skunk 6.299266994704649 2 hello 6 ! 4.499488984791785 2 hello 3 , 1.762694385760966 4 jimmy 5 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 ! 9 cried 4.743957976292686 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 6 ! 8 they 0.22734405041475725 9 cried 10 . 0.7704540247731817 " come play with us ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 come 3 play 2.3747270775754714 2 come 6 ! 1.1809812228085406 3 play 4 with 3.0381674584440965 3 play 5 us 2.4463134901395662 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 jimmy skunk shook his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 shook 0.9807086298779488 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 3 shook 2.052142021829411 3 shook 5 head 7.152334097761402 4 his 5 head 3.6389926349442767 5 head 6 . 0.9057652481458263 " can't , " said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 3 , 5 said 1.3498770263619093 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 5 said 7 . 0.9489036959486263 5 said 6 he 0.6185839486337201 the merry little breezes watched him for a few minutes and then raced over to the laughing brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 raced 0.6721896014355124 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 13 raced 7.257287543239524 4 breezes 5 watched 4.521093650103158 5 watched 6 him 3.0152759428856264 7 for 10 minutes 3.219189742654784 8 a 9 few 3.275693471712252 9 few 10 minutes 8.429930807745183 10 minutes 13 raced 5.411209752419364 11 and 13 raced 1.6210315998240468 12 then 13 raced 2.9033887334407673 13 raced 18 brook 5.528883742809011 13 raced 14 over 3.869926696027523 13 raced 15 to 1.4235792419934974 16 the 18 brook 2.4170322032995006 17 laughing 18 brook 9.342696177760082 18 brook 19 . 0.549177294402174 there they found billy mink stealing softly down towards the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 they 0.7522049453152633 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 2 they 3 found 1.8532169735750692 3 found 5 mink 1.15487723856398 4 billy 5 mink 9.260717032646737 5 mink 11 smiling 4.614705587321705 5 mink 6 stealing 4.892624230241484 6 stealing 9 towards 6.524130602266457 6 stealing 7 softly 4.802646114316428 8 down 9 towards 2.1778235318796604 10 the 11 smiling 1.862320081229095 11 smiling 12 pool 9.99688962068163 12 pool 13 . 1.0200253673142292 " oh , billy mink , come play with us , " begged the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 mink 1.2146650639496315 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 , 2.0324623708210936 4 billy 5 mink 9.260717032646737 5 mink 8 play 3.5817671072798127 5 mink 6 , -0.22170875918801514 7 come 8 play 2.3747270775754714 8 play 13 begged 3.7717798163358687 8 play 9 with 3.0381674584440965 8 play 18 . 0.5304125817944421 10 us 13 begged 2.58437805660186 11 , 13 begged 0.8362685047434582 11 , 12 " 0.6466805192388225 13 begged 17 breezes 4.753687684232286 14 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 15 merry 17 breezes 10.012501010913478 16 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 " can't , " said billy mink . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 3 , 5 said 1.3498770263619093 4 " 5 said 2.1846753891302146 5 said 7 mink 1.7301091519268397 5 said 8 . 0.9489036959486263 6 billy 7 mink 9.260717032646737 " i have to catch a trout for grandfather mink 's breakfast , " and he crept on towards the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 mink 1.2146650639496315 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 have 1.80547384079307 4 to 5 catch 1.8188220171977214 5 catch 7 trout 4.869535686304953 6 a 7 trout 1.252491948961886 7 trout 10 mink 6.267249500047146 7 trout 9 grandfather 4.190644070531235 7 trout 8 for 1.3440594533724415 10 mink 21 smiling 4.614705587321705 10 mink 17 crept 4.468956425819197 10 mink 18 on 1.0680600181516517 10 mink 11 's 0.6137638857345173 12 breakfast 17 crept 3.608814089402159 12 breakfast 14 " 0.7789535801437388 13 , 14 " 0.6466805192388225 15 and 17 crept 0.7784739706273136 16 he 17 crept 1.5170165417347548 19 towards 21 smiling 3.265262941922611 20 the 21 smiling 1.862320081229095 21 smiling 22 pool 9.99688962068163 22 pool 23 . 1.0200253673142292 just then along came bumble the bee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 just 0.7017321607109004 1 just 5 bumble 2.476603054283647 1 just 2 then 2.286942908449145 3 along 5 bumble 6.128221453368422 4 came 5 bumble 3.955809474856377 5 bumble 7 bee 12.560134381047678 5 bumble 6 the 2.01743097901727 5 bumble 8 . 0.7296191740708444 " good morning , bumble , " cried the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 bumble 1.9924828101481005 2 good 5 bumble 3.955596504742932 3 morning 5 bumble 5.772887946483525 4 , 5 bumble 1.190638103026302 5 bumble 10 merry 7.10520214912092 5 bumble 8 cried 4.2765763672003025 5 bumble 9 the 2.01743097901727 5 bumble 13 . 0.7296191740708444 6 , 8 cried 0.7696273711880401 7 " 8 cried 2.2573435939906012 10 merry 12 breezes 10.012501010913478 11 little 12 breezes 6.02611847789149 " come play with us ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 come 3 play 2.3747270775754714 2 come 6 ! 1.1809812228085406 3 play 4 with 3.0381674584440965 3 play 5 us 2.4463134901395662 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 " buzz , buzz , buzz , " grumbled bumble the bee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 10 bumble 1.9924828101481005 2 buzz 4 buzz 13.533496561577383 2 buzz 3 , 1.2805426906235837 4 buzz 6 buzz 13.533496561577383 4 buzz 5 , 1.2805426906235837 6 buzz 10 bumble 12.22209913418219 6 buzz 7 , 1.2805426906235837 8 " 9 grumbled 2.0866495213226273 9 grumbled 10 bumble 11.491706193939468 10 bumble 12 bee 12.560134381047678 10 bumble 11 the 2.01743097901727 10 bumble 13 . 0.7296191740708444 " can't , for i have to get a sack of honey , " and off he hurried to the nearest dandelion . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 can't 0.9469312647008561 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 2 can't 8 get 2.9642970123183687 3 , 5 i 0.5715918990983972 4 for 5 i -0.018141808076423516 5 i 8 get 1.257754293268528 5 i 6 have 1.80547384079307 7 to 8 get 1.8086562812674263 8 get 12 honey 3.2352275562306083 9 a 10 sack 0.8485865519079105 10 sack 12 honey 7.014399710517505 10 sack 11 of 1.1498395009477775 12 honey 18 hurried 5.790398036319406 12 honey 16 off 2.4266497657374124 12 honey 13 , 1.121996751311766 12 honey 14 " 0.8893284860561188 12 honey 15 and 0.8683143633861192 17 he 18 hurried 1.8259585502105544 18 hurried 22 dandelion 7.911989555108413 18 hurried 19 to 2.090367162284622 20 the 21 nearest 1.971917608409143 21 nearest 22 dandelion 9.828661171509513 22 dandelion 23 . 1.5614188530979867 then the merry little breezes hunted up johnny chuck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 8 johnny 1.4934044618882076 2 the 5 breezes 2.2607610699772422 3 merry 5 breezes 10.012501010913478 4 little 5 breezes 6.02611847789149 5 breezes 6 hunted 4.646835067764318 5 breezes 8 johnny 4.4687916484332355 6 hunted 7 up 3.1760709955194883 8 johnny 9 chuck 9.449430308003667 9 chuck 10 . 0.47262126972613316 but johnny chuck was busy , too busy to play . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 8 busy 0.8237185322553309 2 johnny 3 chuck 9.449430308003667 3 chuck 8 busy 4.088618572696564 4 was 5 busy 2.300366535564077 5 busy 8 busy 6.749132106424899 5 busy 6 , 0.5793271214065818 7 too 8 busy 4.5757983083264016 8 busy 10 play 3.3146314852328267 9 to 10 play 1.959129924509238 10 play 11 . 0.5304125817944421 bobby coon was asleep , for he had been out all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bobby 0.8197896173107466 1 bobby 2 coon 11.609228375483951 1 bobby 4 asleep 3.99414064817606 1 bobby 8 had 1.6607968814729475 1 bobby 10 out 1.1338120464867707 3 was 4 asleep 1.624601768465812 4 asleep 5 , 0.7695350578513462 6 for 7 he 0.16515505790377816 7 he 8 had 1.735007688287725 8 had 9 been 3.8301500596883944 10 out 12 night 1.0505478603418368 11 all 12 night 2.1082253939637354 12 night 13 . 0.5301089935735313 reddy fox also was asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 2 fox 5 asleep 2.218867558979891 2 fox 3 also 1.8718441402200554 4 was 5 asleep 1.624601768465812 5 asleep 6 . 0.9536492013050442 striped chipmunk was in such a hurry to fill the pockets in his cheeks that he could hardly stop to say good morning . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 1 striped 11 pockets 6.367700869242153 3 was 7 hurry 0.9515910135146761 4 in 7 hurry 3.2961920336069177 5 such 7 hurry 4.695728237691409 5 such 6 a 2.6388379146949603 7 hurry 11 pockets 5.314824255414738 8 to 9 fill 2.1005710229401657 9 fill 11 pockets 6.5084165015983295 9 fill 10 the 0.5918879327048501 11 pockets 14 cheeks 7.780273365004835 12 in 14 cheeks 1.3076169971377745 13 his 14 cheeks 2.566542499070888 14 cheeks 18 hardly 3.591272892856587 14 cheeks 19 stop 3.3818195272276377 14 cheeks 24 . 0.9926535799046334 15 that 18 hardly 1.518872961680362 16 he 17 could 1.799559825235125 17 could 18 hardly 4.578000056912845 19 stop 23 morning 1.1670202359529291 19 stop 20 to 0.7645381193643743 20 to 21 say 1.5454691794447797 22 good 23 morning 3.609875610050441 happy jack squirrel just flirted his big tail and rushed away as if he had many important things to attend to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jack 0.5976742697699926 1 happy 2 jack 8.066809588263567 2 jack 3 squirrel 7.731008113990729 3 squirrel 5 flirted 8.227785261695285 3 squirrel 15 had 1.6532452841930905 4 just 5 flirted 4.8414397406403005 5 flirted 8 tail 8.838165294996184 5 flirted 10 rushed 8.173126480225967 5 flirted 7 big 4.76100611731956 5 flirted 6 his 3.973640730193189 5 flirted 11 away 3.6350888048121774 9 and 10 rushed 1.544044569698226 12 as 13 if 2.776143507537343 13 if 15 had 1.920462829674415 14 he 15 had 1.735007688287725 15 had 16 many 1.8618743062561514 16 many 18 things 4.542264328312225 16 many 20 attend 3.9509600490148493 17 important 18 things 4.319064369797058 19 to 20 attend 2.3012286209339443 20 attend 21 to 2.5858506708923734 20 attend 22 . 0.3540191462370146 finally the merry little breezes gave it up and sat down among the buttercups and daisies to talk it over . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 5 breezes 2.9758034356971663 2 the 5 breezes 2.2607610699772422 3 merry 5 breezes 10.012501010913478 4 little 5 breezes 6.02611847789149 5 breezes 20 over 2.770185524998748 6 gave 8 up 2.1672439599807696 6 gave 7 it 0.279963395273068 8 up 14 buttercups 2.313610532998343 9 and 14 buttercups 1.74646229127341 10 sat 14 buttercups 4.698411857152127 10 sat 11 down 5.31852152344641 12 among 14 buttercups 7.503810051606248 13 the 14 buttercups 2.2084102267904484 14 buttercups 16 daisies 12.880417588954248 14 buttercups 18 talk 5.712979993371029 14 buttercups 20 over 4.272685865527929 14 buttercups 15 and 1.8991047554995681 14 buttercups 19 it 0.5447848837891236 17 to 18 talk 1.6085942772965875 20 over 21 . 0.4497240344348832 every one seemed to have something to do , every one but themselves . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 but 0.9143403551529357 1 every 2 one 3.4259854658400464 1 every 11 one 3.4259854658400464 1 every 3 seemed 0.5165962065620882 3 seemed 7 to 2.326680747988899 3 seemed 4 to 2.326680747988899 3 seemed 6 something 1.928651602142864 3 seemed 5 have 1.3498923308095847 7 to 8 do 1.2374113854924609 8 do 9 , 0.01940385376791376 10 every 11 one 3.4259854658400464 12 but 13 themselves -0.6245226355247837 13 themselves 14 . 0.6478829438474598 it was such a busy world that sunshiny morning ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 such 0.7351944883194061 3 such 8 sunshiny 3.560073138333845 3 such 4 a 2.6388379146949603 5 busy 8 sunshiny 6.652673437520729 6 world 8 sunshiny 4.828924077212452 7 that 8 sunshiny 1.06931158706713 8 sunshiny 9 morning 7.560583688785446 8 sunshiny 10 ! 1.298199812440135 pretty soon one of the merry little breezes hopped up very suddenly and began the maddest little dance among the buttercups . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 hopped 0.7217765349013661 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 8 breezes 3.1373411778706064 3 one 8 breezes 2.848511410888065 3 one 4 of 1.5254413726359868 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 9 hopped 6.491299047842805 9 hopped 10 up 3.6703028146318957 10 up 16 maddest 4.372504222051912 11 very 16 maddest 5.511151677768662 12 suddenly 16 maddest 7.8168683926002736 13 and 16 maddest 1.9980010582693772 14 began 16 maddest 6.713338702147535 15 the 16 maddest 1.5668641977029267 16 maddest 21 buttercups 13.375544201801151 16 maddest 18 dance 9.445753204082553 16 maddest 19 among 7.7817920613468665 16 maddest 17 little 4.267159142582479 20 the 21 buttercups 2.2084102267904484 21 buttercups 22 . 0.926703317179733 " as we haven't anything to do for ourselves let 's do something for somebody else ! " he shouted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 haven't 1.0945053385042502 1 " 4 haven't 1.86884051982614 2 as 3 we 0.91748799362664 3 we 4 haven't 2.788707665691362 4 haven't 5 anything 3.8811711748931685 5 anything 16 else 5.339232409002751 5 anything 7 do 1.558309537176001 6 to 7 do 1.2374113854924609 8 for 9 ourselves 2.210692537265146 9 ourselves 15 somebody 4.378789320692906 9 ourselves 10 let 1.3031716275521639 11 's 15 somebody 1.094597336378186 12 do 13 something 1.8627323827801163 13 something 15 somebody 1.8637816665947256 13 something 14 for 0.6914093321341497 15 somebody 16 else 6.401705251534668 16 else 20 shouted 1.0453620091033038 16 else 21 . 0.8723257841850689 17 ! 20 shouted 4.967379996560403 17 ! 18 " 2.8038844676111605 19 he 20 shouted 1.5317829436386852 up jumped all the little breezes , clapping their hands . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jumped 0.39166670960072736 1 up 2 jumped 2.488503341963117 2 jumped 8 clapping 5.942906418773443 3 all 6 breezes 2.1592524308908487 4 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 8 clapping 7.167557382583514 7 , 8 clapping 1.3348266170877672 8 clapping 10 hands 8.729239798899158 8 clapping 9 their 3.8521782774097524 10 hands 11 . 0.7347018685323743 " oh let's ! " they shouted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 4 ! 3.081912208044674 2 oh 3 let's 1.0244125346510913 4 ! 7 shouted 4.967379996560403 4 ! 5 " 2.8038844676111605 6 they 7 shouted 0.9824048307334614 7 shouted 8 . 0.7228706584401756 way over across the green meadows they could see two long ears above the nodding daisies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 the -0.06339004823085581 1 way 3 across 1.5574031990145834 2 over 3 across 1.055955703230115 3 across 4 the 2.2208878494453064 4 the 16 daisies 1.8130247849723204 4 the 6 meadows 2.3225225762090123 5 green 6 meadows 8.640219315758674 6 meadows 9 see 1.1069574976857695 7 they 8 could 1.166950016300767 8 could 9 see 2.945997787046375 10 two 16 daisies 3.3395507465432495 11 long 16 daisies 2.9676297187749583 12 ears 16 daisies 6.496274097621189 13 above 16 daisies 6.25923490032034 14 the 16 daisies 1.8130247849723204 15 nodding 16 daisies 9.515133124872502 16 daisies 17 . 1.194636522426368 " there 's peter rabbit , " cried one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 peter 1.2707344244317174 1 " 8 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 3 's 0.47415569605254504 2 there 3 's 1.7231004370931355 4 peter 5 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 , 8 cried 0.7696273711880401 7 " 8 cried 2.2573435939906012 8 cried 10 . 0.7704540247731817 8 cried 9 one 0.030726362627262915 " let's help him find those tender young carrots ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 let's 1.8176975860101336 1 " 2 let's 2.5827865495845295 3 help 9 carrots 4.508704893664845 3 help 4 him 1.6633278667356386 5 find 9 carrots 5.63206613556947 6 those 9 carrots 4.143821672331168 7 tender 9 carrots 10.624835620689936 8 young 9 carrots 6.775824959566773 9 carrots 10 ! 3.2889219988521283 10 ! 11 " 2.8038844676111605 no sooner proposed than off they all raced to see who could reach peter first . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 sooner 5.175161873165646 1 no 16 . 0.04026761536399981 2 sooner 8 raced 6.378770493422369 3 proposed 8 raced 7.676646648468459 4 than 8 raced 2.351260233808688 5 off 8 raced 3.8635324571221723 6 they 8 raced 3.827069876590663 7 all 8 raced 1.9311463583600066 8 raced 13 reach 6.0949589992366775 8 raced 15 first 2.5907566981787404 8 raced 10 see 2.1542632124641266 8 raced 14 peter 1.9437401923240643 8 raced 11 who 1.4108182816168018 9 to 10 see 1.81043644982023 12 could 13 reach 3.7851555473568617 " come on , peter rabbit , for this is my busy day ! " he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 17 cried 2.2573435939906012 2 come 3 on 0.7297754551690616 2 come 14 ! 1.1809812228085406 3 on 13 day 1.5033790030853176 4 , 5 peter 0.5868727018224646 5 peter 6 rabbit 7.313713619688597 6 rabbit 12 busy 2.6354459445309537 6 rabbit 10 is 0.7043250475771856 7 , 10 is 0.10967806833826899 8 for 9 this 0.32633001724840405 9 this 10 is 2.1325164575981628 10 is 11 my 0.9472372714393185 12 busy 13 day 3.6299196707604686 14 ! 17 cried 4.743957976292686 14 ! 15 " 2.8038844676111605 14 ! 16 he 0.9615561911892261 17 cried 18 . 0.7704540247731817 peter rabbit didn't have to be invited twice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 7 invited 2.592500505672465 2 rabbit 9 . 0.6126504281875942 3 didn't 7 invited 1.9173438165251895 3 didn't 4 have 1.0466041544322273 5 to 6 be 1.7155747074306849 6 be 7 invited 1.550508804118497 7 invited 8 twice 4.47566367308956 away he went , lipperty-lipperty-lip , as fast as his long legs could take him after the merry little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 0.3735940103787776 1 away 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 5.4165511999657845 2 he 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 2.283371001211197 3 went 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 3.9302074130496365 4 , 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 1.6773711276971675 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 8 fast 7.7826110513042295 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 7 as 3.9083039754322435 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 6 , 1.3684154466489211 5 lipperty-lipperty-lip 21 . 0.8707469112057176 8 fast 12 legs 6.528445548589374 8 fast 9 as 3.814423557372699 10 his 12 legs 3.7479346428605496 11 long 12 legs 4.309763492924464 12 legs 18 merry 2.1972777340192984 12 legs 14 take 3.053668056744602 12 legs 13 could 2.435692173080085 12 legs 15 him 1.9712047402509647 12 legs 16 after 1.226870848403145 17 the 18 merry 1.7667336024132325 18 merry 20 breeze 8.28452534308401 18 merry 19 little 5.200496649987246 and presently they came to the field of tender young carrots . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 presently 1.763989515003594 1 and 2 presently 0.9745420854453855 2 presently 7 field 3.7215248413915205 2 presently 4 came 4.377664460509873 2 presently 3 they 1.6742491517963742 4 came 5 to 1.4047239513309133 6 the 7 field 1.818216798489079 7 field 11 carrots 7.591854742044102 7 field 12 . 0.9131821775261173 8 of 11 carrots 2.010305630098724 9 tender 11 carrots 10.624835620689936 10 young 11 carrots 6.775824959566773 " oh thank you , merry little breeze ! " cried peter rabbit , and straightway began to eat his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.410574962587239 1 " 2 oh 3.070628417498236 2 oh 3 thank 3.9497592108193658 2 oh 9 ! 3.081912208044674 3 thank 8 breeze 4.74699740214184 3 thank 4 you 3.854819450510554 3 thank 5 , 1.2586135867488526 6 merry 8 breeze 8.28452534308401 6 merry 7 little 5.200496649987246 9 ! 11 cried 4.743957976292686 9 ! 10 " 2.8038844676111605 11 cried 16 straightway 3.4096509176314562 12 peter 13 rabbit 7.313713619688597 13 rabbit 16 straightway 4.966624811685261 14 , 15 and 0.752751396501802 15 and 16 straightway 1.9199985462681006 16 straightway 21 breakfast 6.067171460289263 16 straightway 17 began 5.382686271045166 17 began 18 to 2.775473939384737 19 eat 21 breakfast 4.968869386677458 20 his 21 breakfast 2.30372719795934 21 breakfast 22 . 0.9758391566280054 at once the little breeze remembered jimmy skunk , who was hunting for beetles for his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 at 0.010736919189856309 1 at 17 breakfast 2.1228310580599867 1 at 2 once 4.141134533179308 3 the 5 breeze 1.884346387559095 4 little 5 breeze 5.1370171957265 5 breeze 8 skunk 5.5216594160411 5 breeze 6 remembered 4.477658419453842 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 8 skunk 14 beetles 7.393353403650867 8 skunk 10 who 2.087247025912987 9 , 10 who 0.7573564620449389 10 who 11 was 1.4649639171139448 12 hunting 14 beetles 6.719839022617162 13 for 14 beetles 3.2674244223636997 14 beetles 17 breakfast 8.108991635983887 14 beetles 15 for 3.002649456910813 14 beetles 16 his 2.5255881736863834 17 breakfast 18 . 0.9758391566280054 off rushed the little breeze in merry whirls that made the grasses sway and bend and the daisies nod . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 rushed 0.16079974716392087 1 off 2 rushed 1.7865454269963514 2 rushed 8 whirls 11.377148087503738 3 the 8 whirls 2.151826698424081 4 little 8 whirls 5.9369925874185085 5 breeze 8 whirls 12.318960673434784 6 in 8 whirls 4.108414203173215 7 merry 8 whirls 10.033874661706047 8 whirls 13 sway 15.831773388400098 8 whirls 12 grasses 14.318960673434777 8 whirls 10 made 7.483693005656772 8 whirls 9 that 4.111341419055435 8 whirls 11 the 2.164272367346541 13 sway 18 daisies 11.553607272687135 13 sway 15 bend 11.105402909473096 13 sway 19 nod 10.857475396029503 13 sway 14 and 0.9873319385113035 16 and 18 daisies 1.1566988042884319 17 the 18 daisies 1.8130247849723204 19 nod 20 . 