transcriber 's note : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 transcriber 2.048989162208944 1 transcriber 3 note 11.918795768178715 1 transcriber 4 : 6.449865918632163 1 transcriber 2 's 6.0938079843608755 hyphenation and spelling standardized . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hyphenation 3.262995232115376 1 hyphenation 4 standardized 16.250382350430986 1 hyphenation 2 and 4.586346175346161 3 spelling 4 standardized 16.239432050870448 4 standardized 5 . 3.69080079296538 otherwise , archaic and variable spelling was preserved . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 archaic 2.489271087939052 1 otherwise 3 archaic 12.145358467006865 2 , 3 archaic 2.4873146194836835 3 archaic 5 variable 16.62956437102061 3 archaic 6 spelling 16.126834685440336 3 archaic 8 preserved 12.658323364002033 4 and 5 variable 3.2411133663353198 7 was 8 preserved 2.5583024098647478 8 preserved 9 . 1.1470227452724515 missing quotation marks were added to standardize usage . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 standardize -0.3965142219708291 1 missing 2 quotation 11.948661707266574 2 quotation 7 standardize 13.812639894439226 2 quotation 3 marks 13.612955494948213 4 were 7 standardize 5.323590598839765 5 added 7 standardize 10.750768741948828 6 to 7 standardize 4.495604180503612 7 standardize 8 usage 18.764053556966353 7 standardize 9 . 2.120485068208623 otherwise , the editor 's punctuation style was preserved . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 punctuation 1.0830861421004414 1 otherwise 4 editor 6.194279983909436 1 otherwise 2 , 1.1650627113229746 3 the 4 editor 3.063608162267503 4 editor 6 punctuation 11.239827146281097 5 's 6 punctuation 3.8775355285312543 6 punctuation 7 style 12.041841867054782 6 punctuation 9 preserved 10.728762222235588 6 punctuation 10 . 1.3688726980780146 8 was 9 preserved 2.5583024098647478 table of contents ' page numbers were updated . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 updated -0.049282692738266576 1 table 3 contents 7.660551975146635 2 of 3 contents 1.956478791239018 3 contents 8 updated 12.405271505314591 4 ' 8 updated 2.527288287486048 5 page 8 updated 10.743536303403495 6 numbers 8 updated 14.955170458580689 7 were 8 updated 7.482097419501276 8 updated 9 . 3.69080079296538 special notation : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 notation 1.7890640437829575 1 special 2 notation 15.29867456518043 2 notation 3 : 9.53674336931213 text in italics is enclosed by underscores ( italics ) . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 text -0.4697600517472189 1 text 3 italics 11.297680992477929 1 text 11 . 1.8345499149330315 2 in 3 italics 4.060310334249117 3 italics 5 enclosed 13.546925735766294 4 is 5 enclosed 4.300502197011461 5 enclosed 7 underscores 14.951628678440851 6 by 7 underscores 8.055850775567446 7 underscores 9 italics 15.400313583912169 7 underscores 8 ( 11.897266044472236 7 underscores 10 ) 9.540987473614937 text in bold face is enclosed by equal signs ( = bold = ) . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 text -0.4697600517472189 1 text 3 bold 7.099912070475874 1 text 2 in 2.1886897759987143 1 text 15 . 1.8345499149330315 3 bold 13 = 10.347980215669828 4 face 6 enclosed 5.4292180667694225 5 is 6 enclosed 4.300502197011461 6 enclosed 13 = 10.01276569309405 6 enclosed 8 equal 10.427328959626319 6 enclosed 7 by 5.827637732584819 9 signs 13 = 9.822918163131007 10 ( 13 = 7.670945949619195 11 = 13 = 13.191797005461257 12 bold 13 = 10.347980215669828 13 = 14 ) 7.777664120957635 aunt jo's scrap-bag 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jo's 1.7366820822236662 1 aunt 2 jo's 9.414666347413899 2 jo's 3 scrap-bag 16.72494815410307 is now full , and contains 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 is 0.4762878297515023 1 is 3 full 2.6725891387537786 1 is 2 now 0.4289904188697804 3 full 6 contains 5.405881317622715 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 contains 1.173479061701979 = i my boys = , and other stories . = ii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 ii 1.5363003315203905 1 = 5 = 13.191797005461257 1 = 2 i 1.1589108059143527 3 my 5 = 2.814896373943906 4 boys 5 = 6.988017783063661 5 = 11 = 13.191797005461257 5 = 8 other 5.437593383435097 5 = 6 , 2.0671661937426187 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 9 stories 11 = 9.346211531611274 10 . 11 = 5.225594088952342 11 = 12 ii 11.779601383261156 12 ii 13 . 2.43494939123163 shawl-straps = . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shawl-straps 1.2425311295556618 1 shawl-straps 2 = 14.511219200560536 1 shawl-straps 3 . 2.8009837107158013 sketches of a european trip . = iii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 iii 1.525192322173556 1 sketches 4 european 11.50718442337569 1 sketches 2 of 2.305864968430445 3 a 4 european 1.7917731480059658 4 european 7 = 10.212374718786215 4 european 5 trip 11.364018530685168 6 . 7 = 5.225594088952342 7 = 8 iii 11.584692291360884 8 iii 9 . 2.5795473883802877 cupid and chow-chow = , and other stories . = iv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 iv 1.6734499454926706 1 cupid 3 chow-chow 16.185778259136466 2 and 3 chow-chow 4.31851152377596 3 chow-chow 10 = 14.781791350986929 3 chow-chow 4 = 14.781791350986929 4 = 7 other 5.437593383435097 4 = 5 , 2.0671661937426187 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 8 stories 10 = 9.346211531611274 9 . 10 = 5.225594088952342 10 = 11 iv 11.861691979443119 11 iv 12 . 2.385680985764573 my girls = , and other stories . = v ..y jimmy's cruise in the pinafore = , and other stories . = vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 = 0.20410154306180672 1 my 3 = 2.814896373943906 2 girls 3 = 7.0957345065101585 3 = 9 = 13.191797005461257 3 = 6 other 5.437593383435097 3 = 4 , 2.0671661937426187 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 7 stories 9 = 9.346211531611274 8 . 9 = 5.225594088952342 9 = 23 = 13.191797005461257 9 = 24 vi 11.857252699607066 10 v 12 jimmy's 13.077562198649986 11 ..y 12 jimmy's 10.84790448540501 12 jimmy's 13 cruise 16.55523101807507 12 jimmy's 16 pinafore 13.131264646909734 12 jimmy's 14 in 4.741564978104726 15 the 16 pinafore 2.749654015973775 16 pinafore 23 = 13.48849912406045 16 pinafore 17 = 13.48849912406045 17 = 20 other 5.437593383435097 17 = 18 , 2.0671661937426187 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 21 stories 23 = 9.346211531611274 22 . 23 = 5.225594088952342 24 vi 25 . 2.410384308903346 an old-fashioned thanksgiving = , and other stories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 thanksgiving 0.272634349089774 1 an 2 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 2 old-fashioned 3 thanksgiving 11.207304827769928 3 thanksgiving 4 = 11.155420904656367 4 = 8 stories 7.30982404205707 4 = 7 other 5.437593383435097 4 = 5 , 2.0671661937426187 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 8 stories 9 . 1.4687006187381826 six volumes neatly bound in cloth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 volumes 0.026857719244432587 1 six 2 volumes 9.841744436658203 2 volumes 3 neatly 12.685895123006109 2 volumes 4 bound 9.745558980633309 2 volumes 6 cloth 9.704554578237705 2 volumes 5 in 3.2134336999802464 6 cloth 7 . 0.7195916716462065 price , $ 6.00 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 6.00 16.08740645908169 4 6.00 5 . 3.69080079296538 roberts brothers , publishers , boston . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 4 publishers 12.679883288558361 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 3 , 4 publishers 2.4806409109889564 4 publishers 6 boston 12.731483422121595 4 publishers 5 , 3.0363211449532876 6 boston 7 . 0.8894408724322602 [ illustration : an old-fashioned thanksgiving . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 2 illustration 3 : 8.43425069569961 2 illustration 6 thanksgiving 3.9978639929195268 4 an 5 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 5 old-fashioned 6 thanksgiving 11.207304827769928 6 thanksgiving 7 . 0.7989495968210036 [ illustration : how it all happened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 2 illustration 3 : 8.43425069569961 3 : 4 how 2.018011623324945 4 how 7 happened 1.7782330605907646 5 it 7 happened 2.7561885700559774 6 all 7 happened 2.267226835896384 7 happened 8 . 1.1256307201023343 dolly opened the door , and started back with a cry of astonishment at the lovely spectacle before her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dolly 1.0412237253746497 1 dolly 2 opened 7.324991047737893 2 opened 3 the 2.118592876454013 3 the 17 spectacle 2.538803216520023 3 the 4 door 3.3857687040391102 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 started 2.1113012208292723 7 started 8 back 4.344102102272814 8 back 17 spectacle 1.8689233399442493 9 with 13 astonishment 3.8484326142195755 9 with 10 a 2.5677995362572403 11 cry 13 astonishment 5.0043933223002846 12 of 13 astonishment 1.9782330486131272 13 astonishment 17 spectacle 7.175285633051196 14 at 17 spectacle 3.1681474276649517 15 the 17 spectacle 2.538803216520023 16 lovely 17 spectacle 7.53626413154166 17 spectacle 18 before 5.157116267508268 17 spectacle 20 . 1.222215136198237 18 before 19 her 1.8578919269602494 page @number@ ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 page 1.333766471432284 1 page 2 @number@ 9.24057623245443 1 page 3 ] 8.44950711808999 aunt jo's scrap-bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jo's 1.7366820822236662 1 aunt 2 jo's 9.414666347413899 2 jo's 3 scrap-bag 16.72494815410307 3 scrap-bag 4 . 2.899968326820435 an old-fashioned thanksgiving , etc . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 thanksgiving 0.272634349089774 1 an 2 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 2 old-fashioned 3 thanksgiving 11.207304827769928 3 thanksgiving 5 etc 9.321425597671418 4 , 5 etc 2.89858002481488 5 etc 6 . 3.0754413711106814 [ illustration : scrap-bag , vol . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 2 illustration 4 scrap-bag 7.81377504922818 2 illustration 3 : 8.43425069569961 4 scrap-bag 6 vol 15.485407487170107 4 scrap-bag 7 . 2.899968326820435 5 , 6 vol 2.4674369966697363 vi . ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vi 1.2846129008443192 1 vi 3 ] 3.497390197561913 2 . 3 ] 4.343018069929656 by louisa m alcott , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 louisa 1.1073005843396118 1 by 2 louisa 5.776159446467439 2 louisa 4 alcott 12.10741051573649 3 m 4 alcott 13.451799322729464 4 alcott 5 , 3.4574370031087547 author of " little women , " " an old-fashioned girl , " " little men , " " hospital sketches . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 author 2.139992915624937 1 author 2 of 4.958898822185816 2 of 4 little 0.10757904563523368 3 " 4 little -0.7143880701655547 4 little 11 girl 4.366461737504494 4 little 5 women 2.9439457232570305 6 , 10 old-fashioned 1.1316125582834893 6 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 6 , 7 " 1.299421509625157 9 an 10 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 10 old-fashioned 11 girl 5.966078920469336 11 girl 21 sketches 5.1779087665160155 12 , 13 " 1.299421509625157 13 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 14 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 15 little 21 sketches 4.5251106638344964 16 men 21 sketches 5.8885514017144125 17 , 18 " 1.299421509625157 18 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 19 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 20 hospital 21 sketches 14.559723993683317 21 sketches 22 . 2.2704689940170226 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 boston : roberts brothers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 boston 3 roberts 11.231717644673154 2 : 3 roberts 6.8679880195304825 3 roberts 4 brothers 11.884662148626305 4 brothers 5 . 0.6351590642788629 @number@ 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 @number@ 0.7073573895835583 copyright , @number@ by louisa m alcott . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 copyright 2.5216710393442767 1 copyright 5 louisa 7.6145683942110445 1 copyright 3 @number@ 9.139488604499821 1 copyright 2 , 3.0093404665118832 4 by 5 louisa 5.776159446467439 5 louisa 7 alcott 12.10741051573649 6 m 7 alcott 13.451799322729464 7 alcott 8 . 2.1101192895721006 university press : john wilson and son , cambridge . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 university -0.310027655294256 1 university 2 press 14.791755706101227 1 university 9 cambridge 12.166373413250458 1 university 3 : 5.417110522400883 4 john 5 wilson 7.037186056031093 5 wilson 9 cambridge 11.777577607629858 6 and 9 cambridge 1.9680948719289049 7 son 9 cambridge 9.899096799227308 8 , 9 cambridge 3.16395456910319 9 cambridge 10 . 3.69080079296538 contents . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 contents -0.0888484406762764 1 contents 2 . 0.9237982835898322 page . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 page 1.333766471432284 1 page 2 . 0.37663036842145203 i an old-fashioned thanksgiving @date@ . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 thanksgiving 0.272634349089774 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 an 3 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 3 old-fashioned 4 thanksgiving 11.207304827769928 4 thanksgiving 5 @date@ 9.358260505183317 5 @date@ 6 . 1.9726090813068033 how it all happened @number@ iii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 iii 1.525192322173556 1 how 4 happened 1.7782330605907646 2 it 4 happened 2.7561885700559774 3 all 4 happened 2.267226835896384 4 happened 6 iii 4.522466506420741 5 @number@ 6 iii 7.550620199018976 6 iii 7 . 2.5795473883802877 the dolls ' journey from minnesota to maine @number@ iv . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 iv 1.6734499454926706 1 the 2 dolls 2.372372718093281 2 dolls 6 minnesota 10.644933950040567 2 dolls 3 ' 2.4825501693340684 4 journey 6 minnesota 11.59081767345863 5 from 6 minnesota 7.498043771556784 6 minnesota 8 maine 16.081449373976156 6 minnesota 7 to 4.0972191601611385 8 maine 10 iv 11.439386479700232 9 @number@ 10 iv 8.322063158544033 10 iv 11 . 2.385680985764573 morning-glories @number@ v shadow-children @number@ vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 morning-glories 1.6664447571190095 1 morning-glories 4 shadow-children 14.30328425159355 2 @number@ 4 shadow-children 9.521411074262346 3 v 4 shadow-children 13.655312671042296 4 shadow-children 6 vi 13.803457571122124 4 shadow-children 5 @number@ 9.58531085836184 4 shadow-children 7 . 2.625212451337802 poppy's pranks @number@ vii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy's 3.262995232115376 1 poppy's 2 pranks 16.473170454745148 1 poppy's 4 vii 12.747832728273043 1 poppy's 3 @number@ 8.405110873086134 4 vii 5 . 2.5339685902720603 what the swallows did @number@ viii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 viii 1.6142492128330872 1 what 3 swallows 2.440792876183867 2 the 3 swallows 3.2715177270930518 3 swallows 6 viii 9.56402401257419 3 swallows 4 did 4.468887135412558 5 @number@ 6 viii 6.954736187919096 6 viii 7 . 2.6555311651602835 little gulliver @number@ ix . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ix 1.4731012801239949 1 little 2 gulliver 4.646842500972603 2 gulliver 4 ix 11.674168439391376 3 @number@ 4 ix 8.087957508721129 4 ix 5 . 2.8033926193417393 the whale's story @number@ x . a strange island @number@ xi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 whale's 2.070350154172978 1 the 2 whale's 3.953526349339427 2 whale's 5 x 11.650728645535676 2 whale's 3 story 10.167735725905366 2 whale's 4 @number@ 7.832748409144607 5 x 11 xi 9.866551194782588 5 x 6 . 1.9634410559342506 7 a 8 strange 3.4094068016629144 8 strange 11 xi 4.627848343814279 9 island 11 xi 6.395536133808598 10 @number@ 11 xi 8.026489958893308 11 xi 12 . 2.796810686064667 fancy's friend @number@ 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 fancy's 3.262995232115376 1 fancy's 2 friend 10.172155592247996 1 fancy's 3 @number@ 8.649036455972222 i. 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i. -0.35644079549835084 an old-fashioned thanksgiving . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 thanksgiving 0.272634349089774 1 an 2 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 2 old-fashioned 3 thanksgiving 11.207304827769928 3 thanksgiving 4 . 0.7989495968210036 " i do like to begin seasonable and have things to my mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 seasonable 3.566670251707084 2 i 3 do 2.2344288593504196 3 do 7 seasonable 3.040547163200607 4 like 7 seasonable 3.851273143860716 5 to 6 begin 3.0986254806410045 6 begin 7 seasonable 11.432385742357944 7 seasonable 10 things 5.636283034079522 7 seasonable 13 mind 5.136140614243299 7 seasonable 9 have 4.4720113521765015 7 seasonable 8 and 3.2231476075869345 10 things 11 to 1.0278738315930198 12 my 13 mind 4.22322242713636 13 mind 14 . 0.9633141037631088 " only one more day and then it will be time to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 only 0.30038741902729704 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 only 3 one 3.708667348313398 2 only 13 eat 0.9985893378152966 3 one 5 day 4.731750810468759 3 one 4 more 2.0903470506813893 6 and 13 eat 0.7801073633402567 6 and 7 then 2.4133610488576807 8 it 9 will 1.8855494822263612 9 will 13 eat 2.062771348256252 9 will 10 be 4.275365825583959 11 time 12 to 1.4241862218848027 12 to 13 eat 3.7360929626120676 13 eat 14 . 1.1286074240804478 " no need of my starvin ' beforehand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 need 4.807570380643742 3 need 6 starvin 8.591213105161764 4 of 6 starvin 2.9148730717619955 5 my 6 starvin 5.982277883423993 6 starvin 8 beforehand 14.535149217359272 6 starvin 7 ' 5.5457434811390875 8 beforehand 9 . 1.581909564851589 " sakes alive , i don't , boys ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 sakes 3.0810873680891184 2 sakes 3 alive 11.319534042707435 2 sakes 8 boys 3.4095020304175527 2 sakes 9 ! 3.294355146972105 2 sakes 7 , 2.710128433663307 2 sakes 4 , 2.710128433663307 4 , 5 i 0.883559295304277 5 i 6 don't 3.775983377249961 it 's a marcy it don't come but once a year . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 marcy 2.36253090566629 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 4 marcy 4.556554673988142 3 a 4 marcy 4.172320106716828 4 marcy 6 don't 6.382832800647467 4 marcy 11 year 5.896294436281664 4 marcy 7 come 5.068450809051846 4 marcy 5 it 4.591954970633331 4 marcy 9 once 3.6456237480304132 4 marcy 8 but 1.8284382943179374 10 a 11 year 3.3106201204402588 11 year 12 . 1.2145281451386278 " i think it 's real fun to have thanksgiving at home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 3 think 4 it 2.3531048070763934 4 it 5 's 2.8884519147935066 5 's 6 real 2.5951596671566364 6 real 10 thanksgiving 6.028030137933971 6 real 7 fun 4.021967026554304 7 fun 8 to 1.5257014713613657 9 have 10 thanksgiving 2.0484782021052084 10 thanksgiving 12 home 2.5640473596439577 11 at 12 home 3.637167846409186 12 home 13 . 1.3288999004836732 " it will be kind of lonesome with only our own folks . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 will 1.8855494822263612 3 will 4 be 4.275365825583959 4 be 5 kind 2.6790480430860377 5 kind 12 folks 3.1070372715033976 5 kind 6 of 4.045887899898997 5 kind 7 lonesome 2.816304686144985 7 lonesome 9 only 1.1095159248591528 7 lonesome 8 with 0.8524311573952481 10 our 11 own 5.044977577433027 10 our 12 folks 2.639657410562581 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 " i don't care a mite for all that . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 care 5.968149007361504 4 care 6 mite 4.190022333423158 4 care 7 for 3.9330527648878917 4 care 9 that 0.9098635209643078 4 care 10 . 0.4324390972355374 5 a 6 mite 4.467955485144444 8 all 9 that 1.1670442242394863 " here 's a man comin ' up the hill , lively ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 here 6 comin 4.584091221915497 2 here 13 ! 1.645411985336585 3 's 6 comin 2.5319238094511185 4 a 5 man 3.033922205025579 5 man 6 comin 6.7884779167434885 6 comin 12 lively 7.759209896035166 6 comin 10 hill 6.101978994743842 6 comin 7 ' 5.329438539364798 6 comin 8 up 4.624613131739547 6 comin 11 , 1.2423002605248463 9 the 10 hill 3.1191441143436567 13 ! 14 " 3.7411945146373657 " guess it 's gad hopkins . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 guess 1.5907531875634682 2 guess 5 gad 7.05893402970673 3 it 4 's 2.8884519147935066 4 's 5 gad 3.9343244830520376 5 gad 6 hopkins 15.302256190789542 6 hopkins 7 . 0.258955005999983 but all were doomed to disappointment , for it was not gad , with the much-desired fruit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 all 0.34739379784952895 2 all 4 doomed 2.5548517322009126 3 were 4 doomed 4.930475004510416 4 doomed 6 disappointment 9.950889393517809 4 doomed 5 to 3.6047759738833385 6 disappointment 16 much-desired 11.033800400962516 7 , 16 much-desired 1.4306002284893609 7 , 8 for 0.7095869605262024 9 it 12 gad 2.374163392298332 9 it 10 was 2.951169375325321 11 not 12 gad 4.238030671915844 12 gad 16 much-desired 14.707240025404456 12 gad 13 , 2.4334266393031427 14 with 16 much-desired 5.0209262334524105 15 the 16 much-desired 3.872410614854971 16 much-desired 17 fruit 14.173189089665847 16 much-desired 18 . 2.2704689940170226 " we must go right off , eldad . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 must 4.131933394212341 3 must 8 eldad 5.426300011872179 4 go 8 eldad 5.317802681945761 5 right 8 eldad 6.5897025579481365 6 off 8 eldad 7.974176454062963 7 , 8 eldad 3.1086721336020027 8 eldad 9 . 3.69080079296538 " i 'm dreadful sorry , dears , but it can't be helped . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 5 sorry 6.798664490266905 4 dreadful 5 sorry 4.465535224510187 5 sorry 7 dears 6.016021224053457 6 , 7 dears 2.372801287211267 7 dears 13 helped 4.437456343021381 7 dears 8 , 2.4728679656905364 9 but 11 can't 2.23832670418391 9 but 10 it 1.5722352988224095 11 can't 13 helped 4.52168110987197 12 be 13 helped 3.699069744484788 13 helped 14 . 0.40298195186111485 " tilly , put extry comfortables on the beds to-night , the wind is so searchin ' up chamber . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 tilly 1.2463666411396304 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 tilly 4 put 4.67196870337332 2 tilly 3 , 1.9393362646978751 4 put 6 comfortables 9.21783587896125 4 put 18 up 3.151816819310053 5 extry 6 comfortables 19.973072444493177 6 comfortables 7 on 7.187627057709321 6 comfortables 12 the 3.4820874367173396 6 comfortables 8 the 3.4820874367173396 8 the 9 beds 2.4659755276917927 9 beds 10 to-night 7.241140366295497 10 to-night 11 , 1.8251872371143705 13 wind 16 searchin 8.948333970856446 14 is 16 searchin 5.091760872480862 15 so 16 searchin 6.762217034065191 16 searchin 18 up 6.484260398033417 16 searchin 17 ' 5.352770704151357 18 up 19 chamber 1.178095842605309 19 chamber 20 . 1.3451890738852406 i shall come back the minute i can leave mother . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 mother 0.18614242870896014 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shall 3 come 2.4769704596624145 2 shall 9 leave 3.353464811066612 3 come 4 back 5.248442707766332 4 back 5 the 0.8067388201434156 6 minute 7 i 0.7564892483836907 7 i 8 can 3.0357047137007545 8 can 9 leave 2.5627090426035544 10 mother 11 . 0.3597696954209848 pa will come to-morrer , anyway , so keep snug and be good . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 pa 0.9003509075596234 1 pa 2 will 2.347428600237116 1 pa 14 . 0.4171774437397673 2 will 4 to-morrer 6.976841377667224 2 will 12 be 4.275365825583959 3 come 4 to-morrer 8.731157249858072 4 to-morrer 6 anyway 11.425863238118446 4 to-morrer 10 snug 11.17122281291186 4 to-morrer 9 keep 6.972925181696727 4 to-morrer 7 , 3.6241242964388825 4 to-morrer 5 , 3.6241242964388825 4 to-morrer 8 so 2.961178281841253 10 snug 11 and 2.471527040348704 12 be 13 good 2.383482695274619 i depend on you , my darter ; use your jedgment , and don't let nothin ' happen while mother's away . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 depend 1.0229354841944556 2 depend 3 on 6.574877018040755 3 on 6 my 1.881212518050269 4 you 6 my 0.17895519554564565 5 , 6 my 0.5786202686795345 6 my 7 darter 7.293176194730179 7 darter 9 use 8.657956111339843 7 darter 8 ; 6.143652809095169 9 use 11 jedgment 10.379393260465438 10 your 11 jedgment 7.486059167765358 11 jedgment 16 nothin 11.71883243361843 11 jedgment 20 mother's 11.349166442100891 11 jedgment 18 happen 7.6506583859374295 11 jedgment 15 let 5.23241559551224 11 jedgment 14 don't 4.6839718115067654 11 jedgment 12 , 2.535296904374505 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 16 nothin 17 ' 5.323163988741225 19 while 20 mother's 6.480100731521556 20 mother's 21 away 4.403799349838437 21 away 22 . 1.2162953376348629 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 but the children were busy , gay , and warm in-doors , and never minded the rising gale nor the whirling white storm outside . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 the 0.47412053282206834 2 the 3 children 2.226122194690296 3 children 4 were 2.9828987079540425 4 were 5 busy 3.703055549885711 5 busy 7 gay 4.622570771891837 5 busy 6 , 1.0122038339154535 7 gay 9 and 2.1107003131149504 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 warm 1.309966410320822 10 warm 11 in-doors 11.565246276573138 10 warm 24 outside 3.0930094993366097 11 in-doors 13 and 3.943039688394201 11 in-doors 12 , 3.6154070793377713 14 never 15 minded 4.429888646900711 15 minded 18 gale 8.700260996580951 16 the 18 gale 2.90733671631936 17 rising 18 gale 9.428209293995533 18 gale 21 whirling 10.924057930494634 19 nor 21 whirling 7.348586813678075 20 the 21 whirling 2.561826122309494 21 whirling 24 outside 7.319996552194528 21 whirling 23 storm 9.110613542413379 21 whirling 22 white 7.617862592955181 24 outside 25 . 0.954151298860193 the girls got the simple supper of brown bread and milk , baked apples , and a doughnut all ' round as a treat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 girls 2.616535292232383 2 girls 3 got 0.8842383675344188 3 got 4 the 0.5044343978171373 4 the 18 doughnut 2.9928293100351127 5 simple 6 supper 5.913623940684477 6 supper 9 bread 3.898383924342916 7 of 9 bread 3.0313730878683174 8 brown 9 bread 4.979271585096267 9 bread 13 baked 8.433789504768413 9 bread 10 and 2.824043231989833 11 milk 13 baked 7.752767800784671 11 milk 12 , 1.135108426732927 13 baked 18 doughnut 10.934586446472576 13 baked 14 apples 9.583665697957201 14 apples 16 and 1.4209407948722763 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 a 18 doughnut 2.0551356825422147 18 doughnut 24 treat 8.01709115171344 18 doughnut 21 round 4.765404240212781 18 doughnut 19 all 4.061484871955269 18 doughnut 20 ' 1.4282415094348444 22 as 23 a 0.8840292401042049 23 a 24 treat 2.859558477801066 24 treat 25 . 1.1851493712657195 " yes , read that . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 that -0.12788314562025072 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 4 read 5 that 0.8067816275184434 5 that 6 . -0.6095993411381695 i always like to hear about the lady matildy i was named for , and lord bassett , pa 's 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 5 hear 1.8124515664164385 1 i 2 always 1.8615035547458838 1 i 3 like 1.8452377368031634 4 to 5 hear 3.1230975801307697 5 hear 6 about 3.0332464486485584 6 about 7 the 1.160436754070151 7 the 9 matildy 3.520566942063322 8 lady 9 matildy 10.875950417369236 9 matildy 17 bassett 16.193863269811647 9 matildy 12 named 11.527475033897243 9 matildy 10 i 4.572825572778619 9 matildy 11 was 4.076857930039932 9 matildy 13 for 3.591814204938011 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 17 bassett 3.12604723170514 16 lord 17 bassett 12.012948612685534 17 bassett 19 pa 12.855907283714828 17 bassett 20 's 4.267024598175897 17 bassett 18 , 3.631647720344983 " don't read the queer words , ' cause we don't understand ' em . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 3 read 0.978738211446462 3 read 14 em 3.234089757973674 3 read 6 words 2.6437825149418934 4 the 6 words 1.4191380196209717 5 queer 6 words 2.727375592874875 6 words 7 , 1.320616812523209 8 ' 14 em 5.586087465419405 8 ' 9 cause 4.209304050340496 9 cause 10 we 2.3360028195445217 10 we 11 don't 2.120015265362671 11 don't 12 understand 5.403477347707691 13 ' 14 em 5.586087465419405 14 em 15 . 1.3285914980380031 tell it , " commanded roxy , from the cradle , where she was drowsily cuddled with rhody . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 1 tell 2 it 0.7649395466415339 3 , 4 " 1.299421509625157 4 " 6 roxy 3.5922177137831177 5 commanded 6 roxy 11.920572558835072 6 roxy 8 from 5.350656490894455 6 roxy 7 , 2.7061839124193625 8 from 10 cradle 3.729222523642349 9 the 10 cradle 2.211638076604178 10 cradle 15 drowsily 9.059839526474288 10 cradle 11 , 1.762630039778191 12 where 15 drowsily 3.704367514727519 13 she 15 drowsily 3.3186679943664608 13 she 14 was 2.3491053343536645 15 drowsily 16 cuddled 14.285844773486442 16 cuddled 18 rhody 14.487017664021778 17 with 18 rhody 5.002547704137559 18 rhody 19 . 2.979231975864657 no one knows this but you , and you must guard them till i come or send you a safe messenger to take them away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.8654144259654828 1 no 2 one 4.01958726482844 2 one 3 knows 3.6131306074355685 3 knows 4 this 1.7595191841939908 5 but 10 must 1.1225967172774105 6 you 10 must 3.1921013234460958 7 , 9 you 0.2857327855941545 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 you 10 must 3.1921013234460958 10 must 17 send 2.3787006713115915 10 must 11 guard 2.4956592111650835 10 must 15 come 2.4816393862554484 11 guard 13 till 4.545153591480542 12 them 13 till 1.740996021055615 13 till 14 i 2.1389327745014324 16 or 17 send 2.1862537452491075 17 send 21 messenger 5.3623510111602855 17 send 24 them 3.7305103707508422 17 send 25 away 3.2786285588791912 17 send 18 you 1.7652477601521994 19 a 21 messenger 3.4238519881455147 20 safe 21 messenger 6.21855077102116 21 messenger 23 take 2.691270321522417 22 to 23 take 2.7846513640138415 25 away 26 . 1.2162953376348629 promise me to be brave and silent , and i can go without fear . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 ' 1.2913709027074027 1 promise 3 to 2.396040696305022 1 promise 2 me 3.538276072800141 1 promise 15 . 0.8078039579056195 3 to 12 go 2.737518368320032 3 to 4 be 3.101474476606974 4 be 5 brave 3.1183058955696303 5 brave 7 silent 3.6982560112164222 5 brave 6 and 1.4599874711210319 7 silent 8 , 1.5326731619050946 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 i 11 can 3.0357047137007545 11 can 12 go 3.0273152469627664 12 go 13 without 2.715876885600604 13 without 14 fear 4.441663591805614 15 . 16 ' 4.310577785017253 you see , he wasn't afraid to die , but he was to seem a traitor . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 16 traitor 2.020710337023665 1 you 2 see 3.026824433151642 3 , 4 he 0.7004770143216579 4 he 5 wasn't 2.431805642047598 5 wasn't 16 traitor 3.592681758125341 5 wasn't 6 afraid 4.858988294222524 7 to 8 die 2.684824272215703 8 die 16 traitor 3.76646965583625 8 die 9 , 1.2469236533133596 9 , 10 but 2.1164801018826633 10 but 11 he 1.801899495677489 11 he 12 was 2.312012966177365 12 was 13 to 0.3619786711412374 14 seem 16 traitor 6.015149623977898 15 a 16 traitor 4.102811865824567 16 traitor 17 . 1.5148192779498686 " i reckon she was scared , though , when the men came swearin ' in and asked her if she knew anything about it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 when 1.2253757098904963 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 4 she 1.5550225530747177 2 i 3 reckon 4.475956416974965 4 she 5 was 2.3491053343536645 5 was 6 scared 2.3660418656501996 6 scared 8 though 3.1870722263325035 7 , 8 though 2.8653386317912517 9 , 10 when 0.8302784881471972 10 when 11 the 1.104398875351464 11 the 12 men 1.577747614593429 12 men 14 swearin 9.937909422478956 13 came 14 swearin 8.889453959303253 14 swearin 23 anything 6.6211577536765915 14 swearin 22 knew 5.5555283593994 14 swearin 18 asked 5.485644484043643 14 swearin 15 ' 4.886887132388907 14 swearin 20 if 4.36662094947598 14 swearin 16 in 3.7813226873424597 14 swearin 19 her 2.8834382294657033 14 swearin 17 and 1.8555768471438654 21 she 22 knew 3.0612603029115455 23 anything 24 about 4.73561390465332 23 anything 26 . 0.4977532529124602 24 about 25 it 2.9622318327423507 " why didn't the boy take his father 's sword and lay about him ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 3 didn't 4.212738679381594 2 why 15 ? 2.154945933670776 3 didn't 6 take 3.681199997532687 4 the 5 boy 1.939272931713079 5 boy 6 take -0.5091840880157505 6 take 10 sword 3.799023410722935 6 take 14 him 2.5840081029610236 7 his 10 sword 4.322680222101734 7 his 8 father 3.4063651669433668 8 father 9 's 3.545209034158045 10 sword 12 lay 2.237291102134307 10 sword 11 and 1.7855185548115315 13 about 14 him 2.453930962388416 i would , if any one was ha'sh to tilly . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 would 8 ha'sh 3.1060262512285064 3 , 4 if 1.058710375425802 4 if 8 ha'sh 4.411638390123532 5 any 8 ha'sh 6.353889198118711 6 one 8 ha'sh 6.277264969601767 7 was 8 ha'sh 5.249186564027497 8 ha'sh 10 tilly 14.251819297801653 8 ha'sh 9 to 4.612130425022489 8 ha'sh 12 " 2.3568159657190364 11 . 12 " 4.427730590569535 " you bantam ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 bantam 2.2490208316385036 2 you 3 bantam 4.540497872224389 3 bantam 4 ! 5.854446891033064 he was only a bit of a boy , and couldn't do anything . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 was 2.312012966177365 1 he 11 couldn't 3.260198792391888 2 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 2 was 3 only 2.1910454073335703 4 a 5 bit 4.3931155458296285 4 a 8 boy 2.135449066022998 5 bit 6 of 3.6647210153242895 7 a 8 boy 2.135449066022998 8 boy 9 , 0.8603011201080992 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 couldn't 13 anything 3.2684525827063595 12 do 13 anything 4.103918750474151 13 anything 14 . 0.4977532529124602 at last , word came that the king was dead and his friends banished out of england . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 last 0.36633791296891083 1 at 2 last 5.674982137977048 2 last 5 came 2.8274726177980014 2 last 4 word 3.6862975864255993 2 last 3 , 0.6353885081158221 5 came 17 england 2.7957048368712876 6 that 17 england -0.025319407315198106 7 the 8 king 3.4109731381488455 8 king 17 england 3.1763965018353737 9 was 14 banished 3.704045922476851 10 dead 14 banished 4.048858999264276 10 dead 11 and 1.1601672377428933 12 his 13 friends 3.0498873655185967 13 friends 14 banished 7.515643315942093 14 banished 17 england 6.255486579796081 14 banished 15 out 3.6156980256445586 15 out 16 of 3.4530498390397675 17 england 18 . 1.3415464941511424 " but the father did come ? " cried roxy , eagerly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 roxy 3.5922177137831177 1 " 2 but 1.0551355352449079 2 but 3 the 0.47412053282206834 4 father 10 roxy 2.8771274007246816 5 did 10 roxy 2.512070408748599 6 come 10 roxy 2.341110000704141 7 ? 10 roxy 3.916153833939166 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 cried 10 roxy 6.797494664266477 10 roxy 12 eagerly 9.243661664251324 10 roxy 11 , 2.7061839124193625 12 eagerly 13 . 2.6185453827269 " you 'll see , " continued eph , half telling , half reading . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 eph 1.6418612813430613 2 you 4 see 3.026824433151642 3 'll 4 see 3.031854054121549 4 see 8 eph 3.230613458901992 5 , 6 " 1.299421509625157 6 " 7 continued 3.045896984072943 7 continued 8 eph 9.420944830150209 8 eph 11 telling 7.344352423407045 8 eph 14 reading 6.685379949066554 8 eph 13 half 6.630636246200872 8 eph 10 half 6.630636246200872 8 eph 12 , 2.4786759558093827 8 eph 9 , 2.4786759558093827 14 reading 15 . 0.9885963100282211 off came the disguise , and matilda found it was my lord himself , come to take them with him out of england . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 the 0.03213684141804052 1 off 3 the 1.1842662263627375 2 came 3 the 0.6262550280125794 3 the 12 lord 1.9712129110236472 3 the 4 disguise 2.0116403323747036 4 disguise 10 was 1.8910645418514527 4 disguise 5 , 1.8207259873152815 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 matilda 8 found 4.694157955270345 8 found 9 it 1.9821058400289893 9 it 10 was 2.951169375325321 11 my 12 lord 5.628927466568969 12 lord 22 of 2.039265823795901 13 himself 21 out 2.2178181515293574 13 himself 14 , 0.782150705089574 15 come 21 out 2.954397265458347 15 come 16 to 2.167677248353314 16 to 17 take 2.7846513640138415 17 take 20 him 2.5840081029610236 17 take 18 them 2.2389848153141543 19 with 20 him 2.088617219517836 21 out 22 of 3.4530498390397675 22 of 23 england 2.8551325751341494 23 england 24 . 1.3415464941511424 " well , i think you 'd do the settin ' part best , prue , you are so patient . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 i 8 do 2.2344288593504196 4 i 7 'd 3.910051988282767 4 i 5 think 3.3874834805555984 6 you 7 'd 3.4192503794510944 8 do 10 settin 4.972201998802465 9 the 10 settin 1.9463308479352186 10 settin 15 prue 10.521542187644418 10 settin 20 patient 7.996080698671921 10 settin 12 part 7.9677225436525845 10 settin 13 best 5.931363080693984 10 settin 11 ' 5.039816622961602 14 , 15 prue 2.170160598608433 15 prue 16 , 1.9837050898476782 17 you 18 are 3.475232791343645 18 are 20 patient 2.23718350111071 19 so 20 patient 3.124078457509601 20 patient 21 . 0.7852004097596677 " now about dinner , " said the young housekeeper , as the pewter spoons stopped clattering , and the earthen bowls stood empty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 said 3.5310061102049364 2 now 5 , 1.683986876826845 3 about 4 dinner 1.7418162504501886 4 dinner 5 , 1.0741190837960435 5 , 7 said 1.5025770512474743 6 " 7 said 3.5310061102049364 7 said 8 the 1.3095954281400157 8 the 22 bowls 2.549136094260092 8 the 9 young 2.321907223755817 9 young 10 housekeeper 4.973328825611521 10 housekeeper 11 , 1.021904095304226 12 as 14 pewter 4.044324837121067 13 the 14 pewter 1.8010464823565222 14 pewter 22 bowls 12.740037891056414 14 pewter 15 spoons 14.843873702040959 14 pewter 17 clattering 12.860454641443628 14 pewter 16 stopped 8.392705822656144 17 clattering 18 , 1.7028253716513966 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 the 22 bowls 2.549136094260092 21 earthen 22 bowls 16.45937034557079 22 bowls 24 empty 9.507167739660883 22 bowls 23 stood 8.731135177341024 24 empty 25 . 1.2594808993805913 " i can roast a turkey and make a pudding as well as anybody , i guess . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 17 guess 4.484846112989166 3 can 4 roast 4.210990817731254 3 can 17 guess 3.5634326407084203 4 roast 6 turkey 11.742552462478336 5 a 6 turkey 2.6158491809530737 6 turkey 10 pudding 8.016768240472707 6 turkey 14 anybody 3.165846753469882 6 turkey 7 and 0.9001144594129968 8 make 10 pudding 2.7736168215771464 8 make 9 a 2.393763824686049 11 as 13 as 3.0136746835473875 11 as 12 well 3.3926684923560675 13 as 14 anybody 2.048335823200887 15 , 16 i 0.883559295304277 16 i 17 guess 4.484846112989166 17 guess 18 . -0.1116177326934853 " did you ever roast a turkey ? " asked roxy , with an air of deep interest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 11 roxy 3.5922177137831177 2 did 4 ever 2.9788983777386413 2 did 3 you 2.430781695542361 4 ever 5 roast 4.45313596819032 5 roast 7 turkey 11.742552462478336 6 a 7 turkey 2.6158491809530737 7 turkey 11 roxy 10.072477673058998 8 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 10 asked 11 roxy 6.5567088734271834 11 roxy 17 deep 6.167079088086883 11 roxy 15 air 4.954224093902084 11 roxy 12 , 2.7061839124193625 13 with 14 an 2.9198940521979466 14 an 15 air 5.207578598805419 15 air 16 of 2.679203568621414 17 deep 18 interest 6.626210229651107 18 interest 19 . 1.707354435620303 " should you darst to try ? " said rhody , in an awe-stricken tone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 rhody 2.748427371303773 2 should 4 darst 8.591387352713852 3 you 4 darst 4.548660979168073 4 darst 10 rhody 14.925641983618231 4 darst 6 try 8.43208264804408 4 darst 5 to 3.035473926678989 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 9 said 10 rhody 4.635549514573146 10 rhody 14 awe-stricken 13.153037795827228 10 rhody 16 . 2.979231975864657 10 rhody 11 , 2.006597836662248 12 in 14 awe-stricken 4.114853365177506 13 an 14 awe-stricken 8.10002779367754 14 awe-stricken 15 tone 10.752532441431711 " you will see what i can do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 what 2.0471061670584625 2 you 4 see 3.026824433151642 2 you 3 will 2.521845216726133 4 see 5 what 3.306547787662252 5 what 8 do 3.5650246818752365 6 i 7 can 3.0357047137007545 7 can 8 do 3.793586081272224 8 do 9 . 0.023958612549829894 ma said i was to use my jedgment about things , and i 'm going to . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ma 1.1567471486134124 1 ma 2 said 1.9521079338722664 3 i 15 going 2.143913817109814 4 was 15 going 2.587515073195677 5 to 6 use 1.563756086135939 6 use 8 jedgment 10.379393260465438 7 my 8 jedgment 6.425367841152944 8 jedgment 9 about 7.090229226302679 8 jedgment 10 things 6.805037491813891 8 jedgment 15 going 3.582105501158555 8 jedgment 11 , 2.535296904374505 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 i 14 'm 4.8883536268785885 14 'm 15 going 6.354742921132168 15 going 16 to 4.148501845167235 16 to 17 . -0.3004879858044358 all you children have got to do is to keep out of the way , and let prue and me work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.5727680131397417 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all -0.13924143960137414 2 you 4 have 2.4773295942588796 3 children 4 have 1.0402059097518759 4 have 5 got 3.216556027225998 5 got 6 to 1.76851290606845 6 to 21 work 2.5529669487843236 6 to 7 do 2.3723850889805824 8 is 21 work 0.5591333701052328 9 to 20 me 1.9862046558982396 9 to 10 keep 3.3191585899275946 9 to 21 work 2.5529669487843236 10 keep 11 out 3.2110014320939797 11 out 12 of 3.4530498390397675 12 of 13 the 1.7361783602309693 13 the 14 way 1.9756872936610552 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 let 1.3645481779260926 17 let 20 me 5.046289406031127 17 let 18 prue 4.490664447963283 18 prue 19 and 1.7479980098827461 21 work 22 . 1.2313016264169327 eph , i wish you 'd put a fire in the best room , so the little ones can play in there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.4747943966883117 1 eph 3 i 1.4517760714824988 1 eph 2 , 2.4786759558093827 3 i 4 wish 4.1420163738201445 3 i 19 can 3.0357047137007545 4 wish 6 'd 4.718247345443039 5 you 6 'd 3.4192503794510944 6 'd 7 put 2.094068194675824 7 put 10 in 2.415743585244602 8 a 9 fire 2.291703370685571 9 fire 10 in 1.9441365217053388 10 in 16 the 2.2179054533910225 10 in 11 the 2.2179054533910225 11 the 12 best 2.7144546132458114 11 the 13 room 2.5044337795039837 13 room 14 , 1.1267994169883533 14 , 15 so 0.5181052447995267 16 the 18 ones 1.6013119190401497 17 little 18 ones 4.50386165275501 19 can 20 play 3.201367138774522 20 play 21 in 1.7559914158409171 20 play 23 . 0.7038411486574692 20 play 22 there -0.24893534459366862 " i don't know about that . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 know 5.338346550933348 4 know 5 about 3.058653365329885 4 know 6 that 2.3491081180557885 4 know 7 . 0.37436640099251406 ma didn't tell us to , " began cautious eph , who felt that this invasion of the sacred best parlor was a daring step . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ma 1.1567471486134124 1 ma 8 began 1.2735744685842185 1 ma 2 didn't 2.0972530922672235 2 didn't 3 tell 3.108820845608168 2 didn't 5 to 0.9133445212908189 3 tell 4 us 4.485572283769335 6 , 7 " 1.299421509625157 7 " 8 began 0.8750767874533771 8 began 10 eph 6.46709515915537 8 began 24 daring 2.4551947805082115 9 cautious 10 eph 13.447848793748662 10 eph 12 who 4.9791835113437095 10 eph 11 , 2.4786759558093827 12 who 22 was 2.595397155366385 12 who 13 felt 1.7785156484998623 13 felt 14 that 3.205267674470612 14 that 16 invasion 3.455931564293518 15 this 16 invasion 6.611887035619137 16 invasion 19 sacred 11.106635670037655 16 invasion 21 parlor 9.923404872630588 16 invasion 20 best 6.022274430721776 16 invasion 17 of 5.297451241950387 17 of 18 the 1.7361783602309693 22 was 23 a 1.8886187807073789 24 daring 25 step 7.831610436145269 25 step 26 . 0.9426624989561354 " don't we always do it sundays and thanksgivings ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 9 thanksgivings 2.195820573114336 3 we 9 thanksgivings 3.009775207986266 4 always 9 thanksgivings 3.336356693136871 5 do 9 thanksgivings 4.131400593651719 6 it 9 thanksgivings 3.5780357256639803 7 sundays 9 thanksgivings 13.79360367037999 8 and 9 thanksgivings 4.290022966816267 9 thanksgivings 10 ? 7.055652374548483 wouldn't ma wish the children kept safe and warm anyhow ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ma 1.1567471486134124 1 wouldn't 2 ma 3.4619690951184303 2 ma 5 children 2.0531227166277226 2 ma 3 wish 3.1000505974745494 4 the 5 children 2.226122194690296 5 children 10 anyhow 2.5180382326447486 6 kept 9 warm 4.507905208166317 7 safe 9 warm 3.5874492968014415 8 and 9 warm 1.309966410320822 9 warm 10 anyhow 4.72229195389826 10 anyhow 11 ? 1.5559958683593713 can i get up a nice dinner with four rascals under my feet all the time ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 can 0.2013056847949546 1 can 3 get 3.759002943443681 2 i 3 get 1.5360971551084273 3 get 5 a 1.308749205525471 3 get 4 up 3.244725953854646 5 a 6 nice 3.2278762360836684 6 nice 10 rascals 5.418478136177345 6 nice 16 time 2.556477546395314 6 nice 17 ? 1.0298836112303498 7 dinner 10 rascals 5.622666159334916 8 with 10 rascals 2.0105096175070756 9 four 10 rascals 8.247958312238687 10 rascals 11 under 7.190010522667702 10 rascals 13 feet 5.054092024811563 12 my 13 feet 3.0948388330214414 14 all 16 time 2.2938375584750617 15 the 16 time 1.6293752127905634 " this sampler neat was worked by me , in my twelfth year , prudence b . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 sampler 1.339062216990616 2 this 3 sampler 6.21443250505704 3 sampler 4 neat 13.185418734240656 3 sampler 17 . 1.6133567075400315 4 neat 6 worked 6.657744969290121 4 neat 5 was 0.2608914190333458 6 worked 16 b 7.923606607230148 7 by 16 b 4.632008051330491 8 me 9 , 1.0369336845536683 9 , 15 prudence 1.3932333760248774 10 in 12 twelfth 3.390344577014602 11 my 12 twelfth 5.601591888935928 12 twelfth 15 prudence 12.22657681244198 12 twelfth 13 year 7.762581896877585 14 , 15 prudence 1.3932333760248774 15 prudence 16 b 14.176987906413444 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 " it 's all ready but the stuffing , and roasting is as easy as can be . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 14 easy 2.43590847178206 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 2 it 17 be 1.5598055450437247 2 it 4 all 1.4560859051832526 2 it 18 . 0.47237242955592507 4 all 5 ready 3.3829749353457395 6 but 8 stuffing 2.990428495152514 7 the 8 stuffing 3.0325605685191874 8 stuffing 11 roasting 13.726137686595095 8 stuffing 14 easy 6.519127059475782 8 stuffing 10 and 2.5274316156292223 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 roasting 12 is 4.19462980823063 11 roasting 13 as 3.5468261593445014 14 easy 15 as 2.3478498697026247 16 can 17 be 3.0582349745027333 i can baste first rate . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 3 baste 3.5921306690572976 2 can 3 baste 8.460125439074758 3 baste 5 rate 13.231168499842404 3 baste 4 first 9.64666260594672 5 rate 6 . 1.4373430781715797 " i ain't ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 ain't 3.001952612019089 3 ain't 4 ! 0.6813865556709686 i fed him all summer , and he never gobbled at me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 fed 0.709368085199003 2 fed 10 gobbled 10.041084614402493 2 fed 3 him 3.675502996034094 4 all 5 summer 3.618516338873391 5 summer 10 gobbled 5.04168256653751 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 10 gobbled 2.5307623329597106 8 he 10 gobbled 2.616140512668487 9 never 10 gobbled 6.211524885515679 10 gobbled 11 at 4.731549137410173 10 gobbled 12 me 4.1726031985994645 12 me 13 . 0.8752603656539097 " well , i 'll get the puddin ' off my mind fust , for it ought to bile all day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 i 5 'll 3.9881635767091375 5 'll 6 get 4.028391659423832 6 get 8 puddin 8.749700683772264 7 the 8 puddin 3.8941597230448153 8 puddin 10 off 8.97516008622226 8 puddin 9 ' 5.475924223386084 10 off 19 bile 5.838235134083309 11 my 12 mind 4.22322242713636 12 mind 13 fust 7.174716551663963 13 fust 19 bile 13.441113722185452 13 fust 14 , 1.6282491438831208 15 for 19 bile 2.535124385225764 16 it 19 bile 3.413181713769088 17 ought 19 bile 10.058713036841795 17 ought 18 to 4.64611075440442 19 bile 21 day 8.086595694187324 19 bile 20 all 7.109305781705352 21 day 22 . 0.9785466039490451 put the big kettle on , and see that the spit is clean , while i get ready . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 put -0.20131980543673222 1 put 5 on 4.247911302351049 1 put 4 kettle 4.975188508584811 2 the 4 kettle 3.4152918849123886 3 big 4 kettle 5.439362851218203 5 on 11 spit 4.066054219220643 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 see 0.8926299452541802 8 see 11 spit 2.4270106717054993 8 see 9 that 1.7956509556779618 10 the 11 spit 2.2754544442267886 11 spit 13 clean 8.085224396913329 11 spit 18 ready 3.0428216486703796 11 spit 12 is 2.8539211463202783 11 spit 15 while 2.556004365202618 14 , 15 while 1.448856711021131 15 while 16 i 1.651822253651476 17 get 18 ready 4.503502926615461 18 ready 19 . 0.6828294018879593 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 meantime tilly attacked the plum-pudding . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 meantime 1.8009942538659445 1 meantime 2 tilly 9.420110921248899 2 tilly 3 attacked 12.475319686744825 3 attacked 5 plum-pudding 13.848370365676129 3 attacked 4 the 3.0479764835180028 5 plum-pudding 6 . 1.9440872222476102 " sage and onions and apple-sauce go with goose , but i can't feel sure of anything but pepper and salt for a turkey . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sage 1.7056737151215131 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 sage 4 onions 14.06423086659376 2 sage 3 and 2.015189474150038 4 onions 6 apple-sauce 16.371259520685097 5 and 6 apple-sauce 3.6994794338318115 6 apple-sauce 7 go 7.507969036508058 6 apple-sauce 8 with 5.517238563735134 8 with 19 pepper 2.9930796743134103 8 with 9 goose 1.155766859871946 10 , 11 but 2.1164801018826633 11 but 19 pepper 2.2232651251646374 12 i 14 feel 3.333482403051459 12 i 13 can't 3.7151187271549304 14 feel 19 pepper 4.609799550799853 14 feel 15 sure 5.435793158721097 16 of 19 pepper 2.0340988430114813 17 anything 19 pepper 4.545249048269806 17 anything 18 but 2.6328537477830114 19 pepper 21 salt 10.355361189418684 19 pepper 24 turkey 7.455215827667029 19 pepper 20 and 1.9108758578211535 22 for 23 a 2.0099144621548533 23 a 24 turkey 2.6158491809530737 24 turkey 25 . 0.9805300654645954 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 " seems to me it 's sweet marjoram or summer savory . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 seems 0.9975383042922736 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 seems 8 marjoram 6.670850900277706 2 seems 4 me 4.017400377904714 2 seems 3 to 3.579566787077706 5 it 6 's 2.8884519147935066 6 's 8 marjoram 5.289436781021404 7 sweet 8 marjoram 11.323528060230853 8 marjoram 11 savory 16.091644709630287 8 marjoram 10 summer 10.583190431067543 8 marjoram 9 or 8.681940403908012 11 savory 12 . 1.0077282067943756 i guess we 'll put both in , and then we are sure to be right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 guess 4.484846112989166 2 guess 4 'll 4.346957760674986 2 guess 16 right 2.095143386006402 3 we 4 'll 4.426023306559921 4 'll 15 be 3.8712942113240665 4 'll 5 put 2.9008012994097534 5 put 7 in 2.415743585244602 5 put 6 both 2.3243333139525646 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 then 2.4133610488576807 10 then 11 we 2.111130719215767 11 we 12 are 3.9859534724360124 12 are 13 sure 2.5982012051045764 13 sure 14 to 1.0351213498439886 14 to 15 be 3.101474476606974 16 right 17 . 0.7971994780563652 eager to be of use , she pounded up the herbs and scattered the mixture with a liberal hand into the bowl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 mixture -0.912021211609634 1 eager 2 to 3.3309106903136403 2 to 3 be 3.101474476606974 3 be 4 of -0.2749367740521578 4 of 11 herbs 3.175422682867609 4 of 5 use 2.082518965451591 6 , 7 she 0.6893111825667813 7 she 8 pounded 3.0384165448506835 8 pounded 9 up 4.736062646911385 9 up 11 herbs 3.3094283393256667 10 the 11 herbs 1.6545538922296572 11 herbs 15 mixture 10.689342860258868 11 herbs 13 scattered 9.591746337014143 11 herbs 12 and 2.602181864971989 14 the 15 mixture 1.5887764230919252 15 mixture 18 liberal 11.013125961554127 16 with 18 liberal 3.629057898627753 17 a 18 liberal 4.546579318882053 18 liberal 22 bowl 9.477095187486466 18 liberal 19 hand 8.400604129267741 18 liberal 20 into 4.392912297343855 20 into 21 the 2.7333578352296506 22 bowl 23 . 1.6326886591130823 she forgot to tie down his legs and wings , but she set him by till his hour came , well satisfied with her work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 forgot 2.3175522166677105 2 forgot 4 tie 5.735171233128298 2 forgot 9 wings 2.6169229346623695 2 forgot 17 his 2.4431830312524774 3 to 4 tie 2.4012244052652214 4 tie 5 down 3.522255732113603 6 his 9 wings 4.489555593934924 6 his 7 legs 4.774612697468703 7 legs 8 and 1.887225759744645 10 , 11 but 2.1164801018826633 11 but 12 she 1.9359797190744636 12 she 13 set 1.5449613741794117 13 set 15 by 1.5207579466926369 13 set 14 him 1.6271256459665366 15 by 17 his 1.555464914256735 16 till 17 his 0.7962128847424808 17 his 25 work 1.97676236120936 18 hour 22 satisfied 1.7013793933032808 18 hour 19 came 0.7021497736559361 18 hour 20 , 0.37356213470560107 21 well 22 satisfied 4.955613844145223 22 satisfied 23 with 4.756350542912074 23 with 24 her 2.1216404045889785 24 her 25 work 2.0863078139914784 25 work 26 . 1.2313016264169327 " shall we roast the little pig , too ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 roast 0.9835650010789045 2 shall 4 roast 3.2762258010552685 2 shall 3 we 3.288264976087918 4 roast 7 pig 9.789124319428122 5 the 7 pig 1.9066713423209407 6 little 7 pig 3.831588889064257 7 pig 8 , 1.5432805484698378 7 pig 10 ? 1.5420968455103043 7 pig 9 too 1.3249984631292264 " i couldn't do it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 couldn't 2.984069282580659 3 couldn't 4 do 2.4821434312718402 4 do 5 it 1.9315091833978766 5 it 6 . 0.47237242955592507 i loved that little pig , and cried when he was killed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 loved 2.307865542565864 2 loved 5 pig 3.6236410685107536 3 that 5 pig 1.7850459859663061 4 little 5 pig 3.831588889064257 5 pig 12 killed 1.7350050981634837 5 pig 6 , 1.5432805484698378 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 6 , 8 cried 0.6700180579220447 9 when 10 he 2.9822581237145336 10 he 11 was 2.312012966177365 11 was 12 killed 1.9867470480650518 12 killed 13 . 0.44180052167421735 they had no napkins and little silver ; but the best tankard and ma 's few wedding spoons were set forth in state . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 had 2.640513053297223 2 had 4 napkins 3.8543007781462535 3 no 4 napkins 5.196396264607834 4 napkins 6 little 4.732653696805453 4 napkins 5 and 3.1198648290626743 6 little 7 silver 1.855685373494449 7 silver 12 tankard 11.678480278595966 7 silver 8 ; 3.1068934617139803 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 10 the 11 best 2.7144546132458114 11 best 12 tankard 9.68328832047878 12 tankard 18 spoons 12.645065884950068 12 tankard 14 ma 10.025968278812496 12 tankard 23 state 8.607492589668464 12 tankard 16 few 6.78994948543653 12 tankard 21 forth 6.511636086409084 12 tankard 22 in 4.1752985710934745 12 tankard 13 and 2.4749728449288924 14 ma 15 's 3.1510322551705485 17 wedding 18 spoons 8.979226976773528 18 spoons 19 were 5.180404362164811 20 set 21 forth 8.017849133360123 23 state 24 . 0.48994424058360053 " don't it look beautiful ? " said prue , when they paused to admire the general effect . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 4 look 3.1991071610840933 2 don't 3 it 0.5620822259763312 4 look 5 beautiful 1.5022536806253477 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 9 prue 3.0541801726665696 9 prue 15 admire 6.491969917084727 9 prue 10 , 1.9837050898476782 9 prue 19 . 1.7839101973568638 11 when 12 they 3.5119302040378244 12 they 13 paused 2.226688543150047 13 paused 15 admire 6.685978855848223 14 to 15 admire 2.8732036624453734 15 admire 17 general 7.000822047405414 16 the 17 general 1.6732928965341856 17 general 18 effect 8.216249177198485 " pretty nice , i think . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 i 2.219663534593389 2 pretty 3 nice 3.5745240849741897 2 pretty 4 , 0.9435834357518686 4 , 5 i 0.883559295304277 5 i 6 think 3.3874834805555984 6 think 7 . -0.7222533243773217 eph , get the gun ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 eph 0.5405292076442869 1 eph 5 gun 5.867653712223376 1 eph 3 get 4.901233905651672 1 eph 6 ! 3.175965333604818 1 eph 2 , 2.4786759558093827 4 the 5 gun 1.3265441355769987 he 's coming , he 's coming ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 2 's 7 coming 2.3955333690168032 2 's 3 coming 2.3955333690168032 4 , 5 he 0.7004770143216579 5 he 6 's 1.0307748954275162 6 's 7 coming 2.3955333690168032 7 coming 8 ! 2.0885098354337934 8 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 " down in the holler , coastin ' , we heard a growl , " began sol , with his eyes as big as saucers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 down -1.0190854817897073 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 down 5 holler 1.9366986174616443 3 in 5 holler 3.0600785350486213 3 in 4 the 2.2179054533910225 5 holler 7 coastin 16.18753964560072 6 , 7 coastin 3.7233819777172066 7 coastin 8 ' 5.659558060033515 7 coastin 18 , 2.5995821121760905 7 coastin 14 , 2.5995821121760905 7 coastin 9 , 2.5995821121760905 10 we 13 growl 2.422487654318868 11 heard 13 growl 4.122088685075827 12 a 13 growl 3.389817543381568 13 growl 14 , 1.1800124921516222 15 " 17 sol 3.492008821029973 16 began 17 sol 8.590756243971484 17 sol 18 , 2.762964267751631 18 , 24 as 0.9452529367549332 19 with 21 eyes 2.3296487520322753 20 his 21 eyes 4.329510263212953 21 eyes 22 as 1.4833046145398932 22 as 24 as 3.0136746835473875 23 big 24 as 2.0963503190785424 24 as 25 saucers 5.616876061004966 25 saucers 26 . 2.2634640287360916 " i see him fust lookin ' over the wall , " roared seth , eager to get his share of honor . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 see 1.7421156301759755 3 see 4 him 2.5520018736042793 4 him 6 lookin 5.6813985270292875 5 fust 6 lookin 16.6147075836445 6 lookin 8 over 7.041127882139406 6 lookin 7 ' 5.444797410525126 8 over 10 wall 3.390012383721391 8 over 19 his 2.1916903066218545 9 the 10 wall 3.2846448851422814 10 wall 15 , 1.500105670722533 10 wall 11 , 1.500105670722533 12 " 13 roared 3.053480912967892 13 roared 14 seth 11.536807067739236 14 seth 15 , 2.3929151926601193 15 , 16 eager 1.6149522234159726 16 eager 18 get 3.5582829553069004 16 eager 17 to 3.3309106903136403 19 his 22 honor 3.191565374662403 20 share 22 honor 6.066350184166616 20 share 21 of 3.4221249012893864 22 honor 23 . 0.9384880219460499 " we ran away as fast as we could go , and he come growling after us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 ran 1.353675509153966 3 ran 4 away 5.245922916424096 3 ran 6 fast 4.2102829559495305 3 ran 16 after 3.219974380788699 5 as 6 fast 5.039853460644428 6 fast 7 as 5.233326162788396 6 fast 9 could 3.229440800917555 8 we 9 could 2.320577648225118 9 could 10 go 2.4635382452604073 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 15 growling 2.4995049394674353 12 and 13 he 0.7534481560466002 14 come 15 growling 3.8479621782339883 15 growling 16 after 4.942015365290704 16 after 17 us 1.0561066608841827 17 us 18 . 0.8333584792472593 " no danger of that , you little geese . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 danger 4.343602008789272 3 danger 9 geese 4.465621574101167 3 danger 4 of 2.1295666357775964 5 that 8 little 0.42317855943278815 5 that 7 you 0.5138111681637803 6 , 7 you 0.2857327855941545 8 little 9 geese 2.905309993192933 9 geese 10 . 1.8187555897430592 i 'll shoot him as soon as he comes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 6 soon 3.182011577411057 2 'll 3 shoot 3.6661461314012023 3 shoot 4 him 3.6692724128757597 5 as 6 soon 4.741137761246602 6 soon 7 as 4.770150973493456 7 as 8 he 2.3488371624986843 8 he 9 comes 2.4799638972891707 9 comes 10 . 0.2603608794566874 get out of the way , boys , " and eph raised the window to get good aim . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 eph 0.5405292076442869 1 get 2 out 3.1611153256524513 2 out 3 of 3.4530498390397675 3 of 4 the 1.7361783602309693 4 the 7 boys 2.4873161524579626 4 the 5 way 1.9756872936610552 5 way 6 , 0.8808556014356768 7 boys 11 eph 5.334360916511223 8 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 8 , 9 " 1.299421509625157 10 and 11 eph 2.3611060648777524 11 eph 12 raised 10.446755653313264 11 eph 18 aim 7.807797613259218 11 eph 14 window 5.971841798518387 11 eph 16 get 4.901233905651672 13 the 14 window 3.331225961363856 15 to 16 get 3.0881891887949813 17 good 18 aim 3.9195856535993805 18 aim 19 . 0.39889966063001125 " there he is ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 1.2420768016119634 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 there 4 is 3.4493880668436336 3 he 4 is 1.6260336903500061 4 is 5 ! 0.29476699962335395 but tilly boldly stood at the open window , ready to lend a hand if the enemy proved too much for eph . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 tilly 2.382874933220563 2 tilly 3 boldly 10.27999005462507 2 tilly 4 stood 5.71540867526442 4 stood 7 open 4.93226441024143 4 stood 10 ready 3.309894458362045 4 stood 5 at 2.4279626763820943 5 at 6 the 1.91018759410656 7 open 8 window 6.804525690135211 8 window 9 , 1.3685698133264559 10 ready 12 lend 4.524296812673356 10 ready 11 to 3.094918417851833 10 ready 23 . 0.6828294018879593 12 lend 22 eph 8.122967644304644 12 lend 14 hand 6.166953544285565 12 lend 13 a 2.88507122521834 15 if 17 enemy 1.050301377149598 16 the 17 enemy 2.0228236906953505 17 enemy 22 eph 7.645285448107 18 proved 22 eph 7.905966577362712 18 proved 19 too 4.735843227694968 19 too 20 much 5.354418556971323 21 for 22 eph 3.456052814234564 he was growling horribly , and stopped now and then as if to rest and shake himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 17 himself 2.0438961677131733 1 he 2 was 2.312012966177365 3 growling 4 horribly 10.822527016151675 3 growling 17 himself 3.7160902724424467 3 growling 6 and 1.506625578489956 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 stopped 14 rest 3.923654217074219 7 stopped 9 and 2.0966420485348305 7 stopped 11 as 0.44616812394880156 8 now 9 and 0.1523373913002679 9 and 10 then 2.4133610488576807 11 as 12 if 4.06288549053939 13 to 14 rest 1.8816317486539536 14 rest 16 shake 2.9235415991830287 15 and 16 shake 1.3880134127347397 16 shake 17 himself 3.033362954790576 17 himself 18 . 1.3870603516163218 tilly flew for the ax , and was at her brother 's side by the time the bear was near enough to be dangerous . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 tilly 1.2463666411396304 1 tilly 2 flew 6.714209735513258 1 tilly 12 's 3.1223029924446273 1 tilly 6 , 1.9393362646978751 1 tilly 8 was 1.2492742873468643 3 for 5 ax 5.456052814234564 4 the 5 ax 4.336142370925895 5 ax 6 , 3.7013566921563914 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 9 at 10 her 1.7468292509991699 10 her 11 brother 2.5157185839617497 11 brother 12 's 2.1536119121777872 12 's 13 side 2.276738608132021 13 side 14 by 3.8895778069453826 13 side 25 . 1.374852833047406 14 by 16 time 2.530938390291544 14 by 15 the 1.984237484577001 16 time 21 enough 2.238161159611284 17 the 18 bear 0.5050939630447289 18 bear 20 near 1.9226142266094541 19 was 20 near 2.3257801027942513 20 near 21 enough 5.175205747222279 21 enough 22 to 3.249270357477684 22 to 23 be 3.101474476606974 23 be 24 dangerous 2.4100066994135325 he stood on his hind legs , and seemed to sniff with relish the savory odors that poured out of the window . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 9 seemed 1.4955362583161467 1 he 2 stood 2.310111853399114 2 stood 3 on 3.4414370979156423 3 on 5 hind 4.32046238706123 4 his 5 hind 4.898694490983427 5 hind 6 legs 11.24832389061098 6 legs 8 and 1.887225759744645 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 seemed 11 sniff 4.54907490446768 9 seemed 10 to 3.771163452217605 11 sniff 16 odors 13.558210248273497 11 sniff 23 . 1.582674903761891 12 with 13 relish 4.7467293553809675 13 relish 16 odors 13.66604452823914 14 the 15 savory 2.522555495156773 15 savory 16 odors 18.15893599526215 16 odors 18 poured 13.464503357753106 16 odors 22 window 7.240533255409613 16 odors 17 that 5.696745208064822 18 poured 19 out 5.665896762924191 19 out 20 of 3.4530498390397675 21 the 22 window 3.331225961363856 " fire , eph ! " cried tilly , firmly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 eph 1.6418612813430613 2 fire 4 eph 7.678797332110918 3 , 4 eph 1.2408667459668727 4 eph 8 tilly 9.235382407990986 5 ! 7 cried 4.7864618271494415 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 7 cried 8 tilly 5.05614578183798 8 tilly 10 firmly 7.55363211913064 8 tilly 9 , 1.9393362646978751 10 firmly 11 . 1.940364803226636 " wait till he rears again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 wait 1.3111716666970885 2 wait 3 till 7.625808438771694 3 till 5 rears 7.739543534506197 4 he 5 rears 4.222370126395333 5 rears 6 again 7.983425303801678 6 again 7 . 1.9785978324909212 " you 'd have had a warm welcome if we hadn't found you out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 3 'd 3.4192503794510944 3 'd 8 welcome 2.0261486143537795 3 'd 4 have 3.737454384314555 5 had 6 a 1.502631725856677 6 a 7 warm 1.9569851899625519 7 warm 8 welcome 5.492063416278885 8 welcome 11 hadn't 1.779509550625555 8 welcome 15 . 0.9117644003419301 9 if 11 hadn't 4.415096632309236 10 we 11 hadn't 2.7800279915405213 11 hadn't 12 found 3.6467118799637355 12 found 14 out 4.149483717355103 13 you 14 out -0.4202876979742829 " come in and set up to dinner with us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 come 0.8127329163777777 2 come 6 up 2.3876345543231654 2 come 3 in 1.5142327455008697 4 and 5 set 1.9171749369302304 5 set 6 up 2.4718446259133806 6 up 9 with 2.0232679802721165 6 up 7 to 1.503350624881735 8 dinner 9 with 1.8803173599966243 9 with 10 us 2.8258078338389865 10 us 11 . 0.8333584792472593 " couldn't , no ways . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 no 1.9307992426703144 1 " 2 couldn't 0.02923003487792286 3 , 4 no 0.30791745205785404 4 no 5 ways -2.089933586866266e-4 5 ways 6 . 1.5553421952004705 my folks will think i 'm dead ef i don't get along home , sence the horse and sleigh have gone ahead empty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 folks 0.26546172498986564 1 my 2 folks 1.5330420617308604 2 folks 3 will 2.1580196709991633 3 will 11 get 2.597242948115044 4 think 5 i 2.0095386172877117 5 i 6 'm 4.8883536268785885 6 'm 8 ef 4.02922480181401 7 dead 8 ef 6.783568619490108 8 ef 10 don't 4.646364558909145 9 i 10 don't 3.775983377249961 10 don't 11 get 2.04428683413564 11 get 12 along 4.723942495683886 12 along 15 sence 8.746963373908077 13 home 15 sence 8.136936621317933 14 , 15 sence 3.535635699187651 15 sence 19 sleigh 13.500519115227767 15 sence 17 horse 10.03449792533523 15 sence 23 empty 8.23324501768436 15 sence 16 the 3.719860792621837 15 sence 18 and 2.209685347780379 19 sleigh 22 ahead 7.559255452754236 19 sleigh 21 gone 4.76592460050847 20 have 21 gone 3.6149282387319364 23 empty 24 . 1.2594808993805913 " i should have known you in a minute if i hadn't been asleep when the girls squalled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 12 hadn't 2.548928536811646 2 i 3 should 3.1313258255578216 3 should 4 have 4.521547843789975 4 have 5 known 4.89777508750198 4 have 8 a 1.62890695095534 4 have 6 you 1.5809986813519412 7 in 8 a 1.8422556623713398 8 a 9 minute 4.203803623583614 10 if 12 hadn't 4.415096632309236 11 i 12 hadn't 2.548928536811646 12 hadn't 18 squalled 7.53975012608009 12 hadn't 13 been 5.570657405839171 14 asleep 18 squalled 8.869498235367914 15 when 18 squalled 5.674742203331842 16 the 17 girls 2.616535292232383 17 girls 18 squalled 10.650965796944423 18 squalled 19 . 3.69080079296538 " well , i can't help it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 i 5 can't 3.7151187271549304 5 can't 6 help 6.139519854051958 6 help 7 it 2.450164921686744 6 help 8 . 0.4772315482465199 they were just struggling to get the pudding out of the cloth when roxy called out , " here 's pa ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 were 4.740392399536562 2 were 4 struggling 4.679570868864118 3 just 4 struggling 3.905685955764607 4 struggling 5 to 2.065278123929758 5 to 7 the 0.9100440193086232 5 to 6 get 3.0881891887949813 7 the 12 cloth 2.021439378090683 7 the 8 pudding 2.447946269898239 8 pudding 9 out 3.1083675316729504 9 out 10 of 3.4530498390397675 11 the 12 cloth 2.021439378090683 12 cloth 14 roxy 11.566602730552528 12 cloth 21 pa 4.402799749903071 13 when 14 roxy 5.202006288506809 14 roxy 15 called 7.855475054388915 14 roxy 16 out 4.2510577725936685 14 roxy 19 here 3.127938368000944 14 roxy 17 , 2.7061839124193625 17 , 18 " 1.299421509625157 19 here 20 's 2.2730151271207966 21 pa 22 ! 1.2675142221517426 22 ! 23 " 3.7411945146373657 " there 's folks with him , " added rhody . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 rhody 2.748427371303773 2 there 3 's 3.091621995743374 3 's 4 folks 1.4073612944156544 4 folks 10 rhody 5.1871599293249915 5 with 10 rhody 5.002547704137559 5 with 6 him 2.088617219517836 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 8 " 9 added 3.368587250228524 9 added 10 rhody 10.028272280552432 10 rhody 11 . 2.979231975864657 " lots of ' em ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 lots 0.909929173998389 2 lots 5 em 4.664894092742188 2 lots 3 of 4.836954561298747 4 ' 5 em 5.586087465419405 5 em 6 ! 1.3842076308797644 i see two big sleighs chock full , " shouted seth , peering through the dusk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 see 1.7421156301759755 2 see 4 big 0.44925174988088656 3 two 4 big 3.019417156614171 4 big 6 chock 8.809334534839671 5 sleighs 6 chock 17.391565721340392 6 chock 11 seth 14.180269247442478 6 chock 7 full 10.47511184636252 6 chock 16 dusk 9.060951727035704 6 chock 8 , 1.5498187377101935 9 " 10 shouted 3.456019968615724 10 shouted 11 seth 9.471011883353324 11 seth 13 peering 11.400788021786013 11 seth 12 , 2.3929151926601193 13 peering 14 through 7.62150702747536 14 through 15 the 3.0378254413081116 16 dusk 17 . 1.0745800095873754 " it looks like a semintary . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 looks 2.7819429233632995 3 looks 6 semintary 9.836219572110366 4 like 6 semintary 6.836633445464518 5 a 6 semintary 4.837418480238895 6 semintary 7 . 3.69080079296538 guess gramma 's dead and come up to be buried here , " said sol in a solemn tone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 gramma 2.3054304984357685 1 guess 2 gramma 11.348368002588025 2 gramma 4 dead 10.635555347729014 2 gramma 3 's 6.4182407030202455 4 dead 10 buried 5.571862537814493 5 and 10 buried 1.925630119389119 6 come 8 to 2.167677248353314 6 come 7 up 2.3876345543231654 8 to 9 be 3.101474476606974 9 be 10 buried 4.273876534513143 10 buried 15 sol 8.843012847860432 10 buried 11 here 4.157848541424553 12 , 14 said 1.5025770512474743 13 " 14 said 3.5310061102049364 14 said 15 sol 4.785451246477081 15 sol 18 solemn 10.589106899725863 15 sol 19 tone 7.760551889767832 15 sol 16 in 4.566105318298714 17 a 18 solemn 2.560287696007233 19 tone 20 . 2.004036289687404 this startling suggestion made tilly , prue , and eph hasten to look out , full of dismay at such an ending of their festival . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 tilly 1.2463666411396304 1 this 3 suggestion 4.684056485551942 2 startling 3 suggestion 11.54609555089193 3 suggestion 5 tilly 9.607642544745776 3 suggestion 4 made 4.572608810034559 5 tilly 6 , 1.9393362646978751 6 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 6 , 7 prue 2.170160598608433 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 eph 2.3611060648777524 9 and 22 ending 1.296832524813528 10 eph 11 hasten 12.992662789935679 11 hasten 13 look 4.287007688162706 11 hasten 12 to 2.6213862010254765 13 look 19 at 4.711557462251166 13 look 14 out 1.7971839767557718 13 look 15 , 0.14071246280928307 16 full 18 dismay 4.422786030006847 16 full 17 of 4.573419715296982 18 dismay 19 at 1.8703353338474002 20 such 21 an 4.425485832252836 21 an 22 ending 4.709905074500675 22 ending 25 festival 11.923831417580438 22 ending 23 of 2.2044665508623495 22 ending 26 . 1.2611311294376897 24 their 25 festival 6.619610533268318 " i see aunt cinthy , and cousin hetty and there 's mose and amos . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 15 amos 2.1493187668711045 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 3 see 5 cinthy 7.674103533670266 4 aunt 5 cinthy 10.162705639111959 5 cinthy 9 hetty 15.069034114609522 5 cinthy 13 mose 13.851044499974453 5 cinthy 8 cousin 9.317942100184599 5 cinthy 7 and 3.7129936945143207 5 cinthy 6 , 2.7662319815855447 9 hetty 12 's 4.687516527546855 9 hetty 11 there 3.4041221335488565 9 hetty 10 and 1.8580035845384018 13 mose 15 amos 14.776448289637436 13 mose 14 and 3.0869733518633673 15 amos 16 . 0.5402411163899963 " oh , my patience ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 6 ! 2.9964053743846186 4 my 5 patience 3.274158605847447 5 patience 6 ! 1.5433935073774272 " hooray for pa ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hooray 2.6756421839692237 1 " 2 hooray 3.863205620232062 2 hooray 4 pa 9.987223831121469 2 hooray 3 for 5.751480192438287 2 hooray 5 ! 5.146860410361803 hooray for thanksgivin ' ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hooray 2.6756421839692237 1 hooray 3 thanksgivin 16.110413227061787 2 for 3 thanksgivin 6.546389550939018 3 thanksgivin 4 ' 5.3728112976994 3 thanksgivin 5 ! 5.255267114654455 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 " ain't gran'ma dead at all ? " asked sol , in the midst of the kissing and hand-shaking . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 sol 3.492008821029973 1 " 3 gran'ma 3.399004757446896 2 ain't 3 gran'ma 12.282188175034722 3 gran'ma 4 dead 11.241978734817074 3 gran'ma 5 at 6.116659855518236 5 at 6 all 3.215173700259159 7 ? 9 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 asked 10 sol 7.446255293826329 10 sol 19 hand-shaking 14.322532136186823 10 sol 11 , 2.762964267751631 12 in 14 midst 4.731128998604145 13 the 14 midst 3.958748899280849 14 midst 19 hand-shaking 10.683599012036655 14 midst 15 of 5.223667792194814 15 of 16 the 1.7361783602309693 17 kissing 19 hand-shaking 13.573221842810533 18 and 19 hand-shaking 4.235575182793891 19 hand-shaking 20 . 3.69080079296538 " bless your heart , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 " 2 bless 3.250086849970831 2 bless 4 heart 5.495373782785592 2 bless 3 your 4.367045022398841 2 bless 7 ! 3.2672595360584005 2 bless 5 , 1.182906117501492 6 no 7 ! 1.2661298822118603 it was all a mistake of old mr chadwick 's . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 10 's 2.8884519147935066 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 1 it 3 all 1.4560859051832526 1 it 11 . 0.47237242955592507 4 a 5 mistake 3.4852721316168314 5 mistake 9 chadwick 10.177380029545471 6 of 9 chadwick 2.6682184091170527 7 old 9 chadwick 6.416294221067602 8 mr 9 chadwick 8.821878700629473 9 chadwick 10 's 6.7553465234899726 mother was sittin ' up as chirk as you please , and dreadful sorry you didn't all come . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 you 0.5727680131397417 1 mother 3 sittin 6.481205528804203 2 was 3 sittin 4.970908915703877 3 sittin 5 up 5.730239639687483 3 sittin 4 ' 5.399441137582016 5 up 7 chirk 6.098273528636874 6 as 7 chirk 5.972431918639284 7 chirk 8 as 5.914620903492743 7 chirk 15 you 3.810993919858369 7 chirk 9 you 3.810993919858369 9 you 10 please 3.076251312369104 10 please 11 , 1.6920874838857536 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 dreadful 14 sorry 4.465535224510187 14 sorry 15 you 1.6150634210381192 15 you 18 come 1.9008837508152006 16 didn't 18 come 2.2804832927378698 17 all 18 come 0.1493475230088812 18 come 19 . -0.03318859871694535 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 " i never see onions cooked better . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 never 2.5602386484719286 3 never 5 onions 3.190883810055439 4 see 5 onions 4.790066916230742 5 onions 6 cooked 11.944483759456123 5 onions 7 better 5.958168768209887 5 onions 8 . 1.5640436506794408 it was speedily whisked out of sight , and all fell upon the pies , which were perfect . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 speedily 2.106047807944787 3 speedily 4 whisked 11.268175067732802 3 speedily 12 upon 5.042298119149841 3 speedily 19 . 1.017340890145757 4 whisked 5 out 5.930026738515274 4 whisked 7 sight 5.47148587713794 5 out 6 of 3.4530498390397675 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 11 fell 2.0029157958838546 9 and 10 all 0.5563689076507146 11 fell 12 upon 5.765745988331439 12 upon 16 which 2.8519893393446942 12 upon 13 the 2.122715375730218 14 pies 16 which 3.493292467969944 15 , 16 which 1.6914583310125977 16 which 17 were 1.8292152662290704 17 were 18 perfect 1.6649194584273097 but tilly and prue were much depressed , and didn't recover their spirits till the dinner was over and the evening fun well under way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 tilly 2.382874933220563 2 tilly 4 prue 11.234067379943074 3 and 4 prue 0.988296800988202 4 prue 6 much 3.7932698047906896 4 prue 5 were 3.301766976019948 6 much 7 depressed 6.786017681412037 6 much 22 fun 3.958157260263249 7 depressed 14 till 7.051308749798693 7 depressed 8 , 2.0868002110752535 7 depressed 9 and 2.030212067777832 10 didn't 11 recover 4.358109042381429 11 recover 13 spirits 7.780940661026651 11 recover 12 their 5.467246127693613 13 spirits 14 till 3.2087177822743485 14 till 21 evening 4.068258164970423 14 till 16 dinner 2.7613848917889747 14 till 15 the 1.381370430032126 16 dinner 18 over 2.558197248723367 16 dinner 17 was 1.7283615639727827 18 over 19 and 0.7695902788284386 20 the 21 evening 2.071819639721557 22 fun 26 . 1.0155143523137191 23 well 26 . -0.026310102986112582 24 under 25 way 1.3369659101260645 25 way 26 . 1.0608925922121735 " i was mad about the mistakes , but don't care enough to cry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 10 don't 3.775983377249961 3 was 4 mad 1.9971491192608504 4 mad 7 mistakes 5.271968524090166 4 mad 5 about 2.354151882710756 5 about 6 the 1.160436754070151 7 mistakes 10 don't 1.635817102976553 7 mistakes 9 but 2.281094941483385 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 10 don't 11 care 5.968149007361504 10 don't 14 cry 4.916547129845998 12 enough 13 to 3.249270357477684 13 to 14 cry 2.6848712619743083 14 cry 15 . 1.3491346039237193 i 'm laughing to think how gad fooled eph and i found him out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 'm 3 laughing 1.63788337179491 3 laughing 7 gad 6.602503343219535 3 laughing 15 . 1.4431202439415518 4 to 5 think 2.13283768461746 5 think 7 gad 4.970358608538561 6 how 7 gad 5.860980187444383 7 gad 9 eph 13.680767814043264 7 gad 8 fooled 13.031077710300451 9 eph 12 found 4.838013827343975 9 eph 10 and 1.5432741590320163 11 i 12 found 1.6287632867458086 12 found 14 out 4.149483717355103 12 found 13 him 2.215048400502397 it was real mean to frighten the little ones so , " laughed prue , as tilly gave a growl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 real 2.1276909013835876 3 real 9 ones 4.285958068654889 3 real 4 mean 4.077744941737894 4 mean 6 frighten 5.120215956645161 5 to 6 frighten 3.8006988348176947 7 the 9 ones 1.6013119190401497 8 little 9 ones 4.50386165275501 9 ones 14 prue 4.803540627656531 10 so 11 , -0.02329902129204342 11 , 14 prue 2.170160598608433 12 " 14 prue 2.236648301582271 13 laughed 14 prue 5.873209913089465 14 prue 17 tilly 7.4073750570088315 14 prue 15 , 1.9837050898476782 14 prue 21 . 1.7839101973568638 16 as 17 tilly 2.4174058733945856 17 tilly 20 growl 8.47235697852151 17 tilly 18 gave 5.107611115326776 19 a 20 growl 3.389817543381568 ii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ii 1.5363003315203905 1 ii 2 . 2.43494939123163 how it all happened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 1 how 4 happened 1.7782330605907646 2 it 4 happened 2.7561885700559774 3 all 4 happened 2.267226835896384 4 happened 5 . 1.1256307201023343 it was a small room , with nothing in it but a bed , two chairs , and a big chest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 a 1.8886187807073789 3 a 4 small 3.359229725467431 4 small 5 room 3.3431246610915295 5 room 16 chairs 5.777296364561387 5 room 7 with 2.0024027420955015 5 room 6 , 1.1267994169883533 8 nothing 9 in 1.1759931205929934 9 in 13 bed 2.6551405506960446 9 in 12 a 1.8422556623713398 10 it 12 a 0.237376577207014 11 but 12 a -0.2137829896541703 13 bed 16 chairs 3.722892743338658 13 bed 14 , 1.4553372464902061 15 two 16 chairs 6.732764708902366 16 chairs 21 chest 5.636909863358788 16 chairs 18 and 2.6469535514622926 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 19 a 20 big 2.623754828781985 20 big 21 chest 4.045407367976214 21 chest 22 . 1.6340610780620075 but the moon , pausing to peep , saw something pretty and heard something pleasant . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 5 pausing 2.3232859421606555 2 the 3 moon 3.302975506990691 3 moon 5 pausing 7.834616570665581 4 , 5 pausing 2.5574444425172516 5 pausing 7 peep 9.19128132028289 5 pausing 11 pretty 3.2830571238744533 5 pausing 15 pleasant 3.0735301405271613 5 pausing 9 saw 3.043398620764613 5 pausing 12 and 1.0368929417533792 5 pausing 16 . 0.8086226941508876 6 to 7 peep 2.5545845443005852 7 peep 8 , 1.4595604573449172 9 saw 10 something 3.9348013200044427 13 heard 14 something 2.6832149987325487 14 something 15 pleasant 4.610457937986055 " i 'm so glad we got our shirts done in time ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 5 glad 6.923260381899718 4 so 5 glad 4.331387854186895 5 glad 9 shirts 2.3761275324846203 6 we 7 got 2.8082379554282824 7 got 9 shirts 2.8086315124831067 8 our 9 shirts 4.86468234771176 9 shirts 10 done 5.574012389564057 9 shirts 13 ! 1.8949904081351612 9 shirts 12 time 1.0106660209130425 11 in 12 time 1.5593422122332719 " no ; but then we each made four , and fifty cents is a good deal of money . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 then 2.011859416218485 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 ; 2.2868163661968097 3 ; 5 then 2.3313224188236426 3 ; 4 but 3.9096191073889806 5 then 6 we 2.111130719215767 6 we 7 each 2.0238764973125463 7 each 13 cents 2.9964450498269777 8 made 13 cents 1.341955803534816 9 four 13 cents 7.5869123574098865 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 fifty 1.7344500425832017 12 fifty 13 cents 11.39345804847439 13 cents 17 deal 2.881618734514049 14 is 15 a 1.780232541631019 15 a 17 deal 3.97353149015923 16 good 17 deal 6.932663377866422 17 deal 18 of 3.6127099028613614 17 deal 19 money 2.920219398364093 19 money 20 . 1.040982066016788 are you sorry we didn't keep our quarters for ourselves ? " asked the other voice , with an under-tone of regret in it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.5727680131397417 1 are 2 you 2.7531147733288606 2 you 11 ? 1.9127300143977735 2 you 6 keep 1.6548314117324345 2 you 3 sorry 0.7178196875535114 4 we 6 keep 1.829589872155676 4 we 5 didn't 1.8159764746851756 6 keep 8 quarters 5.163599205517706 7 our 8 quarters 5.6046235552601615 8 quarters 10 ourselves 8.358351737227323 9 for 10 ourselves 3.6247840257528345 11 ? 13 asked 5.32511077011031 11 ? 12 " 4.126492033472207 13 asked 20 under-tone 4.486319545535785 13 asked 25 . 0.7779303217424687 14 the 15 other 2.632237772637371 15 other 20 under-tone 5.647629479174814 16 voice 20 under-tone 6.826412903632605 17 , 20 under-tone 0.9497101819158935 18 with 20 under-tone 5.524094643009921 19 an 20 under-tone 8.335392553253389 20 under-tone 22 regret 13.782167446387366 20 under-tone 21 of 5.310979481815114 20 under-tone 23 in 3.279321635636702 20 under-tone 24 it 0.571587172939374 i wish we had more toys to put on it , for it looks so small and mean with only three or four things . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wish 4.1420163738201445 2 wish 4 had 2.2628785950522428 2 wish 3 we 2.3530462152250884 4 had 6 toys 1.5739578494037012 5 more 6 toys 4.665859969579838 6 toys 12 for 2.2799204240960265 6 toys 8 put 4.620711657038413 6 toys 11 , 2.169150849448208 7 to 8 put 1.827647917189518 8 put 9 on 4.247911302351049 8 put 10 it 2.38203595349985 12 for 21 three 2.545939872925521 13 it 14 looks 2.7819429233632995 14 looks 21 three 2.1549618501187275 14 looks 15 so 3.059255606832913 15 so 16 small 3.0191626655964754 16 small 18 mean 1.4083047092135708 16 small 17 and 1.1042501055563427 19 with 21 three 1.2298158432347144 20 only 21 three 3.263490285808814 21 three 23 four 5.405444312761642 22 or 23 four 4.390669295736664 23 four 24 things 2.2567661102012124 24 things 25 . 0.9064950050479723 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 " it won't hold any more , so i wouldn't worry about it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 won't 1.0822886358220742 2 it 3 won't 1.9521548885547961 3 won't 11 worry 3.287774469833572 3 won't 5 any 3.236421923702249 3 won't 4 hold 3.2304626511649133 5 any 6 more 5.283241875426565 7 , 8 so 0.5181052447995267 8 so 11 worry 0.9697183953855202 9 i 10 wouldn't 3.0033732178159394 10 wouldn't 11 worry 5.200854268285191 11 worry 12 about 6.24175373455811 11 worry 14 . 1.153234722590934 12 about 13 it 2.9622318327423507 " are you crying , dolly ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 are 4 crying 3.2153603713889574 2 are 3 you 2.7531147733288606 4 crying 6 dolly 5.8041144618671865 4 crying 7 ? 2.1261377599595725 4 crying 5 , 1.0912183442543402 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 " not much , polly . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 polly 1.8540392527751308 2 not 3 much 2.2872653795137445 3 much 5 polly 1.9940482482359023 4 , 5 polly 0.65123540838945 6 . 7 " 4.427730590569535 " what makes you , dear ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 4 you 2.1286949378242674 2 what 3 makes 3.875114861943281 4 you 7 ? 1.9127300143977735 5 , 6 dear 2.1348010320746766 6 dear 7 ? 1.8736933999273528 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 " it 's dreadful ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 3 's 4 dreadful 2.4714327613628093 4 dreadful 5 ! 2.2788539449421563 you know we said we wouldn't seem to mind not having any christmas , she felt so sorry about it . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 wouldn't 0.598663728170056 1 you 6 wouldn't 2.414161951576226 1 you 2 know 3.724341505433399 2 know 5 we 0.5793085485675498 2 know 3 we 0.5793085485675498 2 know 4 said -1.05282405827122 6 wouldn't 9 mind 5.126385031930379 7 seem 9 mind 3.970656254529164 7 seem 8 to 3.7379420949625306 9 mind 11 having 2.777749945536378 9 mind 19 about 2.1967992842384803 9 mind 14 , 1.1986827659002994 9 mind 21 . 0.9633141037631088 10 not 11 having 2.028739171626107 11 having 13 christmas 3.456994737163349 12 any 13 christmas 2.565463664507778 15 she 16 felt 3.135735255876826 16 felt 19 about 1.1354276260431888 16 felt 18 sorry 5.046311248377272 17 so 18 sorry 3.560316495605882 19 about 20 it 2.9622318327423507 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 " i must cry , but i 'll be quiet . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 must 2.6979915005595725 3 must 9 be 4.732993294342485 3 must 4 cry 1.6077468832097033 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 6 but 7 i 2.212975893494237 7 i 8 'll 3.9881635767091375 8 'll 9 be 3.8712942113240665 9 be 10 quiet 3.4117709933913076 11 . 12 " 4.427730590569535 when the shower was over , the faces came out shining like roses after rain , and the voices went on again as before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 15 rain 1.2669211996205085 2 the 15 rain 2.6407142829350647 3 shower 9 came 6.204231623313596 3 shower 15 rain 5.9069546235945225 3 shower 5 over 5.06130306379406 3 shower 4 was 2.5801584052007875 5 over 7 the 1.9686375213821936 5 over 6 , -0.22865706252003193 8 faces 9 came 1.9028963706718223 9 came 10 out 3.4742991718659297 11 shining 13 roses 5.415358218572759 11 shining 12 like 3.261966011366617 13 roses 15 rain 4.782611582271841 14 after 15 rain 3.478443078310942 15 rain 19 voices 1.6736234260320977 15 rain 17 and 1.0734852440586522 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 the 19 voices 1.791270290040142 19 voices 20 went 3.1250151445498524 20 went 21 on 4.063278055453239 20 went 22 again 1.7748494635486018 22 again 25 . 1.9785978324909212 22 again 24 before 1.2413496725505375 23 as 24 before 1.7183460572402058 " yes , indeed ; but we didn't hang up any stockings , you know , because mother had nothing to put in them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 5 ; 3.4059650251588423 2 yes 4 indeed 4.667161160069302 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 5 ; 6 but 3.9096191073889806 6 but 7 we 1.8096392746097631 7 we 9 hang 2.8940355699103577 8 didn't 9 hang 3.1096425777292325 9 hang 12 stockings 7.0174783602705695 9 hang 10 up 3.7347149803478032 9 hang 24 them 3.458119442029222 11 any 12 stockings 2.8252481116065056 13 , 17 because 1.6958237297286516 14 you 15 know 3.724341505433399 15 know 17 because 0.6155746430409259 16 , 17 because 1.6958237297286516 17 because 19 had 1.6194573484284547 18 mother 19 had 1.6414333651560504 19 had 22 put 1.9056924558705326 19 had 20 nothing 1.9752491273083184 20 nothing 21 to 1.9406230234290707 22 put 24 them 2.9723503638248268 22 put 23 in 2.415743585244602 24 them 25 . 1.434008771759407 it does seem as if rich people might think of poor people now and then . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 then 2.011859416218485 1 it 3 seem 2.610307448561482 2 does 3 seem 6.246225950999584 3 seem 4 as 2.5133963940563575 3 seem 9 think 2.512016868570573 4 as 5 if 4.06288549053939 6 rich 7 people 4.423846385025978 7 people 9 think 2.5504748472122323 8 might 9 think 1.963642185556484 9 think 10 of 2.7005440226130197 10 of 12 people 1.1748172884310844 11 poor 12 people 3.0195821542979218 13 now 15 then 1.48201276528129 14 and 15 then 2.4133610488576807 15 then 16 . -0.8938437122351015 " i shall when i 'm rich , like mr chrome and miss kent . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 6 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 i 3 shall 3.5779822205352936 4 when 5 i 2.1674352707413114 5 i 6 'm 4.8883536268785885 6 'm 11 chrome 4.8257521540621084 7 rich 11 chrome 8.679008327144903 7 rich 8 , 1.107503038200445 9 like 11 chrome 5.471767195230534 10 mr 11 chrome 8.8884764493585 11 chrome 14 kent 11.93810442557734 11 chrome 12 and 3.392842605833721 13 miss 14 kent 7.624854273569014 14 kent 15 . 0.33824769225100226 i shall go round every christmas with a big basket of goodies , and give all the poor children some . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shall 3 go 3.678309469971108 3 go 4 round 2.559693438736197 4 round 6 christmas 2.461083045211087 5 every 6 christmas 3.649144879871969 6 christmas 10 basket 4.942172174978694 7 with 8 a 2.5677995362572403 8 a 9 big 2.623754828781985 9 big 10 basket 5.061170867868036 10 basket 12 goodies 7.978592344243612 10 basket 21 . 1.1125388988762062 11 of 12 goodies 4.529792740854486 12 goodies 15 give 3.8603689266334484 12 goodies 16 all 3.3062112797538745 12 goodies 13 , 2.4762176716204856 12 goodies 19 children 2.2914255258141267 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 17 the 19 children 2.226122194690296 18 poor 19 children 3.5239536549320682 19 children 20 some 0.030560940690001814 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 " p'r'aps if we sew ever so many flannel shirts we may be rich by-and-by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 p'r'aps 2.1367775159119553 1 " 2 p'r'aps 4.035895050211913 2 p'r'aps 4 we 5.883210398270258 2 p'r'aps 3 if 4.991111814383768 4 we 5 sew 3.1078916044518436 5 sew 9 flannel 7.857930287185422 5 sew 6 ever 4.03117510962122 5 sew 16 . 1.471966191042121 7 so 8 many 4.468775380005679 8 many 9 flannel 5.956808786288267 9 flannel 10 shirts 12.53329957795454 9 flannel 15 by-and-by 6.870530866351086 10 shirts 12 may 3.6265140927999155 11 we 12 may 3.272505289988983 12 may 13 be 4.748067582114405 14 rich 15 by-and-by 6.733396260967901 i should give mother a new bonnet first of all , for i heard miss kent say no lady would wear such a shabby one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 14 heard 2.3251887006682743 1 i 2 should 3.1313258255578216 2 should 3 give 2.1350217061236876 3 give 5 a 1.7442631023793531 3 give 4 mother 0.6193596571738631 5 a 6 new 3.1188611850141097 6 new 7 bonnet 6.139791697663494 7 bonnet 8 first 4.123717890806741 7 bonnet 11 , 1.31918636634515 7 bonnet 12 for 0.7157493246250368 8 first 9 of 1.2256658703150727 9 of 10 all 0.9794806963304232 13 i 14 heard 2.3251887006682743 14 heard 16 kent 3.1516222794400974 15 miss 16 kent 7.624854273569014 16 kent 21 wear 4.69313031082282 16 kent 17 say 4.663224914561454 16 kent 19 lady 3.43477606867199 16 kent 18 no 1.8447950397871864 20 would 21 wear 2.704307067963125 21 wear 24 shabby 7.487622443326604 22 such 24 shabby 3.622763571037531 22 such 23 a 4.1090062073831 24 shabby 25 one 2.4670410699857825 24 shabby 26 . 0.40563124808813456 mrs smith said fine bonnets didn't make real ladies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mrs 0.8965289384712669 1 mrs 2 smith 6.289584233781277 2 smith 5 bonnets 9.561698358622106 3 said 5 bonnets 2.1627067652282186 4 fine 5 bonnets 8.63374693731241 5 bonnets 9 ladies 7.044626936223626 5 bonnets 8 real 6.191314592332596 5 bonnets 6 didn't 6.185815821637892 5 bonnets 7 make 5.811132204315779 9 ladies 10 . 0.6930088874338018 i like her best , but i do want a locket like miss kent 's . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 like 1.8452377368031634 2 like 14 kent 2.196889242182081 3 her 11 locket 4.031063567603692 3 her 4 best 2.114922983266922 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 6 but 7 i 2.212975893494237 7 i 9 want 3.664680761588448 8 do 9 want 3.1786546271867007 9 want 11 locket 4.571584836983526 10 a 11 locket 3.1058661728511296 11 locket 14 kent 8.98107318592124 11 locket 12 like 4.130280537646357 13 miss 14 kent 7.624854273569014 14 kent 15 's 2.1605925203589713 14 kent 16 . 0.33824769225100226 16 . 17 " 4.427730590569535 " it will take us a long while to get rich , i 'm afraid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 13 i 2.219663534593389 2 it 3 will 1.8855494822263612 3 will 4 take 3.72405834524303 4 take 7 long 2.5031975080325566 4 take 5 us 2.598945945310799 6 a 7 long 3.157037023158921 7 long 8 while 4.323084263063251 8 while 13 i 1.651822253651476 9 to 10 get 3.0881891887949813 10 get 11 rich 3.000408876263858 11 rich 12 , 1.107503038200445 12 , 13 i 0.883559295304277 13 i 14 'm 4.8883536268785885 14 'm 15 afraid 6.639309183047294 15 afraid 16 . 0.5373506505180714 it makes me tired to think of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 makes 3.489741270710958 2 makes 3 me 4.836274448972718 2 makes 6 think 3.175478690845818 2 makes 4 tired 2.0631058935686184 5 to 6 think 2.13283768461746 6 think 7 of 2.7005440226130197 6 think 8 it 2.3531048070763934 8 it 9 . 0.47237242955592507 i guess we 'd better go to sleep now , dear . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 4 'd 3.910051988282767 1 i 2 guess 4.484846112989166 2 guess 3 we 3.3486540410347168 4 'd 5 better 6.323799329954605 5 better 6 go 3.460153095486543 5 better 9 now 2.080692335879533 6 go 8 sleep 3.452773801745977 7 to 8 sleep 3.55230212057757 9 now 10 , 1.683986876826845 10 , 11 dear 2.1348010320746766 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 " good-night , dolly . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 good-night 2.0380048974951563 2 good-night 4 dolly 8.965615677292256 2 good-night 3 , 2.6532277232675057 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " good-night , polly . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 good-night 2.0380048974951563 2 good-night 4 polly 6.715250604159337 2 good-night 3 , 2.6532277232675057 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " poor little things ! they think i 'm rich , and envy me , when i 'm only a milliner earning my living . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 poor 0.9636415118836599 2 poor 3 little 4.2134089568707775 2 poor 4 things 2.316196286016325 2 poor 5 ! 1.8892325208453151 6 they 7 think 0.6043500171904839 7 think 8 i 2.0095386172877117 8 i 9 'm 4.8883536268785885 9 'm 21 milliner 4.3918464069417205 9 'm 10 rich 3.4240084171080873 10 rich 12 and 1.874071818285902 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 envy 21 milliner 9.660335680764273 14 me 21 milliner 2.078619392130836 14 me 15 , 1.0369336845536683 16 when 17 i 2.1674352707413114 17 i 18 'm 4.8883536268785885 18 'm 21 milliner 4.3918464069417205 19 only 21 milliner 6.209445924397684 20 a 21 milliner 4.66506821002638 21 milliner 22 earning 16.153313270323274 22 earning 24 living 8.807219806336974 22 earning 23 my 4.743870955334334 24 living 25 . 0.8081266471286028 i ought to have taken more notice of them , for their mother has a hard time , i fancy , but never complains . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 4 have 2.72146406531475 2 ought 4 have 3.4290757359114963 2 ought 3 to 4.64611075440442 4 have 5 taken 4.364707595495123 5 taken 12 their 2.0936103226358895 5 taken 7 notice 4.688138802471087 6 more 7 notice 1.989615105211879 7 notice 8 of 3.251280037329984 7 notice 9 them 3.2234533530453504 9 them 10 , 0.8130704585028692 11 for 12 their 1.5184388402180726 12 their 13 mother 2.97984826253591 13 mother 24 complains 2.2203262875929646 13 mother 14 has 2.10109082829506 15 a 16 hard 1.800200398519701 16 hard 24 complains 4.804258028229469 16 hard 17 time 2.8470132392249035 18 , 19 i 0.883559295304277 19 i 20 fancy 2.12015395428989 20 fancy 24 complains 6.919534943906257 21 , 22 but 2.1164801018826633 22 but 24 complains 2.8429656313572416 23 never 24 complains 6.278294554346637 24 complains 25 . 1.697798519090199 i can give the children some of the things they want anyhow , and i will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 11 want 3.664680761588448 1 i 2 can 3.0357047137007545 1 i 16 will 2.6445045424929425 2 can 3 give 2.9950301635949046 3 give 6 some 3.060347103867425 3 give 5 children 1.3053430603899088 4 the 5 children 2.226122194690296 6 some 9 things 3.014291254752152 6 some 7 of 2.3843911353107163 7 of 8 the 1.7361783602309693 10 they 11 want 1.29301217837752 11 want 12 anyhow 2.0489493000350976 12 anyhow 13 , 2.8242691560504376 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 will 2.6445045424929425 16 will 17 . -0.6713919242000586 the idea of those mites making a fortune out of shirts at six cents apiece ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 idea 2.344607158804452 2 idea 3 of 3.139039383082247 3 of 5 mites 3.2402192983164113 4 those 5 mites 9.433824994656039 5 mites 15 apiece 11.92210097009318 5 mites 11 shirts 11.588327080600173 5 mites 6 making 10.391854865241658 5 mites 8 fortune 10.262744407756468 5 mites 10 of 4.278509678296924 5 mites 9 out 3.7251670104766887 6 making 7 a 2.9533001138275523 11 shirts 12 at 1.8722053285232398 13 six 15 apiece 7.924134592936809 14 cents 15 apiece 11.670739576809098 15 apiece 16 ! 2.474197594239673 16 ! 17 " 3.7411945146373657 miss kent laughed at the innocent delusion , but sympathized with her little neighbors , for she knew all about hard times . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 but 1.636192966547803 1 miss 2 kent 7.624854273569014 2 kent 3 laughed 6.461838731609042 3 laughed 4 at 4.479148120218543 4 at 5 the 1.91018759410656 5 the 7 delusion 2.290617169548792 6 innocent 7 delusion 11.094104273164263 7 delusion 9 but 3.0367688070421153 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 9 but 10 sympathized 3.005635649854149 9 but 17 she 1.9359797190744636 10 sympathized 11 with 6.281439431011819 10 sympathized 12 her 3.3903339882818884 12 her 14 neighbors 1.69757268482644 13 little 14 neighbors 1.7933085176061425 14 neighbors 15 , 1.0230542475739348 15 , 16 for 0.7095869605262024 17 she 18 knew 3.0612603029115455 18 knew 20 about 2.874909484492502 19 all 20 about 3.5944086066832757 20 about 22 times 0.4566279356689229 21 hard 22 times 5.635148038683035 22 times 23 . 0.810975885441481 she had good wages now , but spent them on herself , and liked to be fine rather than neat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 had 2.8847648049781967 2 had 4 wages 1.8782127339932622 3 good 4 wages 5.298005174440391 4 wages 5 now 3.610825286725678 4 wages 16 be 2.4461011618529156 4 wages 10 on 2.115420882536416 4 wages 12 , 1.473238345997295 5 now 6 , 1.683986876826845 6 , 7 but 2.1164801018826633 8 spent 10 on 1.3638598403122053 8 spent 9 them 1.4995789566501827 11 herself 12 , 0.7116174988392654 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 liked 15 to 2.337878196843292 15 to 16 be 3.101474476606974 16 be 20 neat 2.6658355583859397 17 fine 20 neat 2.4947227326472614 18 rather 20 neat 4.649113495832875 18 rather 19 than 4.420382433663178 20 neat 21 . 0.7478818881726426 " if i hadn't spent all my money on my dress for the party to-morrow night , i 'd give each of them a half-dollar . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 if 1.1522004282395546 2 if 4 hadn't 4.415096632309236 3 i 4 hadn't 2.548928536811646 4 hadn't 5 spent 4.246829575355875 5 spent 6 all 3.435517859794153 6 all 7 my 1.7665028358195993 7 my 14 party 1.7432694101476187 7 my 8 money 2.85513076706415 9 on 13 the 2.3827313113897173 9 on 10 my 1.881212518050269 10 my 11 dress 3.399552192727235 11 dress 12 for 2.2353027519488293 13 the 14 party 2.2853252987098642 14 party 25 half-dollar 8.45422852609751 15 to-morrow 25 half-dollar 8.838183864279326 15 to-morrow 16 night 5.486927990107141 15 to-morrow 17 , 1.3842184008039524 18 i 19 'd 3.910051988282767 19 'd 25 half-dollar 5.882887081111875 20 give 25 half-dollar 6.012014452670801 21 each 25 half-dollar 6.85760072040215 22 of 23 them 2.4782763751918484 23 them 25 half-dollar 6.835318233730035 24 a 25 half-dollar 4.879295920507367 25 half-dollar 26 . 3.69080079296538 he soon saw , and watched her with pleasure , thinking that she never looked prettier than now . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 6 watched 2.662570068240626 1 he 3 saw 3.236304797324573 2 soon 3 saw 2.7089860708325375 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 watched 2.3517708176750176 6 watched 7 her 3.028687906127214 7 her 9 pleasure 1.2109123935529915 8 with 9 pleasure 4.252821302582607 9 pleasure 16 prettier 2.805959065557076 9 pleasure 19 . 1.4370962582020876 9 pleasure 10 , 1.0290591596035341 11 thinking 16 prettier 3.1826237975097733 11 thinking 12 that 2.197438057834912 13 she 15 looked 2.8418734783463435 13 she 14 never 2.1023972615195223 15 looked 16 prettier 4.1258700479014685 16 prettier 17 than 7.715331734396777 16 prettier 18 now 3.385923206385037 then she said good-night , and both went into their rooms , she to sleep happily , and he to smoke as usual . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 7 both 2.109477091253776 1 then 2 she 2.632692636526217 2 she 3 said 2.5314486588783307 3 said 4 good-night 2.6031989458771676 4 good-night 5 , 2.6532277232675057 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 both 11 rooms 4.555023570122508 7 both 8 went 1.966427238999529 8 went 9 into 4.00080543101461 10 their 11 rooms 4.528201106244325 11 rooms 23 usual 4.246083549985144 11 rooms 12 , 1.164616163148228 11 rooms 13 she 0.8301934750459772 14 to 15 sleep 3.55230212057757 15 sleep 16 happily 4.738832760394391 16 happily 21 smoke 3.774070987159515 16 happily 19 he 1.1301004033900632 16 happily 17 , 0.8444218467682774 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 20 to 21 smoke 1.763851512690465 21 smoke 23 usual 5.049309737416596 22 as 23 usual 5.731507000585337 23 usual 24 . 1.2649709159739881 the house was very quiet when mrs smith , the landlady , came up to turn off the gas . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 8 smith 2.6536358705376415 1 the 2 house 2.6929789736134584 2 house 5 quiet 2.256272940417375 3 was 4 very 2.85037252061154 4 very 5 quiet 4.160801369360925 6 when 7 mrs 1.539875885548291 7 mrs 8 smith 6.289584233781277 8 smith 11 landlady 9.585838504218025 8 smith 9 , 1.501792491413827 10 the 11 landlady 2.011608368730986 11 landlady 19 gas 10.607833724139056 11 landlady 13 came 5.055539014975363 11 landlady 12 , 2.275557076453147 13 came 14 up 3.1743119356962133 13 came 15 to 2.588720125212861 16 turn 19 gas 6.819810624719036 17 off 19 gas 5.590766031396388 18 the 19 gas 3.562023778342219 19 gas 20 . 1.2539369312333584 i meant to give those children each a cake to-morrow , they are such good little things . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 meant 2.1596431094157644 2 meant 3 to 3.389811302187553 3 to 4 give 2.710356654166908 4 give 9 cake 2.2937076846532776 4 give 14 such 1.3309276640788283 5 those 6 children 4.454763135909751 6 children 7 each 1.3685447859300837 7 each 9 cake 3.937660091214976 8 a 9 cake 2.123644758093075 9 cake 10 to-morrow 5.168124106344564 10 to-morrow 11 , 1.3842184008039524 12 they 13 are 3.993263810226807 13 are 14 such 1.9633483591877905 14 such 17 things 5.16708306094675 15 good 17 things 2.909750239072519 16 little 17 things 1.8195577459843584 17 things 18 . 0.9064950050479723 i 'll run down and get them now , as my contribution to this fine set out . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 6 get 4.028391659423832 2 'll 3 run 3.0948565790155165 3 run 4 down 3.888130946704834 4 down 5 and 1.1807741666258558 6 get 17 out 3.1611153256524513 7 them 12 contribution 1.724669041603331 8 now 12 contribution 2.7306713936080556 8 now 9 , 1.683986876826845 10 as 12 contribution 4.052050819745652 11 my 12 contribution 5.8480498589105245 12 contribution 15 fine 5.633659446444387 12 contribution 16 set 5.156904933329486 12 contribution 13 to 3.8124083353606686 12 contribution 14 this 2.9658707612509048 16 set 17 out 5.208716638782668 17 out 18 . 0.3541673997562711 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 away trotted mrs smith to her pantry , and picked out a couple of tempting cakes , shaped like hearts and full of plums . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 trotted -0.2572254648933203 1 away 2 trotted 2.9078970267348865 2 trotted 5 to 1.6476932844970058 2 trotted 4 smith 8.422594046903683 3 mrs 4 smith 6.289584233781277 5 to 6 her 1.4090049423748106 6 her 16 cakes 1.6721412652341279 7 pantry 15 tempting 6.132567626725795 7 pantry 9 and 1.630455892269218 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 picked 1.6421273619665406 10 picked 11 out 4.275850540936858 12 a 13 couple 3.967027290643916 13 couple 15 tempting 8.456727774158399 13 couple 14 of 4.073494165293564 15 tempting 16 cakes 11.507208802081749 16 cakes 18 shaped 11.6734530389652 17 , 18 shaped 1.3266993623770453 18 shaped 24 plums 8.78177178808799 18 shaped 20 hearts 8.148806958890379 18 shaped 19 like 7.095199489208969 18 shaped 22 full 5.133037178363388 20 hearts 21 and 0.5995369527294621 22 full 23 of 4.573419715296982 24 plums 25 . 1.4541945124092308 her heart was very heavy that night , because it was the first christmas she had ever known without gifts and festivity of some sort . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.5695174840046828 1 her 2 heart 3.6654782209903978 2 heart 3 was 1.504202410988487 3 was 4 very 2.85037252061154 4 very 13 first 1.880274588214533 4 very 5 heavy 4.352981332939898 5 heavy 9 because 1.5347768875439947 6 that 7 night 3.023555029810643 7 night 9 because 2.3300312782096206 8 , 9 because 1.6958237297286516 9 because 10 it 1.8605188477700576 10 it 11 was 2.951169375325321 12 the 13 first 2.7063148429468846 13 first 14 christmas 4.6217247983882075 14 christmas 20 gifts 7.732856489510336 15 she 16 had 2.8847648049781967 16 had 18 known 4.5825668599533085 17 ever 18 known 4.660387974931542 18 known 20 gifts 4.381449750603075 19 without 20 gifts 5.493644469326355 20 gifts 22 festivity 11.337817701565172 20 gifts 26 . 1.1500792457130302 21 and 22 festivity 2.522469052816639 22 festivity 25 sort 6.797597627787361 22 festivity 24 some 5.829984346722647 22 festivity 23 of 3.261336968320368 her windows were full of flowers , for the delicate tastes of the poor lady found great comfort in their beauty . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 tastes -0.01993873115612388 1 her 10 delicate 2.3418833873194735 2 windows 4 full 4.587257276405914 2 windows 3 were 3.567094140845576 4 full 10 delicate 4.880915514977339 4 full 5 of 4.573419715296982 4 full 6 flowers 3.7491440487489776 6 flowers 7 , 1.0886353827662951 8 for 10 delicate 1.6025658954627104 9 the 10 delicate 1.089566328345434 10 delicate 11 tastes 9.576356506179632 11 tastes 18 comfort 4.896403023295957 11 tastes 15 lady 4.20799853674454 11 tastes 14 poor 4.146900233509019 11 tastes 21 beauty 3.9155805873925082 11 tastes 12 of 2.652809841809262 11 tastes 22 . 