0.9592417970246352 when after a long , long hunt he found jimmy skunk , jimmy was very much out of sorts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 2 after 4 long 2.40593968130381 3 a 4 long 1.8939671708709067 4 long 6 long 2.6916444188849056 4 long 5 , 0.29621882800116595 6 long 7 hunt 1.5017733371988733 7 hunt 10 jimmy 4.039528665849648 7 hunt 13 jimmy 4.039528665849648 7 hunt 9 found 1.8352267014960972 8 he 9 found 1.790774678622114 10 jimmy 11 skunk 9.859461590276863 12 , 13 jimmy 0.3984754674638893 13 jimmy 19 sorts 3.351841178088872 14 was 15 very 1.8345067088627953 15 very 16 much 3.446378250176915 16 much 19 sorts 1.9125989300027477 17 out 19 sorts 3.5972410467098257 17 out 18 of 2.138624548858049 19 sorts 20 . 0.67258822903446 in fact jimmy skunk was positively cross . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 6 positively 5.025282708462274 3 jimmy 4 skunk 9.859461590276863 4 skunk 6 positively 5.1374084226033965 5 was 6 positively 1.3263465025628172 6 positively 7 cross 5.615441562361713 7 cross 8 . 0.6040982361558065 you see , he hadn't had any breakfast , for hunt as he would he couldn't find a single beetle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 5 hadn't 1.3775087614994348 3 , 4 he 0.5080875377005949 4 he 5 hadn't 1.9629195646317612 5 hadn't 20 beetle 6.405542730693881 5 hadn't 7 any 3.663223614139369 5 hadn't 8 breakfast 2.5787751053998242 5 hadn't 21 . -0.09408748762670172 6 had 7 any 0.7987122033539862 8 breakfast 11 hunt 3.521182541487196 8 breakfast 10 for 1.3364583959367948 8 breakfast 9 , 0.5933092140876823 12 as 13 he 1.5279784143694588 13 he 14 would 1.3645954036822268 14 would 20 beetle 2.682687221852067 15 he 16 couldn't 2.184206095579082 16 couldn't 20 beetle 5.146262498314943 17 find 20 beetle 5.983538506070854 18 a 19 single 3.2433843548349763 19 single 20 beetle 9.74471307680884 in fact he said some things not at all nice to the merry little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 in 2 fact 3.603313005547186 2 fact 5 some 1.8497546660300088 2 fact 3 he 1.6625578942834487 3 he 4 said 0.4099816699979293 5 some 6 things 1.9791673544467407 6 things 10 nice 1.5641778711831904 6 things 7 not 0.7842045368312718 6 things 16 . 0.5809931366210783 8 at 9 all 1.9101156124848444 9 all 10 nice 0.8655178352777106 10 nice 15 breeze 2.6354542753754693 10 nice 11 to 0.7199573256411327 12 the 15 breeze 1.884346387559095 13 merry 15 breeze 8.28452534308401 13 merry 14 little 5.200496649987246 but the merry little breeze just laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 7 laughed 0.6667183214161057 2 the 5 breeze 1.884346387559095 3 merry 5 breeze 8.28452534308401 3 merry 4 little 5.200496649987246 5 breeze 7 laughed 4.491706193939475 5 breeze 6 just 1.4323749631568106 7 laughed 8 . 0.82555871192071 the more he laughed the crosser jimmy skunk grew , and the crosser jimmy skunk grew the more the merry little breeze laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 crosser 0.34256711475815393 1 the 6 crosser 1.5041284423549612 2 more 6 crosser 4.00644290381376 3 he 6 crosser 1.4449891835329716 4 laughed 6 crosser 6.326018303670796 5 the 6 crosser 1.5041284423549612 6 crosser 15 skunk 8.449509630285263 6 crosser 16 grew 8.313010966619874 6 crosser 18 more 5.625505155329286 6 crosser 19 the 1.7136109583369752 6 crosser 17 the 1.7136109583369752 7 jimmy 8 skunk 9.859461590276863 7 jimmy 15 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 grew 13 crosser 6.591709257746 9 grew 11 and 1.7976142103204307 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 the 13 crosser 1.5041284423549612 13 crosser 15 skunk 8.449509630285263 14 jimmy 15 skunk 9.859461590276863 19 the 22 breeze 1.884346387559095 20 merry 22 breeze 8.28452534308401 20 merry 21 little 5.200496649987246 22 breeze 23 laughed 4.491706193939475 23 laughed 24 . 0.82555871192071 you see it is very hard , very hard indeed and very foolish , to remain cross when someone else is perfectly good natured . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 is 0.828513342774535 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 2 see 3 it 0.8650467282034224 3 it 4 is 1.9483860238870534 4 is 5 very 1.5624151199530516 5 very 13 foolish 3.5161697525352835 5 very 6 hard 3.1680934161172836 5 very 7 , 0.45787015165122824 8 very 13 foolish 3.5161697525352835 8 very 10 indeed 4.748811396098601 8 very 9 hard 3.1680934161172836 8 very 11 and 0.3491267958675657 12 very 13 foolish 3.5161697525352835 13 foolish 16 remain 3.908753963998052 13 foolish 14 , 0.5757468414782174 15 to 16 remain 1.9530138345263097 16 remain 19 someone 6.41018744567705 16 remain 17 cross 5.353603917310682 17 cross 18 when 1.9882077516061791 19 someone 24 natured 10.045942179028362 20 else 24 natured 7.7694968539350135 21 is 24 natured 3.1003198225036748 22 perfectly 24 natured 9.086693504163218 23 good 24 natured 5.2934661434993195 24 natured 25 . 1.809346366541579 suddenly the merry little breeze danced up to jimmy skunk and whispered in his right ear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 1 suddenly 5 breeze 2.794500579571814 2 the 5 breeze 1.884346387559095 3 merry 5 breeze 8.28452534308401 3 merry 4 little 5.200496649987246 5 breeze 10 skunk 5.5216594160411 5 breeze 6 danced 6.568532819462014 5 breeze 7 up 2.358613904249374 7 up 8 to 0.5990262771899992 9 jimmy 10 skunk 9.859461590276863 10 skunk 16 ear 4.552445921882235 10 skunk 11 and 0.4622809474903278 12 whispered 16 ear 7.893223285498728 13 in 16 ear 2.4203582094879508 14 his 16 ear 3.339081445064817 15 right 16 ear 3.4389280724122635 16 ear 17 . 1.1442135171364356 then he danced around and whispered in his left ear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 danced 2.574324457271775 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 danced 6 whispered 4.08798999304496 3 danced 4 around 5.111654284387168 3 danced 5 and 0.918800556840484 6 whispered 10 ear 7.893223285498728 7 in 10 ear 2.4203582094879508 8 his 10 ear 3.339081445064817 9 left 10 ear 4.96713155862345 10 ear 11 . 1.1442135171364356 jimmy skunk 's eyes snapped and his mouth began to water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 2 skunk 5 snapped 4.556597565152703 3 's 4 eyes 1.783542334361142 4 eyes 5 snapped 4.075099175755273 5 snapped 8 mouth 3.5571537573315233 5 snapped 12 . 1.2939247990734977 6 and 7 his 0.5304961390963943 7 his 8 mouth 3.591456806912234 8 mouth 11 water 4.319223895158977 8 mouth 9 began 3.2879304983692528 9 began 10 to 2.775473939384737 " where , little breeze , where ? " he begged . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 11 begged 0.4605750263130659 1 " 2 where 0.32462141259551025 3 , 11 begged 0.8362685047434582 4 little 5 breeze 5.1370171957265 5 breeze 11 begged 5.0568658280646055 6 , 11 begged 0.8362685047434582 7 where 10 he 1.2183092752673303 7 where 8 ? 2.597488677762863 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 10 he 11 begged 1.1969148084777252 11 begged 12 . 0.11222319018494886 when they came to the big flat stone jimmy skunk grasped it with both hands and pulled and pulled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 came 3.257675302277521 1 when 2 they 2.3330121141685183 3 came 11 grasped 2.656249192997471 3 came 4 to 1.4047239513309133 5 the 6 big 1.2895019818076339 6 big 11 grasped 4.088115687067511 7 flat 11 grasped 7.887448187854925 8 stone 11 grasped 6.2128806041528115 9 jimmy 10 skunk 9.859461590276863 10 skunk 11 grasped 6.18803449567336 11 grasped 19 pulled 6.5448118748052195 11 grasped 17 pulled 6.5448118748052195 11 grasped 14 both 4.664717364179385 11 grasped 12 it 1.4387432463788024 11 grasped 20 . 0.14258977465677347 13 with 14 both 1.100340959347026 14 both 15 hands 4.732339821035527 16 and 17 pulled 1.6550551821129282 18 and 19 pulled 1.6550551821129282 up came the stone so suddenly that jimmy skunk fell over flat on his back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 came 0.3443862603761634 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 up -0.18638154637895887 2 came 15 back 3.0071356123233883 3 the 4 stone 1.3002378052060983 4 stone 12 flat 3.730216679277799 5 so 6 suddenly 1.053003759408675 6 suddenly 12 flat 4.281737047831118 7 that 12 flat 0.7622863148288204 8 jimmy 9 skunk 9.859461590276863 9 skunk 12 flat 5.7053705707983475 10 fell 12 flat 5.613519043460606 10 fell 11 over 2.2845789115436546 12 flat 13 on 3.6887259221051742 12 flat 15 back 3.2908020270749745 12 flat 14 his 1.9709715434172033 15 back 16 . 0.44917212779751914 when he had scrambled to his feet there were beetles and beetles , running in every direction to find a place to hide . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 1 when 2 he 1.8647931372101283 2 he 4 scrambled 2.149473465693667 2 he 3 had 1.735007688287725 4 scrambled 12 beetles 7.084126187471039 4 scrambled 7 feet 7.27025795845476 4 scrambled 5 to 1.6652498880259934 6 his 7 feet 3.3397839825857663 8 there 12 beetles 1.990862765629732 8 there 9 were 2.013603566189328 10 beetles 12 beetles 7.576994398210211 10 beetles 11 and 0.8683143633861192 12 beetles 14 running 6.285945616206821 12 beetles 17 direction 6.256764590794873 13 , 14 running 0.28339524394615623 15 in 17 direction 3.9410358838412485 16 every 17 direction 4.704645897370813 17 direction 23 hide 4.320271810160044 17 direction 19 find 3.059083034100528 17 direction 24 . 0.9531646171773112 18 to 19 find 1.7384908305919051 20 a 21 place 1.4999866911082886 21 place 23 hide 3.945396277060727 22 to 23 hide 1.8904505368966653 " thank you , thank you , little breeze , " shouted jimmy skunk as he started to catch beetles for his breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 thank 1.2836126435411135 1 " 2 thank 2.2783711941508873 2 thank 5 thank 5.404501005132339 2 thank 3 you 3.854819450510554 2 thank 4 , 1.2586135867488526 5 thank 9 breeze 4.74699740214184 5 thank 6 you 3.854819450510554 5 thank 7 , 1.2586135867488526 8 little 9 breeze 5.1370171957265 9 breeze 14 skunk 5.5216594160411 10 , 12 shouted 0.8043728969509765 11 " 12 shouted 2.261569432685331 12 shouted 13 jimmy 4.350155443092383 13 jimmy 14 skunk 9.859461590276863 14 skunk 20 beetles 7.393353403650867 15 as 16 he 1.5279784143694588 16 he 17 started 1.8718415916217772 17 started 20 beetles 3.9333993533435923 18 to 19 catch 1.8188220171977214 19 catch 20 beetles 4.414341060554129 20 beetles 23 breakfast 8.108991635983887 20 beetles 21 for 3.002649456910813 20 beetles 22 his 2.5255881736863834 23 breakfast 24 . 0.9758391566280054 and the little breeze laughed happily as he danced away to join the other merry little breezes on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the -0.06339004823085581 1 and 2 the 0.25490521846622727 2 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 3 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 3 little 4 breeze 5.1370171957265 4 breeze 9 danced 6.568532819462014 4 breeze 6 happily 5.714098615275919 4 breeze 7 as 1.146463712627007 5 laughed 6 happily 4.690782596468416 7 as 8 he 1.5279784143694588 9 danced 12 join 5.145433008229805 9 danced 10 away 2.527029058954721 11 to 12 join 2.143845342096771 13 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 14 other 17 breezes 2.733083291726505 15 merry 17 breezes 10.012501010913478 16 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 17 breezes 21 meadows 5.519550660607532 18 on 21 meadows 3.790009740513195 19 the 21 meadows 2.3225225762090123 20 green 21 meadows 8.640219315758674 21 meadows 22 . 1.0373533873754468 there he found them very , very busy , very busy indeed , so busy that they could hardly find time to nod to him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 2 he 3 found 1.790774678622114 3 found 15 busy 1.41392426739203 3 found 4 them 1.2532398118127794 5 very 15 busy 4.179972810614355 5 very 6 , 0.45787015165122824 7 very 15 busy 4.179972810614355 8 busy 11 busy 6.749132106424899 8 busy 9 , 0.5793271214065818 10 very 11 busy 4.179972810614355 11 busy 15 busy 6.749132106424899 11 busy 12 indeed 4.905490839314158 12 indeed 13 , 1.1805591219564295 14 so 15 busy 2.628332968295563 15 busy 19 hardly 3.854307298690376 16 that 19 hardly 1.518872961680362 17 they 19 hardly 1.4056731962056404 18 could 19 hardly 4.578000056912845 19 hardly 23 nod 4.922270518826576 20 find 23 nod 3.1341603691175415 21 time 23 nod 1.7110959295797663 21 time 22 to 0.7175959954024353 23 nod 24 to 1.5584819580010816 23 nod 26 . 0.9592417970246352 24 to 25 him 1.0152537748115762 what do you think they were doing ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 7 doing 4.223808683176616 1 what 2 do 3.3898156542937787 2 do 4 think 3.2421465407328665 2 do 3 you 2.418842332069122 5 they 6 were 3.2736646255414907 6 were 7 doing 1.7989866892156776 7 doing 8 ? 2.999479883146126 they were toting gold ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 toting 1.4597506541284915 1 they 3 toting 4.088562117616053 2 were 3 toting 4.8760939513955535 3 toting 4 gold 10.249623755601807 3 toting 5 ! 4.93046802793965 yes , sir , toting gold ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 5 toting 6.591796546564336 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 5 toting 7.554457634250287 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 toting 6 gold 10.249623755601807 5 toting 7 ! 4.93046802793965 and this is how it happened : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.5823537722224774 1 and 2 this -0.2675953853971098 2 this 6 happened 1.7480799291070106 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 2 this 7 : 0.8842215383988936 4 how 6 happened 2.2995494270375545 5 it 6 happened 1.6349888323277568 " what 's the matter , bumble ? " cried the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 bumble 1.9924828101481005 2 what 5 matter 3.988668969705401 3 's 5 matter 2.1351462985331118 4 the 5 matter 1.6108601015296085 5 matter 7 bumble 6.2489888524312285 6 , 7 bumble 1.190638103026302 7 bumble 12 merry 7.10520214912092 7 bumble 10 cried 4.2765763672003025 7 bumble 11 the 2.01743097901727 7 bumble 15 . 0.7296191740708444 8 ? 10 cried 3.3210916857893746 8 ? 9 " 3.328347337284576 12 merry 14 breezes 10.012501010913478 13 little 14 breezes 6.02611847789149 " matter enough , " grumbled bumble the bee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 bumble 1.9924828101481005 2 matter 7 bumble 6.2489888524312285 3 enough 7 bumble 4.399021446578651 4 , 6 grumbled 1.2544311651573103 5 " 6 grumbled 2.0866495213226273 6 grumbled 7 bumble 11.491706193939468 7 bumble 9 bee 12.560134381047678 7 bumble 8 the 2.01743097901727 7 bumble 10 . 0.7296191740708444 if i don't i can get no honey . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.5304838990545235 1 if 5 can 2.118577410854762 1 if 3 don't 1.9242470067937827 2 i 3 don't 2.6483752334675046 4 i 5 can 1.8928675187738602 5 can 6 get 2.526662040588487 6 get 8 honey 3.2352275562306083 7 no 8 honey 0.20868942104354815 8 honey 9 . 0.6064063078713033 buzz-buzz-buzz , " grumbled bumble the bee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 3.575227871548428 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 5 bumble 14.681530752819487 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 7 bee 13.054899072797259 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 4 grumbled 12.77569746399401 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 3 " 2.7703404498390327 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 6 the 2.164272367346541 1 buzz-buzz-buzz 2 , 1.5700493078185715 7 bee 8 . 0.7117355699151524 from flower to flower they hurried , each with a bag of gold over his shoulder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 from -0.4882454126780793 1 from 11 bag 1.9475519814751898 2 flower 6 hurried 5.225153770212753 3 to 6 hurried -0.558475289230131 4 flower 6 hurried 5.225153770212753 5 they 6 hurried 2.4003694597862406 6 hurried 11 bag 4.077999506547343 7 , 8 each 0.07619586966078451 8 each 11 bag 3.9477725083113064 9 with 11 bag 1.7083965720388221 10 a 11 bag 1.5272081598433118 11 bag 16 shoulder 6.632739510151968 11 bag 13 gold 5.52170330103861 12 of 13 gold 2.320803700654608 14 over 16 shoulder 5.177967667198974 15 his 16 shoulder 3.930991699582073 16 shoulder 17 . 1.2808290128101625 wherever they left a bag they took a bag , and all the little flowers nodded happily to see the merry little breezes at work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 wherever 0.7624594533044622 1 wherever 6 they 3.555312516489277 1 wherever 5 bag 5.843088701627938 1 wherever 2 they 3.555312516489277 3 left 5 bag 2.8301306285176473 4 a 5 bag 1.5272081598433118 6 they 12 all 1.334082204127343 6 they 7 took 0.9493415997047094 7 took 9 bag 2.768078713082712 8 a 9 bag 1.5272081598433118 9 bag 11 and 1.2343995959400296 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 all 23 breezes 2.1592524308908487 13 the 23 breezes 2.2607610699772422 14 little 23 breezes 6.02611847789149 15 flowers 17 happily 4.095618988401988 16 nodded 17 happily 4.772286029344876 17 happily 23 breezes 4.7487157262697615 18 to 20 the 0.3667201796407351 18 to 19 see 1.81043644982023 20 the 23 breezes 2.2607610699772422 21 merry 23 breezes 10.012501010913478 22 little 23 breezes 6.02611847789149 23 breezes 25 work 2.954516276211592 24 at 25 work 0.8648045471745647 25 work 26 . 0.7768941804693181 his smile was broader than ever as he watched the hurrying , scurrying little breezes working instead of playing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 watched 0.4753613425801966 1 his 4 broader 3.148222415802742 2 smile 4 broader 8.348170587698423 3 was 4 broader 1.5956128621081263 4 broader 9 watched 7.321274539273027 4 broader 6 ever 5.350416946634557 4 broader 5 than 5.013230178980315 7 as 9 watched 2.1134298032070973 8 he 9 watched 1.7608838015450594 9 watched 13 scurrying 7.113888027471695 9 watched 10 the 0.931185345213855 11 hurrying 13 scurrying 11.188973215537882 12 , 13 scurrying 0.4410449005323507 13 scurrying 16 working 8.813064316458497 13 scurrying 19 playing 8.23328205484302 13 scurrying 15 breezes 7.902190206931483 13 scurrying 17 instead 7.54027509420845 14 little 15 breezes 6.02611847789149 17 instead 18 of 3.1350053606047315 19 playing 20 . 0.43838993572685325 by and by the merry little breezes met peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 rabbit 0.36561536466501465 1 by 3 by 1.8495083752714976 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 7 breezes 1.1135684110968178 4 the 7 breezes 2.2607610699772422 5 merry 7 breezes 10.012501010913478 6 little 7 breezes 6.02611847789149 7 breezes 8 met 2.365909947002333 8 met 10 rabbit 3.3758976831228544 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 11 . 0.6126504281875942 now peter rabbit had made a good breakfast of tender young carrots , so he felt very good , very good indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 3 rabbit 1.433091226095943 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 8 breakfast 2.6997287061495285 3 rabbit 4 had 1.5631435842423826 4 had 5 made 1.6616710679473172 6 a 7 good 1.8924332050807688 7 good 8 breakfast 2.9485675259623143 8 breakfast 12 carrots 6.788812812857582 8 breakfast 23 . 0.9758391566280054 9 of 12 carrots 2.010305630098724 10 tender 12 carrots 10.624835620689936 11 young 12 carrots 6.775824959566773 12 carrots 16 felt 4.82755292208191 12 carrots 21 good 3.0924815792552316 12 carrots 18 good 3.0924815792552316 12 carrots 20 very 2.321624352246868 12 carrots 17 very 2.321624352246868 12 carrots 14 so 1.7787249830941825 12 carrots 19 , 0.6769645117350827 12 carrots 13 , 0.6769645117350827 15 he 16 felt 2.0830791199149683 21 good 22 indeed 2.4922068725369506 " hi ! " shouted peter rabbit , " come play with me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hi 2.184037114223951 1 " 2 hi 3.5002774503467933 2 hi 5 shouted 8.120491145640454 2 hi 3 ! 5.055595415393302 2 hi 10 come 2.1557746836044522 2 hi 15 " 1.7210969308191828 2 hi 9 " 1.7210969308191828 2 hi 8 , 1.5505531321927712 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 5 shouted 7 rabbit 4.700259485771014 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 come 11 play 2.3747270775754714 10 come 13 me 1.9895297257186133 11 play 12 with 3.0381674584440965 14 . 15 " 4.467019939707924 " can't , " cried the merry little breezes all together , " we have work to do ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 3 , 5 cried 0.7696273711880401 4 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 5 cried 9 breezes 4.307081183990906 6 the 9 breezes 2.2607610699772422 7 merry 9 breezes 10.012501010913478 8 little 9 breezes 6.02611847789149 9 breezes 11 together 3.6140486812623607 9 breezes 16 work 2.954516276211592 10 all 11 together 2.346801185436412 11 together 14 we 1.7888996383160318 12 , 13 " 0.6466805192388225 13 " 14 we 0.9099779854089931 14 we 15 have 2.2506322909823346 16 work 18 do 1.6453380134362554 17 to 18 do 1.2374113854924609 18 do 20 " 0.6563269422752409 19 ! 20 " 2.8038844676111605 off they hurried , while peter rabbit stretched himself out full length in a sunny spot , for peter rabbit also is a lazy fellow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 hurried 0.3904678289431729 1 off 3 hurried 1.7994021197024566 2 they 3 hurried 2.4003694597862406 3 hurried 8 stretched 5.095701508280801 4 , 5 while 0.4163470661472157 5 while 8 stretched 1.6260769754219346 6 peter 7 rabbit 7.313713619688597 7 rabbit 8 stretched 2.459664822965376 8 stretched 15 sunny 7.731780632458872 8 stretched 9 himself 5.398232897268912 8 stretched 10 out 4.799184907267417 11 full 12 length 6.118113675306642 12 length 15 sunny 7.008298267656286 13 in 15 sunny 2.280074255986275 14 a 15 sunny 1.9409429998545207 15 sunny 16 spot 7.0716958183111736 15 sunny 21 also 4.25987818248095 15 sunny 20 rabbit 3.62241289865948 16 spot 18 for 0.6993811262743428 17 , 18 for -0.029487711338200384 19 peter 20 rabbit 7.313713619688597 21 also 24 lazy 3.2721883891650627 22 is 24 lazy 2.048843605012582 23 a 24 lazy 1.0503820686372443 24 lazy 25 fellow 6.102871221715841 24 lazy 26 . 0.7504526774880098 down the crooked little path onto the green meadows came jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 skunk 0.3561944623018931 1 down 6 onto 5.091927617720756 2 the 3 crooked 1.7037741419172718 3 crooked 6 onto 10.360197297649645 3 crooked 5 path 9.62217258557886 3 crooked 4 little 5.379445518156846 6 onto 9 meadows 9.526182427244827 6 onto 12 skunk 7.106621916762254 6 onto 10 came 3.846533075692758 7 the 9 meadows 2.3225225762090123 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 11 jimmy 12 skunk 9.859461590276863 12 skunk 13 . 0.71694841771642 " ho ! " shouted jimmy skunk as soon as he saw the little breezes , " come play with me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ho 1.800440811947258 1 " 2 ho 2.310452891466781 2 ho 6 jimmy 5.703024569117492 2 ho 5 shouted 6.942749132023376 2 ho 3 ! 5.359311326743523 2 ho 17 " 1.8772556537555438 2 ho 16 , 1.5801029724824929 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 jimmy 7 skunk 9.859461590276863 6 jimmy 9 soon 1.4411919306603203 8 as 9 soon 3.3233734415398537 9 soon 12 saw 3.2716253035855622 9 soon 10 as 3.164312083826303 9 soon 15 breezes 3.1373411778706064 11 he 12 saw 1.9208684375913663 13 the 15 breezes 2.2607610699772422 14 little 15 breezes 6.02611847789149 17 " 18 come 0.5879688407059671 18 come 19 play 2.3747270775754714 18 come 21 me 1.9895297257186133 19 play 20 with 3.0381674584440965 21 me 23 " 0.7778775081748375 22 . 23 " 4.467019939707924 " can't , " cried the little breezes , " for we are busy , busy , busy , " and they laughed happily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 1 " 2 can't 1.3764571246724575 3 , 5 cried 0.7696273711880401 4 " 5 cried 2.2573435939906012 5 cried 8 breezes 4.307081183990906 6 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 18 busy 4.640113121808113 9 , 10 " 0.6466805192388225 10 " 13 are 1.010139100324734 11 for 12 we -0.1020039217211739 12 we 13 are 2.6613610091574387 13 are 18 busy 2.385011575476792 14 busy 16 busy 6.749132106424899 14 busy 15 , 0.5793271214065818 16 busy 18 busy 6.749132106424899 16 busy 17 , 0.5793271214065818 18 busy 24 happily 3.9864108346977254 19 , 21 and 0.752751396501802 19 , 20 " 0.6466805192388225 21 and 24 happily 1.785456422889272 22 they 24 happily 3.1227392329341406 23 laughed 24 happily 4.690782596468416 24 happily 25 . 1.0411620417646468 when they reached the laughing brook they found billy mink curled up in a round ball , fast asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 they 3 reached 3.5494196531231808 3 reached 4 the 1.9689341860630432 4 the 6 brook 2.4170322032995006 5 laughing 6 brook 9.342696177760082 6 brook 11 curled 5.2452844522561755 7 they 8 found 1.8532169735750692 8 found 11 curled 4.023404297033441 9 billy 10 mink 9.260717032646737 10 mink 11 curled 4.888782163947088 11 curled 16 ball 7.53830641256873 11 curled 12 up 5.546043536410291 11 curled 15 round 5.3914976603376985 11 curled 19 asleep 4.854302935707942 11 curled 13 in 2.818406427817468 11 curled 14 a 1.6876059571198567 16 ball 17 , 0.5287085124376709 18 fast 19 asleep 7.608666954979029 19 asleep 20 . 0.9536492013050442 at first billy mink didn't open his eyes , but rubbed his ear with a little black hand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 first 0.35613908124313376 1 at 2 first 3.0642688108353635 2 first 4 mink 0.9610030273920565 3 billy 4 mink 9.260717032646737 4 mink 16 little 3.235450282855137 4 mink 5 didn't 2.437325507898205 4 mink 6 open 1.6283880791979364 6 open 11 rubbed 3.350024196435214 6 open 8 eyes 2.300826291707157 6 open 9 , 0.45600784607283273 7 his 8 eyes 3.1614973247823546 9 , 10 but 1.025230194614105 11 rubbed 13 ear 5.586510560391066 11 rubbed 12 his 3.937890705243987 13 ear 14 with 1.733319827301404 15 a 16 little 2.1212036022401666 16 little 17 black 2.0693447353583814 17 black 18 hand 0.8489202605167385 18 hand 19 . 0.7551218580811838 finally he jumped to his feet wide awake and ready to fight whoever was bothering him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 jumped 4.179265396858714 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 jumped 6 feet 3.6558321560220186 4 to 6 feet 1.1484413531400293 5 his 6 feet 3.3397839825857663 6 feet 7 wide 3.7732646159835106 7 wide 10 ready 3.118051592030941 7 wide 8 awake 8.78511517296699 8 awake 9 and 1.4182188055072729 10 ready 15 bothering 5.9106581530717435 10 ready 11 to 1.8852009908850302 12 fight 15 bothering 6.943698414835755 13 whoever 15 bothering 8.800635365743918 13 whoever 14 was 1.5725172305959347 15 bothering 16 him 4.414535831599512 16 him 17 . 0.8676779267655075 but all he saw was a laughing little breeze running away with a bag of gold on his back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 he 0.9076706002035451 1 but 2 all 0.2128929946914102 3 he 4 saw 1.9208684375913663 4 saw 6 a 1.0444883684223498 5 was 6 a 0.9616525970137229 6 a 14 bag 1.5272081598433118 7 laughing 9 breeze 3.7310269282861377 8 little 9 breeze 5.1370171957265 9 breeze 14 bag 5.546371169537853 9 breeze 10 running 4.2034834560148475 10 running 11 away 4.162335807677046 12 with 14 bag 1.7083965720388221 13 a 14 bag 1.5272081598433118 14 bag 16 gold 5.52170330103861 14 bag 19 back 2.098045840114782 14 bag 18 his 1.6786796829060968 14 bag 17 on 1.5715207681521548 14 bag 20 . 0.5668527391486187 15 of 16 gold 2.320803700654608 no wee flower was too tiny to give and receive its share of gold , and not one was overlooked by the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 tiny -0.10627856907546374 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 2 wee 6 tiny 5.432061274218249 2 wee 3 flower 5.424458120700436 4 was 6 tiny 1.5677105878105202 4 was 5 too 1.4420773729495036 6 tiny 10 receive 5.812453881557499 7 to 10 receive 2.5289875520202116 8 give 10 receive 2.0374887883853106 9 and 10 receive 0.19690512668345406 10 receive 14 gold 4.484089009238833 10 receive 12 share 6.1207710143179135 10 receive 11 its 3.029729947600611 10 receive 26 . 0.8511665422362036 13 of 14 gold 2.320803700654608 14 gold 20 overlooked 6.5467189529882255 14 gold 16 and 1.2867703000752932 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 17 not 20 overlooked 2.3197220116811437 18 one 20 overlooked 2.0870036324590764 18 one 19 was 0.3599489555222366 20 overlooked 25 breezes 7.057468432409394 20 overlooked 21 by 2.522879454203359 22 the 25 breezes 2.2607610699772422 23 merry 25 breezes 10.012501010913478 24 little 25 breezes 6.02611847789149 old mother nature , who knows everything , heard of the busy day of the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 old 0.024111098853330404 1 old 3 nature 5.543369308255009 2 mother 3 nature 6.838452275712985 3 nature 12 busy 2.288854580380846 3 nature 6 knows 3.4042852269519344 3 nature 9 heard 0.8929091383709391 3 nature 19 . 0.4127944381079125 4 , 5 who 0.7573564620449389 5 who 6 knows 3.776645269743529 6 knows 7 everything 3.4176207385017676 7 everything 8 , 0.022117538042380147 9 heard 10 of 1.4209981673816898 10 of 11 the 0.8205289458717022 12 busy 18 breezes 2.9188475508850864 12 busy 13 day 3.6299196707604686 14 of 15 the 0.8205289458717022 15 the 18 breezes 2.2607610699772422 16 merry 18 breezes 10.012501010913478 17 little 18 breezes 6.02611847789149 nobody knows how she heard of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nobody 0.8794082601522533 1 nobody 2 knows 5.882121124380287 1 nobody 5 heard 2.4862222532192284 2 knows 3 how 3.3182580868549536 4 she 5 heard 1.3664058171415938 5 heard 6 of 1.4209981673816898 5 heard 7 it 0.8714920970538813 7 it 8 . 0.13987271256052836 perhaps jolly , round , red mr sun told her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 perhaps 1.3560145943827386 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 told 0.41378043094173833 1 perhaps 2 jolly 1.3639768161333237 2 jolly 8 sun 7.802391003369625 2 jolly 4 round 6.696861910350609 2 jolly 6 red 6.666665053003932 2 jolly 7 mr 5.42984718493695 2 jolly 5 , 1.1351122511020186 2 jolly 3 , 1.1351122511020186 9 told 10 her 2.1111411993149893 10 her 11 . 0.6187705373945764 perhaps but never mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 0.9143403551529357 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 perhaps 1.3560145943827386 2 but 3 never 1.4974440986894848 3 never 4 mind 3.632851178271949 4 mind 5 . 0.49110553453412464 you can't fool old mother nature anyway and it 's of no use to try . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 can't 0.9469312647008561 1 you 2 can't 1.849683921377844 2 can't 3 fool 4.617163255502419 3 fool 6 nature 6.173710376175581 3 fool 7 anyway 3.7285295652634964 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 7 anyway 13 use 2.0235408412037117 7 anyway 16 . 0.5109250245388424 8 and 9 it 0.22886494934528478 9 it 13 use 2.041550698512136 10 's 13 use 2.008294421623823 11 of 13 use 1.4080171606976393 12 no 13 use 4.679587085814449 13 use 15 try 4.760096904502465 14 to 15 try 1.5576976681177115 and this is the happiest time of all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.5823537722224774 1 and 2 this -0.2675953853971098 2 this 6 time 3.0116306928359418 2 this 3 is 2.1325164575981628 4 the 5 happiest 2.165247214186401 5 happiest 6 time 3.0794154072000772 6 time 9 . 0.2397831621113511 7 of 9 . 0.3392937059838008 7 of 8 all 0.338861944788869 xiv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xiv 2.271447123371324 why hooty the owl does not play on the green meadows 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7192452845971946 1 why 4 owl 1.8370308265144502 2 hooty 4 owl 10.485027851942906 3 the 4 owl 2.0875330216279195 4 owl 7 play 4.6180632365028025 4 owl 5 does 3.364948755659288 5 does 6 not 3.0983826205361353 7 play 11 meadows 4.334205819907577 8 on 11 meadows 3.790009740513195 9 the 11 meadows 2.3225225762090123 10 green 11 meadows 8.640219315758674 the merry little breezes of old mother west wind were having a good-night game of tag down on the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 tag -0.05704034395108337 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 16 tag 7.849985692740287 4 breezes 8 west 7.092107584502667 5 of 8 west 1.1904944012224803 6 old 8 west 4.333801015832179 7 mother 8 west 6.260487287650108 8 west 9 wind 8.453050316196002 10 were 16 tag 3.622337359149771 11 having 16 tag 6.470257491895222 11 having 12 a 1.2792169044451072 13 good-night 16 tag 10.019191683432158 14 game 16 tag 9.073577262214005 14 game 15 of 1.6453999670074637 16 tag 21 meadows 7.927414126998642 16 tag 17 down 3.30565589667599 18 on 21 meadows 3.790009740513195 19 the 21 meadows 2.3225225762090123 20 green 21 meadows 8.640219315758674 21 meadows 22 . 1.0373533873754468 jolly , round , red mr sun had already put his nightcap on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jolly 0.29416458841051707 1 jolly 7 sun 7.802391003369625 1 jolly 3 round 6.696861910350609 1 jolly 5 red 6.666665053003932 1 jolly 6 mr 5.42984718493695 1 jolly 4 , 1.1351122511020186 1 jolly 2 , 1.1351122511020186 7 sun 12 nightcap 8.247533963977894 8 had 12 nightcap 2.5091281447332427 9 already 12 nightcap 7.094326792810744 10 put 12 nightcap 4.70348560452635 11 his 12 nightcap 3.563259915081588 12 nightcap 13 on 3.3877496408430154 12 nightcap 14 . 0.9680441125606336 black shadows crept softly out from the purple hills onto the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 crept 0.2873138089261218 1 black 2 shadows 7.018291975263526 2 shadows 3 crept 7.388362315921739 3 crept 4 softly 5.956712411603835 4 softly 10 onto 7.755283640032957 5 out 10 onto 4.387448662153012 6 from 8 purple 3.1693946999888745 7 the 8 purple 1.2922418175939185 8 purple 10 onto 8.84336579661407 8 purple 9 hills 9.373104922922078 10 onto 13 meadows 9.526182427244827 11 the 13 meadows 2.3225225762090123 12 green 13 meadows 8.640219315758674 13 meadows 14 . 1.0373533873754468 the merry little breezes grew sleepy , almost too sleepy to play , for old mother west wind was very , very late . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 17 west 7.092107584502667 4 breezes 10 sleepy 5.83263844917639 5 grew 6 sleepy 4.75971705619402 6 sleepy 10 sleepy 6.393353403650867 6 sleepy 8 almost 3.306905234842464 6 sleepy 7 , 0.33058337312318287 9 too 10 sleepy 3.3532861364158286 10 sleepy 12 play 5.50329304925673 11 to 12 play 1.959129924509238 12 play 14 for 1.1376016255192916 12 play 13 , 0.11850214995109809 15 old 17 west 4.333801015832179 16 mother 17 west 6.260487287650108 17 west 18 wind 8.453050316196002 17 west 23 late 2.8691124568821884 19 was 20 very 1.8345067088627953 20 very 23 late 2.003517185768043 20 very 21 , 0.45787015165122824 22 very 23 late 2.003517185768043 23 late 24 . 0.8471765211420301 farther and farther and farther out onto the green meadows crept the black shadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 onto -0.2576621426163115 1 farther 7 onto 9.884308687367774 1 farther 2 and 0.840135830074523 3 farther 7 onto 9.884308687367774 3 farther 4 and 0.840135830074523 5 farther 7 onto 9.884308687367774 6 out 7 onto 4.387448662153012 7 onto 10 meadows 9.526182427244827 7 onto 11 crept 8.09943358579272 7 onto 13 black 5.893317368253765 7 onto 12 the 2.218720151368913 8 the 10 meadows 2.3225225762090123 9 green 10 meadows 8.640219315758674 13 black 14 shadows 7.018291975263526 14 shadows 15 . 0.5271183954744707 suddenly one seemed to separate from the others . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 1 suddenly 5 separate 5.192377527692475 2 one 5 separate 2.667627197455893 3 seemed 5 separate 4.142244094217833 3 seemed 4 to 2.326680747988899 5 separate 8 others 5.947633899329002 5 separate 6 from 3.863284144344245 7 the 8 others 1.855030244412772 8 others 9 . 0.7454120607874763 softly , oh so softly , yet swiftly , it floated over towards the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 softly -0.4152034196027934 1 softly 5 softly 5.8973026449053805 2 , 5 softly 0.806303525685582 2 , 4 so 0.1710801994976361 3 oh 4 so 1.1894252297955603 5 softly 11 floated 5.571365366511142 5 softly 18 . 1.006936419473984 5 softly 6 , 0.5387531773290313 7 yet 11 floated 3.084612329618995 8 swiftly 11 floated 6.832667102447008 9 , 11 floated 0.18412479606762489 10 it 11 floated 1.7221806191950115 11 floated 17 breezes 5.440084453995858 11 floated 13 towards 5.728085775346226 11 floated 12 over 3.0785133178389437 14 the 17 breezes 2.2607610699772422 15 merry 17 breezes 10.012501010913478 16 little 17 breezes 6.02611847789149 one of them happened to look up and saw it coming . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.12395685507294729 1 one 3 them 1.3727383010695942 1 one 2 of 1.5254413726359868 3 them 7 up 0.850272412387806 3 them 12 . 0.8864773153321437 4 happened 5 to 1.8467254538188183 5 to 6 look 1.4243381174913097 6 look 7 up 0.915841766814097 7 up 9 saw 0.7459760116462917 7 up 8 and 1.0590043195670393 9 saw 11 coming 3.9504751000368863 9 saw 10 it 0.4165466062849106 it was the same little breeze who one time stayed out all night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 stayed 0.6836040325932196 1 it 4 same 0.8763007430457961 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 the 4 same 2.3126884001539167 4 same 10 stayed 3.2970449590833084 5 little 6 breeze 5.1370171957265 6 breeze 10 stayed 5.442443726869783 6 breeze 7 who 1.9957807823379596 8 one 10 stayed 1.0005636165198446 9 time 10 stayed 2.9569756143744925 10 stayed 13 night 4.347834754342227 11 out 13 night 1.0505478603418368 12 all 13 night 2.1082253939637354 13 night 14 . 0.5301089935735313 when he looked up and saw this seeming shadow moving so swiftly he knew that it was no shadow at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 6 saw 3.14735638164184 2 he 6 saw 1.9208684375913663 3 looked 6 saw 1.94527793746186 3 looked 4 up 2.456793580534695 4 up 5 and 1.0590043195670393 6 saw 8 seeming 3.3433147622709747 7 this 8 seeming 2.520002002714204 8 seeming 12 swiftly 7.866270632676539 8 seeming 19 shadow 5.870876732500793 8 seeming 9 shadow 5.870876732500793 8 seeming 14 knew 3.759461016277246 8 seeming 21 all 1.0484889667807558 10 moving 12 swiftly 7.7607362185041815 11 so 12 swiftly 1.8920381610952397 13 he 14 knew 2.1822750360063026 14 knew 15 that 2.5840220415164588 14 knew 17 was 1.8171644316243114 16 it 17 was 1.776593012608254 17 was 18 no 1.0927478610959405 20 at 21 all 1.9101156124848444 21 all 22 . 0.2432863525850255 " here comes hooty the owl , " cried the little breeze . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 here 0.6197694159493174 2 here 3 comes 3.658592287804737 3 comes 4 hooty 3.619420351082379 4 hooty 6 owl 10.485027851942906 5 the 6 owl 2.0875330216279195 6 owl 12 breeze 5.287374330376945 6 owl 13 . 0.4216162132584671 7 , 9 cried 0.7696273711880401 8 " 9 cried 2.2573435939906012 9 cried 12 breeze 3.3721762122127963 10 the 12 breeze 1.884346387559095 11 little 12 breeze 5.1370171957265 then all the merry little breezes stopped their game of tag to look at hooty the owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 6 breezes 1.0002502726933535 2 all 6 breezes 2.1592524308908487 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 11 tag 7.849985692740287 7 stopped 11 tag 6.277059763097228 8 their 11 tag 3.915739206631102 9 game 11 tag 9.073577262214005 9 game 10 of 1.6453999670074637 11 tag 17 owl 8.147751792722108 11 tag 13 look 4.289213330040727 11 tag 14 at 3.3828512909652844 12 to 13 look 1.4243381174913097 15 hooty 17 owl 10.485027851942906 16 the 17 owl 2.0875330216279195 17 owl 18 . 0.4216162132584671 she had had a busy day , a very busy day indeed , hunting for a rain cloud which had gone astray . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 0.6784469948620249 1 she 3 had 1.6492100299667367 1 she 2 had 1.6492100299667367 3 had 14 hunting 0.7767602623054621 3 had 4 a 0.8090864824564772 5 busy 10 busy 6.749132106424899 5 busy 6 day 3.6299196707604686 5 busy 7 , 0.5793271214065818 8 a 9 very 0.920846844810935 9 very 10 busy 4.179972810614355 10 busy 14 hunting 3.662507797625306 10 busy 12 indeed 4.905490839314158 10 busy 11 day 3.6299196707604686 12 indeed 13 , 1.1805591219564295 14 hunting 17 rain 3.7082171029756417 14 hunting 15 for 2.9063064174383406 14 hunting 23 . 0.6561415278867742 15 for 16 a 0.9242739977267913 17 rain 22 astray 9.10750911490899 18 cloud 22 astray 9.831956669228763 19 which 22 astray 4.7359047004589065 20 had 21 gone 3.5716341511162923 21 gone 22 astray 7.962067603751606 then she took them off home behind the purple hills . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 took 2.243565486898941 2 she 3 took 1.6608087449875235 3 took 6 home 1.7702796212759786 3 took 5 off 3.0470218388269146 3 took 4 them 1.6044801679989895 6 home 9 purple 2.85553946016255 6 home 11 . 0.7569471749859744 7 behind 9 purple 5.670383103726081 8 the 9 purple 1.2922418175939185 9 purple 10 hills 9.373104922922078 of course the merry little breezes were disappointed , very much disappointed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 6 breezes 2.203639080552282 3 the 6 breezes 2.2607610699772422 4 merry 6 breezes 10.012501010913478 5 little 6 breezes 6.02611847789149 6 breezes 12 disappointed 5.787373715440605 6 breezes 7 were 2.8045549906583 8 disappointed 12 disappointed 6.29293385571885 8 disappointed 9 , 0.13340955405451638 10 very 11 much 3.446378250176915 11 much 12 disappointed 4.156318192539409 12 disappointed 13 . 1.5736193067035202 but they were also very sleepy , for they had played hard all day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 they 0.9584486201594142 2 they 3 were 3.2736646255414907 3 were 6 sleepy 1.1899526163070284 4 also 6 sleepy 3.222485772288781 5 very 6 sleepy 3.879458126702513 6 sleepy 11 played 5.468564553691699 6 sleepy 14 day 2.4966531398970027 6 sleepy 15 . 1.043811620178598 6 sleepy 8 for 0.7961985794433879 6 sleepy 7 , 0.33058337312318287 9 they 11 played 2.4162313879042188 10 had 11 played 2.2015103764055652 11 played 12 hard 2.9951769383888376 13 all 14 day 2.007828074516162 he 'll know . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 'll 0.8514765952855274 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 know 0.5890732608509612 4 . 5 " 4.467019939707924 the next morning old mother west wind was late in coming down from the purple hills . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 16 hills 2.36355987555236 2 next 3 morning 6.228702282209989 3 morning 6 west 2.32068065461414 4 old 6 west 4.333801015832179 5 mother 6 west 6.260487287650108 6 west 15 purple 5.9292879719115845 6 west 7 wind 8.453050316196002 8 was 9 late 1.7635434196095687 9 late 15 purple 3.5868258691106902 10 in 15 purple 1.2015236075646953 11 coming 12 down 2.8192479779746407 12 down 15 purple 3.400543057863448 13 from 15 purple 3.1693946999888745 14 the 15 purple 1.2922418175939185 15 purple 16 hills 9.373104922922078 16 hills 17 . 0.5948160629781007 there they found great-grandfather frog sitting on his big green lily pad as usual . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 0.9622068167745255 1 there 4 great-grandfather 2.9387742544812774 2 they 3 found 1.8532169735750692 3 found 4 great-grandfather 3.438441796312283 4 great-grandfather 11 lily 8.042279504072464 4 great-grandfather 5 frog 8.973671061533597 4 great-grandfather 9 big 5.9206627833080425 4 great-grandfather 6 sitting 5.112645472453483 4 great-grandfather 8 his 2.0040143792367076 6 sitting 7 on 3.757354227956391 10 green 11 lily 6.186963181488657 11 lily 12 pad 12.746056782792667 12 pad 14 usual 7.858361844623225 12 pad 15 . 