0.9821871433785887 13 the 14 poor 1.805152091273703 16 found 18 comfort 3.681775356120518 17 great 18 comfort 5.361201902813946 19 in 20 their 2.25825096326969 20 their 21 beauty 3.198833928811311 they slept now , dreaming of a sunny morrow as they sat safely sheltered from the bitter cold . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 slept 2.0832196645341448 3 now 5 dreaming 1.103937714289895 3 now 4 , 1.683986876826845 5 dreaming 17 bitter 2.155417197259723 5 dreaming 6 of 2.0449211019385025 5 dreaming 19 . 1.5714005410658736 7 a 8 sunny 3.0516465361186036 8 sunny 9 morrow 10.167761771808706 9 morrow 14 sheltered 9.808843854235118 9 morrow 11 they 3.330382656296411 10 as 11 they 2.4850506942239843 12 sat 14 sheltered 5.608024811455714 13 safely 14 sheltered 10.938000314760647 14 sheltered 17 bitter 7.877027177272154 14 sheltered 15 from 5.070748961394067 15 from 16 the 2.186392757534639 17 bitter 18 cold 7.739731030610372 dolly opened the door , and started back with a cry of astonishment at the lovely spectacle before her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dolly 1.0412237253746497 1 dolly 2 opened 7.324991047737893 2 opened 3 the 2.118592876454013 3 the 17 spectacle 2.538803216520023 3 the 4 door 3.3857687040391102 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 started 2.1113012208292723 7 started 8 back 4.344102102272814 8 back 17 spectacle 1.8689233399442493 9 with 13 astonishment 3.8484326142195755 9 with 10 a 2.5677995362572403 11 cry 13 astonishment 5.0043933223002846 12 of 13 astonishment 1.9782330486131272 13 astonishment 17 spectacle 7.175285633051196 14 at 17 spectacle 3.1681474276649517 15 the 17 spectacle 2.538803216520023 16 lovely 17 spectacle 7.53626413154166 17 spectacle 18 before 5.157116267508268 17 spectacle 20 . 1.222215136198237 18 before 19 her 1.8578919269602494 the other people had taken in their gifts , so nothing destroyed the magnificent effect of the treasures so curiously collected in the night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 other 2.632237772637371 2 other 12 destroyed 1.6313914873779325 2 other 3 people 5.928790782099828 4 had 5 taken 4.532942942317083 5 taken 7 their 2.0936103226358895 6 in 7 their 2.25825096326969 7 their 12 destroyed 2.383935373413202 7 their 8 gifts 6.162022875448692 8 gifts 9 , 1.2906683561683359 10 so 12 destroyed 1.7904114096162935 11 nothing 12 destroyed 4.852330518136334 12 destroyed 14 magnificent 8.792003379002011 12 destroyed 25 . 1.8020657590984008 12 destroyed 13 the 1.0124231589939399 14 magnificent 21 collected 6.727036918692228 14 magnificent 15 effect 6.957703421857911 15 effect 16 of 3.401478366551107 16 of 17 the 1.7361783602309693 18 treasures 21 collected 7.9585093712741255 18 treasures 19 so 2.2518597321963476 20 curiously 21 collected 9.887583038555253 21 collected 24 night 2.1966823404234326 21 collected 22 in 1.8831421321582553 22 in 23 the 2.2179054533910225 " mrs smith was one fairy , i guess , and miss kent was another , for that is her apron . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mrs 1.574455080383908 2 mrs 13 kent 6.579245961168539 2 mrs 3 smith 6.289584233781277 3 smith 10 , 1.501792491413827 3 smith 7 , 1.501792491413827 3 smith 4 was 1.36899277360056 5 one 6 fairy 0.8761454454990911 6 fairy 7 , 0.9187479681954969 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 9 guess 4.484846112989166 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 miss 13 kent 7.624854273569014 13 kent 21 apron 5.465726322506804 13 kent 14 was 1.9611740781870743 15 another 21 apron 4.740519989692768 16 , 17 for 0.7095869605262024 17 for 20 her 1.5684101338486194 17 for 18 that 0.5309088436765332 18 that 19 is 2.4065579718386285 20 her 21 apron 4.563551401453058 21 apron 22 . 0.8850934101514127 " oh , i 'm so glad ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 i 5 'm 4.8883536268785885 5 'm 7 glad 6.923260381899718 6 so 7 glad 4.331387854186895 7 glad 8 ! 1.1983287236515316 now we shall have a christmas like other people , and i 'll never say again that rich folks don't remember poor folks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 2 we 2.006852862427669 2 we 3 shall 4.303303749124435 3 shall 4 have 3.5525971328812247 4 have 5 a 1.62890695095534 5 a 6 christmas 2.348488876661296 6 christmas 8 other 0.8069967257931161 7 like 8 other 2.776474248491489 8 other 23 folks 5.108615281083047 8 other 9 people 5.928790782099828 8 other 24 . 0.887157797703594 9 people 15 say 3.084769463970108 10 , 12 i 0.883559295304277 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 i 13 'll 3.9881635767091375 13 'll 15 say 2.3348244019229476 13 'll 14 never 3.3918854893401615 15 say 17 that 2.459728455380187 15 say 16 again 1.1388866094084058 18 rich 19 folks 5.939769087334938 18 rich 23 folks 5.939769087334938 19 folks 20 don't 2.3351887198753154 20 don't 21 remember 4.003742656822038 22 poor 23 folks 3.3493848201400205 they were very jolly at dinner , and talked a good deal about the blakes , who ate in their own rooms . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 were 4.740392399536562 2 were 3 very 2.6203188788723217 3 very 11 good 3.4412883832925854 4 jolly 11 good 4.312440963835588 4 jolly 6 dinner 3.56760104944059 5 at 6 dinner 1.906081452824857 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 talked 2.1836548460495564 9 talked 11 good 2.2692536555910188 10 a 11 good 3.137938933287751 11 good 12 deal 6.932663377866422 12 deal 15 blakes 9.272304740832631 13 about 15 blakes 5.954697334618807 14 the 15 blakes 3.8373726043380962 15 blakes 18 ate 9.51092513907669 15 blakes 22 rooms 9.489676889527974 15 blakes 17 who 6.3921219489958006 15 blakes 21 own 5.1697876350187215 15 blakes 16 , 2.180137511374461 19 in 20 their 2.25825096326969 20 their 21 own 4.900351575019757 22 rooms 23 . 0.9960466717099585 " put it in the back parlor . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 put -0.20131980543673222 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 put 4 in 2.415743585244602 2 put 3 it 2.38203595349985 4 in 7 parlor 2.6122877494805614 5 the 7 parlor 3.5333029299907857 6 back 7 parlor 4.202337673014313 7 parlor 8 . 1.3977301606949517 and miss kent looked so gay and pretty as she spoke that mr chrome made up his mind that millinery must be a delightful occupation . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 so 0.7526101009878854 1 and 4 looked 2.145018121918154 2 miss 3 kent 7.624854273569014 3 kent 4 looked 4.5302196457772546 4 looked 5 so 2.0202795633142525 5 so 12 that 1.9083872768765584 5 so 6 gay 2.867842296630169 6 gay 8 pretty 3.2954589528840508 6 gay 7 and 2.1107003131149504 6 gay 9 as 1.7880555326412129 9 as 11 spoke 3.3082022798602466 10 she 11 spoke 3.668490535663933 12 that 14 chrome 4.199414303184739 13 mr 14 chrome 8.8884764493585 14 chrome 20 millinery 15.419663435307875 14 chrome 25 occupation 12.29326372149593 14 chrome 15 made 7.590381826043245 14 chrome 16 up 4.829201770324403 17 his 18 mind 3.5570226541794163 18 mind 20 millinery 7.674146238233181 19 that 20 millinery 4.780638080917601 20 millinery 21 must 7.6945650295970935 21 must 22 be 4.732993294342485 23 a 24 delightful 2.8155696274686406 24 delightful 25 occupation 9.65231294225072 25 occupation 26 . 1.4313776406839622 " come on then , ladies , and we 'll have a little frolic . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 then 2.011859416218485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 come 0.8127329163777777 2 come 3 on 1.8613215985555698 4 then 14 frolic 1.691563198974837 4 then 5 , 0.6831779581792361 6 ladies 14 frolic 2.6057254965252454 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 14 frolic 2.0790312732922622 9 we 10 'll 4.426023306559921 10 'll 11 have 3.5788491711794936 11 have 14 frolic 2.8608140177743024 12 a 14 frolic 3.7298730124276567 12 a 13 little 3.3978459531370575 14 frolic 15 . 1.357230585303224 i 'm a lonely old bachelor , with nowhere to go to-day , and i 'd like some fun . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 'm 6 bachelor 0.5838159077044089 3 a 6 bachelor 3.9611101649367626 4 lonely 6 bachelor 8.372096296209683 5 old 6 bachelor 6.931822453023507 6 bachelor 8 with 2.3062354813076595 6 bachelor 20 . 1.4802194895325478 6 bachelor 7 , 1.155273736385059 8 with 18 some 1.5182945776688843 9 nowhere 12 to-day 4.354671413541219 9 nowhere 10 to 3.4227027670338295 10 to 11 go 2.737518368320032 12 to-day 13 , 1.45484442052933 13 , 15 i 0.883559295304277 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 'd 3.910051988282767 16 'd 17 like 4.761042799213955 17 like 18 some 1.460153420954402 18 some 19 fun 4.07742666412728 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 " look in the browns ' back parlor ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 look 5 browns 3.681234981087904 2 look 9 ! 1.4720074665955032 3 in 4 the 2.2179054533910225 4 the 5 browns 2.587062353850225 5 browns 8 parlor 10.144473841859831 5 browns 7 back 5.0118798335655725 5 browns 6 ' 3.5761954288250806 9 ! 10 " 3.7411945146373657 mrs blake put on her neat bonnet , and was so gratified that miss kent thought it the most successful one she ever trimmed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mrs 0.8965289384712669 1 mrs 2 blake 6.569797514388235 1 mrs 15 kent 6.579245961168539 2 blake 3 put 6.048808517809132 3 put 5 her 2.8439570583842624 3 put 4 on 4.247911302351049 5 her 7 bonnet 4.419849096573124 6 neat 7 bonnet 8.842473718885227 7 bonnet 9 and 1.8106475042434163 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 was 12 gratified 2.761371757936466 11 so 12 gratified 2.8870947715516984 12 gratified 14 miss 4.862372543410661 12 gratified 13 that 1.9412494870724117 14 miss 15 kent 7.624854273569014 15 kent 24 trimmed 8.080614057502736 15 kent 16 thought 4.1664394475681625 16 thought 17 it 2.142713400243972 18 the 19 most 2.5442703083276843 19 most 20 successful 7.358689784060765 20 successful 24 trimmed 8.673043007687493 20 successful 21 one 2.6208352189568167 22 she 24 trimmed 1.6320072158095016 23 ever 24 trimmed 5.623906521197785 24 trimmed 25 . 1.5885145083984327 but as they tied their round caps dolly said , thoughtfully : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 3 they 1.7408553076905537 2 as 3 they 2.4850506942239843 3 they 4 tied 1.2548286062130245 4 tied 7 caps 6.147738893311708 5 their 7 caps 6.3014801531487805 6 round 7 caps 5.421621154984109 7 caps 8 dolly 10.46751742648308 7 caps 11 thoughtfully 6.152380538736153 9 said 11 thoughtfully 4.041635431212232 9 said 10 , 0.9301588670935015 11 thoughtfully 12 : 3.9046136680502457 " on the whole , i think it 's rather nice to be poor when people are kind to you . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 2 on 3 the 2.3827313113897173 3 the 4 whole 3.2890224702657687 4 whole 5 , -0.012474279739070226 5 , 6 i 0.883559295304277 6 i 7 think 3.3874834805555984 7 think 8 it 2.3531048070763934 8 it 21 . 0.47237242955592507 8 it 9 's 2.8884519147935066 9 's 11 nice 2.156628308544832 10 rather 11 nice 4.380793037512859 11 nice 18 kind 2.628670191646922 12 to 13 be 3.101474476606974 13 be 18 kind 2.6790480430860377 14 poor 16 people 3.0195821542979218 15 when 16 people 1.8790662319530256 16 people 17 are 3.4039292499760343 17 are 18 kind 2.0257433057048146 18 kind 19 to 1.8491483251124077 18 kind 20 you 0.5294356599046637 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 iii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 iii 1.525192322173556 1 iii 2 . 2.5795473883802877 the dolls ' journey from minnesota to maine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 minnesota 0.725247369815051 1 the 2 dolls 2.372372718093281 2 dolls 6 minnesota 10.644933950040567 2 dolls 3 ' 2.4825501693340684 4 journey 6 minnesota 11.59081767345863 5 from 6 minnesota 7.498043771556784 6 minnesota 8 maine 16.081449373976156 6 minnesota 7 to 4.0972191601611385 8 maine 9 . 1.6540890146088572 mr plum lived in st paul , minnesota , u.s.a. 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mr 0.8459240636953247 1 mr 2 plum 5.301472246794766 2 plum 10 u.s.a. 8.895673498623108 3 lived 10 u.s.a. 6.814871794887917 3 lived 4 in 3.4872675829553312 5 st 10 u.s.a. 9.266101661165013 6 paul 8 minnesota 8.793581439673545 7 , 8 minnesota 1.073665683774088 8 minnesota 10 u.s.a. 17.565790345386493 9 , 10 u.s.a. 3.2472329641349766 kate lay on the sofa reading " the daisy chain " for the fourth time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 kate 0.915404542244886 1 kate 2 lay 4.066888170357277 1 kate 16 . 1.3814645886175931 2 lay 5 sofa 4.3253652264373486 3 on 5 sofa 5.278724912231695 4 the 5 sofa 3.608567705984214 5 sofa 6 reading 7.6839673353386395 5 sofa 10 chain 5.130114664808357 7 " 8 the -0.6706402607396722 8 the 10 chain 1.879228231498061 9 daisy 10 chain 7.4579377971393015 10 chain 14 fourth 5.214893683894665 10 chain 12 for 1.9492832751689875 10 chain 11 " -0.44420155639699743 13 the 14 fourth 3.623100676097108 14 fourth 15 time 2.845925344842435 " if it had only waited till to-morrow we should have had time for our journey ; now we can't go till next saturday . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 if 1.1522004282395546 2 if 5 only 3.0618586429714867 2 if 4 had 2.0300462122109426 2 if 3 it 1.7592282732922033 5 only 6 waited 2.242668327721187 6 waited 22 till 5.7655412087034605 6 waited 7 till 5.7655412087034605 6 waited 14 for 4.1490454108122385 7 till 8 to-morrow 6.191309767196977 7 till 9 we 2.755323161728203 9 we 10 should 3.413107231632452 9 we 12 had 2.0672760409846678 10 should 11 have 4.521547843789975 13 time 14 for 1.7756911607037207 14 for 16 journey 2.5402875045224533 15 our 16 journey 4.56225013624573 16 journey 17 ; 2.1304173288759856 17 ; 19 we 1.7026800822961299 18 now 19 we 2.006852862427669 19 we 20 can't 3.4298633192834203 20 can't 21 go 3.176734638878301 22 till 23 next 3.114141344635538 23 next 24 saturday 6.252309446265386 24 saturday 25 . 0.7662655821647526 " so is dora . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 dora 1.732616521532492 1 " 3 is 0.496101790465163 1 " 2 so -0.11764290144298073 4 dora 5 . 0.954385950873391 just see how sweet she looks with her hat and cape on and her travelling-bag all ready . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 how 1.1974946247771836 1 just 3 how 2.356893873893778 2 see 3 how 4.096670884006203 3 how 4 sweet 3.9845558801983465 4 sweet 6 looks 2.828355030721049 5 she 6 looks 2.7764566003803957 6 looks 15 travelling-bag 9.307840599755576 7 with 15 travelling-bag 2.225066950232641 8 her 15 travelling-bag 6.105294961789486 9 hat 11 cape 9.622638307580235 10 and 11 cape 2.6457263267127082 11 cape 15 travelling-bag 15.114174192954739 11 cape 12 on 5.2100493213064105 13 and 15 travelling-bag 3.182219677281754 14 her 15 travelling-bag 6.105294961789486 15 travelling-bag 17 ready 10.121080662590874 15 travelling-bag 16 all 7.1306596596657315 15 travelling-bag 18 . 0.8032755222237924 couldn't we play travel in the house ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 couldn't 0.6358030621446105 1 couldn't 4 travel 4.057069572366242 2 we 4 travel 4.124176742260154 3 play 4 travel 5.199401583059537 4 travel 5 in 1.620658781650686 5 in 6 the 2.2179054533910225 6 the 7 house 2.6929789736134584 7 house 8 ? 1.3326417346474564 it is a long journey from minnesota to maine , and we couldn't get it all into one room i 'm sure . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 is 3.1387584458356006 2 is 3 a 1.780232541631019 3 a 4 long 3.157037023158921 4 long 5 journey 5.64401674543365 5 journey 7 minnesota 11.59081767345863 6 from 7 minnesota 7.498043771556784 7 minnesota 9 maine 16.081449373976156 7 minnesota 8 to 4.0972191601611385 9 maine 23 . 1.6540890146088572 9 maine 11 and 1.2760414188070293 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 we 14 get 2.672678805143491 13 couldn't 14 get 4.990325897264574 14 get 17 into 3.7290332390096115 14 get 15 it 1.3094628600471214 15 it 16 all 1.4560859051832526 17 into 19 room 3.662197407854496 18 one 19 room 0.962860671231148 19 room 23 . 1.3574242266837508 20 i 21 'm 4.8883536268785885 21 'm 22 sure 6.321763495673299 22 sure 23 . -0.14353251102984288 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 " what is it , little ones ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 8 ? 1.6980475420715102 2 what 3 is 3.0799714209227993 4 it 8 ? 1.3564394720153814 4 it 5 , 0.10461422563168554 6 little 7 ones 4.50386165275501 7 ones 8 ? 1.1879859631847438 " really ? " cried maggie . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 really 3 ? 1.079097139950413 3 ? 4 " 4.126492033472207 4 " 5 cried 3.5451272628542867 5 cried 6 maggie 4.848928354335779 6 maggie 7 . 1.0320785240612018 " how could we ? " asked marjory . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 marjory 2.3119048325963227 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 3 could 3.6577254939705153 2 how 4 we 2.064760020170672 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 marjory 8.032060736459222 8 marjory 9 . 1.768803304966653 " they could go and come by mail , and tell you all about their adventures when they got back , " said papa . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 they 3 could 2.4627471169382833 3 could 4 go 2.4635382452604073 4 go 20 back 4.412041780073848 4 go 5 and 1.3465498431720793 6 come 20 back 5.248442707766332 6 come 8 mail 2.9906573025567234 7 by 8 mail 4.203972987542741 8 mail 10 and 1.1136584600065973 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 tell 12 you 3.7181122630948114 12 you 19 got 1.5906693740077795 12 you 14 about 0.5148129446614185 13 all 14 about 3.5944086066832757 14 about 15 their 1.5955090295235408 14 about 16 adventures 1.1902820152435751 17 when 19 got 2.450492113605918 17 when 18 they 3.5119302040378244 19 got 20 back 2.7430337683903936 20 back 25 . 0.7144526988824573 21 , 23 said 1.5025770512474743 22 " 23 said 3.5310061102049364 23 said 25 . 0.7987260433774388 23 said 24 papa 0.46199788236109995 " we will ! we will ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! -0.1363744880729456 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 will 3.2620368769536263 2 we 6 will 3.2620368769536263 3 will 4 ! -0.1668037832357605 5 we 6 will 3.2620368769536263 let's do it at once . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 let's 1.9189343635511626 1 let's 2 do 2.5607789972323225 2 do 3 it 1.9315091833978766 4 at 5 once 5.545597351124034 5 once 6 . 0.8433186597051368 6 . 7 " 4.427730590569535 they were told , and in their turn exclaimed so loudly that kate came to join in the fun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 16 join 0.9183757232163217 1 they 2 were 4.740392399536562 1 they 3 told 1.6583274834536716 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 16 join 1.5447493200303803 6 in 8 turn 1.9682876071705273 6 in 7 their 2.25825096326969 8 turn 16 join 2.4972800772006067 9 exclaimed 13 kate 5.734700291698491 10 so 11 loudly 3.8065458652530495 11 loudly 13 kate 5.960333187464549 11 loudly 12 that 2.6847182194933445 13 kate 16 join 4.099448341448785 14 came 15 to 2.588720125212861 15 to 16 join 3.559174958117378 16 join 19 fun 4.1809317827712995 16 join 17 in 3.391028958223007 17 in 18 the 2.2179054533910225 19 fun 20 . 1.0155143523137191 after a great deal of talking and laughing , the dolls were prepared for the long journey . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.8144066598688191 1 after 2 a 2.049449131953562 2 a 4 deal 3.97353149015923 3 great 4 deal 8.49448999430711 4 deal 5 of 3.6127099028613614 4 deal 6 talking 3.343945662908311 6 talking 11 dolls 4.319801937596221 7 and 11 dolls 1.2616618306303664 8 laughing 11 dolls 3.649909714651603 8 laughing 9 , 0.6363897267461667 10 the 11 dolls 2.372372718093281 11 dolls 17 journey 7.430637547115026 11 dolls 13 prepared 6.290070005182759 11 dolls 12 were 4.076295607887754 13 prepared 14 for 4.6358483357504845 15 the 17 journey 1.3572592530655427 16 long 17 journey 5.64401674543365 17 journey 18 . 1.7516114810526489 dora was a blonde and flora a brunette , otherwise they were just alike and nearly new . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dora 0.9843313076792519 1 dora 2 was 2.411807539256582 2 was 3 a 1.8886187807073789 3 a 8 brunette 3.735444957792641 4 blonde 8 brunette 15.196563815646666 4 blonde 5 and 3.2030464015304254 6 flora 8 brunette 12.745321594822716 7 a 8 brunette 3.735444957792641 8 brunette 10 otherwise 11.047953955204338 8 brunette 14 alike 9.0940826318264 8 brunette 9 , 1.63776371080737 11 they 12 were 4.740392399536562 12 were 14 alike 4.365005288808721 13 just 14 alike 2.9013287653339326 14 alike 16 nearly 4.888836978720704 14 alike 17 new 3.144526352307942 14 alike 18 . 1.409489806592898 15 and 16 nearly 0.3726153929262388 " it is possible that they may never come back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 7 may 1.9343244864815574 2 it 3 is 3.1387584458356006 2 it 4 possible 3.077591884019398 4 possible 5 that 3.179711092341183 6 they 7 may 2.379574705366746 7 may 9 come 3.218685617797867 8 never 9 come 2.2913234046413997 9 come 10 back 5.248442707766332 10 back 11 . 0.7144526988824573 accidents will happen you know . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 accidents 1.12381480576569 1 accidents 3 happen 9.623840549478796 1 accidents 2 will 6.522876823325763 1 accidents 6 . 1.6356484272498726 3 happen 5 know 1.8098958443969444 4 you 5 know 3.724341505433399 are you prepared for that ? " asked mr plum , pausing with the brown paper spread out before him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.5727680131397417 1 are 2 you 2.7531147733288606 2 you 6 ? 1.9127300143977735 3 prepared 4 for 4.6358483357504845 4 for 5 that 0.5309088436765332 5 that 6 ? 0.5133639223249311 6 ? 8 asked 5.32511077011031 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 8 asked 12 pausing 4.341175029367552 9 mr 10 plum 5.301472246794766 10 plum 12 pausing 9.897106165117101 11 , 12 pausing 2.5574444425172516 12 pausing 16 paper 5.870554521032112 12 pausing 13 with 3.0227112076153446 14 the 16 paper 2.2498996123414834 15 brown 16 paper 5.090909869526374 16 paper 17 spread 5.818544432830144 17 spread 18 out 4.480249469105161 17 spread 19 before 4.050178011968832 19 before 20 him 2.769460792944754 20 him 21 . 1.4355656727212907 marjory hesitated a moment , clasping dora to her bosom with a face full of maternal anxiety . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 marjory 2.3119048325963227 1 marjory 2 hesitated 13.016545585168483 2 hesitated 4 moment 6.846204773756565 2 hesitated 18 . 2.0189878783244275 3 a 4 moment 4.003490410049469 4 moment 6 clasping 6.01154416455114 5 , 6 clasping 3.113605353294435 6 clasping 7 dora 8.703991344787557 6 clasping 10 bosom 7.997047616485084 6 clasping 9 her 5.48167823043104 8 to 9 her 1.4090049423748106 10 bosom 16 maternal 8.072464227610876 11 with 16 maternal 3.9708623954015962 12 a 16 maternal 2.668767410263303 13 face 16 maternal 3.9943118505589084 14 full 16 maternal 7.533014577361602 14 full 15 of 4.573419715296982 16 maternal 17 anxiety 11.579018203829808 " good-by , my darling dear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 good-by 2.036211693582093 2 good-by 5 darling 5.026862936629364 2 good-by 6 dear 4.376957566658721 2 good-by 3 , 2.4291681775807312 2 good-by 7 . 0.4578208793916616 4 my 5 darling 4.010574676382895 being carefully fastened up with several turns of cord , mr plum directed the precious parcel to " miss maria plum , portland , maine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 mr 0.8459240636953247 1 being 3 fastened 2.8959646970215793 2 carefully 3 fastened 7.328737480529117 3 fastened 4 up 3.35858617102015 4 up 9 cord 1.6065283821026632 4 up 5 with 2.0232679802721165 6 several 7 turns 7.9100060725100825 7 turns 9 cord 8.829080667702211 8 of 9 cord 1.4977829901775017 9 cord 11 mr 3.411299675498107 10 , 11 mr 0.8602289676988271 11 mr 12 plum 5.301472246794766 12 plum 23 portland 12.353443982890482 12 plum 13 directed 11.68578568615673 13 directed 15 precious 9.670985737877213 13 directed 14 the 2.306904585976614 16 parcel 23 portland 9.428904020967693 16 parcel 17 to 1.5453996943094523 18 " 19 miss 1.6720707583494931 19 miss 20 maria 7.614602678741427 20 maria 21 plum 10.893411154453545 21 plum 23 portland 12.353443982890482 22 , 23 portland 1.6122463074825006 23 portland 25 maine 15.20566785334475 23 portland 24 , 3.0045013113643364 23 portland 26 . 2.0769834295720386 with care . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 " 1.5791793757022523 1 with 2 care 0.7811134702238185 2 care 3 . 0.4324390972355374 3 . 4 " 4.427730590569535 then it was weighed , stamped , and pronounced ready for the post . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 2 it 3 was 2.951169375325321 3 was 4 weighed 2.257700452781002 4 weighed 6 stamped 10.164703120317881 4 weighed 13 post 5.850169178396925 5 , 6 stamped 0.17576763576835575 6 stamped 9 pronounced 8.994094731517265 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 pronounced 1.7740251545842831 9 pronounced 10 ready 6.301455993601817 10 ready 11 for 4.366009226249584 12 the 13 post 3.0865610491718414 13 post 14 . 1.6445606144415557 " for the last time , shall they go ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 for 3 the 1.0443437398983217 3 the 4 last 1.6570415626379553 4 last 6 , 0.6353885081158221 4 last 5 time 3.2916714253504935 6 , 11 " 1.299421509625157 7 shall 9 go 3.678309469971108 8 they 9 go 0.7049079280325046 9 go 10 ? 0.9429402394344066 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 " going , going , gone ! " answered papa as he whisked on his coat and hat , and slammed the door behind him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 his -0.8110873271170398 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 going 14 on 2.73240711486352 2 going 3 , -0.7865761557518383 4 going 14 on 2.73240711486352 4 going 5 , -0.7865761557518383 6 gone 14 on 1.321383538442035 6 gone 7 ! 1.4336218023111087 7 ! 8 " 3.7411945146373657 8 " 9 answered 2.7487180822420285 9 answered 10 papa 3.9932537241161654 11 as 12 he 2.3488371624986843 12 he 13 whisked 2.6464680492779387 13 whisked 14 on 1.8359516194279095 14 on 15 his 2.7667589213581536 15 his 16 coat 4.27803624845852 16 coat 18 hat 4.809044936466744 16 coat 17 and 1.68058470470287 18 hat 21 slammed 5.84019005751221 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 20 and 21 slammed 2.994212089429819 21 slammed 23 door 8.676609836974094 21 slammed 24 behind 5.321075913134802 21 slammed 22 the 3.389985596917132 24 behind 25 him 4.2873575365913315 25 him 26 . 1.4355656727212907 " now let us take out poor old lucinda and rose augusta to play with . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 now 3 let 1.859986988052544 3 let 14 play 2.419337579208996 3 let 4 us 6.6639096354531375 3 let 5 take 2.2962621177417795 5 take 6 out 1.5701983975988263 7 poor 9 lucinda 2.993316754659652 7 poor 8 old 3.305909555804895 9 lucinda 12 augusta 7.647279888330356 9 lucinda 10 and 1.5052423926472152 11 rose 12 augusta 5.953335704841276 12 augusta 14 play 5.4490874790613155 13 to 14 play 3.270822503768464 14 play 15 with 4.400596270400353 14 play 16 . 0.7038411486574692 parcels go more slowly than letters , and this is aunty 's busy season , so wait patiently and see what will happen . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 parcels -0.605026308390503 1 parcels 6 letters 7.536335705403378 1 parcels 13 busy 5.487761185043361 1 parcels 2 go 4.14473119731467 3 more 4 slowly 2.8909714511492126 4 slowly 6 letters 4.215273372814256 5 than 6 letters 1.3631366652605479 7 , 11 aunty 2.2096222443147617 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 this 11 aunty 0.8755924936260122 9 this 10 is 3.100883637059548 11 aunty 13 busy 5.103586642635424 11 aunty 12 's 1.3006425269024824 13 busy 14 season 5.569015383051248 14 season 18 patiently 6.334225248752656 14 season 15 , 0.8824943991334138 15 , 16 so 0.5181052447995267 17 wait 18 patiently 6.526243147098356 18 patiently 23 happen 3.236196894952922 18 patiently 24 . 1.4521028182346036 18 patiently 19 and 1.3652198665712163 20 see 21 what 3.306547787662252 21 what 23 happen 3.853638446401092 22 will 23 happen 4.767091299122505 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 we , however , can follow them and learn much that their anxious mothers never knew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 6 follow 3.254003830991522 1 we 5 can 3.7636142708586675 2 , 3 however 2.9006470649284406 3 however 5 can 1.2130752030055092 3 however 4 , 3.3747713636141334 6 follow 14 mothers 2.8389983915887633 6 follow 7 them 2.844067079752058 8 and 9 learn 1.0422927935785644 9 learn 14 mothers 2.048020967418754 9 learn 10 much 2.3821199042116454 9 learn 11 that 1.7313442329636146 12 their 14 mothers 6.203433782753429 13 anxious 14 mothers 7.531474589163448 14 mothers 16 knew 2.167194450539135 14 mothers 17 . 0.6257203764590464 15 never 16 knew 3.2335247720154996 as it was perfectly dark they could not see their companions , so listened to the whispering and rustling that went on about them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 listened 0.33392328108879354 1 as 14 listened 2.3576675997162617 2 it 3 was 2.951169375325321 3 was 4 perfectly 2.5969688467481973 4 perfectly 14 listened 2.4189022226130064 4 perfectly 5 dark 3.1197073754824096 6 they 14 listened 1.9679149762046713 6 they 7 could 2.4627471169382833 6 they 10 their 2.144286037572062 7 could 8 not 4.413164941256682 7 could 9 see 4.137233770947777 10 their 11 companions 4.300895742679678 11 companions 12 , 0.9205479861289412 11 companions 13 so 0.8361747969633733 14 listened 17 whispering 6.110343847920898 14 listened 15 to 2.9339288616005437 15 to 16 the 0.9100440193086232 17 whispering 19 rustling 10.194964061542919 17 whispering 23 about 3.73288875611631 18 and 19 rustling 1.9179400277775613 19 rustling 21 went 2.319091640914138 19 rustling 20 that 1.770559434355114 21 went 22 on 4.063278055453239 23 about 24 them 2.374327501006192 24 them 25 . 1.434008771759407 " so should i , if a heavy book was not pinching my toes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 should -0.10859710651049959 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.7526101009878854 3 should 12 pinching 3.5939401913692883 3 should 4 i 0.3793023134782434 5 , 12 pinching 2.6921854176860833 6 if 12 pinching 1.1678434920548604 7 a 8 heavy 2.974892433740038 8 heavy 12 pinching 5.499484087678184 9 book 12 pinching 6.864097478925839 10 was 11 not 2.0075526383658246 11 not 12 pinching 4.464079796126164 12 pinching 14 toes 10.934711424707768 12 pinching 13 my 4.85379032671532 14 toes 15 . 1.9200841895533323 " not yet , but i shall when i can look about me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 11 look 0.5552216098357121 2 not 3 yet 3.7292734873417626 2 not 11 look 1.9015065495439778 4 , 5 but 2.1164801018826633 5 but 6 i 2.212975893494237 6 i 10 can 3.0357047137007545 6 i 7 shall 3.5779822205352936 8 when 9 i 2.1674352707413114 9 i 10 can 3.0357047137007545 10 can 11 look 2.2842990538068157 11 look 13 me 1.027189200874325 12 about 13 me 1.3474234002124241 13 me 14 . 0.8752603656539097 a long box lay beside the dolls who stood nearly erect leaning against a pile of papers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.5893971112625032 1 a 15 pile 3.5098990531044336 1 a 2 long 3.157037023158921 3 box 7 dolls 5.829197516463452 4 lay 5 beside 5.6985626710560595 5 beside 7 dolls 5.6003803955108005 6 the 7 dolls 2.372372718093281 7 dolls 11 erect 7.828733044053465 7 dolls 8 who 3.060173126127026 9 stood 11 erect 7.233587088847088 10 nearly 11 erect 7.021397916677774 11 erect 12 leaning 9.597284951626651 11 erect 15 pile 6.220819127606443 12 leaning 13 against 9.014123873819802 14 a 15 pile 3.5098990531044336 15 pile 17 papers 6.669511895886497 15 pile 16 of 4.798983611942223 17 papers 18 . 1.14666608330257 " dear me ! what can be in it ? " said flora , who was nearest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 2 dear 4 ! 3.211372366750741 2 dear 3 me 3.2162612916290225 4 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 5 what 10 ? 1.6980475420715102 5 what 6 can 2.7758412826739036 6 can 7 be 3.0582349745027333 7 be 8 in 0.6990127509136279 9 it 10 ? 1.3564394720153814 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 13 flora 2.440176733346089 13 flora 17 nearest 6.567187559780169 13 flora 15 who 2.656760240532183 14 , 15 who 1.8533631975925822 15 who 16 was 2.595397155366385 17 nearest 18 . 0.818610068399785 " mercy on us ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mercy 2.772898857584927 2 mercy 4 us 5.936427548783467 2 mercy 3 on 4.873098140349448 2 mercy 5 ! 3.3971180343547545 i hope we shall not have to travel with the monster , " whispered dora , trying to see over her shoulder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 hope 3.9813084800941816 2 hope 3 we 1.8084895786901214 3 we 8 travel 4.124176742260154 3 we 4 shall 4.303303749124435 4 shall 6 have 3.5525971328812247 4 shall 5 not 2.967344458054475 7 to 8 travel 3.2753637080990465 8 travel 20 over 2.6287863842106702 8 travel 9 with 2.7239306580328666 9 with 15 dora 1.2666165026386338 10 the 11 monster 2.880935338150323 11 monster 15 dora 4.56640181355985 12 , 13 " 1.299421509625157 13 " 14 whispered 3.3771459676531776 14 whispered 15 dora 4.982917333846995 15 dora 17 trying 3.4535354404228435 16 , 17 trying 1.297403212557457 17 trying 18 to 4.425079937110491 18 to 19 see 3.0208916104243624 20 over 22 shoulder 5.496781490815927 21 her 22 shoulder 3.6049106635675443 22 shoulder 23 . 2.2126715566651995 " i 'm not afraid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 5 afraid 6.639309183047294 3 'm 4 not 3.8141033902907537 5 afraid 6 . 0.5373506505180714 he can't be very dreadful , for the box is not any longer than we are . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 can't 0.9405663540222218 2 can't 12 any 2.2263982142562213 2 can't 3 be 3.1970945639885002 3 be 5 dreadful 2.1747001445585035 4 very 5 dreadful 2.6069987307540003 5 dreadful 9 box 1.1884606388687047 6 , 7 for 0.7095869605262024 7 for 8 the 1.0443437398983217 8 the 9 box 2.612445050843588 10 is 11 not 2.101623344277698 11 not 12 any 1.5135505478133702 12 any 13 longer 6.428004282198138 13 longer 14 than 5.270442233370627 13 longer 17 . 1.5735959776315145 14 than 15 we 1.1155039769828257 15 we 16 are 3.9859534724360124 " thank goodness he didn't go with us ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 thank 3.0068784886995363 2 thank 3 goodness 9.16115375360329 3 goodness 9 ! 3.4968309446723396 4 he 5 didn't 3.2448682946201703 5 didn't 6 go 2.0925094253240317 6 go 7 with 2.038192534478215 7 with 8 us 2.8258078338389865 8 us 9 ! 1.3693020049924964 i shall dream about that black nose and winking eye , i 'm sure . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 1 i 13 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 shall 3 dream 1.6387070855459136 3 dream 9 winking 3.634799009574248 3 dream 4 about 2.5432697699108466 3 dream 5 that 1.1858574707807001 6 black 7 nose 5.9908579002446025 7 nose 9 winking 6.017067139661858 7 nose 8 and 1.1432222790765216 9 winking 10 eye 7.493612100239751 11 , 12 i 0.883559295304277 12 i 13 'm 4.8883536268785885 13 'm 14 sure 6.321763495673299 14 sure 15 . -0.14353251102984288 " i think one foot is hurt , and my clothes are dripping , " sighed dora , faintly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 one 0.14971576025327593 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 4 one 5 foot 3.7803456487908065 5 foot 20 . 0.9879047164437402 5 foot 7 hurt 1.9295694363764824 6 is 7 hurt 0.3413342823160477 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 13 dripping 1.6680297351501423 10 my 11 clothes 3.164837329604353 11 clothes 13 dripping 6.4331547005269485 12 are 13 dripping 2.975762719362411 13 dripping 19 faintly 5.956322023813005 14 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 15 " 16 sighed 3.257387531375878 16 sighed 17 dora 5.342519297851894 17 dora 19 faintly 6.57006142452747 18 , 19 faintly 0.930102240871328 19 faintly 20 . 2.3788567866506405 people will wear odd fashions if they follow me this time . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 1 people 8 follow 1.7658426815976682 2 will 8 follow 4.005307828257532 3 wear 5 fashions 8.494473944446248 4 odd 5 fashions 10.457604351700084 5 fashions 8 follow 6.748762756226597 5 fashions 6 if 4.662269719564492 5 fashions 7 they 2.869337714256204 8 follow 9 me 3.548000342269159 8 follow 10 this 2.3034087822435687 10 this 11 time 4.4010691172298735 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 " be calm , my friends , and wait with fortitude for death or deliverance , as i do . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 calm -0.2868762530223705 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 be 3 calm 2.838586927551191 3 calm 17 as 1.7516701737823794 3 calm 4 , 1.3230288247401312 5 my 15 deliverance 4.5502609681269774 5 my 6 friends 3.786288944914965 6 friends 7 , 1.1869945334373337 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 wait 11 fortitude 7.946416973894376 10 with 11 fortitude 6.367728996978805 11 fortitude 15 deliverance 12.68988514624117 11 fortitude 13 death 9.149136689550577 11 fortitude 12 for 5.2897474407812055 14 or 15 deliverance 5.025698215710818 15 deliverance 17 as 2.093776805425229 15 deliverance 16 , 1.5983335659788303 17 as 18 i 0.9587134009641449 18 i 19 do 2.2344288593504196 19 do 20 . 0.023958612549829894 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 " i don't care a bit how i look . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 care 5.968149007361504 3 don't 9 look 3.1991071610840933 3 don't 7 how 2.5755716385609837 4 care 6 bit 3.5318413430858975 5 a 6 bit 4.3931155458296285 7 how 8 i 1.2595099596607309 9 look 10 . -0.12733955349461468 it 's great fun now we are safe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 we 1.222900939258107 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 4 fun 1.7097056589036619 3 great 4 fun 5.842153197158282 4 fun 6 we 1.4750862490750727 5 now 6 we 2.006852862427669 6 we 7 are 3.9859534724360124 7 are 8 safe 3.518430334305478 8 safe 9 . 1.1027820281354597 pop up your head and see the wide prairie flying past . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 pop 0.01563874382901176 1 pop 9 prairie 6.227650139557248 1 pop 4 head 5.43414579039624 1 pop 2 up 4.398094540759754 3 your 4 head 3.623977228178841 4 head 5 and 1.418467360667158 5 and 6 see 0.8926299452541802 7 the 9 prairie 3.057716613198558 8 wide 9 prairie 7.919170468415658 9 prairie 10 flying 7.820822088837545 9 prairie 11 past 6.009362625301922 11 past 12 . 0.9542583721156124 i do hope that poor baby got away and swam home to his mother . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 7 got 1.9867710979771669 1 i 3 hope 3.9813084800941816 2 do 3 hope 3.129603751679735 3 hope 4 that 2.1693627329653005 5 poor 6 baby 2.2749161954534927 6 baby 7 got 1.6464374999879752 7 got 11 home 4.005560616738254 7 got 12 to 1.76851290606845 7 got 13 his 1.6141628217995656 8 away 10 swam 1.8782385962941852 9 and 10 swam 1.9807605298583901 10 swam 11 home 2.2937034862215775 13 his 14 mother 3.2945179310739885 14 mother 15 . 0.3597696954209848 " this is the end of us ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 this 5 end 0.8273453958451782 2 this 3 is 3.100883637059548 4 the 5 end 2.887389148156153 5 end 6 of 4.4912993322004375 6 of 7 us 2.1891957942449345 7 us 8 ! 1.3693020049924964 here we shall lie and mould forgotten by everybody , " said dora , who always took a tragical view of things . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 we 1.222900939258107 1 here 2 we 1.8195554194851162 2 we 3 shall 4.303303749124435 3 shall 4 lie 3.8502150917544853 4 lie 6 mould 9.765365642103955 5 and 6 mould 1.958992664821654 6 mould 7 forgotten 9.88488294000761 7 forgotten 22 things 2.3280344257496424 7 forgotten 8 by 2.553184421811121 7 forgotten 9 everybody 2.250187676767247 10 , 12 said 1.5025770512474743 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 13 dora 2.465491877217353 13 dora 19 tragical 5.9218473675801775 14 , 15 who 1.8533631975925822 15 who 19 tragical 2.705051026369329 16 always 19 tragical 4.159647087127453 17 took 19 tragical 6.1184417987201165 18 a 19 tragical 2.555942136891538 19 tragical 20 view 11.08680410672364 19 tragical 22 things 4.863693530182594 20 view 21 of 3.3661335436046755 22 things 23 . 0.9064950050479723 " not a bit of it ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 not 4 bit 2.9321267653636944 3 a 4 bit 4.3931155458296285 4 bit 5 of 3.6647210153242895 5 of 6 it 0.8497451518318897 6 it 7 ! 0.4013855950719787 i see cows eating toward us and they may give us a lift . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 see 1.7421156301759755 2 see 3 cows 1.3673302726219525 3 cows 4 eating 6.897913676200925 3 cows 13 lift 3.664998010446901 3 cows 14 . 1.336518858869482 4 eating 5 toward 6.710069843487037 5 toward 11 us 4.032507052608253 5 toward 6 us 4.032507052608253 7 and 8 they 0.9764612904959886 8 they 9 may 2.379574705366746 9 may 10 give 3.0749636997971557 10 give 11 us 4.345499958339815 12 a 13 lift 2.611168187486971 i 've heard of their tossing people up , though i don't know just how it 's done . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 12 don't 3.775983377249961 1 i 2 've 4.345825318265309 2 've 3 heard 5.041888697387623 3 heard 4 of 2.286982719465138 4 of 5 their 1.7087772146550773 5 their 6 tossing 3.9675821466916936 6 tossing 7 people 4.754491882789605 6 tossing 8 up 3.2341245165036483 9 , 10 though 2.8653386317912517 10 though 11 i 1.9509372680835888 11 i 12 don't 3.775983377249961 12 don't 13 know 5.338346550933348 13 know 15 how 4.24864482433634 13 know 16 it 1.715025078583949 14 just 15 how 2.356893873893778 16 it 17 's 2.8884519147935066 17 's 18 done 1.0996385750433042 18 done 19 . 1.0623918803631192 she was right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 was 2.3491053343536645 2 was 3 right 1.6504635443021254 3 right 4 . 0.7971994780563652 seeing the red cow sniffing at a brown paper parcel she drove her away , picked it up and peeped in at the open end . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the 0.03213684141804052 1 seeing 2 the 0.9746549467998342 2 the 3 red 2.192670835802824 2 the 9 paper 2.2498996123414834 3 red 5 sniffing 5.374616861247453 4 cow 5 sniffing 9.178847083966335 5 sniffing 6 at 4.2763545116593455 7 a 9 paper 2.329258029691058 8 brown 9 paper 5.090909869526374 9 paper 10 parcel 8.136282776552846 10 parcel 12 drove 7.0746236532742515 10 parcel 26 . 0.7895559985281544 11 she 12 drove 1.833446148755801 12 drove 14 away 6.270959156298865 12 drove 18 up 2.915272256400211 12 drove 13 her 1.7622421383999303 14 away 15 , 1.097982621917664 16 picked 18 up 6.794177619193002 16 picked 17 it 2.2190032656745196 18 up 21 in 1.8730966268079108 19 and 20 peeped 2.7303220701522264 20 peeped 21 in 3.156571363024568 21 in 23 the 2.2179054533910225 22 at 23 the 1.91018759410656 23 the 25 end 2.887389148156153 24 open 25 end 3.221996394545595 the sight of two dolls in such a place made her feel as if fairies had dropped them there for her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 5 dolls 2.372372718093281 2 sight 4 two 1.8554954438021944 2 sight 3 of 3.735802213426158 4 two 5 dolls 4.314982373224886 5 dolls 7 such 2.977999524835141 5 dolls 6 in 2.1273185421916523 7 such 8 a 4.1090062073831 7 such 9 place 2.6514315185201234 9 place 20 for 2.586246791448467 9 place 22 . 0.9961836340809285 10 made 20 for 1.4051910055448396 10 made 12 feel 3.5032335604026734 10 made 18 them 2.3909258661962767 10 made 11 her 2.319035628346967 12 feel 14 if 3.4974742800334546 13 as 14 if 4.06288549053939 15 fairies 17 dropped 3.4070771002680615 16 had 17 dropped 3.0167653737847466 17 dropped 18 them 2.3802357297815817 19 there 20 for -0.15366264892848136 20 for 21 her 1.5684101338486194 she could not read the direction and hurried home to show her treasure to her brothers and sisters of whom there were eight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 8 hurried 2.749953339888549 1 she 2 could 2.98921090015809 2 could 3 not 4.413164941256682 4 read 6 direction 3.9149302218819066 5 the 6 direction 2.7565053164764564 6 direction 8 hurried 5.120282317644055 7 and 8 hurried 2.0340391509246913 8 hurried 10 to 2.9247969324699348 8 hurried 9 home 4.958685483925571 10 to 11 show 3.3710530641958414 11 show 13 treasure 4.199764160459122 11 show 12 her 1.9461256852845175 13 treasure 16 brothers 4.257754420820117 13 treasure 23 eight 3.214130279188911 13 treasure 24 . 1.2024766232053956 14 to 15 her 1.4090049423748106 15 her 16 brothers 2.3700210416674317 16 brothers 18 sisters 9.153838527437387 16 brothers 20 whom 5.1163368740327115 16 brothers 22 were 3.6186572068818776 17 and 18 sisters 2.182685593371559 19 of 20 whom 2.174647104497655 21 there 22 were 3.5118807648598604 " don't worry , we shall get on nicely , i 'm sure , and learn german of these young persons . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 16 learn 1.6385748692144375 2 don't 3 worry 5.887602714465775 4 , 5 we 0.6617804082296317 5 we 6 shall 4.303303749124435 6 shall 16 learn 3.3407925030292276 6 shall 7 get 3.111237070563316 7 get 9 nicely 2.7293095288644054 8 on 9 nicely 2.3818675578756725 9 nicely 14 , 1.7731660430201899 9 nicely 10 , 1.7731660430201899 10 , 11 i 0.883559295304277 11 i 12 'm 4.8883536268785885 12 'm 13 sure 6.321763495673299 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 learn 17 german 6.409940025209593 17 german 21 persons 5.8875636063723 17 german 18 of 3.0001107541612875 19 these 21 persons 5.541745107134691 20 young 21 persons 5.382407187394154 21 persons 22 . 1.2043132039020001 " yes , dear , i love you but i am tired of being tied to you all day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 5 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 4 dear 2.340911623165077 6 i 11 am 4.730261573820858 6 i 7 love 2.7380223429323625 7 love 8 you 2.372306428952001 9 but 10 i 2.212975893494237 10 i 11 am 4.730261573820858 11 am 12 tired 4.794109775483044 12 tired 14 being 4.392845476738021 12 tired 13 of 3.6621882667071617 14 being 15 tied 3.4376707864685017 15 tied 16 to 2.1542998710350325 15 tied 18 all 1.986220260590386 16 to 17 you 0.07261064400177553 18 all 19 day 3.064855248590746 19 day 20 . 0.9785466039490451 the wrapper was laid aside till a neighbor who read english came in to translate it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 wrapper 0.9699188058675006 2 wrapper 4 laid 9.590273729733077 2 wrapper 3 was 3.371499077944634 2 wrapper 17 . 2.06820063488086 4 laid 5 aside 8.036419596882617 5 aside 15 translate 7.730851923749864 6 till 15 translate 4.404848143544957 7 a 8 neighbor 3.0841015897132174 8 neighbor 15 translate 7.246814326145781 8 neighbor 9 who 4.11033234123002 10 read 15 translate 5.636851705218245 11 english 15 translate 7.913061697782446 12 came 15 translate 3.6989421573277674 12 came 13 in 1.8111267763434356 14 to 15 translate 4.230405236731183 15 translate 16 it 2.859982705482661 so again the dolls were put in their brown paper cover and sent away with farewell kisses . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 again -0.8530725522664362 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.7526101009878854 2 again 4 dolls 3.2974464294623687 2 again 18 . 1.9785978324909212 3 the 4 dolls 2.372372718093281 4 dolls 6 put 4.118037960554982 4 dolls 5 were 4.076295607887754 6 put 10 paper 3.1035896361265074 6 put 8 their 2.7167115730410423 6 put 7 in 2.415743585244602 9 brown 10 paper 5.090909869526374 10 paper 11 cover 6.36945447731399 11 cover 13 sent 3.7430916210453518 12 and 13 sent 1.4231145414436064 13 sent 17 kisses 3.84500750788094 13 sent 14 away 3.7095462625848263 15 with 17 kisses 4.370843424893447 16 farewell 17 kisses 8.56365554060124 " dolls , i declare ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 declare 1.1644900640425782 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 dolls 5 declare 7.226195649140529 3 , 4 i 0.883559295304277 4 i 5 declare 4.4741873056678045 5 declare 6 ! 3.1130742287430984 what can a bachelor do with the poor things ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.1082694510543405 1 what 5 do 3.5650246818752365 2 can 5 do 3.793586081272224 3 a 4 bachelor 3.9611101649367626 4 bachelor 5 do 2.9457570692615427 5 do 10 ? 2.344463917580823 5 do 9 things 2.2086901813095317 5 do 6 with 1.5098867273752568 7 the 8 poor 1.805152091273703 8 poor 9 things 2.316196286016325 wonder who maria plum is ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 wonder 0.7616812916920992 1 wonder 3 maria 4.272437907121859 1 wonder 2 who 3.1317374044477333 1 wonder 6 ? 1.5713323563842962 3 maria 4 plum 10.893411154453545 4 plum 5 is 1.9241373611933454 " i do hope midge will be a nicer girl than clara . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 do 2.2344288593504196 3 do 5 midge 4.014393476787369 4 hope 5 midge 8.37232507516796 5 midge 9 nicer 9.391462167246441 5 midge 12 clara 7.918597749633651 5 midge 6 will 5.204349978476902 5 midge 13 . 2.0879163842469595 6 will 7 be 4.275365825583959 8 a 9 nicer 2.322314847661321 9 nicer 11 than 7.278350647436785 9 nicer 10 girl 5.1184145594324555 all the eyes that were open brightened when jip and his master came in , and several thin hands were outstretched to meet them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 jip 1.8799915604762454 1 all 7 brightened 2.2082399438979223 1 all 2 the 1.5997645604568138 3 eyes 7 brightened 5.370999071243919 3 eyes 5 were 3.7275143800370962 4 that 5 were 0.5990912719006563 6 open 7 brightened 6.139335408706938 7 brightened 9 jip 14.101060319321665 8 when 9 jip 7.209668650093246 9 jip 11 his 5.108931445326807 9 jip 24 them 4.973286643877053 9 jip 10 and 3.8800298908684 11 his 19 hands 4.053277748795386 11 his 12 master 3.0675616433566084 12 master 13 came 1.800032411513044 13 came 14 in 1.8111267763434356 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 18 thin 1.890396573543434 17 several 18 thin 4.9957071209189685 18 thin 19 hands 5.2224187118474035 19 hands 21 outstretched 4.423658659913375 20 were 21 outstretched 3.177896801723417 21 outstretched 23 meet 6.860693430996967 22 to 23 meet 3.877943935068169 24 them 25 . 1.434008771759407 " i 've been good , doctor , let me pat him first , " cried one childish voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 16 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 i 3 've 4.345825318265309 3 've 4 been 5.61747706331049 3 've 11 pat 2.1157711974108686 5 good 11 pat 1.8081766287731185 5 good 7 doctor 1.264379185553718 5 good 6 , 0.8514229511946425 7 doctor 8 , 1.3966781026989175 9 let 10 me 5.046289406031127 10 me 11 pat 1.4338643634354717 11 pat 12 him 2.0026686844111694 11 pat 13 first 1.795300427617022 14 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 15 " 16 cried 3.5451272628542867 16 cried 18 childish 2.702358148341702 17 one 18 childish 2.3147042116104544 18 childish 19 voice 4.924196987997977 19 voice 20 . 1.5211545821531125 " did you bring me a flower , please ? " asked another feeble one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 did 3 you 2.430781695542361 3 you 10 ? 1.9127300143977735 3 you 9 please 3.076251312369104 4 bring 7 flower 1.8133127223740466 4 bring 5 me 3.9389241947158666 6 a 7 flower 2.3941152099968406 7 flower 9 please 3.0530555828126786 8 , 9 please 1.500745116251517 10 ? 12 asked 5.32511077011031 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 12 asked 14 feeble 2.1613208914047917 12 asked 16 . 0.7779303217424687 13 another 14 feeble 5.12939814022462 14 feeble 15 one 2.8795031123004655 " two dollies for midge to play with . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 dollies 1.6609903118779812 2 two 3 dollies 7.986619687961767 3 dollies 5 midge 15.37318696925621 3 dollies 4 for 5.765047382654203 5 midge 7 play 8.108861725415121 5 midge 9 . 2.0879163842469595 6 to 7 play 3.270822503768464 7 play 8 with 4.400596270400353 jip found them , but i think the little girl they are going to will lend them for a few days . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jip 1.8799915604762454 1 jip 2 found 9.132637348220992 1 jip 17 them 4.973286643877053 1 jip 3 them 4.973286643877053 4 , 5 but 2.1164801018826633 5 but 6 i 2.212975893494237 6 i 13 going 2.143913817109814 6 i 7 think 3.3874834805555984 8 the 10 girl 2.450378740673818 9 little 10 girl 4.366461737504494 10 girl 13 going 0.6045440055270639 11 they 12 are 3.993263810226807 12 are 13 going 4.552890171303174 13 going 14 to 4.148501845167235 14 to 16 lend 2.9285670892562514 15 will 16 lend 4.220140305131832 16 lend 17 them 2.4795308325123564 17 them 22 . 1.434008771759407 18 for 21 days 2.8301313875210354 19 a 20 few 4.691751776320549 20 few 21 days 7.500691126372658 21 days 22 . 1.020291812295369 " dear no , the poor child is very low to-day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 dear 1.1638437859679307 2 dear 7 child 5.111873248183411 2 dear 4 , 2.04884114976878 3 no 4 , 1.4999650591880105 5 the 7 child 1.886751199786147 6 poor 7 child 5.376069999351557 7 child 11 to-day 2.535422472824866 8 is 9 very 2.5606418292707023 9 very 10 low 4.1873753691400495 10 low 11 to-day 4.569480663458599 11 to-day 12 . 1.3500106267520522 are you comfy , darlings ? " till she fell asleep still smiling . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 are 0.3424996027881182 1 are 3 comfy 5.303535495779656 1 are 2 you 2.7531147733288606 3 comfy 5 darlings 13.387278708730953 3 comfy 11 asleep 5.265519404008405 3 comfy 13 smiling 3.7325826116814547 3 comfy 14 . 1.9305385788880365 3 comfy 4 , 1.4527268525127006 5 darlings 8 till 4.584356082449467 5 darlings 6 ? 3.913587177567166 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 9 she 10 fell 1.9771988473344564 10 fell 11 asleep 8.616783381583215 12 still 13 smiling 3.7417103003478616 " sister , do you think this can be the heaven we hear people talk about ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sister -0.6492682413160509 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 sister 17 ? 1.2339796958842228 2 sister 3 , 1.3841549730422003 4 do 5 you 3.4483737354832282 4 do 17 ? 2.344463917580823 5 you 8 can 3.114760440925462 5 you 6 think 3.0838809933759332 6 think 7 this 0.4944494223389633 8 can 15 talk 3.615924547365907 8 can 13 hear 3.115392251458424 8 can 9 be 3.0582349745027333 9 be 10 the -0.636045547144743 11 heaven 12 we 1.1041137362541704 12 we 13 hear 1.7872006028815193 14 people 15 talk 3.069728635214716 15 talk 16 about 5.297180711824135 when saturday night came they were laid in their usual place on midge 's arm . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 4 came 3.215878605560828 2 saturday 3 night 7.5066246025690475 3 night 4 came 2.749531276762319 4 came 13 midge 2.8135369384605475 5 they 6 were 4.740392399536562 6 were 7 laid 2.2608357017384577 7 laid 13 midge 5.30199380649676 8 in 9 their 2.25825096326969 9 their 10 usual 3.369533476521987 10 usual 13 midge 7.927513680651906 11 place 13 midge 6.469005676955824 12 on 13 midge 4.5983373234421805 13 midge 15 arm 8.798644869432792 13 midge 14 's 4.346972754492143 13 midge 16 . 2.0879163842469595 then she turned her cheek to the pillow with a little sigh and lay so still the dolls thought she had gone to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 3 turned 2.736703516337908 2 she 3 turned 3.055195107957628 3 turned 5 cheek 3.3186491095825303 4 her 5 cheek 4.536101107410307 5 cheek 8 pillow 6.846553702218756 6 to 7 the 0.9100440193086232 7 the 8 pillow 2.6592983522104667 8 pillow 14 lay 4.743518101296008 9 with 12 sigh 4.5134193132609255 10 a 12 sigh 4.408039087772524 11 little 12 sigh 4.1572057332769425 12 sigh 14 lay 4.785594681560543 13 and 14 lay 1.361435771879158 14 lay 16 still 5.0718369000801715 14 lay 18 dolls 3.6323373268311414 15 so 16 still 1.0508431886745804 17 the 18 dolls 2.372372718093281 18 dolls 19 thought 3.333404672282029 18 dolls 22 gone 2.924906383460794 20 she 21 had 2.8847648049781967 21 had 22 gone 5.0144545798601055 22 gone 24 sleep 3.3159654317871876 23 to 24 sleep 3.55230212057757 24 sleep 25 . 1.5207334788185491 " i think that is what they call dying , sister . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 3 think 4 that 2.0285949579219427 4 that 5 is 2.4065579718386285 5 is 9 dying 2.3535902777025264 6 what 8 call 1.8495502735623646 7 they 8 call 2.789686293990087 8 call 9 dying 3.7785551859010056 9 dying 11 sister 3.7406781178731165 9 dying 10 , 1.2557015764721022 9 dying 12 . 0.6809352184693367 it is a much lovelier way to end than as we do in the dust bin or rag-bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 is 3.1387584458356006 2 is 3 a 1.780232541631019 3 a 18 rag-bag 3.4880681891733367 3 a 5 lovelier 1.895185503838178 4 much 5 lovelier 5.179017617186787 5 lovelier 6 way 5.572106600021712 6 way 7 to 1.482207009474159 8 end 18 rag-bag 4.839969934776704 9 than 11 we 1.1155039769828257 10 as 11 we 1.68726692459024 11 we 18 rag-bag 1.3515637252344739 11 we 12 do 2.222962787123512 13 in 18 rag-bag 2.7852444307223685 14 the 15 dust 2.5306633146516653 15 dust 16 bin 10.828661570837301 16 bin 18 rag-bag 14.178293868562847 17 or 18 rag-bag 6.3212038904799535 18 rag-bag 19 . 3.1683023791908766 in the evening they were folded up in a fresh paper and re-directed carefully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 in -0.6712338429647371 1 in 13 re-directed 2.187011317000721 1 in 2 the 2.2179054533910225 3 evening 13 re-directed 6.892668618224118 4 they 5 were 4.740392399536562 5 were 6 folded 3.6551946430826234 6 folded 13 re-directed 10.094387682951538 6 folded 7 up 4.807255067958664 8 in 13 re-directed 2.187011317000721 9 a 10 fresh 2.46843625223584 10 fresh 13 re-directed 10.921154275816043 11 paper 13 re-directed 11.672052311438758 12 and 13 re-directed 4.029062889220334 13 re-directed 14 carefully 13.216514409774145 13 re-directed 15 . 2.0302872592370456 " anything to take along , fred ? " asked the newcomer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 newcomer 0.41955213485098497 2 anything 12 newcomer 2.8595889860665977 3 to 4 take 2.7846513640138415 4 take 5 along 1.5201804960506422 5 along 7 fred 2.777467834162376 5 along 6 , 0.5166096586314186 7 fred 12 newcomer 5.6464685825610275 8 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 10 asked 12 newcomer 3.4828663500809185 11 the 12 newcomer 3.2191862245800458 12 newcomer 13 . 1.5523188391739495 " this parcel , if you will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 you 1.1569854937375332 2 this 3 parcel 2.4523046563722524 3 parcel 5 if 1.060985899959416 4 , 5 if 1.058710375425802 5 if 6 you 3.283533954578644 6 you 7 will 2.521845216726133 6 you 8 . -0.42513056158823126 i have a feeling that i 'd rather not have it knock about in a mail-bag , " and the doctor told him why . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 have 2.72146406531475 2 have 3 a 1.62890695095534 3 a 16 mail-bag 4.929048955704463 3 a 4 feeling 1.8646363430540767 4 feeling 8 rather 4.568090689775499 4 feeling 5 that 3.2875311551299227 6 i 7 'd 3.910051988282767 7 'd 8 rather 6.390191835529777 8 rather 10 have 2.5347210243218754 8 rather 9 not 1.5770499712362351 10 have 11 it 0.4480880092847723 12 knock 13 about 2.7329619447852025 13 about 16 mail-bag 6.3922294716847325 14 in 16 mail-bag 5.235563061832831 15 a 16 mail-bag 4.929048955704463 16 mail-bag 21 doctor 8.005604071212819 16 mail-bag 24 why 3.321509854929676 16 mail-bag 17 , 3.2566422162700377 16 mail-bag 18 " 3.1989637965772957 16 mail-bag 19 and 1.4632594243651056 16 mail-bag 25 . -1.2040169703425647 20 the 21 doctor 3.1543624971644846 21 doctor 22 told 2.4385502344188197 22 told 23 him 4.307078484618019 on the way they overheard a long chat between some new york and boston ladies which impressed them very much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 a -0.5893971112625032 1 on 3 way 2.2284131263642273 1 on 2 the 2.3827313113897173 3 way 5 overheard 3.9685561215681204 4 they 5 overheard 3.0403655058835426 5 overheard 6 a 2.2414572042284604 6 a 8 chat 3.578923968986448 7 long 8 chat 4.971428714381144 8 chat 9 between 7.333188950908962 8 chat 19 very 2.6234274373643913 8 chat 21 . 1.1363873556038335 9 between 18 them 5.1362813272893835 10 some 11 new 3.501172121263174 11 new 12 york 9.479714931152323 12 york 14 boston 9.716081421996066 12 york 13 and 2.154649425281928 14 boston 15 ladies 7.732745074860048 14 boston 17 impressed 7.718973135968717 16 which 17 impressed 3.977912640061625 17 impressed 18 them 4.087826742042935 19 very 20 much 4.924830971624845 " you have got your head full of dressy ideas and high life , sister . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 3 have 2.4773295942588796 3 have 4 got 3.216556027225998 4 got 9 dressy 6.696994253653756 5 your 9 dressy 5.898840693103843 6 head 9 dressy 7.051933220986015 7 full 9 dressy 9.807827441599247 8 of 9 dressy 5.091429839841592 9 dressy 10 ideas 14.954797625507808 9 dressy 12 high 9.12288927035721 9 dressy 15 sister 7.888914139533579 9 dressy 13 life 6.938850873911083 9 dressy 11 and 3.2537405278583087 13 life 14 , 0.8111443069484938 15 sister 16 . 0.6728021029866245 i don't care for such things , but mean to cultivate my mind as fast as i can . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 don't 3.775983377249961 2 don't 13 mind 4.748300794848571 2 don't 3 care 5.968149007361504 3 care 4 for 3.9330527648878917 4 for 5 such 1.492098097591363 5 such 6 things 5.16708306094675 7 , 8 but 2.1164801018826633 8 but 11 cultivate 0.6252064894129603 9 mean 11 cultivate 6.370559509124789 10 to 11 cultivate 3.7684977466958642 11 cultivate 13 mind 6.838396554121857 12 my 13 mind 4.22322242713636 13 mind 19 . 0.9633141037631088 14 as 15 fast 5.039853460644428 15 fast 19 . 0.819918954178295 15 fast 16 as 5.233326162788396 15 fast 18 can 1.7435854567077236 17 i 18 can 3.0357047137007545 that girl says she is in college , and named over more studies than i can count . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 that -0.12788314562025072 1 that 2 girl 0.7091686757379243 2 girl 6 in 1.2556399768039235 2 girl 3 says 1.308857523740798 3 says 4 she 2.9619641286574456 3 says 5 is 1.9042945419853616 6 in 7 college 1.5549284675812949 7 college 13 studies 5.608599030757741 7 college 9 and 1.1141413423747402 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 named 13 studies 7.122203792994693 11 over 13 studies 3.4573901578693267 12 more 13 studies 4.294269761271007 13 studies 17 count 6.069990536115842 13 studies 14 than 4.742237823896367 13 studies 18 . 1.6219221406475022 15 i 16 can 3.0357047137007545 16 can 17 count 3.473319820550966 i do wish we were to stop and see a little of the refined society of boston , " answered dora , primly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 do 2.2344288593504196 2 do 7 stop 2.2532344334026213 2 do 3 wish 3.5382913909113043 3 wish 4 we 2.3530462152250884 4 we 5 were 3.462184317689921 6 to 7 stop 2.9247706994128073 7 stop 8 and 0.7498179351551038 8 and 14 refined 1.5010231910894767 8 and 9 see 0.8926299452541802 10 a 14 refined 3.2327595537924445 10 a 11 little 3.3978459531370575 10 a 12 of 0.7380995861248838 12 of 13 the 1.7361783602309693 14 refined 15 society 10.093679332045912 14 refined 17 boston 9.168514997854654 14 refined 23 primly 8.352195256859758 14 refined 18 , 1.756713025977028 16 of 17 boston 2.282356008475592 19 " 20 answered 2.7487180822420285 20 answered 23 primly 3.5643209227123194 21 dora 23 primly 8.525015651948266 22 , 23 primly 1.098782806436411 23 primly 24 . 2.0104904156567436 " pooh ! " said flo , " don't you try to be intellectual , for you are only a wooden-headed doll . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 pooh 1.7044725985963929 1 " 2 pooh 4.415256599562152 2 pooh 3 ! 6.0793744950989534 3 ! 8 " 3.7411945146373657 3 ! 4 " 3.7411945146373657 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 5 said 6 flo 3.0417597891225583 6 flo 7 , 1.9694690781759974 8 " 9 don't 1.9775873952503993 9 don't 11 try 3.0463730608801143 9 don't 10 you 2.454467337564168 11 try 14 intellectual 6.338811408487054 11 try 12 to 3.4727099313214307 13 be 14 intellectual 5.4623354069444865 14 intellectual 22 doll 6.584906118552507 14 intellectual 16 for 3.029778101066359 14 intellectual 15 , 1.4527268525127006 17 you 21 wooden-headed 4.537210958424534 18 are 21 wooden-headed 3.7962753520517403 19 only 21 wooden-headed 6.58603298607013 20 a 21 wooden-headed 3.6464950991512453 21 wooden-headed 22 doll 13.895064436500327 22 doll 23 . 1.2837643222485013 i mean to be a real westerner , and just enjoy myself as i please , without caring what other folks do or think . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 mean 2.7964146450072693 2 mean 3 to 3.210028203748143 3 to 4 be 3.101474476606974 4 be 5 a 1.4123552069647811 5 a 7 westerner 3.1836217827900626 6 real 7 westerner 10.621199420350457 7 westerner 16 , 3.5955075219000676 7 westerner 8 , 3.5955075219000676 7 westerner 9 and 2.905218222959231 9 and 11 enjoy 1.5512620308655478 10 just 11 enjoy 2.6466226412589187 11 enjoy 12 myself 6.9014008942124505 13 as 15 please 1.28465995199792 13 as 14 i 0.9587134009641449 15 please 16 , 1.6920874838857536 16 , 23 or 1.4271475215650753 17 without 23 or 2.410487138132428 17 without 18 caring 5.7573406529593 18 caring 21 folks 5.51768774598602 18 caring 19 what 4.3508190748176325 20 other 21 folks 5.108615281083047 21 folks 22 do 1.3707415383479642 23 or 24 think 0.2818048855559496 23 or 25 . -0.38650643384952765 boston is no better than the rest of the world , i guess . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 1 boston 11 , 1.6618113913745987 2 is 3 no 2.5219626730341425 3 no 4 better 2.206995212821411 3 no 11 , 1.4999650591880105 4 better 5 than 6.5402786517312475 5 than 7 rest 2.708537628657794 6 the 7 rest 3.0681011237524967 7 rest 8 of 3.5714596168579504 8 of 9 the 1.7361783602309693 9 the 10 world 3.4995122304020896 11 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 11 , 12 i 0.883559295304277 12 i 13 guess 4.484846112989166 14 . 15 " 4.427730590569535 groans from every article in the bag greeted this disrespectful speech , and an avalanche of boston papers fell upon the audacious doll . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 groans 0.8287251774260405 1 groans 2 from 6.13715367803848 2 from 6 the 2.186392757534639 2 from 4 article 3.4865602623483873 3 every 4 article 7.189996660727889 5 in 6 the 2.2179054533910225 6 the 7 bag 2.1952605283464877 7 bag 8 greeted 8.882503666173712 8 greeted 9 this 4.809526822976615 9 this 22 audacious 4.738081836279317 9 this 11 speech 4.086790694706128 10 disrespectful 11 speech 10.01148209502998 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 15 avalanche 1.826622445976021 14 an 15 avalanche 8.385125435184733 15 avalanche 17 boston 12.283472499071753 15 avalanche 22 audacious 12.12851495423526 15 avalanche 18 papers 10.767910214817995 15 avalanche 20 upon 8.60278003554668 15 avalanche 19 fell 5.770307125768863 15 avalanche 16 of 4.658214104463486 20 upon 21 the 2.122715375730218 22 audacious 23 doll 11.914960398709656 23 doll 24 . 1.2837643222485013 but flo was undaunted , and shouted from underneath the pile : " i don't care ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 4 undaunted 5.113138150762648 1 but 9 underneath 2.8100313803748698 1 but 14 i 2.212975893494237 2 flo 4 undaunted 14.576529265408286 3 was 4 undaunted 3.164878837872596 4 undaunted 5 , 2.75424375738638 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 shouted 9 underneath 4.812072374829366 8 from 9 underneath 3.2845989253676287 9 underneath 11 pile 8.53587946647561 9 underneath 10 the 2.1727233596155706 11 pile 12 : 2.3683738343718623 13 " 14 i 2.219663534593389 14 i 15 don't 3.775983377249961 15 don't 16 care 5.968149007361504 16 care 17 ! 1.0591760593222226 minnesota forever ! " till her breath gave out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 minnesota 0.725247369815051 1 minnesota 2 forever 11.347228257984654 1 minnesota 5 till 4.2700028993306915 1 minnesota 8 gave 3.0188103392305905 1 minnesota 3 ! 2.8517890916895396 3 ! 4 " 3.7411945146373657 6 her 7 breath 2.8106579516171095 7 breath 8 gave 3.3799933202992563 8 gave 9 out 1.4787365741228093 9 out 10 . 0.3541673997562711 dora was so mortified that she never said a word till they were let out in a room at the parker house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dora 0.9843313076792519 1 dora 2 was 2.411807539256582 1 dora 13 were 2.5844840472453505 1 dora 15 out 1.8732277133196682 1 dora 14 let 1.1735867117340817 2 was 4 mortified 3.1622173416077146 3 so 4 mortified 5.743613772212363 4 mortified 6 she 2.610199662770192 4 mortified 5 that 2.5375103283245863 6 she 8 said 2.5314486588783307 6 she 7 never 2.1023972615195223 9 a 10 word 3.5567760131019437 10 word 11 till 2.7067249530114026 11 till 12 they 3.3684998496118244 12 they 13 were 4.740392399536562 15 out 20 the 1.1033469040251305 16 in 20 the 2.2179054533910225 16 in 18 room 1.8563198284759324 16 in 17 a 1.8422556623713398 19 at 20 the 1.91018759410656 20 the 22 house 2.6929789736134584 21 parker 22 house 4.986248442341463 22 house 23 . 1.16540010437204 " i 'll write the story of their travels , and send the dear old things back to the children as soon as possible . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 the 0.03213684141804052 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 'll 4 write 4.311143514212379 5 the 20 children 2.226122194690296 5 the 6 story 3.113607195821789 6 story 7 of 1.8294064675554473 8 their 9 travels 5.8553487571594225 8 their 20 children 3.3650497991865187 9 travels 10 , 1.6138709354046483 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 send 0.8147562778287387 13 the 20 children 2.226122194690296 14 dear 20 children 2.307271768826009 14 dear 15 old 3.9305465066953467 16 things 18 to 1.0278738315930198 17 back 18 to 2.6768086490965946 18 to 19 the 0.9100440193086232 19 the 20 children 2.226122194690296 20 children 25 . 0.7365575284595973 21 as 24 possible 4.9216019554772945 22 soon 24 possible 4.906245998073224 23 as 24 possible 4.9216019554772945 24 possible 25 . 1.528233532817012 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 and so she did with mr beacon 's help , for he decided to try the air of portland , and spent his vacation there . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 she 1.13928842895214 1 and 3 she 0.6439507001135176 2 so 3 she 1.0550014793230904 3 she 13 decided 2.180249904465054 3 she 4 did 2.657595531071234 5 with 13 decided 0.8110298476938027 6 mr 13 decided 1.2864064429683602 6 mr 7 beacon 5.913652894337133 7 beacon 9 help 6.270647040126747 7 beacon 8 's 3.682184718256387 9 help 11 for 0.7250009067979377 10 , 11 for 0.7095869605262024 12 he 13 decided 2.1195313077575726 13 decided 15 try 3.1467489983377774 13 decided 14 to 3.2994102642836918 15 try 19 portland 6.649205082247597 16 the 17 air 3.1031352017024343 17 air 19 portland 8.528216781192924 18 of 19 portland 3.364437660939945 19 portland 22 spent 9.431804467337905 19 portland 24 vacation 8.799008474820802 19 portland 20 , 3.0045013113643364 19 portland 26 . 2.0769834295720386 19 portland 25 there 1.6748275527355787 20 , 21 and 1.9913305940627364 23 his 24 vacation 2.8305236216829748 the dolls were re-painted and re-dressed till they were more beautiful than ever , and their clothes fine enough to suit even flo . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 dolls 2.372372718093281 2 dolls 4 re-painted 14.867673131393317 3 were 4 re-painted 7.802633495357227 4 re-painted 6 re-dressed 20.20059124756023 4 re-painted 15 and 4.633184425807414 4 re-painted 5 and 4.633184425807414 6 re-dressed 7 till 10.387292177677455 6 re-dressed 8 they 6.640758238918526 8 they 9 were 4.740392399536562 9 were 10 more 1.1234776134119002 10 more 12 than 6.525811350829949 10 more 11 beautiful 3.7727903602337776 12 than 13 ever 5.830919847889843 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 17 clothes 0.6844111702929574 16 their 17 clothes 3.968278149291457 17 clothes 23 flo 4.749177411208688 17 clothes 24 . 1.2232682556911403 18 fine 23 flo 3.883443341127144 19 enough 23 flo 3.3927681982573468 19 enough 20 to 3.249270357477684 21 suit 23 flo 8.477080626999257 22 even 23 flo 6.242310951686807 a small volume neatly written and adorned with a few pictures of the most exciting incidents of the trip also appeared . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.5893971112625032 1 a 2 small 3.359229725467431 2 small 3 volume 7.109546077881042 3 volume 4 neatly 11.482470206310463 4 neatly 5 written 9.186545709958526 4 neatly 7 adorned 7.93486614842902 6 and 7 adorned 1.7584415624231369 7 adorned 11 pictures 8.89824105681484 7 adorned 8 with 5.770220782766799 9 a 10 few 4.691751776320549 10 few 11 pictures 4.793922417870775 11 pictures 16 incidents 9.436833280069571 12 of 16 incidents 3.9798569138992015 13 the 14 most 2.5442703083276843 14 most 15 exciting 7.7000315016115835 15 exciting 16 incidents 11.291442592515661 16 incidents 19 trip 9.034354787018199 16 incidents 17 of 2.7052709285242607 17 of 18 the 1.7361783602309693 19 trip 20 also 5.565199913167017 19 trip 21 appeared 5.115916765662334 19 trip 22 . 1.0108997056800426 it was read with intense interest , and was as true as most stories are nowadays . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 5 intense 1.8356603503692277 3 read 5 intense 6.292770922055599 4 with 5 intense 4.270520382347495 5 intense 6 interest 10.509571803445603 5 intense 16 nowadays 8.015611549600305 5 intense 8 and 1.5539211472827645 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 was 11 true 2.2698449956014386 10 as 11 true 0.7744108740455395 11 true 14 stories 4.825153276906068 11 true 12 as 0.8003043777061372 13 most 14 stories 3.2494922899713643 14 stories 16 nowadays 6.05935063288506 14 stories 15 are 3.4183905263268386 16 nowadays 17 . 1.995599836024759 but something much more delightful did happen ; for at thanksgiving time there was a wedding at the plums ' . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 thanksgiving 0.272634349089774 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 2 something 9 for 1.6189507987809755 3 much 9 for 1.9316757735434535 3 much 4 more 3.465141932433559 4 more 5 delightful 2.885592553361139 5 delightful 7 happen 4.189472730560194 6 did 7 happen 4.154938931531156 7 happen 8 ; 2.0108352443472413 9 for 11 thanksgiving 2.6494575870388033 10 at 11 thanksgiving 1.3866804135757675 11 thanksgiving 19 plums 6.228243125081647 11 thanksgiving 12 time 3.024177950630584 12 time 13 there 2.2714493433300778 13 there 14 was 3.438683647331464 15 a 16 wedding 2.4922393210946048 16 wedding 19 plums 5.318689273821132 17 at 18 the 1.91018759410656 18 the 19 plums 2.3858737337383538 19 plums 20 ' 1.7177113883204278 19 plums 21 . 1.4541945124092308 not a doll 's wedding , as flo had planned , but a real one , for the gentleman from boston actually married aunt maria . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 not -0.35369627081287014 1 not 3 doll 1.5259672700699696 2 a 3 doll 2.9376792608479043 3 doll 5 wedding 5.5823621296499795 4 's 5 wedding 3.507889051064783 5 wedding 6 , 0.5565626634972354 6 , 21 boston 1.0447378278479036 7 as 8 flo 3.2507998953209594 8 flo 10 planned 10.899627294921881 9 had 10 planned 4.9991212598031325 10 planned 17 for 2.019112472454907 10 planned 12 but 0.9207108758246854 11 , 12 but 2.1164801018826633 12 but 15 one 1.1511990533499183 13 a 14 real 2.902391659711606 14 real 15 one 0.6981972749759464 16 , 17 for 0.7095869605262024 17 for 18 the 1.0443437398983217 18 the 19 gentleman 1.6902727687065884 19 gentleman 21 boston 6.1582314123451525 20 from 21 boston 5.606291063895458 21 boston 22 actually 8.126107988727913 21 boston 25 maria 6.253255991380836 21 boston 26 . 0.8894408724322602 22 actually 23 married 4.9746038007251805 24 aunt 25 maria 4.442254200467811 vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vi 1.2846129008443192 1 vi 2 . 2.410384308903346 morning-glories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 morning-glories 1.6664447571190095 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 . -1.5223364771744592 it was very early , and the house was still . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 1 it 9 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 very 2.85037252061154 3 very 4 early 4.4071835011258536 4 early 6 and 0.8634903142008206 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 the 8 house 2.6929789736134584 8 house 9 was 1.6262958347557355 9 was 10 still 2.71128065326163 10 still 11 . 0.5358841529135763 the sun was just rising , and the morning-glories at the window were turning their blue and purple cups to catch the welcome light . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 sun 3.5488656278186834 2 sun 5 rising 4.970930439166629 3 was 5 rising 2.8791992629491467 4 just 5 rising 3.3857554031182744 5 rising 7 and 1.6089184622266437 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 19 cups 1.6011898683231571 8 the 19 cups 2.754565983047751 8 the 9 morning-glories 2.442307928142821 9 morning-glories 10 at 5.273454621153551 11 the 19 cups 2.754565983047751 11 the 12 window 3.331225961363856 13 were 18 purple 3.0266519939301304 14 turning 18 purple 5.973309729112341 15 their 18 purple 2.002882268667399 16 blue 18 purple 4.077248099117895 16 blue 17 and 1.2507427712879604 18 purple 19 cups 9.551641434252879 19 cups 21 catch 6.911113077904897 19 cups 23 welcome 5.778398401672529 19 cups 24 light 4.253852544568346 19 cups 25 . 2.068546857675866 20 to 21 catch 3.1358200764929087 21 catch 22 the 0.61624838474075 but softer , sweeter than any bird-voice was the delicate music which daisy heard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 softer 2.756523620252729 2 softer 4 sweeter 11.341346890746806 2 softer 3 , 1.6628607158068895 4 sweeter 7 bird-voice 14.096196431502797 4 sweeter 15 . 1.0771850767074405 5 than 7 bird-voice 7.63786375431328 6 any 7 bird-voice 8.748427404917841 7 bird-voice 10 delicate 12.163726735424955 7 bird-voice 13 daisy 10.427882542412188 7 bird-voice 11 music 8.965488989093192 7 bird-voice 12 which 5.8403009209373415 7 bird-voice 14 heard 5.6033236067093775 7 bird-voice 8 was 5.322288663130983 7 bird-voice 9 the 2.3941411185720973 so airy and gay was the sound , it seemed impossible to lie still with that fairy dancing-tune echoing through the room . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 was 0.5695174840046828 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.7526101009878854 1 so 2 airy 3.7859579522799933 2 airy 4 gay 8.954952263863646 2 airy 3 and 1.4493262500390038 5 was 11 impossible 3.414892788028144 5 was 7 sound 1.5994954999892315 6 the 7 sound 2.057504568504463 7 sound 8 , 0.09239030403609405 9 it 11 impossible 3.7274532772392384 10 seemed 11 impossible 6.476229729960643 11 impossible 18 dancing-tune 9.930245870099984 11 impossible 12 to 3.3916488935961837 13 lie 18 dancing-tune 8.203779479472175 14 still 18 dancing-tune 6.327796969346782 15 with 18 dancing-tune 4.41324365623117 16 that 18 dancing-tune 4.696245893627225 17 fairy 18 dancing-tune 11.721337758327895 18 dancing-tune 19 echoing 17.988018341933092 18 dancing-tune 20 through 8.765533497987356 18 dancing-tune 22 room 7.636832216704999 20 through 21 the 3.0378254413081116 22 room 23 . 1.3574242266837508 out of bed scrambled daisy , her sleepy eyes opening wider and wider with surprise and pleasure as she listened and wondered . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 out 3 bed 2.378631798050314 1 out 2 of 3.4530498390397675 3 bed 4 scrambled 6.342496786208695 4 scrambled 5 daisy 7.529854515513467 5 daisy 6 , 1.769642800179568 6 , 10 opening 1.3714242720258092 7 her 8 sleepy 0.09984890730973461 8 sleepy 10 opening 6.846339295511971 8 sleepy 9 eyes 4.279392366136264 10 opening 13 wider 9.720688447215455 11 wider 13 wider 11.827731099217296 11 wider 12 and 1.9280089537911635 13 wider 15 surprise 7.415709100190028 13 wider 17 pleasure 6.725964496627206 13 wider 22 wondered 5.745458168890657 13 wider 20 listened 5.629411147291936 13 wider 16 and 1.9280089537911635 13 wider 23 . 1.806166695618014 14 with 15 surprise 3.321299402023506 18 as 20 listened 2.3576675997162617 18 as 19 she 2.3180707662145696 21 and 22 wondered 2.087438407214634 " where is it ? " she said , popping her head out of the window . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 2 where 5 ? 1.472011628423573 2 where 3 is 2.88599974913077 4 it 5 ? 1.3564394720153814 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 6 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 7 she 8 said 2.5314486588783307 8 said 10 popping 1.387148533716509 9 , 10 popping 2.045555116348833 10 popping 13 out 6.310525238866376 10 popping 12 head 5.8121384801321625 10 popping 16 window 2.4454187812104564 11 her 12 head 3.8619547956498455 13 out 14 of 3.4530498390397675 15 the 16 window 3.331225961363856 16 window 17 . 1.5457160902310392 " it 's a new kind of bird , perhaps ; or maybe it 's a fairy hidden somewhere . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 3 's 5 new 1.6751595787819156 4 a 5 new 3.1188611850141097 5 new 17 fairy 3.406763315196905 5 new 6 kind 3.1517377900961527 6 kind 7 of 4.045887899898997 6 kind 8 bird 3.2002612569316042 8 bird 13 maybe 2.1695949194486133 8 bird 9 , 1.4743288968340185 8 bird 10 perhaps 1.4203060294072927 11 ; 13 maybe 1.3983518567603674 12 or 13 maybe 3.094840912067422 13 maybe 14 it 2.400726146653419 14 it 15 's 2.8884519147935066 16 a 17 fairy 2.2319269691560777 17 fairy 18 hidden 4.413626601135348 18 hidden 19 somewhere 7.0906742150638 19 somewhere 20 . 1.0962362931329253 there was neither fairy nor bird to be seen ; and daisy stood wondering , when a voice cried out from below : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 3 neither 1.2135067119092362 1 there 2 was 3.438683647331464 3 neither 5 nor 9.155529358385476 3 neither 4 fairy 3.267369509946789 3 neither 10 ; 1.7507123475785384 5 nor 6 bird 3.4937597639719975 7 to 8 be 3.101474476606974 8 be 10 ; 0.20910559607240842 8 be 9 seen 3.7528405419774096 10 ; 12 daisy 2.207446472075805 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 12 daisy 14 wondering 4.712716928317228 12 daisy 13 stood 3.4401164293378876 12 daisy 22 below 3.2713251668282908 12 daisy 23 : 2.662770341416657 12 daisy 15 , 1.769642800179568 15 , 16 when 0.8302784881471972 17 a 18 voice 2.6953640769595513 18 voice 22 below 3.717107970249529 18 voice 19 cried 2.4526413457022542 19 cried 20 out 2.6382249346979236 21 from 22 below 3.99575948567324 " why , little nightcap , what brings you out of your bed so early ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 16 ? 2.154945933670776 2 why 3 , 1.840497834106312 4 little 5 nightcap 4.610338500701527 5 nightcap 8 brings 8.165143553986425 5 nightcap 15 early 4.936764529641092 6 , 7 what 0.30339718836326135 7 what 8 brings 5.147282380279542 8 brings 9 you 3.217060707435227 10 out 15 early 2.7937930859769438 10 out 11 of 3.4530498390397675 12 your 13 bed 2.0740460296598755 13 bed 15 early 5.350830298388239 14 so 15 early 3.0988816722094548 15 early 16 ? 1.1163268801107264 16 ? 17 " 4.126492033472207 " o aunt wee ! do you hear it that pretty music playing somewhere near ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o 2.412037875786348 2 o 16 ! 2.797163340108149 2 o 4 wee 4.779205977279002 2 o 5 ! 2.797163340108149 3 aunt 4 wee 6.88178081549345 6 do 7 you 3.4483737354832282 7 you 8 hear 2.5144762981553495 8 hear 16 ! 0.9267692467843922 8 hear 9 it 2.0472674986254322 8 hear 10 that 1.4346602799209727 11 pretty 15 near 5.094402219234254 11 pretty 16 ! 1.1679630134886096 12 music 13 playing 5.033856072408682 13 playing 14 somewhere 5.719965193887596 14 somewhere 15 near 6.960550628570154 aunt wee listened , smiled , and shook her head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 shook 0.8523330993114708 1 aunt 2 wee 6.88178081549345 2 wee 5 smiled 5.660247849764712 2 wee 3 listened 6.7436764922058785 3 listened 4 , 0.6455053202212859 5 smiled 8 shook 2.6682840704223523 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 shook 1.8594612765746543 8 shook 10 head 7.466040922364545 8 shook 9 her 4.341470253577111 10 head 11 . 1.5065797598279982 well , perhaps there are fairies , and they are going to show themselves to you , if you watch well . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 perhaps 1.7456039888577326 1 well 3 perhaps 1.7569171428675254 1 well 2 , 2.65559168359394 3 perhaps 4 there 1.74468664664753 4 there 5 are 3.2663969617557846 5 are 11 going 4.552890171303174 6 fairies 10 are 3.719110663500043 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 they 0.9764612904959886 9 they 10 are 3.993263810226807 10 are 11 going 4.552890171303174 11 going 15 to 4.148501845167235 11 going 12 to 4.148501845167235 12 to 13 show 3.3710530641958414 13 show 14 themselves 3.876736558902966 15 to 20 watch 3.0700861760196663 16 you 20 watch 0.8935726798550689 17 , 18 if 1.058710375425802 18 if 19 you 3.283533954578644 19 you 20 watch 0.8935726798550689 20 watch 21 well 2.1866628549971274 20 watch 22 . 0.7276651360333037 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 " mamma says i 'm quick at finding things ; and you know all about fairies , so i guess we 'll catch one . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mamma 1.0484306585341372 2 mamma 3 says 5.779509081611007 2 mamma 10 ; 3.0310155273028876 2 mamma 15 about 2.2277486691428265 2 mamma 17 , 1.6100930611566717 2 mamma 18 so 1.0015244603625995 3 says 5 'm 1.7598414442643922 4 i 5 'm 4.8883536268785885 6 quick 8 finding 5.157370239486227 7 at 8 finding 4.221588787010745 8 finding 9 things 2.998514174183711 9 things 10 ; 0.9722288279783804 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 12 you 13 know 3.724341505433399 13 know 15 about 3.058653365329885 14 all 15 about 3.5944086066832757 15 about 16 fairies 3.4001375585834026 18 so 21 we 1.2131554895271908 19 i 20 guess 4.484846112989166 20 guess 21 we 3.3486540410347168 21 we 22 'll 4.426023306559921 22 'll 23 catch 4.0447110311233025 23 catch 24 one 3.075574861911708 23 catch 25 . 0.21127093834131117 can't we begin now ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 now 1.3959490495991158 1 can't 3 begin 3.116905300769247 2 we 3 begin 2.945693699915484 3 begin 4 now 2.1519535842688775 4 now 5 ? 1.8548334770730026 it 's very early , and this music has waked me up ; so i don't want to sleep any more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 3 very 1.0655585299503567 3 very 4 early 4.4071835011258536 4 early 7 this 2.556460986554999 4 early 6 and 0.8634903142008206 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 this 8 music 0.5996723855229469 8 music 10 waked 6.629400170841965 8 music 21 more 2.3435912594803945 8 music 22 . 1.144529121244524 9 has 10 waked 4.561858190490831 10 waked 12 up 6.2430833300592035 10 waked 19 sleep 4.000477608722601 10 waked 11 me 3.151798725045559 13 ; 15 i 1.7064961061421702 13 ; 14 so 1.5443366530647253 15 i 16 don't 3.775983377249961 16 don't 17 want 5.3732288162782975 17 want 18 to 3.9391506201216338 18 to 19 sleep 3.55230212057757 20 any 21 more 5.283241875426565 will you begin to hunt now ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 1 will 5 hunt 3.3431548838210325 1 will 2 you 2.2573630638043767 3 begin 5 hunt 4.37969963936472 4 to 5 hunt 3.472618814147733 5 hunt 6 now 0.9339810050527113 6 now 7 ? 1.8548334770730026 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 can you do this , lazy daisy ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 1 can 2 you 1.9429849027294246 2 you 6 lazy 1.6927348705310514 2 you 8 ? 1.9127300143977735 2 you 3 do 1.8147941312736613 4 this 6 lazy 1.67027719415659 5 , 6 lazy 0.26359029884150686 6 lazy 7 daisy 6.837400972056923 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 and aunt wee smiled to herself as if something pleased her very much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 aunt 0.7800833488707841 1 and 2 aunt 0.7860191580220217 2 aunt 3 wee 6.88178081549345 3 wee 4 smiled 5.660247849764712 3 wee 10 pleased 2.3655739003552654 4 smiled 7 as 2.244811990469856 4 smiled 6 herself 2.2141853033591055 5 to 6 herself 2.2599292109335067 7 as 8 if 4.06288549053939 8 if 9 something 1.4663858398260814 10 pleased 11 her 1.7242539282893574 10 pleased 14 . 0.946285608909017 12 very 13 much 4.924830971624845 13 much 14 . 0.46235719380496043 " oh ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 3 ! 2.9964053743846186 i will , truly , get up , and not fret a bit , if you 'll only help me look . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 will 2.6445045424929425 2 will 10 not 2.5239130859854004 2 will 6 get 2.597242948115044 3 , 4 truly 0.9451981121945607 4 truly 6 get 1.2272050959481078 4 truly 5 , 1.543221257043939 6 get 7 up 3.244725953854646 7 up 9 and 1.4311725078194826 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 not 11 fret 3.8307769240786804 10 not 19 help 2.7267627745799885 10 not 21 look 1.9015065495439778 11 fret 13 bit 5.7259031418612985 11 fret 14 , 1.877622004865021 12 a 13 bit 4.3931155458296285 15 if 16 you 3.283533954578644 16 you 17 'll 3.0120537035371715 17 'll 19 help 2.7218000132297 18 only 19 help 1.3557936072374446 19 help 20 me 3.978907063627233 21 look 22 . -0.12733955349461468 please come now to dress me , and see if you can find what makes the music . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 please 0.8885502755209256 1 please 7 , 1.6920874838857536 1 please 6 me 2.9373340408576496 1 please 2 come 2.2954701427839694 2 come 4 to 2.167677248353314 2 come 3 now 1.7952682954294517 4 to 5 dress 0.9520160749261493 7 , 19 " 1.299421509625157 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 see 14 what 3.306547787662252 9 see 10 if 3.030240517871828 10 if 11 you 3.283533954578644 11 you 12 can 3.114760440925462 12 can 13 find 4.056318406533649 14 what 15 makes 3.875114861943281 15 makes 17 music 3.340428475210608 16 the 17 music 2.0170564478650626 17 music 18 . 1.144529121244524 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 but nothing pleased her long ; and she lounged about , pale and fretful , till aunt laura came . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 8 she 1.9359797190744636 1 but 2 nothing 1.7281154729233705 3 pleased 6 ; 1.362572071477878 3 pleased 4 her 1.7242539282893574 5 long 6 ; 0.6852796199294318 6 ; 8 she 1.4119671975082824 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 she 9 lounged 3.15797284809463 9 lounged 14 fretful 11.830454625035227 9 lounged 10 about 5.417975380205451 9 lounged 11 , 1.434559651051785 12 pale 14 fretful 8.657172247608322 12 pale 13 and 2.5327516144627182 14 fretful 18 laura 10.193895159084516 14 fretful 16 till 6.4896401132584565 14 fretful 19 came 5.248704017541932 14 fretful 20 . 1.7027933395016746 14 fretful 15 , 1.08943460469008 17 aunt 18 laura 5.489768385473283 " i don't see anything , and the music has stopped . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 see 3.5571581064685986 4 see 5 anything 3.1972906627716853 5 anything 9 music 1.452067470173695 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 the 0.3601075504743463 8 the 9 music 2.0170564478650626 9 music 11 stopped 3.2029009406853746 9 music 10 has 2.9694297927965287 9 music 12 . 1.144529121244524 " do you think it will come again to-morrow ? " asked daisy anxiously . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 do 10 ? 2.344463917580823 2 do 4 think 3.5430255153558647 2 do 3 you 3.4483737354832282 4 think 5 it 2.3531048070763934 5 it 6 will 1.8855494822263612 6 will 7 come 3.4345590404129656 7 come 9 to-morrow 3.2546224821715093 8 again 9 to-morrow 3.289868535845063 10 ? 12 asked 5.32511077011031 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 12 asked 14 anxiously 5.707349434070597 13 daisy 14 anxiously 6.831510191497969 14 anxiously 15 . 2.826573731914076 " i dare say you 'll hear it , if you wake in time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 dare 3.6052691385164213 2 i 6 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 dare 4 say 7.496575287648177 5 you 6 'll 3.0120537035371715 6 'll 12 wake 2.9144620120869646 6 'll 7 hear 2.2086339890330073 7 hear 8 it 2.0472674986254322 9 , 10 if 1.058710375425802 10 if 11 you 3.283533954578644 11 you 12 wake 1.5236309401804213 12 wake 13 in 1.099715535445668 13 in 14 time 1.5593422122332719 14 time 15 . 0.7539307029129461 now get your hat , and we will see what we can find down by the brook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 7 we 2.006852862427669 1 now 5 , 1.683986876826845 2 get 4 hat 2.4059989644269173 3 your 4 hat 4.022323746538838 4 hat 5 , 1.1107575670230112 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 we 8 will 3.2620368769536263 8 will 13 find 4.174814720853304 9 see 10 what 3.306547787662252 10 what 12 can 2.7758412826739036 11 we 12 can 3.7636142708586675 12 can 13 find 4.056318406533649 13 find 16 the 0.5596292054148755 14 down 15 by 2.4327750637481067 15 by 16 the 1.984237484577001 16 the 17 brook 3.1979195803766682 17 brook 18 . 1.3149149287217448 " how pink the clouds are , and how the dew twinkles in the grass ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 12 twinkles 5.692298352852703 3 pink 5 clouds 6.296345624353261 4 the 5 clouds 2.890645600075345 5 clouds 12 twinkles 11.446835805668602 5 clouds 6 are 3.5351228164544466 5 clouds 8 and 1.1914817400761883 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 how 12 twinkles 5.692298352852703 10 the 12 twinkles 3.139745158122391 11 dew 12 twinkles 14.981015376017016 12 twinkles 15 grass 10.184685021086203 12 twinkles 13 in 5.86324734505137 12 twinkles 16 ! 3.3105744863335573 14 the 15 grass 3.083089082086813 i never saw it so before , " she said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 never 2.5602386484719286 2 never 3 saw 4.253207216699751 2 never 6 before 2.7814947807702275 3 saw 4 it 1.2814445528236948 4 it 5 so 0.8340495391544973 6 before 9 she 1.6859247701817957 6 before 11 . 1.0081619965636026 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 8 " 9 she 1.5550225530747177 9 she 10 said 2.5314486588783307 " i think we 'd better look under that cobweb spread like a tent over the white clovers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 5 'd 3.910051988282767 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 4 we 5 'd 2.815530148757933 5 'd 7 look 2.3873399396699178 5 'd 6 better 6.323799329954605 7 look 18 clovers 5.927644283542897 8 under 10 cobweb 8.416034676832908 9 that 10 cobweb 4.84686775667392 10 cobweb 18 clovers 13.22024522529738 10 cobweb 11 spread 11.98186181792017 10 cobweb 12 like 5.777372032954169 12 like 13 a 2.717545363523488 14 tent 18 clovers 11.96244746782973 15 over 18 clovers 5.557369314575464 16 the 18 clovers 1.9865883700609714 17 white 18 clovers 10.28663549463209 18 clovers 19 . 3.69080079296538 a fairy would be very likely to creep in there and sleep . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 1 a 2 fairy 2.2319269691560777 2 fairy 8 creep 4.0771810383904565 3 would 6 likely 3.188322589169104 3 would 4 be 4.301422612821934 5 very 6 likely 5.059252798388712 6 likely 8 creep 5.512378101946108 7 to 8 creep 3.2814165598274236 8 creep 9 in 3.6751526804462493 8 creep 12 sleep 2.8027636373369447 8 creep 10 there 2.6600182766519183 11 and 12 sleep 0.3495113905366303 12 sleep 13 . 1.5207334788185491 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 " i don't like spiders , " said daisy , much disappointed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 like 3.5152090547893575 4 like 5 spiders 4.523486838352792 5 spiders 12 disappointed 5.1109357270831595 5 spiders 9 daisy 5.573693126446997 5 spiders 10 , 2.4913512240563556 5 spiders 6 , 2.4913512240563556 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 9 daisy 2.8155072820963483 11 much 12 disappointed 5.573831864286621 12 disappointed 13 . 2.082095742326942 " there are things about spiders as interesting to hear as fairy tales , " said wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 spiders 1.4963801684915232 2 there 3 are 3.2663969617557846 3 are 6 spiders 2.961885498848819 4 things 6 spiders 6.129369077508901 5 about 6 spiders 5.1766168321952115 6 spiders 13 tales 6.334870575864517 6 spiders 8 interesting 8.370917680234207 6 spiders 17 wee 5.715056164610672 6 spiders 10 hear 4.528130354229887 6 spiders 11 as 3.2759529367696416 6 spiders 7 as 3.2759529367696416 6 spiders 14 , 2.4913512240563556 9 to 10 hear 3.1230975801307697 12 fairy 13 tales 8.69168601146443 15 " 16 said 3.5310061102049364 16 said 17 wee 1.5227927780406851 17 wee 18 . 0.5331422824746923 " this is mrs epeira diadema ; and she is a respectable , industrious little neighbor . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 this 3 is 3.100883637059548 3 is 5 epeira 5.885077542556164 4 mrs 5 epeira 9.279854989207418 5 epeira 6 diadema 20.227482756100656 5 epeira 14 industrious 13.641531904966872 5 epeira 12 respectable 11.521964042855124 5 epeira 10 is 3.680154078583577 6 diadema 7 ; 7.340133557120083 6 diadema 9 she 3.9767739867725886 6 diadema 8 and 3.017652749168292 11 a 12 respectable 2.8940933213076505 13 , 14 industrious 2.7629477256552164 14 industrious 16 neighbor 11.380223682793645 14 industrious 15 little 6.761674403173696 16 neighbor 17 . 1.518799330737707 she spreads her tent , but sits under a leaf near by , waiting for her breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 spreads 3.0410115541678273 2 spreads 4 tent 12.347428820847696 2 spreads 16 her 3.596566481842654 2 spreads 3 her 3.596566481842654 4 tent 12 by 3.8652783910156394 4 tent 13 , 1.4026796655936913 4 tent 5 , 1.4026796655936913 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 7 sits 11 near 5.944333050061264 7 sits 10 leaf 6.938439226396124 7 sits 8 under 4.986740162304159 9 a 10 leaf 3.787420040073922 11 near 12 by 3.509777806787014 14 waiting 15 for 5.363440588623822 15 for 16 her 1.5684101338486194 16 her 17 breakfast 1.417561660668607 17 breakfast 18 . 1.7661671610070684 she wraps her eggs in a soft silken bag , and hides them in some safe chink , where they lie till spring . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 12 hides 2.6888683262263235 1 she 2 wraps 2.7598380987205573 2 wraps 4 eggs 9.42569008079342 2 wraps 3 her 3.5995143058068813 4 eggs 5 in 2.3589560572515715 6 a 7 soft 2.713947910076481 7 soft 12 hides 5.343527090330209 7 soft 8 silken 9.53838921482939 7 soft 11 and 1.9699001859940566 8 silken 9 bag 9.611577249336957 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 hides 17 chink 11.34040914644931 12 hides 13 them 4.817755375372858 12 hides 23 spring 4.58748408868108 12 hides 14 in 1.9686461787965257 15 some 17 chink 5.152456002407792 16 safe 17 chink 9.934812021842738 17 chink 21 lie 6.899085896347426 17 chink 19 where 5.894642240164131 17 chink 18 , 1.6689881195426146 19 where 20 they 2.7632596148427737 21 lie 22 till 4.607237961633416 23 spring 24 . 1.271589961426388 the mother dies as soon as her eggs are safely placed , and the spiderlings have to take care of themselves . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 15 spiderlings 3.8351316485371996 2 mother 3 dies 4.746331335143019 3 dies 5 soon 4.437109943673484 4 as 5 soon 4.741137761246602 5 soon 10 safely 3.4709105270400897 5 soon 6 as 4.770150973493456 7 her 8 eggs 2.182807960080712 8 eggs 10 safely 5.992799894219868 8 eggs 9 are 3.2961147348080395 10 safely 11 placed 7.615968501684151 11 placed 15 spiderlings 11.55711396653119 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 15 spiderlings 3.263550755455075 14 the 15 spiderlings 3.8351316485371996 15 spiderlings 19 care 8.019323194142157 15 spiderlings 21 themselves 7.969545581331079 15 spiderlings 18 take 7.177916747253256 15 spiderlings 16 have 6.874448814675713 15 spiderlings 17 to 3.434744110099519 19 care 20 of 2.9587428891175733 21 themselves 22 . 1.2415435514085136 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 " how do you know about it , aunt wee ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 aunt 1.3041816097166894 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 3 do 2.9348995900014696 3 do 4 you 3.4483737354832282 4 you 5 know 3.724341505433399 5 know 6 about 3.058653365329885 6 about 7 it 2.9622318327423507 8 , 9 aunt 0.5806378793021736 9 aunt 10 wee 6.88178081549345 9 aunt 11 ? 0.18771514597959538 you talk as if mrs eppyra or whatever her name is had told you herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 2 talk 1.492176207691184 2 talk 3 as 1.125904861960855 2 talk 15 herself 1.36483177406744 3 as 4 if 4.06288549053939 4 if 6 eppyra 6.542882923401784 4 if 14 you 3.283533954578644 5 mrs 6 eppyra 9.452639644788967 6 eppyra 8 whatever 11.753633972858726 6 eppyra 7 or 8.640587023683228 6 eppyra 10 name 7.557898405678618 6 eppyra 13 told 3.4760495543132883 6 eppyra 9 her 3.3222438946774915 10 name 11 is 3.2781540348630465 12 had 13 told 2.5013156416048616 15 herself 16 . 1.2084107311983594 did she ? " asked daisy , feeling more interested in the brown spider . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 did 0.6724418123702183 1 did 14 spider 4.160365464785862 2 she 5 asked 2.5470116104253275 3 ? 5 asked 5.32511077011031 3 ? 4 " 4.126492033472207 5 asked 6 daisy 5.132142810408112 6 daisy 14 spider 4.839191673726141 6 daisy 8 feeling 3.246194651489379 6 daisy 7 , 1.769642800179568 9 more 10 interested 5.033535149196446 10 interested 14 spider 6.34478336242837 10 interested 11 in 4.893450724763142 11 in 12 the 2.2179054533910225 13 brown 14 spider 6.328599854267157 14 spider 15 . 1.7072889157539493 " no ; i read it in a book , and saw pictures of the eggs , web , and family . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 ; 2.2868163661968097 4 i 12 saw 2.5503463476874053 4 i 5 read 2.1946013850032706 5 read 9 book 4.1462702661246205 5 read 6 it 2.9721625402571057 7 in 8 a 1.8422556623713398 8 a 9 book 2.623146284743177 9 book 10 , 1.0994075273802366 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 saw 13 pictures 4.322053542770313 13 pictures 18 web 8.41389085710362 13 pictures 14 of 2.8846528694286455 14 of 15 the 1.7361783602309693 16 eggs 18 web 8.84951864574349 16 eggs 17 , 1.2169765328324011 18 web 21 family 5.330232950857962 18 web 20 and 2.1452372124117645 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 21 family 22 . 1.3841722527759046 she ate worms and bugs , and was very amiable and interesting till she fell ill and died . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 ate 1.5182906624346266 2 ate 3 worms 10.415501203718943 2 ate 13 till 3.4123918314900656 3 worms 5 bugs 11.213851447602643 3 worms 7 and 2.5721276292187127 3 worms 4 and 2.5721276292187127 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 was 9 very 2.85037252061154 9 very 12 interesting 4.867704949313303 10 amiable 12 interesting 7.177479389691612 10 amiable 11 and 2.04965087902524 12 interesting 13 till 2.9994723809221924 13 till 18 died 3.0233519351049374 14 she 18 died 2.8722226454658752 15 fell 16 ill 5.880948406959362 16 ill 18 died 2.660949431488831 16 ill 17 and 1.2462623783960538 18 died 19 . 1.2419032173311386 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 good-by , ma'am . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 good-by 1.0457509439113863 1 good-by 3 ma'am 6.2978174258768505 2 , 3 ma'am 3.28959533313545 3 ma'am 4 . 1.947142344918488 daisy walked on a few steps , and then stopped to say : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 daisy 2 walked 4.008219990346674 1 daisy 13 : 2.662770341416657 2 walked 3 on 3.5594749506820413 3 on 6 steps 3.0013568005858 4 a 5 few 4.691751776320549 5 few 6 steps 7.955074758956908 6 steps 10 stopped 3.5529516982404203 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 then 2.4133610488576807 9 then 10 stopped 3.042157472729496 11 to 12 say 2.8336795269754163 12 say 13 : 2.541877819781636 " what does that bird mean by calling ' hurry up , hurry up ? ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 3 does 4.299895572838121 3 does 13 hurry 4.066197212127083 4 that 5 bird 1.2432002464977252 5 bird 8 calling 4.132473934910372 6 mean 7 by 3.7585141082154543 7 by 8 calling 2.939485363955175 8 calling 13 hurry 4.169178224481893 8 calling 9 ' 0.27012602829832844 10 hurry 13 hurry 5.564043190496648 10 hurry 11 up 4.278191517654957 10 hurry 12 , 1.0874765280246699 13 hurry 14 up 4.278191517654957 13 hurry 15 ? 1.7877641193740068 15 ? 16 ' 4.045424214891025 he keeps flying before us , and looking back as if he wanted to show me something . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 keeps 3.072979507504442 1 he 13 wanted 3.202054672195347 2 keeps 3 flying 6.799413316847225 2 keeps 5 us 2.761663751958416 4 before 5 us 2.6081179959041663 6 , 8 looking 2.0143069737250805 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 looking 10 as 1.9202694714051347 8 looking 9 back 2.476927069273934 10 as 11 if 4.06288549053939 11 if 12 he 2.3867006888513433 12 he 13 wanted 3.202054672195347 13 wanted 14 to 4.012813233173826 13 wanted 17 something 2.9255099171648595 13 wanted 18 . 0.17621786484673407 14 to 15 show 3.3710530641958414 15 show 16 me 3.885627669096774 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 " let me hear what he says . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 what 2.0471061670584625 1 " 7 says 2.034102105010877 2 let 3 me 5.046289406031127 2 let 4 hear 3.1484355271113422 4 hear 5 what 2.6241037632533804 6 he 7 says 2.2945227880990924 7 says 8 . 0.13398638585264955 i may be able to understand him , or the bob-o-link that swings on the alder by the brook . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 may 1.7514116305171221 2 may 3 be 4.748067582114405 3 be 4 able 6.1067485729291935 4 able 5 to 4.652064608509811 5 to 7 him 1.727179860682737 5 to 6 understand 1.6592225287195284 7 him 20 . 1.4355656727212907 8 , 9 or 1.4271475215650753 9 or 11 bob-o-link 6.306720645573559 10 the 11 bob-o-link 3.9044557427715034 11 bob-o-link 13 swings 15.92185949252124 11 bob-o-link 19 brook 7.886302109082646 11 bob-o-link 12 that 5.130233559449838 13 swings 16 alder 11.947436110531278 13 swings 14 on 4.6965773358110425 14 on 15 the 2.3827313113897173 16 alder 17 by 4.057860900113326 18 the 19 brook 3.1979195803766682 19 brook 20 . 1.3149149287217448 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 wee listened a moment , while the birds twittered and chirped with all their hearts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 twittered 0.9739817597007487 1 wee 2 listened 6.7436764922058785 2 listened 4 moment 2.2696429871966863 3 a 4 moment 4.003490410049469 4 moment 9 twittered 5.75117074018042 5 , 6 while 1.448856711021131 6 while 9 twittered 5.450698339177382 7 the 8 birds 2.9470932371034184 8 birds 9 twittered 10.000968404236335 9 twittered 11 chirped 13.669845037637238 10 and 11 chirped 3.3622095978439255 11 chirped 15 hearts 7.405103586765943 11 chirped 12 with 3.6655822375301135 11 chirped 13 all 2.8006170177282073 14 their 15 hearts 6.655299622192921 15 hearts 16 . 0.9388687917075096 presently wee sang in a tone very like the bob-o-link 's : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 2 wee 5.443425473230196 2 wee 10 bob-o-link 9.485932226027291 3 sang 10 bob-o-link 7.365603068336505 4 in 6 tone 3.3366858784728066 5 a 6 tone 3.3024332076904788 6 tone 10 bob-o-link 8.64120804624579 7 very 10 bob-o-link 4.307898666998565 8 like 10 bob-o-link 6.172500731309757 9 the 10 bob-o-link 3.9044557427715034 10 bob-o-link 12 : 6.878531886560335 10 bob-o-link 11 's 5.443648773903821 but i really think there are berries over there , and we will see if what he says is true , " said wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 5 there 2.0326708688521773 1 but 2 i 2.212975893494237 2 i 4 think 3.3874834805555984 3 really 4 think 3.9003179528482654 5 there 19 is 3.4493880668436336 5 there 6 are 3.2663969617557846 6 are 7 berries 2.755938883040848 7 berries 8 over 3.40682639143575 9 there 19 is 3.4493880668436336 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 we 1.098573113931673 12 we 13 will 3.2620368769536263 13 will 14 see 2.25283186318949 14 see 16 what 3.306547787662252 14 see 15 if 3.030240517871828 16 what 19 is 3.0799714209227993 17 he 18 says 2.2945227880990924 18 says 19 is 1.9042945419853616 19 is 20 true 4.0301771724984405 20 true 21 , 1.894235013874619 20 true 25 . 1.3608252744927558 21 , 23 said 1.5025770512474743 22 " 23 said 3.5310061102049364 23 said 24 wee 1.5227927780406851 over the wall they went , and there , on a sunny bank , found a bed of the reddest , ripest berries ever seen . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the 0.03213684141804052 1 over 2 the 1.9686375213821936 2 the 3 wall 3.2846448851422814 4 they 15 found 3.022820456482327 4 they 5 went 3.2946726977661687 5 went 10 on 4.063278055453239 5 went 7 and 0.3134233682190182 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 there 0.8604982154011687 8 there 9 , -0.04648694043911128 10 on 13 bank 4.095773325080231 11 a 12 sunny 3.0516465361186036 12 sunny 13 bank 7.302465290737565 13 bank 14 , 0.5253441090924866 15 found 20 reddest 5.107521150721038 15 found 16 a 1.8331257718129663 17 bed 20 reddest 6.303476803549241 18 of 20 reddest 2.3018961948712366 19 the 20 reddest 3.8848846837342954 20 reddest 22 ripest 16.43335509950188 21 , 22 ripest 1.9489104174733853 22 ripest 23 berries 13.020007270740017 22 ripest 24 ever 6.746329869796099 22 ripest 25 seen 6.496681506257854 22 ripest 26 . 1.741265859948367 " these are so much sweeter than those we buy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 are 0.7411182930715672 2 these 3 are 3.5596790189489056 3 are 6 sweeter 2.946158198889929 4 so 5 much 4.890055122907173 5 much 6 sweeter 5.394069454127671 6 sweeter 7 than 7.087662760588827 6 sweeter 10 buy 4.899491722261036 6 sweeter 8 those 3.783586745148156 6 sweeter 11 . 1.0771850767074405 9 we 10 buy 2.143161642767577 i 'd carry some home to mamma , if i only had a basket . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'd 3.910051988282767 2 'd 3 carry 2.227263300841706 2 'd 6 to 1.1011246703764712 3 carry 5 home 3.4748795265075323 3 carry 4 some 0.7789076054675128 7 mamma 8 , 1.6100930611566717 8 , 9 if 1.058710375425802 9 if 10 i 2.4665272994818057 10 i 11 only 1.1716304118393204 11 only 13 a 1.759325717055992 12 had 13 a 1.502631725856677 13 a 14 basket 2.6183451384217626 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 " you can pick this great leaf full , while i make you a basket , " said wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 3 can 3.114760440925462 3 can 4 pick 3.3851668667364585 4 pick 15 basket 4.969267552416291 5 this 15 basket 2.9044974922767324 6 great 15 basket 2.4904333494008455 6 great 7 leaf 3.997710422525657 6 great 10 while 2.5767555890288456 7 leaf 8 full 4.967323408756055 9 , 10 while 1.448856711021131 10 while 11 i 1.651822253651476 12 make 14 a 2.393763824686049 12 make 13 you 1.4372359049228418 14 a 15 basket 2.6183451384217626 15 basket 19 wee 3.1044309789204334 15 basket 20 . 1.1125388988762062 16 , 18 said 1.5025770512474743 17 " 18 said 3.5310061102049364 18 said 19 wee 1.5227927780406851 daisy soon filled the leaf , and then sat watching her aunt plait a pretty basket of rushes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 daisy 3 filled 3.687693234130059 1 daisy 2 soon 3.741008169219434 3 filled 4 the 1.2533661814908328 4 the 18 rushes 3.0110381626276244 4 the 5 leaf 1.4694849167564392 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 then 2.4133610488576807 8 then 13 plait 3.4355500541567388 9 sat 13 plait 5.776102249289121 10 watching 13 plait 8.590078964782872 11 her 13 plait 3.544276491485789 12 aunt 13 plait 8.169692732877817 13 plait 18 rushes 11.215298004335335 13 plait 16 basket 9.050332655458526 13 plait 15 pretty 7.7691924517939945 13 plait 14 a 3.303268076701812 16 basket 17 of 2.520255834595318 18 rushes 19 . 1.1433408319922194 while she waited she looked about , and kept finding something curious or pleasant to interest and amuse her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 1.13928842895214 1 while 2 she 2.371446777242305 2 she 5 looked 2.8418734783463435 2 she 3 waited 1.9952704266572816 4 she 5 looked 2.8418734783463435 5 looked 6 about 3.1122355432501685 6 about 19 her 2.286577647868018 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 kept 1.2651561222637113 9 kept 10 finding 4.006434571352965 9 kept 19 her 2.754665256341351 10 finding 12 curious 5.065717007321723 10 finding 11 something 2.792558432575774 12 curious 18 amuse 4.002637290932977 13 or 18 amuse 2.7695033539537626 14 pleasant 18 amuse 3.7692240871585945 15 to 18 amuse 3.374480902708605 16 interest 18 amuse 5.972359481112406 17 and 18 amuse 1.991379555049157 19 her 20 . 0.7973847081259855 close by grew a pitcher-plant ; and a yellow butterfly sat on the edge , bathing its feet , daisy said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 by -0.18528363629599376 1 close 2 by 5.561856590412926 2 by 10 butterfly 3.1581785505736164 3 grew 5 pitcher-plant 10.342714603609707 4 a 5 pitcher-plant 5.4376605702955025 5 pitcher-plant 6 ; 8.121142808320378 5 pitcher-plant 7 and 3.9474448675142035 7 and 9 yellow 1.7640083012917174 8 a 9 yellow 1.2836982773914336 9 yellow 10 butterfly 7.631244699287535 10 butterfly 16 bathing 9.080459210772101 10 butterfly 11 sat 4.780711037069981 12 on 14 edge 4.590498733710952 13 the 14 edge 3.733314977149048 14 edge 16 bathing 8.14691692100903 15 , 16 bathing 0.40419262650326715 16 bathing 17 its 7.666854870388882 16 bathing 20 daisy 7.240809782439886 16 bathing 18 feet 7.030220259911598 16 bathing 22 . 1.059363862444723 16 bathing 21 said 0.9158846718410167 18 feet 19 , 1.1370098614812783 " i won't hurt you , little mother . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 8 mother 0.3098764352152763 2 i 3 won't 2.922582617119204 3 won't 4 hurt 6.0513316812973486 3 won't 5 you 2.5096199700438326 6 , 8 mother 0.5028105103358573 7 little 8 mother 1.5262441118316659 8 mother 9 . 0.3597696954209848 " i love birds . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 love 2.7380223429323625 3 love 4 birds 3.19652532846219 4 birds 5 . 0.5586908387821765 tell me something about them , aunt wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 aunt 0.7800833488707841 1 tell 4 about 3.398994862713611 1 tell 2 me 4.773347470203449 3 something 4 about 3.511526216027672 4 about 7 aunt 0.9934286947371156 4 about 5 them 2.374327501006192 5 them 6 , 0.8130704585028692 7 aunt 8 wee 6.88178081549345 8 wee 9 . 0.5331422824746923 you must know many things ; for they like you , and come when you call . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 9 like 1.966738849342594 1 you 3 know 3.724341505433399 1 you 2 must 3.1921013234460958 1 you 16 call 2.5858389421452443 4 many 5 things 5.7884175264991935 5 things 9 like 2.6302807413714753 5 things 7 for 1.081885802040535 5 things 8 they 0.9124537552127663 6 ; 7 for 1.4090530638881251 10 you 16 call 2.5858389421452443 10 you 13 come 1.9008837508152006 10 you 11 , 0.14567293386192937 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 14 when 15 you 1.6376142925746908 15 you 16 call 2.5858389421452443 16 call 17 . 0.06557020587555407 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 it froze a little , so one could walk over it , and i went out for a run . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 froze 2.912341952829962 2 froze 10 over 4.776717037895143 2 froze 4 little 3.763659460109409 2 froze 18 a 1.5919626403132234 3 a 4 little 3.3978459531370575 4 little 5 , 0.18816138684515238 5 , 6 so 0.5181052447995267 7 one 8 could 1.7113144806974177 8 could 9 walk 3.437024782919192 9 walk 10 over 2.430490671145055 10 over 11 it 1.1455498372603472 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 15 went 1.9201141840422995 14 i 15 went 1.0784024172882738 15 went 16 out 3.759549157163395 16 out 17 for 1.180840458950577 17 for 18 a 2.0099144621548533 18 a 19 run -0.07507414728440054 19 run 20 . 0.4921884902467575 oh , so cold it was , with a sharp wind , and no sun or any thing green to make it pleasant ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.250779504187813 1 oh 2 , 3.2347483665415506 1 oh 14 no 2.5146048617939964 2 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 3 so 4 cold 2.0094535263791187 4 cold 11 wind 4.857903253436881 4 cold 13 and 2.015633756520309 4 cold 7 , 1.1574379278472104 5 it 7 , 0.10461422563168554 5 it 6 was 2.951169375325321 8 with 10 sharp 2.878862950114808 9 a 10 sharp 2.709364775244385 10 sharp 11 wind 4.557487827126327 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 no 24 ! 1.2661298822118603 15 sun 24 ! 0.5662590640806613 16 or 17 any 2.4909922513159977 17 any 18 thing 3.438981514973314 18 thing 24 ! 2.121034101080916 18 thing 20 to 1.5770537885817983 18 thing 19 green -0.4295138770006517 20 to 21 make 3.349468354565378 21 make 23 pleasant 2.168407685297492 21 make 22 it 1.5063722269656825 i went far away over the fields , and sat down to rest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 went 1.0784024172882738 2 went 11 down 3.8544176664742995 2 went 4 away 4.820996290936012 2 went 5 over 2.815541879556358 3 far 4 away 5.962216986907206 5 over 7 fields 4.192664298936446 6 the 7 fields 3.158983203213838 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 sat 1.7453506166580492 10 sat 11 down 6.913610463937838 11 down 13 rest 2.8800983012734847 12 to 13 rest 1.8816317486539536 13 rest 14 . 1.0467473003733385 while i sat there , a little bird came by , and stopped to rest also . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 there 1.2420768016119634 1 while 3 sat 1.795214582894225 1 while 2 i 1.651822253651476 3 sat 4 there 2.725017886289997 4 there 16 also 1.957692232167382 4 there 9 came 1.7809129268396848 4 there 5 , -0.04648694043911128 6 a 7 little 3.3978459531370575 7 little 8 bird 3.7805834729522836 8 bird 9 came 2.729903385013902 9 came 10 by 1.5585348248696569 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 13 stopped 1.0105249329174022 13 stopped 15 rest 3.923654217074219 14 to 15 rest 1.8816317486539536 15 rest 16 also 1.9910105317392244 16 also 17 . 0.7441329528165799 " ' how do you do ? ' said i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 10 i 2.219663534593389 2 ' 9 said 3.3686623955673642 3 how 6 do 2.9348995900014696 3 how 4 do 2.9348995900014696 4 do 5 you 3.4483737354832282 6 do 7 ? 2.344463917580823 7 ? 8 ' 4.045424214891025 8 ' 9 said 3.3686623955673642 10 i 11 . -1.3347025238808783 " 'chick-a-dee-dee , ' said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4.6025974716546045 1 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4 ' 3.56235590100815 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 3 , 3.3845434628568682 5 said 6 he 1.305335362224664 5 said 7 . 0.7987260433774388 " ' a cold day , ' said i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 9 i 2.219663534593389 2 ' 8 said 3.3686623955673642 3 a 4 cold 1.8567431150896532 4 cold 6 , 1.1574379278472104 4 cold 5 day 3.0445307857931425 6 , 8 said 1.5025770512474743 7 ' 8 said 3.3686623955673642 9 i 10 . -1.3347025238808783 " 'chick-a-dee-dee , ' said he . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4.6025974716546045 1 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4 ' 3.56235590100815 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 3 , 3.3845434628568682 5 said 6 he 1.305335362224664 5 said 7 . 0.7987260433774388 " ' aren't you afraid of starving , now the ground is covered and the trees are bare ? ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 aren't 2.0625122540949015 2 ' 3 aren't 1.1122291756078155 3 aren't 5 afraid 4.565444204885054 3 aren't 4 you 4.455753190207755 3 aren't 19 ? 3.074137945393659 5 afraid 6 of 3.536987018722373 6 of 16 trees 1.9120420040656967 6 of 7 starving 1.6443967819396335 7 starving 9 now 3.6340008792136196 7 starving 8 , 0.6870975000943496 10 the 11 ground 3.597758392882927 10 the 16 trees 2.7891417833993426 11 ground 13 covered 4.91175809385966 11 ground 14 and 1.7481244759863337 12 is 13 covered 0.9193205721567992 15 the 16 trees 2.7891417833993426 16 trees 18 bare 4.845368901828746 16 trees 17 are 2.23538353764863 19 ? 20 ' 4.045424214891025 " 'chick-a-dee-dee , ma'am , chick-a-dee-dee ! ' " answered the bird in the same cheerful tone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 2.084025091070057 1 " 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4.6025974716546045 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 4 ma'am 11.358999403197217 2 'chick-a-dee-dee 3 , 3.3845434628568682 4 ma'am 6 chick-a-dee-dee 11.940043830035762 5 , 6 chick-a-dee-dee 2.3998737128570973 6 chick-a-dee-dee 16 cheerful 9.376614109860054 6 chick-a-dee-dee 12 bird 8.090691995443326 6 chick-a-dee-dee 17 tone 7.13084300621659 6 chick-a-dee-dee 15 same 7.020164143339446 6 chick-a-dee-dee 10 answered 6.60058665837153 6 chick-a-dee-dee 7 ! 4.627987100098419 8 ' 10 answered 4.117950984048765 9 " 10 answered 2.7487180822420285 11 the 12 bird 2.5209402344411114 13 in 14 the 2.2179054533910225 14 the 15 same 3.763462972188101 17 tone 18 . 2.004036289687404 and it sounded as if he said , ' i shall be cared for . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 1 and 2 it 0.19725493109410586 2 it 3 sounded 3.30738770370332 3 sounded 13 cared 2.620597097519944 3 sounded 4 as 2.5144856412692853 4 as 5 if 4.06288549053939 5 if 10 i 2.4665272994818057 5 if 6 he 2.3867006888513433 6 he 7 said 1.8953304056768925 8 , 9 ' 1.16078956757684 9 ' 10 i 1.6332178082888937 10 i 11 shall 3.5779822205352936 11 shall 12 be 4.2128268800366495 13 cared 14 for 5.147771479314137 13 cared 15 . 0.74969030059113 i 'm not afraid . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 ' 1.2913709027074027 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 'm 4 afraid 6.639309183047294 2 'm 3 not 3.8141033902907537 5 . 6 ' 4.310577785017253 " ' what will you eat ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 what 2.0471061670584625 2 ' 3 what 2.4483234505108715 3 what 5 you 2.1286949378242674 4 will 5 you 2.2573630638043767 5 you 7 ? 1.9127300143977735 6 eat 7 ? 1.8636677278833602 there 's nothing here or for miles round . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 3 nothing 3.688087399794602 1 there 2 's 3.091621995743374 3 nothing 5 or 0.942234492922708 4 here 5 or -0.025820401438661378 5 or 7 miles 2.8858353362304605 6 for 7 miles 1.5516596808362237 7 miles 8 round 5.0135945675093545 7 miles 9 . 0.4833128707235943 i really think you 'll starve , birdie , ' said i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 really 2.184559583113016 2 really 8 birdie 5.395324239854471 2 really 3 think 3.9003179528482654 2 really 13 . -0.698482704658776 4 you 5 'll 3.0120537035371715 5 'll 8 birdie 3.308236026864215 6 starve 8 birdie 11.314762717248037 7 , 8 birdie 2.6180289775709795 8 birdie 9 , 2.991982789467862 8 birdie 12 i 2.3314051193867904 10 ' 12 i 1.6332178082888937 10 ' 11 said 3.3686623955673642 " then he laughed , and gave me a merry look as he lit on a tall , dry weed near by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 2.011859416218485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 then 14 lit 1.8502728637100745 2 then 13 he 2.977095694374839 2 then 3 he 2.977095694374839 3 he 7 gave 2.377846574025691 4 laughed 6 and 1.8398443593921172 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 gave 1.8116479003011037 7 gave 8 me 3.4826262782168502 7 gave 9 a 2.9757058601791275 9 a 10 merry 1.9403342080190065 11 look 12 as 1.7692319416144358 12 as 13 he 2.3488371624986843 14 lit 20 weed 5.963325616124187 14 lit 22 by 4.498686030645594 14 lit 15 on 3.2450948613353034 14 lit 23 . -0.07746093169036783 16 a 17 tall 3.3995167858703432 17 tall 20 weed 8.647810588272847 17 tall 18 , 1.5575955534845587 19 dry 20 weed 9.25736691927877 20 weed 21 near 7.8042473976914835 " ' cold winds may blow , and snows may fall , but well we know god cares for all . ' " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ' 1.2913709027074027 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 ' 3 cold -0.7311473326431823 3 cold 4 winds 5.710007569256202 4 winds 6 blow 8.0427428351061 5 may 6 blow 3.2699318889477276 6 blow 11 fall 3.6652634248485043 6 blow 21 . 1.0975148928883094 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 snows 2.569708613200227 9 snows 11 fall 8.837440878022196 9 snows 10 may 7.273031264037705 11 fall 18 cares 2.633074161635097 12 , 13 but 2.1164801018826633 13 but 15 we 1.8096392746097631 14 well 15 we 1.4848975291642716 15 we 16 know 1.8617334680218462 16 know 18 cares 0.9069866962879978 17 god 18 cares 7.821977546598671 18 cares 19 for 4.944860862500732 18 cares 20 all 1.3204759683601601 21 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 21 . 22 ' 4.310577785017253 " i like that little story , and shall always think of it when i hear the chick-a-dee-dee . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 9 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 i 3 like 1.8452377368031634 3 like 4 that 2.2793654758407413 4 that 5 little 0.42317855943278815 5 little 6 story 1.1776571286061994 6 story 7 , 0.4251256460842452 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 shall 18 chick-a-dee-dee 4.378809929330277 10 always 18 chick-a-dee-dee 3.215341292175509 11 think 18 chick-a-dee-dee 3.053215540942851 11 think 12 of 2.7005440226130197 11 think 13 it 2.3531048070763934 14 when 18 chick-a-dee-dee 3.3147880721541405 14 when 15 i 2.1674352707413114 16 hear 18 chick-a-dee-dee 8.036965369354526 17 the 18 chick-a-dee-dee 2.588585365491973 18 chick-a-dee-dee 20 " 2.7084914040004513 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 daisy sat a moment with a thoughtful look in her eyes ; then she said slowly , as if sorry for the words : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 then 2.011859416218485 1 daisy 2 sat 3.016896487514771 2 sat 7 thoughtful 3.072000688887467 3 a 7 thoughtful 1.7838910089983457 3 a 4 moment 4.003490410049469 5 with 6 a 2.5677995362572403 6 a 7 thoughtful 1.7838910089983457 7 thoughtful 8 look 4.970808040325213 7 thoughtful 11 eyes 4.432979886980796 7 thoughtful 12 ; 2.365240716237679 9 in 10 her 1.6344259471883866 10 her 11 eyes 3.9051306606154217 12 ; 13 then 2.3313224188236426 13 then 14 she 2.632692636526217 14 she 15 said 2.5314486588783307 15 said 24 : 3.7941609235358627 15 said 16 slowly 3.596833936372395 16 slowly 17 , 1.4407855162830359 17 , 19 if 1.058710375425802 18 as 19 if 4.06288549053939 20 sorry 21 for 4.612548871706624 21 for 22 the 1.0443437398983217 22 the 23 words 1.4191380196209717 23 words 24 : 3.2156716733425377 " it isn't a stupid , grown-up world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 isn't 1.6287556967275059 2 it 3 isn't 3.6468581291352216 3 isn't 5 stupid 4.399940517247927 3 isn't 4 a 1.777167729260693 5 stupid 7 grown-up 7.413957233070807 5 stupid 6 , 1.258803841714876 7 grown-up 8 world 6.228728568352544 8 world 9 . 1.4917895502468497 it 's a very pleasant , young world ; and i like it a great deal better this morning than i did last night . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 3 a 1.237835712354876 3 a 16 deal 3.97353149015923 3 a 5 pleasant 3.199781485769826 3 a 7 young 2.0685719669938774 4 very 5 pleasant 4.774325196727158 5 pleasant 6 , 0.40197657952848687 8 world 12 like 1.593374002167792 9 ; 11 i 1.7064961061421702 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 i 12 like 1.8452377368031634 12 like 14 a 2.717545363523488 12 like 13 it 1.4165201391099753 14 a 16 deal 3.97353149015923 15 great 16 deal 8.49448999430711 16 deal 17 better 4.225051558806715 17 better 20 than 6.5402786517312475 17 better 25 . 0.6616855618175173 18 this 20 than 0.07019394796839507 18 this 19 morning 4.749035648111237 20 than 21 i 1.2823142037478004 21 i 22 did 1.6274082174189726 23 last 24 night 6.310796886668728 24 night 25 . 1.2513831429961382 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 now put in the berries , and we 'll go on . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 8 we 2.006852862427669 1 now 6 , 1.683986876826845 2 put 5 berries 1.880600794462449 2 put 3 in 2.415743585244602 3 in 4 the 2.2179054533910225 5 berries 6 , 0.9428650097444695 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 we 9 'll 4.426023306559921 9 'll 10 go 4.124783340780025 10 go 11 on 2.8001289076617546 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 how they hunted ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 1 how 2 they 1.891740530466251 1 how 4 ! 0.7224159441248368 2 they 3 hunted 3.679943811730457 and daisy thought the world got younger and happier every minute . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 and 2 daisy 1.2984964202981502 2 daisy 9 happier 2.16578916688556 2 daisy 3 thought 1.610412083594909 4 the 5 world 3.4995122304020896 5 world 9 happier 4.299368464306202 6 got 7 younger 2.7550474032661185 7 younger 9 happier 7.015614200989919 8 and 9 happier 1.0571135399371911 9 happier 11 minute 4.666518502398539 10 every 11 minute 6.079571640921991 11 minute 12 . 1.165077495618899 " oh , yes ! and we are going again to-morrow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 we 1.485440432978688 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 yes 4.441264002315073 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 5 ! 2.9964053743846186 6 and 7 we 1.098573113931673 7 we 8 are 3.9859534724360124 8 are 9 going 4.552890171303174 9 going 11 to-morrow 2.897630071084407 10 again 11 to-morrow 3.289868535845063 11 to-morrow 12 . 1.2683616185609168 aunt wee says we must try seven days at least . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 aunt 0.7800833488707841 1 aunt 2 wee 6.88178081549345 2 wee 3 says 3.576488062646291 2 wee 7 seven 2.91939782529381 4 we 5 must 4.131933394212341 5 must 6 try 3.5495181274556202 6 try 7 seven 3.0600141262821268 7 seven 8 days 6.257156199704443 7 seven 9 at 1.1497795853560753 9 at 10 least 6.266576311270544 10 least 11 . 0.6835185091368992 i like it , and mean to keep on till i really find my fairy . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 like 1.8452377368031634 2 like 3 it 1.4165201391099753 3 it 4 , 0.10461422563168554 4 , 17 " 1.299421509625157 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 8 keep 0.953006201996633 6 mean 7 to 3.210028203748143 7 to 8 keep 3.3191585899275946 8 keep 10 till 2.5371847463463055 8 keep 14 my 2.5241104347125933 8 keep 9 on 2.4791646491869486 10 till 11 i 2.1389327745014324 10 till 13 find 1.8329052354997089 11 i 12 really 2.184559583113016 14 my 15 fairy 1.1920581754078299 16 . 17 " 4.427730590569535 " there it is again ! " cried daisy , flying out of bed the next morning still earlier than the day before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 cried 3.5451272628542867 1 " 2 there 1.0562318957652739 2 there 4 is 3.4493880668436336 3 it 4 is 3.1387584458356006 5 again 6 ! 1.646240624916615 6 ! 8 cried 4.7864618271494415 6 ! 7 " 3.7411945146373657 8 cried 9 daisy 5.2941946365319765 9 daisy 11 flying 4.795677503450506 9 daisy 10 , 1.769642800179568 11 flying 23 before 2.1674223682246065 11 flying 12 out 2.3856128898030846 12 out 13 of 3.4530498390397675 12 out 14 bed 2.378631798050314 15 the 16 next 2.9869899372464985 16 next 17 morning 7.700655165112101 16 next 22 day 6.780933751692977 17 morning 19 earlier 4.382745909828476 18 still 19 earlier 4.561117489851693 19 earlier 20 than 7.485259450647106 21 the 22 day 1.6272962053126125 22 day 23 before 2.8390842050068663 23 before 24 . 1.0081619965636026 " where shall we go to-day ? " she asked , as they went out into the garden . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 where 3 shall 2.2004309886040296 3 shall 5 go 3.678309469971108 3 shall 4 we 3.288264976087918 5 go 6 to-day 1.6939520189747554 6 to-day 7 ? 3.338751125262174 7 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 she 10 asked 2.5470116104253275 10 asked 17 the 1.3401397533002335 11 , 12 as 0.9452529367549332 12 as 13 they 2.4850506942239843 13 they 14 went 3.2946726977661687 14 went 16 into 4.00080543101461 14 went 15 out 3.759549157163395 16 into 17 the 2.7333578352296506 17 the 18 garden 3.024637302223521 18 garden 19 . 1.444067769803123 " do hens know about fairies ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 do 0.9416274344623083 2 do 7 ? 2.344463917580823 3 hens 6 fairies 5.176704162415987 4 know 5 about 3.058653365329885 5 about 6 fairies 3.4001375585834026 6 fairies 7 ? 2.506439898776531 " oh , dear , no ! they are very sensible creatures , and see a deal of the world in their daily walks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 dear 4.975296964833147 2 oh 5 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 7 ! 2.9964053743846186 2 oh 6 no 2.5146048617939964 8 they 9 are 3.993263810226807 9 are 12 creatures 3.700796011832452 10 very 11 sensible 2.703077309802275 11 sensible 12 creatures 7.4913822407503226 12 creatures 20 world 1.8553396065638772 12 creatures 13 , 1.4383495518079847 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 see 20 world 0.9590716569135935 16 a 17 deal 3.97353149015923 17 deal 18 of 3.6127099028613614 18 of 19 the 1.7361783602309693 19 the 20 world 3.4995122304020896 20 world 23 daily 4.695885922687179 20 world 25 . 1.4917895502468497 21 in 22 their 2.25825096326969 22 their 23 daily 4.847204585167802 23 daily 24 walks 9.371062338740312 hunting for insects gives them an excellent chance to see fairies , if there are any . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 excellent -0.3571650057764515 1 hunting 3 insects 6.080810029437231 1 hunting 2 for 4.0606373714321435 1 hunting 7 excellent 3.0026152179233954 3 insects 4 gives 9.941011043784002 4 gives 5 them 4.198417460665976 6 an 7 excellent 6.928121013582938 7 excellent 8 chance 6.107282088433003 8 chance 9 to 2.8756083503681715 8 chance 17 . 1.2174773560353938 9 to 10 see 3.0208916104243624 10 see 13 if 3.030240517871828 10 see 16 any 2.3136400635643604 11 fairies 12 , 0.7417421072629118 12 , 13 if 1.058710375425802 14 there 16 any 2.480871512948818 14 there 15 are 3.2663969617557846 such a clatter as there was when they came to the barnyard ; for every thing was just awake , and in the best spirits . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 when 1.2253757098904963 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 there 1.2420768016119634 1 such 3 clatter 4.317377972747913 1 such 2 a 4.1090062073831 3 clatter 5 there 3.2371146154888386 3 clatter 4 as 3.8966536626531365 5 there 6 was 3.438683647331464 7 when 11 the 1.104398875351464 7 when 8 they 3.5119302040378244 7 when 9 came 3.215878605560828 9 came 10 to 2.588720125212861 11 the 24 best 2.7144546132458114 11 the 12 barnyard 3.2357520201930576 12 barnyard 13 ; 5.375140006947987 12 barnyard 14 for 2.9732146215942556 12 barnyard 20 , 1.924857654115005 15 every 19 awake 1.320900534018513 15 every 16 thing 3.4435843429435984 17 was 19 awake 3.185206731070263 18 just 19 awake 1.9980297885432527 19 awake 20 , 1.557574585654514 20 , 21 and 1.9913305940627364 22 in 23 the 2.2179054533910225 23 the 24 best 2.7144546132458114 24 best 25 spirits 5.588037166509459 25 spirits 26 . 1.696629871767577 ducks were paddling off to the pond ; geese to the meadow ; and meek gray guinea-hens tripping away to hunt bugs in the garden . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 were -0.028483640713451663 1 ducks 2 were 3.0114449420873335 2 were 15 meek 2.6171112111592514 2 were 3 paddling 5.046968589280851 3 paddling 4 off 7.180926648986411 4 off 5 to 1.4483247058088438 4 off 6 the 1.1842662263627375 6 the 7 pond 3.0904337561657833 8 ; 15 meek 3.0868584597625492 8 ; 9 geese 3.2547847415940545 9 geese 11 the 1.0438153107992392 10 to 11 the 0.9100440193086232 11 the 12 meadow 1.2479945430262198 13 ; 15 meek 3.0868584597625492 13 ; 14 and 2.090280035481264 15 meek 17 guinea-hens 14.449475847384615 16 gray 17 guinea-hens 12.28255087761854 17 guinea-hens 18 tripping 17.65197428473149 17 guinea-hens 22 bugs 12.085492938885974 17 guinea-hens 21 hunt 9.264648687287195 17 guinea-hens 19 away 7.478921500683896 17 guinea-hens 25 garden 5.584898484173895 20 to 21 hunt 3.472618814147733 23 in 25 garden 2.7907111590477456 24 the 25 garden 3.024637302223521 25 garden 26 . 1.444067769803123 a splendid cock stood on the wall , and crowed so loud and clear that all the neighboring chanticleers replied . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 cock 0.35478368871957144 1 a 2 splendid 3.516192702734969 2 splendid 3 cock 6.794057345155945 3 cock 10 crowed 12.182426876268003 3 cock 4 stood 5.896697062535971 3 cock 9 and 2.752483354179759 4 stood 5 on 3.4414370979156423 5 on 7 wall 3.160957949803194 6 the 7 wall 3.2846448851422814 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 crowed 19 chanticleers 13.110169939533233 10 crowed 12 loud 8.59357245980895 10 crowed 13 and 1.6128574922941858 11 so 12 loud 4.088813729818096 14 clear 19 chanticleers 8.541205732023098 15 that 19 chanticleers 3.0081898999419643 16 all 18 neighboring 4.619957672611719 17 the 18 neighboring 3.6172429614749966 18 neighboring 19 chanticleers 17.775916773872762 19 chanticleers 20 replied 10.46615277321419 19 chanticleers 21 . 1.9829815444586885 doves cooed on the sunny roof , and smoothed their gleaming feathers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cooed 1.0188692888316453 1 doves 2 cooed 15.162734711752368 2 cooed 9 smoothed 12.55115473191022 2 cooed 11 gleaming 11.351117519737794 2 cooed 5 sunny 11.212525180025448 2 cooed 6 roof 10.168089622369653 2 cooed 3 on 4.902097030100439 2 cooed 4 the 2.7558215338061807 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 smoothed 2.0650946069803346 10 their 11 gleaming 4.771532870045931 11 gleaming 12 feathers 9.643152759563225 12 feathers 13 . 1.2230772378415367 daisy 's donkey nibbled a thistle by the wall , and a stately peacock marched before the door with all his plumage spread . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 daisy 3 donkey 6.099595587656506 1 daisy 2 's 2.7442970600695133 3 donkey 4 nibbled 11.576731422384821 4 nibbled 6 thistle 11.715610485893084 4 nibbled 12 a 3.100685493857025 4 nibbled 5 a 3.100685493857025 6 thistle 7 by 3.4162381046024812 6 thistle 10 , 2.093972992458376 7 by 8 the 1.984237484577001 8 the 9 wall 3.2846448851422814 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 a 14 peacock 3.2856020991828423 13 stately 14 peacock 10.599918914244412 14 peacock 15 marched 10.15107072873716 14 peacock 22 plumage 7.957275775774111 14 peacock 24 . 1.771364253553326 15 marched 16 before 3.5118307962525073 17 the 18 door 3.3857687040391102 18 door 22 plumage 5.58719457573973 19 with 22 plumage 1.981397869265777 20 all 22 plumage 3.0984631331286145 21 his 22 plumage 4.024450085980757 22 plumage 23 spread 10.82786428053425 it made daisy laugh to see the airs the fowls put on as she scattered corn , and threw meal and water to the chicks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 she 1.13928842895214 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 made 1.4306944412400124 2 made 4 laugh 2.918503656327843 3 daisy 4 laugh 4.2291917526802685 5 to 6 see 3.0208916104243624 6 see 8 airs 2.64978120732556 7 the 8 airs 1.2746895101577813 8 airs 10 fowls 13.008378512502706 8 airs 13 as 2.734059157940372 9 the 10 fowls 1.8157817536462666 10 fowls 11 put 7.810006491348272 10 fowls 12 on 4.687700660843962 13 as 14 she 2.3180707662145696 14 she 19 threw 2.628525723297365 15 scattered 19 threw 4.486201603479351 15 scattered 16 corn 8.864000628691844 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 18 and 19 threw 2.2625567133937743 19 threw 25 chicks 6.693546330743263 20 meal 25 chicks 8.272244666340551 20 meal 21 and 1.0511986796589774 22 water 25 chicks 6.0621166726037785 23 to 25 chicks 2.023724322296591 24 the 25 chicks 3.1356614141256323 25 chicks 26 . 2.730329157152017 and the polite cock waited upon them in the most gentlemanly manner , making queer little clucks and gurgles as if he said : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.4122323691527914 1 and 3 polite 1.3478123594919467 1 and 2 the 0.3601075504743463 3 polite 12 manner 8.028587393678851 3 polite 4 cock 8.783302420818288 4 cock 5 waited 7.217780990032821 4 cock 6 upon 4.812510749245757 6 upon 7 them 2.700591428457038 8 in 12 manner 2.7943188883876395 9 the 10 most 2.5442703083276843 10 most 11 gentlemanly 8.050904629034044 11 gentlemanly 12 manner 10.216343280279037 12 manner 17 clucks 10.925192910535337 13 , 17 clucks 1.4078801519892785 14 making 17 clucks 9.224367194369322 15 queer 17 clucks 10.829028638205997 16 little 17 clucks 7.3692279334224935 17 clucks 19 gurgles 17.436248895742324 17 clucks 21 if 5.096531786108233 17 clucks 18 and 4.273543677461376 17 clucks 24 : 3.5942288639728943 19 gurgles 20 as 5.050944567226182 21 if 22 he 2.3867006888513433 23 said 24 : 3.7941609235358627 " allow me , madam , to offer you this kernel ; " or , " here , my dear , try that bit . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 madam 1.979984966000508 2 allow 3 me 4.748765919050694 3 me 4 , 1.0369336845536683 4 , 5 madam 2.492865836195513 5 madam 12 ; 3.193749508797236 5 madam 21 , 2.803361410799134 5 madam 18 , 2.803361410799134 5 madam 15 , 2.803361410799134 5 madam 6 , 2.803361410799134 5 madam 16 " 2.1844240515895663 5 madam 13 " 2.1844240515895663 7 to 8 offer 2.7205996719642442 8 offer 9 you 2.6301298964744504 9 you 11 kernel 2.1465300217575347 10 this 11 kernel 4.950932187692988 11 kernel 12 ; 5.406646978562403 14 or 15 , -0.46879138625574157 17 here 18 , 1.2339148261024935 18 , 20 dear 2.1348010320746766 19 my 20 dear 4.7642210168562364 21 , 26 " 1.299421509625157 22 try 24 bit 0.8567450646205117 22 try 23 that 0.43036528442161526 24 bit 25 . 0.9886574318464536 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 " how nice ! let's go and find them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 let's 1.9189343635511626 1 " 5 let's 3.0962795058429577 2 how 3 nice 4.010338852627765 3 nice 5 let's 2.1457172910944777 4 ! 5 let's 1.4963844129166723 5 let's 6 go 6.036029145994732 5 let's 8 find 3.394213495747451 6 go 7 and 1.3465498431720793 8 find 9 them 2.598992550769644 9 them 10 . 1.434008771759407 but do you learn anything about the fairies from the hen 's chat ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 2 do 3 you 3.4483737354832282 2 do 14 ? 2.344463917580823 3 you 4 learn 2.6715703152909676 4 learn 13 chat 5.0389953407025345 4 learn 5 anything 3.8468558031221036 5 anything 6 about 4.73561390465332 7 the 8 fairies 2.9487606062029865 8 fairies 13 chat 5.845118558560941 9 from 10 the 2.186392757534639 10 the 11 hen 2.1306224970154517 11 hen 13 chat 8.802782292174442 12 's 13 chat 3.025086285400967 14 ? 15 " 4.126492033472207 " no : they have been so busy setting , they have had no time for picnics yet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 17 picnics 2.32842090877719 3 : 4 they 0.7233971127580929 4 they 5 have 1.8426104645537453 5 have 6 been 4.920699059768996 6 been 8 busy 3.365159628199361 7 so 8 busy 4.094872620957229 8 busy 17 picnics 5.456644999059048 8 busy 9 setting 5.875522519345715 8 busy 10 , 1.0122038339154535 11 they 13 had 2.640513053297223 11 they 12 have 1.8426104645537453 13 had 14 no 2.3336627997786525 14 no 15 time 2.5735083748614027 15 time 17 picnics 4.094311841509427 16 for 17 picnics 4.310936106374754 17 picnics 18 yet 6.8416001894420795 18 yet 19 . 0.925096966046377 but they will let us know , if they discover any . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 1 but 2 they 1.7408553076905537 2 they 3 will 2.093770122839345 3 will 4 let 2.671743449398285 3 will 10 discover 2.470404958193118 4 let 5 us 6.6639096354531375 4 let 6 know 1.1505639771958833 7 , 8 if 1.058710375425802 8 if 9 they 2.7112005635733905 9 they 10 discover 1.6806058242478663 10 discover 11 any 2.741329875083963 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 " are they better than fairies ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 are 6 fairies 3.2092077163445367 2 are 3 they 1.2052808340661354 4 better 5 than 6.5402786517312475 5 than 6 fairies 2.3604753426578675 6 fairies 7 ? 2.506439898776531 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 these dears are not afraid , and i shall have such fun with them as they grow up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 they 1.1576842247045658 1 these 2 dears 5.9419450955357505 2 dears 3 are 3.6761604645402173 2 dears 6 , 2.4728679656905364 2 dears 16 they 1.6869284203514496 3 are 4 not 2.690194006537789 4 not 5 afraid 3.54123093240813 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 i 9 shall 3.5779822205352936 9 shall 10 have 3.5525971328812247 10 have 11 such 1.9598948533441032 11 such 15 as 2.4024706123847377 11 such 12 fun 5.068369496269419 12 fun 13 with 1.7348808093081232 13 with 14 them 2.075953424871253 15 as 16 they 2.4850506942239843 16 they 17 grow 3.2574330724004312 17 grow 18 up 5.3437440019348905 17 grow 19 . 1.0459607045524955 what shall we name them , auntie ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 1 what 8 ? 1.6980475420715102 1 what 2 shall 3.1351452363441474 2 shall 3 we 3.288264976087918 4 name 7 auntie 3.249480082233365 5 them 7 auntie 2.033053310481332 6 , 7 auntie 2.7270649340126205 7 auntie 8 ? 3.734099054319909 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 " yes : i like those names for my pets . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 3 : 4 i 0.9902593081279818 4 i 5 like 1.8452377368031634 5 like 6 those 2.3915750774449016 6 those 7 names 4.2252896628675565 7 names 10 pets 7.238424992752535 8 for 10 pets 2.327147021776227 9 my 10 pets 3.3165038784455483 10 pets 11 . 1.5883238441023444 she thinks they may be fairies , and advises us to go and look . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 1 she 2 thinks 3.6984467673666863 2 thinks 4 may 1.8916980253382185 3 they 4 may 2.379574705366746 4 may 9 advises 6.719023727478085 4 may 5 be 4.748067582114405 6 fairies 9 advises 10.166839830275286 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 advises 3.3798196371669142 9 advises 10 us 8.026192766774109 9 advises 14 look 5.274421237832495 9 advises 12 go 5.025186930593378 9 advises 11 to 3.7508366958540833 12 go 13 and 1.3465498431720793 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 " so we will to-morrow , " said daisy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 3 we 1.485440432978688 2 so 3 we 1.2131554895271908 3 we 4 will 3.2620368769536263 4 will 5 to-morrow 1.8616852390953298 6 , 8 said 1.5025770512474743 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 9 daisy 2.8155072820963483 8 said 10 . 0.7987260433774388 pussy got in also ; and , when they were settled on a soft cushion , daisy rocked them gently to and fro . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 also 0.1670317857545207 1 pussy 2 got 3.8576297893499927 2 got 4 also 0.3496196940371945 2 got 3 in 0.6673772583743656 4 also 15 cushion 3.7432744857829903 5 ; 9 they 1.946806452009188 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 , 8 when 0.8302784881471972 8 when 9 they 3.5119302040378244 9 they 10 were 4.740392399536562 10 were 11 settled 2.1304644418621272 11 settled 12 on 3.3130293630771845 12 on 15 cushion 3.827483072873644 13 a 15 cushion 3.4368177450911723 14 soft 15 cushion 8.483474295453092 15 cushion 18 rocked 9.054383598656393 15 cushion 16 , 1.1217857574639254 17 daisy 18 rocked 9.571165789769392 18 rocked 20 gently 9.223364541625237 18 rocked 23 fro 7.304784217189951 18 rocked 19 them 3.883820410716762 21 to 23 fro 3.7252270951003688 22 and 23 fro 4.334789423400544 23 fro 24 . 1.2067672010950048 when the sun rose next morning , he saw daisy and wee floating down the river in their boat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 2 the 1.104398875351464 2 the 16 river 3.1314277408436215 2 the 3 sun 3.5488656278186834 2 the 5 next 2.9869899372464985 3 sun 4 rose 6.678601499074443 5 next 6 morning 7.700655165112101 6 morning 7 , 1.5347114791480223 8 he 9 saw 3.236304797324573 9 saw 10 daisy 1.8506718073666661 10 daisy 13 floating 5.588224329862847 11 and 13 floating 0.6227815867318007 12 wee 13 floating 8.60707098714526 13 floating 14 down 5.027703825817039 13 floating 16 river 3.7987404333276835 15 the 16 river 3.1314277408436215 16 river 19 boat 2.3793390615075225 16 river 20 . 1.5645673204450343 17 in 18 their 2.25825096326969 18 their 19 boat 2.2732105402108225 " bless me ! here 's company , " said the sun , and began at once to make them welcome in his most charming manner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 " 2 bless 3.250086849970831 2 bless 3 me 3.837819988882039 3 me 18 to 1.0098364833921316 3 me 4 ! 2.085076915643585 5 here 6 's 2.2730151271207966 6 's 7 company 2.0282602750671863 7 company 15 began 2.0369031250224303 8 , 10 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 the 1.3095954281400157 11 the 12 sun 3.5488656278186834 12 sun 15 began 2.93023041203832 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 began 1.9857866101963566 15 began 18 to 4.246133941809509 15 began 17 once 2.0941790911398357 16 at 17 once 5.545597351124034 18 to 19 make 3.349468354565378 19 make 20 them 2.7368979807948683 20 them 21 welcome 2.3134469175668073 21 welcome 26 manner 1.6650249695667654 22 in 26 manner 2.7943188883876395 23 his 26 manner 2.6448769178858846 24 most 26 manner 6.4123669301776935 25 charming 26 manner 6.901106387990637 26 manner 27 . 1.8218492634218517 " look , look , aunt wee ! how they open , one by one , as the light shines on them ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 how 1.8534453085956457 2 look 4 look 1.755927547031611 2 look 3 , 0.14071246280928307 4 look 8 ! 1.4720074665955032 5 , 7 wee 0.8966112877919876 6 aunt 7 wee 6.88178081549345 7 wee 8 ! 1.3262368871486885 8 ! 9 how 1.703732462248798 9 how 20 shines 3.3924271788385383 9 how 10 they 1.891740530466251 11 open 20 shines 4.548648580490664 11 open 12 , 1.0393324742087398 13 one 14 by 1.118664494342319 14 by 20 shines 1.0736720526546897 14 by 15 one 1.445283521728399 16 , 17 as 0.9452529367549332 17 as 20 shines 2.301120196978495 18 the 19 light 2.171307515039441 19 light 20 shines 7.253663682011808 20 shines 21 on 4.707756298249418 20 shines 23 ! 2.971581882297226 20 shines 22 them 2.7123499859811915 we shan't have to wait any longer ; for they get up with the sun , as you do . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 2 shan't 4.450658535283463 2 shan't 11 get 2.78415078563091 2 shan't 3 have 3.863118834656607 2 shan't 18 you 1.0511935603660056 4 to 5 wait 2.5191396651127302 4 to 11 get 3.0881891887949813 5 wait 7 longer 5.041576375927914 5 wait 9 for 3.9023719731835484 6 any 7 longer 6.428004282198138 8 ; 9 for 1.4090530638881251 10 they 11 get 1.062352329550908 11 get 12 up 3.244725953854646 12 up 13 with 2.0232679802721165 12 up 14 the 1.3269104700562675 14 the 15 sun 3.5488656278186834 16 , 17 as 0.9452529367549332 17 as 18 you 1.0397487838100439 18 you 19 do 1.8147941312736613 19 do 20 . 0.023958612549829894 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 as she spoke , daisy caught a half-open lily , and drew it up , fragrant and dripping , fresh from its sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 as 3 spoke 3.3082022798602466 2 she 3 spoke 3.668490535663933 3 spoke 5 daisy 3.3557937176675168 3 spoke 4 , 1.0020519278059652 5 daisy 6 caught 4.2240984581871395 6 caught 8 half-open 8.449248923139638 7 a 8 half-open 2.8764074759632337 8 half-open 9 lily 12.60451389733625 9 lily 21 from 3.1893858147546545 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 16 fragrant 1.7087082431102552 12 drew 16 fragrant 4.015369908875456 12 drew 14 up 2.979678753525018 12 drew 13 it 0.7650952509658495 14 up 15 , 0.33603542563036193 16 fragrant 18 dripping 9.648323838007187 17 and 18 dripping 1.6680297351501423 18 dripping 21 from 4.947827870864579 18 dripping 20 fresh 6.590464654161071 18 dripping 19 , 0.9092385844796134 21 from 22 its 3.0995062332065224 22 its 23 sleep 2.137401931783309 23 sleep 24 . 1.5207334788185491 " they look like a fleet of fairy ships , anchored in this quiet harbor , with sails half furled , and crews asleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 look 0.5552216098357121 2 they 3 look 0.46913904488048885 3 look 4 like 3.7555669768767306 4 like 6 fleet 4.372899144809349 4 like 5 a 2.717545363523488 6 fleet 18 sails 11.363758345247248 6 fleet 8 fairy 7.732738492052977 6 fleet 7 of 2.752447272471919 9 ships 18 sails 7.840969730169242 9 ships 11 anchored 11.92569956409928 10 , 11 anchored 1.1894780774387357 11 anchored 12 in 3.5885450148463285 11 anchored 13 this 3.344657734260384 14 quiet 18 sails 5.848331414861185 15 harbor 18 sails 7.401311440253849 15 harbor 16 , 0.946990960578983 17 with 18 sails 3.0560708790791686 18 sails 20 furled 14.58323913251121 19 half 20 furled 10.739502768787244 20 furled 23 crews 16.9049602576161 20 furled 21 , 3.3729134519448145 22 and 23 crews 3.802357667450025 23 crews 24 asleep 11.270778684837605 23 crews 25 . 3.030006879284578 " it is time we saw the fairies in blue , unless old madam purr deceived us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 is 3.1387584458356006 3 is 15 purr 1.8469233046196045 4 time 5 we 1.4483526945601923 5 we 6 saw 2.483032786517704 6 saw 15 purr 2.2803628797560727 7 the 8 fairies 2.9487606062029865 8 fairies 15 purr 4.840781486243202 9 in 10 blue 1.6992471278057124 10 blue 15 purr 4.191443028071543 11 , 12 unless 1.6293894715026696 12 unless 15 purr 6.721728814599437 13 old 15 purr 3.2497007080339024 14 madam 15 purr 9.755337391512938 15 purr 16 deceived 11.386075438333844 16 deceived 17 us 4.660359697765031 16 deceived 18 . 1.2746808910541851 i hope we shall find one ; for , though i enjoy every thing we see , i do want my elf too . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 4 shall 3.5779822205352936 1 i 2 hope 3.9813084800941816 3 we 4 shall 4.303303749124435 4 shall 20 want 2.261295832674353 4 shall 5 find 3.6642519363562513 5 find 6 one 1.1946949220761773 7 ; 10 though 1.7848840957698684 7 ; 8 for 1.4090530638881251 9 , 10 though 2.8653386317912517 10 though 11 i 1.9509372680835888 11 i 20 want 3.664680761588448 11 i 12 enjoy 1.839269536061721 12 enjoy 13 every 4.114703301623411 13 every 14 thing 3.4435843429435984 15 we 20 want 2.88385986862167 15 we 16 see 1.7282837463695309 17 , 18 i 0.883559295304277 18 i 20 want 3.664680761588448 19 do 20 want 3.1786546271867007 20 want 22 elf 4.4825451610363345 21 my 22 elf 3.1553888155851553 22 elf 23 too 4.902721379242113 23 too 24 . 1.1605897581666298 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 " what is that ? " cried wee ; and daisy flew up so quickly that the boat rocked like a cradle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 cried 3.5451272628542867 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 3 is 3.0799714209227993 3 is 4 that 0.7788546157000198 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 6 " 7 cried 3.5451272628542867 7 cried 11 daisy 5.2941946365319765 7 cried 8 wee 2.796716805272659 7 cried 9 ; 2.220787062200735 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 daisy 19 rocked 9.571165789769392 12 flew 19 rocked 4.941554993452964 12 flew 13 up 3.3519650173334483 14 so 15 quickly 3.5352457368211248 15 quickly 19 rocked 4.488323965322376 15 quickly 16 that 0.9484241305420866 17 the 18 boat 2.7946646657277903 18 boat 19 rocked 8.560374968870537 19 rocked 22 cradle 9.667003233173276 19 rocked 20 like 4.039722318784207 21 a 22 cradle 3.4886568779517617 22 cradle 23 . 1.9329652379110414 " go nearer , softly ! softly ! and maybe it will fly out again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 maybe 1.6606695567744243 1 " 10 maybe 2.929439494599862 2 go 7 softly 2.8675749525764793 3 nearer 7 softly 3.1403433537568546 3 nearer 4 , 0.6353406054407742 5 softly 7 softly 5.454140660729774 5 softly 6 ! 0.6179357859233612 7 softly 10 maybe 3.2948426975422116 7 softly 9 and 0.8063739809759127 7 softly 8 ! 0.6179357859233612 10 maybe 12 will 3.390166072281154 10 maybe 11 it 2.400726146653419 12 will 13 fly 2.700345365317663 13 fly 14 out 1.463181913759545 14 out 15 again 2.188391786847369 15 again 16 . 1.9785978324909212 i really think it was a fairy ; for i never saw any thing like it before , " whispered daisy , much excited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 2 really 3 think 3.9003179528482654 3 think 4 it 2.3531048070763934 4 it 5 was 2.951169375325321 5 was 6 a 1.8886187807073789 6 a 7 fairy 2.2319269691560777 7 fairy 8 ; 1.7479166373472985 8 ; 21 daisy 2.207446472075805 8 ; 9 for 1.4090530638881251 10 i 11 never 2.5602386484719286 11 never 12 saw 4.253207216699751 12 saw 21 daisy 1.8506718073666661 12 saw 17 before 1.6424777849146004 12 saw 13 any 1.478602447777579 13 any 14 thing 3.438981514973314 14 thing 15 like 1.2959465582442178 15 like 16 it 1.4165201391099753 18 , 19 " 1.299421509625157 19 " 20 whispered 3.3771459676531776 20 whispered 21 daisy 5.926263311268084 21 daisy 24 excited 3.7389713231378607 21 daisy 22 , 1.769642800179568 23 much 24 excited 5.637593608058722 24 excited 25 . 1.8637570212419732 wee rowed in among the green rushes and purple water-weeds , and out flew half-a-dozen of the blue-bodied creatures . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 rowed 0.25739687413613055 1 wee 2 rowed 8.66597849252064 2 rowed 4 among 5.682152512302466 2 rowed 3 in 1.5225042744454882 4 among 7 rushes 7.28026379103942 5 the 6 green 3.1885175865596 6 green 7 rushes 5.181513550768468 7 rushes 9 purple 7.889619979121406 7 rushes 8 and 2.0939568239099984 9 purple 10 water-weeds 14.147717391826138 10 water-weeds 15 half-a-dozen 15.934377931058929 10 water-weeds 11 , 3.26838800348758 10 water-weeds 12 and 3.2005359106865683 13 out 15 half-a-dozen 5.541496140557715 14 flew 15 half-a-dozen 10.352488094399074 15 half-a-dozen 18 blue-bodied 17.318837652629085 15 half-a-dozen 16 of 4.430512771741977 17 the 18 blue-bodied 3.9973080413673365 18 blue-bodied 19 creatures 14.109601557399781 18 blue-bodied 20 . 2.0096229769849216 presently one of the lovely things lit on the lily in her hand , and she held her breath to watch it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 2 one 0.8537272367769546 2 one 13 hand 2.6902038369214836 2 one 3 of 2.7785438886902956 3 of 6 things 1.9166155690156526 3 of 4 the 1.7361783602309693 5 lovely 6 things 3.072238378537943 6 things 7 lit 3.9804436997272212 7 lit 8 on 3.2450948613353034 8 on 9 the 2.3827313113897173 8 on 10 lily 1.932667326719244 11 in 13 hand 2.2647592197197017 12 her 13 hand 3.792450973822449 13 hand 17 held 3.70521587734358 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 17 held 2.447929687149962 16 she 17 held 2.628976535134793 17 held 19 breath 6.841715271508868 17 held 18 her 3.2278698958980137 19 breath 21 watch 2.0767338628881404 19 breath 23 . 1.9600018319759673 20 to 21 watch 3.0700861760196663 22 it 23 . 0.47237242955592507 what name does it have ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 1 what 3 does 4.299895572838121 1 what 6 ? 1.6980475420715102 1 what 5 have 1.6036158539403136 1 what 2 name 1.4243904281875217 3 does 4 it 1.935434641162983 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 " we call it a dragon-fly ; and it could tell you a pretty little story about itself , could you understand it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 call 2.4092091714156467 3 call 4 it 2.3117128006509837 3 call 18 itself 3.0574363415080903 3 call 9 it 2.3117128006509837 4 it 6 dragon-fly 2.1750710586857096 5 a 6 dragon-fly 2.1635142093414856 6 dragon-fly 7 ; 5.8841553645746565 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 10 could 11 tell 2.903318687906072 11 tell 16 story 2.712985432358039 11 tell 12 you 3.7181122630948114 13 a 14 pretty 2.660763477801302 14 pretty 16 story 2.551697910876719 14 pretty 15 little 2.661262189035586 16 story 18 itself 1.965632974341748 16 story 17 about 3.246487278250285 18 itself 24 . 1.2360819430460843 18 itself 20 could 1.2033035029639976 18 itself 19 , 1.0974750909080377 20 could 22 understand 4.085044789698035 21 you 22 understand 2.476026400863116 22 understand 23 it 2.119318332470449 they feed on water-insects , and for a long time swim about in this state . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 feed 1.4368737191869414 2 feed 4 water-insects 14.160727193169066 3 on 4 water-insects 7.1484790276011765 4 water-insects 11 swim 9.775954849794484 4 water-insects 15 state 9.135038059643971 4 water-insects 10 time 5.756909428667253 4 water-insects 9 long 5.684831302187288 4 water-insects 12 about 5.167975808418557 4 water-insects 7 for 3.9726021422639413 4 water-insects 5 , 2.717794297317262 4 water-insects 6 and 2.605514738455817 8 a 9 long 3.157037023158921 13 in 15 state 2.99608672074773 14 this 15 state 4.272915227073582 15 state 16 . 0.48994424058360053 they grow in an hour to be perfect dragon-flies , and float away to lead happy lives in the sunshine by the river . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 grow 3.2574330724004312 2 grow 4 an 2.1160395702143475 3 in 4 an 1.951907636572713 4 an 5 hour 7.615919705317191 5 hour 21 by 1.524250113916299 6 to 7 be 3.101474476606974 6 to 12 float 3.961671833398409 6 to 15 lead 2.6789623226410164 7 be 9 dragon-flies 4.5818982325898965 8 perfect 9 dragon-flies 11.803964363465518 9 dragon-flies 11 and 3.773114686951889 9 dragon-flies 10 , 2.4240630942605534 12 float 13 away 6.3613061894910174 14 to 15 lead 2.6789623226410164 15 lead 16 happy 4.09960353182171 15 lead 17 lives 3.5453723534152424 17 lives 18 in 3.062235906606837 17 lives 20 sunshine 2.838281720354807 19 the 20 sunshine 2.663636739484865 20 sunshine 21 by 2.651591643572335 21 by 22 the 1.984237484577001 22 the 23 river 3.1314277408436215 23 river 24 . 1.5645673204450343 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 " yes , we can , dear ; jump up , and see what a funny place i 'll take you to . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 11 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 8 ; 3.4059650251588423 2 yes 6 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 4 we 0.9832333456263136 4 we 5 can 3.7636142708586675 7 dear 8 ; 2.4031420653222675 9 jump 11 , 0.7879360358699934 9 jump 10 up 3.810273908049364 11 , 24 " 1.299421509625157 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 see 16 funny 1.7904074369363485 13 see 14 what 3.306547787662252 15 a 16 funny 2.835306388776644 16 funny 17 place 3.7747339086362963 17 place 23 . 0.9961836340809285 17 place 22 to 0.7775840479643286 18 i 19 'll 3.9881635767091375 19 'll 22 to 0.3109562235327594 19 'll 20 take 3.983434491847774 19 'll 21 you 1.4473596298748728 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 but she was curious to know where the curious place was ; so she got up and followed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 she 1.9359797190744636 2 she 15 got 2.286615938646552 2 she 11 was 2.3491053343536645 2 she 3 was 2.3491053343536645 3 was 9 curious 2.2691153631817578 3 was 4 curious 2.2691153631817578 4 curious 6 know 3.200245547389038 4 curious 5 to 1.5497153306629023 6 know 7 where 3.6245202486690484 7 where 8 the 1.239781686909673 9 curious 10 place 3.393155820266891 11 was 13 so 2.043618865545218 12 ; 13 so 1.5443366530647253 14 she 15 got 2.286615938646552 15 got 16 up 3.9376364098513417 16 up 17 and 1.4311725078194826 17 and 18 followed 1.5298518725470949 18 followed 19 . 0.39044207821628696 " isn't there ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 isn't 1.6287556967275059 2 isn't 4 ? 2.1515547056623348 2 isn't 3 there 1.5769504015755622 we 'll soon see . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 2 'll 4.426023306559921 2 'll 3 soon 3.182011577411057 2 'll 4 see 3.031854054121549 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 aunt wee got an old fiddle , and had a dancing-school , where daisy capered till she was tired . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 aunt 0.7800833488707841 1 aunt 2 wee 6.88178081549345 2 wee 3 got 2.791652833795588 3 got 19 tired 3.922379388754269 4 an 5 old 4.914372319979055 5 old 6 fiddle 4.2198626751400035 6 fiddle 8 and 2.3823247339197238 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 11 dancing-school 2.120097965373958 9 had 11 dancing-school 5.532027168937784 10 a 11 dancing-school 5.218555572899447 11 dancing-school 15 capered 15.526799688875606 11 dancing-school 13 where 7.519133105071926 11 dancing-school 19 tired 6.786002233118367 11 dancing-school 12 , 3.2815063427843363 14 daisy 15 capered 11.231265459749974 15 capered 16 till 8.06639049459131 15 capered 17 she 3.3509211677827686 18 was 19 tired 2.8842467770792535 19 tired 20 . 0.802146654401545 " how cunning they are ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 5 are 2.1235998666752316 2 how 3 cunning 2.2251030313567774 4 they 5 are 3.993263810226807 5 are 6 ! 0.788315591838888 i wish they would let me put them with the kits , and have a nursery full of babies . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wish 4.1420163738201445 2 wish 4 would 2.5690754193989207 3 they 4 would 2.520090606422329 4 would 5 let 2.2694878189607266 5 let 8 them 3.09517070125999 5 let 6 me 5.046289406031127 7 put 8 them 2.9723503638248268 8 them 11 kits 4.084296821528806 8 them 20 . 1.434008771759407 9 with 11 kits 3.5235783806888286 10 the 11 kits 2.9048243884975093 11 kits 16 nursery 9.263242156774805 11 kits 19 babies 7.3386432776572725 11 kits 14 have 2.4358377396230217 11 kits 12 , 2.176168609171519 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 have 15 a 1.62890695095534 16 nursery 17 full 5.126558720343592 17 full 18 of 4.573419715296982 wouldn't it be nice to see them all grow up ? " said daisy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 wouldn't 0.598663728170056 1 wouldn't 9 grow 2.037276278026795 1 wouldn't 3 be 3.9888054621633717 2 it 3 be 1.5598055450437247 3 be 4 nice 2.7942001345912075 5 to 9 grow 3.045534853987757 5 to 6 see 3.0208916104243624 6 see 7 them 2.33861272408425 7 them 8 all 2.3508025338807332 9 grow 10 up 5.3437440019348905 9 grow 15 . 1.0459607045524955 11 ? 12 " 4.126492033472207 12 " 13 said 3.5310061102049364 13 said 15 . 0.7987260433774388 13 said 14 daisy 2.8155072820963483 daisy screamed ; the mother-mouse gave a doleful squeak , and ran into a hole ; and aunt wee tried to save the little ones . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 daisy 2 screamed 6.5759283958301715 2 screamed 3 ; 2.35710631325259 3 ; 5 mother-mouse 7.173263412759514 4 the 5 mother-mouse 4.150658818274135 5 mother-mouse 6 gave 10.449034778785453 5 mother-mouse 14 a 4.541832624085565 6 gave 8 doleful 5.1172977158501 7 a 8 doleful 3.858792773034043 8 doleful 9 squeak 12.411806501690947 9 squeak 13 into 2.290567408889057 9 squeak 10 , 2.1466375961211384 11 and 12 ran 2.281989824707992 12 ran 13 into 3.4942742593920926 14 a 19 wee 3.771019471618981 14 a 24 little 3.3978459531370575 15 hole 19 wee 4.139591095334605 15 hole 17 and 0.9246311232694069 16 ; 17 and 2.090280035481264 18 aunt 19 wee 6.88178081549345 19 wee 20 tried 4.357828830708012 20 tried 21 to 4.132759688922263 20 tried 22 save 3.956008074742755 23 the 24 little 1.5044750503835367 24 little 25 ones 4.50386165275501 25 ones 26 . 1.4776979409322024 there is the bell : don't cry , but come and tell papa what a fine romp we 've had . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 2 is 3.4493880668436336 2 is 3 the 0.5623570417995989 3 the 17 romp 1.6986366805019735 3 the 4 bell 1.757671153643951 4 bell 5 : 1.1558718381240496 6 don't 17 romp 4.952651473105831 6 don't 7 cry 4.916547129845998 7 cry 8 , 1.5634044086601584 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 8 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 10 come 11 and 0.9628716407918478 12 tell 13 papa 4.558705472911619 13 papa 17 romp 8.017344441055567 14 what 17 romp 1.8932438824988438 15 a 16 fine 3.50977131678496 16 fine 17 romp 7.716596524763776 17 romp 19 've 5.041773869067576 17 romp 20 had 4.777761296892603 17 romp 18 we 4.722832408267742 17 romp 22 " 0.5509339330603105 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 dolly was churning , and polly was making up butter in nice little pats . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dolly 1.0412237253746497 1 dolly 3 churning 11.566001473206896 2 was 3 churning 3.969561232242132 3 churning 14 pats 13.529084644103438 3 churning 6 polly 8.57828691017843 3 churning 8 making 7.209784433937266 3 churning 4 , 1.6911344055010176 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 7 was 8 making 2.4796422504635487 9 up 14 pats 2.4802959706877523 10 butter 14 pats 10.684972465670988 10 butter 11 in 2.345513174160125 12 nice 14 pats 7.887020173259355 13 little 14 pats 7.045810220394646 14 pats 15 . 1.4526410557706164 both were very kind , and let daisy peep everywhere . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 were -0.028483640713451663 1 both 2 were 3.2760081847194336 2 were 10 everywhere 3.177631966183167 2 were 3 very 2.6203188788723217 3 very 4 kind 4.114451423319132 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 10 everywhere 1.8473810061428217 7 let 9 peep 3.608224676328202 8 daisy 9 peep 7.158797522573437 9 peep 10 everywhere 7.558995546135922 10 everywhere 11 . 1.3500954910473872 the window was open , and hop-vines shook their green bells before it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 window 3.331225961363856 2 window 7 hop-vines 9.49729724798939 2 window 14 . 1.5457160902310392 3 was 7 hop-vines 2.5443306338809393 4 open 7 hop-vines 8.29778888860298 5 , 7 hop-vines 2.1626670232427294 6 and 7 hop-vines 4.2653609125820005 7 hop-vines 11 bells 12.356661609475875 7 hop-vines 8 shook 11.450994359929023 7 hop-vines 9 their 7.632912965286259 7 hop-vines 10 green 7.283238953512843 7 hop-vines 12 before 5.545111617784972 7 hop-vines 13 it 2.065126645896928 the birds sang outside , and maids sang inside , as the churn and the wooden spatters kept time : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 birds 2.9470932371034184 2 birds 3 sang 8.371724279383958 3 sang 17 spatters 9.297216093356244 3 sang 4 outside 5.146255322769303 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 8 sang 2.2700157134214436 7 maids 8 sang 8.002488790415292 8 sang 17 spatters 9.297216093356244 9 inside 17 spatters 9.402385443876039 10 , 11 as 0.9452529367549332 11 as 13 churn 3.290527811232554 12 the 13 churn 3.4851800058943816 13 churn 17 spatters 13.83597333952666 13 churn 14 and 2.918312602491831 15 the 17 spatters 2.83606876779125 16 wooden 17 spatters 15.066739579271665 17 spatters 18 kept 11.209403320909534 17 spatters 19 time 7.510592417778398 17 spatters 20 : 6.814277344841042 " brindle and bess , white-star and jess come , butter , come ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 brindle 1.8240277160377936 1 " 2 brindle 4.093088980548167 2 brindle 6 white-star 16.64901804849743 2 brindle 14 ! 3.265231500872801 3 and 4 bess 2.4628508664835707 4 bess 6 white-star 13.859488805416472 5 , 6 white-star 3.4194020218844976 6 white-star 8 jess 19.058715039412423 6 white-star 7 and 4.541523328768978 8 jess 11 butter 11.863848027950123 8 jess 13 come 8.564583632758755 8 jess 9 come 8.564583632758755 8 jess 12 , 2.5279442380874286 8 jess 10 , 2.5279442380874286 eat cowslips fine , red columbine come , butter , come ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 cowslips 1.5260296379491685 1 eat 2 cowslips 11.440072502584115 2 cowslips 6 columbine 16.099435273898447 2 cowslips 3 fine 11.280059324872589 2 cowslips 4 , 2.206016143200067 2 cowslips 12 ! 1.8587002188743398 5 red 6 columbine 9.764670409683976 6 columbine 9 butter 10.576271437853539 6 columbine 11 come 7.5795698126826 6 columbine 7 come 7.5795698126826 6 columbine 10 , 2.483224171887013 6 columbine 8 , 2.483224171887013 grasses green and tall , clover , best of all , come , butter , come ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 and -0.4122323691527914 1 grasses 2 green 6.881778339492438 1 grasses 3 and 1.8185123381618133 3 and 14 butter 2.7103168518565575 4 tall 6 clover 5.9986836349554125 4 tall 5 , 1.5575955534845587 6 clover 14 butter 5.2293572563990836 6 clover 7 , 1.056146898747624 8 best 14 butter 4.693419567603055 9 of 14 butter 2.8472798901687177 9 of 10 all 0.9794806963304232 11 , 14 butter 0.4369417553631898 12 come 14 butter 3.4073861847778772 12 come 13 , 0.8096004457319346 14 butter 16 come 3.9602829033427973 14 butter 17 ! 1.6225630505283668 14 butter 15 , 1.420279227137442 and give every night milk sweet and white come , butter , come ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 ! -0.1363744880729456 1 and 11 butter 2.7103168518565575 2 give 5 milk 3.735627141693623 3 every 4 night 4.675097591220094 4 night 5 milk 2.210911555530007 5 milk 11 butter 7.832270000880413 5 milk 6 sweet 3.8809008116063914 7 and 11 butter 2.7103168518565575 8 white 11 butter 1.9903134444824246 9 come 11 butter 3.4073861847778772 9 come 10 , 0.8096004457319346 11 butter 13 come 3.9602829033427973 11 butter 14 ! 1.6225630505283668 11 butter 12 , 1.420279227137442 make the churn go , see the lumps grow ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 ! -0.1363744880729456 1 make 3 churn 5.9174178081794935 2 the 3 churn 3.4851800058943816 3 churn 8 lumps 12.509472514849474 3 churn 4 go 5.9314681145351 3 churn 6 see 4.174943059852467 4 go 5 , 0.30335660442361245 7 the 8 lumps 2.2974438572314426 8 lumps 9 grow 9.41055650747591 8 lumps 10 ! 2.8326205285798842 come , butter , come ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 1 come 3 butter 3.4073861847778772 1 come 2 , 0.8096004457319346 3 butter 5 come 3.9602829033427973 3 butter 6 ! 1.6225630505283668 3 butter 4 , 1.420279227137442 6 ! 7 " 3.7411945146373657 dolly promised , and gave her a small shell and a low shelf all to herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dolly 1.0412237253746497 1 dolly 3 , 1.1799164256272086 1 dolly 2 promised 6.4506364332022414 3 , 4 and 1.9913305940627364 4 and 5 gave 1.8116479003011037 5 gave 16 herself 3.1569138842696916 5 gave 6 her 2.913048597514514 7 a 8 small 3.359229725467431 8 small 13 shelf 6.07982886061416 9 shell 13 shelf 6.632527198271855 9 shell 10 and 0.9383669106036798 11 a 12 low 3.245518059404187 12 low 13 shelf 7.072059325788057 13 shelf 16 herself 3.5711438033319567 13 shelf 14 all 2.549556151992846 15 to 16 herself 2.2599292109335067 16 herself 17 . 1.2084107311983594 it was a lovely morning when daisy was next roused by the fairy music , and the ponies were standing at the door . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 a 1.8886187807073789 3 a 4 lovely 2.929464113110667 4 lovely 14 music 5.153008261836778 5 morning 6 when 3.048168024010952 6 when 10 roused 2.824762276980742 6 when 7 daisy 1.4163228650263875 8 was 10 roused 3.5974087773400107 9 next 10 roused 5.053142495381085 10 roused 14 music 2.278767900062597 10 roused 11 by 5.119818484078127 12 the 13 fairy 2.8811746446750313 13 fairy 14 music 3.6263500558844726 14 music 18 ponies 4.265255762990911 14 music 16 and 1.3265546522372347 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 the 18 ponies 2.1838369479248634 18 ponies 20 standing 6.41894780425983 18 ponies 19 were 4.30089459164904 20 standing 21 at 3.0835140921634867 21 at 23 door 3.100805641324053 22 the 23 door 3.3857687040391102 23 door 24 . 1.4836062469953273 " are we going far ? " she asked , as wee put on her riding-skirt , and tied back her hair . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 are 0.7411182930715672 2 are 5 far 1.8317024695056112 2 are 4 going 4.552890171303174 3 we 4 going 2.189838975258123 5 far 11 as 3.771753349481486 6 ? 9 asked 5.32511077011031 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 8 she 9 asked 2.5470116104253275 9 asked 10 , 0.6291632080860623 10 , 11 as 0.9452529367549332 11 as 16 riding-skirt 4.045378283711056 12 wee 16 riding-skirt 12.056088791973043 13 put 16 riding-skirt 6.402296721045392 14 on 16 riding-skirt 5.492028421295835 15 her 16 riding-skirt 6.351951507405698 16 riding-skirt 19 tied 10.456310703260208 16 riding-skirt 22 hair 8.007342200283311 16 riding-skirt 20 back 5.293929231574648 16 riding-skirt 17 , 3.361650487091989 16 riding-skirt 18 and 3.104320595427261 21 her 22 hair 4.01487069814997 22 hair 23 . 0.8747773879877059 " up to the mountain-top : it 's only a mile ; and we shall have time , if we ride fast , " answered wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 up 3 to 1.503350624881735 3 to 5 mountain-top 3.81532360281658 4 the 5 mountain-top 4.312971522654951 5 mountain-top 6 : 8.937705683379253 5 mountain-top 7 it 4.755836649102267 7 it 8 's 2.8884519147935066 8 's 9 only 2.071703444832833 9 only 11 mile 3.8976574994227597 9 only 25 answered 2.224953767271451 10 a 11 mile 4.828062707172791 11 mile 12 ; 1.8718548529074361 12 ; 13 and 2.090280035481264 12 ; 20 we 1.7026800822961299 14 we 15 shall 4.303303749124435 15 shall 20 we 3.288264976087918 15 shall 16 have 3.5525971328812247 17 time 20 we 1.4483526945601923 18 , 19 if 1.058710375425802 19 if 20 we 2.746159092559809 20 we 21 ride 2.0516386236703354 21 ride 22 fast 6.04879257516151 23 , 25 answered 1.5472876585672974 24 " 25 answered 2.7487180822420285 25 answered 26 wee 4.279093664340344 25 answered 27 . 0.7270556785482487 when they reached the top , they sat on a tall stone , and looked down into the valley on either side . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 7 they 3.5119302040378244 1 when 3 reached 4.73364671701345 2 they 3 reached 4.962990779822329 3 reached 5 top 3.9387669505491445 4 the 5 top 3.5966493348941526 6 , 7 they 0.5195879773038552 7 they 8 sat 2.726852998547038 8 sat 16 down 6.913610463937838 8 sat 20 on 4.076013955915231 8 sat 9 on 4.076013955915231 10 a 11 tall 3.3995167858703432 11 tall 14 and 2.358948260809246 11 tall 12 stone 4.632835396319564 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 looked 2.145018121918154 15 looked 16 down 3.4623634112514647 16 down 17 into 2.814910557127174 16 down 19 valley 2.6163269304315904 17 into 18 the 2.7333578352296506 20 on 22 side 3.754691524839359 21 either 22 side 6.730101465361912 22 side 23 . 1.374852833047406 " there are giants here ; and i brought you up to see them , " answered wee . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 1.2420768016119634 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 there 3 are 3.2663969617557846 3 are 4 giants 2.7138709871249134 4 giants 6 ; 3.601381823428678 4 giants 5 here 3.81553681084241 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 7 and 9 brought 1.3120382526777732 8 i 9 brought 1.1460926271107112 9 brought 11 up 4.571752289199882 9 brought 14 them 2.9841183891616048 9 brought 10 you 1.3242176566174173 12 to 13 see 3.0208916104243624 13 see 14 them 2.33861272408425 14 them 19 . 1.434008771759407 14 them 15 , 0.8130704585028692 15 , 17 answered 1.5472876585672974 16 " 17 answered 2.7487180822420285 17 answered 18 wee 4.279093664340344 " mercy , me ! where are they ? " cried daisy , looking very curious and rather frightened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mercy 2.772898857584927 2 mercy 3 , 1.8146448345905952 3 , 14 looking 2.0143069737250805 4 me 6 where 0.884910101149913 4 me 5 ! 2.085076915643585 6 where 7 are 3.875293254761676 7 are 14 looking 2.4663786737157736 8 they 11 cried 1.356412519115544 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 10 " 11 cried 3.5451272628542867 11 cried 12 daisy 5.2941946365319765 12 daisy 14 looking 1.789517118972256 13 , 14 looking 2.0143069737250805 14 looking 16 curious 2.958085392340017 14 looking 18 rather 3.3036472999213338 15 very 16 curious 5.6034957866416235 16 curious 17 and 1.0750409445545124 18 rather 19 frightened 4.9866972598370936 19 frightened 20 . 1.1012539975400593 " there is one of them . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 there 3 is 3.4493880668436336 3 is 4 one 1.5132824472671231 4 one 5 of 2.7785438886902956 5 of 6 them 2.4782763751918484 6 them 7 . 1.434008771759407 7 . 8 " 4.427730590569535 and wee pointed to the waterfall that went dashing and foaming down into the valley . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 pointed 0.16886907095160453 1 and 3 pointed 1.6636990567506054 2 wee 3 pointed 6.989329110194401 3 pointed 15 valley 2.487081048228603 3 pointed 4 to 3.5647694329557673 5 the 15 valley 2.555390235864998 6 waterfall 9 dashing 12.78767355384775 6 waterfall 11 foaming 12.655886511240777 6 waterfall 15 valley 6.85641022062304 6 waterfall 8 went 5.489479071565196 6 waterfall 7 that 4.5574746808507065 10 and 11 foaming 1.5008859026998884 11 foaming 12 down 5.714955660939232 11 foaming 13 into 4.870199280538866 13 into 14 the 2.7333578352296506 15 valley 16 . 1.5348267769758959 " that giant turns the wheels of all the mills you see . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 that 0.1191727968773062 2 that 6 wheels 1.2261782444193834 3 giant 4 turns 6.659553135212061 4 turns 6 wheels 8.21590678851506 5 the 6 wheels 2.686550565509094 6 wheels 10 mills 8.7620821823221 6 wheels 7 of 2.7024687673570966 6 wheels 13 . 0.9402415759111733 8 all 10 mills 2.0866082399737493 9 the 10 mills 2.633549160822227 10 mills 12 see 3.1742904043150375 11 you 12 see 3.026824433151642 that is a beautiful and busy giant , daisy . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 that 2 is 2.4065579718386285 2 is 3 a 1.780232541631019 3 a 7 giant 1.4296351362120596 3 a 4 beautiful 2.803571840512003 4 beautiful 5 and 0.6784151201001372 6 busy 7 giant 3.732563510235156 7 giant 8 , 1.0666544891559653 8 , 11 " 1.299421509625157 9 daisy 10 . 0.7612087739438635 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 " so it is , and some day we 'll go and see it work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 so 0.7526101009878854 3 it 4 is 3.1387584458356006 4 is 15 work 0.5591333701052328 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 some 0.30383678464469277 7 some 8 day 4.751842003152973 7 some 15 work 1.8759823462673815 9 we 10 'll 4.426023306559921 10 'll 15 work 2.0876711118744566 10 'll 11 go 4.124783340780025 10 'll 13 see 3.031854054121549 11 go 12 and 1.3465498431720793 13 see 14 it 1.4415743473145284 15 work 16 . 1.2313016264169327 show me the others : i like your giants ' most as well as those in the fairy-books . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 the 0.03213684141804052 1 show 3 the 0.4220528701733528 1 show 2 me 3.885627669096774 3 the 18 fairy-books 3.7479774381663944 3 the 4 others 3.160673019681502 4 others 5 : 1.4551096068639886 6 i 7 like 1.8452377368031634 7 like 8 your 0.9960229592118885 8 your 18 fairy-books 4.6343980928772375 9 giants 18 fairy-books 11.732926669068103 9 giants 11 most 4.2547842855021045 9 giants 10 ' 1.2243234669193797 12 as 18 fairy-books 3.575351549834565 13 well 18 fairy-books 4.7285688169740325 14 as 18 fairy-books 3.575351549834565 15 those 18 fairy-books 7.39185955805149 16 in 18 fairy-books 4.47891510180493 17 the 18 fairy-books 3.7479774381663944 18 fairy-books 20 " 3.5665345570203755 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 " on this side you 'll see another , called steam . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 on -0.863012503162846 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 on 4 side 3.754691524839359 3 this 4 side 2.3116783925185302 4 side 12 . 1.374852833047406 5 you 7 see 3.026824433151642 6 'll 7 see 3.031854054121549 7 see 11 steam 2.0846184742584164 8 another 11 steam 4.716107509681542 8 another 9 , 0.4439795276363956 10 called 11 steam 7.630976992418912 11 steam 12 . 1.8950000975358599 he works in the other mills , and takes heavy loads of stone , cloth , paper , and wood all over the country . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 works 1.3849904351850597 2 works 3 in 1.6595094091144382 3 in 4 the 2.2179054533910225 4 the 20 wood 3.009849287818227 4 the 6 mills 2.633549160822227 5 other 6 mills 6.0137742074093445 6 mills 7 , 1.5817393665723785 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 takes 11 loads 10.0108432331231 10 heavy 11 loads 10.400375400380145 11 loads 13 stone 8.465020699506233 11 loads 20 wood 7.185017978225048 11 loads 12 of 4.15629313244818 13 stone 15 cloth 4.651541383288755 14 , 15 cloth 1.0714407772673056 15 cloth 17 paper 5.847116239145251 15 cloth 18 , 1.7565776658136407 15 cloth 16 , 1.7565776658136407 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 wood 25 . 1.3335048362769601 20 wood 22 over 1.3271863432669555 21 all 22 over 3.0956872064976206 22 over 24 country 3.043139253386613 23 the 24 country 2.6713908492539495 then , on the right of us is a third giant , called electricity . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 , 0.6831779581792361 2 , 14 electricity 1.1169397495855975 3 on 10 third 2.7624211856553593 4 the 10 third 3.439370276808182 4 the 6 of 1.0577148884315015 4 the 5 right 0.25386529131968416 6 of 7 us 2.1891957942449345 8 is 9 a 1.780232541631019 9 a 10 third 2.8166116101974197 10 third 14 electricity 6.980257172243952 11 giant 14 electricity 8.396596458698124 12 , 14 electricity 1.1169397495855975 13 called 14 electricity 9.337780616074863 14 electricity 15 . 3.69080079296538 he runs along those wires , and carries messages from one end of the world to the other . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 8 carries 2.819875688296488 2 runs 3 along 5.855312760436092 3 along 5 wires 5.610783952697094 4 those 5 wires 7.451175383349618 5 wires 6 , 1.483096369695236 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 carries 1.6537483753988624 8 carries 9 messages 10.835972837964011 8 carries 12 end 4.16973677852457 9 messages 10 from 3.7807725749061234 9 messages 11 one 3.468506916909554 12 end 13 of 4.4912993322004375 13 of 17 the 1.7361783602309693 13 of 14 the 1.7361783602309693 14 the 15 world 3.4995122304020896 16 to 17 the 0.9100440193086232 17 the 18 other 2.632237772637371 18 other 19 . 0.887157797703594 " i like him best , i think ; for he is more like a real , wonderful giant . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 like 1.8452377368031634 3 like 5 best 2.303547892121408 3 like 4 him 1.1042299619733527 5 best 9 ; 1.2472195089664133 5 best 6 , 0.5093704851090006 6 , 7 i 0.883559295304277 7 i 8 think 3.3874834805555984 9 ; 11 he 1.3376209068347862 9 ; 10 for 1.4090530638881251 11 he 12 is 1.6260336903500061 12 is 18 wonderful 2.123114139283924 13 more 18 wonderful 2.90161981556707 14 like 15 a 2.717545363523488 15 a 18 wonderful 2.9204601144899343 15 a 16 real 2.902391659711606 16 real 17 , 0.07625618499037756 18 wonderful 19 giant 3.6165855967382434 19 giant 20 . 0.9810252562866602 is there any on that side of us ? " asked daisy , turning round to look behind her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 is 0.4762878297515023 1 is 4 on -0.30683669425290816 1 is 2 there 1.103958867639971 2 there 3 any 2.480871512948818 4 on 19 her 1.9621630959693164 4 on 6 side 3.754691524839359 4 on 5 that 0.04079951103550705 6 side 7 of 3.4647361596021966 7 of 8 us 2.1891957942449345 9 ? 11 asked 5.32511077011031 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 11 asked 12 daisy 5.132142810408112 12 daisy 14 turning 3.804910626526972 12 daisy 18 behind 3.19946250385777 13 , 14 turning 2.577613260316898 14 turning 15 round 6.521525276700807 14 turning 16 to 3.1720931145149045 17 look 18 behind 2.899816686253679 18 behind 19 her 2.657769044622718 19 her 20 . 0.7973847081259855 " why , that 's only the schoolhouse . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 3 , 1.840497834106312 4 that 5 's 2.1214078036711292 5 's 6 only 2.071703444832833 6 only 8 schoolhouse 3.8567059200228115 7 the 8 schoolhouse 3.5879262649364456 8 schoolhouse 9 . 0.5329719833340221 9 . 10 " 4.427730590569535 " this is the last day of the seven , and no fairies have been found . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 this 3 is 3.100883637059548 3 is 4 the 0.5623570417995989 4 the 13 fairies 2.9487606062029865 4 the 5 last 1.6570415626379553 5 last 6 day 2.483649276374095 7 of 8 the 1.7361783602309693 8 the 13 fairies 2.9487606062029865 8 the 9 seven 1.7069176905821557 10 , 12 no 0.30791745205785404 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 no 13 fairies 2.5912497125404172 13 fairies 14 have 2.072782802212945 13 fairies 17 . 0.5915113341161238 14 have 15 been 4.920699059768996 14 have 16 found 2.7997882540423102 do you think i ever shall see one ? " said daisy , on the sunday morning that ended her week 's hunt . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.5727680131397417 1 do 2 you 3.4483737354832282 2 you 7 see 3.026824433151642 2 you 3 think 3.0838809933759332 4 i 6 shall 3.5779822205352936 4 i 5 ever 1.587568117071104 6 shall 7 see 3.490325168277595 7 see 8 one 0.28269895780226406 8 one 17 morning 3.618180273075012 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 10 " 11 said 3.5310061102049364 11 said 12 daisy 2.8155072820963483 12 daisy 16 sunday 1.5628119381675383 12 daisy 13 , 1.769642800179568 14 on 16 sunday 3.710917903584324 14 on 15 the 2.3827313113897173 16 sunday 17 morning 4.627333871462611 17 morning 19 ended 2.254428540153345 18 that 19 ended 0.9346481698742046 19 ended 21 week 3.826403036106967 19 ended 20 her 1.575644084910035 21 week 23 hunt 2.721409516553777 21 week 24 . 1.47452530701662 21 week 22 's 1.3283604212524018 " have i ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ? -0.6964115218749072 1 " 3 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 have -0.1733496894133406 where are they ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 where 0.32956640383449987 1 where 2 are 3.875293254761676 1 where 3 they 2.7632596148427737 1 where 4 ? 1.472011628423573 what are their names ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 what 5 ? 1.6980475420715102 1 what 2 are 2.9570592948649015 3 their 4 names 5.934608848001332 4 names 5 ? 1.8280179197364888 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 aunt wee drew her to the glass , and said , as she pointed to daisy 's face : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 aunt 2 wee 6.88178081549345 2 wee 14 pointed 6.989329110194401 2 wee 3 drew 5.455179182707159 3 drew 4 her 2.3458569868248063 5 to 6 the 0.9100440193086232 6 the 7 glass 2.6645303558929214 7 glass 14 pointed 2.857073780111623 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 14 pointed 1.6636990567506054 10 said 11 , 0.9301588670935015 11 , 12 as 0.9452529367549332 12 as 13 she 2.3180707662145696 13 she 14 pointed 2.6596944839979315 14 pointed 16 daisy 5.011803340560341 14 pointed 15 to 3.5647694329557673 16 daisy 17 's 2.7442970600695133 16 daisy 19 : 2.662770341416657 17 's 18 face 3.7137547228604877 " here they are , and their names are health and happiness . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 here 0.8271412949974799 3 they 7 their 2.144286037572062 3 they 4 are 3.993263810226807 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 their 0.6019324701283963 7 their 8 names 5.934608848001332 8 names 10 health 5.71861722195921 8 names 9 are 3.7391637623645906 10 health 12 happiness 7.885577184289318 10 health 11 and 2.292940758282011 12 happiness 13 . 1.3008735417960224 there are many ways of losing them , and they are hard to catch when once lost . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 2 are 3.2663969617557846 2 are 3 many 2.5595094920818653 3 many 4 ways 6.530900099314643 4 ways 6 losing 7.394775999772797 4 ways 18 . 1.5553421952004705 5 of 6 losing 3.2916770047296 6 losing 17 lost 4.75966082742368 6 losing 14 catch 3.4930730904645237 6 losing 12 hard 2.8533088234488737 6 losing 15 when 2.490616879337143 6 losing 7 them 2.027755769699901 7 them 10 they 0.9652750489855144 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 they 0.9764612904959886 10 they 11 are 3.993263810226807 13 to 14 catch 3.1358200764929087 16 once 17 lost 1.7377109176263197 i wanted you to keep both , and tried to show you how . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wanted 2.5686939950494914 2 wanted 10 to 4.012813233173826 2 wanted 4 to 4.012813233173826 2 wanted 14 . 0.17621786484673407 3 you 4 to 0.26837548151018176 4 to 5 keep 3.3191585899275946 6 both 8 and 0.9914422279152966 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 tried 1.7886665159703519 9 tried 10 to 4.132759688922263 10 to 11 show 3.3710530641958414 11 show 13 how 4.39375249534984 11 show 12 you 3.31835760665445 " then all these mornings we were hunting after health and happiness , instead of fairies , were we ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 then 2.011859416218485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 then 3 all 0.6976686266567871 3 all 4 these 3.368985527421275 4 these 16 fairies 3.473648792235714 4 these 5 mornings 5.977662462223218 5 mornings 6 we 3.355472766242059 6 we 7 were 3.462184317689921 8 hunting 10 health 5.653519163761338 8 hunting 9 after 2.454762838345186 10 health 12 happiness 7.885577184289318 10 health 11 and 2.292940758282011 12 happiness 14 instead 4.12461079216391 13 , 14 instead 1.3690127921617332 14 instead 15 of 4.778322395793648 14 instead 16 fairies 3.6613905447433766 16 fairies 18 were 3.7197035790459125 16 fairies 20 ? 2.506439898776531 16 fairies 17 , 0.7417421072629118 19 we 20 ? 0.04299234530095042 20 ? 21 " 4.126492033472207 " yes : haven't you enjoyed it , and don't you think you have caught my fairies ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 : 0.5741987245223612 3 : 17 fairies 4.265011786342246 4 haven't 15 caught 2.4875011253374204 5 you 12 think 3.0838809933759332 5 you 14 have 2.4773295942588796 6 enjoyed 7 it 2.8687310984374754 7 it 8 , 0.10461422563168554 8 , 10 don't 0.5599321927126493 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 don't 12 think 4.687532167775798 11 you 12 think 3.0838809933759332 13 you 14 have 2.4773295942588796 14 have 15 caught 2.613387976959199 15 caught 17 fairies 2.4816116603731047 15 caught 16 my 0.9388401746021913 17 fairies 18 ? 2.506439898776531 18 ? 19 " 4.126492033472207 daisy looked from a little picture of herself , which wee had drawn some time ago , to her image in the glass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 daisy 0.7907593819595746 1 daisy 2 looked 2.055158335835884 2 looked 6 picture 1.0508423111854057 2 looked 3 from 1.0627552447302975 4 a 6 picture 2.9406162830334956 4 a 5 little 3.3978459531370575 6 picture 13 drawn 5.5341502167395085 6 picture 7 of 3.066392844805403 6 picture 8 herself 2.2393109431210405 9 , 10 which 1.6914583310125977 10 which 13 drawn 2.6680868462700467 11 wee 13 drawn 6.951760301416268 12 had 13 drawn 3.3052493544943538 13 drawn 20 image 5.010194777463909 14 some 15 time 4.367944025411266 15 time 16 ago 3.727988794520556 16 ago 20 image 2.878181854099555 16 ago 17 , 1.7247698640748634 18 to 19 her 1.4090049423748106 19 her 20 image 3.123409600877892 20 image 23 glass 5.183999193324443 20 image 24 . 1.0245238067018754 21 in 22 the 2.2179054533910225 22 the 23 glass 2.6645303558929214 she understood the kind joke ; and , turning , kissed aunt wee , as she said , gratefully : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 11 kissed 3.0757621395860433 1 she 2 understood 3.0008046421546695 2 understood 4 kind 3.072217946888717 3 the 4 kind 1.0036171278157386 4 kind 5 joke 3.779156382955101 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 7 and 11 kissed 3.163578141591305 8 , 9 turning 2.577613260316898 9 turning 11 kissed 4.3823964654929455 10 , 11 kissed 0.3318525899387268 11 kissed 13 wee 4.788367878619841 12 aunt 13 wee 6.88178081549345 13 wee 19 gratefully 4.097705899887636 14 , 17 said 1.5025770512474743 15 as 16 she 2.3180707662145696 16 she 17 said 2.5314486588783307 17 said 19 gratefully 3.6704794025590637 18 , 19 gratefully 1.2828179179652146 19 gratefully 20 : 4.321801618903976 " i think i have caught your elves , and i 'll try to keep them all my life . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 5 have 2.72146406531475 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 4 i 5 have 2.72146406531475 5 have 6 caught 2.613387976959199 6 caught 8 elves 5.9703864090457905 7 your 8 elves 3.587940350143601 8 elves 13 try 3.352739066045153 8 elves 10 and 1.9064539361319 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 i 12 'll 3.9881635767091375 12 'll 13 try 5.323444420976447 13 try 15 keep 3.657220714700099 13 try 14 to 3.4727099313214307 15 keep 16 them 3.2499742393455335 15 keep 18 my 2.5241104347125933 16 them 17 all 2.3508025338807332 18 my 19 life 4.663423265955567 19 life 20 . 1.56045446494951 but tell me one thing : was the music that woke me all a joke too ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 tell 0.3140035098518119 2 tell 3 me 4.773347470203449 2 tell 12 me 4.773347470203449 4 one 5 thing 4.440696162148507 5 thing 6 : 0.7760005958638061 6 : 8 the 0.5141374643261223 7 was 8 the 0.10921365488938406 8 the 9 music 2.0170564478650626 9 music 11 woke 4.361905914145456 9 music 10 that 0.37242176397725757 11 woke 12 me 1.061900970868674 12 me 17 ? 1.6819492666657094 12 me 13 all 0.7809624832778237 14 a 15 joke 3.734445730774249 15 joke 17 ? 2.1333632753306375 15 joke 16 too 1.2655991451775712 17 ? 18 " 4.126492033472207 she set it on the table , touched a spring , and the airy music sounded more beautiful than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 8 touched 2.1348623254593484 2 set 6 table 4.359320368033462 2 set 3 it 0.5201864152989479 4 on 6 table 3.8194094601458097 5 the 6 table 3.211283056428181 6 table 8 touched 4.020734763928058 6 table 7 , 1.4189309315317402 8 touched 10 spring 4.9021612955816884 9 a 10 spring 1.2169790308480763 10 spring 14 airy 5.186447627236994 10 spring 21 . 1.271589961426388 11 , 14 airy 1.05770561937711 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 the 14 airy 2.0522728612580075 14 airy 15 music 8.138532142622797 14 airy 16 sounded 7.728811477397862 14 airy 18 beautiful 3.1571537927505133 17 more 18 beautiful 3.7727903602337776 18 beautiful 19 than 3.3514776857911777 19 than 20 ever 5.830919847889843 " is it mine , all mine ? " cried daisy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 is 8 ? 0.8821409345206987 3 it 8 ? 1.3564394720153814 3 it 6 all 1.4560859051832526 4 mine 6 all 0.6775781564207506 4 mine 5 , 1.7160845772782345 6 all 7 mine 0.9592713240048809 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 9 " 10 cried 3.5451272628542867 10 cried 11 daisy 5.2941946365319765 10 cried 12 . 0.8475860205663466 " yes : i hid it while i tried my little plan , and now you shall have it for your own . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 my 0.26958347831475216 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 1 " 8 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 3 : 4 i 0.9902593081279818 5 hid 7 while 2.2668843592415477 5 hid 6 it 1.8816847178303995 7 while 8 i 1.651822253651476 8 i 9 tried 1.9082952913889244 10 my 22 own 4.750508375438001 10 my 12 plan 2.6147930306018345 11 little 12 plan 2.4602668566739183 12 plan 20 for 2.656420324500509 12 plan 13 , 1.1071354363108306 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 now 1.0711472874957746 15 now 17 shall 1.5268050654540168 15 now 19 it 0.49595473684700586 16 you 17 shall 2.413159005266589 17 shall 18 have 3.5525971328812247 21 your 22 own 5.093169934997281 22 own 23 . 0.9743989575251941 see , here is the best elf i can give you , and she will dance whenever you call her . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 here 0.6457796651362582 1 see 3 here 1.729187190737484 1 see 2 , 0.6448833936773024 3 here 4 is 2.5351124961636895 4 is 6 best 1.9202737967716068 5 the 6 best 2.7144546132458114 6 best 7 elf 6.7834342197901805 7 elf 9 can 4.18508898759897 8 i 9 can 3.0357047137007545 9 can 10 give 2.9950301635949046 10 give 18 you 2.888687645272734 10 give 11 you 2.888687645272734 10 give 20 her 2.3928061421948783 11 you 15 will 2.521845216726133 12 , 14 she 0.6893111825667813 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 she 15 will 1.0016027014450408 15 will 16 dance 2.7124741431380848 16 dance 17 whenever 6.14879688609895 18 you 19 call 2.5858389421452443 20 her 21 . 0.7973847081259855 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 v. 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 v. 2.455640310057774 shadow-children . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 shadow-children -0.2813252841084335 1 shadow-children 2 . 2.625212451337802 ned , polly , and will sat on the steps one sun-shiny morning , doing nothing , except wish they had something pleasant to do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ned 0.9661201571575546 1 ned 3 polly 5.89878875038367 1 ned 2 , 1.2205831359777584 3 polly 7 sat 3.6228814325594243 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 7 sat 1.7453506166580492 5 and 6 will 0.5125675637899985 7 sat 8 on 4.076013955915231 8 on 10 steps 3.0013568005858 9 the 10 steps 2.580657058493019 10 steps 12 sun-shiny 12.337147628372716 10 steps 26 . 0.6024793643490156 11 one 12 sun-shiny 7.755218927355433 12 sun-shiny 13 morning 10.41290397800947 12 sun-shiny 17 , 2.971550889563048 12 sun-shiny 14 , 2.971550889563048 15 doing 16 nothing 3.6850287461552007 16 nothing 17 , 0.3611670107627205 17 , 18 except 1.9245012454335555 18 except 19 wish 1.851519523338748 19 wish 21 had 2.2628785950522428 19 wish 24 to 2.238242181907779 20 they 21 had 2.640513053297223 22 something 23 pleasant 4.610457937986055 23 pleasant 24 to 1.9564817333740372 24 to 25 do 2.3723850889805824 " something new , something never heard of before , wouldn't that be jolly ? " said ned , with a great yawn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 never 0.4252199493597697 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 something 3 new 3.3295176363537315 3 new 4 , 0.18439578787418398 4 , 6 never -0.21419743544626613 5 something 6 never -0.7674834413972675 6 never 13 be 1.856361917905982 6 never 7 heard 4.3160930896266 6 never 9 before 2.7814947807702275 7 heard 8 of 2.286982719465138 9 before 10 , 0.2711289923529474 11 wouldn't 13 be 3.9888054621633717 12 that 13 be 0.3420962464524617 13 be 14 jolly 2.9764712163836293 14 jolly 23 yawn 4.634939829369941 15 ? 16 " 4.126492033472207 16 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 17 said 18 ned 3.001780279233131 18 ned 23 yawn 7.344405422797401 18 ned 19 , 1.2205831359777584 20 with 23 yawn 4.356652653709759 21 a 23 yawn 4.418021636257489 22 great 23 yawn 7.234052699959356 23 yawn 24 . 2.152931000224484 " it must be an amusing play , and one that we don't get tired of very soon , " added polly gravely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 must 1.7549972979943593 3 must 4 be 4.732993294342485 4 be 17 very 2.1546039159985853 4 be 6 amusing 3.68233915094007 4 be 15 tired 1.667565281029482 5 an 6 amusing 5.749423838643363 6 amusing 7 play 6.449016383572953 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 12 we 1.098573113931673 9 and 10 one -0.015466382921458077 11 that 12 we 1.0051022575115773 12 we 14 get 2.672678805143491 12 we 13 don't 2.120015265362671 14 get 15 tired 4.508727372733549 15 tired 16 of 3.6621882667071617 17 very 23 gravely 2.89335148721009 17 very 18 soon 3.855371323076497 19 , 20 " 1.299421509625157 20 " 21 added 3.368587250228524 21 added 22 polly 4.850558062444691 22 polly 23 gravely 6.496105869227691 23 gravely 24 . 2.659135433111132 as no one could suggest any thing to suit , they all sat silent a few minutes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 no 0.8654144259654828 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 as -0.4549413670582716 2 no 3 one 4.01958726482844 3 one 5 suggest 3.491634818698877 4 could 5 suggest 6.010940353827092 5 suggest 16 few 5.0535110957493785 5 suggest 6 any 5.890729884360653 5 suggest 7 thing 5.560176524582101 8 to 9 suit 2.1572832103541764 9 suit 14 silent 1.709311902574136 9 suit 10 , 0.7844408202204995 11 they 13 sat 2.726852998547038 11 they 12 all 2.0890500828306564 13 sat 14 silent 5.352480768171645 14 silent 16 few 2.929494462818294 15 a 16 few 4.691751776320549 16 few 17 minutes 9.921770256695378 17 minutes 18 . 0.785998108550455 suddenly ned said , rather crossly , " i wish my shadow wouldn't mock me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 suddenly 1.218438902835354 1 suddenly 2 ned 4.2627067229595355 2 ned 3 said 1.000694675833774 3 said 6 crossly 3.993415919073186 3 said 14 mock 3.6319047286688964 3 said 4 , 0.9301588670935015 5 rather 6 crossly 6.783156105363371 6 crossly 10 wish 2.3458093281671815 6 crossly 7 , 1.7168834212536943 8 " 9 i 2.219663534593389 9 i 10 wish 4.1420163738201445 11 my 12 shadow 1.4689067427333597 12 shadow 14 mock 5.077496228982525 13 wouldn't 14 mock 4.330344718408963 14 mock 15 me 3.724853385009805 15 me 16 . 0.8752603656539097 every time i stretch or gape it does the same , and i don't like it . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 2 time 4.38939912751102 2 time 4 stretch 3.2783366697042275 2 time 3 i 0.6086107041355326 4 stretch 6 gape 12.097847672895991 5 or 6 gape 5.897341314079025 6 gape 8 does 6.484082003856898 6 gape 10 same 5.552704150946212 6 gape 14 don't 2.551583099374909 6 gape 16 it 2.4518671739138576 6 gape 7 it 2.4518671739138576 6 gape 17 . 1.215267500036468 6 gape 11 , 1.0630581893580278 9 the 10 same 3.763462972188101 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 i 14 don't 3.775983377249961 14 don't 15 like 3.5152090547893575 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 " poor thing , it can't help that : it has to do just what you do , and be your slave all day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 poor 0.9636415118836599 2 poor 3 thing 3.589357460360155 3 thing 4 , 0.6267569569376299 5 it 20 be 1.5598055450437247 6 can't 7 help 6.139519854051958 6 can't 17 do 3.38144148425423 6 can't 13 do 3.38144148425423 6 can't 20 be 3.1970945639885002 7 help 10 it 2.450164921686744 8 that 10 it 0.4870341578376909 9 : 10 it 0.6252219365448077 10 it 11 has 1.5722873745876296 12 to 13 do 2.3723850889805824 14 just 15 what 2.8244924269137375 15 what 17 do 3.5650246818752365 15 what 16 you 2.1286949378242674 17 do 18 , 0.07931976347479086 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 be 22 slave 1.2249685219249464 21 your 22 slave 3.7925581871123413 22 slave 23 all 2.0624443669452965 23 all 24 day 3.064855248590746 24 day 25 . 0.9785466039490451 i 'm glad i ain't a shadow , " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 1 i 5 ain't 3.001952612019089 2 'm 3 glad 6.923260381899718 4 i 5 ain't 3.001952612019089 5 ain't 7 shadow 1.6299218175208452 6 a 7 shadow 2.2056022976738383 7 shadow 11 polly 2.4567689026030273 8 , 10 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 polly 3.25573456887426 11 polly 12 . 0.7945060291325738 " i try to run away from mine sometimes , but i can't ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 try 1.9485475483891825 2 i 13 can't 3.7151187271549304 2 i 14 ever 1.587568117071104 3 try 4 to 3.4727099313214307 3 try 8 mine 2.164602715764847 4 to 5 run 2.8312997926840673 5 run 6 away 6.509879221374767 6 away 7 from 4.609249702401835 8 mine 9 sometimes 2.5318719776606216 10 , 11 but 2.1164801018826633 11 but 13 can't 2.23832670418391 12 i 13 can't 3.7151187271549304 14 ever 15 . 0.6454001794935671 " wouldn't it be fun to see shadows going about alone , and doing things like people ? " asked polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 wouldn't 0.6071509289294816 2 wouldn't 4 be 3.9888054621633717 3 it 4 be 1.5598055450437247 4 be 14 doing 2.246416114791952 4 be 5 fun 2.796605185156192 4 be 11 alone 2.605867213885002 4 be 9 going 1.286216581702078 5 fun 7 see 2.3953271360985653 6 to 7 see 3.0208916104243624 8 shadows 9 going 2.368492462493581 9 going 10 about 1.1885092098561252 11 alone 12 , 1.2729721906680318 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 doing 18 ? 3.242477010841373 14 doing 15 things 4.435227816227492 15 things 16 like 2.6302807413714753 16 like 17 people 2.1509837578941386 18 ? 20 asked 5.32511077011031 18 ? 19 " 4.126492033472207 20 asked 21 polly 3.274014157094495 21 polly 22 . 0.7945060291325738 " i just wish they would . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 4 wish 4.1420163738201445 3 just 4 wish 2.5106729357624253 4 wish 6 would 2.5690754193989207 5 they 6 would 2.520090606422329 6 would 7 . -0.8332362679451073 i 'd like to see ours cut capers ; that would be a jolly new game , wouldn't it ? " said ned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'd 3.910051988282767 2 'd 3 like 4.761042799213955 2 'd 12 be 3.5404609782228604 3 like 6 ours 4.108298656126792 4 to 5 see 3.0208916104243624 5 see 6 ours 2.7706414276481723 6 ours 8 capers 10.474828848243021 7 cut 8 capers 9.979165111665186 8 capers 9 ; 4.804518745292938 8 capers 10 that 3.0855072897409137 11 would 12 be 4.301422612821934 12 be 14 jolly 2.9764712163836293 13 a 14 jolly 3.021522314898178 14 jolly 16 game 3.7545518033511627 14 jolly 23 ned 3.1845974736238425 15 new 16 game 5.512176527737182 16 game 18 wouldn't 1.9374942082921685 16 game 17 , 0.7866806524464138 18 wouldn't 19 it 1.4664284593747148 20 ? 21 " 4.126492033472207 21 " 22 said 3.5310061102049364 22 said 23 ned 3.001780279233131 23 ned 24 . 0.640422381054151 " mercy , me ! " cried polly , staring at them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mercy 2.772898857584927 2 mercy 8 polly 4.987730273583175 2 mercy 4 me 3.6636922322056478 2 mercy 3 , 1.8146448345905952 5 ! 7 cried 4.7864618271494415 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 7 cried 8 polly 3.492079871433706 8 polly 10 staring 5.7392682536764354 9 , 10 staring 1.9160270556596046 10 staring 11 at 5.823365118240957 10 staring 12 them 1.3492572937015694 12 them 13 . 1.434008771759407 " by jove , that 's odd ! " said ned , looking queer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 jove 1.1368769058772692 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 by 3 jove 8.194963757913658 3 jove 11 ned 5.724037161486226 3 jove 7 odd 5.299116321108375 3 jove 8 ! 5.202878208611828 3 jove 14 queer 3.4492751868923186 3 jove 4 , 2.5924276179171954 5 that 6 's 2.1214078036711292 6 's 7 odd 1.5166697965717937 8 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 11 ned 13 looking 2.6531506972871597 12 , 13 looking 2.0143069737250805 14 queer 15 . 0.5636478990805038 " are they alive ? " asked will , a little frightened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 are 4 alive 2.1646697301417497 2 are 3 they 1.2052808340661354 4 alive 5 ? 2.5172295384804606 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 13 . 0.7779303217424687 7 asked 9 , 0.6291632080860623 8 will 9 , -0.6138979778123108 10 a 11 little 3.3978459531370575 11 little 12 frightened 2.541168438604803 12 frightened 13 . 1.1012539975400593 " don't be alarmed : they won't hurt you , " said a soft voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 4 alarmed 4.222338689973611 3 be 4 alarmed 4.483162977824119 4 alarmed 8 hurt 4.452924913904592 4 alarmed 14 soft 4.227468905682624 4 alarmed 5 : 3.353430892390019 4 alarmed 10 , 0.9118637947239776 6 they 7 won't 1.807816286195198 7 won't 8 hurt 6.0513316812973486 8 hurt 9 you 2.1290285874127974 10 , 12 said 1.5025770512474743 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 13 a 14 soft 2.713947910076481 14 soft 15 voice 5.552787831622457 15 voice 16 . 1.5211545821531125 " to-day is midsummer-day , and whoever wishes a wish can have it till midnight . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 to-day -0.3242015485271672 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 to-day 4 midsummer-day 12.51190232665176 2 to-day 16 . 1.3500106267520522 3 is 4 midsummer-day 6.512432963135769 4 midsummer-day 7 whoever 12.29868539423245 4 midsummer-day 8 wishes 11.03597280304217 4 midsummer-day 15 midnight 10.252306388435162 4 midsummer-day 14 till 6.78679389741027 4 midsummer-day 10 wish 6.708465035058278 4 midsummer-day 11 can 4.7505839087162265 4 midsummer-day 12 have 4.186609133314256 4 midsummer-day 6 and 2.8800298908684 4 midsummer-day 5 , 2.256004279031746 4 midsummer-day 9 a 1.8153976974115231 4 midsummer-day 13 it 1.6126144411994225 they will not get you into harm ; so you may safely try it , if you like . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 will 2.093770122839345 2 will 13 try 3.27932771123497 2 will 4 get 2.597242948115044 2 will 3 not 2.5239130859854004 2 will 17 you 2.2573630638043767 4 get 6 into 3.7290332390096115 4 get 5 you -0.02139141459844396 7 harm 13 try 4.548760940156193 7 harm 8 ; 1.8561304850605218 8 ; 9 so 1.5443366530647253 10 you 11 may 3.3345366502764495 11 may 12 safely 3.3114576523457124 12 safely 13 try 4.302019308437284 13 try 14 it 1.931124129122562 15 , 16 if 1.058710375425802 16 if 17 you 3.283533954578644 17 you 18 like 1.966738849342594 18 like 19 . 0.0011593154173485942 do you agree for the day to do as they do , and so have your wish ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 you 0.5727680131397417 1 do 2 you 3.4483737354832282 2 you 3 agree 2.8244533496349966 3 agree 7 to 2.6684688967683527 3 agree 4 for 1.4117745080502004 4 for 5 the 1.0443437398983217 5 the 6 day 1.6272962053126125 7 to 11 do 2.3723850889805824 7 to 8 do 2.3723850889805824 9 as 10 they 2.4850506942239843 10 they 11 do 1.3490981315105088 11 do 18 ? 2.344463917580823 11 do 17 wish 3.5382913909113043 11 do 14 so 1.098170911421791 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 so 0.594351220348015 15 have 16 your 1.4180042018365366 16 your 17 wish 1.9975382152540924 18 ? 19 " 4.126492033472207 " yes , we promise , " answered the children . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 1 " 8 answered 2.7487180822420285 2 yes 6 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 4 we 0.9832333456263136 2 yes 5 promise 0.713575103476856 7 " 8 answered 2.7487180822420285 8 answered 9 the 2.001188249039961 9 the 10 children 2.226122194690296 10 children 11 . 0.7365575284595973 " tell no one till night , and be faithful shadows to the shadows . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 no 1.9307992426703144 1 " 2 tell 0.43382181817012366 3 no 4 one 4.01958726482844 4 one 6 night 3.308963542682104 5 till 6 night 3.6445435845153753 6 night 10 faithful 3.2113113195171863 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 faithful 1.1661877359009658 9 be 10 faithful 3.1872611132302 10 faithful 11 shadows 6.798128286795961 10 faithful 14 shadows 6.798128286795961 10 faithful 12 to 1.700145932290603 13 the 14 shadows 2.4854718256500483 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 the voice was silent , but with more funny little bows the shadows began to move off in different directions . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 13 shadows 2.4854718256500483 1 the 2 voice 1.0631584353907257 2 voice 4 silent 2.452641135000473 3 was 4 silent 3.7887009825607194 4 silent 5 , 1.5326731619050946 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 7 with 11 bows 2.6086445994640783 8 more 9 funny 0.5041820792071583 9 funny 11 bows 5.705700684165098 9 funny 10 little 5.121621740483352 11 bows 13 shadows 6.658817839013391 12 the 13 shadows 2.4854718256500483 13 shadows 14 began 4.427303906966646 14 began 16 move 5.610962162038355 14 began 15 to 4.246133941809509 16 move 20 directions 4.106870249583455 16 move 17 off 2.662125912967973 18 in 20 directions 3.5605707035400407 19 different 20 directions 7.598735883292417 20 directions 21 . 1.9567009390394716 each child went after its shadow , laughing , and enjoying the fun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 shadow -0.23355292582689202 1 each 2 child 2.313892989299916 2 child 5 its 1.6963956008080743 2 child 3 went 0.2804259619622371 3 went 4 after 1.36716793657288 5 its 6 shadow 3.8108086472777494 6 shadow 8 laughing 2.042144780291757 7 , 8 laughing 1.4498732563486332 8 laughing 11 enjoying 2.517657882910889 8 laughing 10 and 1.6404409927542538 8 laughing 14 . 1.4431202439415518 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 enjoying 13 fun 4.797035645570915 11 enjoying 12 the 1.9997416623435385 " oh , bother the old peas ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 bother 4.113282046855659 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 8 ! 2.9964053743846186 4 bother 7 peas 6.525045677995362 5 the 6 old 2.286719213859378 6 old 7 peas 2.7672326917525822 i 'm busy , and i can't . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 1 i 7 can't 3.7151187271549304 2 'm 3 busy 3.5854918253051835 3 busy 4 , 1.0122038339154535 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 6 i 7 can't 3.7151187271549304 8 . 9 " 4.427730590569535 " who told you about this ? " he asked , beginning to work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 who 3 told 2.5893529327533997 3 told 4 you 2.2882618963276578 4 you 7 ? 1.9127300143977735 5 about 6 this 1.5435140401302085 6 this 7 ? 1.3368374984171645 7 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 he 10 asked 2.0572913305365113 10 asked 12 beginning 1.7490294220597207 10 asked 11 , 0.6291632080860623 12 beginning 13 to 3.9585199275545495 12 beginning 14 work 3.062247115837142 14 work 15 . 1.2313016264169327 when the basket was full , the shadow took one handle , and ned the other ; and they carried it in . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 2 the 1.104398875351464 2 the 3 basket 2.261894866126763 2 the 16 other 2.632237772637371 3 basket 5 full 5.5221828713657075 4 was 5 full 2.913914781185669 5 full 14 ned 3.7493697743290966 6 , 14 ned 0.8503207206518013 7 the 11 handle 2.6851905153502855 7 the 8 shadow 1.9197621051823184 9 took 11 handle 3.6920492271486083 10 one 11 handle 2.8340184820390384 11 handle 14 ned 5.479796341153094 11 handle 12 , 1.6404382416999361 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 15 the 16 other 2.632237772637371 16 other 23 . 0.887157797703594 16 other 22 in 0.6069461043306816 17 ; 18 and 2.090280035481264 18 and 20 carried 2.1597623141512976 19 they 20 carried 1.628317693903579 20 carried 22 in 1.176688004627085 20 carried 21 it 2.509093270917962 " thank you , dear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 thank 3.0068784886995363 2 thank 3 you 5.101026876135045 2 thank 4 , 1.4624959908333306 4 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 5 dear 6 . 0.2744420450222673 ned couldn't stop to talk ; for the shadow ran away to the woodpile , and began to chop with all its might . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ned 0.9661201571575546 1 ned 2 couldn't 3.8559033298994088 2 couldn't 3 stop 4.740174507313849 3 stop 4 to 1.9367603258351593 4 to 19 chop 3.334005557464888 4 to 5 talk 2.83660690583846 6 ; 7 for 1.4090530638881251 7 for 19 chop 1.096156869148185 8 the 14 woodpile 3.781587816459467 9 shadow 13 the 2.071949978533551 9 shadow 10 ran 3.9676630930682784 10 ran 11 away 5.245922916424096 10 ran 12 to 2.360351704149636 13 the 14 woodpile 3.781587816459467 14 woodpile 19 chop 10.497610555989922 15 , 19 chop 2.201118382366598 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 began 19 chop 5.125531036841242 17 began 18 to 4.246133941809509 19 chop 22 its 4.535791114636197 19 chop 21 all 3.391643325934769 19 chop 20 with 3.35536522626602 19 chop 23 might 2.9006491839399082 19 chop 24 . -0.031214459734854927 " well , i suppose i must ; but i never saw such a fellow for work as this shadow is . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 i 5 suppose 4.454760951025708 4 i 11 never 2.5602386484719286 5 suppose 7 must 2.8895071586522327 6 i 7 must 2.6979915005595725 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 9 but 10 i 2.212975893494237 10 i 11 never 2.5602386484719286 11 never 12 saw 4.253207216699751 12 saw 13 such 3.254257835584081 12 saw 20 shadow 2.551599337827337 12 saw 19 this 1.880989137124292 13 such 14 a 4.1090062073831 13 such 18 as 2.4024706123847377 13 such 17 work 1.3925078356541682 14 a 15 fellow 3.04968885920853 16 for 17 work 0.8594294799118565 20 shadow 21 is 0.7468352155139222 20 shadow 22 . 0.3852508377522881 polly 's new mistress went to the dining-room , and fell to washing up the breakfast cups . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 's 0.05123554541292208 1 polly 2 's 2.540557622413793 2 's 3 new 1.6751595787819156 3 new 4 mistress 4.426781180519598 4 mistress 5 went 1.5670894608295534 5 went 6 to 2.76457199103605 6 to 8 dining-room 1.197470022584472 7 the 8 dining-room 3.766281871697089 8 dining-room 13 washing 6.732927400681813 8 dining-room 10 and 2.331827288515221 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 fell 13 washing 4.4028351719458385 11 fell 12 to 1.114688408039605 13 washing 17 cups 8.537949751429526 13 washing 14 up 3.2097514529521582 15 the 17 cups 2.754565983047751 16 breakfast 17 cups 8.531760873927492 17 cups 18 . 