1.0208504717352866 13 as 14 usual 4.137910556696273 " good morning , grandfather frog , " shouted the merry little breezes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 2 good 3 morning 3.609875610050441 3 morning 5 grandfather 2.687851842627726 3 morning 4 , 0.5531902047009183 5 grandfather 6 frog 9.27687376659811 6 frog 9 shouted 3.7195162241843427 7 , 9 shouted 0.8043728969509765 8 " 9 shouted 2.261569432685331 9 shouted 13 breezes 6.174084589685499 9 shouted 14 . 0.7228706584401756 10 the 13 breezes 2.2607610699772422 11 merry 13 breezes 10.012501010913478 12 little 13 breezes 6.02611847789149 " will you tell us why it is that hooty the owl never comes out to play with us on the green meadows ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 why 1.7192452845971946 1 " 6 why 2.060618760477773 2 will 4 tell 2.1976695151639056 2 will 3 you 1.8704957056331537 4 tell 6 why 2.0901433881506186 4 tell 5 us 3.005793769866642 6 why 12 owl 1.8370308265144502 6 why 8 is 0.7212458274512841 7 it 8 is 1.9483860238870534 9 that 10 hooty 1.5371894105464605 10 hooty 12 owl 10.485027851942906 11 the 12 owl 2.0875330216279195 12 owl 17 play 4.6180632365028025 12 owl 14 comes 3.102456614459161 12 owl 13 never 1.4360701889690048 14 comes 15 out 1.729829735716919 16 to 17 play 1.959129924509238 17 play 23 meadows 4.334205819907577 17 play 18 with 3.0381674584440965 17 play 19 us 2.4463134901395662 17 play 24 ? 1.2895613708622982 20 on 23 meadows 3.790009740513195 21 the 23 meadows 2.3225225762090123 22 green 23 meadows 8.640219315758674 24 ? 25 " 3.328347337284576 " chug-a-rum , " said great-grandfather frog , gruffly , " how should i know ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 great-grandfather 8.115100288497334 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 17 " 2.668556711881717 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 great-grandfather 9 gruffly 9.049774040619386 6 great-grandfather 7 frog 8.973671061533597 8 , 9 gruffly 1.113470242503844 9 gruffly 13 should 4.325042504354425 9 gruffly 12 how 3.585380364453215 9 gruffly 15 know 2.936530626389871 10 , 11 " 0.6466805192388225 11 " 12 how 1.0930574825678523 14 i 15 know 2.195699135273596 16 ? 17 " 3.328347337284576 you see , grandfather frog likes to be teased a little . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 9 teased 0.281911494342733 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 , 9 teased 0.8837358458262301 4 grandfather 5 frog 9.27687376659811 5 frog 9 teased 4.406561750280833 6 likes 9 teased 6.4414296405836176 7 to 8 be 1.7155747074306849 8 be 9 teased 2.1354713048396583 9 teased 11 little 1.1333033958476868 9 teased 12 . 0.8274937132518367 10 a 11 little 2.1212036022401666 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 7 frog 8 . 0.622092755808108 " if you 'll sit perfectly still i 'll tell you what i know about hooty the owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 you 1.0774489925638644 2 if 3 you 2.081684759546537 3 you 14 know 2.570776785774047 4 'll 10 tell 2.9965806394593564 4 'll 5 sit 2.169850894807727 5 sit 7 still 4.735451939798839 6 perfectly 7 still 5.545728094197784 8 i 9 'll 2.8458085143022114 9 'll 10 tell 2.9965806394593564 10 tell 11 you 2.6545447083109686 11 you 14 know 2.570776785774047 12 what 13 i 0.6312457706002146 13 i 14 know 2.195699135273596 14 know 16 hooty 1.2240411132434694 14 know 15 about 2.476459043885571 16 hooty 18 owl 10.485027851942906 17 the 18 owl 2.0875330216279195 18 owl 19 . 0.4216162132584671 but remember , you must sit perfectly still , per-fect-ly still . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 2 remember 0.9807601466804066 3 , 10 per-fect-ly 1.5285077417826898 4 you 10 per-fect-ly 3.734038312356798 5 must 10 per-fect-ly 6.878925623398448 6 sit 10 per-fect-ly 9.897003760216148 7 perfectly 10 per-fect-ly 10.671656004884372 8 still 10 per-fect-ly 8.148693192455934 9 , 10 per-fect-ly 1.5285077417826898 10 per-fect-ly 11 still 9.120882976992359 10 per-fect-ly 13 " 3.7703404498390327 12 . 13 " 4.467019939707924 the merry little breezes sighed , for it is the hardest thing in the world for them to keep perfectly still unless they are asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 sighed 0.1740865983826616 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 5 sighed 4.054312575730318 5 sighed 11 hardest 5.636476209992924 5 sighed 6 , 0.4476526764588442 7 for 11 hardest 1.0943597133908192 8 it 11 hardest 2.0190297380210502 9 is 11 hardest 2.4247547730016024 10 the 11 hardest 2.020582165145825 11 hardest 15 world 5.487409813448281 11 hardest 12 thing 5.245013678664375 11 hardest 19 keep 3.466551208550616 11 hardest 17 them 0.9746878858170618 13 in 15 world 3.0841191756436093 14 the 15 world 2.329264621664832 16 for 17 them 0.584164567885006 18 to 19 keep 2.048401843387486 19 keep 21 still 3.439973192461686 20 perfectly 21 still 5.545728094197784 21 still 25 asleep 3.819821463316 22 unless 25 asleep 2.5708669987974524 22 unless 24 are 2.1909600914399796 23 they 24 are 2.6489884724530945 25 asleep 26 . 0.9536492013050442 he was very big and very strong and very fierce , was mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 3 very 1.8345067088627953 3 very 10 fierce 3.1606544306845272 4 big 7 strong 4.30982517582747 5 and 7 strong 0.9932137273601498 6 very 7 strong 2.4939806224036047 7 strong 10 fierce 5.105389063034618 7 strong 8 and 1.3009741544122235 9 very 10 fierce 3.1606544306845272 10 fierce 14 owl 6.449074683280276 10 fierce 15 . 0.5596540883019259 11 , 13 mr 0.5022150510440095 11 , 12 was -0.01928603652127414 13 mr 14 owl 4.960905023039981 so it was with mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 3 was 4 with 0.3964861093096008 5 mr 6 owl 4.960905023039981 6 owl 7 . 0.4216162132584671 whatever he saw that he wanted he took , no matter to whom it belonged , for there was no one to stop him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 whatever 0.49509954045675997 1 whatever 11 matter 4.465391196394354 1 whatever 6 wanted 2.4835718075364532 2 he 6 wanted 2.0920219898481847 2 he 3 saw 1.9208684375913663 3 saw 4 that 1.2802666051456537 5 he 6 wanted 2.0920219898481847 7 he 8 took 1.6624181396873556 8 took 10 no 1.3577268382799765 9 , 10 no 0.33155298193384297 10 no 11 matter 3.322481128725663 11 matter 15 belonged 3.0356843039227392 12 to 13 whom 1.298276310815897 13 whom 15 belonged 6.221564768211405 14 it 15 belonged 1.0178897181743807 15 belonged 22 to 2.9484931438361173 15 belonged 24 him 1.467975090560973 15 belonged 19 was 0.8889908953911885 16 , 18 there 0.07248918965830242 16 , 17 for -0.029487711338200384 18 there 19 was 2.1014798704396025 19 was 20 no 1.0927478610959405 20 no 21 one 2.611222192281094 22 to 23 stop 1.7010771375758438 24 him 25 . 0.8676779267655075 it took a great many little birds and little animals to satisfy his appetite . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 took 0.4850241738453942 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 2 took 14 appetite 1.8437006907453544 3 a 4 great 2.39190469798403 4 great 5 many 3.634889428112835 5 many 10 animals 4.477314571157855 6 little 7 birds 2.7504656186390655 7 birds 10 animals 7.612683589736495 7 birds 8 and 0.7784726728285456 9 little 10 animals 1.9750606282520273 10 animals 12 satisfy 7.684589150075272 11 to 12 satisfy 2.4411147959948742 12 satisfy 14 appetite 8.51507794328398 13 his 14 appetite 3.50563309749953 14 appetite 15 . 1.523189402676035 but he didn't stop there ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 2 he 3 didn't 2.0746164561717215 3 didn't 4 stop 4.137297192410216 4 stop 6 ! 2.355847471439951 4 stop 5 there 0.6888113282967332 no , sir , he didn't stop there ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 6 didn't 2.5118862504986517 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 he 6 didn't 2.0746164561717215 6 didn't 7 stop 4.137297192410216 7 stop 9 ! 2.355847471439951 7 stop 8 there 0.6888113282967332 he used to kill harmless little meadow people just for the fun of killing , and because he could . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 used 1.161380476832587 2 used 3 to 2.9452970104551195 3 to 4 kill 1.747513192588631 4 kill 14 killing 5.843902819648083 4 kill 5 harmless 5.266593891470361 5 harmless 7 meadow 5.473113254383328 5 harmless 9 just 2.893348746602509 6 little 7 meadow 3.274027574696074 7 meadow 8 people 4.986993675017036 10 for 14 killing 2.055679245226756 11 the 14 killing 0.4375811807579524 12 fun 14 killing 4.413708682692249 13 of 14 killing 1.7279058993979959 14 killing 17 because 2.8967521158641567 14 killing 20 . 0.8707469112057176 14 killing 16 and 0.6732233480832406 15 , 16 and 0.752751396501802 17 because 18 he 1.6134711134543167 18 he 19 could 1.799559825235125 every day he grew more savage . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.172343299375866 1 every 6 savage 2.8634622031993544 1 every 2 day 4.717332146494179 3 he 4 grew 1.2650869223749481 4 grew 6 savage 5.275933389840233 4 grew 5 more 3.628085870038081 6 savage 7 . 0.3282196768049559 finally no one smaller than himself dared stir on the green meadows when he was around . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 4 smaller 4.8625038715826 2 no 3 one 2.611222192281094 3 one 4 smaller 1.6763181577199333 4 smaller 8 stir 7.443581050571478 4 smaller 5 than 5.823752380116602 4 smaller 6 himself 5.05309141247578 4 smaller 17 . 0.9162615704580865 7 dared 8 stir 6.765509145458839 8 stir 12 meadows 4.709937196076307 8 stir 16 around 3.5168102721520498 9 on 12 meadows 3.790009740513195 10 the 12 meadows 2.3225225762090123 11 green 12 meadows 8.640219315758674 13 when 14 he 1.8647931372101283 14 he 16 around 0.6372969861866586 14 he 15 was 1.2250956603177912 the little birds no longer sang . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 3 birds 1.9272316888111192 2 little 3 birds 2.7504656186390655 3 birds 6 sang 7.3506138747048695 3 birds 7 . 0.1642628733828495 4 no 5 longer 4.8464405017773355 5 longer 6 sang 2.860724965255713 the fieldmice children no longer played among the meadow grasses . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fieldmice 2.575227871548428 1 the 2 fieldmice 3.7367891991452353 2 fieldmice 6 played 11.292992989108246 2 fieldmice 5 longer 9.596868355750107 2 fieldmice 7 among 9.36675456206802 2 fieldmice 3 children 8.767260626845374 2 fieldmice 4 no 6.123740964956685 7 among 10 grasses 7.277301521797565 8 the 10 grasses 2.036349481004141 9 meadow 10 grasses 7.161613738071939 10 grasses 11 . 0.809346366541579 those were sad days , very sad days indeed on the green meadows , " said grandfather frog , with a sigh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 those 0.11538126799790227 1 those 8 days 5.041542710178643 1 those 4 days 5.041542710178643 1 those 2 were 2.5093591677138676 3 sad 4 days 3.8310090147874334 4 days 5 , 0.11643267101949206 6 very 7 sad 3.8239114573824295 7 sad 8 days 3.8310090147874334 8 days 12 green 2.4254811943209944 8 days 9 indeed 2.944345521399242 10 on 12 green 2.5084208030644852 11 the 12 green 2.032029580366329 12 green 18 frog 3.1443499474827377 12 green 13 meadows 8.640219315758674 14 , 16 said 1.3498770263619093 15 " 16 said 2.1846753891302146 16 said 17 grandfather 1.8040633989863082 17 grandfather 18 frog 9.27687376659811 18 frog 22 sigh 1.636296146958447 19 , 20 with 0.25997842034339946 20 with 22 sigh 4.480986075935746 21 a 22 sigh 3.2135419303898196 22 sigh 23 . 1.3472764752259323 " at last old mother nature came to visit the green meadows and she soon saw what a terrible state things were in . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 saw 0.34952330120195185 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 at 3 last 4.330067049822615 3 last 9 visit 2.5424842895990736 3 last 16 saw 2.402280663107593 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 9 visit 4.294173535814256 7 came 9 visit 2.9422841097847297 8 to 9 visit 2.166818076598002 9 visit 12 meadows 4.513808583212928 10 the 12 meadows 2.3225225762090123 11 green 12 meadows 8.640219315758674 12 meadows 13 and 1.1069338943958122 14 she 16 saw 1.6886667445301757 15 soon 16 saw 3.2716253035855622 16 saw 19 terrible 1.1060434525022593 16 saw 17 what 0.5299424113911861 18 a 19 terrible 2.090344298111294 19 terrible 20 state 5.17241556786874 19 terrible 24 . 0.6161354888504196 20 state 21 things 4.798179933989196 21 things 22 were 1.5921113409631076 22 were 23 in 1.0775800851118422 no one came to meet her , for you see no one dared to show himself for fear of fierce old mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 2 one 13 dared 2.7142976308865485 2 one 3 came 0.8045835722314543 3 came 5 meet 2.7568726510462547 4 to 5 meet 2.4197161577369393 5 meet 6 her 2.119814000616987 5 meet 9 you 0.6987548329214377 7 , 9 you 0.22054354895880657 8 for 9 you 0.5056029183926576 9 you 10 see 1.9987475929001217 11 no 12 one 2.611222192281094 12 one 13 dared 2.7142976308865485 13 dared 18 fear 4.095137716491891 13 dared 15 show 4.237797820540177 13 dared 14 to 2.089930069555308 13 dared 16 himself 1.5676645853055398 17 for 18 fear 1.791214303786525 18 fear 20 fierce 3.560160905987612 18 fear 19 of 1.1703802793886169 20 fierce 23 owl 6.449074683280276 20 fierce 24 . 0.5596540883019259 21 old 22 mr 3.7965428182317353 22 mr 23 owl 4.960905023039981 " old mother nature wasted no time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 nature 0.16861402885671595 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 5 wasted 5.0044629608836 5 wasted 7 time 5.324722220484528 5 wasted 6 no 4.551162188691361 5 wasted 8 . 0.6518050895550971 " mr owl bowed very low . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 mr 1.0642852586011227 2 mr 3 owl 4.960905023039981 3 owl 4 bowed 5.457299331819261 3 owl 7 . 0.4216162132584671 4 bowed 6 low 7.614637265828673 5 very 6 low 2.710921190144436 ' i 'm sure i don't know . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 ' 2 i 1.0360354334931596 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 2 i 6 don't 2.6483752334675046 3 'm 4 sure 4.853940393391836 5 i 6 don't 2.6483752334675046 6 don't 7 know 4.032009672248677 7 know 8 . 0.15779691297505316 i think they must all be taking a nap , ' said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.1800156400149504 1 i 2 think 2.337341646589767 2 think 7 taking 1.964669491025301 2 think 6 be 1.0665573661991115 3 they 4 must 0.6002363947817031 4 must 6 be 3.278854510632158 4 must 5 all -0.22573719028549633 7 taking 9 nap 6.99209041324702 8 a 9 nap 2.90321706916896 9 nap 13 he 1.7940779541991105 9 nap 14 . 1.042889475665973 9 nap 10 , 0.7229739567346805 10 , 12 said 1.3498770263619093 11 ' 12 said 2.1255139733894506 " now you can't fool old mother nature and it 's of no use to try . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 can't 0.9469312647008561 1 " 4 can't 1.3764571246724575 2 now 3 you 0.7644186186723392 3 you 4 can't 1.849683921377844 4 can't 5 fool 4.617163255502419 5 fool 8 nature 6.173710376175581 6 old 8 nature 5.543369308255009 7 mother 8 nature 6.838452275712985 8 nature 14 use 2.2149168719677625 9 and 10 it 0.22886494934528478 10 it 14 use 2.041550698512136 11 's 14 use 2.008294421623823 12 of 14 use 1.4080171606976393 13 no 14 use 4.679587085814449 14 use 16 try 4.760096904502465 14 use 17 . 0.4688456082915291 15 to 16 try 1.5576976681177115 no , sir , you can't fool old mother nature . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 3 sir 3.2229032802632425 2 , 3 sir 1.7912620398511336 3 sir 7 fool 2.8722733258164617 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 you 6 can't 1.849683921377844 6 can't 7 fool 4.617163255502419 7 fool 10 nature 6.173710376175581 7 fool 11 . 0.4473228660764157 8 old 10 nature 5.543369308255009 9 mother 10 nature 6.838452275712985 she just looked at mr owl and she looked at the feathers and fur scattered about the foot of the dead stump . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 looked 0.6891079852710398 1 she 3 looked 1.8433999804067422 2 just 3 looked 0.6711745210521123 3 looked 4 at 3.718023842519891 4 at 18 foot 3.1723723665956918 5 mr 6 owl 4.960905023039981 6 owl 12 feathers 5.332462219905484 6 owl 9 looked 2.429478377251275 7 and 9 looked 1.4092917379590961 8 she 9 looked 1.8433999804067422 9 looked 10 at 3.718023842519891 10 at 11 the 1.019138853025721 12 feathers 15 scattered 7.359776069199945 12 feathers 13 and 1.057233951741459 14 fur 15 scattered 7.28987405596979 15 scattered 18 foot 4.085112288697342 15 scattered 16 about 2.6934178104606126 15 scattered 17 the 1.2674930877053079 18 foot 22 stump 4.248094342715138 18 foot 19 of 2.1097074084434837 18 foot 20 the 1.2138543961970996 21 dead 22 stump 3.260336744249674 22 stump 23 . 1.1292266327800746 mr owl stood first on one foot and then on the other . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 owl 4.960905023039981 2 owl 7 foot 3.401516337113062 3 stood 7 foot 3.7793619014643305 4 first 7 foot 0.3059681298045085 5 on 7 foot 2.3590603546828817 6 one 7 foot 2.2907828516798645 7 foot 12 other 1.6536543685206873 7 foot 10 on 1.4614979808243298 7 foot 8 and 0.7918014695253319 8 and 9 then 1.5029676557109006 10 on 11 the 1.3666129714665534 12 other 13 . 0.6979549491928907 he tried to look old mother nature in the face , but he couldn't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 14 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 tried 4 look 2.895013592435159 2 tried 3 to 2.6973369114137338 2 tried 14 couldn't 2.4034908212450787 2 tried 12 but 2.1972822302910977 4 look 10 face 3.2123474043704405 5 old 7 nature 5.543369308255009 6 mother 7 nature 6.838452275712985 7 nature 10 face 1.6902645938529162 8 in 10 face 1.0110912525114095 8 in 9 the 1.1613034400066837 11 , 12 but 1.025230194614105 13 he 14 couldn't 2.184206095579082 14 couldn't 15 . 0.24142579007521014 you see , mr owl had a guilty conscience and a guilty conscience never looks anyone straight in the face . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 mr 0.5286356191992194 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 , 4 mr 0.5022150510440095 4 mr 5 owl 4.960905023039981 5 owl 8 guilty 6.00799193045567 5 owl 6 had 1.8776464309234164 7 a 8 guilty 1.3199755456778703 8 guilty 9 conscience 9.680391711312389 8 guilty 13 conscience 9.680391711312389 8 guilty 16 anyone 4.722101963197225 8 guilty 17 straight 4.349149865285394 8 guilty 10 and 0.12830556625748457 11 a 13 conscience 1.5146955485297653 12 guilty 13 conscience 9.680391711312389 13 conscience 15 looks 5.205429970364431 13 conscience 14 never 1.9041424505697186 17 straight 20 face 3.069743008927638 17 straight 19 the 1.3128768843297216 18 in 19 the 1.1613034400066837 20 face 21 . 0.872471518043243 he did wish that mother nature would say something , did mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 wish 1.0184025305985838 1 he 2 did 1.2723526150845803 2 did 3 wish 2.1195823617774714 3 wish 6 nature 1.2842514660205318 3 wish 4 that 0.781104897020807 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 13 owl 3.388629784903735 7 would 8 say 2.0276679168033773 8 say 9 something 2.0793413636438807 9 something 13 owl 0.8426672079981614 10 , 12 mr 0.5022150510440095 11 did 12 mr 0.17365357859473463 12 mr 13 owl 4.960905023039981 13 owl 14 . 0.4216162132584671 but she didn't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 but 3 didn't 2.2564897322454396 1 but 2 she 1.003894132089684 3 didn't 4 . 0.05574901341489813 she just looked and looked and looked and looked straight at mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 looked 0.6891079852710398 1 she 3 looked 1.8433999804067422 2 just 3 looked 0.6711745210521123 3 looked 10 straight 3.1632928647327 4 and 5 looked 1.4092917379590961 5 looked 10 straight 3.1632928647327 6 and 7 looked 1.4092917379590961 7 looked 10 straight 3.1632928647327 8 and 9 looked 1.4092917379590961 9 looked 10 straight 3.1632928647327 10 straight 13 owl 2.9607532779208547 11 at 13 owl 1.158323500964297 12 mr 13 owl 4.960905023039981 13 owl 14 . 0.4216162132584671 the longer she looked the uneasier he got and the faster he shifted from one foot to the other . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 uneasier 0.9902653708272737 1 the 6 uneasier 3.151826698424081 2 longer 6 uneasier 10.084726639453816 3 she 6 uneasier 4.2825639506958275 4 looked 6 uneasier 7.305632034503116 5 the 6 uneasier 3.151826698424081 6 uneasier 11 faster 12.06779187567815 6 uneasier 8 got 7.587206505913915 6 uneasier 7 he 4.7986945822694835 6 uneasier 9 and 2.6118228034190984 6 uneasier 10 the 2.164272367346541 11 faster 13 shifted 8.298744436881531 11 faster 12 he 1.9242254643533414 11 faster 20 . 0.7458434242354137 13 shifted 16 foot 7.553179132162647 13 shifted 14 from 4.120256797390841 13 shifted 19 other 3.34863965656967 13 shifted 17 to 1.5660235070137034 15 one 16 foot 2.2907828516798645 18 the 19 other 1.329080263471381 finally he shifted so fast that he seemed to be dancing on top of the old stump . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 3 shifted 6.4650069536128925 1 finally 13 top 2.404261450738332 1 finally 2 he 2.2855039634898446 3 shifted 5 fast 5.578252552798045 3 shifted 8 seemed 4.50720862806811 4 so 5 fast 1.9092494639576678 5 fast 7 he 1.709946489227331 6 that 7 he 0.8325098574022061 8 seemed 9 to 2.326680747988899 8 seemed 10 be 1.9263309446218244 11 dancing 13 top 3.8927900152836976 12 on 13 top 3.2863532398786752 13 top 17 stump 5.905465338964341 13 top 14 of 3.327721226218433 13 top 15 the 1.2959780465583606 16 old 17 stump 4.545610098310799 17 stump 18 . 