2.068546857675866 polly hated that work , and sulkily began to rattle the spoons and knock the things about . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 polly 0.05052028440481848 1 polly 5 , 1.4368780952038485 1 polly 2 hated 6.6113167663265 2 hated 4 work 3.2163433876192293 2 hated 3 that 0.8521428929994563 5 , 7 sulkily 1.4082739543776626 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 sulkily 10 rattle 10.003142880565992 7 sulkily 8 began 5.680992458792627 7 sulkily 18 . 2.763039433772569 8 began 9 to 4.246133941809509 10 rattle 12 spoons 10.347197733737758 11 the 12 spoons 2.137051048953129 12 spoons 14 knock 9.772751707448023 12 spoons 16 things 2.8247281234926334 12 spoons 13 and 1.5756686227456704 14 knock 15 the 0.9819809308406242 16 things 17 about 2.209295711977852 but the shadow wouldn't allow that ; and polly had to do just what it did , though she grumbled all the while . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 15 it 1.5722352988224095 1 but 16 did 1.5672413691084248 2 the 3 shadow 1.9197621051823184 3 shadow 5 allow 4.127958006158725 4 wouldn't 5 allow 4.870367780406848 5 allow 15 it 2.746659097893833 5 allow 11 to 2.445863442790568 5 allow 6 that 2.1123093711048746 6 that 10 had 1.1057611718442057 7 ; 9 polly 2.6213107413106513 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 polly 10 had 2.0737607866343204 11 to 12 do 2.3723850889805824 13 just 14 what 2.8244924269137375 14 what 15 it 1.2078159665598154 16 did 18 though 0.7688370461074605 17 , 18 though 2.8653386317912517 18 though 20 grumbled 3.281638072486153 18 though 19 she 2.6092163074867543 20 grumbled 23 while 2.3682084710301226 20 grumbled 21 all 2.2239328182652933 20 grumbled 24 . 1.8798385677853418 21 all 22 the 1.5997645604568138 " she doesn't splash a bit , or make any clatter ; so i guess she 's a tidy creature , " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 she 1.5550225530747177 2 she 3 doesn't 3.2455159469756705 3 doesn't 9 make 4.257799149157513 3 doesn't 4 splash 5.513801705188705 4 splash 6 bit 5.157450038714863 5 a 6 bit 4.3931155458296285 6 bit 8 or 1.0215659245539612 7 , 8 or 1.4271475215650753 9 make 19 tidy 3.0786964399356833 9 make 11 clatter 6.8975588323100006 10 any 11 clatter 6.158632906719774 11 clatter 12 ; 5.251908240953718 11 clatter 13 so 3.692056546128544 14 i 15 guess 4.484846112989166 15 guess 19 tidy 3.4620913174083228 15 guess 16 she 2.156509614990952 17 's 19 tidy 1.9831983025538769 18 a 19 tidy 2.685551420278653 19 tidy 20 creature 7.171131335670712 19 tidy 24 polly 6.1178085328948875 19 tidy 25 . 1.8612585742116323 21 , 23 said 1.5025770512474743 22 " 23 said 3.5310061102049364 23 said 24 polly 3.25573456887426 " how long she does rub each spoon and glass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 5 does 3.415228094864961 2 how 3 long 3.0477329119179615 4 she 5 does 2.323641666406605 5 does 6 rub 5.2048799808590225 6 rub 8 spoon 9.319387491067253 7 each 8 spoon 6.059175423611357 8 spoon 10 glass 7.275382028869661 8 spoon 9 and 2.4744939655565936 10 glass 11 . 0.9071489513075157 we never shall get done . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 3 shall 4.303303749124435 1 we 2 never 1.8375115453121467 3 shall 4 get 3.111237070563316 4 get 5 done 0.981858849570461 5 done 6 . 1.0623918803631192 what a fuss she makes with the napkins , laying them all even in the drawer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.1082694510543405 1 what 5 makes 3.875114861943281 2 a 3 fuss 3.819950718001678 3 fuss 5 makes 5.209050593873794 4 she 5 makes 1.7644478137834128 5 makes 8 napkins 6.909692880307549 6 with 8 napkins 4.152921779262407 7 the 8 napkins 2.638301794748145 8 napkins 10 laying 11.585440751114398 8 napkins 16 drawer 7.997520253932997 8 napkins 13 even 3.315766426639197 8 napkins 11 them 2.6378092513838887 9 , 10 laying 2.604959953404009 11 them 12 all 2.3508025338807332 14 in 16 drawer 3.419765187464506 15 the 16 drawer 2.7317059040009894 16 drawer 17 . 1.1711775139400977 and now she 's at the salt-cellars , doing them just as mamma likes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 she 1.13928842895214 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.3959490495991158 1 and 2 now 1.0711472874957746 3 she 14 likes 3.810850656581149 4 's 7 salt-cellars 4.8352362261711335 5 at 7 salt-cellars 5.20746305517536 6 the 7 salt-cellars 3.9576307476721624 7 salt-cellars 9 doing 10.319325310088747 7 salt-cellars 13 mamma 9.255449468099371 7 salt-cellars 14 likes 7.203020895870676 7 salt-cellars 10 them 5.825729455463197 7 salt-cellars 11 just 5.0178185234577946 7 salt-cellars 8 , 3.239031200428034 11 just 12 as 3.967138933554539 14 likes 15 . 0.24125726366061429 i wish she 'd live here , and do my work for me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wish 4.1420163738201445 1 i 9 do 2.2344288593504196 2 wish 4 'd 4.718247345443039 3 she 4 'd 2.5890572287975413 4 'd 5 live 2.7838911746493764 5 live 6 here 3.9450266034242034 6 here 7 , 1.2339148261024935 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 do 11 work 1.3741617666353854 10 my 11 work 1.9477851303520382 11 work 12 for 2.2924618374280605 11 work 14 . 1.2313016264169327 12 for 13 me 2.410840729936597 why , what 's that ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7851754951784589 1 why 6 ? 2.154945933670776 1 why 2 , 1.840497834106312 3 what 6 ? 1.6980475420715102 3 what 4 's 1.6387770345529855 5 that 6 ? 0.5133639223249311 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 " do you hear any one singing , mamma ? " she asked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 13 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 do 10 ? 2.344463917580823 2 do 3 you 3.4483737354832282 3 you 4 hear 2.5144762981553495 4 hear 7 singing 3.497539120106719 4 hear 5 any 2.1633508014880576 5 any 6 one 4.154169477640316 7 singing 9 mamma 4.934595206563323 8 , 9 mamma 1.4372059865543996 10 ? 13 asked 5.32511077011031 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 12 she 13 asked 2.5470116104253275 13 asked 14 . 0.7779303217424687 " no : i wish i did . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 3 : 9 " 2.1042964934441706 3 : 6 i 0.9902593081279818 4 i 5 wish 4.1420163738201445 5 wish 6 i 2.9916745648551863 6 i 7 did 1.6274082174189726 8 . 9 " 4.427730590569535 the little girl didn't say any more , but worked quietly and watched the shadow , feeling sure the faint song came from it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 didn't 0.8763846330930161 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 3 girl 2.450378740673818 2 little 3 girl 4.366461737504494 4 didn't 20 faint 2.943111171593909 4 didn't 5 say 4.137153239185427 4 didn't 6 any 2.5698788342197325 6 any 7 more 5.283241875426565 7 more 11 quietly 3.0582526018352283 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 9 but 11 quietly 1.0390122114776936 10 worked 11 quietly 5.337028051914224 11 quietly 13 watched 3.585147381858498 12 and 13 watched 2.3517708176750176 14 the 15 shadow 1.9197621051823184 15 shadow 20 faint 2.0049585867907034 16 , 17 feeling 1.3802307730702559 17 feeling 20 faint 4.474345181546898 17 feeling 18 sure 3.524170131894767 19 the 20 faint 0.3311079147259228 20 faint 21 song 5.598917792849694 20 faint 22 came 2.4536141534167406 20 faint 25 . 0.6021682052380548 22 came 23 from 3.3851116795370135 24 it 25 . 0.47237242955592507 baby stopped crying , and mamma said , smiling : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 stopped 0.3626346613639342 1 baby 2 stopped 3.2002259241376265 2 stopped 3 crying 6.27632795370214 3 crying 10 : 5.775554235218554 3 crying 6 mamma 3.388642779361387 4 , 6 mamma 1.4372059865543996 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 7 said 10 : 3.7941609235358627 7 said 9 smiling 0.9574280744100001 8 , 9 smiling 1.2745209808777602 " now i hear somebody singing , and it 's the music i like best in the world . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 i 2.219663534593389 2 now 3 i 1.4838795867616543 3 i 4 hear 1.8124515664164385 4 hear 5 somebody 3.689702048748117 5 somebody 6 singing 5.158171705612553 6 singing 16 in 2.7887436274596595 6 singing 7 , 1.0315184119679337 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 it 0.19725493109410586 9 it 10 's 2.8884519147935066 11 the 12 music 2.0170564478650626 12 music 16 in 1.394251069625895 13 i 14 like 1.8452377368031634 14 like 15 best 2.303547892121408 15 best 16 in 1.1128573509699002 16 in 18 world 3.3975672710198737 17 the 18 world 3.4995122304020896 18 world 19 . 1.4917895502468497 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 now , baby was heavy , and cross with its teeth ; and polly didn't feel like tending it one bit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 2 , 9 with 0.6646281173027546 3 baby 5 heavy 3.0915989454278296 4 was 5 heavy 2.074267784788077 5 heavy 9 with 2.348427610590619 6 , 9 with 0.6646281173027546 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 cross 9 with 1.90781209901321 9 with 10 its 3.264040400187749 10 its 11 teeth 3.519184230493039 11 teeth 18 tending 7.753542488160548 11 teeth 22 . 1.4646862873752902 12 ; 14 polly 2.6213107413106513 12 ; 13 and 2.090280035481264 14 polly 18 tending 7.2709038753619275 15 didn't 18 tending 4.274207784772486 16 feel 18 tending 6.4378973491465 17 like 18 tending 5.069467613522615 18 tending 21 bit 6.326267494262389 18 tending 19 it 3.527558671246652 18 tending 20 one 3.0019232252158794 " do stop , you naughty , fretty baby . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 do 0.9416274344623083 2 do 8 fretty 2.4703351138447758 3 stop 8 fretty 5.704403602983184 4 , 8 fretty 2.404708695357339 5 you 6 naughty 2.7711336510995785 6 naughty 8 fretty 11.64719358720189 7 , 8 fretty 2.404708695357339 8 fretty 9 baby 11.13084505658091 8 fretty 10 . 1.068748973508999 i 'm tired of your screaming , and it 's high time you went to sleep . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 'm 3 tired 5.223184735098236 3 tired 4 of 3.6621882667071617 3 tired 8 and 1.8862695706199268 4 of 6 screaming 1.7987019628330927 5 your 6 screaming 2.2652904094555026 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 14 went 1.9201141840422995 9 it 10 's 2.8884519147935066 10 's 11 high 1.5158190815935129 11 high 12 time 4.626873333177713 12 time 14 went 1.0453767153579925 12 time 13 you -0.12853599246385627 14 went 16 sleep 3.628054739699433 15 to 16 sleep 3.55230212057757 16 sleep 17 . 1.5207334788185491 bless me ! what 's miss shadow doing with her baby ? " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 bless 3 ! 3.2672595360584005 1 bless 2 me 3.837819988882039 3 ! 13 " 3.7411945146373657 4 what 8 doing 2.943502353779003 4 what 5 's 1.6387770345529855 6 miss 7 shadow 0.919875490004145 7 shadow 8 doing 2.66209991659424 8 doing 12 ? 3.242477010841373 9 with 10 her 2.1216404045889785 10 her 11 baby 1.8618196470480193 11 baby 12 ? 1.8767975494334195 12 ? 13 " 4.126492033472207 13 " 14 said 3.5310061102049364 14 said 15 polly 3.25573456887426 14 said 16 . 0.7987260433774388 polly laughed , and did the same , feeling sorry she had been so pettish . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 laughed 0.3346440137178526 1 polly 2 laughed 4.157131431381089 2 laughed 16 . 1.0676340677284308 2 laughed 4 and 1.8398443593921172 3 , 4 and 1.9913305940627364 5 did 15 pettish 2.577922956043224 6 the 7 same 3.763462972188101 7 same 15 pettish 5.252105891731951 8 , 9 feeling 1.3802307730702559 9 feeling 15 pettish 6.503164018272894 10 sorry 15 pettish 6.309752427110173 11 she 12 had 2.8847648049781967 12 had 13 been 5.237394471186553 13 been 15 pettish 5.941181206671409 14 so 15 pettish 5.949844037240965 15 pettish 16 . 2.7338695148572647 presently both babies grew quiet , went to sleep , and were laid in the cradle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 3 babies 3.040346412151017 2 both 3 babies 4.083589333111036 3 babies 4 grew 5.311746301224797 3 babies 16 cradle 4.781617301153116 5 quiet 16 cradle 4.0117416518187206 5 quiet 9 sleep 3.89212755562097 5 quiet 6 , 1.2640878473972172 7 went 9 sleep 3.628054739699433 8 to 9 sleep 3.55230212057757 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 13 laid 2.3809247272560974 12 were 13 laid 2.2608357017384577 13 laid 16 cradle 4.972498958060733 14 in 16 cradle 3.4548350472342193 14 in 15 the 2.2179054533910225 16 cradle 17 . 1.9329652379110414 " now , i hope we shall rest a little , " said polly , stretching her arms . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 now 3 , 1.683986876826845 3 , 16 stretching 2.347041137363881 4 i 7 shall 3.5779822205352936 4 i 5 hope 3.9813084800941816 6 we 7 shall 4.303303749124435 7 shall 8 rest 1.9375566750131767 8 rest 16 stretching 3.776295954536792 9 a 10 little 3.3978459531370575 10 little 16 stretching 1.184171851812998 11 , 16 stretching 2.347041137363881 12 " 13 said 3.5310061102049364 13 said 14 polly 3.25573456887426 14 polly 16 stretching 7.971305858721323 15 , 16 stretching 2.347041137363881 16 stretching 18 arms 6.777446258689306 17 her 18 arms 4.47063420041766 18 arms 19 . 1.2082872450750362 but , no : down sat the shadow , and began to sew , making her needle fly like a real little seamstress . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 13 sew 1.1520102043458245 1 but 3 no 1.432956551569072 2 , 3 no 0.30791745205785404 3 no 4 : -0.5948383534928823 5 down 13 sew 2.1337257629591235 6 sat 13 sew 2.5195463153846553 7 the 8 shadow 1.9197621051823184 8 shadow 11 began 3.305697092253567 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 began 1.9857866101963566 11 began 13 sew 5.748410723329155 11 began 12 to 4.246133941809509 13 sew 23 seamstress 11.279940709854234 13 sew 14 , 1.0372541366138783 15 making 23 seamstress 6.628177438224917 16 her 17 needle 3.4178592173268534 17 needle 23 seamstress 10.92257649721273 18 fly 23 seamstress 8.30140389031968 19 like 23 seamstress 4.311721102829509 20 a 21 real 2.902391659711606 21 real 23 seamstress 9.912347462393164 22 little 23 seamstress 7.4558480013973885 23 seamstress 24 . 3.69080079296538 " oh , dear ! " groaned polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 dear 4.975296964833147 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 dear 5 ! 3.211372366750741 5 ! 7 groaned 3.321130986525848 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 7 groaned 8 polly 6.9731951495565205 7 groaned 9 . 1.4872167788896817 i dare say you think you can sew faster than i can . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 dare 3.6052691385164213 1 i 12 can 3.0357047137007545 2 dare 8 sew 4.524179210894932 2 dare 3 say 7.496575287648177 4 you 7 can 3.114760440925462 4 you 5 think 3.0838809933759332 6 you 7 can 3.114760440925462 7 can 8 sew 4.255516963311127 8 sew 9 faster 8.645509532868779 9 faster 10 than 7.433352684843182 11 i 12 can 3.0357047137007545 12 can 13 . -0.28240360062674874 just wait a bit , and see what i can do , miss , " she said to the shadow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 what 1.1082694510543405 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 1 just 2 wait 3.808433746944093 1 just 8 what 2.8244924269137375 2 wait 4 bit 5.2053309903471465 3 a 4 bit 4.3931155458296285 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 see 0.8926299452541802 7 see 8 what 3.306547787662252 8 what 11 do 3.5650246818752365 9 i 10 can 3.0357047137007545 10 can 11 do 3.793586081272224 12 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 12 , 13 miss 1.2330263440811642 14 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 15 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 16 she 17 said 2.5314486588783307 17 said 19 the 1.3095954281400157 17 said 21 . 0.7987260433774388 18 to 19 the 0.9100440193086232 19 the 20 shadow 1.9197621051823184 little will 's shadow went up to the nursery , and stopped before a basin of water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 little -0.5588045973193001 1 little 17 water 0.3855776755632334 2 will 9 nursery -0.487927272598796 3 's 9 nursery 1.4718491843034265 4 shadow 8 the 2.071949978533551 5 went 6 up 2.746362632987786 6 up 8 the 1.3269104700562675 6 up 7 to 1.503350624881735 8 the 9 nursery 3.344188695325375 9 nursery 15 basin 8.179727909164502 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 stopped 1.0105249329174022 12 stopped 15 basin 4.99467083635496 13 before 15 basin 3.696707918883483 14 a 15 basin 3.307895816566507 15 basin 17 water 5.2708672501414675 15 basin 16 of 3.619085131432456 17 water 18 . 1.4466728848565857 now , will was a good child ; but this one thing was his great trouble , and sometimes he couldn't bear it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 was 0.5695174840046828 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 1 now 3 will 0.3286869662143701 4 was 5 a 1.8886187807073789 5 a 15 great 3.8210157989541553 5 a 6 good 3.137938933287751 6 good 12 thing 2.9739048310451643 6 good 7 child 1.6658987127834308 7 child 8 ; 1.8193988093438023 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 10 this 12 thing 1.9086577296308853 11 one 12 thing 4.440696162148507 13 was 15 great 1.1597433644867365 14 his 15 great 1.930408238278451 15 great 22 bear 2.1799985630799874 15 great 16 trouble 2.8580746408385025 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 18 and 19 sometimes 1.4472462320764983 19 sometimes 20 he 1.9945923111725143 20 he 21 couldn't 3.260198792391888 21 couldn't 22 bear 5.950626660289746 22 bear 23 it 2.329036392166742 22 bear 24 . 0.64392796972726 jane was so rough . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 jane 0.6960482428847659 1 jane 4 rough 2.8768129878146773 1 jane 5 . 0.7851910275738394 2 was 4 rough 2.5014773536357353 2 was 3 so 2.043618865545218 " there , now ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 1.2420768016119634 2 there 3 , -0.04648694043911128 4 now 5 ! 0.8189696537876685 all his anger was gone in a minute , and he just put his arm round sammy 's neck and kissed him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all -0.13924143960137414 1 all 16 round 2.922512228120901 2 his 15 arm 4.777406885925419 2 his 3 anger 3.148878974003342 3 anger 5 gone 3.1136363418004684 3 anger 12 just 1.9358729761981728 3 anger 6 in 1.9220748613973377 4 was 5 gone 2.436685983426612 6 in 7 a 1.8422556623713398 7 a 8 minute 4.203803623583614 8 minute 11 he 1.9394814425518128 8 minute 9 , 1.11018211920344 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 13 put 15 arm 5.244152744876768 14 his 15 arm 4.777406885925419 15 arm 16 round 5.348797952657801 16 round 19 neck 6.757152109753232 17 sammy 18 's 2.064805191484556 18 's 19 neck 3.5710040659797144 19 neck 21 kissed 5.96570170784511 19 neck 23 . 1.520256096162619 20 and 21 kissed 3.163578141591305 21 kissed 22 him 4.007127910498717 every one was merry and hungry and good-natured . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 4 merry 2.254480130671645 1 every 2 one 4.909498305444933 2 one 3 was 0.3703607903967647 4 merry 8 good-natured 3.1638345281458733 5 and 8 good-natured 1.2618618743141674 6 hungry 8 good-natured 6.318182004955791 6 hungry 7 and 1.3287355259780185 8 good-natured 9 . 1.033782695012416 the children said nothing about the new play , and no one observed the queer actions of their shadows but themselves . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 children 2.226122194690296 2 children 8 play 2.4926235228878575 3 said 6 the 1.3095954281400157 3 said 4 nothing 2.541667971636306 4 nothing 5 about 3.212475553352043 6 the 7 new 1.4154651255946114 7 new 8 play 4.775785457234889 8 play 21 themselves 2.950127288922914 9 , 11 no 0.30791745205785404 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 no 16 actions 2.0161893125001917 11 no 12 one 4.01958726482844 13 observed 16 actions 8.259220030399621 13 observed 14 the 2.148242149050617 15 queer 16 actions 9.124939735576046 16 actions 19 shadows 7.836188463281154 16 actions 21 themselves 5.660940859934865 16 actions 17 of 1.8807790664277242 18 their 19 shadows 4.57058513388969 19 shadows 20 but 0.6328839184767077 21 themselves 22 . 1.2415435514085136 it was saturday afternoon : the day was fine , and mamma told them they could go for a holiday frolic in the woods . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 saturday 1.1853652393044776 3 saturday 4 afternoon 9.102211173633574 4 afternoon 12 mamma 2.6828685326297226 5 : 12 mamma 2.972465945822819 6 the 7 day 1.6272962053126125 7 day 9 fine 1.5599538846071468 8 was 9 fine 0.977547343967224 9 fine 10 , 0.8748359748433643 10 , 12 mamma 1.4372059865543996 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 mamma 13 told 3.189497665842726 13 told 20 holiday 2.2127600613563203 13 told 14 them 3.1815884933446377 14 them 15 they 0.9652750489855144 15 they 16 could 2.4627471169382833 16 could 17 go 2.4635382452604073 18 for 19 a 2.0099144621548533 19 a 20 holiday 3.9824035055517726 20 holiday 21 frolic 10.658422792065988 21 frolic 24 woods 6.332671297876455 21 frolic 22 in 2.503073462396209 23 the 24 woods 3.287220524851479 24 woods 25 . 1.509686260851094 " don't go to the pond , and be home early , " she said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 3 go 2.414559448586399 3 go 4 to 2.321950992421007 4 to 5 the 0.9100440193086232 5 the 6 pond 3.0904337561657833 6 pond 11 early 5.552363203928266 6 pond 16 . 1.5345983474918476 6 pond 12 , 1.1205697037342581 6 pond 7 , 1.1205697037342581 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 be 10 home 1.3187665810545042 10 home 11 early 3.7729269376876218 12 , 15 said 1.5025770512474743 13 " 15 said 3.5310061102049364 14 she 15 said 2.5314486588783307 " yes , mamma ; we 'll remember , " they answered , as they scampered away to get ready . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 5 ; 3.4059650251588423 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 4 mamma 5 ; 3.0310155273028876 5 ; 6 we 1.7026800822961299 6 we 16 scampered 2.423668165324173 6 we 7 'll 4.426023306559921 7 'll 8 remember 3.4296786973559925 8 remember 9 , 0.9645632866290086 9 , 10 " 1.299421509625157 11 they 16 scampered 2.947185477043824 12 answered 16 scampered 2.0425509912381834 12 answered 13 , 1.0218493853447637 14 as 15 they 2.4850506942239843 15 they 16 scampered 2.947185477043824 16 scampered 17 away 6.956642727865521 16 scampered 20 ready 2.956037882528314 18 to 19 get 3.0881891887949813 19 get 20 ready 4.503502926615461 20 ready 21 . 0.6828294018879593 " we shall go through the village , and mary king will be looking out ; so i shall wear my best hat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 12 will 3.2620368769536263 2 we 3 shall 4.303303749124435 3 shall 4 go 3.678309469971108 4 go 5 through 2.3011392120189207 4 go 9 and 1.3465498431720793 5 through 7 village 4.013662587849041 6 the 7 village 3.283806828728789 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 mary 11 king 0.2701557730992832 11 king 12 will 0.3240326967710736 12 will 20 wear 3.286440681627923 12 will 13 be 4.275365825583959 13 be 17 so 1.7405708791147134 13 be 14 looking 1.3267580725417574 14 looking 15 out 2.94748267561857 16 ; 17 so 1.5443366530647253 18 i 19 shall 3.5779822205352936 19 shall 20 wear 4.376465226976226 20 wear 23 hat 5.172566702423914 21 my 23 hat 3.663295889641283 22 best 23 hat 4.738994730319224 23 hat 24 . 0.7874094042807123 " you tiresome thing ! do you mean that i mustn't wear my hat , but that old bonnet ? " asked polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 12 wear 1.9018770418361655 3 tiresome 12 wear 5.491474119505106 3 tiresome 4 thing 5.272597461960181 3 tiresome 5 ! 2.751372710350722 6 do 7 you 3.4483737354832282 7 you 11 mustn't 4.863063122221263 7 you 8 mean 3.75633112198412 8 mean 9 that 2.0849257066344222 10 i 11 mustn't 1.1287850366594085 11 mustn't 12 wear 5.760468770854626 12 wear 19 bonnet 7.235171247066884 12 wear 14 hat 5.172566702423914 13 my 14 hat 3.663295889641283 14 hat 15 , 1.1107575670230112 15 , 16 but 2.1164801018826633 17 that 18 old 0.9802873736093503 18 old 19 bonnet 2.0284374959508185 19 bonnet 23 polly 4.963350407390525 19 bonnet 24 . 1.1196225067631396 20 ? 22 asked 5.32511077011031 20 ? 21 " 4.126492033472207 22 asked 23 polly 3.274014157094495 the shadow nodded and beckoned , and patted its head , as if it was all right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 nodded 0.9648124161363345 1 the 2 shadow 1.9197621051823184 2 shadow 3 nodded 4.36715730350285 3 nodded 5 beckoned 7.114520889145698 3 nodded 10 head 5.545742930575759 3 nodded 18 . 1.5796326794374824 3 nodded 13 if 1.2390011048767136 4 and 5 beckoned 2.9344419665299704 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 patted 2.4585107261639685 8 patted 10 head 5.3903729361571315 8 patted 9 its 5.39757497292122 11 , 13 if 1.058710375425802 12 as 13 if 4.06288549053939 13 if 14 it 1.7592282732922033 14 it 15 was 2.951169375325321 15 was 17 right 1.6504635443021254 16 all 17 right 4.5204342033329645 " i 'm going to cut a fishing-pole , and will be back in a minute . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 4 going 6.354742921132168 4 going 5 to 4.148501845167235 5 to 6 cut 1.7910598970644287 6 cut 8 fishing-pole 10.924789341771202 7 a 8 fishing-pole 5.405486999647451 8 fishing-pole 16 minute 5.635185295593747 8 fishing-pole 11 will 5.1271146534338286 8 fishing-pole 13 back 4.341234946353008 8 fishing-pole 9 , 3.408956201870346 8 fishing-pole 10 and 3.258541514122129 11 will 12 be 4.275365825583959 14 in 15 a 1.8422556623713398 15 a 16 minute 4.203803623583614 16 minute 17 . 1.165077495618899 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 and ned went crashing into the thickest part of the wood . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.4122323691527914 1 and 4 crashing 3.429556708299099 2 ned 4 crashing 9.517155658427836 3 went 4 crashing 6.231874627923673 4 crashing 7 thickest 11.959904971233172 4 crashing 5 into 6.071339152646718 4 crashing 11 wood 5.501074875523567 6 the 7 thickest 3.668577167077192 7 thickest 8 part 10.501282651679741 7 thickest 9 of 4.304062819599782 10 the 11 wood 3.009849287818227 11 wood 12 . 1.3335048362769601 polly sat behind the ferns , and the child did not see her till polly called out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 polly 0.05052028440481848 1 polly 2 sat 3.6228814325594243 1 polly 15 polly 4.226317661937156 2 sat 3 behind 2.536911009004484 3 behind 13 her 2.657769044622718 3 behind 5 ferns 4.4433909081765925 3 behind 8 the 1.9205541844049066 4 the 5 ferns 2.3614284958472496 5 ferns 7 and 1.9876365149041533 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 the 9 child 1.886751199786147 10 did 11 not 5.301948666085865 10 did 12 see 2.015574651245986 12 see 13 her 1.7509958596210407 14 till 15 polly 3.310092202006377 15 polly 16 called 3.856801894627214 15 polly 18 . 0.7945060291325738 16 called 17 out 4.086232245665839 the sudden sound startled her ; and she dropped her pail , spilling the berries all over the path . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 sudden 0.13569078583536864 2 sudden 4 startled 7.111415082069577 3 sound 4 startled 4.993487559533364 4 startled 20 . 1.2233871778753773 4 startled 5 her 1.4279587859965694 6 ; 13 spilling 2.851542765574127 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 she 9 dropped 2.435505035419826 9 dropped 13 spilling 7.552159999475265 10 her 11 pail 3.6261392168758313 11 pail 13 spilling 11.095673600731793 11 pail 12 , 0.9326645640562958 13 spilling 15 berries 10.450084646032753 13 spilling 19 path 4.674712498043569 13 spilling 20 . 1.8469795623816196 14 the 15 berries 1.8468679220353295 15 berries 17 over 3.40682639143575 16 all 17 over 3.0956872064976206 18 the 19 path 2.5578071875698196 the little girl began to cry , and polly to laugh , saying , in a scornful tone : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 little 1.5044750503835367 2 little 6 cry 2.9436205784748317 2 little 3 girl 4.366461737504494 4 began 6 cry 5.736995494906438 4 began 5 to 4.246133941809509 6 cry 19 : 2.9118308581623857 6 cry 11 laugh 2.601358083730709 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 polly 1.646825191158495 9 polly 11 laugh 3.249330463413571 10 to 11 laugh 2.7647167257399143 12 , 13 saying 1.6609416359002793 13 saying 17 scornful 4.14750657094207 13 saying 19 : 5.8813684562861965 13 saying 14 , 1.7262511408312893 15 in 16 a 1.8422556623713398 16 a 17 scornful 3.2448422644197237 17 scornful 18 tone 7.819356658050882 " how silly to cry for a few berries ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 3 silly 3.844693270048367 3 silly 5 cry 2.5393295959799573 3 silly 10 ! 2.687790732278561 4 to 5 cry 2.6848712619743083 5 cry 9 berries 2.582893795197318 6 for 8 few 2.6829265339508233 7 a 8 few 4.691751776320549 8 few 9 berries 5.6766454483478626 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 oh , dear ! dear me ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.250779504187813 1 oh 3 dear 4.975296964833147 1 oh 5 dear 4.975296964833147 1 oh 2 , 3.2347483665415506 3 dear 4 ! 3.211372366750741 5 dear 6 me 3.2162612916290225 5 dear 7 ! 3.211372366750741 7 ! 8 " 3.7411945146373657 and she cried so hard that great tears fell on the moss . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 1.13928842895214 1 and 2 she 0.6439507001135176 2 she 3 cried 2.3769650955104655 3 cried 13 . 0.8475860205663466 4 so 7 great 0.5687995502876362 4 so 5 hard 3.7688288650698727 4 so 6 that 1.9083872768765584 7 great 8 tears 2.831636852097514 8 tears 9 fell 4.682727154126244 8 tears 12 moss 3.5051798002329058 8 tears 13 . 1.4558014853805492 9 fell 10 on 4.166132275030778 10 on 11 the 2.3827313113897173 " take this , " she said gently . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 3 this 0.25360144997495304 2 take 3 this 2.211145889723827 4 , 7 said 1.5025770512474743 5 " 7 said 3.5310061102049364 6 she 7 said 2.5314486588783307 7 said 8 gently 3.8238673434936636 8 gently 9 . 1.7597785348839619 " i 'm sorry i frightened you . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 7 you 1.1569854937375332 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 4 sorry 6.798664490266905 3 'm 6 frightened 3.6777707670655317 4 sorry 5 i 1.8945607743987303 7 you 8 . -0.42513056158823126 here are the berries all picked up , and none the worse for falling in the grass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 the 0.03213684141804052 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 here 0.6457796651362582 1 here 2 are 2.3283571837062507 3 the 17 grass 3.083089082086813 4 berries 6 picked 6.697279791175831 4 berries 5 all 2.6536124981114675 6 picked 7 up 6.794177619193002 6 picked 14 falling 3.963337680849353 7 up 9 and 1.4311725078194826 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 none 12 worse 4.5230150955650466 10 none 11 the 0.927802877567597 12 worse 14 falling 3.9670950382681056 12 worse 13 for 2.6844420917788874 14 falling 17 grass 3.7990800499554176 14 falling 15 in 2.7061195577180115 16 the 17 grass 3.083089082086813 17 grass 18 . 1.4519477278802633 " oh , thank you , miss ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 thank 4.002751657472071 2 oh 6 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 8 ! 2.9964053743846186 2 oh 7 miss 1.8348423733942951 4 thank 5 you 5.101026876135045 it 's ever so good . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 1 it 6 . 0.47237242955592507 2 's 5 good 1.3344598308142643 3 ever 4 so 3.3123975997206827 4 so 5 good 1.6082940622471167 meanwhile ned had poked about in the bushes , looking for a good pole . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 meanwhile 2.6824986546029397 1 meanwhile 2 ned 6.75047313515423 2 ned 4 poked 8.539193719238831 3 had 4 poked 3.007469907535402 4 poked 14 pole 8.218689219278513 4 poked 8 bushes 6.118013341251547 4 poked 5 about 3.8947039503280365 4 poked 6 in 2.303838261693521 7 the 8 bushes 3.0438701353168405 8 bushes 10 looking 2.7548776154579393 9 , 10 looking 2.0143069737250805 10 looking 11 for 3.3835707361022784 12 a 13 good 3.137938933287751 13 good 14 pole 3.72334686127121 14 pole 15 . 1.6796339911464813 presently he saw a willow down by the pond , and thought that would give him a nice , smooth pole . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 3 saw 3.155005626704586 2 he 3 saw 3.236304797324573 3 saw 4 a 1.811845134570131 4 a 18 nice 3.2278762360836684 4 a 5 willow 1.9750732240262039 5 willow 6 down 3.8990595505503833 5 willow 7 by 2.5929137436447114 5 willow 13 that 1.9049576649160578 7 by 8 the 1.984237484577001 8 the 9 pond 3.0904337561657833 9 pond 10 , 1.1205697037342581 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 thought 13 that 1.9258221117913532 13 that 14 would 1.9336056079947213 14 would 15 give 3.3345876221497086 15 give 16 him 3.4500063267115326 17 a 18 nice 3.2278762360836684 18 nice 21 pole 4.848294803987592 18 nice 19 , 0.9092693865877362 20 smooth 21 pole 9.407912217677609 21 pole 22 . 1.6796339911464813 it was untied , and oars lay in it , as if waiting for some one to come and row out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 3 untied 1.877079929878004 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 3 untied 5 and 1.2903325810372088 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 oars 0.3800660681599659 6 oars 7 lay 6.4335063345470545 6 oars 22 . 1.953260534365807 7 lay 8 in 2.120373586758813 8 in 20 row 1.6864536490712965 8 in 15 some 1.3796290385841044 9 it 10 , 0.10461422563168554 10 , 12 if 1.058710375425802 11 as 12 if 4.06288549053939 12 if 15 some 0.8657885549559765 13 waiting 14 for 5.363440588623822 14 for 15 some 2.90402921144681 15 some 16 one 3.743265968465213 17 to 20 row 2.165494324328751 17 to 18 come 1.6696956436395851 18 come 19 and 0.9628716407918478 20 row 21 out 2.7311015407636745 " i 'll just take a little pull across , and get those cardinal-flowers for polly , " he said ; and went to the boat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 'll 12 get 4.028391659423832 3 'll 8 pull 4.521611166449187 3 'll 5 take 3.983434491847774 3 'll 4 just 2.653436548347651 5 take 6 a 1.6527995129899615 6 a 7 little 3.3978459531370575 8 pull 9 across 5.223124465120851 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 get 0.7706997735974674 12 get 14 cardinal-flowers 8.296861151781037 13 those 14 cardinal-flowers 10.4212515140707 14 cardinal-flowers 16 polly 13.393625212462023 14 cardinal-flowers 15 for 6.552255731600031 16 polly 26 boat 1.5273816048192685 16 polly 21 ; 1.5219745927537964 16 polly 17 , 1.4368780952038485 17 , 20 said 1.5025770512474743 18 " 20 said 3.5310061102049364 19 he 20 said 1.8953304056768925 21 ; 22 and 2.090280035481264 22 and 23 went 1.9201141840422995 23 went 24 to 2.76457199103605 25 the 26 boat 2.7946646657277903 26 boat 27 . 1.1661156719274253 he got in , and was about to push off , when he saw his shadow standing on the shore . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 6 was 2.312012966177365 1 he 2 got 2.464147974923595 2 got 3 in 0.6673772583743656 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 was -0.12029420646741151 6 was 17 standing 3.9799149041192514 7 about 9 push 2.4612564317320675 8 to 9 push 3.3966230341086217 9 push 10 off 5.128384411115263 9 push 16 shadow 4.202781809305332 9 push 17 standing 3.388673975771507 11 , 12 when 0.8302784881471972 12 when 14 saw 3.1957481407507657 13 he 14 saw 3.236304797324573 14 saw 16 shadow 2.551599337827337 15 his 16 shadow 1.4966377145216363 17 standing 18 on 4.328429631048486 18 on 20 shore 3.631098435016874 19 the 20 shore 3.362245356786884 20 shore 21 . 1.6417105417233877 " i ain't afraid : mamma won't mind , if i tell her i 'm sorry ; and it will be such fun to row alone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 15 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 i 3 ain't 3.001952612019089 3 ain't 4 afraid 5.010923822488593 4 afraid 6 mamma 3.2741803010347397 5 : 6 mamma 2.972465945822819 6 mamma 7 won't 3.1550310318031194 6 mamma 9 , 1.6100930611566717 7 won't 8 mind 4.384553935643041 10 if 11 i 2.4665272994818057 11 i 15 'm 4.8883536268785885 11 i 12 tell 2.3874304186834934 12 tell 13 her 2.2008912605493567 14 i 15 'm 4.8883536268785885 15 'm 16 sorry 6.798664490266905 16 sorry 24 to 1.353245978310003 17 ; 19 it 1.30727017893029 17 ; 18 and 2.090280035481264 19 it 20 will 1.8855494822263612 20 will 21 be 4.275365825583959 21 be 23 fun 2.796605185156192 22 such 23 fun 5.068369496269419 23 fun 24 to 1.5257014713613657 24 to 25 row 2.165494324328751 25 row 26 alone 4.2318865127028715 26 alone 27 . 1.4847802986578564 be a good fellow , and let me go , " said ned , beckoning . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 good -0.23644077867037083 1 be 3 good 2.383482695274619 2 a 3 good 3.137938933287751 3 good 4 fellow 4.37663495080794 4 fellow 15 beckoning 4.712821953725008 5 , 15 beckoning 2.1848438140874045 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 let 1.3645481779260926 7 let 8 me 5.046289406031127 7 let 9 go 4.554579062612815 10 , 15 beckoning 2.1848438140874045 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 13 ned 3.001780279233131 13 ned 15 beckoning 8.38470536240419 14 , 15 beckoning 2.1848438140874045 15 beckoning 16 . 0.7472501233835693 but the shadow would not stir , and ned was obliged to mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 3 shadow 0.9935141838317527 2 the 3 shadow 1.9197621051823184 3 shadow 6 stir 3.513384361717062 4 would 6 stir 3.660999244049645 5 not 6 stir 4.589540906165144 6 stir 9 ned 5.429745549694417 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 ned 1.3515830469320065 9 ned 11 obliged 5.808300739085393 10 was 11 obliged 3.170871479078471 11 obliged 12 to 4.272206577621525 11 obliged 13 mind 2.2387618736268493 13 mind 14 . 0.9633141037631088 will trotted after the rabbit , but didn't find it ; he found a bird's-nest instead with four little birds in it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 will 0.22770103158550548 1 will 2 trotted 1.563035936103386 2 trotted 4 the 0.9791036192932516 2 trotted 3 after 3.1949097793895618 4 the 20 birds 2.9470932371034184 5 rabbit 8 didn't 2.6574418972142766 6 , 7 but 2.1164801018826633 7 but 8 didn't 2.1336895744333777 8 didn't 9 find 2.639959875582644 9 find 10 it 2.0543995158902835 10 it 11 ; 0.5035540791736288 11 ; 15 bird's-nest 5.470405672913579 12 he 15 bird's-nest 3.261744364729484 13 found 15 bird's-nest 8.585568447525688 14 a 15 bird's-nest 4.980579256344548 15 bird's-nest 16 instead 12.21495849458502 15 bird's-nest 18 four 8.885834320341448 15 bird's-nest 20 birds 6.688954020656528 15 bird's-nest 17 with 5.514321080352843 15 bird's-nest 19 little 4.347684232464179 20 birds 21 in 1.639289919833132 20 birds 23 . 0.5586908387821765 22 it 23 . 0.47237242955592507 he chose the biggest bird , and , holding him carefully , walked away to find polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 chose 2.631051693137586 2 chose 4 biggest 8.799909703036324 2 chose 15 to 3.053065836837682 2 chose 10 him 1.7596326704079424 3 the 4 biggest 3.73994317956814 4 biggest 5 bird 6.5713784767607955 6 , 9 holding 2.508267302935703 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 , 9 holding 2.508267302935703 9 holding 10 him 2.2203600163172723 11 carefully 13 walked 2.7067761147411744 11 carefully 12 , 1.1445875128898706 13 walked 15 to 1.1110249596861692 13 walked 14 away 4.301278730330406 15 to 16 find 3.1301285678879243 16 find 17 polly 3.1937470985757663 17 polly 18 . 0.7945060291325738 " no , no , i want him , " said will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 4 no 1.9307992426703144 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 , 1.4999650591880105 4 no 5 , 1.4999650591880105 6 i 7 want 3.664680761588448 6 i 12 will 2.6445045424929425 7 want 8 him 0.824996645221642 8 him 9 , 0.8358723219117845 9 , 11 said 1.5025770512474743 10 " 11 said 3.5310061102049364 12 will 13 . -0.6713919242000586 " i won't hurt him , and his mother has three left : she won't mind if i take one . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 won't 2.922582617119204 3 won't 4 hurt 6.0513316812973486 3 won't 16 mind 4.384553935643041 3 won't 19 take 3.3190051139041223 4 hurt 5 him 3.4896289980971353 5 him 6 , 0.8358723219117845 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 his 16 mind 3.5570226541794163 8 his 9 mother 3.2945179310739885 9 mother 10 has 2.10109082829506 9 mother 13 : 0.6397920174845666 10 has 11 three 1.7763776774868951 10 has 12 left 1.7160495078495117 14 she 15 won't 1.907350369339433 15 won't 16 mind 4.384553935643041 16 mind 17 if 2.4272363622270916 17 if 18 i 2.4665272994818057 19 take 20 one 0.8459247449736154 20 one 21 . 0.05099037850127175 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 " yes , it is naughty , and i won't do it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 1 " 9 i 2.219663534593389 2 yes 7 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 4 it 5 is 3.1387584458356006 5 is 6 naughty 1.8314991593681462 6 naughty 7 , 1.1362060195729455 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 i 10 won't 2.922582617119204 10 won't 11 do 3.244892197335373 11 do 12 it 1.9315091833978766 12 it 13 . 0.47237242955592507 i 'll ask mamma to get me a canary , and will let this birdie stay with his brothers . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 15 birdie 3.308236026864215 2 'll 6 get 4.028391659423832 2 'll 3 ask 3.070303839325984 3 ask 4 mamma 5.1160199289349855 5 to 6 get 3.0881891887949813 7 me 9 canary 2.8008104342241005 8 a 9 canary 3.598018653709847 9 canary 15 birdie 10.578108149285665 9 canary 12 will 4.247035567175107 9 canary 10 , 2.3926413380248874 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 13 let 15 birdie 5.329277412902723 14 this 15 birdie 4.875290842310385 15 birdie 16 stay 8.597234231179549 15 birdie 19 brothers 5.010636433768646 16 stay 17 with 3.818626739366225 18 his 19 brothers 4.4758235806017765 19 brothers 20 . 0.6351590642788629 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 a bush of purple berries grew by the path , and will stopped to pick some . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.5893971112625032 1 a 2 bush 2.6170726660273154 2 bush 4 purple 7.295917086579145 2 bush 17 . 1.1118831127114568 3 of 4 purple 1.9291142879483765 4 purple 5 berries 7.869221185620486 5 berries 6 grew 4.964488454231109 5 berries 9 path 4.556168046275811 5 berries 15 pick 3.344868501301871 5 berries 11 and 1.35652004230775 7 by 8 the 1.984237484577001 8 the 9 path 2.5578071875698196 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 will 15 pick 1.8896844189667235 13 stopped 15 pick 3.0138594722329657 14 to 15 pick 3.381813443466257 15 pick 16 some 4.591300311115592 he didn't know what they were , and mamma had often told him never to eat strange things . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 didn't 3.2448682946201703 1 he 10 had 2.9776784198097523 2 didn't 3 know 5.387487635424433 3 know 4 what 4.283913017101961 5 they 10 had 2.640513053297223 5 they 6 were 4.740392399536562 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 had -0.19254231841053127 8 and 9 mamma 1.2635822832261567 10 had 14 never 3.0678297829661805 10 had 12 told 2.5013156416048616 10 had 15 to 1.0075303894788412 11 often 12 told 2.7797676235663005 12 told 13 him 4.307078484618019 15 to 16 eat 3.7360929626120676 16 eat 17 strange 2.292354926390889 16 eat 19 . 1.1286074240804478 17 strange 18 things 4.740673260298621 " oh , dear ! you don't let me do any thing i want to , " sighed will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 dear 4.975296964833147 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 dear 5 ! 3.211372366750741 6 you 14 want 3.236409511691468 6 you 19 will 2.521845216726133 6 you 20 . -0.42513056158823126 7 don't 14 want 5.3732288162782975 7 don't 8 let 3.412475169462976 8 let 9 me 5.046289406031127 10 do 14 want 3.1786546271867007 10 do 11 any 2.2816517890183707 11 any 12 thing 3.438981514973314 13 i 14 want 3.664680761588448 14 want 15 to 3.9391506201216338 16 , 17 " 1.299421509625157 17 " 19 will 0.2558865921377045 17 " 18 sighed 3.257387531375878 " i shall ask polly if i tarn't eat these ; and , if she says i may , i shall , so now . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 17 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 8 tarn't 4.592130669057298 2 i 3 shall 3.5779822205352936 4 ask 6 if 2.661554874680757 4 ask 5 polly 5.05733221710317 6 if 8 tarn't 5.41735204131793 7 i 8 tarn't 4.592130669057298 8 tarn't 9 eat 9.67780709510508 8 tarn't 10 these 8.076241756616863 11 ; 17 i 1.7064961061421702 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 , 14 if 1.058710375425802 14 if 17 i 2.4665272994818057 14 if 15 she 2.4265514238776724 15 she 16 says 2.906870644365773 17 i 21 shall 3.5779822205352936 17 i 18 may 1.7514116305171221 17 i 23 so 0.002600939653040868 19 , 20 i 0.883559295304277 20 i 21 shall 3.5779822205352936 22 , 23 so 0.5181052447995267 23 so 24 now 0.38531606896931336 24 now 25 . 0.3808525326555827 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 he ran off to ask polly ; but she said they were poisonous , and begged him to throw them away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 ran 2.4661970034781344 2 ran 4 to 2.360351704149636 2 ran 3 off 4.739128386159145 4 to 19 throw 2.904597085584779 4 to 5 ask 3.0900252338003327 5 ask 6 polly 5.05733221710317 7 ; 11 they 1.946806452009188 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 8 but 9 she 1.9359797190744636 9 she 10 said 2.5314486588783307 11 they 12 were 4.740392399536562 12 were 13 poisonous 4.554359221897339 13 poisonous 16 begged 7.544354695081601 13 poisonous 19 throw 5.409268614215968 13 poisonous 15 and 2.5276632498348377 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 begged 17 him 4.002104193527064 18 to 19 throw 2.904597085584779 19 throw 21 away 5.144436838744092 19 throw 20 them 3.9692070855488133 21 away 22 . 1.2162953376348629 " good little shadow , to keep me safe ! " cried will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 good 10 ! 1.3820316043008205 2 good 5 , 0.8514229511946425 2 good 3 little 0.4205203658416501 3 little 4 shadow 0.6673308081840155 6 to 8 me 1.9862046558982396 6 to 7 keep 3.3191585899275946 8 me 10 ! 2.085076915643585 9 safe 10 ! 0.2718977891985723 10 ! 12 cried 4.7864618271494415 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 12 cried 14 . 0.8475860205663466 13 will 14 . -0.6713919242000586 " i like you ; and i 'll mind better next time , ' cause you are always right . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 like 1.8452377368031634 4 you 9 mind 0.9576810161375029 4 you 8 'll 3.0120537035371715 5 ; 7 i 1.7064961061421702 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 i 8 'll 3.9881635767091375 9 mind 13 , 1.1986827659002994 10 better 11 next 1.1212935110236764 11 next 12 time 4.241098791298853 12 time 13 , 0.5829700405514853 13 , 21 " 1.299421509625157 13 , 14 ' 1.16078956757684 14 ' 15 cause 4.209304050340496 15 cause 18 always 1.867686998142542 16 you 17 are 3.475232791343645 17 are 18 always 3.2076988039932584 19 right 20 . 0.7971994780563652 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 the shadow seemed to like this , and bobbed about so comically it made will laugh till his eyes were full of tears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 this 0.7712513941729444 1 the 2 shadow 1.9197621051823184 2 shadow 3 seemed 2.3068465499278545 3 seemed 5 like 3.1777712485297265 3 seemed 4 to 3.771163452217605 5 like 6 this 2.8006386377524635 6 this 7 , 0.2314682678208797 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 bobbed 2.623266374931461 9 bobbed 10 about 4.746906966572364 10 about 12 comically 7.872009735713835 11 so 12 comically 7.216630577935867 12 comically 16 laugh 8.256258916767656 12 comically 14 made 7.751536617857827 12 comically 21 full 6.9974285231690025 12 comically 23 tears 6.685861043803044 12 comically 17 till 6.428339926497792 12 comically 19 eyes 6.398214468820118 12 comically 15 will 5.030253114181242 12 comically 13 it 4.6691979695657935 12 comically 20 were 4.649105339009793 18 his 19 eyes 4.329510263212953 21 full 22 of 4.573419715296982 23 tears 24 . 1.4558014853805492 ned came back , and they went on , having grand times in the wood . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ned 0.9661201571575546 1 ned 7 went 3.732184073023607 1 ned 2 came 1.800109645122113 2 came 3 back 4.551222433565485 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 7 went 1.9201141840422995 6 they 7 went 3.2946726977661687 7 went 8 on 4.063278055453239 8 on 11 grand 1.7209959693989525 8 on 14 the 2.3827313113897173 9 , 10 having 1.3974854319345802 10 having 11 grand 4.478743949881679 11 grand 12 times 4.8429671955213145 13 in 14 the 2.2179054533910225 14 the 15 wood 3.009849287818227 15 wood 16 . 1.3335048362769601 ned and polly had reached the wall , and , looking back , saw that their shadows had not followed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ned 0.9661201571575546 1 ned 3 polly 5.89878875038367 1 ned 17 shadows 2.664046377519135 1 ned 11 looking 2.6531506972871597 1 ned 13 , 1.2205831359777584 2 and 3 polly 1.646825191158495 3 polly 5 reached 3.2076597687219 4 had 5 reached 3.0049126139760176 5 reached 6 the 3.0647273541566324 6 the 7 wall 3.2846448851422814 8 , 11 looking 2.0143069737250805 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 , 11 looking 2.0143069737250805 11 looking 12 back 2.476927069273934 14 saw 16 their 1.6236709698185265 14 saw 15 that 2.3879722309151727 16 their 17 shadows 4.57058513388969 17 shadows 20 followed 2.2824261852312056 17 shadows 21 . 1.0680190381733503 18 had 20 followed 2.1440639993847945 18 had 19 not 2.2092975366349954 ned 's stood before will , brandishing his pole ; and polly 's was flapping a shadowy sun-bonnet with all its might . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ned 0.9661201571575546 1 ned 12 polly 5.89878875038367 1 ned 2 's 2.558374280492515 1 ned 3 stood 2.3689190221328467 3 stood 4 before 4.663170491616022 5 will 7 brandishing 4.965780720976323 6 , 7 brandishing 3.45989051658389 7 brandishing 9 pole 13.286495243327753 7 brandishing 8 his 4.655033200854703 9 pole 10 ; 3.3678404862899214 10 ; 12 polly 2.6213107413106513 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 12 polly 18 sun-bonnet 11.106241209945406 12 polly 13 's 2.540557622413793 12 polly 23 . 0.7945060291325738 14 was 18 sun-bonnet 2.0577398735770522 15 flapping 18 sun-bonnet 14.353319271233243 16 a 18 sun-bonnet 3.7297401474810528 17 shadowy 18 sun-bonnet 15.187719172461595 18 sun-bonnet 21 its 7.8397973015263 18 sun-bonnet 22 might 7.315686683218747 18 sun-bonnet 19 with 6.646771376376492 18 sun-bonnet 20 all 5.880681406657388 " the calf doesn't know its own mother with that thing on , " laughed ned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 15 laughed 1.558232477577377 2 the 3 calf 2.8817183763404977 3 calf 4 doesn't 6.6054674792777455 3 calf 15 laughed 3.6392301825149573 3 calf 9 with 2.817796412215131 3 calf 10 that 2.2104353021222423 3 calf 8 mother 1.215891546607157 4 doesn't 5 know 4.357813756282372 6 its 7 own 4.97995652127938 7 own 8 mother 2.2174269006201257 11 thing 13 , 0.6267569569376299 11 thing 12 on 0.037798694694863855 13 , 14 " 1.299421509625157 14 " 15 laughed 1.558232477577377 15 laughed 16 ned 5.404672905201313 15 laughed 17 . 1.0676340677284308 " how brave and kind you were to come back and save me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 6 you 2.094984729973577 2 how 3 brave 3.8096603889330964 2 how 5 kind 2.642619895995658 3 brave 4 and 1.4599874711210319 6 you 9 come 1.9008837508152006 6 you 7 were 1.7390862634884758 8 to 9 come 1.6696956436395851 9 come 10 back 5.248442707766332 9 come 13 me 1.607751097651077 9 come 11 and 0.9628716407918478 12 save 13 me 3.6357115274279437 13 me 14 ! 2.085076915643585 they turned towards home after this flurry , feeling quite like heroes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 turned 1.3591566067006013 2 turned 3 towards 5.948763764548566 3 towards 7 flurry 6.94364105000016 4 home 7 flurry 4.390086438219882 5 after 7 flurry 5.24998909526715 6 this 7 flurry 5.390080658787912 7 flurry 9 feeling 8.570146273354684 7 flurry 12 heroes 7.90059679452661 7 flurry 10 quite 5.114045236133908 7 flurry 8 , 2.661973897792226 11 like 12 heroes 3.6573794476819295 12 heroes 13 . 0.9519213868348295 " we shan't be home at supper-time , " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 11 polly 1.8540392527751308 2 we 3 shan't 4.450658535283463 3 shan't 7 supper-time 8.010657705963379 3 shan't 4 be 4.106128810019136 5 home 7 supper-time 6.1145688082894765 6 at 7 supper-time 5.0843726536455485 7 supper-time 11 polly 8.394246340917338 7 supper-time 8 , 2.3695903124899935 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 polly 3.25573456887426 11 polly 12 . 0.7945060291325738 " never mind : it 's a holiday , so let's enjoy it , and not bother , " answered ned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 let's 1.9189343635511626 1 " 11 let's 3.0962795058429577 2 never 3 mind 5.069859449401834 3 mind 11 let's 0.30729739684485224 4 : 11 let's 3.9745315881777046 5 it 6 's 2.8884519147935066 6 's 7 a 1.237835712354876 7 a 8 holiday 3.9824035055517726 8 holiday 10 so 1.634084658108641 8 holiday 9 , 1.31850865266739 10 so 11 let's 1.6197693629102723 11 let's 12 enjoy 5.102972767889742 11 let's 17 bother 2.754371508080613 12 enjoy 13 it 2.976683675877588 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 17 bother 0.8889185044012322 16 not 17 bother 2.780297403778185 17 bother 21 ned 3.784863524553561 18 , 20 answered 1.5472876585672974 19 " 20 answered 2.7487180822420285 20 answered 21 ned 4.536665007372207 21 ned 22 . 0.640422381054151 " we promised mamma we 'd come home early , " said will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 6 'd 2.815530148757933 2 we 13 will 3.2620368769536263 3 promised 4 mamma 5.024906948319462 3 promised 6 'd 2.686970857886763 5 we 6 'd 2.815530148757933 6 'd 7 come 2.9751024980498997 7 come 8 home 3.8266942030131386 8 home 9 early 3.7729269376876218 8 home 10 , 0.949456072971687 10 , 12 said 1.5025770512474743 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 13 will 14 . -0.6713919242000586 they all chose the pleasant path , and walked on till ned cried out , " why , where are our shadows ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 all 2.0890500828306564 2 all 3 chose 1.253393576325184 3 chose 5 pleasant 4.375691184471744 3 chose 4 the 1.5849196201367377 5 pleasant 6 path 3.75647472028934 6 path 19 where 2.507024337929341 6 path 9 walked 1.9137848647553035 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 walked 2.286155827889454 9 walked 10 on 3.5594749506820413 9 walked 11 till 3.303770430513392 9 walked 14 out 2.3501806856967384 11 till 12 ned 4.159264026668641 13 cried 14 out 2.6382249346979236 15 , 16 " 1.299421509625157 16 " 19 where 1.2566568457489478 16 " 17 why 2.8735509396163277 17 why 18 , 1.840497834106312 19 where 20 are 3.875293254761676 19 where 23 ? 1.472011628423573 20 are 22 shadows 2.3515887509627937 21 our 22 shadows 2.234428207803667 23 ? 24 " 4.126492033472207 they looked behind , before , and on either side ; but nowhere could they see them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 14 could 2.4627471169382833 1 they 2 looked 1.8853083579731909 2 looked 3 behind 2.5803577366735446 3 behind 4 , -0.001601709133058904 5 before 14 could 2.113397851385823 5 before 6 , 0.2711289923529474 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 on 10 side 3.754691524839359 9 either 10 side 6.730101465361912 10 side 13 nowhere 2.0463558802856205 11 ; 12 but 3.9096191073889806 12 but 13 nowhere 3.088199691691649 13 nowhere 14 could 4.383596797337212 14 could 16 see 4.137233770947777 15 they 16 see 0.18425535686137096 16 see 17 them 2.33861272408425 17 them 18 . 1.434008771759407 " they were with us at the corner , " said will . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 they 3 were 4.740392399536562 2 they 12 will 2.093770122839345 3 were 6 at 0.8436172849061236 4 with 5 us 2.8258078338389865 5 us 6 at 0.5413073952238392 6 at 7 the 1.91018759410656 7 the 8 corner 2.709835509743195 8 corner 9 , 0.92425848678824 9 , 11 said 1.5025770512474743 10 " 11 said 3.5310061102049364 12 will 13 . -0.6713919242000586 " let's run back , and try to find them , " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 let's 1.9189343635511626 1 " 2 let's 3.0962795058429577 2 let's 3 run 5.521065888685651 2 let's 7 try 4.8108690965278775 2 let's 9 find 3.394213495747451 2 let's 4 back 2.7897562908544806 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 try 0.9049972144094767 7 try 8 to 3.4727099313214307 9 find 14 polly 3.1937470985757663 9 find 10 them 2.598992550769644 11 , 13 said 1.5025770512474743 12 " 13 said 3.5310061102049364 13 said 14 polly 3.25573456887426 14 polly 15 . 0.7945060291325738 we promised to follow them , and we must , " said polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 we 9 must 4.131933394212341 1 we 4 follow 3.254003830991522 2 promised 4 follow 4.00070624950078 2 promised 3 to 3.042587254564035 4 follow 5 them 2.844067079752058 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 we 1.098573113931673 8 we 9 must 4.131933394212341 10 , 11 " 1.299421509625157 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 13 polly 3.25573456887426 12 said 14 . 0.7987260433774388 " i wish , " began ned in a pet ; but polly clapped her hand over his mouth , saying : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 wish 4.1420163738201445 4 , 5 " 1.299421509625157 5 " 6 began 0.8750767874533771 6 began 22 : 2.6792370229932096 6 began 7 ned 3.300732610702738 8 in 9 a 1.8422556623713398 9 a 10 pet 2.9058650837228264 10 pet 14 clapped 6.103660925102538 10 pet 22 : 2.700602820446967 11 ; 13 polly 2.6213107413106513 11 ; 12 but 3.9096191073889806 13 polly 14 clapped 8.048350238033557 14 clapped 16 hand 5.426917405983545 14 clapped 15 her 4.6726332250833735 14 clapped 19 mouth 3.953542466801853 16 hand 17 over 2.864303779027459 18 his 19 mouth 4.793598996329596 20 , 21 saying 1.6609416359002793 21 saying 22 : 5.8813684562861965 this made ned laugh , and they all turned back to the corner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 2 made 1.6364085315054169 2 made 4 laugh 2.918503656327843 3 ned 4 laugh 4.464943876886611 4 laugh 9 turned 2.2125189437010384 4 laugh 14 . 1.5699070913677229 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 9 turned 1.6659412933683484 7 they 9 turned 1.3591566067006013 7 they 8 all 2.0890500828306564 9 turned 10 back 3.9756890588071236 9 turned 13 corner 3.867792693938 10 back 11 to 2.6768086490965946 12 the 13 corner 2.709835509743195 looking up the hilly road , they saw the three shadows trudging along , as if bent on getting home in good time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 up -1.172082414006283 1 looking 2 up 3.608377327925403 2 up 4 hilly 7.529284664123455 3 the 4 hilly 3.1004584532370565 4 hilly 5 road 11.0094883254014 5 road 20 home 2.265993586537366 6 , 12 trudging 1.138810504248994 7 they 12 trudging 3.143951136591628 7 they 8 saw 2.775323492816778 9 the 10 three 1.3872376209132113 10 three 12 trudging 6.382927330250169 11 shadows 12 trudging 10.515870249974615 12 trudging 19 getting 5.634651631258663 12 trudging 13 along 9.39878663335498 12 trudging 17 bent 7.565920911917015 12 trudging 16 if 2.1446948914992987 14 , 16 if 1.058710375425802 15 as 16 if 4.06288549053939 17 bent 18 on 4.059623044101649 19 getting 20 home 2.8900538344563422 20 home 24 . 1.3288999004836732 20 home 21 in 1.2964107744865778 21 in 23 time 1.5593422122332719 22 good 23 time 3.065067543263263 without saying a word , the children followed ; and , when they got to the garden gate , they all said at once : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 a -0.5893971112625032 1 without 3 a 2.155801411941157 1 without 2 saying 5.226387751500617 3 a 18 gate 0.30552249498960293 3 a 4 word 3.5567760131019437 4 word 5 , 1.0781199181486123 6 the 18 gate 3.27270374229316 6 the 7 children 2.226122194690296 7 children 8 followed 1.9313114295922134 7 children 9 ; 1.6795386104787724 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 9 ; 13 they 1.946806452009188 11 , 12 when 0.8302784881471972 12 when 13 they 3.5119302040378244 13 they 14 got 2.330513069290058 14 got 15 to 1.76851290606845 16 the 18 gate 3.27270374229316 17 garden 18 gate 6.610613861207625 18 gate 23 at 0.9801403127197155 18 gate 19 , 0.7652832812829722 18 gate 25 : 0.31860696157217205 19 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 19 , 20 they 0.5195879773038552 20 they 21 all 2.0890500828306564 23 at 24 once 5.545597351124034 " aren't you glad you came ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 aren't 2.0625122540949015 2 aren't 4 glad 5.051100165839248 2 aren't 5 you 4.455753190207755 2 aren't 3 you 4.455753190207755 2 aren't 7 ? 3.074137945393659 5 you 6 came -0.05884704727744605 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 a pleasant supper-time ; then the small duties for each one ; and then the go-to-bed frolic . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.5893971112625032 1 a 17 frolic 3.7298730124276567 2 pleasant 3 supper-time 9.530064412047164 3 supper-time 4 ; 5.494646980335041 4 ; 16 go-to-bed 4.2293975734097735 5 then 16 go-to-bed 6.312539164051401 6 the 16 go-to-bed 3.890516551813622 7 small 16 go-to-bed 7.942260055068655 8 duties 16 go-to-bed 9.38879465188975 8 duties 9 for 2.5076341411835052 10 each 16 go-to-bed 5.71787595673554 11 one 16 go-to-bed 3.827368713111266 12 ; 16 go-to-bed 4.2293975734097735 13 and 14 then 2.4133610488576807 14 then 16 go-to-bed 6.312539164051401 15 the 16 go-to-bed 3.890516551813622 16 go-to-bed 17 frolic 16.32943701401825 17 frolic 18 . 1.357230585303224 the nursery was a big room , and in the evening a bright wood fire always burned there for baby . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.5695174840046828 1 the 2 nursery 3.344188695325375 2 nursery 3 was 1.1304969321302458 3 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 4 a 20 baby 2.7097579723317935 5 big 20 baby 3.4288913997871795 6 room 17 burned 3.9557409910702823 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 17 burned 1.5798830042994538 9 in 10 the 2.2179054533910225 10 the 15 fire 2.818603437332584 10 the 11 evening 2.071819639721557 12 a 15 fire 2.291703370685571 13 bright 15 fire 4.644998151452327 14 wood 15 fire 4.74478742297746 15 fire 17 burned 6.839339432370693 16 always 17 burned 2.331198377816058 17 burned 20 baby 3.327385906201222 17 burned 19 for 0.7236799041512008 17 burned 18 there 0.5728639828364877 20 baby 21 . 0.9806455833289167 as they sat resting on the big sofa , they heard a soft , sweet voice singing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 they 1.1576842247045658 1 as 2 they 2.4850506942239843 1 as 10 they 2.4850506942239843 2 they 3 sat 2.726852998547038 3 sat 4 resting 5.67405097781943 4 resting 5 on 5.303362845797732 5 on 8 sofa 5.278724912231695 6 the 8 sofa 3.608567705984214 7 big 8 sofa 3.4900700695236644 8 sofa 9 , 1.702712321851255 10 they 11 heard 2.477806522023645 11 heard 17 singing 4.929230752232382 12 a 13 soft 2.713947910076481 13 soft 16 voice 5.552787831622457 13 soft 14 , 1.2205513905053706 15 sweet 16 voice 5.257448341971312 16 voice 17 singing 5.086619091425266 17 singing 18 . 0.8719416381796208 it wasn't mamma ; for she was only talking to baby , and this voice sang a real song . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 she 1.13928842895214 1 it 2 wasn't 3.6924219055940934 2 wasn't 3 mamma 3.747501659300795 3 mamma 4 ; 3.0310155273028876 4 ; 6 she 1.4119671975082824 4 ; 5 for 1.4090530638881251 6 she 16 sang 3.4742783718019403 6 she 7 was 2.3491053343536645 7 was 9 talking 2.28808634400286 7 was 8 only 2.1910454073335703 9 talking 11 baby 3.6704227083792915 9 talking 10 to 2.7147063319541296 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 16 sang 2.2700157134214436 13 and 14 this 0.08429291780546855 15 voice 16 sang 4.569637188571189 16 sang 19 song 6.549304714887889 17 a 18 real 2.902391659711606 18 real 19 song 3.40476351919596 19 song 20 . 0.7859205722383678 presently they saw mamma's shadow on the wall , and found it was the shadow-mother singing to the shadow-children . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 2 they 3.1895524759064884 2 they 4 mamma's 6.809098568723844 3 saw 4 mamma's 9.363378293141828 4 mamma's 6 on 6.714583954994911 4 mamma's 5 shadow 11.93222675379145 6 on 7 the 2.3827313113897173 7 the 15 shadow-mother 3.7836013478971147 8 wall 15 shadow-mother 9.007921919348174 8 wall 9 , 1.500105670722533 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 found 15 shadow-mother 6.229083130601946 12 it 15 shadow-mother 3.0999884288593336 13 was 15 shadow-mother 4.0484620599890455 14 the 15 shadow-mother 3.7836013478971147 15 shadow-mother 19 shadow-children 16.16736176366309 15 shadow-mother 16 singing 12.870324844317437 15 shadow-mother 17 to 3.661468952231999 18 the 19 shadow-children 2.6987124503106017 19 shadow-children 20 . 2.625212451337802 they listened intently , and this is what they heard : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 10 heard 2.477806522023645 2 listened 3 intently 9.50170436444894 3 intently 10 heard 4.516974901772716 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 9 they 0.9764612904959886 6 this 7 is 3.100883637059548 7 is 8 what 1.0029187815643912 8 what 9 they 1.6514355276481734 9 they 10 heard 2.477806522023645 10 heard 11 : 0.8273374461935248 " now what happens , now what happens ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 what 2.0471061670584625 1 " 2 now 1.2427900285152944 3 what 4 happens 5.507529313834933 3 what 8 happens 5.507529313834933 3 what 9 ? 1.6980475420715102 4 happens 5 , 0.6912268966084163 6 now 8 happens 1.4729137245510557 7 what 8 happens 5.507529313834933 one small shadow 's tumbled down : i can see it on the carpet , softly rubbing its hurt crown . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.14971576025327593 1 one 2 small 1.639512848923271 2 small 3 shadow 3.032117814717214 3 shadow 5 tumbled 4.985650328863684 4 's 5 tumbled 2.1092495847528454 5 tumbled 6 down 5.4201566738627385 6 down 12 on 3.3608410437235268 7 : 8 i 0.9902593081279818 8 i 9 can 3.0357047137007545 9 can 10 see 3.414563670788537 10 see 11 it 1.4415743473145284 11 it 12 on 0.08195316873434422 12 on 14 carpet 3.6538889400844 13 the 14 carpet 2.8666036554644876 14 carpet 17 rubbing 7.287608578699544 15 , 17 rubbing 2.4977497278445107 16 softly 17 rubbing 7.4399259102887285 17 rubbing 20 crown 6.2603393488721615 17 rubbing 19 hurt 5.519240747209562 17 rubbing 18 its 5.2611687345271925 20 crown 21 . 0.2162522993843119 " i say , polly , are you asleep ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 say 2.212549573221711 3 say 10 ? 2.05346234604103 3 say 6 , 1.0071506207596048 3 say 4 , 1.0071506207596048 5 polly 6 , 1.4368780952038485 7 are 9 asleep 2.3151277864945428 7 are 8 you 2.7531147733288606 9 asleep 10 ? 2.1688760730519014 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 " no : i 'm thinking what a queer day we 've had , " answered polly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 16 answered 2.7487180822420285 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 3 : 4 i 0.9902593081279818 4 i 5 'm 4.8883536268785885 4 i 12 've 4.345825318265309 5 'm 6 thinking 3.516360962764157 6 thinking 7 what 2.5871419113957614 7 what 9 queer 1.3703069300433306 8 a 9 queer 3.3109252264859865 10 day 11 we 0.9667301774672232 11 we 12 've 3.939904365194378 12 've 13 had 2.4228538681850793 14 , 16 answered 1.5472876585672974 15 " 16 answered 2.7487180822420285 16 answered 17 polly 2.8037447404583773 17 polly 18 . 0.7945060291325738 i shan't forget it , shall you ? " said ned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 2 shan't 4.070119733738252 1 i 6 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shan't 3 forget 6.337568764175508 3 forget 4 it 2.252024413473844 4 it 5 , 0.10461422563168554 7 you 8 ? 1.9127300143977735 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 ned 3.001780279233131 10 said 12 . 0.7987260433774388 " no : i 'm much obliged for the lesson . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 3 : 4 i 0.9902593081279818 4 i 5 'm 4.8883536268785885 5 'm 7 obliged 5.206304509993192 6 much 7 obliged 8.050545255616054 7 obliged 10 lesson 4.854000399525287 7 obliged 8 for 2.87282934909366 9 the 10 lesson 1.2776696608776135 10 lesson 11 . 1.768683647754461 11 . 12 " 4.427730590569535 " so is i , " called out will , in a very earnest , but rather a sleepy , little voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 is 0.496101790465163 1 " 2 so -0.11764290144298073 3 is 12 a 1.780232541631019 3 is 7 called 1.9686513896705442 4 i 7 called 0.5618207864394726 5 , 6 " 1.299421509625157 6 " 7 called 0.7313172502917631 7 called 8 out 4.086232245665839 7 called 10 , 0.0769296180695207 9 will 10 , -0.6138979778123108 11 in 12 a 1.8422556623713398 12 a 22 voice 2.6953640769595513 13 very 19 sleepy 4.86704965312266 13 very 14 earnest 2.4870330984807794 14 earnest 15 , 1.6297380511064326 15 , 16 but 2.1164801018826633 17 rather 19 sleepy 5.726640003339959 18 a 19 sleepy 1.6320561620645648 19 sleepy 22 voice 5.8198358956215515 19 sleepy 21 little 2.7717066541987343 19 sleepy 20 , 0.9709291722335038 22 voice 23 . 1.5211545821531125 " i wonder what mamma will say , when we tell her about it , " said ned . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 2 i 3 wonder 3.9463698625105774 2 i 6 will 2.6445045424929425 3 wonder 4 what 4.751311937237642 3 wonder 5 mamma 3.3022991332956337 6 will 11 tell 3.3381742195523962 6 will 7 say 2.125373901185533 7 say 8 , 1.0071506207596048 8 , 9 when 0.8302784881471972 9 when 10 we 2.9464343914269726 11 tell 13 about 3.398994862713611 11 tell 12 her 2.2008912605493567 13 about 14 it 2.9622318327423507 15 , 17 said 1.5025770512474743 16 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 17 said 18 ned 3.001780279233131 17 said 19 . 0.7987260433774388 the others agreed with him , and resolved that their shadows should not be ashamed of them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 others 3.160673019681502 1 the 11 shadows 2.4854718256500483 2 others 3 agreed 5.400736993213698 3 agreed 4 with 3.5024287311534437 3 agreed 9 that 2.702163833345942 4 with 5 him 2.088617219517836 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 resolved 1.605116902511039 8 resolved 9 that 2.6220791446237968 10 their 11 shadows 4.57058513388969 11 shadows 12 should 3.3819764112742376 12 should 14 be 4.308276838964748 12 should 13 not 2.5950379689621332 14 be 15 ashamed 4.6667364744019935 15 ashamed 16 of 4.4912422327948445 16 of 17 them 2.4782763751918484 17 them 18 . 1.434008771759407 vi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vi 1.2846129008443192 1 vi 2 . 2.410384308903346 poppy's pranks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy's 3.262995232115376 1 poppy's 2 pranks 16.473170454745148 2 pranks 3 . 1.1657245142744337 she wasn't a wilfully naughty child , this harum-scarum poppy , but very thoughtless and very curious . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 wasn't 1.9480746243616132 2 wasn't 4 wilfully 8.986739679229927 3 a 4 wilfully 3.6191936931176762 4 wilfully 5 naughty 12.170092555094797 4 wilfully 6 child 8.301919294263826 6 child 9 harum-scarum 5.662985950974068 6 child 7 , 1.603325665792168 8 this 9 harum-scarum 5.401666146803947 9 harum-scarum 10 poppy 11.635009975983536 9 harum-scarum 14 thoughtless 8.714624396271546 10 poppy 11 , 1.2781452614318418 11 , 12 but 2.1164801018826633 13 very 14 thoughtless 5.158154352399077 14 thoughtless 17 curious 5.852316092514407 14 thoughtless 15 and 1.872520906956943 14 thoughtless 18 . 1.2232559202335977 16 very 17 curious 5.6034957866416235 poppy thought there never was any thing so splendid , and immediately wanted to go to walk . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 4 never 1.3221454877143586 1 poppy 2 thought 3.1506884870180336 3 there 4 never 0.7741077846601314 4 never 13 wanted 2.11866914630788 4 never 6 any 2.938694680940939 4 never 5 was 0.10880942231820967 6 any 7 thing 3.438981514973314 8 so 9 splendid 1.8497997511303161 9 splendid 12 immediately 2.2168599396404076 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 immediately 2.3257798680451103 12 immediately 13 wanted 3.4864216047789327 13 wanted 14 to 4.012813233173826 13 wanted 16 to 4.012813233173826 13 wanted 15 go 2.8890260356122006 16 to 17 walk 2.6081642103264358 17 walk 18 . 0.5987028060621693 but mamma was busy , and poppy couldn't go alone any farther than the garden . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 7 poppy 2.5620080170387958 2 mamma 4 busy 5.4186220877684015 3 was 4 busy 3.182509479838618 4 busy 7 poppy 4.7709712632481285 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 poppy 2.0890088712173913 7 poppy 8 couldn't 4.331995659093714 7 poppy 12 farther 3.848298655151364 9 go 12 farther 3.577561955746692 9 go 10 alone 3.4686536399650407 11 any 12 farther 3.9867994204473334 12 farther 13 than 5.160168886594782 12 farther 15 garden 1.4364448374505656 14 the 15 garden 3.024637302223521 15 garden 16 . 1.444067769803123 kitty saw her coming ; and , being an ill-natured little girl , took no notice , but called out to her brother jack : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 kitty 0.2532535420044262 1 kitty 2 saw 2.84456391640402 2 saw 4 coming 3.9562334213129837 2 saw 3 her 2.3044950811249656 4 coming 20 out 2.838013843263333 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 19 called 0.8260420228050425 7 , 8 being 0.3643666870513016 8 being 10 ill-natured 7.281988377734855 8 being 19 called 4.44885263903949 9 an 10 ill-natured 5.671759471502632 10 ill-natured 12 girl 6.0283170455730755 10 ill-natured 11 little 5.056518391347506 10 ill-natured 17 , 1.8773355479453961 12 girl 14 took 2.1536333347163676 12 girl 13 , 0.9253689082014933 14 took 16 notice 6.388954913075182 15 no 16 notice 4.902325372695454 17 , 18 but 2.1164801018826633 19 called 20 out 4.086232245665839 20 out 25 : 2.139190139087024 21 to 22 her 1.4090049423748106 22 her 23 brother 2.5157185839617497 23 brother 25 : 1.6688950870645058 23 brother 24 jack 2.786614269239479 " ain't some folks grand ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 ain't 1.6130084792766937 2 ain't 4 folks 4.07073228983791 2 ain't 6 ? 1.4701244879828508 3 some 4 folks 5.978152090558094 4 folks 5 grand 4.8965132922833305 if i couldn't have red shoes for my best , i wouldn't have any , would you ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.4747943966883117 1 if 2 i 2.4665272994818057 2 i 3 couldn't 2.984069282580659 3 couldn't 4 have 3.408661517004285 4 have 6 shoes 0.6612794104257915 5 red 6 shoes 4.340391697740866 6 shoes 9 best 2.4266131209233563 6 shoes 7 for 1.728756701787784 6 shoes 18 ? 1.4845453948819198 6 shoes 10 , 1.2239595360191267 8 my 9 best 3.4935626528120522 11 i 12 wouldn't 3.0033732178159394 12 wouldn't 13 have 4.281230235369675 13 have 17 you 1.5809986813519412 13 have 14 any 2.4851501587338714 15 , 17 you 0.2857327855941545 16 would 17 you 0.8168515905007254 17 you 18 ? 1.9127300143977735 18 ? 19 " 4.126492033472207 they both laughed , and this hurt poppy 's feelings dreadfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 7 hurt 1.187990775192052 1 they 2 both 3.817255712481245 2 both 3 laughed 4.482999293554595 3 laughed 5 and 1.8398443593921172 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 6 this 7 hurt 0.833599652771774 7 hurt 10 feelings 8.128524608453578 8 poppy 10 feelings 6.485097387710457 9 's 10 feelings 3.1353045367546706 10 feelings 11 dreadfully 7.612410325290188 10 feelings 12 . 1.4400926823044422 she said nothing , but walked gravely by , as if she was going on an errand , and hadn't heard a word . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 but 1.636192966547803 1 she 2 said 2.5314486588783307 2 said 3 nothing 2.541667971636306 3 nothing 5 but 3.600663598216313 4 , 5 but 2.1164801018826633 5 but 11 if 1.4450392469531277 6 walked 7 gravely 4.031869017195568 7 gravely 9 , 1.5127920128548844 7 gravely 8 by 1.3372777630701584 9 , 11 if 1.058710375425802 10 as 11 if 4.06288549053939 11 if 20 hadn't 4.415096632309236 12 she 20 hadn't 2.550134005829239 13 was 14 going 2.587515073195677 14 going 15 on 2.73240711486352 15 on 17 errand 3.651220862156027 16 an 17 errand 6.859992694922838 17 errand 20 hadn't 3.60658082079172 17 errand 18 , 1.2804315781202646 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 hadn't 21 heard 4.209043406028275 21 heard 23 word 2.620873498899833 22 a 23 word 3.5567760131019437 23 word 24 . 1.0128362788839027 by three o'clock , she began to think it was time to go home , and boldly started off to find it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 she 1.13928842895214 1 by 3 o'clock 2.5071150707798466 2 three 3 o'clock 6.862815523288688 3 o'clock 5 she 0.7239633978573501 4 , 5 she 0.6893111825667813 5 she 6 began 2.185396853385484 6 began 12 to 4.246133941809509 6 began 20 to 4.246133941809509 6 began 7 to 4.246133941809509 6 began 8 think 2.2778698772143073 8 think 9 it 2.3531048070763934 9 it 10 was 2.951169375325321 11 time 12 to 1.4241862218848027 12 to 13 go 2.737518368320032 13 go 17 boldly 4.006431287284059 13 go 14 home 4.447805542225202 13 go 16 and 1.3465498431720793 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 boldly 18 started 6.923846312594481 18 started 19 off 5.560608574323581 20 to 21 find 3.1301285678879243 21 find 22 it 2.0543995158902835 22 it 23 . 0.47237242955592507 but poor little poppy didn't know the way , and went all wrong . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 4 poppy 2.5620080170387958 2 poor 3 little 4.2134089568707775 3 little 4 poppy 3.1925485703857994 4 poppy 5 didn't 3.7244177037198583 4 poppy 11 went 3.1031095779629005 5 didn't 6 know 5.387487635424433 7 the 8 way 1.9756872936610552 8 way 9 , 0.8808556014356768 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 went 1.9201141840422995 11 went 13 wrong 2.970976299649685 12 all 13 wrong 1.6864143014207293 13 wrong 14 . 1.3802718611136022 on and on she went , up streets and down , amusing herself with looking in the shop-windows , and sitting to rest on doorsteps . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 on -0.863012503162846 1 on 15 looking 0.7081350851171138 2 and 5 went 1.9201141840422995 2 and 3 on -0.09497575305716843 4 she 5 went 2.8285844557933366 5 went 7 up 2.746362632987786 5 went 6 , -0.29596441609058743 7 up 8 streets 2.3191453352320863 8 streets 15 looking 4.912575180002175 8 streets 10 down 2.6519640797512807 8 streets 9 and 1.3910258893273166 10 down 12 amusing 2.7424103787027896 10 down 11 , -0.014279991013413706 12 amusing 13 herself 7.6901337438443065 12 amusing 14 with 2.3021346593587104 15 looking 18 shop-windows 7.80087789988578 16 in 18 shop-windows 3.5142594465622103 17 the 18 shop-windows 3.8440931082534817 18 shop-windows 25 doorsteps 11.035369459460139 18 shop-windows 21 sitting 7.592987333485301 18 shop-windows 26 . 2.8568107444043065 18 shop-windows 19 , 2.2089454742387424 18 shop-windows 20 and 2.1160024004748976 22 to 23 rest 1.8816317486539536 23 rest 25 doorsteps 7.369128614786888 24 on 25 doorsteps 5.75977163724156 poppy sat up , and wondered if anybody 's supper was ready . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 6 wondered 3.5810908304540625 1 poppy 2 sat 4.3900629051026385 2 sat 3 up 4.085741381346573 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 wondered 2.087438407214634 6 wondered 7 if 5.418360484182649 7 if 8 anybody 3.3832925621170773 8 anybody 10 supper 2.763571816052849 8 anybody 9 's 1.9407258982398936 10 supper 12 ready 5.96498421419556 10 supper 13 . 1.658406329251731 11 was 12 ready 2.903137144927191 the man had a paper ; and , when people stopped at the sound of the bell , he read in a loud voice : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 5 paper 2.2498996123414834 1 the 2 man 1.9375592986676935 3 had 4 a 1.502631725856677 4 a 5 paper 2.329258029691058 5 paper 20 read 3.7120355430763077 5 paper 6 ; 2.6352502355898935 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 6 ; 19 he 1.3376209068347862 8 , 9 when 0.8302784881471972 9 when 19 he 2.9822581237145336 9 when 10 people 1.8790662319530256 9 when 11 stopped 1.5660187205615266 11 stopped 12 at 2.9406689953809675 12 at 16 the 1.91018759410656 12 at 13 the 1.91018759410656 13 the 14 sound 2.057504568504463 14 sound 15 of 3.215017137613419 16 the 17 bell 1.757671153643951 17 bell 18 , 0.9625185775883445 20 read 23 loud 3.5183587866312642 21 in 22 a 1.8422556623713398 22 a 23 loud 2.722268733402622 23 loud 24 voice 4.916631278730314 24 voice 25 : 3.8060941194464384 he got no farther ; for a little voice cried out of the dark , in a tone of surprise : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 got 2.464147974923595 2 got 7 a 1.7944499762058825 2 got 4 farther 1.9231661630528158 3 no 4 farther 4.133972086018602 4 farther 5 ; 1.6899365211487556 6 for 7 a 2.0099144621548533 7 a 9 voice 2.6953640769595513 7 a 8 little 3.3978459531370575 9 voice 21 : 3.8060941194464384 10 cried 21 : 3.7328572632480377 10 cried 11 out 2.6382249346979236 10 cried 15 , 1.1598077350773757 11 out 12 of 3.4530498390397675 12 of 13 the 1.7361783602309693 13 the 14 dark 1.8733253470834121 16 in 18 tone 3.3366858784728066 17 a 18 tone 3.3024332076904788 18 tone 20 surprise 4.675105707916931 18 tone 21 : 3.968536824728041 18 tone 19 of 2.632028770484297 " why , dats me ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 4 dats 7.91005099007171 3 , 4 dats 3.132985590945424 4 dats 5 me 7.0824053896278905 4 dats 6 ! 5.2542853554870135 6 ! 7 " 3.7411945146373657 " is it far away ? " asked poppy , with a little sob . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 poppy 1.970553427135524 2 is 4 far 1.5902625444260536 2 is 3 it 0.7749546440952404 4 far 5 away 5.962216986907206 4 far 9 poppy 2.4766885655502655 6 ? 8 asked 5.32511077011031 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 8 asked 9 poppy 5.579749294702921 9 poppy 14 sob 5.433980801170009 9 poppy 10 , 1.2781452614318418 11 with 14 sob 3.705627420951668 12 a 14 sob 4.26557628489552 13 little 14 sob 4.131507885165444 14 sob 15 . 2.45719504133616 " yes , my dear ; but i am going to give you some supper fust , along of my little girl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 3 , 4 my 0.5786202686795345 4 my 16 fust 3.2422392295049534 4 my 5 dear 4.7642210168562364 5 dear 6 ; 2.4031420653222675 6 ; 7 but 3.9096191073889806 8 i 9 am 4.730261573820858 9 am 16 fust 3.0571747958600426 9 am 10 going 5.377473605719784 10 going 11 to 4.148501845167235 12 give 16 fust 4.720980365729222 12 give 13 you 2.888687645272734 14 some 16 fust 4.73665131617075 15 supper 16 fust 9.710602078162825 16 fust 18 along 6.901511376641292 16 fust 17 , 1.6282491438831208 18 along 21 little 1.1123177365416907 19 of 20 my 1.5480655667810304 20 my 21 little 1.8663742968184014 21 little 22 girl 4.366461737504494 22 girl 23 . 1.0653410088509503 i live close by ; and , when we 've had a bite , we 'll go find your ma . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 live 1.653641474340132 1 i 10 've 4.345825318265309 1 i 16 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 live 3 close 2.689233203954231 3 close 4 by 5.561856590412926 5 ; 9 we 1.7026800822961299 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 , 8 when 0.8302784881471972 8 when 9 we 2.9464343914269726 9 we 10 've 3.939904365194378 10 've 11 had 2.4228538681850793 11 had 12 a 1.502631725856677 12 a 13 bite 3.350328441553927 13 bite 14 , 0.9787061479300228 15 we 16 'll 4.426023306559921 16 'll 18 find 4.37994091699418 16 'll 17 go 4.124783340780025 18 find 19 your 1.8602317078098878 19 your 20 ma 4.353341667520304 20 ma 21 . -0.13408552277663688 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 poppy was so tired and hungry , she was glad to find herself taken care of , and let the man do as he liked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 2 was 3.188971963410218 2 was 10 glad 2.489135957114895 2 was 14 taken 2.401896172381676 3 so 4 tired 3.9969769194667037 3 so 10 glad 4.331387854186895 4 tired 6 hungry 5.2738032245094075 4 tired 5 and 1.8862695706199268 6 hungry 7 , 1.751521010233633 8 she 9 was 2.3491053343536645 9 was 10 glad 2.489135957114895 10 glad 11 to 2.822797321717786 11 to 12 find 3.1301285678879243 13 herself 14 taken 2.2660844565556104 14 taken 15 care 5.198535436478672 15 care 16 of 2.9587428891175733 16 of 20 the 1.7361783602309693 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 18 and 20 the 0.3601075504743463 18 and 19 let 1.3645481779260926 20 the 21 man 1.9375592986676935 21 man 25 liked 0.7054085629641378 21 man 26 . 0.6263340849927239 22 do 23 as 0.6618658926345251 23 as 24 he 2.3488371624986843 24 he 25 liked 2.5875503822391543 but the next day , dear me ! what a sad time it was , to be sure ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 next 0.8764931032160881 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 2 the 3 next 2.9869899372464985 3 next 4 day 6.780933751692977 3 next 12 time 4.241098791298853 5 , 6 dear 2.1348010320746766 6 dear 7 me 3.2162612916290225 7 me 9 what 1.041105075147378 7 me 8 ! 2.085076915643585 9 what 10 a 1.1397967925193342 10 a 11 sad 2.663205487626076 11 sad 12 time 3.0647692627354033 12 time 16 to 1.4241862218848027 12 time 15 , 0.5829700405514853 12 time 14 was 0.5263127934354994 13 it 14 was 2.951169375325321 16 to 17 be 3.101474476606974 17 be 18 sure 4.725759885874082 18 sure 19 ! 1.3828742888985168 then he went away without his morning kiss , and poppy was so very unhappy she could hardly eat her breakfast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 he 2.977095694374839 2 he 3 went 2.7653107880312984 3 went 4 away 4.820996290936012 4 away 5 without 3.3158273868774657 5 without 21 breakfast 2.5564227901510854 6 his 21 breakfast 3.5532738180197576 7 morning 21 breakfast 3.4182860593885778 7 morning 8 kiss 2.9910072647649137 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 poppy 2.0890088712173913 11 poppy 21 breakfast 3.6268236467367956 11 poppy 15 unhappy 4.859546376294574 11 poppy 12 was 3.188971963410218 13 so 15 unhappy 3.426096146907131 14 very 15 unhappy 5.199152635803728 16 she 17 could 2.98921090015809 17 could 18 hardly 5.981697352549089 18 hardly 19 eat 3.889788712562275 19 eat 21 breakfast 5.3775728095848585 20 her 21 breakfast 1.417561660668607 21 breakfast 22 . 1.7661671610070684 she felt better by and by , and tried to play ; but the cord kept pulling her back . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 felt 3.135735255876826 2 felt 17 pulling 2.474898569368097 2 felt 3 better 3.74024814583996 4 by 17 pulling 3.4385669661995024 5 and 17 pulling 1.2555806088872998 6 by 17 pulling 3.4385669661995024 7 , 17 pulling 2.1867175500750236 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 tried 15 cord 3.9004967463054108 9 tried 10 to 4.132759688922263 11 play 15 cord 3.352111306617868 11 play 12 ; 1.199990354328218 12 ; 13 but 3.9096191073889806 14 the 15 cord 3.0942583304494597 15 cord 17 pulling 8.54239144754905 16 kept 17 pulling 6.153959124873893 17 pulling 18 her 3.4941965774667914 17 pulling 19 back 1.6335572565022645 19 back 20 . 0.7144526988824573 cousin fanny came up , but poppy was so ashamed to be tied that she crept under the sofa and hid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 cousin -0.19216136426938846 1 cousin 2 fanny 9.03095118728729 2 fanny 3 came 5.710492143836621 2 fanny 4 up 4.529914865016899 2 fanny 11 to 2.359773866891299 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 6 but 7 poppy 2.5620080170387958 7 poppy 8 was 3.188971963410218 8 was 10 ashamed 2.6891229095575113 9 so 10 ashamed 2.643465220920188 10 ashamed 11 to 2.3117504918831138 11 to 12 be 3.101474476606974 12 be 13 tied 1.4987377063674572 13 tied 19 sofa 3.5638228529531197 14 that 15 she 1.5003075009796891 15 she 16 crept 2.7058432090798306 16 crept 19 sofa 4.078755047754363 17 under 19 sofa 5.24742510291815 18 the 19 sofa 3.608567705984214 19 sofa 21 hid 5.980353024546673 19 sofa 22 . 1.3163382337783212 20 and 21 hid 2.5736328032099998 " o mamma ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o 2.412037875786348 2 o 3 mamma 5.668345250571971 2 o 4 ! 2.797163340108149 i drefful sorry i runned away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 5 runned 3.759510514237707 2 drefful 5 runned 15.81405498299214 2 drefful 3 sorry 9.681196818597154 4 i 5 runned 3.759510514237707 5 runned 6 away 7.9859821975843985 5 runned 7 . 1.5396367196317264 fordive me one time more , and i never will adain ; " and she never did . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 fordive 3.262995232115376 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 1 fordive 2 me 7.497442888906733 1 fordive 3 one 6.450383726032175 3 one 5 more 2.0903470506813893 3 one 4 time 0.49677538976858315 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 11 adain 2.6577547513167517 8 i 9 never 2.5602386484719286 9 never 11 adain 5.601551709706513 10 will 11 adain 6.6250346397596935 11 adain 13 " 3.0171602782823292 11 adain 12 ; 6.826526346081227 13 " 15 she 1.5550225530747177 14 and 15 she 0.6439507001135176 15 she 17 did 2.657595531071234 16 never 17 did 2.147587430787704 17 did 18 . -0.13365248295357546 two or three years after this , poppy went to live in the country , and tried some new pranks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 after 0.8144066598688191 1 two 4 years 6.069637231279318 2 or 3 three 4.487664765249136 3 three 4 years 6.559238271574102 4 years 5 after 2.7479253890272695 5 after 6 this 3.183233336526216 6 this 14 country 3.620078743054755 6 this 8 poppy 2.8298118769814344 7 , 8 poppy 0.6834259032834282 8 poppy 9 went 3.1031095779629005 9 went 10 to 2.76457199103605 10 to 11 live 3.1398623508433463 11 live 12 in 3.3431935735304013 13 the 14 country 2.6713908492539495 14 country 20 pranks 3.4255775384442444 14 country 21 . 1.2477833436459687 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 tried 1.7886665159703519 17 tried 20 pranks 4.723688143804047 18 some 19 new 3.501172121263174 19 new 20 pranks 5.71205578784798 one day she went with her sister nelly to see a man plough , for that sort of thing was new to her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.14971576025327593 1 one 2 day 4.731750810468759 2 day 4 went 1.7256839284623524 3 she 4 went 2.8285844557933366 4 went 5 with 1.6649847851766904 5 with 11 a 2.5677995362572403 5 with 6 her 2.1216404045889785 6 her 7 sister 3.3785158516836624 7 sister 8 nelly 6.21875988580058 8 nelly 10 see 1.685056584491523 9 to 10 see 3.0208916104243624 11 a 12 man 3.033922205025579 11 a 21 new 3.1188611850141097 12 man 13 plough 5.459046566518033 13 plough 17 sort 6.260314222207267 13 plough 14 , 2.2207725389504738 13 plough 15 for 2.024242447306193 13 plough 20 was 1.9904425622001263 16 that 17 sort 2.8386070856032966 17 sort 19 thing 4.866674469147146 17 sort 18 of 4.84480655965436 21 new 24 . 0.24002123174171963 22 to 23 her 1.4090049423748106 23 her 24 . 0.7973847081259855 while the man worked , she saw him take out a piece of something brown , and bite off a bit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 she 1.13928842895214 1 while 6 she 2.371446777242305 1 while 4 worked 4.299114612132925 2 the 3 man 1.9375592986676935 3 man 4 worked 1.5871090930684346 5 , 6 she 0.6893111825667813 6 she 7 saw 2.9054776943975575 7 saw 11 a 1.811845134570131 7 saw 8 him 3.422895388284738 9 take 11 a 1.6527995129899615 9 take 10 out 1.5701983975988263 11 a 12 piece 3.9117317894393704 11 a 21 bit 4.3931155458296285 11 a 18 bite 3.350328441553927 12 piece 13 of 4.81087123182993 12 piece 15 brown 1.8786706906999378 14 something 15 brown 0.47032116065883756 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 18 bite 0.9030781753297035 18 bite 19 off 4.229429747192615 20 a 21 bit 4.3931155458296285 21 bit 22 . 0.9886574318464536 " what 's that ? " asked poppy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 3 's 1.6387770345529855 4 that 5 ? 0.5133639223249311 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 poppy 5.579749294702921 7 asked 9 . 0.7779303217424687 " tobaccer , " said the man . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 tobaccer 1.9054432274972903 1 " 2 tobaccer 4.729703061961988 2 tobaccer 7 man 4.846565617894303 2 tobaccer 5 said 4.160904781022602 2 tobaccer 3 , 3.195631661052264 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 6 the 7 man 1.9375592986676935 7 man 8 . 0.6263340849927239 " is it nice ? " asked poppy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 is 5 ? 0.8821409345206987 3 it 5 ? 1.3564394720153814 4 nice 5 ? 1.0298836112303498 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 poppy 5.579749294702921 7 asked 9 . 0.7779303217424687 " prime , " said the man . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 2 prime 3 , 1.366187196782171 3 , 5 said 1.5025770512474743 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 5 said 6 the 1.3095954281400157 5 said 8 . 0.7987260433774388 6 the 7 man 1.9375592986676935 " could you let me taste it ? " asked curious poppy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 could 3 you 0.09649006124454829 3 you 8 ? 1.9127300143977735 4 let 5 me 5.046289406031127 5 me 8 ? 1.6819492666657094 6 taste 7 it 1.357174579041363 7 it 8 ? 1.3564394720153814 8 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 10 asked 12 poppy 5.579749294702921 10 asked 13 . 0.7779303217424687 11 curious 12 poppy 7.335822582373368 " it will make you sick , " said the man , laughing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 will 1.8855494822263612 3 will 4 make 3.714073267810308 4 make 6 sick 3.2692775943492194 5 you 6 sick 1.5007389284494081 6 sick 11 man 3.063721000105975 6 sick 12 , 1.2814080112941255 7 , 9 said 1.5025770512474743 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 9 said 10 the 1.3095954281400157 10 the 11 man 1.9375592986676935 12 , 13 laughing 1.4498732563486332 13 laughing 14 . 1.4431202439415518 " it doesn't make you sick . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 doesn't 3.263470687519641 3 doesn't 4 make 4.257799149157513 4 make 6 sick 3.2692775943492194 5 you 6 sick 1.5007389284494081 6 sick 7 . 0.8100002191941673 i 'd like to try , " said poppy , nothing daunted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'd 3.910051988282767 2 'd 12 daunted 2.74663450935207 2 'd 3 like 4.761042799213955 2 'd 5 try 2.7071441939821135 4 to 5 try 2.736559040423346 6 , 8 said 1.5025770512474743 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 9 poppy 2.996381841236488 9 poppy 12 daunted 8.78479753250836 9 poppy 10 , 1.2781452614318418 11 nothing 12 daunted 8.648785331690956 12 daunted 13 . 1.3103770487678759 he gave her a piece ; and poppy ate it , though it didn't taste good at all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 gave 2.377846574025691 2 gave 4 a 2.9757058601791275 2 gave 3 her 2.913048597514514 4 a 5 piece 3.9117317894393704 5 piece 9 ate 4.8286610119018505 5 piece 15 taste 3.8987037917679537 6 ; 8 poppy 3.1150722718062127 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 poppy 9 ate 6.9268097520221374 9 ate 13 it 2.5577538773297093 9 ate 10 it 2.5577538773297093 11 , 12 though 2.8653386317912517 12 though 13 it 1.7883199079481802 14 didn't 15 taste 1.943665589245093 15 taste 16 good 4.453132902457771 15 taste 19 . 0.9287680358183756 17 at 18 all 3.215173700259159 18 all 19 . 0.2171498272572805 she did it because cy , her favorite playfellow , told her she 'd die if she did , and tried to frighten her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 11 told 2.6767004891320685 1 she 2 did 2.657595531071234 3 it 4 because 1.4565351753291509 4 because 5 cy 6.330570756764139 5 cy 7 her 2.2781887145995583 5 cy 6 , 2.392001885028254 7 her 9 playfellow 4.542099276362244 8 favorite 9 playfellow 11.908043412601469 9 playfellow 11 told 6.4643399984593835 9 playfellow 10 , 2.2705421731732507 11 told 24 her 3.3970570612784936 11 told 12 her 3.3970570612784936 13 she 14 'd 2.5890572287975413 14 'd 23 frighten 3.9096908619181256 14 'd 15 die 4.035077843266183 16 if 17 she 2.4265514238776724 17 she 18 did 2.657595531071234 18 did 23 frighten 3.682236104070391 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 20 and 21 tried 1.7886665159703519 21 tried 23 frighten 5.427351676023516 21 tried 22 to 4.132759688922263 23 frighten 24 her 1.5558941996291757 24 her 25 . 0.7973847081259855 " you darsn't eat any more , " he said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 darsn't 2.0678476469698097 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 you 3 darsn't 3.3059568487787345 3 darsn't 4 eat 8.636082916685062 3 darsn't 5 any 5.164112442025559 5 any 6 more 5.283241875426565 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 8 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 9 he 10 said 1.8953304056768925 10 said 11 . 0.7987260433774388 " yes , i dare . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 4 i 5 dare 3.6052691385164213 5 dare 6 . -0.17518302395414054 see if i don't . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.4747943966883117 1 see 2 if 3.030240517871828 2 if 3 i 2.4665272994818057 3 i 4 don't 3.775983377249961 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 and poppy took another piece , just to show how brave she was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 and 2 poppy 2.0890088712173913 2 poppy 5 piece 5.0703276314573245 2 poppy 11 brave 4.541835296899045 2 poppy 3 took 3.9270629680487943 2 poppy 13 was 3.188971963410218 2 poppy 6 , 1.2781452614318418 2 poppy 14 . 0.1386309476239056 4 another 5 piece 5.252569857986089 7 just 10 how 2.356893873893778 8 to 9 show 3.3710530641958414 9 show 10 how 4.39375249534984 10 how 11 brave 3.8096603889330964 12 she 13 was 2.3491053343536645 silly little poppy ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 ! -0.1363744880729456 1 silly 3 poppy 6.084079209031664 1 silly 4 ! 2.687790732278561 2 little 3 poppy 3.1925485703857994 " i ain't sick , and i shan't die , so now . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 so 0.7526101009878854 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 8 shan't 4.070119733738252 2 i 3 ain't 3.001952612019089 3 ain't 4 sick 5.171906767286117 4 sick 6 and 1.655866476471271 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 i 8 shan't 4.070119733738252 8 shan't 9 die 6.404994296378792 9 die 10 , 1.2469236533133596 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 and poppy pranced about as briskly as ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 pranced 0.07857066097794885 1 and 3 pranced 2.60964090101643 2 poppy 3 pranced 12.596900769464131 3 pranced 6 briskly 9.109136424995238 3 pranced 4 about 5.989146700174654 3 pranced 8 ever 3.8403733597112435 3 pranced 7 as 3.3257482035736956 3 pranced 5 as 3.3257482035736956 8 ever 9 . 0.6454001794935671 but the man shook his head , nelly watched her anxiously , and cy kept saying : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 4 shook 0.8646245875773744 2 the 3 man 1.9375592986676935 3 man 4 shook 1.6919786286787826 4 shook 6 head 7.466040922364545 5 his 6 head 4.975325337234624 6 head 14 cy 3.384821678910985 7 , 8 nelly 0.7651720172158747 8 nelly 14 cy 10.163215234310492 8 nelly 9 watched 6.078163028810213 9 watched 10 her 3.028687906127214 11 anxiously 14 cy 8.004999620138264 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 cy 1.6001913482411538 14 cy 15 kept 7.584931826105869 14 cy 16 saying 6.934971120838906 16 saying 17 : 5.8813684562861965 " ain't you sick yet , say ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 ain't 1.6130084792766937 2 ain't 4 sick 5.171906767286117 2 ain't 5 yet 2.565377740941045 3 you 4 sick 1.5007389284494081 6 , 9 " 1.299421509625157 7 say 8 ? 2.05346234604103 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 for a little while poppy felt all right ; but presently she grew rather pale , and began to look rather pensive . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 presently 2.294206428455629 1 for 2 a 2.0099144621548533 2 a 3 little 3.3978459531370575 3 little 4 while 4.0602679045618135 4 while 5 poppy 4.660879676562956 5 poppy 9 ; 3.499414499058407 5 poppy 6 felt 4.399136873828276 7 all 8 right 4.5204342033329645 8 right 9 ; 1.7071850812002758 9 ; 10 but 3.9096191073889806 10 but 11 presently 2.7979554554816453 11 presently 22 pensive 4.773542080561921 11 presently 12 she 2.7129594164492694 13 grew 22 pensive 2.4236055501748908 14 rather 22 pensive 6.918816529187573 15 pale 22 pensive 4.757281329370638 15 pale 17 and 2.5327516144627182 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 began 22 pensive 3.353075945943292 18 began 19 to 4.246133941809509 20 look 22 pensive 3.6974884620867634 21 rather 22 pensive 6.918816529187573 22 pensive 23 . 1.478942534229315 she stopped running , and walked slower and slower , while her eyes got dizzy , and her hands and feet very cold . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 6 walked 3.0224747958543645 1 she 2 stopped 2.203021355865477 2 stopped 3 running 5.493920555186989 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 walked 2.286155827889454 6 walked 9 slower 7.949518434446674 6 walked 22 very 1.393500290371847 7 slower 9 slower 13.191215982597658 7 slower 8 and 2.416585592963905 9 slower 11 while 5.727854243569418 9 slower 20 and 2.416585592963905 9 slower 17 and 2.416585592963905 10 , 11 while 1.448856711021131 12 her 13 eyes 3.9051306606154217 13 eyes 15 dizzy 3.0070668508002143 14 got 15 dizzy 4.09385173686757 15 dizzy 16 , 1.7335678557846208 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 her 19 hands 4.359180916363808 19 hands 20 and 1.7252206557434615 20 and 21 feet -0.172389574400583 22 very 23 cold 2.985925822811705 23 cold 24 . 0.6406391558145135 " better lay down a spell , " said the man , looking a little troubled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 better -0.38788366981746236 2 better 11 man 1.1450980359009257 3 lay 4 down 5.679874575585027 4 down 10 the 1.963889078400829 4 down 6 spell 1.806470245550198 5 a 6 spell 3.8200797031648257 7 , 9 said 1.5025770512474743 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 9 said 10 the 1.3095954281400157 10 the 11 man 1.9375592986676935 11 man 16 troubled 1.9576602443871565 12 , 13 looking 2.0143069737250805 13 looking 16 troubled 4.247302452136783 14 a 15 little 3.3978459531370575 15 little 16 troubled 1.5776027719806862 16 troubled 17 . 1.2041559876384653 poppy lay a minute , then turned to cy , and said very solemnly : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 2 lay 5.50080670613298 2 lay 9 cy 4.955518880108496 3 a 4 minute 4.203803623583614 4 minute 9 cy 6.079658520687328 4 minute 5 , 1.11018211920344 6 then 7 turned 2.736703516337908 7 turned 9 cy 5.661785918682831 7 turned 8 to 2.2173737090023558 9 cy 14 solemnly 6.518442493874904 9 cy 15 : 4.113729149310451 9 cy 10 , 2.392001885028254 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 said 14 solemnly 3.994988703843582 13 very 14 solemnly 2.1687763903202253 " cy , run home , and tell my mother i 'm dying . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 cy 2.296709583256767 1 " 11 i 2.219663534593389 2 cy 4 run 6.983074474727076 2 cy 6 , 2.392001885028254 2 cy 3 , 2.392001885028254 4 run 5 home 2.7087371945162424 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 tell 0.8417506526498197 8 tell 10 mother 0.989683715371136 9 my 10 mother 3.3772850732681636 11 i 12 'm 4.8883536268785885 12 'm 13 dying 5.191077205350847 14 . 15 " 4.427730590569535 away rushed cy in a great fright , and burst upon poppy 's mamma , exclaiming breathlessly : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 away -1.0274655791054723 1 away 16 exclaiming 3.659879229174688 2 rushed 16 exclaiming 6.426912161200249 2 rushed 3 cy 9.921719784552472 3 cy 4 in 2.5311033623908834 5 a 6 great 3.8210157989541553 6 great 7 fright 5.496383617417592 7 fright 12 poppy 5.887036848173306 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 12 poppy 2.0890088712173913 10 burst 12 poppy 6.42344665281027 11 upon 12 poppy 4.468084678146404 12 poppy 16 exclaiming 8.16784279987035 12 poppy 13 's 2.145968225263129 14 mamma 16 exclaiming 7.987236594402077 15 , 16 exclaiming 2.8548934049081396 16 exclaiming 17 breathlessly 11.074113993579903 16 exclaiming 18 : 6.636093713677756 " o ma'am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o 2.412037875786348 2 o 3 ma'am 4.231578809169946 2 o 4 ! 2.797163340108149 " mercy on us ! what will happen to that child next ? " cried poor mamma , who was used to poppy 's mishaps . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 15 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 mercy 5 ! 3.3971180343547545 2 mercy 4 us 5.936427548783467 2 mercy 3 on 4.873098140349448 5 ! 15 cried 4.7864618271494415 5 ! 14 " 3.7411945146373657 6 what 8 happen 3.853638446401092 7 will 8 happen 4.767091299122505 8 happen 13 ? 2.007013520137132 8 happen 12 next 4.887035992857552 8 happen 9 to 3.15810757844279 8 happen 10 that 0.3481598171845981 10 that 11 child 1.5588972033234825 13 ? 14 " 4.126492033472207 15 cried 25 mishaps 4.349408329812519 16 poor 17 mamma 4.115898115700574 17 mamma 25 mishaps 5.919187879542253 18 , 19 who 1.8533631975925822 19 who 21 used 2.805328584884908 19 who 20 was 2.595397155366385 21 used 25 mishaps 5.9902181970554835 21 used 22 to 4.514927521289815 23 poppy 25 mishaps 12.169467612817336 24 's 25 mishaps 4.876512501749648 25 mishaps 26 . 1.742583335067927 " twarn't my fault . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 twarn't 2.0073403566471804 1 " 2 twarn't 4.660496998472286 2 twarn't 4 fault 11.854745106301042 2 twarn't 3 my 7.310176801255409 4 fault 5 . 1.4667450923272547 the child was a reg'lar fool to swaller it . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 the 2 child 1.886751199786147 2 child 5 reg'lar 6.411438031302676 3 was 5 reg'lar 3.5304250318557173 4 a 5 reg'lar 4.6429978971456976 5 reg'lar 8 swaller 16.236145745634982 6 fool 8 swaller 10.812693502234232 7 to 8 swaller 4.6603489428402405 8 swaller 9 it 5.566340588622747 8 swaller 11 " 2.4644249398056353 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 poppy was dreadfully sick all night , but next day was ready for more adventures and experiments . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 3 dreadfully 6.918272291568702 1 poppy 2 was 3.188971963410218 3 dreadfully 4 sick 6.002315944921037 4 sick 6 night 2.1135628225625105 5 all 6 night 3.2529164373626287 6 night 17 experiments 3.8114447866443655 6 night 7 , 1.1241093768684323 7 , 8 but 2.1164801018826633 9 next 17 experiments 3.047998828985712 9 next 10 day 6.780933751692977 11 was 12 ready 2.903137144927191 12 ready 17 experiments 4.839645768163866 12 ready 13 for 4.366009226249584 14 more 17 experiments 3.132769011052023 15 adventures 17 experiments 8.446637422073685 16 and 17 experiments 1.751334318671784 17 experiments 18 . 2.3870964566969235 she swung on the garret stairs , and tumbled down , nearly breaking her neck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 swung 1.5166278774759583 2 swung 3 on 2.7305816173889497 3 on 6 stairs 3.5855221434709676 4 the 6 stairs 3.4614923621511515 5 garret 6 stairs 10.578896491714357 6 stairs 9 tumbled 6.278775274295906 6 stairs 8 and 1.6829554986664483 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 tumbled 13 breaking 5.602970557499322 9 tumbled 10 down 5.4201566738627385 11 , 13 breaking 1.076573724786055 12 nearly 13 breaking 5.496230755458292 13 breaking 15 neck 5.218227815913817 14 her 15 neck 3.6187420687528196 15 neck 16 . 1.520256096162619 she got into the pigsty to catch a young piggy , and was taken out in a sad state of dirt . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 got 2.286615938646552 2 got 3 into 3.9096708114313863 2 got 15 out 2.5632449848886303 3 into 5 pigsty 7.4163557670864115 4 the 5 pigsty 4.400272708345607 5 pigsty 7 catch 11.224572498339807 5 pigsty 6 to 5.000341285953741 8 a 10 piggy 3.762041437644445 9 young 10 piggy 8.87549981284485 10 piggy 15 out 4.419347738146097 10 piggy 14 taken 8.643591080360032 10 piggy 13 was 2.746506260567564 10 piggy 11 , 2.0564397871495608 10 piggy 12 and 2.029890102313999 15 out 20 of 3.4530498390397675 16 in 19 state 2.99608672074773 17 a 19 state 3.1447360207506705 18 sad 19 state 7.341355861894453 19 state 20 of 4.379049323609195 20 of 21 dirt 2.4383185853636107 21 dirt 22 . 1.3761898483748176 these are only a few of her pranks , but one was nearly her last . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 these 0.6533054462445396 1 these 2 are 3.5596790189489056 1 these 15 last 2.5136509430693614 2 are 8 pranks 2.4630843861619915 3 only 5 few 3.2270471019651374 4 a 5 few 4.691751776320549 5 few 8 pranks 4.430333537406028 6 of 7 her 1.3635144305608016 7 her 8 pranks 1.846162763434819 8 pranks 13 nearly 3.4235501947879214 8 pranks 10 but 1.1383291688924544 9 , 10 but 2.1164801018826633 10 but 11 one 1.1511990533499183 12 was 13 nearly 2.5866359322975683 14 her 15 last 0.4148647192349415 15 last 16 . 0.4716898014098003 she wanted to go bare-footed , as the little country boys and girls did ; but mamma wasn't willing , and poppy was much afflicted . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 wanted 2.9828455195945285 2 wanted 3 to 4.012813233173826 3 to 5 bare-footed 3.5794289474566767 4 go 5 bare-footed 8.73611531325746 5 bare-footed 7 as 6.13868746186785 5 bare-footed 20 , 3.6125474251985352 5 bare-footed 6 , 3.6125474251985352 8 the 9 little 1.5044750503835367 9 little 17 mamma 2.3468916481651227 9 little 13 girls 3.670566192719434 10 country 11 boys 3.686489328676714 11 boys 13 girls 4.936548260335076 11 boys 12 and 0.9012360098947951 13 girls 14 did 1.532968992238203 15 ; 17 mamma 1.369910324730693 15 ; 16 but 3.9096191073889806 17 mamma 20 , 1.6100930611566717 17 mamma 19 willing 6.71089410154406 18 wasn't 19 willing 3.661899115975938 20 , 21 and 1.9913305940627364 21 and 22 poppy 2.0890088712173913 22 poppy 25 afflicted 8.457707577309979 22 poppy 23 was 3.188971963410218 22 poppy 26 . 0.1386309476239056 24 much 25 afflicted 5.585208006684674 " it doesn't hurt cy , and it won't hurt me , just for a little while , " she said . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 doesn't 3.263470687519641 2 it 13 just 1.201978765023231 3 doesn't 5 cy 6.324675699390866 3 doesn't 10 hurt 4.078683547389055 4 hurt 5 cy 8.507128533690523 5 cy 6 , 2.392001885028254 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 it 10 hurt 2.597133480267349 9 won't 10 hurt 6.0513316812973486 10 hurt 11 me 3.6108145025858462 11 me 12 , 1.0369336845536683 13 just 15 a 1.0368325433020988 14 for 15 a 2.0099144621548533 15 a 16 little 3.3978459531370575 16 little 17 while 4.0602679045618135 17 while 20 she 2.371446777242305 18 , 19 " 1.299421509625157 19 " 20 she 1.5550225530747177 20 she 21 said 2.5314486588783307 21 said 22 . 0.7987260433774388 " say no more , poppy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 poppy 1.970553427135524 2 say 4 more 2.031448388807398 3 no 4 more 4.368196884028999 4 more 6 poppy 1.6834086259196255 5 , 6 poppy 0.6834259032834282 6 poppy 7 . 0.1386309476239056 i never wish to see you barefooted , " replied mamma . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 3 wish 4.1420163738201445 1 i 2 never 2.5602386484719286 3 wish 7 barefooted 3.184179712079956 4 to 5 see 3.0208916104243624 5 see 7 barefooted 3.0880090634591895 6 you 7 barefooted 2.590339822711705 7 barefooted 11 mamma 7.205238022145604 7 barefooted 10 replied 3.773263328682976 7 barefooted 12 . 1.733698751403093 8 , 10 replied 1.8592752527199607 9 " 10 replied 3.578366641469307 " well , you needn't : i 'll go and do it in the barn , " muttered poppy , as she walked away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 you 5 needn't 5.0875078257153845 5 needn't 9 go 3.2412475538745795 5 needn't 6 : 1.1661860756941174 7 i 8 'll 3.9881635767091375 8 'll 9 go 4.124783340780025 9 go 24 away 3.980717825485952 10 and 19 poppy 2.0890088712173913 11 do 15 barn 0.6741565342521909 11 do 12 it 1.9315091833978766 13 in 15 barn 2.598775680990734 14 the 15 barn 3.5002141067734236 15 barn 19 poppy 4.963452891419237 16 , 17 " 1.299421509625157 17 " 18 muttered 3.792304061734807 18 muttered 19 poppy 6.998967220883788 19 poppy 24 away 2.624007117016234 19 poppy 20 , 1.2781452614318418 21 as 23 walked 2.3817731758491227 22 she 23 walked 3.0224747958543645 23 walked 24 away 4.301278730330406 24 away 25 . 1.2162953376348629 into the barn she went , and played country girl to her heart 's content , in spite of nelly 's warnings . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the 0.03213684141804052 1 into 2 the 2.7333578352296506 2 the 3 barn 3.5002141067734236 3 barn 7 and 1.7488350444906473 3 barn 5 went 1.1578794972473112 4 she 5 went 2.8285844557933366 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 22 warnings 2.812515802942265 7 and 8 played 2.1593721659144265 8 played 9 country 4.648403710277897 9 country 10 girl 3.479017553548161 11 to 12 her 1.4090049423748106 12 her 13 heart 3.6654782209903978 13 heart 15 content 5.315016388420588 14 's 15 content 2.7461380870382257 15 content 22 warnings 7.767828039917585 16 , 18 spite 0.8538322940522605 17 in 18 spite 5.689557793726221 18 spite 22 warnings 6.992773909496105 18 spite 19 of 5.135610725555983 20 nelly 22 warnings 11.138594512046467 21 's 22 warnings 4.737744276141246 22 warnings 23 . 1.6596708955212094 presently , with a loud roar , the bear leaped ; but nelly wasn't eaten that time , for poppy cried out with pain : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 2 , 0.41457748539556505 2 , 3 with 0.6646281173027546 3 with 6 roar 2.990739512853537 4 a 6 roar 3.2496878311673285 5 loud 6 roar 9.298440536591816 6 roar 10 leaped 8.068526566557114 6 roar 8 the 0.6270545695905945 6 roar 7 , 9.91692829643398e-4 9 bear 10 leaped 5.121388452478211 10 leaped 22 out 3.907747393286378 11 ; 20 poppy 3.1150722718062127 11 ; 12 but 3.9096191073889806 13 nelly 20 poppy 5.7819420798811585 13 nelly 15 eaten 5.970033359295023 13 nelly 14 wasn't 5.766432905476105 13 nelly 18 , 1.9086560982185716 13 nelly 19 for 1.4234497174833116 15 eaten 16 that 1.0737737047008764 16 that 17 time 0.858152420057765 20 poppy 21 cried 3.3976950727946367 21 cried 22 out 2.6382249346979236 22 out 25 : 2.139190139087024 23 with 24 pain 3.767022839370746 24 pain 25 : 1.2928980668292134 " oh ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 3 ! 2.9964053743846186 i jumped on a pitchfork , and it 's in my foot ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 pitchfork 0.9596828153953609 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 jumped 5 pitchfork 9.28801469626961 3 on 5 pitchfork 3.960764057897471 4 a 5 pitchfork 4.917763148157949 5 pitchfork 12 foot 5.948223766809491 5 pitchfork 6 , 2.8441715830868226 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 it 9 's 2.8884519147935066 9 's 12 foot 1.6139426901323937 10 in 11 my 1.9424729872576076 11 my 12 foot 2.9184931936911553 12 foot 13 ! 0.9123079043532343 take it out ! take it out ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 1 take 2 it 2.0188532799846843 2 it 3 out 0.7278355228586424 4 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 5 take 6 it 2.0188532799846843 6 it 8 ! 0.4013855950719787 6 it 7 out 0.7278355228586424 8 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 poor little foot ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poor 0.5174284312031769 1 poor 2 little 4.2134089568707775 1 poor 4 ! 1.8892325208453151 2 little 3 foot 2.7285746265283883 poppy was soon herself again , and lay on the sofa , with nelly and cy to amuse her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 8 lay 5.50080670613298 1 poppy 2 was 3.188971963410218 1 poppy 3 soon 2.583251925799029 4 herself 5 again 1.3800731589424267 5 again 6 , 1.464626527263647 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 lay 1.361435771879158 8 lay 16 cy 4.955518880108496 9 on 11 sofa 5.278724912231695 10 the 11 sofa 3.608567705984214 11 sofa 16 cy 7.765093649653732 11 sofa 12 , 1.702712321851255 13 with 14 nelly 2.0544957661461147 14 nelly 16 cy 10.163215234310492 15 and 16 cy 1.6001913482411538 16 cy 18 amuse 10.383658109670133 17 to 18 amuse 3.374480902708605 18 amuse 19 her 2.737381549813289 19 her 20 . 0.7973847081259855 nelly sniffed , but said nothing ; cy , however , spoke up briskly : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nelly 1.006737513088737 1 nelly 8 cy 10.163215234310492 1 nelly 2 sniffed 8.648722724310467 1 nelly 3 , 1.9086560982185716 3 , 4 but 2.1164801018826633 5 said 6 nothing 2.541667971636306 6 nothing 8 cy 4.524590393756306 7 ; 8 cy 4.240005672975762 8 cy 10 however 7.281381589933925 8 cy 14 briskly 6.587417337708562 8 cy 12 spoke 4.464620901706976 8 cy 15 : 4.113729149310451 9 , 10 however 2.9006470649284406 10 however 11 , 3.3747713636141334 13 up 14 briskly 3.6195977434577102 " he says you might have lockjaw . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 says 2.034102105010877 2 he 3 says 2.2945227880990924 3 says 7 lockjaw 7.037617808787086 4 you 5 might 2.2533473150637082 5 might 7 lockjaw 8.789451346634038 6 have 7 lockjaw 6.889087683304034 7 lockjaw 9 " 3.461513344385729 8 . 9 " 4.427730590569535 " is that bad ? " asked poppy gravely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 is 5 ? 0.8821409345206987 2 is 4 bad 2.3452754893432797 2 is 3 that 0.7788546157000198 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 poppy 5.579749294702921 8 poppy 9 gravely 7.451458943133986 9 gravely 10 . 2.659135433111132 " oh , ain't it , though ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 6 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 8 ! 2.9964053743846186 2 oh 4 ain't 1.3385530987718397 4 ain't 5 it 1.750415988294609 6 , 7 though 2.8653386317912517 your mouth shuts up , and you can't open it ; and you have fits and die . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 your -0.3499236709428004 1 your 2 mouth 3.779708496017186 2 mouth 3 shuts 9.486678454991885 2 mouth 9 open 6.08120798788072 2 mouth 18 . 1.4484481668527636 3 shuts 4 up 6.513219520509871 4 up 6 and 1.4311725078194826 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 you 8 can't 2.8606043813428297 8 can't 9 open 1.1236217792115397 9 open 15 fits 3.569407140657461 10 it 15 fits 2.2379550945251836 11 ; 13 you 0.771848175801777 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 you 14 have 2.4773295942588796 14 have 15 fits 3.1715744518039983 15 fits 17 die 5.6381839575004555 15 fits 16 and 1.7990188191273084 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 " always ? " said poppy , looking scared , and feeling of her mouth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 2 always 5 said 0.6430373395457636 3 ? 4 " 4.126492033472207 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 5 said 6 poppy 2.996381841236488 6 poppy 9 scared 5.3954629399600975 6 poppy 8 looking 3.6802907694795053 7 , 8 looking 2.0143069737250805 9 scared 13 of 2.0713997147934293 10 , 12 feeling 1.3802307730702559 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 feeling 13 of 1.7957458113331413 13 of 14 her 1.3635144305608016 14 her 15 mouth 3.4197783416014893 15 mouth 16 . 1.4484481668527636 " ' most always , i guess . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 2 ' 6 i 1.6332178082888937 2 ' 3 most 0.3114372593444763 3 most 4 always -0.6673451745203529 5 , 6 i 0.883559295304277 6 i 7 guess 4.484846112989166 7 guess 8 . -0.1116177326934853 that 's why your ma cried , and nelly keeps kissin ' you . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 why 1.7851754951784589 1 that 3 why 0.755300565825344 1 that 2 's 2.1214078036711292 3 why 11 kissin 4.720573191207997 4 your 11 kissin 4.892414423944405 5 ma 11 kissin 8.378514666818653 6 cried 11 kissin 4.786179351038644 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 11 kissin 2.2900229668162666 9 nelly 11 kissin 13.376608808942613 10 keeps 11 kissin 13.947985640813812 11 kissin 12 ' 5.271600094810953 11 kissin 13 you 4.5456493533373745 11 kissin 15 " 1.5874288938604586 14 . 15 " 4.427730590569535 she looked very solemn for a few minutes , and kept opening and shutting her mouth to see if it wasn't stiff . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 11 kept 2.2578495379185313 1 she 2 looked 2.8418734783463435 2 looked 4 solemn 3.7358191692675433 3 very 4 solemn 4.851583021583121 5 for 7 few 2.6829265339508233 6 a 7 few 4.691751776320549 7 few 11 kept 2.1664221268523605 7 few 8 minutes 9.921770256695378 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 kept 1.2651561222637113 11 kept 12 opening 4.033870368726909 12 opening 14 shutting 10.030101524821966 12 opening 16 mouth 6.452766429505022 12 opening 22 stiff 2.893720465690123 13 and 14 shutting 2.686186018103797 15 her 16 mouth 3.4197783416014893 17 to 18 see 3.0208916104243624 18 see 19 if 3.030240517871828 19 if 21 wasn't 2.2557331124304305 20 it 21 wasn't 3.6924219055940934 21 wasn't 22 stiff 4.003123292978582 22 stiff 23 . 0.16924211662050936 presently she said , in a serious tone and with a pensive air : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 12 pensive 4.773542080561921 1 presently 2 she 2.7129594164492694 2 she 3 said 2.5314486588783307 3 said 4 , 0.9301588670935015 5 in 6 a 1.8422556623713398 6 a 12 pensive 3.7604138023953553 7 serious 12 pensive 6.900050825171686 8 tone 12 pensive 8.253471520479959 8 tone 9 and -5.75240903831542e-4 10 with 12 pensive 4.378037537873478 11 a 12 pensive 3.7604138023953553 12 pensive 13 air 8.742400621953433 12 pensive 14 : 5.114318124636405 " nelly , i 'll give you my bead-ring : i shan't want it any more . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 nelly 2.434016264314508 2 nelly 3 , 1.9086560982185716 4 i 5 'll 3.9881635767091375 5 'll 9 bead-ring 5.844451493450965 6 give 9 bead-ring 7.707658987231383 7 you 9 bead-ring 4.040424269089744 8 my 9 bead-ring 7.279543924077089 9 bead-ring 12 shan't 11.46466048169675 9 bead-ring 10 : 8.459927772261299 9 bead-ring 13 want 7.084993840972583 9 bead-ring 15 any 5.429573585253895 9 bead-ring 14 it 0.8212010630108431 11 i 12 shan't 4.070119733738252 15 any 16 more 5.283241875426565 16 more 17 . 0.5207793875537376 i wish to give away my things ' fore i die ; and , nelly , won't you bring me the scissors ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wish 4.1420163738201445 2 wish 3 to 2.238242181907779 3 to 11 die 2.684824272215703 3 to 19 bring 2.7493015327089214 3 to 4 give 2.710356654166908 4 give 6 my 2.1744424112903395 4 give 5 away 1.7487698592237244 7 things 9 fore 4.036109774936506 8 ' 9 fore 5.303210617051857 9 fore 11 die 5.914404343111045 9 fore 10 i 2.629545578752623 12 ; 15 nelly 2.0322686823893754 12 ; 13 and 2.090280035481264 14 , 15 nelly 0.7651720172158747 15 nelly 19 bring 2.7710358373399018 15 nelly 17 won't 3.824864504425033 15 nelly 16 , 1.9086560982185716 17 won't 18 you 2.5096199700438326 19 bring 22 scissors 3.9920991375811568 19 bring 20 me 3.9389241947158666 21 the 22 scissors 2.8029209085158904 22 scissors 23 ? 2.076116477108201 23 ? 24 " 4.126492033472207 " what for ? " said nelly , sniffing more than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 nelly 2.434016264314508 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 3 for 4 ? 0.23428761893139338 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 5 " 7 nelly 2.434016264314508 5 " 6 said 3.5310061102049364 7 nelly 9 sniffing 8.19279622486021 8 , 9 sniffing 2.48734049486891 9 sniffing 10 more 4.060519677541048 9 sniffing 13 . 1.226747616587705 10 more 11 than 6.525811350829949 11 than 12 ever 5.830919847889843 " to cut off my hair for mamma . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 mamma 1.0484306585341372 2 to 3 cut 1.7910598970644287 3 cut 4 off 7.156300692022331 3 cut 6 hair 4.028547863315069 5 my 6 hair 3.7312320367051157 6 hair 8 mamma 3.103671813367317 7 for 8 mamma 1.5746624634477406 8 mamma 9 . 0.5049145291424573 she 'll want it , and i like to cut things . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 it 0.8190478513985031 1 she 2 'll 1.587288864214198 2 'll 3 want 1.0308163870471212 5 , 7 i 0.883559295304277 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 i 8 like 1.8452377368031634 8 like 9 to 1.6284911437932585 9 to 10 cut 1.7910598970644287 10 cut 11 things 0.9122015786972248 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 nelly got the scissors ; and poppy cut away all she could reach , giving directions about her property while she snipped . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 she 1.13928842895214 1 nelly 4 scissors 5.459584888165907 2 got 4 scissors 5.396641693325531 3 the 4 scissors 2.8029209085158904 4 scissors 5 ; 3.8425062763443094 5 ; 11 she 1.4119671975082824 5 ; 7 poppy 3.1150722718062127 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 poppy 8 cut 6.4295474153543815 8 cut 9 away 3.2980421327622587 8 cut 10 all 1.5437938176286252 11 she 22 snipped 4.931188657641027 12 could 13 reach 5.032717665158437 13 reach 22 snipped 6.7767779418839496 14 , 15 giving 1.4720638750728483 15 giving 16 directions 7.635196073232567 16 directions 22 snipped 8.696519776598244 16 directions 17 about 2.9255699922822664 18 her 19 property 2.919486067781513 19 property 22 snipped 10.974144025214162 20 while 22 snipped 6.780973776778268 21 she 22 snipped 4.931188657641027 22 snipped 23 . 1.1547478927251689 " i wish papa to have my pictures and my piece of poetry i made . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 14 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 wish 4.1420163738201445 3 wish 4 papa 4.919485870269483 3 wish 14 i 2.9916745648551863 4 papa 11 piece 4.20193403519799 4 papa 8 pictures 5.470463352021472 5 to 6 have 1.4172795163951015 6 have 8 pictures 1.8268638814614704 7 my 8 pictures 3.0707778441972984 8 pictures 9 and 1.5456796353823918 10 my 11 piece 0.5439824384490848 11 piece 13 poetry 7.3170034665618005 11 piece 12 of 4.81087123182993 14 i 15 made 0.8524101175052525 15 made 16 . -0.5147850241366019 give baby my dolly and the quacking duck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 dolly 1.0412237253746497 1 give 2 baby 1.7540869415306517 2 baby 4 dolly 5.541290587434702 3 my 4 dolly 1.934582645140658 4 dolly 7 quacking 10.015804390646416 5 and 6 the 0.3601075504743463 6 the 7 quacking 1.0998211109580431 7 quacking 8 duck 11.285067926696154 8 duck 9 . 1.571694272280702 " i don't think i shall lose my little girl yet , so we won't talk of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 6 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 2 i 15 won't 2.922582617119204 3 don't 4 think 4.687532167775798 5 i 6 shall 3.5779822205352936 6 shall 7 lose 4.805581727764807 6 shall 14 we 3.288264976087918 7 lose 8 my 3.8641910605855365 8 my 9 little 1.8663742968184014 9 little 10 girl 4.366461737504494 10 girl 11 yet 1.4144392321590225 11 yet 12 , 1.0382859650570602 13 so 14 we 1.2131554895271908 15 won't 16 talk 3.976361044098372 15 won't 18 it 1.1048591409704898 16 talk 17 of 1.9269400723756185 18 it 19 . 0.47237242955592507 but poppy must keep quiet , and let nelly wait on her for a few days . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 poppy 2.5620080170387958 2 poppy 3 must 3.1249405015997915 3 must 10 wait 4.192341688201637 3 must 4 keep 3.4011950959332644 4 keep 5 quiet 5.7552082255826065 5 quiet 7 and 1.7113681765863156 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 let 9 nelly 3.6295502114469613 9 nelly 10 wait 5.484752284543816 10 wait 15 few 3.028766281099692 10 wait 13 for 3.9023719731835484 10 wait 11 on 2.138056657981476 11 on 12 her 1.9621630959693164 14 a 15 few 4.691751776320549 15 few 16 days 7.500691126372658 16 days 17 . 1.020291812295369 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 " are fits bad , mamma ? and does it hurt much to die ? " asked poppy thoughtfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 mamma 1.0484306585341372 2 are 3 fits 3.5008194685255702 3 fits 4 bad 6.719898879021443 4 bad 6 mamma 3.7436027081357572 5 , 6 mamma 1.4372059865543996 6 mamma 18 poppy 3.922284048379229 7 ? 18 poppy 2.319854345047222 8 and 18 poppy 2.0890088712173913 9 does 11 hurt 3.2850251935508794 10 it 11 hurt 2.597133480267349 11 hurt 18 poppy 6.227953566879933 11 hurt 12 much 3.0873002108189453 13 to 14 die 2.684824272215703 14 die 18 poppy 3.3165376355152425 15 ? 17 asked 5.32511077011031 15 ? 16 " 4.126492033472207 17 asked 18 poppy 5.579749294702921 18 poppy 19 thoughtfully 8.192432275108622 19 thoughtfully 20 . 2.8249633571392145 " then i 'll be very good ; so i won't mind , if the jawlock does come . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 i 2.219663534593389 2 then 3 i 0.9425262764340747 3 i 4 'll 3.9881635767091375 4 'll 18 come 3.0803631134760643 4 'll 5 be 3.8712942113240665 5 be 7 good 2.383482695274619 6 very 7 good 3.4412883832925854 8 ; 16 jawlock 4.496877884274763 9 so 16 jawlock 3.7799190357986525 10 i 11 won't 2.922582617119204 11 won't 16 jawlock 6.375153698400762 12 mind 16 jawlock 6.656868246801341 12 mind 13 , 1.1986827659002994 14 if 16 jawlock 5.694886016846834 15 the 16 jawlock 3.7370587619600855 16 jawlock 17 does 10.592637253566796 16 jawlock 18 come 7.588186532062174 18 come 19 . -0.03318859871694535 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 and poppy was good , oh , dreadfully good ! for a week . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 and 2 poppy 2.0890088712173913 2 poppy 8 dreadfully 6.918272291568702 2 poppy 3 was 3.188971963410218 2 poppy 13 week 2.886480516190854 2 poppy 9 good 2.6591184344502246 2 poppy 4 good 2.6591184344502246 2 poppy 10 ! 1.9586178274621062 2 poppy 6 oh 1.499880639083127 2 poppy 5 , 1.2781452614318418 6 oh 7 , 3.2347483665415506 11 for 13 week 2.9245996829708574 12 a 13 week 3.9078679491382573 13 week 14 . 1.47452530701662 quite an angel was poppy ; so meek and gentle , so generous and obedient , you really wouldn't have known her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 obedient 0.03534011369805157 1 quite 8 meek 4.993426752371072 1 quite 3 angel 2.3078178157901412 2 an 3 angel 7.313096704575685 4 was 8 meek 3.520801024967259 5 poppy 6 ; 3.499414499058407 6 ; 8 meek 3.0868584597625492 7 so 8 meek 3.453315619474072 8 meek 15 obedient 8.119231731438827 8 meek 10 gentle 7.4044548781180275 8 meek 9 and 2.874368877729104 10 gentle 11 , 1.1855894457587972 12 so 15 obedient 3.806886083398922 13 generous 15 obedient 10.270704199895036 14 and 15 obedient 2.6133830171967602 15 obedient 21 known 3.9117584382636466 15 obedient 18 really 3.6148477577982554 15 obedient 17 you 2.272869669598464 15 obedient 16 , 1.0428421837488386 19 wouldn't 20 have 4.281230235369675 20 have 21 known 4.89777508750198 21 known 22 her 1.5365183816293992 22 her 23 . 0.7973847081259855 " burney 's making jelly : let's go and get our scrapings , " said poppy to nellie once , when mamma was away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 let's 1.9189343635511626 1 " 7 let's 3.0962795058429577 2 burney 4 making 9.176492374094405 2 burney 3 's 4.746264449002851 4 making 5 jelly 6.966979351676674 5 jelly 7 let's 7.2007101651286405 5 jelly 6 : 4.193335547014314 7 let's 8 go 6.036029145994732 8 go 24 away 3.980717825485952 8 go 9 and 1.3465498431720793 10 get 12 scrapings 8.56011186993863 10 get 24 away 3.485710512298237 11 our 12 scrapings 9.667767913083381 12 scrapings 14 " 3.7527446420501747 12 scrapings 20 , 3.569113427063833 12 scrapings 13 , 3.569113427063833 14 " 15 said 3.5310061102049364 15 said 16 poppy 2.996381841236488 16 poppy 18 nellie 8.807131396975386 17 to 18 nellie 1.9105277846787558 18 nellie 19 once 4.466287363266378 20 , 22 mamma 1.4372059865543996 20 , 21 when 0.8302784881471972 22 mamma 23 was 0.6841494864593116 24 away 25 . 1.2162953376348629 " yes ; and makes us our little potful too , " added nelly , persuasively . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 ; 3.4059650251588423 3 ; 4 and 2.090280035481264 4 and 5 makes 0.6765892328398024 5 makes 9 potful 7.145874228430863 6 us 9 potful 4.784800408908801 7 our 9 potful 6.489673815845144 8 little 9 potful 6.089254693048101 9 potful 16 persuasively 11.689120798211164 9 potful 10 too 6.85084726835883 11 , 16 persuasively 2.5287806224282647 12 " 13 added 3.368587250228524 13 added 16 persuasively 7.064610866555096 14 nelly 16 persuasively 11.802835406931834 15 , 16 persuasively 2.5287806224282647 16 persuasively 17 . 2.4799847229365497 " i don't want your help ; so be off . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 want 5.3732288162782975 3 don't 9 be 1.9432118931393436 4 want 6 help 2.879414755718024 4 want 5 your 1.1787595283935772 6 help 7 ; 0.7777654539431964 7 ; 8 so 1.5443366530647253 9 be 10 off 1.9578254798595651 10 off 11 . 0.5847203837321615 your ma can fuss with your pot , if she chooses . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ma 1.1567471486134124 1 your 2 ma 4.353341667520304 2 ma 4 fuss 5.623490163084327 2 ma 3 can 2.24713903073404 4 fuss 11 chooses 5.997017728784385 5 with 6 your 1.4375042276387386 6 your 7 pot 3.234002795582793 7 pot 11 chooses 7.320904325494421 7 pot 8 , 1.177446991003304 9 if 11 chooses 5.286270019449688 10 she 11 chooses 3.953600073088552 11 chooses 12 . 1.8209995160920833 i've no time . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i've 1.6282748846234156 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i've 2 no 5.6987537308428955 2 no 3 time 2.5735083748614027 4 . 5 " 4.427730590569535 " i think burney 's the crossest woman in the world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 3 think 4 burney 5.865831231861499 4 burney 7 crossest 14.8358296609008 4 burney 5 's 4.746264449002851 6 the 7 crossest 2.8483070372849326 7 crossest 8 woman 9.08897817352322 7 crossest 11 world 6.1491793674695145 7 crossest 9 in 3.8337901072365916 10 the 11 world 3.4995122304020896 11 world 12 . 1.4917895502468497 " should we dare to eat any ? " asked nelly , timid , but longing for the forbidden fruit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 dare 0.4406405156353266 2 should 4 dare 3.8988745417060215 3 we 4 dare 1.9555393873094253 4 dare 6 eat 3.869154349229852 5 to 6 eat 3.7360929626120676 6 eat 20 fruit 4.480559518398483 6 eat 7 any 3.2710792772604975 6 eat 21 . 1.1286074240804478 8 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 10 asked 11 nelly 3.230845474024825 11 nelly 13 timid 7.306853922329022 11 nelly 12 , 1.9086560982185716 13 timid 16 longing 5.63626597170639 13 timid 14 , 1.0083398918616453 14 , 15 but 2.1164801018826633 16 longing 19 forbidden 7.41625255470834 16 longing 17 for 4.825683427298966 18 the 19 forbidden 1.1112646861998492 19 forbidden 20 fruit 9.899247803649907 " i should ; just as much as ever i like . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 should 3.1313258255578216 3 should 11 like 3.9068119636990435 4 ; 5 just 0.4119497875147715 5 just 6 as 3.967138933554539 5 just 8 as 3.967138933554539 5 just 11 like 3.2061275942540686 6 as 7 much 3.3406155454492428 8 as 9 ever 2.7602529889674 10 i 11 like 1.8452377368031634 11 like 12 . 0.0011593154173485942 it 's mamma 's jelly , and she won't mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 5 jelly 2.8035876810423908 3 mamma 5 jelly 7.653617980892594 4 's 5 jelly 2.8035876810423908 5 jelly 9 won't 5.2299179151312565 5 jelly 11 . 1.1792702118592402 5 jelly 6 , 1.113569894435475 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 she 9 won't 1.907350369339433 9 won't 10 mind 4.384553935643041 i don't care for old cross burney , " said poppy , sliding down the banisters by way of soothing her ruffled spirit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 don't 3.775983377249961 2 don't 3 care 5.968149007361504 2 don't 6 cross 1.531164107292824 3 care 4 for 3.9330527648878917 5 old 6 cross 0.07542878917859497 6 cross 7 burney 10.080860215114072 7 burney 8 , 1.6383228949387423 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 poppy 2.996381841236488 11 poppy 13 sliding 10.767158008674965 11 poppy 12 , 1.2781452614318418 13 sliding 16 banisters 13.334904756197702 13 sliding 14 down 6.529832758959138 15 the 16 banisters 3.835663003468259 16 banisters 20 soothing 11.702386176063783 16 banisters 17 by 5.721738387443914 16 banisters 18 way 5.11930628025581 16 banisters 24 . 1.818675615517538 18 way 19 of 1.7591073047706391 20 soothing 22 ruffled 11.65342149062014 21 her 22 ruffled 3.7168694288782795 22 ruffled 23 spirit 8.422150887448044 but burney wasn't asleep , and , hearing a noise below , crept down to see what mischief was going on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 burney 5.475444516209524 2 burney 4 asleep 9.09645056513509 2 burney 3 wasn't 8.288581347772354 4 asleep 13 crept 2.106650524609673 4 asleep 7 , 1.7286307778411913 4 asleep 5 , 1.7286307778411913 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 8 hearing 10 noise 5.809415133181506 9 a 10 noise 3.1545917184074206 10 noise 11 below 5.050207521048652 11 below 13 crept 4.175639318953337 11 below 12 , 1.40074163502754 13 crept 14 down 4.114344849488706 14 down 21 on 3.3608410437235268 15 to 16 see 3.0208916104243624 16 see 17 what 3.306547787662252 17 what 18 mischief 2.3872190352555513 18 mischief 20 going 2.3743013216618323 19 was 20 going 2.587515073195677 20 going 21 on 2.73240711486352 21 on 22 . -0.02630725338723927 short-sighted poppy ! she forgot cy ; but burney didn't , and sent him to climb in at the window , and undo the door . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 short-sighted 1.3584523913632829 1 short-sighted 2 poppy 13.682871117250961 1 short-sighted 3 ! 3.841661133680418 1 short-sighted 11 , 1.8634911437055948 4 she 5 forgot 2.3175522166677105 5 forgot 6 cy 8.524806926462631 6 cy 11 , 2.392001885028254 6 cy 7 ; 4.378850071845289 7 ; 9 burney 4.589016103815776 8 but 9 burney 5.475444516209524 9 burney 10 didn't 6.718689811210595 11 , 22 and 1.9913305940627364 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 sent 15 to 2.3022928127533007 13 sent 14 him 3.1985480443359577 15 to 16 climb 3.5684684240830684 16 climb 20 window 1.6663839895467625 17 in 20 window 0.3316318417048585 18 at 20 window 2.9982188888169787 19 the 20 window 3.331225961363856 20 window 22 and 1.5994729937822996 21 , 22 and 1.9913305940627364 22 and 23 undo 1.7264703677838646 23 undo 25 door 4.515535681098118 24 the 25 door 3.3857687040391102 25 door 26 . 1.4836062469953273 " poppy proposed it , she broke the jar , and i didn't eat much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 poppy 1.970553427135524 2 poppy 3 proposed 9.07423517568565 2 poppy 13 didn't 3.7244177037198583 2 poppy 15 much 3.04929089298858 2 poppy 5 , 1.2781452614318418 2 poppy 4 it 0.416055817001606 6 she 13 didn't 2.001069421236215 6 she 7 broke 1.6467413296842075 7 broke 9 jar 6.291863390722732 8 the 9 jar 2.8423562619454437 10 , 12 i 0.883559295304277 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 i 13 didn't 2.796626171200474 13 didn't 14 eat 2.5599952628806477 15 much 16 . 0.46235719380496043 mamma never whipped , and poppy was in a great rage at such an indignity . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 mamma 6 poppy 3.922284048379229 1 mamma 3 whipped 6.064980896356722 2 never 3 whipped 3.7543968313812677 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 poppy 2.0890088712173913 6 poppy 15 indignity 7.856512836995773 6 poppy 7 was 3.188971963410218 8 in 9 a 1.8422556623713398 9 a 10 great 3.8210157989541553 10 great 15 indignity 5.104871121279057 11 rage 15 indignity 9.696446062339849 12 at 15 indignity 3.9925505989597347 13 such 15 indignity 7.165115700535868 14 an 15 indignity 7.536768260169701 15 indignity 16 . 2.291629699145556 the minute she was left alone , she looked about to see how she could be revenged . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 she 1.13928842895214 1 the 2 minute 0.614522163691543 2 minute 3 she 1.968411059181168 3 she 17 revenged 3.366875751907415 3 she 4 was 2.3491053343536645 5 left 6 alone 6.097822198738083 6 alone 17 revenged 4.513767464842207 6 alone 7 , 1.2729721906680318 8 she 17 revenged 3.366875751907415 8 she 9 looked 2.8418734783463435 9 looked 10 about 3.1122355432501685 11 to 12 see 3.0208916104243624 12 see 13 how 4.096670884006203 13 how 15 could 3.6577254939705153 14 she 15 could 2.98921090015809 15 could 17 revenged 3.7762473635138036 16 be 17 revenged 6.363327358549473 17 revenged 18 . 1.4456882951288499 but burney was gone , and no one came near her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 burney 5.475444516209524 2 burney 4 gone 6.483842271182059 2 burney 10 near 4.430729682041463 2 burney 3 was 2.6032492095873287 2 burney 5 , 1.6383228949387423 2 burney 8 one 1.5802147455496574 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 no 8 one 4.01958726482844 9 came 10 near 3.6594071501232257 10 near 11 her 1.65442721174961 11 her 12 . 0.7973847081259855 poppy was very fond of that story , and often played it with nelly and the dolls . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 2 was 3.188971963410218 2 was 3 very 2.85037252061154 3 very 10 often 3.6718091901361376 3 very 4 fond 5.7527493689338876 4 fond 5 of 5.209689440933234 6 that 10 often 0.7419855407860823 7 story 10 often 1.2743858160657773 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 often 0.5522815560233312 10 often 11 played 5.497517525171659 11 played 14 nelly 5.402723317820598 11 played 13 with 3.843328168644316 12 it 13 with -0.18655747934837663 14 nelly 17 dolls 7.6441134710578815 15 and 17 dolls 1.2616618306303664 16 the 17 dolls 2.372372718093281 17 dolls 18 . 1.3356649342772648 having relieved her feelings in this way , poppy rested , and then set about amusing herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 relieved -0.3986097555536432 1 having 2 relieved 7.007615896307588 2 relieved 4 feelings 8.734579331645325 3 her 4 feelings 3.79362109758031 4 feelings 15 about 2.759837647266849 4 feelings 18 . 1.4400926823044422 5 in 6 this 1.8582183302900184 6 this 9 poppy 2.8298118769814344 6 this 7 way 3.5827627682986485 7 way 8 , 0.8808556014356768 9 poppy 10 rested 8.733811879398925 10 rested 12 and 1.9982850485329493 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 14 set 1.9171749369302304 12 and 13 then 2.4133610488576807 14 set 15 about 2.9116221542294625 15 about 16 amusing 2.7390027590689456 16 amusing 17 herself 7.6901337438443065 if she had been a young whale , it couldn't have been worse . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 1.13928842895214 1 if 2 she 2.4265514238776724 2 she 3 had 2.8847648049781967 3 had 4 been 5.237394471186553 3 had 12 been 5.237394471186553 5 a 7 whale 2.8776207168974572 6 young 7 whale 4.569028583988697 7 whale 10 couldn't 1.6168442668955016 7 whale 8 , 1.2308444099600635 9 it 10 couldn't 0.3262532729957357 10 couldn't 11 have 3.408661517004285 11 have 12 been 4.920699059768996 12 been 13 worse 2.9979050647843515 13 worse 14 . 1.0188247960135985 poppy wasn't particular about smells ; but she got some in her mouth , and didn't like the taste . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 3 particular 5.524379567788536 1 poppy 2 wasn't 5.176386085501196 3 particular 5 smells 7.989423875834131 3 particular 4 about 5.1873092906333405 5 smells 17 like 3.9682941732491734 5 smells 6 ; 3.4569722152609437 5 smells 18 the 1.257246757162715 5 smells 20 . 0.17463728922952626 6 ; 7 but 3.9096191073889806 6 ; 15 and 2.090280035481264 7 but 8 she 1.9359797190744636 8 she 9 got 2.286615938646552 9 got 10 some 2.5450389342531565 11 in 13 mouth 1.9515880657368712 12 her 13 mouth 3.4197783416014893 13 mouth 15 and 1.3127798961380464 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 didn't 17 like 3.2076418248578964 19 taste 20 . 0.9287680358183756 there was no water to wash in ; and her hands , face , and pinafore were in a high state of grease . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 3 no 3.3926059336572543 1 there 2 was 3.438683647331464 3 no 4 water 0.643150001327804 4 water 6 wash 5.50161053766082 5 to 6 wash 3.2049680089213695 6 wash 13 face 5.098190607183859 6 wash 11 hands 6.519431175220145 7 in 10 her 1.6344259471883866 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 9 and 10 her 0.3792240636283317 10 her 11 hands 4.359180916363808 11 hands 12 , 0.9159144110066748 13 face 16 pinafore 4.377897235483935 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 16 pinafore 1.360184038233669 16 pinafore 23 grease 10.621956921915945 16 pinafore 17 were 4.454471707973944 18 in 21 state 2.99608672074773 19 a 21 state 3.1447360207506705 20 high 21 state 6.917250764774135 21 state 23 grease 9.719743781301272 21 state 22 of 4.379049323609195 23 grease 24 . 2.04443774758008 there was pen , ink , and paper in the room ; so , after various trials , poppy wrote her note : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 2 was 3.438683647331464 2 was 3 pen 0.13875576201636264 3 pen 5 ink 10.85755657013306 3 pen 8 paper 5.917246532729411 3 pen 4 , 1.4824689893294298 5 ink 7 and 2.3338046642353625 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 paper 20 wrote 3.6022127204688346 8 paper 9 in 1.770558447315981 9 in 10 the 2.2179054533910225 10 the 11 room 2.5044337795039837 12 ; 19 poppy 3.1150722718062127 12 ; 13 so 1.5443366530647253 14 , 15 after 0.7327623543293065 15 after 17 trials 4.834829483749804 16 various 17 trials 10.838913035385517 17 trials 19 poppy 9.256260516918324 17 trials 18 , 1.0871345043458334 19 poppy 20 wrote 6.4743442915538125 20 wrote 22 note 6.315180075171789 20 wrote 21 her 1.5782126321088548 22 note 23 : 5.532197398732716 " dear mamma . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 dear 1.1638437859679307 2 dear 3 mamma 4.151493005479512 3 mamma 4 . 0.5049145291424573 " i am sorry i took bernys gelli . i have braked the lamp . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 am 4.730261573820858 3 am 7 bernys 6.197428930626007 4 sorry 7 bernys 10.205587834209691 5 i 7 bernys 3.7100169907948093 6 took 7 bernys 9.48603161256548 7 bernys 8 gelli 20.67308703457432 8 gelli 12 braked 17.01099921266184 8 gelli 15 . 2.8094452894640014 9 . 12 braked 4.385524098169022 10 i 12 braked 3.2396142543365123 11 have 12 braked 6.947504369529362 12 braked 14 lamp 12.508098151335446 12 braked 13 the 4.028160924044904 popy . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 popy 3.262995232115376 1 popy 3 " 3.6198503715528254 2 . 3 " 4.427730590569535 " what in the world is that hanging out of the colonel 's upper window ? " said he , putting on his spectacles . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 in -0.6712338429647371 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 3 in 14 upper 2.640630272356745 4 the 12 colonel 3.3676978851823733 4 the 5 world 3.4995122304020896 5 world 6 is 1.7505222160842777 7 that 8 hanging 0.8624806266738858 8 hanging 9 out 4.04959341877041 9 out 10 of 3.4530498390397675 10 of 11 the 1.7361783602309693 11 the 12 colonel 3.3676978851823733 12 colonel 14 upper 7.656134483839924 12 colonel 13 's 2.2578165658023437 14 upper 15 window 6.54229651623465 14 upper 24 spectacles 5.890025330913499 16 ? 17 " 4.126492033472207 17 " 18 said 3.5310061102049364 18 said 21 putting 0.9573391000103015 18 said 19 he 1.305335362224664 20 , 21 putting 1.870452279611868 21 putting 24 spectacles 6.166798301650186 21 putting 22 on 4.160241129627231 23 his 24 spectacles 5.044186058801593 24 spectacles 25 . 2.2641338036046186 " bless my soul ! that child will kill herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 " 2 bless 3.250086849970831 2 bless 4 soul 7.727060667364327 2 bless 7 child 4.153789005671079 2 bless 5 ! 3.2672595360584005 3 my 4 soul 4.774001570517234 6 that 7 child 1.5588972033234825 7 child 10 herself 1.6647098634539326 8 will 9 kill 4.142688379448266 9 kill 10 herself 1.8270783663419436 10 herself 11 . 1.2084107311983594 " what for ? " answered poppy , staring at him without moving an inch . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 answered 2.7487180822420285 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 3 for 4 ? 0.23428761893139338 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 5 " 6 answered 2.7487180822420285 6 answered 7 poppy 4.101873777119653 7 poppy 15 inch 4.478115391656786 7 poppy 9 staring 6.888999372749577 8 , 9 staring 1.9160270556596046 9 staring 10 at 5.823365118240957 10 at 11 him 2.0171558432957077 12 without 13 moving 7.30176448993738 13 moving 15 inch 7.463762341096938 14 an 15 inch 7.562093000881724 15 inch 16 . 1.1157449755987763 " you 'll fall , and break your neck ! " screamed the old gentleman . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 screamed 2.713889873997527 2 you 3 'll 3.0120537035371715 3 'll 7 break 3.379597597998771 4 fall 7 break 5.292383925512194 4 fall 6 and 1.1115473967177287 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 break 9 neck 6.57774411705066 8 your 9 neck 4.151210547021197 9 neck 12 screamed 3.7075437092530166 10 ! 12 screamed 4.782784899219969 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 12 screamed 15 gentleman 4.075774574888747 13 the 14 old 2.286719213859378 14 old 15 gentleman 5.69849617765373 15 gentleman 16 . 0.9844102586288201 " oh , no , i shan't ! " returned poppy , much flattered by his interest , and hanging out still further . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 returned 3.150897925237768 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 1 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 2 oh 5 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 4 no 2.5146048617939964 6 i 7 shan't 4.070119733738252 8 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 9 " 10 returned 3.150897925237768 10 returned 11 poppy 5.636466906014952 11 poppy 13 much 3.04929089298858 11 poppy 12 , 1.2781452614318418 13 much 14 flattered 6.806240743931404 14 flattered 17 interest 6.033532554769337 14 flattered 15 by 5.286112174504886 14 flattered 22 still 4.581315904264045 14 flattered 20 hanging 3.9715719472380364 14 flattered 19 and 1.6539633715167845 14 flattered 24 . 1.4526253743880027 15 by 16 his 1.555464914256735 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 hanging 21 out 4.04959341877041 22 still 23 further 5.6600691423184095 " stop that , instantly , or i 'll go in and inform the colonel ! " roared the old gentleman , getting angry . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 i 2.219663534593389 2 stop 3 that 1.1385554547737229 3 that 8 i 0.7946918464539454 4 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 5 instantly 6 , 0.8358650491087296 6 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 6 , 7 or 1.4271475215650753 8 i 9 'll 3.9881635767091375 9 'll 10 go 4.124783340780025 10 go 11 in 0.9585776831229218 11 in 13 inform 1.6923754039639647 12 and 13 inform 1.4189497587636346 13 inform 15 colonel 8.745105152688808 13 inform 18 roared 8.567674746002663 13 inform 21 gentleman 6.667279921476673 13 inform 24 angry 4.707752191974862 13 inform 23 getting 4.140654510631016 13 inform 19 the 2.7534691852646525 14 the 15 colonel 3.3676978851823733 16 ! 18 roared 4.5293232685706535 16 ! 17 " 3.7411945146373657 20 old 21 gentleman 5.69849617765373 21 gentleman 22 , 1.43626354786608 24 angry 25 . 1.2992344739508166 " i don't care , " shouted poppy ; and she didn't , for she knew grandpa wasn't at home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 shouted 3.456019968615724 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 care 5.968149007361504 5 , 6 " 1.299421509625157 6 " 7 shouted 3.456019968615724 7 shouted 8 poppy 6.865881574852953 8 poppy 18 wasn't 5.176386085501196 8 poppy 12 didn't 3.7244177037198583 8 poppy 9 ; 3.499414499058407 8 poppy 13 , 1.2781452614318418 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 she 12 didn't 2.001069421236215 13 , 14 for 0.7095869605262024 15 she 16 knew 3.0612603029115455 16 knew 17 grandpa 4.3198839686412285 17 grandpa 18 wasn't 5.52946918069971 18 wasn't 19 at 1.739046000226697 19 at 20 home 3.637167846409186 20 home 21 . 1.3288999004836732 " little gipsy ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 gipsy 2.8584363760841924 2 little 3 gipsy 7.7169101648995735 3 gipsy 4 ! 7.168555481461123 but poppy was already settled , demurely playing with her doll , and looking quite innocent . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 poppy 2.5620080170387958 2 poppy 11 doll 6.722431651547989 2 poppy 4 already 6.161991813459764 2 poppy 3 was 3.188971963410218 5 settled 7 demurely 8.561168950541475 6 , 7 demurely 1.6124385514751758 7 demurely 8 playing 10.716893599823383 7 demurely 11 doll 7.373402013358799 8 playing 9 with 3.8531554741870835 10 her 11 doll 3.1117212309489197 11 doll 16 innocent 3.952518999029916 11 doll 17 . 1.2837643222485013 12 , 14 looking 2.0143069737250805 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 looking 16 innocent 3.16176028115002 15 quite 16 innocent 3.9179742718320902 emily scolded ; and poppy promised never to do it again , if she might stay and play in the big room . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 emily 1.0306772105691557 1 emily 2 scolded 8.305453261652254 1 emily 6 promised 5.487060784902635 3 ; 5 poppy 3.1150722718062127 3 ; 4 and 2.090280035481264 5 poppy 6 promised 6.6750054401999 6 promised 8 to 3.042587254564035 6 promised 7 never 1.3030429498297664 8 to 18 play 3.270822503768464 8 to 16 stay 3.0671757496461467 8 to 9 do 2.3723850889805824 10 it 15 might 2.1390233373105794 11 again 12 , 1.464626527263647 12 , 13 if 1.058710375425802 13 if 14 she 2.4265514238776724 14 she 15 might 2.60872441609021 15 might 16 stay 3.9363810776576607 17 and 18 play 1.2795795326377082 18 play 19 in 1.7559914158409171 19 in 20 the 2.2179054533910225 20 the 22 room 2.5044337795039837 20 the 21 big 2.3917268570222507 22 room 23 . 1.3574242266837508 " ain't they crosspatches ? " said poppy to her doll . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 crosspatches 1.970911105342605 2 ain't 4 crosspatches 10.347741856905646 3 they 4 crosspatches 6.976156922599891 4 crosspatches 8 poppy 10.913731952436695 4 crosspatches 11 doll 10.095868037829888 4 crosspatches 5 ? 6.140899661166994 4 crosspatches 7 said 3.924223972753751 4 crosspatches 9 to 1.9608129217671006 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 10 her 11 doll 3.1117212309489197 11 doll 12 . 1.2837643222485013 " never mind , dear : you shall hang out , if i can't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 13 i 2.219663534593389 2 never 3 mind 5.069859449401834 3 mind 12 if 2.4272363622270916 3 mind 7 you 1.7857876437857456 3 mind 11 , 1.1986827659002994 3 mind 4 , 1.1986827659002994 4 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 5 dear 6 : 1.2302246974576079 7 you 9 hang 2.425038829359462 8 shall 9 hang 2.5669497493655413 9 hang 10 out 1.9665009954665926 12 if 13 i 2.4665272994818057 13 i 14 can't 3.7151187271549304 14 can't 15 . -0.42551254825715645 i guess the old man won't order you in , any way . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 guess 4.484846112989166 3 the 4 old 2.286719213859378 3 the 12 way 1.9756872936610552 4 old 5 man 5.283683383676921 6 won't 11 any 3.236421923702249 6 won't 8 you 2.5096199700438326 6 won't 7 order 2.0318909216005743 9 in 11 any 0.6910019346380007 9 in 10 , -0.7667505507340024 11 any 12 way 3.438559451417749 12 way 13 . 1.0608925922121735 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 now this dolly had been through a great deal . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 3 dolly 2.03523020756791 2 this 3 dolly 2.0438863216714864 3 dolly 4 had 2.001966699144493 4 had 5 been 5.237394471186553 5 been 7 a 1.5709389514153163 5 been 6 through 1.002020769256898 7 a 9 deal 3.97353149015923 8 great 9 deal 8.49448999430711 9 deal 10 . 0.5633977940683579 poppy whisked dolly in before grandpa saw her , and dodged down as he went by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poppy 1.0597869231035872 1 poppy 2 whisked 9.674674514009961 1 poppy 15 went 3.1031095779629005 1 poppy 17 . 0.1386309476239056 2 whisked 3 dolly 10.1065429820401 2 whisked 12 down 3.140903934428529 2 whisked 4 in 2.4248630715604875 5 before 6 grandpa 3.718995019442147 6 grandpa 11 dodged 8.356580291481997 6 grandpa 7 saw 3.9782763500108764 7 saw 8 her 2.3044950811249656 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 dodged 1.8044002410727202 11 dodged 12 down 3.2915001538942867 13 as 14 he 2.3488371624986843 14 he 15 went 2.7653107880312984 15 went 16 by 2.1271008588158224 this made the people laugh again , and grandpa wondered what the joke was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 2 made 1.6364085315054169 1 this 14 was 1.7116825184184723 1 this 15 . -0.12448066673377767 2 made 5 laugh 2.918503656327843 3 the 4 people 1.3663722859991658 4 people 5 laugh 2.5685847676050386 5 laugh 13 joke 2.9521897174956067 5 laugh 6 again 2.759899914906267 6 again 7 , 1.464626527263647 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 grandpa 10 wondered 7.417853090536553 9 grandpa 13 joke 5.11204351278862 10 wondered 11 what 4.796415386838365 12 the 13 joke 1.9849163920825639 the street was empty ; yet there stood the people , staring out and laughing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 15 laughing 1.9821271763234964 1 the 2 street 3.1485806524998186 3 was 12 staring 2.3346231070828054 3 was 4 empty 3.0862273091688124 4 empty 5 ; 2.2562188493322957 5 ; 6 yet 1.9587250780996257 7 there 8 stood 2.5247412951765327 8 stood 12 staring 7.289183631298663 9 the 10 people 1.3663722859991658 10 people 12 staring 1.2800803277255355 11 , 12 staring 1.9160270556596046 12 staring 13 out 3.490606720770927 12 staring 15 laughing 2.744850715219993 14 and 15 laughing 0.5493213205388834 15 laughing 16 . 1.4431202439415518 he didn't like it ; and , clapping on his hat , he went out to learn what the matter was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 14 went 2.7653107880312984 1 he 2 didn't 3.2448682946201703 2 didn't 3 like 3.2076418248578964 3 like 4 it 1.4165201391099753 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 14 went 1.9201141840422995 7 , 8 clapping 2.614968152819845 8 clapping 10 his 4.248688299190626 9 on 10 his 2.7667589213581536 10 his 11 hat 3.980737459954444 11 hat 14 went 2.6501821862931862 11 hat 12 , 1.1107575670230112 13 he 14 went 2.7653107880312984 14 went 15 out 3.759549157163395 14 went 16 to 2.76457199103605 16 to 17 learn 3.3223060609875024 17 learn 18 what 2.7520905905714237 17 learn 22 . 0.08047922227476789 18 what 20 matter 3.0881360518508565 18 what 21 was 1.3023065811251566 19 the 20 matter 3.0304538140414152 he went in and sat down to watch , feeling rather disturbed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 went 2.7653107880312984 2 went 6 down 3.8544176664742995 2 went 7 to 2.76457199103605 2 went 3 in 1.0506928994542761 4 and 5 sat 1.7453506166580492 5 sat 6 down 6.913610463937838 7 to 8 watch 3.0700861760196663 8 watch 12 disturbed 3.340926914754828 9 , 10 feeling 1.3802307730702559 10 feeling 12 disturbed 4.964744103488769 11 rather 12 disturbed 6.111781176306355 12 disturbed 13 . 1.6956003272421682 this made him angry ; and out he rushed a second time , saying , as he marched across the street : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 2 made 1.6364085315054169 2 made 4 angry 3.0703098137675937 2 made 3 him 3.02012126902007 4 angry 5 ; 1.4743826020677524 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 9 rushed 2.3718989345283 6 and 7 out 0.30134931259208564 8 he 9 rushed 2.337722843347251 9 rushed 19 across 5.049723417956191 9 rushed 11 second 3.409399586456093 10 a 11 second 3.2030539542460303 11 second 12 time 5.331839314386553 13 , 14 saying 1.6609416359002793 14 saying 18 marched 1.7196703131365716 14 saying 15 , 1.7262511408312893 16 as 18 marched 2.407570768369826 16 as 17 he 2.3488371624986843 18 marched 19 across 6.516151542597353 19 across 21 street 5.811583720821719 19 across 20 the 3.4112863932716326 21 street 22 : 1.861329111034756 " if those saucy young fellows are making game of me , i 'll soon stop it . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 if 1.1522004282395546 2 if 3 those 0.6251684608095864 3 those 6 fellows 5.7755026472644175 4 saucy 6 fellows 8.561904044230584 4 saucy 5 young 5.274768116556373 6 fellows 8 making 4.442929049835929 6 fellows 7 are 2.971624479457777 8 making 9 game 4.8659243973908595 8 making 11 me 1.7768407409494138 9 game 10 of 2.87986830462307 11 me 12 , 1.0369336845536683 12 , 19 " 1.299421509625157 12 , 13 i 0.883559295304277 13 i 14 'll 3.9881635767091375 14 'll 15 soon 3.182011577411057 14 'll 16 stop 2.542658187795027 16 stop 17 it 1.1540048952692104 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 one of the young men came and told him , and asked him to come in and see the fun . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 one 0.14971576025327593 1 one 2 of 2.7785438886902956 2 of 5 men 1.9478486330102474 3 the 4 young 2.321907223755817 4 young 5 men 5.771961361053247 5 men 6 came 2.3232921628042504 6 came 14 to 2.588720125212861 7 and 8 told 1.3873346558060007 8 told 13 him 4.307078484618019 8 told 9 him 4.307078484618019 9 him 10 , 0.8358723219117845 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 asked 13 him 2.586847679249704 13 him 14 to 0.8651847990898851 14 to 18 see 3.0208916104243624 14 to 15 come 1.6696956436395851 15 come 16 in 1.5142327455008697 15 come 17 and 0.9628716407918478 18 see 20 fun 1.033650515023723 19 the 20 fun 1.036052252618294 20 fun 21 . 1.0155143523137191 her next performance was to fall into the pond on the common . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 next 0.8764931032160881 1 her 2 next 0.033181751864518105 2 next 3 performance 5.855760502070755 3 performance 6 fall 4.864461091955906 3 performance 12 common 2.6243487630806115 3 performance 4 was 2.486569245085736 3 performance 13 . 1.6426335105048686 5 to 6 fall 1.861429431025659 6 fall 7 into 4.399492424268939 6 fall 10 on 3.327784558502774 7 into 8 the 2.7333578352296506 8 the 9 pond 3.0904337561657833 10 on 11 the 2.3827313113897173 how dreadful it was to feel the cold waves go over her head , shutting out the sun and air ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 1 how 2 dreadful 3.192870937530614 2 dreadful 8 cold 2.8046574622539 3 it 4 was 2.951169375325321 4 was 8 cold 1.6134301994082385 5 to 6 feel 1.8136884838481055 6 feel 8 cold 3.2320896636709016 7 the 8 cold 1.1703506888552617 8 cold 9 waves 5.667759604382475 9 waves 15 shutting 6.900903282462476 9 waves 11 over 4.73176927341046 9 waves 10 go 3.159662414797406 9 waves 21 ! 0.8541961916738074 12 her 13 head 3.8619547956498455 13 head 15 shutting 4.108246269388918 14 , 15 shutting 1.8488570506275082 15 shutting 18 sun 4.908265380853223 15 shutting 20 air 3.8585781370263526 15 shutting 16 out 3.3711405067733793 17 the 18 sun 3.5488656278186834 18 sun 19 and 0.9359015388407812 that would have been the end of poppy , if a little black boy hadn't jumped in and pulled her out . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 hadn't 0.41975108803498706 1 that 15 hadn't 1.5977706613457663 1 that 2 would 1.9336056079947213 2 would 3 have 4.3086468696806275 3 have 4 been 4.920699059768996 5 the 6 end 2.887389148156153 6 end 8 poppy 4.8117404947593805 6 end 7 of 4.4912993322004375 8 poppy 10 if 1.5279391027278848 8 poppy 9 , 1.2781452614318418 10 if 15 hadn't 4.415096632309236 11 a 12 little 3.3978459531370575 12 little 14 boy 3.0426308637425237 12 little 13 black 3.3682356534222535 14 boy 15 hadn't 0.9907947230347354 15 hadn't 16 jumped 3.4714781047106555 16 jumped 21 out 4.182200676695828 16 jumped 17 in 1.283931931064064 18 and 19 pulled 2.6995047424210803 19 pulled 21 out 5.059581135660483 19 pulled 20 her 2.711505693194809 21 out 22 . 0.3541673997562711 she was sick and dizzy , and looked like a drowned kitten ; but a kind lady took her home in a carriage . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 8 looked 2.8418734783463435 1 she 2 was 2.3491053343536645 2 was 3 sick 2.333898228211602 3 sick 5 dizzy 5.846525990362384 3 sick 4 and 1.655866476471271 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 looked 2.145018121918154 8 looked 9 like 3.326150571111791 9 like 10 a 2.717545363523488 10 a 12 kitten 3.3403659874543656 11 drowned 12 kitten 9.710953419696189 12 kitten 23 carriage 5.334161542638778 12 kitten 17 lady 3.6584209271001917 12 kitten 13 ; 2.5920360541772176 12 kitten 24 . 1.2783846741056593 13 ; 14 but 3.9096191073889806 15 a 16 kind 1.9934802018514546 16 kind 17 lady 3.6842074107304903 18 took 19 her 2.5789874229411076 19 her 23 carriage 2.4490083559621816 19 her 20 home 1.4400428891800274 21 in 22 a 1.8422556623713398 22 a 23 carriage 2.764187917668849 after that mishap grandpa thought he wouldn't keep her any longer , for fear she should come to some worse harm . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.8144066598688191 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 she 1.13928842895214 1 after 3 mishap 4.799751945940361 2 that 3 mishap 3.5180175884537093 3 mishap 4 grandpa 13.160844778935303 3 mishap 5 thought 5.711720901069295 3 mishap 12 , 2.038549628253673 5 thought 6 he 1.6141790988262894 6 he 7 wouldn't 2.055563749987268 7 wouldn't 10 any 2.7711574654147597 7 wouldn't 8 keep 2.3862124544656673 8 keep 9 her 2.250070240057436 10 any 11 longer 6.428004282198138 12 , 13 for 0.7095869605262024 13 for 14 fear 3.043936651160184 15 she 16 should 1.5296490209747553 16 should 17 come 3.1227866065021637 16 should 19 some 0.844300524844023 17 come 18 to 2.167677248353314 19 some 21 harm 1.530207652917987 20 worse 21 harm 4.901021616605753 21 harm 22 . 1.2168520323277932 vii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vii 1.6278905848828238 1 vii 2 . 2.5339685902720603 what the swallows did . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 what 1.1082694510543405 1 what 4 did 2.671756289657049 2 the 3 swallows 3.2715177270930518 3 swallows 4 did 4.468887135412558 4 did 5 . -0.13365248295357546 all summer you live gayly together ; and , when winter comes , you fly away to the lovely south , unseparated still . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all -0.13924143960137414 1 all 5 gayly 4.085059366500399 2 summer 5 gayly 6.208118581899939 3 you 4 live 1.9599415077443325 4 live 5 gayly 7.673821538298846 5 gayly 6 together 8.42868544105794 6 together 9 , 1.38081105796525 6 together 7 ; 1.8434939163218758 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 , 22 unseparated 3.308838636703477 9 , 10 when 0.8302784881471972 11 winter 13 , 0.9653463233453792 11 winter 12 comes 4.0540562197628205 13 , 22 unseparated 3.308838636703477 14 you 22 unseparated 2.07933536550798 15 fly 16 away 5.280092204828335 16 away 22 unseparated 5.061311292790911 17 to 22 unseparated 1.348762792174341 17 to 18 the 0.9100440193086232 19 lovely 22 unseparated 8.33598419550534 20 south 22 unseparated 12.449019366856543 21 , 22 unseparated 3.308838636703477 22 unseparated 23 still 9.748438839323136 22 unseparated 25 " 2.5343541512712235 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 " we work harder than he does any day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 work 0.7549403909117629 3 work 4 harder 5.564113819735255 3 work 10 . 1.2313016264169327 4 harder 5 than 7.610829503226274 4 harder 9 day 1.4859318785613027 5 than 8 any 3.701501726008768 6 he 7 does 2.6552869675904542 7 does 8 any 1.8567776512833838 did he build his own house , i should like to know ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 did 0.6724418123702183 1 did 3 build 1.6343075057125134 1 did 12 know 2.830806177367407 1 did 13 ? 0.9690279274444826 1 did 2 he 0.7229551311180433 3 build 6 house 5.44477977880582 4 his 5 own 4.616682995305652 5 own 6 house 3.32192099008277 6 house 7 , 1.0905352664163068 8 i 12 know 3.0908547366095043 8 i 9 should 3.1313258255578216 9 should 10 like 3.9068119636990435 10 like 11 to 1.6284911437932585 does he get his daily bread for himself ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 does 0.45875740534503784 1 does 3 get 2.048047318773584 1 does 9 ? 1.683478462883027 1 does 2 he 1.5567862020005236 3 get 5 daily 2.7498884491191724 4 his 5 daily 3.3722761991435206 5 daily 6 bread 8.722406955867253 6 bread 7 for 2.455533011430475 7 for 8 himself 1.5647723315179256 how many of his neighbors does he help ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 1 how 2 many 4.57443743414883 1 how 9 ? 0.9520790463428508 2 many 5 neighbors 4.359753130033383 3 of 5 neighbors 2.0749093551163718 4 his 5 neighbors 5.343775565479007 5 neighbors 6 does 3.831483606959601 5 neighbors 8 help 2.812782132646845 6 does 7 he 1.5567862020005236 how much of the world does he see , and who is the happier for his being alive ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 1 how 2 much 3.8654979149195015 2 much 14 happier 5.753021042485685 3 of 4 the 1.7361783602309693 4 the 5 world 3.4995122304020896 5 world 14 happier 4.299368464306202 5 world 6 does 2.5407538272932833 5 world 12 is 1.7505222160842777 7 he 12 is 1.6260336903500061 8 see 11 who 1.5578429951215753 9 , 11 who 1.8533631975925822 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 who 12 is 2.557931591900914 12 is 13 the 0.5623570417995989 14 happier 18 alive 3.8680925420146792 14 happier 15 for 2.1387039050974295 15 for 16 his 1.1211599512123591 17 being 18 alive 4.024914984703621 18 alive 19 ? 2.5172295384804606 19 ? 20 " 4.126492033472207 " cares indeed ! " cried another ; " i wish he 'd undertake to feed and teach my brood . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 i 2.219663534593389 2 cares 3 indeed 5.301947538895824 3 indeed 4 ! 3.8312056008931847 4 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 4 ! 6 cried 4.7864618271494415 4 ! 5 " 3.7411945146373657 6 cried 8 ; 2.220787062200735 6 cried 7 another 2.1554556639121785 9 " 10 i 2.219663534593389 10 i 11 wish 4.1420163738201445 11 wish 13 'd 4.718247345443039 12 he 13 'd 1.932465537958059 13 'd 14 undertake 5.478447427972547 14 undertake 20 brood 9.058403304250874 14 undertake 16 feed 8.95518661347199 14 undertake 15 to 3.7985603212741808 17 and 20 brood 1.8213475039353497 18 teach 20 brood 8.646844856831425 19 my 20 brood 3.973236111460402 20 brood 21 . 1.444079042267191 much he knows about the anxieties of a parent . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 much 6 anxieties 3.650333344853955 2 he 3 knows 2.9630412783265268 3 knows 6 anxieties 9.202651885276751 4 about 6 anxieties 7.0806433210188295 5 the 6 anxieties 3.687028088202066 6 anxieties 9 parent 16.043149736265548 6 anxieties 7 of 5.3848163098252755 6 anxieties 8 a 4.030410588382374 9 parent 11 " 2.0744162350183117 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 and the little mother bustled away to get supper for the young ones , whose bills were always gaping wide . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.4122323691527914 1 and 5 bustled 1.8119756700116199 2 the 3 little 1.5044750503835367 3 little 5 bustled 3.629447323649238 4 mother 5 bustled 6.593968550663174 5 bustled 7 to 2.141613279519593 5 bustled 6 away 6.009967988505867 7 to 8 get 3.0881891887949813 8 get 9 supper 2.40208753121129 9 supper 19 gaping 6.7915220735463855 9 supper 10 for 1.7404365613978285 9 supper 21 . 1.658406329251731 11 the 12 young 2.321907223755817 12 young 13 ones 5.581467708552552 13 ones 19 gaping 5.8057065116256865 14 , 15 whose 2.0803588005179883 15 whose 16 bills 7.401190740990426 16 bills 19 gaping 11.246157642083595 16 bills 17 were 4.253987006486483 18 always 19 gaping 6.864735665491661 19 gaping 20 wide 12.309308589591545 " sorrows we have , too , " softly said the fourth swallow . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 sorrows 0.4853825420130278 2 sorrows 13 swallow 6.635178214545743 2 sorrows 9 softly 5.085810166361664 2 sorrows 6 too 5.048090849508569 2 sorrows 3 we 3.2156040033969617 2 sorrows 14 . 1.5683558907552637 3 we 4 have 3.215397502013481 5 , 6 too 1.3054423181739043 6 too 7 , 1.2703410375975146 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 10 said 13 swallow 2.1669675528285133 11 the 12 fourth 3.623100676097108 12 fourth 13 swallow 7.219748574467669 " i , for my part , don't envy him , " said gossip wing , who was fond of speaking her mind . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 , -0.6314125063595579 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 3 , 4 for 0.7095869605262024 4 for 6 part 1.5105952999822385 5 my 6 part 3.672231582509788 6 part 20 of 4.1195332710246735 6 part 9 envy 3.0142961899387686 6 part 7 , 0.652578757892762 8 don't 9 envy 4.398082548219662 9 envy 10 him 2.899000627178083 10 him 11 , 0.8358723219117845 11 , 13 said 1.5025770512474743 12 " 13 said 3.5310061102049364 14 gossip 15 wing 8.15717814416751 15 wing 19 fond 4.062138286724242 16 , 17 who 1.8533631975925822 17 who 18 was 2.595397155366385 18 was 19 fond 3.1181876381072016 19 fond 20 of 5.209689440933234 20 of 22 her 1.3635144305608016 20 of 21 speaking 1.1411579222521944 22 her 23 mind 2.4029553808955466 23 mind 24 . 0.9633141037631088 " men and women call themselves superior beings ; but , upon my word , i think they are vastly inferior to us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 men -0.13290237706739916 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 men 4 women 5.4853694396661545 3 and 4 women 1.0835492873314543 4 women 6 themselves 4.016436961803755 4 women 5 call 2.85867657379006 6 themselves 12 upon 2.1680038839590345 6 themselves 7 superior 7.714914585748389 6 themselves 11 , 0.7273380699881358 7 superior 8 beings 12.0026986296666 8 beings 9 ; 3.9945093697893554 9 ; 10 but 3.9096191073889806 12 upon 20 vastly 3.6309636448585074 13 my 14 word 3.5004791443037107 14 word 20 vastly 3.6964874704150326 14 word 15 , 1.0781199181486123 16 i 17 think 3.3874834805555984 17 think 20 vastly 2.7895670916688893 18 they 19 are 3.993263810226807 19 are 20 vastly 4.615470028100585 20 vastly 21 inferior 14.55423145799806 20 vastly 24 . 0.9359132908019099 21 inferior 23 us 4.659899430783106 21 inferior 22 to 3.840681254395939 now , look at that man , and see how he wastes his life . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 3 look 0.8637141826727728 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 3 look 12 wastes 2.7830813995607997 3 look 4 at 4.711557462251166 5 that 6 man 0.9717075201175707 6 man 12 wastes 2.0839412522261007 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 12 wastes 2.5231730927041625 9 see 12 wastes 4.5914480475093775 9 see 10 how 4.096670884006203 11 he 12 wastes 3.9050308129979037 12 wastes 14 life 5.732639666689391 12 wastes 13 his 4.541513109577679 14 life 15 . 1.56045446494951 it 's my opinion he 'd be much happier than he now is , wandering about with a dismal face and a sour temper . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 13 is 3.1387584458356006 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 4 opinion 3.0571168858817046 3 my 4 opinion 5.5924083552031405 4 opinion 6 'd 2.545378589967509 5 he 6 'd 1.932465537958059 6 'd 7 be 3.5404609782228604 7 be 9 happier 3.8403809284274466 8 much 9 happier 5.753021042485685 9 happier 10 than 7.192703046231248 9 happier 12 now 2.3485311674253033 10 than 11 he 1.0311138667052155 13 is 23 sour 2.061619777277098 14 , 15 wandering 0.31179452800813223 15 wandering 23 sour 6.654483407999368 15 wandering 16 about 5.010011443169965 17 with 18 a 2.5677995362572403 18 a 19 dismal 3.1773531168065503 19 dismal 23 sour 6.174112669141355 19 dismal 20 face 4.455705534734587 21 and 23 sour 1.421162778645563 22 a 23 sour 1.6215000001902702 23 sour 24 temper 8.773254644476705 24 temper 25 . 1.5120303006563454 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 " i quite agree with you ; and i dare say he 'd thank any one for telling him how he may find comfort . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 13 'd 3.910051988282767 2 i 4 agree 2.75200896371285 3 quite 4 agree 5.609202828940884 4 agree 5 with 5.289143758694195 6 you 13 'd 3.4192503794510944 7 ; 9 i 1.7064961061421702 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 i 10 dare 3.6052691385164213 9 i 13 'd 3.910051988282767 10 dare 11 say 7.496575287648177 12 he 13 'd 1.932465537958059 13 'd 23 find 3.0230661409298065 13 'd 18 telling 1.711030166584763 14 thank 17 for 2.544713436288788 15 any 17 for 0.10974391080391044 15 any 16 one 4.154169477640316 17 for 18 telling 2.2079165700001653 18 telling 19 him 2.961873429856947 18 telling 20 how 2.384943853463099 20 how 21 he 1.4114828191798434 22 may 23 find 3.6415647997020386 23 find 24 comfort 3.442560717747238 24 comfort 25 . 0.9579532223087845 poor soul ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 poor 0.5174284312031769 1 poor 2 soul 5.119998170232343 2 soul 3 ! 2.1572086194185935 i wish he could understand me ; for i sympathize with him , and would gladly help him if i could . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wish 4.1420163738201445 2 wish 4 could 4.4066915095142285 3 he 4 could 3.1085184566537425 4 could 17 help 3.9212570889600116 4 could 5 understand 4.085044789698035 5 understand 6 me 1.644165514612265 7 ; 9 i 1.7064961061421702 7 ; 8 for 1.4090530638881251 9 i 16 gladly 2.3781258333557496 9 i 10 sympathize 2.1506954797138427 10 sympathize 11 with 5.960046896436776 10 sympathize 12 him 2.5559078327222977 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 16 gladly 1.9539076370848072 15 would 16 gladly 5.98211402437688 16 gladly 17 help 5.707772160044911 17 help 18 him 2.8369279740648494 18 him 22 . 1.4355656727212907 18 him 19 if 0.5043787982523504 19 if 20 i 2.4665272994818057 19 if 21 could 2.43316926278985 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 we sing , but we work also ; and are wise enough to see the necessity of both , thank goodness ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 2 sing 1.4588412743043726 3 , 4 but 2.1164801018826633 4 but 5 we 1.8096392746097631 5 we 7 also 1.0584379572855838 6 work 7 also 1.5677336640236277 7 also 8 ; 1.7336728582113032 8 ; 16 necessity 3.1565071844339414 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 10 are 11 wise 2.9765528994919705 11 wise 16 necessity 4.977988163892132 11 wise 12 enough 4.499386311028591 12 enough 13 to 3.249270357477684 14 see 16 necessity 3.691155270007229 15 the 16 necessity 2.883359128297961 16 necessity 21 goodness 4.610674701406818 16 necessity 18 both 5.299370857400554 16 necessity 17 of 3.5926543726562414 19 , 20 thank 1.6487184168725637 20 thank 21 goodness 9.16115375360329 21 goodness 22 ! 3.4968309446723396 22 ! 23 " 3.7411945146373657 " now , what i say is this , " continued mrs wing impressively . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 11 continued 3.045896984072943 1 " 5 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 4 what 2.0471061670584625 1 " 2 now 1.2427900285152944 2 now 3 , 1.683986876826845 5 i 6 say 2.212549573221711 6 say 8 this 0.8285268360740901 7 is 8 this 1.0971963727358247 9 , 10 " 1.299421509625157 10 " 11 continued 3.045896984072943 11 continued 14 impressively 7.072501167827639 12 mrs 13 wing 6.62712114884388 13 wing 14 impressively 11.081598892824655 14 impressively 15 . 2.3002253511284465 " if i were that man , i 'd make myself useful at once . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 if 1.1522004282395546 2 if 9 'd 2.7684897808175144 3 i 9 'd 3.910051988282767 3 i 4 were -0.24120359052672313 5 that 6 man 0.9717075201175707 6 man 7 , 0.8861911676556176 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 9 'd 3.910051988282767 9 'd 10 make 2.750856925509858 10 make 11 myself 3.070185305699198 11 myself 14 once 1.8627106881826379 11 myself 12 useful 4.478086252196071 11 myself 15 . 1.4581672933912397 13 at 14 once 5.545597351124034 there is poor little will getting more and more lame every day , because his mother can't send him where he can be cured . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 2 is 3.4493880668436336 2 is 10 lame 1.687269257263715 3 poor 10 lame 4.465610426365139 3 poor 4 little 4.2134089568707775 5 will 7 more -0.11682357247943642 6 getting 7 more 2.2008397036191667 7 more 10 lame 3.2769231685575377 8 and 10 lame 0.4455171867890684 9 more 10 lame 3.2769231685575377 10 lame 11 every 4.564911365491071 10 lame 14 because 4.306386532136976 11 every 12 day 6.20129066774062 13 , 14 because 1.6958237297286516 14 because 21 he 2.8560438541210917 14 because 17 can't 2.713387210077503 14 because 16 mother 1.1774566150614874 15 his 16 mother 3.2945179310739885 17 can't 18 send 3.5686452108842097 18 send 19 him 3.1862782957093927 20 where 21 he 2.2210217145331317 21 he 24 cured 1.1706270668718908 22 can 24 cured 3.12631727613973 23 be 24 cured 4.800967959887117 24 cured 25 . 1.0523559619734577 a trifle of that man 's money would do it , and he ought to give it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 a -0.5893971112625032 1 a 2 trifle 4.664273215874246 1 a 5 man 3.033922205025579 2 trifle 3 of 1.9966661123200282 4 that 5 man 0.9717075201175707 5 man 6 's 2.4026800257780163 5 man 14 ought 2.3694431866806447 5 man 7 money 1.255783058840418 5 man 18 . 0.6263340849927239 7 money 11 , 1.233495952740201 8 would 9 do 2.274923814494368 9 do 10 it 1.9315091833978766 10 it 11 , 0.10461422563168554 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 he 14 ought 1.6961431523384718 14 ought 15 to 4.64611075440442 14 ought 16 give 3.0527894885554545 16 give 17 it 1.7446006133503236 old father winter is half starved , alone there in his miserable hovel ; and no one thinks of the good old man . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 is 0.4762878297515023 1 old 2 father 1.1635932008599177 2 father 4 is 1.650000410832181 3 winter 4 is 1.8178804285060686 4 is 6 starved 2.1944638251104607 5 half 6 starved 7.03315389424267 6 starved 8 alone 5.311175708791552 6 starved 7 , 1.0674109049705613 8 alone 10 in 2.767877802455315 8 alone 24 . 1.4847802986578564 9 there 10 in 0.49219036617795275 10 in 13 hovel 3.058024876280644 11 his 13 hovel 4.495811191989215 12 miserable 13 hovel 11.672653981588581 13 hovel 18 thinks 8.044746170855959 13 hovel 14 ; 6.270941630838692 13 hovel 16 no 4.33432714323467 13 hovel 21 good 3.7742325422476526 13 hovel 23 man 3.158917453198587 14 ; 15 and 2.090280035481264 16 no 17 one 4.01958726482844 18 thinks 19 of 2.165782193868772 19 of 20 the 1.7361783602309693 22 old 23 man 5.283683383676921 why don't that lazy creature take him home , and care for him , the little while he has to live ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7851754951784589 1 why 2 don't 3.5594145000542756 1 why 14 , 1.840497834106312 2 don't 11 care 5.968149007361504 3 that 4 lazy 0.19414340989357015 4 lazy 5 creature 7.033183081322594 4 lazy 6 take 2.8163694488797546 6 take 11 care 6.937497651040472 6 take 7 him 2.5840081029610236 6 take 8 home 2.1358356131205376 8 home 10 and 1.0538522750757249 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 care 12 for 3.9330527648878917 12 for 13 him 1.90253222229612 14 , 17 while 1.448856711021131 15 the 16 little 1.5044750503835367 16 little 17 while 4.0602679045618135 17 while 18 he 2.4082813097029323 17 while 21 live 1.8597289532503183 18 he 19 has 2.8840586206933594 20 to 21 live 3.1398623508433463 21 live 22 ? 1.8790146101694027 the man might make hers the gayest heart alive , by a little help . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 man 1.9375592986676935 1 the 13 little 1.5044750503835367 2 man 9 alive 3.1839527663137623 3 might 7 gayest 3.368483828495851 4 make 7 gayest 4.175646306806332 5 hers 7 gayest 8.93148406672136 6 the 7 gayest 2.502069169786754 7 gayest 9 alive 8.021411622398755 7 gayest 8 heart 6.3752178979260705 9 alive 11 by 1.8378079875223996 9 alive 10 , 1.3807794277086494 12 a 13 little 3.3978459531370575 13 little 15 . -0.08764152584564222 14 help 15 . 0.4772315482465199 there in a lonely garret lives a young man studying his life away , longing for books and a teacher . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 7 a 1.1776925529795683 2 in 7 a 1.8422556623713398 2 in 5 garret 3.088494950517056 3 a 4 lonely 2.0102597768493737 4 lonely 5 garret 6.444377561721556 5 garret 6 lives 6.092848716989295 7 a 20 teacher 2.655244426683897 8 young 9 man 6.52622719071398 8 young 10 studying 3.6807828283974793 10 studying 15 longing 5.515976416223282 10 studying 20 teacher 3.894625414146546 10 studying 12 life 3.1137408135511215 11 his 12 life 3.562948753667328 13 away 15 longing 1.400357168449787 13 away 14 , 1.097982621917664 15 longing 17 books 4.917528561290062 15 longing 16 for 4.825683427298966 17 books 18 and 1.9664183793959715 19 a 20 teacher 2.655244426683897 20 teacher 21 . 1.652084216894167 the man has a library full , and might keep the poor boy from despair by a little help and a friendly word . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 man 1.9375592986676935 2 man 9 might 1.8481803416518474 2 man 3 has 2.037070511134779 3 has 5 library 1.9880487398793356 3 has 4 a 1.7850678092624577 5 library 6 full 5.397913266819163 5 library 7 , 1.3613588404255736 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 might 10 keep 1.966459782731075 10 keep 23 word 3.7861992215539324 10 keep 14 from 3.3933263635477218 11 the 13 boy 1.939272931713079 12 poor 13 boy 4.191280777886334 13 boy 14 from 0.7726133152423493 14 from 15 despair 2.633397940967594 16 by 17 a 0.989036278319924 17 a 23 word 3.5567760131019437 17 a 18 little 3.3978459531370575 18 little 19 help -0.428448721284834 20 and 21 a -0.047313697911382846 21 a 23 word 3.5567760131019437 22 friendly 23 word 5.401904361481886 23 word 24 . 1.0128362788839027 opposite me were two great tablets with golden letters on them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 them -1.3505273173134107 1 opposite 6 tablets 8.84031147645214 1 opposite 2 me 2.7814708023943524 1 opposite 11 them 1.9080573427674707 3 were 6 tablets 2.737331293500162 4 two 6 tablets 5.907356409437114 5 great 6 tablets 7.105842960346383 6 tablets 8 golden 8.75181876685145 6 tablets 9 letters 7.575700268330916 6 tablets 10 on 5.5077512895251 6 tablets 7 with 4.89988388010897 11 them 12 . 1.434008771759407 i can read a little , thanks to my friend , the learned raven ; and so i spelt out some of the words . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 can 3.0357047137007545 2 can 3 read 3.464688439932708 3 read 9 my 0.7594942856354017 3 read 4 a 0.9273097954616283 4 a 5 little 3.3978459531370575 6 , 9 my 0.5786202686795345 6 , 7 thanks 1.0191205486237074 7 thanks 8 to 2.963109393243645 9 my 24 words 2.0746052527328303 9 my 10 friend 4.466637464842773 10 friend 11 , 1.526765092351452 12 the 24 words 1.4191380196209717 13 learned 19 spelt 6.7865088482176965 14 raven 19 spelt 10.376463144867948 14 raven 15 ; 2.0148624317455273 15 ; 16 and 2.090280035481264 17 so 19 spelt 4.064147663901569 18 i 19 spelt 2.790629423134334 19 spelt 24 words 7.4781612454752775 19 spelt 21 some 7.3583481749782 19 spelt 20 out 5.628760015984632 21 some 22 of 2.3843911353107163 22 of 23 the 1.7361783602309693 24 words 25 . 1.013235500118082 and mrs wing bridled up , as if she resented the phrase immensely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 bridled -0.09775211166251552 1 and 4 bridled 2.8468134628464057 2 mrs 3 wing 6.62712114884388 3 wing 4 bridled 11.920706160753795 4 bridled 12 phrase 10.217997488253545 4 bridled 5 up 5.757634700526307 4 bridled 6 , 2.2301927397164327 7 as 8 if 4.06288549053939 8 if 9 she 2.4265514238776724 9 she 10 resented 3.37059814630447 10 resented 12 phrase 11.352987773775734 10 resented 11 the 2.2360855913227518 12 phrase 13 immensely 11.822030446333244 13 immensely 14 . 2.3264224128140967 " you have , madam , you have ; and i shall not forget it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 madam 1.979984966000508 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 3 have 2.4773295942588796 4 , 5 madam 2.492865836195513 5 madam 14 forget 2.50389428071065 5 madam 9 ; 3.193749508797236 5 madam 6 , 2.803361410799134 6 , 7 you 0.2857327855941545 7 you 8 have 2.4773295942588796 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 i 12 shall 3.5779822205352936 12 shall 14 forget 4.943085276395294 13 not 14 forget 4.066600133410098 14 forget 15 it 2.252024413473844 15 it 16 . 0.47237242955592507 " mercy on us ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 mercy 2.772898857584927 2 mercy 4 us 5.936427548783467 2 mercy 3 on 4.873098140349448 2 mercy 5 ! 3.3971180343547545 i do believe the creature heard every thing we said , " cried mrs wing , nearly tumbling off the beam , in her surprise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 we 1.222900939258107 1 i 3 believe 3.46727656765289 1 i 6 heard 2.3251887006682743 2 do 3 believe 3.456151009311565 4 the 5 creature 1.790898839831197 5 creature 6 heard 1.5828357547560152 6 heard 7 every 2.190220000287848 7 every 8 thing 3.4435843429435984 10 said 11 , 0.9301588670935015 11 , 12 " 1.299421509625157 12 " 13 cried 3.5451272628542867 13 cried 15 wing 3.7997043173731306 14 mrs 15 wing 6.62712114884388 15 wing 21 beam 8.927103931951944 16 , 18 tumbling 2.1132368255338037 17 nearly 18 tumbling 9.105305331742816 18 tumbling 21 beam 11.078060181379463 18 tumbling 19 off 6.3282600017037325 20 the 21 beam 2.089255387668697 21 beam 25 surprise 5.629265539027646 21 beam 22 , 1.2300839031619013 23 in 25 surprise 2.936064325269875 24 her 25 surprise 2.083058838464712 25 surprise 26 . 1.7113516214192739 " he certainly did ; so i 'm glad i was guarded in my remarks , " replied mrs skim , laughing at her neighbor 's dismay . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 he 1.2273335742416869 2 he 4 did 2.4423560197207106 3 certainly 4 did 3.5848815624888637 4 did 6 so 1.3795198314080181 5 ; 6 so 1.5443366530647253 6 so 9 glad 4.331387854186895 7 i 8 'm 4.8883536268785885 8 'm 9 glad 6.923260381899718 9 glad 25 neighbor 2.9435393343804037 9 glad 10 i 1.7540608460139424 11 was 12 guarded 3.4442516746746072 11 was 20 skim 2.5364521600412715 12 guarded 15 remarks 11.011079486338357 12 guarded 14 my 2.5242598342633826 13 in 14 my 1.9424729872576076 16 , 18 replied 1.8592752527199607 17 " 18 replied 3.578366641469307 18 replied 20 skim 6.134213628765625 19 mrs 20 skim 5.979373446116131 20 skim 25 neighbor 9.247057231361453 20 skim 22 laughing 7.750712046940819 21 , 22 laughing 1.4498732563486332 22 laughing 23 at 3.906731876036325 24 her 25 neighbor 2.6697861988591036 25 neighbor 27 dismay 7.172978996769757 25 neighbor 26 's 3.2404451297417474 27 dismay 28 . 2.457641137227448 " dear me ! dear me ! what did i say ? " cried mrs wing , in a great twitter . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 what 2.0471061670584625 1 " 5 dear 1.1638437859679307 2 dear 5 dear 2.597884199553274 2 dear 3 me 3.2162612916290225 2 dear 4 ! 3.211372366750741 5 dear 6 me 3.2162612916290225 5 dear 7 ! 3.211372366750741 8 what 9 did 2.671756289657049 9 did 11 say 2.659179418699644 10 i 11 say 2.212549573221711 11 say 21 twitter 5.3215845228418 12 ? 13 " 4.126492033472207 13 " 14 cried 3.5451272628542867 14 cried 16 wing 3.7997043173731306 15 mrs 16 wing 6.62712114884388 16 wing 21 twitter 11.916456687752436 16 wing 17 , 1.4869712945053735 18 in 21 twitter 3.0929586663900324 19 a 20 great 3.8210157989541553 20 great 21 twitter 9.32469042045691 21 twitter 22 . 3.69080079296538 we are of too little consequence for our criticisms or opinions to annoy him , " said mrs dart consolingly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 8 our 2.285156083552856 1 we 2 are 3.9859534724360124 3 of 6 consequence 3.197123872954176 4 too 6 consequence 4.399706193321975 5 little 6 consequence 3.3022825803957225 6 consequence 8 our 4.9452297447092555 6 consequence 7 for 2.942453407093378 8 our 9 criticisms 8.208080656093173 9 criticisms 19 dart 12.439700008166508 9 criticisms 13 annoy 13.5871287457909 9 criticisms 11 opinions 13.000317820677378 9 criticisms 10 or 6.637611830313681 12 to 13 annoy 4.180715395143643 13 annoy 14 him 5.176626196108959 15 , 17 said 1.5025770512474743 16 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 17 said 18 mrs 3.020597848658074 18 mrs 19 dart 7.571655941161019 19 dart 20 consolingly 13.979769312829522 20 consolingly 21 . 3.69080079296538 " i don't know that , ma'am , " returned mrs wing , sharply : for she was much ruffled and out of temper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 returned 3.150897925237768 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 know 5.338346550933348 4 know 5 that 2.3491081180557885 6 , 7 ma'am 3.28959533313545 7 ma'am 9 " 1.7244446213854907 7 ma'am 8 , 2.2214025743378336 9 " 10 returned 3.150897925237768 10 returned 12 wing 4.80098077341578 11 mrs 12 wing 6.62712114884388 12 wing 14 sharply 6.6716196550568405 12 wing 13 , 1.4869712945053735 14 sharply 20 ruffled 5.98968550648884 14 sharply 15 : 4.223504632264966 14 sharply 25 . 2.464400759135504 14 sharply 16 for 1.6690548281953532 17 she 18 was 2.3491053343536645 18 was 19 much 1.4116279292242524 19 much 20 ruffled 5.356556194713306 20 ruffled 24 temper 7.932187271613259 20 ruffled 22 out 2.3405123643604284 20 ruffled 21 and 2.308870484777138 22 out 23 of 3.4530498390397675 " a cat may look at a king ; and a bird may teach a man , if the bird is the wisest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 a -0.5893971112625032 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 a 12 bird 2.822831032870944 2 a 3 cat 2.7332687550237633 3 cat 4 may 3.2056634822068375 4 may 5 look 1.6013525201046122 5 look 6 at 4.711557462251166 7 a 12 bird 2.822831032870944 7 a 8 king 1.0176812619956852 8 king 9 ; 2.040425843526627 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 a 12 bird 2.822831032870944 12 bird 23 wisest 5.431548436805393 12 bird 14 teach 4.5071051779742035 13 may 14 teach 2.108069408528774 15 a 16 man 3.033922205025579 16 man 23 wisest 3.3312462961394758 16 man 17 , 0.8861911676556176 17 , 18 if 1.058710375425802 19 the 23 wisest 3.4451220767459034 20 bird 23 wisest 5.431548436805393 21 is 23 wisest 3.3049007589593273 22 the 23 wisest 3.4451220767459034 23 wisest 24 . 0.8782210755516466 mrs wing was in a dreadful state of mind , expecting an assault , and the destruction of her entire family . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mrs 0.8965289384712669 1 mrs 2 wing 6.62712114884388 2 wing 3 was 1.936618444119805 3 was 4 in 0.9447636115250564 4 in 7 state 2.99608672074773 5 a 7 state 3.1447360207506705 6 dreadful 7 state 6.406257078112457 7 state 9 mind 5.389205699106544 7 state 8 of 4.379049323609195 9 mind 11 expecting 3.3736206200780394 10 , 11 expecting 1.530992901024863 11 expecting 13 assault 10.893767302416613 12 an 13 assault 6.171633938161349 13 assault 17 destruction 10.158088069618614 13 assault 16 the 1.9965828969751875 13 assault 15 and 1.3762245343833008 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 17 destruction 20 entire 9.617124651809185 17 destruction 18 of 3.2377671750717276 17 destruction 22 . 2.0743371490302245 19 her 20 entire 3.4742334184357446 20 entire 21 family 6.45846725265103 every one blamed her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 2 one 4.909498305444933 1 every 3 blamed 3.4673602962080814 3 blamed 4 her 2.417458033601765 4 her 5 . 0.7973847081259855 all this made her very meek for a time ; and she scarcely opened her bill , except to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 1 all 2 this 2.09264187877562 2 this 3 made 1.6364085315054169 3 made 8 a 2.1174998016693714 3 made 4 her 2.319035628346967 4 her 6 meek 2.576864694522925 5 very 6 meek 4.808733707339293 6 meek 7 for 2.3734700470602483 8 a 16 bill 1.6898357741623293 8 a 9 time 2.113530621864278 10 ; 16 bill 2.803664047909397 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 10 ; 12 she 1.4119671975082824 13 scarcely 16 bill 5.096162795526325 13 scarcely 14 opened 4.790279155586482 14 opened 15 her 2.824107426322776 16 bill 18 except 4.066864506521441 17 , 18 except 1.9245012454335555 18 except 20 eat 2.718814708093369 19 to 20 eat 3.7360929626120676 20 eat 21 . 1.1286074240804478 my landlord sat there , looking a trifle more cheerful than usual , and i heard him say , in a very decided tone : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 sat 0.39178278477677964 1 my 2 landlord 3.7498799411848687 2 landlord 3 sat 6.941522937371538 3 sat 6 looking 2.7617700753274335 3 sat 4 there 2.725017886289997 5 , 6 looking 2.0143069737250805 6 looking 8 trifle 4.759706421060816 7 a 8 trifle 4.664273215874246 8 trifle 10 cheerful 7.770517396049556 9 more 10 cheerful 5.05705766517357 10 cheerful 24 tone 5.276527562648841 10 cheerful 12 usual 5.089669839147366 10 cheerful 14 and 2.1406202077551946 11 than 12 usual 6.149858089004738 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 heard 2.3251887006682743 16 heard 17 him 2.6299383548121575 17 him 20 in 0.8935026664386125 17 him 19 , 0.8358723219117845 18 say 19 , 1.0071506207596048 20 in 24 tone 3.3366858784728066 21 a 24 tone 3.3024332076904788 22 very 23 decided 2.66926844851427 23 decided 24 tone 5.862132916068404 24 tone 25 : 3.968536824728041 those swallows little know what they have done ; but i 'll show them i don't forget . ' " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 they 1.1576842247045658 1 those 2 swallows 6.419988931235288 2 swallows 4 know 3.5167699873851213 2 swallows 3 little 3.2971328581821666 4 know 5 what 4.283913017101961 5 what 6 they 1.6514355276481734 6 they 7 have 1.8426104645537453 6 they 12 'll 1.7729521798880352 7 have 8 done 4.69915454777578 9 ; 10 but 3.9096191073889806 10 but 11 i 2.212975893494237 11 i 12 'll 3.9881635767091375 12 'll 13 show 4.956662545432476 12 'll 17 forget 3.7706390373398833 13 show 14 them 2.7480453915193586 15 i 16 don't 3.775983377249961 16 don't 17 forget 4.575788061165497 17 forget 18 . 0.3663141211151988 18 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 18 . 19 ' 4.310577785017253 on hearing this a general wail arose , and mrs wing fainted entirely away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 this 0.7712513941729444 1 on 2 hearing 4.4478631614033475 2 hearing 3 this 4.714107678015029 3 this 6 wail 2.2502979576140447 4 a 5 general 3.494676665110177 5 general 6 wail 12.10971914969748 6 wail 7 arose 11.224195283037584 6 wail 11 wing 8.517832515007132 7 arose 9 and 3.075055586505705 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 mrs 11 wing 6.62712114884388 11 wing 12 fainted 9.78360269245449 11 wing 15 . 1.462652868917253 12 fainted 13 entirely 8.779340636617128 12 fainted 14 away 6.434128008675177 madam sooty-back was quite satisfied with the effect she had produced , and departed , saying loftily : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 madam 0.5216041895683716 1 madam 2 sooty-back 13.485246399169586 1 madam 15 , 2.803361410799134 1 madam 12 , 2.803361410799134 2 sooty-back 4 quite 9.295668374139261 2 sooty-back 3 was 5.652226312468141 4 quite 5 satisfied 6.771992285960831 5 satisfied 6 with 4.756350542912074 6 with 8 effect 1.5184258929232293 7 the 8 effect 2.6102777699929405 8 effect 11 produced 4.953372909458071 9 she 10 had 2.8847648049781967 10 had 11 produced 1.3121416032119093 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 departed 2.178093258090353 15 , 16 saying 1.6609416359002793 16 saying 17 loftily 6.2784161213599035 16 saying 18 : 5.8813684562861965 " i 'm sorry for you , mrs wing , and forgive your rude speech about my being related to chimney-sweeps . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 12 forgive 1.8258226188953266 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 4 sorry 6.798664490266905 4 sorry 5 for 4.612548871706624 6 you 12 forgive 2.3142256143434956 7 , 8 mrs 0.8065361195515734 8 mrs 12 forgive 0.3106237847455837 8 mrs 9 wing 6.62712114884388 9 wing 11 and 1.6096724522915729 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 forgive 21 chimney-sweeps 6.385173586881674 13 your 21 chimney-sweeps 4.003265410723156 14 rude 21 chimney-sweeps 9.657758630581128 14 rude 15 speech 8.677499253021434 16 about 21 chimney-sweeps 5.01825462902778 17 my 21 chimney-sweeps 2.6902660848700037 18 being 21 chimney-sweeps 7.6236933645982425 19 related 21 chimney-sweeps 14.553593476626233 20 to 21 chimney-sweeps 4.6258605664549535 21 chimney-sweeps 22 . 3.69080079296538 one can't expect good manners from persons brought up in mud houses , and entirely shut out from good society . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 can't 0.6865710974544044 1 one 2 can't 1.1707485083633316 2 can't 3 expect 4.573764303727295 3 expect 15 entirely 5.592777999305216 3 expect 5 manners 5.20966486936744 4 good 5 manners 5.351750277709893 5 manners 7 persons 7.649135170062646 6 from 7 persons 2.745868816148139 7 persons 8 brought 5.792194171979684 8 brought 9 up 4.571752289199882 10 in 11 mud 3.0037144223036094 11 mud 12 houses 7.808217311211184 12 houses 15 entirely 5.0069314890337395 12 houses 13 , 1.257941746495323 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 entirely 16 shut 5.441918711105952 15 entirely 20 society 4.035382805278051 15 entirely 17 out 3.3870726600723806 17 out 18 from 2.2504245410784147 19 good 20 society 3.5900568190235127 20 society 21 . 1.0660204694607458 if i hear any thing more , i 'll let you know . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.9519065523953696 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 1 if 4 any 1.8372492519453836 1 if 11 you 3.283533954578644 1 if 8 i 2.4665272994818057 1 if 2 i 2.4665272994818057 3 hear 4 any 2.1633508014880576 4 any 6 more 5.283241875426565 4 any 5 thing 3.438981514973314 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 9 'll 3.9881635767091375 9 'll 10 let 2.62001407389873 11 you 12 know 3.724341505433399 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 " what shall we do ? " she cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 what 5 do 3.5650246818752365 2 what 3 shall 3.1351452363441474 3 shall 4 we 3.288264976087918 5 do 6 ? 2.344463917580823 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 7 " 9 cried 3.5451272628542867 8 she 9 cried 2.3769650955104655 9 cried 10 . 0.8475860205663466 " nothing , but wait . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 nothing 4 but 3.600663598216313 3 , 4 but 2.1164801018826633 4 but 5 wait 1.2043626912818866 5 wait 6 . 0.464500911644965 let us wait , and see what happens . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 let 0.9241920162925474 1 let 2 us 6.6639096354531375 1 let 6 see 2.808314198078083 2 us 3 wait 3.388511683197816 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 see 0.8926299452541802 6 see 8 happens 3.5862000919359716 7 what 8 happens 5.507529313834933 8 happens 9 . 1.0547603916670951 if the worst comes , we shall have done our duty , and will all die together . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 we 1.222900939258107 1 if 6 we 2.746159092559809 1 if 4 comes 2.455339948008575 2 the 3 worst 3.6387031788980995 3 worst 4 comes 4.157765758881723 5 , 6 we 0.6617804082296317 6 we 7 shall 4.303303749124435 7 shall 16 die 5.181818919571128 7 shall 8 have 3.5525971328812247 8 have 9 done 4.69915454777578 9 done 11 duty 3.8320872259848855 10 our 11 duty 4.728322322837613 11 duty 13 and 1.0687523152828042 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 will 16 die 3.7602569448221317 15 all 16 die 0.800121858558871 16 die 17 together 2.920874212579637 17 together 18 . 1.6921200665876661 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 as no one could suggest any thing better , mrs dart 's advice was taken , and they waited . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 could -0.010001952172265405 1 as 4 could 1.8085905801101099 2 no 3 one 4.01958726482844 3 one 4 could 1.7113144806974177 4 could 11 dart 4.895552142895355 4 could 5 suggest 6.010940353827092 5 suggest 6 any 5.890729884360653 5 suggest 7 thing 5.560176524582101 5 suggest 8 better 4.57723912325131 9 , 11 dart 1.0750780138339096 10 mrs 11 dart 7.571655941161019 11 dart 13 advice 8.556043002499802 11 dart 15 taken 5.193272449249562 11 dart 19 waited 3.143556884584939 12 's 13 advice 3.446149467674143 14 was 15 taken 2.401896172381676 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 19 waited 2.699332198244379 18 they 19 waited 2.778118353586464 19 waited 20 . 0.7826674693815505 " the man was down at the poor-house to-day , and took away little nan , the orphan baby . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the 0.03213684141804052 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 the 8 poor-house 3.8803864104319956 2 the 3 man 1.9375592986676935 3 man 4 was 0.677769624487432 5 down 6 at 2.2104753036211022 6 at 8 poor-house 3.923009665706658 7 the 8 poor-house 3.8803864104319956 8 poor-house 9 to-day 10.169957812043034 8 poor-house 18 orphan 8.119384853293141 8 poor-house 15 nan 5.41890528775204 8 poor-house 12 took 4.3687340900831515 8 poor-house 13 away 3.820565741214061 8 poor-house 14 little 2.873753044131771 8 poor-house 16 , 2.441036172864269 8 poor-house 10 , 2.441036172864269 8 poor-house 20 . 2.1212919446507392 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 17 the 18 orphan 0.2885069672543956 18 orphan 19 baby 6.456267401751781 i saw him carry her to will 's mother , and heard him ask her to take care of it for a time . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 17 take 1.213313956294206 1 i 2 saw 2.5503463476874053 2 saw 3 him 3.422895388284738 2 saw 5 her 2.3044950811249656 4 carry 5 her 2.2408711056084343 6 to 17 take 2.7846513640138415 7 will 17 take 3.72405834524303 7 will 14 ask 2.4417745747888837 8 's 9 mother 1.391476247967649 9 mother 10 , 0.9797606285923521 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 14 ask 1.2211333119692167 12 heard 14 ask 0.5114362784673041 12 heard 13 him 2.6299383548121575 14 ask 15 her 2.7854919485645606 16 to 17 take 2.7846513640138415 17 take 18 care 6.937497651040472 18 care 21 for 3.9330527648878917 18 care 19 of 2.9587428891175733 19 of 20 it 0.8497451518318897 21 for 22 a 2.0099144621548533 22 a 23 time 2.113530621864278 23 time 24 . 0.7539307029129461 he paid her well , and she seemed glad to do it ; for will needs help , and now he can have it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 16 needs 2.8635532548971767 1 he 2 paid 2.265545934889335 2 paid 4 well 2.5709781235236626 2 paid 3 her 2.142029525019474 4 well 5 , 2.65559168359394 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 she 16 needs 2.723526963713887 7 she 8 seemed 1.960650443344143 8 seemed 10 to 3.771163452217605 9 glad 10 to 2.822797321717786 10 to 11 do 2.3723850889805824 12 it 16 needs 2.277844816190729 13 ; 15 will 1.0796983909626192 13 ; 14 for 1.4090530638881251 15 will 16 needs 2.07527083921347 16 needs 17 help 5.492704833447423 17 help 24 it 2.450164921686744 17 help 25 . 0.4772315482465199 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 19 and 21 he 0.7534481560466002 19 and 20 now 1.0711472874957746 21 he 22 can 0.812674791690549 22 can 24 it 0.5444057063164554 22 can 23 have 1.6787194854245655 an excellent arrangement , i think . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 arrangement 0.633514064615575 1 an 2 excellent 6.928121013582938 2 excellent 3 arrangement 9.730523650351298 3 arrangement 6 think 2.494655605602297 3 arrangement 4 , 1.3817529209269743 3 arrangement 7 . -0.5716820185046352 5 i 6 think 3.3874834805555984 bless me , ma'am ! what 's the matter ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 bless 4 ma'am 4.316002236293848 1 bless 2 me 3.837819988882039 3 , 4 ma'am 3.28959533313545 4 ma'am 10 ? 3.2779232504118987 4 ma'am 5 ! 1.6956809388529628 6 what 9 matter 3.0881360518508565 7 's 9 matter 2.2750110996143107 8 the 9 matter 3.0304538140414152 9 matter 10 ? 3.454237903651997 your pulse is altogether too fast , and you look feverish . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 1 your 2 pulse 5.597487402885005 2 pulse 11 feverish 10.825076515698317 2 pulse 4 altogether 9.353189622773009 2 pulse 6 fast 6.744125376536491 2 pulse 3 is 3.3563587623416886 2 pulse 8 and 2.1525282765000107 2 pulse 7 , 2.0044067177150957 4 altogether 5 too 5.400268957933864 9 you 10 look 1.829146010696343 10 look 11 feverish 5.994496845117947 11 feverish 12 . 1.5983778456090327 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 " now , who was right ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 now 3 , 1.683986876826845 2 now 7 ? 1.8548334770730026 3 , 4 who 1.8533631975925822 4 who 5 was 2.595397155366385 5 was 6 right 1.6504635443021254 who has done good , not harm , by what you call ' gossip ' ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 has 0.22116866232258126 1 who 2 has 3.368932065326426 2 has 3 done 4.159196146909959 3 done 7 harm 4.6147966933076106 3 done 16 ? 1.9884208001563657 3 done 9 by 1.5098758064430235 3 done 4 good 1.2852479850397316 4 good 5 , 0.8514229511946425 6 not 7 harm 2.1539898531931208 7 harm 8 , 0.9499340924957203 10 what 11 you 2.1286949378242674 11 you 16 ? 1.9127300143977735 11 you 12 call 2.5858389421452443 12 call 14 gossip 2.9168973161620038 12 call 15 ' 0.2546674379228584 12 call 13 ' 0.2546674379228584 who has been a martyr , and patiently borne all kinds of blame , injustice , and disrespect ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 has 0.22116866232258126 1 who 2 has 3.368932065326426 2 has 3 been 5.448307473666771 3 been 5 martyr 3.968966237789914 4 a 5 martyr 4.457180233828947 5 martyr 19 ? 3.0240067479320203 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 18 disrespect 2.5464286341841564 8 patiently 18 disrespect 8.403126953415615 8 patiently 9 borne 9.273916085910269 9 borne 11 kinds 8.290664316490986 10 all 11 kinds 6.443856723397008 11 kinds 12 of 4.83678827581204 13 blame 15 injustice 8.200848138648212 13 blame 14 , 0.147247696387943 15 injustice 18 disrespect 12.572131947412686 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 18 disrespect 2.5464286341841564 18 disrespect 19 ? 4.8010124094569235 after this the swallows gave in ; and , as no harm came to them , they had a jubilee in honor of the occasion . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.8144066598688191 1 after 2 this 3.183233336526216 2 this 4 swallows 2.9378162327974024 3 the 4 swallows 3.2715177270930518 4 swallows 5 gave 5.862749029211177 5 gave 15 them 3.3637046615963264 5 gave 11 no 1.9163228761827433 5 gave 6 in -0.23471363274090962 7 ; 11 no 0.7125012322595019 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 , 11 no 0.30791745205785404 9 , 10 as 0.9452529367549332 11 no 12 harm 5.767879372906293 12 harm 13 came 2.699633464081895 13 came 14 to 2.588720125212861 15 them 20 jubilee 4.306450295079802 15 them 16 , 0.8130704585028692 17 they 20 jubilee 3.918489209551943 18 had 20 jubilee 4.138438088922971 19 a 20 jubilee 4.056696778800426 20 jubilee 22 honor 11.58464203379232 20 jubilee 25 occasion 9.05462505559801 20 jubilee 21 in 4.692959925710806 22 honor 23 of 2.7649886493191715 24 the 25 occasion 2.488858082335984 25 occasion 26 . 1.6509878454775162 a good spirit seemed to haunt the town , leaving help and happiness wherever it passed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 wherever 1.4380247671408029 1 a 2 good 3.137938933287751 2 good 3 spirit 2.4649204983613764 3 spirit 6 haunt 5.452159625231122 4 seemed 6 haunt 5.502839100678308 4 seemed 5 to 3.771163452217605 6 haunt 14 wherever 7.716714494510583 6 haunt 8 town 6.7968501652503654 6 haunt 10 leaving 6.717831253910671 6 haunt 11 help 3.211039353884079 7 the 8 town 2.653250219477009 9 , 10 leaving 2.51418426749777 12 and 13 happiness 1.734678110982582 13 happiness 14 wherever 7.149402966779739 14 wherever 16 passed 3.9850650572409556 14 wherever 15 it 0.5973437906376304 16 passed 17 . -0.013028717714760774 some unseen hand scattered crumbs over the barn floor , and left food at many doors . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 some -0.15097416557775034 1 some 5 crumbs 5.471838138388247 2 unseen 4 scattered 9.438180258664222 2 unseen 3 hand 5.243287235926218 4 scattered 5 crumbs 10.491955600939349 5 crumbs 8 barn 6.677306662455699 5 crumbs 6 over 3.767156934120525 7 the 8 barn 3.5002141067734236 8 barn 16 doors 8.096481019400084 8 barn 9 floor 7.0795609129089065 8 barn 11 and 1.7488350444906473 8 barn 17 . 1.617269989423196 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 left 13 food 1.9393969467350942 13 food 16 doors 3.745478982255335 14 at 16 doors 1.933949091964255 15 many 16 doors 4.185998130443391 no dog or boy or gun marred the tranquillity of the birds , insects , and flowers who lived on the great estate . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 no 0.8654144259654828 1 no 2 dog 1.1589697099282823 2 dog 3 or 1.8817489359037687 3 or 14 insects 5.540588386242472 4 boy 5 or 1.2313154644836821 5 or 7 marred 5.106762477053074 5 or 14 insects 5.540588386242472 6 gun 7 marred 10.846813033945747 7 marred 9 tranquillity 14.969459652503836 8 the 9 tranquillity 2.984015400138066 9 tranquillity 10 of 4.563145847033947 11 the 12 birds 2.9470932371034184 12 birds 14 insects 6.441304956637602 12 birds 13 , 0.6849508298673932 14 insects 23 estate 6.935679509698083 14 insects 17 flowers 5.72258856180288 14 insects 15 , 1.5511799459811613 14 insects 24 . 0.6365577481813922 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 18 who 19 lived 4.805506045408574 19 lived 23 estate 3.371607379220073 19 lived 20 on 2.748053993325282 20 on 21 the 2.3827313113897173 22 great 23 estate 5.184763921858899 every one was his friend , but his favorites were the swallows . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 9 favorites 3.310379775499179 1 every 2 one 4.909498305444933 2 one 3 was 0.3703607903967647 4 his 9 favorites 4.957715296306027 5 friend 9 favorites 5.429369673064908 6 , 7 but 2.1164801018826633 7 but 9 favorites 3.621123017588765 8 his 9 favorites 4.957715296306027 9 favorites 12 swallows 12.27263515727811 9 favorites 10 were 6.011253282149944 11 the 12 swallows 3.2715177270930518 12 swallows 13 . 0.28877704818199135 when autumn leaves were red , and autumn winds blew cold , the inhabitants of twittertown prepared for their journey to the south . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 2 autumn 1.6662505837702852 2 autumn 9 winds 8.175526875210572 2 autumn 3 leaves 7.084225050769952 3 leaves 4 were 4.090185437358642 3 leaves 5 red 3.2126857929301984 3 leaves 7 and 1.4300773310050232 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 autumn 9 winds 8.175526875210572 9 winds 14 inhabitants 7.474549501377055 9 winds 10 blew 8.503153028774548 10 blew 11 cold 4.915869375916468 11 cold 12 , 1.1574379278472104 13 the 14 inhabitants 2.8040654504568323 14 inhabitants 16 twittertown 15.308857199289747 14 inhabitants 24 . 1.5545065694043494 15 of 16 twittertown 5.245312666504873 16 twittertown 17 prepared 13.347038817311837 16 twittertown 20 journey 10.137458390709273 16 twittertown 23 south 8.730490442247046 16 twittertown 19 their 6.82676380597405 16 twittertown 18 for 5.081308401706437 20 journey 21 to 1.8015857460479943 22 the 23 south 2.512628746115606 they lingered longer than usual this year , feeling sorry to leave their friend . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 lingered 4.614951173867162 2 lingered 3 longer 6.503382914535948 2 lingered 13 their 3.3449623341122674 3 longer 4 than 5.270442233370627 4 than 5 usual 6.149858089004738 5 usual 8 , 1.9857283301804216 5 usual 7 year 1.5196436398048512 6 this 7 year 4.0720477000188176 9 feeling 10 sorry 5.008435026683525 10 sorry 12 leave 3.3676277855896792 11 to 12 leave 2.6250249683827978 12 leave 13 their 1.5992001786637964 13 their 14 friend 1.0543013393599807 14 friend 15 . 0.86452557606294 the day they started , the whole flock flew to the great house , to say good-by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 7 whole 3.2890224702657687 1 the 2 day 1.6272962053126125 2 day 3 they 1.422285543984735 2 day 5 , 0.8561533929852239 3 they 4 started 2.926560977294333 6 the 7 whole 3.2890224702657687 7 whole 8 flock 6.52353523486434 8 flock 17 good-by 3.0526451579058183 8 flock 9 flew 5.853233584648336 10 to 16 say 2.8336795269754163 10 to 11 the 0.9100440193086232 11 the 13 house 2.6929789736134584 11 the 12 great 1.4559885649260984 13 house 14 , 1.0905352664163068 15 to 16 say 2.8336795269754163 16 say 17 good-by 6.624154629016267 17 good-by 18 . 0.4578208793916616 chirp , dart , and wing peeped everywhere , and everywhere found something to rejoice over . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 chirp 0.883536139025523 1 chirp 3 dart 11.011802504998752 1 chirp 9 , 2.6377602857477704 1 chirp 4 , 2.6377602857477704 1 chirp 2 , 2.6377602857477704 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 7 peeped 2.7303220701522264 6 wing 7 peeped 8.194831639720714 7 peeped 8 everywhere 7.161237204153487 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 11 everywhere 1.8473810061428217 11 everywhere 15 rejoice 6.773764321192569 11 everywhere 17 . 1.3500954910473872 12 found 15 rejoice 3.1053369034591576 13 something 15 rejoice 3.2518254986736004 14 to 15 rejoice 2.4313938337313417 15 rejoice 16 over 6.481667645085334 " ah , how sweet it is ! " cried mrs dart , glad to see that he had found comfort for his grief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 ah 8 ! 4.385426473496146 2 ah 4 how 2.402228729563081 2 ah 3 , 2.216753746054902 4 how 5 sweet 3.9845558801983465 4 how 6 it 1.4010866453874087 6 it 7 is 3.1387584458356006 8 ! 10 cried 4.7864618271494415 8 ! 9 " 3.7411945146373657 10 cried 12 dart 5.571771913685502 11 mrs 12 dart 7.571655941161019 12 dart 14 glad 6.827879536858898 12 dart 23 his 3.8616530635211177 12 dart 13 , 1.503163965691268 14 glad 16 see 3.8199518138778323 14 glad 17 that 2.068522131525839 15 to 16 see 3.0208916104243624 17 that 18 he 1.6956231964445792 18 he 19 had 2.9776784198097523 19 had 20 found 3.080174211697498 20 found 21 comfort 3.681775356120518 21 comfort 22 for 1.5863488145551372 23 his 24 grief 2.5100611928490544 24 grief 25 . 1.3522228301772792 and mrs wing plumed herself with an air of immense importance , as she nodded and bridled from her perch on the window-sill . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.4122323691527914 1 and 17 bridled 2.8468134628464057 2 mrs 3 wing 6.62712114884388 3 wing 4 plumed 13.129450411086637 3 wing 17 bridled 11.920706160753795 4 plumed 5 herself 9.186623187425877 4 plumed 6 with 5.343134430346613 6 with 7 an 2.9198940521979466 7 an 10 immense 7.3268270180942245 8 air 10 immense 6.0851902179133965 8 air 9 of 2.679203568621414 10 immense 11 importance 10.51544128580337 11 importance 13 as 2.3998049899005416 12 , 13 as 0.9452529367549332 13 as 14 she 2.3180707662145696 15 nodded 17 bridled 8.611465189781342 16 and 17 bridled 2.8468134628464057 17 bridled 20 perch 9.895751303839845 18 from 20 perch 5.520597782440468 19 her 20 perch 3.8204229728963988 20 perch 23 window-sill 9.887989442138835 20 perch 24 . 1.662366781515356 21 on 23 window-sill 4.956668330935894 22 the 23 window-sill 3.7399000384189307 the man saw the three , and hastened to feed them for the last time , knowing that they were about to go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 man 1.9375592986676935 2 man 6 , 0.8861911676556176 2 man 3 saw 0.8656706973632673 3 saw 5 three 1.6561830116169105 4 the 5 three 1.3872376209132113 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 hastened 2.1332994217807695 8 hastened 10 feed 7.342888930728694 8 hastened 22 to 4.173822640567089 8 hastened 9 to 4.173822640567089 10 feed 11 them 5.155861488832166 12 for 15 time 1.4151878920297936 13 the 14 last 1.6570415626379553 14 last 15 time 3.2916714253504935 15 time 22 to 1.4241862218848027 15 time 19 they 1.1029247493961378 16 , 17 knowing 1.6244795206703984 17 knowing 18 that 3.5163923769984073 18 that 19 they 1.548151457034077 19 they 20 were 4.740392399536562 20 were 21 about 0.8269496016090727 22 to 23 go 2.737518368320032 23 go 24 . 0.21967727949435734 " swallow , swallow , neighbor swallow , are you ready for your flight ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 swallow 0.9352621090114646 2 swallow 4 swallow 9.518101513675369 2 swallow 3 , 1.7652628843227376 4 swallow 7 swallow 9.518101513675369 4 swallow 5 , 1.7652628843227376 6 neighbor 7 swallow 8.253639894976903 7 swallow 14 flight 5.575382326876511 7 swallow 8 , 1.7652628843227376 9 are 11 ready 3.125492721007074 9 are 10 you 2.7531147733288606 11 ready 12 for 4.366009226249584 12 for 14 flight 2.6772596506961186 13 your 14 flight 3.2735507632049767 14 flight 15 ? 