1.1292266327800746 with old mother nature there they felt sure that no harm could come to them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 no 0.9187691539522387 1 with 4 nature 0.14932265444566895 2 old 4 nature 5.543369308255009 3 mother 4 nature 6.838452275712985 4 nature 10 no 1.972301534359545 5 there 10 no 3.2427616145242 6 they 7 felt 0.5199865057407216 7 felt 8 sure 4.2152763619250315 8 sure 10 no 1.3564760813178083 8 sure 9 that 2.1122608601934836 10 no 11 harm 4.313430253725723 11 harm 13 come 3.2821860631467565 11 harm 12 could 1.7900182583698836 11 harm 14 to 1.175191612124106 11 harm 16 . 0.8964983156366593 15 them 16 . 0.8864773153321437 it was the first laugh on the green meadows for a long , long , long time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 2 was 3 the 0.14186067835205485 3 the 9 meadows 2.3225225762090123 3 the 4 first 1.5516170441444306 5 laugh 9 meadows 1.8000952969341917 6 on 9 meadows 3.790009740513195 7 the 9 meadows 2.3225225762090123 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 9 meadows 16 long 1.2325264677109367 9 meadows 18 . 1.0373533873754468 10 for 12 long 1.6376868675559155 11 a 12 long 1.8939671708709067 12 long 14 long 2.6916444188849056 12 long 13 , 0.29621882800116595 14 long 16 long 2.6916444188849056 14 long 15 , 0.29621882800116595 16 long 17 time 3.7235556839354 the faster he danced the funnier he looked , and the funnier he looked the harder the little meadow people laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 12 funnier 2.566864197702923 2 faster 12 funnier 10.312041259494993 3 he 12 funnier 2.244690533047141 4 danced 12 funnier 9.612132627331139 5 the 12 funnier 2.566864197702923 6 funnier 12 funnier 14.375544201801151 6 funnier 8 looked 7.080242936368183 6 funnier 7 he 3.324763393937072 9 , 10 and 0.752751396501802 10 and 12 funnier 1.4130385575482194 11 the 12 funnier 2.566864197702923 12 funnier 16 harder 9.89681202720492 12 funnier 14 looked 7.080242936368183 12 funnier 13 he 3.324763393937072 12 funnier 15 the 2.1053786782929755 16 harder 21 laughed 5.237949601693689 16 harder 19 meadow 4.021417284525636 16 harder 22 . 1.0775424774911464 17 the 19 meadow 0.9218210929777548 18 little 19 meadow 3.274027574696074 19 meadow 20 people 4.986993675017036 " finally old mother nature slowly raised a hand and pointed a long forefinger at mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 finally 1.610081703684365 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 finally 7 raised 4.018872157589055 2 finally 5 nature 3.9015278568997367 3 old 5 nature 5.543369308255009 4 mother 5 nature 6.838452275712985 6 slowly 7 raised 5.5001736811434725 7 raised 9 hand 4.383769646410091 8 a 9 hand 0.9403074829768538 9 hand 14 forefinger 5.647260850734742 9 hand 10 and 1.007867587354891 9 hand 18 . 0.7551218580811838 11 pointed 14 forefinger 9.634736541340548 12 a 14 forefinger 2.299797663740243 13 long 14 forefinger 5.393894473477054 14 forefinger 17 owl 8.732714293443262 14 forefinger 15 at 3.9678137916864387 16 mr 17 owl 4.960905023039981 all the little meadow people stopped laughing to hear what she would say . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 meadow 0.10970892303221547 1 all 4 meadow 1.808649536365781 2 the 4 meadow 0.9218210929777548 3 little 4 meadow 3.274027574696074 4 meadow 5 people 4.986993675017036 4 meadow 6 stopped 3.572546839018049 4 meadow 13 say 1.2710506440354976 4 meadow 14 . 0.27649029608652853 6 stopped 7 laughing 4.796072001093481 8 to 9 hear 1.8018262537402165 9 hear 13 say 2.978888608302693 10 what 13 say 2.7654325666759085 11 she 12 would 1.560247653280122 12 would 13 say 2.0276679168033773 then began such a frolic as the green meadows had not known for many a long day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 5 frolic 3.0352456940495607 2 began 5 frolic 3.8832637035898436 3 such 5 frolic 4.668597595112015 4 a 5 frolic 2.8847601644613974 5 frolic 9 meadows 6.412840954168882 5 frolic 6 as 2.940012835159582 7 the 9 meadows 2.3225225762090123 8 green 9 meadows 8.640219315758674 9 meadows 14 many 2.3964175643179964 9 meadows 18 . 1.0373533873754468 10 had 12 known 3.4471412578375435 11 not 12 known 1.1377190277643408 12 known 14 many 2.537325996893525 13 for 14 many 1.620337649492825 14 many 17 day 1.7998214031155761 14 many 16 long 1.043974229153573 15 a 16 long 1.8939671708709067 grandfather frog paused and looked dreamily across the smiling pool . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 paused 1.0025856424631385 1 grandfather 2 frog 9.27687376659811 2 frog 3 paused 4.426223997257868 3 paused 6 dreamily 6.107786476255779 3 paused 5 looked 4.186880725604308 4 and 5 looked 1.4092917379590961 6 dreamily 10 pool 5.765881157378466 6 dreamily 11 . 2.1200472060056867 7 across 10 pool 5.263069230863213 8 the 10 pool 2.2980304314762776 9 smiling 10 pool 9.99688962068163 suddenly he opened his big mouth and then closed it with a snap . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 suddenly 0.7577896986686667 1 suddenly 3 opened 4.041674745323181 2 he 3 opened 1.2939253211865989 3 opened 6 mouth 5.460767095231471 4 his 6 mouth 3.591456806912234 5 big 6 mouth 4.773073977765382 6 mouth 13 snap 4.848736351312144 6 mouth 14 . 0.8007472376153792 7 and 8 then 1.5029676557109006 8 then 9 closed 2.1965266010826205 9 closed 13 snap 8.266530411343354 9 closed 10 it 1.192766674481252 11 with 13 snap 2.9944862141002844 12 a 13 snap 1.9832228033470862 one more foolish green fly had disappeared inside the white and yellow waistcoat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.12395685507294729 1 one 2 more 1.0970770847161226 2 more 3 foolish 2.5887699067581025 3 foolish 5 fly 6.139382724270678 3 foolish 4 green 5.127789177065466 5 fly 7 disappeared 4.493920364803056 6 had 7 disappeared 3.1089748825403767 7 disappeared 13 waistcoat 7.632260633723288 8 inside 13 waistcoat 7.352853085941408 9 the 10 white 0.8879984869387112 10 white 13 waistcoat 7.9119063064745205 11 and 13 waistcoat 1.7715731236977668 12 yellow 13 waistcoat 9.694282360330671 13 waistcoat 14 . 1.4308347432878463 " chug-a-rum , " said grandfather frog , " those were sad days , sad days indeed for mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chug-a-rum 2.649228452992208 1 " 2 chug-a-rum 4.100346843458166 2 chug-a-rum 6 grandfather 8.732210224733027 2 chug-a-rum 5 said 3.8366014017529615 2 chug-a-rum 9 " 2.668556711881717 2 chug-a-rum 4 " 2.668556711881717 3 , 4 " 0.6466805192388225 6 grandfather 7 frog 9.27687376659811 8 , 9 " 0.6466805192388225 9 " 19 mr 1.0642852586011227 10 those 16 days 5.041542710178643 10 those 13 days 5.041542710178643 10 those 11 were 2.5093591677138676 12 sad 13 days 3.8310090147874334 13 days 14 , 0.11643267101949206 15 sad 16 days 3.8310090147874334 16 days 19 mr 1.6981778885335856 16 days 17 indeed 2.944345521399242 18 for 19 mr 0.3599277796801523 19 mr 20 owl 4.960905023039981 20 owl 21 . 0.4216162132584671 he couldn't hunt for his meals by day , for the light blinded him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 couldn't 0.7112991117387022 1 he 2 couldn't 2.184206095579082 2 couldn't 6 meals 2.9114863525226617 3 hunt 6 meals 5.858163512773256 3 hunt 4 for 3.3364185859217272 5 his 6 meals 2.0592174097439973 6 meals 12 light 4.4866025649755095 6 meals 8 day 4.313587038766624 6 meals 10 for 1.9350605732003672 6 meals 7 by 1.3898540355725721 6 meals 15 . 0.9173290474145865 6 meals 9 , 0.46944536688016214 11 the 12 light 1.2942263400997351 12 light 13 blinded 6.149149849907204 13 blinded 14 him 4.378272287612742 at night he could see but little in the darkness . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 but 0.9143403551529357 1 at 2 night 1.7817186554150624 2 night 3 he 0.3535252772249855 3 he 4 could 1.799559825235125 4 could 5 see 2.945997787046375 6 but 9 the -0.04993980246027263 7 little 8 in 0.1977409494598934 8 in 9 the 1.1613034400066837 9 the 10 darkness 1.7455700846874471 10 darkness 11 . 0.5363278721351605 so he got little to eat and he grew thinner and thinner and thinner until he was but a shadow of his former self . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 1 so 14 thinner 2.164564015906336 2 he 14 thinner 2.1487214745164174 2 he 3 got 1.383301085109677 4 little 14 thinner 1.8637436053878709 5 to 6 eat 2.419166420524629 6 eat 14 thinner 6.410444023626134 7 and 14 thinner 1.9691461955971903 8 he 14 thinner 2.1487214745164174 9 grew 14 thinner 8.810014721559206 10 thinner 12 thinner 12.608281770788853 10 thinner 11 and 2.2739531646627107 12 thinner 14 thinner 12.608281770788853 12 thinner 13 and 2.2739531646627107 14 thinner 15 until 7.329855314538072 14 thinner 20 shadow 6.170437014359695 14 thinner 18 but 2.7834332756689726 14 thinner 17 was 2.694079210476847 14 thinner 16 he 2.6832173648495434 19 a 20 shadow 1.3432927769580907 20 shadow 24 self 5.488226541003957 20 shadow 21 of 1.5278151099359576 22 his 24 self 3.4331563032079053 23 former 24 self 9.92824909579532 24 self 25 . 1.2538276437128992 he was always hungry , was mr owl , always hungry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 11 hungry 1.2675391221243295 2 was 11 hungry 2.0434830390367793 3 always 11 hungry 3.4699179588194475 4 hungry 11 hungry 5.779762577391782 4 hungry 8 owl 3.73701443087689 4 hungry 9 , 0.7782217786178443 4 hungry 5 , 0.7782217786178443 6 was 8 owl 0.42815611625655947 7 mr 8 owl 4.960905023039981 10 always 11 hungry 3.4699179588194475 11 hungry 12 . 0.7876512954422559 no one was afraid of him now , for it was the easiest thing in the world to keep out of his way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 now 1.0340186789003258 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.9187691539522387 1 no 2 one 2.611222192281094 2 one 5 of 1.5254413726359868 2 one 6 him 0.16287435912395232 3 was 4 afraid 1.9869186481853873 4 afraid 5 of 2.1039206104891797 7 now 13 easiest 2.8128127633830644 7 now 8 , 0.7353592996076195 9 for 13 easiest 0.2887980731562685 10 it 13 easiest 2.9139078159275904 10 it 11 was 1.776593012608254 12 the 13 easiest 2.1301316273247615 13 easiest 17 world 7.028893677502552 13 easiest 14 thing 6.675466230329906 13 easiest 23 way 5.250644265682485 13 easiest 19 keep 4.16003816604994 13 easiest 18 to 2.393479635127818 15 in 17 world 3.0841191756436093 16 the 17 world 2.329264621664832 19 keep 20 out 2.181884595335024 20 out 21 of 2.138624548858049 22 his 23 way 1.6706417274649592 23 way 24 . 0.5851465906102735 " at last old mother nature came again to visit the green meadows and the green forest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 last 0.1642607395588609 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 at 3 last 4.330067049822615 3 last 10 visit 2.5424842895990736 4 old 6 nature 5.543369308255009 5 mother 6 nature 6.838452275712985 6 nature 10 visit 4.294173535814256 7 came 10 visit 2.9422841097847297 7 came 8 again 1.6224876778915274 9 to 10 visit 2.166818076598002 10 visit 12 green 3.571425732083423 11 the 12 green 2.032029580366329 12 green 13 meadows 8.640219315758674 12 green 17 forest 8.1998228972977 13 meadows 14 and 1.1069338943958122 15 the 17 forest 2.352946321469986 16 green 17 forest 8.1998228972977 17 forest 18 . 1.036274920084331 far , far in the darkest part of the deep wood she found mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 far -0.2961397868266733 1 far 6 darkest 5.539788519147887 1 far 2 , -0.049251509689934636 3 far 6 darkest 5.539788519147887 4 in 6 darkest 3.7299025799194823 5 the 6 darkest 2.188352574449194 6 darkest 7 part 7.067621010037659 6 darkest 10 deep 6.187990508162773 6 darkest 11 wood 5.53093722962911 6 darkest 9 the 1.137800155985346 7 part 8 of 2.634493662720157 11 wood 15 owl 3.1061360951003785 11 wood 13 found 1.961626415308043 11 wood 16 . 0.6669676919849277 12 she 13 found 1.2596271394186687 14 mr 15 owl 4.960905023039981 all the fierceness was gone from mr owl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all 0.032366379137952705 1 all 3 fierceness 3.500760894747728 2 the 3 fierceness 1.9294342770876298 3 fierceness 8 owl 10.037568874971686 3 fierceness 5 gone 6.959542723276815 3 fierceness 7 mr 5.884510646497514 3 fierceness 6 from 4.760714410703702 3 fierceness 4 was 2.5294485087040535 3 fierceness 9 . 1.3068460260123942 he was so weak that he just sat huddled in the thickest part of the great pine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 was 1.2250956603177912 2 was 4 weak 2.274951638692272 3 so 4 weak 2.322205185227343 4 weak 9 huddled 8.081999323731974 4 weak 5 that 1.6351924054732017 4 weak 6 he 0.9440339454335209 4 weak 18 . 0.6023839857747362 7 just 9 huddled 2.0536603569194547 8 sat 9 huddled 5.99649321008512 9 huddled 12 thickest 10.477658419453842 10 in 12 thickest 3.215329407089726 11 the 12 thickest 2.258741902340592 12 thickest 13 part 9.026979025540314 12 thickest 17 pine 8.735540337522028 12 thickest 14 of 3.311896259056752 15 the 17 pine 2.064363857173742 16 great 17 pine 4.404412276644695 you see he had been able to catch very little to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.648680587459328 1 you 6 able 1.1675891092869684 1 you 2 see 1.9987475929001217 3 he 4 had 1.735007688287725 4 had 5 been 3.8301500596883944 5 been 6 able 3.9252450278770077 6 able 8 catch 4.384937442996964 6 able 12 eat 3.491659657141142 6 able 11 to 3.083010655615519 6 able 7 to 3.083010655615519 8 catch 10 little 0.29388316903487777 9 very 10 little 0.701424934114506 12 eat 13 . 0.6924286147624255 your feathers shall become as soft as down , so that when you fly none shall hear you . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 shall 0.6784134633273311 1 your 16 shall 1.0329042955468353 2 feathers 6 soft 5.518392580103079 2 feathers 4 become 4.477073814132101 2 feathers 14 fly 4.0336622023988795 2 feathers 8 down 2.1433844677771106 2 feathers 16 shall 1.5802594059110042 2 feathers 10 so 1.339613348836476 2 feathers 12 when 1.0318782232631598 2 feathers 9 , 0.23785287747737982 3 shall 4 become 1.7149537321818862 4 become 5 as 0.7529272825590851 6 soft 7 as 0.6747537642112711 10 so 11 that 1.6035496246307979 12 when 13 you 0.4995056068091106 14 fly 15 none 1.9989074888036207 16 shall 17 hear 2.1050113142321294 16 shall 20 ' 1.026780038292916 16 shall 18 you 0.9780725508488022 19 . 20 ' 4.2885620435386205 " and from that day it was even so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 was 0.6373980219783331 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 and 7 was 0.13564005522999167 3 from 4 that -0.15817014375427263 4 that 7 was 1.2600580293094676 4 that 5 day 0.982017568112159 6 it 7 was 1.776593012608254 7 was 9 so 1.1056037364281295 7 was 10 . -0.098748168043306 8 even 9 so 0.6452204706985256 his ears grew large and larger until his hearing became so keen that he could hear the least rustle , even at a long distance . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 hear 0.21276418952656861 1 his 2 ears 3.6254128810696216 2 ears 6 larger 5.821000825861223 2 ears 16 hear 4.002930613720029 3 grew 6 larger 7.267152504298021 4 large 6 larger 5.243866315267088 4 large 5 and 1.039364780034436 6 larger 12 keen 7.769891842312806 6 larger 9 hearing 6.887543430967078 6 larger 10 became 5.174106372297114 6 larger 7 until 3.8863652397697983 6 larger 8 his 1.099171612277047 10 became 11 so 1.37141484583994 13 that 15 could 1.2733844936881962 14 he 15 could 1.799559825235125 15 could 16 hear 3.3994042455384985 16 hear 19 rustle 6.025570904256416 17 the 18 least 1.1462156111620292 18 least 19 rustle 5.825281958334582 19 rustle 25 distance 7.702406593687865 19 rustle 21 even 4.7172586551984885 20 , 21 even 0.5532947813510347 22 at 25 distance 3.2154786424592388 23 a 25 distance 2.529698325739872 24 long 25 distance 3.901329111005591 25 distance 26 . 0.7457631608043762 and when he flew he made no sound , but floated like a great shadow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 flew 0.4249400262437053 1 and 4 flew 1.1586283151295973 2 when 3 he 1.8647931372101283 3 he 4 flew 1.5108109187546752 4 flew 15 shadow 2.943522034332556 5 he 6 made 0.9628306321154412 6 made 11 floated 2.0103356078660397 7 no 8 sound 1.9709428277640058 8 sound 11 floated 5.549855137826032 9 , 10 but 1.025230194614105 10 but 11 floated 0.6173421712731191 11 floated 15 shadow 4.601416057507567 11 floated 14 great 2.996382471871353 11 floated 12 like 2.403138737016679 13 a 14 great 2.39190469798403 15 shadow 16 . 0.3427656002673345 " so once more mr owl grew strong and fierce . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.5555017361605685 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 so 10 fierce 1.7877800773019246 3 once 4 more 4.326243222615789 4 more 10 fierce 2.71868141207759 5 mr 6 owl 4.960905023039981 6 owl 10 fierce 6.637316801433908 7 grew 10 fierce 4.888910266730985 8 strong 10 fierce 5.105389063034618 8 strong 9 and 1.3009741544122235 10 fierce 11 . 0.5596540883019259 but only at night had anyone cause to fear him , and then only the foolish and timid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 14 only 1.34269194017733 1 but 2 only 1.34269194017733 2 only 9 fear 1.0817345108137246 3 at 4 night 1.7817186554150624 4 night 9 fear 1.4363220325757666 4 night 5 had 0.8350380840878202 6 anyone 7 cause 3.2315318327510276 7 cause 9 fear 4.109076907449765 7 cause 8 to 0.6074434343936872 9 fear 10 him 1.6985880187023845 10 him 12 and 0.49816777991094163 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 12 and 13 then 1.5029676557109006 14 only 16 foolish 1.2581081226291069 14 only 15 the -0.1848887006081572 16 foolish 18 timid 4.465933308205667 17 and 18 timid 0.5551804024769886 18 timid 19 . 0.7557084029395007 " we 'll bring you the first foolish green fly we can find . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 we 0.9482686439870296 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 we 0.9099779854089931 2 we 10 fly 1.4744220858829102 2 we 3 'll 3.0627553084831955 2 we 12 can 2.376585211948301 3 'll 4 bring 2.6026213516052046 3 'll 5 you 1.66466944191008 6 the 7 first 1.5516170441444306 7 first 10 fly 0.9529696000398005 8 foolish 10 fly 6.139382724270678 8 foolish 9 green 5.127789177065466 11 we 12 can 2.376585211948301 12 can 13 find 2.7711817701039436 14 . 15 " 4.467019939707924 then away they rushed to hunt for it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 6 hunt 1.3882370556079096 2 away 6 hunt 2.685421940359909 3 they 4 rushed 1.8655600638847787 4 rushed 6 hunt 3.900064450504402 5 to 6 hunt 2.130054722755524 6 hunt 7 for 3.3364185859217272 6 hunt 9 . 0.6298353162700678 8 it 9 . 0.13987271256052836 xv 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xv 2.355914843143953 danny meadow mouse learns to laugh 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 learns 1.3407626179114018 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 4 learns 8.71005036276798 4 learns 6 laugh 6.685313368620097 5 to 6 laugh 1.432708002787571 danny meadow mouse sat on his doorstep and sulked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 3 mouse 9 sulked 6.791695321390701 4 sat 9 sulked 5.717777182019056 5 on 7 doorstep 5.024792533582261 6 his 7 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 7 doorstep 9 sulked 9.18545616103913 8 and 9 sulked 1.7658276161403386 9 sulked 10 . 1.4874182716542137 the merry little breezes of old mother west wind ran past , one after another , and pointing their fingers at him cried : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 8 west 7.092107584502667 4 breezes 10 ran 3.4429692631247555 4 breezes 19 their 2.833357101764541 5 of 8 west 1.1904944012224803 6 old 8 west 4.333801015832179 7 mother 8 west 6.260487287650108 8 west 9 wind 8.453050316196002 10 ran 11 past 1.6760806752821438 12 , 18 pointing 1.8291253304246382 13 one 15 another 3.4651747531791273 14 after 15 another 2.2891695012834 15 another 18 pointing 2.6745972148197588 16 , 18 pointing 1.8291253304246382 16 , 17 and 0.752751396501802 18 pointing 19 their 3.053593564979881 19 their 20 fingers 3.2957474878909956 20 fingers 21 at 1.3943469298031133 20 fingers 22 him 1.2301112604620847 22 him 24 : 1.277502368298812 23 cried 24 : 2.9565065065080205 " fie , danny meadow mouse ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fie 2.4147631993551784 1 " 2 fie 1.9304218420158499 2 fie 4 danny 7.955818056728678 2 fie 7 ! 5.093197527977754 2 fie 3 , 0.8962775401395575 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 better go inside the house ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 go 0.2627561631072819 1 better 2 go 2.2646650334856666 2 go 3 inside 1.725774593627122 2 go 6 ! 0.5739138144447171 3 inside 5 house 4.106920678723181 4 the 5 house 1.6730874440715393 babies cry oh my ! oh my ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 oh 2.410574962587239 1 babies 2 cry 4.560611688878016 1 babies 6 oh 3.584961294069757 1 babies 3 oh 3.584961294069757 3 oh 5 ! 3.081912208044674 3 oh 4 my 1.2172582352247225 6 oh 8 ! 3.081912208044674 6 oh 7 my 1.2172582352247225 you 're a baby go and cry ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 you 2 're 3.6060902389633167 2 're 4 baby 2.0408074345793317 3 a 4 baby 1.5181141492848376 4 baby 7 cry 3.7550854066494885 4 baby 6 and 0.9275569658962013 5 go 6 and 0.8882695098786773 7 cry 8 ! 1.6865751595977336 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 pretty soon along the lone little path came peter rabbit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 rabbit 0.36561536466501465 1 pretty 10 rabbit 2.5888442080059306 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 3 along 7 path 5.924238831491746 4 the 5 lone 2.2115329445483454 5 lone 7 path 10.049187958238516 5 lone 6 little 5.709163689461587 7 path 10 rabbit 3.4011436342819685 7 path 8 came 2.320078980262462 9 peter 10 rabbit 7.313713619688597 10 rabbit 11 . 