1.138657820395867 are all the feather cloaks completed ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 cloaks 2.2702268013464533 1 are 5 cloaks 2.972719304760094 2 all 5 cloaks 3.738406074072458 3 the 5 cloaks 1.9543316494110705 4 feather 5 cloaks 13.680933479858862 5 cloaks 6 completed 15.876152948564986 5 cloaks 7 ? 4.624313062940537 are the little caps all right ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 are 0.3424996027881182 1 are 6 right 2.256282734383518 1 are 7 ? 1.2259369845431127 2 the 3 little 1.5044750503835367 3 little 4 caps 3.4079512645913184 4 caps 6 right 3.377213414359602 5 all 6 right 4.5204342033329645 are the young wings strong and steady for the journey through the sky ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 are 0.3424996027881182 1 are 14 ? 1.2259369845431127 2 the 13 sky 3.1949121992196456 3 young 4 wings 2.4217081074164604 4 wings 7 steady 4.705227490077064 4 wings 5 strong 4.436302477520496 4 wings 6 and 2.2008815905830055 7 steady 10 journey 4.750527514477582 8 for 10 journey 2.5402875045224533 9 the 10 journey 1.3572592530655427 10 journey 11 through 4.44062465669283 10 journey 13 sky 3.4796871086180623 12 the 13 sky 3.1949121992196456 13 sky 14 ? 0.47915801233976296 come again in early spring-time ; and till then , good-by , good-by ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 1 come 4 early 3.2272935554488313 1 come 2 again 3.150158365048526 1 come 3 in 1.5142327455008697 4 early 5 spring-time 10.234354685430585 5 spring-time 13 good-by 8.648645347656043 5 spring-time 6 ; 5.873417552872002 5 spring-time 8 till 5.511481161798038 5 spring-time 7 and 3.0300229899888436 5 spring-time 9 then 3.0052018032411674 10 , 11 good-by 1.1171297439472276 11 good-by 13 good-by 9.563286287105981 11 good-by 12 , 2.4291681775807312 13 good-by 14 ! 2.3997726797855705 14 ! 15 " 3.7411945146373657 viii . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 viii 1.6142492128330872 1 viii 2 . 2.6555311651602835 little gulliver . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 gulliver 0.8864510696359957 1 little 2 gulliver 4.646842500972603 2 gulliver 3 . 0.4717009444712872 up in the light-house tower lived davy , with old dan the keeper . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 in -0.6712338429647371 1 up 2 in 1.8730966268079108 2 in 4 light-house 3.616653229188337 3 the 4 light-house 4.164691515252617 4 light-house 5 tower 13.809097392196374 4 light-house 13 keeper 10.145227604378917 4 light-house 6 lived 9.214880166833957 4 light-house 7 davy 9.125126398322408 4 light-house 11 dan 5.76004018312203 4 light-house 10 old 3.339751044579298 4 light-house 14 . 2.2370828255224744 4 light-house 9 with 2.0065264401541434 7 davy 8 , 1.548543648884026 12 the 13 keeper 3.056112119250294 most little boys would have found it very lonely ; but davy had three friends , and was as happy as the day was long . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 it 0.8190478513985031 1 most 2 little 0.22331111856955488 2 little 3 boys 2.9854869387388874 3 boys 4 would 1.4151320716743285 4 would 5 have 4.3086468696806275 5 have 6 found 2.7997882540423102 6 found 7 it 1.9821058400289893 7 it 8 very 0.992152164294124 8 very 9 lonely 5.184316274769191 8 very 20 happy 3.7683123316324014 9 lonely 17 and 1.8223034363033648 10 ; 17 and 2.090280035481264 10 ; 11 but 3.9096191073889806 12 davy 16 , 1.548543648884026 12 davy 13 had 1.82859216095234 13 had 14 three 1.8620704390508642 14 three 15 friends 1.8805904094765538 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 was 20 happy 1.747935357704364 19 as 20 happy 1.5805205197132821 20 happy 23 day 2.257435895111975 20 happy 21 as 2.1247814349693535 22 the 23 day 1.6272962053126125 23 day 25 long 3.053895224708583 23 day 26 . 0.9785466039490451 24 was 25 long 0.6866566138744403 to dan it was only a lamp ; but to the boy it seemed a living thing , and he loved and tended it faithfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 but 1.636192966547803 1 to 6 a 0.01799677528020993 2 dan 4 was 0.6606570985079436 3 it 4 was 2.951169375325321 4 was 6 a 1.8886187807073789 4 was 5 only 2.1910454073335703 6 a 7 lamp 3.15251418828689 7 lamp 8 ; 1.2253799450501148 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 9 but 13 it 1.5722352988224095 9 but 11 the 0.47412053282206834 10 to 11 the 0.9100440193086232 11 the 12 boy 1.939272931713079 13 it 25 faithfully 2.5715888834599205 13 it 14 seemed 3.6361676606056115 15 a 16 living 2.0207142403299585 16 living 23 tended 3.841798065253755 16 living 17 thing 4.788825456751212 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 19 and 23 tended 3.1089740335636726 20 he 21 loved 2.5027411734635265 21 loved 23 tended 6.163460830814934 22 and 23 tended 3.1089740335636726 23 tended 25 faithfully 9.911779130966984 23 tended 24 it 3.045403125436355 25 faithfully 26 . 1.719454735336985 every day he helped dan clear the big wick , polish the brass work , and wash the glass lantern which protected the flame . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 2 day 6.20129066774062 2 day 4 helped 1.7398540593785512 3 he 4 helped 1.4182741668681622 4 helped 6 clear 5.511719270435854 4 helped 5 dan 3.653073144298805 6 clear 8 big 2.2135832439239245 7 the 8 big 2.3917268570222507 8 big 9 wick 9.187551760573577 9 wick 11 polish 14.536362179205486 9 wick 10 , 2.930008627319861 11 polish 13 brass 11.367327300739024 11 polish 12 the 1.5784922352618942 13 brass 22 protected 9.914263029932354 13 brass 14 work 5.9426155249825605 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 wash 1.4526571273944917 17 wash 20 lantern 6.368784683881092 18 the 19 glass 2.6645303558929214 19 glass 20 lantern 7.766537211391764 20 lantern 22 protected 10.723665177521703 21 which 22 protected 5.4878029570116595 22 protected 24 flame 10.789154384498492 22 protected 23 the 2.66814948240717 24 flame 25 . 1.7194895517814324 davy 's second friend was nep , the newfoundland , who was washed ashore from a wreck , and had never left the island since . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 davy 0.8420984493558006 1 davy 2 's 2.3166223956272383 2 's 4 friend 1.7004169631438764 3 second 4 friend 2.277822849970306 4 friend 11 who 2.5583433974712513 4 friend 6 nep 9.989736030648544 5 was 6 nep 4.524821006640924 6 nep 8 the 2.604383575201897 6 nep 7 , 2.5739304433616113 9 newfoundland 11 who 5.834607685472665 9 newfoundland 10 , 2.6576805183128194 11 who 13 washed 1.4264200878830735 11 who 12 was 2.595397155366385 13 washed 14 ashore 10.350703677239292 13 washed 25 since 4.488811133897318 13 washed 26 . 0.289891886361481 14 ashore 17 wreck 9.690694648250254 15 from 17 wreck 5.277440999420627 16 a 17 wreck 3.3304115180862333 17 wreck 24 island 4.172063217091754 17 wreck 19 and 2.6357812823037214 17 wreck 22 left 2.3892012173095623 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 had 22 left 3.4407274099444365 20 had 21 never 3.0678297829661805 23 the 24 island 2.933157790340415 but the dearest friend of all was a sea-gull . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 the 0.47412053282206834 2 the 3 dearest 1.9658082766502751 3 dearest 9 sea-gull 8.767142384406021 4 friend 9 sea-gull 7.829485466404076 4 friend 5 of 2.48822562876669 6 all 9 sea-gull 4.879975166248084 7 was 9 sea-gull 3.943890796540831 8 a 9 sea-gull 4.793889372422829 9 sea-gull 10 . 3.69080079296538 that was his world ; and he led a quiet life among his playfellows , the winds and waves . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 was 0.5695174840046828 1 that 2 was 1.5985753854158027 2 was 3 his -0.029832439689112533 3 his 14 playfellows 4.454142012688138 4 world 5 ; 1.0801389890939994 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 8 led 1.600011590975857 7 he 8 led 2.236212336472505 8 led 14 playfellows 7.111522498922987 9 a 10 quiet 2.461263720961881 10 quiet 14 playfellows 6.356169198499256 11 life 14 playfellows 5.555378713398394 12 among 14 playfellows 7.709003375430804 13 his 14 playfellows 4.454142012688138 14 playfellows 19 waves 9.609753294287831 14 playfellows 17 winds 8.95133179421834 14 playfellows 18 and 1.9606798475299314 14 playfellows 15 , 1.935610008493935 14 playfellows 16 the 1.5763157998794135 19 waves 20 . 1.099923867980646 he seldom went to the main land , three miles away ; for he was happier at home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 3 went 2.7653107880312984 2 seldom 3 went 4.138190168061346 3 went 11 away 4.820996290936012 3 went 18 home 4.36671961556943 3 went 4 to 2.76457199103605 5 the 6 main 3.4919428527913254 6 main 7 land 6.507781253747837 7 land 10 miles 2.582291026150493 7 land 8 , 0.8059376295230791 9 three 10 miles 6.884151738097906 10 miles 11 away 6.69877896864417 11 away 12 ; 1.4563009227858146 12 ; 13 for 1.4090530638881251 14 he 15 was 2.312012966177365 15 was 16 happier 1.6679954446961176 16 happier 18 home 1.3941223582016455 17 at 18 home 3.637167846409186 18 home 19 . 1.3288999004836732 he watched the sea-anemones open below the water , looking like fairy-plants , brilliant and strange . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 watched 2.662570068240626 2 watched 4 sea-anemones 11.763163418283796 3 the 4 sea-anemones 3.8157817536462666 4 sea-anemones 6 below 12.407497465923012 4 sea-anemones 5 open 11.429147839367179 6 below 12 fairy-plants 9.239656564432135 6 below 17 . 1.11888714048807 7 the 8 water 2.9786013777082747 8 water 12 fairy-plants 7.805656497063932 9 , 10 looking 2.0143069737250805 10 looking 12 fairy-plants 9.105402156274604 11 like 12 fairy-plants 8.081940258748968 12 fairy-plants 14 brilliant 12.910315845415692 12 fairy-plants 16 strange 6.808140082276147 12 fairy-plants 13 , 3.5946485191709705 12 fairy-plants 15 and 2.457612861223957 he found curious and pretty shells , and sometimes more valuable treasures , washed up from some wreck . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 found 2.937834497307014 2 found 3 curious 2.2363434037762424 3 curious 5 pretty 3.29990069359312 3 curious 4 and 1.0750409445545124 5 pretty 11 valuable 5.3219874552571795 5 pretty 6 shells 6.408493727756735 6 shells 8 and 1.9747166586631764 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 sometimes 11 valuable 5.171062496406986 10 more 11 valuable 4.918462508347531 11 valuable 12 treasures 10.143515357047043 11 valuable 18 wreck 7.829076935260648 12 treasures 13 , 1.2414250408773029 14 washed 18 wreck 8.582141238178746 14 washed 15 up 4.436483085852586 16 from 18 wreck 5.277440999420627 17 some 18 wreck 5.894427234946953 18 wreck 19 . 0.6493808655853961 he saw little yellow crabs , ugly lobsters , and queer horse-shoes with their stiff tails . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 saw 3.236304797324573 2 saw 3 little 0.8712044444769518 3 little 5 crabs 3.805018888232688 4 yellow 5 crabs 9.810445349131538 5 crabs 12 horse-shoes 13.432404322728704 5 crabs 6 , 1.6905499371998047 7 ugly 8 lobsters 8.75501476992508 8 lobsters 12 horse-shoes 12.213331671957302 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 12 horse-shoes 1.7746659335809767 11 queer 12 horse-shoes 11.012502070250143 12 horse-shoes 16 tails 10.087195022362533 12 horse-shoes 15 stiff 9.475078929960699 12 horse-shoes 14 their 6.966621469557012 12 horse-shoes 13 with 5.966424285425823 12 horse-shoes 17 . 2.6108772486684337 sometimes a whale or a shark swam by , and often sleek black seals came up to bask on the warm rocks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 sometimes 1.2463006275021158 1 sometimes 3 whale 4.805976572123871 2 a 3 whale 2.8776207168974572 3 whale 4 or 3.7674712366604695 4 or 6 shark 4.350266949276449 5 a 6 shark 2.4332996571663585 6 shark 9 , 1.5910518089886807 6 shark 7 swam 9.896149713306372 6 shark 8 by 3.983782664980179 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 10 and 18 bask 2.3577097743278443 11 often 12 sleek 7.024702916515032 12 sleek 18 bask 11.414197806632838 12 sleek 13 black 7.303939615369625 14 seals 18 bask 10.268656963817481 14 seals 15 came 4.415125235921245 16 up 18 bask 4.252116979898162 17 to 18 bask 3.53539067240942 18 bask 22 rocks 8.696968459615015 18 bask 21 warm 8.652160078823993 18 bask 19 on 4.925803029172354 19 on 20 the 2.3827313113897173 22 rocks 23 . 1.4716243295250386 he gathered lovely sea-weeds of all kinds , from tiny red cobwebs to great scalloped leaves of kelp , longer than himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 gathered 1.9212795245179528 2 gathered 4 sea-weeds 12.666510655027064 3 lovely 4 sea-weeds 9.782132594609049 4 sea-weeds 5 of 3.362448496796816 5 of 18 kelp 4.604248751421839 5 of 7 kinds 1.9247740254262347 6 all 7 kinds 6.443856723397008 7 kinds 9 from 1.9513086733657516 7 kinds 8 , 0.5006843758634645 10 tiny 12 cobwebs 9.665082799092737 11 red 12 cobwebs 7.452524499105024 12 cobwebs 15 scalloped 14.521123298475036 13 to 15 scalloped 2.5629364411822984 14 great 15 scalloped 7.7378930780600435 15 scalloped 18 kelp 14.908342623544371 15 scalloped 16 leaves 11.39816857576643 17 of 18 kelp 4.604248751421839 18 kelp 20 longer 8.777275504722446 18 kelp 21 than 5.723964527119161 18 kelp 22 himself 5.146078113187265 18 kelp 23 . 1.8018321053541229 18 kelp 19 , 1.7925807485177288 close by the tower hung the fog-bell , which , being wound up , would ring all night , warningly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 the 0.03213684141804052 1 close 2 by 5.561856590412926 2 by 3 the 1.984237484577001 3 the 7 fog-bell 4.153246944361943 4 tower 5 hung 8.034680590285149 5 hung 7 fog-bell 12.247621817479693 6 the 7 fog-bell 4.153246944361943 7 fog-bell 9 which 8.393599463038857 7 fog-bell 19 , 3.729578099257079 7 fog-bell 14 , 3.729578099257079 7 fog-bell 10 , 3.729578099257079 7 fog-bell 8 , 3.729578099257079 10 , 11 being 0.3643666870513016 11 being 12 wound 4.378920858566378 12 wound 13 up 5.360799807988119 15 would 16 ring 0.7151003674356637 16 ring 19 , 1.052627060131396 17 all 18 night 3.2529164373626287 18 night 19 , 1.1241093768684323 19 , 20 warningly 1.5356772137997083 20 warningly 21 . 2.487951153082207 " a heavy fog is blowing up : we shall want the bell to-night , and i must be off at once . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 17 i 2.219663534593389 2 a 3 heavy 2.974892433740038 3 heavy 4 fog 8.000182737633608 4 fog 6 blowing 9.358583167412366 4 fog 15 , 1.2999476266193426 5 is 6 blowing 3.3178382936798982 6 blowing 7 up 4.868261465954539 6 blowing 8 : 3.8305899999766453 8 : 9 we 0.9457096988599716 9 we 10 shall 4.303303749124435 9 we 11 want 2.88385986862167 12 the 13 bell 1.757671153643951 13 bell 14 to-night 4.944543589145692 14 to-night 15 , 1.8251872371143705 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 15 , 17 i 0.883559295304277 17 i 18 must 2.6979915005595725 18 must 19 be 4.732993294342485 19 be 20 off 1.9578254798595651 20 off 22 once 1.852704280025577 21 at 22 once 5.545597351124034 22 once 23 . 0.8433186597051368 i shall be back before dark , of course ; so take care of yourself , boy , " said dan . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shall 12 take 2.8905127104060533 2 shall 3 be 4.2128268800366495 3 be 11 so 1.7405708791147134 4 back 6 dark 1.6072921701452252 5 before 6 dark 3.3642639725145074 6 dark 10 ; 1.6152408355569854 6 dark 7 , 1.063090709364035 8 of 9 course 5.261678177063949 9 course 10 ; 1.7632567782163875 10 ; 11 so 1.5443366530647253 12 take 13 care 6.937497651040472 13 care 15 yourself 3.3021888788262217 13 care 14 of 2.9587428891175733 15 yourself 18 , 1.5985131292167534 15 yourself 16 , 1.5985131292167534 17 boy 18 , 0.8603011201080992 18 , 20 said 1.5025770512474743 19 " 20 said 3.5310061102049364 20 said 21 dan 4.498878003160428 21 dan 22 . 1.7165561981904744 away went the little boat ; and the fog shut down over it , as if a misty wall had parted davy from his uncle . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 went 0.005599638844039134 1 away 2 went 2.054115741783132 2 went 11 down 3.8544176664742995 3 the 9 fog 2.830944322842594 3 the 5 boat 2.7946646657277903 4 little 5 boat 2.436345768866804 5 boat 7 and 1.0656744380754866 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 the 9 fog 2.830944322842594 9 fog 11 down 3.3287932168775995 9 fog 10 shut 7.247202786165971 11 down 23 from 2.5698324067329636 11 down 12 over 1.116344982490407 12 over 13 it 1.1455498372603472 14 , 16 if 1.058710375425802 15 as 16 if 4.06288549053939 16 if 18 misty 1.629138656752204 17 a 18 misty 2.022646664396053 18 misty 19 wall 7.561973223091329 18 misty 21 parted 7.207679296904974 20 had 21 parted 3.327687720330996 21 parted 22 davy 5.970015721466037 21 parted 23 from 5.0598640597292075 23 from 24 his 2.331773813234845 24 his 25 uncle 1.7327993755158708 24 his 26 . 0.22076693954794813 it was nearly dark ; and , hoping to find dan had come , he ran down to the landing-place . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 nearly 2.5866359322975683 3 nearly 4 dark 3.8864027120173184 4 dark 7 , 1.063090709364035 4 dark 6 and 1.6215457074650619 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 , 8 hoping 2.747865608846528 8 hoping 10 find 4.377423673099916 8 hoping 9 to 3.2254216488021434 10 find 20 landing-place 3.344482403009529 11 dan 20 landing-place 3.4213544217578082 12 had 13 come 2.9842688300329954 13 come 17 down 3.3759194078515424 13 come 14 , 0.8096004457319346 15 he 16 ran 2.4661970034781344 16 ran 17 down 4.389904009754133 17 down 20 landing-place 4.320075995887187 18 to 20 landing-place 2.713929983045084 19 the 20 landing-place 3.27458770040926 20 landing-place 21 . 2.909269646365729 but no boat was there , and the fog was thicker than ever . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 11 thicker 2.246505310439524 1 but 2 no 1.432956551569072 3 boat 9 fog 2.3549329417470375 3 boat 4 was 1.6329561922304805 3 boat 6 , 1.1080202716222018 4 was 5 there 0.6716771774750985 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 the 9 fog 2.830944322842594 9 fog 11 thicker 9.749364149232221 9 fog 10 was 1.7524686051208818 11 thicker 12 than 7.640942777544414 12 than 13 ever 5.830919847889843 13 ever 14 . 0.6454001794935671 dan never had been gone so long before , and davy was afraid something had happened to him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 never 0.4252199493597697 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dan 0.4783275924912065 2 never 16 happened 1.9455703009253078 3 had 16 happened 4.112321828616096 3 had 4 been 5.237394471186553 3 had 5 gone 5.0144545798601055 5 gone 8 before 2.376123213185746 6 so 7 long 3.4487368989270752 7 long 8 before 3.8844162902973487 9 , 11 davy 1.2506025268301677 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 davy 12 was 1.2037450669189695 12 was 13 afraid 3.1011913025111895 13 afraid 14 something 2.26786829786883 14 something 16 happened 5.4917999492831875 15 had 16 happened 4.112321828616096 16 happened 17 to 3.116955601009453 17 to 18 him 1.727179860682737 18 him 19 . 1.4355656727212907 for a few minutes he was in great trouble ; then he cheered up , and took courage . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 a -0.5893971112625032 1 for 2 a 2.0099144621548533 2 a 3 few 4.691751776320549 2 a 8 great 3.8210157989541553 3 few 4 minutes 9.921770256695378 4 minutes 5 he 2.2164690035314827 5 he 6 was 2.312012966177365 7 in 8 great 1.7200223769700589 8 great 9 trouble 2.8580746408385025 9 trouble 13 cheered 1.5591197104610721 9 trouble 19 . 1.1483557208856183 10 ; 11 then 2.3313224188236426 11 then 13 cheered 2.9472609940249868 11 then 12 he 2.977095694374839 13 cheered 14 up 6.273004740227385 13 cheered 18 courage 4.515818435132349 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 took 1.6928864859720747 17 took 18 courage 5.5198325936053045 davy had his supper , but no dan came . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 davy 0.8420984493558006 1 davy 2 had 1.82859216095234 2 had 4 supper 1.1964646446582492 3 his 4 supper 3.324277629961724 4 supper 10 . 1.658406329251731 4 supper 5 , 1.2231490866445327 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 6 but 7 no 1.432956551569072 8 dan 10 . 1.7165561981904744 8 dan 9 came 0.8239012514742718 he waited hour after hour , and waited all in vain . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 8 waited 2.81232726455616 2 waited 8 waited 6.462508794335751 2 waited 5 hour 3.8436952117889405 3 hour 5 hour 4.8023396175088955 3 hour 4 after 4.608236890776972 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 waited 2.699332198244379 8 waited 11 vain 5.4947047690624835 9 all 11 vain 2.4654949621220545 10 in 11 vain 5.1760001496507595 11 vain 12 . 1.7409564069044947 the fog thickened , till the lamp was hardly seen ; and no bell rung to warn the ships of the dangerous rocks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 bell 0.20764127752230976 1 the 2 fog 2.830944322842594 1 the 14 bell 1.757671153643951 2 fog 3 thickened 14.403588656791516 3 thickened 5 till 7.666203756596676 3 thickened 12 and 2.9520848279972114 3 thickened 4 , 2.0249901485245054 5 till 7 lamp 2.376672924958779 6 the 7 lamp 2.848336911131593 7 lamp 9 hardly 4.042684182308417 8 was 9 hardly 1.4016819812738603 9 hardly 10 seen 2.830823592912669 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 12 and 13 no 0.0681654043459119 14 bell 15 rung 10.014973328096907 15 rung 17 warn 9.65632774956483 15 rung 19 ships 8.056523297758414 15 rung 23 rocks 6.563428749259447 15 rung 20 of 3.3346624000849623 16 to 17 warn 3.3551799248301144 18 the 19 ships 2.3399055558832487 21 the 23 rocks 3.3154709839751177 22 dangerous 23 rocks 7.633923928065521 23 rocks 24 . 1.4716243295250386 in the afternoon gulliver appeared : to him davy told his trouble , and the three friends took counsel together . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 in -0.6712338429647371 1 in 2 the 2.2179054533910225 1 in 11 his 2.316610965475677 2 the 3 afternoon 2.073338888668566 3 afternoon 4 gulliver 8.457301610447853 4 gulliver 5 appeared 9.012788106077057 4 gulliver 6 : 4.878531886560335 4 gulliver 7 to 1.5815075185533871 7 to 8 him 1.727179860682737 9 davy 10 told 2.437778282672298 10 told 11 his 1.3042435438415474 11 his 19 counsel 3.301768830605006 12 trouble 19 counsel 1.148265960003723 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 19 counsel 1.093315363512236 15 the 16 three 1.3872376209132113 16 three 19 counsel 2.5415972234389166 17 friends 19 counsel 4.326062889623046 18 took 19 counsel 7.216171421695723 19 counsel 20 together 6.910446822419363 20 together 21 . 1.6921200665876661 " i 'd gladly swim to town , if i could ; but it 's impossible to do it , with wind and tide against me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'd 3.910051988282767 3 'd 4 gladly 4.505450691774794 4 gladly 5 swim 7.602261378536262 4 gladly 18 do 4.147435246942241 4 gladly 9 if 2.9647375500072144 5 swim 7 town 4.206018846265401 6 to 7 town 2.679720390797721 8 , 9 if 1.058710375425802 9 if 10 i 2.4665272994818057 11 could 18 do 2.9781954150732872 12 ; 13 but 3.9096191073889806 13 but 14 it 1.5722352988224095 14 it 16 impossible 3.7274532772392384 14 it 15 's 2.8884519147935066 16 impossible 17 to 3.3916488935961837 17 to 18 do 2.3723850889805824 18 do 19 it 1.9315091833978766 18 do 21 with 1.5098867273752568 20 , 21 with 0.6646281173027546 21 with 26 me 2.25353718387281 22 wind 24 tide 5.548956300770424 22 wind 23 and 0.8038207323264892 24 tide 25 against 5.864644611095905 25 against 26 me 2.1610428194723887 26 me 27 . 0.8752603656539097 " i can do something for you ; and i will , with all my heart . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 can 3.0357047137007545 3 can 4 do 3.793586081272224 4 do 13 with 1.5098867273752568 4 do 7 you 3.4483737354832282 4 do 5 something 3.14156452428265 5 something 6 for 1.6189507987809755 7 you 11 will 2.521845216726133 8 ; 10 i 1.7064961061421702 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 10 i 11 will 2.6445045424929425 12 , 13 with 0.6646281173027546 13 with 14 all 1.5133949861435063 14 all 15 my 1.7665028358195993 15 my 16 heart 4.6414489301960415 16 heart 17 . 1.1111143201920726 i 'll fly to town , if i don't see him in the bay , and try to learn what has become of dan . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 17 try 5.323444420976447 2 'll 3 fly 1.1905322736223347 4 to 17 try 2.736559040423346 4 to 5 town 2.679720390797721 6 , 7 if 1.058710375425802 7 if 8 i 2.4665272994818057 8 i 9 don't 3.775983377249961 9 don't 17 try 3.0463730608801143 9 don't 10 see 3.5571581064685986 10 see 11 him 2.5520018736042793 12 in 13 the 2.2179054533910225 13 the 14 bay 2.901566433761783 14 bay 17 try 4.346735195795745 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 try 0.9049972144094767 17 try 18 to 3.4727099313214307 18 to 19 learn 3.3223060609875024 19 learn 20 what 2.7520905905714237 20 what 22 become 4.207891867392625 21 has 22 become 5.011986555431513 22 become 23 of 3.7535596974311733 22 become 24 dan 1.494283476892221 24 dan 25 . 1.7165561981904744 then i 'll come and tell you , and we will see what is to be done next . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 'll 16 be 3.8712942113240665 3 'll 6 tell 4.210791993278843 3 'll 4 come 3.0803631134760643 4 come 5 and 0.9628716407918478 6 tell 7 you 3.7181122630948114 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 we 1.098573113931673 10 we 11 will 3.2620368769536263 11 will 16 be 4.275365825583959 11 will 12 see 2.25283186318949 12 see 13 what 3.306547787662252 13 what 14 is 3.0799714209227993 15 to 16 be 3.101474476606974 16 be 17 done 3.965303645043491 17 done 19 . 1.0623918803631192 18 next 19 . 0.21877017412262134 cheer up , davy dear : i 'll bring you tidings , if any can be had . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 i 1.4747943966883117 1 cheer 3 , 0.7895066937454409 1 cheer 2 up 5.796902374150218 3 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 4 davy 5 dear 2.603583444868711 5 dear 6 : 1.2302246974576079 6 : 7 i 0.9902593081279818 7 i 8 'll 3.9881635767091375 7 i 17 had 1.158469240689623 8 'll 9 bring 3.9339675839440815 8 'll 16 be 3.8712942113240665 9 bring 11 tidings 6.53885289171448 9 bring 10 you 2.0162944413996797 12 , 13 if 1.058710375425802 13 if 15 can 2.3769270556070285 13 if 14 any 1.8372492519453836 15 can 16 be 3.0582349745027333 17 had 18 . -0.906244342470977 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 with these cheerful words , away sailed gulliver , leaving nep and his master to watch and wait again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 these 0.6533054462445396 1 with 2 these 2.4891186196702897 2 these 3 cheerful 3.6410701739341533 3 cheerful 19 again 3.238107376334245 3 cheerful 4 words 6.036893588389901 4 words 5 , 1.320616812523209 6 away 8 gulliver 5.165520763347008 6 away 19 again 2.2928811602441783 7 sailed 8 gulliver 10.691616616802659 8 gulliver 11 nep 14.037529253266086 8 gulliver 18 wait 4.440415994428413 9 , 10 leaving 2.51418426749777 10 leaving 11 nep 11.849389323151158 11 nep 14 master 7.650733514621216 11 nep 16 watch 7.518911800193617 11 nep 13 his 4.115817830912047 11 nep 17 and 3.292353005450206 11 nep 12 and 3.292353005450206 15 to 16 watch 3.0700861760196663 19 again 20 . 1.9785978324909212 " oh , what a lovely bird ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 8 ! 2.9964053743846186 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 what 6 lovely 2.487162594410197 5 a 6 lovely 2.929464113110667 6 lovely 7 bird 4.899002440459039 6 lovely 8 ! 2.6909322162352964 see his black cap , his white breast , dove-colored wings , red legs and bill , and soft , bright eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 see -0.029900483433817016 1 see 2 his -0.05478613010409461 2 his 11 wings 4.489555593934924 2 his 14 legs 4.774612697468703 3 black 11 wings 5.710316508630353 3 black 4 cap 4.853969325582312 4 cap 5 , 1.466352254250534 6 his 11 wings 4.489555593934924 7 white 10 dove-colored 6.033255612488343 8 breast 10 dove-colored 12.651271327562277 9 , 10 dove-colored 2.591852355011909 10 dove-colored 11 wings 12.352610942120773 11 wings 12 , 1.0242009511511831 13 red 14 legs 2.6930603700245648 14 legs 16 bill 4.378226005042073 14 legs 15 and 1.887225759744645 16 bill 19 soft 3.533213598320554 16 bill 17 , 1.3049045912481816 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 19 soft 22 eyes 4.733436290032479 19 soft 20 , 1.2205513905053706 21 bright 22 eyes 5.331677466424331 22 eyes 23 . 1.3735017526093447 i wanted a gull ; and i 'll keep this one , for i don't think he is much hurt . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wanted 2.5686939950494914 1 i 15 don't 3.775983377249961 2 wanted 4 gull 6.662430543807805 2 wanted 9 keep 2.581931914805974 2 wanted 11 one 1.2307883499826104 3 a 4 gull 3.1034584621977928 4 gull 5 ; 3.8949736962384414 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 i 8 'll 3.9881635767091375 8 'll 9 keep 3.4490554610632955 9 keep 10 this 1.1436093611604043 12 , 14 i 0.883559295304277 12 , 13 for 0.7095869605262024 14 i 15 don't 3.775983377249961 15 don't 16 think 4.687532167775798 15 don't 19 much 1.7078072226409162 16 think 18 is 0.9733046570131823 17 he 18 is 1.6260336903500061 19 much 20 hurt 2.813131540516828 20 hurt 21 . 0.7018352738248339 21 . 22 " 4.427730590569535 for three long days and nights he was a prisoner , and suffered much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 three -0.1277878551252698 1 for 2 three 2.545939872925521 2 three 6 nights 7.760946110541038 2 three 4 days 7.272165816037287 2 three 3 long 1.6998010348459545 5 and 6 nights 1.520970554886155 6 nights 10 prisoner 4.488879078980016 7 he 8 was 2.312012966177365 8 was 10 prisoner 2.572105299982539 9 a 10 prisoner 4.31962993748423 10 prisoner 13 suffered 5.861570597419387 10 prisoner 15 . 1.3040370587420824 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 13 suffered 1.4302587089454057 13 suffered 14 much 4.8740238667516955 the house was full of happy people , but no one took pity upon him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 house 2.6929789736134584 2 house 4 full 3.4144845759261884 3 was 4 full 2.913914781185669 4 full 5 of 4.573419715296982 4 full 13 pity 3.30998420566009 4 full 6 happy 1.2625676235323802 4 full 7 people 1.1335282610426312 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 9 but 10 no 1.432956551569072 10 no 13 pity 1.912776430844719 10 no 11 one 4.01958726482844 12 took 13 pity 3.7150403240463277 13 pity 14 upon 4.129891282565584 13 pity 15 him 2.4879141618915206 15 him 16 . 1.4355656727212907 but for three days no one spoke a friendly word to him , and he pined away with a broken heart . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 8 a -0.2137829896541703 2 for 4 days 2.8301313875210354 2 for 8 a 2.0099144621548533 2 for 6 one 1.0853435492387895 3 three 4 days 7.272165816037287 5 no 6 one 4.01958726482844 6 one 7 spoke 0.8156443154096245 8 a 10 word 3.5567760131019437 9 friendly 10 word 5.401904361481886 10 word 16 pined 5.088456121273591 10 word 11 to 1.4190712907115604 11 to 12 him 1.727179860682737 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 16 pined 3.067142241179713 15 he 16 pined 2.0748766176637226 16 pined 17 away 6.6937482254449385 16 pined 20 broken 5.274359677590933 16 pined 18 with 2.3694600561518087 18 with 19 a 2.5677995362572403 20 broken 21 heart 5.347236660152447 21 heart 22 . 1.1111143201920726 " poor bird , you 'll die , if yer stays here ; so i'se gwine to let yer go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 poor 0.9636415118836599 2 poor 3 bird 3.0607381702245817 3 bird 4 , 1.4743288968340185 5 you 6 'll 3.0120537035371715 6 'll 20 go 4.124783340780025 6 'll 7 die 3.008816969551379 8 , 19 yer 1.4284549566578022 9 if 19 yer 3.0850581677940383 10 yer 15 i'se 11.778442239000533 10 yer 11 stays 11.412048089622655 11 stays 12 here 5.4922896772890155 13 ; 15 i'se 4.3373015711249145 14 so 15 i'se 5.179770131262821 15 i'se 16 gwine 15.406563042341023 15 i'se 19 yer 11.152930118503704 15 i'se 18 let 5.256100337012683 16 gwine 17 to 4.668851577921856 19 yer 20 go 3.8169382324176837 20 go 21 . 0.21967727949435734 specs little missy 'll scold dreffle ; but moppet 'll take de scoldin for yer . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 specs 3.262995232115376 1 specs 3 missy 13.564401241354698 1 specs 2 little 8.278143299211102 3 missy 5 scold 8.665855273235426 4 'll 5 scold 4.543396374341292 5 scold 6 dreffle 14.793028234962549 5 scold 16 . 1.0454561377082072 6 dreffle 13 scoldin 14.966759947062013 6 dreffle 7 ; 6.566844262182769 8 but 9 moppet 4.495808188675042 9 moppet 13 scoldin 13.767451138838606 10 'll 13 scoldin 6.740772847349298 11 take 13 scoldin 8.132808384384361 12 de 13 scoldin 13.253233037238846 13 scoldin 15 yer 15.268754095939943 13 scoldin 14 for 6.501034546778914 " but , dear , kind moppet , won't you be hurt for doing this ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 7 moppet 4.495808188675042 3 , 4 dear 2.1348010320746766 4 dear 7 moppet 4.692321712703688 4 dear 5 , 2.04884114976878 6 kind 7 moppet 7.503347382573278 7 moppet 9 won't 5.404341466062469 7 moppet 14 doing 3.125663065006485 7 moppet 8 , 2.5510278512004767 7 moppet 13 for 1.1075317223500498 9 won't 12 hurt 6.0513316812973486 9 won't 11 be 3.9095900922175932 9 won't 10 you 2.5096199700438326 14 doing 16 ? 3.242477010841373 14 doing 15 this 3.064657561475297 why do you care so much for me ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7851754951784589 1 why 2 do 3.112535536421696 2 do 4 care 2.0170962739997726 2 do 3 you 3.4483737354832282 2 do 9 ? 2.344463917580823 4 care 6 much 3.2317689447739824 4 care 7 for 3.9330527648878917 5 so 6 much 4.890055122907173 7 for 8 me 2.410840729936597 i can only thank you , and fly away . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 2 can 3.0357047137007545 2 can 8 fly 4.231525068766981 2 can 4 thank 2.8545984990378734 2 can 3 only 2.0832838107028486 4 thank 5 you 5.101026876135045 4 thank 6 , 1.4624959908333306 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 fly 9 away 5.280092204828335 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 i got away , and i means you shall . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 9 shall 3.5779822205352936 1 i 2 got 1.9867710979771669 2 got 3 away 1.612925012099069 3 away 4 , 1.097982621917664 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 6 i 9 shall 3.5779822205352936 7 means 9 shall 0.7980210285496625 8 you 9 shall 2.413159005266589 9 shall 10 . -1.2043776530050039 " do you live here ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 do 0.9416274344623083 2 do 6 ? 2.344463917580823 2 do 3 you 3.4483737354832282 4 live 5 here 3.9450266034242034 5 here 6 ? 2.3282830369955185 i never see you playing with the other children , " said the gull , as moppet 's nimble fingers picked away at the knots . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 never 2.5602386484719286 2 never 5 playing 1.5057067708674907 2 never 3 see 1.732453379379944 3 see 4 you 1.7116420665043108 5 playing 6 with 3.8531554741870835 6 with 19 nimble 3.002621342962623 7 the 8 other 2.632237772637371 8 other 9 children 3.875519256359894 9 children 10 , 1.009572237138098 10 , 12 said 1.5025770512474743 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 17 moppet 4.140250749320227 12 said 13 the 1.3095954281400157 14 gull 17 moppet 10.87017628899208 14 gull 15 , 1.5862607336782517 16 as 17 moppet 3.4015963658630817 17 moppet 19 nimble 12.581038014607728 18 's 19 nimble 4.302714281265594 19 nimble 20 fingers 10.807034455128765 19 nimble 25 knots 9.502353173771635 19 nimble 21 picked 7.623241148418991 22 away 25 knots 3.7300230128495357 23 at 25 knots 3.0906412942835573 24 the 25 knots 2.6423610344120974 25 knots 26 . 0.8992998221086133 " yes : i lives here , and helps de cook . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 3 : 0.5741987245223612 3 : 5 lives 0.45696330833537857 3 : 4 i 0.9902593081279818 5 lives 9 helps 5.499149041375524 5 lives 6 here 2.983139743033867 5 lives 12 . 1.3266058117012385 6 here 7 , 1.2339148261024935 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 helps 10 de 8.926902528993569 9 helps 11 cook 7.268996396517444 you didn't see me , kase i never plays ; de chilen don't like me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 3 see 3.026824433151642 2 didn't 3 see 3.3276477637452615 3 see 15 me 1.9185684796470337 4 me 6 kase 6.905734098619565 5 , 6 kase 3.334631169958641 6 kase 12 chilen 16.06729888563311 6 kase 9 plays 12.626170382561089 6 kase 8 never 6.6830909298130585 6 kase 7 i 4.349041260315499 10 ; 12 chilen 6.521752552913796 11 de 12 chilen 13.505775069254998 12 chilen 13 don't 8.478812362161516 12 chilen 14 like 6.865547844340529 12 chilen 15 me 4.217334969713999 15 me 16 . 0.8752603656539097 16 . 17 " 4.427730590569535 " why not ? " asked gulliver , wondering . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 6 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 3 not 2.596862330615151 4 ? 6 asked 5.32511077011031 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 6 asked 7 gulliver 5.40745593169709 6 asked 10 . 0.7779303217424687 7 gulliver 9 wondering 8.345781742127357 8 , 9 wondering 2.321552355514772 " i'se black , " said moppet , with a sob . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i'se 2.7728606443781203 2 i'se 7 moppet 11.30184010685834 2 i'se 3 black 8.862827983604848 4 , 6 said 1.5025770512474743 5 " 6 said 3.5310061102049364 6 said 7 moppet 4.140250749320227 7 moppet 11 sob 7.933176181646434 7 moppet 8 , 2.5510278512004767 9 with 11 sob 3.705627420951668 10 a 11 sob 4.26557628489552 11 sob 12 . 2.45719504133616 " but that 's silly in them , " cried the bird , who had never heard of such a thing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 3 that 0.41877608776767516 3 that 4 's 2.1214078036711292 4 's 5 silly 0.8364393464689002 5 silly 21 thing 3.499876793336945 5 silly 12 bird 4.632647322760846 6 in 11 the 2.2179054533910225 7 them 8 , 0.8130704585028692 8 , 9 " 1.299421509625157 9 " 10 cried 3.5451272628542867 10 cried 11 the 1.5180346073725275 11 the 12 bird 2.5209402344411114 13 , 14 who 1.8533631975925822 14 who 15 had 3.342754652807864 15 had 16 never 3.0678297829661805 16 never 19 such 2.770676724605746 16 never 17 heard 4.3160930896266 17 heard 18 of 2.286982719465138 19 such 21 thing 4.926913122125351 19 such 20 a 4.1090062073831 21 thing 22 . 0.6893392015115865 it is very unkind to treat you so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 is 3.1387584458356006 1 it 9 . 0.47237242955592507 2 is 4 unkind 2.7369005172917795 2 is 8 so 1.6255407722394466 3 very 4 unkind 5.359328922907778 4 unkind 6 treat 8.861274369887589 4 unkind 5 to 3.45506620952505 4 unkind 7 you 2.6826298264236 haven't you any friends to love you , dear ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 haven't 3 any 5.643644601572632 1 haven't 7 you 2.0627512951603997 1 haven't 2 you 2.0627512951603997 3 any 4 friends 1.8766391701702858 5 to 6 love 0.9959047294757291 6 love 7 you 2.372306428952001 7 you 10 ? 1.9127300143977735 8 , 9 dear 2.1348010320746766 9 dear 10 ? 1.8736933999273528 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 " nobody in de world keres fer me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 nobody 1.298595732011817 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 nobody 6 keres 7.6524458860080635 3 in 6 keres 3.421429607144166 4 de 6 keres 12.106152622362842 5 world 6 keres 10.198356126390884 6 keres 7 fer 18.581676288714387 6 keres 8 me 5.889760311685492 6 keres 9 . 1.1058382922442256 dey sold me way from my mammy when i was a baby , and i'se knocked roun eber since . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dey 1.8470308487436888 1 dey 2 sold 10.524888002298265 2 sold 4 way 2.1318584217089906 2 sold 3 me 2.5596082129278983 4 way 5 from 1.9494790903306338 5 from 7 mammy 3.7992782608928586 6 my 7 mammy 3.567740564710334 7 mammy 8 when 4.119886014657986 8 when 17 roun 4.702449132501684 8 when 9 i 2.1674352707413114 10 was 11 a 1.8886187807073789 11 a 12 baby 2.7097579723317935 12 baby 17 roun 8.667781590742319 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 i'se 2.2975566395016713 15 i'se 17 roun 16.884427800391585 16 knocked 17 roun 13.39663841344667 17 roun 18 eber 20.5738751906354 18 eber 19 since 10.972694618233831 18 eber 20 . 2.2025143116558965 " i 'm your friend , dear ; i love you , and i never shall forget what you have done for me to-night . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 dear 1.1638437859679307 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 4 your 5 friend 4.124670389055115 5 friend 6 , 1.526765092351452 6 , 7 dear 2.1348010320746766 7 dear 23 me 3.2162612916290225 7 dear 8 ; 2.4031420653222675 9 i 15 never 2.5602386484719286 9 i 10 love 2.7380223429323625 10 love 11 you 2.372306428952001 12 , 14 i 0.883559295304277 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 i 15 never 2.5602386484719286 15 never 17 forget 5.350418882658502 16 shall 17 forget 4.943085276395294 17 forget 23 me 2.65330312686244 18 what 19 you 2.1286949378242674 19 you 20 have 2.4773295942588796 20 have 21 done 4.69915454777578 21 done 22 for 2.289837677183751 22 for 23 me 2.410840729936597 23 me 24 to-night 1.4495116855332597 24 to-night 25 . 1.611960321506512 how can i thank you before i go ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 1 how 2 can 4.263166297980767 2 can 4 thank 2.8545984990378734 2 can 8 go 3.0273152469627664 3 i 4 thank 1.585480043719599 4 thank 5 you 5.101026876135045 6 before 7 i 0.9296582071358905 7 i 8 go 1.692479253773703 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 " o my deary ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o 2.412037875786348 2 o 4 deary 6.356589674586203 3 my 4 deary 5.640016587049072 4 deary 5 ! 3.237167352950781 i'se paid by dem words , and i don't want no tanks . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i'se 1.5310564550240038 1 i'se 12 tanks 11.004360992858782 1 i'se 2 paid 11.130716398981154 3 by 4 dem 5.917662754449754 4 dem 12 tanks 11.564828931659193 4 dem 5 words 8.498060802912981 5 words 6 , 1.320616812523209 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 i 9 don't 3.775983377249961 9 don't 10 want 5.3732288162782975 10 want 12 tanks 6.765450594304063 11 no 12 tanks 5.952179839240134 12 tanks 13 . 2.8008235802932084 jes lub me , and come sometimes to see me ef you can , it 's so hard livin ' in dis yere place . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 lub 2.2826240388643093 1 jes 2 lub 16.533268994180474 2 lub 3 me 7.011438868273746 3 me 11 ef 2.9310977157732196 3 me 4 , 1.0369336845536683 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 6 come 8 to 2.167677248353314 6 come 7 sometimes 1.494249521967614 8 to 9 see 3.0208916104243624 9 see 11 ef 4.199994223843596 10 me 11 ef 2.9310977157732196 11 ef 13 can 4.308811637375683 12 you 13 can 3.114760440925462 13 can 23 yere 5.5064832654494005 14 , 19 livin 0.6032396146287127 15 it 16 's 2.8884519147935066 16 's 19 livin 3.4306404736139378 17 so 19 livin 4.711057177653853 18 hard 19 livin 9.421460865950834 19 livin 23 yere 16.366166794627098 19 livin 20 ' 5.323693951759179 21 in 23 yere 4.6229578060425425 22 dis 23 yere 16.877926781565364 23 yere 24 place 10.182334348312178 23 yere 25 . 2.22017096772322 i don't tink i 'll bar it long . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 don't 3.775983377249961 2 don't 3 tink 2.7809372161553014 3 tink 6 bar 6.161267367471822 4 i 5 'll 3.9881635767091375 5 'll 6 bar 2.9649467856375296 6 bar 8 long 2.692368723451846 6 bar 7 it 1.8909219170773852 6 bar 9 . 1.109791376159741 can't you get away , moppet ? " whispered gulliver , longing to help this poor , friendless little soul . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 gulliver 0.8864510696359957 1 can't 3 get 4.4588194429238595 2 you 3 get 2.03252428853064 3 get 4 away 3.485710512298237 4 away 6 moppet 5.470752559498944 5 , 6 moppet 1.2115709647534452 6 moppet 10 gulliver 9.915291871826437 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 8 " 9 whispered 3.3771459676531776 9 whispered 10 gulliver 8.122692704330014 10 gulliver 18 friendless 9.878189002464932 10 gulliver 12 longing 9.785669488837776 10 gulliver 14 help 4.364536011538714 10 gulliver 11 , 1.53474062574465 12 longing 13 to 3.096108191799466 15 this 16 poor 2.077120295588415 16 poor 18 friendless 5.332417260222936 17 , 18 friendless 1.5788802358916953 18 friendless 20 soul 9.175106033357899 18 friendless 19 little 4.438001375985721 18 friendless 21 . 1.471468171377989 when this was done , davy and dan were to take moppet , if they could , and make her happy on the island . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 9 were 1.1472283369155605 1 when 3 was 0.9636994182414291 2 this 3 was 1.7116825184184723 3 was 4 done 1.587674943198623 4 done 6 davy 1.3641934002153135 5 , 6 davy 1.2506025268301677 6 davy 8 dan 2.365893484670341 7 and 8 dan 0.6458438491471092 9 were 21 happy 2.4916946834666227 9 were 22 on 1.0500665525710193 10 to 11 take 2.7846513640138415 10 to 19 make 3.349468354565378 11 take 12 moppet 6.279018964145919 12 moppet 14 if 3.904277735418777 12 moppet 13 , 2.5510278512004767 14 if 15 they 2.7112005635733905 16 could 19 make 3.3313675040703927 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 18 and 19 make 0.8374363958847972 19 make 21 happy 3.092462560100998 19 make 20 her 1.6236709924076802 22 on 24 island 3.2123860607959145 23 the 24 island 2.933157790340415 24 island 25 . 1.2006220716315958 " hush , birdie , i 'll take kere ob you till you 's fit to fly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hush 1.6891493653771832 1 " 2 hush 3.600952770552503 2 hush 4 birdie 11.666392242477006 3 , 4 birdie 2.6180289775709795 4 birdie 6 i 2.3314051193867904 4 birdie 5 , 2.991982789467862 6 i 7 'll 3.9881635767091375 7 'll 9 kere 7.256349285199239 8 take 9 kere 9.518616947263979 9 kere 10 ob 19.47890537640265 9 kere 15 fit 8.77576767759584 9 kere 12 till 7.8795510383301135 9 kere 17 fly 5.891498651100331 9 kere 13 you 4.423970796749117 9 kere 14 's 2.6164334294853653 10 ob 11 you 4.616615874691515 15 fit 16 to 3.0867872458757013 17 fly 18 . 0.8418798626547286 i knows a nice , quiet little cove down yonder , where no one goes ; and dare you kin stay till you 's better . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 knows 0.4583787386703264 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 knows 4 nice 2.004547224959431 3 a 4 nice 3.2278762360836684 4 nice 6 quiet 3.165438424047874 4 nice 5 , 0.9092693865877362 6 quiet 8 cove 5.95462328540988 6 quiet 22 till 4.249600545504755 7 little 8 cove 3.9866907490503714 8 cove 10 yonder 7.801932805036618 8 cove 12 where 4.246215115388175 9 down 10 yonder 4.39903155942002 10 yonder 11 , 1.7075388114631522 13 no 20 kin 4.505827154593508 13 no 14 one 4.01958726482844 15 goes 20 kin 5.692428751918083 16 ; 17 and 2.090280035481264 17 and 20 kin 1.6871385580978497 18 dare 20 kin 6.526460873620852 19 you 20 kin 2.8118838494098313 20 kin 21 stay 7.044003684946137 21 stay 22 till 5.194112312791333 22 till 23 you 1.467613875090727 23 you 25 better 1.81177758349917 24 's 25 better 1.0424148431530327 25 better 26 . 0.6616855618175173 i 'll come and feed you , and you kin paddle , and rest , and try your wings , safe and free , honey . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 17 try 5.323444420976447 2 'll 3 come 3.0803631134760643 4 and 10 kin 1.6871385580978497 4 and 5 feed 1.2239337763584963 6 you 10 kin 2.8118838494098313 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 kin 1.6871385580978497 9 you 10 kin 2.8118838494098313 10 kin 11 paddle 12.602029153186106 10 kin 17 try 6.499905358925332 10 kin 15 , 1.0154942371506408 10 kin 12 , 1.0154942371506408 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 rest 0.8088846188908043 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 try 25 honey 2.1729382543628226 18 your 19 wings 2.089379905591528 19 wings 25 honey 3.035793719516086 19 wings 21 safe 3.1706057961983802 19 wings 22 and 2.2008815905830055 19 wings 20 , 1.0242009511511831 23 free 25 honey 5.4037204901691 24 , 25 honey 1.5139129842138388 25 honey 26 . 1.265985012312992 26 . 27 " 4.427730590569535 next day , a great storm came : the wind blew a hurricane , the rain poured , and the sea thundered on the coast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 next 0.8764931032160881 1 next 2 day 6.780933751692977 2 day 3 , 0.8561533929852239 3 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 4 a 13 hurricane 4.743182410393128 5 great 6 storm 4.243408141132779 6 storm 11 blew 7.727396807726706 6 storm 7 came 3.6244339256490115 6 storm 8 : 1.3390878602967327 9 the 10 wind 2.790162804501067 10 wind 11 blew 9.285979488549337 11 blew 13 hurricane 10.577283937075496 12 a 13 hurricane 4.743182410393128 13 hurricane 18 , 2.018562955848452 13 hurricane 14 , 2.018562955848452 13 hurricane 15 the 1.965257705450096 15 the 16 rain 2.6407142829350647 16 rain 17 poured 9.6347130791833 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 19 and 24 the 0.3601075504743463 20 the 21 sea 3.23375470053743 21 sea 22 thundered 7.170870983349179 22 thundered 23 on 2.868571904443563 23 on 24 the 2.3827313113897173 24 the 25 coast 3.265966329312249 25 coast 26 . 1.5258992889665421 " what has happened to davy alone on the island all this while ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 4 happened 4.601393809969931 3 has 4 happened 5.702594460541929 4 happened 5 to 3.116955601009453 4 happened 14 ? 2.1485094933677757 6 davy 7 alone 2.2516779029736327 7 alone 14 ? 1.6491735949715292 7 alone 13 while 1.8854423283891535 7 alone 8 on 1.707399938151056 8 on 10 island 3.2123860607959145 8 on 12 this 1.3809887902651337 9 the 10 island 2.933157790340415 11 all 12 this 2.09264187877562 o dan , dan , if we could only find you , how happy we should be ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 we 1.222900939258107 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 o 1.476636174893219 1 o 4 dan 3.565253388373389 1 o 2 dan 3.565253388373389 1 o 5 , 1.6076719657238279 1 o 3 , 1.6076719657238279 6 if 7 we 2.746159092559809 7 we 16 should 3.413107231632452 7 we 10 find 2.3267113828533823 8 could 10 find 4.184758949618516 8 could 9 only 3.2547290177813917 11 you 16 should 2.0017394078273316 12 , 13 how 0.5683900060361786 13 how 16 should 2.29307428057939 13 how 14 happy 2.889480944282603 15 we 16 should 3.413107231632452 16 should 17 be 4.308276838964748 17 be 18 ! 0.19775965513269256 18 ! 19 " 3.7411945146373657 as gulliver spoke , a voice cried through the darkness : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 gulliver 0.8864510696359957 1 as 2 gulliver 3.281920222867221 2 gulliver 3 spoke 7.942611849839938 2 gulliver 11 : 4.878531886560335 2 gulliver 10 darkness 3.831350290906766 2 gulliver 6 voice 3.2323245659354463 2 gulliver 4 , 1.53474062574465 5 a 6 voice 2.6953640769595513 6 voice 7 cried 2.4526413457022542 8 through 10 darkness 3.834084563639152 8 through 9 the 3.0378254413081116 " poor birdie , is you starvin ' ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 poor 0.9636415118836599 2 poor 3 birdie 8.004975404241833 3 birdie 7 starvin 14.196255242316102 3 birdie 4 , 2.991982789467862 5 is 7 starvin 4.039921940961246 6 you 7 starvin 4.327305416877913 7 starvin 8 ' 5.5457434811390875 7 starvin 9 ? 4.178923749450217 here , jes go at dis , and joy yourself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 jes 0.8048890109446454 1 here 3 jes 3.9560599993024503 2 , 3 jes 1.8784127638598243 3 jes 6 dis 10.559947084249242 3 jes 4 go 4.254657553695086 5 at 6 dis 3.5147506990588795 6 dis 9 joy 5.762101312770998 6 dis 10 yourself 4.565482668882378 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 joy 0.8073025823081146 10 yourself 11 . 1.073899636204306 dere 's fish and tings i tink you 'd like . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dere 1.854379915324813 1 dere 5 tings 14.796699845942381 1 dere 2 's 5.8913140781672695 3 fish 5 tings 11.241312517301434 4 and 5 tings 4.1055983956788396 5 tings 7 tink 12.612192895701615 5 tings 9 'd 7.001600652128921 5 tings 6 i 4.85154160084468 5 tings 10 like 4.783085684148563 5 tings 8 you 3.694618386692788 10 like 11 . 0.0011593154173485942 how is you now , dear ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 1 how 3 you 2.094984729973577 1 how 2 is 1.1609265161479563 3 you 7 ? 1.9127300143977735 4 now 7 ? 1.8548334770730026 5 , 6 dear 2.1348010320746766 6 dear 7 ? 1.8736933999273528 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 " hi ! what 's dat ? " said moppet , listening . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hi 1.9986880833806246 1 " 2 hi 4.264726812049151 2 hi 6 dat 8.366839806533655 2 hi 3 ! 5.409917015089896 4 what 6 dat 2.0214236565499206 5 's 6 dat 2.4346606523900647 6 dat 10 moppet 9.992957898367617 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 9 said 10 moppet 4.140250749320227 10 moppet 12 listening 9.017555891335483 10 moppet 11 , 2.5510278512004767 12 listening 13 . 0.674997326635161 " davy , davy ! " called the voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 davy 2.4971295598746366 2 davy 4 davy 3.2455528727004683 2 davy 3 , 1.548543648884026 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 6 " 7 called 0.7313172502917631 7 called 9 voice 1.5299519232865784 8 the 9 voice 1.0631584353907257 9 voice 10 . 1.5211545821531125 " it 's dan . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 dan 0.4783275924912065 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 4 dan 5 . 1.7165561981904744 hurrah , we 've found him ! " and gulliver dived off the rock so reckless that he went splash into the water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hurrah 1.9396323334887775 1 hurrah 7 ! 5.669019554833792 1 hurrah 3 we 1.8058860038095048 1 hurrah 2 , 1.29957059817729 3 we 4 've 3.939904365194378 4 've 5 found 3.82826136167947 5 found 6 him 2.215048400502397 7 ! 8 " 3.7411945146373657 8 " 10 gulliver 2.20745304449877 9 and 10 gulliver 2.4561755780810337 10 gulliver 11 dived 11.921149289007989 11 dived 21 into 7.127717392105055 11 dived 12 off 4.15723326320926 11 dived 23 water 4.04634852769663 13 the 14 rock 2.862058544225368 14 rock 16 reckless 6.788530238325659 15 so 16 reckless 2.6315678231863906 16 reckless 20 splash 7.1614894864245855 16 reckless 19 went 3.323264794325816 16 reckless 17 that 2.4676055977498237 18 he 19 went 2.7653107880312984 20 splash 21 into 5.156627864108234 22 the 23 water 2.9786013777082747 23 water 24 . 1.4466728848565857 but that didn't matter to him ; and he paddled away , like a little steamer with all the engines in full blast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 3 didn't 2.1336895744333777 2 that 3 didn't 0.5441364733928111 3 didn't 13 like 3.2076418248578964 3 didn't 4 matter 2.6842340438503314 4 matter 7 ; 2.329115105080284 5 to 6 him 1.727179860682737 6 him 7 ; 1.2232878486050396 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 8 and 10 paddled 1.4712632814864115 9 he 10 paddled 4.909080028317938 10 paddled 11 away 6.919136723962801 11 away 12 , 1.097982621917664 13 like 16 steamer 4.350469421016669 14 a 15 little 3.3978459531370575 15 little 16 steamer 4.4368022457068435 16 steamer 20 engines 12.162242034304064 16 steamer 17 with 3.6767515452482264 18 all 20 engines 3.670046369723117 18 all 19 the 1.5997645604568138 20 engines 23 blast 12.305980959922973 20 engines 21 in 2.882333959194632 22 full 23 blast 8.641069719235624 23 blast 24 . 1.1443858727334408 how glad they all were then ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 how 1.1974946247771836 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 then 2.011859416218485 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! -0.1363744880729456 1 how 3 they 1.891740530466251 1 how 2 glad 3.2531601124826643 3 they 5 were 4.740392399536562 3 they 4 all 2.0890500828306564 " what will he do ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 5 do 3.5650246818752365 3 will 5 do 2.8027638741932144 4 he 5 do -0.3423864787153086 5 do 6 ? 2.344463917580823 he may get killed or scared , or try to come ashore . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 may 1.1122886290444338 2 may 12 ashore 2.629324224666849 3 get 12 ashore 4.761425527855046 4 killed 6 scared 3.8023141974958783 4 killed 5 or 3.6134263087081955 6 scared 12 ashore 3.763856326985941 7 , 8 or 1.4271475215650753 8 or 12 ashore 2.5727426574759207 9 try 12 ashore 1.8093475205026586 9 try 10 to 3.4727099313214307 11 come 12 ashore 5.345354972403527 12 ashore 13 . 0.5437045610465852 is the lamp alight ? " he cried , trying to move , and falling back with a moan of pain . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 is 0.4762878297515023 1 is 2 the 0.5623570417995989 2 the 3 lamp 2.848336911131593 3 lamp 4 alight 9.613953718363923 4 alight 17 with 4.118784300342124 4 alight 5 ? 3.1980098416021434 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 6 " 8 cried 3.5451272628542867 7 he 8 cried 2.297485345680702 8 cried 15 falling 1.5791975793397377 9 , 10 trying 1.297403212557457 10 trying 12 move 3.9271455341548425 10 trying 11 to 4.425079937110491 12 move 15 falling 5.484077899169026 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 falling 0.837216079315791 15 falling 16 back 3.111454779619681 17 with 21 pain 3.767022839370746 18 a 19 moan 3.657258166378618 19 moan 21 pain 7.911314508064784 19 moan 20 of 4.118193456261231 21 pain 22 . 1.3685675917977456 gulliver flew up to the highest rock , and looked out across the dark sea . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 gulliver 0.8864510696359957 1 gulliver 2 flew 8.184729728061221 2 flew 12 across 4.749618752080075 2 flew 3 up 3.3519650173334483 2 flew 4 to 1.9677426357326944 5 the 6 highest 3.5684647425634672 6 highest 12 across 3.256921092581212 6 highest 7 rock 7.382500506697362 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 looked 2.145018121918154 10 looked 12 across 3.511837655030323 10 looked 11 out 2.2862941818267046 12 across 15 sea 3.449869405910672 12 across 13 the 3.4112863932716326 14 dark 15 sea 3.0630345920812054 15 sea 16 . 1.498820236995762 yes , there it was , the steady star shining through the storm , and saying plainly , " all is well . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 there 1.2420768016119634 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.095177279363993 1 yes 2 , 3.203851373117857 3 there 5 was 3.438683647331464 4 it 5 was 2.951169375325321 5 was 17 plainly 2.4896752287480837 6 , 7 the -0.4946706923978379 7 the 13 storm 2.8268099202594605 8 steady 9 star 8.264168452032447 9 star 10 shining 8.040357293078173 10 shining 11 through 5.501001263189998 11 through 13 storm 4.66483962353951 11 through 12 the 3.0378254413081116 13 storm 17 plainly 4.5077458096996565 14 , 16 saying 1.6609416359002793 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 saying 17 plainly 4.606792014579625 17 plainly 18 , 0.9282976916091634 18 , 24 " 1.299421509625157 18 , 19 " 1.299421509625157 19 " 22 well 2.674649997464309 20 all 22 well 0.8820738961493007 21 is 22 well 1.1019171811979316 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 " thank heaven ! if the lamp is burning , davy is alive . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 thank 3.0068784886995363 2 thank 3 heaven 7.602730550553353 3 heaven 9 burning 4.255882305671907 3 heaven 4 ! 1.9762626669903582 3 heaven 5 if 1.290937321915063 6 the 7 lamp 2.848336911131593 7 lamp 9 burning 6.901438116739875 8 is 9 burning 0.9110420189388186 9 burning 11 davy 4.023770289147119 10 , 11 davy 1.2506025268301677 11 davy 13 alive 3.1498308875303564 12 is 13 alive 2.68997946990428 13 alive 14 . 1.3505366390686113 now , how shall i get to him ? " said dan . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 1 now 9 ? 1.8548334770730026 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 1 now 4 shall 1.5268050654540168 3 how 4 shall 2.354393513963565 4 shall 6 get 3.111237070563316 4 shall 5 i 1.56251679072696 6 get 8 him 1.059195273979224 7 to 8 him 1.727179860682737 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 10 " 11 said 3.5310061102049364 11 said 12 dan 4.498878003160428 12 dan 13 . 1.7165561981904744 " never you fret , massa : moppet 'll see to dat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 dat 2.206045947842746 2 never 6 massa 5.812356156767752 3 you 6 massa 3.232492153569396 4 fret 6 massa 14.53769051819679 5 , 6 massa 3.316564985243332 6 massa 8 moppet 16.15776392918491 6 massa 12 dat 11.458604574397121 6 massa 7 : 8.425235054095143 6 massa 9 'll 6.442832841741527 6 massa 10 see 4.665470758715575 11 to 12 dat 0.9824234224916566 12 dat 13 . 0.2673821528988789 you jes lay still till i comes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jes 0.8048890109446454 1 you 2 jes 1.7845853646601562 2 jes 3 lay 7.046768509733273 2 jes 7 comes 3.609783780175025 3 lay 4 still 5.0718369000801715 5 till 7 comes 4.701169625453339 5 till 6 i 2.1389327745014324 7 comes 8 . 0.2603608794566874 dere 's folks in de house as 'll tend to you , ef i tells em who and where you is . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 ef 0.6512398855076711 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dere 1.854379915324813 1 dere 3 folks 7.589775361349446 1 dere 2 's 5.8913140781672695 3 folks 5 de 3.61768750851488 3 folks 4 in 0.8477609095765395 5 de 6 house 2.6086428994851545 7 as 13 ef 3.2301536756243507 7 as 9 tend 1.9731070964482456 7 as 11 you 1.0397487838100439 8 'll 9 tend 4.224883947076872 9 tend 10 to 3.373197314227294 12 , 13 ef 0.6917097573986624 13 ef 15 tells 8.674144701724984 13 ef 14 i 3.1883900367492757 15 tells 16 em 5.928669580179811 15 tells 20 you 2.6538763095085756 15 tells 17 who 0.9650820006100282 15 tells 22 . -0.16847739545284313 18 and 19 where -0.11640229710851813 19 where 20 you 1.940961372635524 21 is 22 . -0.6738333631323385 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 off she ran , and soon came back with help . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 off -1.1826601518762434 1 off 3 ran 2.1688659226555522 1 off 9 with 2.398220921263839 1 off 11 . 0.5847203837321615 2 she 3 ran 2.7236261004835143 3 ran 8 back 3.6009791213837516 4 , 5 and 1.9913305940627364 5 and 6 soon 0.9745926013755799 6 soon 7 came 3.112938629596041 7 came 8 back 4.551222433565485 10 help 11 . 0.4772315482465199 next morning , the cage was found blown over , and every one fancied the bird had flown away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 next 0.8764931032160881 1 next 2 morning 7.700655165112101 2 morning 7 found 2.1714523892571194 2 morning 3 , 1.5347114791480223 4 the 5 cage 2.3349141968668548 5 cage 7 found 3.1414435644065293 5 cage 6 was 2.100069956830229 7 found 8 blown 4.625682226521366 8 blown 14 fancied 7.2499248541938535 8 blown 9 over 5.5316372245119965 8 blown 12 every 3.9550563126639986 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 every 1.0005235797438452 12 every 13 one 4.909498305444933 14 fancied 18 flown 6.853757830072993 15 the 16 bird 2.5209402344411114 16 bird 18 flown 6.685105782015537 17 had 18 flown 5.474585979418826 18 flown 19 away 7.129004211725899 18 flown 20 . 1.4540673485619102 dora was already tired of him ; so he was soon forgotten by all but moppet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dora 0.9843313076792519 1 dora 3 already 3.398086683722397 1 dora 17 . 0.954385950873391 2 was 3 already 2.721327443148237 3 already 12 forgotten 5.218621997714035 3 already 4 tired 3.6131315174882594 3 already 7 ; 1.7629612954493545 4 tired 5 of 3.6621882667071617 6 him 7 ; 1.2232878486050396 8 so 11 soon 1.7764728939712207 8 so 9 he 1.3437699266751917 9 he 10 was 2.312012966177365 11 soon 12 forgotten 3.161771763082868 12 forgotten 16 moppet 5.722618896746951 12 forgotten 14 all 3.671968471878426 12 forgotten 13 by 2.553184421811121 15 but 16 moppet 4.495808188675042 nobody ever knew the best part of the story but moppet , davy , and gulliver . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nobody 1.298595732011817 1 nobody 3 knew 4.995625026971069 1 nobody 2 ever 5.8115832842645325 3 knew 6 part 1.6958192734760402 4 the 5 best 2.7144546132458114 5 best 6 part 4.362257887414081 6 part 11 moppet 5.006170750514865 6 part 7 of 4.1195332710246735 8 the 9 story 3.113607195821789 9 story 11 moppet 5.395133977202896 10 but 11 moppet 4.495808188675042 11 moppet 16 gulliver 9.915291871826437 11 moppet 13 davy 7.918728165312679 11 moppet 14 , 2.5510278512004767 11 moppet 12 , 2.5510278512004767 15 and 16 gulliver 2.4561755780810337 16 gulliver 17 . 0.4717009444712872 the sun was setting ; and they floated through waves as rosy as the rosy sky . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 16 sky 3.1949121992196456 1 the 2 sun 3.5488656278186834 2 sun 4 setting 7.089661640528448 3 was 4 setting 2.9372338632014525 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 8 floated 2.1279267519766627 7 they 8 floated 3.3988305743176355 8 floated 10 waves 7.576667107359015 8 floated 9 through 6.866807854464831 10 waves 15 rosy 7.38541479850754 10 waves 12 rosy 7.38541479850754 11 as 12 rosy 1.5016341154704982 12 rosy 13 as 2.2613342079305028 14 the 15 rosy 1.2240849387225268 15 rosy 16 sky 7.403247191045491 16 sky 17 . 1.6256260504117197 a fresh wind filled the sail , and ruffled gulliver 's white breast as he sat on the mast-head crooning a cheery song to himself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 the 0.03213684141804052 1 a 2 fresh 2.46843625223584 2 fresh 4 filled 4.7513761559214664 2 fresh 3 wind 4.301875514311874 4 filled 5 the 1.2533661814908328 5 the 19 mast-head 3.714559703467465 6 sail 8 and 0.40540396999776007 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 gulliver 2.4561755780810337 9 ruffled 10 gulliver 12.956288172525781 10 gulliver 12 white 6.403956036753218 10 gulliver 11 's 3.0233169749554563 12 white 13 breast 5.216717110149862 13 breast 14 as 1.9177093645390428 14 as 19 mast-head 3.7763990687726583 15 he 19 mast-head 3.202101418302078 16 sat 19 mast-head 7.460060997478674 17 on 19 mast-head 5.866905396132161 18 the 19 mast-head 3.714559703467465 19 mast-head 20 crooning 17.915566021248065 19 mast-head 22 cheery 13.196483896733067 19 mast-head 23 song 9.493513411507944 19 mast-head 25 himself 5.702471461711649 19 mast-head 21 a 3.9588892910010607 24 to 25 himself 2.519162316886426 25 himself 26 . 1.3870603516163218 as the sun sunk , out shone the lamp with sudden brightness , as if the island bade them welcome . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 sun -0.23967369320968857 1 as 3 sun 0.9067378104406423 2 the 3 sun 3.5488656278186834 3 sun 7 shone 8.946825385929259 3 sun 4 sunk 8.245176848876586 4 sunk 6 out 3.841070997620456 4 sunk 5 , 0.05770753331276168 7 shone 9 lamp 6.215648693694714 8 the 9 lamp 2.848336911131593 9 lamp 12 brightness 6.970908466317173 9 lamp 21 . 0.9330761314983818 10 with 11 sudden 3.462824631240558 11 sudden 12 brightness 8.288896057960248 12 brightness 18 bade 5.006137870771266 12 brightness 14 as 2.893224830351194 13 , 14 as 0.9452529367549332 14 as 15 if 4.06288549053939 16 the 17 island 2.933157790340415 17 island 18 bade 5.349282820739905 18 bade 20 welcome 5.824101223078561 18 bade 19 them 4.944400977651913 ix . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ix 1.4731012801239949 1 ix 2 . 2.8033926193417393 the whale's story . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 whale's 2.070350154172978 1 the 2 whale's 3.953526349339427 2 whale's 3 story 10.167735725905366 2 whale's 4 . 1.3364512203856371 freddy sat thinking on the seat under the trees . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 freddy 1.1118720990763116 1 freddy 2 sat 7.729473168292813 1 freddy 3 thinking 6.484078232674481 1 freddy 6 seat 6.245491471996285 1 freddy 10 . 1.8752661464250622 4 on 6 seat 3.8935729408669495 4 on 5 the 2.3827313113897173 6 seat 7 under 5.317578949648503 7 under 9 trees 4.744690122172948 8 the 9 trees 2.7891417833993426 it gave a great creak ; and a sudden gust of air stirred the trees , as if some monster groaned and sighed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 13 stirred 0.733773243073923 2 gave 3 a 2.9757058601791275 3 a 10 gust 4.466199976509429 3 a 4 great 3.8210157989541553 4 great 5 creak 6.856749600729376 5 creak 6 ; 4.4002928601685625 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 a 10 gust 4.466199976509429 9 sudden 10 gust 10.797164263116638 10 gust 12 air 7.807687894167991 10 gust 11 of 5.067150241792071 12 air 13 stirred 5.39220330434863 13 stirred 15 trees 5.279864949258631 13 stirred 20 monster 5.021283721595207 14 the 15 trees 2.7891417833993426 15 trees 16 , 0.8980173188275806 16 , 18 if 1.058710375425802 17 as 18 if 4.06288549053939 19 some 20 monster 3.437806834396433 20 monster 21 groaned 7.950677539347566 21 groaned 23 sighed 4.291143053363825 21 groaned 22 and 1.36751204172403 23 sighed 24 . 1.577626275938096 " freddy ahoy ! " called the big voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 freddy 3.131120951951708 2 freddy 3 ahoy 13.7451695453023 2 freddy 10 . 1.8752661464250622 3 ahoy 4 ! 6.048885250798506 3 ahoy 6 called 5.423771178401875 3 ahoy 8 big 4.207539951009757 3 ahoy 9 voice 3.676889669815612 4 ! 5 " 3.7411945146373657 7 the 8 big 2.3917268570222507 " why , can you talk ? " asked freddy , very much astonished and a little frightened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 5 you 2.4164845717739194 2 why 3 , 1.840497834106312 4 can 5 you 1.9429849027294246 5 you 6 talk 1.492176207691184 7 ? 9 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 asked 10 freddy 7.188721515987254 10 freddy 14 astonished 6.890290228848361 10 freddy 18 frightened 3.7943348638852257 10 freddy 11 , 2.1397756020155185 10 freddy 19 . 1.8752661464250622 12 very 13 much 4.924830971624845 13 much 14 astonished 6.371293453015298 14 astonished 15 and 0.6027968481917263 16 a 17 little 3.3978459531370575 17 little 18 frightened 2.541168438604803 " of course i can , for this is a part of my jaw-bone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 course 1.0467733520879712 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 of 3 course 5.261678177063949 3 course 14 jaw-bone 3.8882516112679113 3 course 4 i 1.990845845566266 3 course 6 , 1.7729147845419035 4 i 5 can 3.0357047137007545 7 for 8 this 1.005360606063828 8 this 14 jaw-bone 2.686791844633028 8 this 9 is 3.100883637059548 10 a 14 jaw-bone 4.149070472578163 11 part 14 jaw-bone 7.416462538143058 11 part 12 of 4.1195332710246735 13 my 14 jaw-bone 6.110476393709579 14 jaw-bone 15 . 3.69080079296538 i don't think any one but you would understand me , any way . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 don't 3.775983377249961 2 don't 9 understand 5.403477347707691 2 don't 3 think 4.687532167775798 2 don't 12 any 2.407713772423822 2 don't 4 any 2.407713772423822 4 any 5 one 4.154169477640316 6 but 7 you 0.8583585711734791 7 you 9 understand 2.476026400863116 8 would 9 understand 2.2736438416134703 9 understand 10 me 1.644165514612265 10 me 11 , 1.0369336845536683 12 any 13 way 3.438559451417749 13 way 14 . 1.0608925922121735 " were you a naughty whale ? " asked freddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 freddy 3.131120951951708 2 were 10 freddy 1.2785047052935674 3 you 10 freddy 1.0342494719617825 4 a 6 whale 2.8776207168974572 5 naughty 6 whale 8.707024772894293 6 whale 10 freddy 8.63550132274748 7 ? 9 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 asked 10 freddy 7.188721515987254 10 freddy 11 . 1.8752661464250622 " i was proud , very proud , and foolish ; and so i suffered for it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 14 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 3 was 6 very 2.85037252061154 3 was 4 proud 2.609665002439872 3 was 13 so 2.043618865545218 4 proud 5 , 0.21611738540542902 6 very 7 proud 5.059629204894758 6 very 10 foolish 4.865308207989926 7 proud 9 and 1.203614620190507 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 11 ; 13 so 1.5443366530647253 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 so 14 i 0.9141271409535001 14 i 15 suffered 1.413857497592403 15 suffered 16 for 2.7187173087825265 15 suffered 17 it 0.8412134550411672 17 it 18 . 0.47237242955592507 i dare say you know a good deal about us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 dare 3.6052691385164213 1 i 5 know 3.0908547366095043 2 dare 3 say 7.496575287648177 4 you 5 know 3.724341505433399 5 know 9 about 3.058653365329885 6 a 8 deal 3.97353149015923 7 good 8 deal 6.932663377866422 8 deal 9 about 3.772682516281833 9 about 10 us 0.8445161476073118 10 us 11 . 0.8333584792472593 i see you reading often , and you seem a sensible child . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 see 1.7421156301759755 2 see 8 you 1.7116420665043108 2 see 3 you 1.7116420665043108 2 see 4 reading 1.105855656254807 4 reading 5 often 4.071335350569228 4 reading 7 and 0.7520690322938606 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 you 9 seem 2.3836871179300587 9 seem 11 sensible 3.5745129529477992 10 a 11 sensible 2.9678290976580186 11 sensible 12 child 3.5986255699169973 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 we can't live without air ; we have warm , red blood ; and we don't lay eggs , so we are not fishes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 2 can't 3.4298633192834203 2 can't 3 live 3.0167046957796124 3 live 9 warm 2.3572305537308402 3 live 4 without 4.8483876334215275 4 without 5 air 2.1086174007466845 5 air 6 ; 1.6957061644810736 6 ; 7 we 1.7026800822961299 7 we 8 have 3.215397502013481 9 warm 11 red 3.3985573358798113 9 warm 10 , 1.225632870310978 11 red 24 fishes 7.16212238735465 11 red 12 blood 4.93921256292224 12 blood 16 don't 2.2228288026585297 12 blood 13 ; 2.0529440126015928 13 ; 14 and 2.090280035481264 15 we 16 don't 2.120015265362671 17 lay 18 eggs 5.327095343040618 18 eggs 22 are 3.2961147348080395 18 eggs 19 , 1.2169765328324011 20 so 21 we 1.2131554895271908 21 we 22 are 3.9859534724360124 22 are 23 not 2.690194006537789 23 not 24 fishes 1.5818750116780969 24 fishes 25 . 1.0005769625974104 we certainly are the biggest creatures in the sea and out of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 certainly 1.0192299081190885 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 2 certainly 5 biggest 3.9951815752732323 3 are 5 biggest 2.177315518712671 4 the 5 biggest 3.73994317956814 5 biggest 6 creatures 8.233282660809817 5 biggest 9 sea 2.867697466825966 5 biggest 12 of 2.512548925883152 5 biggest 10 and 1.4739809404913622 7 in 8 the 2.2179054533910225 8 the 9 sea 3.23375470053743 11 out 12 of 3.4530498390397675 12 of 13 it 0.8497451518318897 13 it 14 . 0.47237242955592507 " ah ! you may well say so ; we are a very wonderful and interesting family . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 ah 2.949448798979221 2 ah 3 ! 4.385426473496146 4 you 5 may 3.3345366502764495 5 may 7 say 2.467427047654379 5 may 6 well 3.1992069598199 7 say 8 so 2.30505786514928 8 so 16 interesting 3.1621289791990783 9 ; 10 we 1.7026800822961299 10 we 11 are 3.9859534724360124 11 are 16 interesting 2.615467716683824 12 a 13 very 2.111070452963636 13 very 16 interesting 4.867704949313303 13 very 14 wonderful 3.9640658200164225 14 wonderful 15 and 0.23663089505716428 16 interesting 17 family 5.1543758190191795 16 interesting 18 . 1.5695332056570201 all our branches are famous in one way or another . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 all -0.13924143960137414 1 all 2 our 2.1286508182522326 2 our 3 branches 3.1230981183102564 2 our 8 way 3.038278175222125 3 branches 5 famous 6.507199751708725 3 branches 4 are 3.1502533030749262 5 famous 7 one 2.7352278949227298 5 famous 6 in 1.9680385544904873 8 way 9 or 1.2885961730116584 8 way 11 . 1.0608925922121735 9 or 10 another 1.684072443543144 " yes : but tell me about the big ones , please . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 please 1.6384297706631745 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 4 but 1.1492656737179487 3 : 4 but 1.5208211737282191 5 tell 6 me 4.773347470203449 5 tell 7 about 3.398994862713611 7 about 8 the 1.160436754070151 8 the 9 big 2.3917268570222507 9 big 10 ones 4.566321645911273 10 ones 12 please 1.922442879506768 11 , 12 please 1.500745116251517 12 please 13 . 0.5079871493848156 which were you ? " cried freddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 freddy 1.1118720990763116 1 which 7 freddy 1.6122576025361717 1 which 2 were 1.8292152662290704 3 you 4 ? 1.9127300143977735 4 ? 7 freddy 3.6935969160208018 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 6 cried 7 freddy 5.28748830195412 7 freddy 8 . 1.8752661464250622 " i was a right whale , from greenland . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 9 greenland 2.7776557076701742 3 was 5 right 1.6504635443021254 3 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 5 right 9 greenland 4.878732172314873 6 whale 9 greenland 10.155672099242455 7 , 9 greenland 1.8571333666060355 8 from 9 greenland 5.936483676357639 9 greenland 10 . 1.3358438976905447 the sperms live in warm places ; but to us the torrid zone is like a sea of fire , and we don't pass it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 12 torrid 4.142055318809589 1 the 2 sperms 3.6766861439806036 1 the 17 sea 3.23375470053743 2 sperms 3 live 9.417878649467308 2 sperms 4 in 3.8811339210204423 4 in 6 places 2.9843251155347623 5 warm 6 places 6.14886645297609 6 places 7 ; 2.708660965054431 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 9 to 10 us 1.2832732821725177 10 us 12 torrid 8.583911336871498 11 the 12 torrid 4.142055318809589 12 torrid 13 zone 20.728903878472934 13 zone 15 like 7.580201421701332 13 zone 14 is 6.656258639980155 15 like 16 a 2.717545363523488 17 sea 26 . 1.498820236995762 17 sea 21 and 1.245482112636921 18 of 19 fire 1.1196825044717542 19 fire 21 and 1.3989946837217069 20 , 21 and 1.9913305940627364 21 and 22 we 1.098573113931673 22 we 23 don't 2.120015265362671 23 don't 24 pass 1.9224688762950315 24 pass 25 it 0.6519782738193811 yes , you may stare ; but it 's true , my dear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 yes 2.095177279363993 1 yes 13 dear 2.340911623165077 1 yes 6 ; 3.4059650251588423 1 yes 11 , 3.203851373117857 1 yes 2 , 3.203851373117857 3 you 4 may 3.3345366502764495 4 may 5 stare 4.588091981751276 5 stare 6 ; 2.875933653297942 6 ; 7 but 3.9096191073889806 8 it 9 's 2.8884519147935066 9 's 10 true 2.697847540724087 10 true 11 , 1.894235013874619 12 my 13 dear 4.7642210168562364 13 dear 14 . 0.2744420450222673 the tongue , which makes about five barrels of oil , lies below , like a cushion of white satin . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 10 oil 1.7618244055018657 2 tongue 4 which 1.8092981953138043 3 , 4 which 1.6914583310125977 4 which 10 oil 3.037516732005688 4 which 5 makes 3.716705060358507 6 about 8 barrels 3.8358361231603517 7 five 8 barrels 8.091139173968866 8 barrels 10 oil 10.931797506519285 8 barrels 9 of 4.209350794011787 10 oil 12 lies 7.369838883113438 10 oil 20 satin 6.8613504727446575 10 oil 11 , 0.6631101166228497 12 lies 13 below 5.974935681514374 13 below 14 , 1.40074163502754 15 like 20 satin 4.313836641926574 16 a 17 cushion 3.4368177450911723 17 cushion 20 satin 7.741815398262865 17 cushion 18 of 2.50565982993632 19 white 20 satin 7.824241462138932 20 satin 21 . 1.4708216491011825 then we collect the food with our tongue , and swallow it ; for , though we are so big , our throats are small . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 we 2.111130719215767 2 we 7 our 2.285156083552856 2 we 3 collect 3.6728967716329315 3 collect 5 food 6.56798270843835 3 collect 6 with 1.1307471474266713 3 collect 4 the 0.7848631755260307 7 our 23 throats 6.649358627106832 7 our 8 tongue 2.228466645825254 8 tongue 16 though 2.659412138277176 9 , 16 though 2.8653386317912517 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 swallow 13 ; 2.8196351523753123 12 it 13 ; 0.5035540791736288 13 ; 16 though 1.7848840957698684 13 ; 14 for 1.4090530638881251 15 , 16 though 2.8653386317912517 17 we 18 are 3.9859534724360124 18 are 19 so 2.025645815719411 19 so 20 big 1.8115612618041332 20 big 23 throats 3.1583707351616326 20 big 21 , 0.5389905962191328 22 our 23 throats 6.649358627106832 23 throats 25 small 6.437608541396219 23 throats 24 are 4.973762691380628 23 throats 26 . 1.749156492758459 " have you got any enemies ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 have -0.1733496894133406 2 have 4 got 3.216556027225998 3 you 4 got 1.5906693740077795 4 got 5 any 2.9534318907984627 5 any 6 enemies 3.1786062037116203 6 enemies 7 ? 2.3793348108812857 i shouldn't think you could have , you are so large , " said freddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 shouldn't 3.493480960214244 2 shouldn't 3 think 4.361854882993008 3 think 10 so 2.275607804457035 4 you 9 are 3.475232791343645 4 you 6 have 2.4773295942588796 5 could 6 have 3.2533947074628085 7 , 8 you 0.2857327855941545 8 you 9 are 3.475232791343645 9 are 10 so 2.025645815719411 10 so 11 large 2.5458939894767774 11 large 15 freddy 5.291018984132528 12 , 14 said 1.5025770512474743 13 " 14 said 3.5310061102049364 14 said 15 freddy 4.723383243531888 15 freddy 16 . 1.8752661464250622 " but we have , and many too , three who attack us in the water , and several more that men use against us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 3 we 1.8096392746097631 3 we 4 have 3.215397502013481 4 have 10 three 0.5082569869888331 4 have 7 many 1.400990420366547 4 have 8 too 0.3460824587982003 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 many 0.19876255315591962 8 too 9 , 1.2703410375975146 10 three 12 attack 4.556370228882553 11 who 12 attack 3.4226985092079047 12 attack 25 us 4.478095559804814 12 attack 13 us 4.478095559804814 12 attack 26 . 1.6265933040153442 14 in 15 the 2.2179054533910225 15 the 22 men 1.577747614593429 15 the 16 water 2.9786013777082747 16 water 18 and 1.1640453496192507 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 19 several 22 men 4.432703031145465 19 several 20 more 3.011019644442353 21 that 22 men -0.06328050333976165 22 men 23 use 2.899828131301309 23 use 24 against 3.2567778934920817 24 against 25 us 3.383564897014935 the killer , the sword-fish , and the thrasher trouble us at home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 5 sword-fish 3.892535719450276 2 killer 5 sword-fish 15.86531213433485 3 , 5 sword-fish 2.4724204041839855 4 the 5 sword-fish 3.892535719450276 5 sword-fish 9 thrasher 18.066364449841295 5 sword-fish 7 and 3.305609767778904 5 sword-fish 6 , 3.2410115645562705 8 the 9 thrasher 3.879461363304628 9 thrasher 10 trouble 11.141570675845603 9 thrasher 11 us 8.096416657472396 9 thrasher 13 home 6.597254405033876 12 at 13 home 3.637167846409186 13 home 14 . 1.3288999004836732 freddy laughed at the idea , and asked , " how about candles ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 freddy 1.1118720990763116 1 freddy 2 laughed 7.210085203512396 2 laughed 3 at 4.479148120218543 2 laughed 13 candles 3.2866611614763563 4 the 5 idea 2.344607158804452 5 idea 11 how 3.4867915735753137 6 , 10 " 1.299421509625157 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 asked 9 , 0.6291632080860623 9 , 10 " 1.299421509625157 10 " 11 how 1.8534453085956457 11 how 13 candles 3.3986756271854865 12 about 13 candles 4.198911651813205 13 candles 14 ? 3.2881347515682826 i know about oil and seats and umbrellas ; but i thought candles were made of wax . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 know 3.0908547366095043 2 know 3 about 3.058653365329885 3 about 4 oil 3.308813463497099 4 oil 6 seats 11.068554702485962 4 oil 5 and 2.44977805395812 6 seats 8 umbrellas 13.658406228048094 7 and 8 umbrellas 3.1016312167151447 8 umbrellas 13 candles 10.838771188187788 8 umbrellas 17 wax 10.82138910995955 8 umbrellas 9 ; 5.577862617648858 8 umbrellas 12 thought 5.222428847097035 9 ; 10 but 3.9096191073889806 11 i 12 thought 2.7349936508769783 13 candles 14 were 4.673289373775713 13 candles 15 made 3.9418935192049496 16 of 17 wax 0.9575327940293548 17 wax 18 . 1.2405157719153976 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 they cut a hole in the skull , and dip it out ; and sometimes get sixteen or twenty barrels . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 cut 1.0602012308963396 2 cut 4 hole 4.318254489807433 3 a 4 hole 3.4855499406711417 4 hole 5 in 4.154675164333579 5 in 6 the 2.2179054533910225 6 the 7 skull 2.6641941497280293 7 skull 9 and 1.8071765230255217 7 skull 21 . 1.7093912202765722 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 dip 4.226226316235298 10 dip 20 barrels 10.198543418911374 10 dip 17 sixteen 9.952091897273181 10 dip 15 sometimes 7.433387581294074 10 dip 12 out 4.2380817223341865 10 dip 16 get 3.9528272408759584 10 dip 13 ; 3.2993639513177797 10 dip 11 it 2.9535117726533784 13 ; 14 and 2.090280035481264 17 sixteen 18 or 4.557065529752531 19 twenty 20 barrels 8.715950846409644 this is made into what you call spermaceti candles . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 8 spermaceti 2.3704019332870985 1 this 2 is 3.100883637059548 3 made 8 spermaceti 6.233311711885683 4 into 8 spermaceti 5.493523627608873 5 what 8 spermaceti 4.836852700648439 6 you 8 spermaceti 3.8921156592024353 7 call 8 spermaceti 10.83596842839994 8 spermaceti 9 candles 16.61331153250352 8 spermaceti 10 . 2.2137536314111124 we don't have any such nonsense about us ; but the sperms always were a light-headed set . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 3 have 3.215397502013481 1 we 2 don't 2.120015265362671 3 have 4 any 2.4851501587338714 4 any 6 nonsense 2.619052181055558 5 such 6 nonsense 6.064842938735282 6 nonsense 7 about 3.4908109364339666 6 nonsense 19 " 1.772030204493074 7 about 16 light-headed 3.7789223452696206 8 us 12 sperms 4.554163993477445 9 ; 12 sperms 2.7439707462395404 9 ; 10 but 3.9096191073889806 11 the 12 sperms 3.6766861439806036 12 sperms 16 light-headed 13.03939709875397 12 sperms 13 always 6.8275679706760535 14 were 16 light-headed 4.273408390086516 15 a 16 light-headed 3.956847408048038 16 light-headed 17 set 8.767116504142383 18 . 19 " 4.427730590569535 " i beg your pardon , child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 beg 3.799967012973653 3 beg 5 pardon 11.520671058736895 4 your 5 pardon 6.741563067944732 5 pardon 7 child 2.3841150385035554 5 pardon 6 , 2.268882682734599 7 child 8 . 0.9140129317013219 " tell me about your troubles ; i pity you very much , and like to hear you talk , " said freddy , kindly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 you 1.1569854937375332 2 tell 10 you 3.7181122630948114 2 tell 3 me 4.773347470203449 2 tell 4 about 3.398994862713611 2 tell 6 troubles 3.333020795836667 5 your 6 troubles 4.318530593287939 6 troubles 7 ; 1.4350278394774065 7 ; 8 i 1.7064961061421702 9 pity 10 you 1.1050586400322864 10 you 25 kindly 2.382038158431044 11 very 25 kindly 3.6782230879199815 11 very 12 much 4.924830971624845 12 much 15 like 2.793495687897124 12 much 13 , 0.20096542956840757 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 16 to 19 talk 2.83660690583846 16 to 17 hear 3.1230975801307697 18 you 19 talk 1.492176207691184 19 talk 25 kindly 3.6733168088741017 20 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 21 " 22 said 3.5310061102049364 22 said 23 freddy 4.723383243531888 23 freddy 25 kindly 8.484624955893764 23 freddy 24 , 2.1397756020155185 25 kindly 26 . 0.8073435228226664 " unfortunately we are very easily killed , in spite of our size ; and have various afflictions besides death . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 unfortunately 2.1577835929707447 1 " 2 unfortunately 1.9716689917492864 2 unfortunately 3 we 3.218747518957958 3 we 4 are 3.9859534724360124 4 are 5 very 2.569844872554331 5 very 6 easily 3.565180810691512 6 easily 21 . 1.200838929208338 6 easily 7 killed 5.245543536553239 6 easily 8 , 0.9915282177562617 9 in 10 spite 5.689557793726221 10 spite 18 afflictions 7.90253312800116 10 spite 11 of 5.135610725555983 12 our 18 afflictions 4.502302559831765 13 size 18 afflictions 8.472442889083013 14 ; 18 afflictions 2.755910359551063 14 ; 15 and 2.090280035481264 16 have 18 afflictions 3.8717067229453406 17 various 18 afflictions 13.52637830935915 18 afflictions 19 besides 11.043917613867723 18 afflictions 20 death 8.67316057523314 20 death 21 . 1.4860831696394055 " it 's no laughing matter , i assure you , " said the whale 's bone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 3 's 6 matter 2.2750110996143107 4 no 6 matter 4.717502692774083 5 laughing 6 matter 4.228561366903634 6 matter 9 assure 3.7737191353710458 7 , 9 assure 1.0293533846363196 8 i 9 assure 4.4914937215444475 9 assure 15 whale 5.21042863800594 9 assure 10 you 5.357562852301523 11 , 13 said 1.5025770512474743 12 " 13 said 3.5310061102049364 13 said 15 whale 2.6886447414628343 14 the 15 whale 3.151993404739052 15 whale 17 bone 8.627320826898377 15 whale 16 's 2.7621603546961424 15 whale 18 . 1.3319785596144342 " we suffer a great deal , and get thin and weak and miserable . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 suffer 3.066299610718275 3 suffer 6 deal 3.121883661996417 3 suffer 12 weak 4.341606710580248 4 a 6 deal 3.97353149015923 5 great 6 deal 8.49448999430711 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 thin 1.890396573543434 9 get 10 thin 1.483474840829473 10 thin 12 weak 5.410306192469946 10 thin 11 and 1.9052671246789146 12 weak 14 miserable 6.907984196251228 12 weak 13 and 2.5880569219102476 14 miserable 15 . 1.2325453781628148 i 've sometimes thought that 's the reason we are blue . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 we 1.222900939258107 1 i 2 've 4.345825318265309 2 've 4 thought 2.826120018151233 3 sometimes 4 thought 2.768997422415353 4 thought 5 that 1.9258221117913532 5 that 6 's 2.1214078036711292 6 's 8 reason 1.1362278837438318 7 the 8 reason 2.3279608247586605 9 we 10 are 3.9859534724360124 10 are 11 blue 0.9100894201504204 12 . 13 " 4.427730590569535 " that 's not the reason ; my cousins , the sperms , have teeth , and dyspepsia also . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 sperms 0.9936053312417599 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 that 0.1191727968773062 2 that 3 's 2.1214078036711292 3 's 4 not 0.4395717333513378 5 the 12 sperms 3.6766861439806036 5 the 6 reason 2.3279608247586605 7 ; 12 sperms 2.7439707462395404 8 my 9 cousins 3.2906022510663533 9 cousins 12 sperms 9.737569635465668 9 cousins 10 , 2.0240183094571798 11 the 12 sperms 3.6766861439806036 12 sperms 18 dyspepsia 11.92556171348853 12 sperms 13 , 0.9756787751857203 14 have 18 dyspepsia 3.379891687928726 15 teeth 18 dyspepsia 8.494005526562972 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 18 dyspepsia 2.427950875049593 18 dyspepsia 19 also 9.014803381030557 18 dyspepsia 20 . 1.4962137372888016 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 " are they blue ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 are 5 ? 1.2259369845431127 2 are 3 they 1.2052808340661354 2 are 4 blue 0.9100894201504204 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 " no , black and white . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 4 black 0.06472183269112008 2 no 3 , 1.4999650591880105 4 black 6 white 4.406629077196673 4 black 5 and 1.325807399731353 4 black 7 . 0.2579979077716441 but i was going to tell you my troubles . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 i 2.212975893494237 2 i 6 tell 2.3874304186834934 3 was 4 going 2.587515073195677 4 going 5 to 4.148501845167235 5 to 6 tell 2.6652878094105485 6 tell 7 you 3.7181122630948114 6 tell 9 troubles 3.333020795836667 8 my 9 troubles 3.6004778567285634 9 troubles 10 . 1.2567870001901298 my father was harpooned when i was very young , and i remember how bravely he died . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 father 0.19689315170512778 1 my 2 father 4.1134935732555995 2 father 4 harpooned 8.766276413945931 2 father 17 died 5.269460258101589 3 was 4 harpooned 4.495835541387574 4 harpooned 5 when 7.0201857460071615 4 harpooned 12 i 3.574203656981389 4 harpooned 6 i 3.574203656981389 6 i 7 was 0.8065165233008251 7 was 8 very 2.85037252061154 8 very 9 young 1.9685046235785535 10 , 12 i 0.883559295304277 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 13 remember 15 bravely 3.7692343163527653 13 remember 14 how 3.6920708338623207 15 bravely 17 died 4.464119333882735 16 he 17 died 2.49122239757315 17 died 18 . 1.2419032173311386 the rights usually run away when they see a whaler coming ; not from cowardice , oh , dear , no ! but discretion . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 rights 2.175555234062916 2 rights 4 run 5.866874283079589 2 rights 3 usually 9.359773145431639 4 run 5 away 6.509879221374767 5 away 12 ; 1.4563009227858146 5 away 6 when 0.4899439661845655 6 when 7 they 3.5119302040378244 8 see 10 whaler 6.842048170984338 9 a 10 whaler 5.135499833171892 10 whaler 11 coming 9.847937962137745 10 whaler 12 ; 6.382325400333176 12 ; 23 but 3.9096191073889806 12 ; 15 cowardice 2.761763085796499 13 not 15 cowardice 2.7433140828283378 14 from 15 cowardice 5.171257560874192 15 cowardice 17 oh 4.444012957013133 15 cowardice 16 , 1.776114561880064 17 oh 19 dear 4.975296964833147 17 oh 20 , 3.2347483665415506 17 oh 18 , 3.2347483665415506 17 oh 22 ! 2.9964053743846186 17 oh 21 no 2.5146048617939964 23 but 24 discretion 3.347044367562649 24 discretion 25 . 2.6541718709746576 the sperms stay and fight , and are killed off very fast ; for they are a very headstrong family . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sperms 0.9936053312417599 1 the 2 sperms 3.6766861439806036 2 sperms 3 stay 8.703185966948407 3 stay 5 fight 3.325031278453885 3 stay 4 and 0.9575541966093439 5 fight 21 . 1.0927735525518152 6 , 19 headstrong 2.0857193831169134 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 are 19 headstrong 2.8814234707405397 9 killed 19 headstrong 6.207275402404267 10 off 19 headstrong 2.559622080883699 11 very 19 headstrong 5.930611453773345 12 fast 19 headstrong 4.1529585283238575 13 ; 15 they 1.946806452009188 13 ; 14 for 1.4090530638881251 15 they 16 are 3.993263810226807 16 are 19 headstrong 2.8814234707405397 17 a 18 very 2.111070452963636 18 very 19 headstrong 5.930611453773345 19 headstrong 20 family 9.144968933887338 20 family 21 . 1.3841722527759046 we fight when we can't help it ; and my father died like a hero . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 5 can't 3.4298633192834203 1 we 2 fight 1.7000525935952417 3 when 4 we 2.9464343914269726 4 we 5 can't 3.4298633192834203 5 can't 6 help 6.139519854051958 6 help 7 it 2.450164921686744 6 help 8 ; 0.7777654539431964 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 9 and 12 died 0.9987746096670129 10 my 11 father 4.1134935732555995 11 father 12 died 5.269460258101589 12 died 15 hero 2.710115328811323 12 died 16 . 1.2419032173311386 13 like 15 hero 3.206697905460146 14 a 15 hero 3.455616409057093 then they got out another line , and he towed the ship itself for more than an hour . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 they 2.3449199088836465 2 they 3 got 2.330513069290058 3 got 5 another 1.4470536631551099 3 got 4 out 2.5632449848886303 5 another 18 hour 4.264469204864888 5 another 6 line 2.868341883095166 5 another 19 . 0.8943701140693463 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 10 towed 3.389391361679433 9 he 10 towed 2.9460752603138047 10 towed 12 ship 8.854371974606806 10 towed 13 itself 7.804817729145938 10 towed 18 hour 5.697881313960806 10 towed 16 than 3.7340989042528747 10 towed 14 for 1.6715882632635335 11 the 12 ship 2.8684931403369855 15 more 16 than 6.525811350829949 17 an 18 hour 7.615919705317191 ah ! he was a father to be proud of . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ah 2.1027967923377524 1 ah 2 ! 4.385426473496146 2 ! 12 " 3.7411945146373657 2 ! 3 he 0.5465836976844063 3 he 4 was 2.312012966177365 4 was 9 proud 2.609665002439872 4 was 5 a 1.8886187807073789 6 father 9 proud -0.12403280820490892 7 to 8 be 3.101474476606974 8 be 9 proud 3.4487993504627603 9 proud 10 of 3.9687544021227072 11 . 12 " 4.427730590569535 freddy sat respectfully silent for a few minutes , as the old bone seemed to feel a great deal on the subject . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 freddy 1.1118720990763116 1 freddy 3 respectfully 9.454714098713762 1 freddy 2 sat 7.729473168292813 1 freddy 9 , 2.1397756020155185 3 respectfully 4 silent 7.878436181767565 4 silent 8 minutes 4.879559780193027 4 silent 5 for 3.411303777861921 6 a 7 few 4.691751776320549 7 few 8 minutes 9.921770256695378 9 , 10 as 0.9452529367549332 10 as 17 a 0.8840292401042049 11 the 13 bone 2.529780120224654 12 old 13 bone 2.316982942450764 13 bone 14 seemed 4.959418864755975 14 seemed 17 a 0.7553848695476013 14 seemed 15 to 3.771163452217605 14 seemed 16 feel 2.285594740854691 17 a 19 deal 3.97353149015923 18 great 19 deal 8.49448999430711 19 deal 22 subject 2.660094104037423 20 on 22 subject 3.787292644586465 21 the 22 subject 3.0543432520536733 22 subject 23 . 1.7682726097092853 presently he went on again : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 presently 2.294206428455629 1 presently 2 he 3.08143606329935 2 he 3 went 2.7653107880312984 3 went 4 on 4.063278055453239 3 went 5 again 1.7748494635486018 5 again 6 : 2.129483347485234 " the sperms live in herds ; but the rights go in pairs , and are very fond of one another . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 sperms 0.9936053312417599 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 the 3 sperms 3.6766861439806036 3 sperms 4 live 9.417878649467308 4 live 6 herds 8.1446860712662 5 in 6 herds 3.523902556578239 6 herds 19 of 3.0078162368367494 6 herds 7 ; 5.387489948195004 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 9 the 10 rights 2.175555234062916 10 rights 13 pairs 9.451468763541111 11 go 13 pairs 3.182238699210629 12 in 13 pairs 2.090014990525084 13 pairs 18 fond 4.641377533732214 13 pairs 15 and 0.6958716880194267 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 are 18 fond 3.1522737101108653 17 very 18 fond 5.7527493689338876 18 fond 19 of 5.209689440933234 19 of 21 another 0.028527919729061324 20 one 21 another 4.038247146430676 21 another 22 . 0.8943701140693463 his mamma , instead of flying , wrapped her fins round him , and dived as far as the line allowed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 instead 0.9964482687990479 1 his 2 mamma -0.5061764478763564 2 mamma 4 instead 5.230755365144777 2 mamma 3 , 1.6100930611566717 4 instead 6 flying 5.497214148089981 4 instead 5 of 4.778322395793648 6 flying 8 wrapped 6.7612912250536645 6 flying 22 . -0.03197220749276042 7 , 8 wrapped 1.113977673635059 8 wrapped 10 fins 13.274033618495636 9 her 10 fins 5.442694465439285 10 fins 15 dived 11.924578963285384 10 fins 11 round 8.734139828408463 10 fins 20 line 8.419416889396874 10 fins 21 allowed 7.765753338800181 10 fins 17 far 6.556666007220468 10 fins 12 him 4.482656341922226 10 fins 16 as 3.676142671641177 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 14 and 15 dived 1.7276365251215644 17 far 18 as 3.771753349481486 19 the 20 line 2.5161183750882756 then she came up , and dashed at the boats in great rage and anguish , entirely regardless of the danger she was in . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 3 came 2.491561602941493 1 then 2 she 2.632692636526217 3 came 4 up 3.1743119356962133 4 up 18 regardless 5.655944337690286 5 , 18 regardless 2.9655509610426947 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 dashed 2.2142133631406153 7 dashed 8 at 2.076817854106494 9 the 10 boats 2.714363872394962 10 boats 12 great 3.1591309988856686 11 in 12 great 1.7200223769700589 12 great 13 rage 4.950023335189037 13 rage 15 anguish 7.328152731873605 13 rage 14 and 1.9979950473790673 15 anguish 18 regardless 9.636620902072622 16 , 18 regardless 2.9655509610426947 17 entirely 18 regardless 10.073482314263806 18 regardless 21 danger 5.499250308825797 18 regardless 19 of 5.180307545644869 18 regardless 20 the 1.9610144414240267 21 danger 23 was 1.9331426880076563 21 danger 25 . 1.494303082440343 21 danger 24 in 1.2645337506813377 22 she 23 was 2.3491053343536645 alas ! alas ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 alas 2.0738253198840386 1 alas 3 alas 8.706723853566508 1 alas 2 ! 5.79580050944112 3 alas 4 ! 5.79580050944112 4 ! 5 " 3.7411945146373657 here the poor bone creaked so dismally , freddy feared it would tumble to pieces , and bring the story to an end too soon . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 freddy 1.1118720990763116 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 here 0.6457796651362582 2 the 3 poor 1.805152091273703 3 poor 5 creaked 6.136058679481476 4 bone 5 creaked 12.59382399707087 5 creaked 7 dismally 13.045952077395171 5 creaked 6 so 4.765453810966882 7 dismally 9 freddy 12.366657745141854 8 , 9 freddy 0.2597947295885987 9 freddy 10 feared 10.320948890696855 9 freddy 18 bring 5.504121844457021 11 it 12 would 2.423105303220689 12 would 18 bring 3.2054712149148266 12 would 13 tumble 3.5899836893317563 13 tumble 15 pieces 8.24815865350093 14 to 15 pieces 2.7575022211779547 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 18 bring 1.7064992292931294 18 bring 21 to 1.078325010855398 18 bring 19 the 0.9383384020755656 19 the 20 story 3.113607195821789 21 to 23 end 1.2015177301971072 22 an 23 end 5.301577597107745 23 end 26 . 0.6258322615744465 24 too 26 . 1.1605897581666298 24 too 25 soon 3.425926466693028 " don't think of those sorrowful things , " he said ; " tell me how you came to be here . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 17 you 2.454467337564168 2 don't 3 think 4.687532167775798 3 think 4 of 2.7005440226130197 4 of 5 those 2.736764958542235 5 those 6 sorrowful 4.5001866615118615 5 those 7 things 4.091006093487586 8 , 13 " 1.299421509625157 8 , 11 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 11 said 3.5310061102049364 10 he 11 said 1.8953304056768925 11 said 12 ; 1.3906995679837895 13 " 17 you 1.1569854937375332 14 tell 15 me 4.773347470203449 14 tell 17 you 3.7181122630948114 14 tell 16 how 3.0506160416718373 17 you 21 here 0.9868791683226004 18 came 21 here 3.2642761547803367 18 came 19 to 2.588720125212861 19 to 20 be 3.101474476606974 21 here 22 . 0.4464806328309514 were you harpooned ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 " 1.5791793757022523 1 were 3 harpooned 5.06932307173221 2 you 3 harpooned 4.277580043097931 3 harpooned 4 ? 5.320841665085954 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 " well , if i must , i must ; but i 'm sorry to confess what a fool i 've been . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 if 5 i 2.4665272994818057 5 i 13 'm 4.8883536268785885 5 i 21 've 4.345825318265309 5 i 6 must 2.6979915005595725 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 13 'm 4.8883536268785885 8 i 9 must 2.6979915005595725 10 ; 11 but 3.9096191073889806 11 but 12 i 2.212975893494237 12 i 13 'm 4.8883536268785885 13 'm 14 sorry 6.798664490266905 14 sorry 16 confess 3.892663321262596 15 to 16 confess 3.38921313970393 16 confess 19 fool 4.2351960725539115 16 confess 17 what 2.242153538275307 18 a 19 fool 3.732494114379538 20 i 21 've 4.345825318265309 21 've 22 been 5.61747706331049 22 been 23 . -0.5464884159700585 you know what coral is , don't you ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 1 you 2 know 3.724341505433399 1 you 7 don't 2.3799320431768702 2 know 3 what 4.283913017101961 2 know 6 , 0.5766441360788086 3 what 4 coral 3.589151865662533 3 what 5 is 3.0799714209227993 7 don't 8 you 2.454467337564168 8 you 9 ? 1.9127300143977735 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 " no , " said freddy , wondering why it asked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 11 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 3 , 5 said 1.5025770512474743 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 5 said 6 freddy 4.723383243531888 6 freddy 8 wondering 8.036212744131344 6 freddy 10 it 1.338320917950945 7 , 8 wondering 2.321552355514772 8 wondering 9 why 6.167733734687591 11 asked 12 . 0.7779303217424687 " then i must tell you , i suppose . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 i 2.219663534593389 2 then 3 i 0.9425262764340747 3 i 9 suppose 4.454760951025708 3 i 4 must 2.6979915005595725 4 must 5 tell 2.523589089509656 5 tell 6 you 3.7181122630948114 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 9 suppose 4.454760951025708 9 suppose 10 . -0.5913998107332077 there is a bit in the house there , that rough , white , stony stuff on the table in the parlor . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 15 stony 3.184323248256021 1 there 2 is 3.4493880668436336 3 a 15 stony 2.0564440259801096 3 a 4 bit 4.3931155458296285 5 in 15 stony 3.87276911790568 5 in 6 the 2.2179054533910225 6 the 7 house 2.6929789736134584 8 there 15 stony 3.184323248256021 9 , 15 stony 1.7196997934023557 10 that 11 rough 1.1384813485206706 11 rough 15 stony 8.284510936992127 12 , 15 stony 1.7196997934023557 13 white 15 stony 6.2770734130790835 14 , 15 stony 1.7196997934023557 15 stony 16 stuff 10.042952197652141 15 stony 22 parlor 7.084617442736324 15 stony 19 table 5.781653111754352 17 on 19 table 3.8194094601458097 18 the 19 table 3.211283056428181 20 in 22 parlor 2.6122877494805614 21 the 22 parlor 3.5333029299907857 22 parlor 23 . 1.3977301606949517 it 's full of little holes , you know . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 3 full 0.8646094019088686 3 full 6 holes 6.0259993966175 3 full 4 of 4.573419715296982 5 little 6 holes 4.426935216247497 6 holes 9 know 1.2302374850894466 6 holes 7 , 1.0993803093665164 6 holes 10 . 0.869577205657933 8 you 9 know 3.724341505433399 but if they are taken up or touched , the coral people go in doors , and the beautiful hues disappear . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 3 they 1.7408553076905537 2 if 3 they 2.7112005635733905 3 they 8 touched 2.2393590567723436 3 they 4 are 3.993263810226807 4 are 5 taken 1.7582566281179517 5 taken 6 up 2.8711085570129136 7 or 8 touched 2.3922843306819708 8 touched 10 the 2.0887967999437507 8 touched 9 , -0.3894097190354877 10 the 11 coral 2.2925414703979463 11 coral 20 hues 10.508829759387265 11 coral 15 doors 8.325244761114888 11 coral 12 people 5.941962227906931 11 coral 13 go 3.4328167625906936 13 go 14 in 0.9585776831229218 15 doors 17 and 2.0298559746680525 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 the 20 hues 1.759649026152669 19 beautiful 20 hues 7.56144716848765 20 hues 21 disappear 12.279715844389148 21 disappear 22 . 1.0678283701304423 i knew such a community of coral builders , and used to watch them long ago , when they began to work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 knew 2.433643775356245 2 knew 16 ago -0.1078814147198095 3 such 5 community 5.450055528285425 3 such 4 a 4.1090062073831 5 community 7 coral 13.64804153407032 5 community 6 of 3.769983664863833 7 coral 8 builders 16.001814470051286 7 coral 16 ago 6.4384404314958665 8 builders 10 and 3.0361490927856813 8 builders 9 , 2.504424879135751 11 used 16 ago 1.6056660630521833 11 used 12 to 4.514927521289815 12 to 13 watch 3.0700861760196663 13 watch 14 them 2.830453897557412 15 long 16 ago 7.576908670112058 16 ago 18 when 3.351045455285302 16 ago 17 , 1.7247698640748634 16 ago 23 . 1.5665767860171655 18 when 19 they 3.5119302040378244 19 they 20 began 2.184525075426766 20 began 21 to 4.246133941809509 21 to 22 work 2.5529669487843236 ' you may roar ; but you 'll see that we are right , if you live long enough , ' said they . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 1.2913709027074027 1 ' 2 you 1.0044010517180642 2 you 3 may 3.3345366502764495 2 you 17 live 1.9599415077443325 3 may 4 roar 4.56339933720313 4 roar 13 right 4.670100763168808 4 roar 5 ; 3.5988751510653003 5 ; 6 but 3.9096191073889806 7 you 12 are 3.475232791343645 7 you 9 see 3.026824433151642 8 'll 9 see 3.031854054121549 9 see 10 that 1.7956509556779618 11 we 12 are 3.9859534724360124 12 are 13 right 2.256282734383518 13 right 14 , 1.0738417177381017 15 if 16 you 3.283533954578644 16 you 17 live 1.9599415077443325 17 live 18 long 3.784943705417515 18 long 19 enough 4.5925410355287255 19 enough 20 , 0.9435391238407789 20 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 21 ' 22 said 3.3686623955673642 22 said 24 . 0.7987260433774388 22 said 23 they -0.3870844700284355 ' our family have built thousands of islands and long reefs , that the sea can't get over , strong as it is . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 our -0.30299445734048547 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 1.2913709027074027 2 our 3 family 5.598519263069715 3 family 5 built 4.060938439142845 4 have 5 built 2.6113605326909948 5 built 6 thousands 9.134476586872733 5 built 20 strong 5.407058624346959 6 thousands 8 islands 11.234753651294366 6 thousands 7 of 4.294445824661029 6 thousands 15 sea 1.3951930414655074 8 islands 10 long 4.905201725938522 8 islands 9 and 1.7674459368651938 10 long 11 reefs 7.571737188483112 11 reefs 13 that 3.824221271527165 11 reefs 12 , 2.3930146580013236 14 the 15 sea 3.23375470053743 16 can't 17 get 4.4588194429238595 17 get 20 strong 2.473781444625626 17 get 18 over 2.7784183456825957 18 over 19 , -0.22865706252003193 20 strong 21 as 2.369874783835492 20 strong 24 . 0.5483450278312567 22 it 24 . 0.47237242955592507 22 it 23 is 3.1387584458356006 24 . 25 ' 4.310577785017253 that amused me immensely ; but i wouldn't believe it , and laughed more than ever . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 that -0.12788314562025072 1 that 2 amused 0.7584307248238105 2 amused 4 immensely 10.01016717957286 2 amused 3 me 3.8020904989060895 4 immensely 5 ; 2.7184209020667396 4 immensely 17 . 2.3264224128140967 5 ; 6 but 3.9096191073889806 5 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 6 but 7 i 2.212975893494237 7 i 9 believe 3.46727656765289 8 wouldn't 9 believe 3.7235747195222153 9 believe 10 it 3.0433084239138743 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 13 laughed 1.4785546655335544 13 laughed 14 more 0.6757003940095103 14 more 15 than 6.525811350829949 15 than 16 ever 5.830919847889843 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 " it does seem very strange , " said freddy , looking at the branch of coral which he had brought out to examine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 does 1.103428136587226 2 it 3 does 2.3905068642904865 3 does 15 branch 2.96054424115669 3 does 4 seem 6.246225950999584 4 seem 6 strange 3.507605762398164 5 very 6 strange 4.588753175703488 7 , 12 looking 2.0143069737250805 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 9 said 10 freddy 4.723383243531888 10 freddy 12 looking 6.205220372883463 10 freddy 11 , 2.1397756020155185 12 looking 13 at 4.682533344117765 13 at 14 the 1.91018759410656 14 the 15 branch 2.6766948829526065 15 branch 17 coral 8.421901864645516 15 branch 16 of 3.405089418199001 15 branch 25 . 