0.6126504281875942 peter rabbit looked at danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 6 meadow 3.907731122631688 2 rabbit 3 looked 1.8648032756734985 2 rabbit 8 . 0.6126504281875942 3 looked 4 at 3.718023842519891 5 danny 6 meadow 9.760926773564673 6 meadow 7 mouse 9.933986113433567 then he pointed a finger at him and said : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 1 then 10 : 1.6158121433441828 2 he 3 pointed 1.626712975098016 3 pointed 5 finger 6.768487930229377 3 pointed 6 at 2.0279347841240103 4 a 5 finger 1.1884365547925384 7 him 10 : 1.277502368298812 8 and 10 : 0.5603488232988525 9 said 10 : 3.134329440952296 " cry , danny , cry ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 cry 6 cry 4.045416798718705 2 cry 7 ! 1.6865751595977336 2 cry 3 , 0.8753478091759934 4 danny 6 cry 4.221727139744992 5 , 6 cry 0.09651141534400764 mammy 'll whip you by and by ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mammy 0.8310667759780195 1 mammy 3 whip 10.101199700829977 1 mammy 2 'll 4.6638657578388205 1 mammy 7 by 4.589993650061892 1 mammy 5 by 4.589993650061892 1 mammy 8 ! 0.8600787000482519 1 mammy 6 and 0.8044678813614929 3 whip 4 you 2.42244519637201 then we 'll all come ' round to see how big a baby you can be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 we 1.0717799066779072 2 we 15 can 2.376585211948301 2 we 3 'll 3.0627553084831955 3 'll 5 come 1.9064203037742864 3 'll 4 all 0.8562753813018382 6 ' 10 how 1.3169219820005242 7 round 9 see 0.6868748699984799 8 to 9 see 1.81043644982023 9 see 10 how 2.9855558303234755 10 how 15 can 3.1357169084716627 10 how 11 big 0.408430705112071 11 big 13 baby 2.9438620932273913 12 a 13 baby 1.5181141492848376 14 you 15 can 1.9867833079582056 15 can 16 be 1.95181533171424 16 be 17 . 0.24970592863907193 cry , danny , cry ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 1 cry 5 cry 4.045416798718705 1 cry 6 ! 1.6865751595977336 1 cry 2 , 0.8753478091759934 3 danny 5 cry 4.221727139744992 4 , 5 cry 0.09651141534400764 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 danny meadow mouse began to snivel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 snivel 0.9122628588259971 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 6 snivel 8.78405094421176 4 began 6 snivel 7.635336190146258 4 began 5 to 2.775473939384737 6 snivel 7 . 1.8093463665415754 he cried softly to himself as peter rabbit hopped off down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 5 himself 2.1920991116882416 2 cried 3 softly 1.1366324232250413 3 softly 5 himself 2.66695256462614 4 to 5 himself 1.482267600052099 5 himself 13 lone 2.3267826197813655 5 himself 6 as 0.7958858748079507 7 peter 8 rabbit 7.313713619688597 8 rabbit 13 lone 5.649767706345312 9 hopped 13 lone 7.796404290040552 10 off 13 lone 3.0907547960628143 11 down 13 lone 5.664039199992068 12 the 13 lone 2.2115329445483454 13 lone 15 path 10.049187958238516 13 lone 14 little 5.709163689461587 15 path 16 . 0.8227668823038989 soon along came reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 soon 4 reddy 1.7588295546168773 1 soon 3 came 3.0418830385739035 2 along 3 came 2.496163834911968 4 reddy 5 fox 7.973188175503683 5 fox 6 . 0.44635491133374394 he saw danny meadow mouse sitting on his doorstep crying all by himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 saw 1.9208684375913663 1 he 13 himself 2.1920991116882416 2 saw 10 crying 2.224334325605298 2 saw 11 all 0.17578705734806377 3 danny 4 meadow 9.760926773564673 4 meadow 5 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 meadow 9 doorstep 6.456061096537194 6 sitting 9 doorstep 6.9048988837830585 7 on 9 doorstep 5.024792533582261 8 his 9 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 9 doorstep 10 crying 4.648395205529614 12 by 13 himself 1.4008255637369658 13 himself 14 . 0.6673551505339343 reddy fox crept up behind a tall bunch of grass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 reddy 0.7985525675802485 1 reddy 3 crept 4.1652891104401135 1 reddy 2 fox 7.973188175503683 3 crept 8 bunch 6.003727231121427 3 crept 4 up 2.6872366517107444 5 behind 8 bunch 5.965838987252251 6 a 8 bunch 2.7003355933239703 7 tall 8 bunch 6.4273933149782 8 bunch 10 grass 8.610615757208343 8 bunch 9 of 3.103624945964956 10 grass 11 . 0.8544556180951375 then suddenly he jumped out right in front of danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 jumped 3.040213501572019 2 suddenly 4 jumped 3.932867512511475 3 he 4 jumped 2.249432901856604 4 jumped 8 front 3.7729814173311347 4 jumped 5 out 2.8793687892104884 6 right 8 front 4.075321946275036 7 in 8 front 3.523451702452057 8 front 10 danny 4.089200359773788 8 front 9 of 2.89173232674095 8 front 13 . 0.5770791972700096 10 danny 11 meadow 9.760926773564673 11 meadow 12 mouse 9.933986113433567 " boo ! " cried reddy fox . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 boo 0.9304218420158499 2 boo 6 reddy 5.292898376848587 2 boo 3 ! 3.9512265881064437 3 ! 5 cried 4.743957976292686 3 ! 4 " 2.8038844676111605 6 reddy 7 fox 7.973188175503683 7 fox 8 . 0.44635491133374394 it frightened danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 2 frightened 3 danny 4.158495288244811 3 danny 4 meadow 9.760926773564673 4 meadow 5 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 mouse 6 . 0.5440018000205846 he jumped almost out of his skin , and ran into the house crying at the top of his voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 jumped 2.249432901856604 2 jumped 7 skin 5.439979686918296 2 jumped 10 ran 5.092787417230831 2 jumped 17 top 2.7506012116656073 3 almost 7 skin 4.262851018466602 4 out 7 skin 1.7182172445342516 4 out 5 of 2.138624548858049 6 his 7 skin 2.707568616736637 7 skin 9 and 1.4900775310667242 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 10 ran 14 crying 3.7724077274934373 10 ran 11 into 2.378859192933689 11 into 13 house 2.9966842916557326 12 the 13 house 1.6730874440715393 15 at 17 top 3.5178086619381546 16 the 17 top 2.202480120385376 17 top 20 voice 4.480967510436432 17 top 18 of 3.327721226218433 19 his 20 voice 2.4241643054159248 20 voice 21 . 0.8478630205323796 " ha , ha , ha , " laughed reddy fox 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ha 1.8468125807461497 1 " 6 ha 2.611088856471735 2 ha 4 ha 11.423690015745187 3 , 4 ha 1.6480893575353583 4 ha 6 ha 11.423690015745187 5 , 6 ha 1.6480893575353583 6 ha 9 laughed 6.713893117798058 6 ha 10 reddy 3.01627944373573 6 ha 8 " 2.2180870741127485 6 ha 7 , 1.5158227960421655 10 reddy 11 fox 7.973188175503683 " danny , danny , crying dan boo-hoo-hooed and off he ran ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 danny 8 boo-hoo-hooed 11.185104926699989 3 , 8 boo-hoo-hooed 2.5285077417826898 4 danny 8 boo-hoo-hooed 11.185104926699989 5 , 8 boo-hoo-hooed 2.5285077417826898 6 crying 8 boo-hoo-hooed 10.823003178772371 7 dan 8 boo-hoo-hooed 9.497145816705643 8 boo-hoo-hooed 12 ran 9.243150152294628 8 boo-hoo-hooed 10 off 7.629589824407688 8 boo-hoo-hooed 13 ! 4.667433622105857 8 boo-hoo-hooed 11 he 3.7986945822694835 8 boo-hoo-hooed 9 and 2.6118228034190984 13 ! 14 " 2.8038844676111605 then reddy fox chased his tail all the way down the lone little path onto the green meadows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 reddy 0.7985525675802485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 2 reddy 3 fox 7.973188175503683 3 fox 15 onto 5.547739288119825 4 chased 6 tail 6.52197356965797 5 his 6 tail 3.447553150949698 6 tail 12 lone 5.237061908392281 7 all 8 the 0.7368478466298409 8 the 12 lone 2.2115329445483454 9 way 12 lone 2.2550456633697564 10 down 12 lone 5.664039199992068 11 the 12 lone 2.2115329445483454 12 lone 14 path 10.049187958238516 12 lone 13 little 5.709163689461587 14 path 15 onto 8.977538471837004 15 onto 18 meadows 9.526182427244827 16 the 18 meadows 2.3225225762090123 17 green 18 meadows 8.640219315758674 18 meadows 19 . 1.0373533873754468 by and by danny meadow mouse came out again and sat on his doorstep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 meadow 0.10970892303221547 1 by 3 by 1.8495083752714976 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 5 meadow 1.157244455683795 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 14 doorstep 6.456061096537194 7 came 8 out 2.1025792498680573 8 out 14 doorstep 2.5448856416486905 9 again 14 doorstep 1.3630849375654286 10 and 11 sat 1.1971602677294584 11 sat 14 doorstep 5.61434759236365 12 on 14 doorstep 5.024792533582261 13 his 14 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 14 doorstep 15 . 0.9535299555273262 he had stopped crying , but he looked very unhappy and cross and sulky . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 3 stopped 1.983089912422038 1 he 2 had 1.735007688287725 3 stopped 8 looked 3.6404989245249624 3 stopped 4 crying 4.806669847233 5 , 6 but 1.025230194614105 6 but 7 he 0.9076706002035451 7 he 8 looked 1.645197537023618 8 looked 14 sulky 3.4148611042578736 9 very 10 unhappy 3.90941346429668 10 unhappy 14 sulky 6.7555226425177075 11 and 12 cross 0.3325567614844829 12 cross 14 sulky 6.0709385193587195 12 cross 13 and 0.9464492842259453 14 sulky 15 . 0.878609028978687 hopping and skipping down the lone little path came striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hopping -0.03526972127986383 1 hopping 3 skipping 12.277933405174728 2 and 3 skipping 1.5963840747528515 3 skipping 6 lone 10.028351018090248 3 skipping 12 . 0.9680441125606336 4 down 6 lone 5.664039199992068 5 the 6 lone 2.2115329445483454 6 lone 8 path 10.049187958238516 6 lone 10 striped 6.24331265455216 6 lone 7 little 5.709163689461587 6 lone 9 came 3.0820867451044407 10 striped 11 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 " come play with me , " called danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 come 0.5879688407059671 2 come 8 called 0.9980147147873204 2 come 3 play 2.3747270775754714 2 come 5 me 1.9895297257186133 3 play 4 with 3.0381674584440965 5 me 7 " 0.7778775081748375 6 , 7 " 0.6466805192388225 8 called 11 mouse 2.272473178248834 9 danny 10 meadow 9.760926773564673 10 meadow 11 mouse 9.933986113433567 11 mouse 12 . 0.5440018000205846 striped chipmunk kept right on hopping and skipping down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 8 skipping 6.839295546836983 3 kept 8 skipping 5.211445514965657 4 right 6 hopping 3.879056552653946 4 right 5 on 1.131051435695717 6 hopping 8 skipping 12.277933405174728 7 and 8 skipping 1.5963840747528515 8 skipping 11 lone 10.028351018090248 8 skipping 14 . 0.9680441125606336 9 down 11 lone 5.664039199992068 10 the 11 lone 2.2115329445483454 11 lone 13 path 10.049187958238516 11 lone 12 little 5.709163689461587 " don't want to , " said striped chipmunk , sticking his tongue in his cheek . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 1 " 2 don't 1.9303840469320566 2 don't 3 want 4.07948884076348 3 want 4 to 2.5707362509545693 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 9 chipmunk 1.306020869319454 8 striped 9 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 9 chipmunk 11 sticking 5.729013491822069 9 chipmunk 10 , -0.23115862990388436 11 sticking 16 cheek 7.140285183358959 12 his 13 tongue 3.247490452762424 13 tongue 16 cheek 5.984378595846433 14 in 15 his 1.124025734450342 15 his 16 cheek 3.019809025185758 16 cheek 17 . 1.0240852153345905 " cry-baby danny never 'll be a manny ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cry-baby 0.9902653708272737 1 " 2 cry-baby 2.178349355459435 2 cry-baby 8 manny 16.282434797409667 3 danny 8 manny 10.185104926699989 4 never 8 manny 6.296403169387595 5 'll 8 manny 6.482397753400782 6 be 8 manny 5.172560623574878 7 a 8 manny 3.299797663740243 8 manny 9 ! 7.252396122827012 run to mamma , danny , dear , and she will wipe away your tear ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 run 3 mamma 3.473671680959253 1 run 2 to 0.2577703490234171 3 mamma 5 danny 4.688751896875832 3 mamma 4 , 1.088642998924012 5 danny 12 wipe 5.975651561071043 6 , 7 dear 1.3348618347742178 7 dear 12 wipe 4.7163093875686215 7 dear 8 , 1.20773070046533 9 and 12 wipe 1.3735101933615788 10 she 12 wipe 1.0731105850668783 11 will 12 wipe 3.6406831328858367 12 wipe 15 tear 9.227152361908477 12 wipe 13 away 4.7054781327035755 12 wipe 14 your 4.345502460887271 12 wipe 16 ! 1.93046802793965 16 ! 17 " 2.8038844676111605 striped chipmunk hopped and skipped out of sight , and danny meadow mouse began to cry again because striped chipmunk would not play with him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 5 skipped 6.493299691987787 3 hopped 5 skipped 9.613576070458361 4 and 5 skipped 1.665425719182501 5 skipped 11 danny 5.646867815839524 5 skipped 8 sight 4.6410252476656915 5 skipped 10 and 1.8217458727933291 5 skipped 9 , 0.7799723771928022 6 out 8 sight 4.4007149169268835 6 out 7 of 2.138624548858049 11 danny 12 meadow 9.760926773564673 12 meadow 13 mouse 9.933986113433567 13 mouse 19 striped 4.520021997283035 14 began 16 cry 5.4010126063714665 14 began 15 to 2.775473939384737 16 cry 19 striped 2.527667895937089 16 cry 17 again 1.448859901054206 16 cry 18 because 1.1466738601852065 19 striped 20 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 19 striped 23 play 4.029658916954258 21 would 22 not 2.072984403263572 22 not 23 play 1.1061760290895677 23 play 24 with 3.0381674584440965 24 with 25 him 0.7874580165991016 25 him 26 . 0.8676779267655075 it was true , dreadfully true ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 6 true 2.4955678146535973 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 true 6 true 3.7528768119142235 3 true 5 dreadfully 2.4704046040066423 3 true 4 , 0.9832868130512047 6 true 7 ! 0.7342207133170575 danny meadow mouse was a cry-baby and no one wanted to play with him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 cry-baby 0.9902653708272737 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 6 cry-baby 8.447015956934184 4 was 6 cry-baby 2.79201007491163 5 a 6 cry-baby 2.299797663740243 6 cry-baby 12 play 7.4208308890647565 6 cry-baby 10 wanted 6.784915570267721 6 cry-baby 8 no 3.8018128700693232 6 cry-baby 9 one 3.6111886096034347 6 cry-baby 7 and 0.2898947085317367 10 wanted 11 to 2.7126182034946353 12 play 13 with 3.0381674584440965 13 with 14 him 0.7874580165991016 14 him 15 . 0.8676779267655075 if he stubbed his toe he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 stubbed 1.3528354502119804 1 if 3 stubbed 4.34276580513799 2 he 3 stubbed 3.7771856138741597 3 stubbed 5 toe 13.20443228540839 3 stubbed 7 cried 5.493807083420965 3 stubbed 4 his 4.8216376367481395 3 stubbed 6 he 2.061728988103276 7 cried 8 . 0.7704540247731817 if striped chipmunk beat him in a race he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 striped 0.5966015223409968 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.5304838990545235 2 striped 3 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 3 chipmunk 8 race 4.652984571155784 4 beat 8 race 4.935117943813541 4 beat 5 him 1.606431652168073 6 in 7 a 0.8157855541154699 7 a 8 race 1.6574219205201466 8 race 10 cried 2.2084048645587195 9 he 10 cried 0.7655391728995458 10 cried 11 . 0.7704540247731817 if the merry little breezes pulled his whiskers just in fun he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.5304838990545235 1 if 8 whiskers 0.5955318755179597 2 the 5 breezes 2.2607610699772422 3 merry 5 breezes 10.012501010913478 4 little 5 breezes 6.02611847789149 5 breezes 8 whiskers 6.249593151449524 6 pulled 8 whiskers 7.921636474342687 7 his 8 whiskers 4.111958871815972 8 whiskers 11 fun 5.169796197101309 8 whiskers 13 cried 2.5965666578461715 8 whiskers 9 just 2.0835711622780515 8 whiskers 12 he 1.7494510632496336 8 whiskers 10 in 0.9424236228031901 13 cried 14 . 0.7704540247731817 it had come to such a pass that all the little meadow people delighted to tease him just to make him cry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.556060888200383 1 it 16 tease 1.3320247081384053 2 had 3 come 1.7334935119989794 3 come 4 to 1.0626007271686397 4 to 16 tease 2.7895151022434277 5 such 16 tease 2.3287475922273906 5 such 6 a 2.6388379146949603 7 pass 12 meadow 2.732757071016348 7 pass 8 that 0.5465568002719046 9 all 12 meadow 1.808649536365781 10 the 12 meadow 0.9218210929777548 11 little 12 meadow 3.274027574696074 12 meadow 16 tease 5.277090955491875 12 meadow 13 people 4.986993675017036 14 delighted 16 tease 6.244613331974701 15 to 16 tease 2.7895151022434277 16 tease 22 cry 4.877219451832115 16 tease 20 make 3.7596687047507764 16 tease 21 him 3.432129891614249 16 tease 17 him 3.432129891614249 16 tease 18 just 1.9540115285091382 16 tease 23 . 0.7825463071978618 19 to 20 make 1.9953753273403052 nowhere on all the green meadows was there such a cry-baby as danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nowhere 0.10852825244709052 1 nowhere 6 meadows 4.373312589982245 2 on 6 meadows 3.790009740513195 3 all 6 meadows 1.1109473155360412 4 the 6 meadows 2.3225225762090123 5 green 6 meadows 8.640219315758674 6 meadows 11 cry-baby 8.949726863769062 6 meadows 16 . 1.0373533873754468 7 was 11 cry-baby 2.79201007491163 8 there 11 cry-baby 3.4933631061589168 9 such 11 cry-baby 5.498672593669703 9 such 10 a 2.6388379146949603 11 cry-baby 13 danny 9.699979152299083 11 cry-baby 12 as 2.5249753358807396 13 danny 14 meadow 9.760926773564673 14 meadow 15 mouse 9.933986113433567 so danny sat on his doorstep and cried because no one would play with him and he was lonely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 danny 6 doorstep 6.194150066302999 3 sat 6 doorstep 5.61434759236365 4 on 6 doorstep 5.024792533582261 5 his 6 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 6 doorstep 9 because 2.3628637997372692 6 doorstep 8 cried 1.436356811237065 6 doorstep 7 and 1.2097243598477512 6 doorstep 20 . 0.9535299555273262 9 because 19 lonely 2.211963007558861 9 because 12 would 1.4561686228460147 9 because 10 no 1.2968002171231277 10 no 11 one 2.611222192281094 13 play 19 lonely 2.223303026964903 13 play 14 with 3.0381674584440965 15 him 17 he 1.0454418014633244 15 him 16 and 0.49816777991094163 17 he 18 was 1.2250956603177912 18 was 19 lonely 1.373755862949242 the more he thought how lonely he was , the more he cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 more 11 more 1.9263055073794142 2 more 6 lonely 1.750460120750251 2 more 4 thought 1.477818387242415 2 more 7 he 0.6174841709523466 3 he 4 thought 1.3670260759711912 5 how 6 lonely 1.8009709091260468 7 he 8 was 1.2250956603177912 8 was 10 the 0.14186067835205485 9 , 10 the -0.13782541102800216 11 more 12 he 0.6174841709523466 12 he 13 cried 0.7655391728995458 13 cried 14 . 0.7704540247731817 presently along came old mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 1.763989515003594 1 presently 6 toad 1.3755974272093816 1 presently 3 came 4.377664460509873 1 presently 2 along 3.480198564670598 4 old 6 toad 5.805182115852514 5 mr 6 toad 7.152496199001803 6 toad 7 . 0.8910229590360075 now mr toad looks very grumpy and out of sorts , but that is because you do not know old mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 6 grumpy 2.8789019538408382 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 6 grumpy 6.931151982627991 4 looks 6 grumpy 6.939816843755121 5 very 6 grumpy 2.681076679210978 6 grumpy 10 sorts 9.070816847667391 6 grumpy 15 because 4.884261171680961 6 grumpy 20 old 4.009839029491861 6 grumpy 18 not 1.9388480805687642 6 grumpy 12 but 1.8482844200189454 6 grumpy 13 that 0.8383229246490203 7 and 10 sorts 1.0773235109307784 8 out 10 sorts 3.5972410467098257 8 out 9 of 2.138624548858049 11 , 12 but 1.025230194614105 13 that 14 is 1.5257476832692056 16 you 17 do 1.213626326375298 17 do 18 not 2.125658433071255 18 not 19 know 1.8213450434710126 20 old 22 toad 5.805182115852514 21 mr 22 toad 7.152496199001803 22 toad 23 . 0.8910229590360075 when he reached the house of danny meadow mouse he stopped right in front of danny . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 when 3 reached 4.5973783022338175 2 he 3 reached 2.192223113153002 3 reached 16 danny 1.4407066652614908 3 reached 5 house 3.633264128774208 3 reached 4 the 1.9689341860630432 6 of 16 danny 0.9592314455044573 7 danny 8 meadow 9.760926773564673 7 danny 16 danny 3.6026492815894073 8 meadow 9 mouse 9.933986113433567 10 he 11 stopped 1.983089912422038 11 stopped 14 front 3.746634546385504 12 right 14 front 4.075321946275036 13 in 14 front 3.523451702452057 14 front 16 danny 4.089200359773788 14 front 15 of 2.89173232674095 16 danny 17 . 0.14497590310800845 he put his right hand behind his right ear and listened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 11 listened 1.743238281950827 2 put 5 hand 3.9267473811412152 3 his 5 hand 2.9622290457327747 4 right 5 hand 2.270662294891647 5 hand 9 ear 4.37424235632832 6 behind 9 ear 4.581789180457086 7 his 9 ear 3.339081445064817 8 right 9 ear 3.4389280724122635 9 ear 11 listened 6.96864477196598 10 and 11 listened 1.8005549940631589 11 listened 12 . 0.3589883315297442 then he put his left hand behind his left ear and listened some more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 2 he 12 listened 1.743238281950827 3 put 10 ear 3.916370940118423 4 his 10 ear 3.339081445064817 5 left 10 ear 4.96713155862345 6 hand 10 ear 4.37424235632832 7 behind 10 ear 4.581789180457086 8 his 10 ear 3.339081445064817 9 left 10 ear 4.96713155862345 10 ear 12 listened 6.96864477196598 11 and 12 listened 1.8005549940631589 12 listened 13 some 1.432439826040099 13 some 14 more 1.2535199903286554 14 more 15 . 