0.616065464106768 17 coral 24 examine 6.947014729599786 17 coral 18 which 5.287515329569608 19 he 20 had 2.9776784198097523 20 had 21 brought 3.5047869968435705 21 brought 24 examine 4.0691879005771945 21 brought 22 out 3.235578714011151 23 to 24 examine 4.424889396459157 " doesn't it ? and isn't it hard to believe ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 doesn't 0.633213689994065 2 doesn't 10 believe 4.140722503209158 2 doesn't 11 ? 1.6174327853515642 3 it 6 isn't 3.6468581291352216 3 it 4 ? 1.3564394720153814 3 it 5 and -0.8988130976203088 6 isn't 8 hard 2.220269662685247 6 isn't 7 it 2.9067567893999584 8 hard 10 believe 3.3695976268192247 8 hard 9 to 2.45952937517278 i used to go , now and then , to see how the little fellows got on , and always found them hard at it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 used 2.167963304974478 2 used 3 to 4.514927521289815 2 used 10 to 4.514927521289815 3 to 4 go 2.737518368320032 4 go 7 and 1.3465498431720793 5 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 6 now 7 and 0.1523373913002679 7 and 8 then 2.4133610488576807 8 then 9 , 0.6831779581792361 10 to 11 see 3.0208916104243624 11 see 12 how 4.096670884006203 11 see 25 it 1.4415743473145284 12 how 23 hard 2.7768436710286295 13 the 14 little 1.5044750503835367 14 little 15 fellows 3.8088967813011365 15 fellows 23 hard 2.1003321093223484 15 fellows 16 got 2.36199697792102 15 fellows 20 always 1.689688696164552 15 fellows 18 , 1.0333660005549348 16 got 17 on 2.044428221140583 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 21 found 23 hard 2.3795377694163378 21 found 22 them 2.3367391262252752 23 hard 24 at 1.7197580015429779 25 it 26 . 0.47237242955592507 they were very good-natured , and only answered me , ' wait a little longer , friend right . ' 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 were 4.740392399536562 2 were 7 only 2.320074453986358 2 were 3 very 2.6203188788723217 3 very 4 good-natured 4.8635281803336206 4 good-natured 6 and 1.5886678521738844 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 only 12 wait 1.7621209173699555 7 only 8 answered 2.224953767271451 9 me 10 , 1.0369336845536683 10 , 11 ' 1.16078956757684 11 ' 12 wait 1.830948434436916 12 wait 15 longer 5.041576375927914 13 a 14 little 3.3978459531370575 14 little 15 longer 2.7924423085961614 15 longer 19 . 1.5735959776315145 15 longer 17 friend 1.1371098817450793 15 longer 16 , 0.6470558105324677 18 right 19 . 0.7971994780563652 19 . 20 ' 4.310577785017253 " what did you say then ? " asked freddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 what 3 did 2.671756289657049 3 did 5 say 2.659179418699644 3 did 4 you 2.430781695542361 5 say 7 ? 2.05346234604103 6 then 7 ? 0.8928927762479457 7 ? 9 asked 5.32511077011031 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 9 asked 10 freddy 7.188721515987254 10 freddy 11 . 1.8752661464250622 ' wait a little longer , ' answered the polypes ; and went on , building broader and broader foundations . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 ' 1.2913709027074027 1 ' 2 wait 1.830948434436916 2 wait 5 longer 5.041576375927914 3 a 4 little 3.3978459531370575 4 little 5 longer 2.7924423085961614 5 longer 17 broader 7.372274835309387 6 , 8 answered 1.5472876585672974 7 ' 8 answered 4.117950984048765 8 answered 10 polypes 8.491154510150349 9 the 10 polypes 3.8507155437556513 10 polypes 17 broader 14.211253129567769 10 polypes 11 ; 6.684406710298784 10 polypes 13 went 5.739329488408387 10 polypes 12 and 2.603189685509573 13 went 14 on 4.063278055453239 15 , 17 broader 0.9466586743132694 16 building 17 broader 11.802939331681326 17 broader 20 foundations 14.911639498358074 17 broader 18 and 2.2686721944028285 19 broader 20 foundations 14.911639498358074 20 foundations 21 . 2.0108898881889594 i flounced away in a rage , and didn't go back for a great while . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 flounced 2.1439848579665153 2 flounced 3 away 6.543644373860278 2 flounced 4 in 3.362577139286053 4 in 6 rage 2.789479599447322 5 a 6 rage 3.1849591886754567 6 rage 15 while 3.093885837501567 6 rage 8 and 1.9979950473790673 6 rage 16 . 1.8803126673956534 6 rage 9 didn't 0.6782188936222191 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 didn't 10 go 2.0925094253240317 10 go 11 back 4.412041780073848 12 for 13 a 2.0099144621548533 13 a 15 while 2.9443162113116816 13 a 14 great 3.8210157989541553 i heard two learned men talking about diatoms , as they sailed to labrador ; and i listened . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 heard 2.3251887006682743 2 heard 6 talking 2.946005895858441 3 two 4 learned 1.9166781279853637 4 learned 6 talking 3.4844595148141195 4 learned 5 men 5.557154760431132 6 talking 8 diatoms 11.666406121861627 7 about 8 diatoms 8.285314267768221 8 diatoms 14 labrador 17.139164871832442 8 diatoms 11 they 5.207979157252414 8 diatoms 10 as 4.56808025412376 8 diatoms 9 , 2.8195477961179947 12 sailed 14 labrador 12.70778953832611 13 to 14 labrador 4.613043228061883 14 labrador 18 listened 9.355644379996097 14 labrador 15 ; 7.912422666994662 14 labrador 16 and 2.997329843895155 14 labrador 17 i 2.838717560487094 18 listened 19 . 0.9477025857778489 they said these people lived in both salt and fresh water , and were found in all parts of the world . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 these 0.6533054462445396 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 said -0.1385431679079563 3 these 18 parts 8.029692574558393 3 these 4 people 4.247168684350665 5 lived 6 in 3.4872675829553312 6 in 18 parts 3.339788854809804 7 both 18 parts 4.872872206952419 7 both 8 salt 4.809781623719047 7 both 14 were 3.2760081847194336 8 salt 11 water 7.427562069244583 8 salt 10 fresh 6.578844059949574 8 salt 12 , 1.2538883344551977 8 salt 9 and 1.2314077494154887 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 15 found 18 parts 1.965615287768987 16 in 18 parts 3.339788854809804 17 all 18 parts 3.286188283395166 18 parts 21 world 3.7300337027990125 18 parts 19 of 3.667619476164301 20 the 21 world 3.4995122304020896 21 world 22 . 1.4917895502468497 they were the food of many little sea-animals , who , in turn , fed us big creatures , and were very interesting and wonderful . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 were 4.740392399536562 2 were 6 many 2.5365187082354232 3 the 4 food 0.6520688318711372 4 food 6 many 3.2448570248054125 5 of 6 many 0.7187582477637946 6 many 8 sea-animals 9.816034687292401 7 little 8 sea-animals 7.768153594480825 8 sea-animals 10 who 7.775032476664681 8 sea-animals 19 , 3.702441969319569 8 sea-animals 14 , 3.702441969319569 8 sea-animals 11 , 3.702441969319569 8 sea-animals 9 , 3.702441969319569 12 in 13 turn 1.9682876071705273 13 turn 14 , 0.0320658616612306 15 fed 18 creatures 5.598231462977257 15 fed 16 us 2.6113978899968266 17 big 18 creatures 3.097215023869122 18 creatures 19 , 1.4383495518079847 19 , 24 and 1.9913305940627364 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 20 and 21 were 0.4760066660155591 21 were 22 very 2.6203188788723217 22 very 23 interesting 4.867704949313303 24 and 25 wonderful 0.6400694421295441 25 wonderful 26 . 0.4696113546879701 i wasn't content with being the biggest creature there : i wanted to be the most skilful also . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wasn't 1.7459555984017054 2 wasn't 3 content 3.902268360142873 3 content 5 being 2.4813144943278154 3 content 4 with 4.524910792438533 3 content 19 . 1.3486128275459492 5 being 7 biggest 4.0796873057741365 6 the 7 biggest 3.73994317956814 7 biggest 17 skilful 8.639915624322299 7 biggest 8 creature 6.530295364477226 7 biggest 9 there 2.146380018285253 10 : 17 skilful 2.6776723046956548 11 i 12 wanted 2.5686939950494914 12 wanted 17 skilful 5.589057357477589 12 wanted 13 to 4.012813233173826 13 to 14 be 3.101474476606974 15 the 16 most 2.5442703083276843 16 most 17 skilful 8.25381207978408 17 skilful 18 also 9.244988907290342 i fretted over the matter a long while , and at last decided to make an island myself . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 13 decided 1.7927457593303053 1 i 2 fretted 2.6254930057306964 2 fretted 3 over 5.45569290882818 2 fretted 10 and 2.4750797983755177 2 fretted 6 a 2.382296564604495 3 over 4 the 1.9686375213821936 4 the 5 matter 3.0304538140414152 6 a 7 long 3.157037023158921 7 long 8 while 4.323084263063251 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 at 12 last 5.674982137977048 12 last 13 decided 3.3742595697912314 13 decided 14 to 3.2994102642836918 14 to 15 make 3.349468354565378 15 make 18 myself 3.070185305699198 16 an 17 island 4.1277043657020265 17 island 18 myself 3.3009460477648496 18 myself 19 . 1.4581672933912397 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 " how could you ? " asked freddy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 how 4 you 2.094984729973577 2 how 3 could 3.6577254939705153 4 you 5 ? 1.9127300143977735 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 freddy 7.188721515987254 8 freddy 9 . 1.8752661464250622 " i had my plans ; and thought them very wise ones . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 had 1.158469240689623 3 had 5 plans 1.1779982308833965 4 my 5 plans 2.384242924522983 5 plans 11 wise 2.973460361957102 5 plans 6 ; 1.4924065754299285 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 thought 10 very 0.8541689935168364 8 thought 9 them 0.6307978603594329 10 very 11 wise 5.4022501528673565 11 wise 12 ones 4.5898671475578325 12 ones 13 . 1.4776979409322024 i couldn't pile up stones , or build millions of cells ; so i just made an island of myself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 couldn't 2.984069282580659 2 couldn't 3 pile 4.186858437034594 3 pile 5 stones 6.505816317363266 3 pile 4 up 2.63698958455101 5 stones 20 myself 3.6139773604525907 6 , 7 or 1.4271475215650753 7 or 8 build 4.149804551603864 8 build 9 millions 9.98940199807399 9 millions 11 cells 14.040974272107324 9 millions 10 of 4.724516630560892 11 cells 12 ; 7.179812472390584 11 cells 20 myself 5.908977886040933 11 cells 18 island 5.692969351477419 11 cells 13 so 5.083960299884424 11 cells 15 just 4.150654206164884 11 cells 16 made 3.451412893288815 11 cells 14 i 1.3994147828306112 17 an 18 island 4.1277043657020265 18 island 19 of 1.2200509904367962 20 myself 21 . 1.4581672933912397 i swam up into the harbor yonder one night ; covered my back with sea-weed ; and lay still on the top of the water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 swam -0.4806700289882784 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 swam 3 up 3.614223040606994 2 swam 13 back 4.636512642385483 3 up 7 yonder 2.310852842817198 3 up 12 my 1.4096924182743322 4 into 5 the 2.7333578352296506 5 the 6 harbor 3.4180296132769747 6 harbor 7 yonder 8.01895685717793 7 yonder 9 night 2.529958689792398 8 one 9 night 3.308963542682104 9 night 11 covered 1.985030541391712 10 ; 11 covered 1.6813321554675866 13 back 15 sea-weed 6.72332125153687 14 with 15 sea-weed 4.971865415001528 15 sea-weed 18 lay 7.198427161242609 15 sea-weed 22 top 6.718840584276695 15 sea-weed 16 ; 5.874509593678727 15 sea-weed 19 still 5.5480656467484835 15 sea-weed 25 water 5.093302186497024 15 sea-weed 17 and 2.731892024225374 20 on 22 top 4.459145226253913 21 the 22 top 3.5966493348941526 22 top 23 of 4.805901549164078 24 the 25 water 2.9786013777082747 25 water 26 . 1.4466728848565857 after staring and chattering a long while , boats came off to examine the mystery . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 after 0.8144066598688191 1 after 2 staring 2.3632475789133913 2 staring 4 chattering 8.683491739109286 3 and 4 chattering 1.9195745628366048 4 chattering 13 examine 7.320494739345602 4 chattering 7 while 4.457546306308458 4 chattering 8 , 1.6998664661363208 4 chattering 16 . 1.3259408607671794 5 a 6 long 3.157037023158921 6 long 7 while 4.323084263063251 9 boats 13 examine 6.805510951729836 9 boats 10 came 4.2645375698409325 11 off 13 examine 3.1184219360554692 12 to 13 examine 4.424889396459157 13 examine 15 mystery 7.284973663210867 14 the 15 mystery 2.6845630852320284 they couldn't make up their minds ; and meanwhile news of the strange thing spread , and every sort of person came to see me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 meanwhile 2.6824986546029397 1 they 2 couldn't 1.870996078858326 2 couldn't 3 make 3.522904140993102 3 make 6 minds 2.975451070974202 4 up 6 minds 4.749045683931058 5 their 6 minds 7.239476979523694 6 minds 7 ; 2.6113168794866617 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 8 and 9 meanwhile 1.29381312297863 9 meanwhile 10 news 5.290830933446518 10 news 15 spread 7.690469383792163 10 news 22 came 3.976707861109528 10 news 11 of 2.112644390012413 10 news 26 . 0.9983772398483879 11 of 12 the 1.7361783602309693 13 strange 15 spread 4.067626313783972 13 strange 14 thing 5.344358125794837 15 spread 21 person 2.381905262331113 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 18 every 1.0005235797438452 18 every 19 sort 3.5739046243132613 19 sort 21 person 5.449648984567958 19 sort 20 of 4.84480655965436 22 came 23 to 2.588720125212861 23 to 24 see 3.0208916104243624 23 to 25 me 1.9862046558982396 the gulls kept telling them the joke ; but they didn't understand , and i got on capitally . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 gulls 0.5659918674232145 1 the 2 gulls 2.9651177215851803 2 gulls 4 telling 8.729459680173338 2 gulls 3 kept 7.409353199475163 2 gulls 17 on 2.49428394406716 4 telling 5 them 3.061767128918973 6 the 7 joke 1.9849163920825639 7 joke 17 on 4.085254057277567 8 ; 10 they 1.946806452009188 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 10 they 16 got 2.330513069290058 10 they 11 didn't 2.0553390341493945 11 didn't 12 understand 3.9118157822005024 12 understand 13 , 0.9478313479494815 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 got 1.9867710979771669 16 got 17 on 2.044428221140583 17 on 18 capitally 6.0333382255030195 18 capitally 19 . 2.7322207203453566 every night i dined and fed and frolicked till dawn ; then put on my sea-weeds , and lay still to be stared at . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 2 night 4.675097591220094 2 night 4 dined 6.217938822423971 3 i 4 dined 2.478675449222571 4 dined 6 fed 10.705460254033603 4 dined 14 on 3.414586500177059 4 dined 12 then 2.27418691888138 5 and 6 fed 2.42758927239527 6 fed 8 frolicked 13.11964787373958 7 and 8 frolicked 4.459947968258579 8 frolicked 10 dawn 12.175864564505723 8 frolicked 9 till 9.480835844353205 11 ; 12 then 2.3313224188236426 13 put 14 on 4.247911302351049 14 on 16 sea-weeds 3.882917973571459 15 my 16 sea-weeds 5.154409056606315 16 sea-weeds 19 lay 5.996498842465883 16 sea-weeds 23 stared 5.645972259686637 16 sea-weeds 18 and 1.5089020899208165 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 19 lay 20 still 5.0718369000801715 20 still 22 be 0.7597446236691034 21 to 22 be 3.101474476606974 23 stared 24 at 5.7346960697681 23 stared 25 . 0.30652432141020824 i wanted some one to come and live on me ; then i should be equal to the island of the polypes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 wanted 2.5686939950494914 2 wanted 5 to 4.012813233173826 2 wanted 3 some 3.1517659707811063 3 some 4 one 3.743265968465213 5 to 10 me 1.9862046558982396 5 to 8 live 3.1398623508433463 5 to 6 come 1.6696956436395851 6 come 7 and 0.9628716407918478 8 live 9 on 2.726815295585581 10 me 11 ; 1.0049873279350088 11 ; 22 polypes 2.8150538443010227 12 then 22 polypes 3.161229840776432 13 i 14 should 3.1313258255578216 14 should 16 equal 3.105678295655377 14 should 15 be 4.308276838964748 16 equal 22 polypes 10.7667744004745 16 equal 17 to 3.261075904491328 18 the 22 polypes 3.8507155437556513 19 island 22 polypes 9.370931283376823 20 of 22 polypes 3.0008939388384235 21 the 22 polypes 3.8507155437556513 22 polypes 23 . 2.0513905082218464 but no one came , and i was beginning to be tired of fooling people , when i was fooled myself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 no 1.432956551569072 2 no 3 one 4.01958726482844 3 one 14 fooling 0.6229229715342157 4 came 10 to 2.588720125212861 5 , 7 i 0.883559295304277 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 i 8 was 0.8065165233008251 8 was 9 beginning 3.6449910953951594 9 beginning 10 to 3.9585199275545495 10 to 11 be 3.101474476606974 11 be 14 fooling 3.081282915542431 12 tired 14 fooling 5.6588788143362905 12 tired 13 of 3.6621882667071617 14 fooling 20 fooled 6.5294261113266785 14 fooling 15 people 5.585384766424809 14 fooling 17 when 4.0740915459216325 16 , 17 when 0.8302784881471972 17 when 18 i 2.1674352707413114 17 when 19 was 0.9636994182414291 20 fooled 21 myself 6.037345777651765 21 myself 22 . 1.4581672933912397 an old sailor came to visit me : he had been a whaler , and he soon guessed the secret . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 he 1.1270225038010757 1 an 2 old 4.914372319979055 2 old 3 sailor 4.787771119808358 3 sailor 4 came 3.938202140675852 4 came 6 visit 3.1533053189059075 5 to 6 visit 3.3616378829763747 6 visit 8 : 0.9672382557897805 6 visit 7 me 2.38799980479898 8 : 9 he 0.11334759223276691 9 he 10 had 2.9776784198097523 10 had 11 been 5.237394471186553 11 been 13 whaler 5.982152987727723 12 a 13 whaler 5.135499833171892 13 whaler 18 guessed 6.812218382360616 13 whaler 17 soon 5.456640052955297 13 whaler 14 , 2.574379811077719 13 whaler 15 and 2.2015727019930544 13 whaler 16 he 1.4895642120496646 18 guessed 20 secret 5.32033106956467 19 the 20 secret 1.6382601418267093 20 secret 21 . 0.8594121000701698 i forgot every thing but the pain , and dived for my life . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 forgot 2.273822973197955 2 forgot 7 pain 3.6638426474677743 2 forgot 4 thing 1.7582078532045422 3 every 4 thing 3.4435843429435984 5 but 6 the 0.47412053282206834 6 the 7 pain 1.479794094938022 7 pain 10 dived 4.962057073749424 7 pain 9 and 1.8168041906240333 7 pain 14 . 1.3685675917977456 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 11 for 13 life 1.7863402308300422 12 my 13 life 4.663423265955567 13 life 14 . 1.56045446494951 big and strong as we are , once out of water , and we are perfectly helpless . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 we 1.222900939258107 1 big 3 strong 4.643525358152381 2 and 3 strong 1.8095165197147622 3 strong 4 as 2.369874783835492 4 as 5 we 1.68726692459024 5 we 15 are 3.9859534724360124 5 we 6 are 3.9859534724360124 7 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 8 once 13 and 0.2954044648495522 9 out 10 of 3.4530498390397675 10 of 11 water 2.39128105934539 11 water 13 and 1.1640453496192507 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 we 1.098573113931673 14 we 15 are 3.9859534724360124 15 are 17 helpless 2.3109917621819136 16 perfectly 17 helpless 7.736391873096306 17 helpless 18 . 1.8315039866734892 i was soon despatched ; and my bones left to whiten on the sand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 was 0.8065165233008251 2 was 3 soon 0.9031854727821127 3 soon 11 whiten 6.233707211476325 4 despatched 11 whiten 13.372398748338608 4 despatched 5 ; 3.736253686578813 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 my 8 bones 4.54435094200872 8 bones 11 whiten 10.755529692153477 9 left 11 whiten 8.786439374233797 10 to 11 whiten 4.749158209798097 11 whiten 14 sand 11.233412333972328 11 whiten 12 on 7.288251147034899 13 the 14 sand 3.1342491703675393 14 sand 15 . 1.148772088249558 this was long ago ; and , one by one , all my relics have been carried off or washed away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 2 was 1.7116825184184723 2 was 3 long 0.6866566138744403 3 long 4 ago 7.576908670112058 4 ago 5 ; 1.467721698846919 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 20 washed 1.7751107750586428 7 , 8 one -0.46842558708478244 8 one 14 relics 2.230683727365573 9 by 10 one 1.445283521728399 10 one 14 relics 2.230683727365573 10 one 11 , -0.082380966624779 12 all 14 relics 3.246505594705056 13 my 14 relics 5.279946453736162 14 relics 20 washed 7.723755112187472 14 relics 17 carried 6.9233041219343185 14 relics 15 have 3.915063227624941 15 have 16 been 4.920699059768996 17 carried 18 off 6.107564286896995 19 or 20 washed 2.3529762365344347 20 washed 21 away 2.7507621227032253 21 away 22 . 1.2162953376348629 remember , child , pride goeth before a fall . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 remember 3 child 1.5663984973048883 1 remember 2 , 0.9645632866290086 3 child 6 goeth 5.365053337155693 3 child 4 , 1.603325665792168 5 pride 6 goeth 10.278286517285306 6 goeth 9 fall 7.1033119360255235 6 goeth 7 before 6.030289511292128 6 goeth 8 a 1.6968195759694353 6 goeth 11 " 0.9548834540635553 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 then , with a great creak , the bone tumbled to pieces ; and found a peaceful grave in the long green grass . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 , 0.6831779581792361 2 , 3 with 0.6646281173027546 3 with 8 the 0.8431753379366498 3 with 4 a 2.5677995362572403 4 a 5 great 3.8210157989541553 5 great 6 creak 6.856749600729376 6 creak 7 , 3.0066347337618 8 the 22 green 3.1885175865596 9 bone 10 tumbled 9.600608351892031 10 tumbled 12 pieces 8.179952787750349 11 to 12 pieces 2.7575022211779547 12 pieces 17 peaceful 4.49269235750489 12 pieces 13 ; 2.1527149450187935 14 and 17 peaceful 2.140912146033653 15 found 17 peaceful 3.187456736485739 16 a 17 peaceful 2.433222006737978 17 peaceful 18 grave 7.810442197937359 17 peaceful 22 green 4.311418766875541 19 in 20 the 2.2179054533910225 20 the 22 green 3.1885175865596 21 long 22 green 1.3416775109768437 22 green 23 grass 5.336622958039467 23 grass 24 . 1.4519477278802633 x . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 x 1.9499033134917418 1 x 2 . 1.9634410559342506 a strange island . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 strange -0.07491037622472874 1 a 2 strange 3.4094068016629144 2 strange 3 island 4.574431402795373 3 island 4 . 1.2006220716315958 but the water was calm , the sky clear , and the wind blew balmily ; so i waited for what should happen . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 the 0.47412053282206834 2 the 13 wind 2.790162804501067 2 the 3 water 2.9786013777082747 3 water 5 calm 2.8079070437579716 4 was 5 calm 2.8870786153997585 5 calm 6 , 1.3230288247401312 7 the 13 wind 2.790162804501067 7 the 8 sky 3.1949121992196456 8 sky 9 clear 4.525458983155755 9 clear 11 and 1.1946393853148365 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 the 13 wind 2.790162804501067 13 wind 15 balmily 9.643514298166949 14 blew 15 balmily 13.967027416190426 15 balmily 19 waited 7.615901822025396 15 balmily 16 ; 6.83839016787207 15 balmily 17 so 4.867011570666726 15 balmily 22 should 4.387870668645682 15 balmily 21 what 2.502115138088822 15 balmily 18 i 1.3437469606459835 19 waited 20 for 4.1490454108122385 22 should 23 happen 4.751281765652628 23 happen 24 . 1.2582874742617918 when it came closer , i was much amazed ; for , of all the queer boats i ever saw , this was the queerest . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 15 the 1.104398875351464 1 when 3 came 3.215878605560828 1 when 6 i 2.1674352707413114 2 it 3 came 0.6778626204771374 3 came 4 closer 4.851934220628536 4 closer 5 , 0.9667298490169358 7 was 8 much 1.4116279292242524 8 much 11 for 1.9316757735434535 8 much 9 amazed 5.050671032738762 9 amazed 10 ; 1.9594708925489215 11 for 15 the 1.0443437398983217 12 , 15 the -0.4946706923978379 13 of 15 the 1.7361783602309693 14 all 15 the 1.5997645604568138 15 the 25 queerest 3.7865976003570303 16 queer 17 boats 6.265248978846525 17 boats 25 queerest 5.533852639385859 18 i 20 saw 2.5503463476874053 19 ever 20 saw 4.474050416006936 20 saw 25 queerest 3.335429447850082 21 , 25 queerest 0.2822583771637994 22 this 25 queerest 2.7308041759890926 22 this 23 was 1.7116825184184723 24 the 25 queerest 3.7865976003570303 25 queerest 26 . 0.8298464815237203 now , right in their way was a rock ; and i called out , " sir , sir , take care . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 i 1.4747943966883117 1 now 12 i 1.4838795867616543 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 3 right 4 in 1.7564724880330527 4 in 8 a 1.8422556623713398 4 in 5 their 2.25825096326969 5 their 6 way 3.320748512975875 7 was 8 a 1.8886187807073789 8 a 9 rock 2.2512800457455207 9 rock 10 ; 2.7092829242914718 10 ; 12 i 1.7064961061421702 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 12 i 22 care 2.0522508800862997 12 i 13 called 0.5618207864394726 13 called 14 out 4.086232245665839 13 called 19 sir 1.4012791100862678 15 , 19 sir 2.997865809798652 15 , 17 sir 2.997865809798652 15 , 16 " 1.299421509625157 18 , 19 sir 2.997865809798652 19 sir 20 , 2.6610135244871973 21 take 22 care 6.937497651040472 22 care 23 . 0.4324390972355374 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 when the flurry was over , and they had got their breath , i asked who they were , and where they were going . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 3 flurry 3.051523369402169 1 when 17 they 3.5119302040378244 1 when 8 they 3.5119302040378244 1 when 10 got 2.450492113605918 1 when 14 i 2.1674352707413114 2 the 3 flurry 2.387248411883199 3 flurry 5 over 5.057153306065484 3 flurry 4 was 3.3472145660568557 3 flurry 6 , 2.661973897792226 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 they 9 had 2.640513053297223 10 got 12 breath 1.8090121205952983 11 their 12 breath 3.7700068416995585 12 breath 13 , 1.0501387405024758 14 i 15 asked 0.5789395532496595 15 asked 16 who 1.0718670802455463 17 they 23 were 4.740392399536562 17 they 18 were 4.740392399536562 19 , 21 where 0.9862711877575254 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 21 where 22 they 2.7632596148427737 22 they 23 were 4.740392399536562 23 were 24 going 2.7261497825955203 23 were 25 . -0.546989188141568 " we are from gotham , ma'am , " said the fattest one , wiping a very wet face on a very wet handkerchief . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 are 3.9859534724360124 3 are 5 gotham 6.503549261281144 4 from 5 gotham 8.613948258775178 5 gotham 7 ma'am 12.378925848745947 5 gotham 14 , 3.645322657242062 5 gotham 8 , 3.645322657242062 5 gotham 6 , 3.645322657242062 8 , 10 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 12 fattest 4.115990716511245 11 the 12 fattest 3.988023593615864 12 fattest 13 one 5.942236822361846 14 , 15 wiping 3.154200831700866 15 wiping 23 wet 6.784089480487339 15 wiping 18 wet 6.784089480487339 15 wiping 19 face 3.786025209778238 16 a 18 wet 2.1310927316491117 17 very 18 wet 3.5263665901355097 20 on 21 a 0.9146605624655191 21 a 23 wet 2.1310927316491117 22 very 23 wet 3.5263665901355097 23 wet 24 handkerchief 8.730076627179983 24 handkerchief 25 . 1.8854482238189227 " we were going to that island yonder . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 we 1.485440432978688 2 we 3 were 3.462184317689921 3 were 4 going 2.7261497825955203 4 going 5 to 4.148501845167235 5 to 7 island 0.5839275786217257 6 that 7 island 0.5839049551537734 7 island 8 yonder 6.825514037322158 7 island 9 . 1.2006220716315958 we have often tried , but never got there : it 's always so , and i begin to think the thing can't be done . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 we 1.222900939258107 1 we 2 have 3.215397502013481 2 have 3 often 2.5948549872987385 3 often 15 , 0.31169063527875096 3 often 4 tried 3.5611518867933363 3 often 8 got 1.2952913117941662 5 , 6 but 2.1164801018826633 6 but 7 never 1.5103210163873282 7 never 8 got 2.388593117525076 8 got 9 there 2.1686505770874582 8 got 14 so 1.2957682506875123 9 there 12 's 3.091621995743374 10 : 11 it 0.6252219365448077 11 it 12 's 2.8884519147935066 13 always 14 so 1.8399032478586612 15 , 27 " 1.299421509625157 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 i 23 can't 3.7151187271549304 17 i 20 think 3.3874834805555984 18 begin 19 to 3.0108952530190773 19 to 20 think 2.13283768461746 21 the 22 thing 1.4788833076370995 22 thing 23 can't 1.0970546228887486 23 can't 24 be 3.1970945639885002 24 be 25 done 3.965303645043491 25 done 26 . 1.0623918803631192 26 . 27 " 4.427730590569535 i looked where he pointed ; and , sure enough , there was an island where i had never seen one before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 9 sure 2.220021230910321 2 looked 3 where -0.06969997050514465 3 where 4 he 2.2210217145331317 4 he 9 sure 0.05296291732875602 4 he 5 pointed 2.9675288995424793 5 pointed 6 ; 0.8092263070818859 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 , 9 sure -0.4002649442695798 9 sure 10 enough 5.6846127863656974 9 sure 17 i 1.7699217918425543 9 sure 12 there 1.7430335490369018 10 enough 11 , 0.9435391238407789 12 there 13 was 3.438683647331464 13 was 14 an 1.982468342175979 14 an 15 island 4.1277043657020265 15 island 16 where 3.036606452773391 17 i 19 never 2.5602386484719286 18 had 19 never 3.0678297829661805 19 never 20 seen 5.203271149067833 20 seen 22 before 3.8810621623968657 20 seen 21 one 1.39937974914789 22 before 23 . 1.0081619965636026 i rubbed my eyes , and looked again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 rubbed 0.6265609338637681 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 2 rubbed 4 eyes 6.701718237094354 2 rubbed 8 again 1.9976633376990378 3 my 4 eyes 2.6485476144915214 4 eyes 7 looked 2.303441839241337 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 looked 2.145018121918154 8 again 9 . 1.9785978324909212 " what is the name of it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 8 ? 1.6980475420715102 2 what 3 is 3.0799714209227993 4 the 5 name 1.283343955742092 5 name 8 ? 2.6216093115956536 5 name 6 of 1.7439435601496207 7 it 8 ? 1.3564394720153814 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 i asked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 asked 0.5789395532496595 2 asked 3 . 0.7779303217424687 the little old gentleman put his finger on his lips , and said , with a mysterious nod : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 little 1.5044750503835367 2 little 7 finger 4.18617420472415 3 old 4 gentleman 5.69849617765373 4 gentleman 5 put 2.5458860957621425 5 put 7 finger 5.247511186929017 6 his 7 finger 3.970899604039772 7 finger 10 lips 5.1117143176402315 7 finger 8 on 3.5942012870497706 9 his 10 lips 4.691380183281479 10 lips 18 nod 5.04870570811336 10 lips 12 and 1.549862510075119 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 said 18 nod 0.8271181489931827 13 said 14 , 0.9301588670935015 15 with 18 nod 3.5535215606082673 16 a 18 nod 3.746038580599059 17 mysterious 18 nod 9.16983812130269 18 nod 19 : 5.4623366808872404 " i couldn't tell you , ma'am . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 couldn't 2.984069282580659 3 couldn't 4 tell 3.2435142652824496 4 tell 5 you 3.7181122630948114 5 you 7 ma'am 1.3527773490054322 6 , 7 ma'am 3.28959533313545 7 ma'am 8 . 1.947142344918488 it 's a secret ; but , if you manage to land there , you will soon know . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 but 1.636192966547803 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 2 's 4 secret 2.649918544389788 3 a 4 secret 3.209321534499363 4 secret 5 ; 1.9366631248081596 5 ; 6 but 3.9096191073889806 6 but 8 if 1.4450392469531277 7 , 8 if 1.058710375425802 8 if 9 you 3.283533954578644 9 you 10 manage 2.473265485644376 10 manage 12 land 3.8311359155606652 10 manage 11 to 2.8900433027981656 12 land 19 . 1.3497974140881492 12 land 13 there 0.891771533136712 13 there 16 will 1.049881118069452 14 , 15 you 0.2857327855941545 15 you 16 will 2.521845216726133 16 will 17 soon 3.628237081570118 17 soon 18 know 0.8889032479775345 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 the odd house , i found , was built like a high-heeled shoe ; and at every window i saw children 's heads . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 3 house 2.6929789736134584 2 odd 3 house 2.8870147953901615 3 house 9 built 5.9903476072332325 3 house 7 , 1.0905352664163068 3 house 4 , 1.0905352664163068 4 , 5 i 0.883559295304277 5 i 6 found 1.6287632867458086 8 was 9 built 2.710321309006975 9 built 10 like 2.3722533279523184 10 like 12 high-heeled 5.389317914691823 11 a 12 high-heeled 2.831919779860641 12 high-heeled 13 shoe 12.477572174104939 12 high-heeled 23 heads 7.056461824734026 12 high-heeled 18 window 6.377106308285054 12 high-heeled 17 every 5.553597219885695 12 high-heeled 21 children 4.834868757097009 12 high-heeled 20 saw 4.124504638331526 12 high-heeled 14 ; 3.984241034335529 12 high-heeled 16 at 2.003051770371723 14 ; 15 and 2.090280035481264 19 i 20 saw 2.5503463476874053 21 children 22 's 1.857646664447092 23 heads 24 . 1.251505503390785 some were eating broth ; some were crying ; and some had nightcaps on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 some -0.15097416557775034 1 some 13 nightcaps 6.707335749346193 2 were 4 broth 4.094984118904534 3 eating 4 broth 9.745345298103484 4 broth 13 nightcaps 13.095692416079924 4 broth 5 ; 5.520820671589611 6 some 13 nightcaps 6.707335749346193 7 were 8 crying 2.683649983795565 8 crying 13 nightcaps 7.579470280852373 9 ; 13 nightcaps 3.4462518112047995 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 some 13 nightcaps 6.707335749346193 12 had 13 nightcaps 5.306314389309723 13 nightcaps 14 on 6.4916449547389234 13 nightcaps 15 . 3.0257850406781905 a little dog stood by , listening and laughing ; while a dish and a spoon ran away over the beach with all their might . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 while -0.1603549598522349 1 a 2 little 3.3978459531370575 2 little 11 while 4.0602679045618135 2 little 3 dog 3.7912332675397735 3 dog 4 stood 1.8130342192432387 3 dog 10 ; 1.3809602981723614 4 stood 7 listening 5.290742728485402 4 stood 5 by 3.348220675281688 6 , 7 listening 1.1262418148363835 7 listening 9 laughing 3.848753789891699 8 and 9 laughing 0.5493213205388834 11 while 21 beach 2.7206369445053227 11 while 13 dish 4.283609322899185 12 a 13 dish 3.409515418015836 13 dish 14 and 1.4412025034919012 15 a 16 spoon 2.5321890384900314 16 spoon 17 ran 6.042272367519487 16 spoon 21 beach 5.995005538345151 17 ran 18 away 5.245922916424096 19 over 21 beach 3.4013078289248746 20 the 21 beach 3.2310977338229954 21 beach 23 all 2.4203871900626233 21 beach 25 might 1.9579622002645323 21 beach 26 . 1.8858584049831677 22 with 23 all 1.5133949861435063 23 all 24 their 1.8117958190398333 as soon as we landed , three other gentlemen came to welcome the ones i had saved , and seemed very glad to see them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 soon 0.6499831835499528 1 as 2 soon 4.741137761246602 2 soon 3 as 4.770150973493456 2 soon 10 came 3.112938629596041 4 we 5 landed 2.86524536147466 5 landed 10 came 2.671093811216199 5 landed 7 three 3.4897522992646337 5 landed 6 , 0.1398179587635262 7 three 9 gentlemen 4.535970057747754 8 other 9 gentlemen 4.72345019556067 10 came 23 to 2.588720125212861 10 came 11 to 2.588720125212861 12 welcome 23 to 2.228283498668759 12 welcome 14 ones 4.205148278405385 12 welcome 18 , 1.277573996435006 13 the 14 ones 1.6013119190401497 14 ones 17 saved 4.687273596267044 15 i 17 saved 1.5931691294822556 16 had 17 saved 3.2778929724631922 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 seemed 23 to 3.771163452217605 21 very 22 glad 4.028374279873418 22 glad 23 to 2.822797321717786 23 to 24 see 3.0208916104243624 24 see 25 them 2.33861272408425 25 them 26 . 1.434008771759407 they appeared to have just landed from a tub in which was a drum , rub-a-dub-dubbing all by itself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 appeared 1.0342479238183664 2 appeared 7 from 1.8920444303802135 2 appeared 3 to 2.1786784005485984 4 have 6 landed 2.7683318054086925 5 just 6 landed 2.594703299717491 6 landed 7 from 2.953892049522267 7 from 9 tub 3.623170319011681 8 a 9 tub 3.3005021560451553 9 tub 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 13.713844184447591 9 tub 10 in 3.393734787827661 11 which 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 5.498609711968239 11 which 12 was 2.297724060026079 13 a 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 3.2660839429820356 14 drum 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 14.348829292294003 15 , 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 3.0155627292105223 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 19 itself 10.7831877131744 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 18 by 7.067516482408198 16 rub-a-dub-dubbing 17 all 6.985863643349443 19 itself 20 . 1.2360819430460843 the six shook hands , and walked away together , talking about a fair ; and left me to take care of myself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 shook 0.8523330993114708 1 the 2 six 0.42982097235204364 2 six 3 shook 3.7378453458524774 3 shook 4 hands 6.881256881067436 4 hands 9 together 4.876968678547346 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 walked 2.286155827889454 7 walked 9 together 5.165204310715236 7 walked 8 away 4.301278730330406 9 together 11 talking 1.7252453021145513 9 together 24 . 1.6921200665876661 9 together 10 , 1.38081105796525 11 talking 23 myself 3.3062538455865607 11 talking 12 about 5.924961007256892 12 about 18 me 1.3474234002124241 13 a 14 fair 1.8244921021841911 14 fair 15 ; 1.7490283986018476 15 ; 16 and 2.090280035481264 16 and 17 left 1.2366155959472565 17 left 18 me 1.9930778344760043 19 to 20 take 2.7846513640138415 20 take 21 care 6.937497651040472 21 care 22 of 2.9587428891175733 21 care 23 myself 2.89452297145813 " polly flinders , ma'am . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 flinders 2.2665211147212716 2 polly 3 flinders 13.060437520332286 3 flinders 5 ma'am 11.112939636172136 4 , 5 ma'am 3.28959533313545 5 ma'am 6 . 1.947142344918488 6 . 7 " 4.427730590569535 " what 's the matter with her ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 5 matter 3.0881360518508565 3 's 5 matter 2.2750110996143107 4 the 5 matter 3.0304538140414152 5 matter 8 ? 3.454237903651997 5 matter 6 with 4.011135611803454 6 with 7 her 2.1216404045889785 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 i asked of a gay young frog who came tripping along with his hat under his arm . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 asked 0.5789395532496595 2 asked 18 . 0.7779303217424687 3 of 6 young 0.8384277260042445 4 a 5 gay 2.857699700415953 5 gay 6 young 5.064541601605079 6 young 10 tripping 5.1051629387546384 7 frog 10 tripping 5.652654802693181 8 who 10 tripping 4.3673219828407 9 came 10 tripping 6.966657875722181 10 tripping 11 along 7.979985434664375 10 tripping 14 hat 5.9131121868659235 10 tripping 17 arm 5.0117187109830255 10 tripping 12 with 2.9603180107316867 13 his 14 hat 3.980737459954444 15 under 17 arm 5.836734050998331 16 his 17 arm 4.777406885925419 17 arm 18 . 1.3992298698277477 " miss muffit is a fashionable lady , and afraid of spiders , madam ; also of frogs . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 muffit 2.7515211721676813 2 miss 3 muffit 10.145146973106524 3 muffit 4 is 6.961003628924541 3 muffit 5 a 3.8825118932700633 5 a 6 fashionable 3.0294535247973045 6 fashionable 7 lady 5.733965943787638 6 fashionable 19 . 1.3769100171434339 7 lady 16 also 3.4876500597412274 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 12 spiders 2.276770560102353 10 afraid 12 spiders 6.652260591875535 10 afraid 11 of 3.536987018722373 12 spiders 16 also 4.400747968789073 12 spiders 14 madam 9.298291589873706 13 , 14 madam 2.492865836195513 14 madam 15 ; 3.193749508797236 16 also 18 frogs 4.797722269805355 17 of 18 frogs 2.6352950010357006 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 and he puffed himself angrily up , till his eyes quite goggled in his head . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 he 1.1270225038010757 1 and 2 he 0.7534481560466002 2 he 3 puffed 2.083719667079592 3 puffed 4 himself 6.573946753591947 4 himself 12 goggled 6.654797054443069 5 angrily 12 goggled 9.25374445464503 6 up 12 goggled 4.086632122201468 7 , 8 till 0.8144205735279542 8 till 12 goggled 7.165307440378097 9 his 10 eyes 4.329510263212953 10 eyes 12 goggled 7.620223156214411 11 quite 12 goggled 9.529649800896284 12 goggled 15 head 6.983265296628105 12 goggled 13 in 5.891505605092885 12 goggled 14 his 5.28597648609864 15 head 16 . 1.5065797598279982 " and , pray , who are you , sir ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 pray 1.6010485333915412 2 and 4 pray 0.9207018454404796 3 , 4 pray 0.9717741893963066 4 pray 8 you 2.965441482876294 5 , 6 who 1.8533631975925822 6 who 7 are 3.1405997669992587 7 are 8 you 2.7531147733288606 8 you 11 ? 1.9127300143977735 9 , 10 sir 2.997865809798652 10 sir 11 ? 1.7597777276114108 11 ? 12 " 4.126492033472207 i asked , staring at his white vest , green coat , and fine cravat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 asked 0.5789395532496595 2 asked 4 staring 2.6660942726436083 3 , 4 staring 1.9160270556596046 4 staring 8 vest 9.22274730071468 4 staring 5 at 5.823365118240957 6 his 8 vest 5.913140502776045 7 white 8 vest 7.971156836726379 8 vest 15 cravat 11.26967550159329 8 vest 10 green 6.493031338069649 8 vest 9 , 2.370821072983574 11 coat 15 cravat 8.367023538764236 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 15 cravat 2.7554339886102284 14 fine 15 cravat 9.477189921343221 15 cravat 16 . 2.8006784107377563 " excuse me , if i don't give my name , ma'am . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 excuse 1.5060816495342984 2 excuse 3 me 5.604751215594437 2 excuse 12 ma'am 3.8340165975452294 4 , 12 ma'am 3.28959533313545 5 if 6 i 2.4665272994818057 6 i 8 give 2.066840611658696 6 i 7 don't 3.775983377249961 8 give 9 my 2.1744424112903395 9 my 10 name 4.046374458507149 10 name 12 ma'am 2.2944464475946766 11 , 12 ma'am 3.28959533313545 12 ma'am 13 . 1.947142344918488 with that , the frog skipped away ; and i turned into a narrow lane , which seemed to lead toward some music . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 skipped 0.29809903307129204 1 with 4 the 0.8431753379366498 1 with 2 that 0.08854014089716244 3 , 4 the -0.4946706923978379 4 the 6 skipped 0.1076181865124326 5 frog 6 skipped 6.246591372545602 6 skipped 7 away 5.45750251704899 7 away 21 toward 2.958016495102207 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 9 and 11 turned 1.6659412933683484 9 and 10 i 0.8176665975292483 11 turned 21 toward 4.601809264587761 11 turned 12 into 4.389671046193989 13 a 14 narrow 3.2336244049807057 14 narrow 15 lane 6.89950345469752 15 lane 21 toward 6.798302318830519 16 , 17 which 1.6914583310125977 17 which 18 seemed 3.454559113857165 18 seemed 20 lead 4.619409690767945 18 seemed 19 to 3.771163452217605 20 lead 21 toward 6.676880631169379 21 toward 23 music 4.688910263222883 22 some 23 music 3.181223563456296 23 music 24 . 1.144529121244524 i had not gone far , when i heard the rumbling of a wheelbarrow , and saw a little man wheeling a little woman along . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 9 heard 2.3251887006682743 2 had 9 heard 3.3716993337178636 2 had 4 gone 5.0144545798601055 2 had 3 not 2.2092975366349954 4 gone 5 far 5.156554345313726 6 , 7 when 0.8302784881471972 7 when 9 heard 2.852632340751189 8 i 9 heard 2.3251887006682743 9 heard 11 rumbling 6.585561993579436 10 the 11 rumbling 2.285654493654768 11 rumbling 13 a 2.5038301141298867 11 rumbling 12 of 3.5738817061434 13 a 14 wheelbarrow 3.454752574346209 14 wheelbarrow 21 wheeling 9.407928230732491 14 wheelbarrow 25 along 7.58557663416866 14 wheelbarrow 17 saw 2.868878913812317 14 wheelbarrow 15 , 1.8717601200799159 14 wheelbarrow 26 . 0.7218884707494766 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 18 a 20 man 3.033922205025579 18 a 19 little 3.3978459531370575 20 man 21 wheeling 4.656604295600523 21 wheeling 24 woman 3.6594278445454904 22 a 24 woman 2.852592022128256 22 a 23 little 3.3978459531370575 turning a corner , i came upon a very charming scene , and slipped into a quiet nook to see what was going on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 upon -0.4552411344989906 1 turning 7 upon 2.2884870584018593 1 turning 3 corner 4.8009539658745055 2 a 3 corner 3.095492434605097 3 corner 4 , 0.92425848678824 5 i 6 came 0.894965381140084 6 came 7 upon 3.1815337446591094 7 upon 8 a 2.319523636519543 8 a 18 nook 1.7760970328658665 8 a 11 scene 2.5972159191277306 9 very 10 charming 3.090900414138922 10 charming 11 scene 6.9616364180167984 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 13 and 14 slipped 1.201689686281501 14 slipped 18 nook 7.345906644560632 14 slipped 15 into 5.160315718681588 16 a 17 quiet 2.461263720961881 17 quiet 18 nook 10.342696823607863 18 nook 20 see 3.300253531724163 18 nook 22 was 2.8126283451840983 19 to 20 see 3.0208916104243624 20 see 21 what 3.306547787662252 22 was 23 going 2.587515073195677 23 going 24 on 2.73240711486352 24 on 25 . -0.02630725338723927 it was evidently a wedding ; and i was just in time to see it , for the procession was passing at that moment . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 9 was 2.951169375325321 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 3 evidently 3.2783145043257313 3 evidently 5 wedding 4.5419302088150175 4 a 5 wedding 2.4922393210946048 5 wedding 6 ; 1.1834541523507554 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 6 ; 8 i 1.7064961061421702 9 was 21 passing 3.4043507742821077 9 was 10 just 1.9505814165616773 11 in 19 procession 2.490913321453448 11 in 12 time 1.5593422122332719 12 time 17 for 1.7756911607037207 12 time 13 to 1.4241862218848027 13 to 14 see 3.0208916104243624 14 see 15 it 1.4415743473145284 16 , 17 for 0.7095869605262024 18 the 19 procession 2.6417805290324026 19 procession 21 passing 9.19626095823487 20 was 21 passing 3.4043507742821077 21 passing 24 moment 4.4442122899400225 22 at 24 moment 3.106982971578944 23 that 24 moment 2.5515051323600026 24 moment 25 . 0.8259316774730792 then came a rook , in black , like a minister , with spectacles and white cravat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 came 2.491561602941493 2 came 3 a 0.8201389715488681 3 a 17 cravat 3.5923993551103344 3 a 4 rook 4.2449783099703815 4 rook 6 in 4.738031124431167 4 rook 5 , 2.654577676618448 7 black 17 cravat 5.931456333998835 7 black 8 , 0.20805255615241514 9 like 10 a 2.717545363523488 10 a 17 cravat 3.5923993551103344 11 minister 17 cravat 6.249604102687819 12 , 13 with 0.6646281173027546 13 with 14 spectacles 2.526317929714054 14 spectacles 17 cravat 11.154519991174542 15 and 17 cravat 2.7554339886102284 16 white 17 cravat 8.716410552040685 17 cravat 18 . 2.8006784107377563 a lark and bullfinch followed , friends , i suppose ; and then the bride and bridegroom . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 followed -0.07274774486665869 1 a 2 lark 4.352191504620361 2 lark 4 bullfinch 15.692088414428547 3 and 4 bullfinch 4.401915846887164 4 bullfinch 5 followed 11.88086863679371 5 followed 17 bridegroom 4.5543039013536095 6 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 7 friends 8 , 1.1869945334373337 8 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 8 , 9 i 0.883559295304277 9 i 10 suppose 4.454760951025708 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 12 and 17 bridegroom 1.8381941307009448 12 and 13 then 2.4133610488576807 14 the 17 bridegroom 2.781906385837001 15 bride 17 bridegroom 9.429282225862963 16 and 17 bridegroom 1.8381941307009448 17 bridegroom 18 . 1.091411221608947 the bridegroom was a military man , in his scarlet uniform , a plump , bold-looking bird , very happy and proud just then . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.5695174840046828 1 the 2 bridegroom 2.781906385837001 2 bridegroom 3 was 0.9065616263073473 3 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 4 a 16 bold-looking 2.550537332450734 4 a 6 man 3.033922205025579 5 military 6 man 4.782205285906624 7 , 16 bold-looking 3.491711742792752 8 in 11 uniform 3.620662830330346 9 his 11 uniform 4.889051349075661 10 scarlet 11 uniform 10.763203924906719 11 uniform 12 , 1.5423705160568666 12 , 16 bold-looking 3.491711742792752 13 a 14 plump 2.8940431838043246 14 plump 16 bold-looking 13.785887118129601 15 , 16 bold-looking 3.491711742792752 16 bold-looking 17 bird 11.815797434399471 16 bold-looking 22 proud 7.823879913346637 16 bold-looking 20 happy 6.281065027761148 16 bold-looking 19 very 5.255593591030827 16 bold-looking 23 just 3.9398160114565215 16 bold-looking 18 , 2.3674795658941825 16 bold-looking 21 and 1.332542095565909 23 just 24 then 3.322535520298141 24 then 25 . -0.8938437122351015 a goldfinch gave away the bride , and a linnet was bridesmaid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 goldfinch 2.3956330006934934 1 a 2 goldfinch 4.78297069621652 2 goldfinch 12 bridesmaid 12.810432833431967 2 goldfinch 10 linnet 12.690263920687311 2 goldfinch 6 bride 10.61466233438328 2 goldfinch 3 gave 9.247629029726465 2 goldfinch 4 away 7.451673438246793 2 goldfinch 9 a 1.5616411051657408 2 goldfinch 8 and 1.1408464714523738 5 the 6 bride 2.216270517694344 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 11 was 12 bridesmaid 2.3258707145449016 12 bridesmaid 13 . 1.283574330855437 a splendid dinner followed , at which was nearly every bird that flies ; so you may imagine the music there was . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 13 flies -0.491020814243349 1 a 2 splendid 3.516192702734969 2 splendid 13 flies 3.628038889115775 2 splendid 3 dinner 3.091650751267256 3 dinner 4 followed 3.014782545470297 5 , 7 which 1.6914583310125977 6 at 7 which -0.18063007881549709 7 which 13 flies 3.920170334828409 8 was 9 nearly 2.5866359322975683 9 nearly 11 bird 2.8999332248072527 9 nearly 10 every 5.33642118853162 11 bird 13 flies 7.025779437846698 12 that 13 flies 1.9578267023195224 13 flies 18 imagine 4.204164625961109 13 flies 14 ; 3.78659753519365 14 ; 15 so 1.5443366530647253 16 you 17 may 3.3345366502764495 17 may 18 imagine 5.840777304324618 18 imagine 20 music 3.796419280099066 19 the 20 music 2.0170564478650626 20 music 23 . 1.144529121244524 20 music 22 was 0.6540829016506073 21 there 22 was 3.438683647331464 but , alas ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 alas 2.0738253198840386 1 but 3 alas 3.0518809566019804 2 , 3 alas 1.2488161431787326 3 alas 4 ! 5.79580050944112 a little farther on , i was shocked to see a goose dragging an old man down some steps that led to a little house . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 old -0.02565570312310328 1 a 2 little 3.3978459531370575 2 little 12 goose 3.9619219353791237 2 little 3 farther 4.852187576644695 3 farther 4 on 2.792533443402874 3 farther 5 , 0.8537669987415732 5 , 6 i 0.883559295304277 7 was 11 a 1.8886187807073789 7 was 8 shocked 3.5173060029636822 8 shocked 10 see 1.9097453682019 9 to 10 see 3.0208916104243624 11 a 12 goose 3.2843363591454775 12 goose 13 dragging 9.408441292100385 13 dragging 14 an 3.7273354933173835 14 an 15 old 4.914372319979055 15 old 16 man 5.283683383676921 15 old 25 house 3.434983706625541 16 man 21 led 2.541376531757855 17 down 19 steps 3.7060836585695327 18 some 19 steps 1.9173161371172647 19 steps 21 led 6.176934361081528 20 that 21 led 2.151467769393431 21 led 22 to 2.6562031568788314 23 a 24 little 3.3978459531370575 24 little 25 house 3.7705048259710523 25 house 26 . 1.16540010437204 " dear me ! what 's the matter here ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 dear 4 ! 3.211372366750741 2 dear 3 me 3.2162612916290225 4 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 5 what 8 matter 3.0881360518508565 6 's 8 matter 2.2750110996143107 7 the 8 matter 3.0304538140414152 8 matter 10 ? 3.454237903651997 9 here 10 ? 2.3282830369955185 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 i cried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 cried -0.3137563950285749 2 cried 3 . 0.8475860205663466 " he won't say his prayers , " screamed the goose . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 9 screamed 2.713889873997527 2 he 9 screamed 2.275712895633724 3 won't 4 say 2.9393965034991076 4 say 6 prayers 6.159531728883177 5 his 6 prayers 3.499491177410693 6 prayers 9 screamed 5.122012717933941 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 8 " 9 screamed 2.713889873997527 9 screamed 11 goose 6.601347482295466 10 the 11 goose 2.49506298244377 11 goose 12 . 1.1305598692484367 " but perhaps he was never taught , " said i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 11 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 3 perhaps 2.125375659094548 2 but 3 perhaps 1.9582310826794895 3 perhaps 4 he 2.0464317807087813 4 he 5 was 2.312012966177365 4 he 7 taught 1.7939063071534171 6 never 7 taught 3.0495396307866436 8 , 10 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 11 i 12 . -1.3347025238808783 " it 's never too late to learn : he 's had his chance ; he won't be pious and good , so away with him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 's 2.8884519147935066 3 's 5 too 1.7530083430157113 4 never 5 too -0.5561012161164776 5 too 6 late 7.630991248197633 5 too 21 good 2.723373408181793 6 late 8 learn 3.2736273928120987 6 late 14 chance 2.866746030634964 7 to 8 learn 3.3223060609875024 8 learn 9 : 0.721976057044472 10 he 12 had 2.9776784198097523 10 he 11 's 1.0307748954275162 12 had 14 chance 1.877688277394281 13 his 14 chance 1.4064504267127091 14 chance 15 ; 1.5360533141606467 16 he 17 won't 1.4959527151923062 17 won't 19 pious 5.0188309936324025 18 be 19 pious 4.114207908972482 19 pious 21 good 3.7211684854876808 19 pious 20 and 0.6866276286544704 21 good 22 , 0.8514229511946425 22 , 25 with 0.6646281173027546 22 , 23 so 0.5181052447995267 24 away 25 with 2.040078311890772 25 with 26 him 2.088617219517836 26 him 27 . 1.4355656727212907 " my dear soul , what 's the trouble ? " said i , quite touched by her tears . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 13 i 2.219663534593389 2 my 4 soul 4.774001570517234 2 my 3 dear 4.7642210168562364 4 soul 9 trouble 1.3552903694378422 4 soul 5 , 1.2253364174044812 6 what 9 trouble 1.7243559792552041 6 what 7 's 1.6387770345529855 8 the 9 trouble 1.6976324694943052 9 trouble 10 ? 1.6051694344014216 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 13 i 15 quite 0.235165944354641 14 , 15 quite 0.13032649947338548 15 quite 16 touched 1.9748052407135397 16 touched 17 by 3.800919977547565 16 touched 19 tears 3.2469599092841825 16 touched 18 her 3.203833332609925 19 tears 20 . 1.4558014853805492 " lud a mercy , ma'am ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 lud 2.10333856612689 1 " 2 lud 4.5871343542668015 2 lud 4 mercy 12.812184720819126 2 lud 6 ma'am 9.158743325785263 2 lud 3 a 5.198570698035123 2 lud 7 ! 2.48205495427791 5 , 6 ma'am 3.28959533313545 i thought i never should get home ; for i was such a fright , i actually didn't know myself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 4 never 2.5602386484719286 1 i 2 thought 2.7349936508769783 3 i 4 never 2.5602386484719286 4 never 12 such 2.770676724605746 4 never 6 get 2.838642848288025 5 should 6 get 2.4351335582435105 6 get 7 home 2.974286737699387 8 ; 9 for 1.4090530638881251 9 for 12 such 1.492098097591363 10 i 11 was 0.8065165233008251 11 was 12 such 1.6532134764434154 12 such 13 a 4.1090062073831 13 a 14 fright 2.85530570848373 14 fright 17 actually 3.67843647127852 14 fright 21 . 2.2939806112987107 14 fright 15 , 1.2379866158795778 15 , 16 i 0.883559295304277 17 actually 18 didn't 3.7826689916651155 17 actually 20 myself 3.611301341410769 18 didn't 19 know 5.387487635424433 but , oh , ma'am ! doggy don't know me ; and i ain't myself , and i don't know what to do . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 ma'am -0.5512724121137964 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 2 , 5 ma'am 3.28959533313545 3 oh 4 , 3.2347483665415506 4 , 5 ma'am 3.28959533313545 5 ma'am 7 doggy 11.597794053751048 6 ! 7 doggy 6.681905473143999 7 doggy 19 don't 7.624789944774534 7 doggy 8 don't 7.624789944774534 7 doggy 20 know 6.6220481834624145 7 doggy 9 know 6.6220481834624145 10 me 11 ; 1.0049873279350088 11 ; 13 i 1.7064961061421702 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 i 19 don't 3.775983377249961 13 i 14 ain't 3.001952612019089 14 ain't 15 myself 3.3753917146648256 15 myself 16 , 1.3586094553914911 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 i 19 don't 3.775983377249961 20 know 21 what 4.283913017101961 20 know 24 . 0.37436640099251406 21 what 23 do 3.5650246818752365 22 to 23 do 2.3723850889805824 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 " he 's a foolish little beast ; so don't mind him , but have a cup of tea , and go to bed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 he 1.2273335742416869 2 he 3 's 1.0307748954275162 3 's 17 cup 3.1870467967201463 4 a 17 cup 3.6291303653461355 4 a 6 little 3.3978459531370575 5 foolish 6 little 2.139952991643465 6 little 7 beast 3.6288589316880255 7 beast 8 ; 2.433357830339272 8 ; 14 but 3.9096191073889806 8 ; 9 so 1.5443366530647253 8 ; 10 don't 1.233843983060563 10 don't 11 mind 4.748300794848571 12 him 13 , 0.8358723219117845 13 , 14 but 2.1164801018826633 15 have 16 a 1.62890695095534 16 a 17 cup 3.6291303653461355 17 cup 19 tea 8.750790687598322 17 cup 18 of 4.310921417820904 19 tea 21 and 1.0567934027017074 19 tea 25 . 1.0562115231145253 20 , 21 and 1.9913305940627364 22 go 24 bed 3.468044247862249 23 to 24 bed 3.302746529438558 24 bed 25 . 1.5510193266745809 you can make your gown decent to-morrow ; and , if i see the tricksy peddler , i 'll give him a scolding . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 2 can 3.114760440925462 2 can 13 see 3.414563670788537 2 can 3 make 3.778955906270344 3 make 6 decent 4.501317127725898 4 your 5 gown 4.010941314227924 5 gown 6 decent 9.43100129802449 6 decent 7 to-morrow 6.771617834036704 6 decent 8 ; 2.4255378889241577 6 decent 11 if 1.887654504423569 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 10 , 11 if 1.058710375425802 11 if 12 i 2.4665272994818057 13 see 15 tricksy 7.062013854926246 14 the 15 tricksy 4.3514903352593315 15 tricksy 16 peddler 17.334325564353946 15 tricksy 23 scolding 10.842941689350027 15 tricksy 20 give 6.290698077864878 15 tricksy 19 'll 4.343495900202893 15 tricksy 17 , 2.0631813650286155 18 i 19 'll 3.9881635767091375 20 give 21 him 3.4500063267115326 22 a 23 scolding 2.8068128646042787 23 scolding 24 . 0.6429360357330758 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 this seemed to comfort the old woman ; though doggy still barked . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 this 0.7712513941729444 1 this 2 seemed 1.324663270456778 2 seemed 10 doggy 7.051218627755926 2 seemed 3 to 3.771163452217605 4 comfort 10 doggy 7.320199533751314 5 the 6 old 2.286719213859378 6 old 7 woman 6.024695935404315 7 woman 10 doggy 6.146645702302525 8 ; 10 doggy 5.0939132172965 9 though 10 doggy 9.457546243892825 10 doggy 12 barked 13.177820363681256 10 doggy 11 still 8.854913727337895 12 barked 13 . 1.3135572253983483 " he 's a remarkable beast ; and you 'd better stop to see him as you pass , ma'am . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 he 1.2273335742416869 2 he 3 's 1.0307748954275162 3 's 4 a 1.237835712354876 4 a 5 remarkable 3.338822012104206 5 remarkable 6 beast 7.9547058237980615 5 remarkable 7 ; 2.7158653726307946 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 7 ; 18 pass 1.7217159665476096 9 you 10 'd 3.4192503794510944 10 'd 12 stop 2.7440057680679217 10 'd 11 better 6.323799329954605 12 stop 13 to 1.9367603258351593 13 to 18 pass 3.1510423742434224 13 to 14 see 3.0208916104243624 14 see 15 him 2.5520018736042793 14 see 17 you 1.7116420665043108 16 as 17 you 1.0397487838100439 18 pass 20 ma'am 3.545567503124115 19 , 20 ma'am 3.28959533313545 20 ma'am 21 . 1.947142344918488 he 's always up to some funny prank or other . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 1 he 3 always 1.4230977731072034 2 's 3 always 1.2801240893814274 3 always 8 prank 1.1664316916945623 4 up 6 some 1.0991294587086031 4 up 5 to 1.503350624881735 6 some 8 prank 4.163661457115669 7 funny 8 prank 8.65955222336121 8 prank 9 or 5.285823300091348 8 prank 10 other 4.296890189726991 8 prank 11 . 1.7516463481859077 11 . 12 " 4.427730590569535 i said i would ; and , as i went by the next house , i took a look in at the window . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 10 went 1.0784024172882738 2 said 5 ; 1.3906995679837895 3 i 4 would 1.4377644002394394 4 would 5 ; -0.6535174128276964 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 6 and 10 went 1.9201141840422995 7 , 8 as 0.9452529367549332 8 as 9 i 0.9587134009641449 9 i 10 went 1.0784024172882738 10 went 11 by 2.1271008588158224 11 by 23 window 3.403077455192104 12 the 23 window 3.331225961363856 12 the 13 next 2.9869899372464985 12 the 14 house 2.6929789736134584 14 house 15 , 1.0905352664163068 16 i 17 took 1.1483951464423114 17 took 18 a 1.7285752743281595 18 a 19 look 1.2643159246013305 19 look 21 at 4.711557462251166 19 look 20 in 1.1095163957012097 21 at 23 window 2.9982188888169787 22 the 23 window 3.331225961363856 23 window 24 . 1.5457160902310392 the closet was empty , i observed ; but the dog sat smoking a pipe , looking as grave as a judge . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 was 0.5695174840046828 1 the 2 closet 3.0729057086721845 2 closet 3 was 1.7970613645526896 3 was 13 smoking 2.2549520457086096 3 was 4 empty 3.0862273091688124 4 empty 8 ; 2.2562188493322957 5 , 7 observed 1.7344202491696556 6 i 7 observed 0.9848003553076836 7 observed 8 ; 1.4214601906117004 8 ; 9 but 3.9096191073889806 10 the 11 dog 2.1891981143518535 11 dog 13 smoking 4.516236839679554 12 sat 13 smoking 5.326546636226045 13 smoking 15 pipe 10.257053255547415 13 smoking 19 grave 4.115504515159664 14 a 15 pipe 1.8831885337084664 16 , 17 looking 2.0143069737250805 17 looking 19 grave 4.058368155043443 17 looking 18 as 1.9202694714051347 19 grave 22 judge 4.954853147696209 19 grave 23 . 1.587672037326275 20 as 22 judge 1.6998280513490656 21 a 22 judge 2.0225729872121434 " where is your mistress ? " asked i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 9 i 2.219663534593389 2 where 3 is 2.88599974913077 3 is 4 your 1.717672772081567 4 your 5 mistress 2.869575037694009 5 mistress 6 ? 1.787781127874645 6 ? 8 asked 5.32511077011031 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 9 i 10 . -1.3347025238808783 " i don't approve of smoking , " said i . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 10 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 don't 3.775983377249961 3 don't 4 approve 6.2554017256829795 4 approve 6 smoking 8.735718581721592 4 approve 5 of 5.020510584855735 7 , 9 said 1.5025770512474743 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 10 i 11 . -1.3347025238808783 " sorry to hear it , " said the dog , coolly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 coolly 0.7023455426824334 2 sorry 12 coolly 3.564266846671991 2 sorry 4 hear 3.0224908534782067 3 to 4 hear 3.1230975801307697 4 hear 5 it 2.0472674986254322 6 , 8 said 1.5025770512474743 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 12 coolly 3.580589534605352 9 the 10 dog 2.1891981143518535 10 dog 12 coolly 5.3227472052247435 11 , 12 coolly 1.139695508268666 12 coolly 13 . 2.62423073392425 i had heard of this interesting family , and took a look as i passed by . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 had 1.158469240689623 2 had 15 passed 3.606129704025708 2 had 3 heard 3.3716993337178636 3 heard 4 of 2.286982719465138 3 heard 5 this 2.2815243667351197 6 interesting 7 family 5.1543758190191795 6 interesting 13 as 2.964324101409929 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 took 1.6928864859720747 10 took 11 a 1.7285752743281595 11 a 12 look 1.2643159246013305 12 look 13 as 1.7692319416144358 13 as 15 passed 2.384238849466211 13 as 14 i 0.9587134009641449 15 passed 16 by 4.447478356649306 15 passed 17 . -0.013028717714760774 i was very glad to see these young orphans doing so well , and i knew my friends at home would enjoy hearing from them . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 4 glad 2.4570312369166505 2 was 3 very 2.85037252061154 3 very 4 glad 4.028374279873418 4 glad 6 see 3.8199518138778323 5 to 6 see 3.0208916104243624 6 see 7 these 0.8926012627350914 7 these 9 orphans 5.5989238131924495 8 young 9 orphans 6.316452510949116 9 orphans 10 doing 7.84009982208682 9 orphans 20 home 4.233506134451893 9 orphans 11 so 3.3722468789171494 9 orphans 25 them 2.1659317218194545 11 so 12 well 1.6544738127669483 12 well 13 , 2.65559168359394 12 well 15 i 1.2670051931879804 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 knew 2.433643775356245 17 my 18 friends 3.786288944914965 18 friends 19 at 0.8946328558399621 19 at 20 home 3.637167846409186 20 home 24 from 3.6913065417489044 21 would 22 enjoy 2.950384116015254 22 enjoy 23 hearing 7.2770026184773045 23 hearing 24 from 1.4856052155925852 25 them 26 . 1.434008771759407 as i passed this party , i saw behind the lady 's chair a maid , with a clothes-pin in her hand , and no nose . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 's 0.05123554541292208 1 as 3 passed 2.384238849466211 1 as 2 i 0.9587134009641449 3 passed 9 behind 1.4514950636364894 3 passed 5 party 2.307154362013968 4 this 5 party 1.642006100738783 5 party 6 , 1.1267528646754172 6 , 7 i 0.883559295304277 7 i 8 saw 2.5503463476874053 9 behind 10 the 1.9205541844049066 10 the 11 lady 2.2309323523971862 11 lady 12 's 2.757097363001865 12 's 26 nose 2.7843084539761023 12 's 13 chair 2.0281413780320996 14 a 19 clothes-pin 4.916665231248633 15 maid 19 clothes-pin 10.407335649519716 16 , 19 clothes-pin 1.8270220496008598 17 with 19 clothes-pin 5.593505009717738 18 a 19 clothes-pin 4.916665231248633 19 clothes-pin 26 nose 8.017761701740692 19 clothes-pin 22 hand 7.371443587416902 19 clothes-pin 20 in 5.790491002616054 19 clothes-pin 21 her 4.933248529236643 19 clothes-pin 25 no 3.562543689293097 22 hand 24 and 1.369354777354701 23 , 24 and 1.9913305940627364 26 nose 27 . 1.5239139175524574 another couple were dividing their meat in a queer way ; for one took all the fat , and the other all the lean . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 another -0.31617164228292793 1 another 2 couple 4.7323821084523985 1 another 9 queer 2.8144159339512527 1 another 17 fat 2.6932513262341224 1 another 10 way 2.352162537424583 2 couple 4 dividing 13.862683198950123 2 couple 7 in 2.167376908440211 3 were 4 dividing 7.718834678552572 4 dividing 6 meat 13.99017330419736 4 dividing 5 their 8.9524488139104 8 a 9 queer 3.3109252264859865 10 way 11 ; 1.7220088269213427 11 ; 12 for 1.4090530638881251 12 for 13 one 1.0853435492387895 14 took 17 fat 1.8390728649057948 14 took 16 the 1.4871293249028454 15 all 16 the 1.5997645604568138 17 fat 24 lean 2.0880209043192366 17 fat 19 and 1.2302958526995909 17 fat 25 . 0.1368347796110534 18 , 19 and 1.9913305940627364 20 the 21 other 2.632237772637371 21 other 24 lean 1.8044311683546326 22 all 23 the 1.5997645604568138 23 the 24 lean 1.171766831172917 feeling refreshed , i strolled on , passing a jolly old gentleman smoking and drinking , while three fiddlers played before him . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 i 1.4747943966883117 1 feeling 2 refreshed 7.471963149762388 2 refreshed 4 i 1.115985576933145 2 refreshed 3 , 1.0497760568685486 4 i 5 strolled 1.510162713827615 5 strolled 6 on 3.903912848500628 6 on 22 him 0.6128873840297153 7 , 19 fiddlers 0.44209586732718975 8 passing 10 jolly 5.82515024847881 9 a 10 jolly 3.021522314898178 10 jolly 12 gentleman 4.453579167968616 11 old 12 gentleman 5.69849617765373 12 gentleman 19 fiddlers 9.18403058921248 13 smoking 19 fiddlers 12.22239717679005 13 smoking 14 and 2.3738258959146705 15 drinking 19 fiddlers 12.205379049160861 16 , 17 while 1.448856711021131 17 while 19 fiddlers 8.588201862927317 18 three 19 fiddlers 10.127596288749924 19 fiddlers 20 played 13.113878823283706 19 fiddlers 21 before 7.663756114283597 19 fiddlers 22 him 4.593933869012634 22 him 23 . 1.4355656727212907 i scrambled over the wall to get out of the way , and there i saw more curious sights . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 16 saw 2.5503463476874053 1 i 7 get 1.5360971551084273 2 scrambled 6 to 3.0074630150659267 2 scrambled 3 over 2.9279393080146043 3 over 5 wall 3.390012383721391 4 the 5 wall 3.2846448851422814 6 to 7 get 3.0881891887949813 7 get 8 out 3.1611153256524513 7 get 14 there 1.597118552148487 8 out 9 of 3.4530498390397675 9 of 10 the 1.7361783602309693 10 the 11 way 1.9756872936610552 11 way 12 , 0.8808556014356768 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 15 i 16 saw 2.5503463476874053 16 saw 19 sights 3.0465426675056264 17 more 18 curious 4.136843353507469 18 curious 19 sights 10.251973732227938 19 sights 20 . 0.5970474720084695 " what very odd people they have here ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 4 odd 2.3341526929622205 3 very 4 odd 4.525914901833474 4 odd 5 people 3.645335806967207 5 people 7 have 1.8269464353637765 6 they 7 have 1.8426104645537453 8 here 9 ! 1.645411985336585 9 ! 10 " 3.7411945146373657 i thought . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 thought 2.7349936508769783 2 thought 3 . -0.12888217097134635 close by was a tidy little house under the hill , and in it a tidy little woman who sold things to eat . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 by -0.18528363629599376 1 close 2 by 5.561856590412926 2 by 4 a 0.989036278319924 3 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 4 a 5 tidy 2.685551420278653 5 tidy 20 sold 6.491495765944258 6 little 7 house 3.7705048259710523 7 house 16 tidy 4.8578856833757555 7 house 10 hill 2.0493141436045264 8 under 9 the 2.757406412791692 9 the 10 hill 3.1191441143436567 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 16 tidy 2.3229209095445 13 in 15 a 1.8422556623713398 14 it 15 a 0.237376577207014 15 a 16 tidy 2.685551420278653 16 tidy 20 sold 6.491495765944258 16 tidy 18 woman 4.43179401856688 16 tidy 17 little 3.683410652721527 18 woman 19 who 4.159632553760787 20 sold 21 things 2.673616505120748 21 things 23 eat 2.9984683424865644 22 to 23 eat 3.7360929626120676 23 eat 24 . 1.1286074240804478 i 'll soon hush it up , " said the old woman ; and , trotting it on her knee , she began to sing : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 hush 1.6891493653771832 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 3 soon 3.182011577411057 3 soon 4 hush 4.113906046423374 4 hush 7 , 2.1266032735295717 4 hush 6 up 2.4465915502904316 5 it 6 up 0.738801347791382 7 , 16 trotting 1.9838460366034276 7 , 9 said 1.5025770512474743 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 10 the 11 old 2.286719213859378 11 old 16 trotting 2.8245266511303946 11 old 12 woman 6.024695935404315 12 woman 13 ; 1.3333251902566765 13 ; 14 and 2.090280035481264 15 , 16 trotting 1.9838460366034276 16 trotting 20 knee 7.056516853322453 16 trotting 17 it 0.28741533965373733 18 on 20 knee 4.677597143643961 19 her 20 knee 3.526821896892578 20 knee 23 began 2.509287450905031 20 knee 21 , 1.7318965511823663 22 she 23 began 2.185396853385484 23 began 25 sing 5.391818461447134 23 began 24 to 4.246133941809509 25 sing 26 : 3.0233997284555976 " hey ! my kitten , my kitten , hey ! my kitten , my deary . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 hey 2.5363841837350662 2 hey 16 deary 7.319241825496523 2 hey 3 ! 3.930507162194427 2 hey 18 " 2.013362877429941 4 my 16 deary 5.640016587049072 5 kitten 16 deary 9.047047706866408 6 , 16 deary 3.067847794931261 7 my 16 deary 5.640016587049072 8 kitten 16 deary 9.047047706866408 8 kitten 10 hey 8.951238843030918 9 , 10 hey 2.694337651713276 10 hey 11 ! 3.930507162194427 12 my 16 deary 5.640016587049072 13 kitten 16 deary 9.047047706866408 14 , 16 deary 3.067847794931261 15 my 16 deary 5.640016587049072 17 . 18 " 4.427730590569535 feeling that the child was in good hands , i hurried away , for i saw something was going on upon the hill-top . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 was 0.5695174840046828 1 feeling 2 that 3.2875311551299227 2 that 5 was 1.5985753854158027 2 that 4 child 1.5588972033234825 3 the 4 child 1.886751199786147 5 was 6 in 0.9447636115250564 6 in 8 hands 1.1233894030940554 6 in 7 good 0.03638645394526918 8 hands 24 . 1.2221000921488674 8 hands 9 , 0.9159144110066748 9 , 10 i 0.883559295304277 11 hurried 12 away 5.07441138299415 12 away 23 hill-top 3.56140806374777 12 away 24 . 1.2162953376348629 12 away 13 , 1.097982621917664 14 for 17 something 0.8494459019289664 15 i 16 saw 2.5503463476874053 16 saw 17 something 3.9348013200044427 17 something 23 hill-top 3.2359529120516655 18 was 19 going 2.587515073195677 19 going 23 hill-top 4.681078738730243 20 on 23 hill-top 5.1270316045165885 21 upon 23 hill-top 6.432956805880664 22 the 23 hill-top 3.0102470970748385 when i got to the hill-top , i was shocked to find some people tossing an old woman in a blanket . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 5 the 1.104398875351464 1 when 3 got 2.450492113605918 1 when 2 i 2.1674352707413114 3 got 4 to 1.76851290606845 5 the 21 blanket 2.3420220611657783 5 the 6 hill-top 3.0102470970748385 6 hill-top 7 , 2.4500548076852873 6 hill-top 8 i 2.348192865677177 9 was 10 shocked 3.5173060029636822 10 shocked 15 tossing 6.9779277097669805 10 shocked 12 find 4.326436634068791 11 to 12 find 3.1301285678879243 13 some 14 people 4.393556668227641 14 people 15 tossing 4.320985998617907 15 tossing 21 blanket 7.917038409578847 16 an 17 old 4.914372319979055 17 old 18 woman 6.024695935404315 18 woman 21 blanket 3.8488183876680644 19 in 21 blanket 2.732217144426329 20 a 21 blanket 3.6603679867295256 21 blanket 22 . 0.6872412179030292 " but why does she like it ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 3 why 2.8735509396163277 2 but 3 why 1.5279554992983524 3 why 8 ? 2.154945933670776 3 why 4 does 3.5950558175679106 4 does 7 it 1.935434641162983 4 does 5 she 1.7871331156506365 6 like 7 it 1.4165201391099753 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 i asked in great surprise . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 asked 0.5789395532496595 2 asked 6 . 0.7779303217424687 3 in 5 surprise 2.936064325269875 4 great 5 surprise 5.334276436829342 5 surprise 6 . 1.7113516214192739 " tom , the piper 's son , will tell you : it 's my turn to toss now , " said the man . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 piper 0.7626244513128881 1 " 2 tom 1.0179751942066524 2 tom 3 , 1.0856224037557922 4 the 5 piper 3.4578431866242028 5 piper 9 will 2.7736737304847487 5 piper 7 son 5.289928126116564 6 's 7 son 4.31501010561472 7 son 8 , 1.4263430445611736 9 will 16 turn 3.193699856327612 9 will 10 tell 3.3381742195523962 10 tell 11 you 3.7181122630948114 12 : 13 it 0.6252219365448077 13 it 14 's 2.8884519147935066 14 's 16 turn 2.055718789752948 15 my 16 turn 2.789746489904765 16 turn 18 toss 5.670841076575115 17 to 18 toss 2.182886621224913 18 toss 19 now 3.4573831603780256 19 now 20 , 1.683986876826845 20 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 21 " 22 said 3.5310061102049364 22 said 23 the 1.3095954281400157 22 said 25 . 0.7987260433774388 23 the 24 man 1.9375592986676935 now and then we get so tired out with her that we propose to her to clean the sky itself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 13 propose 3.298702113702923 2 and 3 then 2.4133610488576807 3 then 4 we 2.111130719215767 4 we 13 propose 2.33416454038991 4 we 5 get 2.672678805143491 5 get 7 tired 4.508727372733549 5 get 8 out 3.1611153256524513 6 so 7 tired 3.9969769194667037 8 out 10 her 1.0129319981229177 9 with 10 her 2.1216404045889785 11 that 12 we 1.0051022575115773 12 we 13 propose 2.33416454038991 13 propose 17 clean 5.137454355685886 13 propose 16 to 3.2842176749623917 13 propose 14 to 3.2842176749623917 14 to 15 her 1.4090049423748106 17 clean 19 sky 3.925854367539774 18 the 19 sky 3.1949121992196456 19 sky 20 itself 4.891757843219857 19 sky 21 . 1.6256260504117197 " well , that is the oddest thing i ever heard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 7 oddest 3.0408161972865067 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 that 5 is 2.4065579718386285 5 is 7 oddest 3.640206473654807 6 the 7 oddest 3.7040810082535884 7 oddest 8 thing 7.258588877978916 7 oddest 10 ever 5.61232410727041 7 oddest 9 i 2.5005205944369884 10 ever 11 heard 4.701733610096454 10 ever 12 . 0.6454001794935671 i know just such an old lady , and when i go home i 'll try your plan . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 16 try 1.9485475483891825 1 i 2 know 3.0908547366095043 3 just 4 such 1.6416102801611885 3 just 16 try 2.533090480804212 4 such 5 an 4.425485832252836 5 an 6 old 4.914372319979055 6 old 7 lady 5.954524491588693 6 old 13 home 1.864817777579045 7 lady 8 , 1.1649851463500998 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 when 11 i 2.1674352707413114 11 i 12 go 1.692479253773703 12 go 13 home 4.447805542225202 14 i 15 'll 3.9881635767091375 15 'll 16 try 5.323444420976447 16 try 18 plan 3.577538514943349 17 your 18 plan 2.6002176984264835 18 plan 19 . 1.341092089233065 " well , we do have rather a nice collection ; but you haven't seen the best of all . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 we 1.485440432978688 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 4 we 6 have 3.215397502013481 4 we 5 do 2.222962787123512 4 we 19 all 2.0610687872277538 6 have 9 nice 1.3164877057050326 7 rather 9 nice 4.380793037512859 8 a 9 nice 3.2278762360836684 9 nice 10 collection 6.583121731300945 10 collection 18 of 4.278927524438306 10 collection 11 ; 2.85520540272465 10 collection 14 haven't 2.824039888033166 11 ; 12 but 3.9096191073889806 13 you 14 haven't 2.914376284446778 14 haven't 15 seen 6.30472715320359 16 the 17 best 2.7144546132458114 17 best 18 of 2.4316478868996594 19 all 20 . 0.2171498272572805 " lights ? " said i , " you speak as if she flew . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 lights 3 ? 1.0109884160344933 3 ? 16 " 4.126492033472207 3 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 3 ? 4 " 4.126492033472207 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 4 " 6 i 2.219663534593389 7 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 8 " 13 she 1.5550225530747177 8 " 9 you 1.1569854937375332 9 you 10 speak 1.745523646289218 11 as 12 if 4.06288549053939 12 if 13 she 2.4265514238776724 13 she 14 flew 2.2354617939494794 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 " she rides on a bird . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 she 1.5550225530747177 2 she 3 rides 3.5256971312365266 3 rides 6 bird 5.6467124528420705 3 rides 4 on 3.3427102128740813 5 a 6 bird 2.822831032870944 6 bird 7 . 0.8703587781193836 hurrah ! the old sweeper has lit . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 hurrah 1.9396323334887775 1 hurrah 5 sweeper 10.530609960588311 1 hurrah 2 ! 5.669019554833792 3 the 5 sweeper 3.243032966534411 4 old 5 sweeper 5.600551513517274 5 sweeper 7 lit 11.453921212698035 5 sweeper 6 has 6.991234417989958 5 sweeper 8 . 0.6908007929653799 now the cobwebs will fly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 3 cobwebs 3.918864686979365 2 the 3 cobwebs 0.803779229834749 3 cobwebs 5 fly 7.997783444239541 3 cobwebs 4 will 4.636464304185811 3 cobwebs 6 . 1.1450088895249024 " she 's come ! she 's come ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 she 1.5550225530747177 2 she 3 's 1.2499077796309699 4 come 5 ! 1.0996834925306498 5 ! 10 " 3.7411945146373657 5 ! 6 she 0.5259380994009657 6 she 7 's 1.2499077796309699 8 come 9 ! 1.0996834925306498 9 ! 10 " 3.7411945146373657 every one looked up ; and i saw a large white bird slowly flying over the island . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 every 0.48476469399781763 1 every 12 bird 2.8105644876516145 1 every 2 one 4.909498305444933 3 looked 4 up 3.9917332168977495 4 up 5 ; 0.12892666916353335 5 ; 7 i 1.7064961061421702 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 7 i 8 saw 2.5503463476874053 8 saw 10 large 2.621389775858887 9 a 10 large 4.081933534996182 10 large 11 white 4.351494305807787 11 white 12 bird 4.717992784009692 12 bird 14 flying 5.25625229348924 13 slowly 14 flying 4.52548142651775 14 flying 15 over 4.240557482358476 14 flying 17 island 2.8820494858722334 16 the 17 island 2.933157790340415 17 island 18 . 1.2006220716315958 on its back sat the nicest old woman that ever was seen : all the others were nothing compared to her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 sat 0.39178278477677964 1 on 2 its 2.1390947030438916 2 its 3 back 2.0597795500487557 3 back 4 sat 0.6160000777719148 4 sat 6 nicest 4.745887304575465 5 the 6 nicest 3.631354458893739 6 nicest 8 woman 4.38662483572983 6 nicest 10 ever 3.8065129502184654 6 nicest 9 that 1.4516342126357635 7 old 8 woman 6.024695935404315 10 ever 12 seen 5.491606195042436 11 was 12 seen 0.6723445136319235 12 seen 21 her 2.3785311847147064 13 : 19 compared -0.2304668371101215 14 all 16 others 2.266423488401969 15 the 16 others 3.160673019681502 16 others 19 compared 3.263427210824549 16 others 17 were 3.5179440955997663 18 nothing 19 compared 5.628210965413004 19 compared 21 her 1.8987542094714769 19 compared 20 to 4.0458158709004515 21 her 22 . 0.7973847081259855 she had a pointed hat on over her cap , a red cloak , high-heeled shoes , and a crutch in her hand . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 had 2.8847648049781967 2 had 3 a 1.502631725856677 3 a 15 high-heeled 2.831919779860641 4 pointed 5 hat 5.273086151314789 5 hat 13 cloak 5.180855170682911 5 hat 6 on 2.65562959879637 7 over 8 her 1.8087322187002588 8 her 9 cap 2.199516951252356 9 cap 12 red 3.0515664075047937 9 cap 10 , 1.466352254250534 11 a 12 red 1.8100310569964897 12 red 13 cloak 7.509602767218404 13 cloak 15 high-heeled 11.195504636357438 13 cloak 14 , 1.3826577491828616 15 high-heeled 16 shoes 12.359236203659243 15 high-heeled 20 crutch 9.513152872770306 16 shoes 18 and 2.1726239005042345 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 19 a 20 crutch 3.274523649624335 20 crutch 23 hand 2.430147385035763 21 in 23 hand 2.2647592197197017 22 her 23 hand 3.792450973822449 23 hand 24 . 1.307094979399679 " who are they ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 who 3 are 3.1405997669992587 3 are 5 ? 1.2259369845431127 3 are 4 they 1.2052808340661354 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 i asked of a bonny lass , who was sitting on a cushion , eating strawberries and cream . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 asked 0.5789395532496595 2 asked 3 of -1.1208661668808944 3 of 18 cream 2.575779439566766 4 a 5 bonny 3.333175680772854 4 a 13 cushion 3.4368177450911723 5 bonny 6 lass 12.03636448761711 6 lass 8 who 2.884888289767769 6 lass 7 , 2.088964053844215 9 was 10 sitting 3.986809382517759 10 sitting 13 cushion 4.363385225117874 10 sitting 11 on 5.207756898170285 12 a 13 cushion 3.4368177450911723 13 cushion 16 strawberries 9.441423032343085 13 cushion 14 , 1.1217857574639254 15 eating 16 strawberries 9.59146162790686 16 strawberries 18 cream 9.376011715692862 17 and 18 cream 1.4160075163994819 18 cream 19 . 1.6216792112371827 " they are the phantoms of all the little people who ever read and loved our mother 's songs , " said the maid . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 they 1.1576842247045658 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 they 3 are 3.993263810226807 3 are 5 phantoms 4.096893924366952 4 the 5 phantoms 2.2280826250684385 5 phantoms 6 of 4.6610634236892565 6 of 8 the 1.7361783602309693 7 all 8 the 1.5997645604568138 8 the 24 maid 2.0813986860100187 9 little 24 maid 3.605443962789991 9 little 10 people 3.3299785610093213 10 people 11 who 4.962743753846949 12 ever 13 read 2.532974014770282 13 read 19 songs 5.66239064447625 14 and 19 songs 1.3076768313801423 15 loved 19 songs 2.569550004915282 16 our 17 mother 2.5917824872696613 17 mother 19 songs 2.479463073130148 17 mother 18 's 2.948804624751917 19 songs 24 maid 2.7260922823267926 20 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 21 " 22 said 3.5310061102049364 22 said 23 the 1.3095954281400157 23 the 24 maid 2.0813986860100187 24 maid 25 . 1.1057529079906026 " what did she write ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 6 ? 1.6980475420715102 2 what 3 did 2.671756289657049 3 did 5 write 2.927164543521613 3 did 4 she 0.6535704406081688 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 i asked , feeling very queer , and as if i was going to remember something . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 15 remember 2.629763795535599 2 asked 10 if 2.188108732244025 3 , 4 feeling 1.3802307730702559 4 feeling 9 as 2.199406615971867 4 feeling 5 very 4.100361029547262 5 very 6 queer 4.071250844535413 7 , 9 as 0.9452529367549332 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 as 10 if 4.06288549053939 10 if 11 i 2.4665272994818057 11 i 13 going 2.143913817109814 11 i 15 remember 2.629763795535599 12 was 13 going 2.587515073195677 13 going 14 to 4.148501845167235 15 remember 16 something 1.1455575899687958 16 something 17 . 0.13293624836511775 " songs that are immortal ; and you have them in your hand , " replied the bonny maid , smiling at my stupidity . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 16 replied 3.578366641469307 1 " 8 you 1.1569854937375332 2 songs 4 are 3.9121842630722767 2 songs 3 that 2.492187710748297 4 are 8 you 2.7531147733288606 4 are 5 immortal 3.850403906315801 5 immortal 6 ; 4.039023654653253 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 you 9 have 2.4773295942588796 9 have 12 your 1.4180042018365366 9 have 10 them 1.1100648930561565 11 in 12 your 1.5427351384441792 12 your 13 hand 2.9577930867632567 14 , 16 replied 1.8592752527199607 15 " 16 replied 3.578366641469307 16 replied 18 bonny 4.628459715619684 16 replied 17 the 2.1304249458942994 18 bonny 24 stupidity 9.095363182910031 18 bonny 19 maid 8.727166544263483 18 bonny 20 , 1.56273585729312 21 smiling 24 stupidity 5.2254500022410255 22 at 24 stupidity 2.1294605431740834 23 my 24 stupidity 5.048051986754153 24 stupidity 25 . 2.6145652071382948 xi . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 xi 1.213106356323017 1 xi 2 . 2.796810686064667 fancy's friend . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 fancy's 3.262995232115376 1 fancy's 2 friend 10.172155592247996 1 fancy's 3 . 1.2168696046329686 it was a wagon , shaped like a great square basket , on low wheels , and drawn by a stout donkey . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 was 2.951169375325321 2 was 6 shaped 2.621070895219084 3 a 4 wagon 2.575241930118448 4 wagon 6 shaped 11.810607137417016 5 , 6 shaped 1.3266993623770453 6 shaped 7 like 7.095199489208969 6 shaped 20 a 3.478219706214439 6 shaped 8 a 3.478219706214439 8 a 9 great 3.8210157989541553 9 great 10 square 4.716574789681292 10 square 11 basket 6.7942320716786035 11 basket 15 wheels 5.709313774543858 11 basket 12 , 1.0946146783228272 13 on 15 wheels 3.2873523093108012 14 low 15 wheels 6.9657854393906575 15 wheels 18 drawn 4.960922592595978 15 wheels 16 , 0.9271321405379069 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 drawn 19 by 5.296376201995827 20 a 22 donkey 3.395630360884077 21 stout 22 donkey 9.130062101168857 22 donkey 23 . 0.6444943576979192 away they went , over the common , through the stony lane , out upon the wide , smooth sands . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 went 0.005599638844039134 1 away 3 went 2.054115741783132 2 they 3 went 3.2946726977661687 3 went 5 over 2.815541879556358 3 went 4 , -0.29596441609058743 5 over 20 sands 3.148577626352406 6 the 20 sands 2.0470010392223834 7 common 19 smooth 4.883420570250966 8 , 11 stony 1.7196997934023557 9 through 11 stony 4.85661881752949 9 through 10 the 3.0378254413081116 11 stony 12 lane 9.64589173490712 11 stony 17 wide 5.5388559665921555 11 stony 15 upon 2.6331870498011973 11 stony 14 out 1.6422867384020883 11 stony 13 , 1.5588804048281197 15 upon 16 the 2.122715375730218 17 wide 19 smooth 5.539733839778222 17 wide 18 , 1.0285089260471807 19 smooth 20 sands 7.963204654649093 20 sands 21 . 1.50887647650287 all the children but one immediately fell to digging holes , and making ponds , castles , or forts . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 the 0.03213684141804052 1 all 2 the 1.5997645604568138 2 the 3 children 2.226122194690296 3 children 9 digging 3.332076077213923 4 but 5 one 1.1511990533499183 5 one 6 immediately 2.1041337138439076 6 immediately 7 fell 5.55708293850148 7 fell 9 digging 5.889238192500489 7 fell 8 to 1.114688408039605 9 digging 14 ponds 13.323197757511242 10 holes 14 ponds 12.353705924829239 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 12 and 14 ponds 3.054806505122233 13 making 14 ponds 11.574113233396446 14 ponds 16 castles 16.159321959618943 14 ponds 19 forts 15.418423527830807 14 ponds 17 , 3.6034344376716945 14 ponds 15 , 3.6034344376716945 18 or 19 forts 7.118510982897412 19 forts 20 . 2.929681337090397 as she looked across the waves that came tumbling one over the other , she saw something that was neither boat nor buoy nor seal . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 1.13928842895214 1 as 2 she 2.3180707662145696 2 she 3 looked 2.8418734783463435 3 looked 4 across 3.511837655030323 4 across 12 the 3.4112863932716326 4 across 6 waves 6.1213774459235175 4 across 5 the 3.4112863932716326 6 waves 11 over 4.73176927341046 6 waves 7 that 2.302634896741047 8 came 9 tumbling 4.921711894219289 9 tumbling 11 over 4.063049345255752 9 tumbling 10 one 3.534282277223717 12 the 23 buoy 2.787286394704971 13 other 23 buoy 7.634098611315149 14 , 15 she 0.6893111825667813 15 she 16 saw 2.9054776943975575 16 saw 17 something 3.9348013200044427 17 something 23 buoy 2.921844321623606 18 that 20 neither 1.8384076547872148 18 that 19 was 1.5985753854158027 20 neither 22 nor 9.155529358385476 21 boat 22 nor 3.3617960192681338 22 nor 23 buoy 9.699185344657668 23 buoy 25 seal 12.691697851183687 23 buoy 24 nor 10.045507384498329 23 buoy 26 . 1.8857634538011752 " i 'll make a mermaid myself , since none will come to me . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 'll 4 make 3.869468724378221 3 'll 12 come 3.0803631134760643 4 make 6 mermaid 2.7409974569026474 5 a 6 mermaid 3.3100090861009477 6 mermaid 7 myself 5.282791031685672 6 mermaid 10 none 3.6111185546943325 6 mermaid 9 since 3.236917198640242 6 mermaid 8 , 1.8201353604372983 11 will 12 come 3.4345590404129656 12 come 13 to 2.167677248353314 13 to 14 me 1.9862046558982396 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 away she ran , higher up the beach , and , after thinking a minute , began her work . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 she 1.13928842895214 1 away 2 she -0.3344798712963559 2 she 3 ran 2.7236261004835143 2 she 17 began 2.185396853385484 3 ran 5 higher 3.7347963357633738 3 ran 12 after 3.219974380788699 3 ran 8 beach 3.03504512708032 3 ran 4 , -0.1911599062475382 5 higher 6 up 4.898189276369276 7 the 8 beach 3.2310977338229954 9 , 12 after 0.7327623543293065 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 , 12 after 0.7327623543293065 12 after 13 thinking 2.436795006573565 13 thinking 15 minute 2.5978706613745715 14 a 15 minute 4.203803623583614 15 minute 16 , 1.11018211920344 17 began 19 work 1.9213960361394733 18 her 19 work 2.0863078139914784 19 work 20 . 1.2313016264169327 " people say that mermaids always have tails ; and i might make one out of this great leaf of kelp . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 that 0.1191727968773062 2 people 3 say 3.084769463970108 3 say 4 that 2.459728455380187 4 that 12 might 2.074199210471958 5 mermaids 6 always 5.119898830732328 6 always 8 tails 3.000775973542307 7 have 8 tails 2.8606156998895393 8 tails 9 ; 3.4995026462467322 9 ; 11 i 1.7064961061421702 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 11 i 12 might 1.8503338148092254 12 might 21 kelp 3.958437399106735 13 make 21 kelp 3.25102670458746 14 one 16 of 2.7785438886902956 15 out 16 of 3.4530498390397675 16 of 21 kelp 4.604248751421839 17 this 21 kelp 2.664849291752354 18 great 21 kelp 5.687053326206428 19 leaf 21 kelp 11.133121073844347 20 of 21 kelp 4.604248751421839 21 kelp 22 . 1.8018321053541229 my poor mermaid ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 poor 0.5174284312031769 1 my 2 poor 2.9677287721549206 2 poor 3 mermaid 4.807389361991245 3 mermaid 4 ! 2.7643665296877735 i shall lose her ; but perhaps she will be happier in the sea : so i will let her go . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shall 3 lose 4.805581727764807 2 shall 10 be 4.2128268800366495 2 shall 17 i 1.56251679072696 3 lose 4 her 2.0165052775946144 5 ; 7 perhaps 2.8706655194122277 5 ; 6 but 3.9096191073889806 7 perhaps 9 will 2.6987404753121815 7 perhaps 8 she 2.4977223379234594 9 will 10 be 4.275365825583959 10 be 11 happier 3.8403809284274466 10 be 16 so 1.7405708791147134 11 happier 14 sea 3.2149727077778323 12 in 13 the 2.2179054533910225 13 the 14 sea 3.23375470053743 14 sea 15 : 0.7097945920617548 17 i 18 will 2.6445045424929425 18 will 21 go 3.162403047805144 19 let 21 go 4.554579062612815 19 let 20 her 2.3875730451952712 21 go 22 . 0.21967727949435734 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 mounting her rock , fancy waited to see her work destroyed . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mounting 0.8935922012846156 1 mounting 3 rock 7.399146405873562 1 mounting 2 her 3.4716028923002433 3 rock 6 waited 4.322655928191391 3 rock 4 , 1.0327209433653088 5 fancy 6 waited 3.9488178750615646 6 waited 11 destroyed 3.5267865093128385 7 to 10 work 2.5529669487843236 7 to 8 see 3.0208916104243624 9 her 10 work 2.0863078139914784 10 work 11 destroyed 5.97912184869238 11 destroyed 12 . 1.8020657590984008 but the sea seemed to pity her ; and wave after wave came up , without doing any harm . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 4 seemed 0.6149747734585453 2 the 3 sea 3.23375470053743 3 sea 4 seemed 2.458339490271584 4 seemed 5 to 3.771163452217605 5 to 12 wave 1.8100215202561039 5 to 7 her 1.4090049423748106 6 pity 7 her 1.1754867098794648 8 ; 12 wave 1.1611236345203828 8 ; 9 and 2.090280035481264 10 wave 12 wave 9.491485381429602 11 after 12 wave 4.256694773531489 12 wave 13 came 4.225414542127421 12 wave 19 harm 3.3627377473722824 13 came 14 up 3.1743119356962133 15 , 16 without 0.6471390274667179 16 without 18 any 4.624997272086375 16 without 17 doing 3.090045399946707 18 any 19 harm 6.784770211576447 19 harm 20 . 1.2168520323277932 at last one broke quite over the mermaid , and fancy thought that would be the end of her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 at 0.03375566202736913 1 at 17 end 3.3421133222390687 1 at 2 last 5.674982137977048 3 one 17 end 2.7007362152191554 4 broke 6 over 2.511415871695707 4 broke 5 quite 2.3489947733596566 6 over 7 the 1.9686375213821936 7 the 8 mermaid 3.171998067135384 7 the 17 end 2.887389148156153 8 mermaid 11 fancy 5.9860440945095945 8 mermaid 9 , 1.8201353604372983 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 fancy 12 thought 1.8655595744567677 12 thought 14 would 2.5326178346031085 13 that 14 would 1.9336056079947213 14 would 15 be 4.301422612821934 16 the 17 end 2.887389148156153 17 end 18 of 4.4912993322004375 18 of 19 her 1.3635144305608016 19 her 20 . 0.7973847081259855 " fancy ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 fancy 0.7322502128492587 2 fancy 3 ! 1.6122701729010274 fancy ! " called a breezy voice , sweeter than any she had ever heard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 fancy -0.09782443328087354 1 fancy 10 than 1.5239153642217182 1 fancy 2 ! 1.6122701729010274 2 ! 3 " 3.7411945146373657 4 called 6 breezy 7.46395772215201 5 a 6 breezy 3.1965292665694527 6 breezy 9 sweeter 11.511630202892096 6 breezy 7 voice 8.808476033457005 6 breezy 8 , 2.8943078906305857 9 sweeter 10 than 7.087662760588827 10 than 14 ever 5.830919847889843 10 than 11 any 3.701501726008768 12 she 13 had 2.8847648049781967 13 had 14 ever 2.540565680863528 14 ever 15 heard 4.701733610096454 14 ever 16 . 0.6454001794935671 but she did not raise her head , nor care to know who called . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 she 1.9359797190744636 2 she 3 did 2.657595531071234 2 she 14 called 2.296881051035566 3 did 4 not 5.301948666085865 3 did 10 care 3.124438570597839 3 did 5 raise 3.1106252319797676 3 did 12 know 2.830806177367407 5 raise 7 head 3.0705705391415847 5 raise 9 nor 2.973596722972335 6 her 7 head 3.8619547956498455 8 , 9 nor 1.780842842711282 11 to 12 know 1.4422157342262842 12 know 13 who 2.054094017395659 14 called 15 . 0.06204124946350298 the steps came quite close ; and the touch of a cold , wet hand fell on her own . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 steps 2.580657058493019 2 steps 3 came 2.0539043324126993 3 came 5 close 3.141682629891747 4 quite 5 close 4.871033645173171 5 close 15 hand 3.2535976069004846 5 close 6 ; 0.8324589342755822 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 the 14 wet 1.0883118975738846 9 touch 14 wet 3.543186989875533 9 touch 10 of 2.7283830065289365 11 a 14 wet 2.1310927316491117 12 cold 14 wet 4.288886695521345 12 cold 13 , 1.1574379278472104 14 wet 15 hand 4.121797217386177 15 hand 17 on 2.912683925900158 15 hand 20 . 1.307094979399679 16 fell 17 on 4.166132275030778 17 on 18 her 1.9621630959693164 18 her 19 own 3.7799037597713188 " you wanted me to play with you , so i came . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 11 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 8 you 1.1569854937375332 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 6 play 1.481071989202409 3 wanted 5 to 4.012813233173826 3 wanted 4 me 1.297747070294875 5 to 6 play 3.270822503768464 6 play 7 with 4.400596270400353 9 , 11 i 0.883559295304277 10 so 11 i 0.9141271409535001 11 i 12 came 0.894965381140084 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 " who are you ? " asked fancy , wondering where she had seen the child before . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 2 who 3 are 3.1405997669992587 3 are 4 you 2.7531147733288606 4 you 5 ? 1.9127300143977735 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 10 wondering 2.8148220362926075 8 fancy 10 wondering 4.085426867295098 9 , 10 wondering 2.321552355514772 10 wondering 11 where 4.8311626064527005 11 where 12 she 1.6528214786830926 12 she 13 had 2.8847648049781967 13 had 14 seen 4.573600778426375 14 seen 17 before 3.8810621623968657 14 seen 16 child 1.1491835657285598 15 the 16 child 1.886751199786147 17 before 18 . 1.0081619965636026 " i 'm your mermaid , " said the child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 2 i 3 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 'm 5 mermaid 1.8887138322813364 4 your 5 mermaid 2.730916782134276 5 mermaid 6 , 1.8201353604372983 7 " 8 said 3.5310061102049364 8 said 9 the 1.3095954281400157 9 the 10 child 1.886751199786147 10 child 11 . 0.9140129317013219 " but the water carried her away , " cried fancy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 3 the 0.47412053282206834 3 the 4 water 2.9786013777082747 4 water 5 carried 2.955802761549471 4 water 12 . 1.4466728848565857 4 water 8 , 1.1302402999422174 5 carried 7 away 4.392662912459141 5 carried 6 her 2.8961030211345005 8 , 9 " 1.299421509625157 9 " 10 cried 3.5451272628542867 10 cried 11 fancy 3.522489664053772 " but are you really a mermaid ? " asked fancy , beginning to smile and believe . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 5 really 1.1660901771523093 3 are 5 really 2.3285099946536683 3 are 4 you 2.7531147733288606 5 really 7 mermaid 4.092342419884574 5 really 17 believe 4.250655133091964 6 a 7 mermaid 3.3100090861009477 7 mermaid 11 fancy 5.9860440945095945 7 mermaid 13 beginning 4.2772987899479595 7 mermaid 12 , 1.8201353604372983 7 mermaid 16 and 0.8444370934836947 8 ? 10 asked 5.32511077011031 8 ? 9 " 4.126492033472207 10 asked 11 fancy 2.614619083135903 13 beginning 14 to 3.9585199275545495 13 beginning 15 smile 2.5936341813206916 17 believe 18 . -0.11166239156305124 she certainly was very like the figure that once lay on the sand , only she was not now made of stones and shells . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 10 lay 2.2696293938569205 1 she 3 was 2.3491053343536645 2 certainly 3 was 1.8413082776418577 3 was 4 very 2.85037252061154 4 very 5 like 0.9556987736477751 6 the 7 figure 1.9073993870247925 7 figure 10 lay 4.0948572862159445 7 figure 9 once 1.7258895056913097 8 that 9 once -0.3819269088271753 10 lay 24 shells 3.472287512949979 10 lay 11 on 3.6750520125688837 12 the 13 sand 3.1342491703675393 13 sand 22 stones 5.6003000039989885 13 sand 15 only 1.9095255551564847 13 sand 14 , 0.7472256938728634 16 she 20 made 1.8347969902550432 16 she 17 was 2.3491053343536645 17 was 18 not 2.0075526383658246 17 was 19 now 0.22499272286321137 20 made 22 stones 1.3782036583797144 21 of 22 stones 1.9661219741170441 22 stones 24 shells 8.961309099039 22 stones 23 and 1.998898769822265 24 shells 25 . 1.4143554678720278 there was the long brown hair blowing about her face , with a wreath of starry shells in it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 there 1.2420768016119634 1 there 2 was 3.438683647331464 2 was 7 blowing 3.373234223252112 3 the 7 blowing 0.37274436455679094 4 long 6 hair 3.3479588071588786 5 brown 6 hair 5.000087418170107 6 hair 7 blowing 5.912735243038309 7 blowing 17 shells 6.969861595613551 7 blowing 8 about 3.5048280164278083 9 her 14 wreath 3.2778703808905902 9 her 10 face 3.9574033290417 11 , 12 with 0.6646281173027546 12 with 14 wreath 2.8708428941707282 13 a 14 wreath 3.633767700882842 14 wreath 16 starry 10.531436847524578 14 wreath 15 of 3.834346939122412 16 starry 17 shells 11.360973255646911 17 shells 20 . 1.4143554678720278 17 shells 18 in 1.3269348932029033 19 it 20 . 0.47237242955592507 she had pearls in her ears , coral bracelets , a golden belt , and a glass and comb in her hands . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 had 2.8847648049781967 2 had 3 pearls 1.0127060979213702 3 pearls 4 in 2.0823902251708404 4 in 17 glass 2.129401519341922 5 her 9 bracelets 4.0689246543126245 6 ears 8 coral 8.001976101560881 6 ears 7 , 0.8757798743220455 8 coral 9 bracelets 13.844167798387403 9 bracelets 17 glass 9.268407226499559 9 bracelets 10 , 0.42174483425550946 11 a 17 glass 2.512852418736802 12 golden 13 belt 6.07871253410784 13 belt 17 glass 3.804800651166527 13 belt 14 , 1.6630409553078351 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 a 17 glass 2.512852418736802 17 glass 19 comb 7.573477804026389 18 and 19 comb 2.7337717627366374 19 comb 22 hands 4.444880995658906 20 in 21 her 1.6344259471883866 21 her 22 hands 4.359180916363808 22 hands 23 . 1.2221000921488674 " oh , i 'm glad , i 'm glad ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 i 5 'm 4.8883536268785885 5 'm 6 glad 6.923260381899718 5 'm 10 glad 6.923260381899718 7 , 8 i 0.883559295304277 8 i 9 'm 4.8883536268785885 9 'm 10 glad 6.923260381899718 10 glad 11 ! 1.1983287236515316 " call me by my german cousin 's pretty name , lorelei , " answered the mermaid , kissing back as warmly as she could . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 15 answered 2.7487180822420285 2 call 10 name 2.39478864701006 2 call 3 me 3.867045302203394 4 by 10 name 2.2404432992504724 5 my 10 name 4.046374458507149 5 my 7 cousin 4.10221723889174 6 german 7 cousin 6.464957023964786 8 's 10 name 3.207287933175527 9 pretty 10 name 3.0675490850475526 10 name 12 lorelei 7.243905461280992 11 , 12 lorelei 1.5869950910515698 12 lorelei 15 answered 3.636727250633932 12 lorelei 13 , 1.8739400929366212 14 " 15 answered 2.7487180822420285 15 answered 17 mermaid 5.034564521427001 15 answered 26 . 0.7270556785482487 16 the 17 mermaid 3.171998067135384 17 mermaid 19 kissing 8.230054275260464 17 mermaid 25 could 3.1027725722491084 18 , 19 kissing 1.9786631463989863 19 kissing 22 warmly 7.805754160246973 19 kissing 20 back 3.254055014220331 21 as 22 warmly 1.3718867493565199 23 as 24 she 2.3180707662145696 24 she 25 could 2.98921090015809 " will you come home and live with me , dear lorelei ? " asked fancy , still holding her fast . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 lorelei 1.798564920106795 2 will 7 live 2.5076066744947028 2 will 4 come 3.4345590404129656 2 will 3 you 2.2573630638043767 4 come 5 home 3.8266942030131386 5 home 6 and 1.0538522750757249 7 live 8 with 3.129972685453186 8 with 12 lorelei 3.122805847471625 8 with 9 me 2.25353718387281 10 , 11 dear 2.1348010320746766 11 dear 12 lorelei 5.7838558084264236 12 lorelei 19 holding 5.427121272866195 12 lorelei 16 fancy 4.861310695261903 12 lorelei 13 ? 2.6565775855944125 13 ? 15 asked 5.32511077011031 13 ? 14 " 4.126492033472207 17 , 19 holding 2.508267302935703 18 still 19 holding 6.175769931522272 19 holding 21 fast 6.262970040394517 19 holding 20 her 3.081775822969764 21 fast 22 . 0.819918954178295 " tell them you found me on the shore ; and leave the rest to me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 tell 0.43382181817012366 2 tell 6 me 4.773347470203449 2 tell 16 me 4.773347470203449 2 tell 4 you 3.7181122630948114 2 tell 3 them 2.7983755564128305 5 found 6 me 0.4263616963503125 7 on 9 shore 3.631098435016874 8 the 9 shore 3.362245356786884 9 shore 11 and 1.3803257181513153 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 11 and 12 leave 1.3067272001178747 12 leave 16 me 3.315770373674443 12 leave 14 rest 3.105092043705227 13 the 14 rest 3.0681011237524967 15 to 16 me 1.9862046558982396 16 me 17 . 0.8752603656539097 but you must not expect other people to like and believe in me as you do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 5 expect 0.8716801717898264 2 you 5 expect 2.9923549615728717 2 you 3 must 3.1921013234460958 4 not 5 expect 2.9029656124468204 5 expect 6 other 2.175662205689889 5 expect 13 me 3.1579296996269193 5 expect 8 to 3.0823209714997404 5 expect 15 you 2.0798940823270655 6 other 7 people 5.928790782099828 9 like 13 me 1.094121511430771 10 and 13 me -0.3352932801442048 11 believe 13 me 3.3218033193460634 11 believe 12 in 2.04167074678654 14 as 15 you 1.0397487838100439 15 you 16 do 1.8147941312736613 16 do 17 . 0.023958612549829894 they will say hard things of me ; will blame you for loving me ; and try to part us . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 3 say 2.624206891278682 2 will 3 say 2.125373901185533 3 say 5 things 2.6019678100706933 4 hard 5 things 2.0105244994557587 5 things 21 . 0.9064950050479723 6 of 20 us 2.1891957942449345 7 me 8 ; 1.0049873279350088 8 ; 9 will 1.0796983909626192 9 will 20 us 1.5524388913711107 10 blame 13 loving 4.961455274794556 10 blame 12 for 3.8684144535744167 10 blame 14 me 3.747724940417509 10 blame 11 you 2.208890100930766 10 blame 20 us 1.8068271672532425 10 blame 15 ; 1.7240199787647477 15 ; 16 and 2.090280035481264 17 try 18 to 3.4727099313214307 18 to 20 us 1.2832732821725177 19 part 20 us 2.7130323594636465 20 us 21 . 0.8333584792472593 can you bear this , and keep your promise faithfully ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 12 " 1.5791793757022523 1 can 7 keep 3.3640340048872197 1 can 3 bear 3.486823208753357 1 can 2 you 1.9429849027294246 4 this 5 , 0.2314682678208797 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 7 keep 0.953006201996633 7 keep 9 promise 4.829630842480981 7 keep 8 your 3.9662100952384236 9 promise 10 faithfully 7.883922131657069 10 faithfully 11 ? 1.2585728655476274 11 ? 12 " 4.126492033472207 " i think i can . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 think 3.3874834805555984 2 i 5 can 3.0357047137007545 4 i 5 can 3.0357047137007545 5 can 6 . -0.28240360062674874 but why won't they like you ? " said fancy , looking troubled . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 3 won't 1.535355180457202 1 but 2 why 1.5279554992983524 3 won't 13 troubled 2.325218736740851 3 won't 6 you 2.5096199700438326 3 won't 5 like 1.3216294194744016 4 they 5 like 0.48849418270989986 6 you 7 ? 1.9127300143977735 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 8 " 9 said 3.5310061102049364 10 fancy 13 troubled 3.470168457830898 11 , 12 looking 2.0143069737250805 12 looking 13 troubled 4.247302452136783 13 troubled 14 . 1.2041559876384653 " because they are not like you , dear , " answered the mermaid , with salt tears in her soft eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 answered 2.7487180822420285 1 " 7 you 1.1569854937375332 2 because 3 they 2.9872154251946217 3 they 4 are 3.993263810226807 4 are 7 you 2.7531147733288606 4 are 5 not 2.690194006537789 5 not 6 like 1.735902733583286 8 , 9 dear 2.1348010320746766 9 dear 10 , 2.04884114976878 10 , 12 answered 1.5472876585672974 11 " 12 answered 2.7487180822420285 12 answered 14 mermaid 5.034564521427001 13 the 14 mermaid 3.171998067135384 14 mermaid 17 salt 6.752869524841007 14 mermaid 15 , 1.8201353604372983 16 with 17 salt 2.303017238924248 17 salt 18 tears 6.418897370789889 18 tears 22 eyes 3.8715013222811976 18 tears 19 in 2.5429805763392004 18 tears 23 . 1.4558014853805492 20 her 22 eyes 3.9051306606154217 21 soft 22 eyes 4.733436290032479 your aunt fiction will like me ; but your uncle fact won't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 uncle 0.6247794992963787 1 your 2 aunt 3.3113991469871493 1 your 10 uncle 3.5861020241570998 2 aunt 3 fiction 7.653214988795849 3 fiction 4 will 3.7874873058534355 3 fiction 5 like 2.86636407918035 3 fiction 8 but 1.7624511584735032 5 like 6 me 1.094121511430771 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 9 your 10 uncle 3.5861020241570998 10 uncle 11 fact 4.394426289341453 10 uncle 12 won't 2.6760089320711167 10 uncle 13 . 0.007878092444691731 i shall keep out of his way as much as i can ; for i 'm afraid of him . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 16 'm 4.8883536268785885 1 i 2 shall 3.5779822205352936 2 shall 3 keep 3.000478333865061 3 keep 4 out 3.2110014320939797 4 out 5 of 3.4530498390397675 4 out 6 his 1.7089576627769087 6 his 7 way 2.7537389879970835 8 as 9 much 3.3406155454492428 9 much 10 as 3.1744195995512126 10 as 11 i 0.9587134009641449 11 i 16 'm 4.8883536268785885 11 i 12 can 3.0357047137007545 13 ; 15 i 1.7064961061421702 13 ; 14 for 1.4090530638881251 15 i 16 'm 4.8883536268785885 16 'm 17 afraid 6.639309183047294 17 afraid 18 of 3.536987018722373 17 afraid 19 him 1.1521682018740336 19 him 20 . 1.4355656727212907 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 " i 'll take care of you , lorelei dear ; and no one shall trouble you . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 1 " 17 you 1.1569854937375332 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 i 15 shall 3.5779822205352936 3 'll 4 take 3.983434491847774 4 take 5 care 6.937497651040472 5 care 6 of 2.9587428891175733 7 you 15 shall 2.413159005266589 8 , 9 lorelei 1.5869950910515698 9 lorelei 15 shall 2.4054264971489694 9 lorelei 10 dear 5.630878577964552 9 lorelei 11 ; 3.060397305445811 9 lorelei 13 no 0.7518140404548355 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 no 14 one 4.01958726482844 16 trouble 17 you 0.9982374468142439 17 you 18 . -0.42513056158823126 i hear miss fairbairn calling ; so i must go . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 9 must 2.6979915005595725 2 hear 4 fairbairn 5.992292106942191 3 miss 4 fairbairn 8.390617166886393 4 fairbairn 5 calling 10.732811566465816 4 fairbairn 6 ; 3.9490388532751837 4 fairbairn 9 must 1.888899409556302 6 ; 7 so 1.5443366530647253 8 i 9 must 2.6979915005595725 9 must 10 go 4.478857218447946 10 go 11 . 0.21967727949435734 give me your hand , and don't be afraid . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 1 give 2 me 4.545451309251922 1 give 3 your 2.8476759919589902 3 your 4 hand 2.9577930867632567 4 hand 6 and 1.369354777354701 4 hand 10 . 1.307094979399679 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 7 don't 8 be 1.9432118931393436 8 be 9 afraid 3.849204204713706 9 afraid 10 . 0.5373506505180714 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 hand in hand the two went toward the other children , who stopped digging , and stared at the new child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 the 0.03213684141804052 1 hand 2 in 1.6506647605742728 2 in 4 the 2.2179054533910225 2 in 3 hand 2.2647592197197017 4 the 10 children 2.226122194690296 5 two 10 children 4.08564169678499 6 went 7 toward 3.6335428215560235 7 toward 9 other 3.440053022420056 7 toward 8 the 2.932625409894662 9 other 10 children 3.875519256359894 10 children 17 stared 3.0164685115933274 10 children 12 who 2.6332007549489944 11 , 12 who 1.8533631975925822 13 stopped 14 digging 6.788785718616644 13 stopped 17 stared 4.89767598152395 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 16 and 17 stared 2.757467612967808 17 stared 18 at 5.7346960697681 18 at 19 the 1.91018759410656 19 the 21 child 1.886751199786147 19 the 20 new 1.4154651255946114 21 child 22 . 0.9140129317013219 miss fairbairn , who was very wise and good , but rather prim , stared too , and said , with surprise : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fairbairn 0.9206030346683001 1 miss 2 fairbairn 8.390617166886393 2 fairbairn 4 who 5.681509830744364 3 , 4 who 1.8533631975925822 4 who 5 was 2.595397155366385 5 was 6 very 2.85037252061154 6 very 7 wise 5.4022501528673565 6 very 13 prim 3.459982609739118 6 very 9 good 3.4412883832925854 7 wise 8 and 1.571390315098629 9 good 10 , 0.8514229511946425 10 , 11 but 2.1164801018826633 12 rather 13 prim 6.7099394316496905 13 prim 15 stared 7.1966861852254205 13 prim 14 , 1.3057489601020542 15 stared 22 surprise 3.9740499100886275 15 stared 16 too 1.1821121030263058 16 too 20 , 1.2703410375975146 16 too 17 , 1.2703410375975146 17 , 18 and 1.9913305940627364 17 , 19 said 1.5025770512474743 21 with 22 surprise 3.321299402023506 22 surprise 23 : 1.7460174143227576 " why , my dear , where did you find that queer child ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 why 1.7851754951784589 1 " 2 why 2.8735509396163277 2 why 14 ? 2.154945933670776 3 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 4 my 5 dear 4.7642210168562364 5 dear 13 child 5.111873248183411 5 dear 6 , 2.04884114976878 5 dear 14 ? 1.8736933999273528 7 where 8 did 2.824188612559965 8 did 10 find 2.449975820842198 8 did 9 you 2.430781695542361 10 find 11 that 1.7574226698933746 11 that 13 child 1.5588972033234825 12 queer 13 child 1.994656352215717 14 ? 15 " 4.126492033472207 " down on the beach . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 on -0.863012503162846 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 down 3 on 3.3608410437235268 3 on 5 beach 3.770828618145849 4 the 5 beach 3.2310977338229954 5 beach 6 . 1.8858584049831677 isn't she pretty ? " answered fancy , feeling very proud of her new friend . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 isn't 0.8658597450221599 1 isn't 7 fancy 1.9393247384491303 2 she 6 answered 2.36690578855114 3 pretty 4 ? 1.1035396179939312 4 ? 5 " 4.126492033472207 5 " 6 answered 2.7487180822420285 6 answered 7 fancy 3.392788241738355 7 fancy 9 feeling 2.2489549807169524 8 , 9 feeling 1.3802307730702559 9 feeling 10 very 4.100361029547262 10 very 11 proud 5.059629204894758 11 proud 12 of 3.9687544021227072 12 of 13 her 1.3635144305608016 13 her 15 friend 1.9380870410459785 14 new 15 friend 3.292334242380903 15 friend 16 . 0.86452557606294 " what pretty earrings and bracelets she 's got ! " said a little girl , who thought a great deal of her dress . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 2 what 4 earrings 6.048597877785383 3 pretty 4 earrings 9.55027639826072 4 earrings 6 bracelets 16.11499284294473 4 earrings 5 and 3.529348614822876 4 earrings 12 said 3.0972886817266314 6 bracelets 7 she 3.20955770208937 6 bracelets 8 's 3.0342058964854495 8 's 9 got 2.0380380177332125 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 15 girl 1.1036863323599988 13 a 14 little 3.3978459531370575 14 little 15 girl 4.366461737504494 15 girl 17 who 3.3108027143078793 15 girl 24 dress 1.3748487107237501 15 girl 25 . 1.0653410088509503 16 , 17 who 1.8533631975925822 17 who 18 thought 0.4707555484447141 19 a 24 dress 1.876196234249047 19 a 21 deal 3.97353149015923 20 great 21 deal 8.49448999430711 21 deal 22 of 3.6127099028613614 23 her 24 dress 3.362641382719165 " what 's your name ? and who are your parents ? " asked miss fairbairn . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 3 's 1.6387770345529855 3 's 11 parents 2.0004490901850254 4 your 11 parents 3.9777112557613066 4 your 5 name 4.557062061973166 5 name 6 ? 2.6216093115956536 5 name 7 and 0.18916421323788768 8 who 9 are 3.1405997669992587 9 are 10 your 1.1794231387612122 10 your 11 parents 3.9777112557613066 11 parents 16 fairbairn 6.5916295086142505 12 ? 14 asked 5.32511077011031 12 ? 13 " 4.126492033472207 14 asked 16 fairbairn 4.633379408165602 15 miss 16 fairbairn 8.390617166886393 16 fairbairn 17 . 1.1599034492809643 " i 've got no parents ; and my name is lorelei , " answered the mermaiden . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 've 4.345825318265309 3 've 4 got 6.581060556648865 4 got 6 parents 2.2295827837541253 5 no 6 parents 2.298447779539412 6 parents 17 mermaiden 8.565737975482225 7 ; 17 mermaiden 3.268771811743921 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 my 10 name 4.046374458507149 10 name 12 lorelei 7.243905461280992 10 name 11 is 3.2781540348630465 12 lorelei 17 mermaiden 12.375326890283286 12 lorelei 13 , 1.8739400929366212 14 " 15 answered 2.7487180822420285 15 answered 17 mermaiden 7.418803665925669 16 the 17 mermaiden 2.7313451107656945 17 mermaiden 18 . 2.3260365001677563 " where do you live ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 where 3 do 1.7354444971697873 3 do 6 ? 2.344463917580823 3 do 4 you 3.4483737354832282 4 you 5 live 1.9599415077443325 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 " i haven't got any home now , " said lorelei , smiling at the lady 's tone . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 haven't 3.9632920433322383 3 haven't 4 got 5.809518154055517 3 haven't 5 any 5.643644601572632 6 home 7 now 1.4024836516039727 7 now 8 , 1.683986876826845 8 , 10 said 1.5025770512474743 9 " 10 said 3.5310061102049364 10 said 11 lorelei 4.278777444980726 11 lorelei 13 smiling 6.478812128780309 11 lorelei 18 tone 3.2600930028704838 11 lorelei 16 lady 2.6048294751734318 11 lorelei 14 at 2.226049429811276 11 lorelei 12 , 1.8739400929366212 15 the 16 lady 2.2309323523971862 16 lady 17 's 2.757097363001865 18 tone 19 . 2.004036289687404 " your uncle won't like it , my dear . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 uncle 1.2748680391925475 2 your 3 uncle 3.5861020241570998 3 uncle 4 won't 2.6760089320711167 4 won't 5 like 1.3216294194744016 5 like 6 it 1.4165201391099753 7 , 9 dear 2.1348010320746766 7 , 11 " 1.299421509625157 8 my 9 dear 4.7642210168562364 10 . 11 " 4.427730590569535 and miss fairbairn shook her head gravely . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 fairbairn 0.9206030346683001 1 and 3 fairbairn 1.0878084274174498 2 miss 3 fairbairn 8.390617166886393 3 fairbairn 4 shook 8.64969922199733 3 fairbairn 7 gravely 6.603435136435632 4 shook 6 head 7.466040922364545 4 shook 5 her 4.341470253577111 7 gravely 8 . 2.659135433111132 " aunt will ; and uncle won't mind , if i learn my lessons well , and remember the multiplication table all right . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 aunt 1.3041816097166894 2 aunt 3 will 1.2785254355560767 3 will 12 learn 2.9105433060862076 4 ; 11 i 1.7064961061421702 4 ; 5 and 2.090280035481264 6 uncle 7 won't 2.6760089320711167 7 won't 8 mind 4.384553935643041 8 mind 10 if 2.4272363622270916 8 mind 9 , 1.1986827659002994 10 if 11 i 2.4665272994818057 11 i 12 learn 1.3503867908853273 12 learn 14 lessons 7.394354442634022 13 my 14 lessons 3.624852520036015 14 lessons 20 multiplication 5.319216561374766 14 lessons 15 well 2.6997990096730646 14 lessons 24 . 1.013915802803183 15 well 16 , 2.65559168359394 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 18 remember 20 multiplication 6.1165738379024255 19 the 20 multiplication 3.6256172774013358 20 multiplication 21 table 11.436624071006765 20 multiplication 23 right 3.3870895338662343 22 all 23 right 4.5204342033329645 " oh , how silly ! " cried the boy who didn't like bare feet . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 how 2.5587298952858255 2 oh 3 , 3.2347483665415506 4 how 5 silly 3.844693270048367 5 silly 14 bare 3.0024953956257328 5 silly 10 boy 4.355668496996792 5 silly 6 ! 2.687790732278561 6 ! 8 cried 4.7864618271494415 6 ! 7 " 3.7411945146373657 9 the 10 boy 1.939272931713079 10 boy 11 who 2.379086933569589 12 didn't 13 like 3.2076418248578964 13 like 14 bare 2.6716281428816586 14 bare 15 feet 8.08677034315793 15 feet 16 . 1.4227380888771748 " keeping accounts is a very useful and important thing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 accounts -0.8726698327736457 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 keeping 3 accounts 8.266700781412563 3 accounts 7 useful 5.113704927364672 4 is 6 very 2.5606418292707023 5 a 6 very 2.111070452963636 6 very 7 useful 4.95632662569863 7 useful 9 important 5.717246723863074 7 useful 8 and 1.0818560319014487 9 important 10 thing 5.699528446932515 9 important 11 . 1.1707117253438106 i keep mine ; and mamma says i have great arth-met-i-cal talent , " added the pale child , who studied too much . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 9 have 2.72146406531475 2 keep 3 mine 2.757787072560429 3 mine 4 ; 1.8885955067878335 4 ; 8 i 1.7064961061421702 4 ; 5 and 2.090280035481264 4 ; 6 mamma 1.369910324730693 6 mamma 7 says 5.779509081611007 8 i 9 have 2.72146406531475 9 have 11 arth-met-i-cal 6.52207169888813 10 great 11 arth-met-i-cal 9.485363108661026 11 arth-met-i-cal 12 talent 15.491186751490599 12 talent 21 studied 6.635671223966352 12 talent 17 pale 4.382678224310883 12 talent 15 added 4.080929800685464 12 talent 13 , 1.5840405889252338 14 " 15 added 3.368587250228524 16 the 17 pale 0.42404369591011104 18 child 21 studied 3.0520813610719912 19 , 20 who 1.8533631975925822 20 who 21 studied 2.9556516489817 21 studied 22 too 3.4064708041960294 22 too 23 much 5.354418556971323 22 too 24 . 1.1605897581666298 " come , children ; it 's time for dinner . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 come 0.8127329163777777 2 come 10 dinner 0.8266160844942085 2 come 3 , 0.8096004457319346 4 children 7 's 1.857646664447092 4 children 5 ; 1.6795386104787724 6 it 7 's 2.8884519147935066 7 's 10 dinner 1.5908544854691158 8 time 9 for 1.7756911607037207 9 for 10 dinner 3.2805573982502274 10 dinner 11 . 1.3738885920167938 she was satisfied with the little she could discover , and promised to keep her , for a time , at least . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 12 promised 2.774118972164068 1 she 2 was 2.3491053343536645 2 was 3 satisfied 2.9634151014990593 3 satisfied 4 with 4.756350542912074 4 with 5 the 0.8431753379366498 5 the 6 little 1.5044750503835367 7 she 12 promised 2.774118972164068 7 she 8 could 2.98921090015809 8 could 9 discover 4.299182238066198 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 promised 1.2969987389209905 12 promised 13 to 3.042587254564035 13 to 14 keep 3.3191585899275946 14 keep 15 her 2.250070240057436 15 her 23 . 0.7973847081259855 16 , 17 for 0.7095869605262024 17 for 18 a 2.0099144621548533 18 a 19 time 2.113530621864278 19 time 23 . 0.7539307029129461 19 time 20 , 0.5829700405514853 21 at 22 least 6.266576311270544 22 least 23 . 0.6835185091368992 i can make her useful in many ways ; and she shall stay . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 2 can 3.0357047137007545 2 can 3 make 3.778955906270344 2 can 13 stay 3.4953404242007657 3 make 5 useful 5.0443484212628675 3 make 4 her 1.6236709924076802 5 useful 8 ways 6.866877422663755 6 in 8 ways 2.5235462859966873 7 many 8 ways 6.530900099314643 8 ways 9 ; 2.557724038170967 9 ; 10 and 2.090280035481264 9 ; 11 she 1.4119671975082824 12 shall 13 stay 4.112418633664078 14 . 15 " 4.427730590569535 now , though they were married , these two persons were very unlike . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 1 now 14 . 0.3808525326555827 2 , 3 though 2.8653386317912517 3 though 13 unlike 2.7937468432949615 3 though 4 they 2.627767373190995 4 they 5 were 4.740392399536562 5 were 6 married 4.111977102128691 6 married 7 , 0.8472868280435826 8 these 10 persons 5.541745107134691 9 two 10 persons 5.970730815458403 10 persons 13 unlike 7.4597819606322915 10 persons 11 were 4.804972539813662 12 very 13 unlike 5.382228841057923 uncle fact was a grim , grave , decided man ; whom it was impossible to bend or change . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 fact 1.3131325376768963 1 uncle 2 fact 4.394426289341453 2 fact 5 grim 1.5935573286883766 3 was 4 a 1.8886187807073789 4 a 5 grim 2.8836922053361924 5 grim 7 grave 6.2425835124829305 5 grim 6 , 0.9456254050733648 7 grave 9 decided 4.539020187642816 7 grave 20 . 1.587672037326275 7 grave 8 , 1.351261973620467 9 decided 17 bend 4.2907718663132535 10 man 17 bend 3.4791196346218918 10 man 12 whom 3.9650725476244446 10 man 11 ; 1.684666375291954 13 it 15 impossible 3.7274532772392384 14 was 15 impossible 3.414892788028144 15 impossible 17 bend 6.764239747149492 15 impossible 16 to 3.3916488935961837 17 bend 19 change 6.159374410461208 17 bend 18 or 3.290338781213837 he didn't like romance , loved the truth , and wanted to get to the bottom of every thing . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 2 didn't 3.2448682946201703 2 didn't 4 romance 2.5111038249003634 2 didn't 3 like 3.2076418248578964 4 romance 6 loved 4.707372449811043 4 romance 5 , 0.8227044427528334 4 romance 20 . 0.7522013376295256 6 loved 18 every 2.561774764741461 6 loved 8 truth 2.3316955045495966 7 the 8 truth 3.319075711571392 8 truth 9 , 1.6037458013194197 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 wanted 12 to 4.012813233173826 12 to 13 get 3.0881891887949813 13 get 16 bottom 1.8620716656713725 14 to 16 bottom 1.7710799589175465 15 the 16 bottom 3.7250738234972136 16 bottom 18 every 1.4625160935764399 16 bottom 17 of 4.515982292733796 18 every 19 thing 3.4435843429435984 aunt fiction told him all the children had said ; but he answered impatiently : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 but 1.636192966547803 1 aunt 2 fiction 7.653214988795849 2 fiction 3 told 5.890015044064942 2 fiction 11 but 1.7624511584735032 3 told 4 him 4.307078484618019 3 told 5 all 2.0416010318378106 6 the 7 children 2.226122194690296 7 children 10 ; 1.6795386104787724 7 children 8 had 1.2107696465327145 9 said 10 ; 1.3906995679837895 10 ; 11 but 3.9096191073889806 11 but 12 he 1.801899495677489 12 he 13 answered 1.5572060166582435 13 answered 15 : 5.4090859705226375 13 answered 14 impatiently 4.822619977047935 " tut , tut ! my dear : i want the facts of the case . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 tut 2.9114469180119613 2 tut 4 tut 13.159863639396942 2 tut 3 , 3.0338743817877543 4 tut 12 facts 7.545851532935117 4 tut 5 ! 4.101595956740862 4 tut 7 dear 2.2148955056975375 6 my 7 dear 4.7642210168562364 7 dear 8 : 1.2302246974576079 9 i 10 want 3.664680761588448 10 want 12 facts 3.494978691376758 11 the 12 facts 1.857435422901684 12 facts 15 case 6.608479925917056 12 facts 13 of 1.9960893277989982 12 facts 16 . 1.5653559110032056 14 the 15 case 2.335859160322009 you are apt to exaggerate ; and fancy is not to be relied on . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 2 are 3.475232791343645 2 are 3 apt 5.689014771014005 3 apt 5 exaggerate 13.758726902982783 4 to 5 exaggerate 5.308047198909357 5 exaggerate 13 relied 13.516687889702741 5 exaggerate 8 fancy 10.371997474833883 5 exaggerate 6 ; 8.02246343136036 5 exaggerate 7 and 2.972018755365962 5 exaggerate 9 is 2.514783761400693 10 not 13 relied 3.125757262988138 11 to 12 be 3.101474476606974 12 be 13 relied 5.929576470066049 13 relied 14 on 5.719255394718818 13 relied 15 . 0.6739925052788251 if the child isn't a fool , she must know more about herself than she pretends . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 if 0.9519065523953696 1 if 4 isn't 2.212154047160581 2 the 3 child 1.886751199786147 3 child 4 isn't 1.2044095927793919 4 isn't 6 fool 1.7968361709911669 5 a 6 fool 3.732494114379538 6 fool 16 pretends 5.894307267787884 6 fool 7 , 0.9809020565105833 8 she 16 pretends 5.278080131567052 8 she 9 must 2.1243378627451737 9 must 10 know 1.891868576057977 11 more 14 than 6.525811350829949 11 more 12 about 2.189447557813981 12 about 13 herself 1.1791714241629556 14 than 16 pretends 4.270806283936263 15 she 16 pretends 5.278080131567052 16 pretends 17 . 1.6585498566811943 now , answer truly , luly , where did you come from ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 1 now 13 ? 1.8548334770730026 2 , 6 luly 2.6147733275953193 3 answer 6 luly 7.0894455824084694 4 truly 6 luly 9.091242371651092 5 , 6 luly 2.6147733275953193 6 luly 8 where 5.954490588730369 6 luly 13 ? 4.213781570790374 6 luly 9 did 3.8766224750052025 6 luly 10 you 2.6063475392376887 6 luly 11 come 2.1905670267229382 6 luly 7 , 1.5462450548303792 11 come 12 from 3.3019440653589296 13 ? 14 " 4.126492033472207 i 'll do her no harm : please , let me stay . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 14 " 1.5791793757022523 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 3 do 2.826316745252832 2 'll 12 stay 4.292071207433203 3 do 6 harm 3.996520663606887 3 do 4 her -0.7387995836119323 5 no 6 harm 5.767879372906293 6 harm 7 : 1.4830942233588011 8 please 10 let 3.9003907496050942 8 please 9 , 1.6920874838857536 10 let 12 stay 3.635439718935789 10 let 11 me 5.046289406031127 13 . 14 " 4.427730590569535 " she has evidently been washed ashore from some wreck , and has forgotten all about herself . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 she 1.5550225530747177 2 she 3 has 2.83442814542145 2 she 17 herself 2.7045839302702 3 has 14 forgotten 4.9970375231065916 4 evidently 6 washed 6.8000942543467175 5 been 6 washed 4.725605594828906 6 washed 7 ashore 10.350703677239292 7 ashore 10 wreck 9.690694648250254 8 from 10 wreck 5.277440999420627 9 some 10 wreck 5.894427234946953 10 wreck 14 forgotten 4.926134213614123 10 wreck 12 and 2.6357812823037214 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 has 14 forgotten 4.9970375231065916 14 forgotten 16 about 3.84364299858089 14 forgotten 15 all 3.671968471878426 17 herself 18 . 1.2084107311983594 " she may stay , and be my little playmate , mayn't she ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 mayn't 1.3814711276621523 1 " 2 she 1.5550225530747177 3 may 4 stay 3.9409018579163835 4 stay 10 playmate 2.5955668535645557 5 , 6 and 1.9913305940627364 6 and 10 playmate 1.3757528408421535 7 be 10 playmate 1.9318788476037305 8 my 10 playmate 4.234165928969272 9 little 10 playmate 3.622067793283641 10 playmate 12 mayn't 11.142800866984377 10 playmate 11 , 1.5773921199601197 12 mayn't 13 she 2.1619343754857994 12 mayn't 14 ? 1.831387538879266 i 'll take care of her ; and we shall be very happy together , " cried fancy eagerly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 'll 3 take 3.983434491847774 2 'll 11 be 3.8712942113240665 3 take 4 care 6.937497651040472 3 take 6 her 1.7160629330628598 4 care 5 of 2.9587428891175733 7 ; 9 we 1.7026800822961299 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 we 10 shall 4.303303749124435 10 shall 11 be 4.2128268800366495 11 be 13 happy 3.065433418953342 12 very 13 happy 3.7683123316324014 13 happy 14 together 4.1507273555152935 13 happy 19 eagerly 3.639482211762733 14 together 15 , 1.38081105796525 16 " 17 cried 3.5451272628542867 17 cried 19 eagerly 4.8782936727336335 18 fancy 19 eagerly 4.685047549631253 19 eagerly 20 . 2.6185453827269 " one can't be sure of that till one has tried . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 tried 0.38015772069096165 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 one 10 has 1.888040787723373 3 can't 4 be 3.1970945639885002 4 be 5 sure 4.725759885874082 5 sure 7 that 3.37643785772916 5 sure 6 of 1.6130342618778855 7 that 10 has 1.2516727980035824 8 till 10 has 1.371335965461487 9 one 10 has 1.888040787723373 10 has 11 tried 2.1356501318489585 11 tried 12 . -0.43247603502268106 " no ; but i thought you 'd help me , " answered fancy wistfully . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 i 2.219663534593389 2 no 3 ; 2.2868163661968097 3 ; 4 but 3.9096191073889806 4 but 5 i 2.212975893494237 5 i 6 thought 2.7349936508769783 6 thought 15 wistfully 4.249235797828835 6 thought 8 'd 3.6727752808820924 7 you 8 'd 3.4192503794510944 9 help 10 me 3.978907063627233 10 me 11 , 1.0369336845536683 11 , 13 answered 1.5472876585672974 12 " 13 answered 2.7487180822420285 13 answered 14 fancy 3.392788241738355 14 fancy 15 wistfully 5.819743443703576 15 wistfully 16 . 2.8111848478317434 " i've no objection to your keeping the girl , if , after making inquiries about her , she proves to be a clever child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i've 1.6282748846234156 1 " 2 i've 2.660518508840834 2 i've 4 objection 10.741290541240478 3 no 4 objection 6.994225207909576 4 objection 6 your 4.542926349782608 4 objection 5 to 3.5238859353122507 4 objection 11 if 2.3164521924908854 4 objection 10 , 1.0806598898207653 6 your 7 keeping 1.238547613518442 7 keeping 9 girl 1.7641644991468048 8 the 9 girl 2.450378740673818 11 if 19 she 2.4265514238776724 12 , 13 after 0.7327623543293065 13 after 15 inquiries 5.026838638902046 14 making 15 inquiries 7.835414005623939 15 inquiries 19 she 3.4471591868100084 15 inquiries 16 about 7.147981305155042 16 about 17 her 2.286577647868018 18 , 19 she 0.6893111825667813 19 she 20 proves 1.3998102138983057 20 proves 24 clever 3.91239983075889 20 proves 23 a 3.0942355967778035 20 proves 22 be 2.9068166601829546 21 to 22 be 3.101474476606974 24 clever 25 child 3.5120387785341585 25 child 26 . 0.9140129317013219 can you read , luly ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 " 1.5791793757022523 1 can 3 read 3.464688439932708 1 can 2 you 1.9429849027294246 3 read 5 luly 8.094981037427768 4 , 5 luly 2.6147733275953193 5 luly 6 ? 4.213781570790374 6 ? 7 " 4.126492033472207 " no , " said the mermaid , opening her eyes . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 9 opening 1.448289519506023 2 no 3 , 1.4999650591880105 3 , 5 said 1.5025770512474743 4 " 5 said 3.5310061102049364 6 the 7 mermaid 3.171998067135384 7 mermaid 9 opening 7.169822186369288 7 mermaid 8 , 1.8201353604372983 9 opening 11 eyes 4.701498766758011 10 her 11 eyes 3.9051306606154217 11 eyes 12 . 1.3735017526093447 " can you write and cipher ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 can 6 cipher 3.8954315358595935 3 you 4 write 1.9610934783963465 4 write 6 cipher 10.279232818122253 5 and 6 cipher 3.7620914111314896 6 cipher 7 ? 4.9568346383305695 7 ? 8 " 4.126492033472207 " what is that ? " asked lorelei innocently . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 7 asked 3.2513454882478694 1 " 2 what 2.0471061670584625 2 what 3 is 3.0799714209227993 3 is 4 that 0.7788546157000198 5 ? 7 asked 5.32511077011031 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 7 asked 8 lorelei 5.471089182304567 8 lorelei 9 innocently 12.722453477167239 9 innocently 10 . 2.331211120046774 " dear me ! what ignorance ! " cried uncle fact . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 fact 1.3131325376768963 1 " 9 cried 3.5451272628542867 2 dear 4 ! 3.211372366750741 2 dear 3 me 3.2162612916290225 4 ! 9 cried 4.7864618271494415 5 what 6 ignorance 1.7694390253228995 6 ignorance 9 cried 2.106521419983647 7 ! 9 cried 4.7864618271494415 7 ! 8 " 3.7411945146373657 10 uncle 11 fact 4.394426289341453 11 fact 12 . 0.3342614475783563 " can you sew , or tend babies ? " asked aunt fiction gently . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 can 0.33317044456732425 2 can 4 sew 4.255516963311127 3 you 4 sew 2.085315726588451 4 sew 7 tend 9.835676344649023 4 sew 13 fiction 7.885317386845028 5 , 6 or 1.4271475215650753 6 or 7 tend 4.567645130032599 7 tend 8 babies 9.235996571544806 9 ? 11 asked 5.32511077011031 9 ? 10 " 4.126492033472207 11 asked 13 fiction 4.147156165876769 12 aunt 13 fiction 7.653214988795849 13 fiction 14 gently 8.744251021202967 14 gently 15 . 1.7597785348839619 " i can do nothing but play and sing , and comb my hair . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 can 3.0357047137007545 3 can 9 sing 3.4815579697143804 3 can 4 do 3.793586081272224 4 do 5 nothing 2.479578006660116 5 nothing 6 but 3.600663598216313 7 play 9 sing 3.6578900984359457 8 and 9 sing 1.2217280429329946 9 sing 12 comb 5.882851378884077 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 comb 2.7337717627366374 12 comb 14 hair 9.220491739692164 12 comb 13 my 4.314352477226603 15 . 16 " 4.427730590569535 " i see ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 see 1.7421156301759755 3 see 4 ! 0.4402554704813504 i see ! some hand-organ man 's girl . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 see 1.7421156301759755 2 see 5 hand-organ 4.640414309814691 3 ! 5 hand-organ 5.096639917061811 4 some 5 hand-organ 8.08755847802988 5 hand-organ 6 man 7.227268788038991 5 hand-organ 8 girl 6.01878168342628 5 hand-organ 7 's 4.066399262067165 8 girl 9 . 1.0653410088509503 well , i 'm glad you keep your hair smooth , that 's more than fancy does , " said uncle fact . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 i 1.4747943966883117 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 well 1.3491599379343757 1 well 2 , 2.65559168359394 3 i 4 'm 4.8883536268785885 3 i 16 fancy 2.12015395428989 4 'm 5 glad 6.923260381899718 5 glad 6 you 2.547433454554758 5 glad 12 that 2.068522131525839 6 you 7 keep 1.6548314117324345 7 keep 8 your 3.9662100952384236 8 your 9 hair 4.557604730231425 9 hair 10 smooth 5.139241156237638 10 smooth 11 , 1.0502424160791115 12 that 13 's 2.1214078036711292 14 more 15 than 6.525811350829949 15 than 16 fancy 1.2475022638399835 16 fancy 17 does 2.543507646273973 16 fancy 23 . 0.4318579410143677 17 does 21 uncle 0.8228988217684794 18 , 20 said 1.5025770512474743 19 " 20 said 3.5310061102049364 20 said 21 uncle 2.3510088326478495 21 uncle 22 fact 4.394426289341453 " very well , very well , indeed : you have a good voice . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 very -0.45887146385195976 2 very 8 indeed 4.241078310904877 2 very 3 well 4.105795009664696 2 very 13 good 3.4412883832925854 2 very 14 voice 0.7550481846245951 3 well 4 , 2.65559168359394 5 very 8 indeed 4.241078310904877 5 very 6 well 4.105795009664696 6 well 7 , 2.65559168359394 8 indeed 9 : 0.5253567697000889 10 you 11 have 2.4773295942588796 11 have 12 a 1.62890695095534 12 a 13 good 3.137938933287751 14 voice 15 . 1.5211545821531125 lorelei laughed at the idea ; and fancy thought singing for gold , not love , a hard way to get one 's living . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 fancy -0.09782443328087354 1 lorelei 2 laughed 7.23320263291912 1 lorelei 8 fancy 4.861310695261903 1 lorelei 6 ; 3.060397305445811 2 laughed 3 at 4.479148120218543 3 at 5 idea 2.4053388905361217 4 the 5 idea 2.344607158804452 6 ; 7 and 2.090280035481264 8 fancy 24 living 4.414770204558309 8 fancy 10 singing 4.1769791682206545 8 fancy 9 thought 1.8655595744567677 10 singing 12 gold 3.9304960748686 10 singing 13 , 1.0315184119679337 10 singing 11 for 1.0266953415880096 14 not 24 living 1.450382378290783 14 not 15 love 1.3078734812260748 15 love 16 , 0.21608779153492108 17 a 24 living 2.0207142403299585 18 hard 20 to 2.45952937517278 19 way 20 to 1.482207009474159 20 to 21 get 3.0881891887949813 21 get 24 living 2.016832395060259 21 get 22 one 1.1508474469270134 22 one 23 's 0.23124074752320567 24 living 25 . 0.8081266471286028 she would eat nothing but fruit and shell-fish , and drink nothing but salt water . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 would 2.6966470057061276 2 would 3 eat 2.1723890347060184 3 eat 6 fruit 4.480559518398483 3 eat 4 nothing 1.8037019916285608 4 nothing 5 but 3.600663598216313 6 fruit 8 shell-fish 10.677279727052213 7 and 8 shell-fish 2.3860498545900413 8 shell-fish 14 salt 8.624075504324832 8 shell-fish 11 drink 8.485479944318321 8 shell-fish 12 nothing 4.663901665156988 8 shell-fish 10 and 2.451186592064527 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 12 nothing 13 but 3.600663598216313 14 salt 15 water 7.427562069244583 15 water 16 . 1.4466728848565857 people offered money for these things ; but she gave them all to fancy and aunt fiction , of whom she was very fond . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 but 1.636192966547803 1 people 2 offered 2.785065912949044 2 offered 3 money 4.565651443064354 3 money 7 ; 2.2220017381175943 3 money 4 for 2.083901493087655 3 money 5 these 1.3131975883326739 5 these 6 things 5.744503155586369 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 8 but 9 she 1.9359797190744636 9 she 10 gave 2.8112433300038386 10 gave 11 them 3.3637046615963264 11 them 12 all 2.3508025338807332 12 all 17 fiction 2.990875187282967 13 to 14 fancy 0.18292990148242794 14 fancy 17 fiction 6.750495846723208 15 and 16 aunt 0.7860191580220217 16 aunt 17 fiction 7.653214988795849 17 fiction 20 whom 5.42656909138541 17 fiction 24 fond 2.423387304442734 17 fiction 25 . 1.5547661595926918 17 fiction 18 , 1.5342986564686782 19 of 20 whom 2.174647104497655 20 whom 21 she 2.4364805353851615 22 was 24 fond 3.1181876381072016 23 very 24 fond 5.7527493689338876 " this will do for a time ; as fancy is getting strong , and not entirely wasting her days , thanks to me ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 4 do 0.9416274344623083 2 this 3 will 1.0120320901724984 3 will 4 do 2.8027638741932144 4 do 5 for 1.121005232098197 5 for 6 a 2.0099144621548533 6 a 10 fancy 2.337238131951576 6 a 7 time 2.113530621864278 7 time 8 ; 0.806725615204531 8 ; 9 as -0.20403044133603387 10 fancy 12 getting 2.9261057780384583 11 is 12 getting 2.6759794472034883 12 getting 13 strong 3.8487696244425855 13 strong 18 wasting 5.167212872129383 13 strong 15 and 1.844268110638719 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 16 not 17 entirely 2.444911755153832 17 entirely 18 wasting 9.146577695544668 18 wasting 22 thanks 5.46303148108338 18 wasting 20 days 4.865473709088761 18 wasting 19 her 2.528418279019686 21 , 22 thanks 1.0191205486237074 22 thanks 23 to 2.963109393243645 23 to 24 me 1.9862046558982396 24 me 25 ! 2.085076915643585 he was walking over the beach as he said this , after a hard day 's work on his encyclopædia . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 9 said 1.8953304056768925 1 he 2 was 2.312012966177365 2 was 3 walking 3.3643570329211983 3 walking 6 beach 4.153359568651428 3 walking 4 over 3.4485407193641144 5 the 6 beach 3.2310977338229954 7 as 8 he 2.3488371624986843 8 he 9 said 1.8953304056768925 9 said 20 encyclopædia 2.7965424480723726 10 this 20 encyclopædia 3.273828673592046 11 , 12 after 0.7327623543293065 12 after 20 encyclopædia 4.462860706362854 12 after 13 a 2.049449131953562 14 hard 17 work 6.74571953266566 14 hard 15 day 2.683079354936332 16 's 17 work 1.5700594648751682 17 work 20 encyclopædia 8.083743741013265 18 on 20 encyclopædia 5.845575120035072 19 his 20 encyclopædia 6.16150496482323 20 encyclopædia 21 . 3.69080079296538 fancy and her friend were playing there , and the old gentleman waited to see what they were about . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 16 what 1.1082694510543405 1 fancy 13 waited 3.9488178750615646 2 and 13 waited 2.699332198244379 3 her 4 friend 1.9380870410459785 4 friend 8 , 1.526765092351452 4 friend 6 playing 3.2643498394869326 5 were 6 playing 4.5422118530565 6 playing 7 there 1.6975442111709569 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 13 waited 2.699332198244379 10 the 11 old 2.286719213859378 11 old 12 gentleman 5.69849617765373 12 gentleman 13 waited 4.914805587358352 13 waited 15 see 2.1253774548734192 14 to 15 see 3.0208916104243624 15 see 16 what 3.306547787662252 16 what 17 they 1.6514355276481734 17 they 18 were 4.740392399536562 18 were 19 about 0.8269496016090727 19 about 20 . 0.39037777546870167 " i must look into this . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 must 2.6979915005595725 3 must 4 look 2.4480789919852377 4 look 5 into 2.102918333890681 5 into 6 this 0.951228545437214 6 this 7 . -0.12448066673377767 " never mind the pearls : i 'd rather have you , dear , " said fancy lovingly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 17 fancy 0.7322502128492587 2 never 3 mind 5.069859449401834 3 mind 5 pearls 3.4655497850819756 4 the 5 pearls 1.1068560590075052 5 pearls 17 fancy 2.9232975821576055 5 pearls 6 : 3.0722761607775375 7 i 8 'd 3.910051988282767 8 'd 9 rather 6.390191835529777 9 rather 17 fancy 2.415873463736954 9 rather 10 have 2.5347210243218754 10 have 11 you 1.5809986813519412 12 , 13 dear 2.1348010320746766 13 dear 14 , 2.04884114976878 14 , 15 " 1.299421509625157 15 " 17 fancy 0.7322502128492587 15 " 16 said 3.5310061102049364 17 fancy 18 lovingly 9.05181007054638 18 lovingly 19 . 1.0337801439922067 " tell me a story while we work , or sing me a song ; and i 'll give you my crown . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 17 i 2.219663534593389 2 tell 3 me 4.773347470203449 3 me 15 ; 1.0049873279350088 4 a 14 song 2.41786577145319 4 a 6 while 2.9443162113116816 4 a 5 story 2.0492122008207243 6 while 7 we 2.4154732377290102 8 work 9 , 0.974883825392288 9 , 10 or 1.4271475215650753 10 or 11 sing 2.088443964110759 11 sing 14 song 6.770199078935139 11 sing 12 me 1.7226450121891546 13 a 14 song 2.41786577145319 14 song 15 ; 1.3157834891949953 15 ; 16 and 2.090280035481264 15 ; 17 i 1.7064961061421702 17 i 18 'll 3.9881635767091375 18 'll 19 give 4.324625078340057 19 give 20 you 2.888687645272734 19 give 22 crown 2.2840280900219376 21 my 22 crown 3.5525208834176993 22 crown 23 . 0.2162522993843119 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 " i 'll sing you a little song that has got what your uncle calls a moral to it , " said lorelei , laughing mischievously . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 12 what 2.0471061670584625 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 i 11 got 1.9867710979771669 3 'll 4 sing 2.151552335629198 4 sing 8 song 6.770199078935139 4 sing 5 you 1.0481306796425187 6 a 7 little 3.3978459531370575 7 little 8 song 3.052522141993496 8 song 9 that 1.4649844403687418 10 has 11 got 4.1335018234518515 12 what 15 calls 1.4655519922898144 13 your 14 uncle 3.5861020241570998 14 uncle 15 calls 4.455815631000089 15 calls 26 mischievously 9.063317601509834 16 a 17 moral 3.4749107733812146 17 moral 26 mischievously 8.906887861564144 17 moral 18 to 1.511248838902393 19 it 26 mischievously 0.5601138176667213 20 , 22 said 1.5025770512474743 21 " 22 said 3.5310061102049364 22 said 26 mischievously 4.918025715358333 23 lorelei 26 mischievously 13.381040541477681 23 lorelei 24 , 1.8739400929366212 25 laughing 26 mischievously 10.036381282031513 26 mischievously 27 . 2.878302567631817 then , in her breezy little voice , she sang the story of 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 11 the 0.6126866673596538 1 then 2 , 0.6831779581792361 3 in 5 breezy 2.609958576614332 3 in 11 the 2.2179054533910225 4 her 5 breezy 4.263724324393966 5 breezy 7 voice 8.808476033457005 5 breezy 10 sang 7.83904475643352 5 breezy 6 little 5.524430499762509 5 breezy 8 , 2.8943078906305857 9 she 10 sang 3.4742783718019403 11 the 12 story 3.113607195821789 12 story 13 of 1.8294064675554473 the rock and the bubble . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 rock 2.862058544225368 2 rock 5 bubble 6.174210142579245 2 rock 3 and 1.3961491348139994 2 rock 6 . 1.3143221443221211 4 the 5 bubble 1.480101580350155 oh ! a bare , brown rock stood up in the sea , the waves at its feet dancing merrily . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 oh 2.250779504187813 1 oh 2 ! 2.9964053743846186 2 ! 4 bare 0.846024909962189 3 a 4 bare 1.4821335317382314 4 bare 18 feet 8.08677034315793 4 bare 6 brown 4.263953080117652 4 bare 5 , 1.3114416121516754 6 brown 7 rock 2.3492803800520896 7 rock 8 stood 5.062361518692107 8 stood 9 up 4.3874693763954635 10 in 11 the 2.2179054533910225 11 the 12 sea 3.23375470053743 12 sea 15 waves 4.016794000463268 12 sea 13 , 1.0710031785308676 14 the 15 waves 3.0385226289692007 15 waves 18 feet 3.661273872141912 15 waves 17 its 4.260053118876186 16 at 17 its 2.034915245669641 18 feet 19 dancing 4.336543933394445 19 dancing 20 merrily 7.868657247109645 20 merrily 21 . 1.4948445016325707 a little bubble came sailing by , and thus to the rock did it gayly cry , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 little -0.5588045973193001 1 a 2 little 3.3978459531370575 2 little 3 bubble 3.297933179932677 3 bubble 5 sailing 9.822465088477411 4 came 5 sailing 5.6807886700655885 5 sailing 15 gayly 7.933658001515578 5 sailing 9 thus 4.693438498988851 5 sailing 6 by 2.3453018440171327 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 8 and 9 thus 1.2075301260287041 10 to 11 the 0.9100440193086232 11 the 12 rock 2.862058544225368 12 rock 15 gayly 6.1520873316810984 13 did 15 gayly 3.2287319064597177 14 it 15 gayly 1.7425297632922252 15 gayly 16 cry 8.041973746317854 16 cry 17 , 1.5634044086601584 " ho ! clumsy brown stone , quick , make way for me : i 'm the fairest thing that floats on the sea . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 ho 2.6438488589838087 2 ho 4 clumsy 8.526584450633944 2 ho 3 ! 5.712651300047353 4 clumsy 6 stone 7.1796749036665375 4 clumsy 5 brown 6.178774949362392 6 stone 8 quick 3.4921134636415943 6 stone 7 , 0.890612458982762 8 quick 10 make 1.3299120239344084 8 quick 9 , 1.4598321063994213 10 make 13 me 2.816555193182438 11 way 12 for 0.3905470252124239 12 for 13 me 2.410840729936597 13 me 21 floats 2.2863939949264918 14 : 21 floats 3.3470269927071747 15 i 16 'm 4.8883536268785885 16 'm 18 fairest 3.110792768252061 17 the 18 fairest 3.443654020153893 18 fairest 21 floats 11.802366342680806 19 thing 21 floats 5.777006731782244 20 that 21 floats 4.502536226994863 21 floats 24 sea 6.6524943734969675 21 floats 22 on 5.658775303098658 23 the 24 sea 3.23375470053743 24 sea 25 . 1.498820236995762 " see my rainbow-robe , see my crown of light , my glittering form , so airy and bright . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 see -0.029900483433817016 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 see 8 crown 1.82280752885422 3 my 8 crown 3.5525208834176993 3 my 4 rainbow-robe 7.210312388888244 4 rainbow-robe 6 see 7.572361354324094 4 rainbow-robe 5 , 3.622543260619402 7 my 8 crown 3.5525208834176993 8 crown 17 airy 6.7245810129357935 8 crown 9 of 1.9309244319359706 8 crown 20 . 0.2162522993843119 10 light 13 glittering 3.9439103010705523 11 , 12 my 0.5786202686795345 12 my 13 glittering 2.2351919635135395 13 glittering 17 airy 8.509723986880946 13 glittering 14 form 8.469880152327985 15 , 17 airy 1.05770561937711 16 so 17 airy 3.7859579522799933 17 airy 19 bright 6.746913170013233 17 airy 18 and 1.4493262500390038 " o'er the waters blue , i 'm floating away , to dance by the shore with the foam and spray . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o'er 1.861811102864852 2 o'er 3 the 3.125506791879978 3 the 19 foam 2.5553707752375345 3 the 4 waters 2.7340029635361347 4 waters 5 blue 5.622009884870295 6 , 7 i 0.883559295304277 7 i 8 'm 4.8883536268785885 8 'm 12 to 1.3191455485170103 8 'm 9 floating 4.664112574047866 9 floating 10 away 3.896236108771184 10 away 11 , 1.097982621917664 12 to 13 dance 2.5646800324914345 13 dance 19 foam 4.78981693157316 14 by 15 the 1.984237484577001 15 the 16 shore 3.362245356786884 16 shore 19 foam 5.620981790356279 17 with 19 foam 2.6882014929217277 18 the 19 foam 2.5553707752375345 19 foam 21 spray 12.139891106827893 19 foam 20 and 2.472422597065048 21 spray 22 . 2.2860359300501862 " now , make way , make way ; for the waves are strong , and their rippling feet bear me fast along . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 now 1.3959490495991158 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 now 4 make 0.1303906619580637 2 now 3 , 1.683986876826845 4 make 5 way 0.31094128467612947 5 way 8 way 0.6392814181960844 5 way 6 , 0.8808556014356768 7 make 8 way 0.31094128467612947 8 way 23 along 1.241438123246244 8 way 9 ; 1.7220088269213427 8 way 24 . 1.0608925922121735 9 ; 10 for 1.4090530638881251 11 the 12 waves 3.0385226289692007 12 waves 14 strong 5.41060363197974 12 waves 13 are 3.862533535048314 14 strong 18 rippling 5.552167291110827 14 strong 16 and 1.844268110638719 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 17 their 18 rippling 5.493848044681631 18 rippling 19 feet 7.294190434245504 18 rippling 20 bear 5.61026336297401 18 rippling 22 fast 3.7488574009322235 18 rippling 23 along 3.6100118228670475 18 rippling 21 me 0.9113358462446364 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 but the great rock stood straight up in the sea : it looked gravely down , and said pleasantly , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 the 0.47412053282206834 2 the 10 sea 3.23375470053743 3 great 4 rock 3.7176837404598544 3 great 10 sea 3.2304479167500197 4 rock 5 stood 5.062361518692107 5 stood 7 up 4.3874693763954635 5 stood 6 straight 3.7287867099285066 8 in 9 the 2.2179054533910225 9 the 10 sea 3.23375470053743 10 sea 17 and 1.245482112636921 10 sea 11 : 0.7097945920617548 11 : 12 it 0.6252219365448077 13 looked 14 gravely 3.9963576542992953 14 gravely 16 , 1.5127920128548844 14 gravely 15 down 3.080663819667439 16 , 17 and 1.9913305940627364 17 and 19 pleasantly 1.0810178519415459 18 said 19 pleasantly 3.7686848290155694 19 pleasantly 20 , 2.1238564665066164 " little friend , you must go some other way ; for i have not stirred this many a long day . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 you 1.1569854937375332 2 little 3 friend 2.782550475118178 3 friend 4 , 1.526765092351452 4 , 5 you 0.2857327855941545 5 you 6 must 3.1921013234460958 6 must 8 some 1.6210946425908155 6 must 7 go 4.478857218447946 8 some 21 day 4.751842003152973 8 some 10 way 3.5470945182636022 9 other 10 way 3.7209906407147066 10 way 11 ; 1.7220088269213427 11 ; 12 for 1.4090530638881251 13 i 14 have 2.72146406531475 14 have 16 stirred 2.1534243208308723 15 not 16 stirred 2.654426548783011 16 stirred 17 this 1.8489911348587427 17 this 21 day 2.1600288313763514 18 many 19 a 1.395854112855874 19 a 21 day 1.4424110179973297 19 a 20 long 3.157037023158921 21 day 22 . 0.9785466039490451 " great billows have dashed , and angry winds blown ; but my sturdy form is not overthrown . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 billows 0.7804338640829194 2 great 3 billows 7.103684206328609 3 billows 19 . 2.0741294325168873 3 billows 5 dashed 11.716640614491567 3 billows 4 have 5.308345341205875 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 18 overthrown 2.149541743266436 8 angry 18 overthrown 6.908285478913388 9 winds 10 blown 8.463490628383223 10 blown 14 sturdy 8.185893623979279 10 blown 11 ; 2.729107949411649 11 ; 12 but 3.9096191073889806 13 my 14 sturdy 3.4734018604691386 14 sturdy 18 overthrown 11.806387651692287 14 sturdy 15 form 9.684944924807098 16 is 18 overthrown 3.778316936850331 17 not 18 overthrown 5.163918257981727 18 overthrown 19 . 1.9111908613906792 " nothing can stir me in the air or sea ; then , how can i move , little friend , for thee ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 can 0.33317044456732425 2 nothing 3 can 2.6121001358173075 3 can 17 move 3.0160413826156827 3 can 4 stir 3.1951474734386593 4 stir 5 me 1.3858271623774137 6 in 8 air 2.416770837795145 7 the 8 air 3.1031352017024343 8 air 17 move 1.7148051734942413 9 or 17 move 2.7118510094898376 10 sea 11 ; 2.492042381744014 11 ; 15 can 0.5704336994603736 11 ; 12 then 2.3313224188236426 12 then 13 , 0.6831779581792361 14 how 15 can 4.263166297980767 15 can 17 move 3.0160413826156827 15 can 16 i 0.8683044518184726 17 move 23 thee 3.8017410082192846 17 move 18 , 0.5083387962083314 19 little 20 friend 2.782550475118178 20 friend 23 thee 1.4956005346820547 20 friend 21 , 1.526765092351452 22 for 23 thee 3.0356728559675936 23 thee 24 ? 2.3361679660658154 24 ? 25 " 4.126492033472207 then the waves all laughed , in their voices sweet ; and the sea-birds looked , from their rocky seat , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 the 0.6126866673596538 2 the 14 sea-birds 3.348133839831309 2 the 3 waves 3.0385226289692007 3 waves 5 laughed 3.749634372511352 4 all 5 laughed 1.3171320114604086 5 laughed 6 , 0.7832997036490585 7 in 8 their 2.25825096326969 8 their 9 voices 6.042248985574471 9 voices 14 sea-birds 8.375509858687682 10 sweet 14 sea-birds 7.699165042816688 11 ; 14 sea-birds 3.919057452797631 11 ; 12 and 2.090280035481264 13 the 14 sea-birds 3.348133839831309 14 sea-birds 19 rocky 11.293842099575809 14 sea-birds 15 looked 7.398734461335106 14 sea-birds 17 from 4.16390311369706 14 sea-birds 21 , 2.689779921147668 14 sea-birds 16 , 2.689779921147668 18 their 19 rocky 4.81095017135657 19 rocky 20 seat 9.59106240875417 at the bubble gay , who angrily cried , while its round cheek glowed with a foolish pride , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 at 0.03375566202736913 1 at 2 the 1.91018759410656 2 the 3 bubble 1.480101580350155 3 bubble 18 pride 7.841930621409201 3 bubble 4 gay 9.19747831128582 3 bubble 19 , 1.2438969555998476 5 , 6 who 1.8533631975925822 6 who 14 glowed 3.9939561088570663 7 angrily 14 glowed 6.021312787976857 7 angrily 8 cried 2.2043994882454534 9 , 10 while 1.448856711021131 10 while 14 glowed 3.2289930791022634 11 its 14 glowed 4.378455348703 12 round 14 glowed 5.010602577993296 13 cheek 14 glowed 10.174968775862379 14 glowed 18 pride 8.814605172924292 14 glowed 15 with 5.550126458001319 15 with 16 a 2.5677995362572403 17 foolish 18 pride 6.87818212500715 " you shall move for me ; and you shall not mock at the words i say , you ugly , rough rock ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 you 1.1569854937375332 2 you 3 shall 2.413159005266589 3 shall 11 not 2.967344458054475 3 shall 4 move 1.4216164979409456 5 for 9 you 1.2745526948271486 5 for 6 me 2.410840729936597 6 me 7 ; 1.0049873279350088 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 9 you 10 shall 2.413159005266589 10 shall 11 not 2.967344458054475 11 not 12 mock 2.9595746336885753 12 mock 22 rough 4.522692803882126 12 mock 15 words 3.5347877374069476 12 mock 13 at 2.310271535181702 13 at 14 the 1.91018759410656 15 words 17 say 1.573027762717988 15 words 18 , 1.320616812523209 16 i 17 say 2.212549573221711 18 , 19 you 0.2857327855941545 20 ugly 22 rough 5.9521377269819915 20 ugly 21 , 1.030143672360257 22 rough 23 rock 5.627466898219211 23 rock 24 ! 1.441384844054781 " be silent , wild birds ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 7 ! -0.1363744880729456 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 be 3 silent 2.5650635185699855 3 silent 5 wild 2.909830353782347 3 silent 4 , 1.5326731619050946 5 wild 6 birds 5.8645069133224865 6 birds 7 ! 1.3350927109792075 why stare you so ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 why 1.7851754951784589 1 why 2 stare 4.0121406823133725 1 why 5 ? 2.154945933670776 2 stare 4 so 2.9369015905346068 2 stare 3 you 0.5187987183668987 stop laughing , rude waves , and help me to go ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 stop 0.06689736468920593 1 stop 2 laughing 4.49001321333926 1 stop 12 ! 2.764993967134604 2 laughing 4 rude 4.851989425438262 2 laughing 3 , 0.6363897267461667 4 rude 5 waves 8.647016535706985 5 waves 11 go 3.159662414797406 5 waves 8 help 1.5675256686633396 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 7 and 8 help 0.7285772604948519 8 help 9 me 3.978907063627233 10 to 11 go 2.737518368320032 " for i am the queen of the ocean here , and this cruel stone cannot make me fear . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 5 the 0.03213684141804052 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 for 5 the 1.0443437398983217 2 for 3 i -0.2582897610796735 3 i 4 am 4.730261573820858 5 the 9 ocean 3.206843769997679 5 the 6 queen 3.3123197689140333 7 of 8 the 1.7361783602309693 8 the 9 ocean 3.206843769997679 9 ocean 14 cruel 5.606219767113014 9 ocean 10 here 3.923618671681222 9 ocean 19 fear 3.2459364538583735 9 ocean 20 . 2.254505673126019 10 here 11 , 1.2339148261024935 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 this 14 cruel 2.4406574046339777 14 cruel 15 stone 4.863573168570298 14 cruel 16 cannot 2.745957141013715 16 cannot 17 make 3.9911033497009143 17 make 18 me 2.816555193182438 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 dashing fiercely up , with a scornful word , foolish bubble broke ; but rock never stirred . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 dashing -0.17239091255526873 1 dashing 2 fiercely 10.266787664982935 1 dashing 3 up 4.672831612713491 3 up 5 with 2.0232679802721165 4 , 5 with 0.6646281173027546 5 with 7 scornful 3.642822669893352 6 a 7 scornful 3.2448422644197237 7 scornful 11 bubble 9.984386225832967 7 scornful 17 stirred 7.952921741578958 7 scornful 8 word 6.185940990624459 8 word 9 , 1.0781199181486123 10 foolish 11 bubble 7.4543665831038695 11 bubble 12 broke 7.686675016329083 11 bubble 13 ; 4.250622408969804 13 ; 14 but 3.9096191073889806 15 rock 17 stirred 7.1596194768896275 16 never 17 stirred 5.066312419256619 17 stirred 18 . 1.085462597825007 then said the sea-birds , sitting in their nests , to the little ones leaning on their breasts , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 then 2.011859416218485 1 then 2 said 0.2162908130844503 2 said 4 sea-birds 4.582775587155275 3 the 4 sea-birds 3.348133839831309 4 sea-birds 6 sitting 9.870812145632652 4 sea-birds 17 their 3.811166950923031 4 sea-birds 5 , 2.689779921147668 6 sitting 16 on 5.207756898170285 6 sitting 7 in 3.0175763782475507 8 their 9 nests 7.485676890850037 9 nests 15 leaning 5.049468655070143 10 , 15 leaning 2.2947764237399575 11 to 12 the 0.9100440193086232 12 the 14 ones 1.6013119190401497 13 little 14 ones 4.50386165275501 14 ones 15 leaning 6.420999731065233 15 leaning 16 on 4.766446254627404 17 their 18 breasts 8.48991455719107 18 breasts 19 , 2.9915116312939354 " be not like bubble , headstrong , rude , and vain , seeking by violence your object to gain ; 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 like -0.7419024803278926 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 be 4 like 0.46071217159553157 3 not 4 like 1.735902733583286 4 like 5 bubble 3.7836771395681517 5 bubble 7 headstrong 12.207928290438964 5 bubble 21 ; 4.250622408969804 6 , 7 headstrong 2.0857193831169134 7 headstrong 9 rude 10.98426931724751 7 headstrong 8 , 1.4692255378194368 9 rude 16 violence 6.799699294108418 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 16 violence 1.8287099807649199 12 vain 14 seeking 5.659998194836891 12 vain 13 , 0.713498514513784 14 seeking 16 violence 8.890909497155022 15 by 16 violence 3.3587849900186164 16 violence 18 object 9.186019087902444 16 violence 17 your 4.020502613259261 18 object 20 gain 8.017243848325919 19 to 20 gain 3.336132671357607 " but be like the rock , steadfast , true , and strong , yet cheerful and kind , and firm against wrong . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 16 cheerful 0.3377447438366552 3 be 10 true 3.4524315533194816 3 be 16 cheerful 3.785801058400473 3 be 4 like 0.46071217159553157 5 the 8 steadfast 3.0036228647708185 6 rock 8 steadfast 10.02856507510916 7 , 8 steadfast 1.4388678444729628 8 steadfast 10 true 8.86901090870175 8 steadfast 9 , 1.7681259728674057 10 true 11 , 1.894235013874619 11 , 12 and 1.9913305940627364 13 strong 16 cheerful 5.245772631126719 13 strong 15 yet 3.640707474848938 13 strong 14 , 0.8638071480026888 16 cheerful 21 firm 4.456759500437311 16 cheerful 17 and 2.1406202077551946 18 kind 21 firm 4.696291607939337 19 , 20 and 1.9913305940627364 20 and 21 firm 1.28622568495258 21 firm 22 against 5.04345027746405 21 firm 23 wrong 4.396289285566279 23 wrong 24 . 1.3802718611136022 " heed , little birdlings , and wiser you 'll be for the lesson learned to-day by the sea . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 10 'll 0.5472600155343592 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 heed 3 , 1.278216909143655 3 , 5 birdlings 2.64005359411831 4 little 5 birdlings 7.957801687696023 5 birdlings 7 and 3.9474448675142035 5 birdlings 6 , 3.6127575009238235 7 and 8 wiser 0.8188400078108415 8 wiser 10 'll 2.0885753100588715 9 you 10 'll 3.0120537035371715 10 'll 11 be 3.8712942113240665 11 be 14 lesson 1.7244741221406379 12 for 13 the 1.0443437398983217 13 the 14 lesson 1.2776696608776135 14 lesson 15 learned 7.210109067977374 14 lesson 17 by 3.0604364647336375 14 lesson 20 . 1.768683647754461 15 learned 16 to-day 4.495045259135026 17 by 19 sea 2.4127250837963636 18 the 19 sea 3.23375470053743 20 . 21 " 4.427730590569535 " i thank you : that 's a good little song for me . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 thank 3.0068784886995363 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 3 thank 4 you 5.101026876135045 3 thank 12 for 2.544713436288788 5 : 9 good 0.11161217167014925 6 that 7 's 2.1214078036711292 7 's 9 good 1.3344598308142643 8 a 9 good 3.137938933287751 9 good 12 for 1.855182322548389 10 little 11 song 3.052522141993496 11 song 12 for 1.0700742700784573 12 for 13 me 2.410840729936597 13 me 14 . 0.8752603656539097 " how happy i was the day my play-mermaid changed to a real one ! " said fancy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 how 1.8534453085956457 2 how 3 happy 2.889480944282603 3 happy 7 day 2.257435895111975 4 i 5 was 0.8065165233008251 5 was 6 the 0.10921365488938406 6 the 7 day 1.6272962053126125 7 day 9 play-mermaid 8.472068267528897 7 day 19 . 0.9785466039490451 8 my 9 play-mermaid 7.491323768466394 9 play-mermaid 10 changed 12.00295466510402 9 play-mermaid 18 fancy 8.088204508833293 9 play-mermaid 13 real 8.032337227155598 9 play-mermaid 14 one 4.783807459757359 9 play-mermaid 11 to 3.536842297718252 9 play-mermaid 15 ! 1.2616648858526105 12 a 13 real 2.902391659711606 15 ! 16 " 3.7411945146373657 16 " 17 said 3.5310061102049364 " few would believe our story ; and those that did would wonder at me , not love me as you do . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 would 0.10203832216661013 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 few 3 would 0.5289752896972963 3 would 17 not 3.3990678308492335 3 would 4 believe 1.6910464055569108 4 believe 10 that 2.8408526345627116 4 believe 6 story 1.6488215940535298 4 believe 9 those 0.6992437738476909 5 our 6 story 2.7077678376073706 7 ; 9 those 0.4203196561471323 7 ; 8 and 2.090280035481264 11 did 17 not 5.301948666085865 12 would 17 not 3.3990678308492335 12 would 15 me 0.6395938395874214 13 wonder 14 at 1.766219926675447 14 at 15 me 1.2751482743533575 15 me 16 , 1.0369336845536683 17 not 18 love 1.3078734812260748 18 love 19 me 2.544225238692796 18 love 21 you 2.372306428952001 18 love 23 . 0.4013780976501984 20 as 21 you 1.0397487838100439 21 you 22 do 1.8147941312736613 they would put me in a cage , and make a show of me ; and i should be so miserable i should die . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 would 2.520090606422329 2 would 3 put 1.281206218764229 3 put 7 cage 2.457494541497912 3 put 4 me 1.6196806448452072 5 in 7 cage 2.909878924623701 6 a 7 cage 3.060195629390286 7 cage 15 ; 2.486240773813808 7 cage 9 and 1.6660374643883529 7 cage 13 of 1.1214021036184967 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 12 show 0.8631772045819268 10 make 12 show 1.1787820764399157 10 make 11 a 2.393763824686049 14 me 15 ; 1.0049873279350088 15 ; 17 i 1.7064961061421702 15 ; 16 and 2.090280035481264 17 i 18 should 3.1313258255578216 18 should 24 die 4.934460974897863 18 should 19 be 4.308276838964748 19 be 21 miserable 3.033560245303267 20 so 21 miserable 3.257632772689462 22 i 23 should 3.1313258255578216 23 should 24 die 4.934460974897863 24 die 25 . 1.234116439683815 so don't tell who i am , will you ? " said lorelei earnestly . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 so 0.7526101009878854 1 so 14 earnestly 2.8240840868596955 2 don't 3 tell 2.14429248802562 3 tell 4 who 0.7998075323862821 4 who 13 lorelei 1.720605840564172 5 i 6 am 4.730261573820858 6 am 13 lorelei 1.9664093319368554 7 , 13 lorelei 1.5869950910515698 8 will 9 you 2.2573630638043767 9 you 10 ? 1.9127300143977735 10 ? 11 " 4.126492033472207 11 " 12 said 3.5310061102049364 12 said 13 lorelei 4.278777444980726 13 lorelei 14 earnestly 10.727451321564388 14 earnestly 15 . 2.026563365192878 " never , " cried fancy , clinging to her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 5 cried 3.5451272628542867 1 " 2 never 0.18296040662149693 3 , 4 " 1.299421509625157 4 " 5 cried 3.5451272628542867 5 cried 6 fancy 3.522489664053772 6 fancy 8 clinging 6.892338306197484 7 , 8 clinging 1.8194370825331632 8 clinging 9 to 3.7040964373107386 8 clinging 10 her 3.0540716127936527 8 clinging 11 . 0.8532136694883619 " no , no ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 1 " 4 no 1.9307992426703144 2 no 3 , 1.4999650591880105 4 no 5 ! 1.2661298822118603 " a mermaid indeed ! " he muttered . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 8 muttered 3.792304061734807 2 a 3 mermaid 3.3100090861009477 3 mermaid 4 indeed 5.287504791406619 4 indeed 5 ! 3.8312056008931847 5 ! 6 " 3.7411945146373657 6 " 8 muttered 3.792304061734807 7 he 8 muttered 3.4451847244306073 8 muttered 9 . 1.607519046918977 " i always thought that child was a fool , and now i 'm sure of it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 14 'm 4.8883536268785885 2 i 4 thought 2.7349936508769783 3 always 4 thought 2.984931390029125 4 thought 5 that 1.9258221117913532 5 that 7 was 1.5985753854158027 5 that 6 child 1.5588972033234825 7 was 8 a 1.8886187807073789 8 a 9 fool 3.732494114379538 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 11 and 12 now 1.0711472874957746 12 now 13 i 1.4838795867616543 13 i 14 'm 4.8883536268785885 14 'm 15 sure 6.321763495673299 15 sure 16 of 1.6130342618778855 15 sure 17 it 1.332258719857883 17 it 18 . 0.47237242955592507 she thinks she is a mermaid , and has made fancy believe it . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 she 1.13928842895214 1 she 2 thinks 3.6984467673666863 2 thinks 6 mermaid 5.4085711347601695 2 thinks 3 she 2.5730156234571133 2 thinks 13 it 2.3527673067539077 2 thinks 4 is 2.175622296090406 5 a 6 mermaid 3.3100090861009477 6 mermaid 11 fancy 5.9860440945095945 6 mermaid 7 , 1.8201353604372983 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 has 11 fancy 1.8031561411495218 9 has 10 made 3.257355049443092 12 believe 13 it 3.0433084239138743 13 it 14 . 0.47237242955592507 i 've told my wife a dozen times that she let fancy read too many fairy tales and wonder-books . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 've 4.345825318265309 2 've 4 my 1.4509996354827237 2 've 3 told 3.143928603521875 4 my 5 wife 4.1407170200257895 5 wife 7 dozen 2.508984269017219 6 a 7 dozen 4.900747846941082 7 dozen 8 times 8.683236663903308 8 times 19 wonder-books 7.340664431907559 8 times 10 she 0.9901359671593362 9 that 10 she 1.5003075009796891 11 let 19 wonder-books 4.702920544334241 12 fancy 19 wonder-books 7.321348748028932 13 read 19 wonder-books 8.002798030163927 14 too 19 wonder-books 4.79876385505727 15 many 19 wonder-books 7.164258834221432 16 fairy 19 wonder-books 9.430660597424968 17 tales 19 wonder-books 12.036150311663796 18 and 19 wonder-books 4.279453725106077 19 wonder-books 20 . 3.69080079296538 her head is full of nonsense , and she is just ready to believe any ridiculous story that is told her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 her -0.9154654363094501 1 her 17 story 1.1569189766310828 1 her 2 head 3.8619547956498455 3 is 16 ridiculous 2.8512448993469945 3 is 4 full 2.6725891387537786 4 full 5 of 4.573419715296982 4 full 6 nonsense 3.3932507974928825 6 nonsense 7 , 1.8802275213110704 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 she 10 is 1.5605476551461557 10 is 16 ridiculous 2.8512448993469945 10 is 12 ready 2.049548947264526 11 just 12 ready 2.0828058558867113 12 ready 13 to 3.094918417851833 14 believe 15 any 2.2818271152560747 15 any 16 ridiculous 4.124104950945863 16 ridiculous 17 story 4.7480878839098395 17 story 20 told 1.9134714897943006 17 story 22 . 1.0288427358107963 17 story 19 is 0.42938712792404843 18 that 19 is 2.4065579718386285 20 told 21 her 3.3970570612784936 now , what on earth shall i do ? 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 now 1.3959490495991158 1 now 9 ? 1.8548334770730026 1 now 2 , 1.683986876826845 3 what 5 earth 3.623282737174531 3 what 8 do 3.5650246818752365 3 what 6 shall 3.1351452363441474 4 on 5 earth 5.3981034916131705 7 i 8 do 2.2344288593504196 8 do 9 ? 2.344463917580823 if i put luly in an asylum , fancy will break her heart , and very likely they will both run away . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 i 1.4747943966883117 1 if 2 i 2.4665272994818057 2 i 4 luly 2.664050451617605 3 put 4 luly 7.9191468627652135 4 luly 6 an 6.36001961569055 4 luly 5 in 4.203165364526416 6 an 7 asylum 6.125048389386826 7 asylum 9 fancy 6.053708850541078 7 asylum 23 . 1.637689456505818 7 asylum 8 , 0.8804717029044653 9 fancy 11 break 3.929429975247295 9 fancy 19 will 1.5482915352443136 10 will 11 break 3.9603823612221483 11 break 13 heart 5.705212134391044 12 her 13 heart 3.6654782209903978 14 , 15 and 1.9913305940627364 15 and 18 they 0.9764612904959886 16 very 17 likely 5.059252798388712 17 likely 18 they 2.021453029584464 18 they 19 will 2.093770122839345 19 will 21 run 2.0856064646893664 20 both 21 run 1.1372921837683556 21 run 22 away 6.509879221374767 bless my soul ! how absurd it all is ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bless 1.9090873321354085 1 bless 3 soul 7.727060667364327 1 bless 10 ! 3.2672595360584005 2 my 3 soul 4.774001570517234 3 soul 6 absurd 3.6582482521577013 3 soul 4 ! 2.1572086194185935 3 soul 9 is 1.1351878407255214 5 how 6 absurd 4.452856665336551 7 it 9 is 3.1387584458356006 7 it 8 all 1.4560859051832526 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 when the children came in , he sent fancy to wait for him in the library , while he talked alone with lorelei . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 1 when 2 the 1.104398875351464 2 the 16 library 3.2093652537690147 3 children 16 library 3.310776948439706 4 came 5 in 1.8111267763434356 5 in 16 library 2.4351194906653895 6 , 12 for 0.7095869605262024 7 he 8 sent 2.153882214489453 8 sent 12 for 3.8189138657382546 8 sent 9 fancy 3.476572114784741 10 to 11 wait 2.5191396651127302 11 wait 12 for 3.9023719731835484 12 for 16 library 1.704029600891186 12 for 13 him 1.90253222229612 14 in 16 library 2.4351194906653895 15 the 16 library 3.2093652537690147 16 library 23 lorelei 7.69667078369427 16 library 24 . 1.2862556675041752 17 , 23 lorelei 1.5869950910515698 18 while 20 talked 4.298098870101896 18 while 19 he 2.4082813097029323 20 talked 23 lorelei 6.429263690541408 21 alone 23 lorelei 6.336354847157242 22 with 23 lorelei 3.122805847471625 he told her all he knew , and insisted that lorelei was foolish or naughty to persist in such a ridiculous story . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 he 1.1270225038010757 1 he 17 persist 1.992377710071974 1 he 2 told 2.1422849894888554 2 told 3 her 3.3970570612784936 2 told 4 all 2.0416010318378106 5 he 17 persist 1.992377710071974 5 he 6 knew 3.382616337253147 7 , 11 lorelei 1.5869950910515698 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 insisted 11 lorelei 10.04192611108714 9 insisted 10 that 3.573069388917993 11 lorelei 17 persist 9.997253976183277 11 lorelei 13 foolish 6.7056675227287315 11 lorelei 14 or 3.4963347988272524 12 was 13 foolish 1.7475055864082663 15 naughty 17 persist 9.678996467264938 16 to 17 persist 3.132172468210662 17 persist 21 ridiculous 7.514503297063502 17 persist 18 in 5.135689480888246 17 persist 19 such 4.278079669003237 19 such 20 a 4.1090062073831 21 ridiculous 22 story 4.7480878839098395 21 ridiculous 23 . 1.0453836129679033 " but it is impossible that any coming alive took place , and i won't hear any such nonsense . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 but 1.636192966547803 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 but 3 it 1.5722352988224095 3 it 5 impossible 3.7274532772392384 4 is 5 impossible 4.301367213469362 5 impossible 7 any 1.544139454932754 5 impossible 6 that 1.405848904165758 5 impossible 20 . 0.8913238276182476 7 any 19 nonsense 2.619052181055558 7 any 11 place 2.3067639334453247 8 coming 9 alive 2.593154197774787 9 alive 10 took 2.024503601401374 10 took 11 place 4.399765553548669 11 place 12 , 0.8950190409837191 12 , 13 and 1.9913305940627364 14 i 16 hear 1.8124515664164385 14 i 15 won't 2.922582617119204 16 hear 19 nonsense 3.126352659042748 17 any 19 nonsense 2.619052181055558 18 such 19 nonsense 6.064842938735282 you didn't see this girl come out of the water ; for she says you never looked up , till she touched you . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 you 0.5727680131397417 1 you 6 come 1.9008837508152006 2 didn't 6 come 2.2804832927378698 2 didn't 3 see 3.3276477637452615 3 see 4 this 0.7605494250564391 4 this 5 girl 1.4947534083875205 6 come 18 up 2.3876345543231654 6 come 7 out 2.954397265458347 7 out 8 of 3.4530498390397675 8 of 10 water 2.39128105934539 9 the 10 water 2.9786013777082747 10 water 11 ; 1.7539649591137199 11 ; 12 for 1.4090530638881251 13 she 17 looked 2.8418734783463435 13 she 14 says 2.906870644365773 13 she 16 never 2.1023972615195223 15 you 16 never 1.2472816601860721 17 looked 18 up 3.9917332168977495 18 up 20 till 1.6498116038570636 18 up 24 . 0.3373925475710866 19 , 20 till 0.8144205735279542 20 till 21 she 1.5476891305176714 20 till 23 you 1.467613875090727 21 she 22 touched 2.1348623254593484 it is my belief that she is a sly , bad child ; and the sooner she is sent away the better for you . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 is 3.1387584458356006 2 is 3 my 1.5805852941726766 3 my 4 belief 4.832376976987852 3 my 12 child 3.4839483717831783 4 belief 5 that 3.1859836491850864 4 belief 6 she 2.0434376128504894 7 is 9 sly 3.200563287389169 8 a 9 sly 3.020437037038473 9 sly 12 child 4.090123238283596 9 sly 11 bad 3.97826573800457 9 sly 10 , 1.4386453522259224 12 child 13 ; 1.8193988093438023 12 child 25 . 0.9140129317013219 13 ; 14 and 2.090280035481264 14 and 19 sent 1.4231145414436064 15 the 16 sooner 1.391577230337333 16 sooner 19 sent 1.5401437408813976 17 she 19 sent 2.232317207605366 17 she 18 is 1.5605476551461557 19 sent 23 for 3.8189138657382546 19 sent 20 away 3.7095462625848263 19 sent 21 the 0.5773354749036663 22 better 23 for 1.9673636283463374 23 for 24 you 1.2745526948271486 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 " that 's my sensible girl ! 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 that 0.1191727968773062 2 that 6 girl 0.7091686757379243 2 that 3 's 2.1214078036711292 4 my 6 girl 1.1154873179790066 5 sensible 6 girl 4.636997423502123 6 girl 7 ! 0.9442044689277083 " oh ! no : we love one another ; and she is good , and i can't give her up , " cried fancy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 oh 2.250779504187813 1 " 2 oh 3.6531684370804136 2 oh 4 no 2.5146048617939964 2 oh 15 , 3.2347483665415506 2 oh 3 ! 2.9964053743846186 4 no 8 one 4.01958726482844 4 no 10 ; 2.2868163661968097 4 no 14 good 1.7070603270364373 5 : 6 we 0.9457096988599716 6 we 7 love 1.3567715927911337 7 love 8 one 0.9050197731490606 8 one 9 another 4.038247146430676 10 ; 11 and 2.090280035481264 12 she 13 is 1.5605476551461557 13 is 14 good 2.00337306918156 15 , 16 and 1.9913305940627364 15 , 23 " 1.299421509625157 15 , 17 i 0.883559295304277 17 i 18 can't 3.7151187271549304 18 can't 19 give 3.0507430898700747 19 give 21 up 3.9253548355423913 19 give 20 her 2.3928061421948783 22 , 23 " 1.299421509625157 23 " 24 cried 3.5451272628542867 24 cried 25 fancy 3.522489664053772 24 cried 26 . 0.8475860205663466 " didn't luly want you to deceive us , and every one else , about who she was ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.8763846330930161 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 didn't 3 luly 7.6182812388976195 3 luly 4 want 7.981616101127273 3 luly 19 ? 4.213781570790374 3 luly 9 , 1.5462450548303792 4 want 6 to 3.9391506201216338 4 want 5 you 2.019657311110814 6 to 7 deceive 3.3815958790053884 7 deceive 8 us 5.56716521518695 9 , 10 and 1.9913305940627364 11 every 12 one 4.909498305444933 12 one 13 else 4.6901911085903105 13 else 19 ? 1.9134943454702409 13 else 16 who 2.008687508304739 14 , 16 who 1.8533631975925822 15 about 16 who -1.311148960616407 16 who 18 was 2.595397155366385 17 she 18 was 2.3491053343536645 19 ? 20 " 4.126492033472207 " yes , sir . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 4 sir 6.08394474913802 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " don't you like to be with her better than with your aunt or myself ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 don't 1.9775873952503993 2 don't 6 be 1.9432118931393436 2 don't 4 like 3.5152090547893575 2 don't 3 you 2.454467337564168 5 to 6 be 3.101474476606974 6 be 9 better 2.2362966091531007 6 be 7 with 0.43743162026117055 7 with 8 her 2.1216404045889785 9 better 10 than 6.5402786517312475 10 than 15 myself 1.4396580487864554 10 than 12 your 1.168343170347132 11 with 12 your 1.4375042276387386 12 your 13 aunt 3.3113991469871493 14 or 15 myself 0.49625410994335084 15 myself 17 " 0.6967077663333008 16 ? 17 " 4.126492033472207 " yes , sir . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 4 sir 6.08394474913802 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " hadn't you rather hear her songs and stories than learn your lessons ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 hadn't 0.41975108803498706 3 you 5 hear 2.5144762981553495 4 rather 5 hear 0.3651573427083399 5 hear 13 lessons 4.5887703864703155 6 her 7 songs 2.273558684498539 7 songs 9 stories 5.867987575193876 7 songs 8 and 1.7093654226128407 9 stories 13 lessons 4.478257392515232 9 stories 10 than 0.9181045992524659 11 learn 13 lessons 7.394354442634022 12 your 13 lessons 4.154333088493857 13 lessons 14 ? 1.9156169450250964 14 ? 15 " 4.126492033472207 " yes , sir . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 4 sir 6.08394474913802 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " yes , sir . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 4 sir 6.08394474913802 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 5 . 6 " 4.427730590569535 " very well . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 3 well 2.674649997464309 2 very 3 well 4.105795009664696 3 well 4 . -0.026310102986112582 fancy didn't answer ; for she couldn't feel that it was so , though he made it seem so . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 didn't 0.8763846330930161 1 fancy 2 didn't 1.3624731941077606 2 didn't 18 seem 5.692548964833691 2 didn't 8 feel 4.128025311186885 2 didn't 3 answer 3.591370190500676 3 answer 4 ; 2.3445808198854188 3 answer 5 for 1.4560723974402983 6 she 7 couldn't 2.370853562341839 7 couldn't 8 feel 2.4054093908525047 8 feel 12 so 3.124640049758 8 feel 9 that 2.523488474780658 10 it 11 was 2.951169375325321 11 was 12 so 2.043618865545218 13 , 14 though 2.8653386317912517 14 though 18 seem 2.287748359782025 14 though 15 he 2.6475646018618963 16 made 18 seem 2.3418288337607756 17 it 18 seem 2.610307448561482 18 seem 19 so 3.100196087206708 19 so 20 . -0.2648034772300729 when uncle fact talked in that way , she always got confused and gave up ; for she didn't know how to argue . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 fact 1.3131325376768963 1 when 2 uncle 1.4244559680534365 2 uncle 3 fact 4.394426289341453 3 fact 6 that 3.0935340043094115 3 fact 4 talked 3.9483893074186263 4 talked 5 in 1.4354979980172295 6 that 7 way 2.3667627159599665 7 way 23 argue 3.7658607140906746 7 way 8 , 0.8808556014356768 9 she 10 always 1.8041800204820504 10 always 12 confused 3.8329862108196195 11 got 12 confused 4.524892912922745 12 confused 23 argue 7.929737710579811 12 confused 14 gave 3.8277820888034704 12 confused 19 didn't 3.4738664322985358 12 confused 16 ; 3.187154447731757 13 and 14 gave 1.8116479003011037 14 gave 15 up 3.524511355277827 16 ; 17 for 1.4090530638881251 18 she 19 didn't 2.001069421236215 19 didn't 20 know 5.387487635424433 20 know 21 how 4.24864482433634 22 to 23 argue 3.986372764689179 23 argue 24 . 0.14757780059890635 " yes , uncle ; and i like it , " answered fancy , looking up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 yes 2.095177279363993 1 " 2 yes 3.53030895170156 2 yes 14 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 5 ; 3.4059650251588423 2 yes 10 , 3.203851373117857 2 yes 3 , 3.203851373117857 3 , 4 uncle 0.7542107667637694 5 ; 6 and 2.090280035481264 5 ; 7 i 1.7064961061421702 7 i 8 like 1.8452377368031634 8 like 9 it 1.4165201391099753 10 , 12 answered 1.5472876585672974 11 " 12 answered 2.7487180822420285 12 answered 13 fancy 3.392788241738355 14 , 15 looking 2.0143069737250805 15 looking 16 up 3.608377327925403 16 up 17 . 0.3373925475710866 " well , my dear , your lorelei will lead you into trouble , if you follow her . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 well 2.674649997464309 2 well 3 , 2.65559168359394 3 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 4 my 5 dear 4.7642210168562364 5 dear 8 lorelei 5.7838558084264236 5 dear 6 , 2.04884114976878 7 your 8 lorelei 4.322454086562502 8 lorelei 10 lead 8.553920510054866 8 lorelei 13 trouble 5.364709782909259 8 lorelei 17 follow 4.898645514538188 8 lorelei 9 will 3.883732717073869 8 lorelei 14 , 1.8739400929366212 10 lead 11 you 2.1156908728653683 12 into 13 trouble 4.880272542200046 15 if 17 follow 1.1135992329218567 15 if 16 you 3.283533954578644 17 follow 18 her 1.8068873028627657 18 her 19 . 0.7973847081259855 i 've got no little daughter of my own , and i want to keep you as safe and happy as if you were mine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 've 4.345825318265309 1 i 13 want 3.664680761588448 2 've 3 got 6.581060556648865 2 've 4 no 1.692483743254428 4 no 10 , 1.4999650591880105 5 little 6 daughter 2.6551159536489948 6 daughter 10 , 1.2041183626366987 6 daughter 7 of 2.1745738010353897 7 of 8 my 1.5480655667810304 8 my 9 own 4.750508375438001 10 , 11 and 1.9913305940627364 12 i 13 want 3.664680761588448 13 want 14 to 3.9391506201216338 14 to 15 keep 3.3191585899275946 15 keep 18 safe 3.7039270573122423 15 keep 25 mine 2.757787072560429 15 keep 16 you 0.840601755859236 17 as 18 safe 0.3846925094679321 18 safe 19 and 1.1830083873330715 20 happy 21 as 2.1247814349693535 21 as 25 mine 1.6880707091288087 21 as 22 if 4.06288549053939 22 if 23 you 3.283533954578644 22 if 24 were 2.8404323820146775 25 mine 26 . 1.4929852366366063 i don't like this girl , and i want you to give her up for my sake . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 i 1.4747943966883117 1 i 2 don't 3.775983377249961 2 don't 9 want 5.3732288162782975 2 don't 3 like 3.5152090547893575 3 like 4 this 2.8006386377524635 4 this 5 girl 1.4947534083875205 5 girl 6 , 0.9253689082014933 6 , 7 and 1.9913305940627364 8 i 9 want 3.664680761588448 9 want 11 to 3.9391506201216338 9 want 10 you 2.019657311110814 11 to 12 give 2.710356654166908 12 give 14 up 3.9253548355423913 12 give 13 her 2.3928061421948783 12 give 16 my 2.1744424112903395 15 for 16 my 1.3944778607080721 16 my 17 sake 3.468173521439148 17 sake 18 . 1.26606800404209 will you , fancy ? " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 6 " 1.5791793757022523 1 will 2 you 2.2573630638043767 2 you 5 ? 1.9127300143977735 2 you 4 fancy 0.7940238094356431 2 you 3 , 0.14567293386192937 5 ? 6 " 4.126492033472207 " i 'll give her up ; but you 'll be kind to her , because i was fond of her once . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 i 2.219663534593389 2 i 10 'll 3.9881635767091375 2 i 3 'll 3.9881635767091375 3 'll 4 give 4.324625078340057 4 give 6 up 3.9253548355423913 4 give 5 her 2.3928061421948783 7 ; 10 'll 0.9174916575019054 7 ; 8 but 3.9096191073889806 9 you 10 'll 3.0120537035371715 10 'll 11 be 3.8712942113240665 11 be 12 kind 2.6790480430860377 12 kind 20 of 4.045887899898997 12 kind 13 to 1.8491483251124077 13 to 14 her 1.4090049423748106 15 , 16 because 1.6958237297286516 16 because 20 of 1.391873709309385 16 because 17 i 2.46243517316087 18 was 19 fond 3.1181876381072016 19 fond 20 of 5.209689440933234 20 of 21 her 1.3635144305608016 21 her 23 . 0.7973847081259855 22 once 23 . 0.8433186597051368 23 . 24 " 4.427730590569535 the old gentleman looked well about him ; then shook his head , and answered decidedly : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 4 looked 0.6754192546471369 1 the 2 old 2.286719213859378 2 old 3 gentleman 5.69849617765373 3 gentleman 4 looked 3.442486558404436 4 looked 6 about 3.1122355432501685 4 looked 5 well -0.7683590036263332 6 about 7 him 2.453930962388416 7 him 17 : 1.8553673957256063 8 ; 9 then 2.3313224188236426 9 then 10 shook 1.3552113524233 10 shook 12 head 7.466040922364545 11 his 12 head 4.975325337234624 12 head 16 decidedly 3.807139255543831 13 , 15 answered 1.5472876585672974 13 , 14 and 1.9913305940627364 15 answered 16 decidedly 3.9919812352628803 16 decidedly 17 : 4.373422953329246 " no , my dear , i don't . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 no 1.9307992426703144 1 " 7 i 2.219663534593389 2 no 6 , 1.4999650591880105 3 , 5 dear 2.1348010320746766 4 my 5 dear 4.7642210168562364 5 dear 6 , 2.04884114976878 7 i 8 don't 3.775983377249961 8 don't 9 . -0.9295105434913005 it 's an odd affair ; but , i've no doubt , it will be cleared up in a natural way sometime or other . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 9 i've 1.6282748846234156 1 it 4 odd 1.5781688217516177 1 it 2 's 2.8884519147935066 3 an 4 odd 6.912221808885949 4 odd 5 affair 6.892762137506537 5 affair 6 ; 1.4660457015817308 6 ; 9 i've 3.078453882789848 6 ; 7 but 3.9096191073889806 8 , 9 i've 1.0157150874116354 9 i've 10 no 5.6987537308428955 10 no 24 other 2.9766161492304164 10 no 11 doubt 6.66750466071945 11 doubt 13 it 2.202684358937848 11 doubt 12 , 0.2619919868712586 14 will 15 be 4.275365825583959 15 be 22 sometime 2.7925534833748458 16 cleared 20 natural 4.603956204397832 16 cleared 17 up 5.079478880881787 17 up 18 in 1.8730966268079108 19 a 20 natural 1.910010884716197 20 natural 22 sometime 7.428562748317102 20 natural 21 way 3.5181605822520794 22 sometime 23 or 3.823642085081037 23 or 24 other 3.078404913067086 24 other 25 . 0.887157797703594 25 . 26 " 4.427730590569535 but there he was mistaken ; for this mystery never was cleared up . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 there 2.0326708688521773 2 there 4 was 3.438683647331464 3 he 4 was 2.312012966177365 4 was 5 mistaken 3.7123095573926115 5 mistaken 9 mystery 4.418980477651644 5 mistaken 6 ; 3.5025664726417 5 mistaken 7 for 2.425395226254089 5 mistaken 14 . 1.7020712064829269 8 this 9 mystery 2.798596833203039 9 mystery 12 cleared 6.226639130310268 9 mystery 10 never 1.4462946309117868 11 was 12 cleared 1.5770955062968675 12 cleared 13 up 5.079478880881787 " o my little friend ! come back to me ! " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 1 " 2 o 2.412037875786348 2 o 6 ! 2.797163340108149 2 o 5 friend 4.532052183703275 3 my 5 friend 4.466637464842773 4 little 5 friend 2.782550475118178 6 ! 12 " 3.7411945146373657 7 come 8 back 5.248442707766332 8 back 9 to 2.6768086490965946 9 to 10 me 1.9862046558982396 10 me 11 ! 2.085076915643585 11 ! 12 " 3.7411945146373657 but lorelei never came again . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 but 1.636192966547803 1 but 2 lorelei 2.879464849799767 2 lorelei 3 never 4.543659957492007 2 lorelei 4 came 3.6159541812598235 4 came 5 again 2.265623709297504 5 again 6 . 1.9785978324909212 the end . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 the 0.03213684141804052 1 the 2 end 2.887389148156153 2 end 3 . 0.6258322615744465 louisa m alcott's famous books 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 alcott's 1.4564010245709902 1 louisa 3 alcott's 12.1548600319713 2 m 3 alcott's 14.318250865829672 3 alcott's 4 famous 14.107732175198429 3 alcott's 5 books 11.899553053530113 [ illustration : " sing , tessa ; sing ! " cried tommo , twanging away with all his might . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 2 illustration 3 : 8.43425069569961 3 : 5 sing 1.4243858754134173 3 : 4 " 2.1042964934441706 5 sing 15 twanging 8.805230481761601 5 sing 21 . 0.3305961676275544 6 , 15 twanging 3.244352921745115 7 tessa 13 tommo 10.264685177011962 7 tessa 9 sing 8.783444121755412 7 tessa 8 ; 5.742166536984151 10 ! 12 cried 4.7864618271494415 10 ! 11 " 3.7411945146373657 12 cried 13 tommo 6.623140735181575 13 tommo 15 twanging 15.875683049328625 14 , 15 twanging 3.244352921745115 15 twanging 16 away 8.884839281278278 15 twanging 20 might 6.295787125781043 15 twanging 17 with 5.378944305495196 15 twanging 18 all 4.565325965693511 15 twanging 19 his 2.8039711757253087 page @number@ ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 page 1.333766471432284 1 page 2 @number@ 9.24057623245443 1 page 3 ] 8.44950711808999 roberts brothers , publishers , boston . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 4 publishers 12.679883288558361 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 3 , 4 publishers 2.4806409109889564 4 publishers 6 boston 12.731483422121595 4 publishers 5 , 3.0363211449532876 6 boston 7 . 0.8894408724322602 louise chandler moulton's stories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 chandler 1.9563338938813253 1 louise 2 chandler 17.841930621409197 2 chandler 3 moulton's 19.651028058889562 3 moulton's 4 stories 12.755617658681405 3 moulton's 5 . 1.9065294840208153 [ illustration ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 1 [ 3 ] 8.014370613318562 bed-time stories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 bed-time 1.4999709765962592 1 bed-time 2 stories 11.90970029547826 1 bed-time 3 . 2.186080579647257 more bed-time stories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bed-time 1.4999709765962592 1 more 2 bed-time 7.346385294904238 2 bed-time 3 stories 11.90970029547826 2 bed-time 4 . 2.186080579647257 new bed-time stories . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 bed-time 1.4999709765962592 1 new 2 bed-time 7.851004295607513 2 bed-time 3 stories 11.90970029547826 2 bed-time 4 . 2.186080579647257 with illustrations by addie ledyard . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 illustrations 1.400364370411264 1 with 2 illustrations 5.058855689084734 2 illustrations 4 addie 13.536878118886609 3 by 4 addie 8.022124638904941 4 addie 5 ledyard 18.639962666017535 5 ledyard 6 . 3.69080079296538 three volumes in a box . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 volumes 0.026857719244432587 1 three 2 volumes 7.303133907967062 2 volumes 5 box 6.504452560914395 2 volumes 3 in 3.2134336999802464 4 a 5 box 2.602329163356014 5 box 6 . 1.2366269858786936 price , $ 3.75 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 3.75 16.031652477558684 4 3.75 5 . 3.69080079296538 roberts brothers , publishers , boston . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 4 publishers 12.679883288558361 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 3 , 4 publishers 2.4806409109889564 4 publishers 6 boston 12.731483422121595 4 publishers 5 , 3.0363211449532876 6 boston 7 . 0.8894408724322602 aunt jo's scrap-bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 jo's 1.7366820822236662 1 aunt 2 jo's 9.414666347413899 2 jo's 3 scrap-bag 16.72494815410307 3 scrap-bag 4 . 2.899968326820435 cupid and chow-chow , etc . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 chow-chow 1.407580853997942 1 cupid 3 chow-chow 16.185778259136466 2 and 3 chow-chow 4.31851152377596 3 chow-chow 5 etc 13.940353060816413 3 chow-chow 4 , 3.1807788517010493 5 etc 6 . 3.0754413711106814 [ illustration : scrap-bag . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 [ 2.743861624257123 1 [ 2 illustration 11.538900988515623 2 illustration 3 : 8.43425069569961 2 illustration 4 scrap-bag 7.81377504922818 4 scrap-bag 5 . 2.899968326820435 vol iii . ] 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 vol 0.7061837717083677 1 vol 2 iii 13.640956302578083 1 vol 4 ] 6.630511825248433 3 . 4 ] 4.343018069929656 by louisa m alcott , 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 louisa 1.1073005843396118 1 by 2 louisa 5.776159446467439 2 louisa 4 alcott 12.10741051573649 3 m 4 alcott 13.451799322729464 4 alcott 5 , 3.4574370031087547 author of " little women , " " an old-fashioned girl , " " little men , " " hospital sketches . " 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 author 2.139992915624937 1 author 2 of 4.958898822185816 2 of 4 little 0.10757904563523368 3 " 4 little -0.7143880701655547 4 little 11 girl 4.366461737504494 4 little 5 women 2.9439457232570305 6 , 10 old-fashioned 1.1316125582834893 6 , 8 " 1.299421509625157 6 , 7 " 1.299421509625157 9 an 10 old-fashioned 6.5728505313026915 10 old-fashioned 11 girl 5.966078920469336 11 girl 21 sketches 5.1779087665160155 12 , 13 " 1.299421509625157 13 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 14 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 15 little 21 sketches 4.5251106638344964 16 men 21 sketches 5.8885514017144125 17 , 18 " 1.299421509625157 18 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 19 " 21 sketches 2.801405431047815 20 hospital 21 sketches 14.559723993683317 21 sketches 22 . 2.2704689940170226 22 . 23 " 4.427730590569535 boston : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 boston 0.6320203336373851 1 boston 2 : 4.526191796536882 roberts brothers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 2 brothers 3 . 0.6351590642788629 @number@ 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 @number@ 0.7073573895835583 jean ingelow 's prose story books . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 ingelow 0.34179384299898175 1 jean 2 ingelow 12.427490374663428 2 ingelow 4 prose 11.20706332929096 2 ingelow 3 's 3.730301394043643 4 prose 6 books 7.357065695165261 4 prose 5 story 5.945470140477475 4 prose 7 . 1.6392162954004483 in @number@ vols . 16 mo , uniformly bound . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 vols 0.8917394248644435 1 in 3 vols 4.826172125695123 2 @number@ 3 vols 11.755876327899369 3 vols 5 16 17.206790713099835 3 vols 8 uniformly 15.438677422635084 3 vols 10 . 2.8106405629713826 4 . 5 16 4.324524250929699 5 16 6 mo 16.354298896197783 7 , 8 uniformly 3.1113217120159504 8 uniformly 9 bound 12.025666899826042 studies for stories from girls ' lives . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 studies -0.9768846159499134 1 studies 3 stories 6.995637152801777 1 studies 5 girls 2.8020846051306556 1 studies 2 for 2.487628683884175 1 studies 7 lives 2.221837430589961 1 studies 8 . 1.6219221406475022 1 studies 4 from 1.5414261315673627 5 girls 6 ' 0.0020772854599080404 illustrated , price , $ 1.25 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 illustrated 2.2771532951120363 1 illustrated 6 1.25 9.837747677360994 2 , 5 $ 2.455007547128215 3 price 5 $ 12.918601630430363 4 , 5 $ 2.455007547128215 5 $ 6 1.25 16.13284166996211 6 1.25 7 . 3.69080079296538 " a rare source of delight for all who can find pleasure in really good works of prose fiction . ....v 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 a -0.5893971112625032 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 a 3 rare 3.6219593697927337 3 rare 4 source 11.758802079985767 4 source 12 pleasure 6.3603719644413985 4 source 6 delight 8.8443251346221 4 source 5 of 5.024929789467478 4 source 8 all 3.524660113101614 7 for 8 all 0.9008701391167531 9 who 10 can 2.88892627020814 10 can 11 find 4.056318406533649 11 find 12 pleasure 4.552165284091643 12 pleasure 18 prose 3.8692565182961687 13 in 18 prose 4.226014153508107 14 really 18 prose 2.364996451857582 15 good 18 prose 4.374394021754853 16 works 18 prose 9.72435880063118 16 works 17 of 2.112858240803636 18 prose 19 fiction 12.366699866673866 19 fiction 21 ....v 9.27273019450286 20 . 21 ....v 2.5147769789180288 they are prose poems , carefully meditated , and exquisitely couched in by a teacher ready to sympathize with every joy and sorrow . " athenæum . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 are 3.993263810226807 2 are 3 prose 3.596519884946158 3 prose 8 , 1.8942520000190264 3 prose 4 poems 12.161367524015944 4 poems 6 carefully 8.348049735503874 4 poems 5 , 0.3804361618602954 6 carefully 7 meditated 10.265431479734545 8 , 22 and 1.9913305940627364 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 10 exquisitely 11 couched 15.605831957407052 11 couched 13 by 5.641506185225115 11 couched 12 in 5.5123335583710436 11 couched 22 and 2.563867641672367 14 a 15 teacher 2.655244426683897 15 teacher 18 sympathize 6.8514100001103095 16 ready 18 sympathize 6.48004155199142 17 to 18 sympathize 3.283044090916505 18 sympathize 21 joy 5.797448462810884 18 sympathize 19 with 5.960046896436776 18 sympathize 20 every 4.718484596991587 21 joy 22 and 1.715197441279681 22 and 23 sorrow 1.8771030099392014 23 sorrow 26 athenæum 11.306122458770897 24 . 26 athenæum 5.244051672216141 24 . 25 " 4.427730590569535 26 athenæum 27 . 3.69080079296538 stories told to a child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 stories -0.39464561089469186 1 stories 2 told 4.564255537637099 1 stories 6 . 1.4687006187381826 1 stories 3 to 0.5841225796824716 4 a 5 child 2.794347066113289 5 child 6 . 0.9140129317013219 illustrated . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 illustrated 2.2771532951120363 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 . -1.5223364771744592 price , $ 1.25 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 1.25 16.13284166996211 4 1.25 5 . 3.69080079296538 stories told to a child . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 stories -0.39464561089469186 1 stories 2 told 4.564255537637099 1 stories 6 . 1.4687006187381826 1 stories 3 to 0.5841225796824716 4 a 5 child 2.794347066113289 5 child 6 . 0.9140129317013219 second series . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 second -0.26846420980907126 1 second 2 series 7.45594438439203 1 second 3 . 0.3952567062758554 illustrated . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 illustrated 2.2771532951120363 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 . -1.5223364771744592 price , $ 1.25 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 1.25 16.13284166996211 4 1.25 5 . 3.69080079296538 " this is one of the most charming juvenile books ever laid on our table . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 this 3 is 3.100883637059548 3 is 4 one 1.5132824472671231 4 one 9 juvenile 4.29259196955833 5 of 9 juvenile 4.617426518560446 6 the 7 most 2.5442703083276843 7 most 9 juvenile 7.723503271176828 8 charming 9 juvenile 12.35686181720174 9 juvenile 10 books 11.8309768110792 9 juvenile 12 laid 8.024007322721818 9 juvenile 11 ever 6.420230360199685 9 juvenile 15 table 5.727029860079007 9 juvenile 14 our 4.866374323998013 12 laid 13 on 3.879631169154301 15 table 16 . 1.4608901961462522 a sister's bye-hours . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 sister's 2.163459558564462 1 a 2 sister's 5.022158360095943 2 sister's 3 bye-hours 20.773960015360988 3 bye-hours 4 . 3.69080079296538 illustrated . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 illustrated 2.2771532951120363 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 . -1.5223364771744592 price , $ 1.25 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 1.25 16.13284166996211 4 1.25 5 . 3.69080079296538 and there is heart in these stories , and healthy moral lessons , too . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 and -0.4122323691527914 1 and 10 healthy 2.827266398468282 2 there 3 is 3.4493880668436336 3 is 10 healthy 2.4189522733169575 4 heart 10 healthy 2.713862034723892 5 in 10 healthy 1.785928620703391 6 these 7 stories 4.610762834503618 7 stories 10 healthy 6.050689773103208 8 , 9 and 1.9913305940627364 9 and 10 healthy 2.827266398468282 10 healthy 11 moral 10.68547676608555 10 healthy 12 lessons 8.669188195163926 10 healthy 14 too 2.1522402337126287 10 healthy 15 . 1.1636856293598612 13 , 14 too 1.3054423181739043 mopsa the fairy . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 mopsa 3.262995232115376 1 mopsa 3 fairy 10.646168709805231 1 mopsa 2 the 4.192722921964322 3 fairy 4 . 0.6083659552494414 a story . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 story -0.33247617229651283 1 a 2 story 2.0492122008207243 2 story 3 . 1.0288427358107963 with eight illustrations . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 illustrations 1.400364370411264 1 with 3 illustrations 5.058855689084734 2 eight 3 illustrations 7.61603245414744 3 illustrations 4 . 1.865097148385523 price , $ 1.25 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 3 $ 12.918601630430363 2 , 3 $ 2.455007547128215 3 $ 4 1.25 16.13284166996211 4 1.25 5 . 3.69080079296538 sold everywhere . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 everywhere -0.1095289667928192 1 sold 2 everywhere 5.442024712058995 2 everywhere 3 . 1.3500954910473872 mailed , postpaid , by the publishers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 postpaid 1.287242778362053 1 mailed 3 postpaid 16.64326540042476 2 , 3 postpaid 3.262202696793647 3 postpaid 7 publishers 14.298079092462281 3 postpaid 5 by 7.002976230213488 3 postpaid 4 , 3.368767111754643 5 by 6 the 1.984237484577001 7 publishers 8 . 0.7314427774627283 roberts brothers , boston . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 1 roberts 4 boston 9.90371047454044 1 roberts 3 , 1.6487297615051766 4 boston 5 . 0.8894408724322602 messrs roberts brothers ' publications . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 messrs 3.262995232115376 1 messrs 2 roberts 16.906222580583453 1 messrs 5 publications 15.397367369109407 2 roberts 3 brothers 11.884662148626305 4 ' 5 publications 4.674087115928575 5 publications 6 . 2.2942833816573334 castle blair : 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 blair 0.28546695774450725 1 castle 2 blair 6.746539084092937 2 blair 3 : -0.2546230453828713 a story of youthful days . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 story -0.33247617229651283 1 a 2 story 2.0492122008207243 2 story 4 youthful 5.541236399214949 3 of 4 youthful 2.883010936497808 4 youthful 5 days 7.714925299966229 4 youthful 6 . 1.1855018190835196 by flora l shaw . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 l 1.4678685314694668 1 by 3 l 7.436848433809569 2 flora 3 l 12.932726716599596 3 l 4 shaw 12.623122391174547 3 l 5 . 0.3059295546694827 16 mo. 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 mo. 2.2629952321153795 1 16 2 mo. 17.902219694867313 cloth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 cloth -0.8715140857697605 1 cloth 2 . 0.7195916716462065 price $ 1.00 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 2 $ 12.918601630430363 2 $ 3 1.00 16.160183111153675 " there is quite a lovely little book just come out about children , ' castle blair ! ' ....y 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 there 1.2420768016119634 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 there 3 is 3.4493880668436336 3 is 5 a 1.780232541631019 3 is 4 quite 2.5889263348780673 5 a 8 book 2.623146284743177 5 a 7 little 3.3978459531370575 5 a 6 lovely 2.929464113110667 8 book 17 blair 2.357844141280104 8 book 13 children 3.5533927059469406 8 book 12 about 1.7772214159834974 8 book 14 , 1.0994075273802366 9 just 12 about 1.4830820723721274 9 just 10 come 1.177473413076477 10 come 11 out 2.954397265458347 14 , 15 ' 1.16078956757684 16 castle 17 blair 6.746539084092937 17 blair 20 ....y 3.67145786986249 17 blair 18 ! 0.5670136256461404 18 ! 19 ' 3.8825621417094673 " ' castle blair , ' a story of youthful days , by flora l shaw , is an irish story . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 l 1.4678685314694668 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 ' 15 l 2.76553371321711 3 castle 5 , 1.4138608168060678 3 castle 4 blair 6.746539084092937 5 , 6 ' 1.16078956757684 6 ' 15 l 2.76553371321711 7 a 8 story 2.0492122008207243 8 story 10 youthful 5.541236399214949 9 of 10 youthful 2.883010936497808 10 youthful 15 l 9.636706839696075 10 youthful 11 days 7.714925299966229 10 youthful 12 , 0.9989199089601328 13 by 15 l 7.436848433809569 14 flora 15 l 12.932726716599596 15 l 16 shaw 12.623122391174547 15 l 20 irish 9.55492777918651 16 shaw 18 is 1.7879481373018393 16 shaw 17 , 0.8379203749603192 19 an 20 irish 7.335958988950008 20 irish 21 story 6.3642072982797195 21 story 22 . 1.0288427358107963 " it is not too much to say that nothing more interesting or more wholesome is offered this year for older boys and girls . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 it 0.8190478513985031 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 it 3 is 3.1387584458356006 3 is 4 not 2.101623344277698 4 not 6 much 2.2872653795137445 5 too 6 much 5.354418556971323 6 much 21 older 5.095062744676522 7 to 8 say 2.8336795269754163 8 say 10 nothing 2.974490777340712 8 say 9 that 2.459728455380187 10 nothing 14 more 4.067379046112254 10 nothing 11 more 4.067379046112254 11 more 12 interesting 5.302424607629117 12 interesting 13 or 1.9953941203789967 14 more 15 wholesome 3.71520786198953 15 wholesome 17 offered 7.182190809154822 15 wholesome 21 older 4.231405676766375 16 is 17 offered 2.0095050745763423 18 this 19 year 4.0720477000188176 19 year 21 older 5.833725282321108 19 year 20 for 0.75746330672375 21 older 24 girls 5.240261124260208 21 older 22 boys 5.088132338090354 21 older 25 . 0.5718442059740028 22 boys 23 and 0.9012360098947951 our publications are to be had of all booksellers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 publications 1.3268674152817574 1 our 2 publications 8.64825391917039 2 publications 9 booksellers 13.36141768427493 2 publications 3 are 7.079818388800998 2 publications 5 be 3.154185636031997 4 to 5 be 3.101474476606974 6 had 9 booksellers 3.393963266450612 7 of 9 booksellers 3.277173765460006 8 all 9 booksellers 6.936457680876469 9 booksellers 10 . 2.90281119577471 when not to be found , send directly to 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 directly 0.22940716384428583 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 2 not 8 directly 1.8741915476113604 3 to 7 send 2.8150482488266615 3 to 4 be 3.101474476606974 4 be 5 found 2.3302764224113837 4 be 6 , -0.313841046598192 7 send 8 directly 7.116190149709315 8 directly 9 to 2.3315599845393074 roberts brothers , publishers , = boston . = 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 4 publishers 12.679883288558361 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 3 , 4 publishers 2.4806409109889564 4 publishers 9 = 12.40984218018545 4 publishers 5 , 3.0363211449532876 6 = 9 = 13.191797005461257 6 = 7 boston 11.247297930695783 8 . 9 = 5.225594088952342 messrs roberts brothers ' publications . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 messrs 3.262995232115376 1 messrs 2 roberts 16.906222580583453 1 messrs 5 publications 15.397367369109407 2 roberts 3 brothers 11.884662148626305 4 ' 5 publications 4.674087115928575 5 publications 6 . 2.2942833816573334 nelly's silver mine . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 nelly's 3.262995232115376 1 nelly's 2 silver 12.375387010250279 1 nelly's 3 mine 10.16350564160658 3 mine 4 . 1.4929852366366063 by h. h. 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 h. 1.8001462529203458 1 by 3 h. 7.630051178957544 2 h. 3 h. 18.779375588938763 with illustrations . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 illustrations 1.400364370411264 1 with 2 illustrations 5.058855689084734 2 illustrations 3 . 1.865097148385523 16 mo , cloth . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 16 0.4030772999670873 1 16 2 mo 16.354298896197783 1 16 4 cloth 10.867468157383016 1 16 3 , 1.8847460620257763 4 cloth 5 . 0.7195916716462065 price $ 1.50 . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 $ 1.635435032080185 1 price 2 $ 12.918601630430363 2 $ 3 1.50 16.17458696512269 3 1.50 4 . 3.565882650343223 they form a series of living pictures , radiant with sunlight and fresh as morning dew . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 they 1.1576842247045658 1 they 2 form 0.32066386552767057 2 form 4 series 9.018108201643752 3 a 4 series 3.1641605298365327 4 series 6 living 8.08378430289481 4 series 7 pictures 6.810313354906089 4 series 5 of 4.267553210137812 7 pictures 9 radiant 8.06684324114018 7 pictures 8 , 0.8041406090657723 9 radiant 11 sunlight 8.492858492553388 9 radiant 10 with 2.9593420107502126 9 radiant 17 . 1.7982829578030177 11 sunlight 13 fresh 6.1815769385250405 11 sunlight 12 and 1.7143430068662902 13 fresh 16 dew 8.275223757803456 13 fresh 14 as 1.504654554223773 15 morning 16 dew 6.944149579150206 " this charming little book , written for children 's entertainment and instruction , is equally delightful to the fathers and mothers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 this 0.7712513941729444 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 " 1.5791793757022523 2 this 5 book 2.4427112915506584 3 charming 5 book 3.675132723695711 3 charming 4 little 3.1443955733282287 5 book 9 children 3.5533927059469406 5 book 7 written 4.997508605720526 5 book 6 , 1.0994075273802366 8 for 9 children 1.5387456026807058 9 children 11 entertainment 6.910678819492357 10 's 11 entertainment 4.310798259586182 11 entertainment 13 instruction 13.379834702105732 11 entertainment 16 equally 9.82561121489071 11 entertainment 20 fathers 8.613976669634571 11 entertainment 23 . 1.5358968883650412 12 and 13 instruction 2.780526031386568 13 instruction 15 is 2.554828480296095 13 instruction 14 , 1.4055714922094644 16 equally 17 delightful 8.377159230186024 17 delightful 18 to 2.161968620735763 19 the 20 fathers 1.509549879960531 20 fathers 22 mothers 10.060234343892628 20 fathers 21 and 1.9782825985358379 it is life in new england , and the racy history of a long railway journey to the wilds of colorado . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 it 0.8190478513985031 1 it 2 is 3.1387584458356006 2 is 4 in 0.19458393654650052 3 life 4 in 0.7383669247807809 4 in 19 wilds 4.375215052161341 4 in 6 england 3.6884695516016244 5 new 6 england 7.154413678624557 6 england 7 , 1.1356839129270995 7 , 8 and 1.9913305940627364 9 the 19 wilds 3.9296796073850615 10 racy 19 wilds 15.719017193180814 10 racy 15 railway 12.650987829382188 10 racy 11 history 12.552353326006422 10 racy 14 long 5.288530365490029 11 history 12 of 3.7665418388971155 13 a 14 long 3.157037023158921 15 railway 16 journey 9.112583722070251 17 to 19 wilds 2.5369665273349575 18 the 19 wilds 3.9296796073850615 19 wilds 21 colorado 17.17312082203146 20 of 21 colorado 5.5037935860518274 21 colorado 22 . 2.344350378943947 the children are neither imps nor angels , but just such children as are found in every happy home . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 3 are 0.3424996027881182 1 the 2 children 2.226122194690296 2 children 3 are 2.850279353634207 3 are 5 imps 4.808875388831378 4 neither 5 imps 10.309247520836806 5 imps 7 angels 12.642267846217965 5 imps 6 nor 9.622679881162313 7 angels 16 in 2.902534565140865 7 angels 11 such 2.6640942455617598 7 angels 9 but 1.89456737026104 7 angels 20 . 0.6493623331192282 8 , 9 but 2.1164801018826633 10 just 11 such 1.6416102801611885 11 such 13 as 2.4024706123847377 12 children 13 as 0.535802130556899 14 are 16 in 0.537852980847731 15 found 16 in 1.4581185388188072 16 in 17 every 2.099386381576876 18 happy 19 home 2.795426881353528 19 home 20 . 1.3288999004836732 its vivid portraiture of colorado life and its truth to child-nature give it a charm which the most experienced cannot fail to feel . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 charm -0.8710616235371589 1 its 3 portraiture 8.818684318546122 1 its 15 charm 6.607459602371126 2 vivid 3 portraiture 16.297529599010243 3 portraiture 5 colorado 18.653637965230928 3 portraiture 4 of 5.6707016547870985 5 colorado 6 life 9.494244255805643 5 colorado 7 and 3.011626773651617 8 its 15 charm 6.607459602371126 8 its 9 truth 1.7448218638690065 9 truth 11 child-nature 11.269315775513498 10 to 11 child-nature 5.06915448840757 11 child-nature 12 give 9.971340065301469 11 child-nature 13 it 4.876190297608495 14 a 15 charm 2.534497650932103 15 charm 19 experienced 7.484858384648707 15 charm 24 . 1.3774172540994485 16 which 19 experienced 3.0950461570280723 17 the 18 most 2.5442703083276843 18 most 19 experienced 6.536215589493228 19 experienced 21 fail 8.822819544405597 19 experienced 20 cannot 7.28009838567862 19 experienced 23 feel 3.583206152866172 21 fail 22 to 2.8859560332663 it will stand by the side of miss edgeworth and mrs barbauld in all the years to come . " mrs caroline h dall . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 11 mrs 0.8965289384712669 1 it 2 will 1.8855494822263612 2 will 3 stand 1.7719495090603452 3 stand 4 by 5.110556245859296 4 by 6 side 4.389508010183885 4 by 5 the 1.984237484577001 6 side 7 of 3.4647361596021966 7 of 9 edgeworth 4.723359963309509 8 miss 9 edgeworth 9.750287355765305 9 edgeworth 11 mrs 8.436487340218338 9 edgeworth 10 and 4.766716915753737 11 mrs 24 dall 4.93164020279978 11 mrs 12 barbauld 9.181735552926078 12 barbauld 14 all 6.629719833124167 12 barbauld 13 in 5.9125672206207085 14 all 15 the 1.5997645604568138 16 years 24 dall 5.395328052249031 17 to 18 come 1.6696956436395851 18 come 24 dall 1.5160134962592693 19 . 20 " 4.427730590569535 20 " 21 mrs 1.574455080383908 21 mrs 24 dall 4.93164020279978 22 caroline 24 dall 12.787299492790972 23 h 24 dall 15.514323515455263 24 dall 25 . 2.408598976393627 our publications are to be had of all booksellers . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 2 publications 1.3268674152817574 1 our 2 publications 8.64825391917039 2 publications 9 booksellers 13.36141768427493 2 publications 3 are 7.079818388800998 2 publications 5 be 3.154185636031997 4 to 5 be 3.101474476606974 6 had 9 booksellers 3.393963266450612 7 of 9 booksellers 3.277173765460006 8 all 9 booksellers 6.936457680876469 9 booksellers 10 . 2.90281119577471 when not to be found , send directly to 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 8 directly 0.22940716384428583 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 when 1.2253757098904963 2 not 8 directly 1.8741915476113604 3 to 7 send 2.8150482488266615 3 to 4 be 3.101474476606974 4 be 5 found 2.3302764224113837 4 be 6 , -0.313841046598192 7 send 8 directly 7.116190149709315 8 directly 9 to 2.3315599845393074 roberts brothers , boston . 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 1 roberts 1.9211611943615416 1 roberts 2 brothers 11.884662148626305 1 roberts 4 boston 9.90371047454044 1 roberts 3 , 1.6487297615051766 4 boston 5 . 0.8894408724322602 end of project gutenberg 's aunt jo 's scrap-bag vi , by louisa m alcott 0 ###LEFT-WALL### 15 alcott 0.027894840660827924 1 end 3 project 6.914691806206218 2 of 3 project 4.691755455458955 3 project 4 gutenberg 13.600672696770587 4 gutenberg 15 alcott 9.054064495662246 5 's 9 scrap-bag 4.481883126951523 6 aunt 9 scrap-bag 7.844746446427539 7 jo 9 scrap-bag 7.839678549854138 8 's 9 scrap-bag 4.481883126951523 9 scrap-bag 15 alcott 9.72829093970024 9 scrap-bag 10 vi 12.302844340137206 9 scrap-bag 11 , 2.066547403498795 12 by 13 louisa 5.776159446467439 13 louisa 15 alcott 12.10741051573649 14 m 15 alcott 13.451799322729464