0.4470583792760703 finally he put both hands on his hips and began to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 finally 1.610081703684365 1 finally 12 laugh 3.221032350321405 2 he 8 hips 2.829653033768299 3 put 8 hips 7.314920316608699 4 both 8 hips 7.4635331215240335 5 hands 8 hips 9.059398459507793 6 on 8 hips 5.360395565366698 7 his 8 hips 4.759657127885092 8 hips 12 laugh 8.59220396422862 8 hips 10 began 7.23512908263131 8 hips 9 and 3.1967853041402527 10 began 11 to 2.775473939384737 12 laugh 13 . 1.0176305682615663 now mr toad 's mouth is very big indeed , and when he opens it to laugh he opens it very wide indeed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 2 mr 0.5684406441790202 2 mr 3 toad 7.152496199001803 3 toad 5 mouth 3.9607584447133135 4 's 5 mouth 1.9926598467179737 5 mouth 19 opens 7.001335476594175 6 is 7 very 1.5624151199530516 7 very 9 indeed 4.748811396098601 8 big 9 indeed 1.2462144316078003 9 indeed 19 opens 4.839312818244235 9 indeed 10 , 1.1805591219564295 10 , 11 and 0.752751396501802 12 when 19 opens 2.9514173207932117 12 when 13 he 1.8647931372101283 14 opens 19 opens 9.960606893156804 14 opens 15 it 1.5326101698430215 16 to 17 laugh 1.432708002787571 17 laugh 19 opens 5.750825902900377 18 he 19 opens 0.6656772986571688 19 opens 22 wide 7.763126169193928 19 opens 23 indeed 4.908285858026723 19 opens 20 it 1.5326101698430215 21 very 22 wide 2.8866608128608675 23 indeed 24 . 0.21529929449387453 " ha , ha , ha ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ha 1.8468125807461497 1 " 6 ha 2.611088856471735 2 ha 4 ha 11.423690015745187 3 , 4 ha 1.6480893575353583 4 ha 6 ha 11.423690015745187 5 , 6 ha 1.6480893575353583 6 ha 7 ! 5.195179568444791 ha , ha , ha ! " laughed mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ha 1.8468125807461497 1 ha 3 ha 11.423690015745187 2 , 3 ha 1.6480893575353583 3 ha 5 ha 11.423690015745187 4 , 5 ha 1.6480893575353583 5 ha 8 laughed 6.713893117798058 5 ha 6 ! 5.195179568444791 5 ha 10 toad 3.597167682949628 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 10 toad 11 . 0.8910229590360075 danny meadow mouse cried harder than ever , and the harder he cried the harder old mr . toad laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 1 danny 15 harder 5.121410251382599 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 cried 5 harder 2.593883755757652 5 harder 11 harder 7.6795813109842435 5 harder 6 than 6.2916946253837125 5 harder 7 ever 5.6592550420814725 8 , 9 and 0.752751396501802 9 and 11 harder 0.8411969785605002 10 the 11 harder 0.3105244444431392 11 harder 15 harder 7.6795813109842435 12 he 13 cried 0.7655391728995458 13 cried 15 harder 2.593883755757652 13 cried 14 the 0.6416541949426513 15 harder 19 toad 5.291149168287571 15 harder 20 laughed 5.237949601693689 15 harder 21 . 1.0775424774911464 16 old 19 toad 5.805182115852514 17 mr 19 toad 7.152496199001803 18 . 19 toad 3.016767257391706 by and by danny meadow mouse stopped crying long enough to say to mr toad : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 meadow 0.10970892303221547 1 by 3 by 1.8495083752714976 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 5 meadow 1.157244455683795 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 8 crying 3.8704266372380367 7 stopped 8 crying 4.806669847233 8 crying 16 : 4.573494629509305 9 long 10 enough 3.1562315806526478 10 enough 11 to 2.0867227826403028 11 to 12 say 1.5454691794447797 12 say 16 : 1.6858380793608347 13 to 16 : 0.5062524262053021 14 mr 15 toad 7.152496199001803 15 toad 16 : 0.3597153384775602 " what are you laughing for , mr toad ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 what 1.0239342403725384 1 " 2 what 1.266036763251556 2 what 10 ? 2.8239428283003427 3 are 5 laughing 1.0143607108543051 3 are 10 ? 2.0466557629143356 3 are 4 you 1.7434690636892594 5 laughing 9 toad 1.7163054225793708 6 for 8 mr 0.3599277796801523 7 , 8 mr 0.5022150510440095 8 mr 9 toad 7.152496199001803 10 ? 11 " 3.328347337284576 mr toad stopped laughing long enough to reply : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 toad 7.152496199001803 2 toad 4 laughing 3.5890773146288524 2 toad 8 reply 2.8226275258498212 2 toad 6 enough 0.9187020302024145 3 stopped 4 laughing 4.796072001093481 5 long 6 enough 3.1562315806526478 6 enough 7 to 2.0867227826403028 8 reply 9 : 3.349021897731806 " i 'm laughing , danny meadow mouse , because you are crying at me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 4 laughing 0.3120081184266965 1 " 3 'm 1.5924503438057567 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 4 laughing 13 crying 4.984160343676045 4 laughing 14 at 2.705560276286267 4 laughing 16 . 1.019074147246691 5 , 13 crying 0.5567804802454006 6 danny 7 meadow 9.760926773564673 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 meadow 13 crying 3.8704266372380367 7 meadow 10 because 1.5848952314456888 9 , 10 because 0.5055908043911348 11 you 12 are 2.3430401060570176 12 are 13 crying 2.6099210577149776 15 me 16 . 0.46572320055489413 what are you crying for ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.0239342403725384 1 what 6 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 are 6 ? 2.0466557629143356 2 are 4 crying 2.6099210577149776 2 are 3 you 1.7434690636892594 4 crying 5 for 1.0091923027775813 6 ? 7 " 3.328347337284576 " i 'm crying , " said danny meadow mouse , " because you are laughing at me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 'm 1.0964224937219313 1 " 3 'm 1.5924503438057567 2 i 3 'm 3.654262465176622 3 'm 4 crying 1.5933687357681094 4 crying 8 danny 3.655585032940632 4 crying 13 because 4.076359670703809 4 crying 16 laughing 3.06589101149439 4 crying 12 " 0.7703404498390327 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 8 danny 1.3419507264674806 8 danny 9 meadow 9.760926773564673 9 meadow 10 mouse 9.933986113433567 11 , 12 " 0.6466805192388225 13 because 15 are 1.4392868878864569 14 you 15 are 2.3430401060570176 16 laughing 17 at 2.705560276286267 16 laughing 19 . 1.019074147246691 18 me 19 . 0.46572320055489413 19 . 20 " 4.467019939707924 then danny began to cry again , and mr toad began to laugh again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 14 again 1.740014235624475 2 danny 13 laugh 3.1729459986315796 3 began 13 laugh 4.678459697579033 3 began 5 cry 5.4010126063714665 3 began 6 again 2.9082915196915025 3 began 4 to 2.775473939384737 6 again 8 and 0.6692697409751904 7 , 8 and 0.752751396501802 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 10 toad 13 laugh 3.3340305538384207 11 began 13 laugh 4.678459697579033 11 began 12 to 2.775473939384737 13 laugh 14 again 1.6947169562766327 14 again 15 . 1.1694329788885494 " what 's all this about ? " demanded some one right behind them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 9 demanded 2.538451179253393 2 what 7 ? 2.8239428283003427 2 what 6 about 1.452736343924986 3 's 4 all 0.5987109167480646 4 all 6 about 2.2762306191684267 4 all 5 this 1.093145446208819 7 ? 9 demanded 5.809249732826887 7 ? 8 " 3.328347337284576 9 demanded 15 . 1.6666061944254942 9 demanded 13 behind 1.2246348151564739 10 some 13 behind 0.25784726547419723 10 some 11 one 2.3794051377540804 12 right 13 behind 2.9001745650935966 13 behind 14 them 2.80736287478112 it was jimmy skunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.6373980219783331 1 it 2 was 1.776593012608254 3 jimmy 4 skunk 9.859461590276863 4 skunk 5 . 0.71694841771642 " it 's a new kind of game , " said old mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 toad 0.7262225374453735 2 it 3 's 1.695106683077423 3 's 4 a 0.4824060255943863 4 a 8 game 2.1378791014301086 5 new 8 game 4.320020734632724 6 kind 8 game 3.7972137263914085 6 kind 7 of 2.572643006627489 8 game 14 toad 2.820759252423347 9 , 11 said 1.3498770263619093 10 " 11 said 2.1846753891302146 11 said 14 toad 0.7617861707589846 12 old 14 toad 5.805182115852514 13 mr 14 toad 7.152496199001803 14 toad 15 . 0.8910229590360075 " danny meadow mouse is trying to see if he can cry longer than i can laugh . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 danny 3 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 danny 12 cry 4.221727139744992 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 is 6 trying 0.7885201258936974 6 trying 12 cry 2.072395574355081 6 trying 7 to 2.925494045079269 7 to 8 see 1.81043644982023 8 see 11 can 1.96349787953449 9 if 11 can 2.118577410854762 9 if 10 he 1.1794500942947774 12 cry 17 laugh 3.5815981583264467 13 longer 14 than 4.017155882194118 14 than 16 can 1.6426097031573832 15 i 16 can 1.8928675187738602 16 can 17 laugh 1.5909298243834655 17 laugh 18 . 1.0176305682615663 18 . 19 " 4.467019939707924 then old mr toad once more opened his big mouth and began to laugh harder than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 4 toad 0.5651969680382329 2 old 4 toad 5.805182115852514 3 mr 4 toad 7.152496199001803 4 toad 10 mouth 3.9607584447133135 5 once 7 opened 2.0864086988854 5 once 6 more 4.326243222615789 7 opened 10 mouth 5.460767095231471 8 his 10 mouth 3.591456806912234 9 big 10 mouth 4.773073977765382 10 mouth 15 harder 3.686579037109066 11 and 12 began 1.170831790887096 12 began 14 laugh 4.678459697579033 12 began 13 to 2.775473939384737 14 laugh 15 harder 3.436069463415272 15 harder 16 than 6.2916946253837125 15 harder 17 ever 5.6592550420814725 15 harder 18 . 1.0775424774911464 jimmy skunk looked at him for just a minute and he looked so funny that jimmy skunk began to laugh too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jimmy 0.6102548435001243 1 jimmy 2 skunk 9.859461590276863 1 jimmy 17 skunk 9.859461590276863 1 jimmy 12 looked 2.7321049621579654 1 jimmy 3 looked 2.7321049621579654 3 looked 4 at 3.718023842519891 3 looked 5 him 1.5914258305422262 6 for 9 minute 3.1168472372471143 7 just 9 minute 2.712934666577965 8 a 9 minute 2.75284848895582 9 minute 12 looked 2.5473593031442796 10 and 12 looked 1.4092917379590961 11 he 12 looked 1.645197537023618 13 so 14 funny 2.329920878483378 14 funny 17 skunk 2.4051155109268088 15 that 16 jimmy 0.5883721508891995 16 jimmy 17 skunk 9.859461590276863 17 skunk 20 laugh 2.398267988941395 18 began 20 laugh 4.678459697579033 18 began 19 to 2.775473939384737 20 laugh 21 too 2.58504681798701 20 laugh 22 . 1.0176305682615663 now a good honest laugh is like whooping cough it is catching . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.0340186789003258 1 now 12 catching 1.5981311837102332 2 a 3 good 1.8924332050807688 3 good 8 whooping 4.071073722162868 4 honest 8 whooping 8.876158917040986 5 laugh 8 whooping 7.2773717173962105 6 is 8 whooping 1.8779274011672236 7 like 8 whooping 3.614561886012474 8 whooping 9 cough 12.157968796762479 8 whooping 12 catching 10.208114904746491 9 cough 11 is 2.28928754829834 10 it 11 is 1.9483860238870534 12 catching 13 . 0.5943334755707248 the first thing danny meadow mouse knew his tears would not come . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 the 2 first 1.5516170441444306 2 first 4 danny 1.6317382909862665 2 first 3 thing 3.1531937381223756 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 9 tears 3.2921978478820826 6 mouse 8 his 1.6183540383593957 6 mouse 7 knew 0.793676731615161 9 tears 12 come 1.2383182117804736 9 tears 13 . 0.8821747398843929 10 would 12 come 1.993072568722969 10 would 11 not 2.072984403263572 it 's a fact , danny meadow mouse had run short of tears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 fact 1.0493253552001303 1 it 2 's 1.695106683077423 2 's 4 fact 1.6237972056053032 3 a 4 fact 1.1738887664463356 4 fact 6 danny 3.7158455577581044 4 fact 5 , 0.9782331360563532 6 danny 7 meadow 9.760926773564673 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 7 meadow 13 tears 3.2921978478820826 8 mouse 11 short 4.603932464828048 8 mouse 10 run 3.1597415898250496 9 had 10 run 1.2146155074262808 12 of 13 tears 0.8492121956201331 13 tears 14 . 0.8821747398843929 the next thing he knew he wasn't crying at all he was laughing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 13 laughing 1.0951542492871873 1 the 2 next 1.9282489224560901 2 next 3 thing 2.3150411719074953 4 he 5 knew 2.1822750360063026 5 knew 7 wasn't 1.8488887168982089 6 he 7 wasn't 1.3903439915188436 7 wasn't 8 crying 3.3677776801708994 8 crying 13 laughing 3.06589101149439 9 at 10 all 1.9101156124848444 10 all 13 laughing 0.5510036495273489 11 he 12 was 1.2250956603177912 12 was 13 laughing 0.6787540974083655 13 laughing 14 . 1.019074147246691 yes , sir , he actually was laughing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.326458955168958 1 yes 3 sir 6.000518429274441 1 yes 2 , 2.0305121841239 3 sir 6 actually 4.195282496094162 3 sir 4 , 1.4621697544826837 5 he 6 actually 1.4760160791535952 6 actually 8 laughing 3.0593481656276147 7 was 8 laughing 0.6787540974083655 8 laughing 9 . 1.019074147246691 he tried to cry , but it was of no use at all ; he just had to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 tried 1.9648804144625167 2 tried 6 but 2.1972822302910977 2 tried 18 to 2.6973369114137338 2 tried 3 to 2.6973369114137338 3 to 4 cry 1.5154364758243268 5 , 6 but 1.025230194614105 6 but 11 use 1.3347433245634015 6 but 15 he 0.9076706002035451 7 it 11 use 2.041550698512136 7 it 8 was 1.776593012608254 9 of 11 use 1.4080171606976393 10 no 11 use 4.679587085814449 11 use 14 ; 0.9464676773554075 11 use 13 all 0.6740408766073713 12 at 13 all 1.9101156124848444 15 he 17 had 1.735007688287725 15 he 16 just 0.8249460310907679 18 to 19 laugh 1.432708002787571 19 laugh 20 . 1.0176305682615663 the more he laughed the harder old mr . toad laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 he 0.7006048185438587 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 2 more 3 he 0.6174841709523466 3 he 4 laughed 0.8727632738563926 4 laughed 6 harder 4.968915573476092 5 the 6 harder 0.3105244444431392 6 harder 10 toad 5.291149168287571 6 harder 11 laughed 5.237949601693689 6 harder 12 . 1.0775424774911464 7 old 10 toad 5.805182115852514 8 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 9 . 10 toad 3.016767257391706 and the harder mr toad laughed the funnier he looked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 looked 0.6891079852710398 1 and 8 funnier 1.4130385575482194 2 the 8 funnier 2.566864197702923 3 harder 8 funnier 10.158313485580482 4 mr 5 toad 7.152496199001803 5 toad 8 funnier 8.176264480464521 6 laughed 8 funnier 7.125719653184966 7 the 8 funnier 2.566864197702923 8 funnier 10 looked 7.080242936368183 8 funnier 9 he 3.324763393937072 10 looked 11 . 0.12286970113655649 by and by mr toad stopped laughing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 by -0.1895340641904255 1 by 3 by 1.8495083752714976 1 by 2 and 0.3434308069622034 3 by 7 laughing 0.7069534909029649 4 mr 5 toad 7.152496199001803 5 toad 7 laughing 3.5890773146288524 6 stopped 7 laughing 4.796072001093481 7 laughing 8 . 1.019074147246691 " dear me , dear me , this will never do ! " said mr toad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 14 said 2.1846753891302146 2 dear 5 dear 3.347786682792517 2 dear 3 me 2.209755018283886 4 , 5 dear 1.3348618347742178 5 dear 12 ! 2.6326896727811206 5 dear 6 me 2.209755018283886 5 dear 7 , 1.20773070046533 5 dear 11 do 1.1790991504239905 8 this 9 will 0.6110458139878325 9 will 11 do 1.9142587231990813 9 will 10 never 1.513898674716959 12 ! 14 said 2.5827010162001933 12 ! 13 " 2.8038844676111605 14 said 15 mr 1.1989075626374017 14 said 17 . 0.9489036959486263 15 mr 16 toad 7.152496199001803 " i must get busy in my garden . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.1800156400149504 1 " 2 i 1.4514945219088577 2 i 3 must 1.6151732779572345 3 must 4 get 2.1325320560594676 4 get 5 busy 1.8835142780275334 5 busy 8 garden 1.722450338081586 6 in 8 garden 2.6232959408722643 7 my 8 garden 1.098531313143578 8 garden 9 . 0.738681162362715 so if you 'll excuse me i 'll hurry along to get them out of my garden . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 'll 0.8514765952855274 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.5555017361605685 2 if 3 you 2.081684759546537 3 you 4 'll 2.029954069549973 4 'll 12 get 2.825130076534787 5 excuse 9 hurry 4.045696382676457 5 excuse 6 me 4.200443787530684 5 excuse 8 'll 2.000900745116393 7 i 8 'll 2.8458085143022114 9 hurry 12 get 3.5894923036035884 9 hurry 10 along 3.735973028755442 11 to 12 get 1.8086562812674263 12 get 13 them 0.9285310532161262 13 them 18 . 0.8864773153321437 13 them 14 out 0.816168517011306 14 out 17 garden 2.1815911201004425 14 out 15 of 2.138624548858049 16 my 17 garden 1.098531313143578 18 . 19 " 4.467019939707924 mr toad started down the lone little path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.5286356191992194 1 mr 2 toad 7.152496199001803 2 toad 6 lone 5.611479861680994 2 toad 9 . 0.8910229590360075 3 started 6 lone 6.193043169976605 4 down 6 lone 5.664039199992068 5 the 6 lone 2.2115329445483454 6 lone 8 path 10.049187958238516 6 lone 7 little 5.709163689461587 after a few hops he paused and turned around . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.3077840665866276 1 after 4 hops 3.474482901323384 2 a 3 few 3.275693471712252 3 few 4 hops 5.300217585029653 4 hops 6 paused 8.320149279843942 4 hops 9 around 5.444780585879396 4 hops 8 turned 5.030502066911378 4 hops 7 and 1.7373536855029528 5 he 6 paused 2.097628180872359 9 around 10 . 0.38384433722911027 " danny meadow mouse , " said old mr toad , " an honest laugh is like sunshine ; it brightens the whole world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 2 danny 3 meadow 9.760926773564673 3 meadow 15 laugh 3.4348570288657747 3 meadow 4 mouse 9.933986113433567 4 mouse 10 toad 3.794134366842119 5 , 7 said 1.3498770263619093 6 " 7 said 2.1846753891302146 7 said 10 toad 0.7617861707589846 8 old 10 toad 5.805182115852514 9 mr 10 toad 7.152496199001803 11 , 12 " 0.6466805192388225 12 " 14 honest 0.33589063244591344 13 an 14 honest 4.434943037987132 14 honest 15 laugh 3.6713549110301784 15 laugh 21 brightens 8.499764138732662 15 laugh 25 . 1.0176305682615663 16 is 21 brightens 3.1003198225036748 17 like 21 brightens 4.836954307348925 18 sunshine 21 brightens 10.302866697314482 19 ; 21 brightens 4.30841463640402 20 it 21 brightens 2.1096322868019577 21 brightens 23 whole 7.943772686762504 21 brightens 24 world 6.858968676060243 22 the 23 whole 1.9588420429725506 don't forget it . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 0.8975782375580525 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 don't 1.2775851170014203 1 don't 2 forget 3.110429625849015 2 forget 3 it 1.2812710976416 4 . 5 " 4.467019939707924 danny meadow mouse , once more alone , sat down on his doorstep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 danny 2 meadow 9.760926773564673 2 meadow 3 mouse 9.933986113433567 2 meadow 13 doorstep 6.456061096537194 2 meadow 5 once 2.2379688126343673 3 mouse 4 , 0.09611811948616023 5 once 6 more 4.326243222615789 7 alone 13 doorstep 2.9609364755018994 7 alone 8 , 0.529524693240413 9 sat 13 doorstep 5.61434759236365 9 sat 10 down 5.31852152344641 11 on 13 doorstep 5.024792533582261 12 his 13 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 13 doorstep 14 . 0.9535299555273262 his sides were sore , he had laughed so hard , and somehow the whole world had changed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 his -0.4844527429543195 1 his 2 sides 2.542426411664419 2 sides 4 sore 6.171226660889644 2 sides 3 were 1.9390051904306809 4 sore 8 laughed 3.3592558979158262 4 sore 10 hard 2.912714778196868 4 sore 17 had 1.6389374475092104 4 sore 7 had 1.6389374475092104 4 sore 19 . 0.9764563523768359 5 , 6 he 0.5080875377005949 6 he 7 had 1.735007688287725 9 so 10 hard 2.261697947363391 10 hard 13 somehow 1.367074078852017 11 , 13 somehow 0.7411950628557982 11 , 12 and 0.752751396501802 13 somehow 15 whole 2.4559326529394525 14 the 15 whole 1.9588420429725506 15 whole 16 world 4.783243963780389 17 had 18 changed 2.1837826892881473 the grass seemed greener than he had ever seen it before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 greener 0.2532997766610663 1 the 4 greener 2.4148611042578736 2 grass 4 greener 10.431379859947764 3 seemed 4 greener 7.614731865680572 4 greener 9 seen 7.8056885934702045 4 greener 8 ever 6.765454445913402 4 greener 5 than 6.428267678259161 4 greener 7 had 4.301902460231641 4 greener 6 he 3.2137320815483292 9 seen 11 before 3.66070909105159 10 it 11 before 0.634957206885387 11 before 12 . 0.6721106131218804 the sunshine was brighter and the songs of the birds were sweeter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 2 sunshine 1.8223747531549037 2 sunshine 4 brighter 7.054939183870896 3 was 4 brighter 1.544082561468045 4 brighter 7 songs 8.605772462551702 4 brighter 5 and 1.4743192796691638 4 brighter 13 . 0.8524150884334603 6 the 7 songs 0.8605954007596353 7 songs 12 sweeter 8.22149873672008 7 songs 10 birds 7.0720610866758555 8 of 10 birds 1.4780168696211256 9 the 10 birds 1.9272316888111192 10 birds 11 were 2.8094537900711387 altogether it was a very nice world , a very nice world indeed to live in . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 indeed 0.8871319521677545 1 altogether 3 was 1.0738795296991483 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 3 was 5 very 1.8345067088627953 3 was 4 a 0.9616525970137229 5 very 13 indeed 4.748811396098601 5 very 6 nice 3.3117276797139894 7 world 13 indeed 1.7032298557521521 8 , 13 indeed 1.2217707539259823 9 a 10 very 0.920846844810935 10 very 13 indeed 4.748811396098601 10 very 11 nice 3.3117276797139894 12 world 13 indeed 1.7032298557521521 13 indeed 17 . 0.21529929449387453 14 to 15 live 1.8703461768564722 15 live 17 . 0.4080231967640362 15 live 16 in 2.0795474899612287 somehow he felt as if he never wanted to cry again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 somehow 0.699890444824316 1 somehow 3 felt 3.947043202008466 2 he 3 felt 2.0830791199149683 3 felt 5 if 2.1383621935850634 4 as 5 if 2.776143507537343 5 if 8 wanted 2.112033118690942 6 he 8 wanted 2.0920219898481847 7 never 8 wanted 1.258315560882945 8 wanted 9 to 2.7126182034946353 8 wanted 10 cry 2.666251863952464 10 cry 11 again 1.448859901054206 11 again 12 . 1.1694329788885494 pretty soon along came the merry little breezes again , chasing butterflies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.4040510738966585 1 pretty 2 soon 5.24198976135278 2 soon 8 breezes 3.1373411778706064 2 soon 4 came 3.0418830385739035 3 along 4 came 2.496163834911968 5 the 8 breezes 2.2607610699772422 6 merry 8 breezes 10.012501010913478 7 little 8 breezes 6.02611847789149 8 breezes 12 butterflies 7.446629998509078 9 again 12 butterflies 3.9033783889528557 9 again 10 , 0.6146340944376139 11 chasing 12 butterflies 11.329273047870917 12 butterflies 13 . 0.7313438545402988 when they saw danny meadow mouse sitting on his doorstep they pointed their fingers at him , just as before , and shouted : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 saw 3.14735638164184 1 when 2 they 2.3330121141685183 3 saw 5 meadow 1.8566725221890046 3 saw 16 him 2.092896016269684 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 10 doorstep 6.456061096537194 7 sitting 10 doorstep 6.9048988837830585 8 on 10 doorstep 5.024792533582261 9 his 10 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 10 doorstep 12 pointed 6.022044466555489 10 doorstep 14 fingers 6.013366575483495 11 they 12 pointed 1.0010992763657107 13 their 14 fingers 3.2957474878909956 14 fingers 15 at 1.3943469298031133 16 him 24 : 1.277502368298812 17 , 23 shouted 0.8043728969509765 17 , 19 as 0.3162541076793648 18 just 19 as 2.6945437830364103 19 as 20 before 1.1186160398795995 21 , 23 shouted 0.8043728969509765 21 , 22 and 0.752751396501802 23 shouted 24 : 3.8600357882277265 " fie , danny meadow mouse ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fie 2.4147631993551784 1 " 2 fie 1.9304218420158499 2 fie 4 danny 7.955818056728678 2 fie 7 ! 5.093197527977754 2 fie 3 , 0.8962775401395575 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 better go inside the house ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 go 0.2627561631072819 1 better 2 go 2.2646650334856666 2 go 3 inside 1.725774593627122 2 go 6 ! 0.5739138144447171 3 inside 5 house 4.106920678723181 4 the 5 house 1.6730874440715393 babies cry oh my ! oh my ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 oh 2.410574962587239 1 babies 2 cry 4.560611688878016 1 babies 6 oh 3.584961294069757 1 babies 3 oh 3.584961294069757 3 oh 5 ! 3.081912208044674 3 oh 4 my 1.2172582352247225 6 oh 8 ! 3.081912208044674 6 oh 7 my 1.2172582352247225 you 're a baby go and cry ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 0.8975782375580525 1 you 2 're 3.6060902389633167 2 're 4 baby 2.0408074345793317 3 a 4 baby 1.5181141492848376 4 baby 7 cry 3.7550854066494885 4 baby 6 and 0.9275569658962013 5 go 6 and 0.8882695098786773 7 cry 8 ! 1.6865751595977336 8 ! 9 " 2.8038844676111605 for just a little minute danny meadow mouse wanted to cry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 for 5 minute 3.1168472372471143 2 just 5 minute 2.712934666577965 3 a 5 minute 2.75284848895582 3 a 4 little 2.1212036022401666 5 minute 6 danny 2.9706983062716823 6 danny 7 meadow 9.760926773564673 6 danny 11 cry 4.221727139744992 7 meadow 8 mouse 9.933986113433567 9 wanted 11 cry 2.666251863952464 9 wanted 10 to 2.7126182034946353 11 cry 12 . 0.6732096785555495 then he remembered old mr toad and instead began to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 remembered 3.6387282827415106 2 he 3 remembered 2.6713453634690367 3 remembered 6 toad 1.9360965178578304 4 old 6 toad 5.805182115852514 5 mr 6 toad 7.152496199001803 6 toad 11 laugh 3.3340305538384207 7 and 9 began 1.170831790887096 8 instead 9 began 2.9207346604293534 9 began 11 laugh 4.678459697579033 9 began 10 to 2.775473939384737 11 laugh 12 . 1.0176305682615663 the merry little breezes didn't know just what to make of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 didn't 0.9571996491670411 1 the 4 breezes 2.2607610699772422 2 merry 4 breezes 10.012501010913478 3 little 4 breezes 6.02611847789149 4 breezes 5 didn't 1.4762084005132792 5 didn't 6 know 4.1638850028764445 5 didn't 10 make 2.1308924439167285 5 didn't 12 it 1.1741029572962027 6 know 8 what 3.2396222245850588 7 just 8 what 1.8602578489013517 9 to 10 make 1.9953753273403052 10 make 11 of 0.8289715787087832 12 it 13 . 0.13987271256052836 they stopped chasing butterflies and crowded around danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 they 3 chasing 1.4402736815260688 2 stopped 3 chasing 5.882527919253025 3 chasing 4 butterflies 11.329273047870917 4 butterflies 6 crowded 9.09173215265903 4 butterflies 8 danny 6.773979733742859 4 butterflies 5 and 1.2707858855840293 6 crowded 7 around 5.468393143101348 8 danny 9 meadow 9.760926773564673 9 meadow 10 mouse 9.933986113433567 10 mouse 11 . 0.5440018000205846 they began to tease him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 4 tease 1.0341143335936778 2 began 4 tease 4.128376201426374 3 to 4 tease 2.7895151022434277 4 tease 5 him 3.432129891614249 5 him 6 . 0.8676779267655075 they pulled his whiskers and rumpled his hair . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 0.7522049453152633 1 they 6 rumpled 2.116576493785651 2 pulled 4 whiskers 7.921636474342687 3 his 4 whiskers 4.111958871815972 4 whiskers 6 rumpled 11.882694031305686 4 whiskers 5 and 0.5625792843992485 6 rumpled 8 hair 7.567044737802604 6 rumpled 7 his 2.858163512773256 6 rumpled 9 . 0.845872242566692 the more they teased the more danny meadow mouse laughed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the -0.06339004823085581 1 the 11 . 0.05681632355149269 2 more 4 teased 1.9389799360350217 3 they 4 teased 2.1669500163007704 4 teased 7 danny 5.718126499009347 4 teased 10 laughed 6.058290165345774 4 teased 6 more 2.094313911049113 4 teased 11 . 0.8274937132518367 5 the 6 more -0.17587966209671002 7 danny 8 meadow 9.760926773564673 8 meadow 9 mouse 9.933986113433567 such a good frolic as they did have ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 such 4 frolic 4.668597595112015 2 a 4 frolic 2.8847601644613974 3 good 4 frolic 3.4633911449416317 4 frolic 5 as 2.940012835159582 4 frolic 7 did 2.739826081470099 4 frolic 6 they 2.730216012044405 4 frolic 9 ! 2.3455055272184886 4 frolic 8 have 1.4102649487890666 when it was over danny meadow mouse once more sat down on his doorstep to rest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 4 over 0.655043765269248 1 when 3 was 1.257224530506667 2 it 3 was 1.776593012608254 4 over 14 doorstep 2.0498939504429146 5 danny 6 meadow 9.760926773564673 6 meadow 7 mouse 9.933986113433567 6 meadow 14 doorstep 6.456061096537194 6 meadow 8 once 2.2379688126343673 8 once 9 more 4.326243222615789 10 sat 14 doorstep 5.61434759236365 10 sat 11 down 5.31852152344641 12 on 14 doorstep 5.024792533582261 13 his 14 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 14 doorstep 16 rest 3.562415042331967 14 doorstep 17 . 0.9535299555273262 15 to 16 rest 1.153745678693344 hopping and skipping back up the lone little path came striped chipmunk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hopping -0.03526972127986383 1 hopping 3 skipping 12.277933405174728 2 and 3 skipping 1.5963840747528515 3 skipping 7 lone 10.028351018090248 3 skipping 4 back 3.1366671341420904 3 skipping 5 up 2.9953589470730755 3 skipping 13 . 0.9680441125606336 6 the 7 lone 2.2115329445483454 7 lone 9 path 10.049187958238516 7 lone 11 striped 6.24331265455216 7 lone 8 little 5.709163689461587 7 lone 10 came 3.0820867451044407 11 striped 12 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 when he saw danny meadow mouse he stuck his tongue in his cheek and cried : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 1 when 3 saw 3.14735638164184 2 he 3 saw 1.9208684375913663 3 saw 5 meadow 1.8566725221890046 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 8 stuck 3.83230611281898 7 he 8 stuck 1.192223113153002 8 stuck 10 tongue 6.015714615967344 9 his 10 tongue 3.247490452762424 10 tongue 13 cheek 5.984378595846433 11 in 12 his 1.124025734450342 12 his 13 cheek 3.019809025185758 13 cheek 16 : 2.2780387459831353 13 cheek 14 and 1.1048628146992137 15 cried 16 : 2.9565065065080205 " cry-baby danny never 'll be a manny ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cry-baby 0.9902653708272737 1 " 2 cry-baby 2.178349355459435 2 cry-baby 8 manny 16.282434797409667 3 danny 8 manny 10.185104926699989 4 never 8 manny 6.296403169387595 5 'll 8 manny 6.482397753400782 6 be 8 manny 5.172560623574878 7 a 8 manny 3.299797663740243 8 manny 9 ! 7.252396122827012 run to mamma , danny dear , and she will wipe away your tear ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 run 3 mamma 3.473671680959253 1 run 2 to 0.2577703490234171 3 mamma 5 danny 4.688751896875832 3 mamma 4 , 1.088642998924012 5 danny 11 wipe 5.975651561071043 6 dear 11 wipe 4.7163093875686215 6 dear 7 , 1.20773070046533 8 and 11 wipe 1.3735101933615788 9 she 11 wipe 1.0731105850668783 10 will 11 wipe 3.6406831328858367 11 wipe 14 tear 9.227152361908477 11 wipe 12 away 4.7054781327035755 11 wipe 13 your 4.345502460887271 11 wipe 15 ! 1.93046802793965 15 ! 16 " 2.8038844676111605 instead of crying danny meadow mouse began to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 danny 0.9103100662458754 1 instead 3 crying 3.1284166496777672 1 instead 2 of 3.1350053606047315 3 crying 4 danny 3.655585032940632 4 danny 5 meadow 9.760926773564673 5 meadow 6 mouse 9.933986113433567 5 meadow 9 laugh 3.4348570288657747 7 began 9 laugh 4.678459697579033 7 began 8 to 2.775473939384737 9 laugh 10 . 1.0176305682615663 striped chipmunk stopped and took his tongue out of his cheek . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 striped 0.5966015223409968 1 striped 2 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 2 chipmunk 3 stopped 4.443259009488191 2 chipmunk 7 tongue 3.7693878397281857 3 stopped 4 and 1.5546202918657617 5 took 6 his 1.8641423652626727 6 his 7 tongue 3.247490452762424 7 tongue 11 cheek 5.984378595846433 7 tongue 8 out 1.9309550440476748 8 out 9 of 2.138624548858049 10 his 11 cheek 3.019809025185758 11 cheek 12 . 1.0240852153345905 then he began to laugh too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 3 began 2.762873423636428 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 3 began 5 laugh 4.678459697579033 3 began 4 to 2.775473939384737 5 laugh 6 too 2.58504681798701 5 laugh 7 . 1.0176305682615663 " do you want me to play with you ? " asked striped chipmunk , suddenly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 2 do 0.8845447173996668 2 do 4 want 2.8469502351187863 2 do 3 you 2.418842332069122 4 want 7 play 2.33719200981405 4 want 6 to 2.5707362509545693 4 want 5 me 1.3996469479450298 7 play 13 striped 2.552747971969435 7 play 8 with 3.0381674584440965 7 play 10 ? 1.2895613708622982 7 play 17 . 0.5304125817944421 9 you 10 ? 2.030471363856357 10 ? 12 asked 5.562665578900452 10 ? 11 " 3.328347337284576 13 striped 14 chipmunk 11.03442855548504 14 chipmunk 16 suddenly 2.1671346042139525 15 , 16 suddenly 0.3218941329360483 of course danny did , and soon they were having the merriest kind of a game of hide and seek . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 course 1.1137837747596677 1 of 2 course 4.211944956136168 2 course 3 danny 1.123683775970889 3 danny 18 hide 4.132235025274188 4 did 18 hide 1.9230980831604256 5 , 12 merriest 0.8910778211673964 5 , 6 and 0.752751396501802 7 soon 12 merriest 5.002411597784498 8 they 9 were 3.2736646255414907 9 were 12 merriest 2.7691787474790424 10 having 12 merriest 6.617098880224493 11 the 12 merriest 1.9294342770876298 12 merriest 18 hide 7.996904139193592 12 merriest 16 game 8.029874483181686 12 merriest 13 kind 5.983385815018899 12 merriest 17 of 2.479773431850205 13 kind 14 of 2.572643006627489 15 a 16 game 2.1378791014301086 18 hide 20 seek 8.362567278231214 19 and 20 seek 1.262471696218686 20 seek 21 . 0.5059903776906367 right in the midst of it danny meadow mouse caught his left foot in a root and twisted his ankle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 right 0.10912364215205805 1 right 4 midst 4.969837669376517 2 in 4 midst 4.286870838236641 3 the 4 midst 2.4850059282861494 4 midst 10 caught 4.0936605272382245 4 midst 7 danny 4.897785935357259 4 midst 5 of 3.6106806898397465 4 midst 6 it 0.625234716209139 7 danny 8 meadow 9.760926773564673 8 meadow 9 mouse 9.933986113433567 10 caught 16 root 5.16013524060293 10 caught 11 his 1.2632757981776344 12 left 16 root 4.154259631598279 13 foot 16 root 5.996031054702346 14 in 15 a 0.8157855541154699 15 a 16 root 1.6586920849815492 16 root 20 ankle 9.964117956074684 17 and 18 twisted 2.167926059711686 18 twisted 20 ankle 9.950821133461222 19 his 20 ankle 3.0966921151626607 20 ankle 21 . 1.5569592049072867 my , how it did hurt ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 how 1.1444914957494294 1 my 3 how 0.6738150643457494 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 3 how 5 did 2.518082473303066 3 how 7 ! 1.7025192702459062 3 how 4 it 1.256912848244708 5 did 6 hurt 1.8298111490768605 in spite of himself tears did come into his eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 spite -0.19227403751126815 1 in 2 spite 4.2566992902104275 2 spite 5 tears 3.6082425292639826 2 spite 4 himself 3.6491944708021364 2 spite 3 of 3.5680994608938246 5 tears 10 eyes 5.606853581536495 5 tears 7 come 1.2383182117804736 5 tears 11 . 0.8821747398843929 6 did 7 come 1.8340111376061508 8 into 10 eyes 2.189369421248628 9 his 10 eyes 3.1614973247823546 but he winked them back and bravely began to laugh . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 1 but 3 winked 1.3303697107825734 2 he 3 winked 2.0177253819208687 3 winked 7 bravely 7.267391501783624 3 winked 5 back 4.187892457497259 3 winked 11 . 1.019269435915806 3 winked 4 them 0.7081729112483011 6 and 7 bravely 0.7909566012663589 7 bravely 10 laugh 4.095017423595902 8 began 10 laugh 4.678459697579033 8 began 9 to 2.775473939384737 when peter rabbit came jumping along up the lone little path he began to shout as soon as he saw danny meadow mouse : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 peter 0.6498438522938219 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 9 lone 5.649767706345312 4 came 9 lone 2.1439319941080797 5 jumping 9 lone 6.245162407163395 6 along 9 lone 5.486268974062437 7 up 9 lone 2.6821887211845272 8 the 9 lone 2.2115329445483454 9 lone 11 path 10.049187958238516 9 lone 15 shout 6.847922397723778 9 lone 10 little 5.709163689461587 12 he 13 began 1.2052530616021215 13 began 15 shout 5.591709257745997 13 began 14 to 2.775473939384737 15 shout 21 danny 5.385282626642802 15 shout 24 : 4.566226629045264 15 shout 17 soon 3.381523974822766 16 as 17 soon 3.3233734415398537 17 soon 20 saw 3.2716253035855622 17 soon 18 as 3.164312083826303 19 he 20 saw 1.9208684375913663 21 danny 22 meadow 9.760926773564673 22 meadow 23 mouse 9.933986113433567 " cry , danny , cry ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 7 ! 0.8182193278517804 2 cry 6 cry 4.045416798718705 2 cry 7 ! 1.6865751595977336 2 cry 3 , 0.8753478091759934 4 danny 6 cry 4.221727139744992 5 , 6 cry 0.09651141534400764 mammy 'll whip you by and by ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mammy 0.8310667759780195 1 mammy 3 whip 10.101199700829977 1 mammy 2 'll 4.6638657578388205 1 mammy 7 by 4.589993650061892 1 mammy 5 by 4.589993650061892 1 mammy 8 ! 0.8600787000482519 1 mammy 6 and 0.8044678813614929 3 whip 4 you 2.42244519637201 then we 'll all come ' round to see how big a baby you can be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 2 we 1.0717799066779072 2 we 15 can 2.376585211948301 2 we 3 'll 3.0627553084831955 3 'll 5 come 1.9064203037742864 3 'll 4 all 0.8562753813018382 6 ' 10 how 1.3169219820005242 7 round 9 see 0.6868748699984799 8 to 9 see 1.81043644982023 9 see 10 how 2.9855558303234755 10 how 15 can 3.1357169084716627 10 how 11 big 0.408430705112071 11 big 13 baby 2.9438620932273913 12 a 13 baby 1.5181141492848376 14 you 15 can 1.9867833079582056 15 can 16 be 1.95181533171424 16 be 17 . 0.24970592863907193 cry , danny , cry ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 0.8975782375580525 1 cry 5 cry 4.045416798718705 1 cry 6 ! 1.6865751595977336 1 cry 2 , 0.8753478091759934 3 danny 5 cry 4.221727139744992 4 , 5 cry 0.09651141534400764 6 ! 7 " 2.8038844676111605 but danny didn't cry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 danny 0.9103100662458754 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 0.9143403551529357 2 danny 4 cry 4.221727139744992 2 danny 3 didn't 2.2494487468648643 4 cry 5 . 0.6732096785555495 my , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ! 0.23635110151885286 1 my 4 ! 0.9633104018688687 1 my 2 , 0.4065615569975396 3 no 4 ! 0.8673478818257738 he laughed instead . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 0.7006048185438587 1 he 2 laughed 0.8727632738563926 2 laughed 3 instead 2.2613041999327486 2 laughed 4 . 0.82555871192071 peter rabbit was so surprised that he stopped to see what had come over danny meadow mouse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 peter 0.6498438522938219 1 peter 2 rabbit 7.313713619688597 2 rabbit 16 meadow 3.907731122631688 2 rabbit 8 stopped 3.6620113021000655 2 rabbit 5 surprised 3.1701582057703916 2 rabbit 12 had 1.5631435842423826 2 rabbit 18 . 0.6126504281875942 3 was 5 surprised 2.3914721453278993 4 so 5 surprised 2.7783813792996774 5 surprised 6 that 1.7696856286688494 7 he 8 stopped 1.983089912422038 8 stopped 9 to 0.9988396547652485 9 to 10 see 1.81043644982023 10 see 11 what 2.254235659735974 12 had 13 come 1.7334935119989794 14 over 16 meadow 1.2783481245665627 15 danny 16 meadow 9.760926773564673 16 meadow 17 mouse 9.933986113433567 then he told danny all about the wonderful things he had seen in his travels , and of all the scrapes he had gotten into . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 1.513245420733929 1 then 10 he 1.6706771798870523 1 then 2 he 1.6706771798870523 1 then 3 told 1.4457210675465078 3 told 6 about 2.642112335062091 3 told 4 danny 1.6702778139446863 5 all 6 about 2.2762306191684267 6 about 9 things 1.8120297617446681 6 about 7 the 0.46712665064445424 8 wonderful 9 things 3.6653433724476763 10 he 24 gotten 2.0222981117106933 11 had 24 gotten 3.6351360296453485 12 seen 15 travels 3.9216791416682497 13 in 15 travels 1.7391803935074925 14 his 15 travels 3.653457724053162 15 travels 21 scrapes 10.172517105331632 15 travels 17 and 1.3894303820826472 16 , 17 and 0.752751396501802 18 of 21 scrapes 1.4253431293775698 19 all 21 scrapes 1.0986624511763843 19 all 20 the 0.7368478466298409 21 scrapes 24 gotten 11.607183411359404 22 he 24 gotten 2.0222981117106933 23 had 24 gotten 3.6351360296453485 24 gotten 25 into 4.289929130125316 25 into 26 . 0.4680828940631425 when peter rabbit finally started off home danny meadow mouse still sat on his doorstep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 peter 0.6498438522938219 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 0.5986489700216406 2 peter 3 rabbit 7.313713619688597 3 rabbit 9 meadow 3.907731122631688 4 finally 8 danny 3.4808106318369276 4 finally 5 started 3.3684892406347835 5 started 6 off 4.20931947557289 5 started 7 home 2.9260386483923355 8 danny 9 meadow 9.760926773564673 9 meadow 10 mouse 9.933986113433567 9 meadow 15 doorstep 6.456061096537194 11 still 15 doorstep 3.4207727378927295 12 sat 15 doorstep 5.61434759236365 13 on 15 doorstep 5.024792533582261 14 his 15 doorstep 3.0906303623754567 15 doorstep 16 . 0.9535299555273262 but no longer was he lonely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.9187691539522387 1 but 2 no 1.5130340843231664 2 no 3 longer 4.8464405017773355 3 longer 6 lonely 3.2741550047126715 3 longer 7 . 1.066691386712451 4 was 6 lonely 1.373755862949242 5 he 6 lonely 0.1276058558053208 " it is much better , oh very much better , to laugh than to cry . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 0.8975782375580525 1 " 3 is 0.9174951776856268 2 it 3 is 1.9483860238870534 3 is 5 better 1.1547158460079352 4 much 5 better 3.2058274326309117 5 better 14 than 5.32098737373564 5 better 16 cry 0.7556276712831576 5 better 6 , 0.16312445432704692 7 oh 8 very 0.3389821707687233 8 very 9 much 3.446378250176915 9 much 10 better 3.2058274326309117 10 better 14 than 5.32098737373564 10 better 12 to 0.3970908886801965 10 better 11 , 0.16312445432704692 12 to 13 laugh 1.432708002787571 15 to 16 cry 1.5154364758243268 16 cry 17 . 0.6732096785555495 17 . 18 " 4.467019939707924 instead every one has learned to love merry little danny meadow mouse , and now they call him " laughing dan . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 learned 0.30591161770161435 1 instead 5 learned 2.3961613513404636 2 every 4 has 1.305922016906976 2 every 3 one 3.4259854658400464 4 has 5 learned 2.5622717946673994 5 learned 11 meadow 2.4067707595546324 5 learned 7 love 3.2867282058709186 5 learned 6 to 1.831034570968086 8 merry 9 little 5.200496649987246 9 little 11 meadow 3.274027574696074 10 danny 11 meadow 9.760926773564673 11 meadow 12 mouse 9.933986113433567 11 meadow 20 laughing 3.274866290377357 11 meadow 21 dan 1.0355049689221154 11 meadow 17 call 1.0190048092808048 13 , 14 and 0.752751396501802 14 and 16 they 0.63876852408176 15 now 16 they 0.3039630919754934 16 they 17 call 1.5833831094402058 17 call 18 him 2.152975820417179 17 call 19 " 1.0140693328760335 21 dan 22 . 0.9813529348833168 22 . 23 " 4.467019939707924